Threat assessment

Put your ear to the train tracks, put your ear to the ground,
You ever feel like you're never alone even when there's nobody else around? - Bob Dylan
Is Wayne Madsen's life at imminent risk?
Thanks to LibertyThink, by way of the RI discussion board, "ex-NSA analyst WAYNE MADSEN under threat of Assassination - flees Washington":
At Wayne Madsen's request we are putting this message to him from a source high in a United States Intelligence agency. Wayne is now in hiding and on the run after his source revealed that a private contractor assassination team had been hired to take him out.
This is the message Madsen received:
We have reason to think that a "project" will be undertaken against "someone" considered problematic now...not next week but NOW. That person is not specified but is in the US, in an apartment setting and lives alone. It is a "he" and he works via www. This information is specific to an intent but not specific to a person. The source is impeccable and you know my track record which have parallel sourcing. The "project" will be assigned to "parallel contractors" who will make any action appear random and witnesses would suggest Middle Eastern in source. Actions would be carried out in or near the home. We do not hear things like this often (almost never) and so far every warning of this type has been within 24 hours of action and these warnings have proven 100% accurate in the past. We do not know of any direct reason for someone to use this source to provide wrong or misleading information or for use by those who are "contracting" this action. Your recent work and profile make us tell you this directly.
Please respond with a note that all is normal there. Please consider the warning we received as it can be applied to many including yourself. It is possible that someone considers "us" linked in some way and that this warning may be a "deterrent" to work that some may not want completed. We have no reason to think this but I want to consider every possible angle and application to this warning. Please consider what can be done while taking any measures you think necessary to avoid this "project". We consider this warning as coming with the highest level "authenticity" and purity of motive, but the subject and message subject and its specifications were too unusual to be sure of intent.
I'm sure, if no harm befalls him, Madsen's many critics will level his survival as a credibility issue. But just as Hugo Chavez says "If anything happens to me then the man responsible will be George W. Bush" in order to pre-empt his assassins, let's consider that life is the enemy of our enemies, and always hope for it. Even if it means we look paranoid, and don't get to say I told you so.
This guy is Madsen is BAD NEWS my friend. Here we can mark a low point in your commentary.
To puh-lleeaasee-ing anonymous:
Wasn't the post sufficiently couched in "if's" for you?
I'm sure that more than a few of us turn to this blog on a regular basis for such gems as the following:
"Let's consider that life is the enemy of our enemies, and always hope for it."
Speaking strictly for myself, I'd like to add that 36-odd years of living and breathing and thinking on this planet have stripped me right down to precisely ONE remaining conviction: That human life is the one thing, the only thing, the platform on which everything that matters to us is, by necessity, built.
And that's far from being the stuff a Hallmark card is made of, when you the consider the potential contained in those words to tick off just about the entire ideological spectrum. (Warmongers, death penalty supporters, abortionists, the pro-euthanasia crowd, you name it . . .)
Let's take care of staying alive, first of all. The other things can always be addressed in time--so long as we've got it.
Considering how many assassinations and questionable deaths have occurred in the last few decades, ANYONE who's speaking out against the Powers That Be should be paranoid.
Better paranoid and "discredited" than dead.
Keep up the great commentary Jeff.
I would like to say that I really enjoy this posting. I do get worried, however, when fear and paranoia are manufactured from society/goverment to the people. I am sort of on the fence about this. At some level I do believe that the gov't could invade our privacy, etc. But is that just giving a really dumb government a lot of credit. I mean, when you see the way we have to manipulate the world to be the 'best' (i.e. CAFTA...stab everyone else in the heart so we can win the race), it doesn't make sense that our gov't would have the ability or desire to investigate us all. I mean it IS a great idea to spread the fear of big brother. I mean, it keeps the rabble in line, right? I say, let big brother listen, let the CIA/FBI, etc. investigate. We all will do what we want irregardless of the government involvement. As long as we keep using the media against the government, we can take this fuckers down.
Progressive Purtian
i mirrored his site, just in case. and it is quite interesting to read - complete with facsimiles of bank docs and other probably embarassing stuff.
Considering the number of people critical of Bush who have fortuitously suicided or died of 'a heart attack' or stroke (which are ridiculously easy to trigger)...if I was writing incendiary stuff about BushCo I would NOT live alone in an apartment. I would live in a moated, mined compound with enough ammo and ordnance to take out an army division (including anti-aircraft weapons.) Or I'd live in a remote shepherd's hut on a Greenland glacier and have my stories ferried out to a constantly moving offshore radio ship similarly armed, by killer penguins carrying arsenic tablets so they can't be taken alive.
I would also get a physical exam from a doctor and a psychological profile from a shrink stating I'm in perfect health and not about to keel from a cardiovascular or cerebrovascular 'event' and the least likely person on the planet to have a bad day and do myself in and post it on a billboard in Times Square.
Seriously. Some months back I went to a panel discussion by some 9/11 researchers right who all, when I asked them what they were doing to protect themselves personally since this was right after the 'suicides' of Iris Chang, Gary Webb and Hunter Thompason, and they all blithely said they weren't scared, accused ME of trying to scare the audience, and quicly moved on to another question.
There are only three reasons for a reaction like that.
1. Macho posturing (all were men.) This is a quick route to be a macho dead guy.
2. Plain old garden variety stupidity--failure to heed what their own research has revealed about the ruthlessness of BushCo.
3. They're BushCo plants, black operators, 'honeypots', and know they're in no danger as long as they play their appointed roles.
Jeff says thanx to liberty think for breaking this one
the right-wing jew-hating
Probably a bit of machismo there but, really...wasn't the USA founded by people who said I'm going to do what's right even if they kill me?
We don't really need more people who are hiding in armored complexes and trying to hide their identities while they expose the truth. Fact is, once you're public enough that is the best protection afforded to you. You just have to make it known that you are of sound health and mind and that you are venturing into areas others may not like you to be.
And if they aren't sending out "parallel contractors" they are sending out entire platoons armed to the proverbial teeth(and actual ones as well) to destroy those who are pursuing freedom outside of mandated bible classes and war support events.
Subject: military style bust of rave in utah, camo, helicopters, mahine
guns, tear gas...
send this to anyone you think would care...
here is a clip from someone who attended..
here is the clip from the news...
my friend Nick was one of the musicians at the event, here is what he
had to say....
"Last night, I was booked to play an event about an hour outside of
Salt Lake City, Utah. The hype behind this show was huge, they presold
700 tickets and they expected up to 3,000 people total. The promoters
did an amazing job with the show.. they even made slipmats with the
flyers on them to promote in local shops.So, we got to the show around
11:15 or so and it was really cool. It was all outdoors, in a valley
surrounded by huge mountains. They had an amazing light show flashing
on to a mountain behind the site, the sound was booming, the crowd was
about 1500 people thick and everything just seemed too good to be true
really. Well...At about 11:30 or so, I was standing behind the stage
talking with someone when I noticed a helicopter pulling over one of
the mountain tops. I jokingly said "Oh look, here comes big brother" to
the person I was with. I wasn't far off.
The helicopter dipped lower and lower and started shining its lights on
the crowd. I was kind of in awe and just sat and watched this thing
circle us for a minute. As I looked back towards the crowd I saw a guy
dressed in camoflauge walking by, toting an assault rifle. At this
point, everyone was fully aware of what was going on . A few "troops"
rushed the stage and cut the sound off and started yelling that
everyone "get the fuck out of here or go to jail". This is where it got
really sticky.No one resisted. That's for sure. They had police dogs
raiding the crowd of people and I saw a dog signal out a guy who
obviously had some drugs on him. The soldiers attacked the guy (4 of
them on 1), and kicked him a few times in the ribs and had their knees
in his back and sides. As they were cuffing him, there was about 1000
kids trying to leave in the backdrop, peacefully. Next thing I know, A
can of fucking TEAR GAS is launched into the crowd. People are running
and screaming at this point. Girls are crying, guys are cussing... bad
scene.Now, this is all I saw with my own eyes, but I heard plenty of
other accounts of the night. Now this isnt gossip I heard from some
candy raver, these are instances cited straight out of the promoters
One of the promoters friends (a very small female) was attacked by one
of the police dogs. As she struggled to get away from it, the police
tackled her. 3 grown men proceeded to KICK HER IN THE STOMACH.- The
police confiscated 3 video tapes in total. People were trying to
document what was happening out there. The police saw one guy filming
and ran after him, tackled him and his camera fell, and luckily.. his
friend grabbed it and ran and got away. priceless footage. That's not
all though. Out of 1,500 people, there's sure to be more footage.- The
police were rounding up the staff of the party and the main promoter
went up to them with the permit for the show and said "here, I have the
permit." The police then said, "no you don't" and ripped the permit out
of his hand. Then, they put an assault rifle to his forehead and said
"get the fuck out of here right now."Now.. let's get the facts straight
here.This event was 100% legal. They had every permit the city told
them they needed. They had a 2 MILLION DOLLAR insurance policy for the
event. They had liscenced security guards at the gates confiscating any
alcohol or drugs found upon entry (yes, they searched every car on the
way in). Oh, I suppose I should mention that they arrested all the
security guards for possession.
Oh another interesting fact.. the police did not have a warrant. The
owner of the land already has a lawsuit against the city for something
similar. A few months ago, she rented her land for a party and the
police raided that as well. And catch this, the police forced her to
LEAVE HER OWN PERSONAL PROPERTY. That's right. They didnt arrest her,
but made her leave her own property!!!Don't get it twisted, this is all
going down in probably THE most conservative state in the USA. And this
is scary.. a gross violation of our civil liberties. The police wanted
this party shut down, so they made it happen. Even though everything
about this event was legal. The promoters spent over $ 20,000 on this
show and did everything they had to to make it legit, only to have it
taken away from them by a group of radical neo-con's with an
agenda.This was one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed in
I can't even begin to describe how surreal it was. Helicopters, assault
rifles, tear gas, camoflauge-wearing soldiers.... why? Was that really
necessary?This needs to be big news across the USofA. At least in our
music scene (edm as a whole)... this could happen to any of us at any
time. When we're losing the right to gather peacefully, we're also
letting the police set a standard of what we can get away with. And I
think that's BULLSHIT!The system fucked up last night... They broke up
a party that was 100% legal and they physically hurt a lot of people
there at the same time. The promoters already have 6 lawsuits ready to
file with their lawyers and the ACLU is already involved.I'm sure some
pictures (and hopefully some video) will surface soon. I'll make sure
to post them up here on 404, so you can see the Police State of America
at work."
I figure when our kristallnacht begins in earnest Madsen will be one of the first to go--if Michael Moore or Madsen have a heart attack it will be very hard for anyone to suspect foul play.
"the right-wing jew-hating
Although some people have been skeptical of what Madsen has written because he has tended in the past to "jump the gun" in his news stories as a freelance investigative journalist. However, my journalist sister has communicated with Madsen (anonymously) and corroborated some of the facts from Madsen's sources. She believes Madsen to have reliable sources for his stories. If anyone has read much of what Madsen has written about himself, you know Madsen has a background in the military and US gov't intelligence (having once worked for the NSA). There is good reason to believe he has knowledgable and credible sources inside the government. I for one believe most everything he has written. He seems to be very close to "connecting all the dots" adequately to bring the evidence to a point of legal action for many powerful people. He also seems to be communicating his information to the state and federal prosecutors who are empowered to take such actions. There are excellent reasons why some staggeringly corrupt people in our government would like him not to be around to threaten their "freedom" from prosecution.
the naivete of desperately hopeful people knows no bounds
Danny Casolaro probably would have agreed
"They had a 2 MILLION DOLLAR insurance policy for the event."
wonder what the fine print of it says about this sort of thing.
Brook said...
i see madsen as a 'lone gunman' character. just a regular guy who stumbled onto stuff he might not entirely understand,
Oh, Madsen understands it alright. What Madsen has uncovered you can bet your bippy Fitzgerald knows about as well. It's enough to put nooses around the necks of the Boy Blunder, Spook Daddy, Cheney, Libby, Rove and every last neocon we can lay our hands on.
It's all laid out neat as can be, and it shows once and for all the connections of the Bush Crime Family to the funding of terrorism and WMD proliferation.
Plame's Brewster-Jennings people were outed specifically because the Counter-Proliferations Unit of the CIA was getting too close for comfort to exposing the truth.
And that is treason and espionage any way you slice it. It is all spelled out for anyone to see how and why 18 USC 793, 794 will be the operating law that brings down this heinous cabal of fascists. See Citizen Spook for the low down on the legal aspects of this.
Unless there is a 'terrorist event' and total martial law is invoked first?
Do you really think this is all going to wind up so neatly as Watergate?
You are an optimist, but I regret to say, I sense a darker course ahead of us.
My own view is that you never leave the CIA/MI6/Mossad.
When an "ex-"........(fill the space) starts blabbing I put on my triple vision X ray reality spectacles and keep them firmly in place.
Well that's what I was advised to do by a high ranking former official in the
There are reasons to doubt the veracity of this information that is supposed to have come from
A little research on that site suggests its owner is a longtime freeper. The owner is described as "longtime conservative political operative Todd Brendan Fahey, who served as an aide in Evan Mecham's gubernatorial administration, as a strategist to former Congressman John Conlan, and as Director of Public Relations for the Arizona Young Republican League, from between 1985-1989." In other words, a Rove contemporary ....
The author, John Caylor, also authored one of the JFK links on the mcadams JFK website that I believe to be CIA disinformation. I wonder if this is the same John Caylor as this in a recent RFK Jr. column in The Nation:
"The Bush Administration appointees all had coal industry pedigrees. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao (the wife of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, the Senate's biggest recipient of industry largesse) appointed Dave Lauriski, a former executive with Energy West Mining, as the new director of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, which oversaw the investigation. His deputy assistant secretary was John Caylor, an Anamax Mining alumnus. His other deputy assistant, John Correll, had worked for both Amax and Peabody Coal." ...
Fahey is a bigtime John Bircher. These and the LaRouchies are mad at Bush b/c of the $200 billion cost of war plus other govmint giveaways. I am skeptical that this person could be supporting Madsen's work.
Madsen's fleeing is plausible, but I'm now concerned the source putting out this information is trying to appear to be something he's not, perhaps to lure Madsen's peeps to come to him, or to discredit him in some way.
thank you postmansknock and ewastud
Fahey definitely supports Madsen's work. Fahey is most definitely not a freeper (he was many moons ago but was banned after being too honest about his views of Bush and McCain) and has since been regularly posting articles about its impending demise, not without a small amount of glee. I've visited the site regularly for a few years now and know Mr. Fahey is down for the cause. He is a Republican (a real one), Alex Jones/libertarian style. If anyone thinks Fahey suspect, then simply go check out's one of the best sites on the web. Mr. Fahey is one cool cat.
He's also quite the writer, I haven't read it yet, but Wisdom's Maw: The Acid Novel is supposed to be quite good.
nice bit of credibility building for madsen, yes?
It is always inevitible that someone wants to kill the kat.
Thanks, Raul. I hope you are right about Fahey. I don't mean to cast aspersions unnecessarily on either Fahey or Caylor if they are legitimate. However, there are some pretty deceitful fascists out there for whom "truth" means nothing except persuading people they are right irrespective of reality. We have to always be vigilant to attacks of one kind or another from them, especially propaganda and disinformation. They are practiced professionals in the area of endeavor.
madsen's life is in danger like 50 cent has beef with the Game....
publicity stunt.
but then again... considering the said apartment style setting, lone male, www.... shit im going into hiding too!!!
later spyder ;)
" early 1990, the weather engineering operations over North America were assumed from the FSB/KGB by the Yakuza/Aum Shinrikyo teams, and operations continued with the Yakuza's leased giant scalar interferometers."
I've have absolutely no idea whether this is true or not, but either way it's hilarious.
Actually, it makes sense with the cult, mafia, and intelligence being involved, but if true, usG (G as in gangsta) has to be involved and LIHOP, at the very least. It makes sense when viewed from the waltenschlong (sorry, I'm a comedian today) that the world's elites are working in tandem with evil to systematically corrupt the souls and destroy the bodies of the untermensch.
My thought process is truly frightening for how logical it is. But, hey, don't call me crazy on the 4th of July.
Hey Jeff,
I accidentally posted these in the wrong thread, I'm posting them in "Crash on the levee". Please delete these three posts.
No problem. As everyone here should know, it's never bad to ask questions. But, don't take my word for it, visit the site like I said.
As for Caylor, though, I've never even heard of him before, so I can't say one thing or another about him. You might want to continue investigating him.
Fahey, or TBF as he goes by, recently survived an assassination attempt (a couple actually), and came very near to death. Read his account of it here:
wasir ambeien bisa sembuh tanpa harus di operasi maupun injeksi cukup dengan obat wasir ambeien herbal ambeclear herbal de nature dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil
cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
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