Back to black

In his defense of the end of the pretense of constitutional rule, Dick Cheney says "you know, it's not an accident that we haven't been hit in four years." Of course he's right. And since Cheney warned Americans last year that a vote for Kerry was inviting another 9/11, maybe that's how he means it to be heard this time, too: the veiled threat of a protection artist.
Remember the claims of Ground Zero firefighters, contradicting the official account, that they had actually recovered the black boxes of Flights 11 and 175? Mike Bellone and Nicholas DeMasi said the boxes were seized by federal agents, who then told them to keep quiet about it. They didn't, though their story never even rippled the mainstream's consensus fabrication. (But I wonder what the world would sound like if everyone bullied into silence by one method or another found their voice at the same time.)
Now comes corroboration from Dave Lindorff, a Counterpunch fixture who has perhaps the best insight over there on the darkness and the weirdness of America's present condition. (Alexander Cockburn, Whiteout aside, has a awful Chomskyite blindspot when it comes to deep politics, let alone high weirdness.)
Lindorff writes:
A source at the National Transportation Safety Board, the agency that has the task of deciphering the date from the black boxes retrieved from crash sites-including those that are being handled as crimes and fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI-says the boxes were in fact recovered and were analyzed by the NTSB.
"Off the record, we had the boxes," the source says. "You'd have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here."
That federal authorities, across agencies, perpetuate a lie regarding the recovery of the World Trade Center black boxes strongly suggests that both the voice and the flight data recorders contained information that would seriously damage, if not outright deflate, the Great Myth to Make War By. (I say "contained" because I expect they were effectively destroyed shortly after falling into federal hands.) As Lindorff writes, the data could prove "whether [the hijackers] were getting outside help in guiding them to their targets."
Will we ever know what was on the recorders? Probably not. But as I've said before, we already know enough. We haven't answered the how, and likely never will, but I think we have the who and the why.
Ironically, tragically, it's the how - the popular mechanics of the stage magician's craft - that consumes most of the fuel of the "9/11 movement." As it was meant to, so the perpetrators could grandfather their innocence with the passage of time and opportunity for justice.
Afraid that'll be it for me until next week. I have a lot of subjects on the go, but no time at the present to get to them. However you observe them or don't, happy holidays.
Quoting you:
(But I wonder what the world would sound like if everyone bullied into silence by one method or another found their voice at the same time.)
There's the first T-Shirt you should sell, exactly as it is, with the parenthesises. 10 bucks each? I'll take four. However cheaply it's made.
Uh...we can find part of a passport of one of the terrorists...or at least let people believe that a passport could survive but neither black box from either aircraft could. Will this element, like WTC, like the stories of various fire fighters, like the activities of Porter Goss and other on the morning of 911...will they all add up one day, will the constant drum beat of information contradicting the official story finally find a crack, and bleed out, like a wild lava acid to scortch and burn away from the pumping volcano of publich outrage? Will it? Ever? It has to happen. We have to keep pounding on these demons intil we chase them back to hell.
What did Porter Goss do? I haven't heard that...clue me in por favor...
Happy Holidays, Jeff, thanks for a great year of RI!
Jeff, you are right about Alexander Cockburn. Marxists cannot admit that irrational/religious/mystical/demonic forces play such a large role in the human psyche, and therefore in the history of the world. For analysts like Cockburn and Chomsky, men are more swayed by "objective" economic factors than by psychic ones. That's why they "can't find" 95% of the universe; it's "dark matter" that their instruments can't measure.
John B. said...
What did Porter Goss do? I haven't heard that...clue me in por favor...
1:31 PM
John B.:
Rep. Goss and Sen. Bob Graham (both Floridians and both on their chamber's intelligence committees) happened to be having breakfast that morning in Washington with the head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
ISI allegedly funneled a large sum of money to the person identified as being the "lead hijacker."
I was reading deceased elitist intellectual Aldous Huxley quotes from around 1959 then Jeff's latest post, and found much relevance (my comments in-between quotes, and anything inside brackets [] is my comment inside a quote):
Applicable to 911 ignorance, "Most ignorance is evincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know..." as when "Ye shall know the truth,...the truth shall make you mad." (true, it will make you free eventually as Christ promises, but enduring a mad phase seems an unstated tough precondition few welcome). This also explains why for most, "Most of one's life is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself thinking." Combine that with dumbed-down education, and well, it's almost hopeless.
Using analogies, Huxley implies all politicians gain power by acting like dogs with us (my translation, they would lick us anywhere to get our votes), because "To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs." (politicians, inexplicable).
But the danger of putting dogs in the wrong places is that "So long as men worship the Caesars and Napoleons [their dogs], the Caesars and Napoleons will arise to make them miserable." Well no wonder our two-party system is designed around a ritual of amazingly eliciting a frenzy of stupefying adoration of ones so unworthy of it like Kerry and Bush, by each election day.
And the Napoleons (or George W. Bush in 2004) can only exist in government, a social organization, which " at once necessary and fatal. Men are forever creating such organizations for their own convenience and forever finding themselves the victims of their home-made monsters." (I find the word "monsters" hits the nail on the head).
As to how they pulled off 911, "We are living now, not in the delicious intoxication induced by the early successes of science, but in a rather grisly morning-after, when it has become apparent that what triumphant science has done hitherto is to improve the means for achieving unimproved or actually deteriorated ends."
Continuing quite prophetically, Huxley (who as of the ruling class should know), and from his grave, shows us why the lessons of 911 are a piece of a larger picture, our enslavement:
"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing … a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods."
Of course there's also painful versions of these pharmacological phenomena, such as Gulf War Syndrome and Aids, which reminds me I would prefer to do all I can to strengthen my immune system and take my chances with a promised flu outbreak, than with the Tamiflu of Rumsfeld's previous employer. You know, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..." (search on Rumsfeld, 1976, and Swine Flu).
Like Jeff's closer reading of Cheney's latest haunting words (a practice now by necessity being applied by more and more researchers, and not just to Cheney's speeches), "you know, it's not an accident that we haven't been hit in four years." (now is that a threat or what?). I do a similar double-take on this last Huxley quote on the words "in the cards."
Sorry for my rambling, and if I'm sounding a little too negative; MTV, a little porn, Viagra, Ritalin or Prozac anybody? If so, just click your remote control, check your e-mail, or call your doctor.
But if you want truth, don't look for it in any school or university, or tune in to TV even if you have 300 channels, or don't read any newspaper in America, but for the chance for truth and no guarantee of it, expect to jump through many hoops and get hit hard along the way, and that's in the freest country on earth.
happy holidays jeff. thanks for all you do, & here's to another year of shining lights into dark corners.
hello jeff. what does the title 'back in black' mean?
re this:
Ironically, tragically, it's the how - the popular mechanics of the stage magician's craft - that consumes most of the fuel of the "9/11 movement." As it was meant to, so the perpetrators could grandfather their innocence with the passage of time and opportunity for justice.
the how is what matters most to those who believe the official story most, underneath it all (well in the beginning it was). and so it becomes our jobs, those who know better, to prove to the blind believing the real how. not the bs story that was implemented the day of and 4 years since 911. you know how, well i know how i felt when it happened. i wanted to know why this happened, who it was, how it was done. but really it never felt right to me.
the second that 2nd plane hit, a thought shot through my mind about how this event is the perfect event for the government to use to do what ever it wants, thats all i knew. and then i cried for about 45 seconds and i said to myself "everything changes now" and it did. and i proceed to stare at the screen till 11 pm that night. the more i stared at the destruction and damned near perfect collapse of the buildings it didn't feel right. i figured in my head that one of those buildings would fall sideways and take out 3 or 4 city blocks. or crash into the marina on the waters edge. but it didn't happen. they fell straight down.
anyway. all of that day and the next week the whole story was told to everyone and then 'dead or alive'. then afghanistan. and then fears of masked terrorists killing kids on halloween. and anthrax. and every other stupid event that has happened since.
no one has the time to think things through.
about the how becoming all consuming of the 911 movement? thats part of it. the other part is the systemic apathy and/or ignorance of the american people. its not their fault totally though. it just is what it is. its like this.
'give them so much freedom it makes them sick! so much freedom that they're too scared to think or live.' and when the group think self destructs itself, they swoop in. not too much hope for change these days. we have a few months left. will somebody do something? expose themselves?
The most probable explanation for suppressing the black boxes (for all four planes) is they would indicate who was really the expert pilot that flew Flight 77 into the nearly empty part of the Pentagon. GPS is amazing technology.
The video footage of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon wouldn't tell us something we already know (the plane hit the building). But the black boxes would be very interesting ... and would prove whether remote control technology was used, which is why they can't be examined.
Newsweek Web Exclusive
Web Exclusive: Washington Heroes
On the ground at the Pentagon on Sept. 11
Sept. 28 (2001)
Early Friday morning, shortly before 4 a.m., Burkhammer and another firefighter, Brian Moravitz, were combing through debris near the impact site. Peering at the wreckage with their helmet lights, the two spotted an intact seat from the plane’s cockpit with a chunk of the floor still attached. Then they saw two odd-shaped dark boxes, about 1.5 by 2 feet long. They’d been told the plane’s “black boxes” would in fact be bright orange, but these were charred black. The boxes had handles on one end and one was torn open. They cordoned off the area and called for an FBI agent, who in turn called for someone from the National Transportation Safety Board who confirmed the find: the black boxes from American Airlines Flight 77. “We wanted to find live victims,” says Burkhammer. But this was a consolation prize. “Finding the black box gave us a little boost,” he says.
--Debra Rosenberg
Black Boxes
Contents of Flight Data and Cockpit Voice Recorders Are Missing
Firefighter Said Black Boxes
Were Found at Ground Zero
By Bryan Sacks and Nicholas Levis
Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004
Identifying Misinformation:
State Department’s Rosetta Stone for understanding 9/11 disinformation
It is probably not possible to prove 100% that remote control was used to guide the planes to their targets, but it is the only theory that fits the proven evidence. The black boxes retrieved from the World Trade Center and Pentagon crash sites would confirm or refute this accusation, but their hiding is a form of evidence suppression that indicates the evidence on these recorders would not support the official story.
'you can go fuck yourself mr. cheney' - some guy who yelled this to the vice president in louisiana
after katrina.
hes smug about it. he doesn't scare me.
'guess why we havn't been hit in four years? :evil scowl:
why dick?
'well maybe you should guess?
i don't really care. its all a lie anyway, cheney. can you tell me why?
'we are an empire now. we create our own realities. while you study it judiciously, as you do, we go out a make new ones. you can't stop us.
it'll never work. you know that right?
'what? the plan? sure it will.
not for long. it never has. do you care about that?
'not really, i'll be gone by then. and so will you. :deadly stare:
haha. great thinking there buddy. you don't feel regret about all that you have done? everyone you have hurt and will hurt in the future?
':blank stare at the ground: who are they? i don't know about them. just mindless morons. we preserve the balance. they can deal with it.
i feel sad for you mr. cheney. you represent everything i despise. your the worst humanity can be.
'glad to meet you. i hate you too.
you can go fuck yourself mr. cheney...
'good! more hate, i feed off of it!
mwa hahahaha!
-no this isn't real, but i'm sure it's quite true.
(-!! was Stage Magic and of course nobody will ever find out the truth because magicians don't share their secrets, even if they do work for the government, or for foreign terrorist orgainzations or whomever done it, and rationalist "truth movement" people will never figure it out. I doubt there was anything Occult or Magical about it. Only prestigidigitation using the latest technology. 9-11 was a staged media event. Get over and be done with it. figure out your own agenda and follow it.
Joe of course.
So, were you, by chance, a miner in a previous life?
Because you're quite adept at digging through the dirt.
"end of the PRETENSE of constitutional rule"
Maybe a combination miner/carpenter for your ability to also hit the nail on the head.
Don't know if you've seen this:
NEW BEDFORD -- A senior at UMass Dartmouth was visited by federal agents two months ago, after he requested a copy of Mao Tse-Tung's tome on Communism called "The Little Red Book."
Two history professors at UMass Dartmouth, Brian Glyn Williams and Robert Pontbriand, said the student told them he requested the book through the UMass Dartmouth library's interlibrary loan program.
The student, who was completing a research paper on Communism for Professor Pontbriand's class on fascism and totalitarianism, filled out a form for the request, leaving his name, address, phone number and Social Security number. He was later visited at his parents' home in New Bedford by two agents of the Department of Homeland Security, the professors said.
The professors said the student was told by the agents that the book is on a "watch list," and that his background, which included significant time abroad, triggered them to investigate the student further.
The inherent contradictions in a spy plan that targets folk who read books written by a Chinese Communist while the nation debts itself out to Chinese Communists as its X-mas shopping citizens help build China's military with each 'Made in china' purchase are pretty damn self evident, but I really doubt that most Americans will ever get it.
If something that glaringly obvious escapes them, is there really any hope that they'll ever comprehend the multi-layered onions that you unearth?
And after hearing this audience member from Fox's Dayside program welcoming a little spying with open arms:
"Audience member: We’ve got to give the President the flexibility to protect me. I use my cell phone all the time and I don’t have any problem with the folks listening to the conversations I have because they’re appropriate conversations."
I suspect that the whole 'Dumbing Down of America' plan has exceeded the ruling elites (I really do hate this term. it implies that these creepy little shitheels are to be admired instead off arrested) wildest dreams of organized social control & pacified citizenry.
But what did we expect when we allowed folk like the Rockefeller Education Board design our public school system.
"In our dreams...people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions (intellectual and character education) fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple...we will organize children...and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way."
What great comment posts! What a great story. I have saved a clip of firemen back in the firehouse after the implosion of the towers talking about the sound of explosions. All the steel that may have been analised was IMMEDIATELY sent OVERSEAS to be cut up and recycled. The towers came STRAIGHT DOWN. Building SEVEN came straight down. Folks, we been had, big time!
I subscribe to the remote controlled theory as predicted by Intel operatives cited in an article by allegedly suicided Bush biographer James Harfield in JULY 2001. I also believe that EMP weapons brought down the Pennsylvania flight and Wellstone's plane (all done from within our shadow government military-intel ops).
9-11 was America's Reichstag Fire perpetrated by the Same perps as what done the Reichstag (Bush-Nazis).
I could not find the original article anymore at Online Journal, but of you google Hatfield and Osama and Bush and "Online" it is archived lots of places.
Now is a good time to remind people that days after he wrote this (2 months BEFORE 9-11, Hatfield was suicided after his computer was seized and he was taken into custody in a raid (he wrote FIVE suicide notes, including one thanking the cops who had arrested him and who "let him go" to kill himself." Odd, what?
Here is the article which done him in (and it is not hard to figure out why - he had them cold and would have screamed bloody murder on September 12, 2001)
Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?
By James Hatfield,(ONLINE JOURNAL, July 5, 2001)
Source Online Journal Article
OJ Editor's note: In light of last week's horrific events and the Bush administration's reaction to them, we are reprising the following from the last column Jim Hatfield wrote for Online Journal prior to his tragic death on July 18:
July 3, 2001 —There may be fireworks in Genoa, Italy, this month, too.
A plot by Saudi master terrorist, Osama bin Laden, to assassinate Dubya during the July 20 economic summit of world leaders, was uncovered after dozens of suspected Islamic militants linked to bin Laden's international terror network were arrested in Frankfurt, Germany, and Milan, Italy, in April.
German intelligence services have stated that bin Laden is covertly financing neo-Nazi skinhead groups throughout Europe to launch another terrorist attack at a high-profile American target—his first since the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen last October.
According to counter-terrorism experts quoted in Germany's largest newspaper, the attack on Dubya might be a James Bond-like aerial strike in the form of remote-controlled airplanes packed with plastic explosives.
Why would Osama bi Laden want to kill, Dubya, his former business partner?
I knew that bombshell would whip your heads around. So here's the straight scoop, folks.
In June 1977, Dubya formed his own drilling company, Arbusto Energy ("arbusto" means "bush" in Spanish), in Midland, Texas. Like his father before him, Dubya founded his oil business with the financial backing of investors, including James R. Bath, a Houston businessman whom Dubya apparently first met when they were in the same Texas Air National Guard unit. (Interestingly, both Dubya and Bath were both suspended from flying in August and September 1972, respectively, for "failure to accomplish annual medical examination.")
Tax documents and other financial records show that Bath, an aircraft broker with controversial ties to Saudi Arabia sheiks, had invested $50,000 in Arbusto, granting him a 5 percent interest in two limited partnerships controlled by Dubya.
Time magazine described Bath in 1991 as "a deal broker whose alleged associations run from the CIA to a major shareholder and director of the Bank of Credit & Commerce." BCCI, as it was more commonly known, closed its doors in July 1991 amid charges of multibillion-dollar fraud and global news reports that the financial institution had been heavily involved in drug money laundering, arms brokering, covert intelligence work, bribery of government officials and—here's the kicker—aid to terrorists.
Bath was never directly implicated in the BCCI scandal, but according to The Outlaw Bank, an award-winning 1993 book by Time correspondents, Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne, Bath originally "made his fortune by investing money for [Sheikh Kalid bin] Mahfouz and another BCCI-connected Saudi, Sheikh bin Laden," reportedly the brother of none other than Osama bin Laden, the man accused by the U.S. government of masterminding the August 1998 terrorist bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed more than 250 people.
According to court documents, Bath swore that in 1977 he represented four prominent and wealthy Saudi Arabians as a trustee and used his name on their investments in the United States. In return, he received a 5 percent interest in their deals. Time reporters Beaty and Gwynne suggest in their book that the $50,000 Bath invested in Dubya's Arbusto Energy drilling company may have belonged to Bath's Saudi clients since the Houston businessman "had no substantial money of his own at the time."
The FBI and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network later investigated Bath after allegations were made by one of his American business partners that the Saudis were using Bath and their giant piggy bank to influence U.S. policy. (Dubya's father had been appointed by President Ford to head the CIA from 1976–77.)
So, folks, the Middle Eastern oil money used to underwrite the first business venture of our future president of the United States, may have been derived at least in part from the family fortune of Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, who is now being accused of masterminding his assassination.
From the what-it's-worth-department: I think Dubya's handlers have fed disinformation through the CIA and other backdoor channels to German and Italian intelligence agencies about a possible hit on Dubya by the fugitive terrorist to gain public sympathy and concern for a U.S. president who has taken a nose-dive in the opinion polls.
The latest New York Times/CBS News poll showed Dubya's approval rating fell to 53 percent from 57 percent a few weeks ago, its lowest since he took office. Only 50 percent of those polled approved of his handling of the economy, while 47 percent approved of his foreign policy performances. Some 44 percent felt Dubya was not respected by foreign leaders, a mere 39 percent agreed with his policies on the environment, and a whopping 61 percent of Americans believed the new prez was not addressing the issues they care most about.
Obviously, the pollsters didn't call Dubya's sugar daddies—the oil and gas companies. Because he damn sure is taking care of their interests.
I've studied every angle of 911. I'd like know what others think of the Apollo moon(hoax)landings. Do you think we landed on the moon and returned without a hitch in 1969? Or was it a grand deception?
C. Fred Kleinknect, a 33rd degree mason, was the head of NASA at the time. Buzz Aldrin was a 33rd degree mason. Neil Armstrong was not, but his father was a 33rd degree mason.
If they pulled that off in 1969 then 911 was just another hat trick.
Anonymous One,Jeff,great year of bloggen.I visit many different sites out there in the bloggersFEAR,this place will always stand above them all.I hope Jeff can keep this much intense subject matter going next year.As far as inside people knowing things about 9-11,I have a relative that works inside TSA,guess what?They know everything was set up folks,but the worst part was when we talked about dark projects going on in the US.Hold onto to your fucken hats folks,and to #1 sniffer,check out Liberty Think. com they have a audio on left hand side,click on Aldous Huxley/ terrorism,I think this shows that old Huxley knew the whole plan,just happened to drop dead the same day as kill king 33,later.
After researching Apollo a lot, IMHO I'm sure it was just another scam too. Look at the characters involved, it's the same basic crowd that pulled off 911 and countless other historical scams before and after Apollo.
Looking at 911 for example (and this would apply to Apollo too), the thousands of top and middle level career government, media, and private industry employees it took to do it, didn't just suddenly decide one day it would be fun to enter into this vast conspiracy of mass murder (and then go back again to regular honest living after doing it).
No, such crime could only be perpetrated by the biggest hardened professional criminals in the world, well organized together (i.e., committing "organized crime"), which by definition is called a "mafia." And professional criminals do crime for a living.
Unfortunately that's who controls our government and has since it's founding. That's who was behind the Alamo, the Maine, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, and on and on and on. That's whose behind the drug trade. And mafias do crime for money and other considerations.
The events of 911 and as a result of them may have grossed them over a trillion in cash, and Apollo was less, but still a huge hit financially for the taxpayer that at least [the perception of] landing on the Moon softened a lot and made the Space Shuttle possible.
The lie about landing on the Moon also raised the prestige and the mafia's craft in deception, enabling many bigger-scale ops in the future, probably even 911.
As to all this being the work of Zionists which is heard so much, I agree they (the modern descendants of the Khazars who control Israel) are part of it all but not all of it.
The British Empire and European Royals (working through modern secret societies who now emerge as local Eastern Anglo-Saxon elites), having descended from Venice aristocracy that emigrated and taken over into Britain around the time of Henry VIII, and before that they came from Rome and the ancient civilizations; appear to be just as significant as the Zionist elements.
Quote from above: "The video footage of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon wouldn't tell us something we already know (the plane hit the building)."
Well, no. Whatever you believe to be the truth about the Pentagon hit, there is NO video evidence - not a single frame - that shows a plane hitting the building.
All video footage, from the various sources, public, military, and private, that could have shown what it was that hit the Pentagon, have been collected and supressed, like the black boxes.
Oh - and one thing - yes, the Apollo mission really did land men on the moon. No big deal, and you shouldn't be tempted to make it so. It's just transportation.
A very good detailing of the likely "how" of 9/11 is contained within this book.
An excerpt from the article:
"Remember the claims of Ground Zero firefighters, contradicting the official account, that they had actually recovered the black boxes of Flights 11 and 175? Mike Bellone and Nicholas DeMasi said the boxes were seized by federal agents, who then told them to keep quiet about it."
An interesting bulletin about Mr. Bellone:
"“FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 27, 2005
Today, Fire Marshals from the New York City Fire Department’s Bureau of Fire Investigation announced the arrest of Michael Bellone, age 51 of 2473 65 th Street in Brooklyn , N.Y. Mr. Bellone was arrested at Fire Department Headquarters in downtown Brooklyn after being interviewed by Fire Marshals regarding an FDNY Scott air tank, harness, regulator and mask that were in his possession. The items were reported missing from the Fire Department’s Mask Service Unit on October 1, 2001.
Mr. Bellone is being charged with grand larceny, criminal impersonation and possession of stolen property.
Mr. Bellone was brought to the attention of the Fire Department last year after several complaints were made from across the country regarding the activities of the TRAC Team, a non-profit organization of which he is the CEO. Mr. Bellone travels around the country selling his book and displaying artifacts that he maintains to be from the World Trade Center site.
“The department commends the outstanding investigative efforts of the Fire Marshals for their diligence in apprehending Mr. Bellone,” said Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta.”"
Another article about Mr. Bellone:
"October 19, 2005
MEQUON - Michael Bellone, the self-proclaimed "honorary New York firefighter," who spoke to 100-200 people at Concordia University about the events of 9-11 is a "fraud," according to New York Fire Marshal Conrad Tinney.
Tinney was one of the fire marshals who arrested Bellone, 51, of Brooklyn, N.Y., on Sept. 27, for having an FDNY Scott air tank, harness, regulator and mask. He was charged with grand larceny, criminal impersonation and possession of stolen property, but the charges were later dropped after Bellone returned the items.
Bellone told FDNY investigators the equipment was given to his charity - Trauma Response Assistance for Children (TRAC) Team - but didn’t tell FDNY fire marshals who donated the items.
"The charges may have been dropped, but the investigation is continuing," Tinney said. "We know he has a door off one of our engines destroyed in the attacks and some tools as well."
Bellone spoke Sept. 22 at a Concordia event organized by Student Life after an alum was in Oconomowoc during the week of Sept. 11 where Bellone spoke. It is unknown how much Concordia officials paid Bellone for his presentation.
"Concordia is very disappointed to learn that this presentation might not have been legitimate. Our students were very interested in the subject matter and obviously had we known what we know now about Michael Bellone we would not have allowed him to speak on campus," said Heidi Fendos, a spokesman for the university.
Tinney said he couldn’t elaborate any more on the investigation, but said Bellone volunteered at Ground Zero as a "citizen" and as a "volunteer" and collaborated on a book about the experience, and later, displayed some of the equipment at speeches to schoolchildren and adults across the country.
"It wasn’t until two years later that we began getting complaints about him," Tinney said. "We have one honorary firefighter and that is a child from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Aside from the child, it is normally the chiefs and those above who are made honorary firefighters and he (Bellone) isn’t one. He’s saying he was made an honorary firefighter by New York Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta. That’s a fallacy."
After taking complaints, FDNY investigators questioned Bellone and discovered the breathing apparatus and other gear were missing from the fire department’s Mask Service Unit since Oct. 1, 2001.
Three years later, Tinney said Bellone was warned to return all of the FDNY equipment he had in his possession.
"We figured common sense would prevail and he would stop on his own," Tinney said. "There were times when he would show up at different events wearing New York Fire Department gear."
Tinney said investigations revealed Bellone has given more than 700 presentations across the country.
"The bottom line is that I have a problem with individuals who prey on the emotions of the general public based on a tragedy," Tinney said.
This story appeared in the Ozaukee County News Graphic on October 18, 2005."
Mr. Bellone has many different titles.
Gere who was accompanied by Michael Bellone, a safety director with the New York City Fire Department found the page near the place where the south tower once stood. The page was from the book of Genesis and told of the account of the building of the Tower of Babel.
Michael Bellone, an honorary New York firefighter and founder of Trauma Response Assistance for Children, addresses a group of people who attended the unveiling Sunday of the 9-11 memorial at Olympia Resort and Spa. Bellone has donated several pieces of his equipment and clothing he used during cleanup at the ground zero site as part of the memorial.
Carey met Michael Bellone, who said it was his job to 'extract bodies' from the site. Just 10 minutes before, Bellone said, he had removed a body part from the rubble.
His account is supported by a volunteer, Mike Bellone , whose efforts at Ground Zero have been chronicled in the New York Times and elsewhere . Bellone said assisted DeMasi and the agents and that saw a device that resembling a "black box" in the back of the firefighter's ATV.
World Trade Center Task Force Fire Safety Director Mike Bellone helps Jamie Joyce, 8, into one of the jackets he and his fellow workers wore in their rescue efforts at the World Trade Center. Jamie's brother Patrick, 10, stands nearby, outfitted in a similar jacket and hat.
Barrett and Ground Zero Recovery Director Michael Bellone, both part of the Sept. 11 rescue and recovery effort, brought photos, pieces of the building and of the hijacked plane and their own tales of heroism. Both spent 257 straight days there.,2071,NPDN_14940_2609767,00.html
“Why did God let such a bad thing happen?”
This was the first question asked of New York City firefighter Bob Barrett and Fire Safety Director Mike Bellone when they visited a Woodside, Queens day camp this summer. Many parents might be at a loss for words if asked this question by their own children; but these men, who were at Ground Zero throughout the entire recovery effort, are quick to turn such questions around and look at the situation from a positive perspective.
"Looking at 911 for example (and this would apply to Apollo too), the thousands of top and middle level career government, media, and private industry employees it took to do it..."
And the last after-images of carny barkers arguing from the absence of evidence continue to trail on by...
"they're heere!..."
Some stuff on Apollo from
In completely unrelated news, NASA issued a curious report in June of this year that read, in part, as follows:
NASA's Vision for Space Exploration calls for a return to the Moon as preparation for even longer journeys to Mars and beyond. But there's a potential showstopper: radiation. Space beyond low-Earth orbit is awash with intense radiation from the Sun and from deep galactic sources such as supernovas. Astronauts en route to the Moon and Mars are going to be exposed to this radiation, increasing their risk of getting cancer and other maladies. Finding a good shield is important. (
Now, a person with questionable cognitive skills, such as myself, might assume that finding a good radiation shield would have been important back in the Apollo days as well. I mean, surely we must have solved this little technical problem back in the sixties, because we obviously couldn't have sent our boys to the moon without a suitable radiation shield. Right?
This whole story is highly suspect.
Bellone is clearly not the most reliable of witnesses, which makes his version of events suspect.
More likely, this whole thing is disinformation. It is designed to confirm the myth about the three passenger jets hitting the WTC and the Pentagon. If the flight recorders were found, then that confirms that they were passenger planes. If the FBI destroyed them, that confirms that they have something to hide.
The net effect is that everyone goes off at a tangent and forgets all the evidence to the contrary. Mission Accomplished!
If flight recorders were genuinely found, they would have been pre-programmed and planted at the same time as the explosives. In this case, of course, there would be no reason for the results not to be published.
This story just does not make sense - which is probably the intention.
Curiouser and curiouser!
Regarding the moon, my mathematician friend just finished reading Who Built the Moon? by Knight & Butler. The moon is not a natural object? He said it's "scientifically sound". It's next on my reading list.
IMHO, there were no real planes used on 9/11-- it was a great hoax (much like the moon landing). They certainly did a good job making it look like planes crashed, and they made some great movies showing the second WTC hit. But there were no planes used, and that's why there no black boxes found and that is why this story of boxes being found is a distraction.
Flight 93 wasn't shot down either. Look at the neat little crater in Shanksville with not one plane part visible. Planes do not cash like that. It was a hoax, just like the Pentagon hit and the WTC hit. It was all done with bombs and planted pane parts.
note, missiles of some sort were probably used in the attacks, but certainly not hijacked commercial planes.
Great last piece Jeff. Great to see the comments too. When will critical mass be achieved on this issue? Will it happen at all?
No Planes is bogus.
But back to another subject:
Elite Deviance (Fifth Edition)
David R. Simon
Allyn & Bacon(C) 1996,1993,1990,1986,1982
A Simon & Schuster Company
Needham Heights, Massachusetts 02194
ISBN 0-205-16460-9
An interesting book. A college text.
This fifth edition of Elite Deviance is written at a time of crisis and corruption almost without precedent in U.S. history.
The President of the United States faces lawsuits for both conflict of
interest and sexual harassment. Both incidents took place before his election as President.
Thanks to its recent scandals, Congress is now held in such low esteem
that many of its members refuse to seek reelection.
Corporate life is marked by one scandal after another--a billion-dollar
plus fraud scam at Prudential and the laundering of drug money by major New York banks, to name just two.
Scandal seems everywhere present in U.S. life:
A rabbi is indicted for laundering drug money.
Rock idol Michael Jackson paid $100 million to buy the silence of a
- family whose child he is accused of molesting.
Football icon, former broadcaster, and actor O. J. Simpson is indicted for killing his ex-wife and her friend. The Jackson and Simpson cases demonstrate that the private lives of elites may indeed turn into scandal, if their deviance or suspected deviance becomes public knowledge.
The purpose of Elite Deviance has always been to underscore two central concerns.
1. Scandal in contemporary U.S. life is an institutionalized sociological phenomenon. It is not due primarily to psychopathological and/or bio-pathological variables. Rather, scandal is built into the very fabric of U.S. institutions, which means that scandals will occur regularly. This institutionalization of elite wrongdoing is a major focus of the book.
2. Many of the scandals that have occurred in the United States since 1963 have been fundamentally interrelated; that is, the same people and institutions have been involved in a number of scandals (e.g., the Kennedy assassination and Watergate). The interrelationship of these various scandals warrants systematic, dispassionate analysis by social scientists, but so far, very little interest has been directed to this issue. We hope that this will begin to change soon.
This edition of Elite Deviance is written in the hope that those students who read it will begin to develop a true sociological imagination.(1) American students of social science tend to place much emphasis on individual deviance, individual rights, and individual cases; thus, the realization of how societal variables affect people's values and behaviors has been lost. The notion that society shapes individual character is especially unappreciated. If the problems related to elite deviance are ever to be resolved, we must begin to analyze and attack them at their roots. We believe that overwhelming evidence shows that these roots are sociological in nature.
Chapter 1 addresses the problem of defining elite deviance. In doing so, we review the representative forms of wrongdoing by wealthy and powerful individuals and organizations that are encompassed by the concept elite deviance.
Chapter 2 discusses the higher immorality as an aspect of the U.S. elite, a sort of systemic violation of the laws and ethics of business and politics. This includes everything from hiring prostitutes to close business agreements to hiring members of criminal syndicates to gain a business or political advantage. In addition, the term refers to special advantages that business executives receive from government, including tax breaks and subsidies, as well as special salary arrangements that bypass tax laws. The term also applies to the violation of antitrust laws. Hence, it covers a host of illegal and unethical practices. The Kennedy assassination is introduced in this chapter.
Chapters 3 and 4 are devoted exclusively to economic deviance. Specifically, Chapter 3 details the problems generated by the monopolistic structure of the economy, including price fixing, price gouging, deceptive advertising, and fraud. Chapter 4 discusses the more dangerous aspects of corporate deviance, including hazardous products, pollution, dangerous working conditions, and resource waste.
Chapter 5 examines the international dimensions of corporate and political deviance. We discuss U.S. defense policy, including defense contracting and arms sales, the bribery and product dumping of multinational corporations, and violations of human rights as they relate to U.S. foreign policy and the questionable practices of multinational corporations.
Chapters 6 and 7 deal exclusively with various dimensions of political deviance. Chapter 6 focuses on the types of political corruption that have characterized the history of U.S. domestic politics. Chapter 7 explores political repression in the United States, including the bias of the criminal justice system, as well as the abuses of power perpetrated by such agencies as the FBI, the CIA, and the Internal Revenue Service. Domestic assassinations are examined in this context.
We believe that scientific objectivity and questions about values are interrelated and cannot therefore be divorced from each other. To this end, Chapter 8 offers a theory of elite deviance, relating the various elements of social structure and social character responsible for causing much of the deviance described in this book. The theoretical propositions we advance are both measurable in the scientific sense and moral in the humanistic sense that they address harm to both society and its citizens. We have prepared this chapter because the field of corporate or white-collar elite deviance remains quite new and has barely moved beyond the stage of classifying various examples upon which a theory could be based. Chapter 8 represents our effort to both summarize and synthesize extant empirical examples and theoretical viewpoints in order to begin the construction of a coherent theory of elite deviance.
Chapter 9 addresses what has been called "the scandalization of America," focusing on the series of interrelated scandals that has wracked the United States in recent history. The chapter begins with a discussion of the emergence of the so-called secret government, an entity characterized by a code that far exceeds the deviance Mills outlined in his description of the higher immorality. The Iran-Contra affair is described in some detail, illustrating how this scandal was related to a number of other incidents of wrongdoing, generally involving the same players. The Kennedy assassination is included in this review of interrelated incidents. The chapter concludes with an evaluation of the implications of the scandalization of the United States for the theoretical and empirical study of elite deviance.
The Epilogue grew out of my experiences with students. Often students become fatalistic about resolving social problems that relate to the distribution of wealth and power in the United States. My conviction is that the United States is democratic in form and that meaningful solutions to the problem of elite deviance can come through democratic processes. I do not believe that the necessary changes will be easy, but we insist that they are worth struggling to attain. The Epilogue describes one plan for making significant changes in the economic system. I feel that this proposal will eliminate or at least minimize the forms of elite deviance discussed in this book. We invite the reader to consider this plan seriously and to think of other alternatives that might be effective in diminishing elite deviance.
1. See C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1959), and David R. Simon, Social Problems and the Sociological Imagination (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995) for extended discussions.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
Corporate Deviance
Monopoly, Manipulation, and Fraud
Sociologist Stanton Wheeler, in his presidential address to the 1975 annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, chided his colleagues for their neglect of one particular area of criminality--"the patterns of illegal activity that lie at the core of large-scale corporate, industrial society."[1] The magnitude of this omission was revealed in 1978 by the first comprehensive investigation of corporate crime. Sociologist Marshall Clinard and his associates gathered data on the illegal actions of the 582 largest publicly owned corporations in the United States. Among their findings were that, during a twenty-four-month period:
1. 60 percent of these corporations had a legal action instituted against
them by a federal agency for criminal activity;
of those corporations having had at least one violation, the average
number of violations was 4.2 with one corporation being formally
accused by the government on sixty-two occasions;
almost one half of all the violations occurred in the oil refining, auto-
mobile, and drug industries (a rate 300 percent greater than their size
in the sample indicated).[2]
Corporate crime, which includes antitrust, advertising law, and pollution law violations, costs U.S. consumers an estimated $200 billion per year, forty times more than estimated losses from street crime.[3] Studies of punishment in corporate crime cases reveal that only about two percent of corporate crime cases result in imprisonment.
Item: A 1990 study by Amati Etzioni found that between 1975 and 1984, 62 percent of the Fortune 500 companies were involved in one or more incidents of corrupt behavior (bribery, price fixing, tax fraud, or violations of environmental regulations).[4]
Item: In a Multinational Monitor study of the 25 largest Fortune 500 corporations' activities between 1977 and 1990, all of the corporations were either found guilty of criminal behavior or fined and required to make
payment for civil violations.[5]
The fact that so few studies have been done on corporate crime rates speaks volumes concerning the way powerful corporate interests have been able to define U.S. crime problems as a "street" (i.e., lower class) problem. The neglected subject of corporate deviance is the focus of this chapter, as well as the next. Specifically, this chapter is devoted to five areas of corporate deviance: the problems generated by (1) monopoly, (2) price fixing, (3) price gouging, (4) deceptive advertising, and (5) fraud.
First, however, to understand why corporate crime is such a neglected problem requires an understanding of the power and influence of criminal corporations in making public policy. Consider, for example, the case of General Electric.
General Electric is a massive multinational conglomerate, with 107 factories in the United States and 103 overseas plants in twenty-three foreign nations. It employs 243,000 U.S. workers and has about 500,000 stockholders. About 300 major retail stores (e.g., Levitz furniture and Montgomery Ward) use its credit card system, and its NBC television network has about 200 affiliate stations in the United States.
General Electric is the third largest defense contractor, and has been involved in developing most major weapons systems in the past two decades; including the MX missile, B-1 bomber, the Stealth Aircraft, and "Star Wars" (satellite defense system) program. GE is also a major builder of nuclear weapons. It has even received government contracts to estimate Soviet military strength. On GE's board of directors sit General David Jones retired head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and William French Smith, former attorney general of the United States. GE is the nation's second largest plastics manufacturer, the owner of RCA, has its own cable television network is a stockbroker (it owns Kidder Peabody), and has its own bank (GE Capital, which has $91 billion in assets).[6]
Moreover, GE is a major Washington lobbyist because it sells many items to the government. It is directly affected by government regulations in the areas of defense contracting, environmental law, securities oversight, and many others. General Electric is also among the most lawless U.S. corporations:
Item: Between 1981 and 1983, GE had net profits of $6.5 billion, but received a tax rebate of $283 million from the debt-ridden federal government due to favorable tax legislation. In fact, from 1981-1987, GE saved over a billion on its taxes, but created virtually no new U.S. jobs. It was busy shrinking its U.S. workforce by 50,000 employees, selling off its U.S. subsidiaries, and aggressively buying other firms, Utah Construction, RCA, and NBC. In 1986 alone, G.E. spent $11.1 billion to buy 338 companies, while it closed 73 of its own plants and offices. As will be noted, such corporate "restructuring" has contributed mightily to the economic decline of the United States since 1970.
Since the repeal of the law that gave GE all those tax advantages, the company has been carrying a $3.5 billion tax deferment on its books. It does this legally because, as a defense contractor it doesn't have to pay its taxes until some future date.
- In 1988, GE was indicted on 317 counts of fraud in connection with a scheme to defraud the Army of $21 million on a logistics computer contract.
Moreover GE has a very long history of corporate crime:
1957-1961: GE was convicted of price-fixing and other charges for electrical equipment valued at $1.74 billion per year, the largest price-fixing case in the history of the Shermam Antitrust Act to that time.
In 1981, GE was convicted of paying a $1.25 million bribe to a Puerto Rican official to obtain an electrical plant contract. Three GE executives were imprisoned in the case.
In 1986 and 1987, GE was involved in a number of instances of defense
contracting fraud and related charges. (Please see Chapter 5.)
GE's stock brokerage firm, Kidder Peabody, paid $25.3 million to settle an insider trading complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission. GE Capital paid a $275,000 civil penalty in 1989 for discriminating against low-income consumers, the largest fine ever under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. GE itself paid a $32 million settlement to women and minorities in an employment discrimination case, and its Canadian subsidiary was convicted (along with Westinghouse and other firms) of conspiring to fix prices on light bulbs.[7]
GE is also a major environmental polluter. Four of its factories are on the Environmental Protection Agency's list of the most dangerous industrial sources of toxic air pollution, and GE has been identified as responsible for contributing to the damage of forty-seven sites in need of environmental cleanup. The company has also paid tens of millions of dollars in out of court settlements for its toxic dumping of chemicals, which can cause cancer and other diseases (e.g., birth defects) in humans.
If GE were an individual, it would be considered an habitual criminal under U.S. law. Instead, it tries to undo laws and cultivate a favorable public Image by engaging in a host of image making activities:
Item: GE acts as a social philanthropist by giving away about $19 million per year through its tax-exempt foundations. Most of the money goes to scholarships for poor and minority college students. It also donates money to certain charities, like the United Way. Even charitable contributions further GE's political and economic aims. Some of GE's tax exempt contributions go to Chris Walker's American Council for Capital Formation (an "educational" front group that campaigns against the corporate income tax and for a national sales tax), the Institute for International Economics (a "think tank" promoting procorporate positions on economic policy and trade), and Americans for Generational Equity (which campaigns for issues like reducing Social Security entitlements). GE also funds other causes promoting political socialization and propaganda, including:
Sponsoring the McLaughlin Group--a right-wing TV talk show.
Membership in the Business Roundtable--the policy formation activities of which disseminate the views of the largest 500 American corporations.
- The Committee on Present Danger--a defense industry financed group whose propaganda promoted the massive defense spending of the 1980s.[8]
Item: Many large corporations also cultivate political goodwill by greasing the campaigns of members of congress. In 1988, GE's political action committees gave $595,000 to various congressional campaigns. Before limitations were placed on outside income by congressional members GE paid an additional $50,000 directly to representatives and senators as speaking fees before the practice was ended (with a huge congressional pay raise) in 1990. Most of these speeches are given to members of armed services and other defense-related committees. The company has about two dozen permanent lobbyists and a large support staff in Washington overseeing such contributions. GE is thus a symbol of how widespread corporate crime by one firm can be, and how corporations can buy their way out of being effectively punished for their deeds by lawmakers. GE is also symbolic of corporate efforts at placating an otherwise outraged public through public relations. However, these deeds are only the beginning of the harms done by corporate crime. Consider the fmancial harm done by corporate monopolies.
As noted in Chapter 1, the United States has moved from competitive capitalism to a stage of monopoly capitalism. Karl Marx, well over one hundred years ago, correctly predicted this current stage.[9] Free enterprise, he argued, would result in some firms becoming bigger and bigger as they eliminated their opposition or absorbed smaller competing firms. The ultimate result of this process would be the existence of a monopoly in each of the various sectors of the economy. Monopolies, of course, are antithetical to the free-enterprise system because they determine the price and the quality of the products, interfering with the balance of supply and demand. This, as we will see, increases the benefits for the few at the expense of the many. For the most part, U.S. society upholds Marx's prediction. Although a few corporations are virtual monopolies (e.g., IBM with mainframe computers), most sectors of the U.S. economy are dominated by shared monopolies. Instead of a single corporation controlling an industry, the situation is one in which a small number of large firms dominate an industry.
When four or fewer firms supply 50% or more of a particular market, a shared monopoly results, one which performs much as a monopoly or cartel would. Most economists agree that above this level of concentration--a four-firm ratio of 50%--the economic costs of shared monopoly are most manifest.[10]
According to a government report, in 1982, the following industries were dominated by shared monopolies: razors and razor blades (the four largest firms control 99 percent of the market); light bulbs (91 percent); cigarettes (90 percent); electronic calculators (90 percent); linoleum (90 percent); clocks and watches (84 percent); refrigerators (82 percent); cereals (80 percent); sugar (67 percent); and roasted coffee (66 percent).[11]
Shared monopolies raise the costs of products to consumers. For example, in 1980, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released the results of an eight-year study that showed that consumers paid more than $1.2 billion in higher prices for ready-to-eat cereals over a fifteen-year period. The commission alleged that these overcharges of 15 percent were the direct result of the monopoly in the cereal industry held by three companies: Kellogg, General Mills, and General Foods. In just one year, consumers paid $100 million more for cereals than they would have had there been a more competitive market.[12] Two processes account for the super concentration of assets among a few corporations: (1) growth through competition, where the fittest survive, and (2) growth through mergers. Of the two, the latter is the most significant.
The Corporate Frankenstein
Corporate mergers have become identified with a new type of Wall Street crime: insider trading. A study by Data Resources examined some 130 stocks, 70 percent of which ran up sharply in value just before corporate takeovers, "suggesting that insider trading is rampant" among investors.[13] Moreover, from 1981 to 1988, the volume of leveraged buyouts increased from $3.1 billion to $67.4 billion per year, with the largest taking place in 1988 when RJR Nabisco was purchased by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts for nearly $25 billion. This, the largest purchase in financial history, came after the same Henry Kravis had already purchased Wometco Enterprises (the first billion dollar buyout), Beatrice Foods ($6.2 million), Safeway Stores ($4.1 billion), Owens-Illinois ($3.7 billion), and Jim Walter ($2.4 billion). Kravis was able to make all of these purchases by borrowing heavily. Once in control, he dismantled the firms.[14]
Corporate mergers continued into the 1990s. In 1991, AT&T, a $37 billion corporate giant, bought NCR Corporation for $7.4 billion, and Capital Cities/ABC announced its intention to buy a company in the communications field for $1 billion.
In 1980, the total value of conglomerate mergers was $44.3 billion. By 1989, the total had increased to more than four times that amount to an astonishing $240.9 billion.[15] The Reagan administration encouraged such mergers by relaxing antitrust law enforcement on the grounds that efficient firms should not be hobbled.
These moves prompted some observers to predict that the buyouts of the 1990s will involve large companies purchasing firms of lesser size for premium prices, creating few new jobs and potential financial disaster should deals collapse or prove unprofitable.[16]) Merger mania has continued into the 1990s, with the price of the average merger reaching record levels. In 1989, Sony Corporation bought Columbia pictures for $3.4 billion. In 1991, the Bank of America bought Security Pacific Bank for $4.0 billion, and in 1994, Bank of America purchased Continental Bank Corporation for $1.9 billion. By 1993, the predicted new round of merger mania reached full throttle. Bell Atlantic purchased Telecom, Inc. for $33 billion, AT & T purchased McCaw Cellular for $12.6 billion, and Merck purchased Medico for $6.0 billion. Bank mergers alone in 1993 totaled $22.5 billion.[17]
The goal of bigness appears to be control. Eugene Rostow has summarized this phenomenon:
The history of corporations is the best evidence of the motivation for their growth. In instance after instance [it] appears to have been the quest for monopoly power, not the technological advances of scale.[18]
The great concentration of power and resources in a few corporations has important negative consequences for U.S. society, exacerbating many social problems. Foremost is the overpricing that occurs when four or fewer firms control a particular market. A study by the FTC estimated that, if industries with the four largest firms were reduced in control from 50 to 40 percent of sales, prices would fall by at least 25 percent. When industries are so concentrated that four or fewer firms account for 70 percent of sales, they are found to have profits 50 percent higher than the less concentrated industries.[19] The existence of monopolies is costly to consumers in other ways, since they ultimately bear the costs of advertising and product changes. The irony is that consumers, even though squeezed by monopolies, are forced to finance the continuation of monopolies. Overpricing leads to lost output because of fewer sales and excess capacity.
Lost output is detrimental for three reasons. First, it reduces potential economic activity. Second, lower output substantially reduces tax revenues that, if not reduced because of lower output, could either reduce the tax burden for all or be spent to alleviate social problems. Third, another negative consequence of overcharging by monopolies is inequitable transfer cost. Excessive prices bring excessive profits. These profits then redistribute income from purchasers to the stockholders of the corporations, and 47 percent of stocks are owned by the wealthiest 0.5 percent of the population.[20] The result is that a relative handful of stockholders (the already wealthy) reap the dividends. Thus, overcharging redistributes wealth but in the direction of greater inequalities. As Newfield and Greenfield concluded:
It is this tiny minority of shareholding Americans that gather in the super-profits generated by the power of big business to stifle competition and manipulate prices without fear of challenge. When we recognize that officers of these superbusinesses often collect more money from their stockholdings and stock-option privileges than from their salaries, we can see where much of our money goes: not to the community at large, not to wage earners, not into more efficient products, but into the bank accounts, trust funds, and holdings of the richest 1.6 percent of Americans.[21]
Put another way--and one that is stronger and even more compelling--two Stanford economists have argued that, if there were no monopolies: (1) 2.4 percent of U.S. families would control not 40 percent of the total wealth but only 16.6 to 27.5 percent, and (2) 93.3 percent of U.S. families would be better off. Only the wealthiest 6.7 percent would be worse off. According to these estimates, without monopoly, the current maldistribution of wealth in the United States would be as much as 50 percent less.[22] Heavily concentrated industries are also sources of inflation. When consumer demand falls, for example, the prices of products in concentrated industries tend to rise. This occurs in such different industries as automobile manufacturing and professional sports. As evidence:
Economist John Blair studied 16 pairs of products, one from a concentrated industry [i.e., where a shared monopoly existed], the other from a more competitive one (e.g., steel building materials vs. lumber, pig iron vs. steel scraps). During the two recessions of the 1950s, the price of every unconcentrated product fell, while the price of 13 of the 16 concentrated products actually rose.[23]
In other words, when a few corporations are large enough to control an industry, they are immune from the rules of a competitive economy. The immediate consequences for consumers is that they will pay artificially high prices. Shared monopolies also cause inflation because they can automatically pass on increased labor costs or increased taxes to the consumer. In competitive industries, on the other hand, a corporation may be forced to reduce its profit if it wants to continue to get a share of the market. Moreover, the tendency toward parallel pricing in concentrated industries means that prices only rise. When an industry leader like General Motors (GM) or U.S. Steel announces a price increase of 7 percent, within a few days, similar increases are announced by their so-called competitors. As Ralph Nader and his associates have noted, "Each firm gladly increases its profit margin by getting the same share of a larger pie. There is no incentive to keep prices down, for then all the other firms will have to come down to that price which means the same share of a smaller pie."[24] It is impossible to know exactly how much monopolies contribute to inflation. Certainly, the profits generated by lack of competition rather than efficiency or product superiority are hidden contributors. The existence of monopolies also has important political consequences. The concentration of economic power undermines the democratic process in two fundamental ways. The first is overt, as the powerful marshal! their vast resources to achieve favorable laws, court decisions and rulings by regulatory agencies. They have the lobbyists, lawyers, and politicians (as noted in Chapter 1) to work for their interests.
More subtly (but real, nonetheless), the powerful get their way because of the bias of the politico-economic system. Such time-honored notions as "our economic interests abroad must be protected" and "tax incentives to business will benefit everyone" and "bigness is goodness" go unchallenged because we have been socialized to accept the current system as proper. Thus, decisions continue to be based on precedent, and the idea that "what is good for General Motors is good for the country" prevails. As long as such notions guide decision making, the interests of the wealthy will be served at the expense of the nonwealthy.[25] For defenders of a competitive free
enterprise system, the existence of monopolies and shared monopolies should be attacked as un-American because the economy has become neither free nor competitive. Green made the following observation:
Huey Long once prophesied that fascism would come to the United States first in the form of anti-fascism. So too with socialism--corporate socialism. Under the banner of free enterprise, up to two-thirds of American manufacturing has been metamorphosed into a "closed enterprise system." Although businessmen spoke the language of competitive capitalism, each sought refuge for themselves: price-fixing, parallel pricing, mergers, excessive advertising, quotas, subsidies, and tax favoritism. While defenders of the American dream guarded against socialism from the left, it arrived unannounced from the right.[26]
In summary, the negative consequences of shared monopolies are important to our understanding of elite deviance in two ways. First, monopolies are themselves deviant because they disproportionately redistribute wealth and advantage toward the already advantaged. And second, the existence of monopolies aids in creating an environment in which deviant acts are encouraged. An examination of the automobile industry will illustrate these interrelated phenomena.
Case Study: The Automobile Industry
Sales data (1993) for the top 500 U.S. industrial corporations listed General Motors first (with $133.622 billion in sales) and Ford as second (with $108.521 billion). The major oil companies, whose fortunes are directly related to automobile usage, were also ranked near the top: Exxon was third, Mobil was sixth, Texaco was ninth, Chevron was eleventh, and Amoco was thirteenth. Together, these five oil companies had sales of $246.2 billion.[27]
The pivotal position of the industry in the U.S. economy is underscored by such considerations as the following: One out of every seven workers in this country is said to be dependent directly or indirectly on the automobile industry, the industry consumes about one-fifth of the nation's steel production, one out of every fourteen tons of copper, more than two out of every five tons of lead, more than one out of every four tons of zinc, one pound in seven of nickel, one-half of the reclaimed rubber, almost three-fourths of the upholstery leather, and substantial proportions of total national output of glass, machine tools, general industrial equipment, and forgings.[25]
The important point is that the automobile industry is one of the nation's most highly concentrated. In the early 1900s, 181 companies manufactured
1. Stanton Wheeler, "Trends and Problems in the Sociological Study of Crime" (June, 1976), 525. This criticism has been made by others, as well. See especially Alexander Liazos, "The Poverty of the Sociology of Deviance: Nuts, Sluts, and Perverts," Social Problems 20 (Summer, 1972),10-20.
2. Marshall B. Clinard, Illegal Corporate Behavior (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1979). See also Marshall B. Clinard and Peter C. Yeager, "Corporate Crime: Issues in Research," Criminology 16 (August, 1978), 255-72.
3. J. Donahue, "The Missing Corporate Rap Sheet: Missing Government Records of Corporate Abuses," Multinational Monitor (December, 1992):14-16.
4. Amati Etzioni, "Is Corporate Crime Worth the Time?" Business and Society Review 36 (Winter 1990), 33, and J. Donahue, 17.
5. J. Donahue, 19.
6. William Greider, Who Will Tell The People? The Betrayal of American Democracy (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992), 335ff is the major source of the following discussion. See also David R. Simon, Social Problems & The Sociological Imagination: The Analysis of Social Problems. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995), Chapter 2.
7. Greider, 350.
8. Greider, 339.
9. Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy (New York: International Publishers, 1967). Originally published in 1866.
10. From The Closed Enterprise System, by Mark J. Green, Beverly C. Moore, Jr., and Bruce Wasserstein, 7. Copyright (C) 1972 by The Center for Study of Responsive Law. Reprinted by permission of Viking Penguin Inc.
11. U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1982 Census of Manufactures: Concentration Ratios in Manufacturing. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986), Table 9.
12. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1986 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1986), 524.
13. Amiti Etzioni, "Is Corporate Crime Worth the Time?," 33.
14. Hanes Johnson, Sleep Walking through History (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991), 433.
15. U.S. Department of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the United States. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991): 540.
16. James Flanigan, "New Corporate Merger Wave Is Rolling In," Los Angeles Times, 8 May 1991, D-1, D-8.
17. R. Farrighetti, (Ed.) World Almanac & Book of Facts 1994. (Mahwah, NJ: Funk & Wagnalls, 1993):76, 112. The New York Times (29 January, 1994), A-17.
18. Quoted in Green, Moore, and Wasserstein, 13-14.
19. This section on the consequences of shared monopolies is taken primarily from Green, Moore, and Wasserstein, 14 26; and Jack Newfield and Jeff Greenfield, A Populist Manifesto (New York: Warner Paperback Library, 1972), 48-56.
20. Green, Moore, and Wasserstein, 14, and Richard B. DuBoff, "Wealth Distribution Study Causes Tinge of Discomfort," In These Times (5-11 December 1984), 17.
21. Newfield and Greenfield, 51.
22. William Conner and Robert Smiley, quoted in Ralph Nader, Mark Green, and Joel Seligman, Taming the Giant Corporation (New York: W. W. Norton, 1976), 216.
23. Green, Moore, and Wasserstein, 15. See also "The Monopoly Inflation Game," Dollars and Sense (23 January 1977), 12-13.
24. Nader, Green, and Seligman, 213.
25. For comparison see Michael Parenti, Power and the Powerless (New York: St Martins Press, 1978).
26. Mark J. Green, "The High Cost of Monopoly," The Progressive 36 (March: 1972), 4, 22. "The Forbes Sales 500," Forbes, 25 April 1988, 136-37.
27. See The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1995 (New York: Funk & Wagnalls 1994): 120.
28. Robert F. Lanzillotti, "The Automobile Industry" in The Structure of America' Industry, 4th ea., ed. Walter Adams (New York: Macmillan, 1971), 256.
29. "The Forbes Assets and Earnings 500,"' Forbes (25 April 1988), 144, 163
30. Green, Moore, and Wasserstein, 244
31. David Hapgood, The Screwing of the Average Man: How the Rich Get Richer an You Get Poorer (New York: Bantam, 1975), 152.
32. "The Monopoly Inflation Game," 12.
Don't be too hard on the cockburn/chomsky outlook, they do a certain kind of work, you might call it low level depravity rather than the higher level you interrogate.
They have a reluctance to be portrayed as outright cranks which would deliver them from obscurity to irrelevance and easy, if specious, ridicule
I might wonder about their blindspots, but its all grist to the mill.
There is no one true level of investigation, but many have their utility
Have a good holidays Jeff and keep up the excellent work, I look forward to reading more of your posts (and jumping into the RI discussion board) next year.
Or, as the ruling elite deviants said:
"Okay, you know we did, and we know we did it - so, prove it!"
No evidence, no living witnesses. How far does circumstantial evidence go in a courtroom manned by their own appointed justices?
Daily Kos diary on Rigorous Intuition (just posted):
(flattering, mostly)
This is my favorite conspiracy theory blog: Rigorous Intuition. The writer is philosophical and actually quite rational and logical. (That's why its scary.)
Just how damn corrupt is this whole society, anyway?
My son is currently working at a temp job as a truck dispatcher in a warehouse. He got home a few hours early today, there not being much demand for deliveries just before Christmas. He said he'd been lucky, in that a trucker had shown up unexpectedly, just in time to take the last load they had waiting to go out. They'd phoned to clear this with the person who'd originally been assigned to send a trucker for that load and he'd agreed gratefully because he didn't really have anybody available to send. In other words, if they'd followed the regular procedures, they could have been there all afternoon, waiting for a truck that never came.
I asked my son how the company managed to get things so screwed up, and he told me it was because the people in headquarters were envelope men. When I naively asked what that was, he said it meant they gave out delivery assignments to whoever slipped them an envelope, regardless of whether that person actually had the necessary truckers on call.
That surprised me. I'm used to the idea of high-level corruption, but is American business completely permeated with low-level corruption as well? And if it is, how does anything ever get done?
I'd appreciate it if someone more worldly-wise than I am could explain this to me.
Weeks before 9/11, we all know explosive charges were placed into building #7 and was quickly pulled within hours of the first crash into the first tower.
Building 7 is enough proof people had a plan, like your fucking retards in office people like Clinton and Albright by killing off thousands of Iraqis with sanctions just to soften them up for invasion. Guess you were wrong.
Flowers at your feet, nah, but how about some shrapnel up your neo- con-nazi ass.
BUILDING 7 PEOPLE, HELLO, ANYBODY ALIVE IN THERE IN BULLSHITTING OURSELVES LAND.You should do as George SR said and be lynching their ass's right now on an flag pole.
Are most American's a write off?
to anon 11:17,
I believe the correct term is "collateral damage".
and may I respectfully ask what you suggest we do?
Lynching anyone, without a fair trial, is still against the law in the US.
Unless, of course, you have connections, which most of us do not have.
To Starroute,
This is done more often than you would believe. Being in the construction trades, sometimes you need to prove your worth, but before that you need to get in the door.
The idea the free 'market' directs most commerce is true, but with some quirky twists-being "market(I'll give you some of my profits) driven".
And Jeff, thanks for the excellent posts and your fine site. I wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday up there in Canada.
...that's still not part of the US yet, is it?
I'll try and post some time later about these things with my online "name". But,Jeff, you're "deep politics" are blind in the area of the influence and place of "Eastern" occult activities. You seem to almost studiously ignore the influence of mind-control cults that are "Eastern" in origin.
The Dalai Lama just had another appearance on mainstream western media with Barbara Walters. Yet, you never cover the dark and deep politics seething at the edges of this deep, and often very dark, stream, of the political world.
Do a google search on former ambassador Jean Kirpatrick.
There's always this edge about "Tibetan" stuff. Much of it is out there. I'd love to see your analyse. You do it so well.
It's really there. Take, for instance, Jean Kirkpatrick's son, Stuart. He's called himself many names, but recently declared that the current Dalai Lama ratified him as a reincarnation of a well-known former lama.
Also, you've never even tried to delve into the black magic politics that are going on with the Tibetans' problem over "Shugden". Do a google search.
But mostly Jeff, you're doing a fantastic job. I'm sometimes horrified, and sometimes happy that I know this stuff.
I'll try and post some stuff at some about these Jean Kirpatrick connections later.
Hope you're having a happy holiday!
Well, if it's now legal to easedrop, let's go to Crawford , walk into 'Monkey Boy's house and easedrop on him. Use his law against him. I always thought it was odd when I heard stuff like the WTO allowing osbestos to be made since Canada made the case that it was more unlawful tostop them from selling it in the USA just because people could die from it. I thought, if this is true, couldn't Holland make the case that since pot is illegal in the USA, theyr'e hindering profits of the product theyr'e most famous for.
Jeff, have had no time to comment much but am following along, as usual. Just a quick note to convey appreciation for a few turns of phrase in this last:
"so the perpetrators could grandfather their innocence with the passage of time and opportunity for justice"
Grandfather their innocence. (!) Wow, that's right.
Agree with Mitch's enthusiasm on: "But I wonder what the world would sound like if everyone bullied into silence by one method or another found their voice at the same time."
Though let's not get t-shirts involved.
And: "In his defense of the end of the pretense of constitutional rule..."
Pithy rightness. Damn.
(That i am commenting on the poetry rather than the content assumes a healthy digestion and satisfaction with the content)
May your time off be nourishing, peaceful, etc...and then let's continue to square off like Evo in 2006.
My blood is boiling now "Canada part of the US" man I gotta keep myself calm, can't stop shaking, Deep breath, wait. Relax, it's just some plant. I can see clearly now the rain is gone.
AJ, Bush is the right man for the right job at the right time and is everything America is today and now I hope the laws will change so that he stays on as dictator for another 20 years. America will be much better off.
whaaat? lol
Jeff wrote:
Dick Cheney says "you know, it's not an accident that we haven't been hit in four years." Of course he's right.
Technically, no:
Beginning on September 18, 2001, and lasting several weeks, the Anthrax Attacks remain unsolved -- except for the fact that the Ames Strain of Anthrax originated at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
A foreshadowing of the upcoming 4/4/11 military coup.
Although we refuse to identify "chess moves" in our "conspria-phobic" Dominant Narrative, the "Checkmate" lingers in Jeff's Conventional-Wisdom-Statement that we haven't been attacked since 9/11.
This is the dominant narrative.
And when the Bushgeosie (rhymes with bourgeosie) is permitted to finish their "second term" without another "attack," a Checkmate coup-de-grace will be struck when the Neo-Brownshirts stage a terror attack against President Hillary.
Al Qaeda "sympathizers" somehow "infiltrate" the U.S. military and crash two jets into the U.S. Capitol Dome during an emergency special session called by President H. R. Clinton. Conveniently, the Republicans will be boycotting on that day, and the Democratic Party will be largely wiped-out. President Schwarzenegger, in exile since Hillary's "Vote Fraud" election, will be immediately sworn-in as the True President by Chief Justice John Roberts. The New Constitution, already drafted, will be rapidly passed by a new hand-picked Congress. The TV networks will blare: "Everything is under control."
Most importantly, President Schwarzenegger will declare: "I vow to protect America. Never again will America be attacked by enemies -- including domestic ones." The Argentina-style roundups will begin. No more Bush-type missteps this time. Terrorists only strike when the Democrats are in power: the New Common Wisdom.
Americans are sitting ducks.
Good luck, ass-clowns.
The Godfathers in the bighouse are they expecting someone to get wacked? Dick knows they were all given warning of a possible attack by aircraft and stood down. That was no accident.
Just before the investigation into the vote count 911 happened.
I just hope toes don't get stepped on everytime the heat gets to close to Bush. They are talking impeachment now so who would want that not to happpen?
What luck for Bush, he could ride high back up into the polls on clouds of smoke and death like the last time.
I too hope that the poltical situation doesn't force the hand of Cheney & co to unholster their terror gun again. All the indications are that it is highly likely. The excuse will be something like "you liberals tied our hands, and the baddies slipped through Condi's "seam" (its more like a gulf, she said).
I also hope that the poor suckers who have been hoodwinked into believing that they were doing the right thing by aiding and abetting the terrible events of 9/11, and covering up since, can come out of their hellish closets.
Jeff, just got to say (again) your delivery and insight are brilliant.
You've made me second guess a lot of my prior assumptions, (and in fact, a lot of what I see and hear on a daily basis) concerning the who, what, where, why, when, etc of an event but I've been surprised that it has actually made things much clearer rather than confused, as might be expected.
Before reading your blog, I never knew how to integrate the "high weirdness" (the satanic, child abuse, occult, secret clubs/'elite' events, etc) into events. I mean it just seemed like bad script, urban legend, and well, pointless in terms of explaining or understanding what it had to do with current events. But it clicked into place when I read a post of yours sometime back, in which you said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter if you believe in it, it is enough to understand that they believe in it".
This was a powerful reminder for me that some human beings, much more than others, have powerful drives to put themselves into situations that can feed their addiction or belief (sex, power, wealth, or any other 'deviant' activity ie, cult behaviour, satanism, etc). Clearly, this will include collusion with others who suffer an addiction. they may not be the same addiction but these people will be stitched together in a mutually beneficial web of blackmail, political and financial benefit, etc.
I've encountered more than a few poeple like this in my time. They are depraved in the truest sense of the word, even if they, like nearly anyone, has some endearing, if not redeeming qualities (that is why we keep voting for them!).
These people may be "evil" but their evil is not supernatural, it is simply the product of their humanity which doesn't excuse it, but renders it clinically undesirable, something to be treated, or excised from our society. You help me to see this. I hope any potential whistleblowers out there will see it too. Thanks!
Have a great holiday!
"These people may be "evil" but their evil is not supernatural..
Blogbart, I respectfully disagree.
On the later,
not the former.
If I've learned anything here @ RI, it is both those things -in full life living color.
AJ, i respectfully disagree with you. lol. ;p
they are 'evil' if you wish to use that word. but its not supernatural or extraordinary nor extraterrestrial or even satanic. this they want us to believe, that they are some how greater than the rest of humanity. than us.
no, these are people who believe in only the deep dark phantoms that torture their minds. they worship these things as if they were real. sometimes when you hate something enough, or believe in something hard enough, it unconsciously manifests itself. manifests itself into actions.
when you do it for so long, they no longer know how to stop,and take a break and objectively analyze what they do. simply put: they no longer care. "compassion is weakness" because it exposes too much for them. it is an addiction. addictions are used to cover or replace vulnerabilities, hidden rage.
what is compassion really? what is caring?
in reality they are the vastly weaker beings. human beings.
These people are not weak. They are placed on a rung of the ladder that will keep their own above the rest. They are just below those whom embrace celebrity and just above organized corporate crime, but they all work for one.
Celebraties mainly hang around with, fuck, and marry other royal celebraties. So feel they are better than the rest of us low lifes they can even cut into lines simply because we let them. Politicians are no different.
These folk are salesman driven by 100% ego and power is the drug of choice where anything goes to feed the fix and no sacrifce to great.
They are far from fucking weak and make no mistake or underestimate their greed and cunning.
Interviewing Deprogrammers: In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key
No Sympathy---No Conscience--Psychopathy
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler=
U2 is but one example of a group involved in the mind control circuit. Bono gives interviews that are riddled with clues that he is somebody elses performing monkey. One point he likes to make during interviews is his standing in the music industry. Looking at those around him through his magic sun glasses (he hasn't taken them off for years) that he is "chosen over all," and carries the light of truth in "the greatest band in the world", he's an untouchable.
The 23 echo skedoo known as The Edge, at times while performing wears a T-shirt with a red serpent dragon on the front symbolizing his need for approval for his devotion to the illuminati. Bono likes to hound countries, like Canada, to induldge his demands and fork over more and more money to the very elite that through whatever means, own him and his 7 mansions.
Like the aircraft that was put together for sneak attacks U2 means artfully sly stealth action.
Are you sure about that?????
happy 'holidays' everybody!!!!!
The Zest of the Season to you ...
A big Amen to Dugoboy's comments on the "humanity" of the situation.
and ...
"Box of Rain"
Look out of any window
any morning, any evening, any day
Maybe the sun is shining
birds are winging or
rain is falling from a heavy sky -
What do you want me to do,
to do for you to see you through?
this is all a dream we dreamed
one afternoon long ago
Walk out of any doorway
feel your way, feel your way
like the day before
Maybe you'll find direction
around some corner
where it's been waiting to meet you -
What do you want me to do,
to watch for you while you're sleeping?
Well please don't be surprised
when you find me dreaming too
Look into any eyes
you find by you, you can see
clear through to another day
I know it's been seen before
through other eyes on other days
while going home --
What do you want me to do,
to do for you to see you through?
It's all a dream we dreamed
one afternoon long ago
Walk into splintered sunlight
Inch your way through dead dreams
to another land
Maybe you're tired and broken
Your tongue is twisted
with words half spoken
and thoughts unclear
What do you want me to do
to do for you to see you through
A a box of rain will ease the pain
and love will see you through
Just a box of rain -
wind and water -
Believe it if you need it,
if you don't just pass it on
Sun and shower -
Wind and rain -
in and out the window
like a moth before a flame
It's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
or leave it if you dare
But it's just a box of rain
or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
and a short time to be there
Words by Robert Hunter; music by Phil Lesh
Copyright Ice Nine Publishing; .
related material at ...
Magick is as Magick does ...
Onward to the utmost of futures!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
Perhaps somebody should put up a index chart like they used to put up on CNN. Only not to be used to scare the shit out of people with destructive words on different level color bars but to signify when Bush is getting closer to completely losing it.
"Blogbart, I respectfully disagree.
On the later, not the former. If I've learned anything here @ RI, it is both those things -in full life living color."
I accept your disagreement though perhaps we differ on semantics, for example, recall Asimov's oft quoted (poorly here) "any sufficiently developed technology will be indistinguishable from magic". We live in a universe of fantastic knowns ie quantum physics, black holes, infinite (?!) space which also holds many unknowns (do I sound like Rumsfield) which science is learning more about as we speak. So, "supernatural" might have different meaning, yes?
AJ, your comment also made me realize that I was putting words in Jeff's mouth - his work just reminds me of the often negative and destructive deviant nature of human nature.
8:13 PM
Dugoboy said...
AJ, i respectfully disagree with you. lol. ;p
Opa, wanted to add a comment re Dugoboy too.. Dugoboy, you've more fully described my sentiments re these people I call depraved.
Anonymous 11:04 .. you are right,these are potentially very dangerous people. Addiction narrows one's focus; all else is liable to become hindrance or help in obtaining next and future fixes. These people are past logic, persuasion, social discourse.
exactly. again i ask what is the course of action here? what do you do when "These people are past logic, persuasion, social discourse."?
what do you do?
have a happy consumerism day tomorrow!
I think this sums it up quite nicely.
"any sufficiently developed technology will be indistinguishable from magic".
Yes, but to (loosely) coin a phrase from Koonz:
"In a wholly materialistic and unbelieving age, what would appear as technological superior ET visitations,
might be in reality, spiritual."
{Dean Koontz}
in The Taking.
The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
—Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes, 1911
"any sufficiently developed technology will be indistinguishable from magic".
I'm so far gone i don't know if this is wholly trivial, or hugely important - (uh-oh) - but i believe the quote re technology being indestinguishabubble (to peasants)from magic is Arfur c clarke, not Azimov......i thinkn thats important.....ooohh i dont know!!!!
The scenario you present ("the 4/4/11 military coup") is chillingly believable.
I'm curious about the date. Why April 4th? I feel as though the answer should be obvious (perhaps it will come to me first thing tomorrow morning), but I'm not quite getting it yet--assuming that you didn't pick a date at random. Your writing and thinking are both so precise that I don't think you did.
It wouldn't be the first time, of course, that a Clinton was used as a seat warmer in the Oval Office. I remember way back in 1992 that it just didn't seem right that Clinton was taking the White House, after all that had happened, from 11/22/63, through Watergate, the assassination attempts on Ford and, more importantly, on Reagan. Clearly the fix was in, in so many ways, and who got to be president was not being left to chance (let alone left up to "the voters"), not in Washington anymore than it ever was in Santiago de Chile, let's say, or in San Salvador. Or just about anywhere else you might care to name.
So now that the football has been handed back to a Bush--now that we've logged almost TWENTY-FIVE YEARS since Reagan was shot and George Bush Senior by at least some accounts effectively took control in Washington, and now find FULL TWENTY-FIVE YEARS LATER that the White House is being run by . . . er . . . George Bush--I'm losing track here.
What ever happened to four years?
Nothing much will surprise me now. Not Schwarzenegger in 2011. And certainly not, dare I say it, Jeb.
another anon
zangtang --
Yes, it was Arthur C. Clarke who said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Isaac Asimov said, "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent."
A foreshadowing of the upcoming 4/4/11 military coup.
Well... first of all, let's not forget, Ahnold still needs a Constitutional amendment passed before he can even possibly consider running in 2008, 2011 or any date in the future.
Do you realize how difficult it is to pass a Constitutional amendment ? We are still technically a "nation of laws," however ridiculous a statement that might appear to be. It is an extremely difficult, laborious process to pass a Constitutional amendment and I doubt it will ever happen--considering Der Gruppenfuhrer's approval ratings in CA were recently hovering around 31 percent, with no chance of recovery. I think it's safe to say at this point that he has Terminated himself. It is certainly a scary thought however, considering Arnold's next movie would be titled, in part, Terminator 4 or T4. T for Terminator or T for Tiergartenstrasse ? A possible PR nightmare for Arnold and RI could certainly have a field day with that one.
You might also be interested in the following:
The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012
Season's Greetings from California.
eschatologist said...
Marxists cannot admit that irrational/religious/mystical/demonic forces play such a large role in the human psyche, and therefore in the history of the world.
You might be interested in exploring the writings of Margaret Cohen and her use of the term "Gothic Marxism" in relationship to the work of Andre' Breton and Walter Benjamin.
Margaret Cohen's encounter with Walter Benjamin, one of the twentieth century's most influential cultural and literary critics, has produced a radically new reading of surrealist thought and practice. Cohen analyzes the links between Breton's surrealist fusion of psychoanalysis and Marxism and Benjamin's post-Enlightenment challenge to Marxist theory. She argues that Breton's surrealist Marxism played a formative role in shaping postwar French intellectual life and is of continued relevance to the contemporary intellectual scene.
Just to clarify things for your readers: 9/11 WAS planned in advance by people who now benefit from it. Aliens do NOT dwell among us. Please keep the UFO crap separate from the demonstrable totalitarian plot afoot. Thank you.
agreed rolf. the UFO meme is meant to purely distract us.
"Back to black" ?
Terminator 4 is already in "production." The internet is awash in rumours and T4 is shamelessly splashed everywhere.
An attempt should be made to contact Warner Bros, Stan Winston Studios, (and now according to the grapevine) director James Cameron and organizations who might be concerned about the uncritical spread of the T4 meme. There apparently has not even been the slightest attempt made at tact, for example changing the working title to Terminator Begins or something to that effect. Evidently Der Gruppenfuhrer or the Studios don't give a f*** about history or little kids all over the world repeating and spreading the T4 meme like it was solely about harmless "cyborg from the future" fun. Alex Jones may be interested and perhaps wishes to get involved by starting a boycottT4 website or something similar.
Euthanasia Programme
Ironically, on one of the 'fan' sites:
To Arnold's friends: Stan Winston, Jeff Dawn and others... SUPPORT ARNOLD!
Without Arnold, Ban this film!
"T4 is in the works. The screenplay will be ready in 8 or 9 months. Once we have that, we will proceed with the production. The question that has never been answered in all the Terminator films is time travel. You can come from the future to change the present. But we never see how they go back to the future, which is a subject that can be explored. I think you already know where T4 is going from the ending of T3".
In another recent interview, Kassar was quoted as saying that T4 will go ahead "with or without" Arnie, after the worry that he may be too busy governing California to make any more Terminator films.
We already have our T4 countdown running in anticipation.
Most recent (Nov 2005) news about Ahnold and T4. James Cameron to direct:
Hollywood action man ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is set to juggle his role as California Governor with a return to the big screen - he has reportedly agreed to star in two big money sequels.
The actor-turned-politician has agreed to reteam with Oscar-winning director JAMES CAMERON in a fourth TERMINATOR installment in addition to a sequel to TRUE LIES, according to website
JOHN ROSENGRANT, who is a special effects expert at Stan Winston Studios, confirms work on TERMINATOR 4 is at a very early stage: "It's too early to figure out what a new Terminator would look like, or anything like that.
"You see the script and what spark comes from that, (talk) with the director and see what the vision is. It does no good to dream it up unless you write a treatment and try to get out there and sell it yourself."
well, Arnolds' campaign was heavily supported by Buffet, who was a major 9-11 player... I guess that's what you cheeseballs mean...
(lol- when the wheezers start posting crap about fake moon landings you figure Jeff must be doing something right, eh?)
My favorite 9-11 tale:
On October 11, an aggressive young reporter for The JournalNews of Westchester, N.Y. — Jeffrey Scott Shapiro — published a article that tracked the story down to New Utrecht High School in Brooklyn. Shapiro identified a teacher who witnessed a freshman in her class saying: “Do you see those two buildings? They won’t be standing there next week.”
On September 6 — five days before the attack — Antoinette DiLorenzo, who teaches English as a second language to a class of Pakistani immigrants, led a class discussion about world events. She asked a freshman (his name has been withheld): “What are you looking at?” The youth was peering out the third floor window toward lower Manhattan. After he made the remark about the World Trade center not being there next week, the teacher didn’t immediately think much of it, though it stuck in her mind...
On September 11, school was canceled after the attack and again the following day. On Thursday September 13, a clearly agitated DiLorenzo, saying she had been afraid to come forward, reported the incident to the principal’s office. “It scared the hell out of everyone,” according to a source at the school.
The police and FBI were alerted and twelve NYPD officers entered the school and secured DiLorenzo’s classroom for three hours, locking the doors with the students inside. While the students were brought lunch and a movie and told to be calm, the youth in question and his older brother, a sophomore, were taken to be interrogated by the FBI, stationed at the police precinct nearby.
...according to police, the youth confirmed having made the September 6 statement about the towers. At the moment he did so, his older brother elbowed him, said he had been “kidding,” and the youth in question agreed. The younger brother seemed upset and said he was “having a bad day.” When asked why, he said that his father was supposed to come back from Pakistan that day. Further details of the interrogation are unclear, in part because the FBI is not discussing it...
Why America is a write-off.
Where are the christians in all this? Why are they so silent when a impeached President who commits adultry with several women and a wife who is described in a best seller having lesbian romps is being sold as the best pick for Americas future. Why are the christians not marching across the WhiteHouse lawn right now to show their disgust.
George Bush's father was still involved with his contacts in the CIA during the contra affair and drug drops in Arkanas. It's questionable that he likes young boys but some of the worlds greatest musicians like Michael Jackson for example prove anything is possible. Georges wife, who is clearly a racist would probably make former FBI cross dresser Hoover run for cover at the sight of her.
Christians will not organize a coupe for one reason, money. Their true God. And can never get enough of it even with their massive tax breaks. I guess they wouldn't want to write off their multi multi million buck mansions if they started waving a cross in George Juniors face.
If christians think the Messiah is going to return by simply letting evil destroy their fellow man then they will be in for a big one. The jewish kings created Bolshevism to destroy faith in God in the USSR and now they have created George Bush through the neo-cons and the jewish lobby.
Zionists have blended with wealthy christian leaders and Iraq is proof that America's politicians fear the Israeli lobby more than the American voter. When the jewish lobby say's "JUMP!!!!", the politicians fearfully ask, "how high, master".
Oh, and to all the jewish mafias that feed us total bullshit in todays so called free press I don't see why it matters to the 99% majority how fat ass Sharon is doing. So shut up!!
I hope and pray the lard ass bites it on the table so we will never have to look at that stupid cross-eyed "chosen" child of satan again.
Hey, the only place Sharon is headed is into his new house in a newly created illegal settlement.
From all of us Jews who are so much richer, we thank-you America.
And thank you victums of Katrina we will spend your donations promptly. I will dedicate my new 200,000 dollar home to all freedom loving American's everywhere.
Dugoboy ..
"""exactly. again i ask what is the course of action here? what do you do when "These people are past logic, persuasion, social discourse."?
what do you do?"
Administer justice, incarcerate, and most importantly, let the rest of us know that what they did was wrong and why. We can then, hopefully, stop them from fooling us again. Also, keep building up institutional safegaurds against them. We have good ones now, but they have been subverted.
AJ said...
Yes, but to (loosely) coin a phrase from Koonz:
"In a wholly materialistic and unbelieving age, what would appear as technological superior ET visitations,
might be in reality, spiritual."
Well, I think we may be back to semantics ie what is "spriritual" and what is "deep physics". : ) I am ok with that.
I attributed quote to Asimov which should've been Arthur C Clarke. I should never quote from the cuff .. ( it is important to get these things right!)
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Gejala Kutil Kelamin
Penyakit Kutil Kelamin
Mengapa kutil bisa tumbuh di alat kelamin pria serta bagaimana mengobatinya, kutil tumbuh di sekitar kelamin pria bisa tumbuh pada batang penis pria, ujung penis pria, pangkal penis pria bahkan bisa tumbuh di sekitar anus pria. hal ini karena di sebabkan oleh virus yang bernama HPV (human papilloma Virus) sebelum melakukan pengobatan terlebih dahulu akan saya jelaskan mengenai virus HPV ini sehingga nanti kedepannya khsusunya untuk kaum pria dapat menjaga diri agar terhindar dari penyakit ini.
obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab!!!!!!!!
sugeng ndalu sedoyo obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
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MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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