Is it the future yet?

Something tells me, maybe, yes?
It must be hard to tell for those who had expected to live the Jetsons' life. Where are my domestic robots? Where is my flying car? But I don't think we'll be getting flying cars. Not us.
After a lull of, say, 30 years or so, things are suddenly coming at us too fast to process. Though processing, at this stage, should be nearly superfluous. We should recognize what is coming if we recall, say, 30 years ago, having heard such words as, "If present trends continue, in 30 years...."
If you care for a glimpse of your Future, Imperfect, read three Schiavo-free stories from the past few days:
Worries swelling over oil shortage
In the space of a couple of hours last week, crude oil prices hit a record $56 a barrel, President Bush fretted publicly over world oil shortages and the Senate voted to open an Alaskan wildlife refuge to drilling.
When oil production stops rising to meet growing demand, it "will result in dramatically higher oil prices, which will cause protracted economic hardship in the United States and the world," a team of Energy Department consultants warned in a report last month.
"The challenge of oil peaking deserves immediate, serious attention if risks are to be fully understood and mitigation begun on a timely basis."
OPEC says it's lost control of oil prices
OPEC ministers meeting in Iran Wednesday will be grappling with a problem they haven’t confronted in the cartel’s 45-year history. In the past, OPEC tried to cool overheated prices by pumping more when supplies got too tight. But most OPEC producers say they’re already pumping as fast as they can. And despite the high cost of a barrel of crude, world demand shows no signs of slowing.
"OPEC has done all it can do.” Qatar Oil Minister Abdullah al-Attiyah said. “This is out of the control of OPEC."
Oil could gush to $100
That's the view from analysts who may have considered that prospect a long shot just a few months ago. And to be sure, some still think that's a stretch from the current $55 level, short of a major disruption like a terrorist attack.
But momentum is gaining for a view that sees rising crude prices as more than a temporary spike due to speculation or terrorism fears. If that's true, New Yorkers can expect to be socked for items from gasoline and heating oil to rent and groceries.
"It [$100 oil] is totally realistic within a year or two," said Stephen Leeb, who tracks oil for his own investment firm.... "I don't think $100 is even a big deal," Leeb said. His long-term projection? Try $250 a barrel in six to nine years.
But wait: the price of a barrel of oil dipped below $55 dolars this week, so it can't be that bad. No; actually, it's worse. Because the price dropped on the strength of US crude inventories, not on account of global production, which is destined to only fall. And anything that keeps energy consumers from confronting their inevitable powerdown is a very bad thing indeed.
Canada increased its proven oil reseves by some 3,600 percent in 2003 by, for the first time, including the synthetic crude from Alberta's tar sands. Suddenly, Canada had 180 billion barrels of oil, the second largest on paper, after Saudi Arabia's own over-stated reserve. A good thing? No, and again, worsening a bad situation. Because the meaning of "cheap oil" is not principally found in the cost at the pump, but in the energy efficiency of the oil's extraction: the Energy Return on Invested Energy (EROIE). Cheap oil, at its cheapest, which we're well past, meant up to 100 times the energy returned on investment. In The Party's Over, Richard Heinberg quotes geologist Walter Youngquist on the tar sands, saying "it takes the equivalent of two out of each three barrels of oil recovered to pay for all the energy and other costs." Tar sands extraction, by any measure, is extremely costly, not least because extracting the oil requires massive amounts of fresh water. Within a few decades, we may find such a use for fresh water to be madly extravagant.
Peak Oil is real, and it's here, and it's bad. Mike Ruppert may say that's the end of the story. And he may be right. But I wonder if, just maybe, that's where it starts to get interesting. And I don't mean in a good way.
So, is that it, then?
If it is, then we ought to get to get acquainted with Easter Island.
"Love the Moai, dude, but where's the trees?"

Read The Lorax lately? That's the short history of Easter Island. To transport and erect their Moai - the huge figures carved from volcanic rock - the Polynesian Oncelers deforested their tiny, remote home of its palm trees, which held together the fragile soil and provided shelter for 25 species of nesting seabirds. They'd arrived on the island around 900 AD, and just 600 years later agriculture was failing, poultry was off the menu, cannibalism was introduced, and there was no wood left to build boats with which to escape. By 1872, the population had fallen to just 111, from approximately 20,000.
In this February interview, Linda Moulton Howe asks Dr Jared Diamond, author of Collapse, How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, whether we face a global Easter Island event. He thinks the odds for catastrophe are auspicious:
DIAMOND: In the past, societies that had not many people and with rather simple technology still managed to destroy their environments. For example, Easter Island with maybe 20,000 people with just stone and wooden tools they did manage to deforest the island and so doing, they destroyed their society. It took them 850 years to do it. Today, though, (on the Earth), we don't have 20,000 people. We have 6.5 billion and we have bulldozers and nuclear power, so we're far more people and far more potent and destructive technology. We can destroy our environment much faster than the Easter Islanders. In fact, there are many parts of the world that have gotten de-forested within half a dozen years, or within a few decades. That's what makes our present situation serious.
HOWE: Why do you think that global warming and all of the potential consequences does not rise globally above politics and become a world priority to solve because it will affect everyone?
DIAMOND: It's a problem of what is called "creeping normalcy." It's not something that exploded like the Pinatubo Volcano in the Philippines, nor like September 11, 2001. Instead, the temperatures get a little warmer and then a little colder and then warmer and then colder. It's been gradually creeping along and there hasn't been a moment in which someone said, "My God, it's 10 degrees warmer this year. We've got to start doing something."
That's the reason why it has taken 30 years for essentially every knowledgeable climatologists to agree that global warming is a serious problem and that people are the cause of it. It's also why it's taken 30 years to get all, except the last two governments, to agree about its importance.
The "cheap oil" of the Easter Islanders was their wood. It made possible transportation and industry, and its disappearance had unexpected and dire consequences across the culture, and drove it to extinction. If that's all we have - if no powers have made provisions for what's to come next - then the lights are going out on global civilization.
Quite possible. And given what we have before our eyes much of the time, most probable. But I wonder about what's behind some eyes, and also about what we're permitted to see some of the time. And it's not wishful thinking.
"A science-fiction world"
In a July 2001 interview, Bob Dylan said "We are living in a science-fiction world where Disney and Disney's science-fiction have won. This is the real world. Science-fiction has become the real world, whether we realize it or not."
And, just maybe, that world is becoming Zardoz.

Remember? Zardoz is the name of the flying stone god of the 23rd Century "Exterminators," who believe themselves to be the rulers of the world. One of their number - Sean Connery, in a red leather thong - catches a ride in the big head, and discovers Zardoz is just a techno-magickal device of social control for the world's true masters, a somewhat Luciferian sect of elites called the "Eternals." ("Zardoz," of course, proves to be a corruption of The Wizard of Oz which, coincidentally, is frequently named by mind control survivors as a triggering device in Monarch programming.)
MSNBC made a case for the Zardoz scenario, with this report from last September:
"Flying Triangle" sightings on the rise
They have become legendary in UFO circles. Huge, silent-running "Flying Triangles" have been seen by ground observers creeping through the sky low and slow near cities, and quietly cruising over highways.
The National Institute for Discovery Science, or NIDS, has cataloged the Triangle sightings, sifting through and combining databases to take a hard look at the mystery craft. Based in Las Vegas, NIDS is a privately funded science institute with a strong research focusing on aerial phenomena. The results of their study have just been released, and lead to some unnerving, puzzling conclusions.
The study points out: "The United States is currently experiencing a wave of Flying Triangle sightings that may have intensified in the 1990s, especially towards the latter part of the 1990s. The wave continues. The Flying Triangles are being openly deployed over and near population centers, including in the vicinity of major interstate highways."
The NIDS study emphasizes that the flying of these vehicles may be more in harmony with an attempt to display or to be noticed. There appears to be little or no attempt to hide. That finding has led to a modification of an earlier NIDS hypothesis that the Triangles are covertly deployed Defense Department aircraft.
I know: "black triangles" could describe many conventional, or near conventional, aircraft developed by US defense contractors. But these triangles are different: huge; silent; capable of sudden changes in speed and direction; able to hover and accelerate at seemingly impossible velocities.
And as the NIDS study finds, rather than a shielded black ops project, the pattern of sightings is more suggestive of "an attempt to display or be noticed." Then there are the vivid, flashing lights which, after reading this witness, makes me wonder whether they are intended, at some point, to have a psychotropic effect:
….size of object based in part on the hugeness of the strobing “cop car gumball” banks of lights.... [It] looked like it was on a dreamy pleasure cruise…very quiet… just a low humming…and strobing bizarre red/clear/blue huge banks of lights. This thing was so psychedelic flashy, I couldn’t believe I was standing there alone watching it. I knew it was for real when I saw my dog looked up at it.
Another funny thing about these black triangles: even though they've been seen by tens of thousands, intercepted by air force fighters, tracked on radar, photographed and videotaped, it's intellectually suspect to mention them. So they are excised from the realm of things that might matter, and consigned to Fortean novelty. "Black triangles" have become the "black helicopters" shorthand for the au courant debunker of the "paranoid style." Never mind that both are real.
From a Las Vegas television news report on "Top Secret Black Triangles":
[T]he airspace over Belgium was repeatedly violated by huge unidentified black triangles. Ten thousand witnesses saw them. Several were photographed. The Belgian Air Force dispatched F-16s to intercept and destroy the unknown intruders, but the triangles performed maneuvers that seem virtually impossible.
Dr. Colm Kelleher said, "They launched on several occasions top of the line military aircraft against these things and they were left in the dust. One minute they're overhead, and the next they're over the horizon."
Black triangle over Belgium, 1989

Here is a good resource for the remarkable 1989-1990 triangle "flap" over Belgium, and here is an account of how it started:
[T]he Belgian flap began in November of 1989. The events of November 29 would be documented by no less than thirty different groups of witnesses, and three separate groups of police officers. All of the reports related a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath. This giant craft made not a sound as it slowly, fearlessly, moved across the landscape of Belgium. There was free sharing of information as the Belgian populace tracked this craft as it moved from the town of Liege to the border of the Netherlands and Germany. Two F-16s were ordered to intercept and identify this phenomena, and one of the jet's radars locked the object in. It appeared as a small diamond on the pilot's screen. The pilot reported that only a few seconds after locking on the target, the object began to pick up speed, quickly moving out of radar range. An hour-long chase ensued, during which time the F-16s picked up the strange craft's signal two additional times, only to see it fade from view. The triangular craft seemed to be playing a cat and mouse game, and finally was lost in the night lights of Brussels. The pilots of the fighters reported that the UFO had made maneuvers at speeds beyond the capability of their technology, and once the radar showed the craft almost instantly drop from 10,000 to 500 feet in 5 seconds.
Analysis of Belgian radar data from a March 30, 1990 sighting can be found on this page, and below is a graph of the triangle's performance. Altitude in thousands of feet is measured on the left, Heading (degrees) and speed (knots) on the right, and elapsed seconds on the bottom. The red line is altitude, the green heading, and the blue speed.

Here's an account from 1996 of six British troopers encountering a black triangle while on night moves. ("It really did my head in") For what it's worth, under hypnosis, a soldier recalled American forces acting in concert with it. ("Tell me what you can see now, Mark." "A Yank...") And reportedly, according to a "top BBC executive," British media has been silenced with a "D-Notice" on the subject of Black Triangles:
The executive, who cannot be named, is the former producer of a very popular BBC science programme. He told one of our team that the black triangle "craft", first witnessed by hundreds in the Hudson Valley region of the United States [(mid-1980's), then by thousands in Belgium (1989-90) and more in Britain], has been "heavily D-Noticed" by the Government. For this reason the BBC will not be reporting on the enigmatic craft, no matter how many witness reports they receive.
According to the former science programme producer, the reason the Government has seen fit to slap a restrictive notice on reporting of the Triangle is because -so far as the Government has secretly informed the BBC- the craft is part of a new secret military project, and as such must be protected under the secrecy laws.
If this is the case, however, it surely begs the question: If the so called Black Triangle is a secrety military aircraft, then what is it doing hovering over residential areas and frightening people half to death? Something somewhere simply does not add up.
Another apparent "triangle" is the famous "Phoenix Lights" (which, despite the name, was viewed on a nearly 500 km course from Arizona to Nevada March 13, 1997). The lights were not discreet UFOs in formation, but arrays of lights about the edges of a single, black, wedge-shaped craft. Witnesses could discern the shape of a massive black craft as it occluded the stars overhead.
The "Phoenix Lights"

Six points regarding the Phoenix Lights from a press release of the National UFO Reporting Center, prepared by Peter B. Davenport:
1. Perhaps thousands, or tens of thousands, of witnesses on the ground witnessed at least one object pass and/or hover overhead which they described as being huge, gigantic, or unimaginably large. Many of the witnesses reported that they had the impression that a Boeing 747 could land on the back of the object they had just witnessed pass overhead their location.
2. Most witnesses described the object as being generally triangular in shape, with anywhere from five, to "many, innumerable," lights on the leading edge of the object. Some observers reported that the pattern of lights consisted of three lights clustered near the "nose" of the object, with one light on each of the trailing tips of the triangle. Other individuals reported an object that appeared to have seven large lights equally spaced along its leading edge.
3. The object apparently was capable of very rapid flight, probably even supersonic flight, although few witnesses reported any sound emanating from it. The object was reported heading generally to the southeast over Henderson, NV, at 1855 hrs. (Pacific), and was next reported heading to the south in the vicinity of Paulden, AZ, approximately 22 minutes later at 2017 hrs. (Mountain). Within approximately one minute of the sighting in Paulden, the object was reported from the vicinity of Prescott Valley, AZ, roughly 30 miles to the south. The object then appeared over Phoenix, where it is reported to have hovered for 4-5 minutes in the vicinity of the intersection of Indian School Road and 7th Avenue.
4. The object passed through the airspace of Sky Harbor Airport, where it was witnessed by air traffic controllers in the airport tower, and where it also was reported via radio by at least one commercial flight crew. They reported via radio that the object was passing directly overhead their aircraft, which was on the ground preparing to depart Sky Harbor. The object reportedly did not appear on radar, and it did not communicate via either radio or transponder.
5. From the Phoenix area, the object reportedly proceeded generally south toward South Mountain, continuing southeast toward Tucson, AZ, along Interstate 10. One family, driving northwest toward Phoenix on Interstate 10 near Casa Grande, AZ, reported that the object remained above them for an estimated 1- 2 minutes while they were driving at approximately 80 miles per hour. The object was so large above them that the family's two children in the back seat of their station wagon simultaneously could see the opposite "wing tips" of the object out both the left and right passenger windows.
6. The National UFO Reporting Center received a telephone call approximately seven hours after the incident from a person who identified himself as an airman stationed at Luke Air Force Base, located 20 miles to the west of Phoenix. The individual reported that the U. S. Air Force had launched two F-15c fighter aircraft from Luke AFB, and that one of the aircraft had "intercepted" a gigantic object over the intersection of Indian School Road and 7th Avenue. It was also reported by this individual that the onboard radar of the intercepting fighter had suddenly gone to a condition of "white noise," and that the lights on the anomalous object simultaneously had suddenly dimmed in unison and disappeared from the pilot's sight.
Eye in the sky?
So what'll it be: Easter Island, or Zardoz? Either way, a Dark Age, though the former comes without the sham sky-god of techno-magickal social controllers. So maybe we should hope for Easter Island. Maybe we should reconsign the black triangles to the realm of Fortean novelty, where they can exist, sort of, but not matter. Maybe that would be a less dark prospect, and we can try to squirrel away some wood while we can, to maybe carry us to another island someday.
To a practitioner of ritual magic, the triangle "is the area in which the spirit appears and is compelled to obedience," writes Lon Milo DuQuette in The Illustrated Goetia of Aleister Crowley. "The almost infinite metaphysical virtues of a triangle make it a perfect device to confine and control that which has never been confined and controlled by you."
Should we survive what we'll need to survive, we may be alive to see either the end of our Moai culture, or the beginning of something worse, if our Immortals have been preparing, covertly, for a post-carbon world after all. But unless we start shouting now, and do more than shout, I doubt we'll have much say in the matter.
Be seeing you?

By the way, a couple of updates:
Remember Giuliana Sgrena's car? US military command in Iraq is barring Italian police from examining it.
Remember that mysterious fibrous disease? Here's an unsettling new take.
Anonymous One,start buying stocks in Alcoa wrap.Somehow it feels like the net is getting smaller.Back in the 80's I watched the retirement of a woman officer,who was head of advanced computers for the Navy.As she talked,she reflected on the coming advaces in computers.At that point her eyes begain to well up,she had to stop and collect her self,then talked about things we could never imagin.Looking back at that day I remember saying to myself,she saw something thats really scary.This project has been coming for along time,this is like puting a big jig saw puzzle together.I think this final show will go down so fast most won't even feel it,like the Enigma song TNT For The Brain,later.
Hi, about peak oil: no doubt everybody is saying it is here, and surely it works as part of the justification for the plans of war on the Middle East.
But is it real? I have my doubts. Check this out.
And about Mike Ruppert, you may want to have a look at this article.
ZARDOZ..loved it! I have seen it over 100 times. Used to have it on tape, but wore it out. It never gets mentioned when I see bios of Sean?
To use the colloquial: I give you mad props for keepin it un-real!
I think the two elements you might have wanted not to neglect are -
1. alleged plans to significantly depopulate the world. ("National Security Study Memorandum 200") (Google "world depopulation" a couple varieties pop up.)
2. this link about W.vonBraun
Keep up the good work, "brah."
Oh, and so where's your cabin in the woods?
Yes, please correct the misquoting of Jared DIAMOND's name as soon as possible. It looks like a really sloppy mistake, so why give your enemies ammunition?
And feel free to delete this message.
Thanks for the tip on the typo on Dr Diamond's name. I guess sloppy is as sloppy does at 3 AM. I'll correct it.
I'm the author of the "sloppy" remark, and I'd just like to add that this is a really fascinating blog. Please keep it up. (Though I would like to see a bit more scepticism about "recovered memories".)
Dave McGowan has some very interesting things to say about Peak Oil, and about possible reasons why it might not actually be peaking at all, although it is undoubtedly convenient for oil companies to let us believe that it is. After all: the true state of petroleum reserves is hardly a matter any of us can acquire first-hand knowledge about, is it? (Even if we had the know-how, who would finance the research? And the drilling?)
All this talk of Aliens, where's the the damn Raelians?
A Mind Control project if I ever saw one.
There was some UFO researcher in the 70's who connected the dots with the raeliens and CIA (I can't remember the name of the book)
anyway here's a snippet from an interesting article I found on raeliens.
"All Ya Need Is Sex!"
Recruits are attracted into the Raelian cult by way of a recycled hippie-style free love with a twist. For the Raelians sexual freedom is apparently obligatory! Raelian women are to make themselves sexually available to nearly everyone who wants them: "Do not reject someone who wants to make you happy, for by accepting him you make him happy, and this is an act of love." Also: "In fact, if another person is interested in giving you pleasure and therefore happiness, one should not reject that person."
More conventionally to free love they are instructed: "If someone appeals to you physically invite him/her to your place. If you love somebody you should give yourself to this person entirely if they desire it." You can see why, then, when Clonaid hit the news in December of 2002 -- in this sexually repressed world of the nineties and the oh,oh!s -- the Raelians' recruitment mushroomed, and gave them contacts in parts of the world they had not yet reached.
The Raelians are apparently quite accomplished at things pertaining to sexual intercourse. Rael's followers, you see, are required to increase their personal pleasure potential by way of regular, single or assisted "sensual meditations": "Through the touch of the organs and body one slowly raises the level of sense perception. One is asked to gaze directly at one's body or the body of one's partner. Every mark on the body should be noted, every curve felt, and every sensitive area touched. This results in a mutual sense climax which one might assume includes the sexual climax of the body and therefore the mind" (Albert Varona). And Rael wants centers to be opened for the practice of sensual meditation. (Atheistic churches where people fuck rather than worship? That's pushing the U.S. Constitution First Amendment envelope, all right!)
The Hutchison Effect
-Is John Hutchison the new Tesla?
In 1988, INSCOM and the U.S. Army Intellegence, Pentagon group Steve Sardi and Stanley Hulster inform Hutchison after he made contact to get his files, only to find that his files, they said, that they were thrown in the burners. However, in 2000 a British team and Scottish team are extracting bits and pieces from the United States Army Intellegence Group from the Freedom of Information Act.
By 1989, NBC's Henry Champ was involved. Interpole, U.S. Government, Brian Mulroney, Pinacale Oil International who stole videos, a B.C. Supreme Court Order was violated by the Federal and Provincial Governments. The honour Judge Parris who held the B.C. Supreme Court safe keeping of the labratory who made it clear that nobody was to touch the labratory. All of this generated great interest in Japan in 1992/1993 and Japan news media Asahi, and it was suggested I immigrate to Japan in 1994 on my lecture tour due to the going ons in Canada.
In 1990 to 1993, Vancouver Sun discovered secret destruction of Hutchison lab that was loaded and to be shipped to Germany. Hutchison found out through journalist in Europe about a month later. BCTV was barred to enter the secret location under the Alex Fraser Bridge where the lab was stored in containers. At this sametime, CSIS agent Bob Guyruski tells Munich Canada Counculate that he pays for Hutchison's return flight from Vancouver. Hutchison accepts the offer but later on Bob Guyruski does not transfer funds to Bonn thus Hutchison involves external affairs Canada causing Hutchison to be in debt. As usual Hutchison goes on the war path and involves Dale Goldhawk of CTV News and various members of parliament to probe the entire secret of the mess in Ottawa. Next, Hutchison filed for classified files and Dale Goldhawk is refused access.
There was a raid in March 2000, on an excuse of old antique fire arms. Government agents took photographs of the new lab equipment. After the successful demonstration in 1999 of the HEffect for Fox TV, police,inspectors and engineers detained Dr. Hutchison without warrant or arrest or explanations. Police investigation, internal, stated by the Mayor of New Westminster, in her letter states "all this was proper proceedure". Then Hutchison informed the Human Rights Commission of Canada of this event and other cases, judges reasons for judgement in previous adventures are all in favour of Hutchison. These adverntures started in 1978 to 2000 full of colourful agents, CIA, CSIS, NSA, and others involved with a log of these events kept by the Ombudman's Office and members of Parliament and Canadain/U.S. media.
more Raelian's
Children are to be initiated into the joys of sexual pleasure from the start: "the use of the sexual organs and how to receive pleasure from them must be taught to the child". And since ALL sexual mores -- with the exception of what might cause "harm" -- are considered by Rael to be superstitious anchors holding back the progress of the human race, this likely includes approval of consensual sexual child abuse. This alone of necessity would cast a blanket of secrecy and defensiveness over the movement (handy for unethical researchers). It would also apparently turn the children into the ideal candidates for "Manchurian"-style programming -- those who develop multiple personality disorders from sexual child abuse. In fairness it should be acknowledged that Rael has protested Vatican-related pedophilia to, I believe, the United Nations.
Children, of course are to receive NO religious "indoctrination" but are to be confused with presentations of all the world religions (as representing stupid human metaphors for intelligent alien facts). Naturally they are to be thoroughly indoctrinated into Raelianism.
Raelianism appears to incorporate both anti-family and anti-child doctrines as part of its signature identity, which is at the same time atheistic and anti-soul. Permanent heterosexual pairship bonds -- the basis of family formation -- are discouraged. And the burden which the anti-religion of Rael places on children is almost incomprehensible to any form of morality known: children may be produced by biologic experimentation where undesired results cannot be controlled, they may be abandoned at will, they are to be firmly indoctrinated into the acceptance of anti-spiritual, anti-religious attitudes, and finally, they are to be sexually initiated (if not actually abused) at an age previous to any possibility of their giving of knowledgeable consent. And when finally the parents who did these things to them pass on to their greater reward in clone heaven, the children are to be disinherited. The Raelian philosophy appears to amount to child abuse (since it promulgates practices harmful to children) in and of itself! Raelism and Clonaid are surely to be considered part of a conspiracy to abuse children.
Jeff, you are a great thinker and I love your blog.
Ruppert however is not a reliable source. Ruppert is in fact a shill for Rockefeller interests and pro-depopulation. Peak Oil is part of this concept.
Artificial scarcity means easier to control and easier to justify a catastrophe. See this article on the Russain science regarding oil exploration and development.
Stalin And Abiotic Oil
This story really begins in 1946, just after the close of World War II, which had illustrated quite effectively that oil was integral to waging modern, mechanized warfare. Stalin, recognizing the importance of oil, and recognizing also that the Soviet Union would have to be self sufficient, launched a massive scientific undertaking that has been compared, in its scale, to the Manhattan Project. The goal of the Soviet project was to study every aspect of petroleum, including how it is created, how reserves are generated, and how to best pursue petroleum exploration and extraction.
The challenge was taken up by a wide range of scientific disciplines, with hundreds of the top professionals in their fields contributing to the body of scientific research. By 1951, what has been called the Modern Russian-Ukrainian Theory of Deep, Abiotic Petroleum Origins was born. A healthy amount of scientific debate followed for the next couple of decades, during which time the theory, initially formulated by geologists, based on observational data, was validated through the rigorous quantitative work of chemists, physicists and thermodynamicists. For the last couple of decades, the theory has been accepted as established fact by virtually the entire scientific community of the (former) Soviet Union. It is backed up by literally thousands of published studies in prestigious, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
For over fifty years, Russian and Ukrainian scientists have added to this body of research and refined the Russian-Ukrainian theories. And for over fifty years, not a word of it has been published in the English language (except for a fairly recent, bastardized version published by astronomer Thomas Gold, who somehow forgot to credit the hundreds of scientists whose research he stole and then misrepresented).
This is not, by the way, just a theoretical model that the Russians and Ukrainians have established; the theories were put to practical use, resulting in the transformation of the Soviet Union - once regarded as having limited prospects, at best, for successful petroleum exploration - into a world-class petroleum producing, and exporting, nation.
J.F. Kenney spent some 15 years studying under some of the Russian and Ukrainian scientists who were key contributors to the modern petroleum theory. When Kenney speaks about petroleum origins, he is not speaking as some renegade scientist with a radical new theory; he is speaking to give voice to an entire community of scientists whose work has never been acknowledged in the West. Kenney writes passionately about that neglected body of research:
The modern Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origins is not new or recent. This theory was first enunciated by Professor Nikolai Kudryavtsev in 1951, almost a half century ago, (Kudryavtsev 1951) and has undergone extensive development, refinement, and application since its introduction. There have been more than four thousand articles published in the Soviet scientific journals, and many books, dealing with the modern theory. This writer is presently co-authoring a book upon the subject of the development and applications of the modern theory of petroleum for which the bibliography requires more than thirty pages.
The modern Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origins is not the work of any one single man -- nor of a few men. The modern theory was developed by hundreds of scientists in the (now former) U.S.S.R., including many of the finest geologists, geochemists, geophysicists, and thermodynamicists of that country. There have now been more than two generations of geologists, geophysicists, chemists, and other scientists in the U.S.S.R. who have worked upon and contributed to the development of the modern theory. (Kropotkin 1956; Anisimov, Vasilyev et al. 1959; Kudryavtsev 1959; Porfir'yev 1959; Kudryavtsev 1963; Raznitsyn 1963; Krayushkin 1965; Markevich 1966; Dolenko 1968; Dolenko 1971; Linetskii 1974; Letnikov, Karpov et al. 1977; Porfir'yev and Klochko 1981; Krayushkin 1984)
The modern Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origins is not untested or speculative. On the contrary, the modern theory was severely challenged by many traditionally-minded geologists at the time of its introduction; and during the first decade thenafter, the modern theory was thoroughly examined, extensively reviewed, powerfully debated, and rigorously tested. Every year following 1951, there were important scientific conferences organized in the U.S.S.R. to debate and evaluate the modern theory, its development, and its predictions. The All-Union conferences in petroleum and petroleum geology in the years 1952-1964/5 dealt particularly with this subject. (During the period when the modern theory was being subjected to extensive critical challenge and testing, a number of the men pointed out that there had never been any similar critical review or testing of the traditional hypothesis that petroleum might somehow have evolved spontaneously from biological detritus.)
The modern Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origins is not a vague, qualitative hypothesis, but stands as a rigorous analytic theory within the mainstream of the modern physical sciences. In this respect, the modern theory differs fundamentally not only from the previous hypothesis of a biological origin of petroleum but also from all traditional geological hypotheses. Since the nineteenth century, knowledgeable physicists, chemists, thermodynamicists, and chemical engineers have regarded with grave reservations (if not outright disdain) the suggestion that highly reduced hydrocarbon molecules of high free enthalpy (the constituents of crude oil) might somehow evolve spontaneously from highly oxidized biogenic molecules of low free enthalpy. Beginning in 1964, Soviet scientists carried out extensive theoretical statistical thermodynamic analysis which established explicitly that the hypothesis of evolution of hydrocarbon molecules (except methane) from biogenic ones in the temperature and pressure regime of the Earth's near-surface crust was glaringly in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
I have been following your blog for a while Jeff.
Having been studying the occult for years I think that our thought converge on this perticular matter...
UFO`s are the next Emmanuel Goldstein.
Can`t wait to see their logical leap from the global fractured war on terror, to a unified global war on poor little E.T...
All he wants to do is phone home!:)
Keep up the good fight.
I really appreciate David McGowan - I have his Programmed to Kill next to me right now - but I'm persuaded, to my own satisfaction, about the reality of peak oil. Though, as I suggest in my post, I believe there is a possibility that the elites have planned for a post-carbon world, and their zero-point solution doesn't include the bulk of us.
I share the scepticism many have towards Ruppert. I suspect he has become a front for people whose agenda is quite pernicious, whether he realizes that or not himself. Whether it's his promotion of the racist eugenics-aficionado Charles Galton Darwin and similar malthusian pseudo-science, his call for a radical depopulation programme (to be effectuated by whom, and how? All he's willing to disclose is that it should be as "ethical" as possible...) or the televangelist zeal he displays when talking of the horrors awaiting humanity after the impending collapse of civilization (if we don't depopulate real fast, of course), my alarm bells go off with this fellow.
As for the triangels, they're certainly fascinating. My guess is that they are the replacement of the SR-71 and U-2 spy planes, which are both officially in use I think, but getting really old. I strongly doubt that the US military/intelligence hasn't got something more modern to spy on people from above with, and voila, these eyes in the sky seem to fit the bill. Experimental aircraft from the 80s reportedly named Aurora or Astra, which were able to hover as well as fly at up to mach 9 (four times faster than fighter jets), have been linked with these triangles. The SR-71 originally went out of service in 1989, the same year the triangles seem to have been deployed over Europe and Russia. I'm guessing this is what they're seeing in Iran these days. Some of them are supposedly enormous, they may be "mother ships" for the smaller ones. You have to ask yourself where they're hiding them though, when they're not in the air (some theorize that they require very limited maintenance and refueling, like a nuclear submarine, and can stay in the air/space for a long time). There are many fascinating theories about their silent form of locomotion, too.
I'm wondering about the fake alien invasion scenario - would people buy it? Presuming that the target would not just be the US but the entire world. People like us would of course go, "hey, that's those triangels", but I'm thinkng about the Russians and Chinese, for instance, assuming they're not in on it. But then maybe we'll be herded by psychotropic lights and fried by lasers if we resist. One thing's for sure, Henry Kissinger and David "Mao's China is a very interesting social experiment" Rockefeller have had wet dreams about this for quite some time. Guess only time will tell. Independence day and day of declaration, 2012?
The article posted by anonymous -"Stalin and abiotic oil" - along with other unanswered questions by the Biotic experts is slowly convincing me that "Peak Oil" is yet another great deception.
Perhaps However "Major Oil shortages" might not be such a bad idea
Even the greedy sickos running this world would be unable to escape the consequences,(certainly their descendants if not they themselves ) were this planet to be on as short a fuse as many real scientific experts now suggest.
Strikes me that Peak Oil would be as good a way as any to force us all to alter our collective consumption by hiking up prices, which is good for them too, cos it lines their pockets along the way.
Perhaps, Mother Earth is in greater peril from our collective use of Oil, abiotic or otherwise,with the Co2 emmissions this creates.
Not to mention all other associated ecological destruction ( deforestation, fish stock depletion etc )that accompanies the economic spiral generated by oil consumption
Could this be where the real problems for our near future lie - And perhaps "they" know that ?
Keep up the great work Jeff
Greetings, enjoy reading your blog.
FYI, the Easter Island eco-collapse has a movie too. RAPA NUI (1994), directed by Kevin Reynolds, who went on to make WATERWORLD.
It was a notorious flop at the time, expensively filmed on Easter Island with an unknown cast. However it is worth chasing down to watch, if only for the amazing location. The Romeo-and-Juliet love story is a bit hokey, but there is a strong environmental theme.
Is Quinn saying Ruppert is CIA
Another troubling aspect of the whole Mike Ruppert travelling show is the fact that he enjoys a level of exposure that is denied most other 9-11 researchers. He seems to have few problems in securing speaking appointments in places like Washington University or the Commonwealth club and having his book "requested by more than 120 press agencies from around the world", including "the largest and most powerful", and certainly the many lawsuits that he has either started or threatened to start must require considerable cash flow.
Is Quinn saying Ruppert is CIA
Another troubling aspect of the whole Mike Ruppert travelling show is the fact that he enjoys a level of exposure that is denied most other 9-11 researchers. He seems to have few problems in securing speaking appointments in places like Washington University or the Commonwealth club and having his book "requested by more than 120 press agencies from around the world", including "the largest and most powerful", and certainly the many lawsuits that he has either started or threatened to start must require considerable cash flow.
When it comes to "peak oil", I remain undecided personally, but it may perhaps be revealing that ASPO, the association of peak-oilers, is funded by the Bin Laden familiy. Not sure what to infer from that...
An interesting take on the possible propulsion system of these triangles can be found here:
I've always wondered why they're so jealously guarding the secrets of the B2 bomber that they only take off from the American mainland or Diego Garcia. This may go some way to explaining that...
"Are you sitting down? Good, because this is going to blow your mind.
This item is going to sound like a bad reject from conspiracy publications like Nexus or New Dawn, or an X-Files fanzine. It isn't. The indisputable fact is that both the US and the UK are putting serious money into anti-gravity research with military aerospace applications. The only question is how far it is from operational status. There is informed speculation that it is already used in the American B2 bomber.
I believe that access to this potentially revolutionary and obviously highly secret technology, perhaps via the JSF/F35 fighter program, could be behind the otherwise (in my view) inexplicable level of support given Bush over Iraq by Howard and Blair.
For the record I am a mechanical engineer who spent over two years at a British Aerospace guided missile R&D site in the early 1980s and have continued to take a strong interest in aerospace technology. I am a member of ASRI (Australian Space Research Institute). I am not a crank.
The most puzzling aspect to me of the American obsession with invading Iraq even without UN sanction is the continuing support provided by Tony Blair and John Howard. The USA's reason is obvious; to gain control of a major oil supply as insurance against increasing instability in Saudi Arabia. (If it's about human rights and weapons of mass destruction, why the kid gloves treatment of North Korea?)
One could stretch to say that Blair has the interests of BP and the half-British Shell oil companies, but if it comes to a vote in the Commons he could well be rolled. However nothing apart from blind loyalty seems to explain the support given by Australia, and even with a conservative government there are rumblings from Howard's back benches and a population largely opposed.
So why are Blair and Howard, both consumate political operators, taking such a huge political risk for a war that no-one but the Americans want, which could destroy the structure of international law and result in both the UK and Australia becoming international pariahs?
My hypothesis is the supply of information from the United States that is so secret it is only known to the very highest levels of government and is of such strategic importance that it is worth taking such risks.
My initial thoughts were that the US was blackmailing both leaders over continued supply of intelligence information gained from the Echelon system via the UKASA agreement. But that could have been done at any time over the last couple of decades. However, the current timescale however coincides interestingly with the crucial development phase of the F35/JSF fighter aircraft program...
The JSF (Joint Strike Fighter), which is front-runner to replace the RAAF's F-18s and F-111s in what would be our largest ever defence order, is quite unlike any previous supersonic US fighter project available for foreign allies. Unlike the earlier F104 Starfighter and F16 Falcon programs, there will be no generalised offset agreements, by which foreign manufacturers will be able to supply components to the whole program. Technology transfer in the JSF will be very tightly controlled, with only the UK (developing a version to replace the Harrier jump-jet) so far as an inner partner.
Australia is trying hard to get on board, with (according to a local TV news item some months ago) three firms in Canberra alone tendering for parts of the project.
There is a precedent for Australia sucking up to a larger power in the hopes of gaining access to its advanced weapons technology; the agreement given to conduct British nuclear tests on Australian territory in the 1950s in the hope of getting transfers of British atomic bomb technology. (See Dr Wayne Reynolds' book "Australia's bid for the Atomic Bomb"). In turn a major theme of this book is the use the UK made of its own program as a bargaining chip to get access to US atomic technology.
The July 2002 issue of the British magazine Air International had an article entitled "JSF UK - more than just an aircraft" by one Robert Hewson which deals with the JSF program, particularly the extensive participation of British companies (notably BAe Systems and Rolls-Royce) in its development:
"One reason the US is keeping such a tight hold over the industrial elements of the JSF is the thorny issue of "stealth" and how to control access to the classified stealth technologies which are built into every aspect of the JSF design. The US and UK have a special (and classified) agreement that allows the two countries to share data on common stealth research, but all other discussion of the subject is closed. The question of how the US will supply this sensitive set of technologies to other JSF customers goes unanswered - but the underlying message is that the US is reluctant to do so and that somehow there will be different standards in JSF "stealthiness" between friends, good friends and others."
So we know there is a sweetheart classified deal between the US and UK over stealth technology in the JSF, and that apparently the full stealth technology will not be supplied to outside customers. Why couldn't it cover other highly classified technology as well? What if this other US-UK technology was so revolutionary that the inner partners' versions of the JSF would have a massive advantage over anything else in the air for years to come, something that could give them a colossal and unassailable strategic advantage, as great as, perhaps, the atomic bomb?
There is such a technology on the horizon: anti-gravity. Yes you read that right! Both the US and UK are publicly running research programs investigating anti-gravity under such headings as "propellantless propulsion". The UK effort, run by BAe Systems, is called Project Greenglow (see bbc for an overview), while in the US Boeing is running an anti-gravity program in its Phantom Works (Boeing's equivalent of Lockheed's legendary Skunk Works) in Seattle (see janes). In addition, NASA is looking into overlapping areas under the "Breakthrough Propulsion Physics" project (home page nasa). (An interesting selection of links on anti-gravity links, albeit with the odd crank, can be found at eskimo).
How far away is anti-gravity technology? It may already be operating...
Towards the end of an otherwise routine article on aircraft propulsion in Air International in January 2000, reprinted at aeronautics, well-known and highly respected aviation writer Bill Gunston speculated that the American Northrop B-2 Spirit heavy bomber already uses some form of anti-gravity technology:
"I have numerous documents, all published openly in the United States, which purport to explain how the B-2 is even stranger - far, far stranger - than it appears. Most are articles published in commercial magazines, some are openly published US Patents, while a few are open USAF publications by Wright Aeronautical Laboratory and Air Force Systems Command's Astronautics Laboratory. They deal with such topics as electric-field propulsion, and electrogravitics (or anti-gravity), the transient alteration of not only thrust but also a body's weight. Sci-Fi has nothing on this stuff."
What really put the cat among the proverbial pigeons was a feature published in a March 1992 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology, entitled "Black world engineers, scientists, encourage using highly classified technology for civil applications". For the first time in open literature, this article explained how the B-2's sharp leading edge is charged to "many millions of volts", while the corresponding negative charge is blown out in the jets from the four engines."
Thanks very much for all that.
One of the most important books I've ever read, measured by how much it has changed my way of thinking, is The Hunt for Zero Point. Nick Cook settled it for me: anti-grav research is of longstanding interest to the US military industrial establishment, remains extremely classified, and at least partially successful.
What you suggest regarding Blair makes a lot of sense to me, and would explain the purported "D" notice on the black triangles.
only an economist or a fool could believe that we can continue to sustain exponential growth on a planet of finite resources
The theory that it is the Aurora is also espoused by alleged former black projects bigshot Edgar Rothschild-Fouche. He makes it a little more exotic than other reports though, it can supposedly fly at mach 50 or so once it gets high enough. And, of course, it's supposedly "reverse engineered" from "alien" technology.
It's almost bizarre: we did for a long time have a Rockefeller (Lauarance) funding kooky ufo cults and promoting the "friendly space brothers" paradigm, and now I'll be damned if we don't have a bona fide Rothschild as well. Mr Rothschild-Fouche even claims that one of his ancestors founded the world's very first intelligence service, in France in the 18th century. I guess that's supposed to give him credibility (as an insider "disclosing" well-guarded secrets), but it really just screams "elite". And honestly, how credible is a man who's written a book called "Alien Rapture: The Chosen"...
One possible interpretation of Rothscild-Fouche's "confessions" is that it's damage control: most people didn't really buy the triangles as alien craft, or information leaked about the secret projects that weren't supposed to, so he's acknowledging that they're US military but nevertheless "reverse engineered" from genuine alien craft. For some reason, they seem desperate to keep the "aliens" meme alive.
I agree that the triangles are probably Aurora, Astra, Senior Citizen , Tier 3 or some other secret but operational spycraft. They may play a role in the missile defence programme. For what it's worth, they've been observed over Indian nuclear missiles installations.
For what it's worth, I saw a B-2 on a flyover of New York on the fourth of July a few years ago. I'm not a physicist or even an aircraft afficianado, but the thing just creeped me out. It looked like it was going faster than it should have been. Probably just in comparison to the slowass commercial jets always overhead.
All I'm saying is that the thing is weird.
Peak Oil is definitely real. So are declining fish stocks, depleted mineral ores, desertification, melting glaciers, species extinctions, growing toxic and nuclear wastes, deforestation and many other shredding of the life supports of our civilization.
The "abiotic" theory of oil predates our understanding of plate tectonics.
Got it?
It is a "snooze button" that is used to disrupt public awareness of Peak Oil. Go back to sleep, let the elites make the plans for how to deal with it - don't let the serfs have a say in what is done with the remaining oil.
Most of the loudest voices pushing "abiotic oil" have been pushing other hoaxes about conspiracies (i.e 9/11) that don't pass a "peer review" test.
It's also fascinating how the "abiotic" voices got much louder as the 2004 "election" got closer.
Several articles debunking the "abiotic" claims are at
As for the psyops campaign against Mike Ruppert, it's amusing (and revealing) that the voices making all sorts of wild (and fake) accusations about Ruppert forget to mention that his book is out and makes sensational charges about how the wargames on 9/11 were used to ensure the success of the attacks.
One would assume that if Ruppert's book had a major error of analysis about the war games, someone somewhere would publish a refutation.
Instead, there is a whispering campaign from fringe websites misquoting him and making truly bizarre misrepresentations -- which seems like confirmation that he's on the right path. It might succeed in slowing down sales of "Crossing the Rubicon," but so far it has sold more copies of any of the various 9/11 truth books, and it is the only one to cover the war games in any detail. Paul Thompson's "The Terror Timeline" is a good complimentary read to get the full story, at least as much as can be proven.
Perhaps the jealous folks upset that "Rubicon" has sold more copies than any other "9/11 Truth" books might look at the fact that Mike actually does original research -- instead of recycling claims from website to website and presenting them as proven when they are not. It's a Catch-22 situation -- if he gets attention for his writings, then he's a sellout or a shill.
Congratulations to "rigorous intiution" for attracting this sort of distraction to the comments field -- it is a sign that you're doing very good work. These distractions (attack Peak Oil, attack Ruppert, etc) are a standard operating procedure, although some of those echoing them might not have malicious intentions.
Peak Oil is definitely real. So are declining fish stocks, depleted mineral ores, desertification, melting glaciers, species extinctions, growing toxic and nuclear wastes, deforestation and many other shredding of the life supports of our civilization.
The "abiotic" theory of oil predates our understanding of plate tectonics.
Got it?
It is a "snooze button" that is used to disrupt public awareness of Peak Oil. Go back to sleep, let the elites make the plans for how to deal with it - don't let the serfs have a say in what is done with the remaining oil.
Most of the loudest voices pushing "abiotic oil" have been pushing other hoaxes about conspiracies (i.e 9/11) that don't pass a "peer review" test.
It's also fascinating how the "abiotic" voices got much louder as the 2004 "election" got closer.
Several articles debunking the "abiotic" claims are at
As for the psyops campaign against Mike Ruppert, it's amusing (and revealing) that the voices making all sorts of wild (and fake) accusations about Ruppert forget to mention that his book is out and makes sensational charges about how the wargames on 9/11 were used to ensure the success of the attacks.
One would assume that if Ruppert's book had a major error of analysis about the war games, someone somewhere would publish a refutation.
Instead, there is a whispering campaign from fringe websites misquoting him and making truly bizarre misrepresentations -- which seems like confirmation that he's on the right path. It might succeed in slowing down sales of "Crossing the Rubicon," but so far it has sold more copies of any of the various 9/11 truth books, and it is the only one to cover the war games in any detail. Paul Thompson's "The Terror Timeline" is a good complimentary read to get the full story, at least as much as can be proven.
Perhaps the jealous folks upset that "Rubicon" has sold more copies than any other "9/11 Truth" books might look at the fact that Mike actually does original research -- instead of recycling claims from website to website and presenting them as proven when they are not. It's a Catch-22 situation -- if he gets attention for his writings, then he's a sellout or a shill.
Congratulations to "rigorous intiution" for attracting this sort of distraction to the comments field -- it is a sign that you're doing very good work. These distractions (attack Peak Oil, attack Ruppert, etc) are a standard operating procedure, although some of those echoing them might not have malicious intentions.
sorry for the double post (although several other posters have had the same problem - oops)
the antigravity article mentioned by one of the posters did not have its attribution mentioned:
It was not the "" site that originally published this article.
Rense is a site that promotes Holocaust Denial, 9/11 hoaxes, real evidence of 9/11 complicity, foreign policy scandals - mixing them all together in a stew that makes it hard to separate the bullshit from the pearls.
Anti-gravity and us
January 28, 2003
Webdiarist Malcolm Street has a unique theory on why Britain and Australia are backing Bush on Iraq. Welcome to the anti-gravity arms race.
Australia, the UK, anti-gravity and the Iraq crisis
by Malcolm Street, Canberra
"Free Energy" claims are intriguing (and "Hunt for Zero Point" is a great read) but zero point energy by itself would not solve much about Peak Oil.
The basic problem is the fantasy of unlimited growth on a finite planet. Read economist Herman Daly for more about steady state economics. Richard Heinberg's books "The Party's Over" and "Powerdown" for the details.
"we will change nothing until we change the way that money works"
- Michael Ruppert
from a "Permaculture view of free energy"
Even if zero point, antigravity and/or cold fusion (or similar technologies) turn out to be commercially viable and are implemented in a large enough scale to compensate for declining fossil fuel supplies, it seems obvious that we will also need to learn to temper our overconsumption of minerals, water, forests, fisheries and other natural resources in order to maintain a balanced biosphere that supports human (and non-human) life into the indefinite future. One scientist at the September 2004 "New Energy Movement" conference in Portland, Oregon who claims to have worked with viable free energy technologies admits that even if every home in North America (and the other continents) had a viable zero point energy device to safely generate electricity, we will still need to tear up parking lots to grow food for the future.
Perhaps if these technologies are real they are in a similar condition to the status of nuclear technology after Albert Einstein postulated the theory of relativity in 1905. Nuclear power and weapons were obvious from the equations that he offered. In 1914, H. G. Wells wrote a book titled "The World Set Free" which predicted a nuclear war followed by a period of world peace (from a shocked humanity vowing never to wage war again). Wells knew that nuclear weapons were obviously possible following Einstein's equations, but it wasn't until the early 1940s that anyone figured out exactly how this would be done (with the explosion over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, the largest simultaneous slaughter in human history).
The "Hunt for Zero Point" book suggests that the idea that zero point energy / antigravity systems were taken from extraterrestrial sources may be a form of disinformation to cover up the reality of this technological development. If zero point / anti-gravity is real, and it was developed without "alien" technologies, then claiming that it was taken from crashed alien vehicles would be a great way of discouraging further interest by most people into the topic.
We've already had a disastrous experience with "free energy" (abundant oil)
The claim for "free energy" systems is that they generate more usable energy as an output than is put into the device. Some of the claims argue that this is not a violation of the laws of thermodynamics (which apparently prohibit perpetual motion machines and other "over unity" devices), since the energy is merely being tapped from natural sources not currently accepted as valid or accessible by modern science. (This is a description that does not do justice to the various arguments.)
But humanity has already had an analogous experience with "free energy" -- the century and a half of using petroleum and other fossil fuels. In the early days of oil, for every one barrel of oil used to extract and process petroleum, up to 100 barrels of oil was made available for use. This is a form of an "over unity" energy system (if you ignore the finite nature of the easily accessible oil deposits).
Unfortunately, this experience with cheap and available energy supplies (oil, coal, natural gas) suggests that the social impact of commercial deployment of a "free energy" system (assuming that can be done) would be to continue our current destructive over-consumptive behaviors that are destablizing Earth's biosphere. Widely available free energy would be much more likely to extract more oil, mine more minerals, clearcut more remote forests, catch the last fish, and other forms of accelerating the depletion of the natural world. In the longer term, free energy systems would also remove the power currently invested in the petroleum paradigm, which is perhaps the most powerful industry on the planet.
In addition, some free energy advocates state that these technologies would have dangerous weapons applications (one of the reasons they are allegedly suppressed) and therefore are unlikely to be declassified and implemented widely until humanity has a change of consciousness toward cooperation instead of competition. Furthermore, these technologies would decentralize energy production, which would then decentralize political and economic power, making North America, Western Europe, and Japan merely a part of the human race, instead of the dominant powers running the planet.
Matt Savinar, "The Oil Age is Over"
While free energy technologies such as Cold Fusion, Vacuum Energy and Zero Point Energy are extremely fascinating, the unfortunate reality is that they are unlikely to help us cope with the oil depletion ...
We’ve already had our experiment with "free energy." With an EROEI [Energy Return of Energy Invested] of 30 to 1, oil was so efficient and cheap an energy source that it was practically free. In some locations, such as Louisiana, oil had an EROEI of 100 to 1!
The development of a "free energy" device would just put off the inevitable. The Earth has a carrying capacity. If we are able to substitute a significant portion of our fossil fuel usage with "free energy," the crash would just come at a later time, when we have depleted a different resource. At that point, our population will be even higher. The higher a population is, the further it has to fall when it depletes a key resource. The further it has to fall, the more momentum it picks up on the way down through war and disease. By encouraging continued population growth, so-called free energy could actually maker our situation drastically worse.
One can only wonder what damage we would do to ourselves if given access to free energy. We discovered oil, an amazingly powerful source of energy, and 150 years later we are closer to destroying ourselves than ever before. What do you think we will do to ourselves if we gain access to an even more powerful source of energy?
Another analogy may be useful here: say you give a young man access to a one-million-dollar bank account on his 18 th birthday. Do you think he is going to handle it responsibly? My guess is no. If he’s anything like I was at 18 (or even today), he’s going to blow it all on expensive liquor, wild strippers, and fast cars.
In other words, he’s going to consume and screw himself into oblivion, which is exactly what the human race has been doing to itself since discovering oil. What do you think will happen if, upon depleting his one-million dollar bank account, the young man gains access a bank account with one-billion-dollars in it? Most likely, he will continue consuming and screwing until he completely destroys himself and all those around him.
We will likely do the same thing if we ever gain access to an energy source even more abundant and powerful than oil.
Consult the works of French astrphysicist and computer scientist Jacques Vallee, in particular, MESSNEGERS OF DECEPTION regarding military government hijacking of UFO phenomena for the creation and manipulation of cultural/social myths.
Raelians, Scientologists, UMMO, & Billy Miers' Pleiadian space brother scam all have their competing cosmologies and "spiritual truths" concerning the origin of the human species and it's glorious stellar future.
UFOs may be real, but NOBODY know what they are or where they come from; they are the perfect Rorschach ink-blot test for our times and prove just how little we really know about what we call "reality.".
Observed a black blob with colored flashing lights all over it in San Francisco circa 2002. In broad daylight. I didn't take any pictures because I figured it was some techie's balloon robot or something. Anyway, it was so far out in the open I didn't suspect anything strnge. Also figured it would be in the paper the next day. Boy was I wrong.
Good work as usual, Jeff.
What's up with al the spammed comments. Is there any way to block these F'rs from jamming up your comments section.
Anyone savy enough out there to return their "comments" to them?
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
just watched Zardoz for the first time last night
great article
Jika berbicara mengenai pengertianya maka penyakit jengger ayam ini diketahui adalah penyakit menular seksual yang penyebabnya berkaitan dengan Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Penyakit ini juga dapat menampilkan diri dalam berbagai bentuk, namun secara umum kutil yang bertumbuh pada bagian genital penderita berbentuk benjolan daging yang berwarna, dan terjadi pada sekitar alat vital. Siapa saja bisa menderita penyakit ini baik yang pria maupun wanita
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