Solitary monsters

Lenny Bruce is dead but he didn't commit any crime
He just had the insight to rip off the lid before its time. - Bob Dylan
I'm too busy too often these days, and my head's getting turned by mere politics in the last week of what looks to be a catastrophic election. So apologies for the posting lag, and the brevity of this one. I mean to have more soon.
If you've followed the case you likely know that Richard Hamlin was convicted and now faces a life sentence. An injustice? I won't pretend that I know enough to play armchair jurist to answer that conclusively. What I know is that Hamlin didn't do himself any favours by his defence, even if it was the truth. Alleging ritual abuse and mind control isn't exactly a winning formula in the courts these days. Not when, to most Americans, both claims have been "debunked" and swept from the realm of what's possible by powerful forces in the dominant culture. Presumably, that's why the evidence of Satanic cult activity in Ponchatoula's Hosanna Church were dropped by the DA. He would rather rest his case upon the testimony of child victims than introduce hard evidence that the abusers were acting with cultic intent, including "videotapes and nine bin liners full of masks and robes for use in the ceremonies." As I wrote last June, "What remains are still inconceivable crimes, yet now without motive." As a successful attorney Hamlin must have known going in what his accusations would sound like to a jury composed of citizens whose nation conditions the conviction that such things don't happen. And that contributes to my suspicion of his innocence.
But now that's that, and for most people who note it the Hamlin case will register as yet another example of a bizarre and discredited theory. No; despite Susan's confession to police, her reported absence of claimed injuries, her child telling his teacher that he wished mommy would stop licking him, and her plant pathologist father's unexplained presence in Indio during the Wackenhut/Cabazon years (why wasn't he called to the stand?) this one's all wrapped up.
Just like the Jeffrey MacDonald case. Except that's not, either. MacDonald has just won the right to pursue a fourth appeal of the murder conviction of his wife and two children in 1970. (And it's some kind of coincidence, though I don't know what kind, that Ted Gunderson has figured in both.)
Like Hamlin's, MacDonald's story is virtually unbelievable if all you know is that story. If you know something about Fort Bragg and, most important, the protected drug trade out of Vietnam, you're more likely to shrug and say "Yeah, I can see that."
MacDonald was an Army drug counselor at the base, which was on the receiving end of a military drug cult that set up shop in Indochina known as the "Black Masonic Club," led by "Sergeant Smack," Leslie "Ike" Atkinson (eventually arrested by the DEA and given a 40-year sentence). They used the remains of GIs as mules, stitching bags of heroin into their body cavities. The local dealers loathed MacDonald, who was pressuring those in his treatment program to name suppliers.
After the MacDonald family murders, an informant named Helena Stoeckley contacted narcotics detective Everette Beasley to say she had been in the house at the time of the killings, and provided details of the military drug operation.
Alex Constantine writes in Psychic Dictatorship in the USA:
The recipients of the heroin, she said, had contacts in Vietnam who placed it in the bodies of war casualties. The bodies were re-stitched and shipped to Johnson Air Base and other installations around the country. When the bodies arrived in the US they were met by a military contact and the heroin was removed. The bodies were then sent on to their final destinations.
"The persons who met the bodies at the respective air bases knew which bodies to check, based on a predetermined code," Beasley says. "Helena told me that the people who handled the assignments in Vietnam, and those who met the planes in the United States, were military personnel."
She also told him that the couriers made their pick-ups at Fort Bragg. Distribution was handled by enlisted me, civilians, police officers. "Local attorneys and Army officers as high as generals were part of the operation. She stated that she would name and identify the people if given immunity by the US government."
She wasn't, and so would have faced conviction herself for participation in the crime by being in the company of the murderers. Though Stoeckley had previously supplied information that had secured over 200 arrests in the Fort Bragg area, in this case the authorities simply didn't want to know her. She died a couple of years later, quite rapidly, of liver failure, after compaining to friends she was being followed by "two men in suits." (In Potter and Bost's Fatal Justice, the rebuttal to Joe McGinniss's duplicitous Fatal Vision, writes that her former neighbours confirmed noting well-dressed strangers often parked outside her apartment.)
The MacDonald apartment was kept sealed by the US Army and the Justice Department from 1970 until 1981. "Fort Bragg fought to regain custody of the quarters beginning in February of 1981, but the Justice Department kept rigid control of them for three years following, citing that the apartment where the murders occurred and its contents might be needed as evidence to offset anticipated defense appeals." All this time, MacDonald's council was denied access, which naturally was sought in order to compile evidence that could support the case that his family had been slaughtered by intruders.
on the night of June 7-8, 1984, everything in the apartment was completely burned and then buried at the Fort Bragg trash dump. This included all furnishings, the ceilings, walls, doors, window sills, ledges, hardwood floors...leaving nothing but a skeleton of joists and sub flooring. The destruction also included items that, by regulation, were required to be placed for public auction by the Army - things like furniture, light fixtures, appliances, sinks, etc. Most importantly, the burning and burying of the entire contents of the apartment destroyed everything that might have been touched or left behind by murderers.
As a cover for this deliberate crime, the government claimed in its paperwork that MacDonald had "abandoned" his property, when in truth, he was not allowed access to reclaim his property. The secret destruction actually occurred while MacDonald's attorneys were still trying to wrest court permission to examine the quarters. No one informed them that both the quarters and its contents no longer existed.
There is much more to the MacDonald case, but the impressions left by McGinniss's Fatal Vision - since proven to be a work of slander - persist. Fables work better when the monster is just one man who didn't get away with it, rather than many powerful men who always do.
Great as usual. Jeff, have you read the Hamlin articles over on If not, you should.
PS. What is going on up there with Harper? Seems like you Canucks are getting dragged into this whole nazi mess.
Bad guys (for sure), and (relative) good guys.
Who is who, and
what does it all mean?
Yeah, what's the deal in "progressive," liberal Canada? Are some Canadian partisans perhaps invested in the voting machine racket?
Or are the Canadians envious of us Americans, what with our looted treasury and evaporating civil liberties?
There have been, have there not, an awful lot of seemingly motiveless murders at Fort Bragg over the years?
-Sepka the Space Weasel
quoting Jeff: "(And it's some kind of coincidence, though I don't know what kind, that Ted Gunderson has figured in both.)"
From McGowans' research, it's hardly coincidence. Such things are "coaxed" all the way from the serial murders/cult killings to the scapegoat they have always killed to "solve" the case. (When ZERO of the U.S.'s serial killers probabal had anything to do with the cases they were kiled for--it was just a CIA mop up operation of combined domestic drug trade sells consolidation, child abuse issues, MKULTRA connections, and real live occult killings--though pawned off on a quickly disposable 'solution' to the crime that made all the rich elites who did the crimes in the respective cities very happy I am sure.
Plus, the whole FBI popularized (lie) concept of a serial killer, was their excuse to come in and take over and 'federalize' local law investigations--thus assuring the cover up. The criminal occult system in operation at its finest in teh US of A.
Plus, the whole popularized concept of the lie of the 'serial killer'--an amorphous mysterious loner (obviously!) helped scare the public to justify more "security" (SWAT teams, for instance, the book relates, were first sold on this scare, the U.S.'s first paramilitary 'civilian' police).
Please read _Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder_ by Dave McGowan, and I think you will have your answer...
see comments and this article:
Title: Bush & MKULTRA Satanic killer who Bush pardoned while Governor, BOTH in same cult in '80s
Date: 2005.01.22 03:42
Description: Bush covers up likely MKULTRA issues. Plus, Bush himself has been associated with mass murder Satan cult rings at Brownsville, Texas. And this connects him to the very person he "pardoned" while governor of Texas--Henry Lee Lucas, for ritualized killings and cannibalism. They both were associated with Brownsville, TX, cults.
Bush's Wild Years: in the 1980s, Bush and serial killer Henry Lee Lucas in TX Satan cult, George W. Bush investigated for six months for mass murder of 17 people who were skinned in the cult--until VP Poppy Bush told then to drop the case.
"Bush, telling reporters and critics to 'stick to the issues that matter', Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush declined to answer questions Monday concerning his alleged involvement in a 1984 Brownsville, TX, mass murder, in which 17 people were ritualistically murdered and skinned. 'I will not stoop to discussing that,' said Bush....
Bush, the son of a billioniare, was strangely living in the most impoverished place in America, Brownsville. Bush was living nearby to and also inside the headquarters of a Satanic Cult of which he was a member. Bush disappeared for three days during which ALL of the other of his fellow Cult Members were slaughtered. After he reappeared he could not explain where he had been.
***The local prosecutor continued to pursue Bush, sole Cult survivor, on mass murder charges for six months thereafter, heavily pressured by Daddy Bush to stop the investigation.***
comments here:
and on book:
related book/link: _Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder_ 05.Feb.2005 12:22
reader link
Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder
by David McGowan (Paperback - August 16, 2004)
Product Description:
The specter of the marauding serial killer has become a relatively common feature on the American landscape. Reactions to these modern-day monsters range from revulsion to morbid fascination--fascination that is either fed by, or a product of, the saturation coverage provided by print and broadcast media, along with a dizzying array of books, documentary films, websites, and "Movies of the Week".
The prevalence in Western culture of images of serial killers (and mass murderers) has created in the public mind a consensus view of what a serial killer is.
Most people are aware, to some degree, of the classic serial killer 'profile.'
But what if there is a much different 'profile'--one that has not received much media attention?
In Programmed to Kill, acclaimed and always controversial author David McGowan takes a fresh look at the lives of many of America's most notorious accused murderers, focusing on the largely hidden patterns that suggest that there may be more to the average serial killer story than meets the eye.
Think you know everything there is to know about serial killers? Or is it possible that sometimes what everyone 'knows' to be true isn't really true at all?
reviews at
Stunning Expose , December 7, 2004
Reviewer: Steveddd "steveddd" (Miami Beach, FL USA) - See all my reviews
David McGowan bills the book on his website (The Center for an Informed America), as the book of the century. I nearly started to laugh, but Mr. McGowan may very well be correct in his `modest' assessment.
The book is meticulously researched (nearly 500 references) and the authors' knowledge of occultism, elitism, psychology and Satanism combines for the most stunning exposes of governmental corruption and cover-up you will probably ever come across.
It makes sense of things like the Franklin cover-up, Bohemian Grove, MK-Ultra, the Manson gang, Marc Dutroux and much, much more.
This book would be an instant #1 Best Seller if it were to get the exposure it deserves.
Unfortunately, Programmed to Kill, will never be on the shelf of any of the big outlets and that is a crime in itself. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see this one go out of print in short order considering the implications and the indictment it is on the US and other governmental `crime fighting' agencies, their media outlets and the force driving it all.
The topic of serial killers had never really piqued my curiosity and I tended to shy away from the gruesomeness, not really wanting to hear the sad and morbid stories. I believed, rather naively, what the government and media had told me about the alleged perpetrators, but after reading Mr. McGowan's book, it seems that everything I thought I knew was for the most part, completely wrong.
I've been researching conspiracies for a few years, ever since the governmental fairy tale story about 9-11, but I was still not prepared for the revelations found here. Mr. McGowan appears to blow the lid off what I would categorize as the mother of all conspiracies. Its not a quick read, because it contains a heck of a lot of information in sort of a minimal number of pages. And yet the book goes into quite a bit of depth to cover the details necessary. I was reading about six different books when I started this one, but I didn't touch any of them until I finished this.
For an excellent analysis on the 9-11 Conspiracy see David McGowan's, "The Center for an Informed America" newsletters 67 through 69 and Darren Williams Pentagon video animation.
Eye opening, October 3, 2004
Reviewer: crimefan (Florida) - See all my reviews
I have not read this authors earlier books so I didn't really know what to expect when I ordered this book. Beginning with the very first chapter, I was shocked by what I found. It is very hard for me to believe that everything in this book is true, but Mr. McGowan ssems to have done his homework and his points are argued quite well, in most cases.
Overall, this is a very well written book. Although I am a huge fan of true crime books, I have never read a book like this before. Even though I have some minor reservations, I am giving this book five stars and highly recommend it as a unique perspective on serial murder.
the red pill, January 12, 2005
Reviewer: rage against the dying of the light - See all my reviews
This book will explain a thing or two about why the world seems a very dark place at the moment.
If you require further convincing of the pure heart of darkness, or if you thought you understood real politics this book is for you.
It is also a book for those who want the truth, and can take it.
Who are willing to expose themselves to the real evils of this world, and hopefully be better equipped to deal with them?
But I digress, on the authours website you can find some more information on the book.
I'm the anonymous above. McGowan additionally relates how many 'serial killers' have some sort of odd military intel or MKULTRA personnel connected 'career.' Likely all 'serial killers'--outside the ones that are obviously railroaded innocents made guilty by the incessent media barrage--are domestic 'experiments' of the CIA's mental engineering handiwork. Read the book.
Gunderson is a COINTEPRO operative then, now and as long as he is usable always. Everytime this venal albatross has inserted himself into cult cases, they are effectively sabotaged and deep-sixed without exception. I believe he gets himself into the picture and as a spy, he pulls intelligence from the victims, investigators and the defense team and furnishes it to the other side. Charles Garry and especially Mark Lane did this same crap in a number of high profile cases which include the black militant cases, the MLK assassination and Jonestown just to name a few. Ted Gunderson was a career FBI officer and had Special Agent FBI status from the years 1951 - 1979. It can safely be said that not only had he participated in COINTELPRO operations, but that he led them as well in the cities of Philadelphia PA, New Haven CT, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles CA. Many people have been systematically framed and imprisoned, and many more have been outright murdered as a result of his work.
It's not unreasonable, in consideration of his history (then and now) to conclude that much like the illegal FBI ops, he too has persisted in that capacity.
In regards to the MacDonald case, I was struck during a review of the case and evidence, that it might be possible that MacDonald might have been a MK programmed SFG (Special Forces Group) assassin. This kind of Clear Eyes training was and is in use in Special Forces training for certain soldiers who fit the psychological profile. I think it's possible that his assassin alter may have been activated and he was turned against his own family. I do acknowledge that there is considerable evidence that exists in the direction of 'cult hit team'; but MacDonald has unusual and contradictory behaviours and there are strange facts that just don't jibe in this case.
Food for thought and grounds for further investigation, I would say.
I first heard about the drug connection back in 1970 from a couple of Air America employees who had been working out of Laos. They told me about flights going into Burma with Gold and Silver bars and coming out loaded with bales of opium. They said the the majority was "destroyed" and the remainder sent to the US for processing. This was supposedly to intercept the drugs before the Chinese middlemen could buy them. They also offhandedly mentioned using dead GI's for smuggling. Both had become independently wealthy from their time there. I'm sure it wasn't from their Air America pay. Both these guys were really into guns and one carried a Madsen sub machune gun with him at all times. Just a couple of good ole boys.
Ralph said,
"The book Fatal Vision catalogued numerous independent examples of McDonald's sociopathic tendencies, independent of whatever tapes McGuinness might have made, including McDonald sleeping with an underage girl, and documented his numerous lies and contradictory statements about that fateful night."
Do you know about the civil suit brought against the book?
From [a href=""]the Crime Library[/a]:
Gary L. Bostwick, MacDonald's lawyer in the civil action, listened to the tapes that McGinniss had persuaded MacDonald to make. "Bostwick compared the tapes with those segments in [Fatal Vision] which purported to be "The Voice of Jeffrey MacDonald." He satisfied himself that, as MacDonald claimed, McGinniss had skillfully edited passages to make it though MacDonald had taped glib, nonstop soliloquies of self-adoration.
But nowhere in McGinniss's book were MacDonald's taped words of concern about the tragic deaths of Colette and the children. The writer had placed MacDonald's doctored thoughts between ongoing revelations of the government's claims, not bothering to challenge the government's claims with any of the relevant defense evidence that had been put at his disposal, not bothering to express in the book his own expressions of disdain [about the government's case] which he had written to MacDonald. The results, Bostwick charged, were fictional and the book could not be legitimized as nonfiction." (Potter and Bost)
A few days before the trial, McGinniss offered MacDonald $200,000 to settle the case. MacDonald refused.
The civil trial did not go well at all for McGinniss. At the end, had it not been for one juror who could not see awarding money to a convicted murderer, McGinniss would have lost. The other jurors agreed with McDonald's suit and could not persuade the final juror to agree. Janet Malcolm describes the problem in her book: "The trouble had started early in the trial, when [the juror who held out], an animal rights activist, brought animal-rights literature to the jury room and wasn't able to interest the other jurors in her cause. She became the weird Other to the majority, and they became the Oppressors to her...they had scorned this woman at their peril and were now powerless against her."
The judge declared a mistrial but left the door open for a new trial. At that point, McGinniss offered to settle for $325,000 and eventually they did settle for a bit over that amount. Again, MacDonald's huge legal expenses determined the decision not to continue this fight.
But the damage of the book Fatal Vision and the movie of the same name had been done. MacDonald may some day win a new trial, but he will never be able to undo the malicious image that Joe McGinniss created.
Green Beret Bill Tyree was also framed for the murder of his wife (ala Bush fellow Bonesman Prosecutor J. Kerry I do believe, correct me if I am wrong)under a similar scenario, seems to be a tactic tptb like to use, strongly recommend his painting of the "big picture" downloadable from this website:
The other articles are eye opening also for the uninitiated, the Carone Deposition especially . . . looks like 2007 will be the year of our great crash and fall, still a little time to try and buy a parachute . . .
Yay, I get a treat from my master for posting some cut & paste Siddartha. I'm a good dog, and I love my master more than I hate myself. He even said he'll reward me if help him sabotage blogs. My master and his friends don't like exposure. They hate the light, they fear justice and they hate you blog people. One day he tells me I'll be a master, but for now he keeps me outside with the other dogs.
Jeez Louise! Will Anonymous please stop posting whole books and kindly just give the reference to same.
For more about the Bush 1984 business, see: Hell Ranch: Nightmare of Voodoo, Drugs, & Death in Matamoros
by Clifford L. Linedecker
Also, I would ask that anyone who has "sensitive" material find a way to leave a written copy that can be exposed after their untimely, or timely, death. Send your confessions to Jeff with instructions. It's the least that you can do.
Anonymous One,Dued,you just fucked this thread up,go back to your hole please,later.
Can you remove this "addition", Jeff, so we can get back on track?
And to whoever posted it - do this *somewhere else*, okay? Your own blog, maybe?
When's the exam?
Are you a professional jammer, or just blowing off steam?
Someone must have struck a real nerve here..
Congrats, Jeff.
Wow Jeff, either your article or the reference to that book "Programmed to Kill" (or the combination thereof) sure must've struck a chord with somebody. Maybe it's time for another M-I visitor IP roundup?
At least none of the contents of above spamming are ideologically objectionable in the topical context of this site, which does make it plausible that the poster is just a very desperate and annoying preacher of truth.
What's with that obnoxious response about doing this in their own blog:
I had one but it didn't respect me so I had it killed and and stuffed by a professional taxidermist. Sold it on ebay evntually.
I mean really.
Ok, enough troll-feeding for me! Great article, Jeff. And thanks to whoever posted about "Programmed to Kill" -- it sounds like it's definitely worth reading. Thanks!
Jeff, can you delete these gigantic spamming comments ?
Are you a professional jammer, or just blowing off steam?
Jeff has his own magnets and hats with his logo on them. he isn't going to read stuff from nonentities like you. Have you seen any evidence he reads these comments ? He hasn't deleted the books.
He's a star, he may be excrutiatingly banal but he obviously appeals to wooly headed conspiracy bongos who collect magnets and drink coffee in their spare time.
Jeff has his own magnets and hats with his logo on them. he isn't going to read stuff from nonentities like you. Have you seen any evidence he reads these comments ? He hasn't deleted the books.
He's a star, he may be excrutiatingly banal but he obviously appeals to wooly headed conspiracy bongos who collect magnets and drink coffee in their spare time.
Okay, you got our attention. Now why don't you try focusing some of that spare time and energy into facing the world we live in. It's not like it's going away, and I bet you've got something to say about it.
That super-spam shit you pull is uncool and outta line.
I think that got it; sorry I didn't see it sooner. Life and work have kept me away today.
Barbie said:
I love too much coffee Johnny Gosch...I miss it.
Cheers Jeff, guess you really do read your own blog despite the Rock Star/refrigerator magnet thing..
Down with all Shitheads. Fuck you, hurrah for me..
My gang will get you.
Long Live RI.
"Rock Star/refrigerator magnet thing" lol
And no mark-up, by the way! I don't do conspiracy cottage industry.
Got one myself a few weeks ago. Good quality, but a bit disconcerting holding up the grocery list.
Guess I misjudged our era! Somehow, it's oddly comforting to know that "excrutiatingly banal" now equates with being a "star!" Must be The Time of the Canadians, a world of Sheppard's Pie and being ever so careful, eh?
Let go of politics! Transcend it, and you will not help provide the monster the fuel to do what it does... You will also clear your mind for more important things.
You said it: " matter the tyranny that descends upon America, there will always be a next time. So long as the ceremony of the vote is observed, enough people will mistake it for representative rule." There it is! That's all that needed to be said (where "America" means the world actually).
Governing even in modern tyrannies is based on public consent for it even if that consent is deceitfully gained, and deceit today is the rule, not the exception.
Enter political parties and polls. Parties are the vehicles to seduce the masses by voicing their feelings yet acting quite differently, and polls determine if the public is seduced in it's tyranny.
As long as the public is at sustainable levels, the party and politicians are doing their jobs and nothing is changed. The moment the public is undeceived at minimum levels, adjustments are made (anywhere from policies are rephrased to the "ruling party" is switched).
Recently Bush was real low in the polls (approaching sustainable minimums) and even his "opponents" began to cut him some slack.
They had him by the b___s with the lying about entry into the Iraq war issue, then mysteriously walked away. We understand why.
Believe me, the real power brokers behind the scenes do care what the public thinks, though the nature of that respect of public opinion is often misunderstood.
The common belief that "...there will always be a next time..." is the guarantee that there will never be one. It is the excuse to never do anything. The time should always be "now."
My advice is to not vote again, never donate to traditional political causes, and never take part in polls, etc.
Why? To begin with, it's a sham, but if less than 20% vote, tyrannies lose any cosmetic claims at legitimacy. And by not answering polls, you deprive the tyranny of the tools to manipulate us. If you're an adult, don't believe in the tooth fairy.
Express your displeasure by clear actions like conducting mass targetted boycotts or going out into the streets like we saw recently in the Ukraine and years before in Romania and countless other places. The time should always be "now."
"He dicho."
Interesting you should mention the Ukraine demonstrations, as their exit poll discrepancy was actually less than that of the Bush/Kerry selection, er... I mean "election". And they took to the streets en masse. Over less than we experienced in the U.S.
Did you know that fluoride has the same effect on the brain as prozac? Just an unrelated thought...
What a hullabaloo!
At the time--and I still don't--see how "Bush as occult elite killer network" connected is ungermane to the thread. I thought that the Bush/cult example and is protection of cult members who cannabalize and mass murder when it gets linked back to 'them,' is hardly on their media agenda. It's sort of a counter example to what they prefer to popularize: the 'lone gunman, lone killer' fantasy.
There ain't no individual loner serial killers except the people in power who do it together and film it and sell it and use it in occult rituals--and dispose of the bodies in the court system by killing yet another scapegoat. It's a serial clique of rich elites in the political and court system, who have perfected a means to mass media-drug the population into believing the TV instead of all the railroaded court lies that the book so painfully documents.
Even the victim's families, mentioned sometimes in the book, are aware of the total railroading of innocent people quickly dispatched by a judicious use of media play instead of real evidence!
read around 30 free pages of Programmed to Kill here. It has the Marx Dutroux chapter, about Belgium. (No, I'm not Dave McGowan, the author, just an admirer of his very detailed and very important work.) :->
Just came across this fascinating blog a few days ago + have pouring through the archives. Jeff's writings are flat-out great. And,
greatly important.
The only fly in an otherwise enlightened ointment is the self-indulgent, silly ramblings of the inevitable "Christians."
I mean, come on: give us a break.
There are soooo many other venues for this childish, uninformed twaddle. God, what egos these people have.
In closing, just let me say that if if demons do exist, they created + currently control organized religions, *especially*
Christianity. Anyone who values her soul, run the other way when you hear the word "Christian." And run like heck! The stuff'll kill ya.
'Jesus hates Christians.'
In regards to Leslie " Ike" Atkinson and utilizing the remains of deceased to bring in drugs is incorrect. According to him, they never hid the drugs in the dead bodies.After further discussion, I believe that: Not to say it wasnt somewhere on the same plane but it was not in the dead bodies. And not to say it may not have been in the caskets but it wasnt inside any body. Thisis the most interesting case to me and I have done much research into it.
Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
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