Top of the food chain
They used to grow food in Kansas,
Now they want to grow it on the Moon
And eat it raw
- Bob Dylan
Bite me: Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Dateline, Lubbock:
A toxic chemical used in rocket fuel was found in virtually every sample taken in a new study of nursing mothers' milk, but researchers said it is too early to know whether the perchlorate levels are dangerous.
Perchlorate has been linked to thyroid ailments, and is considered particularly dangerous to children. It has been found in drinking water supplies in 35 states and also in vegetables. While the chemical occurs naturally, the National Academy of Sciences has said most of the contamination is from its use in rocket fuels, fireworks and explosives.
Contamination is especially widespread in California because of the many current and former defense and space program sites in the state.
It's always so discouraging to take bad news in stride. But I'd read last year of high levels of rocket fuel in California lettuce, so that it's now found in virtually every sample of mothers' milk is only natural. Is that the word I'm looking for?
Male bass are producing eggs in the headwaters of the Potomac. I guess it's true, that swimming in a broth of pharmaceuticals, household detergents and "personal-care products" can really mess your shit up. But who'd have thought? "It was not something we were really looking for," said a fish pathologist, whom we might have expected to be looking for it. (That a large, global decline in human sperm count is a fact, that more boys are not dropping their testicles and more men are growing breasts: are those things our pathologists are looking for?)
All my life, I've harboured High Arctic escape fantasies. Give me some seal-skin mukluks, a warm parka and broadband, and I'd feel happy and safe, watching iceburgs traverse my Mosquito Coast. But now, "alarming levels of PCBs, DDT, mercury and other toxic chemical pollutants that originate in the south" are impairing Innu children:
Meanwhile, the recent discovery of hermaphrodite polar bear cubs in Svalbard, Norway, has heightened concern that the chemicals may also be disrupting hormonal development. For his part, Ootoovak says he’s aware of the poisonous additives in maktaaq [raw Narwhal meat], but shrugs at the potential consequences. "You worry about it, but there’s nothing you can do," he says. A piece of maktaaq no larger than a sugar cube contains more than Health Canada’s maximum recommended intake of PCBs for an entire week.
But many local residents, like hunter and guide Lameck Kadloo, 34, will consume 10 times that much in a single day. It’s an unhappy fact that the more these communities adhere to their traditional way of life, the more potentially harmful pollutants they expose themselves and their children to. Kadloo’s three young children all eat maktaaq as a regular part of their diets. "It’s part of our tradition," he says. "We can’t give it up just like that. We have to eat what the land gives us."
So to where do the Innu fantasize escape?
Have you ever seen the film Tetsuo? You're living it. No cinema does dread like the Japanese. Maybe that's the peculiar insight granted a post-apocalyptic culture. "Revolving around the transformation of people into grotesque hybrids of flesh and metal...." And maybe that's how we're to survive in the world we're making, by ignorance and design: by becoming our toxins. All hail the new flesh.
Or perhaps our destiny rides, instead, with the likes of the 100 Vietnamese who are fighting that future by suing more than 30 firms, including Dow Chemical and Montsanto, for Agent Orange compensation. (" pupil writes with a pencil held between his toes, another cannot close her smiling mouth properly and the oldest of them, Tran Thi Hoan, wheels herself in and out as her legs have no calves.") And perhaps the next generation of Serbs, Afghans and Iraqis, conceived in the dust of Depleted Uranium, will pin down their poisoners until they're forced to spit out the words "Never again."
Because it can't go on like this, if we want to go on calling ourselves human.
By the way, Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, shares his thoughts here on Peter Jennings' "Spinning and Deceiving" the other night:
It is ludicrous to think that ABC’s leadership just decided to "do" a special like this. When dealing with the powerful media – which George Orwell today would certainly describe as our Ministry of Truth – one must assume there is a political (and in this case national security) goal. This is, after all, a critical national security topic. Major media is in bed with our national security apparatus. This ain’t your great-grandpa’s U.S. of A., sonny. It’s become more like the old Soviet Union. Indeed, we have to watch ABC in the same way that the people who used to be called "Sovietologists" analyzed official Soviet public statements. "What does so-and-so really mean by that? What is the significance of this person’s presence or absence at an official function?" As Tass was to the Soviet elite – the primary mouthpiece and propaganda instrument – so are the major networks of today, including ABC, to America’s power elite.
Thus, we might ask, was ABC attempting to "prepare the public?" Or, instead, some form of spin control?
Spin, spin, and more spin.
I do confess to wonder, however, why now? ABC could have left this issue alone. By broaching it at all, even in this tightly controlled manner, there is the possibility that more people will become interested to know more.
According to the Merlin Project, we're right on schedule.
Now they want to grow it on the Moon
And eat it raw
- Bob Dylan
Bite me: Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Dateline, Lubbock:
A toxic chemical used in rocket fuel was found in virtually every sample taken in a new study of nursing mothers' milk, but researchers said it is too early to know whether the perchlorate levels are dangerous.
Perchlorate has been linked to thyroid ailments, and is considered particularly dangerous to children. It has been found in drinking water supplies in 35 states and also in vegetables. While the chemical occurs naturally, the National Academy of Sciences has said most of the contamination is from its use in rocket fuels, fireworks and explosives.
Contamination is especially widespread in California because of the many current and former defense and space program sites in the state.
It's always so discouraging to take bad news in stride. But I'd read last year of high levels of rocket fuel in California lettuce, so that it's now found in virtually every sample of mothers' milk is only natural. Is that the word I'm looking for?
Male bass are producing eggs in the headwaters of the Potomac. I guess it's true, that swimming in a broth of pharmaceuticals, household detergents and "personal-care products" can really mess your shit up. But who'd have thought? "It was not something we were really looking for," said a fish pathologist, whom we might have expected to be looking for it. (That a large, global decline in human sperm count is a fact, that more boys are not dropping their testicles and more men are growing breasts: are those things our pathologists are looking for?)
All my life, I've harboured High Arctic escape fantasies. Give me some seal-skin mukluks, a warm parka and broadband, and I'd feel happy and safe, watching iceburgs traverse my Mosquito Coast. But now, "alarming levels of PCBs, DDT, mercury and other toxic chemical pollutants that originate in the south" are impairing Innu children:
Meanwhile, the recent discovery of hermaphrodite polar bear cubs in Svalbard, Norway, has heightened concern that the chemicals may also be disrupting hormonal development. For his part, Ootoovak says he’s aware of the poisonous additives in maktaaq [raw Narwhal meat], but shrugs at the potential consequences. "You worry about it, but there’s nothing you can do," he says. A piece of maktaaq no larger than a sugar cube contains more than Health Canada’s maximum recommended intake of PCBs for an entire week.
But many local residents, like hunter and guide Lameck Kadloo, 34, will consume 10 times that much in a single day. It’s an unhappy fact that the more these communities adhere to their traditional way of life, the more potentially harmful pollutants they expose themselves and their children to. Kadloo’s three young children all eat maktaaq as a regular part of their diets. "It’s part of our tradition," he says. "We can’t give it up just like that. We have to eat what the land gives us."
So to where do the Innu fantasize escape?
Have you ever seen the film Tetsuo? You're living it. No cinema does dread like the Japanese. Maybe that's the peculiar insight granted a post-apocalyptic culture. "Revolving around the transformation of people into grotesque hybrids of flesh and metal...." And maybe that's how we're to survive in the world we're making, by ignorance and design: by becoming our toxins. All hail the new flesh.
Or perhaps our destiny rides, instead, with the likes of the 100 Vietnamese who are fighting that future by suing more than 30 firms, including Dow Chemical and Montsanto, for Agent Orange compensation. (" pupil writes with a pencil held between his toes, another cannot close her smiling mouth properly and the oldest of them, Tran Thi Hoan, wheels herself in and out as her legs have no calves.") And perhaps the next generation of Serbs, Afghans and Iraqis, conceived in the dust of Depleted Uranium, will pin down their poisoners until they're forced to spit out the words "Never again."
Because it can't go on like this, if we want to go on calling ourselves human.
By the way, Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, shares his thoughts here on Peter Jennings' "Spinning and Deceiving" the other night:
It is ludicrous to think that ABC’s leadership just decided to "do" a special like this. When dealing with the powerful media – which George Orwell today would certainly describe as our Ministry of Truth – one must assume there is a political (and in this case national security) goal. This is, after all, a critical national security topic. Major media is in bed with our national security apparatus. This ain’t your great-grandpa’s U.S. of A., sonny. It’s become more like the old Soviet Union. Indeed, we have to watch ABC in the same way that the people who used to be called "Sovietologists" analyzed official Soviet public statements. "What does so-and-so really mean by that? What is the significance of this person’s presence or absence at an official function?" As Tass was to the Soviet elite – the primary mouthpiece and propaganda instrument – so are the major networks of today, including ABC, to America’s power elite.
Thus, we might ask, was ABC attempting to "prepare the public?" Or, instead, some form of spin control?
Spin, spin, and more spin.
I do confess to wonder, however, why now? ABC could have left this issue alone. By broaching it at all, even in this tightly controlled manner, there is the possibility that more people will become interested to know more.
According to the Merlin Project, we're right on schedule.
The more I read, the more I feel like a serf or peasant. The doings of the folk in the manor house get more and more screwed up, and the little folk have less and less to do or say about any of it. I may as well keep my head down and keep plowing the fields, and thank my lucky stars I have a nice mud hut to spend my leisure time in. Mmmm I like pease porridge and gruel.
Rumours of alien tech, Moonie shenanigans, Crowley, Project Blue Beam, avian flu, HAARP, human-induced earthquakes, global warming, peak oil....I'm happy to be a Delta. Those Alphas and Betas have way too much stress and worry. Someone has to do the ditch digging and trash collecting, it's very important to society. I'm a good worker and Soylent Green is very nutritious and tasty.
I think some of the diggers into the "Gannon" affair found out that Bobby Eberle was working for NASA on Bush's Moon/Mars program. I heard that is a bit of a kooky program. As I recall, they want to build a base on the moon, in order to strip-mine the moon for energy that may not be there, using technology that hasn't been invented yet. Also, many believe that manned spaceflight is prohibitively risky and expensive, robotics is where its at (i.e. mars rovers).
Joanna said...
The more I read, the more I feel like a serf or peasant. The doings of the folk in the manor house get more and more screwed up, and the little folk have less and less to do or say about any of it. I may as well keep my head down and keep plowing the fields, and thank my lucky stars I have a nice mud hut to spend my leisure time in. Mmmm I like pease porridge and gruel.
We're not quite at - to use the over-used metaphor - the tipping point yet. The one thing that absolutely paralyzes the fully visible cloven hoof from plopping out on the table is that the elite are TERRIBLY outnumbered. Until the final social controls are in place - total individual surveillance, population thinning, selective 'trouble maker' incarceration - they still wake up in a sweat in the middle of the night, worried that the people could rise and end their plans rather swiftly and effectively.
Part of the great 'War on Terrorism' crusade is that it has allowed the powers to be protected, theoretically for national security, from the uncontrolled ebb and flow of the rest of us.
Not that I expect people to wake up...but until these last nails are in our collective coffin, we still scare them.
Oh, Jeff, did you catch the reference in the Globe and Mail today about what Hunter S. Thompson was working on before his death?:
Alexander Pope in a prose convertible
Saturday, February 26, 2005, Page F9
Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations.....
Roberts later says the first two sentances of his opening was made up, but that Thompson indeed was at work on such a story.
Thanks for the Globe excerpt, I hadn't read it today. Paul William Roberts is always worth reading, and this just floors me.
The second paragraph:
"That's how I imagine a tribute to Hunter S. Thompson should begin. He was indeed working on such a story, but it wasn't what killed him. He exercised his own option to do that. As he said to more than one person, 'I would feel real trapped in this life if I didn't know I could commit suicide at any time.'"
I don't know whether he's suggesting he was inventing the conversation. But he is saying with certainty that it was a suicide, and that such a story existed.
Anonymous One,to start it seems we sit on the event horizon,ready to be sucked into our black hole called Hell.But we will push this planet as far as we can, and no one can stop us.Expansion drives the consumers of America,more means more,and of course it must be easy to get.Like I have said before,until little Johny has a third eye showing,no one will notice.Now as far as UFO's,did they happen to mention the discovery of the newest element #115? That seems to be the same element Bob Lazer worked with in the 90's at Dreamland.Folk,they are at least 50 years a head of what they let us see.Think about the shit storm Dennis Kucinick started with his orignal bill HR 2977,dealing with space base weaponization,aka. mind control from space.The net is almost closed,hold on,later.
With regards to the reason the media may want to 'prep' the public on the extraterrestrial issue, one need look no further than the testimony of Dr. Carol Rosin (spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun) from the Disclosure ProjectBasically, the list of manufactured 'threats' in the push for space based weapons systems, as told to her by Von Braun in the seventies, goes like this:
1. 'Commies'
2. 'Terrorists'
3. 'Rogue States'
4. 'Asteroids'
Then the 'final card' is
5. 'Alien Invasion'
As things stand today, it appears that we're at the third item in the list, although asteroids keep popping up in the news every now and then...
I recommend watching the Disclosure Project press conference video - there's much jaw-dropping information in there.
Disclosure Project Press Briefing(May 9, 2001 National Press Club)
Now here's a thought... If the powers-that-be are in possesion of exotic reverse-engineered technology and craft, why keep such equipment and technology unacknowledged and under wraps for so long? Obviously, one reason would be to keep the cheap or free energy out of the hands of the masses. But if we were to take Dr. Rosin's testimony and run with it a little, perhaps such technology will debut in a future 'staged' event.
Remember Orson Welles' War of the Worlds broadcast?
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Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
I will always follow the article posted here, thank you
Jika berbicara mengenai pengertianya maka penyakit jengger ayam ini diketahui adalah penyakit menular seksual yang penyebabnya berkaitan dengan Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Penyakit ini juga dapat menampilkan diri dalam berbagai bentuk, namun secara umum kutil yang bertumbuh pada bagian genital penderita berbentuk benjolan daging yang berwarna, dan terjadi pada sekitar alat vital. Siapa saja bisa menderita penyakit ini baik yang pria maupun wanita
Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit
Cegah Wasir ambeien anda bertambah parah dan segera untuk melakukan pengobatan yang cepat dan tepat dengan obat terbaik apabila sobat sedang mencari obat Ambeien yang ampuh dan cepat sobat sedang berada di web yang tepat karena kami ini menjual obat Ambeien yang aman cepat dan ampuh segera kontak kami di 0823 2528 0340, chirurgie esthetique
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