Life and Life Only

People they come together
People they fall apart
No one can stop us now
'Cause we are all made of stars - Moby
I'm still chewing over the implications of "Grave Mysteries" and expect to for quite a while. Because I haven't the time today for greater coherence but want to post something, here are a few notes about where my thoughts are heading.
Let's start with the unlikely figure of Troy Hurtubise. He's a self-taught inventor led by his intuition known for his "bizarre, yet functional" creations. (Much like fellow Canadian John Hutchison and his physics-bending "Hutchison Effect".) Hurtubise makes things work that people who know better believe shouldn't, and can't really explain why they do. "Firepaste," for instance: an astonishingly effective fire retardant he's repeatedly demonstrated by the protracted application of a blowtorch to a half-inch thick smear of dried paste atop his head. The underside of the paste, and Troy's head, show no appreciable heating. (Video of a demonstration can be found on this page under the heading "Fighting Fire with Fact.") How does it work? Hurtubise guards the formula, but he's admitted one ingredient is Diet Coke.
A later invention of Troy's is "Angel Light": a device which, he claims, can see through walls and into flesh, detect stealth objects and disable electronic devices. He says the design came to him in "a series of three dreams," and he constructed it from memory. He later dismantled it when he found exposure to be harmful. (Characteristic of Hurtubise's work is his pursuit of protective applications.) Most recently, Hurtubise has announced "God Light": an array of "67 lenses and five gases to produce 80,000 lux of full-spectrum light" which he says has reversed symptoms of Parkinson's Disease and shrunk the cancerous tumors of mice.
It should be no surprise Hurturbise is called, charitably, an eccentric "mad scientist" by apologists of a scientific paradigm he disrespects by creatively violating. Yet "God Light" sounds very similar to the 1970 discovery of biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp that carcinogens were light scramblers on the specific wavelength of 380 nanometres. Popp further learned that the still little-understood phenomenon of "photo-repair" - the rapid repair of a cell 99% destroyed by UV light with a weaker emission at the same wavelength - was most effective at the same 380 nanometres.
As Lynne McTaggart writes in The Field, "this was where Popp made his logical leap":
Nature was too perfect for this to be simple coincidence. If the carcinogens only react to this wavelength, it must somehow be linked to photo-repair. If so, this would mean that there must be some light in the body responsible for photo-repair. A cancerous compound must cause cancer because it permanently blocks this light and scrambles it, so photo-repair can't work anymore.
This was the theory which led to the discovery of DNA as a coherent emitter of biophotons. He found the frequencies of healthy subjects followed dramatic set patterns, and exhibited correlations between parts of the body and the wider world. The emissions of cancer patients, however, were markedly different: rhythm and coherence were lost; communication scrambled. "They had lost their connection with the world."
Illumination is a difficult word for its being weighed down with the uncollected baggage of Adam Weishaupt. I won't use the word "Illuminati" for today's occult elite because it says too much and not enough. Still, as a metaphor for a high and hidden order of adepts initiated into secret knowledge, it's difficult to do better.
Are you illuminated? Perhaps the answer is Pelagian. Perhaps the answer is yes, we all are; and the radiant light is the Divine Spark that bonds us soul to body, self to self and world to world. Perhaps that's the true secret that's meant to be kept from us who are outside the Temple and the Tomb: that God also indwells the "useless eater." That seems to be what the Ayahuasca wants to tell us. That appears to be the lesson of shamanism, and also, perhaps, of all partisans of the Life-Force within every tradition.
(Also, let's note, it's an electric light, which must remind us of the ubiquity of the buzzing of bees. Tesla, as Reich, was its apostle.)
Something else, and something darker, out on the borderline of speculation. If our code is the Great Secret, then this casts another shadow upon abduction accounts of reproduction and genetic manipulation involving both human agents and trans-human entities.
In The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, author John Marks quotes a scientist who worked on a secret genetic project for the CIA's Office of Research and Development in 1965:
We looked at the manipulation of genes. We were interested in gene splintering. The rest of the world didn't ask until 1976 the type of questions we were facing in 1965.... Everybody was afraid of building a super-soldier who would take orders without questioning, like the kamikaze pilot.
On January 6, 1998, physicist Richard Seed launched his cloning project with the words "the reprogramming of DNA is the first serious step in becoming one with God." Soon after, the Clinton White House banned federal funds for such experiments. A decision Dr Helmut Lammer believes worthless as most "black projects" have been offloaded to the private sector. I'll return to this later, but for now: would you expect covert DNA manipulation, by human or trans-human abductors, to enhance or inhibit access to our higher selves?
I resist the trippy impulse to say "everything is an illusion" (that includes the icky corollary, "everything but love"). It strikes me as an adolescent retreat from mundane affairs and a surrender of the world to the forces of death and darkness. Rather, I find myself preferring everything is real. Even our apparent illusions. I think maybe that's the ground upon which we can pitch our battle. And Life hasn't lost yet.
We may not even need to travel to Peru and projectile vomit in the jungle to know this.
By the way, I'm far behind in my inbox, so if you think I owe you an email I'm sure I do. Sorry about that, and for this blanket apology. I hope to get on top of correspondence again soon.
Jeff - I love your mind. Do you have a brother?
The pattern of thought in your recent posts is emerging.
Brilliant stuff, Jeff..Almost encouraging.
I'm on of the persons waiting to hear back from you, but take your time.
"Everything is real" EXPLAIN please!
jesus...the sarcastic comments on that engadget site's entry about hurturbise was so sarcastic and hateful.
One guy was saying that part of his indestructable suit involved using a solution made from spider webs...I'm almost positive I read something somewhere recently that said there have been some new discoveries in the use of spider web silk in making a kevlar-type of material that seems to be pretty indestructable...I'll post it if I can find it.
-Ted the Dog
oops...I used sarcastic twice and I said "was" when I meant to say "were"...sorry about that.
Speaking of carcinogens affecting wavelenths:
Perchlorate, the explosive ingredient in solid rocket fuel, has contaminated drinking water and soil in at least 35 states, with most of the known contamination coming from military bases and defense contractors...
...found in milk, produce and many other foods and animal feed crops from coast to coast, Perchlorate is a thyroid toxin, and animal tests show that even small amounts can disrupt normal growth and development in fetuses, infants and children.
Jeff asks: "would you expect covert DNA manipulation, by human or trans-human abductors, to enhance or inhibit access to our higher selves?"
This led me to consider GM (genetically modified) foods, and I wondered if humans could ingest this modified DNA. Sure enough, I found this-
...the risk of gut bacteria scavenging antibiotic resistance genes from GM food is no longer theoretical... it has been proven that bacteria in the human gut can take up DNA from genetically modified food.
just a thought...
This post is almost cautiously optimistic Jeff.
Awesome stuff.
That discovery by Popp reminds me of the the resonant anti cancer device built by a bloke called Rife in the 30s. Only heard rumours about the device that apparantly used resonance to destroy tumours.
DNA manipulation by the military is a scary thought. Over the last couple of years DARPA has announced many different research projects aimed at what they call "Human enhancement".
Which effectively means everything about humans that is human is a potential weakness, (slow body repair, need for sleep, food, water, and probably independant thought.)
And if you can enhance your own, surely you can weaken your enemies, and future potential enemies using the same tech.
Hardly life and life only.
But its alright ma.
its distance from saying all is illusion but say everything is real maybe even our illusions (and delusions remember) are real. it almost sounds equally solipsistic. maybe i am wrong but it is a tight rope walk in distinction.
obviously, they would want us to remain dumb....sloth like. unprepared to deal with complex problems. to rely on them to provide us our sustenance....
this is the illusion, more precisely the lie they delude us into believing. as the terrorism problem 'grows' they want us to depend on them more and more. like the sheep depending on the shepherder who is disguised from its true identity: a wolf. this isn't real. this is a story. this isn't real. is perception real? what is reality?
look at this:
href="" rel="nofollow">Strategic Communication Laboratories
this is not a joke.
Strategic Communication Laboratories has pioneered a new methodology to enable governments and countries to manage their relationships with their key audience groups through more powerful communication.
In a world where the perception is the reality, all countries need to have the capability to manage their own perceptual alignment – otherwise someone else will.
A direct quote from the website of Strategic Communication Laboratories, a London based company that offers "the most powerful weapon in the world", the ability to manage every aspect of a conflict from one operation centre.
Take a look around their website and witness sickening quote after quote explaining how their vision is to allow the total control of citizens by their government or their military, to keep it that way, and to facilitate conflicts with and the takeover of other countries and the execution of total control over their citizens.
The idea put across by SCL is that if you can control the perceptions people have of reality, then you can control reality itself.
it is a tight rope walk in distinction.
George Orwell was right on the money when he envisaged the coming 21st century as a battle based on the PERCEPTION of reality. in 1984, his classic warning to the world, Orwell told us that we would have to face this threat:
The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into history and became truth.
'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. 'Reality control', they called it: in Newspeak, 'doublethink'.
- George Orwell, 1984, Chapter 3 (1948)
SCL's vision is no different from the constructed artificial reality designed to house the minds of the human race portrayed in the feature film The Matrix. If you present all the people with a fabricated collective illusion of reality, and enough meaningless distractions, they may stop questioning that reality when things don't seem to add up.
Jeff asks: "would you expect covert DNA manipulation, by human or trans-human abductors, to enhance or inhibit access to our higher selves?"
all i can think to say is what they want us to not realize is we are our own leaders. they try to make us forget we are real people while they deny us our rights. our higher selves in every form.
The Most Powerful Weapon In The World
Strategic Communication Laboratories
my 1st link.
Do you suppose that chemtrails, or aerosols, have anything to do with DNA manipulation? That is something you should look into Jeff.
By the way, one of the "aerosol" projects is overseen by DARPA.
I'm glad you chose to link to the George Washington National Masonic Memorial, but I'm curious as to why you picked that specific Masonic landmark, given the sheer number of them in that general area -- The Scottish Rite "House of The Temple", for example.
I noticed an archaeological dig behind the G.W.N.M.M., which interestingly turns out to be Fort Ellsworth, from the American Civil War. The Freemasons (well, the ones who own the monument) seem to be funding the digs on the property.
This is an interesting site about the monument, and -- other things.
Anyway, great post.
Even your posters make me think I would be better off if I just lurked hehe..
There is a very creative flow happening here and elsewhere as if the veil is at least listless. I will be posting a link at FSHOD to your blog as many like minded sojourners are just a couple of blocks down the e-street. The comment about chemtrails being a DNA altering issue and a DARPA I remember it.. Archibald Lampman and his poem Frogs..
And dreams are real and life is only sweet.
Jeff asks: "would you expect covert DNA manipulation, by human or trans-human abductors, to enhance or inhibit access to our higher selves?"
Brother Henry Agard Wallace, 32°, Prophet Of Agrarianism
Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia
Nicholas Roerich - Wikipedia
seems to me to be muslim manipulation of needn't be monopolized by westerners and easterners, of course.
Dugoboy's link to SCL is fascinating. Look at their list of "Key Management" and the Board of Advisors. Some, such as Peter Varnish, OBE are beyond belief - are you guys catching the message on this link?
The Truth is Out There, Earthling.
Hutchinson effect video:
I've heard of this before, though it was the first time I have seen the effect in action. What of course is not made clear in just these video excerpts is that this is really low watt stuff, somehow harmonically inducing these effects of metal transformations/meltings and other levitation or "sudden missing gravity" effects on certain areas and objects. The military of course are extremely interested in Mr. Hutchinson--as well as the "military occultists" (because of assumptions about the effect somehow being related to Mr. Hutchinson itself as he is 'amplified' by the plethora of equipment in his apartment).
He has several funders who allow him to experiment with attempting to extrapolate the reproduction of these effects, full time. The effect happened accidentally the first time, and he has spent many years in eliminating or enhancing useless equipment or their spatial relations with each other by trial and error to attempt to understand the physical phenomena that occurs.
"Everything is real" indeed.
Meanwhile the crippling the minds of students in "Flatland" physics courses worldwide continues....
Great post as always. I hope this
helps in your research.
After reading this post I immediately flashed back to 4 recent
items Ive encountered in the past
few years.
A.) Emoto's Messages from Water
B.)Interview with Leonard Horowitz
on his book "Pirates of the Sacred Spiral" archived on RBN Live. I havent read the book but the interview was astounding.
C.) Jeremy Narby's book "The Cosmic
D.) The 2003 "Prophets Conference seminar I attended in Monteray were writer Gregg Braden spoke. Post attending this conferenceI became somewhat suspicious of the New Age millieu surrounding these conferences. But I found a few of Braden's books and his talk informative. Like anything of the authors mentioned above I suppose its important to let your heart be the judge if it makes sense and is useful. Anyhow Braden talked about the following 3 experiments and I thanks to the poster on who posted a summary of his talk.
"Below are three astonishing experiments with DNA which proves that DNA can heal itself according to the "feelings" of the individual as reported recently by Gregg Braden. In his recent program entitled Healing Hearts/Healing Nations: The Science of Peace and the Power ofPrayer, Gregg Braden discussed how in the past we lost huge amounts of information from ancient spiritual traditions (when the library at Alexandria burned we lost at least 532,000 documents), and that there may be information in those traditions which could help us understand some of the mysteries of science. To this end he reported on three very interesting experiments. Gregg Braden started off as a scientist and engineer, before he began pursuing these larger questions." The link is below.
Jeff, your post reminded me of one of the scariest things I've ever come across on the internet, scary because I believe it really happened.
Much of the content verifiable, the implications staggering.
"On November 20, 1931, forty-four of the nation's most respected medical authorities honored Royal Rife with a banquet billed as The End To All Diseases at the Pasadena estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson."
"Then, while Rife struggled to reproduce his missing data (in a day when photocopies and computers were not available), someone vandalized his precious virus microscopes. Pieces of the 5,682 piece Universal microscope were stolen. Earlier, an arson fire had destroyed the multi-million dollar Burnett Lab in New Jersey, just as the scientists there were preparing to announce confirmation of Rife's work. But the final blow came later, when police illegally confiscated the remainder of Rife's 50 years of research.
Then in 1939, agents of a family which controlled the drug industry assisted Philip Hoyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his own partners in the Beam Ray Corporation. This was the only company manufacturing Rife's frequency instruments (Rife was not a partner). Hoyland lost, but his assisted legal assault had the desired effect: the company was bankrupted by legal expenses. And during the Great Depression, this meant that commercial production of Rife's frequency instruments ceased completely. "
I once invented a self-cleaning pyramid, but my patent was stolen and locked away. Dang.
Everything is real.
I believe in much of it.
I tried to believe in everything, but the cost to my mind was prohibitive.
This may sound wry, but I assure you I'm serious.
I've come to believe that if there is any given concept that one may conceive, any of your darkest suspicions, somewhere there's a manifestation of its truth.
Thanks for those DNA links.
Very interesting link there about the DNA experiments and supposed relations to
--light (capable of ordering it from unordered contexts, i.e., DNA and electromagnetism)
--electrical connection at a distance (i.e., sort of the same principle)
--emotional stimumous and DNA effects (sort of the same principle)
particularly the military one about the DNA and 'owner' distance tests measured by electrical tests (don't quite understand the tech that would measure that, though interesting nevertheless that it was a military project).
Sort of reminds me of the monoatomic gold/DNA stuff (that was military investigation connected as well I belive, designed around heighening or "juicing up" such effects) [read Secrets of the Lost Ark: the Power of Monoatomic Gold for a real parapolitical/historical mindbender of a book, the author's supposed "inside info" on monoatomic gold it was a key "mental technology enhancer" for all the presumed psychic powers of other now dead societies].
DNA now sort of reminds me additionally of the Holographic Universe issue. Is DNA a hologram? it sure physically acts like one in these experiments. (i.e., multiple locales at once, or a window into such teleportation of energies?) That might provide some sort of 'physics' grounding for astral planing and remote viewing for instance, that it has to do with DNA in particular people and their mental and emotional states that seem required to 'do' it (i.e., someone's attuned DNA transformed and connected always as energy, always multi connected elsewhere and sensitive enough to gather it at a distance if the person is sensitive enough and transfer it 'back' to their own emotions and sensory output sort of like experiment 3 seems to be saying).
There you go: just another day of observations at the parapsychological office that no one I know unfortunately would be the least bit aware or interested in, except you guys...thanks...
Just some interesting things about me, for the pile here:
I used to scare my surburban bourgeois mom with mind reading LONG numbers out of her head as a child; Other such "cross-linked" sympatico things I thought were oodd was my girlfriend and I both having serious car accidents (both totalled) during a really emotional stress period in the relationship.
The dual car accidents happened on same the day, in two different cities, about 150 miles apart and only about 5 hours apart temporally, during a period when we weren't really talking to one another and both really pissed off.
I additionally seem to have a really accurate "internal clock" for things down the second.
Very interesting reading. The mention of the body producing light reminds me of auras. I've been interested in those since I saw a television show some time ago about the "missing leaf phenomenon" in aura photography but have yet to follow up on it.
As always, Jeff, magnificent stuff.
As to your question "would you expect covert DNA manipulation, by human or trans-human abductors, to enhance or inhibit access to our higher selves?", I can only offer a polite "DUHHHH".
Of COURSE 'they' would inhibit. Do we breed cattle for agility (physical or mental)?
What is being sought is a mechanism by which the 'useless eaters' can be made more productive on behalf of Homo Cheneyensis - the humanoids who view the entire planet as one big garmonbozia farm.
If humans can be made simultaneously productive and docile, that leaves more 'producer surplus' to be talked about over the 'wild' quail at the 'hunting' parties of the Cheneyii and their lackeys.
But please - as I've said before - don't glom onto Freemasonry as the driving force behind all this. I've never met a Masonic Principle that I didn't like (I don't count Pike's mad babble - he was an American after all, and he made it up as he went along).
In unrelated news, I'm now in Paris (France, not Texas). It's cold but amazing, but there's also an interesting thing going on that I can't fathom.
That concerns the very high number of folks who are obviously from some or other American agency - it has to be seen to be believed. Too-fit (military fitness has a different 'look' to it), short hair, rolling hips - in other words, quasi-military. Jeans, sneakers and windbreakers (it's like a dammned uniform). And of course that awful nasal accent.
Maybe it's because I'm always in the area around the Sorbonne, but 'franchement' (as we nouveau-Parisiens say) there are too many of them. I keep expecting something to explode (but that is going to happen within the US).
And last but not least, one of my best mates is the subject of a warrant investingating money laundering from... Dubai. How interesting. Nothing in it (the charge) but it's another piece of the puzzle.
You might notice that all of this stuff happens at one remove from me... my girlfriends brother dies of cancer in six weeks (1997), a good friend's girlfriend dies of brain tumour in eight months (1998), my best friend's brother dies of bone cancer over four years (1995). And now poor Timbo is on the hook for Arab money (he will get off - he's too close.. if it was one of his friends or his sister, they would be screwed).
Anyhow - great stuff, but I wish folks would lay off the Craft. I've said before, that Homo Cheneyensis and folks like them are like the main characters in Foucault's Pendulum - they know they're on to something, they have no cogent idea what it is, they try a whole bunch of different stuff, and 'suck it and see'. meanwhile there are a bunch of folks who KNOW what they're doing, going around the world making sure that nothing goes too far awry.
Folks like me aren't the best mates of the 'useless eaters', but at least we would prefer to get rid of them through reduced reproduction rates rather than a decent outbreak of something nasty (or a big thermonuke bang). mmake people prosperous and they reduce their reproduction rates immediately - it's a natural part of increased prosperity. But Homo Cheneyensis finds that irksome because it means that you have the possibility of neighbours that you didn't go to school with.
I'm reminded of this Tim Leary quote from the early 90's:
"The use of electrons for brain-change and for brain-fucking and brain-reprogramming has been perfected in the form of the television commercial. And I totally admire a thousand years of the Catholic Church, using jewels, organs, rose windows and that sort of stuff to, uhh [pause]. What we're understanding now is that the human brain is a photovore. That means that the human brain lives on light."
He elaborates:
"Every metaphor approximating the visionary experience is optical: illumination, revelation, insight, perspective, reflection. Right down the list. I'm too senile to remember all of them, but punch "illumination" up into your computer thesaurus, and you'll get [laughs, nods, fades]. Light has always been the statement of the ultimate brain experience: Tibetans talk about the White Light of the Void. Dante's Heaven was total white...the Egyptian religions, sun. These are primitive anticipations of what we now have available. The human brain is starved for electronic stimulation; the human brain is addicted to light. We can't control the sun, but through diamonds and rose windows [interrupted by waitress; Leary orders cup of coffee]."
Leary seemed to think at the time that display projectors for computers we're the best thing since sliced bread.
Ah, so that must be why 'they' have been spending all that money to filter the sunlight. I thought it was just weather control. Nice to get that all sorted out... now on to more important things.
Red rain over Kerala Q&A, Times of India, March 8
What have you found?
On July 25, 2001, red rain fell over Chenganacherry in Kottayam district. People said the colour shower began after an airburst. My research student Santhosh and I studied the water and found that it contained cell-like particles which have no gene-carrying DNA found on earth. But they contained carbon and oxygen.
Carbon, as we all know, is the key component of life on earth. Other elements were iron, sodium, aluminium and chlorine.
We have made a thorough study and proposed that they are an alternate life source from space probably brought in by a streaking comet whose burst over the sky had created the boom people reported.
What makes this finding most important is the biological cell-like nature of the particles. Under an optical microscope, they appear like biological cells. Transmission Electron Microscopy further shows a clear cell structure (Image above). Their organic nature is indicated by the major presence of carbon and oxygen. But, despite these biological indications, the cells do not show the presence of DNA. The genetic molecule DNA is present in all living organisms found on Earth, so the absence of DNA argues against the biological nature of these cells.
It seems you and I have been reading the same books. I like your "everything is real" statement but it is really just a better way of making the same observation about illusion. The bottom line is that we probably have a lot more control over "reality" than we think. In response to your question about the covert manipulation of DNA, destruction can lead to creation of higher things but this is a dangerous and terrifying game.
Jeff, everyone,
if you already know i apologize but if not:
I've just received this email from jwalter on behalf of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. He writes:
Please take a moment to sign this petition at the website of Scholars for 9-11 Truth. Its purpose is to obtain the release by the government of pertinent 9-11 evidence such as Pentagon surveillance video and tapes seized by the FBI from businesses nearby the Pentagon immediately following the strike.
I'm sure you would just LOVE to see what the government is hiding on those withheld and confiscated video tapes just as much as I would. The goal is to obtain at least l0,000 signatures. It only takes a couple of minutes to sign the petition, and if you like, you can remain anonymous, insofar as your name being displayed publicly on their Web page.
While I don't normally have any faith in the effectiveness of petitions, I strongly urge you to take two minutes of your life to sign this one. I have signed it and I urge you to do the same and pass it around to all the forums you frequent, as well as share it with those on your email lists. or
Thank you in advance,
The Spirit of the American People
Go sign it if you mean business and ask others to do the same. In the spirit of the American People as he says.
"Are you illuminated? Perhaps the answer is Pelagian. Perhaps the answer is yes, we all are; and the radiant light is the Divine Spark that bonds us soul to body, self to self and world to world. Perhaps that's the true secret that's meant to be kept from us who are outside the Temple and the Tomb: that God also indwells the 'useless eater.'"
It seems to me that the Temple and Tomb dwellers con us with the question, “Are you one of the Elect?” to lure us into their hard-wrought illusion from a reality we are better coming to know.
GT said --
If humans can be made simultaneously productive and docile, that leaves more 'producer surplus' to be talked about over the 'wild' quail at the 'hunting' parties of the Cheneyii and their lackeys.
I'm reminded of an article called "The origins of agriculture – a biological perspective and a new hypothesis," which is available at a number of places online -- this version seems about as readable as any.
Its thesis is that grains and milk have an opioid-like component that creates a pervasive sedating effect for farmers as compared to hunters. On one hand, this means that Neolithic peasants were able to live together peacefully in settled villages, and then in full-fledged cities, in a way that would have been impossible for hunters. And I suppose that was a good thing.
But it also means that peasants have been notoriously somewhat cattle-like and at the mercy of their more predatory overlords -- who continued hunting, often in specialized preserves that were off-limits for the common folks.
Cheney, in his somewhat stupid way, is doing no more than emulating the practices of an Egyptian pharaoh or a medieval English monarch.
I've never known how seriously to take this article -- and there sure hasn't been a burst of follow-up studies that I know of since its original publication in 1993. But the theory keeps niggling at me as something that might explain an awful lot about the passivity of the sheeple and the real lines between the rulers and the ruled.
Just circling the universe of facts here for myself and others that is fascinating:
Hurtebise cancer curing "God Light", Rife's similar photo-EMR applications for the same and bacteria destruction, Popp's discoveries that carcinogens block certain wavelength uptake (the inverse of Rife's implications, in a sense), DNA and ordering light, DNA and teleportation of elctrical/emotional information as measured by EMR monitors and DNA, monoatomic gold, emotions and light and DNA physical altering, self healing theories about DNA as a photosource, etc.
DNA seems to be much more than replicator, it's part of the "EMR-photo-immune" system, a receptor/transmitter part of a person's sensory acuity (via EMR-based "physic" (being an overused and abused word) abilities which seem innately tied into healing via the shared photo-issues between the "two" separate phenomena: physical DNA picks up EMR and steps up or down (electrical-)emotional information "to wherever" and sort of seems to act like what a transistor does for electricity of different volts and amperages though as a recepter/trasmitter/generator rolled up into the same thing.
Unlearning is fun.
Jeff, this is getting deep and dense. You are really turning it on! Hope you are staying personally grounded. That is nothing but a goodwill wish for your wellbeing. In the sense that you are being very creative, so just a reminder to stay balanced.
That said... This post is almost like a DNA code itself, in that it has so much thought-info so tightly condensed.
The photo-interactivity of DNA is a new concept for me, though I had heard in passing of our cells being light-emitting before. That must have been relating to this.
This is very deep, and like the theory of relativity, probably beyond the ability of most of us, to fully understand. I am sure there are things beyond the limits of even the most gifted human intelligences. And I am sure this line of investigation leads to those limits pretty quickly. Provided we keep that in mind, I am all for going as far as we can. Jeff, you style yourself as being cautious. Here is something I believe is important to be cautious about - that is to avoid the error of thinking we understand more than we really do. We need to stay humble. I think intuition may belong to the humble. The intuition of truth. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth."
As for the subject of genetic manipulation... There are some interesting hints in Genesis. (and please excuse my brevity here, because I am out of time for now) The "sons of God" married "daughters of men" and from these relations came "great men of renown". Then wickedness increased greatly, so that "the earth was filled with VIOLENCE" (note: violence, not sex. War, not love) THIS was the reason God said it "repenteth me that I made man". So, comes the Flood, "wherein few, that is eight souls were saved by water." Why Noah? It says "Noah was perfect in his GENEration." Would this imply that Noah and his family carried only the original human genome, with no 'enhancements'?
I was reading the comments and was reminded of something I found a while ago, can't remember the author's name:
"A long time ago, we used to all know about the truth regarding DNA and reality programming. But gradually, less and less people came to know how we create our own realities, because powerful people wanted to keep the knowledge for themselves.
Those people claimed divine right to power, exclusively associating themselves with all kinds of spiritual forces. These forces are really just parts of our (unconscious) mind, but the masses wrongly interpreted them in the form of superstitions. They mistook their own divine elements as purely external gods or forces. And gradually, even those vaguely spiritual traditions devolved into more corrupt religions like monotheism. These forms are easily presented as complete inversions of the Truth, allowing for even more control over the people.
However, the older spiritual traditions survived. They are the subject of our occult conspiranoia. Even today those in power still trick us into believing they are aligned with 'dark forces' from outside of our realm of existence. But the spirits are our own--they are the many intelligent and creative/destructive components of our Selves.
Most people remain unaware of our divine nature, with our innate DNA and reality programming capabilities. We rarely experience the higher states of awareness in which these functions are consciously directed. Instead, we are controlled by our unconscious Self through our environment, where media and society exert the brainwashing influence of those in power in an unchecked feedback loop.
But the very technologies allowing that kind of control, especially the Internet, are now liberating people by making the Secret infinitely more accessible. Painfully aware of this, those in power keep upping the Fear level through manufactured events and propaganda. Because fear is one of the most powerful mental components of the Self, keeping us scared keeps us entranced, unconscious of our Self.
However, now that more and more people are waking up to our true nature, we can each begin to actively deprogram ourselves. The more this is done, the more our mind is able to function unrestricted, programming better and better realities and DNA. This is what it was created for; to do all the creative legwork for us. And once we regain attention of our own consciousness, we can leave the rest to divine intelligence."
We dreamed that we were born; we dreamed of being babes, and then of children. Our dream of troubled teens is near an end; soon we will dream of adulthood, breaking free of the self-imposed drama of our neurotic nightmare.
The dreamer will become lucid.
Glad to see you're contemplating the All is Illusion (Nihilism) v. All is Real (Reification) puzzle. According to the Middle Way School of Buddhism (fully articulated some 2000 years ago),
Things do not exist as they appear -- solidly, independently or intrinsically existing from their own side. When we look for such, we can't find. There are no partless particles. Plus, everything is fluxuating, changing, disintegrating at an incredible speed. So everything we see as a whole-external-thing is merely posited by mind on a suitable basis of designation (the parts of which are similiarly merely nominated).
On the other hand, phenomena are 'functioning'. The law of cause and effect is rigorous.
So ... Inter-Dependent Origination at a level of complexity that our little minds, habituated to externalizing phenomena and denigrating the role of mind, don't take into account.
Bottom line, 'functioning things' exist due to a fantastic web of dependent origination, most particularly, in dependence on being posited/nominated by mind. Of course, this applies to 'mind' as well.
"I began writing because I found myself possessed. I looked at what I wrote and I said ‘How the hell did I do that?’ ... We may all be possessed. I hope so."
- Kurt Vonnegut, speaking recently at Ohio State University
Some other things Vonnegut said at Ohio State:
"I just want to say that George W. Bush is the syphilis president."
"You all know, of course, that the election was stolen. Right here."
"We have no Democratic Party. It’s financed by the same millionaires and billionaires as the Republicans."
"I’m trying to write a novel about the end of the world. But the world is really ending!"
"You meet saints every where. They can be anywhere. They are people behaving decently in an indecent society."
Please pardon the break, but as an RI fan for years, I believe Jeff should be credited for his hard work and well done research.
The 2005 Koufax Awards for Best Writing
is open for your votes.
This, incidentally, is not
a shamless ploy to get Jeff's second book mailed to me pro bono.
Congratulations Jeff on your nomination!
All the unverified scientific claims are immediately enthralling, BUT are they real? I dunno, maybe yes, maybe no.
I am highly doubtful about the Hurtubise magic light claims, for several reasons, which I won't bother y'all with. Do I detect the aroma of disinfo? Or maybe just plain con-artistry? (and are they not the same thing anyway, afterall?)
Oroboros comes to mind. The snake eating it's tail or the totality of all. DNA may be multidimensional in that past present and future can be interpreted in a spiral but not a by a point on a line. Lines are manmade with manmade limitations addressed with manmade mathematics. Spirals are universal and a point in a spiral can "participate" by all senses in all dimensions forward and backward in time.
Following the food chain back to Iraq...
The secret of great wealth with no obvious source is some forgotten crime,
forgotten because it was done neatly.
I read this post yesterday and came back to it today, because it kept haunting some of my own theoretical speculations on light, interconnectivity, consciousness and the "physical" universe.
The emerging theory of the electric universe would appear to have great relevance. And "intuition" is surely the key. Let there be light!
Unless I'm misreading entirely, the thousands-years-old field of Chinese medicine is based completely on the proper flow of energy in the body. In other words, this is not a new concept, except to us silly Westerners. May East and West unite.
isfmike -
Yes. Sort of...
Anonymous One,I love the pic of Tesla sitting in the giant electric dome,I wonder what kind of buzz you would get from that? Now I saw one of those shows about the shroud that jesus was said to be wraped in.Out of all the tests they performed on this cloth,one showed that a strong light force had been emited from the body.This light had left a signature inside the cloth.And this thread also brings me back to Jeff's post-The "Day of Declaration".The interviewer of Creme,Sean David Morton, says he could see strange light emiting from around Creme, also the large room that had a type of collecter in the middle with a quartz device inside it.I remember him saying it looked charded,like a heated burn. What if we could focus the energy out of our body to an other place? We all have the power but not the Key,later.
"Anonymous One,I love the pic of Tesla sitting in the giant electric dome,I wonder what kind of buzz you would get from that?"
Just for the record, Tesla knew enough about that kind of scale of stuff to physically stay away from it. He wasn't dumb enough to expose himself to that. That famous picture according to the book Tesla, by Margaret Cheney (I think that is where I read it) was a double exposure image, strictly for Tesla promotional purposes. :-)
Sorry to let you down though don't try that a home with your Tesla coils.
However, it is true that there are example of Tesla and others 'getting a buzz' off particular other kinds of electricity. As mentioned in the Margaret Cheney book, Tesla and his close New York friend Mark Twain, the writer (how many knew that??) was occassonally Tesla-'electrified' just for kicks by standing on metal plates and then turning on only certain electricities within a particular range. These are of course NOT the ranges that are pumped into appliances in the home, OR NOT the ones in the double exposure picture above.
Certain mixes of really high amps and voltages Tesla found would simply play around the body in arc flames in an entertaining (and surely, frightening if awe-inspiring) electrical cage instead of go into the body. These alone were the ones that he and Twain (and surely, others) were 'electrified' with. Twain said that it always made him incontinent, and he had to rush to relieve himself once Tesla switched off the power--if he hadn't pissed all over himself already...
Though this has nothing to do with the famous double exposure image above...As for the danger of what you see above if attempted, there is a recorded instance from Tesla writing of a time when he was nearly being killed by accidental gravity throwing of the trip switch on the wall for the room you see above. Everything launched into arc flares and covered many appliances, wires, floors, etc., with him below it. Since electrical flames were playing across the floor and isolating him from going to turn it off, he really had a hard time getting over to turn it off. Tesla blew the whole Colorado town's power generator supply on occassion with this one room. It really is amazing in retrospect he didn't die of his experiments. He had quite a few close shaves.
I worked during an earlier period of my life in electrical contracting. Believe me, some of the most horrible accidents in the world come from the effect of electricity on human flesh. I saw this one electrician once, reduced to a gurgling vegetable, who lived. His skin had somehow, like melted candle wax, dripped and was rearranged as 'hung' from his face in long tendrills, some of them a foot long.
Thanks 'thoughtographer' for those three links. I didn't know the theosophical connection to Wallace or that he was 32 degree. He might be from one of the durable sponsored bloodlines: he, it says, achieved 32 degree after only one year of expedited advancement from just entering the Masons in 1927 to 32 degree in 1928, then it tellingly noted "he then headed to Washington..."
I knew Truman was 33 degree, though I didn't know he was Missouri's Grand Master of Masons before being substituted in to the 1944 vice presidency ticket, booting out Wallace. There are of course intimations that FDR was murdered in 1944 to make way for this change over in politics and a lot else, which I think that Masonic page even touches on as a wateshed of sorts in the occult elite leadership and policy change in the surreal United States of America after WWII...
Spent an hour or so following associated links.
Roosevelt's "Holland Lodge #8" of course is the reputed Illuminized Masonic one in NYC. Has a connection as far back as Astor being in it and others in the early 1800s...
Syncretistically enough, seconds after reading this wonderful post I ran across two very intereting links:
Cosmic 'eel' preys on spiral galaxy and in particular:
Mice with glowing hearts shed light on living cells
Many people have heard of a heart of gold, but what about a heart that glows? Cornell researchers have genetically engineered mice whose hearts fluoresce as they beat. The development gives researchers insights into how hearts develop in living mouse embryos and could improve our understanding of irregular heartbeats.
Long time lurker first time caller...
'What if we could focus the energy out of our body to an other place?'
I saw a video of a healer demonstrating pyrokinetics, working energy through his hand and eventally igniting a piece of paper on fire. I know it was a video and not first hand, but my own studying with claravoyant workings has introduced and proven the concept of 'channels' in the body and the ability to move energy from -say the right hand to the left through the body, with tactile validation (I can feel it).
2 things:
what if distance (between human and dna strand, just for an example) is an illusion?
what if these experimenters have the basic idea backwards, by looking on the human subject as the control for the dna strand? what if the subject human is nothing more than a projection of the subject dna? what if the human is merely the pond ripple of the dna pebble?
Jeff -
If the bad guys are occult Nazis and the enemy theology is devil-worship, who are the good guys and what is the proper theology? Are rational minds filled with the Summae of Aquinas the way and the truth? Or...what, exactly? I'm beginning to get a clear idea from your recent postings what you think the Darkness is. Please tell us, what/who is the Light?
- Anon2
Thanks 'thoughtographer' for those three links. I didn't know the theosophical connection to Wallace or that he was 32 degree. He might be from one of the durable sponsored bloodlines: he, it says, achieved 32 degree after only one year of expedited advancement from just entering the Masons in 1927 to 32 degree in 1928, then it tellingly noted "he then headed to Washington..."
No sweat. I brought up Wallace mainly because of this reader's comment:
This led me to consider GM (genetically modified) foods, and I wondered if humans could ingest this modified DNA. Sure enough, I found this-
Wallace's pioneering work in genetics and it's applications in agriculture.
to 'thoughtographer' once more:
As for my opinion on Wallace's public statement and political inclement, I can't see him personally being interested in Nazi eugenics or genocides of the 'unfit.' (i.e., his statements on how he disliked the U.S. response to race riots in 1943 Detriot and his whole social context improvement drive around humans on the outside (instead of human improvement). If good would be defined as working on the outside, evil I would feel would be attempting to simply change the inside out from under people.
However, that being said, if some of these elite people do have split personalities, then nothing they say can be trusted as evidence of who they are.
Point two, that hardly precludes someone building on Wallace's genetic techniques and transferring them over to other once left-wing and then labelled "Nazi" eugenic projects that only went underground after WWII instead of died out. The PNAC even gives a polite tip of the hat of recognition to eugenics in smiling on recent inventions of gene-recognizing biological weapons that they claim could be used a ethnic based weapons that turns bioweaponry "from a mere terror device into a politically useful tool." I've rarely felt as sick at heart when I saw that for the first time.
If Wallace was not a multiple--or even if he was--he seems more as someone working on the "outside perfectionist" groups and likely not really Mr. Big himself since he could be so easily thrown away in 1940.
Wallace seems rather "white magic innocent" in his approach of perfecting material reality as he sees fit that has been going on from the Elizabethan occultists around Bacon in England, Rosicrucians, Christian Kabbalists, Christian Unionists and all those people of the early decades of the 1600s.
Wallace of course, since the whole discipline of ecology didn't exist until after WWII, seems completely ignorat that his "material perfection" program for higher yields as the only purpose of crops (i.e., he could have bred them to be more nutritious for instance). As the past 60 years has shown, this whole breeding program is an ecological dead end because of diminishing returns: it self-destructs ecologially by concentrating only on high yielding things which consolidate agriculture, it impoverish farmers he claimed to want to help, and led to large scale pesticides to maintain such scaled industrial agricultulre he contributed to inventing it seems, and reduced nutritional content of food.
Wallace seems like a latter day Rosicrucian. I'd have to know much more about him though a lot of well intentioned scientists are innocent like that to the sociological ramifications of "their pretty neat ideas".
A more "black magic" side definitely would use DNA knowledge for eugenics or bioweaponry or social control though. Fleshing that out, with the whole DNA issue strand (pun not intended) in mind and many readers of this thread pondering how to apply it to morality, I would offer that opening up and protecting "soul choice" would be a good use of their DNA knowledge. Perhaps allowing for expanding psychic opening per se. A "white magic" occult side here for lack of another term want material perfections as they see it for humans as well as opening up DNA capacities.
The darker side would be for crushing this capacity, and using such DNA knowledge for further perfecting or inbreeding internal locks against human consciousness and 'enlightenment'.
Playing devil's advocate to myself, I don't really think that there is a useful separation though with most of these people whatever side of the political game they are playing because they are both OTO style elitists who want to control others souls, its just that some convince themselves it is a benevolent dictatorship with white painted pretty U.N. tanks firing the DU weaponry and "reeducating people" away from their own expressed interests, while the others know and revel in the visciousness of dictatorship, both mental and physical and feed off the self-destruction and misery.
As I said in practice, there is no difference I think between the two groups in terms of their politics.
The former might simply be a romantic historical relic of how European hermeticism ideologies developed--where the occult, the kabala, and alchemy was an individual personal transformation tool, instead of something to be applied socially to control. The Krisnamurta info at your Wallace links show that he rejected the whole social control element leadership that the theosophists wanted to see him fulfill for them. Another really scary development along these lines I think is the really NWO Ba'hai faith that is all about social control and perfecting international religious institutions and disciplinary frameworks, etc.
Back to the hsitorical relic issue of these occultists wanting individual freedom: perhaps they had once a taboo on applying it to human eugenics at one stage, though with the discoveries of how they could get at individuals through material DNA issues (Mendelian inspirations off of course breeding plants) it seems that with the rise of more information about genes after Mendel all that respect of the individual and the "alchemy" of freedom and discovery was thrown out the window for more and more control as these groups were pushed aside by those willing to apply such material issues to social and individual control more and more. It's one thing to build an external panopticon prison system for social control. It's a whole other level if you both intentionally design educational systems from birth to destory their minds to keep them in control, or if you take it a step further, and genetically breed them to destroy their DNA capacities.
Once they found they could materially adjust the mind through their more readily praticed long term "hermetic" practices, humans just became another material subject, instad of the arbiter of the goal or path setting process toward one of systemic human control increasingly performed internally.
It ruins their equations of themselves as god-like to admit to crushing something equally god and intangible in others--something once intangible and individualitic and unknown like DNA that was protected by default ignorance. The whole materialist drive of control acts to deny it, even in the operators of the whole system itself.
So they pretend that individuation doesn't exist. There's no place for it in their bureaucratic centrally controlled mental and ideological model and the whole alchemical tradition from which it sprang has been turned on its head into a novel Roman Catholic Church with their systemic political applications, with scientists as the novel priestcraft connected to the state, pretending that their morality choices of technology is value neutral and simply there and conducting inquisitions on all other paths.
Remember that eugenics was sold in the late 1800s and early 1900s as left-wing first, though both Stalin and Hitler were out to make "the new man" as they said, both on totalitarian models and crushing resistance in the same manner.
This is only one step in the continum here of increasing use of attempts at internal psychic regulation of which the panopticon was just a baby step of external architectural control. If they control education and then human DNA, then they put the their panopticon inside the mind and the double helix itself.
As for the "black magic" side, they seriously enjoy the herding and killing, and instead of mere material perfection they are out to dominate the soul and regiment it--even destroy it and senses of individual paths. While the "white magic" side seems to support benevolent dictatorship to some degree, as I said, it's still dictatorship which cannot be benevolent and only be velvet lined external force.
All I do know is that the world has had 250 years of their leadership solidly increasing toward a "darker side" of hermetic designs first of external material perfections as a political scientific goal, that has moved inward toward human consciousness controls, with themselves as the expected novel watchmaker gods tinkering with us when we are not material property or inventory, though they wish to treat us as such. Systemic social manipulation has replaced their own hermetic sources of tradition of individual awareness and exploration. I personally think their control is bound to collapse--whether psychically or ecologicaly--though the path to collapse is not pretty because it ratchets only more solutions as higher problematic applications instead of recognizing that this path to NWO they tread is sustainable in any physic or material sense--regardless of how many of us they kill.
At the risk of boring people with a blinding overabundance of fascinating details and things to ruminate about on this issue, here's some posts on this subject.
I am sharing from my files related to DNA as something beyond mere material replicator of cells:
The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His experiments, and those of other leading-edge scientists, have examined in great detail the processes by which cells receive information. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Lipton92s profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking.
The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles
by Bruce H. Lipton
and here's a review from a Princeton based doctor--Princeton: always involved in such occult shenanigans...
72 of 109 people found the following review helpful:
Dr. Allison Ashley, April 3, 2005
Reviewer: Allison Ashley "Dr. Allison Ashley" (Princeton, NJ) - See all my reviews
New Science Urges R&D/Pharma to Adopt a New Paradigm Based on Quantum Theory~
Dr. Bruce Lipton has left no loopholes in describing what we now know about the brain and the mind/body connection as a result of both Quantum physics and the unexpected outcomes of the human genome project...which has set the pharmaceutical industry back at least ten years. He delivers the facts and hard science which create a strategic imperative for a shift from old paradigm Newtonian based research to an entirely new paradigm based on quantum mechanics and epigenetics.
This book is a courageous and eloquent dissertation on what is soon to be recognized as classic leading indicator on the future of Research & Development in the pharmaceutical order to survive and thrive in the years to come but most importantly deliver the highest value to their patients. This is a 'must read' for anyone working in the Pharmaceutical Industry in order to understand what the future calls for given the new science of epigenetics.
This is also a must read for anyone who desires to be in control of their own life experience. Genes do not dictate is our response to environmental events or signals based upon our programmed belief system that create our life experiences. We now have a proven scientific and quantifiably measurable modality to change limiting, self sabotaging subconscious 'programs' into empowering and affirming subconscious programs in order to achieve our goals and visions for our ideal life experience.
Like the human cell which responds to the environmental signals, we too respond to environmental signals in our world in accordance to our already established belief system. By changing our subconscious beliefs we have the power and the responsibility to create our desired experience in life. The ramifications for personal and professional development are so pervasive and scientifically validated that we cannot ignore this new information. Nor can the Pharmaceutical Industry ignore the strategic imperative to create a new paradigm~ leveraging this new information in order to provide the best health care with the fewest side effects, and highest profitability for all stakeholders.
It remains to be seen which of the pharmaceutical giants will step up to the plate and lead the way as a trailblazer embracing and putting into practice the 'new science' and the increased viability and value that will flow through to all stakeholders...most importantly the patients or end users of their products/ prescriptions. I invite questions and comments and I challenge one of the big Pharma companies to step up to the plate and lead the pack into the future creating greater health and healthcare!
I applaud Dr. Bruce Lipton for his courageous publication, proclamation of truth, which we all 'know' but has not yet been fully acknowledged or embraced. I also thank Dr. Lipton for his acknowledgment of PSYCH-K™ and PER-K™ as cutting edge modalities/ professional development programs for both individual and corporate peak performance, self actualization, and bottom line profitability (Return on investment of human capital).
Most sincerely,
Dr. Allison Ashley
C.E.O. and President ~ Veracity International, Inc.
another recent book:
Happiness And Optimism 'Can Change Your DNA': Delving Into Mind Over Matter
By Claire Smith
The Scotsman - UK
It was during a weekend of fire-walking in the Welsh hills that scientist David Hamilton decided to change his life.
As an organic chemist with a major pharmaceutical company, he was on a good salary, developing a new generation of drugs by synthesising molecules found in nature. But Hamilton was never convinced that man could improve on nature, and instead was becoming more and more fascinated by the potential healing power of the mind. So, inspired by his body's ability to withstand heat during fire-walking, he began a quest to investigate the mysteries of the mind-body connection. It was the beginning of a journey which brought him into contact with alternative therapists, spiritual teachers and faith healers, and was to inspire him to try and fill Hampden stadium with thousands of people all thinking positive thoughts.
He also began hosting seminars where he encouraged people to believe in the power of their mind to positively improve their health.
Unlike many self-help gurus, Hamilton backs his arguments with scientific research and combines his work with a post as a part-time lecturer in chemistry at Glasgow University.
In his first book, It's The Thought That Counts, due to be published next year, he will put forward the scientific arguments about the mysterious mind-body connection and argue that powerful human states such as happiness and optimism can actually change your DNA.
"I'm interested in the whole self-improvement thing but I am the only scientist talking about it," he says.
His interest in the power of the human spirit began when he was working as an organic chemist for a major pharmaceutical company. Put in the fast-track by the company because of his skill in the field, Hamilton worked on creating new drugs by re-creating molecular structures found in nature with slight differences in order to develop new drugs. "You study nature's molecules and re-create them slightly differently. You might make 10,000 versions of the same molecule and study the effects," he says. "The idea is to take nature and improve on it."
However, he was not sure that was the right approach. He was also becoming uneasy about the way pharmaceutical companies were operating, particularly in the developing world, and became fascinated by the placebo effect, the scientific principle which shows that in drug trials, people given sugar pills often recover just as well as those on other medication.
"On average, placebo effects cure anything between 30 to 90 per cent. That has been written up in many scientific journals. I thought, 'Why not see if you could extend it'," he says.
On a weekend retreat with Tony Robbins, the pioneer of fire-walking, Hamilton decided it was time to change his course in life. "When you walk on fire for the first time you feel incredibly euphoric. At the end of it I felt like I could do anything, and, more specifically, that I could live my dream."
He set up New Awakenings, giving talks and workshops about the power of the mind over the body. While many new-age types talk about positive thinking, Hamilton is different, in that he gives listeners a view based on the latest developments in chemistry, biology and physics. By presenting arguments backed by science, he hopes to motivate people to work on their minds in order to improve their health: "With faith hope and determination people can change the state of their health, life and world".
At the end of 2000, Hamilton set up Spirit Aid, with the actor David Hayman, to stage a Live Aid-style event at Hampden stadium, Glasgow, where inspirational spiritual teachers from different traditions would address the crowd between musical acts.
The plan foundered after 18 months, leaving Hamilton in a perilous financial state. Undeterred, he began work on a book - aiming to bring a scientific approach to self-help.
"I have found around 500 scientific papers from mainstream academic journals which directly talk about the effect that thought, feeling and faith have on the body's systems," he says.
Recent research into spontaneous remissions from cancer found that a radical change of belief system seemed to be a common factor. While few would argue with the idea that a good attitude can speed the healing process, Hamilton believes emotions, such as happiness, can change DNA.
What is surprising is that a growing body of scientific thought appears to agree with him.
As an example, Hamilton quotes the work of Eric Kandel, joint winner of the 2000 Nobel prize for medicine, who carried out pioneering work into the way genes can be switched on or off by social influences.
Kandel's conclusion is that many genetic differences between people are influenced by society and conditioning, rather than incorporated in the genetic makeup of the parents.
Hamilton says: "About 99.9 per cent of our genes are exactly the same. The differences between us are determined by whether our genes are switched on or off.
"There is a whole branch of medicine called psycho-neuro-immunology, which studies the effect of thoughts and emotions on our biochemistry. The biochemistry is intimately connected with the DNA, so if these biologichemical components are affected by thoughts and emotions then thoughts and emotions must also affect our DNA."
He also cites a well-known scientific study of rat pups which showed that two separate growth hormones are switched off in those deprived of a mother's touch. By pulling together the evidence that love and kindness can have a positive effect on health, Hamilton hopes to make people more aware of their own healing power.
The most common reaction to his seminars is to be told that people have always believed in his message, but that he has given them more confidence in their ideas. "I wrote the book to give scientific credibility to what most people already know," he says. "The most powerful cure for anything is faith, hope and determination."
- It's The Thought That Counts will be published by Hamilton Press next year
newswire article reposts united states 16.Nov.2004 01:19
faith & spirituality | health
Religious fanatic? Blame it on 'god gene'
author: Indo-Asian News Service
[World News]: London, Nov 15 : "God genes" are responsible for creating religious fanatics, says new scientific research - much to the chagrin of church representatives.
The findings of Dean Hamer, director of the US National Cancer Institute's Gene Structure and Regulation Unit, also claim that Jesus, the Buddha and Prophet Mohammed are likely to have carried the gene.
The research has, however, been strongly criticised by members of the church, reported the Scotsman newspaper published from Edinburgh. They said the idea of people having a predisposition to faith simply displays a failure to understand it.
Hamer, who attracted controversy in 1993 when he claimed to have found a DNA sequence linked to male homosexuality, now says the presence of the gene VMAT2, or the "god gene", explains why some people are more spiritual than others.
The findings based on a study of 2,000 DNA samples and interviews with volunteers, who answered 226 questions aimed at finding out how spiritually in-tune they felt, have been published in a book named "The God Gene: How Faith is Hard-Wired into our Genes".
According to it, the greater the volunteer's ability to believe in a higher spiritual being, the more likely they are to have the VMAT2 gene. The research also claims that being brought up in a devout environment has little effect on belief.
"Buddha, Mohammed and Jesus all shared a series of mystical experiences or alterations in consciousness, and thus probably carried the gene," Hamer said.
"This means that the tendency to be spiritual is part of genetic make-up. This is not a thing that is strictly handed down from parents to children. It could skip a generation - it's like intelligence."
But Donald Bruce, director of the Church of Scotland's Society, Religious and Technology Project, Sunday called the research findings a "publicity stunt".
"I regard his claims as scientifically ridiculous. There is absolutely no such thing as a god gene. The whole point is that god makes himself available to all equally."
According to him, Hamer had admitted this to him a year ago. "We were both on the advisory board at the conference and I asked him if he thought the book's title was irresponsible. Hamer agreed the words 'god gene' as well as the book's title were misleading."
Peter Kearney, a spokesman for the Catholic Church in Scotland, said: "Religion is not specifically restricted to one era, race or continent, and the fact that it is so all-encompassing and widespread tends to suggest it is not specifically related to our physical make-up."
Web posted Saturday, November 20, 2004
photo: news
TALKING: Author and behavioral geneticist Dean Hamer talks at his home in Washington.
Washington Post photo by Juana Arias
Are humans programmed to worship?
Author says people have genetic propensity toward religious belief
By Bill Broadway
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON -- Dean Hamer has received much criticism for his new book, "The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired Into Our Genes."
Evangelicals reject the idea that faith might be reduced to chemical reactions in the brain. Humanists refuse to accept that religion is inherent in people's makeup. And some scientists have criticized Hamer's methodology and what they believe is a futile effort to find empirical proof of religious experience.
But Hamer, a behavioral geneticist at the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute, stands by research he says shows that spirituality -- the feeling of transcendence -- is part of our nature. And he believes that a universal penchant for spiritual fulfillment explains the growing popularity of nontraditional religion in this country and the presence of hundreds of religions worldwide.
"We think that all human beings have an innate capacity for spirituality and that that desire to reach out beyond oneself, which is at the heart of spirituality, is part of the human makeup," Hamer, 53, said in an interview at his home. "The research suggests some people have a bit more of that capacity than others, but it's present to some degree in everybody."
"The God Gene," published in September and featured in Time magazine's Oct. 25 cover story, is a sequel to "Living With Our Genes," a 1998 book in which Hamer examined the genetic basis of such behavioral traits as anxiety, thrill-seeking and homosexuality. Hamer said his previous research, most notably his work on anxiety, encouraged him to look into the genetic propensity for religious belief.
What he found was that the brain chemicals associated with anxiety and other emotions, including joy and sadness, appeared to be in play in the deep meditative states of Zen practitioners and the prayerful repose of Roman Catholic nuns -- not to mention the mystical trances brought on by users of peyote and other mind-altering drugs.
At least one gene, which goes by the name VMAT2, controls the flow to the brain of chemicals that play a key role in emotions and consciousness. This is the "God gene" of the book's title, and Hamer acknowledges that it's a misnomer. There probably are dozens or hundreds more genes, yet to be identified, involved in the universal propensity for transcendence, he said.
Furthermore, the scientific linkage of a gene with chemicals that affect happiness or sadness does not answer the question "Is there a God?" but rather "Why do we believe in God?"
"Our genes can predispose us to believe. But they don't tell us what to believe in," said Hamer, whose current research involves HIV/AIDS.
Critics in the scientific community argue that Hamer's conclusions are simplistic and speculative, relying too much on anecdotal evidence and too little on testing of the VMAT2 gene to determine other possible connections to behavior. They also wonder whether his findings can be replicated, a necessity in scientific research.
"The field of behavioral genetics is littered with failed links between particular genes and personality traits," said Carl Zimmer, a science author who reviewed the book in last month's Scientific American.
Some religious leaders welcome the idea of a genetic basis for spirituality and say it validates long-held teachings.
"I wondered for a long time why (the concept of) a genetic implant hasn't been put in print or been part of a conversation in the broad theological community," said Bishop John Chane, of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. Chane associates Hamer's findings with the Apostle Paul's statement, "There are a variety of gifts but the same spirit."
Chane also welcomes the notion of genetic universality as a new, deeper way of promoting understanding among people of different faiths -- particularly Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all of which trace their beginnings to the same father, Abraham.
Others, such as Bishop Adam Richardson Jr., of the Washington area district of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, said it's hard to quantify matters of the spirit and that attributing behavior to one's genetic makeup "can be a frightful thing." By analogy, saying that people are predisposed to be spiritual also means that criminals are genetically wired to be criminals and have no hope of rehabilitation.
"Why not just put them in prison and throw away the key?" he asked.
Richardson said there's also the danger of people losing hope, of believing their genetic makeup limits their development and personal growth. "In my own system, we do have choice. We always have choice," he said.
Hamer said his own religious development began in a Congregationalist church, which he abandoned when he became a scientist. But he discovered new spiritual meaning when he began researching this book -- partly through meditative practices he learned at a Zen center near Kyoto, Japan.
He likens spirituality to the capacity for language: Humans are genetically predisposed to have it, but the language people speak and the religion they practice are learned rather than inherited characteristics.
People are designed to communicate through language, but they speak English, French or Chinese because of the part of the world they grew up in. Similarly, genetic makeup urges people to believe in a Creator or find spiritual fulfillment, but culture, history and environment determine whether one is a Christian, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist or Muslim.
Although people can change or abandon that religious affiliation, they cannot rid themselves of the genetic propensity to be spiritual. But people can build on and develop that innate spirituality through meditation, prayer and creative arts such as music and painting. These practices can be done inside or outside organized religion, he said.
Hamer said he has received numerous comments from people who say the dichotomy of spirituality and religion makes sense. "I always knew this, that I was inclined to be spiritual, even though I've always had a problem with religion," they tell him.
"I see more and more people doing things like yoga," Hamer said. "They do it initially because they want to get more flexible and look good and feel great. Then they find that once they spend some time sitting on a mat, doing nothing but concentrating on their body and clearing their mind of everything else, they say, 'That feels kind of good.' "
Such feelings can lead to an intuitive sense of God's presence, Hamer said. "We do not know God; we feel Him."
Organized religion can become so codified, so caught up with learned rituals, that the focus on spirituality gets lost, Hamer said. The resurgence of Pentecostalism and other emotion-based religions is one sign of the staying power of inherited spirituality, he said.
Megachurches, too, are part of this phenomenon and have widespread appeal because of the emotional aspects of worship, he said. "They have lots of music, video screens, the whole multimedia thing going on," he said. "They're tapping into that (innate spirituality). It's fun and allows people to get into that spiritual frame of mind."
Hamer said more research has to be done to determine whether there is a genetic basis for other religion-related phenomena, including the existence of archetypes, the similarity of creation stories in various religions and the common characteristics of fundamentalism in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Also left hanging is why women score much higher than men on transcendence tests.
"I'm not completely sure about that," Hamer said. "I just know that it's true. Women are more attuned to their emotional connections, and that's at the heart of spirituality."
2004 The Holland Sentinel
Couples 'feel each other's pain'
Woman in pain
Men and women reported similar levels of pain
The old adage that loving couples feel each other's pain has been proved to be right.
A team from University College London found that merely knowing your loved one is suffering is enough to activate pain centres in the brain.
The study, publised in Science, is based on 16 couples.
The researchers measured activity in the brain while painful stimulation was applied to the woman's right hand - or to the right hand of her partner.
Our human capacity to 'tune in' to others when exposed to their feelings may explain why we do not always behave selfishly.
Dr Tani Singer
They found that watching the pain suffered by a partner was enough to trigger activity in some - but not all - of the brain's pain centres.
Simply watching pain being inflicted was enough to trigger an empathetic response, making the witness aroused and emotional.
In effect, the brain flinches when it sees someone in pain in the same way that we might wince.
This is the same kind of response triggered by anticipating that you are about to be hurt.
Women who reported the strongest feelings of empathy experienced the greatest brain activity.
However, simply witnessing pain was not enough to stimulate the pain centres that register the actual physical sensation of hurt.
Lead researcher Dr Tani Singer said: "The results suggest that we use emotional representations reflecting our own subjective feeling states to understand the feelings of others.
"Probably, our ability to empathize has evolved from a system for representing our own internal bodily states.
Dr Singer said the research was the first time that brain imaging technology had been used to show how we empathise with the plight of others.
She said: "Our human capacity to 'tune in' to others when exposed to their feelings may explain why we do not always behave selfishly in human interactions but instead engage in altruistic, helping behaviour."
Friday, 20 February, 2004, 02:34 GMT
Dogs can predict epileptic seizures
21:00 21 June 04 news service
Some dogs can predict when a child will have an epileptic seizure, a new study has revealed. These dogs not only protect their charges from injuries, such as falling, but also seem to help kids deal with the daily struggle of epilepsy.
Nine of the 60 dogs in the study (15 per cent) were able to predict a seizure by licking, whimpering, or standing next to the child. These dogs were remarkably accurate - they predicted 80 per cent of seizures, with no false reports.
However, those interested in owning a dog with these skills cannot yet just order one. The dogs were not trained, but instead began predicting seizures spontaneously within a month of moving in with their owners.
"No one is reliably training such dogs yet," says Adam Kirton, a neurologist at Alberta Children's Hospital in Canada and lead author of the study. His group is looking into setting up a training program. However, some epilepsy patients do have already dogs that have been trained to protect them during a seizure.
Children with epilepsy are at risk of falling or choking during a seizure. The injury rate is highly variable, but can be about 20 per cent for some types of childhood epilepsy.
"But the worst part of the disease isn't a seizure, it's fear of the next seizure," says Kirton. "By knowing when a seizure might happen, it could liberate them and free them to do what they want to do."
Minutes to hours
Before the new study, reports of dogs predicting seizures had only been anecdotal. So Kirton and colleagues attempted to systematically assess dog behaviour by sending questionnaires to families in their clinic.
Forty-two percent of the families with both an epileptic child and a dog said their dogs responded to seizures. And nine of these dogs actually anticipated the seizure, alerting families minutes to hours before the seizure occurred. Also, dog-owning families reported a higher quality of life than those without, with the owners of seizure-alerting dogs reporting the highest values.
One possible weakness of the study is that the behaviour was reported by the dog-owners themselves, who may overestimated their dog's abilities. Kirton therefore plans to do another study in a more clinical setting, which will also try to determine how these dogs predict seizures.
At present, the mechanism is unknown. But some researchers speculate that the dog could be using subtle visual or olfactory cues that occur before a seizure.
Gregory Holmes, a neurologist at Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire, says the dogs could be detecting a change in smell. "People have autonomic changes, such as increased sweating, which a dog could pick up on."
According to Douglas Nordli, director of the children's epilepsy center at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, such external changes could result from a small electrical discharge that occurs in the brain before the full blown electrical seizure.
Journal reference: Neurology (vol 62, p 2303)
SIDENOTE OF IMPORTANCE: recall that animals are very sensitive to earth's "seizures" as well, which are electromagnetic (like pezioelectricity). There is even a condition that some people have who get extreme migranes when earthquakes are about to happen. Some have seizures.
* 19 March 2005
* news service
* Michael Brooks
1 The placebo effect
DON'T try this at home. Several times a day, for several days, you induce pain in someone. You control the pain with morphine until the final day of the experiment, when you replace the morphine with saline solution. Guess what? The saline takes the pain away.
This is the placebo effect: somehow, sometimes, a whole lot of nothing can be very powerful. Except it's not quite nothing. When Fabrizio Benedetti of the University of Turin in Italy carried out the above experiment, he added a final twist by adding naloxone, a drug that blocks the effects of morphine, to the saline. The shocking result? The pain-relieving power of saline solution disappeared. [In other words the body itself manufactured the physical biochemical effect of what is missing.]
So what is going on? Doctors have known about the placebo effect for decades, and the naloxone result seems to show that the placebo effect is somehow biochemical. But apart from that, we simply don't know.
Benedetti has since shown that a saline placebo can also reduce tremors and muscle stiffness in people with Parkinson's disease (Nature Neuroscience, vol 7, p 587).
He and his team measured the activity of neurons in the patients' brains as they administered the saline. They found that individual neurons in the subthalamic nucleus (a common target for surgical attempts to relieve Parkinson's symptoms) began to fire less often when the saline was given, and with fewer "bursts" of firing - another feature associated with Parkinson's. The neuron activity decreased at the same time as the symptoms improved: the saline was definitely doing something.
We have a lot to learn about what is happening here, Benedetti says, but one thing is clear: the mind can affect the body's biochemistry. "The relationship between expectation and therapeutic outcome is a wonderful model to understand mind-body interaction," he says. Researchers now need to identify when and where placebo works. There may be diseases in which it has no effect. There may be a common mechanism in different illnesses. As yet, we just don't know.
4 Belfast homeopathy results
MADELEINE Ennis, a pharmacologist at Queen's University, Belfast, was the scourge of homeopathy. She railed against its claims that a chemical remedy could be diluted to the point where a sample was unlikely to contain a single molecule of anything but water, and yet still have a healing effect. Until, that is, she set out to prove once and for all that homeopathy was bunkum.
In her most recent paper, Ennis describes how her team looked at the effects of ultra-dilute solutions of histamine on human white blood cells involved in inflammation. These "basophils" release histamine when the cells are under attack. Once released, the histamine stops them releasing any more. The study, replicated in four different labs, found that homeopathic solutions - so dilute that they probably didn't contain a single histamine molecule - worked just like histamine. Ennis might not be happy with the homeopaths' claims, but she admits that an effect cannot be ruled out.
So how could it happen? Homeopaths prepare their remedies by dissolving things like charcoal, deadly nightshade or spider venom in ethanol, and then diluting this "mother tincture" in water again and again. No matter what the level of dilution, homeopaths claim, the original remedy leaves some kind of imprint on the water molecules. Thus, however dilute the solution becomes, it is still imbued with the properties of the remedy.
You can understand why Ennis remains sceptical. And it remains true that no homeopathic remedy has ever been shown to work in a large randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial. But the Belfast study (Inflammation Research, vol 53, p 181) suggests that something is going on. "We are," Ennis says in her paper, "unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to encourage others to investigate this phenomenon." If the results turn out to be real, she says, the implications are profound: we may have to rewrite physics and chemistry.
From issue 2491 of New Scientist magazine, 19 March 2005, page 30
Is ESP real? (the above DNA physical experiments seem to state it is and that it is a physical electrical almost 'holographic at a distance' effect)
by Kris Stretton
Scientists tend to have a skeptical view of ESP and parapsychology. If a person were to turn on the television at two o'clock in the morning they would be bombarded by commercials for various psychic hotlines. A celebrity whose career probably isn't going as well as they would like usually hosts the commercials. They introduce some eccentric person who is a psychic to the stars. I recently heard one of the more popular ones the psychic friends network has gone out of business. I guess the psychics they have working for them didn't pick up on the future financial problems. There seems to be a lot of room for fraud when it comes to ESP. Because of this people are naturally skeptical. Does this mean that ESP and the researchers investigating this phenomenon arrant doing valid research? Surprisingly there is research indicating that there is something to ESP.
When most people think of parapsychologists researching ESP they automatically think of ESP testing cards. J.B Rhine who is some times refereed to the father of parapsychology created these cards. His career in parapsychology began at Duke University in the late 1920s. Rhine became interested in ESP after hearing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle speak about ESP and spiritualism in the early 1920s. He began having children guess numbers that were stamped on cards. Not getting the results he wanted Rhine asked a college Karl Zener a specialist in perception to design a set of cards that could be easily remembered. The cards consisted of 5 symbols the subjects were to guess which symbol was on the card. They ran four separate experiments. The results were 558 hits out of 1,850 trails. Chance would account for 370 hits making the odds 22 billion -to- one. (Broughton, 66-70)
ESP research was taken even further at the Maimonides medical center in Brooklyn New York. The studies at Maimonides took place in the mid 1960s. The experiments mainly focused on ESP and dreams. The mainmonides lab discounted Rhine's card guessing tests and started a new approach. They preferred a more free approach compared with the forced guessing method of the cards. What they did was have one person sleeping and one person mentally send a picture that was sealed in an envelope. The two people would be separated in two different rooms. The dreamer was hooked up to a polygraph machine. When the dreamer reached the REM state indicating the dreamer had started to dream. When the dreamer entered this state a buzzer would sound in the room were the sender was in. The sender would look at a picture and try to send it to the dreaming person. When the REM state stopped the person who was dreaming would be woken up, asked what they were dreaming about, and recorded. This routine would go on through out the time. They would usually get around four dreams. The nightly dreams would then be sealed up and sent to be transcribed. The transcriptions would then be sent to outside judges who would rank the nightly transcripts against the possible target pictures. The judges did not know which picture had been used in the session. They would rank each transcript according to the similarity to picture. The best rank a picture would get would be a one, indicating a direct hit. One example of this is the man doing the dreaming was dreaming of New Mexico, mountains, clouds, and Pueblo Indians going down into a Mayan-Aztec civilization. The target picture was Zapatistas by Carlos Oscar Romero. The picture was of Mexican Indians marching. There are mountains and clouds in the background. The judges labeled this as a striking hit. (Broughton 89-92)
The researchers also modified the format of the dreamer and sender experiments. They wanted to test precognition in dreams or the ability to perceive future events. For this type of experiment they still had the dreamer go to sleep, hooked up to the polygraph would wake them up after the REM state occurred, and recorded their dreams. Then the following morning a person who had no knowledge of the dreams that were recorded would randomly select a picture. A dramatic example of this was a person was dreaming of a hospital and Doctors in white coats. The doctors in his dream called him Mr. Van Gogh. The target picture was Vincent Van Gogh's Hospital Corridor at Saint Remy. The judges labeled this as a direct hit. (Broughton 95-96)
The dream lab closed in 1978 due to lack of funding. Most of the original members had moved on prior to this. Despite a shaky start producing evidence proving ESP exists they did get some significant findings. They did a statistical analysis of the labs results in 1988. The findings were out of 379 trails there were 233 hits. This shows an accuracy rate of 83.5 %. Chance would have been 50%, making the odds against chance about a quarter of a million to one. (Broughton 97-98)
Out of the research at the Mainmonides a new method of investigating ESP came about. This new method came to be known as the Ganzfelt technique. Ganzfelt comes from the German word that means whole field. One of the reasons Ganzfelt came about was because the research at Miamonaides required the staff and subjects to stay up all night it was fairly expensive. A parapsychologist named Charles Honorton was its creator. Honorton wondered if ESP was a weak sense and deduced the reason it was so prevalent in dreams was due to the fact that external stimuli it markedly reduced. When persons dreaming there focused internally. He though about some eastern religions that used meditation who often linked meditation with ESP. He devised a technique that was similar to sensory depravation and meditation. What they did was to tape Ping-Pong balls that were cut in half to person's eyes. The Ping-Pong balls are fitted to the person's eyes so it's not uncomfortable. This is done to reduce the persons visually input. Then the person puts headphones on and listens to a hiss that is played through them. This is designed to reduce the audio input of the subject. A red light is shined on the person's face so with the Ping Pong balls they will see a pink glow. Then the subject sits back in a reclining chair to minimize tactile input. The person is to let their mind go blank, let images and sensations flow, and say what ever comes to mind. A computer randomly selects a picture in another room. The target picture is then sealed in an envelope with three other pictures. After the person is finished describing what they see, the sealed envelope is brought out to them. The subject is to rank each picture on how close it is to what they perceived. Although this changed when Honorton headed Psychophysical Research Laboratories (PRL) at Princeton University's Forrestal Center research campus. At PRL they would have a computer select a target which could be a picture, a film clip, a cartoon, or even a commercial. The sessions would last about a half-hour when they are done the computer turns on a television in the subject's room and shows the person four target pictures. As with the earlier experiments the subjects rates then compared to the images and sensory information they perceived. (Broughton 105-107)
The most recent studies around ESP actually came from interestingly enough the United States government. The United States government became interested in ESP in the early 1960s. An article in a French magazine called Science and Life called "The Secret of the Nautilus" would start a psychic cold war. The article reported that the US government did a secret test that involved using telepathy to communicate with a submarine submerged under an Arctic ice cap. The story turned out not to be true but the soviets took the article very seriously. The soviets began heavily funding research experiments. By the late 1960s the US government saw how much the soviets were spending began looking into researching ESP them selves. This research came to be known as remote viewing. (Schnabel 90-92)
Remote viewing essentially is a scientific term for clairvoyance. It is defined as the ability of experienced or inexperienced to view, by means of mental processes, remote geographical or technical targets such as roads, buildings, and laboratory apparatus. (Targ and Puthoff ix) Put more simply it could be defined as the ability to perceive remote locations while not being there physically. Remote viewing experiments started in early 1970s at Stanford Research Institute. Interestingly enough, the researchers who were doing the experiments weren't parapsychologists they were physicists. The two men responsible for a new direction in the field of parapsychology were Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff.
Harold Puthoff was teaching at Stanford University's electrical engineering department. He received a Ph.D. from Stanford, had a patent on a laser he invented, and co-authored a book called Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics. He was also very bored with his life. He left Stanford University and joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI). He was hired at SRI to work on a laser project for the government. Most of the money SRI received was through government contracts, although it was still related to Stanford University. After the project Puthoff was working on winded down he decided to peruse one of his own interests ESP research. After checking with his boss he began to look for funding. A friend of his named Bill Church who owned a chicken restaurant chain gave him ten thousand dollars. After this remote viewing research was born.(Schnabel 86-87)
Shortly after Puthoff got some funding a man by the name of Ingo Swann contacted him Swann was an artist and also a psychic. He participated in psychic research at City College of New York and American Society for Psychical Research. Swann claimed that he could influence the temperature of a graphite rod and travel out of his body and view objects hidden in a laboratory. Puthoff flew him out to SRI. (Schnabel 87-88)
Two days after Swann arrived at SRI Puthoff did an interesting experiment. He took Ingo to the physics building at Stanford University. Puthoff wanted to see if Swann could influence the output of an experimental magnetometer. This magnetometer was designed to measure very small magnetic field perturbations. Swann had never tried any thing like this before and said he would try clairvoyantly to see inside the magnetometer. As he did this, the magnetometer input suddenly changed as indicated by the printed read out of the meter. Convinced he had found something significant Puthoff wrote up a small report with the output reading of the magnetometer and sent it to a few government offices. A few weeks later the government let Puthoff know they were interested. The government agency that ended up funding the research at SRI began with the CIA. After seeing an experiment where Swann correctly described the contents of a box the CIA was funding ESP research. The target in the box was a moth. (Schnabel 86-89)
Remote viewing first happened as sort of an accident. Shortly after getting the CIA contract Puthoff hired a man named Russell Targ. Like Puthoff Targ was also a laser physicist. Targ created an ESP training machine. The machine consisted of a computer that had light bulbs behind four slides. The computer would randomly light up a slide and the subject using this was to guess which slide would light up. Ingo Swann didn't like this machine. It reminded him of the earlier forced choice work in parapsychology. One day Swann suggested that Puthoff and Targ give him geological coordinates and he would describe what he saw. Puthoff and Targ didn't like this mainly because if Swann did get accurate information skeptics would ague that he had a photographic memory. Ingo would not let this go after threatening to quit Puthoff and Targ finally gave in. After trying this a few times they decided to do some more research in this area after Swann successfully described the coordinates. (Schnabel 98-104) This procedure evolved into the remote viewer or psychic and a monitor in a sound proofed room that was shielded from electromagnetic waves. The monitor's job is to ask questions and talk to and the remote viewer. Neither of them have any idea what the target location is. Then one or two people in another room with roll a die and pick up a manila envelope correlating with the number that was rolled on the die. They would open the envelope and a location is in side it. The people them go to the location for about a half-hour and then come back. The people that do this are called out-bounders. (McMoneagle 44-45)
A dramatic example of remote viewing ability is a man named Pat Price. Pat Price was a police commissioner, vice mayor of Burbank Ca, and was the president of a coal company. Pat called Puthoff and told him that he used his psychic abilities to solve crimes when he was on the police force. (Targ and Puthoff 46) Puttoff got many calls like this a day but on a whim or perhaps intuition he gave Price the coordinates that a friend who was in the military gave him. Price sent Puthoff a five-page report going in to great detail about the place. Price said it was a military installation and even read the names of files that were on a desk and in locked cabinets. Puthoff's friend told him the coordinates were of his college's summer cabin and that price was wrong. A week later Puthoff's friend took his family for a drive in the countryside. A few miles away from his college's cabin was a dirt road and a sign that said government property no tress passing. The following Monday Puthoffs friend asked some one about the base and passed on all the information that Pat Price had perceived. With in a few days military officials were interrogating Puthoffs friend. They wanted to know how he got into the base and why. Not buying his explanation Targ and Puthoff were interrogated too. The military official also knocked on neighbor's doors asking if they were communists. It turns out that Price was correct after all. (Schnabel 108-112)
SRI's ten million military contract was terminated in 1989. The research at SRI produced some exciting results. A statistical analysis showed that of all the research done at SRI. It was based on 154 experiments, consisting of over 26,000 separate trials, conducted over 16 years. The statistical analysis came out to be a billion to one against chance. Although some people suggest the early research methods at SRI had some flaws. (Radin 101)
The current research with ESP has also shown significant results. Particularly the research of a man named Dean Radin. He has been called the Einstein of parapsychology. Radin is director of the conscious research Lab at the University of Arizona. One interesting experiment that was done had a subject sit in a chair about two feet from a color computer monitor. On the persons first two fingers of the left had electrodes are attached to record fluctuations in the skin conductance. On the third finger of the left hand a device is attached to record the heart rate and the amount of blood in the fingertips. The signals from these are then fed into a computer. The subject then rests their left hand on their lap. With their right hand they hold a computer mouse when there ready to begin the subject presses the mouse button. Then the computer selects one target image out of a large group of different images. When this is being done the monitor only shows a blank screen. The images that the computer chooses fall into two categories, calm and emotional. Calm pictures usually consist of nature scenery, cheery people, or a relaxing situation. Emotional pictures are disturbing images such as an autopsy. After five seconds of the blank screen the target photo is shown for three seconds. A blank screen then follows this again for five seconds. After another five-second-rest period the subject is told to press the mouse button and the sequence repeats using a different target image. The subject's physiological responses to the three sequences are measured. The person view forty different pictures one at a time in a single sitting. The study had some fascinating findings, for instance before seeing a calm picture the subjects heart rate would increase a little then it would steadily drop. It was as if the subject knew the picture was going to be relaxing. In comparison too this before the person saw a disturbing picture the participants pre-acted to their own future emotional stress. They also found that the electrodermal activity was much higher before the emotional picture than before the calm pictures. It is important to note that most of the people were not consciously aware what kind of picture was going to come up. This indicates that this phenomenon is a largely unconscious process. (Radin 118-124)
There is now solid evidence that ESP is very much real. If this is the case, we must change the way we think about reality. Most scientists today believe that ESP is impossible because it violates certain natural laws such as time and space. There is however a theory that explains this: the field consciousness theory. This theory has been around for years in which Carl Jung called it the collective unconscious and it has also been referred to as global mind. The basic premise of the field consciousness theory is that mind and matter are radically interconnected. At the Consciousness Research Laboratory, they ran several experiments to test the prediction that mass consciousness can affect matter. One was where they programmed one or more electronic random number generators to generate 400 random bits (zeros and ones) every six seconds (each group of 400 bits is a sample). Essentially it is similar to flipping a coin 400 times and recording heads or tails that resulted. They wanted to take an event that had a large number of people watching or participating. One of these events picked was the 1995 Academy Awards (over one billion people in 120 countries watched this event). They independently kept minute by minute logs of programs and judged whether they thought each noted event was interesting and likely to attract attention of the viewing audience. They also noted if it was uninteresting and likely to bore the audience (Radin, 160-170). The findings of this study were significant. The devices showed that an increase in order over base line measurements occurred (Graff, 204).
Despite almost 30 years of solid research with significant statistical data, the debate over ESP is still on going. Part of the problem is with "main stream" sciences belief systems. The belief system acts as a filter to what people will or will not accept. It is similar to not being able to find an object you are looking for that is right in front of your face. They will not validate ESP research simply because they do not believe in it. Scientific discoveries usually go in three stages: the first being disbelief and conflict Laws of Science; the second being admitting there is weak evidence therefore it is unimportant; and the final stage is acceptance where the main stream accepts that there is credible evidence. ESP research is now in stage two. Science has now admitted that there is weak evidence that supports the ESP phenomena. This however, is not true: ESP has been proven over and over beyond a reasonable doubt. Statistical analysis has proven that there is concrete evidence that ESP does in fact exist. Just because mainstream scientists will not validate it, does not make the evidence less credible or make the scientists correct. As in the 1400s there was a consensus with scientists that the world was flat and anyone who did not subscribe to this theory was ridiculed much like today with ESP research. As scientists slowly realized that this school of thought was false and that the world is in fact round. One day scientists will realize the validity of ESP research.
Broughton, Richard .S. Ph.D. Parapsychology: The Controversial Science. New York: Random House, 1991.
Graff, Dale E. Tracks In the Psychic Wilderness. Boston: Element Books, Inc., 1998.
McMoneagle, Joseph. Mind Trek. Norfolk: Hampton Roads, 1993.
Radin, Dean, Ph.D. The Conscious Universe. New York: Harper Edge, 1997.
Schnabel, Jim. Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies. New York: Dell Publishing, 1997.
Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold. Mind-Reach. USA: Delacorte Press, 1977.
If DNA is immersed in cell 'water' of course, does that make the cell a like a Leyden Jar for the DNA photovoltaic effects noted above...
Do Not Offend Water - It Remembers Every Word You Say [AND DOES IT REMEMBER DNA...]
By Vladimir Borovoy
Translated by Anastasia Pulich
One day theoretical science will no longer have doubts about water's memory while high tech specialists will be making "water" computers controlled by telepathy.
There seemed nothing to be as simple and as well studied in the world of science as water.until recently. The proverbial chemical description, temperature metamorphoses from ice into steam, solvent properties - that is about all. Deeper studies into the Nanoworld are ready to shake faith even in the water's simplicity. Just for one fact that it turns out water has memory and understands human emotions and words.
According to physics that we study at school water does not form any long-lived structures (if there is no other substance taking part in the process). Of course, there is so called hydrogen bond, due to which molecules are joined in chains, but such formations exist a tiny moment of time. Theoretically it means that water is hard to structure: at least all the stories about magnetized water or water that "remembers" substance once dissolved in it have been labeled as asientific for a long time. Nevertheless, it has been several years already since quite serious-minded scientists with the help of ultraprecision instruments began to study the ability of water to form those long-lived structures.
Russian scientists are among the leaders. In 2003 at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian scientist Stanislav Zenin upheld a thesis on water's memory. The thesis' author owns a laboratory and studied clathrates, stable compounds (that can live up to several hours!) consisting of 912 water molecules of half-micron or micron in size. You can even see them through the phase-contrast microscope.
Clathrates are almost electrically neutral in distilled water.
However, Zenin found out that their electroconductivity could be changed.
Bonds between the clathrates' elements can be broken with the magnetic stirrer and then water becomes dead and unordered mixture. If a tiny amount (even one molecule) of any other substance is added into water clathrates start "adopting" its electromagnetic properties.
(like DNA for instance...)
In the end Zenin engaged psychics and healers - people who do not enjoy respect in the world of science - in his work on thesis. He found out that some representatives of this dubious occupation can change water's electroconductivity drastically with the power of their thought. ****Zenin defined water as substance in phase-informative state with a structure suitable for data storage.**** He called it a biological information tank. He distinguished water's primary and long-term memory.
Primary memory becomes apparent after a single impact.
It is a reversible change in water's structure and a reflection of the new electromagnetic picture on clathrates' surface.
As for the long-term memory, it is a complete transformation of the matrix clathrates' structural elements as a result of long information influence.
(like DNA association)
This means that you do not have to be a psychic to form a certain structure of water. It is enough to pass a certain emotion to water for some period of time.
The same conclusion was made by Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto.
He discovered that water can really form ordered structures that turned out to be crystals. Each of them is unique and reflects the electromagnetic properties of water. Microcrystals are studied with the help of photographs. First of all, water drops placed into Petri dishes are quenched for two hours. Then they are placed into special apparatus that is a sort of refrigerator combined with microscope and camera. Here the newly-formed crystals are examined at temperature of 5C below zero. The most characteristic ones are photographed.
Dr. Emoto and his team study water from different sources of the world and also water that was effected by music, image, television, thoughts of a single person and a group of people, prayers, words typed or pronounced in different languages etc.
Emoto discovered that there was a significant difference between crystals that listened to Beethoven and heavy-metal. Words "angel" and "devil" form structures that are similar and completely opposite at the same time.
Of course, Dr. Emoto can be also called a person with vivid imagination who uses equipment for purposes that have nothing to do with science.
The Japanese scientist thinks that everything in this world possesses common vibration frequency, resonance wave (hado) that is able to transfer human emotions onto all surrounding objects.
That is why one has to thank food that he/she eats, avoid negative emotions and pray more often. Such conclusions make scientific community laugh. But that is not always the case.
Many researchers show interest in the findings of Dr. Emoto. Some are looking for the ways to transform processes that occur in water under the influence of electromagnetic radiation of the human brain into signals that are comprehensible for computer. In other words, they want to invent a computer that would be operated by thoughts. Others want to teach water storing the binary code.
There are also those who try to find out if it is possible to change physical and chemical properties of water for special purposes (for instance, making it viscous in order to cool nuclear reactors with less energy consumption).
Such tendencies can one day result in the situation when theoretical science will no longer have doubts about water's memory while high tech specialists will be making "water" computers controlled by telepathy.
THUS: Is water the extension of DNA memory storage in other words?
more on Popp and biophotons and DNA
Biophotons And The
Universal Light Code
By William F. Hamilton
I have been reading a book entitled The Field by Lynne McTaggert, a book that could revolutionize our view of the universe once again. One of the key notions in this book is the discovery of biophotons, a new study in the field of biophysics that could have a far-reaching impact on our ideas of life and consciousness in the universe.
What are biophotons and how were they discovered?
"Biophotons, or ultra weak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum - in other words: light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special equipment developed by German researchers.
This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement therefore can be used to assess this state. Cancer cells and healthy cells of the same type, for instance, can be discriminated by typical differences in biophoton emission. After an initial decade and a half of basic research on this discovery, biophysicists of various European and Asian countries are now exploring the many interesting applications which range across such diverse fields as cancer research, non-invasive early medical diagnosis, food and water quality testing, chemical and electromagnetic contamination testing, cell communication, and various applications in biotechnology.
According to the biophoton theory developed on the base of these discoveries the biophoton light is stored in the cells of the organism - more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei - and a dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect cell organelles, cells, tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the organism's main communication network and as the principal regulating instance for all life processes. The processes of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are also explained by the structuring and regulating activity of the coherent biophoton field. The holographic biophoton field of the brain and the nervous system, and maybe even that of the whole organism, may also be basis of memory and other phenomena of consciousness, as postulated by neurophysiologist Karl Pribram and others. The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field are closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum and indicate its possible role as an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness.
The discovery of biophoton emission also lends scientific support to some unconventional methods of healing based on concepts of homeostasis (self-regulation of the organism), such as various somatic therapies, homeopathy and acupuncture. The "ch'i" energy flowing in our bodies' energy channels (meridians) which according to Traditional Chinese Medicine regulates our body functions may be related to node lines of the organism's biophoton field. The "prana" of Indian Yoga physiology may be a similar regulating energy force that has a basis in weak, coherent electromagnetic biofields."
First discovered in 1923 by Russian medical scientist Professor Alexander G.Gurvich (who named them "mitogenetic rays") and in the 1930s widely researched in Europe and the USA, biophotons have been rediscovered and backed since the 1970s by ample experimental and theoretical evidence by European scientists. In 1974 German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp has proved their existence, their origin from the DNA and later their coherence (laser-like nature), and has developed biophoton theory to explain their possible biological role and the ways in which they may control biochemical processes, growth, differentiation etc. Popp's biophoton theory leads to many startling insights into the life processes and may well provide one of the major elements of a future theory of life and holistic medical practice based on such an approach. The importance of the discovery has been confirmed by eminent scientists such as Herbert Froehlich and Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine. Since 1992, the International Institute of Biophysics, a network of research laboratories in more than 10 countries, based in Germany, is coordinating research in this field which promises rapid development in the next decade. "(1)
There are so many ramifications to the study of biophotonic emissions that it is difficult to elucidate at this time. Biophoton studies seem to indicate that the emission is coherent and that biophotons may be modulated and communicate information not only throughout the body but into the extended environment. It may be the process by which DNA actually communicates its information to protein molecules in the process of morphogenesis. It may have relevance to extra-sensory modes of communication with other life forms and explain many mysteries of life.
Here is a list of some of the properties and characteristics of biophotons so far discovered (2):
"Some steps in revealing important properties of biophotons are (1) careful measurements of the spectrum, (2) the analysis of the photo count statistics, (3) connecting the spontaneous and delayed "luminescence", (4) investigations of the temperature dependence of biophotons and (5) correlating physical properties of biophoton emission and biological parameters such as growth, differentiation, DNA -content, and anomalies.
As far as results are available, a brief summary justifies at present the following statements:
· The spectral distribution of biophotons covers at least the range from 200 to 800 nm [1].
· The spectrum is not a line spectrum but rather flat, following approximately the rule f(w) = constant, where f describes the probability of occupying the phase space cells of energy . This is a significant difference from a closed system, where f(w) is the well-known Boltzmann distribution, where T is the absolute temperature [2].
· The probability of counting 0,1,2,...., n biophotons in a preset time interval Dt follows accurately a Poissonian distribution p(n,Dt) = exp (-< n >) < n >n/n! , where < n > is the mean value of photon numbers n during the preset time interval Dt[2].
· This Poissonian probability distribution is fulfilled even in non-stationary biophoton emission. It holds to time intervals down to at least Dt of 10-5 s [2].
· Instead of following an exponential decay, delayed luminescence can be described rather accurately by a "hyperbolic relaxation" of the type A/(1+tz), where A and z are constant (including complex) values, while t is the time after external excitation [2].
· The temperature dependence follows a Curie-Weiss law rather than the Arrhenius factor [3].
· It is evident that at least a significant part of biophoton emission originates from DNA [4].
· There are manifold non-linear dependencies of biophoton emission on cell densities [5].
One of the leading researchers in this new field of biophotons is Fritz-Albert Popp of the International Institute of Biophysics (Biophotonics). Popp was one of those brilliant scientist who risked his career when he became interested in biophotons and there potential for healing. Experiments have even revealed that persons with deceased cells may be healed remotely by those who transmit coherent states of information via biophoton transmission.
Popp says, "Biophotons are photons emitted spontaneously by all living systems.1-3 In particular, this phenomenon is not confined to "thermal" radiation in the infrared range. It is well known at present that biophotons are emitted also in the range from visible up to UV. Actually, the intensity of "biophotons" can be registered from a few photons per second and square centimeter surface area on up to some hundred photons from every living system under investigation. The spectral distribution never does display small peaks around definite frequencies. Rather, the quite flat distribution within the range of at least 300 to 800 nm has to be assigned to a thermodynamical system "far away" from equilibrium, since the probability f(n)(see Footnote) of occupying the phase space is on average almost constant and exceeds the Boltzmann distribution in this spectral range by at least a factor of 1010(in the red) up to 1040 (in the UV-range). Fig. 1 displays a typical frequency distribution of a living system, where the spectral intensity of biophotons (at the outside of the living system) has been averaged over several measurements and then expressed in terms of the excitation temperatures (upper figures and lower, left figure) or the occupation probability f(n ) (lower right figure). The term "bio-" in biophotons has been introduced4 in the same way as it has been done in the term "bio-luminescence", pointing to the biological source of the emission, and the term "photons" in the word ,,biophotons" has been chosen to express the fact that the phenomenon is characterized by measuring single photons, indicating that this phenomenon has to be considered as a subject of quantum optics rather than of "classical" physics." (3)
Though biophoton emissions are weak and various instruments are needed to detect these biophotons, the possibility exists that it may give rise to methods of detecting extraterrestrial life forms and determining their vital signatures.
"Whereas an incoherent source relaxes according to an exponential relationship between light intensity and time of measurement, a coherent emission decays according to a hyperbolic relationship. Popp et al. and others have done considerable research to measure the kinetics of the decay of biological light emission from many organisms, with the result that almost all of the decay curves show a hyperbolic relationship. Although hyperbolic decay might also be observed for systems with a large number of independent emitters, Popp and Li10 maintain that under the particular conditions in which they have measured hyperbolic decay for light from organisms, the long-lasting hyperbolic decay observed for induced light emission is a sufficient condition for coherence." (4)
It is possible that biophotons may even be carriers of psi information and that a coherent coupling can be established between two conscious life forms resulting in a transference of information from a higher potential field to a field at lower potential. Even though this is conjecture at this point, it suggests other means by which disparate life forms can communicate. We know there is a process by which trees communicate and even signal each other in the face of danger. We may be exchanging information with pets and other animals through biophotonic communication. This may be how some people who have a green thumb affect plants they care for. The possibilities have not been fully explored, but I suspect that biophotonics will be a growing science in the 21st century.
White Powder of Gold
The White Powder of Gold is a multitude of things. It is in essence, the Elixir of Life. It is likewise, The Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy, the “manna” of the ancient Hebrews, and even the “What is it?” of the ancient Egyptians. In science, the white powder of gold is the ORME -- i.e. gold (or any of the Precious Metals) in a monoatomic form -- which can result in Superconductivity within an organic body.
When the white powder of gold is mixed in water, it becomes the Elixir of Life, the alchemist’s dream -- also known as The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus, or “That which issues from the mouth of the creator.” It was also called as the “spittle of God” -- not the word of God, but the spittle. Others referred to it as the semen of the father in heaven. [Putting the white powder in water doesn’t result in it dissolving. Instead, it forms a gelatinous suspension, and looks very much like a vial of semen.]
For the alchemists, the goal had always been to make the white powder of gold, to make “the container of the light of life.” Thereafter, if you stood in its presence, you wouldn’t age. If you partook of it, you would live for ever. It’s history goes back to Enoch, Thoth,
Hermes Trisgetimus, the same man by any other name, who ascended to heaven by partaking of the white drops, and thereby avoided death.
In The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Papyrus of Ani, by Budge [1] -- based on a papyrus from Old Kingdom Egypt -- there is a curious repetition of the phrase, “What is it?” Samples from the papyrus reads, “I am purified of all imperfections. What is it? I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus. What is it? I pass by the immortals without dying. What is it? I come before my father in Heaven. What is it?” The latter question repeats itself for hundreds of times throughout the lengthy ancient document.
The “What is it?” literally translates into Hebrew as “manna”. Even a modern dictionary may define manna as “What is it?”. The manna was the “bread” taken by the high priest, the Melchizedek priest. Moses told the Hebrew people at one point, “You have not kept the covenant, and so the manna is being taken from you. But it will come back in the end times. When we will be a nation of high priests, not an elect high priesthood.”
The manna, the white powder of gold, is the food, the light, one takes into their body. It is the Food of the Gods. A modern day Rabbi might tell you that no one has known how to make the manna, the white powder of Gold, since the destruction of the Temple of Solomon. The technique is, supposedly, a lost art or lost knowledge. But others argue that when the high priests left the Temple (when it was destroyed), the took the secret out into the desert and organized a commune called Qumrun. There, they became the Essenes. Eventually, the white powder was used to nourish a woman named Mary, and eventually, she gave birth to a man named Jesus. Some claim that it was the white powder of gold which allowed Jesus his many gifts, including his ascension into heaven.
These gifts include: perfect telepathy, the ability to know good and evil when it’s present, and to project thoughts into another person’s mind. There is also the ability to levitate, or to walk on water. By excluding all external magnetic fields (including the Earth’s gravity), the white powder of gold takes one beyond the four dimensional space time continuum, and the individual becomes a fifth dimensional being. They can literally think where they would like to be, and go there. They can heal by the laying on of hands, and can cleanse and resurrect the dead within two or three days after they died. They have so much energy that they can literally embrace people and bring light and energy back into them.
In Revelations, it says, “Blessed be the man who shall overcome, for he shall be given the hidden manna, the white stone of the purest kind upon which will be written a new name.” He will not be the same person. [Obviously!]
In the modern parlance, the white powder of gold is the ORME -- Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. The ORME is obtained from the Precious Metals (Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Osmium, Ruthenium, Rhodium and Iridium). Superdeformation of Nuclei of these precious elements, results in a monoatomic, superconducting, high spin, low energy state, wherein -- in accordance with ORME Physics and ORME Biology -- the extraordinary characteristics of the white powder of gold can be manifested.
Basically, everything is encoded in each individual’s DNA, waiting to be activated. Care for a cup of life?
This last one is going to blow your mind, particluarly if you have yet to see this:
Highlight Current Research Research Accomplishments
HIGHLIGHT - Covalent Attachment of Gold Nanoparticles to DNA Templates
Fig. 1
AFM images of thioctic acid-coated gold nanoparticles bound to ligated DNA on a mica substrate.
Fig. 1: Typical products of the reaction between DNA and gold particles.
The ability to assemble nanoparticles into arrays, networks, and circuits in a precise and controlled manner is key to the fabrication of a variety of nanodevices. Networks of nanometer-sized metal or semiconductor islands, or quantum dots, may exhibit a variety of quantum phenomena, with applications in optical devices, nanometer-sized sensors, advanced computer architectures, ultra dense memories, and quantum-information science and technology. The challenge is that fabrication with nanoscale precision of nanoparticle arrays in a time and cost effective manner remains a formidable task.
Interest in the concept of self-assembled nanostructures led to the idea of using DNA as a scaffold or template for the programmed assembly of nanoscale arrays.
DNA can be modified with functional groups at predetermined sites to allow for the attachment of other molecules in a specific manner. We have designed and demonstrated a new approach for binding nanoparticles to DNA. ***Functionalized nanoparticles are covalently bound to internal, chemically modified bases on double-stranded DNA without the presence of destabilizing "nicks" along the DNA backbone. *** [THE POINT IS HOW THE HELL DID THEY KNOW THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE AND WHY CHOOSE GOLD...]
In addition, we report an approach for thiolating one end of the DNA/nanoparticle product and attaching it to a gold surface.
The ability to attach one or both ends of the DNA/gold complex, after generation of the desired pattern, to fixed contacts or electrodes is necessary for nanodevices fabrication.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2: Close-up of DNA bound to gold particles.
DNA oligonucleotides were designed with amino-modified bases for attachment to carboxylic acid functionalized gold particles. Two double-stranded DNA sequences were used for binding nanoparticles.
Sequence 1 DNA was 22 base pairs long with two binding sites for gold per DNA molecule.
The separation between gold binding sites was 3.7 nm. Sequence 2 DNA was 30 base pairs long, had one gold binding site per DNA molecule, and, after ligation, a 10.5 nm separation between binding sites. For AFM imaging, the DNA was ligated to produce longer molecules that would be easier to image. Gold nanoparticles with two different passivating coatings were tested.
Particles with an average diameter of 1.5 nm were synthesized with a mercaptosuccinic acid coating, and particles approximately 2.5 nm in size were coated with thioctic acid Each particle has multiple reactive carboxyl groups on its surface.
In order to decrease the probability for one particle binding to many amino groups on the DNA, methylamine was used to block some of the carboxyl groups on the gold.
Methylamine was chosen for this purpose because of its small size and similarity to the methylene side chain containing the amino group on the DNA. The reaction between the amino group on the DNA and the carboxyl group on the gold particle was facilitated using a standard chemical method for joining carboxyl groups to amino groups.
Analysis of the products by gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed the gold particles bound to the DNA.
In addition, absorbance spectra of the gold nanoparticles in the presence of DNA provide evidence of binding.
This technique addresses a basic need to assemble nanometer-scale objects in a programmable manner and in a parallel fashion, from the bottom up.
Research by K. A. Stevenson, G. Muralidharan, L. Maya, J. C. Wells, J. Barhen, and T.G. Thundat, Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research, ORNL; for details see "Covalent Attachement of Gold Nanoparticles to DNA Templates", J. Nanosci. Nanotech (submitted, 2002).
Just a couple of posts from 'my files' and a lot more related paths down this DNA "everything is real" path if Jeff--or others really explore the connections and how all this ties in with parapolitics past and present.
Whatever it is, they seem pretty far along on this nanogold-DNA project--which just happens to be keyed into the "high weirdness" of the military industrial complex, the occult, and physic powers of 'manna' itself? Manna thus may have had a typical esoteric/exoteric meaning: some people heard bread, others were initiated into knowing it was ORME gold and how to manufacture it for heightened god like powers for themselves. Perhaps this overt DNA research builds on this esoteric knowledge? I can't for the life of me understand how you would "assume" such things in the first place unless you were somehow aware of the issue of the goldplating of DNA as a capacity inducer to its "powers".
Hi Jeff,
I just came across this linked article by Alan H. Goldstein. It seems to be exquisitely juxtaposed to your recent articles, “Grave Mysteries” and “Life and Life Only ”.
I didn’t read very far in this linked article before thinking you would definitely be interested in ‘it’. You probably won’t like ‘it’, but no doubt you will be interested. Be warned, it will likely re-stir that cautious pessimism.
IMHO, our only hope is that God is real, and will ultimately over-ride human insanity. Personally, I do believe God is real, and I don't buy the theory of evolution. Unfortunately, man's natural perspectives are very limited and skewed by our natural self-centered blindness.
But that is not what these articles are about.
if that fails try starting here:
Remember Woodcock? That poor guy guarding the safe inside of the boxcar when Butch and Sundance were a'fixin to blow the doors open?
"I work for E.H. Harriman of the Union-Pacific Railroad and..." Ka-Boom!
Yep- that was the Harriman that we hear so much about when investigating the Bush/Walker family and their Nazi connections. And not only were these folks involved with building "death camps", they were also involved in... you guessed it- Eugenics.
The Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor NY-where American eugenics started-was built by the Harriman family-the Bushes' Wall Street business partners in funding Hitler.
Prescott Bush was a Yale trustee, and his former Brown Brothers Harriman partner, Lawrence Tighe, was Yale's treasurer.
The American Eugenics Society was headquartered at Yale. Psychiatry and sterilization advocates had made the Yale/New Haven Hospital and Yale Medical School their laboratories for hands-on practice in brain surgery and psychological experimentation. And the Birth Control League was there, which had long trumpeted the need for eugenical births--fewer births for parents with "inferior" bloodlines.
Prescott Bush's partner Tighe was a Connecticut director of the league, and the Connecticut league's medical advisor was eugenics advocate Dr. Winternitz of Yale Medical School.
The fuckers murdered Bill Hicks!!!
foist lastus said...
'What if we could focus the energy out of our body to an other place?'
I saw a video of a healer demonstrating pyrokinetics, working energy through his hand and eventally igniting a piece of paper on fire. I know it was a video and not first hand, but my own studying with claravoyant workings has introduced and proven the concept of 'channels' in the body and the ability to move energy from -say the right hand to the left through the body, with tactile validation (I can feel it).
That's etheric energy, which has a surprising amount of independent (and often ridiculed) scientific research to support its existence. Plus I'm sure I'm not the only person here who knows at least a dozen other people who say they can at least "feel" if not "see" this energy.
Anybody can direct this life-force energy towards intentions, or direct heart-chakra energy upon others for healing or to ward off parasitic types.
There's an easy-to-make substance called orgonite which actively transmutes negative etheric energy (emitted by things like TV/radio/cellphone towers, nuclear power plants, Masonic temples, underground bases, etc.) into positive etheric energy, which disables predatory behavior, expands consciousness, enhances dreams, and blankets the community with a beautiful healing energy. It also makes plants grow better and require less water.
I heartily recommend everyone at least check this out and request a "peace" of free orgonite from a very generous woman in Texas named Cece who will drop a couple of small orgonite buttons in the mail for you completely for free just so curious people can feel orgonite for themselves and experience some personal confirmation of its effectiveness without having to spend money to either make or buy it. She doesn't sell orgonite, so your mailing address will only be used to send that one shipment before being promptly forgotten. :-)
I liked the Icke<->icky joke, nice :)
Kiri-Kin-Tha's First Law of Metaphysics: Nothing unreal exists.
My opinion is that he went a bridge too far with this "everything is an illusion" business. Its all very well as a philosophical view but it doesnt help you in your daily life.
Illusory food still needs to be put on the illusory table to satiate your illusory hunger. The illusory roof on your imagined house is still needed to protect you from the unreal rain.
If it seems real to you whether it is an illusion is irrelevant.
Unless you are Neo, even if you are jacked in to The Matrix and you KNOW FOR SURE its all an illusion the imaginary bullets still kill you.
Our death is our wedding with eternity.
What is the secret? "God is One."
The sunlight splits when entering the windows of the house.
This multiplicity exists in the cluster of grapes;
It is not in the juice made from the grapes.
For he who is living in the Light of God,
The death of the carnal soul is a blessing.
Regarding him, say neither bad nor good,
For he is gone beyond the good and the bad.
Fix your eyes on God and do not talk about what is invisible,
So that he may place another look in your eyes.
It is in the vision of the physical eyes
That no invisible or secret thing exists.
But when the eye is turned toward the Light of God
What thing could remain hidden under such a Light?
Although all lights emanate from the Divine Light
Don't call all these lights "the Light of God";
It is the eternal light which is the Light of God,
The ephemeral light is an attribute of the body and the flesh.
...Oh God who gives the grace of vision!
The bird of vision is flying towards You with the wings of desire.
(Rumi, Masnavi 833
"It is said that after Muhammad and the prophets revelation does not descend upon anyone else. Why not? In fact it does, but then it is not called 'revelation.' It is what the Prophet referred to when he said, 'The believer sees with the Light of God.' When the believer looks with 'The believer sees with the Light of God.' When the believer looks with God's Light, he sees all things: the first and the last, the present and the absent. For how can anything be hidden from God's Light? And if something is hidden, then it is not the Light of God. Therefore the meaning of revelation exists, even if it is not called revelation."
Fihi ma fihi [Discourses of Rumi]
quoted from William C. Chittick,
The Sufi Path of Love:
The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi
The drum of the realization of the promise is beating,
we are sweeping the road to the sky. Your joy is here today, what remains for tomorrow?
The armies of the day have chased the army of the night,
Heaven and earth are filled with purity and light.
Oh! joy for he who has escaped from this world of perfumes and color!
For beyond these colors and these perfumes, these are other colors in the heart and the soul.
Oh! joy for this soul and this heart who have escaped
the earth of water and clay,
Although this water and this clay contain the hearth of the
philosophical stone.
(Rumi, Masnavi 473)
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Obat Buat Kencing Nanah
Obat Kencing Nanah Resep Dokter
Obat Kencing Nanah Mujarab
Obat Gonore Kencing Nanah
Obat Wasir Herbal
Nice Artikel
Nice post !!
mantap banget
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
MANTAB *************************************
alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
Trims, sangat membantu
Thanks semoga bermanfaat
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil di Sekitar Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
Obat Virus Kutil Kelamin
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Kelamin
Obat Perontok Kutil Kelamin
Jual Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Murah
Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Murah
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baru kali ini nih gan aku ngebaca artikel yang sangat bagus,ditgu ya yg artikel selanjutnya..!!
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