The Game of Terror

Because he can't be exploited by superstition anymore
Because he can't be bribed or bought
by the things that you adore - Bob Dylan
It looks like a lot of liberals have twisted themselves into knots again over Hugo Chavez. He tends to make a certain kind of liberal do that, just as he makes a kind of headline writer misrepresent his remarks: "Venezuela's president is afraid of Halloween", for instance, or "Chavez seeks Halloween ban".
What he said was something else: that it is not a Venezuelan custom for families to dress their children as ghouls and witches - it "is contrary to our ways" - and that Halloween is a US "game of terror," an aspect of the culture of "terrorism, putting fear into other nations, putting fear into their own people."
Is Chavez superstitious, as the press of the Northern Hemisphere would have it? I've quoted "right-hand path" occultist Dion Fortune's Psychic Self-Defense for her warning of the dangers posed by black lodges to children, and her advice to victims of occult attack. In Sane Occultism (reissued as What Is Occultism?) , Fortune describes superstition as "the tribute paid by ignorance to knowledge of which it recognises the value but does not understand the significance." That's not Chavez.
It doesn't take much persuasion these days to sell the case that the "War on Terror" is a lie. Much of the deceit has been laid bare, and safe assumptions can now be made about that which yet hasn't. It's only faith-based denial that holds anyone still in the dark. But it's more than a lie, and that's not so widely recognized. It is also a superstition - the combustion of ignorance ignited by fear - and it means to do more than knock over a few resource-rich nations. It's also intended to be a new foundation for social control.
A healthy culture maintains its health from a sustaining mythology. Not lies, but true myths, that nurture our better selves. But that's not where we are today. The dominant culture is sick unto death, and the longtime rot in its founding myths of democracy and liberty has finally hollowed out the concepts and left nothing but the words: signs, pointing to nothing.
Americans - and not just the citizens, but all of America's imperial subjects - are being slipped a death-obsessed superstition in place of a mythology of life, because misrule has squandered the power of the Old Stories, and as we come crashing towards a convergence of crises this century, the ruling elite has exhausted the means of maintaining control by gentler methods. I wish those calling for UFO "disclosure" would realize that when it arrives, what arrives will be another officially-sanctioned superstition; another system of control. Because they don't want us to know, they need us to fear. And they need us to fear, because they fear us.
And let's note how today's generalized terror, which finds specificity in nightmares such as Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, is of a continuity with the covert application of the occult establishment's strategy of control, as described in official and unofficial histories and numerous survivors' accounts. Horrification, and the dislocation of identity by a perpetuating state of anxiety, belongs to the method of the fascist left-hand path.
It may be November 2, but in Washington it's still Halloween.
Right in line w/your post is the rather incredible October 27th editorial page statement by right wing cheerleader/propagandist Peggy Noonan. Printed in From The Wilderness w/an intro comment on point
When we have someone of Noonan's ilk basically telling us that the "elites" (when was the last time a right winger like her even admitted there were such or that they were the class running things?)have basically all decided, for reasons she specifically fails to state, that the game is almost over for the United States as the "wheels are off the trolley" that is no longer on the tracks - - I would say the canary in the coal mine is not only dead but decomposed . . . Does anyone else agree that this article fairly screams that we are just about to get creamed? After all Noonan should be ecstatic as the far right controls every part of the government so why the apocalyptic musings? There is no doubt that Noonan is quite in the know, having sold the rest of us out for her position w/the "elites" long ago, either she feels some small pangs of conscience (very small) for the suffering that all us "non-elites" are about to endure or we are receiving a signal . . . the very bad, bad news is coming and now we can all agree, RI reader/writers and right wing scribe, that we can all see the fin above the water as it cuts thru the water toward us . . . .
First, a warning:
AOL is filtering THIS content out of my emails. I can't send this to an AOL address the last two days.
Related, here's some history of who runs American media and to what ends.
The Council on Foreign Relations uses CIA control of media as one large psy-ops project to achieve what the military terms 'Stability Operations.'
WWII Nazi radio propaganda tactics were studied by
Edward Murrow and many others to assist the Council on
Foreign Relations in running the US media (and entire
culture)as a military psychological operations
We really are living Orwell's 1984. Happy Halloween in the House of Horrors.
In the 1950's Psychological operations, were
coordinated by a Governmental agency called the
Psychological Strategy Board. The architect of the
Psychological Strategy Board was Gordon Gray. Gray had
a consultant named Henry Kissinger. Kissinger was the
paid political consultant to the Rockefeller family.
Gordon Gray, Henry Kissinger, and many members of the
Rockefeller family belonged the Council on Foreign
Relations. On Thursday 26 July 1951, President Truman
would tell the press that the Psychological Strategy
board was a part of the Central Intelligence Agency.
In the book 1984 Big Brother controlled the people by
invading their privacy and using psychological
manipulation to control and change reality through
conscious deception, deliberate lying, and an official
ideology that abounded in contradictions. Council on
Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International
Affairs members employ the same techniques to control
people -- including their fellow countrymen.
Hadley Cantril and Lloyd Free were Princeton
University Social Psychologists; researchers; and
members of the intelligence community. Council on
Foreign Relations Member Nelson Rockefeller funded
them to develop psycho-political policy strategies and
techniques. Council on Foreign Relations Member Edward
R. Murrow, would, with Rockefeller Foundation Funding
conduct a research project to perform a systematic
analysis of Nazi radio propaganda techniques and the
political use of radio. This study would result in a
world wide monitoring and broadcasting Government
agency called the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence
Service (FBIS).
The FBIS would become the United States Information
Agency (USIA). The USIA was established to achieve US
foreign policy by influencing public attitude at home
and abroad using psycho-political policy strategies.
The USIA Office of Research and reference service
prepares data on psychological factors and propaganda
problems considered by the Policy Planning Board in
formulating psycho-political information policies for
the National Security Council.
The Psychological Strategy Board became the renamed
super-powered Operations Coordinating Board (OCB). The
OCB had a vague ambiguous name that didn't provoke
curiosity. It had more members than the Psychological
Strategy board. It had the same mission, to use
psychological strategy, propaganda, and mass media, to
manipulate huge groups of individuals. It had a
psychological warfare machine -- the United States
Information Agency at its disposal. The USIA would be
responsible for foreign policy propaganda for the NSC.
The National Security Council is responsible for
recommending national security policy. The President
for having the policy approved. The Operations
Coordinating Board for coordinating interdepartmental
aspects of operational policy plans to insure their
timely and coordinated execution.
The National Security Council's recommended national
security policy is the de facto foreign policy of the
United States.The Department of State's Policy
Planning Board scripted the policy for the NSC. The
USIA Office of Research and Reference service prepared
data on psychological factors and propaganda problems.
The Policy Planning Board used the data in formulating
psycho-political information policies for the NSC. In
1955 the Director of the USIA became a voting member
of the Operations Coordinating board; USIA
representatives were invited to attend meetings of the
NSC Planning Board; and the USIA Director was invited
to Cabinet meetings. <11>
From 1950-1953 CFR member Nitze directed the
Department of State Policy Planning Board. Nitze and
crew scripted psycho-political operations for the
National Security Council. <12 >
Every day and night on television is Halloween, blood-curdling murders 24/7. Nobody seems to notice.
Brilliant. We do need true myths to bring out our better selves.
I've been listening to american roots music, which is something uniquely American. I feel pride in my country listening to it, and get a sense of where I came from. That's not something kids get in school any more. The Old Stories.
I am a storyteller. To me, my job as such is to make myth... real. Storytellers used to be common at every gathering, including around the dinner table. Not any more. Today, as you said, Jeff, our myths are invented by those with a hidden agenda.
And the UFO Disclosure that is being demanded by more and more people? Perhaps it's better left to the storytellers. Every Native American tribe out here in the Southwest (and they're the only ones I've personally studied) has a huge collection of UFO stories. They simply don't tell them to white folks, usually. But therein is the truth being turned into myth. --MaryK
I've been listening to american roots music, which is something uniquely American.
It's important to me too, and helps me make some sense of America and its a heritage, which includes some weird things. A very interesting study is Greil Marcus's Invisible Republic, which has been rereleased as The Old Weird America. It's alleged subject is Dylan's Basement Tapes, but it's more about it's, and Dylan's, roots in Appalachian songs of madness and murder. I imagine it would makes an interesting study alongside Peter Levenda's Sinister Forces. (And it's fascinating to note that Harry Smith, legendary music archivist, was also a noted occultist and member of the OTO.)
Douglas Valentine had an excellent seven part series in Counterpunch back in 2001. Titled Homeland Insecurity:
Phoenix, Chaos, The Enterprise,
and The Politics of Terror In America
it details the sordid history of how the Phoenix has come home to roost in America.
While it's pretty obvious that the "War on Terror" is just the latest B.S. thing to keep Americans scared -- see "War on Drugs," "Cold War," "Red Scare," "Crips & Bloods," "Avian Flu," etc. -- I don't know that Hugo Chavez is the shining example of Logic, or that the very old Halloween festivals can be blamed on U.S. propaganda.
I am not familiar with Venezuela's specific history in this matter, but in the dozen or so Latin American countries I've visited or called home for a while, Halloween is an important holiday (Dia de los Muertos) and -- like the old Celtic festivals that take place at the same time -- is specifically based on the tradition (and truth?) that the spirit world is closest to our reality at this time of year.
If he was rejecting "Americanized" Halloween over the traditional Latin American Halloween, fine. But both are seemingly morbid, with the same skeleton and death's-head decorations, the same sweet treats, the same talk of spirits and graveyards, and it's both an adult meditation on death, a reason to party, and a lark for the kids. (I prefer the hand-made sugar skulls and crazy little skeleton figures in fancy dress rather than the plastic costumes and mini-size snickers of U.S. Halloween, but that's just a matter of taste, isn't it? It's also ridiculous to suggest the wearing of costumes is a modern invention of the U.S. military-industrial complex. If anything, modern American Halloween is a bland, scare-free generic holiday with all the fun & mischief removed and kids trick-or-treating in well-lit malls rather than running around having fun and scaring the hell out of each other.)
(Yes, this is also a holiday in Hugo's land.)
Mitch said...
Every day and night on television is Halloween, blood-curdling murders 24/7. Nobody seems to notice.
Well said. I have been interested in this for a while. The more I read this blog, the more it strikes me that when I go home, I see ritualistic murder and occult madness every day.... in the form of tv shows and movie trailers.
Jeff: any comments on the increasing saturation of this kind of "entertainment"?
In case anyone has missed these... some recent stories from the MSM.
Military wants the weather on its side
Pentagon studies ways to predict or even influence storms
"While some consider the idea farfetched, some military tacticians have already pondered ways to turn weather into a weapon."
Way to keep up to date, MSM. Now what about those 'wild conspiracy theories' involving weather control?
Covert Prison Systems
And, as mentioned by procrasta nation above, the escaped top al Qaeda operative:
"Al-Farouq could have been the first detainee to testify against a soldier in the Afghanistan prisoner abuse case."
Could have.... oh well. Just a coincidence I guess.
tmb said...
Does anyone else agree that this article fairly screams that we are just about to get creamed?
After years of being sufficently traumatized by the Chimp, Big Dick and the rest of Team Apocalypse, I suspect we will probably very soon be collectively sucking at the nipple of a maternal, well-integrated and nurturing mother figure. The "gloves" can't stay off forever. Not in such a hideously overt fashion anyway. But then again, I could be dead wrong.
Jeff wrote: "I wish those calling for UFO "disclosure" would realize that when it arrives, what arrives will be another officially-sanctioned superstition; another system of control."
This is why I haven't supported Steven Greer's disclosure project more fully. However, even he has said the same thing, that we should beware any "disclosure" by the US or any govt for it will of course be spin to keep them in a position of power. See links below.
Also see my brief article on this subject ... "ParaPolitical use of UFOs and the Paranormal for CovertOps" by SMiles Lewis
UFOs as a "Strategy of Tension" - Vallee Uncovers the "Martian Conspiracy" Behind WWII
Related Links
Cosmic Deception: Let The Citizen Beware by Steven Greer
And a transcript of his discussion of this topic with Art Bell can be found here
Greer Vs. Spielberg or DDT - (Decoy, Distract and Trash)
by Steven M. Greer M.D. / Director, The Disclosure Project
Counterfeit Foe - The Ultimate Hegelian Dialectic by Paul Joseph Watson
Holograms and High Strangeness by Scott Corrales
Jacques Vallee interview on UFO Deception and Holograms
Faux UFOs - The ET Counterfeit Foe by SMiles Lewis
And as for reader comments about the CFR and Media Manipulation...
See articles on Operation Mockingbird:
The Covert News Network by Greg Bishop
Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation
Uncovering the History of Operation Mockingbird
Of Note on the subject of the Horrors of Gitmo / Abu Ghraib is the probable relevance of Nick Redfern's account of what the Roswell Crashed Saucer story is REALLY covering up... AmeriKa's contiuance of Unit 731's human experimentation that ultimately leads to the death nexus of Frank Olson, Dick Cheney and Gitmo/Ghraib
FlashBack - Frank Olson Project, Cheney, Rumsfeld, MK Gitmo
Roswell Bombshell - Secret American Experiments Exposed by Nick Redfern
Ruling upheld nixing redress over Unit 731 germ warfare
Oh yeah, Jeff etal,
You gotta check out the latest Hidden History / Ancient Civilizations News ...
First ever public interview with Andrew Power, author of 'Ireland: Land of The Pharaohs'.
A mind-blowing book, launched on the internet on Nov. 1st., 2005, which draws together the hidden threads of history to reveal our ancient origin. But, not just a book of our history, it places this in a modern context to show how powerful interests with esoteric knowledge are clouding our past from us, even as they act out its secret rituals.
Full Interview in Audio
Europe's First Pyramid - Structure Nearly the Size of Giza North of Sarajevo
Corvidaerex wrote:
"in the dozen or so Latin American countries I've visited or called home for a while, Halloween is an important holiday (Dia de los Muertos)."
You are mistaken to believe that Halloween has anything to do with Dia de los muertos or is similar. Day of the Dead is a time to remember those past and to celebrate their lives. It has religious undertones and has no real similarity to Halloween. For example, a sugar skull has no equivalent in a Snickers bar. The sugar skull is made to remember the departed (usually with a name written in hard frosting on the forehead)and is placed on a home altar called an ofrenda. The skull is made out of a sugar dough, called alfenique, so that the spirit can smell the sweets. As they are hard as rocks, sugar skulls are not made to be eaten by mortals or the spirits. Sorry, not much of a correlation here, the only similarity being Christians tweaking pagan death-related festivals to suit their own calendar (All Souls, All Saints Day).
Much as Peggy Noonan would like us to believe that the world is too complex to manage. What she really means is that it's now too complex for the Bush/Reagan team to manage. Bush II main mission is not so much to lead the government as too make it unworkable. The image of coming into a Whitehouse that had been "vandalized" actually was a meme for how Team Bush would attempt to leave the government. It's the end of the road for Noonan and here crew. They have reached the limit of the lies they can shill, and the cronies that can feed at the trough. Now the bill is due and they will pay it. There are whole new classes of elites emerging world wide and they haven't been through the west's school of exclusion. That is the empire she mourns for.
I don't know about "they need us to fear, because they fear us," Jeff. The Japanese have a saying, The nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down; Chavez may embolden others to yank on the tiger's tail but unless they have a hammer to smash the tiger's teeth in, we're all Meow Mix.
Otherwise excellent, excellent post.
I don't buy into many conspiracy stories. (Remember the McMartin trial?) I believe that the government is completely clueless as to the UFO phenomenom. They may have a few crash remains, pilot sightings, and radar blips - but they have no clue as to who or where they are from. (Speaking from my 6 years in the military). As for the supposed CIA manipulation and control theories, why so much screaming from the left about the outing of one of their "secret agents?" Either the CIA and their agents are evil or not. Whatever, I do like this blog.
You're missing the obvious here. Chavez fears Halloween because earlier this October the Venezuelan resistance used carved pumpkins and paper skeletons in a protest against his rule.
CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelan security services scrambled on Monday to tackle a new threat on the streets of Caracas: Halloween-style pumpkins carrying messages of rebellion against President Hugo Chavez. [...]
The pumpkin alert came just weeks after authorities found scores of paper skeletons with anti-Chavez messages hanging from bridges and lampposts in Caracas. Police described them as a "Machiavellian" attempt to cause unrest.
There's much more in the actual article.
-Sepka the Space Weasel
Have you seen this yet?
Mysterious #2 appears on hurricane radar:
Yes, the tunnels at the McMartin daycare center were found. Have a look here:
Outstanding post. Both poetic and disturbing. America has stumbled through the looking glass. Up is down, day is night, wrong is right, and god is in the WH channelling dear leader.
We are a society fed on the macabre, the gospel according the fox fictions and myths that morph and mangle lies into truths, and fictions into facts. Reality is cloaked in patriotic platitudes and lovethebabyjesus speak parables, as fictions and deceptions are annointed as the gospel truth.
The mis or disinformed "sheeple" are hopelessly dazed and confused, mesmerized by the shock and awe, the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, the bloody burnt torn bodies, the wailing women, the terrified children, the hypersuperior warfighters and brilliant weapons blasting unknown unknown enemies into smithereens just like the video game aptly named DOOM.
There is no understanding the reasons or causes, or utlimate objectives of the horroshow for the dim "sheeple". It is all a blurr and whirr of blood and combustion. All that is left is primal brute enjoyment of the theater of blood, the horror for horror sake, and the dim hope that it remains on TV, and not in the living room floor.
America has devolved into a nation where peacemakers are ridiculed as freaks, and warmakers are hailed as saints sanctioned by the heavens to enforce the will and way of the neo-fascist warmongers and profiteers in the allmighty Bush government because some perverted godwillsit.
America either corrects our wayward and unholy course as a people and a nation, - or we actually deserve whatever fiery pit and hell the neo-fascist in the Bush government hurl us into.
Banthapoodoo, what is "Dia de la Muerte"? What was being talked about here was Dia de los muertos, a holiday I personally celebrate and need no information from online encyclopedias. Dia de los muertos has nothing to do with Halloween and is based on a blend of indigenous springtime renewal festivals and Catholicism. I suggest you get some Mexican friends who can tell you about their own personal experiences with the holiday. Sometimes academics just don't cut it, my friend. Step down off the ivory tower and join la gente.
someone upthread has werner vaun braun confused with teller, but the anecdote's true enough...
Right on. Von Braun's friend Dr. Carol Rosin gave testimony to the Disclosure Project on his behalf regarding the coming faked UFO invasion.
She harps on about the proliferation of space-based weapons, but the issues raised by this revelation by the late Von Braun far exceed the issues posed by violating orbial weapons treaties, which I'm sure we already have.
"It looks like a lot of liberals have twisted themselves into knots again over Hugo Chavez."
Let's see Jeff, about those specific examples of "liberals" you give: The New Pravda and Newsmax.
Yep, leading lights in the Liberal camp in US, alright.
Hmm, seems to me, if one could go back and find some old gwbushmalecheerleader posts on your discussion boards, you would find a post of his about how the CONSERVATIVE NEOCONS were OPENLY FORMENTING overthrowing Chavez. Successfulloy, for a short period.
But, hey, "liberals" in your world get the vapors over Chazez dissing Halloween?
Could you lead me to a link of Gore, Kucinich or Kerry's reaction to Chavez' statement (snarky remark directed to BUSH, thanks Hugo, you ARE the LEADING LIBERAL in the AMERICAS), and not an unattributed New Pravda link?
Hilda, I NEVER argue on these types of sites, and that is not my intention here. But I feel inclined to reply to your last comment. Yeah, I'm not exactly fluent in Spanish. And since you seem to seem to have some kind of window into my life, your assumption is correct, Im white. But I should let you know I live in a large So. Cal farming community, which means I know, and am friends with, a whole lot of Mexicans. In fact, I like Mexicans so much I married one. So I do have some insight into Latino culture. My wife and her entire family refuse to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos and Halloween because of BOTH holidays pagan origins. The same goes for a good chunk of my other Mexican friends.
It does not take an 'intellectual' to do honest research. But we owe it to ourselves and those we love to question and find the truth about that which the establishment tells us is the norm. But I do not mean to step on any ones beliefs or customs. To each his own. Wish you the best...
If Hilda will look into the background of DDLM and Halloween (I won't say "research," because that apparently would sound too "academic";), she would find that both are basically the same holiday, derived from ancient paganism, blended with Roman Catholicism and filtered through different cultures.
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