Into the black

Out of the blue and into the black
They give you this, but you pay for that - Neil Young
Just three intimations that the world is not the world.
An update on the killing of Pamela Vitale, wife of attorney Daniel Horowitz who had been defending Susan Polk in the murder of her husband Felix, whom she had accused of mind control and Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Sixteen-year old suspect Scott Dyleski shared a home in the Lafayette hills made out of recycled materials and straw-bales with his mother, Esther Fielding, and two other families. Fielding is a New Age healer. Thanks to Steve Huff and "hmm," her commercial website can be found here.
There was speculation in the comments to the original post that Dyleski was himself mind controlled. For what it's worth - and who can tell what that is? - let's note that one of the treatments his mother offers is non-invasive removal of "Government and Alien Implants":
Of course this sounds like something from the X-Files, but we know they exist. We have put our belief systems aside when it comes to viewing inside the body and what it reveals. Implants, which are easily inserted through injections or inoculations, are used by our "secret" government to track or program its citizens. Then there are the Grey aliens--they place non-earthly implant material in selected humans who have either been abducted or are being tracked....
Our group has worked in removing implants through the use of Orion remote viewing techniques. By using a command, our clients have felt a difference when the implants were easily and quickly removed.
As for the "some kind of gothic signature" carved into Vitale's back, it has subsequently been described as a "double-crossed "T" or a "Cross of Lorraine."
From Boyd Rice's study of the esoteric meaning of the Cross of Lorraine, in The Vessel of God:
Interestingly, the Cross of Lorraine bears an uncanny resemblance to the sigil of Baphomet employed by British Magus Aleister Crowley, and the meaning of the two symbols would appear to be virtually synonymous. Baphomet is, after all, the penultimate hermetic symbol, whether depicted by Crowley in the form of a cross, or by Eliphas Levi as a goat-headed hermaphrodite. And the sigil used by Crowley was also employed by ancient alchemists as a device whose meaning was literally "very poisonous." In fact, the symbol was commonly affixed to containers of toxic substances in Europe as recently as the mid-twentieth century. To the alchemists, of course, the symbol and its very meaning had far more esoteric connotations. To them, poison represented an agent of transformation, a vehicle for the reconciliation of opposites. And there is an alchemical myth about a poison which for most men is extremely deadly, while for the elect it confers mastership and absolute power. Echoes of this idea recur as a motif in various aspects of the Grail lore. It would seem that the alchemists accorded this symbol very much the same meaning attributed it by Crowley, which in turn echoes what the Cross of Lorraine embodied for Rene d'Anjou. It is little known, but the Cross of Lorraine was also the official emblem of the Knights Templar.
Though they are more frequently associated with the symbol of the red equilateral cross, their true symbol first and foremost was the Cross of Lorraine, and many Templars awaiting death at the stake pursuant to the Friday the 13th persecutions drew the emblem on the walls of their cells. There is still a degree in certain rites of Freemasonry called the Knights Templar, whose symbol is the Cross of Lorraine....
Meanwhile, Susan Polk has expressed concern that the seizure of two computers from the Horowitz residence could compromise her defense, as they held files containing her statements and a history of the case. Polk asks, "Does the prosecution have the right to see, in advance, the entire plan, essentially, of the defense?"
Mysterious animal deaths and mutilations proliferate, though the incidents are usually considered only locally and in singularity, rather than as pointillist details on a broader canvas. Whenever such stories make the news, it's always time for the jokes about aliens and Satanists, as though the incidents were only silly rumour, and the livestock were just playing dead.
The Colorado town of Calhan is baffled by two mass deaths taking the lives of 22 horses, nearly five years to the day after 24 cattle were found dead in Roswell, New Mexico following a visit by Dick Cheney. "Foul play is not suspected," though in the first group of deaths, "the animals were riddled with puncture wounds that authorities initially thought were bullet holes but were later determined to be from an unknown source."
In Dartmoor, England, it's sheep:
Occult fear as sheep slaughtered
A DARTMOOR farmer who found six of his sheep with their necks broken and their eyeballs removed believes occultists could be responsible.
Four of the dead animals had been laid out in a square, while the other two were discovered near stones apparently arranged to make a pagan symbol.
Last January saw a similar incident, just a mile away:
Dead sheep found in "occult star"
Police in Devon are investigating after seven sheep were found dead arranged in an unusual pattern on Dartmoor.
The sheep were found on Sampford Spiney on Dartmoor with their necks broken and their bodies in a pattern sometimes associated with the occult.
The pattern was similar to the shape of a star, or heptagram, a mystical symbol commonly used in occult ceremonies.
Initial thoughts here, too, were of a lightning strike, until the star pattern was recognized. "It's scared some people and worried them, me included, being this close to home," said farmer Chris Cole.
Last August, the carcasses of 15 headless and bloodless kangaroos were discovered in the suburbs of Melbourne. (A good study of this case by Linda Moulton Howe can be read here.) And so on.
Back in Calhan:
...many were around when a spate of unsolved cattle mutilations occurred in the 1970s and again in the early 1990s, and they’re willing to entertain the notion — maybe with a little tongue in cheek — that cults, creeps and 'black helicopter' people might be to blame. "There’s strange stuff going on," Terry Ashcraft said Monday while doing some business at the Pikes Peak Co-op in Calhan.
And then there's this remarkable story in Bellaciao, developing the Michael Ledeen ties to the Niger forgery discussed here a year ago last August and again last July, which traces the caper back as early as January 2001:
At night, between the first and second of the January 2001, a mysterious thief came to the embassy of Niger in Rome and into the residence of the counselor in charge. It turned out that some letterhead and seals (see photocopy) were missing. A second dossier on Niger-Iraq trade soon came into [SISMI asset Rocco] Martino’s hands, one that included references to uranium trafficking. Martino claims he got it from embassy personnel and that he thought it was authentic.
January 2001. That is, nine months before 9/11, it would seem the Niger forgery was already in motion.
It's always reasonable to suggest we ought to come down to Earth. But I think when we do, it'll be an awfully hard landing. And we may not even recognize the place.
There’s more to the picture than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my....
My head is spinning. More, please!
That cross of Lorraine... could it also be a "Psychick Cross" which has an additional shorter bar in the middle? Is there a photo available anywhere?
Regarding the forgery story:
Financial Times of 6/27/04:
However, European intelligence officers have now revealed that **three years** before the fake documents became public, human and electronic intelligence sources from a number of countries picked up repeated discussion of an illicit trade in uranium from Niger. One of the customers discussed by the traders was Iraq.
These intelligence officials now say the forged documents appear to have been part of a "scam", and *the actual intelligence showing discussion of uranium supply has been ignored.*
another article (don't have the exact date) says:
A UK government inquiry into the intelligence used to justify the war in Iraq is expected to conclude that Britain's spies were correct to say that Saddam Hussein's regime sought to buy uranium from Niger. ... The UK government has remained adamant that negotiations over sales did take place and that the fake documents were not part of the intelligence material it had gathered to underpin its claim.
The Financial Times revealed last week that a key part of the UK's intelligence on the uranium came from a European intelligence service that undertook a three-year surveillance of an alleged clandestine uranium-smuggling operation of which Iraq was a part.
Intelligence officials have now confirmed that the results of this operation formed an important part of the conclusions of British intelligence. **The same information was passed to the US but US officials did not incorporate it in their assessment.**
There is more here:
It's a pro_Bush site, but they have what appears to be legitimate information.
So if this information is correct, the obvious question is: why were the forgeries necessary in the first place ? and why was this evidence apparently *ignored* by US intel. or was it ?
Let me know what you guys think, cause I'm really confused.
Joseph Wilson is close pals with Brent Scrowcroft, who is Poppy Bush's best friend...apparently. (This was mentioned on the RI discussion board and referenced Wilson's book, "The Politics of Truth."
Readers confused by the previous post can check out Justin Raimondo's three most recent articles on No UFOs, sorry, just the facts.
jeff, you da man.
SATANISM in America.
This is a mainstream TV report on the devil's worship in America.
Files # : 1.
Format : Real Media.
Size : 26.7 MB
Duration : 24:26
This is a segment from 20/20 in the '80s. Everyone should definitley download it. See Barbara Walters express shock at what's happening; this must have come out right before the "debunking" of the reality of satanism.
Here's a timely story from Ohio, that references both the Hosanna Church and the Enochian language, with thanks to Professor Pan:
Local Officers Trained In Religious, Occult Crimes
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Among the most disturbing crimes are crimes committed by people who believe supernatural forces are empowering them. Some experts believe those crimes are on the rise.
Now, Central Ohio peace officers are being trained to fight occult and religious-based crimes, NBC 4's Duarte Geraldino reported.
The officers are being trained by the same woman who was called as an expert ritual crimes investigator in the New Orleans satanic child sex abuse case that had ties in Columbus.
That expert believes ritualistic crimes are becoming more and more common, Geraldino reported.
When a Blacklick woman was arrested on suspicion of taking part in a satanic child sex abuse ring in New Orleans, an expert in ritualistic crime was called in to review evidence.
"Ritual sexual abuse, they don't see that as abusing a child. They see that as a mandatory ritual in this particular belief system," said Dr. Dawn Perlmutter, an occult specialist.
"During the training, I show them real evidence that has writing like this," Perlmutter said.
Geraldino: "What's enouchian?"
Perlmutter: "It's an ancient language that a lot of the occult groups use."
Perlmutter said religious criminals believe that what they are doing is not wrong, but the remains of their worship tell a different story, Geraldino reported.
"What you would do is you would find something like this and it would be upside down and there may be blood on it, or it may have been pushed into a victim," she said. "They indoctrinate kids at a young age. They will kill their pets in front of them."
Perlmutter said religious crime is becoming wide spread, fueled by the Internet and the sense of community that some of the groups provide members.
Perlmutter is currently working on two ritual murder cases in Ohio. She also maintains that not all occult or satanic activity is criminal.
I see no reason why Poppy would have any compunctions about sacrificing his son. Happy October.
"Justin Raimondo's three most recent articles on" do not attempt to debunk the claim that intel the British have was not based on the forgeries or is any mention made of the FT articles...I quickly scanned the articles, but did not read anything to this effect.
The only source attempting to debunk the FT articles is here:
Not coming clean
However, inspectors claim that it was the evasive behaviour of Mr Jafar himself and his failure to come clean about the programme that led them to believe that Iraq had to be hiding something.
Mr Jafar also says the British government's assertion that Iraq tried to purchase uranium from Niger is false.
**He said Iraq already had a supply of uranium purchased there in the 1980s.**
**"We had 500 tons of yellow cake [uranium] in Baghdad so why would we get more?" he said.**
and for what it's worth:
Still, experts say Saddam's massive uranium stockpile was largely benign.
Largely? Well, except for the 1.8 tons of uranium that Saddam had begun to enrich. The U.S. Energy Department considered that stockpile so dangerous that it mounted an unprecedented airlift operation four months ago to remove the enriched uranium stash from al Tuwaitha.
two recent updates on Polk/Horowitz murders
ELi polk arrested for battery
Dylesky lawyer resigns
hey jeff,
from what i've seen of boyd rice in his writing (and now from a picture on his website, thanks to your hyper-link), he appears to be a full-fledged skinhead fascist. now, of course, i may be wrong, but my occult radar hasn't failed me lately.
this all has given me strange flashbacks to your post of a few months ago on mr. myatt and his occult / fascist resume. what other similarities can we find between the stories of mr. myatt and mr. rice?
Boyd Rice is NOT a "skinhead fascist". Please, there's plenty both by and about him out there, so do some research of your own! He's, for better or worse, more than such a simplistic and demeaning decription would imply. I'm a fan of his music,- noise -primarily, but "skinhead fascist" is playing it mighty fast, loose, and downright insulting.
Given the recent discussions here equating UFO encounters to traditional folkloric materials, I couldn't help being struck by how much Dyleski's mother's description of removing "alien implants" resembled traditional shamanistic methods of healing by removing "elf-bolts" -- that is to say, small foreign objects conceived as the cause of illness.
I've got nowhere to go with this at the moment. Just another observation to add to the pile.
I keep hoping, perhaps in vain, that eventually you'll stop lumping all this stuff under some vague category of 'occultism' and make some structured conclusions.
I mean okay: the world is not as it seems. we get it. you've done that job. move on.
now what?
Found this in the news today. One can only imagine what this means, but if the stolen items from Niger lead 9 months later to 9/11, well...
Dutch court loses A Q Khan's files, judge suspects CIA
'The Amsterdam court, which sentenced the father of Pakistan's nuclear programme Abdul Qadeer Khan to four years in prison in 1983, has lost Khan's legal files and the court's vice-president suspects the CIA had a hand in the documents' disappearance.
"Something is not right, we just don't lose things like that," judge Anita Leeser told Dutch news show NOVA late yesterday.
"I find it bewildering that people lose files with a political goal, especially if it is on request of the CIA. It is unheard of," she added....Khan, who admitted in 2004 that he had leaked nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea and Libya, worked as an engineer in the Netherlands at Urenco, an uranium enrichment plant in the 1970s....A month ago former Dutch prime minister Ruud Lubbers said Khan was let go at the request of US intelligence services.'
didn't mean to insult, but a) his head is shaved, so he is a literal skinhead if not the other type b) he is/was a member of the Church of Satan's Council of Nine and c) he proclaims himself to be an "aesthetic fascist" at the very least.
here's some info about boyd, i believe from his own website:
also, a simple google search brought up this:
and from larouche's people:
be well...
It's getting deep in here.
Anyone ever find any solidity regarding that "cross" carved into that woman? I'm beginning to suspect it's one hundred percent canard.
I don't mean to commend Rice by quoting him. He does appear to be an esoteric fascist, and that adds an interesting gloss to his commentary on the Cross of Lorraine. From Tim's whrtf link:
"Rice could not be reached for comment, but his Web site provides links to interviews in which he has stated that he is a fascist, loyal to the late Anton LaVey (head of the Church of Satan), a misogynist, a misanthrope and an opponent of democratic values. In an interview with 'Misanthrope' in 1997, for example, he defined himself as a fascist, but denied being a neo-Nazi, saying 'Nazi' is 'a real specific term.'"
"Re: Animal mutilations - how exactly is this related to the Horowitz/Polk murders???"
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply there was a connection, beyond a generalized occult subtext.
The octopus is emerging.
zac -
Not all of this is about connecting data-points. Perhaps the most important statement in Jeff's post is "the world is not the world."
Which could be taken, as a minimum, as meaning, "the world as we construct it is not the real world." Or perhaps even, "the reality we inhabit is not true reality."
I'm reminded of a story the Sufis tell about the trickster figure Mullah Nasruddin. (There is also something very similar in Phil Dick's Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.)
When Nasruddin came home one day, his wife told him that the cat had eaten a five-pound roast she'd meant to cook for dinner. Nasruddin put the cat on the scales and it weighed exactly five points. "Well," he said. "If this is the weight of the cat, then what became of the roast? Or if this is the weight of the roast, then what became of the cat?"
If everything we take to be real and solid is revealed to be permeated through and through by the occult, then what becomes of the real and solid?
It's far too easy to think of "the occult" as something out there that has no effect on our daily lives and won't bother us unless we go looking for it. (Much like the quantum realm.) But what if the occult is everywhere and everything? What if the occult is us?
Then there's this story from the Saramento Bee:
Teen: Father feared a plot
The attorney believed a cult was out to murder him, his son says.
Armed with a paintball gun, a Taser and a derringer, Sacramento defense attorney Richard W. Hamlin loaded his wife and four children into the family van and went to Granite Bay in search of a woman who wanted to kill him, the lawyer's teenage son testified Tuesday.
"He told me to take frozen paintballs to shoot out the windows," 18-year-old Ryan Hamlin told jurors on the first day of trial in El Dorado Superior Court.
The younger Hamlin, the first witness to take the stand in a trial expected to take up to seven weeks, said his father believed he was the target of a murder plot involving a satanic cult.
A well-known veteran defense attorney and former Sacramento County prosecutor, Richard Hamlin is charged with 18 felony counts of torture, spousal abuse, making death threats, negligent discharge of a handgun and child endangerment. If convicted, the 45-year-old faces a life term in prison.
In opening statements to the jury of eight women and four men, Deputy District Attorney Vicki Ashworth said the case had nothing to do with conspiracies or devil worshippers.
"This case is about domestic violence and abuse," Ashworth said. No one else connected with the case has been charged.
Richard Hamlin's world began to crumble in late 2003, the teenager testified, after 20 years of marriage and a successful legal career that provided the family with a $1 million hilltop mansion in El Dorado Hills.
Hamlin would beat his wife, Susan, "five days out of seven," Ryan Hamlin testified. When Richard Hamlin was arrested in February 2004, she had a broken nose and fractured ribs.
Susan Hamlin, also a lawyer who formerly worked at one of the largest firms in Sacramento, was a prisoner of fear in her own home, according to the prosecution.
Richard Hamlin is representing himself and, in his opening statement, told jurors that his 48-year-old wife had turned the couple's children against him and is lying about the domestic violence to avoid being prosecuted for her role in a murder plot to have him killed as a "Christian trophy."
Her injuries were caused by satanic cult members who were angry with her for not going along with the plan, Richard Hamlin told jurors.
In a tape recording of her statement to police that Hamlin played for jurors, Susan Hamlin admits to most of what her husband claims.
"Stick to the plan or I was going to end up dead," Susan Hamlin is heard saying in a noticeably tired voice in the recording made two days before Hamlin's arrest. She later recanted, saying she made the admission out of fear of her husband.
Richard Hamlin told jurors that his wife was suffering from emotional turmoil as she was beginning to deal with repressed memories of being molested as a child by her father.
Hamlin accused his wife's father of using satanic cult worship and videos depicting murder, commonly called "snuff films," as tools to control his family members and others from going to police.
"There is no way that I manipulated this or put things in her head," said Richard Hamlin, who was dressed in a black suit, white shirt and a red stripe tie.
In tracing two years of domestic violence, the younger Hamlin told jurors that his father, who had two other handguns in the house and a sword, had the family living in terror. They couldn't answer the phone or have friends over, he said.
His father started going off the deep end, the teen said, when he would go through his mother's family pictures and school yearbooks.
"He found some code in the books," said the younger Hamlin, who avoided looking at his father during most of his testimony. At one point, when he was describing how he was separated from his brother and two sisters, he and his father exchanged stares.
On the night of the trip to Granite Bay, the teenager said his father first dropped off his two little sisters, leaving his little brother and him with their parents as they drove aimlessly through Placer County streets. After his wife couldn't produce a street address for a woman named Lisa, Richard Hamlin pistol-whipped her with his .38-caliber derringer, Ryan Hamlin testified.
At one point, the father stepped out of the van and ordered the boys to keep an eye on their mother.
"I was pointing my paintball gun at her. My dad said if she moved to shoot her," Ryan Hamlin said.
Later, Richard Hamlin took his wife out of the van to an abandoned field.
"We thought my dad was going to shoot my mom. It seemed like he was going to kill her," the teenager said.
Ryan Hamlin's testimony resumes this morning before Judge Eddie T. Keller in the Placerville courtroom.
hey pan,
that placer county item is just about the most disturbing story i've read over the past few years. maybe more sick than this whole polk-horowitz-vitale horror. what's your take? is the guy's kid making up the abuse that he allegedly dished out to his wife? the boy's testimony is rather convincing.
I can't help but think that all these little stories in this blog are the result of too much drug abuse by the perps. In my mind, nothing else could explain murder with mutilation, kidnapping clowns, child porno, snuff films, etc. But then again, maybe I've lead a very sheltered life.
Got to go with p-tar's analysis re Horowitz. Plus, any names uncovered by Horowitz, say involved in satanic and drug sales (of which that area is rife), will be protected. How many kids have mothers that are remote viewers, FGS? Was she trained in our covert government program? Stranger still, the Polk boy and his girlfriend were originally considered suspects. Wasn't Dylesky's lawyer also involved with Scott Peterson?
Then there's the Richard Hamlin case. Some interesting background info:,hamlin,grandjury,7,7,05.htm
Be sure to click to read Susan's letter to her father renouncing him and his satanic cult.
I thing I'm going to reread Nathaniel Hawthorne's Yound Goodman Brown.
"...a sheltered life." Yeah, it makes me realize there is even more I should be thankful for. And also, how much I should appreciate all the humdrum, basic, ordinary, nice people my life is immersed with. Every one of them.
In the late fall of 2004, held in jail without bail since his arrest, Richard Hamlin hired private investigator Ted Gunderson...,hamlin,grandjury,7,7,05.htm
Okay, here's where it gets even more creepy:
Renowned and well-respected investigative reporter, Virginia McCullough from has discovered the following:
“Dr. Siemer is a high ranking member of a CIA sanctioned child molestation ring called “the Finders.”
This of course is consistent with Michael Riconosciuto’s testimony that Dr. Siemer worked on illegal biological warfare research for the CIA and US Intelligence groups in Indio in 1982."
Dr. Siermer is Susan Hamlin's father.
I shouldn't joke, but:
What a dreadful story. I am so saddened that the poor animal had to endure such abuse, that you had to see it, and that I must now know of it. Guess that's why these things are usually referred to as "unspeakable" crimes. I am so depressed and distressed.
I'm getting interested in the connection between porno and satanism. A young friend recently told me that more and more porno actresses are wearing "strange-looking crosses", and that occult symbols like the Eye of Osiris are showing up with regularity in films and pictures.
I can't say that I'm surprised by this, as porno and satanism have the same rebellious quality to them. It seems to be about running to the farthest corner from Christianity, and becoming it's doppleganger, however misguided that may be. Such extreme behavior only serves to bind
one to the other extreme. Likewise, Christians run like rabbits from their sexuality into unreal piousness. In the end, either side is as hypocritical as the other.
"But what if the occult is everywhere and everything? What if the occult is us?"
whoa, you just dropped me off into a floorless room there, friend....
a swimming sea indeed!
procrasta nation,
Thanks for the story of your Scarborough discovery. You mention the Process Church and German Shepherds. I wrote about its offshoot, the "Four P Movement," here:
Four P rituals were conducted "on the basis of a stellar timetable, including the sacrifice of Doberman and German shepherd dogs":
Beginning in June 1968, authorities in San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Los Gatos began recording discovery of canines, skinned and drained of blood without apparent motive. As the director of the Santa Cruz animal shelter told [Ed] Sanders, "Whoever is doing this is a real expert with a knife. The skin is cut away without even marking the flesh. The really strange thing is that these dogs have been drained of blood." If we accept the word of isolated witnesses, the missing blood was drunk by cultists in their ceremonies. So, according to reports, was human blood, obtained from sacrificial victims murdered on a dragon-festooned altar.
great white quark -
It sounds like you're thinking of the old limerick:
I wish that my room had a floor
I don't care so much for a door
But this crawling around
Without touching the ground
Is getting to be quite a bore
Kudos Procrasta Nation,
Great research and astute commentary, very competent investigative work. According to Maury Terry, their particular favored breed of German Shepard is the Alsatian, which phonetically sounds very close to "All-Satan".
My republican friends have now conceded that at least one prominent WH official will be indicted. They have taken up the spin, however, saying "so what?" There was no real crime comitted. Saddam WAS trying to get yellow cake. Plame was no longer a working asset. I retort, so, what if it wasn't a crime...I'll give you that. But, what about obstruction of justice? What if the investigation were to expand to prove that the Bush administration had knowingly twisted intelligence to get the approval to invade Iraq? Doesn't matter, they answer (with less conviction). Saddam had to go. So, I reply, did he have to go so bad that our bill of rights, our place in the international community, and several tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars had to go with him? I ask them if they know how many times the Bush administration has changed its "reason" for going to war. By then they are usually trying to change the subject or are saying " and your conspiracty theories..." It's crazy. They won't even take the truth as a hypothetica "what if" situation. However, I have noticed the knee jerk defense of the past...the "yeah, well, what about Clinton" auto response is not being employed. What boggles my mind is how the Fitzgerald investigation came so far. Perhaps this was "allowed" in the same way that Watergate investigation was allowed. We shall see if it pans out the same was as Iran/Contra and Iraqgate, which is the most likely scenario. Kind of like a market correction concept applied to politics, that has nothing to do with, law, honor, freedom or ethics of any kind.
hey starroute
thanks for enriching my limerick store.
i think you made it up though...
Jeff, you left out the 4th intimation that this world is not the real world (I should have copied and pasted your statement).
The Chicago White Sox finally win the World Series. That's gotta have some relevance somehow. ;)
great white -
Made it up myself? That's quite a compliment, but I'm not that good. It's Gelett Burgess. Goes back over 100 years.
(My mother used to recite it to me when I was little.)
FWIW - The DisinFolks just launched a new website with Podcast:
Thelema Coast to Coast
The podcast dedicated to the exploration of Thelema, Aleister Crowley, the New Aeon, ceremonial magick, and the occult.
The fact that the alleged murderer's mom is a New Ager who specializes in implant removal is indicative of little more to me than the fact that this crime occurred in the Bay Area.
Some perspective: Hundreds, maybe thousands of people per year go through various forms of clairvoyant training offered by any number of institutions here in the Bay Area. Some of these programs teach psychic methods for implant neutralization. How do I know? I spent 2 years in one of those programs myself.
A certain percentage of these people take that training and parlay it into a business, which is easy to do in this very psychic-friendly part of the world. Sounds like the boy's mother and her business partner where just another set of these garden-variety psychics.
The point being: You don't have to be connected to secret mind-control ops to practice the art of implant removal; it's an esoteric art, but in this area of the country it's nonetheless a rather commonly-practiced one.
Just heard that the mother of
Dylesky was arrested for aiding and abetting, who, wasn't reported. Apparantly, it has something to do with the fact that Dylesky had sex with his girlfriend after the murder. Be interesting to see what develops next.
Yep, here's a link:
Now I *could* be reading alot into it, but does anyone else find it titilating that a cross is artfully intergrated into the Killer's picture?
There sure is alot of Jewish names surrounding this case..Jewish neighbor(handler)?
Oh, wow! et in arcadia ego, that is just too good. Thanks for posting that. Sure, it's just a coincidence that a Christian cross foreshadows the alleged, satantic killer. Or, is it a upside down satanic cross? Are you subliminally programmed yet kids? The battle of good versus evil rages on.
"There’s more to the picture than meets the eye.
Hey hey, my my..." well said Jeff.
Looking at the photo, having already commented about the cross, let's extend the picture to a priestly "father" leaning in to hear the "confession" of Dylesky.
Just a reminder; anything dealing with Mr. Rise should have a disclaimer: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!
Horse death mystery solved
26 Oct 2005
A veterinary investigation has found that 16 horses, which were found dead and lying in a field last week, were killed by lightning.
The incident, which occurred in El Paso County in the US, sparked various rumours amongst the local community with regards to the cause of death.
One resident was convinced the horses had been poisoned. He told the Rocky Mountain News that one of the horses died resting on its knees, which was "evidence the horse was sick from poison and had just dropped to its knees and died".
From poisoning to ice bullets, the number of theories flying around was endless, but now Dr John Heikkila has put an end to the speculation.
He told officials that tissue samples tested at the Colorado School of Veterinary Medicine did not yield any signs of dangerous food sources or poisons.
Here's another "real quiet guy" teenager gone on a shooting spree. Just how many MKULTRA kids are there?
Yet another teenaged shooting spreester.
Presumably everyone saw yesterday's headlines about the weird smell that alarmed New Yorkers. Cannonfire has a good story about past episodes of High Weirdness associated with strange smells:
"In September of 1944, in Mattoon, Illinois, residents reported that a "mad gasser" would approach their homes at night. The Gasser would spray an overpoweringly sweet substance into their windows, leaving the homeowners temporarily paralyzed. A few victims (or their bedmates) claimed to have caught a glimpse of the miscreant -- who (but of course!) was a man dressed in black.
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