Bad medicine (Part Two)

They say "Everything's all right"
They say "Better days are near"
They tell us "These are the good times"
They don't live around here - Warren Zevon
Back to Skinwalker Ranch. And let's jump right into it.
Perhaps the strangest and most provocative aspect to the story is that of the "orange structure" which often appeared low in the ranch's western sky and was allegedly viewed by all members of the Gorman family on dozens of occasions. (The family name is actually Sherman, but they're pseudonymously identified in Colm Kelleher and George Knapp's Hunt for the Skinwalker). It was nearly perfectly round, though it appeared flattened rather than spherical. (It's appearance changed according to the angle at which it was viewed. On one occasion of its appearance Tom Gorman, the father, was driving off of the property, and approached it from the side. As he did, it seemed to thin until it was undetectable, as if it were two-dimensional. Though even that doesn't do justice to the strangeness, since it could not be seen from the opposite direction.)
When he observed it through binoculars long after the sun had set, Tom claimed he could see, in the middle of the orange mass, "another sky." A blue sky, while the ranch's sky was black. Kelleher and Knapp write that "Tom felt like it could have been a tear or a rent in the sky about a mile away, and through the rent he could see a different world or perhaps a different time.... For Gorman, this was a rare glimpse into what might actually be happening on his property."
On two nights particular while Tom observed the orange structure its "other sky" was not visible; its centre instead had the appearance of multiple layers of an onion that receded from him. As he watched, he saw a "fast-moving black object that was silhouetted perfectly against the bright orange background." It was moving rapidly through the centre of the structure and soon exited, silently, into the Utah night sky, where Gorman soon lost sight of it.
This almost beggars credulity, and so it should. But such extraordinary sights are not unknown in the American west. A family of ranchers named Bradshaw had a two-year brush with high weirdness near Sedona, Arizona in the early 90s, including encounters with glowing orbs, poltergiests, cattle mutilations and strange humanoids. They also claimed to witness a similar "structure" in the sky that appeared to serve as a gateway between different realities. (The Bradshaw's story is told in a book entitled Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona.)
A similar uncanny event was reported to have occured the night of August 25, 1997, after the ranch had purchased by Robert Bigelow. A pair of researchers withBigelow's National Institute for Discovery Science, identified as "Jim" and "Mike" in Hunt for the Skinwalker, were sitting silently on the edge of a bluff in the middle of the night, monitoring a pasture. At one point Jim climbed down into the field to meditate, as he had found that meditation sometimes "activated the phenomenon." A couple of hours later atop the bluff, at about 2:30 a.m., Jim's eye caught a faint, yellow light on a track through the field, about 150 feet bellow. As he watched it brighten, he gestured to Mike. They both watched, and it grew bigger as well as brigher. Jim took out his camera and Mike his night-vision binoculars. The light appeared positioned above the ground, rather than situated upon it. Mike whispered, "It's a tunnel. Not just a light."
And then: "Jesus Christ - something's in the tunnel! Oh, my God. There is a black creature climbing out. I see his head. It has no face. It's on the ground. Oh my God, it walked away." Mike reported it to be huge - maybe six feet tall and 400 pounds. Shortly thereafter, the yellow circle dimmed, shrunk and vanished.
After 15 minutes and no further sighting, the pair climbed down to the track. At the spot where the "tunnel" had appeared, there remained only the strong, pungent smell of sulfur. Jim's film showed the smudge of yellow light, but nothing more.
On four different occasions NIDS asked a number of well-respected remote viewers, most of whom had been employed by "Project Stargate," to independently engage in blind targetting of the ranch. That is, they were given no information about what they were to be looking at, or expectations about what they might find. They were given a random coordinate and asked to describe events associated with it. One, identified only in Hunt for the Skinwalker as "one of the most uncannily accurate remote viewers alive today" (a frequent description of Joseph McMoneagle), produced a "near exact" sketch of the ranch, identifying features, as well as a spot in the southwest corner of the property which he said harboured a "disturbing" energy. In a later test, another viewer was asked to provide impressions of a daytime calf mutilation. According to Kelleher and Knapp, he sensed that a robotic drone had carried it out, and that it might have been of "interdimensional origin." He also added that the drone "had some connection" to the US military. Other viewers also suggested some inexplicable military involvement with a foreign and frightening Other. They had impressions of uniformed men in dark sunglasses and naval tatoos, and inhuman entities speaking an unknown language.
Consistently and independently, the remote viewers expressed feelings of "dread, nervousness, darkness and death" associated with their blind targetting of the property.
Pointedly, the phenomenon became more fleeting after NIDS began its investigation. There were observations of paranormal events - orbs, cattle mutilations, weird entities - but they did not have the frequency noted by the Gormans, and over the years of investigation the weirdness essentially dried up. Kelleher and Knapp make an interesting observation, one I've made here previously about the nature of similar encounters with the weird:
Was there something now missing from the engagement? Perhaps it was the level of emotion that the Gorman family had provided in spades but was missing from the scientific team. The stress level in the family was unbelievably high. It was palpable. The Gormans did not interact with the phenomenon because they wanted to; they simply had no choice. In contrast, the NIDS scientific personnel were there by choice. They carried with them an attitude of cool detachment. There was almost an aggressiveness in the pursuit of the phenomenon that may have psychologically turned the tables, assuming of course that a consciousness was involved.
It seems nearly a maxim that weirdness of this high order seeks out those who don't expect it and are therefore less prepared to cope with it. Again, it's the "garmonbozia" principle: fear is a favourite delicacy at the feast of intense human emotions.
And what can we make of the suggestion of military involvement. The Gorman family and area residents noted strange mechanical noises and hums from beneath the ground. The same has been said of Dulce and other sites, supporting for some the claims of a vast network of underground military-alien bases. (I've written previously why I consider that to be disinformation.) Yet the indigenous peoples of the region tell of having heard the same noises underfoot for generations, since before there was a United States. So what is it? If there's something down there, it's been there a long time.
There does appear to be a thread in need of untangling which connects the US military, high weirdness and Native American tradition and land, particularly sacred sites. The San Luis Valley of Colorado for instance, where Maurice Strong and his then wife built their "Valley Of the Refuge Of World Truths," is a holy place for many indigenous nations, including the Navajo. There's Indio's Cabazon Indian Reservation, notorious for Casolaro's Octopus and now also the trial of Richard Hamlin. (Hamlin's father-in-law Sidney Siemer, whom he accuses of ritually abusing his wife Susan, "freely admits" having worked there in the 1980s during the time of Wackenhut and PROMIS. Before she recanted her testimony, Susan claimed to remember her father subjecting her to mind control torture in an Indio warehouse.)
Dread, nervousness, darkness and death. That's some pretty heady stuff to tap into. The skinwalker ranch makes a fine spooky story, but if it and stories like it describe genuine phenomena then we should be more than spooked. We should be alert as well. Because maybe it also informs our estimate of the situation. Maybe it can help us understand who is trying to tap into what, and why.
Anonymous One,shit,I hope they don't aim that fucken transporter beam in my back yard!You couldn't write a movie script like this shit,and this shit is real,later.
Oh god, I'm terrified...
And that's just what THEY want you to be, 8:34 AM
The gateways seem to be opening...For a long time...
How much time until full exposure?
Who konws...1, 5 ,10 ,1000 years.
Only Jesus Christ can stop them and i hope He comes soon,for all of our sakes.
A couple of brief observations . . .
One is that, according to my notes, a sulphurous odor is sometimes noted in connection with both meteorites and tornadoes -- and those in turn are often associated with other anomalous phenomena. The suggestion is that there is possibly some sort of plasma display involved.
The other is a question I'd like to ask you, Jeff. You mention the Gorman family's stress level and say that "weirdness of this high order seeks out those who don't expect it." But my own impression of events of this nature is that the stress often predates the weirdness -- and also that those involved often have either a history of involvement in lesser bizarrenesses or a preexisting belief system which inclines them towards such matters.
It would take a lot of digging for me to recover my original sources on these points, but if you want to thrash the matter through, I'd gladly start the excavation process.
An orange orb seen at dusk in the western sky--hmm, that is disturbing.
Have none of you seen just such atmospheric distortions of a sunset before?
I am so disappointed.
"an orange orb seen at dusk in the western sky"
If you want to suggest the reports are ridiculous you can do better than misrepresenting the Gorman's claims and misstating my words.
Not an orb: "It was nearly perfectly round, though it appeared flattened rather than spherical.... Approached from the seemed to thin until it was undetectable."
And not at dusk: "long after the sun had set.... A blue sky, while the ranch's sky was black."
A fascinating post! I think I can expand a bit on starroute's observations about sulphur and electrical displays:
We're generally told today that the association of sulphur with Hell and the Devil is due to its occurence around volcanos, which were in ancient times supposedly considered entrances to Hell. It's worth noting though that the classical Greeks associated sulphur with Zeus and his lighting bolts, i.e. with the supernatural, but not with evil. Homer says in the Illiad: "When beneath the blast of father Zeus an oak falleth uprooted, and a dread reek of brimstone ariseth therefrom..." and in the Odyssey “Zeus thundered and hurled his bolt upon the ship, and she quivered from stem to stern, smitten by the bolt of Zeus, and was filled with sulphurous smoke.” There's some documentation about the history of the name sulphur at which touches on this divine association as well.
There's no chemical mechanism that would account for the presence of sulphur around lighting strikes, and indeed its presence hasn't (to my knowledge) ever been measured or demonstrated in association with lightning. It's extremely common for lightning survivors to report the smell of sulphur in conjunction with the strike, though, and has been since classical times. Pliny remarked: “Lightning and thunder are attended with a strong smell of sulphur, and the light produced by them is of a sulphurous complexion.”
One explanation sometimes advanced for this is that the smell of ozone or nitrogen dioxide is being confused with that of sulphur. It's not implausible, as until the early part of the last century most people would have had little to no exposure to ozone, and might well mistake it for sulphur, which it vaguely resembles. Both are sharp, biting smells, and burning sulphur was, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, a common household disinfectant. It's worth noting however that even as electricity has become commonplace (and burning sulphur rare), people continue to report sulphur as the smell of lighting.
It's worth noting as well that many lightning victims report smelling sulphur a second or so BEFORE the strike. My personal hypothesis (unbacked by any empirical data) is that the voltage gradient just before or during a lightning strike does something to the chemistry of the smell receptors that causes a person to perceive the smell of sulphur where none actually exists.
It should be noted as well that some people have advanced the idea that some sort of nuclear reaction is taking place in the lightning strike, so that sulphur or (more likely) fluorine may be evolving from oxygen. has reference to some unusual radiation counts that were detected in a British experiment in the early 70s. IIRC the results made a brief sensation, then were quietly put aside.
-Sepka the Space Weasel
"Have none of you seen just such atmospheric distortions of a sunset before?"
hmmm...yeah. because personally I know every time I'VE seen an "atmospheric distortion of a sunset" before, it's involved a "secondary sky", UFOs, and a rip in the sky that made me feel like I was gazing into a different dimension.
Oh and I forgot to mention, most of the time, it happens after the sun has already set. so that's pretty weird in and of itself....watching a sunset AFTER the sun has already SET?!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!
Jeff, not like you to let someone agitate you so easily! Have you fully recovered from you NY's festivities?(Do y'all have a NY up in Canada??):)
Starroute, forgive me for being blunt, but this gives credence to the idea that there is something 'evil' out there, and not just a *mirror image*
of our subconscious.
This is not the first or last report of a "Dread, nervousness, darkness and death" observation. And if the story that remote viewers given no info is true, then it gives it a new flavor...a very evil flavor.
I do not understand how you can imagine something like this, if real, as being benign.
No disrespect intended, I enjoy reading your comments- only trying to understand.
I seem to be on some kind of a roll here today, pissing off people right and left. For that I apologize. But please see
"Jeff, not like you to let someone agitate you so easily!"
Yeah, I know I sounded like that. Not agitated so much as overtired. (Seems the only time I can find to post is the middle of the night.) And rollickhooper, I think a portal is so incredible that every mundane explanation must be exhausted before it can be accepted, though not before it can be entertained. Particularly given what else we know about attempts to open gateways, particularly in the American west.
Portals remind me once again of Harry Potter. I think that Harry was transported to school from a portal at Kings Cross in London and that is the same place where the bombing took place last year. Could be confused, but I think that's right.
Also, a friend and myself are always telling each other "just don't get on the train" (nazi reference) and now we say "just don't get on the train or go through the portal".
The portal stuff also rings with the GaiaMan postings at godlikeproductions, where he keeps talking about earth calamities (military and environmental) and then says that those who find the portals will be saved. He says Canada has lots of portals. I'd still say, don't go through the portal.
I remain very incredulous of the aforesaid "garmonbozia principle". The behaviours may suggest this idea, but let's not be too hasty with conclusions. I have been thinking there is a more fitting explanation for the behaviour patterns. I think the demons' primary interest is mind control. (That sets up an interesting association between the human and non-human devils.) In this theory, the purpose of the 'trickster' behaviours is specifically to create confusion, disorientation, and as far as possible, fear. Why? Well, these are ideal and classic elements for instigating mind control and manipulation, is it not? The widely variable phenomena compose the repetoire of tricks and illusions used to razzle-dazzle, confuse and terrify the victims. This is done in an attempt to render the victims more susceptible to mind control, which is the devils' objective, to gain power over the victims. Some people will be more susceptible to this than others and will thus be more likely targets.
More often than not, these articles
are a frustrating appetizer. Not to complain Jeff, I appreciate your hard work. But for those wanting more, here is a link to a
site that goes into further detail.
You'll see it a little over halfway
down the page in semi-bold red letters. Interesting that it is a Bigfoot research page.
Anonymous One,could one of the suto-intellectuals here try to explain the giant wolf that the people came in contact with on the ranch? I am afraid the mind is a lot like a parachute,useless until it is opened,later.
I would like to make an argument for time travel. Perhaps in the future the PTB have perfected scalar tech. to time travel. Perhaps the future isnt as rosy as they thought it might turn out(feeling of death, dread, darkness and nervousness), and they need to return back to make some minor tweaks. Just an idea, not sure what the portals are, but i'm sure its something concerning a dark force.
hey all,
jeff, i don't know if you've ever come across this (think i might have read something of yrs along these lines, not sure) but in islam their is a class of created beings who live side by side with us, to whom we are always visible, whereas they can chose to appear before us as what and when they wish.
there's a brief outline here
if yr interested in looking into it the relevant verses can be accessed here.
personally, i've always been convinced that "aliens" are in fact jinn. in a
href="">lecture given in 1906 at the U of Chiacgo Duncan Black MacDonald gives a pretty thorough outline of the rulings and thoughts re jinn within islam. concerning shapeshifting and so on w/re a report by a persian on his attempts to conjure jinn Duncan comments: "But you already know, from Ibn Khaldun and al-Ghazzali, that the spectres which appear to the would-be magician must be forms that he already knows. They are ideas — true idea which his memory and imagination clothe in corresponding appearances. Thus the idea "lion" would necessarily assume the form of a bath-house picture lion."
now they appear as "greys" or what have you. the entire UFO phenomenon and the gov's supposed moves to suprres might in fact be a mere smokescreen, ie. they know who they're in touch with, the UFOs and aliens only serve to divert attention and conceal their true dealings. oh, and of course, jinn (tricksters) play up to expectations.
Speaking of bad medicine and portals, starting today (Jan. 5) 12 hours after sunrise and lasting for 24 hours is known in the Tibetan astrological calender as Nine Bad Omens, the worst day of the year. Tibetan medicine is intimately associcated with astrology as was Western medicine once upon a time. This is a "portal" time of such negative interfering energies that it's best not to try to do anything productive at all; traditionally, just a time to relax and have a picnic.
Everyone take care.
AJ -
We're all just trying to understand, aren't we? Isn't that the point?
My own working assumption is that there are no "entities" out there -- that all high weirdness is the result of human perceptions and human wild talents, possibly triggered by certain natural energies. (Or, as I've suggested before, that we humans are natural magicians, though most of us try to suppress this knowledge.) I'm not irrevocably wedded to this as a hypothesis, but since it seems to be a minority position here, I feel it's worth presenting vigorously, if only as a counterbalance.
As far as feelings of dread and doom, there are many things that can cause those. Subsonics, I believe, for one. An excess of positive ions for another. Perhaps subterranean dark currents, or whatever that phrase is that the dowsers use.
I don't know what could arouse those sorts of sensations via remote viewing. Possibly some mechanism akin to that at work in map dowsing. (I realize this might appear as explaining one unknown with another unknown -- so take it that I'm merely trying to suggest fruitful analogies.)
Above all, what I hope to avoid is hysteria, which seems to me to be the most counter-productive possible reaction to the unknown.
Well, you know I need a steam shovel mama to keep away the dead
I need a dump truck mama to unload my head...
Bob Dylan
Given how much the boy was around, I suppose it was inevitable he'd see what was out in Shed B, and ask someone what it was and what it was doing there...
I think maybe I wanted it to happen. Kill or cure, the oldtimers used to say. Give that curious cat a serious dose of satisfaction...
Stephen King is another excerpt from the George Knapp dispatches:
While out checking on their cattle, Gorman and his nephew spotted what they thought was a recreational vehicle parked on the property. They approached it, figuring the driver might be having mechanical trouble. As they got closer, the RV moved silently away from them. They moved closer, it moved further away. They climbed a fence to get a better look at it, and that's when they knew this was no Winnebago. The craft rose above the treetops and slowly flew away, making no sound as it departed. It certainly wasn't a helicopter. The witnesses had a clear view and say the object was shaped like a refrigerator, with a single light on its front and a red light on the back...
Before long, everyone in the family was seeing weird aerial objects. Mrs. Gorman says something that resembled a stealth fighter, but ringed with blinking disco lights, silently hovered about 20 feet above her vehicle before zipping off. Each family member had repeated sightings of a cloud that usually hovered just outside the property. The cloud was characterized as having "blinking Christmas tree lights" or "silent, mini-explosions" inside.
Among the other aerial craft seen by the Gormans, their neighbors and other witnesses were classic flying-saucer objects, flying sombreros, shafts of light similar to fluorescent light bulbs and a cigar-shaped craft several football fields long.
By far the most common objects they witnessed were floating spheres of different sizes and colors. In 1995 and 1996, the Gormans and others reported 12 separate incidents of seeing large orange circles flying over the trees of the center homestead. Tom Gorman claims that holes occasionally opened up in the orange spheres and other smaller spheres would fly out. (A neighboring rancher told this reporter of his own encounters with what he called a flying orange basketball.)
By early 1996, the sightings of blue spheres at the ranch became almost commonplace. These orbs were said to be about the size of a softball, made of glass and filled with bubbling blue liquids that seemed to rotate inside.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorman say that in April 1996, they watched one of the blue orbs repeatedly circle the head of one of their horses, The horse was illuminated by an intense blue light, and there was a sound like static electricity in the air, but this wasn't ball lightning. The orb seemed to be intelligently controlled. When Gorman approached the horse with a flashlight, the orb darted off, maneuvering through tree branches with speed and dexterity.
The Gormans say the blue spheres seemed to generate severe psychological effects on the family. Family members felt waves of fear roll over them, far in excess of what might be normal, whenever the blue orbs appeared.
One evening in May 1996, Gorman was outside with three of his dogs when he noticed a blue orb darting around in the field near the ranch house. Gorman urged his dogs to go after the ball. The dogs chased and snapped at the orb, but it dodged and maneuvered enough to stay just beyond the reach of their snapping jaws. The ball led the dogs out across the pasture and into the thick brush that borders the field. Gorman says he heard the dogs make three terrible yelps, then they were silent. He called for them, but they didn't respond.
The next morning, Gorman went to look for the dogs. What he found were three round spots of dried and brittle vegetation. In the middle of each circle was a black, greasy lump. Gorman surmised that his dogs had been incinerated by something. One thing for sure, the dogs were never seen again. The disappearance of their dogs prompted the Gormans to think about getting out...
Some points about shamanism and tribal culture.
A Initiation is a component.
1 Initiation means facing and learning to deal with fear and pain.
Initiation is a kind of ritualised abuse. Different groups involve different aspects or forms of abuse, but it is not like what we understand. It is a test, not something to get off on. You do it to people you love so they are strong enough to survive the hard world.
(I guess thats why the abuse is usually physical and not sexual or emotional, and there are always precautions taken to ensure the safety and well being of the candidate.).
Initiation is a trial by ordeal. It is required to enter adulthood. The ordeals are designed to scare the crap out of the initiate, and to force them to dig deep. To find the sort of courage needed to be an adult warrior in a tribal situation. One where the people face potential pain and death every day.
After all as a warrior you must be prepared to fight and die, possibly horribly to protect your tribe/family.
So a situation where you see the underworld and are exposed to your ancestors and taught courage, after all if you have been to hell some fight isn't gonna matter much.
2 Initiation is holy terror.
The idea of abuse in initiation is to say to the potential adult:
"This stuff is bad, it is wrong and causes pain. Your job as an initiated man (or woman, but I don't know much womens business) is to stop this ever being invoked into your world, or the world of your people."
"We show you this horror now so you recognise it and will keep it at bay."
B The land.
Without land you have no home, territory or possibly identity. (hoew many people Id themselves as "Americans" or "Australians" or whatever first. (What about Islam, they Identify with an ideal not a place - weird IMO, at least in some cases.)
Land has energy, sacred sites, ley lines etc.
Some land is "evil" you don't go there cos bad things live there. Part of the role of understanding land is balancing its power to stop the bad things doing harm.
Sometimes it is sacred but judges people on their motivations and thus may seem evil to the evil minded.
Any truly shamanic culture has the land and protection of all life on the land, as its central and most important theme.
--- So possibly the Gormans were undergoing a spontaneous initiation process, one that invoked immense fear for them to face, one that involved portals to the "otherworld".
Perhaps the gubbers (govt) got involved in their never ending chase for power. After all protecting the environment is not high on the list of priorities.
Or perhaps skinwalker ranch is sited on a "bad spot". There seem to be a few of these in the American West...
On a slightly different topic:
There was an Aussie reporter called Harry Mason, who wrote a series called "Bright Skies" nearly 10 years ago now.
He was investigating "tesla weapons" in the Aussie outback.
He reported a number of sitings of orange fireballs associated with this tech. He also reported that the witnesses expressed a feeling of weirdness "like watching the end of the world" or some similar deep emotional charge.
Portals, Orange Orbs and HAARp et al.
Cuthonic invocation here we come.
Hi. Tremendous blog Jeff, seriously. Since 2001 I have had a similar journey to yours as well as others in trying to understand the unreality of the world.
With regard to the benevolance of the entities, I thought I would post a link to a pdf file of a letter from a government source called "S-1", sent to researchers, which include Robert Wood, and Stanton Freidman among others.
This could well be disinfo, but if you scroll down to page 4 and start reading about halfway down. This source talks about "EMEs"-Extraterrestrial Materialiazed Entities, which are in control of the UFOs. These can materialize anywhere anytime. It also mentions Vallee, remote viewing and the spiritual connection with these entities. It doesnt paint a nice picture either.
here it is
from this page:
any thoughts about this?
"almost" begs credulity?
How about something other than anecdotal reports from witnesses of dubious credibility for a change?
thx Jeff-
I like it:
"Space Cowboy" Bigelow on the Uintah and Maurice on the Baca.
Expanding on your comments concerning NIDS & RV:
Bigelow was connected with Col. John Alexander, formerly head of the Los Alamos Nonlethal Weapons research.
From Saucer Smear:
Alexander was also reputedly the mysterious Colonel "Harold Philips" in Howard Blum's book "Out There." Col. "Philips" [Alexander] headed the "UFO Working Group," an MJ-12 type UFO organization within the DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency], consisting of select military people and scientists from the CIA, NSA, and DIA. According to Blum, the UFO Working Group was formed in February, 1987 following a UFO radar incident in Dec. 1986, supposedly confirmed by psychic remote viewers in the DIA's "Project Aquarius," founded by the Stanford Research Institute physicist Hal Puthoff. Puthoff was also one of the scientists in the UFO Working Group.
Many members of the group, including Alexander and Puthoff, were also reputedly members of the so-called "Aviary," yet another group of scientists and military people working on the UFO problem, formed earlier than the "UFO Working Group," though supposedly "independent" of the government. The "Aviary," however seems to have been involved in the release of disinformation to UFO researchers in the 1980's, with William Moore at the focus.
This whole other very complicated story that involves the psychological warfare campaign against physicist Paul Bennewitz in Albuquerque, Kirtland AFB AFOSI agent Richard Doty, who was forging UFI documents, Doty's superior in the Pentagon Col. Barry Hennessey, and Hennessey's underling, Col. Richard Weaver, the OSI propagandist who wrote the 1994 USAF Roswell Report.
This probably also involves the parties who were behind the MJ-12 papers given to Moore and Jaime Shandera in 1984, and who planted another MJ-12 "document" in the National Archives to be found by Moore and Shandera [the so-called Cutler-Twining memo].
Now back to NIDS. Hal Puthoff is also affiliated with NIDS. Puthoff was formerly an employee of NSA, then went to the Stanford research Institute and started remote-viewing research back in 1972 with Ingo Swann and Russell Targ. Within weeks of starting the research, the CIA showed up on his doorstep, and that's how the CIA got involved in remote-viewing. Puthoff has detailed all this in an article to be published in the spring 1996 edition of the Journal of Scientific Exploration.
Meanwhile, back on Earth...
Teen allegedly kidnaps girl for demonic ritual
Prosecutors say 18-year-old planned to carve a pentagram in girl’s chest
Gearing up a little early for Candlmas I reckon.
An African shaman (Nyagumbo) (phonetic spelling) I knew in Fort Greene NY owned an African art store. The front was the usual totems, masks, and trinckets, but in the secret back room were housed the deeper and perhaps darker shamanic talismans, stones, carved figurines and artifacts, swords, daggers, and spears, and other oddities like monkey paws and heads, snake skeletons other spooky stuff. I was always a little hestitant to discuss the details of these objects with him, but never felt any animus or hostility. In fact, Nyagumbo was one of the most positive and brilliant human beings I have known.
Often over delicious herb with a friend of his named Mike whom he refered to "ten men in one" Nyagumbo would speak of seven portals around the earth allowing knowledgeable shamans, majicks, curandeera's, and other medicine people to travel through spacetime dimensions. According to him, these secret ports were gaurded by beings who prevented access to any profane man or beast. He also believed in a god that fed on human blood.
In the past this god was very pleased with and well nourishe by man because the human blood consumed was pure and strong and vibrant, - but that this god was very angry now because for some time the blood of man was fouled, toxic, polluted, and dilluted and that man - humanity had but a short time to clean and purify the blood - or Nyagumbo's god would exact the cleansing and purifying for humanity. When pressed on this mythology, it was revealed that there were simply too many human beings presently, and the human blood that nourished his god was diffuse and weak, and the only way to repair the damage was by a mass culling of the herd.
The other spooky bit of information touched upon on your gripping site in a periphery way is the Wackenhut Garbazon reservation freakishness involving deep underground blackworld biological weapons facilities and development.
I am working (and would welcome any help) on the connection with SIDNEY SIEMER of Wackenhut and Ken Alibek, the former head of Russia's Biopreparat and expert reconbinant genetics bioweaponeer (now CEO of Hadron) parrallel? research into cytotoxic Tlymphocytes, or race or culturally specific bioweapons.
If there is to be a mass culling, and if it is to be a biological event, - race specific targetting makes perfect if horrible sense.
They [the NIDS scientific personnel] carried with them an attitude of cool detachment. There was almost an aggressiveness in the pursuit of the phenomenon that may have psychologically turned the tables...
It seems nearly a maxim that weirdness of this high order seeks out those who don't expect it and are therefore less prepared to cope with it. Again, it's the "garmonbozia" principle: fear is a favourite delicacy at the feast of intense human emotions.
There is solid advice in there.
Another great one Jeff. As I read this story, what immediately comes to my mind is The Philadelphia Experiment. It has always peaked my interest but there just doesn't seem to be enough really informative publications written about it. If you get deep enough into the Montauk angle of it you'll find records of a terrible being accidently gaining access to the tunnel and coming forward in time, causing great damage at the facility. I think a link exists between that event and other portals becoming evident over the years. I'd love to find out more.
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I just read Hunt For the Skinwalker over my break. Interesting and inconclusive, but it is nice to know how the narrative wound up after those smaller pieces by Knapp in the defunct Las Vegas Mercury. Next on my reading list is Patrick Harpur's Daimonic Reality, another Christmas present, which I noticed is cited in the theories section of the book. Third, if it ever arrives, will be Hansen's The Trickster and the Paranormal.
Mr. Wells, would you consider posting a bibliography or reading list of your own? A bibliophilic esoteric-reading geek like me would really appreciate it.
Is there a way to limit postings to registered users? As this blog gains readers, the absolute number of witless comments increases. Perhaps I am a "suto-intellectual," but the likelihood of Jesus Christ stepping up to bat to stop those big, bad trickster entities is not the most rational response a person might hope for in studying or discussing strange phenomena.
Judaism and Christianity as Satanic cults? I should not be baited by such incoherence, but "Satan" did not pre-exist Judaism, and modern Satanism appears primarily to be formed specifically in opposition to modern Christianity. Removed from the context of Christianity, Satanism makes little sense as a religion on its own. Further, if a double negative results in a positive, then if Christianity and Judaism are satanic cults, then should Satanism not be the "true" religion? If you are not a Satanist, left-hand magus, or die-hard Nietzschean philosopher, good luck finding anything particularly noble, inspiring, or moral in Satanism. LaVey's brand seems like a deification of egoism and a cynical aesthetic, maybe a fascistic turn of radical individualism. It is true that Arab lore refers to "shaitan" as wandering desert spirits or demons, but before making sweeping claims about mainstream belief systems, a more complete argument is due. Who was it who said that exceptional claims require exceptional evidence?
And last of all in the snide opinions section, people who employ curse words too frequently in casual postings or conversation seem to have small vocabularies in my limited experience.
I probably just ought to chill out. Free public forums come at a price. Sorry.
first post here.
Jesus, Africa and other wierdness aside, I personally have met a windwalker and she was quite charming and funny. Not evil nor spooky.
She could travel from Shiprock to Salt Lake City "on foot" in less than three hours and when asked how this could be by incredulous billiganas (white folk) she would laugh and give some lame demonstration. I don't think she knew the specifics of how she did it.
The Navajo would laugh to hear the dark talk here. They have a great appreciation for humor in everyday life. This life includes all sorts of entities that are not seen by us.
It doesn't seem outrageous to me to think that these people living in one of the most unusual places on earth have found some secrets over the course of a thousand years or so....
Maybe that's one of the side benefits of not spending all of your time/energy pursuing the dollar.
Any photographs or video of the events witnessed by the Gormans?
Did they repeatedly try to capture these phenomenon on film or was it just the one failed attempt?
(Also anyone recall an episode from the original Star Trek series (I think it was Star Trek) that featured an entity that fed on human fear?)
I'm new to this site, although I've been lurking for a few weeks. I just thought I'd mention Chris O'Brien's The Mysterious Valley books about the San Luis Valley. His website is I read both of his books and found them fascinating. It mainly covers odd sightings in the sky and cattle mutilations, but O'Brien also relates some history and legends of the area.
A central part of the problem may be the need to overcome fear. No matter whether it's a matter of entities that feed on fear, or guardians posted to keep out the unworthy, or simply the human nervous system shorting out in the face of things it doesn't understand, the answer is still to approach fearlessly.
I remember an ancient Roman ghost story that was in one of my Latin textbooks in high school. A philosopher took up the challenge of spending the night in a haunted house that everyone else was terrified of. Having fortified his mind with a few knotty philosophical problems to chew over, he was able to remain calm when the ghost showed up. As a result, they had a nice chat, the ghost's murderer was apprehended, and the philosopher came into possession of a tidy fortune.
Yeah, all very trite and trivial. But the point I'm trying to make is that even 2000 years ago, it was obvious that the first directive was Don't Panic.
"Did they repeatedly try to capture these phenomenon on film or was it just the one failed attempt?"
There are photographs of luminescent trails in the sky alledgedly created by orbs, reputedly anomalous creatures and physical manifestations such as large impressions on the soil and the many cattle mutilations.
NIDS placed security cameras around the property. On one occasion, three of the cameras situated on telephone poles went offline simultaneously at 8:30 pm. Their internal wiring was found to have been forcefully pulled from the cameras, and the duct tape affixing the cables to the poles had been pulled off and was not recovered. A fourth camera a couple of hundred feet away was still working, and was pointing in the direction of the other three. When its tape was analyzed and enhanced, it could be seen that the small red lights of the cameras failed suddenly at 8:30, but there was no explanation for why, or the pulling out of the wires and loss of the duct tape.
Bart: Do it! Make the walls Bleed!
Ghost: I don't have to entertain you.
Bart: Hey! We own you, man.
"We would see these 100 foot circular openings appear in the air. It was like orange coloured doorways would sort of spiral open".
Looking through a high-powered scope, the Shermans watched as "stealthy smaller craft" would emerge from the hovering portals, fly around the property, and then re-enter the doorways...
A local Indian shaman friend of Terry's told him that there were tribal songs about the "spirits and spooks" of the ranch area "going back ten generations".
The shaman said the area was considered "unholy ground" and was "on the path of the skinwalkers".
As I was poking through Robert Anton Wilson's Everything is Under Control this morning, one sentence jumped out at me:
On June 6 [1989], in Konantsevo, several children saw, or claimed they saw, a luminous sphere land in a meadow and a headless person climb out.
This immediately brought to mind what Jeff wrote above:
A couple of hours later atop the bluff, at about 2:30 a.m., Jim's eye caught a faint, yellow light on a track through the field, about 150 feet bellow. As he watched it brighten, he gestured to Mike. They both watched, and it grew bigger as well as brigher. Jim took out his camera and Mike his night-vision binoculars. The light appeared positioned above the ground, rather than situated upon it. Mike whispered, "It's a tunnel. Not just a light."
And then: "Jesus Christ - something's in the tunnel! Oh, my God. There is a black creature climbing out. I see his head. It has no face. It's on the ground. Oh my God, it walked away." Mike reported it to be huge - maybe six feet tall and 400 pounds. Shortly thereafter, the yellow circle dimmed, shrunk and vanished.
So let me see if I've got this right. If you see "a luminous sphere land in a meadow and a headless person climb out," it must be a UFO. But if you see a luminous sphere grow larger and brighter while hovering over a field and a faceless creature climbs out and walks away, it's a tunnel.
See Greg Bishop's interviews with Chris O'Brien on the Mysterious Valley , blood rituals, UFOs, cattle mutilations, etc. ...
And even better, check out Robert Larson and Greg's interview of Robert Jordan on Contactee Howard Menger, Mind Kontrol, UFOs, Cattle Mutilations, Black Helicopters...
Part One
Part Two
"So let me see if I've got this right. If you see "a luminous sphere land in a meadow and a headless person climb out," it must be a UFO. But if you see a luminous sphere grow larger and brighter while hovering over a field and a faceless creature climbs out and walks away, it's a tunnel."
Maybe it's just language failing us. Or maybe not. To the best of my knowledge the children witnesses didn't call the luminous sphere that cracked open a flying saucer. And the reported incident at skinwalker ranch didn't concern a sphere, but a flattened yellow light seemingly positioned about the ground.
Perhaps, but my point is that the two experiences were sufficiently similar to suggest they were essentially the same thing being described in slightly different ways.
I strongly suspect that we humans are catching glimpses of things that we're as poorly equipped to make sense of as my cats are to make sense of the images on the television that occasionally catch their attention. As a result, we should be extremely mistrustful of any attempt to "make sense" of these images or describe them in familiar terms.
And something else comes to mind. A few years ago, one of my cats briefly became fascinated by the movement of the cursor on my monitor screen. She would follow it so intently that it was possible to make her head move back and forth with motions of the mouse, just as though she was a remote-controlled toy.
To what extent do our human obsessions with the shiny and the scary make it possible to jerk us around like mechanical puppets as well?
"Surviving the New World Order"
Sorry Jeff I know this is out of order but this article has hit me lick a ton of something. Somehow I thought this place would benefit from a read...
Surviving the New World Order
January 07, 2006
By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
[Memo to Myself]
"This isn't about storing silver coins or canned food or getting an AK-47.
It's about saving your soul not your skin. It's about the tendency to obsess on the New World Order, get depressed and become unbearable.
The situation is depressing. A satanic cult controls the credit of the world and rules through myriad proxies. It is determined to destroy civilization and institute an Orwellian police state.
You spend hours every day addictively watching for new developments. Your face is pressed up against the store window of the world.
You are "externalized." You can't go into the kitchen without switching on the radio.
You try to squeeze your sustenance from the world. But much of what you imbibe is poisonous: depravity, corruption, duplicity and tragedy. (Is that the point of the mass media? To demoralize and brutalize?)
Mankind is in the grip of a diabolical force that constantly strives to legitimize itself through deception. You can't overcome this demon. But you still control your personal life. Ultimately, the battle is for the soul of humanity. Why not begin by defending your soul?
This means erecting a wall between the soul, and the world, and establishing a balance between the sacred and the profane. You need to shut out the world (the profane) for set periods of time and focus on what inspires you. That means turning off the TV, Internet and media in general.
Just as you nourish your body with food, you feed your soul with thoughts, sights and sounds. Your soul reaches out for beauty, grace, harmony, truth and goodness. You need to discover what lifts your spirit.
It might be a long walk, nature, music, sports, or music. It might be time with your family or friends. It might be the Bible, religious writing or meditation.
"Do what you love," Henry David Thoreau said. "Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw at it still."
You agree with the mystics who say happiness is within. It involves the possession of your soul, and not wanting anything else. By looking outside your self, you displace your soul and become the thing you want. This is the source of addictive behavior and unhappiness.
The occult elite uses sex and money to control us. The courtship stage is a period when sexual feelings are strong so two people will bond and start a family. Sex/romance was not meant to become a permanent preoccupation and panacea. The cult uses it to distract and degrade us while it creates a police state (using the "War on Terror" as a ruse.)
The same is true of money. The stock market is a giant casino addicting millions. The central banking cult has unlimited funds. When it wants to make us feel good, (while it trashes civil rights, or wages senseless war) it makes the market go up. When it wants to fleece us, it crashes the market. Don't be a puppet.
The diabolical powers have been with us for a long time. You have discovered their existence only because they signaled the beginning of their endgame on Sept. 11.
Don't let them stunt or degrade you by obsessing on their iniquity. Restore balance by attuning yourself to the things you love. Be an outpost of happiness."
On 'Surviving the New World Order', it's poetically written but the upshot seems to be 'Save yourself through ingnorance and The Bible'. If less people were doing that already we wouldn't be in such a mess.
Allowing oneself to become upset about things you can't change is a bad thing, but retreating into a shell isn't so good. Use the internet, but control your mind and how you process the information, not the information itself. (Er... in my opinion obviously.)
The Skinwalker/ Sherman/ Gorman/ NIDS ranch is a fascinating story, but what to make of it all?
On the 'portals': I see the simularity (ish) to the accounts of beings emerging from a light which is more usually taken to be a 'spacehip'. Then, there's the fact that Gorman saw a craft emerging from a portal. That reminded me of accounts of multiple UFOs seen only as lights in the sky where two or more seemingly merge into one. Could this not be, rather than a 'mothership' a portal? Maybe this is how they get around.
Alternately, perhaps it's a show, and an odd symbolic way of conveying a message. They could be images of things emerging from portals, repeated over and over in a dramatic way so that the story spreads further than it would if just spoken as in a contactee case. I don't really favour that explanation, but just a thought.
'They' or 'it' or whatever clearly make a distinction between human beings and animals. The Gormans were terrorised and even suffered minor physical injury in the form of bloody 'scoop marks', but compare that to the butchered cattle or seemingly evaporated dogs.
I'd like to read some of the legends 'going back ten generations'. Does anyone know if they are online anywhere?
After their decision to sell out, Terry had fallen into a conversation with a group of Ute Indians who worked at the local water department. The Indians told Terry that they had formed a pool to take bets on how long the Shermans would last on the ranch. The longest guess was a year and a half. The Shermans lasted two years...
Seeing "the lights" in a field one night, Gwen grabbed her binoculars. Focusing in, she was shocked to see a "square lighted structure" sitting on the ground. Before the light blinked out, Gwen caught a glimpse of a "large, heavy set individual" seated in the object...
-David Perkins
A few more notes from George Knapp before I save this page...
On one occasion, Mrs. Sherman returned from town with a large haul of groceries and other supplies. She carefully put the provisions away in various cabinets, walked into another room for a few minutes, and returned to find all the supplies back out on the kitchen table.
-Sherman's son worked up a considerable sweat to meticulously stack a one-ton pile of cord wood on the south side of a treeline in the middle homestead. He took a 30-minute water break and returned to find that the ton of wood had been moved 100 yards to the north side of the tree line.
Retired schoolteacher Junior Hicks is the area's unofficial historian for all things weird. He's catalogued 400 or so incidents, most of them involving UFO sightings, but says there have been thousands of other cases. Hicks estimates at least half of the 50,000 residents of this basin have seen weird things in the sky--flying saucers, cigar-shaped craft, zigzagging balls of light, so many different objects that local police and the Highway Patrol long ago stopped taking reports. (Many of the lawmen have been witnesses themselves.) Hicks and members of his family have witnessed their own UFO events over the years.
"The UFO activity really started getting intense in the early '50s," Hicks says. "There were cases where the whole school and all the teachers saw these things hovering over the town in broad daylight. In the '60s and '70s, we probably had more UFO sightings than any place in the world."
While driving into the ranch on a bright afternoon, (Sherman) and his wife saw something attacking one of their horses. They described it as "low to the ground, heavily muscled, weighing perhaps 200 pounds, with curly red hair and a bushy tail." It somewhat resembled a muscular hyena and seemed to be clawing at their horse, almost playing with it. Sherman got within 40 feet of the animal but says it literally vanished before his eyes. Poof. Gone. They checked the horse and found numerous claw marks on its legs. (A few months later, the wife of a deputy sheriff reported seeing a similar muscular, reddish beast running across the property.)
His dogs seemed to develop paranoia. They stayed inside their doghouses for days at a time, too fearful to emerge for food. Six of the family's cats vanished in one night...
"I came up with a term for it," says Col. John Alexander, a retired Army intelligence officer who still works on classified projects with Los Alamos National Laboratory and remains an adviser to NATO organizations. "I called it a pre-cognitive sentient intelligence. It certainly seemed to be intelligent, and it seemed to know what we were going to do even before we did it."
Sherman and his wife spent a bright Sunday morning tagging the ears of newborn calves. They put a tag on the ear of a calf born near the ranch house, then wandered out into the pasture for a period of 45 minutes. In that interim period, with the Shermans only 200 yards away in the pasture, the calf was completely stripped of
flesh. The Shermans were alerted by a wail from the mother of the
calf. The calf's entrails had been placed, almost ritualistically, on the ground, but all of its flesh was simply gone, leaving only bone and hide behind. There was no blood on the ground or on the animal.
A NIDS team was at the ranch and quickly scoured the area for
evidence. The remains were sent to two pathology labs. Both
pathologists concluded the calf had been butchered by two distinct instruments, something like a heavy machete and something like sharp scissors. How this was done in broad daylight, in an open pasture and in clear sight of the ranchers remains a mystery. A second calf disappeared that same morning after being tagged and was never found.
One April afternoon, Sherman and his wife took a quick drive to town for supplies. As they passed the corral that contained their four bulls, they commented to each other that they would really be in trouble if something should happen to one of the bulls.
When they returned to the ranch less than an hour later, all four of the bulls were gone. The Shermans began a frantic search for the missing behemoths but couldn't find a trace. As a last resort, Sherman decided to peek into a metal trailer that is situated inside the corral. He thought it highly unlikely that the bulls would be inside because, from the corral, there is only one door into the trailer and it was secured with thick metal wire, wire that clearly was still in place.
He was shocked to see that all four of his bulls were inside the trailer, squeezed like so many oversized sardines into the tiny enclosure, crammed in against the sides of the trailer and against each other. When he yelled to his wife that he had found them, the bulls seemingly woke up, as if from a dream state, and started kicking the hell out of the trailer and each other.
"There is simply no way that anyone could coax those four bulls into that trailer," says Colm Kelleher, a microbiologist who would come to know the (Shermans) well. "It would be tough enough to get one of them into the trailer, but all four? Virtually impossible. The only door leading from the corral into the trailer was still securely fastened with wire. And there were cobwebs on the inside of the door, proving that it had not been opened. It's almost as if someone overheard the ranchers' worries about their bulls, then decided to mess with them."
"The only thing that jumps out of the data is how unreproduceable these things are," Kelleher notes. "No two events ever repeated themselves in the same fashion. It's almost as if it's a learning curve and we were being led along..."
"Hunt for the Skinwalker"
$14.00 @
And worth it I must admit, even with the occasional slight-of-type.
For instance: at one point Kelleher appears to bemoan the fact that online, NIDS was described as a "shadowy organization that likely had ties to the CIA", but a chapter later he mentions the use of Remote Viewers by NIDS, including "a retired military officer who was active in the CIA/DOD research program..."
And curiously, John Alexander of the NSA isn't mentioned until the back pages- just his name in the acknowledgments, and as a Doctor, not a Colonel.
But I think Knapp and Kelleher have put together a decent package. And here and there you come across some real gems:
Just prior to the purchase of the ranch by NIDS, Tom Gorman says that an incoherent woman arrived one day in 1996. As the woman got out of her car and began talking to Tom in the front yard of the homestead, a nearby tree began to shake violently and the leaves began to rustle loudly despite a total lack of wind.
Suddenly the woman, who admitted to being mentally disturbed, began to scream loudly and pointed at the tree. She described the presence of legions of demons and monsters in the shaking tree. Tom couldn't see the"demons", but he could plainly see the whole tree shaking. After ushering the crazed woman off the property, the tree returned to it's previous stillness...
I have to tell you I have experienced this farm first hand. It was in the winter of 1995 around febuary sometime. I also have to tell you that the things that were going on were enough to make a person curious. At the same time though you could feel the uncomfortable uneasines in the air.
I'd like to know the history of the ranch before the Gormans arrived. What did the previous owners experience, how long were they there, which one put locks on all the windows, etc. and for what reason? More importantly, did they leave the ranch intact and are they okay today? A title search on the three properties would turn up the names of the previous owners. I wonder how many there were from the time that the three homesteads were built. My guess, probably quite a few. Wouldn't it be fascinating to interview them? It would be interesting to note, based on historical anecdotal evidence, if the phenomena has a definable cyclical nature, with periods of increased activity followed by periods of decreased activity.
Sorry if someone's already posted info the obvious, but here's some thoughts:
1. During certain government tests, it was found that sometimes, certain frequencies and radiation values (ULF, VLF, and microwaves) had dramatic effects on certain people - often it caused innate, unrelated fear in the 'receiver'. The scientists involved eventually made it able to effect all people, and converted it to a direct beam-type 'weapon' for use in psyop/interrogation. What if, and I'm not the first to consider this so I take no credit, the 'aliens' are emitting certain frequencies and radiation levels because of the way they enter our space? I mean, if excessive current is also a factor (Bifield-Brown (sp?) effect maybe for leviation?) then it could also be the cause of the sulphur smell.
Also, on note for that there is a couple of interesting pages on lightning and sulphur (well, any high volatage 'thing') -
I like the Djinn hypothesis, because they are as you say innate tricksters and many of their species consider humans lesser beings, but I also give some credence to the 'humans=magicians' theory in some way. Here's my thought:
What if humans (as John Keel often states) are subsceptible to interference from a 'galatic/planetary mind'? This mind would certainly be older than humans, and therefore would not inherently be good or bad - just different, giving it a more 'evil' feel because it sees everything as a lesser being to itself - something to be played with. Certain humans can sense this or see its 'physical' forms (Bigfoot/ghosts/aliens), others get a general feel for it only at times. Of course, thats not my ownly thought - the others tend to involve the beings as either being part of the 'planet' or 'universe' or having come from the caverns underneath the earth (see Micahel Mott/Shaver Mystery/Hollow Earth theories in general).
Only time will tell I suppose...
I cannot imagine that an intelligence's primary goal would be to cause fear, play tricks, and mutilate cattle in certain areas of the world near native americans for hundred of years. I am hoping that the reaction to human consciousness and psychological is a side effect of something else which is going on, something which is causal, because if you look at the sum of phenomena at the ranch, you find no causal relationships whatsoever, except that the phenomenon or phenomena plays tricks, mutilates cows, controls minds, and manipulates high energy physics. none of the "objects" encountered can safely be assumed to be physical in any sense that we know. i am hoping the universe is not so absurd that fundamental laws of physics under certain conditions produce such ridiculous and terrifying phenomena because of human consciousness itself. i hope there is more going on, but what is really going on is absolutely opaque. the von neumann probe doesnt satisfy but is still a candidate. we need not turn to exotic theories of multiple dimensions or ideas about connections between quantum phsyics and consciousness, however, of course those are still possibilities and should be taken seriously, but these ideas are little understood already in science and need to be developed further. meanwhile, the phenomenon itself persists, terrifying, absurd, and potentially dangerous. more worrsisome si that what we are given of it does seem to react to our fears and expectations and defy analysis intetionally. i only wonder why it does not mutiliate humans in the same way that it mutilates cattle. i find the metaphor of the skinwalker to be very apt. it seems in this book we finally have an honest account of high strangeness. the paranormal, cryptozoological, ufo, and poltergeist phenomena are related in some way or represent some sort of larger class or category of events, because in truth, when you find one, you often find the others, almost always. this i think is the most significant contribution the book makes. we are dealing with a single class of phenomena. we need to abandon our various narratives about aliens, ghosts, and rare animals and look at what is before us, which is much more bizarre , sinister, and intriguing.
Even before the present day Dine' (Navaho and Apache) Skinwalkers were . They have always been considered evil . Their initiation requires the molestation and death of relatives (children primarily) . One pre navaho story tells of how a white man/god found a kiva of Inigloshi / witches practicing their religion . He caused a poisonous smoke to fill the underground building of the sacrificers and all the Witches were killed and because of his disgust at their evils he caused an earth movement that buried that den . After the Dine' arrived in the area , some of them took on the witch religion and the abomnible practice of the silver wolves continues . The Belagana may be deceived into calling the practice a shamanic order of knowledge but , all of the peoples know of it as a vile evil . The supernatural powers of the Inigloshi are only costly imitations of others who go to and from place to place and leaving beauty and blessing . The Inigloshi/Skinwalker tradition only brings sorrow to those related to its practitionors . I do not Know this ranch but places like it are not few when people foolishly give it attention and thusly faith .
Clean up the damm spam here
does anybody remember VAMPIRE HUNTER D.. this exact ranch is the whole damn first part of the movie!!! is that not strange for being written in japan 15-20 years ago?
the plot then goes on to unfold the hero's path and the destruction of evil through immense trials and initiatory-like battles where not even death cannot stop the will of a dunpeal hunter!
Wow... i was researching skinwalkers, and I found a link to something about "Skinwalker Ranch." I clicked on it, cuz i'm from Utah. XD now im hooked on it, i've never read anything this interesting.
I also read something about a blueish orb that was floating near a house. The guy sent his dogs after the orb, and they chased it into the woods. Then, the man heard yelping and ran into the woods. The orb was gone, and there were three piles of weird goop on the ground. Ugh, were the dogs vaporized? I don't know if it was at Skinwalker ranch or not... i didn't think to look.
Whoops... didn't know that someone already said that XD
I think that there is a good explanation for all of this. It seems that the orbs are only "attacking" if they are attacked... whatever they are. If the orbs do come from another dimension/planet, i wouldn't be surprised if they were just here to watch and learn. As for the cattle mutilations... i don't know. It's all just bizarre
thank you
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terimakasih banyak informasinya.. Simak juga artikel kita dibawah ini yah gan..!!
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Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ...............................
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
Trims, sangat membantu
Thanks semoga bermanfaat
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil di Sekitar Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
Obat Virus Kutil Kelamin
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Kelamin
Obat Perontok Kutil Kelamin
Jual Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Murah
Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Murah
Obat Sipilis
Obat Wasir
baru kali ini nih gan aku ngebaca artikel yang sangat bagus,ditgu ya yg artikel selanjutnya..!!
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