Correspondence and sanctuary (Part Two)

"Silencio." - Mulholland Drive
It's hard sometimes to justify what I do here, and for a number of reasons.
I worry about my writing becoming nothing but morbid entertainments, like evangelical tracts that decry the Devil and his ways and then indulge the reader's unadmitted fantasies with details of the dark worship. I worry that maybe I'm compounding distraction and a sense of futility. Most of all, I worry that I'm right. Even a little. And again, for a number of reasons.
I've begun logging unusual phone calls. Frequent untraceable silences, odd beeps, industrial noise and strange voices. Maybe, as most mothers might say, I just read too much. Maybe I simply have a lousy phone line. But I'm starting to keep a record nonetheless.
Our car was broken into the other night. Other than some change it seems that nothing was stolen. Not exactly high drama in the big city. It happened before, when the world was more or less recognizable. Still, for a moment I had that feeling in the pit of my stomach, and couldn't help but wonder.
I get that feeling sometimes looking at how IPs of frequent visitors to the blog resolve to defence agencies and installations, and such concerns as Mitre Corp, Booz Allen Hamilton, Dyncorp, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Los Alamos and Brown Brothers Harriman. But I can't know who's on the other end, or why. The military-industrial-financial complex is just that, and it's foolish to presume that everyone in its employ is in on it. Some may just be looking for a glimpse of a bigger picture drawn from an alternate map. Some may want something else. Hundreds of hits from the Pinkerton division devoted to government computer security suggests something else. Perhaps that they want me to know they're watching. And why on Earth would they want to do that?
Paranoia's the Black Lung disease of miners down the rabbit hole. Once you obsess that they're out to get you, they've got you. Often, I would think, without their even knowing it.
Perhaps that's what got Woody shot. There are lots of good minds out there broken by the evil of the world. And there's something about the Bush family that brings it out in people. The Web is littered with exquisite examples.
But of course, they are out to get us - aren't they? Certainly they mean to stop us from stopping them, and will use any means necessary to do so. But short of that, maybe not. They may even want us to do our thing, and stoke the paranoia, because that suits them just fine.
There's an aspect of the UFO phenomenon that I find very suggestive of this, though I don't know whether it's possible anymore, after the Will Smith movies, to have a serious discussion about "Men in Black." Still, I'd like to give it a shot.
The usual interpretation of these bizarre encounters is that of threat. Cryptic and dreadful warnings are spread to UFO witnesses to "keep quiet" about what they saw and what they know, even if they saw little and know even less. Yet the threats never appear to be carried out. As with the phantom clowns, social workers and census takers, the sense of menace is delivered, but that's the end of it.
John Keel's The Mothman Prophecies and Jacques Vallee's Confrontations record accounts of "Men in Black" visitations so strikingly similar, they perhaps provide keys to understanding the nature of the phenomenon.
Keel tells of a tall man with pointed features and "thyroid" eyes, wearing an ill-fitting and out of fashion black suit, sat in a booth at a New York City restaurant in the summer of 1967 and said he wanted something to eat, but could be no more specific than "food." The waitress brought a steak, which he stared at for a long while, then picked up his knife and fork and observed the other patrons. He did not know how to use the utensils. The waitress watched him fumble for a while, and then showed him how to cut the steak and spear it with his fork. She asked him where he was from. He answered, "Another world." Hardly the actions and words of someone whose mission is dissuading people from an interest in UFOs.
In May of the same year, a figure identifying himself as "Major Richard French" of the US Air Force entered the restaurant of a Mrs Ralph Butler in Owatonna, Minnesota. French had an olive complexion and pointed features, and dark hair that was much too long for an air force officer, Mrs Butler thought. He was dressed in civilian clothes that seemed brand new. Butler saw the soles of his shoes and they absolutely unscuffed. Otherwise, he appeared unexceptional until he complained about an upset stomach, and Butler brought him some Jello.
"Did you ever hear of anyone - especially an air force officer - trying to drink Jello?" Butler asked. "Well, that's what he did. He acted like he'd never seen any before. He picked up the bowl and tried to drink it. I had to show him how to eat it with a spoon."
One of Vallee's investigations in Confrontations takes him to Happy Camp, a small lumber town near Mt Shasta in Northern California. In the Fall of 1975 a rash of UFO sightings, entity encounters and abductions rattled the community, which already had a Fortean reputation for Sasquatch spotting and "local legends about the Puduwan, strange beings with paranormal powers." (And as in Roswell and Point Pleasant and Hopkinsville and similar towns across America, the Chamber of Commerce sees a buck to be made in the legacy of weirdness. The lead story of the latest edition of Happy Camp News is "Bigfoot Video Cameras Are Down.") In one bizarre incident, five disparate witnesses claim to have been led from a foggy canyon, in confusion, onto a craft by beings which spoke to them about the Bible. Their next conscious memory was, unaccountably, driving down the mountain singing an old Gospel chorus. Vallee writes that he finds it "interesting that the hymn they were singing was 'There is Power in the Blood of the Lamb.'"
Vallee continues:
The Happy Camp events encompass abductions, suffocating fog, large birds, small beings with welder helmets, chases by jets, poltergeists [and] gravity anomalies.... But it would not be complete without its own Man in Black episode.
Thus I was almost relieved to learn how, early in 1976, a stranger who had never been seen in town happened to stroll into Lois's Cafe. Helen and Pat [two contactees] were there, quietly having dinner at different tables.
All conversation stopped when the man came in. He ordered a steak dinner but proved unable to use a knife and fork, and eventually left without paying, a sure way to be remembered by the local people. Pat told me that he had pale skin and "oriental" eyes. He wore a bizarre sort of shirt and no coat, although it was the middle of winter. He smiled constantly at people in a strange, forced grimace. Among the peculiar things he did during his extraordinary dinner was a brave attempt to drink Jello out of his glass.
Keel's and Vallee's restaurant stories are separated by eight years and thousands of miles. If it were virtually anyone but Keel and Vallee telling them, I would presume them to be hoaxes or urban legend. But they conduct their own investigations on site, rigorously avoid leading witnesses, and are skeptics in the best and proper sense of the word.
Such incidents are typically described by observers of the phenomenon as "slip ups." Keel writes that "a few, like Richard French, almost pulled off their capers without drawing attention to themselves. But in nearly every case there was always some small error, some slip of dress or behavior."
Perhaps, instead, we ought to consider that there is a correlation between effect and intention. These aren't slip ups. These are displays. Rather than dissuade people from thinking and talking about UFOs, they encourage speculation and breed paranoia. Many witnesses hadn't thought much about their sightings, or told many people, until visited by odd figures who say "we know what you saw" and warn them not to speak of it. Instead of turning attention away from the phenomenon, these characters draw attention to it. Just like UFOs, which act as though they want to be seen rather than not, the "Men in Black" make spectacles of themselves. Why?
"Men in Black," when they appear to be men at all - some outstanding encounters describe comically robotic figures - are often said to have ruddy or olive complexions and "oriental" or "thyroid" eyes, speak in "sing-song" voices and walk in a halting manner as though out-of-sync with our reality and strangers to our time and space. Keel says they often claim to be representatives of the "Nation of the Third Eye."
This is one of those many times when I've believed I've had an original idea, only to find it's already on the table: perhaps what we call the "Men in Black" are entities manifesting themselves as representatives of Shamballa, the Great White Lodge of Sirius linked to Tibet and Eurasian mythology. (Also see this post, and these two threads, for recent studies of the significance of Shamballa and Eurasian mythology to modern apocalpytics such as Richard Heinberg.) I would suggest, though, the possibility that this appearance is assumed not because it reflects reality, but because these are tricksters adapting to the contours of belief of elite occultists, whose energies call them forth.
Perhaps this is why they often assume the guise of government agents, or are mistaken for such, because they are mimicking their occultic human complement. They also share an interest in inducing paranoia, even as they make a pretense at doing the opposite.
There are things of which we should be afraid, but we can be smart about it. Paranoia is fear bred in ignorance, which only serves the interest of the would-be rulers of the world. Paranoia is not knowing what we're up against. As weird as things get, if we can see it coming then we may in a position, and on our feet, in order to do something about it.
This is yet another strange coincidence. I am reading The Mothman Prophecies for the first time and just read the accounts covered here this morning.
"I've begun logging unusual phone calls. Frequent untraceable silences, odd beeps, industrial noise and strange voices."
All the more reason for you to keep writing.
All the more reason for us to keep reading.
"As weird as things get, if we can see it coming, we may be able to do something about it."
You've put your finger on a general something that's bothered me for a long time--ever since shortly after I began my own reading on the whole area of UFOs/aliens/abductions etc.
It can be ouylined by a series of questions that I wrote down about 20 years ago:
Why would a "saucer" capable of interstellar travel crash in the desert? Why would it enter the atmosphere at all? Why would UFOs have running lights? Why would the "aliens" try to erase memories of the encounters but do such a bad job? Why would the MIB make threats if they were really trying to keep things quiet--threats that we later read about in books--why not pay-offs instead? etc.
For me personally, all of this provokes a sense of interest and wonder, not futility. Hope you'll keep writing.
I've seen it suggested that the Men in Black accounts have a great deal in common with much older stories about "gypsies" and "swarthy men." In other words, like everything else in this area, UFO lore shades indistinguishably into fairy lore.
It was at least 30 years ago that I read this, so I'm not necessarily going to be able to come up with the citation, but I'll try a couple of the likeliest sources and see if I can place it.
Because they want us to believe in aliens, newvictorian. Isn't it obvious - there are no aliens.
What we call aliens are what other cultures have called animal spirits, ghosts, spectres, demons etc. They have been here from manknind has been on the earth and this is but their latest trick.
The PTB are in contact them for knowledge, power etc - maybe they are the source of knowledge for building the mysterious trangle shaped craft that have been seen by eyewitnesses, or they are the craft - being shape-changers themselves.
One day a visible manifestation will be arranged, they will caim to have all the answers - scientific, religious etc - and will be hailed as benevolent aliens, gods etc.
Isn't this what all the UFO activity is leading up to?
If aliens wanted to abduct humans - why return them? And why return them with memories and strange tales to tell?
If aliens exist, with their technology, they could easily take over the earth...or annihilate us all.
Its a con, folks.
Bullshit, Marlon.
But Marlon and others like him would like you to believe it's a con -- and they have been trying to do so in countless ways. The best way to hide the truth of course is by flaunting it in public to the point of absurdity. We're the one's who've been conned, and Jeff, you are hot on the heels of something huge and pretty frighteningly real.
Also Jeff: You may or may not be being tracked, and it's obviously up to you to keep listening to your best sense of what's going on. "Knowledge Protects."
Essential reading:
You left out Raytheon! Guess I need to read your site more often, to catch your eye... :)
Being from New Orleans, immediately after Katrina I did some research on the story not told in the news. Somehow I found Rigorous Intuition. I've never been the same since. Jeff, do not stop, do not doubt that what your doing is not right. I don't know if I've ever come across anyone else who is able to find the truly important issues hidden DEEP within the lies and tie them together with such clarity and, yes, rigorous intuition. I haven't yet found another site on the net that can so quickly and efficiently blow the top of my head off then put it on better than before. You're the Grant Morrison of blogging.
Even though I still don't knows what is going on in the world or reality at large, I have a much clearer picture of what is NOT going on and what not to trust.
Thank you Jeff, you're my hero.
Jeff, don't get down..keep up the inquiry.
Knowledge is meant to be shared not hoarded.
The oriental eyes reference reminded me of the women who turned up in "Hair of the Alien" - the oriental type who was coaching the blonde. Someone is manufacturing these model robots and trying to get them truly lifelike. I hope they don't succeed or we'll never be able to pick them out - especially since they now know about knives and forks and jello!
Keep up the great work, Jeff, we couldn't do without you - Connut
"If it were virtually anyone but Keel and Vallee telling them, I would presume them to be hoaxes or urban legend. But they conduct their own investigations on site, rigorously avoid leading witnesses, and are skeptics in the best and proper sense of the word."
Jeff, as much as I love Keel, he is no Vallee. Keel is especially reviled among hard core UFO researchers and investigators. Even the anomalous abduction researcher Karla Turner warned that "Keel is not afraid to invent data". Keel has been ahead of the curve on a lot of his UFO research, he has done some of the best informal ufo studies by collecting news-clippings and as you say, first-hand investigations.
But as much as Keel is derided by some hard core UFOlks, Vallee's "scientific" approach is often revealed as paranormal and not very scientific as well.
Don't get me wrong, they are both two of my absolute FAVES in the field, but I personally think Vallee is a much more valid investigator compared to Keel.
But as I've said, and as you alude, Keel's ideas have often pre-empted some of the most important ideas in the fields of Ufoology including...
He was the first writer I am aware of who pointed out the ALLEGORY inherant in most UFO close encounter narratives, well before recent excellent ufo writers like Keith Thompson who wrote ANGELS AND ALIENS - UFOS AND THE MYTHIC IMAGINATION.
Keel also proposed a connection between the Japanese Fugo balloons of WWII back in 1990 and now Nick Redfern's book appears to cement the connection.
Vallee began linking psychological control methods or "mind control" research to UFOs subtley in his book Invisible College where he proposed the idea that Waves of UFO Sightings seem to mimic a Psychological Schedule of Reinforcement. John Keel may actually have beaten Vallee to the punch on this arena. He hinted at as much in his 1970 book Why UFOs - Operation Trojan Horse.
"Suppose the plan is to process millions of people and at some future date trigger those minds at one time? Would we suddenly have a world of saints or a world of armed maniacs shooting at one another from bell towers?"
It's also important to keep in mind that Keel's writing about MIB was largely inspired by the trickster exploits of James Moseley, the Court Jester of Ufology.
Please check out Vallee's fictional book FASTWALKER if you haven't.
And another oft forgotten but important Fictional UFO book is BROTHERKIND by J.N. Williamson circa 1987. It deals with the MIB and related UFO manifestations in very interesting story that has elements to it that seem to predate the public's knowledge of specific aspects of UFO abduction stories.
At the risk of sounding clinically diagnosable with classic schizophrenia, replete with personalized messages and grandiose hallucinations, I'd like to relay my own experience, as a statement for Jeff and for the record:
In my early teens (an impressionable time), I read a copy of John Keel's "The Eighth Tower." My father was a high-school history teacher who wrote books including two about UFOs. The John Keel collection graced his library shelves.
Upon reading "The Eighth Tower," I became disillusioned and very angry. (Remember the age I was reading this). I was angry with God Himself, for the nature of reality itself: an apparent deception, all of it. Keel had produced an upheaval of faith and doubt, themes which my adolescent mind was not able to identify, let alone grapple with.
I became troubled by the book. I invoked God in my thoughts. I grew more angry with the "tissue of lies" that seemed to be God's Earth -- at a stage of life when teenagers are already grappling with the "tissue of lies" that is their parent's world and social norms.
Invoking God resulted in an episode of Forteana and Keel-esque events. Strange things began to happen.
On the night of my invocation, in 1983, I awoke to find a dark figure with glowing red eyes at the foot of my bed. It danced like Axl Rose, a snake dance, years before Guns N'Roses had ever existed. I was paralyzed and couldn't utter a sound, years before I had ever heard of this phenomenon.
The Dark Figure moved to my bedside. It had the torso of a man, and the hips and legs of a Satyr or goat. I could not see its face except for the glowing red eyes, in a pool of dark miasma. I thought of God and Keel. Another one of God's cruel jokes, I thought.
At this point, the Dark Figure pointed at me and began to laugh at me. This triggered my outrage. I wanted to scream. I wanted to clobber this Being. It felt like a Parent, laughing at a child's misfortune. I'd had enough. I struggled to make a fist in my paralysis; I couldn't. My will was paralyzed despite my anger. I looked at the red LED of the digital alarm clock across the room: it was 3:18 a.m.
Suddenly the Creature lashed out its arm toward me: a finger touched the left side of my neck. I felt something like ice shoot into my neck and downward into my body, and I went under -- out of consciousness. When I woke up, I threw all of the lights on and turned on the radio. The Creature was gone, of course, but my crisis felt like it had just begun. I felt tainted, angry, and repulsed above all.
During the weeks that followed, I took all of those Keel books and hid them. I didn't want my younger brothers to stumble upon them like I had. I resolved to exit both Keel's reality and God's, creating my own hiding place. I listened to Paul McCartney's "Band On The Run," an album of escape, particularly the song "Bluebird," which to this day returns me to that era of my life. I was 13 years old.
Years later, divorced from all interest in Forteana yet fully schooled in Forteana from my early teens, I rented a room in Michigan at an address whose number was 318. I began to notice the number 318 turning up in my life everywhere. I didn't make much of this, but simply noted the recurrance.
I began to notice a recurrence of license plates also. I thought to myself, looking at red tail-lights, how they resembled those red eyes in the darkness. I shrugged it off: something inside me wanted to project a malevolent ghost of my Keel experience onto the rear end of a line of traffic. Yet as I sat on my porch one summer night, I watched 5 different cars pass by, in the space of 10 minutes, whose license plate was 3 numbers and 3 letters. I paid no attention to the numbers, but the letters spelled Y-E-S.
Over the next year, I watched the word Y-E-S and the number 318 appear everywhere. I was entering a new stage of my life, had a new job, and a feeling of "divine affirmation" tugged at me. I kept seeing this word, YES, leaping out to grab my attention. I could open a book at random and the first word my eyes would catch would be the word YES. (Just for the record, I have never done LSD or drugs of any sort, and mental illness does not run in my family). I couldn't help but feel strangely and personally affirmed.
Before the story continues and the narrative again turns to Keel, I'll break the narrative here to interject a reminder about Jacques Vallee's story about Melchizadek, the name which began to "turn up" over and over as he burrowed into a specific Fortean investigation. He couldn't believe the reoccurrence himself, yet there it was: not by his own projections was he "noticing" it, or identifying it, but seemingly this phenomenon was intruding into his life from an external source.
Back to my narrative: besides the YES license plates and the number 318, a whirlwind of coincidences and phenomenon began to swirl around me. I began to date casually a series of girls who all had the same middle name: Lynn. Not just one or two, but about 7 during a year's time. One was born on March 18: 3/18.
Co-workers came into my life with unusual characteristics including names of dead relatives. Not first-names, mind you, but uncommon last-names. Particularly startling to me was a French-Canadian co-worker whose last name was identical to a dead, well-thought-of cousin, but the new co-worker looked like the dead cousin as well: they could have been siblings. Because of the last name, I decided they must certainly have had some genetic familial connection in French-Canada.
Then I was confronted with dating two women, both of whom I liked for different reasons. One of the women told me about her strange supernatural experiences, including recurrent "Night Terrors," which mirrored my Keel Visitor. I hadn't told her or anyone about this event in my life, choosing to keep this justifiably looney-sounding incident a secret to myself. I felt very uneasy about this woman suddenly, as though Fate itself had intersected me with this person with a specifically similar story to mine.
Then I discovered her license plate: the letters didn't spell Y-E-S, but the number was 666.
I found excuses to stop dating her, and I broke off contact with her quickly. The numbers 318 and 666 began recurring in my life. Then one day I noticed that, for what it's worth, 18 divided by 3 equals 6 + 6 + 6. Both numbers turned up on check stubs, electricity meter bills, telephone numbers.
I was back in Keel's world again, 10 years after the first visit.
Or was I? After a couple of years of this steady war of attrition on the back of my mind, I began to notice another phenomenon: like the well-known idea that many of us are familiar with that you can tell yourself to wake up at a specific hour without an alarm clock, and your subconscious will somehow miraculously do this -- waking you up at a specific time without the clock -- I noticed that I could identify a specific time, say 11:11 or 3:33 or 4:44, and I'd find that number or time reoccur in my life with an alarming regularity. Was I just noticing something that was already there? Was this a matter of attention and consciousness, or was there an external component as well?
I would notice that specific days or phases of my life would bring certain of these numbers and names. I could watch a flow of traffic, crack open a book at random, and specifically "meaningful" words or numbers would pop out -- to the exclusion of all others. If I used a Christian Bible, inevitably the 3:18 verses would pop out and often seem pertinent to my personal life or situation. The "messages" would appear more dire if I was in an anxious mood: for example, Revelation 18:3's "...come out of her my people" seemed to mirror my feelings of dread and desire to escape. I analyzed myself and my possible pathologies as I travelled through all of this: could this be solipsism? Mere projection of specific personal meanings onto a broad canvas of themes? What about the specific names of co-workers, and a multitude of other coincidences such as place-names, happenstance phone-calls from long-forgotten acquaintences, chance meetings in strange surroundings?
Although I suspected a mix of several pathologies was at work, possibly, as well as a component (the "Melchizadek Factor," let's call it) which had withstood and weathered all skepticism. I went about my life and my business, occasionally making note of "The Weather" of the Keel phenomenon as it came and went, on a daily basis. A flow of traffic, shifting and ebbing, passing along.
I heard U2's song with Johnny Cash, "The Wanderer," which contains the lyric "I went out walking/down that old eight-lane/I went by a thousand signs/looking for my own name." I recognized the pathology in the lyrics as my own, but I'd never been looking for my literal name, rather for the word "YES" which I didn't see much of anymore, and fearing "318"s or worse, which I didn't see much of anymore either (perhaps I was suppressing it). But after I heard this lyric, I began to notice my 3 initials everywhere: by suggestion from a song lyric, I'd coaxed (or was it really my own doing?) these initials out into the open.
Was I noticing 3 letters which had already been passing by, previously escaping my attention? I doubt that, since I had always taken mental note of my initials when I saw them at random.
A series of questions nagged at me: Was all this a personal message, or a private ability to "pick up on something"? Premonitions? A momentary sensitivity to a continuum of information, which is always swirling around us? Perhaps I was doing nothing more than reading a series of correlating symbols that I was illiterate of in my "understanding" of the nature of "reality": If I was a foriegner who came to North America and discovered that street signs read "NW" when I visit one neighborhoos, yet read "NE" when I visit another, perhaps I'm doing nothing more than journalistically recording a symptom of a given location.
When the river of time of license plates & signs & symbols pass by, and you're looking for your own name, and you're looking for your number in a flow of cosmic information (I'd begun to notice my own birthdate, 6/21, popping up as well) -- and even though fully recognizing the improbable probabilities involved, perhaps it's nothing more than a "neighborhood" of reality, a (Vallee-theory-about-this) "feedback loop" which manifests as benign names & numbers, or "malevolent numbers," or malevolent phone calls & beeps & MIBs, depending on how hard you push for answers.
I've found that many people who share some of my experiences are in a similar thematic "neighborhood," and there are "darker/bad neighborhoods" where the Wackenhut people, the cops, the Area 51 NSA workers and worse seem to occupy. Their feedback loops seem to reinforce themselves and generate deeper darkness. Secrets from childhood, secrets from themselves, secrets from National Security: Oliver Stone's use of the New Orleans "sexual underworld" was metaphoric but also a reality for those trapped inside their secrets in real life. And aren't we "as sick as our secrets"?
There's more, too much more to tell, and perhaps I'll post again, but I believe that the Keel Territory is nothing more than another neighborhood which is actually impartial and is never personally directed at you.
It's all feedback. You can affect the manifestations & the incarnations of that feedback, positive or negative, numbers or signs or symbols or actual MIBs if you push hard enough. And they're actually flesh-and-blood, like the Dark Being that touched my neck. But their energy and existence depends a great deal on what your own side of the equation is feeding into the loop.
Just a humble opinion from a faceless Internet reader.
just wanted to say that at work, from a domain i surf the web. can't vouch for anyone else, but personally I'm glad for blogs. that's america. there are patriotic folks that work in dod. maybe not the brightest or most intuitive bunch, but decent people. i've emailed links to lots of folks trying to wake them up. tough job. as far as your phone, that's another story. my suspicion is that they are letting you know that they are listening. been hearing those sounds for years. pisses me off.
Jeff, the bad news is, yeah, they're tapping your line. I've had mine tapped several times, first time back in 1995 when I posted something about the CIA in SE Asia in the Sixties that I probably should have kept to myself, the second time after I got some 9/11 truth material in the mail (they bugged my line AND opened my mail). The third time was after I posted some stuff on a blog (not this one) last summer about the other times I'd been surveilled ;).
The good news is, it doesn't usually last, they listen awhile and once they realize you're not actually plotting anything they move on.
The other bad news, of course, is that they also track your associates, but again, if that doesn't turn up anyone they need to seriously worry about it doesn't much matter.
The worst news would be if someone you're in contact with is up to stuff you don't know about. Then it's not you tainting them but being tainted.
I generally figure if I was any danger to the power structure, I'd have been taken out in a small plane and dumped into the Pacific by now.
Not to knock the good work you do here of informing people, but you're disseminating info available elsewhere, you're not Danny Casolaro digging out stuff that they don't want dug out.
When my phone's been bugged, when I've been in a good mood I just say Hi to the monitors, when I'm in a bad one I tell them to fuck themselves. I can't think of many things duller than eavesdropping on MY phone calls and those of people like me, frankly, so I would think the grunts assigned to do it appreciate the personal feedback, even if it's negative.
Well judasdisney, hell of a post, and I dont mean to sound dull but reads like you had a sleep paralasys /near OBE when young then let your reticular activating system run rampant.
(thats the bit in your brain that makes sure that when you buy a new car you see the same model everywhere for a while, where normally you delete it from your conscious awareness).
But I do agree totally that people see what they are predisposed to think about, which puts them in situations more likely to create those things they think about, then reinforcing the process and on and on...
That why I believe with all my heart its so important to keep your beliefs in check, to see the good in people, and in the world, or else you might just end up surrounded by the bad.
In a sense Jeff, you need to take care not to be scared by the moronic evil out there, in case you create the opportunities for scary things to exist.
If evil was smart it wouldnt be evil, so go kick its ass.
Hey jeff,
We've touched on this stuff briefy in private and you lent me encourageent then when I needed it, so I'll return the favor.
I don't feel that there's anything that can come close to replacing the fusion that takes place here in the comments, and I don't think there's anyone that can replace you, personally. I've struggled in the past to define the point where contributing to dragging the beast out from the darkness takes precedence over my own safety, or that of my family. I'm sure you remember my telling you about the photographer who was at my house within hours of my assuming a moderator position at CTC.
That freaked me out pretty bad, and I almost choked, but then I realized that to do nothing inevitably places my family and everyone else's in potential jeopardy at some point in the future.
I would much rather know ahead of time that there's a monster under my bed than to find out while in the process of becoming it's next meal. That way I can have an axe handy when the time comes.
Alot of people think that something terrible is in store for all of us at the hands of a seemingly omnipotent 1%. While that may or may not be so, and we may come to see things great and horrible beyond what has come before, at the very least we need to instruct these 1% that we don't intend to go down easy.
This makes places like R.I. priceless.
It defines personal risk, and validates what takes place here. The absolute best posts I see here are the ones made by people that stumble here by accident and come to awareness as a result.
Our numbers increase as a result. Those that awaken do not return to ignorance. They awaken others, who in turn awaken more yet.
That activity needs to continue at all costs.
As long as you remain here, I and many others will remain beside you.
Anonymous said:
"Bullshit, Marlon.
But Marlon and others like him would like you to believe it's a con -- and they have been trying to do so in countless ways".
Interesting - you answer none of my questions and assume I have ulterior motives.
I disagree with you - it is a con. Looking at the evidence here and elsewhere, it seems the PTB desperately want us to believe there are aliens.
Anonymous, Why are you so wedded to the idea of aliens? Is it that you are too bright to be fooled in this way or is it impossible to have no other interpretation of the data?
I am afraid we must agree to disagree.
odd synchronicity, jeff-- i've just finished the mothman prophecies for the first time, as well-- i flew across the country for the thanksgiving holiday and it was my airplane reading.
also had a bit of odd phone weirdness. twice now i've had the phone ring and, upon picking it up, the person on the other line insisted that *i'd* called *them* instead of vice-versa! had my phone tapped before, but nothing like that.
I read your post earlier and have tried to think of words but could not.
D's words expressed exactly what I feel as well so I will copy and repeat them.
This makes places like R.I. priceless.
It defines personal risk, and validates what takes place here. The absolute best posts I see here are the ones made by people that stumble here by accident and come to awareness as a result.
Our numbers increase as a result. Those that awaken do not return to ignorance. They awaken others, who in turn awaken more yet.
That activity needs to continue at all costs.
As long as you remain here, I and many others will remain beside you.
Thanks "D" for saying what I was feeling. I will be there beside you as well.
Sheesh!...... Steady.
Jeff M8,
Don't let the anons or MIB's or Black Op's bastards grind ya down m8. We are all hangin' tough with ya and appreciate so much this forum for truth.
Keep recording Keep posting Keep blogging
Keep the faith
C'mon y'all !
For whatever reason, I am reminded of when my son was in high school and would sometimes wear a shirt with a dragon on it. The kids who thought that anyone with geek tastes was fair play would try to get his goat by saying, "Ooh. Do you believe dragons really exist?" And he would answer, "No, dragons don't exist, but they are real."
In the same way, Men in Black and all the other creatures of the outer edge don't exist, but they are real.
If anyone here is familiar with Fredric Brown's insanely brilliant short story, "The Yehudi Principle" (that's Yehudi as in "the little man who wasn't there"), it makes much the same point.
One of the limitations of Western thinking is that it tends to acknowledge only one kind of reality -- and the hardest kick-a-rock kind at that. If we could acknowledge multiple orders of reality, some of which don't depend on material substance, we might get a lot further with these kinds of soft data.
In much the same way, it might help to recognize that we live in a universe of infinite possibility -- and which possibilities we choose to notice and string together into meaningful combinations determines the world that we actually experience. If we choose to perceive only mechanistic causal chains of events we will have a very different kind of life than if we choose a world of meaningful synchronicities.
Perhaps you're being considered for inclusion on the state department's big list of conspiracy sites?
That could be considered as a kind of badge of honor. At any rate I hope you're not actually being harrassed.
Anonymous said:
"I haven't yet found another site on the net that can so quickly and efficiently blow the top of my head off then put it on better than before."
Yes, exactly. I don't always buy the conclusions reach, Jeff, but I am always impressed by the rigor of your thinking. I think what you do is what the Internet is really good for: ferreting out connections, highlighting information lost in the data swirl. I am especially fascinated by the coherent worldview of drugs/guns/oil that you often espouse. Before coming to this site, I knew about Gary Webb and a little about Cassolaro, could've told you the bare minimum about BCCI, and that was about it. So I hope you keep doing what you do.
One other thing--I think your writing is strong enough so that even when I can't agree with your conclusions I can enjoy your style, as well as the moral center you bring to all of this.
marlon is right - the entire "alien phenomenon" is a con perpetrated on us for the useful purpose of control and paranoia. convince the world that aliens are real and you've done two things: (1) prepared the way for the mock invasian/"rescue" where we will then bow to the alien "superior intelligence and wisdom," (2) conveniently gets rid of any notion of God - control, control, control.
These alien beings are what we usually call "demons". To an ever more increasing secular and godless world supernatural intelligence would obviously find itself relagated to the "alien" category easily enough by those that need to rationalise these occurences without allowing for the supernatural.
Sounds like you're entering Chapel Perilous, Jeff.
From Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger:
"In researching occult conspiracies, one eventually faces a crossroad of mythic proportions (called Chapel Perilous in the trade). You come out the other side either stone paranoid or an agnostic; there is no third way. I came out agnostic.
Chapel Perilous, like the mysterious entity called "I," cannot be located in the space-time continuum; it is weightless, odorless, tastless and undetectable by ordinary instruments. Indeed, like the Ego, it is even possible to deny that it is there. And yet, even more like the Ego, once you are inside it, there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting with slavering jaws in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason, and the pentacle of valor, you will find there (the legends say) the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.
That's what the legends always say, and the language of myth is poetically precise. For instance, if you go into that realm without the sword of reason, you will lose your mind, but at the same time, if you take only the sword of reason without the cup of sympathy, you will lose your heart. Even more remarkably, if you approach without the wand of intuition, you can stand at the door for decades never realizing you have arrived. You might think you are just waiting for a bus, or wandering from room to room looking for your cigarettes, watching a TV show, or reading a cryptic and ambiguous book. Chapel Perilous is tricky that way."
To Marlon & TooMuchStrangeness:
Again -- Bullshit.
TMS: Aliens are NOT demons, but extradimensional beings that, according to the research of Laura Knight-Jadzcyk and others, are preparing to heist the upcoming planetary "harvest" before or at 2012.
Also: Aliens and God are not mutually exclusive: are God and humann beings? And though I cannot presume to understand the detailed purposes of aliens, studying the research of Vallee and Jadzcyk has informed my own radical intuition past the point of being able to rest secure in simplistic either/or arguments for or against a "con" at work.
It's up to each of us to come to our own conclusions, but I will not let either of you set up a straw man in the face of, as starroute suggests, a multidimensional possibility that defies our very limited and vulnerable imaginations.
So no, I have no hard evidence to sway either of you: but neither will I allow you or Marlon to write off a growing controversy of potentially highly dangerous proportions as a mere con. All you are doing in that case is closing your mind to what you don't know.
What you don't know can eat you.
Don't settle for arguments based on hard evidence: go deeper, and listen to your stomach. It's there to tell you more than when you're hungry.
Knowledge Protects.
I've begun logging unusual phone calls. Frequent untraceable silences, odd beeps, industrial noise and strange voices.
This happened to me a few years ago. I was getting very odd calls that match your description a few times a week at one point, and it was not like the telemarketing hang-ups or speed dial calls I'd received before. At first I would try to track down the caller each time, but that never led to an explanation. I think it might have had to do with what a friend was going through. At the time, he was having trouble with paranoia and I was interested in what he was experiencing while trying to stay objective about it all. When I'd talk to him on the phone, we'd hear a clicking noise that suggested phone tapping.
I did see and hear some things that lead me to believe that this friend really may have had some people screwing with him. Going back to what I thought back then, it was simply that his association with some "rough characters" had pulled him into a criminal investigation of some sort. Looking back, that doesn't quite explain it all.
Then again, you've given enough attention to the Mothman material maybe that being is trying to reward you by encrypting next weeks lottery numbers over the telephone..
On a serious note, have you considered recording these calls? If you can get me a .wave file, I'd be glad to look at it for you and see what's in there..
Chin up.
ET in Arcadia Ego and others have said it very well. Jeff,I stumbled on your blog by accident last year with 'High Water'. It blew my mind, and I have also recommended your writings to others many times.
The caliber and articulation in your writings and your guest's comments have increased my faith in human decency, and the noble striving for truth.
I would much rather know ahead of time that there's a monster under my bed than to find out while in the process of becoming it's next meal.
God-that was good, ET!
Sticking with CoIntelPro, it can easily be seen that in the past overzealous federal agents happily tapped first and worried later, seeking the private words of people far removed of any serious grounds for eavesdropping. We would bet (1) that there is a certain amount of it that is monitoring, but (2) they will never have anything on you because you're not doing anything wrong. If you get messages that seem to be suggesting you commit suicide, dragging up minor legal issues from the deep past or implying or stating that your wife is cheating on you, then you can be positively certain that it's the FBI. Meanwhile it's nothing you can do anything about so let it go.
Stop us if you've heard this one:
Retransmitted taps can be traced with a stereo, by the way. If you have an old-fashioned radio with a dial, position a singer (say, a wife) near the suspected location of the bug, and, while maintaining continuous noise, slowly scan the dial. If you hear her on the air fom your room, well, it's probably not the local Clear Channel affiliate doing that.
Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli & the Ebens
You mentioned a few posts past a certain convergence of forces, energies and information that struck a deep and resonant chord.
This site, your links, and commentary and many of the commentarians posting here provide a hub of information and "convergence" that is both welcome and horrifying.
Each of us sleep at night with these ghosts, demons, mysteries, and miracles tugging at our consciousness and demanding answers from the still small voice within as to what is true, and what false, - what is fiction, what is myth, what is reality, what real, and what is only fear haunting the shadows or the night.
I visit your site daily for all these reasons, for the poetry, and for the great and powerful convergence.
One personal insight. I was born in Vegas and my father gave his life working for EG&G detonating nuclear weapons.
He showed me photo's once of the 'dead zone" where thousands of craters pock marked the desert like the moon. Vegas is a strange otherworldy place. While nuclear bombs were exploded, above ground at one time 125 miles north, Area-51 is a similar distance Southwest, and on the cusp of the city is Nellis AFB home of the Thunder Birds, F-117 Stealth Fighters, and Red Flag wargames. A friends father flew an SR-71 Blackbird. Another pals brother died with five others in their F-4 Phatoms when their Thunder Bird team followed the leader into the desert floor. Now they fly F-16's.
90% of the Nevada land is owned by the government. The desolate and barrain deserts are the test and validation grounds for all our conventional and unconventional weapons.
The earth would rumble and shake every morning when I was yourg. There was indeed a slowdown in detonation activity years ago and the government claimed testing ended in the 70's, - but short tumblers continued, even now I am told. Strange lights and amazing flying objects were not uncommon. I heard many sonic booms and stranger sonic phenomina, and believe I witnessed an lighting fast pulsing of an Aurora project flight. There were often reports of herds of sheep, or cows or deer, found dead and/or mutilated in the far off deserts. More than a few ranchers, hunters or hikers disappeared under unusual circumstances and were never found, not mention mobsters, and gamblers. Parumph is due west and home where Art Bell broadcasts UFO reports and experts. Once lizard hunting I witnessed a thick greenish yellow cloud slink along a ravine for half a mile. I ran away after throwing up, and read the next day that the Titanium plant in Henderson many miles away had leaked. I never understood how that cloud got into that ravine so far from that plant.
McCarran Airport abutts Las Vegas Airport where the rich and famous house and launch their private jets and copters. Tucked between the two public airports is the Area-51 airstrip and a single closed white trailerlooking building, easily visible from the Foundation Room atop Mandalay Bay. This strip is guarded by the Air Force Special Forces team armed to the teeth in black and grey and super menacing. The gate posts a warning of the use of lethal force. Several times a day un-marked all white 737's land and take-off from a private runway, as have other types of planes for years. Employee's would come and go to whoknowswhere on white unmarked busses. All this happens right in heart of the glitter and debauchery that is Las Vegas. Growing up in such a weird town I was imbued very early on with two deeply entrenched beliefs.
First, the world is truly wierd and wild at heart. Second, the government is involved in all kinds of strange spooky and very secret blackworld activities. If you get to close, or ask too many questions you get a stiff silence or a not so friendly warning. Go beyond - and all bets are off.
One thousand thanks Jeff for the convergence and for taking it to the outer limits. We need you.
And now for something somewhat different yet related.
Psychologist Frederick Malmstrom, currently a visiting scholar at the U.S. Air Force Academy says, "Not to worry; it's just mom."
See also:
Great Falls AFB renamed Malstrom AFB
> the history of Great Falls
> AFB took on new meaning
> when a plane crash claimed
> the life of Colonel Einar Axel)
> Malstrom.
> On June 15, 1956, Great Falls AFB
> was officially dedicated as
> Malmstrom AFB ...
See also:
Malmstrom AFB Missile/UFO Incident, March 1967
> There is a great discrepancy
> between the United States Air
> Force's public position relative
> to UFOs and national security,
> and the established facts of
> this case.
See also:
Malstrom AFB forecasts the weather
See also Wikkepedia:
> A maelstrom is a powerful
> whirlpool; a large, swirling
> body of water.
Any relationship between Dr. Frederick Malstrom, Col. Einar Axel Malstrom, UFO's, weather forecasting and tsunamis is purely coincidental ...
Just some interesting malstromformation
Sorry, it cut off the link:
Dr. Frederick Malstrom's article
To the Anonymous with which I disagree . . .
Aliens are NOT demons, but extradimensional beings that, according to the research of Laura Knight-Jadzcyk and others, are preparing to heist the upcoming planetary "harvest" before or at 2012
Demons ARE "extradimensional beings" and it seems that "aliens" are too. The doctrines of demons also portend some "new age" nonsense in 2012, the same as the "aliens". The intentions and actions of demons towards humans is mostly malevolent, and interestingly enough so is that of the "aliens". Sometimes we see a masquerade of a demon for an "angel of light," the same as we see "good aliens" helping us against the "bad aliens". But I'm not the one putting two and two together, right? I'm the one who does not see the "big picture," right? The simiplest and more logical explanation is that demons and "aliens" are one in the same phenomenon. Thus the ties between the occult and "alien" groups, strange supernatural events and UFO's. The overwhelming use of occult symbols in crop circles, the ritualistic mutilation of livestock by "aliens" . . . But I'm the one with the "narrow" paradigm? . . . hmmmmmm . . .
Aliens and God are not mutually exclusive: are God and humann beings?[sic]
True. One's theological perspective, or I suppose lack thereof, would probably dictate wether one viewed these beings are "alien" or demon, but it is unquestionable that they are NOT mutually exclusive, based upon what evidence we (those looking into this phenomenon) have been able to gather. The pieces must fit!
It's up to each of us to come to our own conclusions, but I will not let either of you set up a straw man in the face of, as starroute suggests, a multidimensional possibility that defies our very limited and vulnerable imaginations
A Straw Man? Don't you think that's being a bit unfair, considering as you say the large amount of "unknown" and "unproveable" in this area. How can my position be anymore made of straw than yours, especially in light of the parallels presented previously?
So no, I have no hard evidence to sway either of you: but neither will I allow you or Marlon to write off a growing controversy of potentially highly dangerous proportions as a mere con. All you are doing in that case is closing your mind to what you don't know.
Oh I believe in an extremely dangerous conspiracy, probably the same consiracy you believe in. It's just that the players are not "aliens" but demons. My mind is quite open, explaining what appears to be two phenomena and grouping them together in one nice unified theory. Presenting themselves as "aliens" serves a purpose - gives them much more power to influence an increasingly secular and godless world in a way that presenting themselves as sterotypical demons would not. "Know your enemy"
Sancte Michael Archagele,
dfnde no in proelio,
cotra nequitam t insidias diaoli
esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus,
supplices deprecamur: tuque,
princeps militiae caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum
pervagantur in mundo, divina vitute,
in infernum detrde. AMEN.
TMS --
I concede to your suggestion that we are disagreeing over semantics, and that in all likelihood, demons and angels belong to the same general category of multidimensional beings.
Rene Guenon, in his classic, *The Reign of Quantity & The Sign of the Times*, suggests that a time will come (perhaps that time is now) when "The Great Wall" of divine protection will crumble as we approach the end of time, resulting in something of a simultaneous invasion of the Divine and the demonic.
Charles Upton, in his *The System of Antichrist*, makes your point: that aliens are nothing other than the demonic appearing in the context of Guenon's prophecy.
At this point, I'm humbling myself to a maximum of uncertainty to contemplate your suggestion further, for it is compelling, especially with the clarification offered in your second post. (I withdraw my straw...)
Would you suggest that aliens (e.g., reptilians, Grays, MIB, etc.) are perhaps subspecies of the demonic -- of which many other additional varieties might exist as well? Or, would you suggest that the various reports of aliens in the literature that exists comprises, in all likelihood, analagous accounts of the demonic posited throughout the Traditions?
I don't mean to be splitting hairs here. But to seriously contemplate the identity of aliens and demons seems to me to necessitate a careful consideration -- a consideration that is clearly beyond my own limited research and intuition.
At issue, I suppose, is the real spiritual signifcance of the appearance of aliens in our time. Indeed, I can now see how to hold them apart may be to minimize the total significance and meaning of their appearance. "Hm...." indeed.
Sorry for getting all antsy. I'm just kind of blown away these days by my own sense of the reality of, as some folks have said on this thread already, the apparent convergence of information culminating in the credible likelihood of a widening revelation in the making...far, far beyond the stuff I ever learned in Sunday School.
vSpaces in between the world'd busy signal.
Christ, you ar still young. Rainwater on the roof. Steaming night. Sound of the city.
Woops -- my bad again TMS (time to head for bed), as I see that indeed, you very much do identify aliens as demons in secular drag.
Right.... It is a compelling notion, I have to say. So that by perpetuating an air of science fiction, the supernatural threat they actually may pose remains minimized.
Please refer me to your sources of information on this idea. I'd like to research it further.
I guess that what leaves me somewhat skeptical in at this point an indefensible way to your idea is my own reading of *The Ra Material* and my previously cited websites, which suggest an evolutionary cosmology that accounts for aliens in a way that seems to leave room for a dimensional distinction between them and the demonic as explicated by, say, Swedenborg or Steiner (either or each of which you may not stake your own opinion on, obviously).
Okay, enough -- I am now chewing my straw for good measure. Yeah Marlon, I'm chewing one for you too.
Ludwig Wittgenstein:
Fuck and live.
Suck and die.
Hey Ivan,
Lay off the sauce why don't ya!
Yeah, Shaggy. Yer right.
How did you know?
Cause Ivan --
When you run out of Scooby Snacks, you learn the hard way...
My tonic of choice:
Late '70's funk with a tall glass of warm whole milk...with just a touch of Cardamom.
'night Ivan....
I dunno, but why assume that the MIB are "tricksters" from another dimension, conjured up by "elite occultists"? Isn't there a much more mundane, and I'd say much more likely explanation here? I mean, this routine with not being able to use a fork and knife, trying to drink the jello... sounds like an act from a CIA playbook to me.
Would someone please translate the Latin above? Thank you.
Oh, and re: 2012 "harvesting." Um. Does this have anything to do with that "Rapture" the fundies are always chittering about? Sure sounds similar, esp. as the Christofascists are pursuing an amazingly anti-human aganda.
To the folks who suspect they may have been tapped due to anomalous phone experiences: neither microphones nor wiretaps produce any audible signals, so maybe there is an other explanation.
kei & yuri: why would "they" transmit on public frequencies so all of us can listen in? The gubmint has its own bandwidth.
QuinnLaBelle, it's the Catholic prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.
The correct Latin:
Oracion a Sancte Michael
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto presidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecemur: tuque, princeps militie celestis, Satanam aliusque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditiunem animorum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute, In infernum detrude. Amen.
English translation:
A Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Jeff, thanks for this excellent site. I've started checking for updates daily. Courage! You are one of many.
Qutb said...
I dunno, but why assume that the MIB are "tricksters" from another dimension, conjured up by "elite occultists"? Isn't there a much more mundane, and I'd say much more likely explanation here? I mean, this routine with not being able to use a fork and knife, trying to drink the jello... sounds like an act from a CIA playbook to me.
I'm not assuming that's the answer, just suggesting the possibility. I used examples to show a correspondence across years, and they were pretty mundane, and could certainly have been perpetrated by humans. But the phenomenon reportedly also entails the supra-mundane, including knowing things about witnesses even the CIA couldn't possibly know.
To the folks who suspect they may have been tapped due to anomalous phone experiences: neither microphones nor wiretaps produce any audible signals, so maybe there is an other explanation.
Good point. (I'm one of those who posted about phones earlier.) I'm not even sure where I got the idea that clicking on the phone somehow indicates a wiretap. My primary interpretation of these events was that somebody was trying to communicate with me, maybe intimidate me. I mean, I got lots of these calls, and each one was different. But maybe the calls were all just technological blunders. That's the explanation I find most reassuring.
quote jeff
"Paranoia is not knowing what we're up against"
or maybe it should be "thinking we know what we are up against"
Jeff, this is what I have to remind people off often when they tell me I am being "paranoid":
I say I am not paranoid, I am afraid.
Being paranoid is THINKING there are lions in the closet.
I live in FEAR because I KNOW there ARE lions in the damn closet!
Re telephone weirdness: You most likely have Verizon - endless tech problems.
I think Burroughs said paranoia is when you know only a part of the truth, or something along those lines. It's an unpleasant feeling and like fear I try to avoid it as much as I can. Can be a real task when you watch the sky getting chemmed up on the way to work, then logon to RI to see if Jeff's latest PS is gonna give me nightmares =) Mostly I just say 'fuck it' and try to enjoy what I'm fortunate enough to have.
As most (all?) phone systems are digital nowadays the old sound of an analogue connection clicking the circuit or drawing down current resulting in lower amplitudes must surely be a thing of the past. Surveillance operations have devices that tap into the data stream at exchanges and this will happen without any indication in the quality of the line.
Jeff I think has been freaked out by the car break-in and started putting things together. I did the same thing once when I started getting some funny phone calls and weird connections. That's not to say they are not listening in but as someone said before you have little to hide or of interest to 'them'. After all, the meat of your ideas and insights is all available from a public forum.
So Jeff, "Don't Panic" and keep on, I love this site above all others. Paranoia is the disease for researchers of this kind but you're aware of that which should help a lot. Best wishes . . .
Hey its nice to find a discussion of ETs and aliens. Let me throw this one into the mix; to me it makes a lot of sense when taken with the other published mythology out there.
Dick Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Rove and many others are imbued (by breeding or other means) with that so-far-undefined essence of alien. One of these defining qualities most easily spotted is tha absence of humanity - you know, that personal ethic that most of us value so much.
These beings have spent quite a long time pulling their act together for the big takeover or whatever they have planned. Truly I think these visible actors are fairly far down the chain of command, here to execute and certainly without the power to decide whether they should proceed or not.
If you watch them with that role in mind you will be further convinced by their words and deeds that they are truly otherworldly, using a human body to accomplish a task that is apparently contrary to the rest of (normal) humankind.
I have spotted several public dispays of this; Rummy before the armed services committee for example, made an extended outburst in which his hidden inner thoughts popped out uncontrollably. It is in the public record.
My feeling has been that time is finally running out and these beings are getting more desperate; their cover is less important than the unfinished plan.
If one accepts all or part of the above premise, it naturally flows that many other individuals are similarly "imbued" if perhaps not to the level of these "leaders." One might even contend that we are awash in a sea of compromised beings, human yes, mostly, but under a spell if you will. I don't claim to know how it is done but it is a long term process.
I'm interested in other comments on this phenom; if it has validity then this concept of alien influence gains quite a bit more body, visible for once.
"I have spotted several public dispays of this; Rummy before the armed services committee for example, made an extended outburst in which his hidden inner thoughts popped out uncontrollably. It is in the public record."
As I was reading your post, the first thing that came to mind was Rumsfled's odd comments yesterday, and then you mention him. I noticed at the DU forum that I was not the only person that was completely baffled by his "epiphany" against employing the word "Insurgency", then attempted to replace it with it's exact definition..
Maybe he's a Man in Black, too. Sometimes his Double Speak blunders ring more like program malfunction more than human error..What if these blunders are not errors, though?
"As Time Goes By"
music and words by Herman Hupfeld
[This day and age we're living in
Gives cause for apprehension
With speed and new invention
And things like fourth dimension.
Yet we get a trifle weary
With Mr. Einstein's theory.
So we must get down to earth at times
Relax relieve the tension
And no matter what the progress
Or what may yet be proved
The simple facts of life are such
They cannot be removed.]
You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo
They still say, "I love you."
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.
Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date.
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate.
Woman needs man
And man must have his mate
That no one can deny.
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.
Oh yes, the world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.
© 1931 Warner Bros. Music Corporation, ASCAP
Don't give up, Jeff! You are obviously getting close to something big. Your latest posts have really blown me away. As others have noted, the level of the comments seems to have dropped but I think that is only temporary. For instance, this post has some really interesting comments.
To judasdisney anonymous, who said:
"I listened to Paul McCartney's "Band On The Run," an album of escape, particularly the song "Bluebird," which to this day returns me to that era of my life. I was 13 years old."
What a terrific story! Did you ever stop to think that the "Bluebird" song might be a reference to Project Bluebird? Not to freak you out or anything! Just another coincidence.
Years ago (in the mid-80s) I read a book about aliens and it also suggested that aliens were just the modern man's way of seeing what people have always seen (in the past they manifested as fairies, elves, etc.) In other words, interdimensional entities. The book remarked on the fact that aliens resemble fetuses. There was something about trees in the book as well -- the fact that abductees often drew them, and that this suggested umbilical cords. Can't remember the name of the book.
I don't know what to think about aliens. I like starroute's comment: They don't exist, but they are real. One of them took my shoe the other day. Another one keeps knocking my brush out of the jar that sits on the back of the toilet. In fact, it happened once as I was ON the toilet. The whole jar flew into the sink and landed upright on the floor. It was definitely thrown, not just fallen.
The Glory of Love
written by Billy Hill
You've got to give a little, take a little,
And let your poor heart break a little.
That's the story of,
That's the glory of love.
You've got to laugh a little, cry a little,
Until the clouds roll by a little.
That's the story of,
That's the glory of love.
As long as there's the two of us,
We've got the world and all it's charms.
And when the world is through with us,
We've got each other's arms.
You've got to win a little, lose a little,
Yes, and always have the blues a little.
That's the story of,
That's the glory of love.
That's the story of,
That's the glory of love.
© 1936
recorded by Benny Goodman
also recorded by Dean Martin, by Otis Redding, by Big Bill Broonzy, by The Five Keys and others, also recorded by Bette Midler on the "Beaches" soundtrack album
"Oh, and re: 2012 "harvesting." Um. Does this have anything to do with that "Rapture" the fundies are always chittering about? Sure sounds similar, esp. as the Christofascists are pursuing an amazingly anti-human aganda."
Good question! Short answer: Yes and No. In other words, the fundies may very well be correctly intuiting the 2012 phenomenon (of which neither I nor anyone can have any concrete certainty, of course), but the belief system the fundies then lay on top of that intuition packages the whole thing into indeed an amazingly anti-human agenda indeed.
Fortunately, the fundies aren't the only players in town. And I think it would be a mistake to equate their whack interpretation of a rapture with what very well could be the real McCoy.
Terence McKenna had an amazing bead on this theme, and you can read his essays and hear his speeches about it online here:
Terence had a very disciplined mind and worked his thoughts out over a lifetime of careful research.
Other source I have found to be relevant include:
The Law of One, as channeled by Carla Rueckert
(go to "Library" to find it in PDF -- in 5 volumes; also, her *A Wanderer's Handbook* is excellent)
These sources -- and others -- of information only serve to help open the mind, beyond belief, beyond disbelief -- into admittedly unchartable territory, i.e. the imminent future.
Fortunately, it seems that folks are learning how to talk about this subject with both dignity and intuition, without dogmatizing it into something we think we know about.
One other source is, of course, the Mayan Calendar.
For me, the significance of 2012 as a possible transformational date is that it helps to frame what appears to me to be a serious uptick in the prevalence of high strangeness going on in the world today. When folks confronted with their own creeping intuitions about stuff that Jeff posts double back on themselves and ask, "But Why?" -- this date may hold a very pivotal clue that is often missing from the picture.
Hey rapt --
"Dick Cheney, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Rove and many others are imbued (by breeding or other means) with that so-far-undefined essence of alien. One of these defining qualities most easily spotted is tha absence of humanity - you know, that personal ethic that most of us value so much."
Anything is possible, I suppose -- and you seem to be proposing that Duck, Rum and Wolf may be something like literal alien walk-ins. Who knows!
Whether or not they are aliens, they definately appear to be soul-less.
"These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to care."
The folks at the link above discuss this condition in the context of the concept of "organic portholes" -- a rather compelling and disturbing idea at the same time that goes into speculative territory that ultimately we have to rely on our own intuitions in order to discern anything at all.
Upshot for me on this subject is I think the neocons are prolly real live human beings, but just one's without souls, and maybe a bad case of self-perpetuating psychopathy to boot.
To Rapt and ET or anyone else, could you possibly post a link to where Rummy's outburst or a summary might be found? I can't find anything about it on the net. Sorry, thanks.
About the seemingly alien Rummy et al, I don't believe they are literally alien, but they have made a life of devotion to principles which are inhuman, whether they know it or not. The Nazis, after all, remained men, even when they were invoking Hell on Earth.
I think, metaphorically, what we see when we see these guys is a virus that has consumed the host. I'm reminded of something the psuedonymous "Dr Dan Markus" tells Nick Cook in The Hunt for Zero Point, which I quoted in the early post Which World War Is It, Anyway?
"When the Americans tripped over this mutant strain of nonlinear physics and took it back home with them, they were astute enough to realize that their home-grown scientific talent couldn't handle it. That it was beyond their cultural term of reference. That's why they recruited so many Germans. The Nazis developed a unique approach to science and engineering quite separate from the rest of the world, because their ideology, unrestrained as it was, supported a wholly different way of doing things. Von Braun's V-2s are a case in point, but so was their understanding of physics. The trouble was, when the Americans took it all home with them they found out, too late, that it came infected with a virus. You take the science on, you take on aspects of the ideology, as well."
Well, just another perspective---
"Oh, and re: 2012 "harvesting." Um. Does this have anything to do with that "Rapture" the fundies are always chittering about? Sure sounds similar, esp. as the Christofascists are pursuing an amazingly anti-human aganda."
Methinks all of these scenarios have to do with man's incessant need to find scapegoats, some sort of 'other', 'outside' entities, in an all-too-human attempt to believe one's own kind couldn't possibly be so evil &/or to divest oneself of responsibility should some apocalyptic event occur. This trait has been well exploited by the current PTB. Outside of some very real natural forces, ie asteroid impact, it will largely be our own choices that culminate in planetary destruction. And we'll learn a great deal from the consequences.
"One of these defining qualities most easily spotted is tha absence of humanity - you know, that personal ethic that most of us value so much."
'Humanity' encompasses a great deal of learning, including often learning from making some very big mistakes--often doing some really terrible things--and reaping what you've sown in later lifetimes. Way too many lessons for only one time around. The fact that you can recognize the lack of 'humanity' in the current players suggests you've been here many more times than those players and those who cannot see the lack.
"I dunno, but why assume that the MIB are "tricksters" from another dimension, conjured up by "elite occultists"? Isn't there a much more mundane, and I'd say much more likely explanation here? I mean, this routine with not being able to use a fork and knife, trying to drink the jello... sounds like an act from a CIA playbook to me."
One problem with discussions of this kind is the obscurity of the terms used. "Occult", for instance, simply means 'hidden' and is often used in such concrete realms as modern western medicine. And yet it will conjure up all sorts of disparate images, real or imagined, by any 10 out of 10 folks. A great tool for those who wish to control through
fear. And yet there are many things hidden from us here, not necessarily bad or evil.
Fear of the unknown or unseen is an all-encompassing primal fear, well known and used by those bent on destruction. The very human actors carrying out their evil deeds find it useful to marry them with the 'occult'--generates fear and provides a scapegoat of sorts
--even if only to excuse themselves. Otherwise, perpetrators of RA, for instance, could rely on these 'powers' alone and have no use for drugs or threats.
Of course there are aliens out there--and some have visited us. We are, after all, a fringe galaxy in a huge universe. A situation rife with opportunity to exploit by the PTB, who are aware of them. So far, none are poised to invade us or destroy our world. Some have simply miscalculated and got lost. Scary for them, eh???
I'm wary of any frame of reference which sees Now ± 10 years as some unique and special moment in history. Weird shit happens all the time -- or at least in recurrent waves -- and we can be sure that anything happening to us today has happened many times in the past.
One cause of this shortsightedness is that the history we all learned in school was so thoroughly demystified that we automatically tend to assume that the great tyrants and madmen of history were simply ordinary men whose reputations were magnified in the eyes of their primitive and superstitious subjects. Many of us have arrived at an "occult" take on current events, and we may see selected past episodes as being of occult significance, but we still find it hard to get our heads around the fact that *all* of history has been just as strange, just as magical, just as daunting as anything in the present day.
As one example, my son likes to point out that the Chinese are still terrified of excaving Emperor Qin's tomb. They may make gestures towards it at times -- a few weeks ago it was reported that they'd run some sort of sonar-like jobbie over the mound and declared that there was treasure underneath -- but they can't convince themselves that all hell won't break loose if they actually dig into it. (And why should they? This is China after all, where natural disasters still mark the death of rulers.)
For an example closer to home, the murder of Julius Caesar was attended by all sorts of portents, which we're still vaguely aware of from the Shakespearean play but which have fallen out of the history books. And yet they're as much a part of the historical event as the purely material facts of the matter.
Bottom line is, I'm trying to suggest that we could probably all do with a bit more historical perspective, a bit less self-importance, and a sense of profound gratitude towards the unknown protectors who brought us through the rough spots the last yumpty-yump times around.
Jeff,don't let them put u down.Write EVERYTHING in your diary(every single "suspicious" thing,phone call,whatever;every effect of any book;make a good "how to" guide for us on how to recognise this evil bastards/MIBs whatever or whoever they are).
Now about ETs
First,i was very into the ET stuff few years back.I would often get in
"fight" with the ones who didn't agree with me.Then I started to dig.Gone through thousands of pages
of various authors(both credible and bullshiters).Read many abduction/sighting reports.Watched many movies/documentaries about "them".And all of that just to come to a conclussion that "they" are not "they".Well they are something(evil it appears) from another realm,and therefore are aliens in literal sense of the world,ie not ORIGINALY from here.Rebels would be appropriate term.
Cmon ppl...Even birds on trees know that aliens are DEMONS.Sulfur enigma,abduction phenomenon that equals posession/poltergaist phenomenon,book of Enoch that HAVE ACTUAL NAMES OF THIS so-called "ALIENS" breeding with humans producing genetic aberations in our own genom--->Those names are frequently appearing in many cases of ufo abductions as "ascended masters" teaching New Age crap about that there is no God,that "they" are "our gods"-heck sometimes "they" EVEN DON'T DENY their FALLEN ANGELIC nature when confonted ;that polution of the world is hurting our planet(like we don't know this);aparent "ghostly" nature of occupants of the "crafts";resemblance to the faires myths,obsession of the ruling class with age old "gods" from the skies(all of which have roots in the ancient Babylon);"they" created "the tower" to be like God,equal to Him;poluted our religions with cults ...
Yeah wright,aliens from another planets..."Came" from another planet(NOT)/dimension,travelled millions of light years(NOT),all of that to hide against satanic ritualistic abductions,inserting "poles"(where is that advanced tech. we mere humans have anestetics) in rectums,stealing children from parents,abusing them(that's the way how they will take care of us;many say thат they even eat humans-dunno bout that,but IMO not that far fetched).Cowards is what they are...Afraid of their horrifying end.
Believe what u want about "them",u will end up wit **it when everything is too late to fix it.Wake up,this is too complicate "conspiracy" to grasp(i admit that i don't know absolute truth,but thinking of 70% is true what i say IMO),too many things that we don't know,NO PHYSICAL evidence what so ever(well i think that there is SOME physical dimension of their visitation-ships,but nothing we "normal" ppl know of).We can blog about it,be self aware of the phenomenon and teach ourselves how to deal with it,defend ,eventualy spread the word...But in the big picture evil is dominant(for now).
As for 2012,i think that nothing big is going to happen.But,maybe,mayyybe i am wrong.What if "the phenomenon" quits playing "hide and seek" game with us,and "come clean":"We are from Zeta Ridiculous,resistance is futile.."
I think it would rather be like this(quotes from cult of scientology added):'Hi (with "pleasant" suckup-in-your-ass tone of "voice"),we come in peace,we have the answers you are looking for so long.But first tell us... Do you feel sometimes like age is against you? Yes, hmm hmm, that's interesting.Does emotional music have quite an effect on you?(mind control).We can help you ,we can help you...
Yes "they" sure can,but I don't need that kind of "help"
Clearly we each must reach our own conclusions.
'Apocalyptic thinking' can easily displace us from both the present, and, more importantly, our sense of the reality of who we are. Thus displaced, it is easy to become transfixed by the gaze of the enigma of the future, whether 2012 or some other date.
And yet...for those of us who intuit there might actually be something to such eschatological predictions, they remain a very unavoidable enigma. For myself, the 2012 date is a working hypothesis, for which the coming years are the only criterion I have for corroborating data. To concretize belief about that date (for or against) is to close the mind to its own possibility for creatively listening to the future as it unfolds. I remain vigilantly open-minded in this regard.
One additional possibility: say 2012 rolls around, and Terence McKenna is right: "everything starts opening up into everything else." In such a case, "Apocalyptic thinking" is probably the most useless thing we will have available to navigate reality. Rather, we may find ourselves inhabiting a quantum situation in which our perspective literally determines our relation to phenomena. If such a condition were to be the case, then at least as important as knowing about the reality of strange events and beings will be our knowledge about who we are and what kind of beings we are. Because maybe, just maybe, those demons masquerading as aliens at large today are not just waiting to probe us or eat us, but to seduce us into submitting our sense of self to who or what they are -- willingly, in the form of a creeping form of mind control.
It is for this possibility that I am determined to hold the question before me: "What is the nature of the imminent future" immediately alongside the question: "What is the nature of my own being in relation to what is going on in the world now." Holding these two questions in relation to each other seems to me to effect a maximum of self-empowering wonder.
But of course, to each our own....
starroute: I'm wary of any frame of reference which sees Now ± 10 years as some unique and special moment in history. Weird shit happens all the time -- (end quote)
I am surprised, starroute, that you seem to assume that our present mudbath is normal. I mean, sure nasty shit sort of like this has happened in the past, but to me at least it is quite apparent we are being led into something most of us don't want, to put it mildly.
And Jeff, when you say that after all the Nazis "remained men" you have loosened the definition of men to include those with the inhuman qualities I and others have referred to. My point was not that they are members of an alien tribe who can return to Alpha Centauri when their mission is done, but converted specimens of humanity, modified for alien purpose. It is quite evident from their behavior.
You wouldn't prove this by lifting a flap of Cheney's skin during surgery to find scales underneath, but it is there just the same.
"Bottom line is, I'm trying to suggest that we could probably all do with a bit more historical perspective, a bit less self-importance, and a sense of profound gratitude towards the unknown protectors who brought us through the rough spots the last yumpty-yump times around."
What an amazingly creepy thing for you to say, starroute. Which protectors are you actually refering to?
At this point, I'm humbling myself to a maximum of uncertainty to contemplate your suggestion further, for it is compelling, especially with the clarification offered in your second post. (I withdraw my straw...)
Damn, and we were building to such a nice pissing contest :-) I'm glad to see we can at least find common ground, because I think we ARE slitting hairs over semantics generally. My personal position comes from, imho, a rational connection between my Bible based Christian faith, my limted but powerful experiences with malevolent entities, and the evidence as it appears to present itself, as much as that is possible. It's a connection of the dots within a context that brings all things together in one unified theory. (Sometimes I do find it difficult to articulate what seems to clear in my mind). It is my humble understanding that there (1) is a Creator who is all the "omni's" and (2) that his greatest created being rebelled against his Kingdom and this being seeks to destroy us, God's creation. It's the "ultimate conspiracy" really . . . All of the events that transpire on this planet take place within the general context.
Would you suggest that aliens (e.g., reptilians, Grays, MIB, etc.) are perhaps subspecies of the demonic -- of which many other additional varieties might exist as well?
That would probably be a good way to look at it. Ezekial described the angels he saw as looking "unique": 5 and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was that of a man, 6 but each of them had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings on their four sides they had the hands of a man. All four of them had faces and wings, 9 and their wings touched one another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved. 10 Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. 11 Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out upward; each had two wings, one touching the wing of another creature on either side, and two wings covering its body. 12 Each one went straight ahead. Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, without turning as they went. 13 The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it. 14 The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning.(Ez 1:5-14)
Please refer me to your sources of information on this idea. I'd like to research it further.
I'm note sure I could do this to your satisfaction. You obviously understand that the learning curve for this stuff is quite steep, and it's often difficult to reproduce every piece of hours and hours of reading.
I had some good stuff on my old computer which one day stopped working suddenly - not to be too paranoid, but it wouldn't surprise me if the machine had been tampered with through my ethernet connection. Who knows. I need to get my old stuff off that hard drive but as of yet have been using the excuse that I'm "too busy" to get around to it.
arcadia -
What protectors? I don't know exactly -- except that one mystical tradition after another insists that they exist. Saints. Sages. Boddhisattvas. Or, going back a bit further, dragon-slayers and giant-killers. Whatever you want to call them. Not all-powerful saviors, just people with enough pizazz to help get us through the rough spots. If you're determined to believe in the demons out of the old stories, how can you not believe in the heroes as well?
And after everything else that's been said at this site, why in the world would you single out a suggestion that there are also knowledgeable good guys somewhere in the mix to describe as "amazingly creepy"?
My take on all this weirdness :
Fairies, aliens, UFO's, and god knows what; Same shit, different wrapping. Our perceptions of phenomena like this are conditioned by the cultural context we find ourselves in. In normalspeak : A thousand years ago I would be kidnapped by fairies or demons, today I would be kidnapped by extraterrestrials or inter-dimensional beings. But to be honest; by far the most likely explanation for MOST of this (but not everything) is military/industrial-complex mindfucking experiments, paired with an increasingly paranoid population with access to way too much junk-info off the net and an almost ridiculous ability to believe everything they read. (It is a sad truth that lies and the liars who tell them for personal gains (money/fame usually) or just for the hell of it (and sometimes just because they play with only half a deck of cards) are on the net in abundant numbers.)
Anyway - this is just my personal feelings on the subject, and I might be way off the mark. And weird stuff IS happening.
Oh - and just one more thing. I noticed some of the posters mentioning an increase in the signs that SOMETHING is brewing . My guess is that there is no more foul stuff brewing now than there was 50 years ago, but our ability to access the info on this 'stuff' has increased manifold, thereby giving the impression that the 'stuff' itself is increasing.
Did any of this make ANY sense?
Keep up the good work Jeff, you're one of my very few heroes.
I have simillar point of view(expressed in the 5:50 comment0
Only one note: Ezekail vision of cherubim IS NOT a vision of gray/UFO
I had great comparison of both Cherubim and UFO at some url,but can't find it right now.
Point:Satan(as fallen cherub-singular)
tries to mimic his former glorious appearance with making nut and bolt crafts that are mere images, not even a 1% from how glorious supreme angelic beings near the Throne of Christ are.
So point is again the trickster's activity of ultimate deception to come.
Jeff, you are worried whether what you do is ultimately a good thing or a bad thing. The fact that this concerns you puts you in the clear in my book. Act with honesty, dilligence, courage, and compassion (as I'm certain you do) and you are doing all that anyone can, your best.
And, starroute, I'm with you. I do not believe there is a simple division between good and evil that has normal humans on the good side and all non-human entities (that interact with humans) and their human allies/subjects on the other. My view is that humans are multi-dimensional beings and what makes us human is something like a projection or temporarily assumed state of our true selves and that, like with humans, there are factions among the non-humans, each with alliances and enemies on the human side. The second part in particular is from my own personal experience, but I've found supporting evidence in everything from the beliefs and traditions from many different cultures to the dreams and experiences of close friends. But, if someone wants to call some of those factions evil, they will get no argument from me.
"And after everything else that's been said at this site, why in the world would you single out a suggestion that there are also knowledgeable good guys somewhere in the mix to describe as "amazingly creepy"?
Because of it's singular nature in these discussions.
Maybe because I've been indoctrinated in the belief that any real expenditure of energy will be for someone else's benefit before mine. Not to sound pessimistic, but I have a great diffuculty imagining someone or something shuffling across the Galaxy, or channelling through an interdimensional rift on their own dime to come here and do something selfless for me or my Planet and not be more overt about it.
To do so requires Power. Power that would be used in a manner incongruent with my current reckoning of how it's ultimately employed.
My understanding of Power relates to it's corrosive nature upon an individual's Morality exposed to it. Somehow, I don't see this as an exclusively human characteristic.
If you're refering to a human hero, like David, well..
I don't place much faith in a coming savior of any type. I reserve that hope for an awakened populace as a whole that shakes off this sleeeping yoke, but I'm aware this is a difficult task when society is infected with selfish memes like the ones I carry as much as anyone else..
I'm a product of My Times, what can I say? My Universe is Dark, and I trust No One.
If something is out there on our behalf, then great. The More the Merrier, but personal experience has given me a different POV.
Don't let that bother you, though; it drives me crazy.
That's bad enough, isn't it?
It's interesting to me to see a couple of references to the Law of One/Ra Material here, because it's become so fundamental to my understanding of the world we live in and the battle/dance between good and evil. I'm curious if you've read any of it, Jeff?
And speaking of an entirely new concept of "reality"
"If something is out there on our behalf, then great. The More the Merrier, but personal experience has given me a different POV.
Don't let that bother you, though; it drives me crazy.
That's bad enough, isn't it?"
Man ET, you're damn honest, that's clear. How about a round of "What if?"...
What if we are existing at a moment in time when it might become possible to access a collective awakening in a new way (electronically perhaps) in which to face the onslaught of negative power in the world?
What if this thread of comments is an example of that collective awakening in action?
What if it doesn't really require any of us to "believe" each other at all -- but to instead be in touch with ourselves and our own sense of truth -- whatever that is -- while remaining open to a divergence of viewpoints in others?
Could this spark a shared presence of Being among us unique to our time and place?
No one can say what's going to happen tomorrow. But maybe we have the means to face tomorrow together -- even if its just this kind of noetic togetherness -- in a way we are just not able to do by ourselves.
Maybe the human connection really is evolving right here, right now, as we speak, to face the present and its future in a fundamentally new way, which no one has exclusive rights on.
And maybe I've just had too much coffee :)
Jeff: we would be poorer without your writing. I found your blog about two months ago and have been coming back at least 3 times a week, if not more. The main reason for my interest is your unique insight and subtle yet powerful way of communicating it.
btw, you might consider all the mil-ind IPs regularly hitting your blog as follows:
- company A has marketing, research, corporate communications people on staff, or contracted, to track things of interest ie, about their company or their clients or their competitors. your blog often mentions various companies, organizations so not unreasonable that it gets regularly vacuumed up by run of the mill software that can automatically download pages. I occassionally download an entire website, so that I can browse it later, or learn more about what is on it.
However, as far as phone tapping etc, given the new climate in US and here in Canada, no doubt you are being 'watched' if not just to see who contacts you, given your topics and people it attracts.
In any event, much of all elec communications are being vacuumed up by Echelon including your website, emails, phone/cell, fax, CB radio, etc.
So, guess what I am saying is that it is ok to be paranoid, but then if you are, we all should be.
Finally, wouldn't worry if i were you that you might be enabling or entertaining us all, if you weren't it wouldn't be fun to learn right! (even if your topics are serious and important)
Thanks and looking forward to reading more for long time to come.
Ah, the never ending wonders of the universe(s).
When I entered my 60's, I was so bored by standard "reality" that I didn't relish hanging around another 20 years for more 4th of July picnics, commercial Christmases, Valentine's days, superbowls, etc.
And now things are "heating up" (literally and figuratively)and the universe(s), is becoming even more interesting and weird that I had ever imagined.
I was always disinterested in organized religion and saw it as a form of mind control. I also didn't believe that everything could be explained logically.
My father was a chemical engineer. He and I used to argue. He said I was not using logic and reason. I told him that everything could now be explained reason or logic.
Once I asked him to show me the mathmatical equation that described a paradox. Could he logically explain the existence of "irony."
It is not that I never believed in a higher power, it is just that I thought I was too limited in my mental capacity to comprehend even a fraction of it. And perhaps I am. But now I have hope that even if I can't understand most of it, I can begin to feel a part of it and my eternal existence in space time after my physical death and I convert back into energy.
"Matter is neither created nor destroyed."
"Nature abhors a vacuum."
And so it would seem from what the universe(s) is now trying to tell us.
So I ask you now, "Was Einstein a
disinfo agent?"
> The key new insight offered here
> is that aside from this
> historical analysis, the
> resulting SR (special relativity)
> and GR (general relativity) are
> actually wrong, and amounted to
> an obscurification rather than a
> contribution to the development
> and understanding of
> relativistic effects.
What is gravity?
Gravity is the loss of relational information during the inflow to matter.
The emergence of a quantum-foam explanation for space is accompanied by the effect in which quantum 'matter' effectively acts as a sink for the quantum foam. This provides an explanation for the logical necessity of the phenomenon of gravity. Essentially gravity is the loss of relational information during the in-flow to matter.
The presently accepted theory of gravity is General Relativity (GR) with its key concept of curved spacetime. Here it is shown that GR is a confused amalgam of the Einstein measurement protocol with nothing more than Newtonian Gravity (NG). The quantum foam in-flow effect that is gravity is seen not to be identical to GR for as shown here GR actually is identical to Newtonian gravity in all the cases where it has been tested experimentally. Significantly we reveal strong experimental and theoretical considerations which indicate that the fundamental foundations of GR appear to be erroneous. The Einstein assumptions on which the Special and General Theory of Relativity are based are shown to be in disagreement with numerous experiments. They are demonstrably wrong(2). Even more surprisingly is that Newtonian Gravity (NG) appears to be valid only in special circumstances, and that the phenomena of gravity is in fact very different from the expectations of NG and GR. It is argued here that the anomalous rotational speed effect in spiral galaxies is a manifestation of the failure of both Newtonian and the Hilbert-Einstein gravity. A new theory of gravity is presented in provisional form. This theory passes all the tests that GR had apparently passed, but predicts other phenomena that are not predicted by GR or even NG. This spacetime construct is shown here to have no ontological significance though it does have technical uses.
(2) There is considerable debate, discussed later, about who developed the foundational ideas that resulted in the formulation of SR [Special Relativity] and GR. The key new insight offered here is that aside from this historical analysis the resulting SR and GR are actually wrong, and amounted to an obscurification rather than a contribution to the development and understanding of relativistic effects.
—Reginald T. Cahill, Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter
To anonymous:
Ezekail vision of cherubim IS NOT a vision of gray/UFO
Didn't say that it was. In fact it was not my point, which was that the angelic can have a "strange" look to them from our vantage point, therefore, demons could look like what have been described as "greys," "reptillians," etc. Thus the confusion and powerful delusion.
Hey Jeff, I hope you don't stop blogging. It's been really great to discover you, and the comments that your posts engender. Like others have said, I may not always agree, but I always enjoy your writing. You have a gift for communicating, that is... if you are indeed still the same Jeff... heh, heh.
What if we are existing at a moment in time when it might become possible to access a collective awakening in a new way (electronically perhaps) in which to face the onslaught of negative power in the world?
There is an almost irresistible siren song to power. If only we good guys had the power, then we could make things right. In this world, it is so obvious that bad people, maybe even bad demons/aliens have all the money, all the bombs, all the media, all the politicians, all the power.
That is the road to the dark side. Anakin Skywalker wanted power to combat the evil he saw all around him, and well, we all know what happened.
White witches want power just as much as black witches. But the dark side is always stronger, because the light side holds (limits) itself to "moral" values, while the dark side has no such issues. In this world, the sword always seems to win.
This is the path that the govmint elite, the CIA have taken. They SEE the power of the occult/aliens. They see the threat. They have no faith. They have become that which they most feared. May our faith overcome.
Just want to say thank you to Anonymous for the translation to the prayer to Archangel Michael. And to "Televisionchild" for replying to my question re: 2012 and the Rapture.
Do any of you follow the news about the impending climate change? Seems it could come a bit sooner than maybe we thought. And this is our doing.
By 2012, we humans will in for a rough ride weather-wise. Mother Earth ain't too happy.
To Rapt and ET or anyone else, could you possibly post a link to where Rummy's outburst or a summary might be found? I can't find anything about it on the net. Sorry, thanks.
Heads up, Anon:
Good point Ender.
Therefore -- probably one of the best things you can do Jeff is to show the PTB that you're not leading anything, you're just showing up for the party!
Meanwhile, folks on the ground (i.e. those leaving all these kick-ass comments) need to get busy and spread out our efforts across a broad range of sources.
The less Jeff becomes the main hub for our efforts, the better -- for him and for us -- since it's up to us to multiply our knowledge and inspire each other and others to see and act coherently in relation to the flurry of events, at whatever level that is possible.
It is certainly possible, because it is happening right here.
Any other ideas on how to "rhizomize" this joint?
D'oh! Just answered my own question....
So Jeff -- see how things go on the creep side of life, and if no major signs emerge, bueno. But if your tummy starts telling you something's up, then you might consider decentralizing RI from your overseership down the road and making it into an open-source hub of its own.
That way, the community you've helped create could cluster there rhizomatically (ala Jeff Vail's idea of lateral power-sharing). You could be one of the folks that "shows up for the party" without being THE guy behind the curtain, dig? I'm just saying maybe...eventually...IF it seems warranted down the road.
Till that time -- drive on with the top down, Amigo, and don't touch that dial!
Jeff, about the phonecalls ... you wrote about someone getting the inexplicable calls with the harsh voice and the machinery sounds a while back. Assuming someone wanted to freak you out (and knew your number), it would be a simple thing to make a tape fitting the description they read in your blog and playing it to you down the wire. Really easy. Similarly, the baffling silences. A really easy way to freak you out. I'm not saying it's NOT dark forces contacting you from the Black Lodge; just that a more mundane (if no less creepy, in a way) explanation might be the true one.
Unfortunately, you've set yourself up for this. I can see no way you can avoid certain repurcussions, reactions. You've tossed the ball up with your blog - be ready to duck when "they" bat it back.
Best wishes,
Anonymous Pants Elk
Et in Arcadia ego said:
"Maybe because I've been indoctrinated in the belief that any real expenditure of energy will be for someone else's benefit before mine. Not to sound pessimistic, but I have a great diffuculty imagining someone or something shuffling across the Galaxy, or channelling through an interdimensional rift on their own dime to come here and do something selfless for me or my Planet and not be more overt about it."
I don't usually comment here (though I read this blog every day). But this particular comment strikes a chord with me because I struggle with this very problem, and it keeps me on the fence about whether Christianity (in any of its benevolent forms) is helpful or harmful.
The essence of the problem: is there salvation? Is there a being (singular or collective) that is powerful enough to stand against the huge evils that face us in our time? If so, I believe it will respond to the name "Jesus Christ" (or Gautama Buddha or whatever). If not, then Christianity and Buddhism are cruel hoaxes.
I am coming to believe (either because I need to find some resolution, or because it is really true) that there are such beings in the universe. They do not make themselves overt because of our epistemological problem of knowing who and what to trust; rather, they operate in the sidelines and protect us without our knowledge. I am beginning to see that I have been protected in such a manner, even if my "guardians" have never dropped in to say "hello".
Why would powerful beings act on our behalf? I don't know. Why does anybody do anything out of love? My dog is a small, powerless, unimportant being in the realm of worldly affairs, yet I love her enough to feed her every day, pay for her medical assistance, and protect her from harm.
"A thousand years ago I would be kidnapped by fairies or demons, today I would be kidnapped by extraterrestrials or inter-dimensional beings. But to be honest; by far the most likely explanation for MOST of this (but not everything) is military/industrial-complex mindfucking experiments"
I would call it the LEAST likely explanation. This is a good example of the dangers of mystical thinking: first the most rational explanation is acknowledged, only to have a far less probable alternative proclaimed more likely!
It's a lot like blaming a crashed harddrive on ill-minded saboteurs. Or like thinking you're under surveillance because you heard some clicks over the phone. Or believing you were abducted by aliens or visited by demons/angels, while you most probably just experienced an altered state of consciousness.
I'm not saying all these theories are *wrong*, just that they are usually likely to have more mundane explanations. The problem is that the mystical mindset (a way of fuzzy thinking fairly common to explorers of the occult) invites one to wallow in doubt, the unknown, mystery. Add a little artistic flair and the paranoiac is born. This mode of thought is very appealing to the subconscious due to the underlying sense of danger/excitement it can invoke.
Many of us want to believe we're part of something bigger than us. I think we are. But I try desperately to avoid the danger of settling for an answer.
To Anonymous who said "Many of us want to believe we're part of something bigger than us. I think we are. But I try desperately to avoid the danger of settling for an answer."
You are on the right track. Keep an open mind but don't believe easily. Or as Crowley put it, " doubt, doubt all, doubt even that thou doubtest."
For those in the dark who need a spark of light - please read "The Cloud of Unknowing", especially the bit about prayer.
It's clear that our present culture has a great preoccupation with power and the abuses of power. Michael mentioned Anakin Skywalker. I'd already been thinking about The Lord of the Rings, whose overriding theme is the power of the One Ring to seduce and corrupt even the most virtuous. (And within the story, there is no good answer to this problem. Even the destruction of the Ring ultimately comes about by accident and not through will.)
I don't think there was a similar preoccupation with the corrupting effect of power in earlier eras. Shakespeare's plays are full of villain and tyrants and usurpers, but their villainy is a matter of personal flaws of character. They seek power in illegitimate ways only because they are already corrupt.
The difference may be that there's an order of power available today that was unimaginable in the past. This cross-breeds uneasily with the utopian dreams of the last few centuries to produce the seductive illusion that with enough power, it would be possible to remake the world for the better.
That illusion underlies most of the failings of American policy over the last 60 years. I don't know what dark, twisted dreams drive the Cheneys of this world -- but most of the others involved, from the CIA to the Neocons, have genuinely believed that it's possible to create a freer, more democratic global society if you just twist enough arms and kick enough butt.
There's also a flip side to that illusion -- and that is the feeling, so often expressed here, that the bad guys of this world have so much power it's hopeless to go up against them.
But guess what, kiddies? Power ain't all it's cracked up to be. It's easy to see that attempts to use raw power for good normally end in disaster. But using raw power for evil doesn't necessarily work any better. Raw power is a blunt instrument -- a hammer you can use to pound things into the ground. It's not a tool that actually gets much of anything accomplished.
So perhaps we should all take heart, stop obsessing over power, and start thinking in terms of effective action instead.
Well said, starroute, I can live with that. If you're a hammer, all you'll see is nails.
Btw, I was never suggesting that you were creepy personally. Defeating that Social Conditioning's a real bitch sometimes..
I have seen a lot of despair in the blog comments here, and I always try to interject with a message of hope borne from the positive experiences of hundreds of people all over the world with making and distributing orgonite (both tactically and to individuals) as a positive energy generator or energy balancer which creates surprisingly obvious and self-confirming effects. It's not a business or a proprietary product, the plans are as freely distributed as the orgonite itself. Seriously, there's a lady kindly giving it away just for the asking.
The parasites in charge have a vacuous, gaping hole where their hearts should be. Some of you who are energy-sensitive to some degree may have encountered this kind before. They literally cannot feel compassionate love. These are the ones at the top of the ritual abuse food chain who utilize the fear and life energy of their ritual human sacrifices to create gateways within themselves and other initiates for extradimensional reptilians to "walk in" and become them. They literally lose themselves to their guest, giving their soul over freely for the promise of power or immortality perhaps beyond what they perceive to be an impending global catastrophe which they're all too happy to keep us blissfully ignorant about (for the most part). The greys are seperate from and subservient to the reptiles, by the way.
Such as having a physical body gives us an advantage over a ghost, it is the parasites' literal lack of heart that gives us the advantage over them, even though they currently command the vast majority of this planet's energy resources. We have found that they literally cannot receive love energy into their heart chakras without feeling an intense, chaotic fight-or-flight response which leads them to either flee hastily, or take ill and possibly literally shrivel up and die. THIS IS WHERE WE HAVE THE POWER, FOLKS!
To blast a target with love energy, first fill your heart with the feeling of love by thinking of loved ones or whatever makes you feel an intense, aching love in your heart. Then visualize that love as a volume of energy within your heart chakra (the center of your rib cage), take a deep breath, and as you exhale, visualize pushing that energy straight into the location on your target where their heart chakra should be. If they are actually human enough to have a functional heart chakra, this will heal and energize the target. You can cure disease this way. If they are a parasite and have no appropriate chakra with which to process this energy, you will harm them. This is infallible. You can't hurt the innocent, and you can't heal those parasites who are beyond the point of no return.
In the orgonite movement, this is called "blasting" or "boosting", depending on the connotation you're going for, and it is used on friends and foes alike, alone or in tandem with others, either locally or synced through an Internet chat room. It has been very successful in the past, especially against agents encroaching upon your liberties (such as Jeff's car). Any time you feel threatened, rid yourself of fear and blast your opponents right in the heart with all the love you can muster. It really works.
We are all psychic, folks, which means it's just a natural part of our hyperdimensional existence. We need to learn how to tap these strengths to regain our advantage over the bastards while there's still time, because we sure as hell aren't going to do it with guns and artillery. If you want to find out more, check out some of the links on my Further Reading page, or if you're ready to participate in some chat blasts to develop your skills, check out the discussion forums on the same page.
BTW, if you don't agree with or understand anything I've just said -- don't worry, I didn't write this for you. :-)
- Peace
a couple things. uh one, this whole alien/UFO thing is a total fear and disinformation campaign. i mean i'll take you back to one example.
about 6 years ago, the federal government was responding in a press conference about the status of area 51 and if it existed, and if they had ET's or ET technology development at area 51. in short thay basically admitted area 51 exists and that it has a government facility at that location. and there response to the alien/ET stuff? i can't remember quite exactly how it worked, but they brought out this guy dressed in a big ass alien costume. now what this does is make it seem like its a big joke. or to those who believe, it makes it seem like the feds are being dishonest. a kind non-admission admission.
the elite love this shit. screw with your heads.
so anyway, aliens may exist but they havn't been here and if they were it was a long time ago. or may never be. the universe is inconceivably immense and expansive place there has to be other life somewhere. but let me tell you, what i've come to learn is if there's a certin topic, be it aliens, the men in black, terrorists, peak oil, black males, or communists, if its mere mention is supposed to scare you to the point of near death, its probably not a real threat.
how the elite controls humanity best is through fear. thats all that needs to be understood, to understand the system. you base it in fear of others, of punishment, of death, or of the infringement of individuality and those who are above the system, who control the system always win because they run it.
the elite also wants you to believe that they are of alien descent or of god's descent. they do this so you may fear reprisal of a supposed vengeful god or that you may be abducted and anally raped if you expose what they do or hurt their cause.
its kind of like on that one article jeff did about this girl who swore she saw bill bennett and dick cheney in a horrid place. i'm not saying it didn't happen. but heres an excerpt of what bill bennett said....
-----Bennett said. As he spoke, the holographic scene changed ever so slightly until the people appeared to be lizard-like aliens. "Welcome to the second level of the underground. This level is a mere reflection of the first, an alien dimension.
We are from a transdimensional plane that spans and encompasses all dimensions."
"Infinite dimensions," Bob injected. "Infinite dimensions spanned simultaneously."
Bill said, "No limitations."
Bob softly sang, "Let freedom ring." -----
this kind of explains what i mean. the elite want you to believe they are these all-powerful beings who can see and control all things in all dimensions in some 'transdimentional plane' or whatever else horse crap L Ron Hubbard ever came up with. it is meant to scare you. fear is irrational when taken too far.
i have a good friend who said to me we should never fear the bad things that happen, be concerned, but don't be crippled in fear.
fear is the emotion that creates mental prisons.
It seems to me that all attempts to explain the really high weirdness afoot (things which defy our models of physics) must arise from one of two operating assumptions: either you assume that mind is a product of matter or you assume that matter is a creation of mind.
I think that the former assumption leads one toward a multiple-dimension hypothesis to help explain the observations. The latter assumption does not preclude multiple dimensions, but it does not require them.
I lean toward the latter because it helps me make sense of two things: ghost-related observations and crop circles.
I don't want to get in to the first, but the subject of crop circles seems a natural one for this site. Maybe I did it wrong, but my google search of this site did not get me any hits for the word "crop."
I know that some crop circles are obviously human-made, but the notion of legions of disciplined, hard-working, competent, performance artists executing all these things out of the exuberance of their creative spirits strains my credulity. Ghosts--yes; that--no.
Since I tend to assume that matter arises from mind I am led to certain conclusions. Maybe I am too humble, but I don't feel personally responsible for the creation of the universe. I guess that there of levels of reality at which mind is collective.
Since I am already knee-deep in Jung, I might as well go in over my head and speculate about what the collective unconscious might hold. By definition, the unconscious holds what we know to be true in our hearts but deny in our minds.
I think that, collectively, what we deny most vehemently is the universe itself--its size and our very small speck of it. We delude ourselves into thinking that our differences are more striking than our similarities and we blithely trash the earth as if there were plenty more where this came from.
If we assume that there is a collective level of mind that speaks to us in symbols then both real and hoaxed crop circles become part of the same process of making conscious what we wish to deny.
I tend to treat alien contact stories the same way. I don't assume that covert ops people know why they do the things they do; like everybody else, they make up justifications for the things they want to do.
To Et in Arcadia ego -
Thanks for your comment. I've respected your posts, and I'm glad not to be at odds with you.
I suspect I'm easily rattled myself at the moment, because I've switched from making what I consider fairly neutral comments to advocating a more positive approach, and I'm wondering if I've made myself a target in doing so. That's my problem, though, not yours . . .
On that line, though, I was just remembering something I learned years ago when my parents were playing a lot of duplicate bridge and I was trying to understand it. Sometimes in bridge, you find yourself in a situation where you can win only if a certain card is in one opponent's hand but not if it's in the other's. I asked my father what you do in a case like that where you have no way of knowing where the crucial card is. He said you just play as though the card was in the hand that enables you to win. If it isn't, you're going to lose no matter what you do, but if it is, trying to play it safe could make you lose a hand you should have won.
Right now, we're in a game where we don't know the location, or even the identify, of a lot of the crucial cards. The only way we can win is by assuming that conditions are such that we *can* win, and going on that assumption.
If that means assuming we have unknown allies, I have no problem with that. It might, after all, be true. Even if not true, it might be the sort of catalytic assumption that enables you to proceed with confidence and out-bluff your opponents.
And there's always the possibility that we live in a realm of infinite possibility, where believing in something strongly enough can summon it into being. If that's the case, then we need to be specially wary of what we agree to believe.
"This is a good example of the dangers of mystical thinking: first the most rational explanation is acknowledged, only to have a far less probable alternative proclaimed more likely!
It's a lot like blaming a crashed harddrive on ill-minded saboteurs. Or like thinking you're under surveillance because you heard some clicks over the phone. Or believing you were abducted by aliens or visited by demons/angels, while you most probably just experienced an altered state of consciousness."
Ahhh....there you are! Where have you guys been? While we were all sitting around getting our radically activated human connection on, you were conspicuously hanging out in back not saying much.
Well you know what: you're too late! It's already happened pal. The domino's are already falling...together.
Just wondering from those who believe in actual UFO/ET phenomena/experiences whether they've had the chance to read Carl Sagan's book The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark?
From Amazon:
Eminent Cornell astronomer and bestselling author Sagan debunks the paranormal and the unexplained in a study that will reassure hardcore skeptics but may leave others unsatisfied. To him, purported UFO encounters and alien abductions are products of gullibility, hallucination, misidentification, hoax and therapists' pressure; some alleged encounters, he suggests, may screen memories of sexual abuse. He labels as hoaxes the crop circles, complex pictograms that appear in southern England's wheat and barley fields, and he dismisses as a natural formation the Sphinx-like humanoid face incised on a mesa on Mars, first photographed by a Viking orbiter spacecraft in 1976 and considered by some scientists to be the engineered artifact of an alien civilization. In a passionate plea for scientific literacy, Sagan deftly debunks the myth of Atlantis, Filipino psychic surgeons and mediums such as J.Z. Knight, who claims to be in touch with a 35,000-year-old entity called Ramtha. He also brands as superstition ghosts, angels, fairies, demons, astrology, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and religious apparitions.
I am admittedly ignorant of most UFO literature and was also wondering what texts could be good recommendations to counter what Sagan sets forth in Demon-Haunted World ? Also, could there be a history to Sagan that is not readily known that someone might know about ? ie. Involvement with the military and so forth. I loved Sagan as a kid and would hate to find out he had ties to the national security apparatus or something.
Personally, I am opened to any such possibilities, but for quite a while now I've been of the opinion taken by the poster marlon that the entire thing is a con and maybe the only use UFO phenomnena will have is when the "war on terror" is over and we need another enemy to fight--another manufactured enemy at that. A similar idea has been presented by Daniel Sheehan, formerly of the Christic Institute and now with the Disclosure Project. Though Sheehan's intentions have been questioned because of his handling of the Iran-Contra lawsuit as well.
I swear that I saw along with another witness a huge triangular shaped craft float silently over our heads and drift off out of sight. I was afriad at first but then as we stood their we judged it's size as it went near a forest line to be about the size of a football field. I , for some shot the finger at it and I don't even know why?. It had 3 orb lights near each corner a dome shape centerd at the bottom and a tiny red light [not blinking] in the core. I know I'm rambling, but hey! I shot the finger at a UFO and the only encounter I recieved after that was a speeding ticket.
Here's a little taste-spoon of the kind of encompassing worldview the folks over at are working with in analyzing current events. The following is from their regular news page, dated today, 12/1/05. The Q & A is a channeling session enacted back in '97 by Laura and those she calls "The Casseiopaeans." Though I personally don't believe in this information one way or the other, I do thinkit is very compelling information for an open mind to consider against an individual's own sense of truth:
Comment: Well, we hate to say "we told you so," but there it was, back in 1997, on February 22, to be exact:
A: Climate is being influenced by three factors, and soon a fourth. 1) Wave approach. 2) Chloroflorocarbon increase in atmosphere, thus affecting ozone layer. 3) Change in the planet's axis rotation orientation. 4) Artificial tampering by 3rd and 4th density STS forces in a number of different ways. [...]
Q: (Laura) All right, were those given in the order in which they are occurring? The fourth being the one that's coming later?
A: Maybe, but remember this: a change in the speed of the rotation may not be reported while it is imperceptible except by instrumentation. Equator is slightly "wider" than the polar zones. But, this discrepancy is decreasing slowly currently. One change to occur in 21st Century is sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then North America. Ice ages develop much, much, much faster than thought. ... Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable, propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly at points of magnetic significance. By [the slowing] down of rotation, Earth alternately heats up and cools down in interior... Part of cycle related to energy exerted upon surface by the frequency resonance vibrational profile of humans and others. [...]
A: Underground bases see dramatic budget increase.
... Because there is much more activity to come.
Q: (Laura) Ok, what kind of activity?
A: Broad range.
Q: (Laura) Can you list, say, the top three?
A: Experimentation, utilization and implementation [of]
Human "resources." Plan falling into place for "harvest."
Q: (Terry) The new underground bases, along with all the old ones are for the coming harvest?
A: And other purposes of STS forces' plans. [...]
Q: (Terry) ... Is that world-wide, we're talking here?
A: Yes, but United States is focus, due to particularly cooperative power structure profile.
Q: (Laura)... I would like to know is what particular steps are being taken, what particular activities are being stepped up?
A: Acquisition, staging, testing of planned activity.
Q: (Laura) And what is the planned activity?
A: Control of absolutely everything. ... Bio and cyber/genetic humanoid types now increasing exponentially in
general population. [...]
Q: (T) [Is HAARP influencing the weather?]
A: We told you that "HAARP" was being designated for
capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete "order on the surface of the planet" in either 3rd or 4th density.
If you haven't read about the Ebens or planet Serpo, you should. Dr. Sagan is referenced several times in this article.
Try old Blaise Pascal on some of this stuff, and especially Jorge Luis Borges in LABYRINTHS:
Pascal: Nature is an infinite sphere whose centre is everywhere, whose circumference is nowhere.
Borges tries to hunt down this metaphor thrugh the centuries. He finds in Giordano Brono (1584) "We can asert with certainty that the universe is all center, or that the center of the universe is everywhere and in circumference nowhere."
Alain de Lille (third century) "God is an intelligible sphere whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."
Also all the Arab and Egypptian speculators, along with my hero, Andre Maurois, lately of the French Academy.
Surely a little knowledge can't be a dangerous thing--or can it?
Couple of quick thoughts...gah, 111 comments? How to cut through the clutter? Anyway, regarding logging unusual phone calls, you might check out a little device offered through Radio Shack which allows you to record your phone calls. This might make for interesting radio collage a la your fascinating header graphics included with each of your posts. The second thing is that interest in your site by the intelligence community may be double-edged--they might be spying on you, sure, but they may also be looking hopefully at your progress from the belly of the beast.
Security Flaws Allow Wiretaps to be Evaded
from the it's-coming-from-inside-the-house dept. posted by samzenpus on 2005-12-01 01:09:00
An anonymous reader writes "The New York Times is reporting that a team of researchers led by Matt Blaze has discovered that technology used for decades by law enforcement agents to wiretap telephones has a security flaw that allows the person being wiretapped to stop the recorder remotely. It is also possible to falsify the numbers dialed. The flaws are detailed in a paper being published by the IEEE. Someone who thinks he's being wiretapped can apparently just send a low tone down the line that turns off the recorder. The link has a demo."
Anonymous said...
I swear that I saw along with another witness a huge triangular shaped craft float silently over our heads and drift off out of sight. I was afriad at first but then as we stood their we judged it's size as it went near a forest line to be about the size of a football field. I , for some shot the finger at it and I don't even know why?. It had 3 orb lights near each corner a dome shape centerd at the bottom and a tiny red light [not blinking] in the core. I know I'm rambling, but hey! I shot the finger at a UFO and the only encounter I recieved after that was a speeding ticket.
Did it look like this?:
I just want to reiterate, with urgency, Orgonite's comments. I requested and received free orgonite from Cece at and everything has changed for me since then. I used to get stuck in a rut thinking about all this nasty stuff, a kind of depressive feedback loop. Now I feel there's real hope, and instead of obsessing about how bad things are, I'm thinking about (and putting into action) ways of making real change. It's like something broke loose in my heart and mind that freed me to act- like I'm finally becoming the person I always thought I could be. So seriously, get some orgonite! It's free and you really have nothing to lose. I initially received two pieces and subsequently requested thirty more once I saw and felt what they can do. Cece refused to charge me a dime(I'm making a donation to her site anyway). I'm not trying to scam anyone or shill anything; I simply think orgonite just might be the key to actually taking back our lives, and our world, for ourselves.
"I have seen a lot of despair in the blog comments here..."
Ah, Organite, this does get rather morbid at times. We are simply attempting to find the truth, then, I assume, find a way to do something about it, if we find, we can.
ET in Arcadia said it well : "I would rather know there's a monster under my bed than find out when it's dinner time".
There's guns across the river about to pound you
Lawman on your trail like to surround you
Bounty hunters are dancing all around you
Billy, they don't like you to be so free.
-Bob Dylan, 'Billy 4'
About this time I began to notice peculiar things happening to my mail and to my telephone... important correspondence began to go awry.
Strangely enough, my friends seemed to endure the most peculiar phone nonsense... one finally asked me please not to discuss UFO's with him on the telephone ever again. Both at the office and at home, he found he was 'sharing' his private line with some undetermined other parties. On two occasions when I had been speaking with him, a voice had broken in, mumbled a few words, then apologized for the intrusion... night as I sat in my office, desperately working over the typewriter, I heard heavy footsteps at the top of the stairs. A quick glance told me that no one was there.
A favorite painting of Edgar Allan Poe fell to the floor.
I became irritated. I had to work to meet a deadline on a magazine article. I had no time to play.
Papers began to rustle off to my side. A single sheet became airborne.
I had had enough. I looked up from my typewriter, rolled my eyes upward in disgust, and shouted "Just cut it the hell out!"
Everything stopped... the very air seemed less crowded and oppressive...
... The trickster serves as the impish, dark opposite of the bright conscious mind, and establishes a balance without which psychic wholeness may not be achieved...
-Brad Steiger, 'Mysteries of Time and Space', 1974
We watch and examine you because we created you as part of one of our million-year experiments. Do not be concerned, as your termination date is still far in the future.
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