Cheerleader of the Free World

If not Apocalypse Now, then when? Before Bush addressed 3,000 U.S. troops and their families at Wiesbaden Air Base, "about 10 cheerleaders dressed in two-piece purple costumes and white boots danced on stage waving silver pompoms."

"Avian flu pandemic imminent" - BOOM SHACKA LACKA!

Pardon me - did you say something?
from the article,Bush:
"“Terrorists must be confronted and they must be defeated," Bush said. "In this war, there is only one option for victory: We must take the fight to the enemy."
jeff - if you haven't read these...
tx for the visuals
the commentary is arch
What is it that feels so Carthaginian about midrifts and M16s?
sfmike writes:
Amazing. Speaking of "Apocalypse Now," there's a German blogger writing in English with an analysis of "Falludjah and Wagner" that fits right in. Excerpt follows:
Did you know that'Ride of the Valkyries' by the German Opera composer Richard Wagner was the same melody the Nazis used as underplay in there Wochenschau, the weekly news program being shown in every German movie-theater during the Third Reich.
They used especially this song when they displayed the "heroes" of the German Wehrmacht (the German army during Nazi-times).
The music and the pictures should proclaim the German people the "greatness of the Aryan soldiers marching into battle, and conquering the peoples of the lower races in their inequity and cowardice"
Now here is how an embedded reporter of the "Chicago Tribune" describes the marching into Falludja on 11/10 2004:
"A psychological operations Humvee blaring Richard Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries' drove by, followed by creaking military construction equipment."
What kind of chuzpe do you need to use even the same symbols as the Nazis in WW II?
The rest of her posting can be found at:
“It’s the same thing the military brass and senior enlisted men have failed to mention. It’s the same thing medics who pass out condoms fail to mention. It’s the same thing the U.S. government has failed to mention. It’s the same thing our churches, inhabited by veterans who keep the secret, fail to mention. It’s the unmentionable topic among Navy veterans . . . namely, that many of the mysterious Asian prostitutes who tend to our men in uniform are kids, and many of these kids are, basically, slaves.”
Chuzpe? Maybe chutzpah?
The guys in the tanks and strykers were rockin out to Metallica, Slayer, and other assorted flavors of death metal. I read that when they are alone in the racks they make up rap songs about how much the life sucks. The other ones sing country.
Wagner wasn't the only composer the Nazis lurved. "O Fortuna" from the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff was also used az Nazi propaganda music.
Today, however, it's being used as intro music for the Sean Hannity show. (The classical piece that comes on right after the insipid "Independence Day" song.)
Amazing how history just keeps on repeating itself....
anon. says:
'Wagner wasn't the only composer the Nazis lurved. "O Fortuna" from the Carmina Burana by Carl Orff was also used az Nazi propaganda music.'
the translation:
1. Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World
O Fortuna (Chorus) O Fortune
O Fortune,
like the moon
you are changeable
ever waxing
and waning;
hateful life
first oppresses
and then soothes
as fancy takes it;
and power
it melts them like ice.
Fate - monstrous
and empty,
you whirling wheel,
you are malevolent,
well-being is vain
and always fades to nothing,
and veiled
you plague me too;
now through the game
I bring my bare back
to your villainy.
Fate is against me
in health
and virtue,
driven on
and weighted down,
always enslaved.
So at this hour
without delay
pluck the vibrating strings;
since Fate
strikes down the string man,
everyone weep with me!
those interested in the latin:
image,music,& war see:
death metal, rap & country?
must be talkin''bout a barbeque
great blog, jeff
Cheerleaders and M-16's?
Boners and blood?
Boinking and Bombs?
Oh, b-b-b-aby. It only shows what a media circus this whole pResidency is all about.
When understanding manipulative totalitarian regimes, you must discard the notion that statements coming from the Junta carry any overt message. Totalitarians use language not as a means of communication but as a tool for provoking an effect. Anything uttered by Bush or any of the neo-Cons should be viewed in this light. Therefore, contradictions between assertions and the actual state of the world may be meaningful to you and I as an indicator that the Junta is not telling us the truth, but to the administration these contradictions are a non-issue. No statement coming from Bush has ever been intended as an assertion of truth. Every statement has been uttered only for its anticipated effect.
What a wonderful invention it is, this thing we call the Internet!
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................
MANTAB *************************************
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