Iraq's Hutu Radio

They're saying things that I can hardly believe,
They really think we're getting out of control. - Elvis Costello
Did you hear about last Friday's "catastrophic tragedy" in Iraq? The handcuffed and headless bodies of 100 Shiites - "children, women and men" - were taken to Kerbala from south Baghdad, writes Iraqi blogger "Sam Hammorabi." Reputedly, Sunni militia had been killing the Shiites "every day and hour passing." The arrival of the corpses "provoked a storm of anger and cry among the people there." Hammorabi adds the dash of colour that the slaughtered children "were bloodstained all over."
I first saw this here where it was commented on with some clucking about how the Sunnis "must be suicidal," and the credulous metaphor that US forces were the cure for the cancer of Iraqi barbarity. But did it happen? That depends what you mean by happen.
Do these 100 headless corpses, children covered in blood, exist? Well no; it appears that they don't. Not beyond "Sam Hammorabi's" blog. Does this seeming fiction increase the likelihood of their existing, and many more besides? Naturally.
Back in October 2004, Hammorabi posted graphic images of children killed by a "Zarqawi" bombing in Baghdad. Funny thing about that: a Reuters crew filmed their "identical twins, who died that same day after a US airstrike in Fallujah." Why would "Sam" lift photos of children killed by US bombs and apply the atrocity to another "foreign fighter"?
Look to "Hommorabi's" links for the answer: FoxNews, The Washington Times, MEMRI, the US Embassy, and the blogger "Mover Mike" (January 2, 2006: "John Kerry promised, on national TV, to sign form SF-180 and release his military records. He has yet to do so.") Now, why would this clearly Bush-positive blogger be publishing material to incite civil war?
In a March 2 interview with Australian Television, Robert Fisk asked a similar, rhetorical question:
The real question I ask myself is: who are these people who are trying to provoke the civil war? Now the Americans will say it's Al Qaeda, it's the Sunni insurgents. It is the death squads. Many of the death squads work for the Ministry of Interior. Who runs the Ministry of Interior in Baghdad? Who pays the Ministry of the Interior? Who pays the militia men who make up the death squads? We do, the occupation authorities. I'd like to know what the Americans are doing to get at the people who are trying to provoke the civil war. It seems to me not very much. We don't hear of any suicide bombers being stopped before they blow themselves up. We don't hear of anybody stopping a mosque getting blown up. We're not hearing of death squads all being arrested. Something is going very, very wrong in Baghdad. Something is going wrong with the Administration.
In the same broadcast, professional coincidentalist Daniel Pipes was as forthcoming as modesty permitted: "should there be a civil war, it is not necessarily all that bad for our interests. By no means am I endorsing it, by no means do I want one. I'm looking at it in a cool way and saying there are advantages to it."
Eighty percent of Americans have been conditioned to believe that civil war in Iraq is likely. The Iraqi government has been "assured" US forces will remain "as long as needed." (I'm fairly certain that, if I searched for it, I could find similar assurances from Leonid Brezhnev to the Czechoslovak government after the Prague Spring.) And yet, from an aid worker's email:
Since the bombing of the Al-Askari Shrine in Samarra on 22 February 2006, local media and friends have deluged the Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT) in Iraq with information. Iraqi Islamic television reported that the U.S. military and Iraqi police were seen at the shrine the night before it was bombed. The next morning, two shrine guards were found alive but handcuffed inside. Baghdadiya television aired the same report. The Minister of Housing and Reconstruction said the job would have taken ten men about twelve hours to set up enough explosives to do this kind of damage. We have not heard this information reported outside Iraq. The U.S. made offers to rebuild the shrine, but the Iraqi Islamic Party asked that repair be delayed until an independent investigation was completed. Samarra citizens have locked down the shrine to preserve evidence.
While the New York Times and other media focus on ethnic hatred, sectarian violence, and civil war, we receive other reports that most of the western media ignore. A team friend calls us daily with stories of Sunni/Shi'a unity, cries for peace, and the deep passion of all Iraqis to live as one family. In neighborhoods that have been hotbeds of violence, we hear of Sunni and Shi'a working together to repair and rebuild damaged mosques. Shi'a Iraqis have protected Sunni mosques in their neighborhoods. In a Basrah shrine, Sunni and Shi'a have gathered to pray together.
Iraq's Shiites and Sunnis mean as much to this administration as Hutus and Tutsis did to Clinton's. The only difference may be that Rwanda was allowed to bleed, while Iraq is made to bleed. I'm still troubled by how the US refused to endorse UN action against the incitements to genocide broadcast by Rwanda's RTLM, claiming that it was "the best radio for information and that its euphemisms were subject to many interpretations." Even as the score ran into the hundreds of thousands, the US demured. (And where should we peg America's media on the long, hard slide from the end of the Fairness Doctrine to RTLM, given the likes of Ann Coulter who argued John Walker should have been exectuted "in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too"?)
Disinformation unchecked is an agent of death, but it's only by much death that some can hold dominion.
I've been suggesting this for awhile now, but your evidence really adds to the story.
Keep up the good work.
Does anybody else get the
"You do not have permission to access / on this server"
Earlier this morning site was unreachable due to someone mucking around. When you tried to load you got:
"F O R B I D D E N !
you are not authorized to access / on this site."
any idea what got fixed?
Another excellent post. Although I felt a deep horror reading it, I was grateful at the same time that you wrote it and that others will read it.
Please don't be offended, but that is the exact opposite of how I feel reading your UFO/satanist posts. Try as I might, I can't see the point, other than to give those criminals (and their motivations) a mystique they don't deserve. But, it's your blog, I guess...
I agree w/Alice. This entry is more of what I prefer to read than the tinfoil hat variety (although usually well written...) of spooks, goblins and grays.
One hopes this information creeps in the proper directions.
The Hutu/Tutsi conflict far predates the Clinton administration. In fact, in 1988, it was the Hutu who were on a murderous rampage, and later the tables were turned. I wrote a song about it then, "Cry for the Hutu", which doesn't make as much sense now because it seems I got the tribes' names turned around...
People whose Reality Box is still stretched beyond acceptance by Jeff's UFO and other occult essays, need to examine what it is that's holding them back in disbelief and denial.
To anonymous 1: got the same message this morning when trying to access. eye was clicking on the link from the bookmarks list. when eye tried, half a minute later by googling "rigorous intuition," and then clicking on the link from there, eye had no who gnose?
great post. eye, for one, find worthwhile information from both the deep politics and deep strangeness posts, but eye tend to see them as equal parts of the big reality taking place. the only thing the site lacks for kmee are exhortations to look at the positive, which is to say, that which we, as individuals, are still able to change and to choose. but eye get that elsewhere...suffice to say, reading this blog, helps to keep in mind that importance of getting free, both mentally and physically, from the system in which all of us in the human world are imprisoned by.
The most logical policy for the U.S. is to create a soup of intrigue, civil war, banditry and general chaos in the region. For those who don't like "conspiracy theories" and "tin foil hat" items--I suggest you are afraid to face facts and the truth. In fact, it is very unsettling if you believe half of what you read at RI. So I can understand all those people clinging desperately to a reality matrix that is easy to grasp. But sorry, normal consensus reality is completely untenable from an intellectual point of view.
i don't know if this is all we can do, but what would really, really help is to spread the information.
as this blog's subtitle says:
What we don't know can't hurt them.
and so if you want to affect the system dictating the norms what we all must do is show everyone this information.
i like what poster maryk croft/marykmusic said above.
"People whose Reality Box is still stretched beyond acceptance by Jeff's UFO and other occult essays, need to examine what it is that's holding them back in disbelief and denial.?
and understand that its that box which keeps you down and under. the walls you build around yourself also you keep you isolated. try to think about it, even if it hurts, lol. and change.
even if your scared. understand they arn't after us yet.
see, the lie that movies and media and politicians like to teach us is that only one leader can really change anything (think arnold swarzenegger). but the truth is we are all leaders, by the very fact we exist, our society is based on the fact each individual gets to determine his or her fate. and so we could all do what the PTB wants us to do and wait for some non-existent savior, jesus, morpheus or not, or we could understand the unused power every person has to act locally and change people's minds.
look at this:
Watchdog: What Ever Happened to the Civil Liberties Board?
now tell me where's our savior now?
when it happens, they'll move fast. so start now.
Funny to see the Dylan lyrics... I hear The Legendary Pink Dots in my head when I read this blog, today's tune being "The Day It Should Have Happened."
Anonymous said...
when it happens, they'll move fast. so start now.
5:42 PM
Seems to me that it's already happening fast. The stability of the middle class in this country has (and is) been slowly bled to death by outsourcing and rampant illegal and legal importation of diverse low-paid immigrants. The skies are filled day and night with chemtrails that are for who knows what. The daily news is enough to send a sane man crazy...what's missing for you in this handwriting on the wall?
Imagine it's 1964 and, somehow, you were transported to today. Would you, could you, believe what has gone on (especially since 911)? There was a saying popular back in the '60's that seems appropo for these dark days, "Good-bye, cruel world!"
Man, I'll tell you, these days are enough to try a soul. Hmmm...maybe that's just the point.
I dedicate this to all who think they can escape the real law.
The Appointment In Samarra
W. Somerset Maugham
Death speaks: There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, Master, just now when I was in the market-place I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me. The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the marketplace and he saw me standing in the crowd and he came to me and said, Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That was not a threatening gesture, I said, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.
For those more atuned to the purely political, (alas, an oxymoron if ever there is one) the following link to Makow's current article offers a perspective from the international banking angle.
With these examples of horror are you implying the U.S. is not a free country, has no free press, and allows, nay, takes part in, unspeakable large-scale genocides?
If so, I must as much as it pains me to say it, fully agree.
As to some who feel this type of article is much better than UFO/satanic/mind control "tin foil" ones; I think the two are intimately related if not about the same stuff, and that is the point.
The same people involved in that area seem to control gov't and power in general, and are behind events described in this post.
It's good to get to know them a little better even if you have to plug your nose doing it, in fact that on a large scale seems essential.
My only question is now that this veil of our innocence is being lifted, what can be done if anything, other than just keep reconfirming with endless new details what we have already learned?
... and then this article, outlining the 'colony' status of the USA to LONDON through the Federal Reserve is certainly worth a careful read too:
Jeff, you are a master of connections and an excellent writer. As your sideboard indicates, you would agree there a quite a few other good writers out there as well.
Here is an excellent article by one of them, on ... "When Greed Becomes Treason", by Stephen Hanchett.
Another point. For a very exhaustive picture of the puzzle these things all form a part of, that were previously hidden from public view from dummies like me (through a lifetime of brainwashing), is an excellent presentation titled:
Interesting format for this series of articles which appear to combine amazing hidden history up to the present, with what looks to me like partial conjecture and partial fact about where this is all going to, and it is all mind-boggling.
I appreciate how Barbara sheds much light on hurricane Katrina and our government's role in that abomination.
I was up till 5AM last night reading this, paid dearly for it all day, but it was well worth it.
I don't know how Barbara does all that research, providing such excellent historical knowledge and unique priceless tidbits all throughout, which always check out when I bother to confirm things, which considering the significance of so many of the points raised, I do often.
Much of Barbara's data though from a different perspective than Jeff's from what I can see, confirms much of Jeff's information very well and adds to it, and contradicts none of it, and she connects many other dots that still remained for me at least.
I caution those new to these topics that it takes a long time to disabuse one's self of so many myths we've all been force-fed all our lives, that form our basis of our logical assumptions and mental framework that we take for granted, and often cause us to prematurely reject such material which is spot on true and urgent we learn, on any number of points, as ridiculous based on our experience. And that precisely was the purpose of that propaganda.
Thank you once again. Great piece and great art as usual. I wish I knew how to work photoshop.
Don't know if any of you have read Cyte's blog, but he has some interesting articles on this same subject. Check it out...
Iran, Iraq and Israel Behind the Scenes
Iraq Events Remind of Lebanon Ethnic Cleansing
Occupation Enables Shiites to Massacre Sunnis
US Allows Shiites to Steal Dozens of Sunni Mosques in Iraq
The gist of Jeff's post today is also echoed in this excellent piece by Dahr Jamail:
One of the recent posts by Riverbend, the Bagdhad Burning blogger, also implies much the same message. It seems many Iraqis are alert to the likelihood that their occupiers are primarily responsible for the chaos and mayhem in their country. It is not unlike what the CIA created in Viet Nam with its Phoenix Program of assassinations or by Central American death squads perpetrated in the 1980's by Reagan-Bush.
This article reveals information that disputes the propaganda line we Americans have been receiving that most Iraqi deaths are at the hands of other Iraqis. The vast majority are due to aerial bombardment by coalition forces in helicopters and planes according to the Lancet Report, and there have been far more Iraqi deaths than reported thus far.
I am in agreement with many other commenters that I prefer today's RI post to others dealing with more occult, anti-rational subject matter. However, I have to acknowledge that even sober people like Jimmy Carter have been intrigued by the subjects of UFOs and "remote viewing." As a president, he used the privileged position to research these matters from intelligence archives and recently spoken about his findings. It was also related in a recent post at the Wayne Madsen Report, if one cares to check it out. I am still skeptical, although my journalist sister who has CIA contacts says those contacts take remote viewing seriously. I try to keep an open mind, nevertheless.
Re: links between deep politics/provocateurs in Iraq and the occult/UFO/ritual-satanic abuses...
It seems fairly obvious -- to me, at least -- that people who are trying to put together some sort of occult ritual need human lives to be sacrificed.
Raising the number of deaths in Iraq, by any means necessary, provides them with plenty of deaths, and may allow kidnappings to take place virtually unnoticed.
After all, if a large enough car bomb explodes in a crowded place, children can be separated from their parents and taken away by undercover kidnappers.
Does this sound far-fetched? Maybe, but don't forget this is (almost) a common practice in some parts of the world. See, for instance, the Lord's Army in Uganda, which uses brainwashed, kidnapped children as soldiers and sex slaves. See also what happened recently in places like Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Rwanda, Congo, etc.
If this is what is taking place in a 3rd world country, just imagine what must be possible with the kind of technology the CIA has been putting together since the 'Artichoke' and 'MkUltra' days...
... And, the worst thing is, we know these programs were real, and that they really took place, and really attempted to brainwash people with things like LSD and electroshocks. What if the events in Iraq really were attempts to brainwash and control an entire nation by driving communities psychotic?
So, yes, as far as I am concerned, there is a connection. And it's not good news.
the oppotunity to defeat the enemy lies within the enemy itself.
the smartest move the iraqi people could do now is to band together and do exactly the opposite thing the US really wants them to do....find order, cohesion and solidarity. That will leave the US with only one embarrasing leave.
Once the iraqi people can get control of their own affairs they can then call the shots and control the US by throttling the Oil valves. If all middle east people could see this tactic as valid they would no longer have problems....
I may have missed the reference, but if not, why hasn't anyone mentioned "The Salvador Option" theory yet ?
I was surprised when I first read the Fisk interview that he was waffling on about not understanding what is going on - its not like it wasn't telegraphed through the mainstream press a long time ago...
Unfortunately for us all, the stories on Satanists, UFO's and blowing up the Golden Temple are a single thread.
"As to some who feel this type of article is much better than UFO/satanic/mind control "tin foil" ones; I think the two are intimately related if not about the same stuff, and that is the point. The same people involved in that area seem to control gov't and power in general, and are behind events described in this post."
I agree. Your work pulls many here and will eventually win over those with "tin foil" fears . Speaking of UFO's, find out who Stan Deyo is and find out what he use to do.
William Cooper ( scroll half way down the link) may put the tin foil hat fact or fiction in perspective for those who have not been exposed to it.
Anonymous 9:27 said --
Imagine it's 1964 and, somehow, you were transported to today. Would you, could you, believe what has gone on (especially since 911)?
Actually, someone from 1964 would understand today perfectly well. I was a college freshman in 1963-64, and I recall how at breakfast on the morning after the Kennedy assassination a bunch of us were sitting around the dorm dining room table, speculating on how bad the crackdown might get if they could pin it on the Soviets and whether there would still be time to get out of the country.
The only illusion we had in those days was that we'd gotten out from under the shadow of McCarthyism and that barring a major shock to the system the country could eventually return to full sanity. Of course, what we didn't realize was that, like Patrick McGoohan's Prisoner of a few years later, we had escaped McCarthyism only to find ourselves in a slightly larger prison.
But we were pretty savvy about the rest -- with a degree of awareness that largely got lost after the 60's and has only gradually been recovered.
I wonder now, with the advantage of hindsight, whether the killing of Kennedy may have been a premature 9/11, intended precisely to plunge us back into the depths of Cold War insanity. In that case, the slipshod coverup -- the lone gunman, the magic bullet, and all the rest of the Warren Commission apparatus -- may have been designed not to protect the perpetrators but to foil their immediate designs.
Not that I see the Warren Commission folks as good guys in any sense. It's more of a Yankee/Cowboy War thing -- the traditional East Coast Establishment against the crazy generals and Texas billionaires (and a few pissed-off Cubans) who were behind the plot.
That's the other important point about 1964 -- in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, we were all pretty sure we knew who our enemies were. They were the same extreme right-wing figures and John Birchers and Dr. Strangelove types that were already scaring the shit out of us. It's only in more recent years that the image of the CIA, the Mob, and the anti-Castro Cubans cooking it up as some kind of clinical exercise in social control has taken hold.
In its way, that image is as divorced from the actual political issues of the period as the lone gunman theory -- and perhaps just as much of a coverup.
It might not hurt to look back to 1964 a bit more seriously. In many ways, we knew more then than we still know today.
Jeff - do some more on "The Nine" that is facsinating.
I saw the Fisk interview on lateline.
His body language was something else, like he was scared to say what he really thought, and was holding back trying to hint at what was going on.
I have seen him on that show before and he seemed to lack some natural confidence and self assuredness that I had seen him exhibit before.
That line by that ann coulter psycho, about liberals realising they could die too. What she meant was that "we" (the neocons and the right, who are by definition "right thinking") are gonna start making you die, IMFUO.
And it seemed like Fisk was contemplating his own death at the hands of his people in a foreign war, as a genuine possibility, perhaps for the first time in his life.
Or I could be reading too much into it.
two thoughts:
all this stuff is all interconnected and it reminds me of that old Connections series with James Burke.
Connections was a ten-episode documentary television series created by science historian James Burke in 1978. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention. Each episode demonstrates how various discoveries, scientific achievements, and historical world events have linked together over the centuries to bring about particular aspects of modern technology.
and what this show clearly demonstrates is how interelated things are, and sometimes improbably so - but clearly are. and so i find it interesting 'conspiracy theorists' are really conspiracy exposers. labeled as fringe lunatics when acually their the most 'in it' you can be. to live dissassociated and mindless seems to be considered normal now.
which leads me to this:
our future relies on knowledge of the past. and of the present too. just keep learning. and remembering and reminding people.
show everyone the evidence.
"filboyink said...
The only thing astounding about this instigation of a civil war in Iraq is how everyone seems to forgotton that this is a war for Israel..."
For sure, onwards and upwards towards the ongoing tragic elimination of a world religion, Islam.
On a similar note, does anyone find it at all interesting how the Christmas Tsunami of '04 hit a predominantly muslim part of the world?
Well, well yawl come running to the defense of your assigned alternate reality. I am out of teh box, I'm just not in your box or necessarily anyone's for that matter.
Frankly a lot that is presented here is very interesting but of a conjectural nature, then some is not so much 'too far out for me to handle', but is of dubious origin, a questionably factual nature and/or a stretch of logic/reason or semantics to just take simply as 'fact'.
Problem is no one here seems to be a genuine skeptic, you all just take for granted the presented coincedences (your eye wink/nod term for conspiracy theories etc) without much thought other than agreeing with the presenter, oh sure you claim to be skeptics, but only of anyone who comes across as not in you reality distortion field (such as myself), or of the mainstream,accepted(able) facts published by those who might seek to destory your alternate reality with cover-ups, lies, deceptions and other skullduggery.
Anyway I digress...
To ewastud, and everyone else:
Ewastud wrote:
"One of the recent posts by Riverbend, the Bagdhad Burning blogger, also implies much the same message. It seems many Iraqis are alert to the likelihood that their occupiers are primarily responsible for the chaos and mayhem in their country. It is not unlike what the CIA created in Viet Nam with its Phoenix Program of assassinations or by Central American death squads perpetrated in the 1980's by Reagan-Bush."
Well, I'm glad you brought that Phoenix Program bit up, because it reminded me of the recent Bush Baby appointee as the Ambassador of Iraq, John Negroponte.
Thus its hardly surprising, you know why? Because Negroponte twenty years ago in Honduras was Bonesman G. H. W. Bush's "man on the spot" for secret war there, when he was Ambassador of Honduras.
John Negroponte was connected with Honduras's Vietnam era Phoenix Program style strategies implemented there.
Then, Baby Bush of course just appointed his daddy's John "Phoenix" Negroponte to Ambassador of Iraq to crack heads there.
In short, the secret war style of the Bush family goes on, with the same person twenty years before in Honduras, now setting being set up in Iraq in the same Ambassdor position!
I would surmise--even accuse--that Negroponte is behind all this. He was sent in to help with Bush's and Britain's civil war psyops attempt, out of the "knowledge" he gained as a known human rights abuser and mass torturer in Honduras for George. H. W. Bush. With 'diplomatic' Ambassadors like Negroponte, he could additionally help smooth the drug trade connections the CIA set up in Afghanistan--which was what he did in Honduras as well.
Starroute wrote:
"I wonder now, with the advantage of hindsight, whether the killing of Kennedy may have been a premature 9/11, intended precisely to plunge us back into the depths of Cold War insanity. In that case, the slipshod coverup -- the lone gunman, the magic bullet, and all the rest of the Warren Commission apparatus -- may have been designed not to protect the perpetrators but to foil their immediate designs."
Well, to put it mildly, don't be naive. I don't really think that was the case that it was a "slipshod" cover up, because it worked.
It worked in the sense that the point was that no one went to jail for really killing Kennedy, and there was no trial, so it worked out fine with them. there was even a "quick, look over here, instead!" sort of thing immediately put in the papers: the artificial kidnapping story of Mafia connected singer, Frank Sinatra. THAT was the story that the media decided to cover. THAT and the sudden change of heart with the back to back Beatles weeks on the Ed Sullivan show... by the way all those "naturally excited screaming girls" that met the Beatles at the plane--were actress hires from an all girls school. And the 1960s drug culture came straight out of the CIA and Eli Lilly drug corporation that first synthesized it for them.
Sounds like "Rovian media war" tactics have been used for quite some time and they came on strong immediately after the 1963 Kennedy assassination.
I do however agree with you that it is a laughably transparent cover up story, a bald lie, even a bad one, though from the point of view of nothing happenening at all legally for punishing or going after any of the killers, and without any publcity of a trial afterwards, I think you would allow that it "worked."
It was a coup of sorts to reseat a coterie of groups in the Presidency that had gotten out of "their" (insert your favorite group in "their") control. They wanted to remove a noncontrollable President Kennedy, or at least a Kennedy controlled and aligned with other groups that the previous "they" weren't apart of. Take your pick.
From the CIA's point of view a President that wouldn't provide air cover for their invasion of Cuba in the Bay of Pigs led to its failure. George Bush of course almost 99% sure involved in that one. And there is that "George Bush of the CIA" note that shows J. Edgar Hoover chatting with in the immediate wake of the 1963 assassnation. Offically, we are led to believe in the lie of the "consensus reality" that Bush just sort of was inserted in the CIA in 1975-76. That's pretty much nonsense. Is the CIA going to rename their building after a mere one year presidential appointee? Is the CIA going to work (illegally) for the 1980 Bush Presidential campaign for free, if he wasn't "one of them" from a long period?
An interesting book is the one that was put together by French Intelligence sources on the JFK assassination. It was published in a roundabout way as a strategic mechanism to support RFK's 1968 Presidential Run and was intimately associated with that run.
The book (which you can still find) is called Farewell, America: The Plot to Kill JFK. It was (corporate bookseller) banned in the U.S. for 25 years. And by 1968, when RFK was done in as well--just after he was going to win the Democratic Ticket in that year since he got the big state of California (days later, bam, he's dead). The bookpublisher, based in "Litschenstien," totally disappears back into the French intelligence woodwork. More about all that in the foreword of the book that was republished recently, seemingly for free, since no one wanted to come out and claim that they were connected with writing it to defend their copyrights...
ON your note of the "pre 9-11" fascism theme of the JFK assassination that you talk of that was inherent in it, I would agree: know that electronic voting machines started coming in like a plague immedidately after this 1963 assassination/palace coup. These were the riggable electronic voting tabulators and "media pre-called elections" techniques of reportage (forget real deliberative counts, how passe) were introduced in the United States in 1964 right after the 1963 Kennedy assassination.
And don't forget the real Martin Luther King, the one who was about to go to Vietnam to tell the Black folk that they were fighting "the yellow man in a white man's war." Bam, he's dead. Trip unmade. War goes on.
Burke's "Connections" indeed...
The CIA took the presidency in 1963, and has pretty much had it ever since.
Everyone seen that "wink and a smile" picture that quickly sworn in President Johnson (on the plane) gave a compatriot, even as he clutched at Jackie Kennedy?
The wink says it all.
Johnson was close to Brown and Root war contrators, now of course....part of Halliburton and the Iraq war. Brown and Root built well over half the U.S. army's infrastructure for them in the Vietnam war, lots of money made in that war for them. Same for Halliburton/KBR in Iraq.
It's the same people. It's the same people. Nothing really has changed in the U.S. politically speaking for 40 years.
Nice done, Anon. 720
In reference to the parapolitical vrs. paranormal discourse, I also see intimate connections between the two.
"The United States, which has long been called a melting pot, should more descriptively be called a witches' cauldron- wherein the 'Hierarchy of the Grand Architect of the Universe' arranges for ritualistic crimes and psychopolitical psychodramas to be performed in accordance with a Master plan."
-James Shelby Downard
And the suspicious destruction of the Al-Askari Shrine reminds me of the tunnel bored under the dome of the rock (the site housing the mosque where Mohammed is said to have ascended to paradise)10 years ago in Jerusalem:
The Palestinians were enraged due to their fear that the opening of the Tunnel was the beginning of the end for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the start of the rebuilding of the Third Temple, which is the fabled goal to which most of the esoteric secret societies of the West, and most especially the orders of Freemasonry, are oriented...
The "implements" of the old Temple, according to the Talmud, were hidden on the Temple Mount before the destruction of the Second Temple...
Anonymous 6:41 pm:
Negroponte's security detail was also responsible for the highly suspicious slaying of the Italian SISMI agent Nicola Calipari who was protecting the Italian journalist who uncovered evidence of US's illegal aplication of napalm on the residents of Fallujah. My journalist friend refers to Negroponte as a "jackal," a term used by John Perkins in his book Confessions of an Econmmic Hitman.
Great job, Jeff. Thanks again.
I just have to get in on this discussion on the relevency of the "UFO/Occult/Tin Hat" blogs.
Although I agree with some of the earlier comments on how this current blog type is more informative and useful than the type in question. I also firmly believe you should keep posting them. As I was browsing through the various comments, I recalled something Alex Jones often reminds his listeners about. I'll paraphrase:
"Even if YOU don't believe in this stuff (i.e. the occult, mind control, etc...), THEY do."
Whether or not ritual sacrifice, alien abductions, and other such things are REAL, In my view, doesnt matter as much as the mere fact that such things can so easily be connected to the people in power. The people in control.
It's kind of like riding in a bus driven by a crazy man who is guided only by the "voices in his head". Does it matter to you, the rider, if he is actually hearing any voices? Of course not. You would likely be more concerned with what those perceived voices are telling him to do, hoping thy're not telling him to drive off a cliff.
One thing is certian, we are ALL being taken for a ride.
Anyway, it's your blog, but I like it the way it is.
I'm 'anon 7:20.'
Here's that wink--showing of course Vice President Johnson (who had everything to gain) was in on the Kennedy assassination, and obviously, Congressman Albert Thomas:
The Most Revealing Wink
Of The 20th Century
wink wink
nudge nudge
say no more
Poor Jackie, surrounded by her husband's scot-free murder plotters laughing at JFK's death right in front of her.
Poor America.
Poor world.
Then the CFR boot Johnson out, put in Nixon (like they had planned), Bush Senior attempts to implant himself in the Vice Presidency with Nixon, fails to work. (i.e.,when Nixon unseated, it would have been George Bush in 1973!) As it worked out, what they had to do was first unseat the VP Agnew instead, then insert a novel VP (Ford), and then unseat Nixon, to get the unelected Ford.
Ford of course brings in all the cronies still running the U.S. right now:
Ford's Chief of Staff: Richard Cheney
Ford's Sec. of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld
Ford's CIA Director: George H. W. Bush
Here's an interesing article to read about legal ways to get to the presidency without elections that seem to have been used during the period:
Title: WOODWARD, Pentagon plant, rep. of people 2 remove Nixon: why? "THE 25TH AMEND. TRICK"
Author: skolnick
Date: 2004.04.21 10:02
Description: THE 25TH AMENDMENT TRICK--USED IN TWO ATTEMPTS TO GET TO THE PRESIDENCY WITHOUT ANY ELECTION Queuing up to appoint President Nelson Rockefeller, via a SLOW COUP of appointments and assassinations, a technique that Bush has learned from well it seems. In 1973: plan was to remove VP Agnew first, appoint a crony, then remove Nixon next (suitably bribed), thus, having both appointed Pres & VP as appointees, after the JFK assassination; then kill off the Pres. appointeee (Ford, who had appointed Nelson as VP). However, Ford survived 3 assassination attempts--messing the queueing all up. Did the Nelson Rockefeller scheme die with him, in 1979, after he basically appointed the whole administration of Trilaterals to Jimmy Carter's administration as a consolation prize to his failed slow coup? Or did it live on in the attempt to remove Gore in 1998? and then in Gore assassination attempts in 2000? And the attempts to vacate Cheney without vacating Bush? Something to keep in mind: this would be an entirely legal coup. Watch out. Since November 22, 1963 (murder of U.S. President John F. Kennedy by a Nazi inside cabal linked to Johnson, Lemnitzer, Nixon, Bush Sr.), American politics has been overshadowed by a gangster turf war. It was not taken seriously by voters for four decades. Voters might be well advised to rethink their decision to ignore this.
Another interesting continuity point is that when George H. W. Bush of the CIA was in charge, his agency started "sitting in" on how to create the perfect WTC terrorist hit--just for "finding out the loopholes" of course. What a great cover, eh, for state terrorism? As someone in the guise of perfecting security, what the problems are, so you can know what they are yourself and pass them to your terrorist buddies as was so obviosuly done in 2001--just like Bush planned it out as early as 1976?
Title: US DoD McNiven RICO SUIT! BUSH SENIOR, CIA head, & his 1976 state terror plan to hit WTCs!
Author: repost
Date: 2005.03.20 06:18
Our own U.S. Army devised a plan commissioned by Congress to bring down the WTC [during George H. W. Bush's short tenure of CIA Director in 1976]...McNiven, who first went public in an affidavit included in a 9/11-related federal conspiracy (RICO) lawsuit filed against Bush and others in 2004, claims his unit was ordered to create the "perfect terrorist plan" using commercial airliners as weapons and the Twin Towers as their target.....publicized version of the study, commissioned by Congress, was to identify security lapses and [supposedly] submit corrective measures to lawmakers. However, McNiven claims the real purpose of the study was to brainstorm how to pull off the perfect terrorist attack using the exact same 9/11 scenario.
The study, commissioned to C-Battery 2/81st Field Artillery, U.S. Army, stationed in Strassburg, Germany in 1976, specifically devised the scenario of the Twin Towers being leveled by Middle Eastern terrorists using commercial airliners and even plastic box cutters to bypass security.
To silence critics, McNiven has successfully passed a credible lie detector test regarding his participation in the study as well as other specific orders given to him by his superiors in case of a real attack on the Twin Towers. The head of the 1976 mock terrorist plan was Lt. Michael Teague of Long Island, who McNiven says was given specific orders by higher-ups in the military to use the Twin Towers as the terrorist target.
McNiven said he has been unable to contact Lt. Teague, but was interested in his opinion now that "the 9/11 attacks happened the way we planned them in 1976."
"During the course of the terrorist plan we were devising, I made the statement to Lt. Teague that if the WTC was ever attacked like we planned, I'd go public. I was then physically assaulted and told never to reveal anything we were doing regarding the Twin Towers." However, about a week later a strange turn of events occurred.
For no apparent reason, McNiven claims his superiors completely changed their minds. "I was given the direct order that if the Twin Towers were ever attacked the way we discussed in the 1976 study, I was to do everything in my power to bring the similarities to the attention of the American people." I have no idea why they changed their minds, but I was then emphatically told that this order was never to be rescinded - never - because those who would rescind it, would be the very same people who turned against the American people."
Yes, of course everything is connected in one holistic universe. How could it possibly be otherwise? That doesn't mean it's connected the way any given person says it is, nor does it mean that the 'facts' one decides to connect are even real facts.
This is the first RI post in a looong time that I've read completely, as the other more obtuse ones, at least of late, always lose my interest. I think the main reason is that they are so far from what I can fully grok and, even more important, have any effect on, that I prefer to devote my energies to combatting, or at least being well-informed about, more obvious and incontrovertible horrors and crimes.
I've been around occult thinking all of my 59-year life (my beloved and respected grandfather was a pretty well known astrologer and an Alice Bailey-, theosophy- and UFOlogy-follower; he even claims to have been abducted by aliens) and I've concluded without a doubt that there's every bit as much controversy, deceit, confusion and power-mongering in that world as in the consensus reality. Maybe more.
Anybody with fairly well develped understanding knows how easy it is to 'connect the dots' even when the connections made are, in fact, completely bogus. And aybody who's honest admits s/he has done the same thing countless times. So I don't find any of these defenses of paranormal realities to be the slightest bit convincing.
I'm not saying paranormal reality is false, indeed I believe in it, but in a way that is uniquely my own based on my own experience (just like you). But I don't pretend that I've got a corner on the truth, or that everybody who doesn't buy it is just too conditioned or stupid or scared to believe as I do (not that we aren't all conditioned; of course we are).
To Jeff's credit, he carefully avoids claiming his posts are factual or that a Great Conspiracy is necessarily the truth.
True believers or all stripes are highly suspicious, to say the least, and rarely worth listening to.
"So I don't find any of these defenses of paranormal realities to be the slightest bit convincing."
"I'm not saying paranormal reality is false, indeed I believe in it."
LOL indeed Anonymous 1:28
I was just wanting to post a add-on to my previous post along those same lines you pointed out, although I'll try to be less 'John Kerry-ish'
Its not that I don't think that such things are of no importance at all, in fact, with the exception of alien abductions, I believe that most of the things Jeff writes about that could be considerd 'far-out' are actually happening in one form or another. (For example, I have actually seen the famous 'Flying Triangles' with my own eyes. Although it seems to me that these turning out to be secret gov't craft is a more likely explanation than attributing them to aliens.)
Although the apparent explanation may or may not be correct, this doesn't change the fact that odd and disturbing things are still happening. Fortunately these 'odd and disturbing things' don't impact most of us in our day to day lives (for now...). But, what IS disturbing is how the trail almost always leads back to either the CIA, MIC, or elite politicians, and all too often, all three.
So the point is, every piece to the puzzle is still a piece to the puzzle. Even though some are more relevant to the overall picture than others, sometimes its difficult to tell the importance of a piece right away. For this reason they're all worth at least a glance, even the weird ones.
Because, who knows...?
Sorry, lol anon, guess I should have been a bit more clear. A strong contingent here is admonishing non-believers for not being opened-minded enough to see the obvious work of paranormal forces in the planet's ongoing destruction and crises. I'm just saying you can believe in the paranormal and not buy into the whole conspiracy POV. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, I don't know. I just don't buy the certainty and tone of condescension of the true believers. OK?
'I've concluded without a doubt that there's every bit as much controversy, deceit, confusion and power-mongering in that world as in the consensus reality. Maybe more.'
Relevent observation. Still we seem to have no choice but to try building a bigger box.
Some seem to think that the rocks simply need to be placed in the Box differently, some seem to think the rocks do not fit and try to destroy the Box, and some try to build a new Box out of their delusions. Boy, are we in a heap o shit.
How much shit we're in depends on how you look at things. Much as I generally try to stick to patiently putting the facts together (and trusting that the very act of assembly will help determine which facts are reliable and which aren't), I do also have a variety of meta-stories that I pull out from time to time when I feel in need of encouragement.
The best story that I know (which comes with no guarantees that it's true, merely that it fits the situation as well as any other) is that what we're seeing is the death throes of the old, repressive way of doing things -- but that it isn't going without a fight.
The roots of this story go way back. It starts 10,000 years ago, with the crucial shift in human lifestyle from hunting-gathering to agriculture. Agriculture was, on the whole, a good thing. It brought a far greater degree of control over the environment, more stability and greater opportunities for social and artistic creativity. But it also brought increased vulnerability to disruptions of that control, such as natural disasters.
After several thousand years of living on an environmental roller coaster, the world's advanced agricultural societies all settled on a common solution, in the form of highly-regimented societies based upon a strong degree of social coercion. In short, civilization. It wasn't pretty, but it worked, and there hasn't been a major wipeout since the big one of c. 2200 BC.
However, over the last 500 years, things have begun changing again. Science has been coming up with more subtle ways of maintaining a stable environment. Technology has been substituting machines for brute human labor. Capitalism has been offering the profit motive as a less oppressive way than slavery of making sure the dirty jobs get done. And democracy has provided the ideological justification for slowly dismantling the old hierarchical and coercive mechanisms.
However, this process isn't going entirely smoothly. Technology and capitalism between them seem as prone to crapping the environment up as to taking responsible control of it. The old ruling classes, seeing their power slip away, have been willing to do anything it takes to maintain it. And many people, upset by the pace of change and uncertain about their futures, are willing to fall blindly into line behind the first person who offers them a sense of reassurance.
Does that cover about all the bases?
The other half of it -- and this is where it takes a leap of faith -- is believing that we as a species will come through this transition sucessfully, as we have through all the others. And that, with luck, what we find on the other side will be less coercive, more humane, and more fulfilling for the average individual than the old condition of Bronze Age despotism.
Meanwhile, though, until things get sorted out, we're likely to be in for a fairly bumpy ride.
I love this site and glad to see there are others out there whose minds have not been "tele-vised".
To quote Jerry Garcia however......"just one thing I ask of you....." Please......let the Dylan Lyrics yuppie trend die.......In my own opinionated words.....Dylan sucks. I haven't got time for his whine.
I love your blog, but I hate it."
That line is sure wearing thin around here.
Funny that comment about the James Burke series Connections. I've had that same thought more than once... most recently when Jeff pointed out the fact that Heinlein and Jack Parsons were probably aquainted.
Great work! Expose Bush for the tyrant he is!!! He incites the violence secretly and then uses it to justify more violence against it. Classic. You know that the insurgents don't have the means or power to pull off that Mosque bombing! My money says IT WAS an inside job designed to start a civil war so the Neo-Convicts can justify dragging the Iraq War on forever. Is Iran next? YEp!!! That may have a serious effect on the security of all of us Americans. Russia, China, and maybe the EU, all could turn on us if we attack them! It's a Catch-22, we are damned if we do attack Iran and damned if we don't. We are left with no choice and it's going to severely start off something very ugly worldwide!!!
To whoever writes this blog and anyone else reading this, come to my blog and check it out:
I will link with anyone who wants to and vice-versa!
Excellent research on this and the last few postings Jeff. I highly value reading some of your most distinguished quest commenters-even Starroute!
Ok, especially Starroute, you old geezer.
Thank you, starroute
The heap o shit comment was being a bit fasicious as I am one of those that considers the need for a bigger Box, or the framing of parameters for a new set of criteria for understanding, to be of paramount importance.
My responce to Jones was to accknowledge his point that delusion is a big issue.
The design of any new set of criteria for understanding will therefor contain elements that address this issue.
Think Satan, the great deciever.
I am with you all the way, starroute, on the opinion that we will transition sucessfully...
Now, as a community lets create the elements that will functionally guide this transition, but its not about luck as we must consciouslly frame our parameters for understanding.
"..but its not about luck as we must consciouslly frame our parameters for understanding."
After reading some of Jeff's posts, I sometimes feel the only rational way to "frame my parameters" is unplug the phones and to crawl under my bed with a beer or two.
If you look at the list of links Hammie provides it's like a bad dream. FOX, CNN and most notably MEMRI which every Middle Easterner knows is a CIA front for disinformation. Look into it yourself. He's a liar and a fraud.
I remember the story of "private detective" Anthony Pellicano in the newspapers at about the same time. They mentioned all the details - like the dead fish warning, etc., and mentioned he worked for Jackson at some point, but never explicitly connected the dots.
From the Vanity Fair article:
At the time, Jackson had Anthony Pellicano, known as "the private detective to the stars," who cultivates a Tony Soprano image, working for him. Big-name Hollywood lawyers who don't want to get their hands dirty often hire Pellicano, who was intimately involved in trying to negotiate with Jordie Chandler's father—whom he accused of extortion—and in discrediting the accusers. "Bert [Fields] gives me an absolute free hand when I'm involved," Pellicano told me in 1993. "This is why I have the reputation I have, because I solve problems." (He was reportedly later fired from the case.) When police wired Jackson's maid Blanca Francia, whose son was one of the boys involved in the investigation, according to someone on the prosecution team, they heard Pellicano beg her not to go to the police with her information. Other former employees reported threats and harassment from Pellicano, and some still cower when they speak of him.
Last November, Pellicano was arrested by F.B.I. agents, who found explosives in his safe "strong enough to bring down an airplane" after an informant fingered him as the person who had hired a tough guy to put a bullet through the windshield of the parked car of a Los Angeles Times reporter working on a story about the actor Steven Seagal and the Mob. A dead fish was left on the car, as well as a rose and a cardboard sign saying STOP. Vanity Fair contributing editor Ned Zeman, who published a Seagal story in last October's issue, says a man confronted him with a gun, pointed it at his head, and pulled the trigger. The gun was empty. Zeman has no idea who the man was. (Pellicano has said he has no involvement with Seagal.) Former reporter Rod Lurie told me that Pellicano had phoned him 35 times over a six-month period to try to get him to kill a piece he was writing about the source-gathering techniques of the National Enquirer. Lurie was mysteriously hit by a car while riding his bike. Very few knew of the accident, but Pellicano was one of the first to call to console him. Diane Dimond, who aggressively pursued the Michael Jackson story for the TV show Hard Copy starting in 1993, told me, "My home was vandalized, my car was broken into, and our defense documents were stolen. Paramount [which owned Hard Copy] gave me bodyguards."
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