"People would laugh at us!"
It's funny, the things people won't believe.
Jon Ronson, author of Them: Adventures with Extremists, showed his father footage of the elites' "cremation of care" ceremony at the foot of Bohemian Grove's giant stone owl, complete with burning of a human effigy. His father's comment: "That didn’t happen."
As a student in 1961, author Jacques Vallee witnessed "French astronomers erase a magnetic tape on which our satellite-tracking team had recorded eleven data points on an unknown flying object which was not an airplane, a balloon, or a known orbiting craft." An astronomer's explanation for the destructive act: "People would laugh at us if we reported this!" (From Vallee's Messengers of Deception.)
I have heard people say, and perhaps you have as well, that it doesn't matter what they are told regarding the events of 9/11, they will never believe the government - even a Bush government - would have purposefully allowed the attacks to happen.
No one is standing over these people's shoulders, whispering Don't believe it - destroy that - people will laugh at you. The voices in their heads are their own. These are people who are censoring themselves; sliding a door to guard their thoughts from uncomfortable facts.
The most powerful control mechanism is internal. It's the brain surgery we perform on ourselves - owing to social conditioning, peer approval and dread of ridicule - that is of the greatest service to those deserving exposure and justice, and who seem to perpetually evade both.
We do it - we useless eaters - or have done it, or can recognize the urge in ourselves. How much greater, then, the internal pressure upon those in places of genuine influence, such as the mainstream media and our legislatures, to suppress the truth within themselves.
So a thank you is in order to Barbara Boxer, the lone Senator who stood last Thursday, to challenge the legitimacy of the Ohio electors.
Naturally, she will now be judged a "kook" - at least insofar as her action breaks through the fog of unreality that passes for news in America - for having the courage to call George Bush a fraudulant President. (At her news conference she expressed regrets for having respected Al Gore's wishes that senators not challenge the results of 2000.)
To speak the truth in a crazy world is to sound crazy yourself, and to invite marginalization and a blizzard of abuse. As hard as it is to do for those who have little to lose, it's much harder for those who have much. And it's a good part of the reason why we hear so little truth spoken from the high places. (Another notable exeption: the longest-serving UK Labour MP, and former Minister of the Environment, Michael Meacher.)
The White House response to Senator Barbara Boxer's standing on Thursday to contest Ohio's electors was predictable, as it is its only response the White House offers when someone calls bullshit on its galaxy of lies. Spokesman Scott McClellan said "It is time to move forward, and not engage in conspiracy theories or partisan politics of this nature."
In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan, "Facts are stupid things."
"Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., cries as she announces with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, that they will object to the certification of Ohio's electoral votes during a joint session of Congress today Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005. It would be only the second time since 1877 that the House and Senate were forced into separate meetings to consider electoral votes."
Jon Ronson, author of Them: Adventures with Extremists, showed his father footage of the elites' "cremation of care" ceremony at the foot of Bohemian Grove's giant stone owl, complete with burning of a human effigy. His father's comment: "That didn’t happen."
As a student in 1961, author Jacques Vallee witnessed "French astronomers erase a magnetic tape on which our satellite-tracking team had recorded eleven data points on an unknown flying object which was not an airplane, a balloon, or a known orbiting craft." An astronomer's explanation for the destructive act: "People would laugh at us if we reported this!" (From Vallee's Messengers of Deception.)
I have heard people say, and perhaps you have as well, that it doesn't matter what they are told regarding the events of 9/11, they will never believe the government - even a Bush government - would have purposefully allowed the attacks to happen.
No one is standing over these people's shoulders, whispering Don't believe it - destroy that - people will laugh at you. The voices in their heads are their own. These are people who are censoring themselves; sliding a door to guard their thoughts from uncomfortable facts.
The most powerful control mechanism is internal. It's the brain surgery we perform on ourselves - owing to social conditioning, peer approval and dread of ridicule - that is of the greatest service to those deserving exposure and justice, and who seem to perpetually evade both.
We do it - we useless eaters - or have done it, or can recognize the urge in ourselves. How much greater, then, the internal pressure upon those in places of genuine influence, such as the mainstream media and our legislatures, to suppress the truth within themselves.
So a thank you is in order to Barbara Boxer, the lone Senator who stood last Thursday, to challenge the legitimacy of the Ohio electors.
Naturally, she will now be judged a "kook" - at least insofar as her action breaks through the fog of unreality that passes for news in America - for having the courage to call George Bush a fraudulant President. (At her news conference she expressed regrets for having respected Al Gore's wishes that senators not challenge the results of 2000.)
To speak the truth in a crazy world is to sound crazy yourself, and to invite marginalization and a blizzard of abuse. As hard as it is to do for those who have little to lose, it's much harder for those who have much. And it's a good part of the reason why we hear so little truth spoken from the high places. (Another notable exeption: the longest-serving UK Labour MP, and former Minister of the Environment, Michael Meacher.)
The White House response to Senator Barbara Boxer's standing on Thursday to contest Ohio's electors was predictable, as it is its only response the White House offers when someone calls bullshit on its galaxy of lies. Spokesman Scott McClellan said "It is time to move forward, and not engage in conspiracy theories or partisan politics of this nature."
In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan, "Facts are stupid things."

"Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., cries as she announces with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, that they will object to the certification of Ohio's electoral votes during a joint session of Congress today Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005. It would be only the second time since 1877 that the House and Senate were forced into separate meetings to consider electoral votes."
That picture is powerful. I only saw a smaller version earlier and didn't see the tears.
But you know-- I think the Bush administration and the Republicans (who used it about a dozen times responding to Boxer's protest) are going to do us a favor and actually defuse the power of the term "conspiracy theory". They are using it so much that it has begun to lose its meaning-- and then maybe we can get to the the point where we can argue things based on logic and not on demagogic talking points.
Hopefully you are right with your optimism.
Maybe its more than just the fear of being ridiculed, what the inner voices are telling the people.
When I talk to one of my brothers I can´t even mention conspiracy theories. But once the talk came on Iran and its wish to get maybe nuclear weapons. I said, that the wish was quite reasonable and ligitimate considering that Iran is under constant thread of being invaded or bombed by the US and it needed all the deterrence it could get, and that nuclear weapons in the hands of the current US government might be even more dangerous than in the hands of the Iranian government.
I´ve never seen my brother so angry before. To compare the "evil islamistic Iranian government" favourable to our friends the Americans was totally outrageous for him. And my brother is highly educated man.
I guess for most people it is o.k. to see the danger and possible evil in strangers, but to see danger and evil in your own people or friends gets the danger too close to home. Most people cannot live with the kind of fear this would create. To see the American government as criminal madmen would mean that this world is really on the edge of catastrophy.
But then when you go deeper into the history of the CIA and covered warfare and everything else that is not written in your school-history books, it is just like when Neo was finally told what the Matrix was.
You just want to throw up and throw up and never stop.
Your world is turning upside down, and this is more than most people can stomach.
But then, speaking for myself, when I allowed the paradigm shift, there was disorientation and a lot of fear, but it gets less with time. And somehow, in spite of all the terrifying changes to my worldview, I´m starting to feel empowered. You know like the bible-world: "And the truth shall make you free."
I no longer wish I had taken the blue pill.
Anonymous One, I once read a essay on the CIA's mind control, where slides are programed to pop up in peoples minds when certain words are heard or read.If,they have there final program up and running,like I feel they[shadow gov.] do, most folks don't even percive they are shuting out a lot of the information that they hear or see. I have stopped trying to break through the slides, it reminds me to much, like deprograming a member of a cult.The sheep are ready for the end I'am afraid to say,later.
I know exactly what you mean about the paradigm shift. You put it very well.
I also have a brother with whom it is difficult to discuss "conspiracy theories" even though in general he is younger than me-- a smart well-educated fellow who was even a Nader supporter back in 2000.
Nice. I hate to state the obvious, but want to give the credit and shout out to AJ at prisonplanet for that Cremation of Care footage mentioned in the article. I know infowars isn't linked to by RI but everyone doesn't need to be on the same page in order to be in the same book.
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This is very nice post.
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Harry Pinto
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