The Liminal State of the Nation

George Russell, "Bathers"
Apologies for the gap between posts; time's been short this weekend. A lengthier update is in the works, and should be posted early Monday AM.
In the meantime, there's "Cheney's 'Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon", "Unbelievable tales from London" and perhaps Irish mystic George Russell's 1918 The Candle of Vision.
In chapter 18, "The Architecture of Dream," Russell concludes his reflection on airships he sighted in the mid-1890s with this provocative thought:
As for these visions of airships and for many others I have been unable to place them even speculatively in any world or any century, and it must be so with the imaginations of many other people. But I think that when we begin speculation about these things it is the beginning of our wakening from the dream of life.
This - and I mean, everything - is taking on the buzz of a between time. A border between sleep and waking life, while our systems recalibrate to interpret new data. Not everyone is on the same clock: while many are waking, many others are falling asleep. And I'm not knocking it: sleep is a wonderful gift and defense mechanism, and there's much these days which offend our beautiful minds. If we can't process it, our senses are inclined to go offline. It takes a force of will to fight sleep. And sometimes, we may wish we hadn't.
In the liminal state, it's hard sometimes to tell who is doing which. Maybe that's not for us to know - I dislike the presumption of screaming Wake Up! Besides, soon enough, things should get too noisy for even the soundest sleeper. If things don't, then maybe it really has just been a bad dream after all.
Interesting site about extraterrestrials.
The London tube execution of Mr De Menezes is deeply disturbing.
The police / SAS let him on the tube because it was there they wanted the execution to be public. I do not know why? Maybe to send a message to someone.
It now raises serious doubts in my mind rearding the 7/7 bombings.
Why if there are 3000+ cameras on the tube system have we only seen one image of the bombers?
Why did not one of them leave a suicide note or give any indication whatsoever to their familes that that day was their last alive.
The UK police have now proven they are horrendous liars and cannot be trusted. No big news to readers of this blog but it comes as a shock to me.
It seems likely the 7/7 bombers were conned into carrying explosives thinking they were on some other mission. God knows what but I no longer buy the story that they new what they were really doing.
Also the cops went to Brazil during the period when their lies were unchallenged and tried to buy the family off on the cheap!
They now deny this but it is obvious they did it. Why would the family lie?
The SAS had a golden reputation post Iranian embassy siege.
I am glad they have been revealed for what they are - cold blooded killers who are typically in no danger themselves and with overwhelming firepower. Heros my arse.
The Cheney spoon-benders piece is fascinating -- and despite being from LaRouche's EIR, it seems to be quite free of LaRouche's usual obsessions with Israel and the British monarchy.
There was an interesting article in The Nation in April 2003 that points up the public face of some of the individuals referenced in the EIR piece. All in all, I'm probably more nervous about the financial and defense-contractor connections of these guys than about the possibility of being mind-frelled by them:
Perhaps Americans can be excused for imagining that "regime change" in Iraq would be a cakewalk. So did Don Rumsfeld, who lashed back at critics accusing him of approving a too-optimistic war plan. Like Rumsfeld, a veritable army of ex-generals playing military analysts on TV seem to have gotten the story wrong, too, and are only now, very belatedly, changing their tune.
One might have expected a pro-military slant in any former general's initial estimation of the US invasion. But some of these ex-generals also have ideological or financial stakes in the war. Many hold paid advisory board and executive positions at defense companies and serve as advisers for groups that promoted an invasion of Iraq. Their offscreen commitments raise questions about whether they are influenced by more than just "a lifetime of experience and objectivity"--in the words of Lieut. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, a military analyst for NBC News--as they explain the risks of this war to the American people.
McCaffrey and his NBC colleague Col. Wayne Downing, who reports nightly from Kuwait, are both on the advisory board of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, a Washington-based lobbying group formed last October to bolster public support for a war. Its stated mission is to "engage in educational advocacy efforts to mobilize US and international support for policies aimed at ending the aggression of Saddam Hussein," and among its targets are the US and European media. The group is chaired by Bruce Jackson, former vice president of defense giant Lockheed Martin (manufacturer of the F-117 Nighthawk, the F-16 Fighting Falcon and other aircraft in use in Iraq), and includes such neocon luminaries as former Defense Policy Board chair Richard Perle. Downing has also served as an unpaid lobbyist and adviser to the Iraqi National Congress, an Administration-backed (and bankrolled) opposition group that stands to profit from regime change in Iraq.
Downing has his own entanglements. The colonel serves on the board of directors at Metal Storm Ltd., a ballistics-technology company that has contracts with US and Australian defense departments. The company's executive director told the New York Times on March 31 that Metal Storm technologies would "provide some significant advantage" in the type of urban warfare being fought in Iraq.
"We expect the analysts to keep their other interests out of their commentary, or we stop using them," says Kim Hume, Fox Washington bureau chief, though she concedes that the network has yet to sever its relationship with any analyst for this reason. She says the network is aware of various political and financial ties . . . but refused to discuss the issue. Hume says only that Fox military analyst Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, who represents several information-technology companies, is valuable as a commentator on psychological operations.
Shortly after the Vietnam War, Vallely pioneered a concept he called MindWar, a strategy that uses "electronic media--television and radio" in the "deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war." With the televised version of Operation Iraqi Freedom, we may be watching his theory at work--and at a tidy profit, too.
Some of us have been awake for a long, long time!:
Tribute to American Communists
CPUSA homepage
Ok Jeff, I am in the realm of 'what the fuck?' now, and having read much of what gets posted here and felt that there is a dialog of awareness being used, I was mildly stunned to read that this blog is listed as a CIA/911 fake site. Hmmm, Psy-ops indeed. So, truth me up.What is going on with this blog. Are you psyching us out with all the buzz words that we equate with real terror?
Thanks for the post, Jeff.
Sleep is wonderful when it restores me to peace. It is awful when sleeps destroys my peace.
Last night was awful as it was packed with nightmares from my past. One of my parts woke up at 3am and emailed Jeff that he was afraid of the scary nights.
I told Jeff sometimes it takes me hours or days to return to a state where I am grounded in the present and able to be the main "part" out.
I am familiar with sleep deprivation from spending long nights in college missing sleep. I spent a full year missing most sleep with a newborn who could not sleep. She was up all night with ear problems and I had to work a full day only to return to a sleepless night. All of this sleep deprivation is nothing compared to the feeling of utter exhaustion I have felt working with memories.
Over a decade ago, I went to see my psychiatrist for my sleep problems. He figured out all of the young parts never went to sleep because they were all up listening.
He held a meeting and told the young ones that only one part could stay up to listen each night. And, they had to switch parts each night so that each part got sleep. I thought again that this was the dumbest idea he had ever had. After that meeting, I started sleeping better. It did help.
It's good to have only one part of ourselves awake at night listening for danger while the others sleep peacefully. Grand idea.
Last night I left Jeff and the forum listening, because all of me was too tired.
sw (tired soul warrior)
I think more than the 3000+ cameras on the tube, those still activein Irak are ripping the veil from the dreammers into the abyss in construction.
The world is like a ride at an amusement park. It goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey – don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride ..." And we ... kill those people. Ha ha, "Shut him up. We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: It's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love.
Bill Hicks
For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.
Hosea 8:7
A new civil war, actually more of a civil war/revolution hybrid, is inevitable due to a confluence of trends culminating in a perfect storm. Cointellpro hacks and Echelon spiderbots: clearly understand this, I am neither calling for it, nor do I advocate violence (in spite of the horrific violence that undergirds the history and contemporary reality of Amerikkkan state power). Indeed, in the course of the coming turmoil, many people who don't deserve to will suffer - although of course many people who deserve to meet justice will instead grow rich in safety. And the end result is likely to be the replacement of one set of corrupt elites with another, as has happened with every revolution - sorry doctrainaire revolutionary socialists (and shallow enthusiasts of the American revolution). Nevertheless, when one studies the assembled evidence from an intellectually honest, historical materialist point of view, it seems to be coming soon, sure as the sun sets each day.
The biggest reason why is probably because the "right" (what do labels really mean - virtually nothing at this point, with both parties clamoring to execute the wishes of the same military-industrial complex Board of Directors, fused together in perpetual wargasm), as it clawed its way back to power since Watergate (in what, tactically, was truly a masterful long march through the institutions), focused their pitch to the fuck-kill-eat lizard brain part of the brain. Actually, not even the brain - in human beings, rather, it is the brain stem. This meant the use of image and sound bites appealing to emotion over critical reason, in fact suffocating critical reason, a course of action made decidely easier by the rise of a virulently anti-science/anti-reason, reactionary, jingoistic, bible-thumping evangelical fundamentalist christianity (who know nothing whatsoever of Jesus' message as the prince of peace) as the handmaiden to "right-wing" power and the wholesale collapse of public education, which has raised two generations of selfish, consumerist, know-nothing zombies.
In cultivating this obese, brain-dead horde of sheeple clamoring to trade the achingly beautiful evolutionary miracle of reason and consciousness for blind submission to authoritarian reactionaries, the scumfucking "leaders" were especially fond of "fetishizing violence as a token of moral toughness" (nice wording, posted by Lemon Merengue at Poor Man). The phrases below are merely a few of the choicest morsels in this gluttonous bloodfeast of hate.
Unfortunately, the unstoppable force of a vast pool of willfully ignorant morons slavishly devoted to authority figures who eat their substance while peddling them filthy hateful lies, who have a bottomless capacity for self-delusion and cognitive dissonance (which by all laws of physics should have already made their heads explode long ago) are about to be confronted by the immovable object of Reality: Amerikkka's full-blown, permanent economic collapse, possibly intensified by the effects of 50% of Americans finally (with soul-numbingly painful slowness) realizing that Amerikkka's military imperialism is anti-future, anti-human and anti-planet (to say nothing of financially unaffordable) and perhaps the karmic hammer of Peak Oil dropping down (although more on my agnoticism regarding Peak Oil later).
In other words, when the shit hits the fan, the knuckle-dragging dittoheads, freepers and other assorted holy rollers are going to blame anyone their vaunted "leaders" tell them to blame as long as it helps prevent them from blaming themselves, their venal RepubliCrat war pig politicians, 115 years of raw military imperialism, and the karmic baggage associated with being a nation built on genocide, land theft, and slavery of a scale never seen before in human history. When the unwelcome effects of Reality begin to intrude on their beloved Freedom - which is nothing more or less than the "freedom" to watch cable TV, drink beer, shop at Wal Mart and worship celebrities in an undisturbed solipsistic haze while the rich and powerful that they adore so much lie to, murder and steal from them - they are basically going to flip out and engage in the violence for which they have been primed for so long.
While this may give them some of the first exercise they have experienced since high school, it won't be healthy. Running down crosses at Camp Casey is just one of the opening shots.
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credit: the following quotes were assembled from disparate sources by the Poor Man.
We’re going to keep building the party until we’re hunting Democrats with dogs.
Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX)
Mother Jones, 8/1995
I tell people don’t kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus - living fossils - so we will never forget what these people stood for.
Rush Limbaugh
Denver Post, 12/29/1995
Environmentalists are a socialist group of individuals that are the tool of the Democrat Party. I’m proud to say that they are my enemy. They are not Americans, never have been Americans, never will be Americans.
Rep. Don Young (R-AK)
Alaska Public Radio, 8/19/1996
Get rid of the guy. Impeach him, censure him, assassinate him.
Rep. James Hansen (R-UT)
Chelsea is a Clinton. She bears the taint; and though not prosecutable in law, in custom and nature the taint cannot be ignored. All the great despotisms of the past - I’m not arguing for despotism as a principle, but they sure knew how to deal with potential trouble - recognized that the families of objectionable citizens were a continuing threat. In Stalin’s penal code it was a crime to be the wife or child of an ‘enemy of the people.’ The Nazis used the same principle, which they called Sippenhaft, ‘clan liability.’ In Imperial China, enemies of the state were punished ‘to the ninth degree’: that is, everyone in the offender’s own generation would be killed and everyone related via four generations up, to the great-great-grandparents, and four generations down, to the great-great-grandchildren, would also be killed.
John Derbyshire
National Review, 2/15/2001
The middle part of the country–the great red zone that voted for Bush–is clearly ready for war. The decadent left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead–and may well mount a fifth column.
Andrew Sullivan
London Sunday Times, 9/16/01
Why are we sending aircraft carriers halfway around the world to look for enemies, when our nation’s worst enemies–communists proclaiming an anti-American jihad–will be right there in front of the Washington Monument on Saturday?
Robert Stacy McCain
Washington Times, 9/27/01
Talk about ironic: the same people urging us not to blame the victim in rape cases are now saying that Uncle Sam wore a short skirt and asked for it.
Jonathan Alter
Newsweek, 10/1/2001
We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors.
Ann Coulter
My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.
Ann Coulter
New York Observer, 8/26/2002
John Kerry has it tough. As I’ve mentioned before, he’s been trying to send a positive message on the war when many people in his own party are actively rooting for the other side.
Glenn Reynolds
I have known some of the liberal world quite well and for a long time, and there are quite obviously people close to the leadership of today’s Democratic Party who do not at all hope that the battle goes well in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Christopher Hitchens
Bush hatred has become a defining characteristic for many liberals—so much so that they appear to identify with it more surely and swiftly than they do their American citizenship. At times, some extremist liberals seem to be rooting against their fellow Americans and in favor of those who would kill us.
Tara Ross
One can only admire Hendrickson’s candor in admitting what is usually hotly denied: that even many leading realists, along with many liberal internationalists, are rooting for an American defeat.
Norman Podhoretz
Let me put this in fairly simple terms: Al Jazeera now broadcasts to the region the words of Senator Durbin, certainly putting America’s men and women in uniform in greater danger. No more needs to be said about the motives of liberals.
Karl Rove
Everybody got it? Dissent, fine; undermining, you’re a traitor. Got it? So, all those clowns over at the liberal radio network, we could incarcerate them immediately. Will you have that done, please? Send over the FBI and just put them in chains, because they, you know, they’re undermining everything and they don’t care, couldn’t care less.
Bill O’Reilly
While our men and women in uniform put their lives on the line each day to defend our safety and to protect our freedoms, I am sure the least they expect is the backing and the support of their leaders at home. To the contrary, what we’ve seen from Democrat leaders is a growing pattern of jumping at any chance to point the finger at our own troops, bending over backwards to promote the interests of terror-camp detainees while dragging our military’s honored reputation through the mud.
Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH)
[It] is just inconceivable and truly incorrigible that in the midst of the war, that the Democratic leaders would be conducting guerrilla warfare on American troops. … [The Pelosi/Waxman proposal for an independent commission to investigate conditions at Guantanamo Bay is] simply another example of some Democrat leaders trusting the words of terrorists over the proven decency of U.S. troops.
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)
The Democratic leadership priority is to actively engage in the politics of division and distraction that can undermine our national security in favor of a left-wing agenda.
Ron Bonjean
Wouldn’t it be great if anybody who speaks out against this country, to kick them out of the country? Anybody that threatens this country, kick ‘em out. We’d get rid of Michael Moore, we’d get rid of half the Democratic Party if we would just import that law. That would be fabulous. The Supreme Court ought to look into this. Absolutely brilliant idea out there.
Rush Limbaugh
The citizen has privileges which are not accorded to the alien. He is the master in the Reich. But this high honour has also its obligations. Those who show themselves without personal honour or character, or common criminals, or traitors to the fatherland, can at any time be deprived of the rights of citizenship. Therewith they become merely subjects of the State.
Adolph Hitler
Mein Kampf
stonefruit, you are REALLY wasting my time, even more than some of the other logwinded freaks who feel they need to blather on this site.
Some of it is interesting, but you have just laid down a long gooey oilslick which anyone with half a brain will skip across with nary a backward glance. What a fukkin waste of bandwidth. Sheesh.
SW, I'm sorry to hear of your difficult night. It sounds like you could use a better sleep tonight.
Who's got the power to gather everyone for a meeting so that everyone understands what it takes for you to function optimally? Does it have to be someone external, like your psychiatrist from ten years ago? If so, is he still available, or could someone else in your life now take that role?
"I was mildly stunned to read that this blog is listed as a CIA/911 fake site. Hmmm, Psy-ops indeed. So, truth me up. What is going on with this blog."
If you give any credence to Fintan Dunne's list, then you're pretty much left with Fintan Dunne. Apparently, virtually everything else is psyops.
Seriously, as strange as it may seem sometimes, I'm not being disingenuous about anything I write here. What's going on with this blog is just a lot of honest fumbling in the dark.
To Anonymous at 6:48:
Sheesh, speak for yourself. Who died and made you the boss of R.I.? I found Stonefruit's collection of quotes to be informative and illuminating. And if you're going to criticize another commenter, at least be polite about it.
stonefruit, a superb post. thank you for it and for the Poor Man's catalogue of banal evil.
'Seriously, as strange as it may seem sometimes, I'm not being disingenuous about anything I write here. What's going on with this blog is just a lot of honest fumbling in the dark.'
Thank you Jeff, I am sorry I had to even ask the question. I have spent many hours reading things that both frighten and inform here, and I was feeling like I was being tricked by the very people we need to beware of. cheers.
Does a true Jedi need a sword? I wonder if any of those mindwarriors have given up their automatic rifles or body armor...
And considering the yet undiscovered WMDs in Iraq, apparently remote viewing still isn't tuned in to the right channel.
I just discovered your blog and I love it!!! You have the neatest insight into things, and more than that you are a fantastic writer, your ideas come through really clear...keep em coming!
Anonymous One,do you think many in this world will be able to tell the difference between a dream state and wakeing state,when they hit the switch on us? My bet is,it isn't far away. In the past few weeks I have noted many of the people I come in contact with,are really buging out. I can't put my finger on it but there is something wrong in this country,we are succoming to evil and dark force. More and more people feel we should just kill everyone that doesn't think like the US,folks are getting real scary around my parts,hope it's not catchen on around you. When the dream program starts hold on all bets are off, Huxley would be proud of us, later.
Thanks for your post Avalon.
Last night was just as bad as the previous nights.
My psychiatrist retired six years ago. I still have a wonderful therapist.
As far as I can tell, there are only two of me left. I am one piece and there is one more piece. The other 35 parts have integrated. The meetings used to work when I had an entire system. Space and I merge most of the time now. It's a stage prior to integration and then it will only be me left.
Integration is not the end I have found. I still have memories from my past. Those parts have become part of me.
There is something different going on with the last part. I posted about him awhile ago but did not get any comments. There is a post on the forum blog titled something about former lives and children. I wrote that post because of what I am going through now.
The dreams don't seem to be about my past. I don't know what is happening. Space told me yesterday that the dreams are coming through him because he picks things up.
In one bad dream this weekend, I was watching from the roof as a "fly on the wall." There were four men in white dirty prison garb. They were blindfolded and their hands and feet were bound. The bad prison guards for lack of a better term were beating the bottoms of the mens feet and then they'd hit them in the face. The terror part of it was they never could see the blows coming. They lived in fear all day because they could never tell when they would be knocked in the face or feet with the boards.
To get to the dreams I had to travel far. Some travel was distance and some travel was in time.
I put flowers on some graves of those that were killed.
I tried to write some of the dreams down but they just went on and on with no rhyme or reason.
Space cannot control the off / on switch for these nights. I cannot either. I wake up all through out the night in sweats. I am home from work today.
I think this is fall out from the RV part. I don't know what to do about it. I don't know where to go. All the hospitals are for people who are suicidal. I am not suicidal. I have not slept in a long time. Space only considers Miller his doctor. Miller retired. I don't know who to turn to. I don't have any money to find some expert. All the experts probably work for the government.
Where does one turn when the perps have been family, church and govt?
Thanks for listening Avalon and for caring.
I'm going to keep praying. This problem is bigger than me.
Please find my post, Avalon. See what I mean about the past lives stuff and Space. That is part of the problem.
Most people don't even believe in past lives. Most people don't believe in stuff until it happens to them or to someone they love.
Thanks for listening.
(re Cheney's spoon..) There was a programme on UK tv, Channel 4, around Nov/Dec 2004, featuring the 'goat' experiments and martial arts types. I think the presenter must have been Jon Ronson and the main subject Jim Channon, going by the description in the article. Apologies to both if it wasn't them. It was incredulous nonsense. The presenter was naive beyond belief (and had a book to promote) and everyone interviewed was either self deluded or insane, or acting, all apparently happy to speak on film about what they claimed were 'top secret' government matters. You have my word, if that was Jim Channon, you've nothing to fear there. Aren't there more important things to talk about?
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