
A few stories without commentary, except for this: years ago when I first read of the deep black op of ritual abuse, I was wary of those accounts which pointed fingers at family perpetrators. I thought, perhaps, the trauma of non-ritual incest had caused survivors to disassociate and generate elaborate, yet eerily similar, horror stories to account for it. But after reading a little more, the practice of selecting victims from a pool of compromised, cultic families made a perfect, awful sense. All that remained was the question of whether such families exist. And the answer is, of course they do.
Thanks to those who provided links. And a warning, especially to survivors: this is disturbing material.
First, "Babyland":
Most unsettling is the revelation of countless numbers of unmarked baby graves in the canyonlands attached to the FLDS polygamy cult [the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints] headquartered on the Utah-Arizona border. Local residents call it "Babyland" and law enforcement's response to human rights activists questioning the graves has been that unmarked graves are not illegal.
Here's an example of the activists' attempting intervention:
Friday, March 05, 2004
To: FBI Phoenix Arizona
From: Child Protection Project, Flora Jessop and Linda Walker
Re: 56 unmarked child graves in Colorado City, Arizona
We request that you open a formal investigation into the dramatic situation that exists for children in Colorado City. We want the graveyard known as the "Baby Graveyard" in Colorado City to be designated a crime scene and the bodies exhumed to find out who is buried in them and why so many children are dead. It is located in the Colorado City compound close to the Isaac V. Carling cemetery. I, Linda Walker, documented with a video cam 46 unmarked graves in the baby graveyard and another 10 + in the Isaac V. Carling cemetery for over 56 unmarked baby graves. I also documented all the graves with markers for a total of 425 graves, 227 are children and the rest adults.
Anyone can tell these are children's graves because they do not bother to remove the extra dirt and so there is a mound left that is about the size of a small child or casket.
I am faxing you the hard copy of all the information I have compiled so far.
We also know that people are burying their children in the canyons and in home burial plots. Evidently there are no laws against this in Utah but I have not checked the laws in Arizona. These polygamous white supremacy compounds straddle the borders of both states and so this is the FBI's venue. Despite many apparent oversights in the law, there are no circumstances under which people can bury children with no notice whatsoever to any officials. Death certificates are required. Yet, this is what they have done and in large numbers.
Simply adding up the numbers and ages of the people we know are buried in the baby graveyard and the Isaac V. Carling cemetery gives us this profile:
425 graves
56 entirely unmarked child graves
227 child graves all together for a total of 53% children under 10
Activists think that young boys (11-20 yr olds) are being killed. The death rate for them is very high and the reasons for death that we do have listed as accidents could easily be evaluated as homicides. Unfortunately, lapse law enforcement (law enforcement we have endeavored to get decertified because they are committing felonies) never seems to think so. I understand accidents are common with children but this is far from the norm.
More here.
In the mid-90s, the State of Utah's Report on Ritual Crime raised the case of "Rachel Hopkins" (a pseudonym). "Both parents confessed to serious sexual and physical abuse of their children" which occurred over 25 years before. Rachel "came forward to describe her recovered memories of horrendous abuse, and of being threatened with death if she ever told anyone":
She said that both of her parents signed confessions that they had sexually and physically abused her. She also has a child photograph of herself which shows bruises. Her siblings have corroborated the events. She said "the truth is they (Satanists) do wear black robes, they do abuse children, they do kill animals...It exists, and to say otherwise is to deny the facts in front of them. Our society used to deny the existence of incest, too, because we didn't want to believe it...I was sexually abused in every way you can conceive. I was tortured and had the bottoms of my feet cut. I was made to believe I was killing a baby, and they forced me to kill dogs and cats...I was bathed in a tub of blood and forced to look at myself in a mirror. I was tied up and hung upside down and spun. I was suffocated and electrocuted to the point of being bowed and paralyzed. Sometimes they forced me and my siblings to hurt one another. They would tell me, `now you're one of us. If you tell anybody, they won't believe you and they'll put you in a mental hospital.' And they threatened to torture me until I was dead." She believes that she was given more intense abuse than her siblings because of her blond hair and blue eyes.
From the RCMP Gazette this 2005 article, "Ritual abuse/torture: Identifying a crime of horror," which includes this account from survivor "Carrie":
The "insider circle" reality of rituals and ceremonies involved my father and about 12 of his friends—men and women, young and old, a mixture of social classes. [They were] doctors, a lawyer, nurse and teacher. Sometimes only one parent was involved; some brought their children.
Their routine was to force me to get very drunk then humiliate me with their laughter. Another little girl and I were tied down on wooden planks and smeared with blood and given enemas. So much pain, horror, torture and terror. I was about 13 when the ritualized torture stopped. There were about 14 of us — infants, toddlers and children — girls and boys.
And two stories from the coverage of France's huge paedophile ring trial. First, "Child's Birthday Horror":
Harrowing scenes from a young girl's birthday, in which she and other children were allegedly surrounded by naked adults, were recounted during testimony on Wednesday in a paedophilia trial that has horrified France.
Alain D, one of 66 people accused of involvement in a paedophile ring, recalled the day a child named Marine V turned six, adding more chilling testimony to the trial.
In all, 39 men and 27 women are accused of taking part in a paedophilia ring in which babies and children were allegedly raped, sexually abused and prostituted by their parents for food or money.
Man accused of child rape blames father
A man charged with raping his three children tried to pin blame on his father in a child sex trial that has shocked France. Franck V, one of the suspected leaders of a massive paedophile ring, admitted yesterday that he had not always behaved properly with his children.
Franck V faces 20 years in prison if convicted of raping, sexually abusing and forcing his children into prostitution. He said he had seen his father, Philippe V, abuse his children.
Most parents love their children. But not enough. And those who don't make it easy for the "Dr Greene's" and the "Dr Blacks."
A disgusting, but less sinister reason for babyland is the wide spread interbreeding that takes place in Colorado City. It is a closed society as far as females are concerned. What intellegent adult woman would decide to join up? The result is breeding within families and very young girls having far too many babies, far too often. The rate of birth defects and low IQ is extremely high. No doubt, the rates of still births and early infant mortality are also high. They, of course, try to cover up these fact so that there will not be official inquiries as the whole community is illegal to it's core.
Awesome, thank you again Jeff! I've been searching for an alternate url for the Utah Report, haven't come across one yet.
My friend attended a family funeral recently. Of the two daughters of the perpetrator uncle - One arrived in a leopard print dress, fishnets and knee-high boots. She screamed when she was touched on the shoulder from behind, only to explain her behaviour as stemming from “when I played hide and seek with Dad, he would just pop up out of no where.”
The other daughter “couldn’t make it”, and neither could their mother. The last time I heard from their mother, she sent my friend a text message saying that she “couldn’t fight it anymore” and encouraging my friend to “give in”.
Until recently, my friend has been unable to attend gatherings where her uncle’s son is going to be present. We only realized recently that she is not the only family member with this phobia. Her cousin cannot be in the same room as him. Her family lived close to the uncle when she was a child, although they eventually moved away. She’s suffered from various somatic disorders ever since. Her stomach is covered in burn scarring, as she hugs hot water bottles so hard she does herself permanent injury.
My friends family jokes about how ‘depression’ runs in the family. Something runs in the bloody family but it’s not a predilection for prozac.
Ok I probably get flamed for this, but I have to say it anyway:
We all know this stuff is going on, no doubt. Sometimes some of those bastards even get jailed for it, which is great.
But... and I mention this because I noticed it within myself: Don't we lose touch to the goodness within ourselves if we ponder about these topics day in, day out? I mean, all this terrible stuff, the abuses going on, I can perfectly imagine and "see" it happening. But letting dark energies rule our imagination can't be healthy in the long run.
No, I'm not a Christian, I'm just a bit worried - what's it good for? What do we gain by reinforcing again and again our deepest fears that the world is probably doomed? I don't have an answer to that myself.
It's funny that you say that Michael because just yesterday my parents gave me a hard time about dwelling too much on politics, conpiracies, cover-ups, etc. I agree you can get in too deep, but on the other hand, far too few of us even care to ask the questions and seek out the truth.
When I see people who just want to come home to their plasma tv, Lexus SUV, and cup of Starbucks, I realize ignorance probably is bliss. Just a few weeks ago at a family function, I brought up 9/11 and discussed how much evidence their is of our government's complicity (at the very least). Everyone FREAKED out that I could even say such a thing, and these are all very liberal New Yorkers.
Our vigilance is more vital today than ever. Can you imagine if Bush came to power 50 years ago? It would be like the Nazis. But because people come on blogs, message boards, etc., our populace's awareness grows every day about a huge variety of topics. And arming ourselves with knowledge is truly the first step in bringing an end to atrocities such as ritual abuse.
These topics are dark and scary, but I choose to delve into them so hopefully my children won't have to. And perhaps, we all protect ourselves and our families a little bit more because of it. I think as long as you can still ask the question and keep some perspective, you won't lose touch with the goodness.
The element of ‘choice’ here, the very notion of ‘pondering’, is a luxury that you should consider yourself very lucky to have.
Maybe this is all navel gazing to some of you; but to survivors and the people that care for them, it is an indelible part of our lives. It’s unlikely that I’ll be sharing Michael’s concern for “dark energies” and the integrity of his “imagination” the next time I step over a strangled cat dumped on my front door.
As a human being, your fundamental responsibility is to the truth. And if you don’t like the truth, you do something about it. On that premise, I got involved in protecting my friend when I was nineteen, and I’m still here six years later.
If you can’t handle a blog, then you’ve got some serious thinking to do.
I agree with the post above.
I asked my therapist once how she could stand it day in and day out listening to people who had awful childhoods. She said something about focusing on the positive healing and growth. She's a good model for me. She really listens to people and deeply cares. She does not get dragged down by the darkness of it all. She's able to move on to the next client with the same positive intensity.
Sometimes I get depressed about the state of myself and the world. At those times I have to step back and stop reading for a few hours or days.
I too want to make the world a better place for myself, my daughter and others.
Jeff reminds me of my therapist. He seems to care deeply and attacks these issues with an intensity and understanding like I've never seen before. What a huge loss for all of us if he were to stop.
Because I'm a Lord of the Rings fan, I'll have to add another person Jeff reminds me of. Frodo, the hobbit ringbearer. He was resilient to the evil. Not many people can be so close to evil and not be consumed by it. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
If people like Jeff continue to write, then there is still hope. If people ignore the darkness, then we will all lose.
Anonymous One,Michey,I pray for you and the 90% that think like you.When the real shit hits the fan soon,it will be to late to turn to people like Jeff and ask what do we do now?Some how I think they could lead most Americans to train cars and no one would have enough balls to say a FN thing.If you think Jeff is stuck in a rut try reading the white rose shit,they were way out there, weren't they?To bad nobody listened to them,back then,dah.Anonymous 8:36 you hit it right on the head,get ready to take care of your own,when the real hard times come you must be strong to carry the weak.This site is'nt about darkness it is light on the darkness.I come here to give my mind a work out to gane wisdom to learn,"what they would not teach me of in college",later.
I don't want to be strong to carry the weak. I hope to help others see the strength in themselves and walk beside me.
I won't be turning to anyone but God. I don't give blind allegiance to anyone like the pope, the priests, or the politicians. I will try to follow my inner wisdom and direction.
I want to do more than take care of my own. That attitude has been the downfall of many people in the face of holocaust. People protected their own and let others get dragged to their deaths.
Michael's concerns are valid ones.
ONLY focussing on the horrors can have a damaging impact.
But ignoring them is even more dangerous.
Jeff and many others here at Rigorous Intuition see this as a problem which is at a critical stage.
Death and unimaginable hoprror await some people as we speak and many of us feel it is critical to address such issues as if it is an emergency (because it really IS an emergency).
I , for example, feel the same way about the environment and nuclear emissions in our environment. Untol birth defects, cancer, mutation, death, stillborn children, spontaneous abortions are all, according to the re4search I have studied, been linked to nuke testing and commercial and military nuke oiperations (including depleted uranium).
Global overheating (the hotbox effect). Acid rain. Ozone holes.
Chemicals in the water and food.
Toxic drinking water (and it gets in the food we eat).
We are at a crisis stage in the evolution of humanity and the earth.
We are at a critical stage. A tipping point.
The political elements involved may well include the issue of ritual abuse, sex rings, pedophilia, blackmail, and insane necrophilic and perverted rituals which some idiots may believe "gfives them power".
I think it is okay, Michael, to ask the question and it is okay sometimes to take a break from the suyffering and pain and anxiety.
But it is a global fascist state that never sleeps and must be constantly confronted by someone.
Someoen must always be working on these issues and trying to help rescue the oppressed and abused.
We cannot do it all in our lifetime, but if we are diligent and alert we may be able to save some as we move throiugh our lives.
For thos who have suffered and realize the imminence of the harm, slacking off is not an option.
But our psyches are fragile. PTSD is very real and CAN be triggered by such disuccions and over-focussing on only the negative.
So we do need to take care; respect those who may not easily be able to take all the pain. Take a break from these discussions.
I persoanlly believe that they need to be investigated. That we need to understand the truth and the dangers. But we also do not need to damage those among us who are not up to that fight right now. There are a million battles and fronts to preserve freedom, human dignity and global human rights and justice.
We do not all need to be focussed on battles that we do not have the inner strength to enagage in. That is okay.
Learning is good and the info is here and we can learn from each other. But if it is too painful, you can look at more cheerful things until your strength is restored or, you can remain blissfully unconcerned.
But it is like seeing a child playing in the road and a truck is coming.
Ignoring the problem will not save the child. Only awareness and action will.
Well anonymous, what DO we do now, any ideas? Reading Jeff's work (which I admire) just like the daily real X-Files doesn't lead us anywhere, does it? (By the way I'm not American, I'm from Europe... which doesn't make a lot of difference the moment "the shit hits the fan", I'm aware of that).
Back to my original point...
SW, regarding ignoring the darkness, let me put it this way: I think there are a lot of people who ignore abuse just out of self-defense. Like many people who, out of self-defense, ignore the obvious contradictions of the official 9/11 story.
I think this is a helpless attempt to stay healthy by not letting the darkness in.
I can't think of any other explanation why so much people just swallow the story of the three flight school failures hitting their targets precisely while being under stress (and not flying Cessnas but jets, for the first and only time in their life). I mean that's an absolutely ridiculous story and an insult to our resoning abilities, yet the U.S. government gets away with it.
Now, did we all suddenly go stupid, because the public accepts this story? I don't think so. There's only a certain amount of disturbing information an individual can take in before letting down the blinds. And I have to admit I begin to understand this need for protection - without recommending this behaviour, I'm just noticing something here!
Don't get me wrong, as I said, I admire Jeff. He has a talent to write about all these things just like a journalist (meaning the time when there still were journalists deserving that name). That piece about Alice Bailey, Maitreya and Luciferians at the heart of the United Nations just blew my mind.
But I think everyone of us has to stay alert regarding how much and how often we can let this "high strangeness" in. I don't mean deliberately ignoring it, I mean watching what it does to us and whether it renders us depressive and paralyzed (or not). It might be tempting to spend our lives in search for the truth. But looking for the truth doesn't mean automatically to be of help for bringing positive change about. What if the naked truth is so terrible and paralysing that knowing it suffocates all hope? Then we're true cannon fodder.
Somebody else mentioned here that bringing the Towers down the way it happened was black magic at work. I agree. See what it has done to huge parts of the public. They're already sheep. That's magic. You don't need paranormal abilities or black op brainwave-altering devices for it. You just need control over Fox and CNN.
The powers that have done this to us might even rejoice when watching us getting increasingly nauseated by finding out about their cute little evil ways. Wasn't it even Jeff who said something like "You can wait all day and night at home for the abusive phone call to happen, or you could stop being a victim and have a good time together with friends." That's breaking the magic spell of the abuser, while at the same time accumulating strength for the time it's needed.
Ok, opinion voiced.
But I think everyone of us has to stay alert regarding how much and how often we can let this "high strangeness" in.
"High strangeness" is "optional" for the lucky ones. What is missing from your post is a sense of gratitude that you have a choice here at all. It seems to me that you just take your non-victim status for granted. There is no reason that it wasn't you - by sheer coincidence, you had good parents, good uncles/grandpa/whatever, and a regular day care centre.
Do you want to know what you can do about all this? Get informed and get involved. We owe it to victims. Find the closest agency or organisation that assists ritual abuse survivors, and start giving them some time.
Yes, there is no reason that it wasn't me. But if we all would be grateful for all the bad things possible that didn't happen to us, we would be a happy bunch of people.
What are the things that you are grateful for not having happened to you?
For 8 years I had a girlfriend that had been abused by her stepfather. I couldn't help her, and the therapists couldn't make her stop inflicting bone-deep cigarette burns into the flesh of her upper arms. I left her when I realized no amount of compassion would make any difference. She was hell-bent to destroy herself. Her self-destructive tendencies were the only thing that gave her a sense of identity, that's why she clung to them.
Those years taught me that there is NO moral obligation to waste my life in a hopeless place. It made me feel hopeless myself. Maybe that sheds some light onto my opinions expressed earlier. I had my share of the abyss. You might call it a second-hand abyss if you like, and yes I'm grateful it wasn't the other one. But no one gets me to that place of giving unrestricted compassion to an abuse victim ever again IF (!) they feed on it like a drink being given to an alcoholic. It made me feel being emotionally abused myself.
Those years taught me that there is NO moral obligation to waste my life in a hopeless place.
We all walk away from hopeless situations, and I don’t feel that the torture and trafficking of children finds a good parallel in your experience of a self-mutilating girlfriend. That is not to devalue that eight years that you spend with her, but I’d challenge your sense of having “been here before”.
RA is an atrocity in the strictest sense of the word. It is the systematic infliction of terror, pain and death for the purpose of control. It is undertaken by networks of men with the power to create a space of impunity from law and law enforcement. Children are raised in this environment, and slaughtered like cattle, programmed for suicide, or abandoned, desperately trying to craft a life from a shattered consciousness.
If you feel that the knowledge of RA is having a negative impact on your mental health, if you think that RA victims are in a “hopeless place” and you have “NO moral obligation” to waste your time there, then I have a suggestion. Reach over, shut off your computer, and – ta da! – your “ordeal” is over. Take a deep breath and have a cup of tea. You’ll survive. Others haven't been so lucky, but their exposure to ritual abuse didn't come with an 'off' switch.
Well you probably didn't notice I told my personal story here because of a remark suggesting me not showing enough gratitude not to be a victim of abuse. I could simply have answered it's my business what I show gratitude for, but instead I illustrated my point.
What I wanted to say is all here in this comment thread. Please read my messages again. I think it is completely obvious that most of it wasn't even specifically meant to be read as an opinion about the victims of RA. If you look, for example, at seventhson's comment regarding my posts it is clear that others perfectly understood what I was on about. If you find my arguments flawed or if you'd like me to clarify some points, feel free to do so, I'd be happy to answer that.
I just won't reply to any attempt of self-righteous rhetorical twisting of what I said. Peace.
Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab!!!!!!!!
cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
sugeng ndalu sedoyo obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
MERDEKA!!!!!!! obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
MANTAB *************************************
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