Distractions, or something else?

Why would I want to take your life?
You've only murdered my father, raped his wife,
Tattooed my babies with a poison pen,
Mocked my God, humiliated my friends. - Bob Dylan
Since at least the mid-90s I've become pretty good at tuning out American celebrity crime. I don't mean merely the crimes committed by celebrities, but crimes of celebrated notoriety.
JonBenet Ramsey's was the first of the victim's faces I remember shutting out. It wasn't that I thought the case such a distraction; I just didn't want to look. Maybe now, with this as with other cases, it's time we take a second look, or perhaps a first. Thanks to this thread on the RI discussion board for the suggestion. (And not just Ramsey, but let's also examine with new vision the weird and disturbing practice of child beauty pageants.)
John Ramsey of course was a deep imbed of the defense establishment, having been a naval officer and later president of Access Graphics, then-owned by Lockheed Martin, which was rumoured to have been involved in highly classified work for the Pentagon. That's enough right there to raise some natural suspicion. The evidence of longstanding sexual abuse raises another. ("If she had been taken to a hospital emergency room, and doctors had seen the genital evidence, her father would have been arrested," said forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht.)
From The Konformist, some points about the ransom note:
The author knew of John's business activities and a recent huge bonus he had received. The amount demanded for ransom was $118,000, the identical amount to his bonus. The money, the note said, was to be in $100,000 in $100 bills and the rest in $20 bills, placed in "an adequate size attaché case" (the note had an accent mark on the e for attaché, just as there is on the second e of JonBenét.) The note had details of Mr. Ramsey's career in the Navy, describing a year he spent in the Philippines at Subic Bay, called in the note the SBTC, as though the writer referred to the place often by those initials. It also had phrases such as "The delivery will be exhausting," "Any deviation of my instructions will result in the immediate execution of your daughter," and "we are familiar with law enforcement countermeasures and tactics," the kind of jargon popular in military memos. Finally, the note referred to him as "John" 3 times in the last paragraph, but only as Mr. Ramsey in the formal opening. Based on this evidence, it was clear that the writer of the note was a sophisticated person with a military background and intimate knowledge of John Ramsey's life.
And then there's Laci Peterson, a name I've successfully blocked until now.
Matt Dalton, Scott Peterson's former attorney, has written a book titled Presumed Guilty, which argues the case that Laci and her unborn child were ritual slayings.
Here's Dalton, interviewed by MSNBC:
When I talk to witnesses and I read reports from witnesses and seems to indicate that Laci was being followed by two men cussing at her. A woman eight months pregnant is being followed by two men cussing at her. The witness described it and it stood out in her mind because it was so outrageous what she was seeing. At the same location, screaming is heard. At the same location, a suspicious van speeds off. And it's the same van sitting in front of her house 45 minutes before. That's what I think happened to Laci Peterson.
I know from my investigation that several of these satanic cults were found in the Berkeley area. I know from my investigation that seven pregnant women have suddenly disappear in that area. That's an incredible number of people, of pregnant women, to disappear over a three-year period in that general area. That's incredible.
The other thing that I thought was incredible is that Evelyn Hernandez, eight months pregnant, disappears from that area on May 1st, according to the satanic calendar and the Satanists that's called the grand climax, a day of sacrifice. December 24 of the same year, Laci Peterson apparently abducted. Personal property found in the street. Laci Peterson is found in the same San Francisco Bay that Evelyn Hernandez is found in. Laci Peterson has no hands, no feet. Her head is missing. The baby appears to have be removed and handled by somebody, in my opinion. I think that's incredible that two of the seven women that had disappeared, disappeared on satanic days.
Blaming the devil is an old and comic gambit, and even though I've learned enough to say Satanic Ritual Abuse is real, and operates cloaked by a screen of disbelief and enjoys the above-the-law patronage of establishment figures crosswired with military-intelligence "national security," I hope I also know enough not to embrace every "could it be...Satan?" defense. Still, I think aspects of cases such as Ramsey's and Peterson's invite sober re-examination now that such dark possibilities no longer seem so ridiculous.
By the way, I apologize for the irregular posting. It's not for want of trying. I have several drafts on the go, but December is proving a hard month and I'm teetering on burn-out. It'll probably be slow around here until the New Year.
Take your time, Jeff. The good stuff's worth waiting for. Interestingly enough, there's a book about the Ramsey case also called "Presumed Guilty."
I always thought Peterson seemed guilty as hell, but I'm not familiar enough with the case to comment. Does anyone know how much physical evidence actually linked him to Laci's death?
Anonymous one,don't forget the baby was said to have had air in it's lungs before it died.That and the guy in jail who robbed the house next door,says he didn't have anything to do with the missing woman that confronted him,laci.This case almost sounds like the Son of Sam sham,open and shut case,didn't old Ruddy Giuliani have his hands in there,the same old "keep moving there is nothing here to see,we have the right man",later.
This Amazon list may also be helpful to researchers on the Ramsey case. The books are amazingly cheap (if you order used) and the list compiler seems to have read them all.
The compiler's name? "itsthemom." The compiler also describes him/herself as a "Ramsey Case 'zine publisher." Now that I'd like to read.
And check out this book, that "solves" the case using "Reverse Speech." I'm surprised the killer wasn't Led Zeppelin.
I think every veteran spelunker into deep politics is teetering on burn-out.
There is so much out there and the more you look into it, the more leads you find and they are all intense and disturbing.
But the macabre fascination and passion for political-etc resistance by first discovering and then perhaps writing about them quickly fades to an intense frustrtion that except for the small affinity group of fellow spelunkers, no one in the broader public is capable or interested in embracing what we have found, even though embraced quickly enough it could help avoid major pending catastrophes engineered by the NWO-illuminati-TPTB-etc, whatever you call the various competing-cooperating camps above and behind the rich nation states.
When even intelligent open-minded people can barely credit the rudimentary outlines of deep politics 101 and think you are absolutely bonkers when you start adding the occult, satanic ritual abuse, UFO, paranormal, MK-ultra elements, it becomes intensely saddening and frustrating.
Makes me think of homesteads, berift of hope, waiting. Try that on a "liberal" board and all you get is "don't be a defeatist splitter, we'll get 'em in 2006 and Hillary or whovever will sort it all out in 2008)."
No problem, Jeff. If only I could put up as much great material on my blog, as you put up on yours. Happy Holidays.
Cyril must have opened his mouth one too many times- he's in trouble there in Pennsylvania.
It's not often i'm given to posting comments but here i think i must make an exception.
Most of the stories and subjects you cover are new to me, having neither the cultural nor historical background that i suspect most of your readers have (I've lived all my 33 years here in the UK).
Regardless, i'd like to express my support to you for bravely exposing the depravity and inhumanity that exists.
Enjoy your holidays and take stength from us who support you.
All the best.
I'm like Jeff in that I avoided these cases. The thing I wondered about is why they got so much media attention, when there are so many like them across America.
Now, I wonder if the media coverage was part of the plan.
I agree with the others Jeff, you certainly have nothing to apologize for.
I also concur with what the last commenter says: perhaps these cases are specifically created media distractions. In other words, they are some special covert operation to tie up cable TV coverage, which if they didn't have such relatively trivial news to report, might actually report on what the govt is doing. And it helps that these cases also seem to attract viewers.
Take all the time you need to regroup, Jeff. It would give some of us newer to your board more opportunity to read some of your older posts.
As for current book reading, I just finished some stories from an H.P. Lovecraft collection and have now started on "The Stargate Conspiracy".
Welcome to hell, folks!
Mary C.
"teetering on the edge of burnout"
This material is so relentlessly awful it's no wonder. I don't know, Jeff; it's stunning what you've come up with here, the connections that are emerging (or staying stubbornly hidden), the quality of the material you're so patiently unearthing. But maybe it's best to take a break from it for a while. Don't want to sound like a clucking hen, but do feel free to go easy on yourself over the christmas holidays. If this stuff is intensely disturbing to read, god knows what it's like to research it.
But thanks for the blog! I know of nothing else like it anywhere.
I agree with Becky. It would be great, Jeff, if you posted a "for further reading" list, maybe organized by subject in the margin of the page, the way the post subjects are done now. I feel kind of guilty even floating the suggestion, because it's clear that you already devote a lot of time and effort to doing this blog. I always look forward to your posts. Take the time to recharge and happy holidays.
Spooky how certain stories manage to disappear or mysteriously fall off the radar.
Many of us share your burnout feelings Jeff, and as stonefruit points out there is so much putridness in the myst, and so much convergence and synergy of information, and so much connectivity and interconnectedness with fascist/nazi/satanic cult/pedophelia/blackworld/WWO/BushCrimeFamilyCabal/masonic/et al. threads and interpenetrations - that intelligent individuals who happen to stumble upon or actually research these horrorshow realities cannot in good conscience simply wash the filth away.
There is little doubt that something wicked this way comes, and peering deeply into these nightmares is exhausting if not dangerous, - while I trust you are locked, cocked, and ready to rock - you might want to chill.
Enjoy the holidays, and keep your eyes and ears open, and your head up.
With all the excellent work you do, and the many horrific closets you reveal a vacation is well deserved, - but please come back soon. We need you.
The best explanation I've found on Ramsey death is by Bridges and Weidner found here:
S.B.T.C. Victory!
Like your boy Tom says;
"Tell me brave captain
Why are the wicked so strong?
How do the angels get to sleep
When the devil leaves his porchlight on?"
You could always switch to frothy twaddle about the eternal 'Happy Holidays' vs. "Merry Christmas' debate that's all the rage behind Bill O'Reilly's fevered, and quite large, brow.
I can see the whole Santa/Satan angle floating in like a great big slow pitch softball coming in high & easy as it waits for you to blast it into the ether.
My apologies, I've been reading Father Ernetti's Chronovisor, & I see that its taken its toll.
As prep work for weighing in on the whole Merry/Happy, Santa/Satan debate, may I suggest Santa Claus, Last of the Wildmen by Phyllis Siefker.
You'll never look at the jolly old elf the same way again.
We comment here and everywhere else that attempts to gather a rational and shake free from the perpetual mindfucking we recieve from the MSM everyday.
As far as overlooking/dismissing the Peterson case, I know exactly why I let that one go:
It was because he looked guilty as Hell, courtesy of our MSM that indoctrinates us in State-Supported/Authored scoops and false conflicts..
The problem is an insidious one. You sit there durig one segment and yell at a commentator cause you know DAMN well that person is full of shit, but when you see a courtroom face like Peterson's, tall, dark, and Bundy-ish, you don't need much manipulation to withdraw empathy for him. You're conditioned for a guy that looks like that to 'give you the creeps'..
Our media have taught us well to look no further than ourselves in search of the Greatest Human Monstrosities.
And the obsession this country has with looks.."He just didn't look like he was very sorry", or "She didn't speak with much emotion in her testimony..".
This is a Nation of Voyeurs, not trained Psychologists. How the fuck does a person "Look Guilty" in a manner quantifiable by person's whose greatest acts of daily intellect are wiping front to back?
Damning people cause of how they look and speak sure makes it easy for the REAL pricks around here to get away with Murder..
They're the ones with the winning smiles, after all..
You know..the ones voted for by the same people that condemn others to death merely cause they look like killers one would see in a syndicated television show?
But seriously Jeff, I empathize with your weariness. It must have been a burden for you pressing on with this blog post in spite of the reassurances of your forum's very own Modesto resident that we're chasing Smoke and Phantoms..
As if we needed further confirmation of that.
The impression I get when I run across this kind of petty, unvieled weakness in our adversaries is rather telling for me. Back in the day, Guy de Rais at least championed the horror of making his own candles out of the rendered fat of the children he predated upon; these low-rent motherfuckers in today's society probably do all their candle and everything else shopping at Walmart like the rest of America's Bell Curve..
Take your break, Jeff. In my book, you stand without peer.
Get on that radio station of yours, spin some tunes, and chill with your family. I reached critical mass a few days ago myself at CTC and took at break of my own. At the very least, we can take joy in the fact that we're still human enough to wither under the Basilisk's Eye.
The day you stop caring is the one you'd better watch out for, homey..
Take care,
By the way..If I was somehow aware some freaky cult people had done a number on my wife and I'd go to the electric chair before convincing anyone of it, I'd pretty much have a perpetual Shit Face on too..
I'm not saying the guy's innocent; I don't have enough particulars in this case, cause I pulled an associational reaction like everyone else seemed to do. But the cult of personality that attaches so much significance to these kinds of things..
What a fucking joke.
I feel I have disrespected the Dead in being so shallow and easily manipulated.
RIP, Lacie, Jon Bennet, and all those who have passed out of life in Horror..
Goddamn the Pusher man..
91 pages but worth your interest. http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/political_ponerology_lobaczewski.htm
At the same time, psychopaths are good impostors. They have absolutely no hesitation about forging and brazenly using impressive credentials to adopt professional roles that bring prestige and power. They pick professions in which the requisite skills are easy to fake, the jargon is easy to learn, and the credentials are unlikely to be thoroughly checked. Psychopaths find it extremely easy to pose as financial consultants, ministers, psychological counselors and psychologists. And that’s a scary thought.
Psychopaths make their way by conning people into doing things for them; obtaining money for them, prestige, power, or even standing up for them when others try to expose them. But that is their claim to fame. That’s what they do. And they do it very well. What’s more, the job is very easy because most people are gullible with an unshakable belief in the inherent goodness of man which, I should add, has been programmed into normal people by psychopaths.
Returning to the work of Lobaczewski, he next gives us the most important clues as to how and why a truly global conspiracy can and does exist on our planet though it certainly isn’t a conspiracy in the normally accepted sense of the word. You could even say that such conspiracies arise simply as a natural result of the un-bridgeable divide between normal people and deviants. In a certain sense, understanding the view the psychopath has of “normal people,” that they are “other” and even “foreign,” helps us to realize how such conspiracies can be so “secret” - though that is not the precise word we would like to use. Even if different ponerological groups are opposed to each other, they will still exclude "normal people" from their confidences. It is only the "normal" people who have been induced into their webs that provide the "leaks." Lobaczewski describes it in the following way:
In any society in this world, psychopathic individuals and some of the other deviants create a ponerogenically active network of common collusions, partially estranged from the community of normal people. Some inspirational role of the essential psychopathy in this network also appears to be a common phenomenon.
They are aware of being different as they obtain their life experience and become familiar with different ways of fighting for their goals. Their world is forever divided into “us and them” - their world with its own laws and customs and that other foreign world full of presumptuous ideas and customs in light of which they are condemned morally.
Their “sense of honor” bids them cheat and revile that other human world and its values. In contradiction to the customs of normal people, they feel non-fulfillment of their promises or obligations is customary behavior.
They also learn how their personalities can have traumatizing effects on the personalities of those normal people, and how to take advantage of this root of terror for purposes of reaching their goals.
This dichotomy of worlds is permanent and does not disappear even if they succeed in realizing their dreams of gaining power over the society of normal people. This proves that the separation is biologically conditioned.
Just an aside... I was watching a Simpsons episode yesterday (the Stonecutters/Homer the Great). In it, Homer follows Lenny and Carl to their secret meeting place by attaching a leaky bucket of paint to their car. He follows "the yellow drip road" to the Stonecutters headquarters, only to find that the secret conspiratorial organization that runs the world is really a bunch of drunken, juvenile kooks.
To me, the message was clear: the Curtain (Freemasons, Illuminati, etc...) is a front, meant to intimidate and confuse. And the Man Behind the Curtain is merely (a psychopathic) human. The Simpsons rule.
Anonymous One,some interesting shit just broke out of Montreal,Greg Szymanski reports that current documents show mind control programs are still going on today,do you think?
I stumbled onto your site a few weeks back and am ever so grateful. Now I have my cup of coffee and see what you have to offer. Your work is excellent, at times upsetting but always honest. My father was special ops then cia so I have no trouble with being in the rabbit hole. There are lots of really sick things going on in the world and my dear old dad was part of the problem. This isn't something you can just sit down with many people and talk about. They tend to get upset or call you rather nasty things. So it is often easier to just shut up. With your site I am able to feel like I am not just one lunatic screeming in the wind. Feeling burned out I think is a natural effect of good people confronted by dark things. The fact you don't just go off whistling or sticking your head in the sand says alot about you. If you need to take time off, you are well worth the wait.
I would love to see some more focused consideration of the military-industrial complex in the New Year.
As your discussion of John Ramsey reminds me, MIC-related topics keep arising here, ranging from Aquino and psy-ops/mind-control concerns to Stubblebine and the UFO disinfo community. There's also the peculiar prominence of Christian fundamentalists like General Boykin. But I don't believe we've ever tried to consider these topics as a whole and ask just exactly what is going on in the military.
We Americans are conditioned to believe that "our" government keeps a tight rein on the military, so that if there are evil schemes afoot, they must be located among civilian political figures or perhaps the CIA. To think that the military is actually running the show would be just too third world.
But there's a great deal of evidence that if this is not already the case, it is well under way towards being instituted. From the sidelining of the CIA and its supplanting by the DIA as the prime source of intelligence and covert operations, to little Georgie parading around in military get-up, to the federal co-opting of National Guard and Reserve units, to the apparent intention to undo posse commitatus and institute martial law at the first excuse, everything points to an ongoing militarization of the lines of power in American society.
And the military, as is becoming clear, is not only a hierarchical, secretive, and innately cult-like organization, but is a hotbed of several different varieties of extremist worldviews.
The arms merchants -- the other side of the military-industrial complex -- are just as pernicious in their own way but not nearly as disturbing. I'm sure the majority of Boeing employees have perfectly normal personal and family lives. About the military (or at least the higher-ranked officers) I'm not so sure.
I'm not about to say we should NOT maintain a healthy fear of our armed forces, but what I think we should really be wary of, is the independent/trans-national quasi-military/security contractors. These guys operate outside of national boundaries, above national allegiances. We've already seen private military forces deployed in New Orleans after Katrina. To whom will they owe allegiance- our flag, or their paycheck?
I keep thinking about the notion of the military as a cult. It's not something that had occurred to me before -- it just popped out as I was posting above. But the more I play with the idea, the more sense it makes.
For example here's a definition of "cult" quoted at Wikipedia:
"A cult is a group or movement exhibiting a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea or thing and employing unethically manipulative techniques of persuasion and control (e.g. isolation from former friends and family, debilitation, use of special methods to heighten suggestibility and subservience, powerful group pressures, information management, suspension of individuality or critical judgement, promotion of total dependency on the group and fear of [consequences of] leaving it, etc) designed to advance the goals of the group's leaders to the actual or possible detriment of members, their families, or the community."
And here's one of several cult checklists, also from Wikipedia:
1. A movement that separates itself from society, either geographically or socially;
2. Adherents who become increasingly dependent on the movement for their view on reality;
3. Important decisions in the lives of the adherents are made by others;
4. Making sharp distinctions between us and them, divine and satanic, good and evil, etc. that are not open for discussion;
5. Leaders who claim divine authority for their deeds and for their orders to their followers;
6. Leaders and movements who are unequivocally focused on achieving a certain goal.
Some of that has always been true of the military, though perhaps not to such a degree as currently. The divine authority part and the good/evil distinction definitely seem to be taking center stage now in a way they never did before.
The all-volunteer military would be an obvious cause for the shift, since it means the recruits are generally younger, less educated, less inclined to challenge authority, and more easily influenced.
But I also have a strong suspicion that there are people deliberately infusing cult-like aspects into the military -- with the recent Air Force Academy proselytizing scandal as one reflection of this.
Some very interesting material re: the JonBenet case can be found at the link below. The deeper you dig into that case the more rotten it gets.
The JonBenet Ramsey Case: Emerging Child Sex-Ring Allegations, Political Connections and a Suspect
by Alex Constantine
"John Ramsey of course was... a naval officer and later president of Access Graphics, then-owned by Lockheed Martin..."
As an aside, there seem to be many Bush administration ties to Lockheed, including Deputy Director of the National Security Council Steve Hadley, a former partner in Shea and Gardner, the Washington law firm of Lockheed Martin...
Undersecretary of the Air Force Albert Smith is a former Lockheed vice-president, and Lynn Cheney was a longtime Lockheed Martin Board member...
The Bruce Jackson / Center for Security Policy / Rumsfeld connection is curious also, as is the Baroness:
Meet Baroness Elizabeth Conway Symons of Vernham Dean, and her husband Phil Bassett. Baroness Symons may be fairly described as the London counterpart to Lynne Cheney, the wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, and a leading figure in trans-Atlantic neoconservative cirles.
As Minister of State for Defense Procurement for Prime Minister Blair (1999-2001), Baroness Symons approved a contract of nearly $500 million to Dick Cheney's Halliburton Corp., to transport British tanks and other heavy equipment to battle fronts...
In October 2001, Baroness Symons was involved in negotiating and approving a $200-billion contract for the Joint Strike Fighter which went to Lockheed Martin, a company on whose board, at the time, sat Lynne Cheney. During April 2001, Lynne Cheney had travelled on several occasions to England, as an informal "cultural emissary" of the Bush-Cheney Administration, meeting with British intellectuals and promoting the "English-speaking partnership."
(Ms. Cheney completed her doctorate at the University of Wisconsin on leading 19th-Century British neo-Kantian writer Matthew Arnold, whose work inspired the later launching of the British Fabian Society, the principal 20th-Century arm of British imperialism.)
Up until recently, her husband Phil Bassett was the head of the intelligence unit at 10 Downing Street, and was a central player in the so-called "Blair Dossiers" scandals... leading to the March 19, 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Bassett's name appeared frequently in the Hutton inquiry into the death of British weapons expert David Kelly...
Lockheed-Martin is all over the place -- naturally enough, since it's both the largest defense contractor and the largest defense lobbyist. The revolving door between government and industry certainly works overtime for it. (It's also getting heavily into homeland security and TIA-type stuff.)
However, I wouldn't lean too heavily on anything the LaRouchies might say on this issue, since their version of conspiracy theory depends heavily on high-level Anglo-American entanglements, and they're prone to selective use of data to support it.
When a company like Lockheed-Martin is able to buy as many politicians as it wants, the real question is not who in government has been taking its money, but rather what its own objectives are and what policies it chooses to promote.
I agree with everyone else Jeff. The stuff is "good". I don't mind waiting for the next one.
Regarding the Peterson case, I pay little attention when there is mass qty of press coverage. To me that's a sure sign that TPTB want your attention focused away from something. Like the OJ case I knew the verdict wasn't going to tell us who did the crime. I'm surprised at so many feeling that Scott was guilty. He sure seemed guilty and he definitely is a slime but something in my gut told me there was more there than met the eye. I don't think he did it. Unfortunately we are all aware that there are ways in which a person can be forced to sit quietly by while a guilty verdict is read. My gut reaction score is pretty good. I'll go with my gut on this one.
Have a Merry Christmas and I dare anyone to tell me "not" to say that!!
Anonymous said...
I agree with Becky. It would be great, Jeff, if you posted a "for further reading" list ...
I actually emailed Jeff about this awhile back, suggesting a similar post. I'd love to know which books he thinks are the best intros into a lot of the subjects touched on here.
Not that I'm nagging, but I do hope that post is one of the ones in the pipeline.
Regardless, this is one of my favourites blogs. And Jeff, best wishes for the winter months. You deserve it.
P.S. Jeff has a short piece in the latest issue of The Walrus. So go check it out!
"You're conditioned for a guy that looks like that to 'give you the creeps'"
Well, Peterson is a creep. How many guys call their girlfriend during their missing wife's candlelight vigil, pretending to be in Paris with two buddies? I don't know if the dude killed his wife, but something was wrong. If it'd been me, I would not have done those interviews and lied like Scott did. If your very pregnant wife has been abducted, you should behave as though you give a shit. Just my .02.
JonBenet: DNA Rules Out Parents
March 26, 2005
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
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Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
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Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................
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