It's all in your mind

The National Bank at a profit sells road maps for the soul
To the old folks home and the college - Bob Dylan
Susan Clancy has it all figured out.
The postdoctoral fellow in Harvard's Psychology Department has been getting some press, and even some Larry King face-time, on account of the pending release of her book Abducted: How People Come To Believe They Were Kidnapped By Aliens. As the title suggests, she had it figured out long before she began her study.
Even by the measure of such literature, Clancy's findings are dismayingly shallow. Abductions, she says, are nothing more than episodes of sleep paralysis, that tired old war horse of reflexive debunkers alongside Venus and swamp gas. ("It's a little bit like a hiccup in the brain," explains her advisor Richard McNally. "It's harmless.") But her conclusions are beside the point of her work. Actually, as far as she's concerned, the entire subject of abduction is beside the point.
Where Clancy's interest really lies is false memory. Her earlier work discredited repressed memory in childhood sexual abuse, for which one letter-writer called her a "friend of pedophiles everywhere."
She turned to abduction research in order to field test her theories of false memory because she already presumed abduction memories to be false. Or, as Associated Press rhetorically asks, "Wouldn't it be easier to test her theories if she could be certain that her subjects' memories were not real?"
Here she is at her desk, a copy of Satanic Panic at her right and what looks like a Kissinger-in-the-box at her left:

Whether it's UFOs and entity encounters or ritual abuse and mind control - or, more often than not, both - the trustees of convention prefer to keep things abstract and well-tended with ridicule. Because once the conversation descends from the conceptual to the specific, and once people stop dreading the laughter, one nagging exception is enough to make their worldview buckle. Or, as abduction researcher and academic David Jacobs says, "all debunkers make one or more of the following mistakes: They ignore the data, they distort the data or they don't know the data."
Clancy's prejudgement recalls the curious blindspots in When Prophecy Fails to unexplained acts of even purely human agency.
The book is a study of a UFO contact cult by three sociologists of the University of Minnesota, published in 1956. Dorothy Martin (called "Marion Keech") was a Chicago housewife who in 1953 began practicing spirirtualism, and a year later started receiving messages from what claimed to be extraterrestial beings from the planet "Clarion," whom she called the "Guardians." A group formed about her, the most prominent members of which were former missionaries Dr Charles and Lillian Laughead ("Thomas and Daisy Armstrong"). Martin's circle was given an apocalyptic jolt by the warning she received on August 27, 1954 which told of catastrophic Earth changes to strike that December 21, submerging the east coast of the United States and much of Western Europe. It was at this time the group was infiltrated by the academics, to document the responses of the true believers when the prophecies failed to deliver.
In The Stargate Conspiracy, Picknett and Prince write that the story of the minor cult "may seem an all too familiar tale of people obsessed with a false, quasireligious belief built up around a deluded channeller. That is certainly how the team from Minnesota University treated it. Another aspect of the story suggests something else was going on - that the event were indeed being manipulated by outside forces":
Dorothy Martin sometimes returned to her locked home to find letters from "Clarion" left inside, and she would receive telephone calls direct from the Guardians when the sociologists were present, which at least indicates that they were not figments of her imagination. As a climax, when the group gathered at Dorothy's house on 18 December to await the coming cataclysm three days later, she received a long call from the leader fo the Guardians, a being called Sananda, after which five young men arrived at the house, the leader of whom claimed to be Sananda himself. The group went into another room with Laughead for half an hour, followed by an hour with Dorothy Martin (from which she emerged very emotional and moved). Then the five mystery callers left. Again, all this was witnessed by the researchers.
These were real events, so it is difficult to reconcile them with the Minnesota team's conclusion that it was all a collective delusion, although clearly there was scope for other interpretations, such as mistaken identity, or more probably, a hoax. Yet if the latter, it was very carefully and painstakingly organised: the letters, telephone calls and the visit all served to reinforce the group's belief in the prophecies received by automatic writing. Obviously, another group of people existed beyond the immediate circle of true believers and were orchestrating both the events and the phenomenon of escalating belief. Why?
(There's a very curious postscript here. Following the break-up of the cult the Laugheads travelled to Mexico where, pursuing their spiritualist interests, began working with a young man who claimed to be in contact with extraterrestrials. Here they met Andrija Puharich and Arthur Young, who were on an expedition with Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos to locate ancient artifacts using his paranormal ability. It was three years after Puharich and Young had first made contact with the Nine. Soon after the team returned to the United States Puharich received a letter from Dr Loughead that referred to the Nine, named the correct date for their first contact through Dr DG Vinod and supplied other date seeming to corroborate that the Nine had found another channel and, again, Puharich.)
Debunkers such as Clancy show a fundamentalist's need for absolutes: authentic memories are never repressed, recovered memories are always false, ritual abuse never occurs, and there are no such things as "aliens." That's four things. Since when were fundametalists right about four things?
Another thing that isn't just in your mind: Forty year old Captain Ken Masters, the senior British military police investigator in Iraq has been found dead in Basra, alledgedly a suicide. "He had been responsible for the investigation of all in-theatre serious incidents," said the Ministry of Defense, "plus investigations conducted by the General Police Duties element of the Theatre Investigation Group." In-theatre incidents don't get more serious than this one, in Basra just a few weeks ago. Undoubtedly the stress was just too much to bear....
Kissinger doll behind Clancy is funny.
Perhaps it betrays an inverse relationship between the two.
Perhaps Clancy is Kissinger's puppet?
Anonymous One,good morn,well,as we sit in front of our screens on our picture of the world.Why is it that people don't want to belive in things they can't feel,see,or smell? Most block out their extra sense,they have been programed to shut out their deeper feelings,only listen to what our experts tell us is the truth.This sleep paralysis that they say is the answer to all the reports of abduction,well I had an event in my life that was real and it felt like I was paralysed.In my case it was contact with a ghost in an apartment that I moved into in Florida.An older man had died in the apartment three days before I had arrived,my friend had told me he died on Christmas eve of a heart attack.I moved in and cleaned all of his remaining personal effects out,from the first night in this place I had a strange event happen,it was like someone had given me a slap in my dead of sleep.I sat up in bed and looked around but nothing was there.From that night on it was a regular event each night,I never slept a night in that place with out waking to that feeling someone was there in the room.Then one night as I was about to fall asleep,this feeling over came me,I would say it felt like I couldn't then there was this over powering sense that someone was right behind me in the room,I could not move,but I said the mans name "Burt if your here just go about your way and leave me to sleep", I just felt this ice cold touch go from the bottom of my neck down to my spine,like something ran an ice cube down our arm.Well I felt like pissing right there,but the pressence went away.After I moved about three months later,each time I met the persons that moved into the apartment I would happen to mention the fact that I never slept a night with out waking to the feeling someone was in the room,and each person told me the same thing happened to them.We all had never met or knew of each other,but my friend still lived next door to the apartment.One guy got so scared when he talked about his event with the sprit he looked white,it seems every thing in the kitchen came loose and was banging on the floor and walls,he also said he was unable to move.In the morning he was afraid to look in the kitchen,but when he looked in nothing had been moved,so all I can tell anyone about this,is it is real for the person that it happens to,later.
its really nice when someone writes a book you have absolutely no desire to read.
Curious to see what explanation Mrs. Clancy offers to abductions that don't occur during sleep, or that more than one person experiences. Was there any analysis of these types of scenarios in her book?
That pic of Clancy with her Kissinger Jack-in-the-box would go well beside your image of Bush Sr in bed with the Illuminati Pyramid in his lap. You have the makings of a fine Web Gallery of Utter Rogues here at R.I.
I suggested in your recent Clown blog that you should assemble a graphic representation of deeds and monsters using a neural/graphic planner. If the idea ever interests you one day, contact me at and I'll be glad to help with the weaving.
New Hypothesis of "Alien Abduction"
Mind control, implanting false memories, CIA/Military brainwashing
keep banging the drum on what now appears to be a lethal Basra coverup
Hi Jeff -
Always appreciate your site. You might be interested in my report of a talk by David Jacobs at the Free Library in Philadelphia, also reflections on his
thesis -- posted at this link --
Best regards,
Caryl Johnston
OMG! "Brazil"
"Debunkers such as Clancy show a fundamentalist's need for absolutes: authentic memories are never repressed, recovered memories are always false, ritual abuse never occurs, and there are no such things as "aliens." That's four things. Since when were fundametalists right about four things?"
I think this presents a major reason why the True Nonbelievers and Coincidence Theorists can go on and on with book deal after book deal: They have an opportunity to pass judgments on "human nature" or some similar thing.
Whereas a true skeptic must necessarily remedy his disbelief with, e.g., the events regarding Sananda's phone call, the True Nonbeliever sees an opportunity not for journalism but pontification. I don't know the nature of Sananda, and I doubt I could prove any theory. Pseudoskeptics speak from absolutes to guard precious theories--they have that same fundamentalist paranoia.
Oddly enough, but taking on that paranoid armor, they lose their absolutes; if every abduction is a "delusion," and if apparent hoaxes are "delusions," and if every inexplicable phenomenon is a "delusion," then we must clearly live in a world totally influenced by belief.
I'm blaming everyone's favorite philosophy 101 metaphor, Plato's Cave. They teach that by turning away from delusion, one approaches truth. The model suggests that one is either right, or wrong, so that by proving someone wrong, the debunker makes a fallacious assumption that he is correct. But there might be more than one delusional cave wall for shadows to play on.
Part of the problem with abduction research, or any research into threshold phenomena, is that people tend to divide into either/or camps -- either people are getting picked up by space aliens or they're suffering from sleep paralysis or some other physical or mental illness.
It's a false dichotomy, and it does nothing but further entrench the believers on either side, shutting out more nuanced possibilities.
I had an episode of sleep paralysis several years ago. It could be dismissed as nothing more than textbook sleep paralysis except that it left physical evidence on my body.
I was staying at a bed and breakfast in West Virginia on a snowy weekend. I awoke in the middle of the night with my heart pounding, completely paralyzed. I was absolutely convinced that something malevolent was in the room with me. I could sense the evil presence clearly, though I could not turn my head to see anything. For a long time I lied immobile, fearing I was going to have a heart attack and die from the fear. Eventually I fell back asleep and remembered nothing else.
When I awoke in the morning, my girlfriend noticed a red hand print on my chest. I looked in the mirror and saw it -- bright red, very large, and six-fingered. Five long fingers and a thumb. She suggested that maybe I had been sleeping on my own hand, so I tried to twist my arm and hand to fit the print. It was physically impossible. Also, the fingers themselves were long and thin -- much longer than mine.
The print eventually faded.
One other interesting tidbit: That night, I had taken a fairly large dose of melatonin (a neurohormone), which I used to help me sleep. Melatonin increases the vividness and intensity of dreams, and is a tryptamine, a class of chemicals that includes the fascinating DMT molecule. One classic feature of DMT use is the perception of "others" -- a quick google search will reveal many fascinating encounters with what the users labeled elves, mantises, lizards, and other terms commonly used to describe UFO entities.
What I am suggesting is that contact experiences and trickster manifestations may not fall easily into reductionist categories like sleep paralysis, temporal lobe epilepsy, fantasy-prone hallucinations, or physical aliens beaming people onto spaceships. There is very likely an amorphous middle ground that the feuding theorists cannot or will not entertain.
But often the truth is found in the murky middle. Perhaps sleep paralysis is akin to a shamanic state, where the psyche/soul balances between the waking life and the dream world. In that state, those who are untrained to navigate the space are like lost, naked children -- easy and tempting prey for wandering archons or disembodied egregores.
We need to stop creating dichotomies and, like true Forteans, instead follow the evidence where it leads us.
Over the years my own thinking has morphed as I've followed the evidence and examined my own anomalous experiences. I'm convinced that the present dichotomies in Ufology, deep political analysis, ritual abuse, and other threshold subjects are harmful and actively serve to conceal the truth.
Instead of either/or, it's sometimes a bit of both. The abductees who cry foul when someone suggests sleep paralysis may be cutting themselves off from a piece of the larger truth.
As can often be seen in the comments here and elsewhere, people often get polarized on issues. Either there's a vast, global organization of pedophiles who ritually abuse victims to create mind-controlled assassins, or there isn't. Subtler or more nuanced explanations get lost in the squabbling or are branded disinformation or propaganda for one faction or another.
UFOs don't have to be either delusions and hoaxes or nuts and bolts spaceships from other worlds. Ritual abuse doesn't have to be either a vast, global network or a delusional panic.
The trick is to free ourselves from attachment to dogma of any kind and follow every lead with objectivity. I'm not saying I'm free of my own BS (belief systems), but I've found that actively remaining open to alternate possibilities and unattached to my own pet theories -- i.e. listening to what the "other side" has to say -- has been liberating and eye opening.
Check this out. I picked this up from Rense:
Rormer president of Indonesia is speaking out about the Bali "terror events", and involvement of Indonesian military and police. There is supposed to be a television broadcast today @ 1PM. I would try to catch it if at all possible:
Sunday, October 16, 2005 -
An extraordinary documentary produced by Australian public television, "Inside Indonesia's War on Terrorism," will be rebroadcast again on Monday, October 17 at 1PM.
In the program which first aired on October 12, the blind, former President of Indonesia – reportedly more trusted than any other official in the country - told SBS-TV Date-Line, Australia’s state-run public TV, that the horrendous Bali bombing, which killed more than 200 in Indonesia, was planned and carried out by Indonesian police or military personnel at the behest of Western powers.
The transcript has already reportedly been removed from the archives of the SBS, Australia's Special Broadcasting Services, but certain alternative Internet sites, apparently anticipating this, claim to have downloaded the transcript and have reproduced it in its entirety. One of them is, and the excerpt that follows is taking from its site. It features Abdurrahman Wahid, the former Indonesian president who has achieved an almost iconic status in that ordinarily peaceful but impoverished country.
It's somewhat off topic, but as I was reading this entry a word popped into my head that I hadn't thought of for many years -- BOMFOG.
The term can be used to refer to any kind of empty political rhetoric, but it was originally coined as an acronym for "the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God," a phrase regularly employed by Nelson Rockefeller back in his politicking days when he couldn't think of anything else to say.
The weird thing about this is that as nearly as I can tell the phrase seems to have originated in 19th century Theosophy -- either with Madame Blavatsky herself or with her fellows. See, for example, here.
I don't know where Rockefeller came up with it -- the Rockefellers in general, despite their leading role in RW conspiracy theory, don't generally seem to have much to do with the occult. But the connection keeps nagging at me.
Is it just me or does Clancy look strikingly like Brice Taylor?
I would think that sleep paralysis, if it exists, would have been genetically weeded out by now by natural selection.
In Britain, a phd student is supposed to discover or "bring forth" new methods of methodology or find new knowledge. The academic world, in many aspects could be a great hope to contain the obvious structural defects in our present socio-political manifestation.
Just a belated thought connection on the "predatory clown" meme from yesterday. Michael Jackson, Never-Never Land, amusement park atmosphere. Think about it next time you see his picture.
Professor Pan,
Hate to tell you this and this is by no means personal. But calling yourself Professor Pan rings a dinner bell for any demons within your parameter wishing to manifest themselves within the frame of reference we call our world. Legend has it that mentioning anything concerned with them is considered a kind of homage to them, and brings them closer to your proximity. In many cultures when a dark-side denizen's name is reluctantly mentioned, they often accompany it with a form of "curse him" or a small prayer to increase the buffer between this world and the next. I'm sure many of us have felt an overwhelming sense of an evil in certain environments. Perhaps some people are more sensitive than others but believe me there is yang to this ying.
Not trying to antagonize you or get religiously spooky, it's just a thought to assist in deciphering the un-welcome visit you incurred.
I would think that sleep paralysis, if it exists, would have been genetically weeded out by now by natural selection.
I believe most theories of sleep evolution suggest that it was the being still and quiet at night that provides sleep's survival edge... so sleep paralysis might actually be a good thing.
Last year the law lords ruled that the Human Rights Act applied in Iraq.
The Ministry of Defence appealled the decision.
That appeal is being heard RIGHT NOW.
If the decision is confirmed it means that Iraqi people must be treated as CITIZENS (in fact, as human beings)
Furthermore some very serious leaks took place last week. Correspondence between Peter Goldsmith and Geoff Hoon proves that there have been cover ups going on.
I posted it on one of the threads, but I can't remember which one. If you can review comments by name it will be twenty or so comments back.
(I'm one of nature's great disorganized)
Recently, I had a conversation with my father about my new cat. He asked if I remembered my old cat from childhood. I said, of course, and he then asked if I remembered finding that cat dead on my way to school, and running home in a fit of screaming and crying. I did not remember that in the least, and had a sort of screen memory of the cat being farmed out when we moved from that locale.
And yet, the good doctor says there are absolutely no recovered or screen memories. It's sham science at it's worst.
I do not believe that aliens are abducting folks, but I DO believe that humans are abducting folks. Montauk comes to mind, as does Col. Michael Aquino. Come now, would aliens be using technology that we ourselves possess? Surely, they would have a far more sophisticated means of control than dragging folks onto a disk-shaped craft, and stuffing implants up their noses. That is what WE do.
This sleep paralysis thing is, to me, funny. Its funny because I know it so well, and just cant believe the lack of belief people have in it.
I can get put myself into a state of "sleep paralysis" any night i want to. The fact that I choose not to is because it can be absolutley terrifying.
I can see living non human energies on the "astral plane" - whatever that is, and I have visions of far away places and events that sometimes come true.
When I wake up alseep, its dark, then I play with the energies, increase the vibration and slip out of my body and see my room in a weird way, but its my room. I can move through walls, and have a look around. That last for a while but pretty soon I loose focus and slip into an astral state, a weird world where living things that have never been human or even carbon exist - they are just energy, and not usually nice.
Those beings usually you see in the format that makes sense, initially I saw demons like gargoyles, and vicious animals, but as I have grown older and recognise my vision is intepretation. I now seem them as just plain energy.
This is where I see the whole alien abduction thing, they have been adbucted, and they have had sleep paralysis, and they have been dreaming. BUT they have been pulled from their body and prodded and played with and fed upon by entities that can only be seen in symblic format, as that is the only way an untrained mind/soul can see them.
This stuff is real, sleep paralysis is a symptom of a state that allows you to be free of your body.
Its dangerous, it leads to projection, a state of complete nakedness and weakness.
I cant tell you that my experiences on the astral plane whilst real to me, are in need of training as its often chaotic and unfocused.
You get that training at occult establishments, but having been raised a christian I find it evil and just plain terrifying. I often have trouble getting to sleep, I just dont want to go there.
These sceptics are fools.
Sleep paralysis is the first step in occult training, real occult training. It's been used for thousands of years, and its the raw direct form of remote viewing, channelling, talking to aliens - whatever.
Stay away from it - deal with it when you die.
anonymous 7:09, thanks, that's fascinating. It helps pull together some threads for me I knew should be pulled together, but didn't know how. I hope to develop my thoughts in a follow-up post.
Anom 7:09,
Damn man, what a story! I too have had this strange paralysis for years...before and still... I would mention it to people and they would look at me funny. I agree, somehow it is terrifying and I don't know why, it is dark, and there are 'things' out there that scare me and I don't know why.But there seems to be tremendous power?Knowledge?Secrets that are daring me to find out? I know I am asleep, but sometimes don't know when/if I have waken up.
I must ask....could this aspect of our reality be in any way 'good', or used for a good purpose? Or has your Christian upbringing biased you to believe it only evil?
I do not mean to be cocky, just curious, as I too have 'Christian beliefs', but I now think there "is more to heaven and earth than are in our philosophys" coin a phrase.
"Sleep paralysis" IS real. It's happened to me many times. Yes, it can be terrifying. Yes, it can be a gateway to other levels of perception (the so-called astral and other planes). But you're not naked and weak there unless you think you are. In fact, you'll be far more able to directly alter that reality than this, and you're far more powerful than most entities you'd ever casually encounter. As a Christian, you could see yourself enveloped and shielded by God's love, and blast your foes with his divine energy- they will wither and flee your assault. It's true there are horrifying things out there; there are also states and beings so great and beautiful as to defy description. The choice is yours- whether to cower in fear, or go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Sleep paralysis can be the key to a wonderful state of being- your naked consciousness set free in a universe limited only by imagination- or it can be a source of trepidation and even outright terror. I know because it's been both to me. It's your call to decide which it will be for you.
P.S. For those who regularly experience sleep paralysis, see if you can force yourself to take long, deep breaths. It will help calm you and slide you from that state. It may be to sleep, it may be to wakefulness, or it may be to somewhere completely new...
Professor Pan,in reference to the 6 fingered handprint you found: this is from 2Samuel 21:
15" Once again there was a battle between the Philistines and Israel. David went down with his men to fight against the Philistines, and he became exhausted. 16 And Ishbi-Benob, one of the descendants of Rapha, whose bronze spearhead weighed three hundred shekels [b] and who was armed with a new sword , said he would kill David. 17 But Abishai son of Zeruiah came to David's rescue; he struck the Philistine down and killed him. Then David's men swore to him, saying, "Never again will you go out with us to battle, so that the lamp of Israel will not be extinguished."
��� 18 In the course of time, there was another battle with the Philistines, at Gob. At that time Sibbecai the Hushathite killed Saph, one of the descendants of Rapha.
��� 19 In another battle with the Philistines at Gob, Elhanan son of Jaare-Oregim [c] the Bethlehemite killed Goliath [d] the Gittite, who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver's rod.
��� 20 In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot—twenty-four in all. He also was descended from Rapha. 21 When he taunted Israel, Jonathan son of Shimeah, David's brother, killed him.
��� 22 These four were descendants of Rapha in Gath, and they fell at the hands of David and his men."
These are the Niphilim, half breeds of the fallen angels that mated with mortal women in times before the flood, and after. Many believe that such as these are the cause of (at least some) cases of channelled spirits and hauntings. They are some scary shit, Prof. and if you're without Jesus Christ it's like defending yourself with an empty gun.
and if you're without Jesus Christ it's like defending yourself with an empty gun.
Yes, clearly we need more dogma. That's a solution.
Blast them with love energy from your heart chakra and they'll leave you alone, and run away if they have to. Do it hard enough and the lizard fuckers might even curl up and die.
We have real hope, folks, and it doesn't come in the form of religious subjugation. You don't need a deity. You are a powerful being of love and positivity. That is your weapon, and it works really well.
The albs, or elemental beings who are active in man were seen by clairvoyant persons in early Germanic history, but thay are no longer recognised by modern man. Rudolf Steiner described them as follows: "Albs - what kind of beings are they? An alb is an astral being about whom one no longer really knows anything. People recognised them back in Atlantean times, and they also appear now as intruders in special intermediate states of consciousness. Some people feel as if there were a flowing in of a higher world. The alb comes and presses down on them" Elsewhere, Rudolf Steiner indicates that man "is under the influence of astral elemental beings. A certain elemental being clings to him. It is a hindering enemy, a disruptive enemy of his development. German mythology calls these beings which cling to man, "albs". They become manifest in a particular form in certain nightmares. In these dreams one feels as if a being were sitting on one's chest. This is the first being one sees when one becomes astrally clairvoyant. This is the dragon which has to be fought ... During the higher birth on the astral plane, one has to kill the sphinx before one can go further .. The elemental works with increasing force upon all occultists who remain egotistical, and it becomes manifest in a terrible way ... Evolution is delayed by these elemental beings" World Ether Elemental Beings Kingdoms of Nature - Ernst Hagemann
Speaking in the early 20th century, Steiner predicted that more and more people would experience breakthrough consciousness and would be in danger of thinking themselves (or being thought) insane. I am inclined to see religious visions and (most)ufo experiences as subjective manifestations of similar phenomena - science IS the religion of modern man and we've been subject to 'other world' literature since Jules Verne and HG Wells...
Re: Sleep Paralysis.
As anon said, SP is indeed a very real phenomenon, and has been taught as the prelude to deep occult training for thousands of years(Hebrews Mystics called it "the sleep of light").
After some level of practice, guided or not, anyone can induce this state. It leads to OBE and "contact" on occassion. I do this most every night, although deep Lucid Dreaming is more useful.
Indeed there are a number of predatory/vampiric entities living in the "aether" or Dreamtime just next to our consciousness, vibrating just slightly out of reach.
I should add that they may take many forms but are of an energetic state which is viewed through a variety of "cultural" lenses. Some see Aliens, some demons, some see angels. I've seen all of these, and other things besides.
I don't know that I'd say that ALL Fortean phenomena is caused by these entities, nor even that all of these entities neccessarily share the same agenda. I also caution that even if such entities are "real" does not mean that they are the sole perpetrators of these events. Human agencies might take advantage of people besides, whether during this hypnagogic state or otherwise. Indeed, there could even be real Aliens flying around in space besides(statistically likely).
Remember of course, that the reason you can experience them is that your own soul is made of the same stuff. It is this fact that allows them to "feed" on your emotional states to begin with.
This means you can hit them as easy as they can hit you.
It also means that if "they" can appear as whatever they want to you, then YOU can do likewise.
Take no shit from Qlippothic entities.
I suggest a simple banishing ritual. Drawing an imaginary circle around yourself in this state is often enough. Failing this, projections of various of your own energies can chase them away.
They hate the "ARRA" star and all of its adherents via their enemies, the initiates of the Boat. Often the names of these initiates alone are enough to frighten them. These include: Abram, Christ, Mohammed, Gotama, Krisha, Oannes, etc.
Failing this, a number of anti-Qlippothic techniques are included in most occult teachings, even those of the so-called "dark side".
Personally, I don't mind them that much. They never eat all of it, and they aren't so bad once you get to know them.
Cheers, happy hunting.
Love is the Law,
Love under Will;
Till the Boat Comes in.
Hi all,
this is completely offtopic, but maybe of interest for you. Check out the book cover of Professor Gray's book: False Dawn
He's an professor at LSE and quite well known in britain.
Thanking Jefff and all posters for all the food for thought. Much love to all. Even useing a name after the Cassandra incident. I don't post much, but love the dissucions on this site and hope it continues. Love to all.
I believe I have experienced sleep paralysis myself. I get rigid and I try screaming but nothing happens. There always seems to be something, slightly malevolent, in the room with me. I usually wake myself up when my silent scream turns into a moan-like noise. For many years I have thought this to be some sort of dreaming but it just seems more real to me.
For those of you offering advice on what to do during this state - like drawing a ring of light around you - I have one question: how??? This is PARALYSIS and we can't move. I've always just tried to ride it out simply because I can't do anything. What do we do?
Sleep paralysis:
Absolutely without qualification the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced.
It's like when you've been sitting for a long, long time in a certain position and suddenly find that a foot, or a leg, or an arm has "gone asleep" and cannot be moved. You grab onto the effected limb, shake it violently, experience that creepy tingly feeling, and eventually regain control.
Only with sleep paralysis, you awaken in the middle of the night to find that you CANNOT MOVE AT ALL!
Your legs won't move. Your arms won't. It flashes through your mind in a moment of utter terror that you have totally lost control of yourself and cannot even scream for help. You are trapped in the worst kind of cage imaginable.
Sorry that I can't provide a link or any other documentation, but I read some time ago that sleep paralysis tends to strike when people are SLEEPING ON THEIR BACKS. In theory, anyway, it may have something to do with a nerve in the back of the head that comes under pressure.
Ever since reading this, I've made it a point of going to sleep only on my side, never on my back.
So far, so good!
the way sleep seems to have evolved has allowed it to include sleep paralysis, the following is taken from the excellent Total man by Stan Gooch:
"1, the electrical activity of the brain of a fully conscious individual, with eyes open, is characterized by low-voltage, rapid and irregular waves.
2, when a subject is awake, but relaxed or resting with eyes closed, or when in a reverie or day-dream, the so-called alpha rhythms appear. these are detected at the back of the head having a frequency of some ten waves per second.
3, as a person becomes drowsy, the alpha rhythm is lost and replaced by irregular slower waves.
4, as true speep begins the waves become larger and yet slower (the so-called delta waves), which alternate, however, with sharp, small bursts or 'spindles' of fast waves from the front of the head. the presence of these spindles is an important recognition-mark of true sleep, also termed orthodox sleep.
5, about an hour after the onset of sleep the first period of dreaming begins.the state of sleep acompanying dreaming is often called paradoxical sleep. it is characterized by low-voltage, rapid, irregular waves very similar to those displayed in the waking state. however despite the demonstration that the cortex is active in a manner resembling its normal waking state, it is, paradoxically, much harder to arouse an individual from this kind of sleep than from orthodox sleep....a further manifestation which acompanies the onset of paradoxical sleep, not so far mentioned, is that muscles which have so far remained partly tensed now relax completely - in particular the muscles at the back of the neck, allowing the head to loll and also those of the jaw, allowing the mouth to drop open. the individual is now paralysed - not stiff, but with totally relaxed, lifeless muscles. it is doubtless from this that the feeling of being trapped or unable to move arises in some dreams."
"There are more things in heaven and earth, …"
The phrase was coined by William Shakespeare in Hamlet; Act 1. scene V.
Ghost: (claiming to be the spirit of Hamlet’s father, inducing him to exact revenge)
… But that I am forbid
To tell the secrets of my prison-house,
I could a tale unfold whose lightest word
Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood,
Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres,
Thy knotted and combined locks to part
And each particular hair to stand on end,
Like quills upon the fretful porpentine:
But this eternal blazon must not be
To ears of flesh and blood.
HAMLET (afterwards, to his cohorts)
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
This incident happened to me when I was 17 years old (in 1988). I was living in central New York state, in a rural town where the nearest pay phone was about 13 miles in any direction.
I lived in the attic of my Mother's house, as it afforded me plenty of room for myself. The night when this happened was in late summer. I awoke to the sounds of deep hissing in my ears. I looked over at the clock, which read either 2:37 or 3:27, one of those combinations.
I then looked down at the foot of my bed and saw it being pressed downwards, as if by some great weight. I was lying flat on my back, and I could hardly move a muscle. I then made out what I thought was the coils of an enormous snake like a diamondback at the foot of the bed.
The body of this serpent was almost wider than I was, and its head was about as wide as my torso. The snake had a dull golden coloration, specked with evenly spaced diamond patterns on its scales. The diamonds were orange with a brown trim, and its eyes were tinted with luminous red.
The snake then started coiling about my lower and middle body, and its head started poking about my chest, as if it was looking for a way into my body cavity. It did this for a few seconds, although it felt like a few minutes.
Then I pictured a scene in my mind of a swamp, littered with half serpent/half reptilian forms, all somehow colored like the snake. It was as if the snake was trying to show me something. The serpent/reptile variants were all lined up like insects in a glass museum display on the ground, while the perimeter was lined with bamboo reeds.
I didn't preceive exactly when the snake's presence disappeared, nor do I remember the weight lifting off the bed and the hissing stopping. I dozed back off after going over in my mind what had just happened. But I have not to this day forgotten this chilling experience.
ah Jeff, such contented little lambs, it hardly seems right to disturb them.
but first, for whatever associative connection, Clancy, and her little doll, brought to mind the, um, 'work', of dear Sigmund.
"Freud originally dealt with patients with psychosomatic symptoms which he classified into two groups. One group he called neurasthenics,...The other group were hysterics, women whose sexual repressions at an early age caused them to display psychosomatic symptoms...
He put forth theories of infantile sexuality--that a child has sexual feelings toward his mother or her father (Oedipus complex and Electra complex), that girls suffer from penis envy (boys have something they don't), and boys have a castration complex (fear of having the penis cut off)...
He termed the clitoris a "stunted penis,"... since she does not wish to be reminded of the superiority of her brother or playmate, and turns away from sexuality altogether." She blames her mother for "having sent her into the world so insufficiently equipped" (without a penis) and emulates her father, eventually wanting a baby from him. She survives these feelings by marrying a man like her father, recognizing his authority, and making do with him and his penis..."
and about as useful I daresay. whichever angle you're looking at it from. certainly helps to keep them away from the 'nuts and bolts' department of the likes of
"Doctor Jose Delgado:
"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind."
(Congressional Record, New York Times)
"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.
"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain."
These were the remarks of Dr. Jose Delgado as they appeared in the February 24, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118.
Despite Dr. Delgado's outlandish statements before Congress, his work was financed by grants from the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Aero-Medical Research Laboratory, and the Public Health Foundation of Boston."
and exciting little rants like the following -
"Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscle movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training..."
the '21st century' bit is somewhat deceptive. as indicated by the study you've cited, some of these projects were already well orchestrated in the '50's.
Never posted, but love the site Jeff. Thanks for your efforts.
Scary things. Yes they happen.
I'm an engineer/businessman – highly rooted in the rational world. (I’m VP of an oil company I started up with some colleagues – yes I have some definite and well grounded opinions on Peak Oil but that is for another posting).
I had a completely baffling experience a few years ago. I’ve mostly put it out of mind; but it’s come back to the forefront.
My family was asleep upstairs in our two story home. Maybe it is 1:00 AM. I’m downstairs on the computer.
I distinctly hear someone (thing?) coming down the stairs. Could easily be a person walking – the correct pacing and volume of noise. I’d never heard any stirring from anyone sleeping upstairs, and wondered if one of my kids was sleepwalking or something.
Then – I saw “it”.
“It” came to the bottom of the stairs where I could see it. It must have been fairly tall – adult size. The only part I could really see was the head area, the rest was still behind the corner. It looked like……… well the best I can describe is the camouflage that was employed by the alien in The Predator movies. Kind of see through but distorted on its surface.
It saw me at the same time I saw it. And it wasn’t happy by this – it turned tail and headed back up the stairs with me chasing it.
I checked all the rooms upstairs to find the bugger and was astonished to see in our bedroom the glass fireplace doors were open. I surmise that’s how it got in and out too. In its haste apparently didn’t have time to close them.
By now my wife is awake and appraised of the situation. She’d heard nothing.
I placed some objects in front of the fireplace doors, ensured the draft was closed, and haven’t seen the prick again.
Around the same time……….. (can’t remember before or after)
We had a problem for six months or so with crows pecking on our windows. Lots. All the time.
We asked the neighbors if this was happening to them too. No, they said.
After a while I got tired of the whole performance and being an old farm-boy took a farm-boy approach to solving the problem. They haven’t been back. Maybe I missed a huge message in all this? Maybe should have checked out one of the native Shamans or something? I’d be interested in opinions.
Most recent (six months or a year ago?) I was in the sleep/wakeing stage and literally had something buzzing in my face. Never saw it but more heard and felt it. I stirred somewhat and it moved down towards my feet, and then away. I went back to sleep. I’ve heard similar noises in the house but on investigation never seen anything. Me perception is of a giant bee or a model helicopter?
Finally – we regularily hear odd noises; upstairs while the children are sleeping I could swear there is someone walking around up there – go to check on them and they are all sound asleep. Too young to fake it (2,4, and 7)
Our kids are all interesting – my oldest is a boy with Autism and a lot of behavioral issues. I can’t help but to wonder if there is a connection.
Anyways – would LOVE to get some feedback about the experiences and suggestions.
I’ll post some Peak Oil thoughts later – your gonna have to trust me on this as I know my stuff on the matter and most of the things I read on this site relating to it are crap. I’M NOT an expert in spiritual matters however and may need help.
Thanks – anon oilman
Having experienced many bouts of apparent sleep paralysis I've conditioned myself to try and fight or overcome it by consciously making every effort to force myself to move. Little by little I have discovered how very real, difficult and tangible the experience is to try to move during an episode of apparent sleep paralysis.
The last time occured several weeks ago when fast asleep I found myself laying flat on my back and being aware that I couldn't move so I focused all my attention on my right leg and tried with all of my might to move it. I perceived my breathing rate and body heat increase from the exertion.Then I stopped and said to myself it doesn't make sense to not be able to move yet be completely aware of this experience so maybe there's something wrong. Looking around the room I was surprised to see a dwarf sized grey gargoyle looking thing sitting on my wife's back looking back at me. It hissed in surprise when it saw I was able to see it. I mustered all my strength and concentrated on moving my right arm. It was very difficult and felt like I was tearing the very cells in my arm apart. It burned like pins and needles, but slowly I raised my arm and grabbed the creatures skinny arm, it resisted but wasn't very strong. I brought it to my mouth and bit the little bugger as hard as I could. I lost my front teeth when I was young leaving only the canines in place. I actually felt them sink deep into its arm which was about the size of a turkey drumstick. It gave out a yelp, took of through the wall I think and POP I was awake and able to move freely, feeling like a heavy weight had just lifted off my entire body. I looked over to see my wife asleep laying in exactly the same position she was when IT was sitting on her.
This is the most lucid, tactile sleep experience I've had leaving me a bit wiser and more determined than ever to fight any future episodes with everything I have.
Sleep paralysis or alien abduction? My jury is still out. But on another note. One night I dreamt I was electrocuted. The whole bed shook jarring both my wife and I awake. When I asked her what happened she said she had just dreamt she was struck by lightening. We had both felt a strong jolt of electricity go through us! There's definitely something going on and I don't think we'll find answers constrained by this conscious mind, physical dimension we define ourselves by.
danDNA said:
about an hour after the onset of sleep the first period of dreaming begins.the state of sleep acompanying dreaming is often called paradoxical sleep. it is characterized by low-voltage, rapid, irregular waves very similar to those displayed in the waking state. however despite the demonstration that the cortex is active in a manner resembling its normal waking state, it is, paradoxically, much harder to arouse an individual from this kind of sleep than from orthodox sleep....
Now this I find interesting. I haven't experienced sleep paralysis, but I do have nightmares at times -- and I discovered years ago, when I was keeping a dream diary, that most of my nightmares occur an hour to an hour and a half after I go to sleep. Also, what few nightmares I do have later in the night tend to be about relatively mundane scary things (like rapists or the CIA, or alien invaders), while the early nightmares are often totally bizarre and tripped out.
I've suspected for a long time that those kinds of nightmares are the result of a disruption of what would normally be deep sleep. It has also seemed to me that in them, the mind is contacting a deeper level of reality than that of the normal dream-state, and that this in itself can make them terrifying, even in cases where there is no obvious menace.
As a fictional example, I'd cite the ending of Alice Through the Looking-Glass, where an experience that has been dreamlike and irrational all along suddenly becomes far more intense, overwhelming, and conceptually unacceptable, to the point where Alice has no choice but to awaken.
On the other hand, there are levels of wisdom as well as fear in nightmares. I remember one dream that began taking on nightmarish qualities when two men I was talking to started to morph into alien monsters. Suddenly, I found myself saying, "What do you want to do that for? This has been a pretty good dream so far, and we're all enjoying it, but if you do that I'll have to wake up, and then where will you be?" So they turned back into ordinary men and the dream went on.
It certainly wasn't "me" talking. Even when I do have lucid dreams -- and this wasn't one of them -- the "me" that becomes aware has about the maturity of a 12 year old and no clue as to how to make use of the situation. There's also a background "me" that is apparently always aware it's dreaming but doesn't find it worth making an issue of the fact. But this voice was something else again and didn't seem like "me" at all -- more like a higher level of awareness that was speaking through me. So who was it?
But then, that's what the Caterpillar asked Alice, isn't it?
This might interest you:
Clyde Lewis runs a less-popular equivalent of the Art Bell show -- you'll get the idea reading through the story -- but the story above is very curious:
a) man brings in a seemingly-innocuous picture of a grassy field, except hiding in some bushes, if you look carefully, one can make out what appears to be a mostly-transparent (all but the eyes, really) stereotypical alien (I have no reason to believe Lewis guilty of photoshopping this).
b) Promoting the photo apparently leads to visits from stereotypical Men In Black, getting carbombed as a warning (read it, you'll see he's not grasping at straws)
c) Eventually, a real armyman shows up and tells Lewis the photo's of a predator-style optical camouflage suit under development
d) the matter's not resolved
But the conflux of high strangeness suggests that predator-style camouflaging of some sort's been around for over six years, if not longer...note, the photo was taken in Utah near what's now Dugway Proving grounds, if that's near your locale and the time frame's similar this might be more relevant than just another datapoint.
As a sidenote, anticholinergic drugs -- belladonna, datura, and other old witches' brews, plus some of the antihistamines (as heavy side effects) -- consumed at high levels lead to truly bizarre experiences -- one forgets one's under the influence, which is extremely rare in all other classes of psychoactives -- the memories of which are mostly unrecoverable. However, during the early onset it is commonly reported that one gains the ability to perceive a kind of translucent ectoplasm flowing around and perhaps through the surfaces of objects, etc., and it's not uncommon that this is also described as predator camouflage; if you buy into the possibility that psychoactive substances can -- in addition to simply garble one's perceptions and present the mind with pretty noise -- bring forward normally-filtered out or ignored perceptions, it is then not impossible that their is something real that, under certain influences, is represented to your conscious self as that reflective-translucent 'predator camouflage', and that perhaps some entities mask themselves behind this (so that they are ignored under normal circumstances and under abnormal circumstances still difficult to perceive).
Both this and the Clyde Lewis story are rather tenuous datapoints, to be sure, but in the absence of either a framework or more conclusive data both are connections perhaps worth considering.
You said my post helped in bringing some threads together. Maybe this will interest you - I think the most important "thing" for me right now is occult symbolism - which can be anything from actions, to signs, to words or music.
I dont not know how the astral plane overlaps with the normal reality we experience through our biological inputs. But I cant tell you that shared realities, shared symbols in particular are very easy to conjure, travel to, "see" or whatever.
OK, sceptics will say that this is because these symbols are well known to me - well thats the point!
I have come to a conclusion that occultists use symbols to feed that vision into the minds of the many to imprint its existence on the astral plane. The more conscious minds see/hear/feels the symbols, the stronger their imprint. They are building structures on astral reality with our conscious awareness.
Then they can use their skill with the astral plane to influence thru those symbols.
This is true witchcraft, not wearing red cloaks and chanting to satan.
I cant prove this, and I dont care to, its just obvious to me.
There are people who are into full spectum dominance, at the moment its TV, Radio, Movies etc. but the remote viewing program from the US government was the begining of a serious attempt to use the astral plane to control, to win.
This is why in my view, the intelligence services appear to be involved in the occult.
As we start to see more and more alien abductions and weird sightings we have to ask - are we opening channels that we are not able/designed/evolved to deal with?
I know from experience that as you excerise your abilites in this area you increase your energy and you attract entities that want to feed on your awareness. Disgusting, but that is the way it looks to me.
Hence why I say - leave it alone.
Anonymous 7:09
BTW Ive done drugs, and the hallucinations are completley internal, they have no use whatsoever in this regard. The withdrawl several days after taking Amphetamines can help you sleep heavily and the seortonin crash can induce Sleep Paralysis, but you cant control it.
To Anon 6:53
From Anon Oilman
Thanks for comments wrt my late night visitor! I appreciate the information you laid out as it is new to me, but unfortunately it doesn’t offer a satisfactory explanation.
First scenario – high-tech cammo. My thought is that unless the “high-tech predator style cammo clad soldier” can squeeze his way up my chimney I must dismiss this explanation. Maybe they’ve got soldiers who have predator style cammo PLUS Mr. Fantastic’s stretchy power? OK that’s STRETCHING my credulousness way too far. Pun intended of course!
Second scenario – drug induced hallucinations and/or plugging into different perceptions. Alas no drug ingestion to assist my experience (over the counter or otherwise!) and the troubling tangible physical reality of the fireplace doors being opened makes me dismiss hallucination. The more I think about the experience the more I think some recreational drug induced hallucinations might help me deal with reality better though!
As per my living location, I don’t live near any spooky USMIL bases. I live in a major Canadian center, in a suburban setting of relatively high population density.
A “feeling” I had wrt the visitor – it was there for some reason – looking for something – I had a feeling of “intention”. I racked my brains about that for a while and couldn’t come up with anything interesting. I don’t have any authentic stuff that should interest a spook (gov’t or otherwise!). Some fake shamanic masks that I have hanging on the walls, other than that there isn’t anything remotely interesting in my house to a spook.
The critter was just darned lucky he didn’t step on a Hot Wheel or Barbie strewn on the stairs and come crashing down in an amorphous semi-invisible heap!
Anyways – hope to hear more!
Anon Oilman
It's me again. Take two shots in the dark, not suprising if both miss, eh?
Just to clarify, though, I wasn't suggesting that yor experiences were a result of drug use; rather, I was suggesting that there's tangential evidence that there's a portion of the brain that, in response to a certain stimulus, perceives 'predator camo' sort of hovering around things. A certain class of drugs triggers that circuit, but there's no saying if other things might, also -- ie, that it triggers in response to an exceedingly rare stimulus (how often do mystery beings show up?).
It's far-out speculation, but why not? At this point it's outta my league, you'll have to ask the more spiritual types to take you further, I'm afraid.
If this was a steven king novel you'd be going to the local hall of records to see if your house is over an indian burial ground or some jazz like that...Also: (further tongue-in-cheek) it _could_ have slid a rope down from a ufo hovering over your chimney to get inside...
As always Jeff, your synthesis has so many potential leads I don't know where to start.
I'm no writer like you and some of the other peanut gallery commentators (whom I adore) so I'll do what I seem to do best, throw out a bunch of leads that were kindled from your essay and the commentators...
- I'd forgotten about Arthur Young's connection to the space people, especially The Nine. I was honored to have met Mr. Young just before he died. I was in Berkeley to give a speech to the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness. I ventured down to Arthur's house (given directions and an invitation from a close friend of Arthur's who was an Austinite and Rudolf Steinerite) and was pleased to be entertained by his aging speech patterns as he regaled me with tales of his contacts with so many famous counter-culture folks. We talked of McKenna and Lilly and many others. Since he knew of my interest in close encounters and "alien abductions" he set about saying he had no interest in those types of encounters and preferred the evidence for contact with superior space-brothers. I was shocked at his belief in what to my mind has always seemed even more ridiculous than some of the abduction narratives. While in his home I also met another hanger-on who was living in the attic. He and I spoke about DMT and McKenna's assertions that most folks witness the chattering elves under its influence, this particular fellow (David perhaps?) said he had only seen undulating dragons.
[Here are links to my SAC speech: or you can listen to the recording of me reading it as fast as I can here ]
- Having led an Experiencer Support Group / Study Group during the height of the Abduction "craze" I am very familiar with the wide variety of encounters that don't fit into the Sleep Paralysis mold. That said, I think several of the comments in this thread have pointed at at least part of it's relevance to some of the phenomena.
One example of an encounter experienced by members of our local study group involved a multi-witness event that truly straddles the realms between "bedroom visitation" and just plain strange events; the two men in question had been living together for a time, sleeping in separate rooms in the same house, both with a history of strange experiences. One night the big guy, Hagar, hears his friend Bo, calling for help in the next room. He jumps out of bed and hurtles himself towards Bo's room only to be stopped in his tracks by an invisible wall where the door would be. He sees a dark shape hovering above Bo in his bed and proceeds to slam his four fingered hand (Hagar had lost a finger years before) into the invisible wall. The next thing they both know, it's morning and Hagar says he is laying in his bed in a position completely alien to his sleeping habits. They don't immediately speak about the incident but within days they realize they both had the experience and proceed to confer on the details. Bo remembers being in bed and feeling something pulling the covers off of him from the foot of the bed. He eventually sees a dark shape there and starts screaming for Hagar. He recalls Hagar being at the doorway to his room and being unable to enter. This is but one of the strange experiences these two had at this house as well as at other points in there lives when they didn't know each other. Karla Turner, a wonderful investigator whose life was cut short by a quick acting cancer, investigated and wrote about their experiences and this encounter but I've been unable to find a link to provide here. Before her untimely death, Karla Turner was bucking the traditional abduction research hypotheses and leaning more towards induced Virtual Reality Scenarios.
See and or listen to these interviews with her here and here
- My own brief experiences with False Awakenings and Sleep Paralysis...
SMILESDreamTime Logos
7/12/94 - Took Steve (Mizrach) to airport so I was up early. Returned from airport and went back to sleep. Sitting in bed I'm suddenly slurping the honey-dewed crotch of a beautiful woman; my arms & legs entwined with her in a loving/lusty embrace, but flashing back to my bedroom where I lay clutching my pillow-shifting from "reality" to dreamtime, yet visions of "reality" room space and "dream" room space are only slightly different-nearly identical perspectives.
Back in "reality" I notice that my bedroom door is opening to reveal Sean and Steve (Romano) standing in my doorway and for a brief instant I am embarrassed at the possibility of them witnessing this intimate moment in BOTH Reality and DreamTime! AND THEN. . .
I seem to get up and go out of my bedroom into my office/living room where loud light and sound is beckoning there are dark-skinned short-people ALL OVER my office..... sorta harrassing me as I go downstairs in search of Sean. I go out his front door to find him sitting on a car under the tree in the driveway. The garage door is open & despite the evident commotion all around I proceed to sit and tell Sean about all the friggin people up stairs. He grunts in the direction of the yard: construction is occuring and a strange stairwell is stark against our old house. I inspect the interior and the changes are quite odd.
Then I believe I "woke up" AGAIN and went downstairs/outside to tell someone and I'm in the yard. The other property was a patio/coffee cafe thing with a little astro-turf green area. I'm then standing abreast with two women. One I embrace as my lover ( the other is my daughter?). My anima/soul mate and I move into my house which inside is open like our old deaf friend's multi-leveled interiored house (which is geographicly less than a mile away as the crow flys). As we continue to embrace we tumble into a soft love-seat and I then TRULY awaken . . . . -this morning!
4/20/96 - Well... this morning I had some of the most intense sleep paralysis ever.... and I can begin to see how a powerful modern mythos like THE ALIEN GREY CONSPIRACY could cause one to see this event as possibly related.
Basicly I woke up after only three hours of sleep at K's apartment-drove the 5-10 minute drive to my shack in the woods. I went directly back to bed and had three 'partial-awakenings' that were accompanied by terrific paralysis! I had just 'been in the dreamtime' when I found my consciousness back in my bed at home but my body was deadened and I could not sit up for the life of me. No matter how I tried I could not lift my chest and head. The paralysis was broken when I tried to move my extremities ever so slighting but gradually more. This happened this morning on what felt like 3 different occassions. One time my knees seemed to be the first thing I could move, another time (or two) my hands. I have read a little which seems to show this as typical. When 'conscious' and paralyzed I felt that whatever my previous dream had been it had some connection. I don't recall the dreams I had. They did seem rather interesting as far as confronting one's fears goes. I think they are dreams I had after the paralysis.
While paralyzed I got the distinct impression that, despite how badly my body/mind wanted to just 'fall back into that dark abyss of deep sleep,' something very bad might happen to me if I didn't fight it. 'Unconscious' fear of the jungian other or collective unconscious as shadow?
Nearly all of my adult hood false awakenings have followed realtime false awakenings, ie- after I've been roused but then go back to sleep within 5 or 10 minutes. I've read that one of the aspects of lucid dream periods is the commonness of waking and going back to sleep both in realtime and dreamtime.
The relation of sleep paralysis to false awakenings seems important. The only other recent sleep paralysis encounter was back at my Oxofrd Ave home. It involved the sensation of a yellow light coming from the hall thru my bedroom door which was opening as if someone (or thing) were pushing it open. Once again the sensation of numbness (though not to the degree of this morning's events) persisted until I "ROLLED" my body out of it and over, off my side, to 'see the door.' I believe the spell was broken but briefly before I fell back to sleep. During this incredibly brief event I thought of the abducting alien grey scenario that might be unfolding. But all of these sleep paralysis events are short and within that fantastic excluded middle that can be easily forgotten without a little conscious intent to remember.
(Could this have something to do with the new research linking WAKING experience of the THETA brain wave state in "mystics", ie-people claiming to see and/or converse with apparitions/spirits? Theta is also associated with PK experiments from around the globe! What if we all really ARE creating the world's events, ala Jeff Lewis, thru our dreaming selves' theta energies?!? What if we could free our minds of the programmed dream circuits of JL's Biblical Apocalypse Programming?)
Are our confrontations with these new/old states frightening because of our typical xenophobic autoimmune system genetic wiring? I have thought this as possible before in regards to the abduction experience as traumatic for our societies lack of experience with these altered states but can see them as possibly beneficial for our protection. "What if they really do suck yer soul when you go into the light?"
"They LiveWe Sleep" WAKE UP !!!
- Sleep Paralysis, Out of Body Experiences, Apparitions etc. - some of the most interesting work I've ever seen on these subjects is by British scientist Celia Green and Alan Worsley (first person to ever communicate, in the lab, from the lucid dream state to the waking state) who can go from a waking state to a lucid dream state intentionally.
Apparitions by Celia Green & Charles McCreery (1975)
Lucid Dreams by Celia Green (1968) 1982 Hardback reprint (Excellent Research Tool)
Out-of-the-Body Experiences by Celia Green (1968)
Interview with Celia Green, Author of the 1968 Classic, Lucid Dreams
Institute of Psychophysical Research, Oxford, England;
Athabasca University and University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Celia Green, in her analysis of lucid dreaming, identified two varieties of false awakening. In Type 1, the person seems to have woken from a dream and reflects on things normally.
In Type 2, the individual seems to have woken, but there is a somewhat oppressive atmosphere:
I thought I was awake. It was still night and my room very dark. Although it seemed to me that I was awake, I felt curiously disinclined to move. The atmosphere seemed charged, to be in a 'strained' condition. I had a sense of invisible, intangible powers at work, which caused this feeling of aerial stress. I became expectant. Certainly, something was about to happen.
Fox,O, Astral Projection, University Books, New York, page 48.
AND ...
Alan Worsley - Lucid Encounters in the Imaginal State: Controlled Exploration in the Realm of the Metachoric
Convincing imaginal experiences - dreams, OOBEs, NDEs, alien abduction - occur unexpectedly to people who are unprepared, possibly frightened, with specific cultural expectations. In these circumstances ontologicai considerations ("Is it real?") tend to be neglected. Consequently, coherent informed pre-arranged experiments concurrent with the experience are unusual. Techniques to induce comparable experiences predictably while maintaining clarity of thought allow intra-state experiments to investigate phenomenology. They afford opportunities to observe, even guide, subjective content and also obtain physiological measures (EEG, brain scan). Evidence thus gathered and verified suggests induced alternate realities can be as remarkable and realistic as spontaneous cases.
Alan Worsley is a psychologist and author, and conducts independent instrumented research into consciousness during sleep, dream guidance and lucidity induction. In 1975, at Hull University, England, he made the first communication from dream state by coded eye movement signals recorded by Keith Hearne on EEG polygraph. In the 1980s, he was subject and experimenter in experiments at St Thomas's Hospital, London, with Peter Fenwick, using conscious dream control to study correspondence between reported dreamed events and actual physiological activity. This study demonstrated Morse code communication from the dreamer, and, by showing the dreamer's ability to receive and acknowledge coded signals, possible two-way communication with and between dreamers.
Well, that's enough for now. Keep up the great work Jeff!
As long as you are pretty sure your anomalous event was not some kind of a warning, you might as well leave it alone. There is so much that is beyond us. We are probably better off to stick to our own realm of understanding, and let the higher beings tend to their business. There is a lot to be said for the notion of staying in your own back yard. Generally, we all have more than enough on our plates just taking care of our natural and worthwhile business.
Maybe all we really need to know, at this point, is that there is more than meets the eye, and more than we know. Likely, much more than we will ever be able to know, either now or in the hereafter. Get used to it. We are finite beings. It is good for us if we fulfill what God intends for us. It is probably for no good to try to be more than our Creator meant for us to be.
All those people wanting to 'evolve' to higher planes, or whatever, I just think they are losing track of the real purpose of our present existence. Looking beyond the mark, as it were. This life is so temporary and short. I think we should focus on the good things we are obviously equipped and meant to do. Some people yearning to go beyond our natural realm may be vastly underestimating the importance of what is taking place right here, right now, in the realm we are obviously meant to be in, and the great lessons and choices set for us here.
These comments I make here are not meant entirely and exclusively for you. Just some rambling thought associations.
As for peak oil, I for one am interested in what you have to say. But can you offer sound references for any comments you may care to make.
As far as false awakenings go, I learned a good while back that if I try to go right back to sleep after wakening from a nightmare, I am likely to fall back either into the nightmare or into a particularly intense and disturbing hypnogogic state. This does not happen if I get out of bed, use the bathroom, sit up for a while, etc. before trying to sleep again.
Also, immediately after waking from a nightmare, I experience certain distinct bodily effects. One is being extremely overheated. Another is seeing faint grid-like patterns when I close my eyes, which are very much like faded versions of the far more vivid grid-patterns I recall from back in the day when I was trying various psychedelics. I have to wait for both of those effects to dissipate before I can "safely" lie down again.
Because of these effects, I tend to believe that nightmares are the product of a natural psychedelic effect -- so that Oilman's statement that he hadn't ingested any drugs before his anomalous experience may not be entirely relevant. (The fireplace doors are another matter, of course.)
I've only experienced sleep paralysis while actually asleep -- that is, in my dreams I am paralyzed, most often it's the sensation of being unable to turn my head, or of being able to move only very very slowly.
Jeff's post was very interesting; as for the comments, many of them have that "campfire ghost story" feel to them. Let's face it, anonymous posters telling stories of the weird and spooky things that happened to them, well, there is no way to determine whether any of those things happened, or if they did, if any aspects were exaggerated (whether intentionally or not), is there?
Before anybody gets angry or offended, please, this blog and many of the comments have opened my eyes to so many important things, and have contributed to a more informed and enlightened analysis of the forces that shape our lives. It's a shame to undermine its credibility and make it so much easier to dismiss.
I've told people about the RI site, particularly because of the importance of Jeff's posts and because of the meticulous way he documents everything he says.
Without exception, those who have checked the site out at my recommendation, have later explained that they found the site "a little far out" for them; mainly because of the unverifiable tales of demonic/ alien or whatever manifestations. Visitors were totally diverted from the more compelling and effective and SUBVERSIVE because well-founded, conclusions or even hypotheses.
Seriously, I am not at all disputing any of the commenters' experiences. I have had inexplicable experiences as well.
My point is that, just as I don't believe what the 'government' tells me, without solid evidence and always using Occam's Razor, I think it does more harm than good to abandon the "Rigorous" in favour of "Intuition"; intuition is a valuable tool for guiding investigations, but is useless unless it can then be confirmed by evidence and logic -- wherever they lead.
In fact, IMO, blurring the lines between verifiable evidence and anecdotes plays right into the hands of those who would categorize all investigation as the work of conspiracy nuts, or warring faiths: "It's all in your mind."
Tronicus said:
It is probably for no good to try to be more than our Creator meant for us to be.
How sad. I read recently that your beliefs imprison you (whatever they are), but I never thought I'd see such a shining example.
We are spiritually evolving, mate, and it seems to be advancing faster as we go along.
"As long as you are pretty sure your anomalous event was not some kind of a warning, you might as well leave it alone."
I'm not sure it wasn't. Especially the darned crows. I'm worried about my kids especially.
"There is so much that is beyond us. We are probably better off to stick to our own realm of understanding, and let the higher beings tend to their business. There is a lot to be said for the notion of staying in your own back yard. Generally, we all have more than enough on our plates just taking care of our natural and worthwhile business.
Maybe all we really need to know, at this point, is that there is more than meets the eye, and more than we know. Likely, much more than we will ever be able to know, either now or in the hereafter. Get used to it. We are finite beings. It is good for us if we fulfill what God intends for us. It is probably for no good to try to be more than our Creator meant for us to be."
Believe me, I don't want to screw around with occult matters.
I've had invitations to become involved, recognized them for what they were, and RAN. Got a cool story that happened in an Irish castle on this matter, will write up later.
"As for peak oil, I for one am interested in what you have to say. But can you offer sound references for any comments you may care to make."
Can I reference my own papers (laughing.......) Time is short - I could write a few hundred pages on the energy crisis rollng upon us. But I'll blast something down quick - warning this'll be a stream of conciousness and not a properly composed or refernced discussion, but here goes.
I don't want to get into technical matters at all - dropping technical terms and formulae will merely shut down everyone's minds.
So how about this; a year and a half ago myself and four colleages started our own oil company. Got a stock exchange listing. Have grown the company dramatically and raised approximately $200 million dollars to date on the capital markets. We have acquired properties from other producers and made them better, plus have explored on our own.
I currently look at dozens of new oil and gasfields each month. If I see opportunity to raise production, I buy it. I can raise plenty of capital. The shortage of me buying more fields is finding good ones that I can get the production higher on. There aren't lots that this is apparent on albeit sometimes other eyes see things I miss. Believe me - I LOVE BUYING property from a dumb-ass big company and making a ton of dough out of it. Ka-ching.
Talk about Rigorous Intuition - there can't be any oil conspiracy because there are too many players with easy access to capital. Once that is clear it is obvious there is no "peak oil conspiracy".
The key point is that there are NO infinite acting fields. They all decline in pressure or water out (or both!). No magically filling reservoirs. Eugene Island I've seen some internet accounts of however I'd be very surprised if I didn't look at it for a few days and be able to explain it within conventional petroleum engineering principles. I don't have the datastet to work with; maybe one day.
I read stuff on the internet and on this site that alludes to a vast conspiracy of oil companies surpressing production. That production declines are engineered by oil companies to increase oil prices. Ummm... perhaps looking at declining bottom hole pressure with production of a reservoir might help explain to even the dullest knife in the drawer that this is ridiculous and possibly is a physical reality? Yes we do measure and analyze such as pressure. We do things called material balances and reservoir models that allow us to understand petroleum producing field.
Abiotic oil and gas? Maybe. I've never been that much of a fan of the biotic explanations for all fields, although it certainly has its place. From my point of view working in an established basin I don't give a crap the oil was generated - I need a TRAP with porosity to capture the hydrocarbon and permeability from which to allow it to flow.
As mentioned reservoirs experience declining pressures and/or oilcuts over time - if any refill occurs whether abiotic or biotic it is way too slow matter. The matter is intellectually interesting but not pertinent. Yes I've read Gold's papers and own his book Deep Hot Biosphere. He didn't drill that Siljan ring money pit with his own money, did he?
Think about that. I always say "put your money down" when it comes to attesting a belief in the oil and gas stranger. I have several million dollars of my own capital tied up in my own ventures. FOR ANYONE who can convince me of a refilling reservoir, I will raise whatever sum of capital is required to acquire the property and we will be rich beyond our wildest dreams......... It's that easy. Vast oil company conspiracy blows away in a puff of smoke.
As per the Peak Oil hypothesis of Hubbert and Colin Campbell et. al. - it is real. It is much harder than one thinks to pre-identify the exact date.
Current estimates for light oil production peak is 2001 to 2025 or so. 2001? Look up the light oil production stats on Oil and Gas Journal. Been lower every year since 2001. Was that the peak we are seeing in the rear view mirror?
World OIL production, which also includes heavy oils and natural gas liquids (NGL's), is still going up. Happiness? Not necessasrily. Heavy oils and NGL's yield lower volumes of refined products - ie less gasoline and distillates than light oil. This could actually mean gasoline at the end of the refinery chain despite more "oil production". In addition it takes ENERGY to recover energy. Recovering a barrel of oilsands bitumen might burn a quarter or a half a barrel of oil to do so; versus maybe a hundreth of a barrel of oil for a flowing light oil. What is more important than the volume of world oil production is the NET ENERGY PRODUCED AFTER INPUTS TO ENERGY PRODUCTION.
We could actually be producing record oil volumes, BUT have much less net energy available for other industries due to the growing level of energy intesity in recovering the remaining oil and gas.
Back to Hubbert et. al. - no one knows how much oil is left - or even how much has really been discovered to date. Anyone who tells you that they know is a either a fool or a liar. Directionally though, discoveries have been going down dramatically over time and the trend is getting worse. The last "supergiant" fields discovered in the world were in 1968 - Samatlor in Russia and Prudhoe Bay in Alaska. This is almost 40 years ago. Currently a (relatively) small field like Buzzard in the North Sea is found and it creates a world wide stir. Buzzard would supply world energy needs for a week or two.......
So if no one knows how much oil is left to be discovered (or was even discovered to begin with!) no one can EXACTLY pick the date of peak. I gave a range above of 2001 to 2025 and honestly can't say with complete certainty which will happen. My money though is that we are scraping the top as we speak. Literally, for the last five years my entire personal wealth is staked on the fact we are in the early stages of an energy crisis like no other. I've been VERY right so far and it has made me small time wealthy.
But the actual date? Who knows.
I once built a spreadsheet that looked at the problem. What I found with some number play was that the world oil reserves was a far less important variable in selecting peak production date than the DEMAND GROWTH RATE. Growth rates are powerful, as anyone familiar with exponential growth and compounding interest can attest.
Taking the most optimistic estimates and pegging in recent growth rates, I got a peak maybe at latest 2025. That is only 20 years away. That is the OPTIMISTIC case.
There you go - peak oil - gonna happen - will happen before the next 20 years run out and probably much much sooner.
What to do as a little guy to avoid the sticker shock of the energy crisis? Try a natural hedge - buy stock in good oil and gas companies. I can't plug my company due to securities laws. But why not buy some big independants like Encana, Apache, Canadian Natural, Talisman?
Sorry no documentation.......... but does this help?
Yes natural psychedlic effects occur.
CBC radio had a really cool show "Haunted House Haunted Mind" about Micheal Persinger's work using electrical inputs to create altered states of mind.
Thanks for the insight - not really sure this helps but glad for the clarity you've provided - keep them coming - maybe I'll make a bit of a predator/crow quest to sort out wtf happened.
Sorry for recounting some spooky events that occurred to me. I did strike me that there are some readers who do have real knowledge that may help me come to an understanding of inexplicable events. If this causes issues with folks maybe a seperate thread should be started to keep Jeff's posting comments more clean? Thoughts?
thx - Oilman
Either way the Peak Oil hypothesis is a scam. If it doesn't exist it would have to be created in order to artificially constrict supply and drive up demand. Shell closed a major and PROFITABLE refinery in Bakersfield CA in the 90s in order to dry up refining capacity. In any sense of the word this kind of activity is racketeering and extortion.
I could care less what a supposed oil insider says on the subject; that industry with its intense bribery of this country's politicians is part of the problem, not the solution. They have done everything in their power to repress alternative energy development by buying out and then sitting on numerous patents for better engines, fuels and processes.
The oil industry has bought out the politicians so that they can effectively strangle competition under the color of law. The dependence of industry on petrochemicals dovetails nicely into the Club Of Rome's ideas about population reduction.
The whole Peak Oil scam is a stinking setup to justify mass murder and genocide in the form of starvation (most fertilizer is made with petroleum) so the elites can get their global playground without us expendable consumers in the way.
Anon 12:16
"Either way the Peak Oil hypothesis is a scam. If it doesn't exist it would have to be created in order to artificially constrict supply and drive up demand."
It does exist - the only question is when it will hit us.
No one, not even OPEC has the capability to artificially constrict supply. They are producing every barrel they can. The assumption that any one party or collective group can influence world oil markets is absurd. Why are the Chinese not producing more oil to step into the gap? Or the Indians?
I'm not sure how the peak oil hypothesis can possibly be related to a conspiracy to increase DEMAND. Big logic bust.
"Shell closed a major and PROFITABLE refinery in Bakersfield CA in the 90s in order to dry up refining capacity."
First, refining capacities and production of crude oil are different matters. Linking the two is demonstrative of a lack of understanding of the basic framework of discussion.
Shell shuts down profit centres to support a conspiracy? Hmmm. Was the refinery in question truly profitable? Have you accessed operating statements of it? What's to stop someone else from expanding capacity? They are ALL part of the vast conspiracy?
"I could care less what a supposed oil insider says on the subject; that industry with its intense bribery of this country's politicians is part of the problem, not the solution. They have done everything in their power to repress alternative energy development by buying out and then sitting on numerous patents for better engines, fuels and processes."
Question/logic test - assuming that the oil industry in the USA has conducted a vast conspiracy to repress technical development of competing technologies, then why havn't the Chinese, Indian, Japanese stepped in and developed and adopted said technologies?
OK, you have your opinion. Oil is supposedly infinite in supply. Now please advise me where I can tap into this infinite supply and I'll get at it. Just get me some maps, production and pressure history, cross-sections, and I'll get at it. It'll be Spindletop all over again! I'll even cut you into the action. We'll be rich beyond our dreams producing oil like mad to take advantage of the artificial prices created by the conspiring oil companies.
Alas I can guarentee no takers coming forward.
Until someone takes me up on this offer, it is very safe to dismiss the peak oil critics who claim scarcity is rigged via a vast conspiracy.
Anon Oilman
Oilman said:
"Question/logic test - assuming that the oil industry in the USA has conducted a vast conspiracy to repress technical development of competing technologies, then why havn't the Chinese, Indian, Japanese stepped in and developed and adopted said technologies?"
Apparently according to oilman, petrochemical companies buying up patents and then sitting on them indefinitely won't stop China, India and Japan from acquiring this technology through astral projection or osmosis.
"I'm not sure how the peak oil hypothesis can possibly be related to a conspiracy to increase DEMAND. Big logic bust."
Promoting a point of view stating that the supply of a resource will diminish in the near future apparently will have no effect on market forces according to oilman. For a supposed industry maven, he's quite a poor capitalist.
"No one, not even OPEC has the capability to artificially constrict supply. "
Really? OPEC couldn't just decide to not produce petrol for a limited time if they wanted to? Are their oil wells magically designed to keep pumping at maximum capcity no matter what? Are you really that naive?
"OK, you have your opinion. Oil is supposedly infinite in supply. Now please advise me where I can tap into this infinite supply and I'll get at it. Just get me some maps, production and pressure history, cross-sections, and I'll get at it. It'll be Spindletop all over again! I'll even cut you into the action. We'll be rich beyond our dreams producing oil like mad to take advantage of the artificial prices created by the conspiring oil companies."
If oil WASN't in infinite supply then you would be in another industry, or fixing to get out of the oil business in general. You contradict your own supposed logic while trying to be clever, oilman.
The reason I stated peak oil is a scam is because it is most likely a cover for another agenda entirely. Given that most of the world's fertilizers are produced with petrochemicals, 'peak oil' could be easily blamed for mass starvations and die-offs in the decades to come.
The problem here is that some of the major proponents of population reduction on a mass scale like the Rockefellers and their globalist buddies happen to be heavily entangled in-you guessed it-the oil industry.
Now do you see a pattern? A bunch of elitists who want a lot fewer people around all of a sudden start peddling a resource scarcity paradigm in order to achieve their goals of mass murder without repercussions.
Think about it-why is nothing being done on an appreciable scale to alleviate this coming oil 'crisis' if it truly will be catastrophic? Could it be because catastrophe is what these sick elitists have ordered? You need to check your premises, oilman. You're being played, no matter how slick you think you are.
"Apparently according to oilman, petrochemical companies buying up patents and then sitting on them indefinitely won't stop China, India and Japan from acquiring this technology through astral projection or osmosis."
You misunderstood the point. There are many very clever and motivated people in those countries who would independantly develop the said suppressed technologies, OR alternatively steal them via industrial espionage.
To think that people in those countries couldn't do otherwise and rely on the fanciful methods outlined may be considered by some to be rascist. Not only white people do smart things I'm afraid. This is probably not the poster's intention I'm sure but it could be viewed that way.
"You misunderstood the point. There are many very clever and motivated people in those countries who would independantly develop the said suppressed technologies, OR alternatively steal them via industrial espionage.
To think that people in those countries couldn't do otherwise and rely on the fanciful methods outlined may be considered by some to be rascist. Not only white people do smart things I'm afraid. This is probably not the poster's intention I'm sure but it could be viewed that way."
That was NOT the intimation I was even remotely trying to make. One could also make the argument that there are plenty of resourceful people in our OWN country (this being an ethnically mixed country at that) that could try to replicate or develop independently those alternate technologies. The problem is, when the technology is already patented any other independent development runs into copyright infringement problems.
You can't steal technology if you don't know exactly where it is hidden. and even if it was stolen, it would hardly suit the espionage apparatus of a foreign government to tip its hand as to just how far it's been digging in the cookie jar. That would be ultimately bad for business.
For example, much is being made about how the Chinese government is supposedly under-reporting their military expenditures to mask their true buildup. What else do you suppose they could be covering, I wonder? I never said that China, Japan or India couldn't independently devlop alternate energy. What I said was it would be difficult for ANY entity to get around the intellectual lock box the elites have built for these technologies.
I thought I was reading an article about a "scientist" who comes up with a theory then manipulates data to prove her point (most humans do this in everyday life).
The majority of respondents to this article seem more proccupied with how to defend themselves against inorganic life forms that attack during sleep paralysis.
I just smoke a joint every night - I don't dream and nothing wakes me.
oilman, if you're around:
I've heard rumors (from June-July) that China's struck some major, repeat major, oilfields out in the Gobi, and is attempting to keep this under it's all going to be used for internal consumption. Heard this rumor?
No haven't heard the rumours. I'm not really plugged into international exploration at the moment.
Hope it's true. We're gonna need the barrels......
Friedland has found big copper in Mongolia though
Funny that people don't talk about an infinite supply of copper, gold, etc. eh?
In a perverse way there is a near infinite supply of those commodities. The argument by economists is that all resources are unlimited because as commodity prices go up you can chase lower grades of a commodity. So, for example in theory if gold was valuable enough you could extract it from seawater.
This "economic argument" breaks down with energy though. Once you use more barrels of oil in energy inputs to recover a barrel of oil the game is over from both a technical and economic point of view. Pretty obvious to an engineer or businessman but not to an economist!
As per infinite energy (?) - check out posting on the discussion board wrt CIA and new energy device. Interesting.
I just read your post from the other day and wanted to offer what response I could in case you are still tuning in. I am a strong believer in pursuing answers to these sorts of personal mysteries. Though I believe, and I'm sorry if this sounds a bit New Agey, if you want the most unadulterated truth you'll have to find them (in) your self. But, that doesn't mean you can't accept some help along the way. Hopefully this qualifies.
First, in traditional folklore, the hearth is the magical focal point of the home. Without getting into a tangential discussion about all the reasons why, for a mental shortcut just picture the stereotypical witch bent over her cauldron and remember that the cauldron would be suspended via a boom that swings over the hearth and fireplace. Because of this, chimneys were often reputed to be gateways for otherworldly creatures. Santa Clause is the most well-known example of this. There are many others.
Second, I don't have much to say about the pecking crows that anyone with some imagination couldn't speculate, but I did have a similar experience with a cardinal for some time. It could have been more than one. In fact, it went on for so many weeks and was so obviously damaging to the bird's beak that I had doubts that one bird could have kept it up for so long without dying. But, I never saw more than one bird at a time and I never found a dead one. If there was a message encoded in that sacrifice, however, I'm afraid my concious mind didn't comprehend it.
I don't know about the connection with autism. I've been told I have autistic tendencies (I say I'm just a bit introverted), and I have had some strange experiences. But, I don't know if those two things are statistically linked in any way.
And, thanks for remarks on Peak Oil. It's good to hear a sincere voice with inside information on this. As you may have noticed from the reaction it generated, that topic is difficult to debate in this particular forum. Despite the exceptional knowledge and wisdom of the posters here, we are largely conspiracy theorists. One common, though not at all universal, trait among us is the idea that all of the big stuff of civilization from world wars to world religions is directed by one, or a few coordinated, groups of people. Compound this with the general impression given through main stream sources that oil production and distribution can be controlled by corporations and government (think of all the oil corporation ads promising that that their technology will enable them to keep finding so many new sources of oil and such better methods of retrieval to essentially guaruntee for future demand or government claims that they can boycot oil from a particular country when that country sells on the global market) and you'll understand that you aren't just arguing about geology and a massive global market of a critical global resource, you're arguing against a pretty firmly set world view.
There are often threads on Peak Oil in the discussion group above. If you have the time, I think your contribution would be generally appreciated by everyone. Just don't get frustrated if some choose never to believe you. I myself can't say they are abosolutely wrong, though I have my own very trusted sources and personal theories that confirm Peak Oil. As for fantasy power generators, I'm a little less certain. I am sure we'll all hear of more scams of even greater sophistication along those lines as the production verses demand for oil ration increases their value while panic decreases the skepticism of their marks. But, if such a device did exist I'd have to believe it was in the hands of that core group of global controllers that does not exist in my current world view.
oil company memos on artificially creating scarcity -
The memos you site refer to a coalition of oil companies conspiring to close oil refineries to create gasoline shortages in the US. It is a conspiracy national in scope rather than global and refers to manipulation of the availabiltiy of a product based on oil rather than of oil itself.
Peak Oil refers to the theory that global oil production will reach a period of peak output after which there will be a general and irreversible decline. If this theory is false, if there is much more oil than oil companies, nations, geologists, etc. claim under the surface, then there would be a tremendous incentive for every entrepaneur, corporation, military, criminal cartel, etc. to cheat and pump all the oil they can to take advantage of the artificially inflated prices. To keep such a global conspiracy in check would require an organization with phenomenal resources to both know of any cheaters and have the power to make them stop.
In my world view, no group currently has that power. But, those that do are not likely to change that view from arguments based on geological surveys or market studies.
My own theory is that Peak Oil is real but artificially created. I believe that oil production does have a limit far below current consumption levels that it will degress to after the peak productin period (regardless of whether it is fossil or created by an abiotic processes) and that oil consumption has been encouraged to more quickly push the world over the point of peak production to create a crisis that a particular faction of powerful actors can exploit.
I have it on good authority straight from a Harvard Professor, that the doll on Susan's desk is Freud, not Kissinger.
Clancy's book was an appetizer of sorts regarding the alien abduction scenario. Although theory and speculation were a part of her book, she makes a strong case that the abduction experience is not real. It is ridiculous to think that aliens are abducting humans. There is no evidence for it, only anecdoctal. We tend to underestimate the mind in its capacity to imagine experiences and believe it as though it is reality. Alien abduction is a western construct. What we have is a psycho-cultural phenomenon.
Terima kasih informasinya gan
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Trims, sangat membantu
Thanks semoga bermanfaat
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
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