What lies beneath

Told about Jesus, told about the rain,
Told me about the jungle where her brothers were slain
By a man who danced on the roof of the embassy. - Bob Dylan
I've just time today to briefly note a story from Mexico that may remind readers of many other stories (with thanks to starroute for the thread on the RI discussion board):
Writer Who Exposed Child Sex Ring Fears Worst Is Yet to Come
MEXICO CITY, Feb 24 (IPS) - When Mexican freelance journalist and human rights activist Lydia Cacho published a book last year exposing a paedophile ring ["Los demonios del Edén" (The Demons of Eden)], she was warned by friends and colleagues that she would run into trouble.
It did not take long for their warnings to come true. She was arrested by the police, driven 900 kms to the state of Puebla, held for 30 hours, mistreated and threatened. Now that she is the target of the wrath of powerful Mexican businessmen and politicians, she is worried that the worst is yet to come.
More recently, she was dragged into a scandal after a dozen taped telephone conversations were leaked to the press and broadcast on Feb. 14. In the obscenity-laced conversations, a voice identified as that of Mario Marín, the governor of the state of Puebla, can be heard telling a man who is allegedly textile mogul Kamel Nacif that "I just gave a bump on the head to that old witch."
In her book, Cacho described Nacif as a friend of Jean Succar, a Lebanese-born businessman who is facing charges of arranging paedophile parties.
The illegally taped phone conversations attributed to the governor and various individuals, including a reporter, apparently took place in December, after Cacho was taken into custody by the police in the southeastern resort town of Cancún and driven to Puebla.
In the conversations, the voices identified as those of Nacif and Marín discuss how they had the activist arrested and thrown into a cell with "nutcases and dykes (lesbians)," so that she would be raped. That did not happen, however, because in the prison in Puebla, "the prisoners themselves and the guards protected me," said the writer. But she was mistreated. Cacho described how she was threatened during the nearly 20-hour trip to Puebla and was only allowed to eat once.
Cacho, who is also the co-founder of the Centro Integral de Apoyo a la Mujer (CIAM), a shelter for victims of domestic violence and rape in her home base of Cancún, interviewed many of Succar's victims for her book. The youngsters described how the hotel owner sexually abused them himself, set up a prostitution ring to allow others to abuse them, and photographed them in order to sell the pornographic images on the Internet.
This case is just one thread in a vast web of similar rings throughout Mexico.
Nacif, as his friend Succar, is a Lebanese emigre with a nasty reputation that long precedes the publication of Cacho's book. Mexico's "King of Denim" has "the unsavory habit of frequently changing the name of his many companies, in order to avoid paying debts, taxes and accumulated worker benefits to those laid off." And six years ago the Sun Herald wrote that "Mexican textile magnate Kamel Nacif has been a familiar face at Las Vegas gambling tables for some 30 years, using phony identification to wager at Caesars Palace when he was still in his late teens. He remains, however, a bit of a multimillionaire mystery man, long suspected by Nevada Gaming Control Board agents of money laundering and arms and narcotics dealing."
(Coincidentally, it was an expat Lebanese crime family operating in the Caribbean Basin that FBI undercover operative Darlene Novinger was investigating in 1982, when she reportedly, and unfortunately, discovered the Bush family implicated in its narcotics trade.)
Nacif filed his suit in the south central province of Puebla, where most of his textile sweatshops are located, and where he could call on his friend the governor to protect his good name, though the crimes in which he is implicated occured in Cancún. (Where last week, a Canadian couple had their throats slit in their hotel room on the eve of their daughter's wedding. Nothing was stolen and the wife was not raped, and Mexican authorities are being markedly uncooperative.) The scandal "of personal power and cronyism" is likely to cost Marin his governorship, but as El Universal editorialized yesterday, that's just the public scandal of "the powerful protecting the powerful." Behind it "is something much more hideous."
There certainly seems to be something about Mexico, and at least some of that has to do with its proximity to hidden American hands. It was allegedly the destination of the children and their minders in the troubling Finders case. ("Once in custody the men were somewhat evasive in their answers to the police regarding the children and stated only that they both were the children's teachers and that all were enroute to Mexico to establish a school for brilliant children.") In little more than a decade, thousands of young women, mostly factory workers, have been raped, tortured and murdered in the borderland maquiladoras without justice being served. ("We believe this is a binational crime," says Emma Perez of the Coalition Against Violence Toward Women and Families on the Border. "And because it's happening on an international border, it requires international involvement," she says. "How many more women have to be murdered for this to be taken seriously?") In November 2004, a crowd "angry about recent child kidnappings cornered plainclothes federal agents taking photos of students at a school on Mexico City's outskirts and burned the officers alive." And as David McGowan writes in Programmed to Kill, one of Henry Lee Lucas's more extravagent claims was that he laboured for a cult as an "abductor of children, whom he delivered to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez. Once there, they were used in the production of child pornography and for ritual sacrifices. Henry has said that this cult's operations were based in Texas, and included trafficking in children and drugs."
Ugly things lie buried everywhere, though in the United States you might not know it if all you know is broadcast journalism. And that's most Americans. Until they regenerate a legitimate media, it may take looking elsewhere, where the graves are more shallow, to see what lies beneath.
A mainstream take on this issue can be found in yesterday's "Parade" magazine article on pedophilia by Andrew Vachss. Interesting both for what it does and doesn't say.
And "Programmed to Kill" is a very disturbing book.
My friend and the new on-site volunteer assistant curator at my Anomaly Archives lending library in Austin, Texas, wrote and produced a play that recently premiered here for the Frontera Fest 2006.
"Among the Sand and Smog is based on real occurances happening on the Texas-Mexico border.
One of the world's darkest secrets is hiding right next door. Since the early 1990's, factory workers and other young women of the city of Juarez have been disappearing off the streets, to be discovered later lifeless in the desert, or sometimes not at all. Now, more than 13 years later, over 300 women have been brutally raped and murdered, the culprits remain at large and unknown, and a city mourns while a nation and the world ignores it. Told in three acts, and starring some of the finest talent in Austin, Among the Sand and Smog is sure to move and shock you as it explores one of this hemisphere's most forgotten tragedies."
Crucial evidence may be lost in Mexican resort murder
Great as always, though I would've hoped for more tie-ins to the Bush's. This is a subject that even the most ardent of Bush supporter would grimace at. I always attempt to wake up people and it might help if there is more of a US connection. Anyone know of a current pedophile/human trafficking Bush article to point to for the average sheeple to read?
"Great as always, though I would've hoped for more tie-ins to the Bush's..."
I guess you are referring to this:
SUNNYVALE, CA - Telling reporters and critics to 'stick to the issues that matter', Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush declined to answer questions Monday concerning his alleged involvement in a 1984 Brownsville, TX, mass murder, in which 17 people were ritualistically murdered and skinned.
'I will not stoop to discussing that,' said Bush during a campaign stop at a Bay Area software-packaging plant. 'We've got people across this country without health care, a broken educational system, taxes that are way too high, and all you want to talk about is something that may or may not have happened 16 years ago? I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.'
"Bush, the son of a billioniare, was strangely living in the most impoverished place in America, Brownsville; living nearby to and also inside the headquarters of a Satanic Cult of which he was a member. Bush disappeared for three days during which all of the other of his fellow Cult Members were slaughtered...
As Texas Governor, the only person Bush pardons from the death sentence was the mass murderer who very likely killed more than any other serial killer in U.S. history...
(see Texas Commerce Bank, Jeb Bush & Venezuela, El Padrino Cult, Rancho Santa Elena, Aldolfo De Jesus Costanzo, John Kerry in England, "Hell Ranch", Dr. Narut, The Hand of Death)
Once again Jeff you are in top form once more as one of the sentinels with balls enough to expose these truths. This is the reason people flock here for this unique investigation into the underworlds that lie just beneath the surface. Keep up the sustained fire, the threatened children of the world thank you for your steadfast committment to justice and moral rectitude.
I don't know if it would lead anywhere, but a couple of years ago I did some googling for Bush family friends, and though I never pursued it, I've still got the lists of names and links.
A number of the Bush family's dubious Mexican connections are detailed here and here. President Carlos Salinas and his clique, drug connections, a few murders, dubious Lebanese businessmen . . .
I haven't ever looked into this stuff deeply, but there might be something there. The fact that Lebanese businessmen come into both stories seems particularly strange. I think I'll try checking out Anuar Name and Joseph Audi and see what comes up.
No, nothing. It seems there may be more Lebanese businessmen in Mexico than I would have guessed -- and I apologize if I offended anyone by drawing a connection that isn't there.
Here's something I posted quite a while ago about the Salinas and Bush families.
Programmed to Kill is certainly disturbing, but McGowan assumes things like Dr.Megele being part of Paperclip. I question the accuracy of his research.
Christine Hahn's story looks like it will be ground-breaking, like the exposure of Dr.Cameron's activities in Montreal.
This just in this morning, apparently these scum flock to Romania and Moldavia (in addition to a hundred other places) as well as Mexico.
NJ Businessman Arrested On Molestation Charges
(CBS 3) PHILADELPHIA CBS 3 New Jersey Reporter Cydney Long reports on disturbing details of an international investigation into a prominent Wildwood businessman who was charged with having sex with young boys. An alleged victim and a man who claims he helped him prey on the innocent spoke out about the suspect.
A south Jersey millionaire is being held without bail at the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia after being charged with molesting two underage boys.
Federal prosecutors said he traveled halfway around the world to commit the crimes.
CBS 3, working closely with the Romanian Television Network Antenna One, obtained exclusive videotape from inside the police investigation.
44-year-old Mark Bianchi, a wealthy Wildwood, N.J. native, who co-owns the Ivanhoe Hotel with his parents, traded his brand-new Jersey shore condominium for a federal jail cell last month after being charged with traveling overseas to have sex with minors.
Both U.S. and Romanian authorities said Bianchi is a sexual predator who often flew from Philadelphia International to Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
Surveillance cameras captured photographs of Bianchi in two Romanian airports. U.S. and Romanian authorities said Bianchi was there to engage in illicit sex with boys.
"He liked making oral sex with boys," said Ion Gusin
Bianchi hired Gusin to be his tour guide and translator. Gushin now tells police he took Bianchi into villages so Bianchi could find and have sex with underage boys.
Gusin's shocking admission was videotaped by Moldovan police last month, who charged him with selling children to predators for sex.
Gusin said he took his own brother, 13 at the time, to Cuba to have sex with Bianchi.
“He was with my brother in Romania and Cuba and with my neighbor boy in Romania,” Gusin said.
Another boy, Mihai, now 16, who lived in Gusin's village, hid his identity as he explained to Moldovan police detectives what Bianchi told him about sex.
“That it is better with men and boys. He said is better to fool around with men than with women or girls,” Mihai said.
Mihai said it was on his birthday, last year in March, that Bianchi allegedly molested him.
“He took me to a pub, he gave me wine and then we went back to the hotel,” described Mihai.
Overcome with the memory of the alleged assaults, Mihai broke down.
While Bianchi's father, a well known Wildwood motel owner, would not comment on the case,
Bianchi's attorney Charles Peruto said none of this ever happened.
"He's an easy target because of his wealth, for extortion. We know that is what is happening here,” said Peruto
Bianchi is also a suspect in the rape and murder of a 10-year-old Romanian boy. While he has not been charged in this case, Romanian authorities have asked the F.B.I. for a sample of Bianchi's D.N.A.
Bianchi's attorney said his client had absolutely nothing to do with this crime.
In the meantime, Bianchi is being denied bail. Prosecutors consider him a flight risk and a danger to local children.
Why isn't there a death penalty for these demons?
v vor vendetta said...
Why isn't there a death penalty for these demons?
Because so many politicians and judges are counted among them.
Does anyone know of 'wedge' kind of activities etc that can open reluctant witnesses and victims? Not talking about illegal or unethical means btw, but is there a kind of social engineering, are there tools which anyone could use that 'white hats' can help to expose these baddies?
Mexico is a place corruption and intrigued juxtaposed with physical beauty and moral value. I find it strange that more attention isnt diverted to that country, because
a) a vast majority, over 50% in TX, of this country is latino, and has been for some time contrary to popular belief
b) It is our most dangerous border. Its right next to us and nothing is being done to solve this issue.
The situation in Juarez is, to me, the perfect example of what is wrong with Mexico: human rights abuse on a massive scale that cannot be easily stopped due to political corruption and/or ambivelence. Just last week, there was a report released from the official investigator assigned by President Fox that stated that the the deaths in Juarez cannot be contributed to a serial killer, cult activity, etc. They claim that the deaths are due to family violence, gang activity, prostitution and the infamous drug trade.
Activist Esther Cano says this is an insult and I am forced to agree. Imperically, the evidence takes you elsewhere, there is no way that all of these dissappearnces can be contributed to normal city violence. I can go on for a while but this is not my blog:) Interesting reporting, btw.
the dubai ports deal continues to expand it includes the sale of 21 american ports but also includes sale of the Vancouver port in canada.
Dubai bid includes Vancouver
“Get a grip, fellas,” is Canadian Senator Colin Kenny's message to his U.S. counterparts. The senator, who has spent recent years complaining that Canada's port security is overly lax, insists he's not at all worried about the news now making big waves south of the border.
In a multibillion-dollar deal that is reconfiguring the container-shipping industry, British-based P&O Ports is selling off terminals in several major U.S. cities and one in Vancouver. Dubai Ports World, which is controlled by the United Arab Emirates government, is buying the assets.
on prisonplanet.com it says 10-15 canadian ports will be sold but no where in the above article is it mentioned.
here's a good link I was just able to find on this. If this is the interview I remember it';s chilling. This guy went with some mexican federal police and was filming in Nuevo Laredo I think it was. Unbelievable hell going on. Open air slave markets for instance.
Reporter Peter Landesman
Listen to this story...
Fresh Air from WHYY, January 26, 2004 · Landesman is a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine. He investigated the sex slave industry for this week's cover story (Sunday, Jan. 25), "The Girls Next Door." He found that tens of thousands of women, girls and boys are smuggled into the United States from Eastern Europe and held captive as sex slaves in American cities like New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Chicago. Landesman reports that the U.S. government has done little to pursue the traffickers.
Just a quick note;
The above mentioned 'Freedom Magazine' is a scientology publication...
"Just a quick note;
The above mentioned 'Freedom Magazine' is a scientology publication..."
Interesting, but how do you know for sure?
Doesn't matter if the publication was called Sanitation Workers Quarterly. The truth is the truth, and it's a well known fact that the prdatory sadist Dr. Ewan Cameron, carried out the exact same psychic driving experiments/tortures for the CIA as alleged in the Freedom Magazine article. There can be little doubt that as he plied his sickness on innocents at the Allan Memorial Institute from 1957 through 1964, that he would also do so at the St. Julien psychiatric institution. Same M.O., same agenda, same experiments and during the same span of years. A little digging beyond the current spate of evidence would manifest this firmly from the realm of speculative conjecture. The Scientologist magazine Freedom clearly has their own agenda to "debunk" psychology and psychiatry, however it would be a mistake to cast the baby out with the bathwater. There are several leads that one can follow up on independently. The journalist Christine Hahn could also be contacted for further information.
"Until they regenerate a legitimate media"
Good luck on that one.
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty_four hours my occupation would be gone.
"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
John Swinton 1880
(Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.)
Ted Gunderson in one of his video lectures on the internet made an interesting point.
He said that while the government kept mind-boggling statistics on just about anything (even having a large gov't dept called that - the Bureau of Labor Statistics), they don't keep track of one piece of data, of how many children go missing every year.
I wonder why.
"rambling post advisory"
The UN wants Gitmo closed. The curious array of Doctors down there has always worried me. I have this wild idea that they are actually brainwashing Arabs INTO terrorists there & at Abu Garib- Saddam's old prison.
Segway to Henry Lucas, who during his ten-year-prison stay prior to his release in 1975 spent four-and-a-half of those years in a mental ward, receiving intensive drug and electroshock treatments. During this time he complained chronically of hearing "voices in his head; taunting him day and night."
Lucas developed a "repore" with the Texas Rangers later, as did Angel:
On July 13, 1999, "Railroad Killer" Angel Resendez walked across a bridge from (where else?) Juarez, Mexico into El Paso, Texas and turned himself in. At the time he was wanted for a string of serial killings. Mirroring the circumstances surrounding Henry Lucas' final arrest, Ramirez had been taken into custody several weeks prior by the U.S. Border Patrol, only to be promptly released despite his presence on FBI most-wanted lists and the issuing of alerts to the immigration service, and with a nationwide manhunt under way.
From INS:
June 1, 1999 – at the same time that state and federal warrants for Resendez were outstanding and law enforcement officers were searching for Resendez in connection with several murders – Border Patrol agents in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, had apprehended him crossing the border illegally, processed him in IDENT, and voluntarily returned him to Mexico the same day...
Between this detainment and his surrender, four more victims would be felled by Ramirez (who was, strangely enough, born in Matamoros...). Having done so, Ramirez then made the incomprehensible decision to surrender to Texas authorities. Crossing the border into Texas, Ramirez left a country with no death penalty and entered the execution capital of the western world. The Los Angeles Times, in reporting on his surrender, noted that he was "adamant he wanted to surrender to a Texas Ranger," and that "he had not requested an attorney and was cooperating with detectives."
No, he wasn't asking for a representative from Bush's baseball team. (Among other things, the 118 current Rangers protect the governer of Texas.)
On a more crooked tangent, the Rangers Hall of Fame is in Waco. Branch Davidians supposedly found that the CIA was messing with some members heads (shades of Gitmo), as well as moving drugs, guns, and children via Buffalo Airlines at the old airport next to their compound. Buffalo Air is connected to Saudi Arabia, James Bath, & Iran arms sales..)
"One of the things Gunther Russbacher told me while he and I were married was that he had gone through the CIA assassin school at a camp outside of Phoenix, AZ. The training camp was called Center Point. Gunther said that one of his team mates was none other than George Herbert Walker Bush.
Gunther also told me about the Life Management Institute (LMI) which is located in Waco, TX. In the early 60's, Gunther was an instructor at this institute. What did they do there? They taught various forms of mind control. Who were some of the students? David Koresh and Mark Phillips.
Supposedly former FBI Director William Sessions and Charles Keating ran "Operation Clydes Dale" out of the LMI, involving a power struggle against pedophiles in government and underground...
Concerning Rangers, war profiteers, & murders on ranches, there's this from Wikipedia:
The Rangers' conduct during the Mexican-American War provoked outrage. Many of the Rangers who volunteered for duty in the war had a less than savory past and would take advantage of the war to terrorize the Mexican countryside. Many would loot Mexican villages while hanging innocent Mexican civilians. Their conduct earned them the title Los Diablos Tejanos by the Mexican public...
"Texas Rangers... were mostly made up of adventurers and vagabonds.... The gang of miscreants under the leadership of Mustang Gray were of this description. This party, in cold-blood, murdered almost the entire male population of the rancho of Guadalupe, where not a single weapon, offensive or defensive, could be found! Their only object was plunder!"
A U.S. general was so horrified, when he heard about this and other crimes commited by the Rangers that he tried to arrest the whole 700 man Texas Ranger force that was fighting in the Mexican-American War. The Texas Ranger force ignored the general...
(Curiously, a major battle was fought near Brownsville by the Rangers in 1859, and soon after that they began making their badges out of Mexican silver coins.)
1877: Rangers take part in summary executions and confessions induced by torture and intimidation.
1910-1919: from 300 up to 5,000 people, mostly of Hispanic descent, killed by Rangers...
Resendez is due for execution this May. Meanwhile he is selling his hair and toenails online at E-Bay...
Anonymous One,Buried Secrets,by Edward Humes is a great look inside the Octopus that is the occult,drug network.Adolfo dejesus Constanzo the leader of the gang had one wild life,and knowing the drug trade and how many strange people you get to meet,I find it hard to belive GW didn't cross paths with these little fucks.If the Texas drug boys in the 80's were anything like the guys I met and delt with in Fla. at that same time,Black Magick was used to protect the shipments.Now I can't say if it worked or not,but these folks were serious about this shit,oh there where also your nice CIA guys around to.These dark actors that control so much of our reality are untouchable,they stand in shadows just beyond our reach,later.
In reference to your link concerning Novinger and the Bushes, I am reminded of a story related in Kitty Kelley's book about them that said that a reporter asked Dubya what he and his dad talked about when they are alone together. Dubya's startling response to the reporter: "Pussy"
That should make one think that perhaps the stories of about the alleged "evil" nature of this family may have a great deal more truth to it that most people could imagine.
Fascinating post & excellent, informative comments.
One exception, though. "pal joey", you provide no source or link for the 'article' you quote. I believe it's a satirical piece from "The Onion", written during the 2000 presidential campaign as a joke. Now, did you know that, 'pal joey'?
There should always be alarm bells when someone provides info for which they give no source.
Alice you delicious wench! What took you so long? I see you still carry that whip!
So "you believe" it's a satirical piece, hmmm? Yet your link provides no proof.
Highly-regarded independent investigator Sherman H. Skolnick insists that his prior report, "Accused Mass Murderer Became President," in which George W. Bush is implicated in a 1984 mass murder, is solidly grounded. Skolnick is adamant that he was not misled by a satirical story from the online humor publication The Onion. He contends that the Onion piece, written by "Professor Cornbread" in 2002, is a twisting of actual, serious reports and allegations which pre-date the Onion story.
That bastard Skolnick again!
Alright, you fascinating dominatrix!!!
I admit it!!!- I don't know whether George was skinning folks down in Brownsville, getting religion in Midland, or getting laid in Chattanooga:
The Las Vegas woman was paid $15,000 to arrange sexual liaisons involving bisexual men for George W. Bush (then private citizen) and Victor Ashe (then a Tennessee State Senator). These adulterous bisexual affairs (3 encounters in all-3 different cities) took place in the state of Tennessee during the 1984 senate debates between, Al Gore, Jr., Victor Ashe and Ed McAteer. An African-American woman was invited to participate in this adulterous sexual encounter with George W. Bush and Victor Ashe immediately following the Chattanooga senatorial debate. This woman was paid $1,500. A few years later the Las Vegas woman was detained in Washington D.C. with Victor Ashe by the Metro D.C. police. She was released but Victor was taken into custody...
'pal joey', I hadn't visited RI in many days, so I was catching up on what I'd missed and responded as soon as I saw your comment.
As for being a 'dominatrix' and being a 'delicious wench', believe me, those remarks reveal much more about you than they do about me.
I stand by my previous statement:
"There should always be alarm bells when someone provides info for which they give no source."
Skolnick may be "highly regarded" and "adamant"; this adds nothing to the credibility of his allegations.
Your last comment indicates that you were aware of the poor quality of your contribution when you posted it. Add to that your unwarranted and incongruous debasement of the discussion, and those alarm bells become very difficult to ignore.
Many years ago, I had a Mexican friend who was convinced that Caucasians, Americans specifically, were the spawn of Satan, designed in an underground lab set loose upon the world, in order to test the fiber of the people of this world. With what I've been reading so far, I wonder. I suffer from outrage fatigue also, it is so overwhelming! Thank you for this blog, even though I despair that it will only make for prurient reading. Reading what these sick fucks are doing to us, now they have been SELECTED/INSTALLED to office, is just too much sometimes.
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
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