Markovian Parallax Denigrate

It's their ways to detain, their ways to disgrace,
their knee in your balls and their fist in your face.
Yes and long live the state by whoever it's made,
sir, I didn't see nothing, I was just getting home late. - Leonard Cohen
On August 5, 1996, Usenet groups were spammed by messages of seemingly random word strings, "sometimes numbering in the thousands in a single posting," under the subject line "Markovian Parallax Denigrate":
jitterbugging McKinley Abe break Newtonian inferring
caw update Cohen air collaborate rue
sportswriting rococo invocate tousle shadflower
Debby Stirling pathogenesis escritoire adventitious novo
ITT most chairperson Dwight Hertzog different
pinpoint dunk McKinley pendant firelight Uranus
episodic medicine ditty craggy flogging variac
brotherhood Webb impromptu file countenance inheritance
cohesion refrigerate morphine napkin inland Janeiro
nameable yearbook hark....
I imagine that night the data stream must have been thick with reports of Usenet abuse. But like much abuse, we have to ask, what's its point? It was either nonsense, or a cipher. And if a cipher, then it was a virtual numbers station.
I used to be an avid listener of shortwave radio, and often found numbers stations without realizing what the monotonous intoning, beeps or bizarre sound sequences might be. Interestingly, no one who knows for sure what they are is talking even now, though the most informed guess is that it's the background noise of the black ops world. Fittingly, they can make for creepy listening. For instance the German station, known as "Swedish Rhapsody," which broadcast in the voice of a young girl. And a new one, apparently transmitting from the Southwest US and known as "Yosemite Sam", that begins with a brief data burst followed by the phrase "Varmint, I'ma Gonna Blow Yah T'Smithereens!" This is repeated ten seconds later on the next highest of four frequencies. "Transmissions always start at an offset of 7 seconds, such as at 10:00:07. The timing of the transmissions seems to be excellent." (If this sounds like fun listening, you may want to consider the Conent Project. Though it was released before the debut of "Yosemite Sam" )
Getting back to "Markovian Parallax Denigrate," Google has archived an example here that was posted to The sender is identified as "Chris Brokerage," though clicking "view profile" brings up the email address
Now, "Susan Lindauer" - does that name mean anything to you? Thanks to Project Willow on the RI discussion board for reminding me of her strange story. At least of the strangeness we can know.
In 1993 Lindauer left a career as a journalist with such credits as Fortune, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and US News & World Report to join the press office of Democratic Congressman Peter DeFazio. Three years later, at the time of the "Markovian Parallax Denigrate" postings, she was working for former Senator Carol Mosely Brown. And two years after that, in 1998, Lindauer was making a deposition in the Lockerbie Trial that contradicted the official Libya did it! yarn, corroborating the accounts of others, such as former DIA operative Lester Coleman that it was instead all about Bekka Valley heroin and CIA drug dealing. (Coleman's book, Trail of the Octopus, can be read online with free registration here.) Because of her time on the Lockerbie case, Lindauer developed an impressive network of Middle East contacts. (Her Washington contacts weren't too shabby, either. Andrew Card is her second cousin.)
But how you're likely to know Lindauer's name is by her March 2004 arrest for acting as an "unregistered agent" of the Iraqi government over a period of five years. (Shades of the stitch-up of George Galloway.) Lindauer argued that her efforts to lift sanctions and to prevent war were being misrepresented. To the Associated Press, Lindauer claimed she was being punished for involving herself in US foreign policy. Though the media portrayed her as a spy and its echo chamber called her a traitor, she was never charged with espionage.
That was two years ago. Her case has yet to come to trial. In fact, she's been judged unfit to stand trial. Today, "she is confined to a federal mental facility in Texas, perhaps never to get her day in court...She is being held past her scheduled release date, which had been sometime early this month, and, she tells friends, might be forcibly medicated as part of her treatment."
According to two court-appointed doctors:
the defendant is suffering from psychotic disorder not otherwise specified, delusional disorder, hallucinatory phenomena, and mood disturbance that render her mentally incompetent to the extent that she does not understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings against her and is unable to assist properly in her defense at this time.
Lindauer had been free on bail until last September when the court, informed by the judgement of the doctors, decided she needed closer observation. Now, it's unclear when she's getting out, and "friends say her mental state seems to have worsened during incarceration":
"I got a call from her Feb. 4," says [friend JB] Fields. "They are talking about forcibly medicating her. She sees women around her, in Carswell [federal medical center in Fort Worth, Texas], who can't hold their own silverware to eat because of medications, and she doesn't see how such treatments make anyone more fit for trial. Seems a lot like the way the Soviets used to treat dissidents." Lindauer told another friend she was being guarded like a terrorist at Carswell, and a relative of Lindauer who recently attempted to visit her was turned away, Fields says.
So, what was all that about "Markovian Parallax Denigrate"? Lindauer was caught up in the Lockerbie intrigue by 1994. Anyone cross-posting a cipher to Usenet would be unlikely to use his or her own email address. And yet hers was.
"59372 98324 19043 78903 95320...". The mechanized female voice drones on and on... What have you stumbled on to? Instructions to spies? Messages exchanged between drug dealers? Deliberate attempts at deception and misinformation?
Chances are, all of the above
Chances are, by 1996 some parties were unhappy with Lindauer sniffing around the drugs of Lockerbie. And so, perhaps for short-term shit-disturbance and a cheap investment in an unknown, long-term pay out, the "Markovian Parallax Denigrate" was created and ascribed to Susan Lindaur. (It's interesting to see "Webb" in the word string. It was in August, 1996, the same month of the "Markovian Parallax Denigrate," that Gary Webb's "Dark Alliance" first appeared.) Deliberate misinformation, to suggest Lindauer was playing a double game, and to lay down some legend if she gave them cause to use it.
Psychotic, delusional, hallucinatory. But they were after her.
The thing that struck me about the word string was that three of the proper nouns were names of people who have (by now at least) been assassinated. McKinley (twice), Abe and Webb.
mouse why juice brian tousles george fruit feign dual when eleven cruise stein's website liquid demiurge stuart's leisure..
....... (german trappist,ouuch,and i'm not kidding)
File this post under: Somehow really quite creepy. I can just see a 'Lindauer' dosed to high heaven inside a Skinner box being forced to listen to 'Spy Numbers.'
: of, relating to, or resembling a Markov process or Markov chain especially by having probabilities defined in terms of transition from the possible existing states to other states
: the apparent displacement or the difference in apparent direction of an object as seen from two different points not on a straight line with the object; especially : the angular difference in direction of a celestial body as measured from two points on the earth's orbit
1 : to cast aspersions on : DEFAME
2 : to deny the importance or validity of : BELITTLE
Hmmmmm. Veddy interesting.
I just tried looking for other occurrences of in Google groups, and there were none except for that one message you cite.
The only other susan_lindauer message was a December 12, 1996 posting by someone looking for two roommates age 26-35 to share a house in Silver Spring, MD. From the age and location, that does seem likely to be her.
However, I also found that is associated with the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point -- which is a pretty far haul from Maryland.
A search for Susan Lindauer at Intellius produces listings for Susan P. Lindauer, age 43, in Silver Springs and Takoma Park. That's clearly her.
But it also comes up with over a dozen more people of that name, including a Susan E. Lindauer, age 34, in Appleton, WI. That's presumably the Susan Lindauer who was listed in 2003 as a junior varsity girls' soccer coach in Kaukana, WI (which is near Appleton.)
Not to draw any conclusions from this -- simply that I've learned from sad experience that names are not unique identifiers.
Here is a web page that has "Everything Susan P. Lindauer"
Bio, comments from co-workers, friends, neighbors...
Links to many articles on her arrest.
starroute -
Oh, sure,
Next you'll be saying that Jeff Gannon ISN'T Johnny Gosch!
That's all well and good, but Paul Foot sniffed around Lockerbie for years and nothing ever happened to him, although that may be because he was considered untouchable.
"Not to draw any conclusions from this -- simply that I've learned from sad experience that names are not unique identifiers."
Thanks starroute, that needs to be said, and I should have said it in the post. Perhaps I made a mistake introducing the cipher to the story, the focus of which should be the forced confinement in a mental institution and medication of someone who's more a dissident than a spy.
That reminded me of a very weird spam email that also had seemingly random words BUT when you selected the whole text with your mouse other words appeared (like written in white on a white background).
I could not make any sense of it but it had some dates and various Israeli and Palestinian references.
Damn, I should have kept a copy of it somewhere...
going here HREF="" REL="nofollow">Susan_Lindauer_Case
i noticed something:
Her Father is Dr. John Lindauer, a former newspaper publisher, University of Alaska Chancellor (1976-78), and 1998 Republican gubernatorial nominee in Alaska (lost and charged with campaign finance fraud--his $1.7M campaign money came from his wife, Dorothy)
it next says:
'John Lindauer talked of a legacy. Instead, his run for governor is remembered as the most self-destructive campaign in Alaska's history.....(Juneau Empire, 8 Nov 1998)'
i googled this:
HREF="" REL="nofollow">daily kos
its about susan lindauer, in the post, it says this:
According to the indictment, "Lindauer delivered a letter `to the home of a United States government official' on Jan. 8, 2003, in which she described her access to members of dictator Saddam Hussein's regime `in an unsuccessful attempt to influence United States policy.' " That official, who wasn't identified in earlier reports, is Lindauer's second cousin--White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card.
the post also mentions HREF="" REL="nofollow">The Parallax View, a thriller about government conspiracy.
googling john lindauer i find this:
HREF="" REL="nofollow">Alaska 1998 Official Election Pamphlet - John Lindauer
else where, i found this bit of information, Most of the messages were posted or re-posted to
sorry about the messed up links.
i found another post! the screen name is Canoga, but email is different:
post is tited Marianne
here is that post starroute was talking about:
seek two housemates to share sunny house in Four Corners, SS
all i can find is 2 jibberish like posts, where all the rest go?
The forced psychiatric treatment sounds a bit like the latest "Ludlum" thriller: The Ambler Warning.
I haven't read it, but the whole premise of the government having a psychiatric warehouse for government employees & spies considered to be "beyond salvage" as a disconcerting ring of truth to it.
"the whole premise of the government having a psychiatric warehouse for government employees & spies considered to be "beyond salvage" as a disconcerting ring of truth to it."
The concept of such a premise made for a great 60's british TV show "The Prisoner" which is open to multiple being that it has a ring of truth to it.
So, she was at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point? I wonder what she was doing there? Kind of like what was Nick Berg (Cornell student) doing at OU? Clearly he was working for OU Pres. David Boren, the former senator who is guilty of doing the same things ex-Spokane mayor Jim West has been doing. And don't forget, Boren and CIA Dir. Tenet were together on 9/11, having a "leisurely breakfast."
I recently had a conversation with the director of "Left Behind 3: World at War" - Craig Baxley. Very nice man. He was Warren Beatty's stunt double for many years, starting with "The Parallax View". I mentioned that it's one of my favourite movies, and he laughed, and said, "It doesn't really hold up so well these days." I told him I thought quite the opposite, that it's still very, very relevant, and he seemed a little taken aback. "The Parallax View" - if you haven't seen it - is about an undercover reporter's investigation into a corporation that produces assassins. It's one dark and mega-paranoid movie, directed by Alan J Pakula, who of course made "All the President's Men". As Daniel pointed out earlier in this thread, the word strings in Markovia Parallax Denigrate seem pretty loaded to anyone attuned to the type of world view discussed at RI - "parallax" might be one of those words - and there have been previous discussions here about the hubris, arrogance and weird sense of mischief that leads the PTB to occassionally show its hand: just enough to keep the paranoid scared, but marginalized. Never enough to prove anything.
The Marianne posting was posted at 9:11 PM (just to point out). Also, a correction: it's Carol Moseley Braun not Mosely Brown.
The Susan Lindauer story is just one more that the mainstream media want nothing to do with.
What is frightening is that what is being done to her could happen to any of us, so that to be become paranoid is the only sane response.
So we need not seek to know for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for us.
Forced psychiatric treatment of people the government finds troublesome goes back at least to the days of the JFK assassination. See this link from Mae Brussels' archives:
Abraham Bolden was an African American Secret Service man from Chicago who reported a plot on Kennedy's life. He was sent to a mental institution.
Floyd Smoots here, but blogger is giving me a "World of Sh*t" about loggin from this badly-designed "page". Jeff, wish I COULD tell you some of the little that I know about military cryptography, but alas, even though I've been out of the US Navy for almost thirty three years, I'm STILL COVERED under the "Official Secrets Act", and have NO WISH to join poor Susan as a force-medicated "non-person". Again, sorry, but I will say that I can see something in the five character groupings to which you alluded.
Floyd again....NOT SAYING that I can make any decryptions or anything like that, I just sort of recognize the "type" of code being used.
That was definitely a "Holy Fucking Shit" post.
I think I'm beginning to get it.
We never "defeated" Nazi Germany or Communist Russia, did we?
Just kind of assimilated them.
Reminds me of a J.Edgar Hoover speech I heard a few years back where he's talking about how the Soviets lie & cheat & murder & if we want to defeat them we have to lie like the enemy & cheat like the enemy & become just like the enemy.
Looks like that worked out real well for them.
Of course, we all lose, but history or God or evolution or whatever appears to enjoy playing that little joke on the majority of humanity over & over & over & over...........
Not finding it particularly amusing right now though.
I studied AI and a Markov chain is a cheap'n'cheerful way of generating pseudo-intelligent text output. You scan a piece of text, assign probablities to all the words derived from frequency and then let the Markov chain generator churn out miles of text in a similar style to the original.
Note that many spammers these days use large amounts of pseudo-English text generated by Markov chains as a tactic to 'poison' Bayesian filters (a common anti-spam recognition technique).
While a 'Usenet numbers station' is certainly an intriguing possibility, the simplest explanation for such a post would be a accident by a spammer who set their bulk mailing tool to 'all Usenet channels', 'add Markov text' and 'no actual post'.
Mind you, in 1996 spam wasn't nearly as advanced as it is now. And the text doesn't actually resemble the output from a Markov chain. A huge bulk post like that *could* be a code, or it could just be a rather unsubtle and amateurish attempt to harrass someone by spamming patent nonsense (even by Usenet standards) to the widest possible group of annoyed Netizens under their name, all of whom would be likely to respond with angry emails.
If this was harrassment, then it seems like the kind of embarrassingly crude attempt I would expect from, eg, the Church of Scientology around that time period. Not from seasoned intelligence professionals, unless I'm up for a great amount of disappointment in my imaginings of US intelligence professionalism.
(Which is not to say there isn't any connection between CoS and CIA - reading Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ's book 'Mind-Reach' about the 1970s SCANATE psi experiments, he overlooks to mention the rather startling fact that he and many of his 'talents' were CoS affiliated. People embedded with such a deeply secretive and power-hungry group as CoS being trusted with CIA military secrets in psi-spying tests. Uh-huh. Who let that happen? Wasn't it around that time that L. Ron started getting really paranoid and tried to spy on the US Federal Government with 'Operation Snow White'? And then the DoJ hammer came down hard at the end of the 70s. Was he afraid the US Government was trying to 'steal his technology'? Is it possible that Hubbard had some kind of arms-length working relationship with elements of the US intelligence community before SCANATE?)
Perhaps another clever component to the message . . . sounds just like the sort of stream of consciousness you get from a schizophrenic moving down towards to disorganized spectrum. I've worked with these types of people at a state mental institution for criminals, so I know what they sound like. I looks like the PTB may having been laying the foundations for their forced treatment and confinement eeven back then.
Let's not forget how Alan J Pakula died. . . . .
I'm quite frankly writing this on a semi-drunken late-night impulse, and so discount it if you will.
(Drink opens the mind. It inhibits the body. Many drugs work this way. We play with them to our advantage at times, to our disadvantage on occasion. Another topic?)
It strikes me that those who DO, like Lindauer, end up in serious trouble.
In prison. Forcibly medicated. Suicided. Disappeared. Discredited. Assassinated. Obfuscated. Denied publicity. Nothing, in one way or another.
And then there are those of us who talk without doing. We talk and we talk and we talk. We DO nothing at all (apart, God bless us, from the talking), and somehow our words are ignored, unheeded, glossed over, not publicized, or whatever . . .
But, but, but . . .
Are not words fundamental?
In the beginning was the Word . . .
God SAID "Let there be light" . . .
Words drive the world, delimit and expand our shared reality . . .
And yet . . .
And so . . .
Let's not despair, comrades, fellows,
but let's rather strive to speak into being, think into speaking, and so on . . .
The Darryl Smith phenom compels consideration, though--oh dear--there's a tad bit of narrowness, one feels, in the Zionist focus. Or perhaps, who knows? . Worth following, anyway.
Forgive me, I'm under the influence of at least one thing (vodka!), and perhaps, God vouchsafe, under the influence of a bit more (with sense enough, as goes without saying, not to be driving),
Thanks for the post.
Here is where it gets really, really weird, at least for me: the newsgroup where everything was posted ( is about a cult (The Boston Church of Christ) of which I was a part for 13+ years. This newsgroup, unfortunately, does not seem to be active right and is overrun by spurious spam of a religious nature.
The cult was led by a scumbag, named Kip McKean. The usual brainwashing, peer-pressure, and manipulation took place in the cult and resulted in the usual consequences: lots of people ended up with messed-up brains and messed-up lives (me included).
Now, here is where it gets super- duper- ultra creepy and totally relevant to the Rigorous Intuition meme...:
-1- Most of the 'leaders' of the Boston Church were recruited among the top US universities: MIT, Harvard, etc. (Elitism).
-2- Some of those leaders were accused of molesting children and/or teenagers in several different churches. (Ritual Abuse). Of course, these abuses were covered-up by the Church hierarchy, sometimes at great cost (Cover-up).
-3- In the Boston Church, the emphasis was often put on a Spiritual War, Religious Warfare, and being a Proud Soldier for God (Fascism).
-4- Kip McKean and his brother Randy McKean (also a leader) boasted several times that their father was a former Admiral, or, at least, a former very high-rank officer in the US Navy. (Armed forces link... CIA? NSA?). And, by the way, I have been trying to find a trace of this Admiral McKean for several years now... And it seems like either Kip McKean was lying about his father, or that whatever his father did for his country was deep-black, top secret stuff.
-5- Kip McKean and several other leaders of the Boston Church are rumored to have attended NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) seminars, in the Boston area, just before the Boston Church started its remarkable growth. (Manipulation, Brain Washing, etc.)
-6- The Boston Church (or ICOC as it was known) was also very aggressive in sending 'missions' into Middle-East countries. They had dozens of people who went there, and tried to 'convert' people into the cult, some even in very dangerous places... Like Iraq and Iran.
Etc... etc... I could go on and on for hours on this subject.
And... there you are, Jeff, posting about these weird messages, posted by someone who is conveniently locked up later in a psychiatric asylum.
Knowing what I know, I just can't believe this is a mere coincidence. It's just too weird -- talk about triggering and repressed memories. I feel like I am either going to go crazy, or that I am about to undergo a dramatic shift of perspective...
Posting this anonimously. For obvious reasons.
Floyd, elaborate a bit. I love crypto-grams! If it were a cipher, what type would it be? How would one go about analysing it?
I've reduced each word to a letter by summing the ordinal values of each letter and modding by 26. There are 55 letters in the string, perhaps two 5x5 tables and a keystring?
From Wikipedia:
A game of Monopoly, snakes and ladders or any other game whose moves are determined entirely by dice is a Markov chain. This is in contrast to card games such as poker or blackjack, where the cards represent a 'memory' of the past moves. To see the difference, consider the probability for a certain event in the game. In the above mentioned dice games, the only thing that matters is the current state of the board. The next state of the board depends on the current state, and the next roll of the dice. It doesn't depend on how things got to their current state. In a game such as poker or blackjack, a player can gain an advantage by remembering which hands have already been played (and hence which cards are no longer in the deck), so the next state (or hand) of the game is not independent of the past states.
The NSA uses Markovian Theory extensively.
Not to fear: The ever-vigilant Scientologists have just opened an new museum dedicated to the dangers of psychiatry.
What's the status of Bush's plan to have all school-aged children evaluated for mental illness?
anonymous at 3:40, thanks very much for providing background on That's a wrinkle to the story I hadn't anticipated.
The NSA uses Markovian Theory extensively.
So does every other discipline that relies on probabilistic modeling. Markov chains are a very fundamental concept.
For example, in epidemiology and health decision sciences -- disciplines I know something about -- Markov chains, or techniques that rely on their properties, are used all the time.
Anonymous, I doubt Kip and Randy were lying about their ancestry. Google "Rear Admiral Josiah S. McKean" and see for yourself.
Except that Kip McKean was born c. 1955, and Josiah S. McKean was an admiral in the 1920's. So he might have been their grandfather, but surely not their father.
Did you used to have a blog called dialogueovervodka?
Actually, even grandfather is stretching it, since Josiah was probably born no later than c. 1870.
I did find out that Kip McKean's real name is Thomas -- and that he claims to be descended from the Thomas McKean who was a prominent figure in the American Revolution. (See here or here.) That Thomas had a grandson, William Wister McKean, who was an admiral during the Civil War. And that's as close as it comes. It really does seem that Kip and Randy must be lying about their father.
I'd like to post a link to the website on Lindauer from Counter Intelligence Centre, which I found very interesting:
Maybe someone can point me to somewhere that already mentions this, but it makes you wonder why exactly certain people in certain prisons are going on hunger strikes. What substances might they be adding to the food to keep them docile or to get them to spill any beans they might be keeping to themselves even after the "uncomfortable positions" they are put in. I just watched "The Sixth Sense" last night so the adding substances to food thing popped into my head when the forced medication bit was mentioned...
Floyd Smoots, here, Anonymous #who knows(?). Five letter groups of numbers or letters are NOT cryptograms. They MAY (or may not) Be a type of code that can only be broken by a machine. These days, that "machine" would be a computer, but if you don't have the "machine code" to break it, it remains virtually "unbreakable" except by the code holder, or someone in possession of far more powerful computers than we "lowly bloggers".
So give yourself a break (Really!
Go have another beer, or something of your own choice); and don't Even TRY!!! That's NOT an order, it's just knowledgeable, time-saving advice from an old U.S. Navy veteran. Hope that clears it up a little for you.
Fascinating post! I'm hooked on numbers stations now...
sorry to be totally off topic, but i have to say here that
yesferatu is just about the most excellent screen name ever...i chuckle every time i see it...
I well recall a major effort to discredit Trail of the Octopus & its author when it came out.
This is all so sad. I think Susan deserves to have her day in court, a chance to speak up for herself and to give her side of the story. That's pretty basic.
Speaking as someone who knew her in college and grad school, however:
Sorry, but I always knew her as someone who was extremely unbalanced, prone nto high drama stories, and borderline behaviour. She was very smart in many ways, but couldn't function in other important ways (e.g., she was never able to hold down a job for very long due to her erratic behaviour).
I am not saying that she deserves to be "incarcerated" in a mental hospital or "forcibly medicated", but please guys remember-- her account of what is happening might not be that accurate or reliable. Are you really sure that this is exactly what is happening? Her defense attorney has indicted otherwise.
I realize that everyone loves a conspiracy theory, but please let's try to have a little balance. I could be wrong, of course, but there is just too much of the story that sound slike the old Susan I knew.
P.I.D. Radio discussed the Susan Lindauer case at length on podcast. You should check it out over at It was recorded 4-54, 4-26, and 4-27.
I'm here after all reference to Markovian Parallax Denigrate was deleted from Wikipedia.
I, too, am here after getting no joy at Wikipedia - the page was deleted in May 2009, with no revision history remaining.
Is all of that stuff a few posts above this one an attempt to convince search engines that this page is spam?
I never believe in conspiracy theories, but my theory in this case is that there is some kind of conspiracy going on here.
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