Interview with Kathleen Sullivan (Part Three)

Many thanks to Kathleen for this, and for parts one and two. A fourth part will follow.
Observing public figures and government officials, do you ever suspect that some are themselves alters? If so, what are the indicators?
I believe that our current President has a strong dissociative disorder. I can’t go into too many details about why I believe this, other than to state that I have received quite a bit of information, for over four years, from journalists and investigators who have identified a number of behaviors that are also common among many dissociated mind-control victims. My favorite example has been his response (shown in Fahrenheit 911) after he was told about the terrorist attack in New York. His seven-minute trance state was quite startling. Dissociating, or going into a strong trance-state, is typical among trauma survivors who tend to mentally “check out” when they encounter a situation that is overwhelming, or mentally or emotionally intolerable. Seven minutes is a VERY long time for a Commander in Chief trance out in front of a group of children, ON CAMERA, while his advisors stand in the wings, waiting for his response.
I have tried to figure out whether other prominent politicians have dissociative tendencies, but frankly, I find it very difficult to do. Although, I have heard from journalists and investigators who state they have “figured out” some other politicians, I have not received information to convince me that their theories are valid. On the other hand, I did know several politicians who, away from the public eye, would sometimes regress into child alter-states. This is different than an individual whose primary, or presenting, persona is an altered state of consciousness. The individuals I’m referring to, appeared to be normally in control of themselves and cognizant of what was occurring around them. In other words, their host or primary personas were usually “out” and in charge – especially in public. But sometimes, when they were in private and let their guard down, they appeared to “switch” into a younger altered state of consciousness. At such times, their vocabulary would become simpler and they were more likely to use concrete instead of abstract thinking. Their voices and faces also would also become noticeably younger. I never liked it when they switched like that, because, their child alter-states were brutal and sadistic, and were more likely to lose control of themselves and do especially awful things to me and other victims. They were also more likely, at those times, to forget who I was, and treat me as if I was a female from their past who they hated. Those were especially difficult and dangerous experiences.
You mention discovering occultists operating under the cover of Christian fundamentalism. In your experience, is that widespread?
I was, in the past, a Christian fundamentalist. That was part of how I was kept under control. Numerous scriptures and traditional teachings were used to direct my mind and keep me compliant. (This included being taught that I could not divorce my first husband, who was an active handler, unless I was able to prove that he committed adultery. In several fundamentalist churches, I was also reminded that as his wife, I was expected to submit unto him as I would unto the Lord, even if he were to beat me to death in the process.) I believe that reasonably intelligent criminals would find it easier to be a part of a fundamentalist church, because such a church’s rules and traditional mores are especially easy to remember.
I’ve known many criminal occultists, as well as career pedophiles, who would win the trust of a church’s leaders, become leaders themselves, and then gain access to the keys to the church, other members’ children, or both. A criminally minded sociopath who has spent all of his or her life mimicking others - to be believed or accepted - will especially be adept at faking being a genuine, Bible-believing, Jesus-worshipping Christian. Several pastors in Georgia, who were warned by others that local criminal occultists were infiltrating their churches, asked me if I believed that the church leaders could use a litmus test by asking the suspects to say that Jesus is Lord. They believed this could work, because the Bible states that demons cannot say it. They were quite unhappy when I reminded them that these are individuals who choose to do evil out of their free will. Such devious individuals can smile with joy and declare that “Jesus is Lord” all day and still do the worst to other human beings.
The only litmus test that has worked for me, so far, is that such individuals may say and do all the “right” things, and may even be unusually charismatic and compelling, but I am not able to feel any “gut to gut” connection with them. This occurs because people who fake being who they are, are not – at least at that moment – able to be genuine, and to emotionally connect with others. By the way, I need to clarify that although I choose to be a non-fundamentalist Christian, I am not opposed to any person’s right to choose another religion. What I am opposed to, is any person who uses his or her religion – Christian or Satanism or whatever – to restrict the rights of, or to do harm to, other human beings.
Is such infiltration widespread? I don’t know that this is what we should be most concerned about. What we do need to remember is that people who go to church are still fully human. Saved or not, redeemed or not, committed to their God or not, they can still do wonderful things and awful things. Every day gives us new choices. As long as we wear mental blinders and believe we are “safer” while attending a church, we are not going to be sufficiently self-protective. And we are also going to put our children at greater risk of being harmed. Dr. Anna Salter explained this danger in her marvelous book, Predators. I believe it should be required reading for every religious leader and for every person who is – in any way - responsible for the welfare of children.
Did you ever observe "shape-shifting" or other paranormal phenomena at occult rites?
I only remember seeing two weird things happen at occult rituals. My father, who was a high priest of a small cult in Pennsylvania, would sometimes tell me that he was "Lucifer." When he went into what seemed to be an altered state by that name, his eyes would turn red. That really freaked me out. About seven years ago, a former CIA officer explained to me that this was actually a family-generational trick, that may have a genetic component. He said that people like my father, who has a Druid family background, learned how to increase the amount of blood in his eyes. I don’t know if that officer was telling me the truth or not, but it did help me realize that my father was not possessed by Lucifer back then.
One other phenomenon that I experienced, was when I was made to lay on my back on a stone altar, again as a child. My father sprinkled a circle of powder around the altar, then set it on fire. A large male "creature" walked through the fire, totally naked, and dad told me it was called "Incubus." After he did his worst to me, he walked away. Now, I suspect that the "Incubus" was probably just a big man with a shaved head and shaved, dyed skin. For all I know, they might have filmed the whole thing and sold it as child porn.
Can you tell us a bit about UFOs and screen memories?
I can only share what I have personally experienced. What I share may or may not "fit" with what other survivors are able to recollect. One of the methods that were used extensively to trick my mind, even when I was an adult, was Eriksonian hypnosis. It worked well because I was almost always in a trance state anyway. It was very easy for a person, skilled in hypnotism, to say certain words or phrases to me that influenced me to fully believe that - for example - a helicopter that was about to land in front of us was a UFO, and its pilots were aliens from Uranus. However, as I have remembered such experiences, I have remembered that even though I BELIEVED the vehicle was a UFO, I actually saw a military copter.
There was one odd occasion in which I was taken to a below-ground installation with large tunnels. I was introduced, by adults dressed in white suits, to what I was told were "alien" children. Although I believed they were aliens at that time, later, a handler told me that the children were actually the result of decades of genetic experimentation. The handler also explained that the children are raised to BELIEVE that they are aliens, and are even taught a very different language. One of those children did look remarkably like some of the drawings I’ve seen in publications, of traditional "aliens."
On another occasion, I was escorted by the individual I call "Lucian" into a large, warehouse-sized room that was set up to look like the inside of a big UFO. We entered the room through a shower-sized entrance that was walled on both ends by shimmery, soft strands of a silver metallic substance. A number of tall adults in the fake UFO wore what were clearly "alien" costumes. Lucian bragged to me, as he was wont to do, that others like me were brought to that specific facility to be given UFO/Alien abduction programming. Because I was not hypnotized to believe that it was the inside of a UFO, and because Lucian seemed to need to brag to somebody about how clever they were, I never forgot that it was a fake set-up. I now believe that these kinds of fake memories were created in the minds of controlled slaves to discredit them, should they ever remember the "aliens" and talk about them. I believe that the fake memories were also installed to block out the survivors’ memories of real perpetrators and real events.
Thanks AGAIN Jeff and Kathleen.
Two curious bits of info I picked up last night, but I can't find anything further this morning. Maybe it's a piece of the puzzle, maybe not. Bush people seem to like to "entertain" a lot.
Republican media adviser R. Gregory Stevens, who recently served as co-chairman of the Bush/Cheney Entertainment Task Force, was found dead Saturday in the Hollywood home of actress Carrie Fisher.
"He passed away here, and in a place where he was loved," Miss Fisher said yesterday from her home in Los Angeles.
Mr. Stevens, 42, was scheduled to attend the Academy Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday night and was staying with Miss Fisher at the time of his death. The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office said yesterday that the cause of death was unknown, pending results of toxicology tests.
It's the question even the mainstream-left AMERICABlog wants to know of GOP operative and male prostitute "Jeff Gannon": "In what capacity did you entertain Tony Blair during his visit on July 17, 2003?"
The question arises because of a note in the minutes of a meeting of the TKE fraternity chapter at West Chester University's alumni association. "Gannon" had been participating in chapter affairs under the identity of "J. D. Guckert," an alumnus of the chapter. The Aug. 24 2003 minutes report of a July 17 advisory board meeting that "JD Guckert was busy entertaining the Prime Minister of Great Britain (not a joke)."
And in the story Gannon filed, he seems to have been present at the Blair / Bush news conference, and possibly even their "private meeting."
Blair Speaks to Congress, Briefs With Bush
By Jeff Gannon
Talon News
July 18, 2003
Bush and Blair concluded the joint press conference and met privately before the Prime Minister departed Washington for Japan. President Bush left shortly thereafter for Crawford, TX.
"He said that people like my father, who has a Druid family background, learned how to increase the amount of blood in his eyes."
Sorry, but this proves beyond a doubt that this woman is a nutcase who wouldn't know "the occult" if she fell face-first in it. She's a victim of mind control, all right, and IMHO they should start with her "therapist"'s agenda.
"I don’t know if that officer was telling me the truth or not..."
You neglected to add that qualifier. So what does that prove about you?
Quite a perceptive and
well-written blog (and that’s coming from a journalist with several years’ experience
in the news biz). However, my first comment to you, which I posted a few months back, appears to have been mysteriously deleted after a short time, so I will reprise it here to the best of my
That first comment was in regard to your Dick Cheney post wherein you quoted a professed mind-control survivor, Cathy O’Brien, who alleged she suffered sadistic torture at Cheney’s hands (and other parts). These and other outlandish stories, plus some that are more plausible, appear in
“Trance-formation of America,” the book authored by O’Brien and her
partner/“deprogrammer” Mark Phillips.
I have read “Trance-formation”
compared it with other survivor accounts (such as “Starshine” by the pseudonymous Brice Taylor). I also met O’Brien and Phillips in 1995 during their book- and membership-selling tour of “patriot” and UFO-related groups all over the country. My gut feeling is to doubt much of their story. For one thing, O’Brien didn’t seem to have “model” features, even if one allowed for the passage of several years between her alleged employment and my meeting her. It was hard for me to believe she would have been a world-class “Presidential Model” used to compromise politicians.
got a distinct feeling that O’Brien was still “not quite right.” Third,
later found the comments of the late Antony Sutton -- a heavyweight in
conspiracy research if ever there was one – expressing his own doubts
about the O’Brien ( “O’Phillips”?) yarn. The following is excerpted from Kris Millegan’s interview with Sutton at :
KM - Have you read Cathy O'Brian's book Trance-Formation Of America?
What do you think of it?
AS - The book does not contain one piece of hard physical evidence.. I
think Cathy O'Brien BELIEVES SHE IS TELLING THE TRUTH... but remember
that Mark Phillips is a skilled neuro-linguistic-programmer. Another point that really concerns me is this... where did this story originate? It originated in Communist Chinese Intelligence and Mark Phillips had a contractual relationship with the ChiComs. This could be an attempt to destabilize the US. No doubt these Washington pols are fully capable of these weird practices, just look at Bohemian Grove but that doesn't mean that the book is an accurate portrayal. If the book is credible I would think the police would have raided Bohemian Grove long ago.
My best guess is that the Chinese picked up whispers of Washington
scandals and blew them out of proportion for their own purposes. This
is a GUESS... I don't know. One thing that puzzled me, with all these sexual shenanigans how do Washington politicians find time to do anything else? According to the book this is a full time occupation for Senator Byrd and others. Is the world run by evil sadistic blood-lusting Satanists? Without a
doubt. Simply looking at the state of things ought to suffice to bear
this out. For those who need more proof, there is the work of John DeCamp, David McGowan, genuine survivors (of which I believe Brice Taylor to be one), and many others. You can even turn to your Bible and find many descriptions (and predictions) about just this sort of thing. Cults dedicated to power, war, and evil blood-lusting deities have been stalking this earth for millennia; in modern times, they have simply kept it more hidden than in ancient times.
However, one thing these children of Satan, who is the father of the lie, are adept at is muddying the waters through disinformation. I submit to you that “Trance-formation,” as well as similar stuff put out by David Icke, stands as an excellent study in how to discredit a great deal of truth by mixing in a little falsehood.
Thanks for the comment. I don't recall deleting your previous remarks - my policy has been to let everything stand, unless a poster requests deletion - so I don't know what happened to them.
I pretty much agree with what you say about O'Brien and Phillips. If I remember the relevent post about Cheney, I expressed my reservations about her story. I do think she has suffered something, but the truth has been blended with lies (and I suspect Phillips has much to do with that). Mixing truth with lies is classic disinfo. Icke is the same, with his "shapeshifting aliens."
It's me, the journalist again. I suppose I should pick a psuedonym. Since I spend so much of my existence typing, I'll call myself "Freddy Fingers." I'm not sure about whether the Druids learn this, but it is well known that the "red eye" phenomenon you get from a flashbulb results from a momentary flooding of the iris with blood in reaction to the sudden flash.
If people can learn to control heart rate, brain waves, and blood flow to one hand or the other (as has long been practiced by mystics and in scientific laboratories with the help of biofeedback), they can probably learn to do it to their eyes as well. It's probably a great way to scare people who might stumble across your nighttime rituals.
Cathy O'Brien's story seems too far fetched, and there's not a piece of evidence that what she is saying is true. Or is there?
What about the enormous penis that Dick Cheney is supposed to have (according to several chapters in the book). Have a look at this picture: and read the accompanying story here:
Hey, I enjoyed the interview series, but part 4 doesn't seem to be forthcoming :L In regards to a couple of the comments: 1 the blood in the eyes thing. Anonymous makes the good point that eastern practitioners of martial arts and yoga can actually do crazier crap. Some of this I have witnessed in person (knocking somone over without touching them) or on video (breaking every camera lense in a room with a scream). Increasing bloodflow to your eyes hardly sounds far-fetched by comparison. Also my roommate is an experienced but unexceptional magician and after the stuff I've seen him do, I wouldn't be that surprised if he could manage to slip in red contacts while standing butt-naked 2 feet from me with me staring him in the face (I am dead serious). To try to discredit this story by claiming that these occultic people clearly had no knowledge of body manipulation of even slight of hand is foolish in the extreme ("just because I don't want it to be true, doesn't mean its not true", repeat).
Second on Anthony C. Sutton. Described by another anonymous poster as "a heavyweight in
conspiracy research". This guys has drawn my attention recently (though I first read of him just weeks after my initial trip "through the looking glass"). I am just finishing up my bachelors in poli sci and that has entailed a ton of bland pointless reading not reflecting reality. So you can immagine my surprise when Anthony C. Sutton appears in the citations not only of that infamous PNAC predecessor 'The Grand Chessboeard' (by none other than Henry Kissinger Jr., a.k.a. Zbigniew Brzezienski)but also of a totally mainstream, whitewash, go nowhere, say nothing academic book on democratization in Eastern Europe, "The Walls Came Tumbling Down" by Gale Stokes. Both cite Sutton as an expert on Soviet receipt of technology from the US(Stokes specifically references the intentional transfer of technology to the Soviets prior to the Cold War, which is a diluted version of Sutton's apparent main point which is that the tech transfer continued through most or all of the Cold War indicating a single power structure behing both blocs. Brzezienski however lists the projected impact of the tech transfers while implictely categorizing them all as espionage, also a distortion of Sutton's apparent thesis). Not having read more than excerpts from Sutton, and not having the time to just now, I am left to assume one of the following: 1: Academics use agreeabale portions of Sutton's work which corroborate their own ideas but omit mention of the aspects which contradict them (Brzezienski should not have to resort to this being one of the worlds foremost geopoliticins, and further mainstream academics in my experience have less than no knowledge about "fringe" researchers); 2: Sutton's work has been misportrayed on his websites (all of which I viewed after his moderately suspicious death), most likely for the profit motive (totally possible); 3: There was an obfuscated working relationship between Sutton and the powers that be... (who knows). Lacking better info on the exact content of his writings, I would still caution you to be careful in trusting Sutton. I'll make a point of reading his works in the next few months.
Lastly I just wanted to say that I was kind of preturbed at the elloquence of Ms. Sullivan.
On the face of it it would seem that someone with her highly abusive upbringing would be less well able to express herself so clearly and "abstractly" (the mode she descibes certain alters as being unwilling or unable to express). There is no mention of what education she received and the distinct impression is that it was lacking. She does mention the experiments allowing her to use her brain more effectively (part 1 I think) but she doesn't explain whether this was through effective conventional education or through hypnotic or other unconventional means. If there is a part 4 I would love if you would ask her to expand on the mind-expanding comment from earlier. One reason this interests me is that Kevin Phillips (a mainstream but very sensible author) has noted in 'American Dynasty' that both Bush 41 and 43 have an uncanny ability to put names to the faces of the numerous pressclub members after a brief time alone with catalogued photos. Alone this could be dismissed as a genetic quirk but there is a line in declassified MKULTRA documents that lists one of their 4 or 5 main objectives a particular program giving the subject the ability to recall visual stimuli much more effectively. Bush Jr. always did strike me as a fabricated entity...
"I'm not sure about whether the Druids learn this, but it is well known that the "red eye" phenomenon you get from a flashbulb results from a momentary flooding of the iris with blood in reaction to the sudden flash."
Why do people stop thinking when they post? How would "Druids" learn about "red-eye"...well, I suppose by looking at photos, in which they will see quite clearly that the PUPIL is what looks red (pupil = black "hole" in eye that allows in light.). The iris surrounds the pupil but is mostly obscured when the pupil is at its largest which happens in low light situations.
The red-eye effect comes from the fact that the pupil is quite large in low light allowing light to bounce back out of the eye from the flash. Blood has nothing to do with it and to imagine that blood could flood anyplace quick enough to be noticed before a flash is finished flashing is silly.
As for Druids...what the heck does "druid" even mean here. We call the priestly caste from celtic times in Britain "druids" but they left no written records. Some time in the last century some guys started wearing robes and calling themselves Druids...with little connection. However, I wish people would stop conflating modern pagans who choose to believe in multiple gods usually closely associated with nature with "Satanists." Modern pagans don't even believe in Satan...that's a Christian deal, though the imagery for Satan was taken from other religions.
You can believe in one God if you want, but it's no more logical than believing in many and most, when pressed, will say that the "many gods" are aspects of one greater reality anyway.
Please refrain from posting silly things.
It is my understanding that the ancient bardic tradition known as the Druid religion was not only benign, but is also obsolete save for some neo-Druids (who also appear benign). Where did these child-abusing, Luciferian Druids come from?
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