"You can't go home again"

I see pieces of men marching, trying to take heaven by force
I can see the unknown rider, I can see the pale white horse - Bob Dylan
In 1983 Ingo Swann, a senior colleague of the CIA's remote viewing program at Stanford Research Institute and "Operating Thetan level VII", received a call at his home in New York City from a close friend, a US congressman. The caller asked if he could do a favour for a certain party in need of the services of someone with his skills. The friend was vague about the request, and may not even have known what he was asking, but told Swann the party could be trusted and he would be paid.
Jim Schanbel, in Remote Viewers, tells what happened after Swann accepted the assignment, and followed his friend's instructions to stand on a Manhattan street outside a museum:
Two men with pseudonyms picked him up in a car, placed a blindfold on him, and drove him for a few hours out of town. When the blindfold was taken off, Swann was in a large underground installation. No one wore a uniform, but from the haircuts and physiques, and the way people took orders, he decided that at least some were US Marines.
Swann was led into a windowless room, was introduced to some people, and was then allowed to settle himself before starting his remote viewing. The target was described only as a pair of coordinates. They were lunar coordinates, for Swann was being asked to remote-view a place on the moon. He soon did, and more coordinates were given to him. Before the day was out, Swann had described a variety of monumental objects, not human-made but not natural either, scattered across the cold surface of Earth's dusty cousin. Swann, according to the story, was then paid several thousand dollars in cash, and was driven back to his apartment in New York.
Possibly the lunar coordinates were actually meaningless, and merely intended to test Swann's abilities. Regardless, this was just the beginning of Swann's work for the unidentified outfit, and it got stranger. One mission took him to Alaska, where he was flown by helicopter to a remote lake. His handlers told him that "something strange" happened at the lake, like clockwork. And in fact, is was about to happen again:
As Swann stood there, he saw a mist form over the lake, and then an unearthly triangular object rose...sucking up water and shooting out bright beams of light, and then zoomed off into the distance. Well, his companions asked Swann, now that he had seen the strange thing, perhaps he could remote-view it an tell them what it was? Swann impatiently explained that that was not how remote viewing worked. He was too front-loaded now with information about the target to be able to remote-view it accurately, and in any case was too frightened by the experience to want to do any further remote viewings of extraterrestrials or their craft.
Schanbel also tells how another of the program's highly-regarded remote viewers, Joe McMoneagle, was driven to the Pentagon shortly before his retirement and escorted to a secure room. He was asked to remote view a target with no advance information. All he knew was that the "feedback" package, containing information regarding the target to be opened after his session, was highly classified. As he entered his "zone," McMoneagle viewed a "strange, complex high-performance aerial vehicle, apparently not of this earth." Afterwards the package was opened and he was shown the satellite photo inside, which showed an apparent UFO on a seemingly impossible flight path.
Of course, as I've noted earlier, the CIA publically declared its remote viewing program a failure. The piling on even included the Temple of Set's Lt Col. Michael Aquino, who dismissed remote viewing as an "eyeball roller" in a paper for The Intelligencer: Journal of US Intelligence Studies. Nevertheless, there are many contrary voices within military-intelligence who don't subscribe to the official view, like Major General Edmund R Thompson, who told Schnabel "I never liked to get into debates with the skeptics, because if you didn't believe that remote viewing was real, you hadn't done your homework."
Perhaps the program needed to be shutdown and given a thorough debunking because of its success: it was getting too close to the secrets of the military-occult complex, and it operated beyond the control of those who profit by the secrets remaining hidden. The experiences related by Swann and McMoneagle suggest blind tests, run by those who know, who wanted to discern how good these guys were, and how close America's own psychic spies were to crashing their party. Pickett and Prince's The Stargate Conspiracy describes how many remote viewers "spontaneously reported encountering pyramids" during their sessions, and that concurrent with its CIA-sponsored RV program, SRI was sending archeological teams to the Giza plateau to search for secret chambers beneath the Sphynx and within the pyramids.
One of the most fascinating accounts in Schnabel's book describes the "haunting" of Livermore Laboratory. Between it and Los Alamos, much of the US military's nuclear weapons R&D was conducted there. By the mid-70s, a number of Livermore personnel had learned of SRI's program, and become sufficiently alarmed by the security implications that they decided to investigate psychic phenomena for themselves. As Schabel tells it, "the Livermore group quickly found themselves involved in more strangeness than they could handle...they began to feel that they were collectively possessed by some kind of tormenting, teasing, hallucination-inducing spirit."
Both in the laboratory and at home, Livermore scientists and their families began experiencing visions. Sometimes in the middle of a room, an "almost comically stereotypical" image of a UFO would appear, "always about eight inches across, in a gray, fuzzy monochrome, as if it were some kind of hologram." (Interestingly, a similar phenomenon was observed by participants in the five-year "Scole Experiment", researching life after death. "On one occasion," writes Robin Foy, "we even witnessed a miniature UFO flying around the cellar where we held our sessions.")
Sometimes they would see shamanic visions of fantasic animals. Enormous raven-like birds visited the yards of several members. One appeared at the foot of the bed of physicist Mike Russo, terrifying both him and his wife, as it stared at them. Audio and video tapes of experiments picked up other things, things that shouldn't have been there, like a "distinctive, metallic-sounding voice, unheard during the actual experiment but now clearly audible, if mostly unintelligible."
(That metallic voice sound familiar? It seems to turn up a lot. Jack Sarfatti took a call from one in 1952. It claimed to be a conscious computer onboard a spacecraft, identifying him as as one of "400 young bright receptive minds we wish to [memory failure]." It said if he agreed, he would link up with the others in 20 years. Twenty years later and Sarfati was at - wait for it - Stanford Research Institute.)
Physicist Don Curtis and his wife were sitting in their living room one evening when suddenly an arm appeared, hovering before them:
The arm was clothed as if it belonged to a man wearing a plain gray suit. There was no bloody stump were it should have connected with a shoulder. It merely faded into clear space. But at the end of the arm where a hand should have been, there was no hand, only a hook. The hooked arm twisted around for a few seconds in front of Curtis and his wife, and then disappeared.
Team members began questioning their sanity. Physicist Peter Crane called for help, and brought in CIA analyst and parapsychologist Richard Kennett to meet with the group. To Kennett, "they perspired, trembled, and even wept openly" as they described their experiences. These were professional scientists with high-level clearance who had had no history of involvement in the occult. If he referred them to a psychiatrist the diagnosis would probably be some dissociative disorder. When Kennett listened to the metallic voice on the tape, he realized there was something deeper here:
Among the few intelligible words it pronounced were two or three together which Kennett recognized as the code name of a very closely held government project. The project had nothing to do with psychic research, and neither it nor its code name was known to Crane or Russo or the others at Livermore. It was as if whoever or whatever had produced the code name on the tape had known that Kennett would soon arrive on the scene and had saved this special shiver down the spine just for him.
(And wouldn't it be interesting to know what "closely held government project" the metallic voice named?)
Kennett reported the code-name incident to CIA security, "muting the outlandish details only slightly." Mike Russo received a telephone call from the strange, metallic voice, demanded that Livermore group cease its psychic research. When it did, within a month, the bizarre events had also ceased.
Kennett called SRI's Hal Purthoff and Russell Targ, and asked that they meet with him in Washington on their next fundraising tour of government offices to discuss the Livermore events. A few nights later they arrived, and Kennett met them in a hotel room close to midnight. He sat them down and told them the whole story, including the floating arm. "And so the goddamn arm - The thing was rotating, with this gray suit on, and it had a hook on it. It was a false arm. What do you think of that?" As Kennett pronounced that, there was a heavy pounding on the door. According to Schnabel, the pounding was so loud it was frightening. Kennett went to the door.
Standing in the doorway was a man who at first glance was remarkable only by his unremarkableness. He was nondescript and unthreatening, somewhere in middle age. He walked past Kennett very slowly, with a stiff gait, to the middle of the room, between the two beds. He turned around, and said in an oddly stitled voice. "Oh! I guess...I...must...be...in...the wrong...room." And with that he walked out, slowly, stiffly, giving all of them time to see that one sleeve of his gray suit, pinned to his side, was empty.
One source, who didn't want his name used, told Schnabel "We tried to find him. We walked up and down the halls. But none of us had the balls to ask the hotel desk, 'Hey, did you see that gray-suited, one-armed guy from space?'"
Some of the remote viewers, years before the movie, termed their trance-like zone the matrix, and described sessions as "switching on a beacon" within it, which sometimes attacted strange things.
Duane Elgin was a futurologist at SRI who became involved in psychic research after a colleague flipped a coin and aske him to call heads or tails, and he called it correctly 33 times in a row. He told New York magazine in 1975, "Once you discover that space doesn't matter, or that time can be travelled through at will so that time doesn't matter, and that matter can be moved by consciousiness so that matter doesn't matter - well, you can't go home again."
And maybe that's what we're waking up to: an occult elite that's had its beacon on for quite some time, and haven't been at home here for a long while.
Jeff, if you carry on, and i know you will, none of us will be able to go home either! gwonna be a whole lotta homeless people......
I just have to hope that there is a way out of hell.......
Ride'em cowboy!
The whole "remote viewer" thing may be:
a) A secret program that works, now seeing light of day.
b) A psy-ops matrix directed against us, the public.
c) An inflated prospectus that got Uncle Sam's dollars.
d) A red herring for military competitors.
e) The tip of an iceberg much bigger and deeper than we know.
Most likely it is some sort of permutation of the above.
The role of SRI in it all is paradoxical and mysterious. They are the hub of much work with "national security" implications. Today we are told that some 36 assassin-dolphins are missing in the Gulf of Mexico. SRI-research was certainly involved with this sort of program, and it is just one of many.
Intersesting that you cite Duane Elgin's psychic work for SRI.He is now a big mucky-muck in New Age circles. I think his work on "Voluntary Simplicity" is of interest, given his ties to elite agenda. Certainly there are elements of the ruling class who want a sustainable future, and not just a feeding frenzy. If Westerners voluntarily decrease consumption, and recycle,etc. this may be of interest to them. Does this help explain the support for disseminating "New Age" ideas found in some elite circles?
About the raven-like birds.
As you might know Tibetan Buddhism has stories about shape shifting of yogis and lamas as well and they tend to shape shift into dark brown raven-like birds, but they are bigger than normal ravens. Remote viewing was practiced as well in that culture.
The story about the shape shifting is that the birds where positive creatures and that demons tended to shape shift into rats and other unpleasant creatures (reptiles?)
continued (sorry I can't edit)
So maybe the birds are connected to the legend of Shambala since the hidden kingdom uses remote viewing to steer events in the physical world.
See also:
raven is found in a few other places too, one such undergoing a renaissance of sorts -
one, um, minor aspect that seems to be omitted, but which was well understood in the good ol' days - it's a carrion bird - ravenous.
"And maybe that's what we're waking up to: an occult elite that's had its beacon on for quite some time"
politics is occultism.
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{{{The piling on even included the Temple of Set's Lt Col. Michael Aquino, who dismissed remote viewing as an "eyeball roller" in a paper for The Intelligencer: Journal of US Intelligence Studies.}}}
There's more than one way for eyeballs to roll. There's the roll of exasperation, around. There's also the roll of orgasm, upward and flitting. And there's the roll of violence, rolling after being popped out.
I'm quite interested in knowing more about "CIA analyst and parapsychologist Richard Kennett".
I broke my parapsychological and other-dimensional cherry on Arthur Koestler's The Roots of Coincidence. I suspect that's a well-read book around here. Few RI entries have given me the willies like this one.
When I just read this I thought of the one-armed man from Twin Peaks.
You need to knock off this secret society/Bigfoot/UFO crap-ola.
There's a fake war going on, and you'll need
more than mood rings, divining rods, healing crystals and magic beans to fight it.
Please step out of the Dark Ages.
My whole impression of what is possible is seeing "Suspect Zero". After watching Elias (the director) actually be put to the "test" of his own potential to "remote view" - I was floored. He was floored! He remote viewed, even when he KNEW he couldn't.
You would think with so many missing people in this world, they could at least use this sort of thing to find some of these people and try to bring them home... you know, unless "they" are the ones who took them to start with - which of course is a big possibility.
After getting my gal pal to watch Suspect Zero, she is seriously thinking of learning how to do it... apparently, we all have the potential to do it.
Not that I'm a remote viewer or into the occult in any way, but since I've "awaken" to the reality of the world -- which began several years when I first discovered Freemasonry et al -- I've felt cold and homeless as well.
Having spent over two years discovering and pursuing a degree in clairvoyance, I can personally attest to the fact that once you access and turn on this facility it will change your life! Talk about ramping up the kawinkydink opportuniteaze! Stepping out of judgement is the key to accureately discerning other peoples pictures. Applied value judgements will corrupt the validity of any viewing.
This is also a way to identify trolls, who attempt to fool the reader into excepting false value judgements.
Could anyone direct me to a good background piece (prefereably on the web) which explains what remote viewing actually is and how it is used? Thanks!
'You need to knock off this secret society/Bigfoot/UFO crap-ola.'
such as this, perchance?
If you really want to go off the deep end of practical remote viewing and relatied topics, see what regular people like us who have similarly awakened to the nature of reality are doing every day to successfully combat the parasitic global occult/corporate world order. In addition to tactical orgonite gifting, many of these same people have organized into several local and online-chat-room-based psychic blasting groups. You know it's working when you gain the undeniable attention of their hapless, easily-thwarted thugs.
I'm telling you, their tide is receding, the paradigm is shifting, and it's only a matter of time now!
And yes, it's all very, very weird. You anonymous posters that can't grip that yet should stop bothering to post here, because we don't actually care what you think anymore. The grown-ups have too much to do to to fix this situation to waste our time with the chest-poundings of your sleepy ignorance.
And to those who are beginning to see the big picture thanks to Jeff and others, but who feel "cold and homeless", I doubly encourage you to check out these links.
There is a practical cause for hope, damnit!
"Having spent over two years discovering and pursuing a degree in clairvoyance"
You ever meet a dude named Sam at Harvard?
"(...)He nods, downs a few spoonfuls of granola, then stops long enough to uncork a story he heard last winter from a local trapper from Tuyktoyuktuk named Thomasie Cowcharlie. "Thomasie was out in the bush about two hundred miles south of here when a raven arrived in his camp. Just like your bird, this one made himself at home, kept cooing as if trying to communicate. Thomasie made no response, so the raven flew off, returning a moment later with a stick in his mouth. The strangest thing happened. The bird traced figures in the dirt, pausing every so often to stare into the man’s face, as if searching for a sign of recognition." Jonathan’s droopy face displays nothing. He takes another few bites. "It’s a true story. But you know I always thought it was too bad that guy didn’t copy the scratches down on a piece of paper. I would have liked to see what they looked like.(...)"
"(...)He nods, downs a few spoonfuls of granola, then stops long enough to uncork a story he heard last winter from a local trapper from Tuyktoyuktuk named Thomasie Cowcharlie. "Thomasie was out in the bush about two hundred miles south of here when a raven arrived in his camp. Just like your bird, this one made himself at home, kept cooing as if trying to communicate. Thomasie made no response, so the raven flew off, returning a moment later with a stick in his mouth. The strangest thing happened. The bird traced figures in the dirt, pausing every so often to stare into the man’s face, as if searching for a sign of recognition." Jonathan’s droopy face displays nothing. He takes another few bites. "It’s a true story. But you know I always thought it was too bad that guy didn’t copy the scratches down on a piece of paper. I would have liked to see what they looked like.(...)"
Sorry I posted twice!
about remote viewing : Don't know any links to this - but apparently an Italian psychic, sorry - remote viewer, just recently found the body of a person that had been missing for years. At the bottom of a lake. This has been making headlines in Italy, so it shouldn't be too hard to find at google news or something. Oh - and Jeff; is the name Schnabel, Schanbel or Schabel?
Debate rages as medium finds body in lake
John Hooper in Rome
Thursday September 15, 2005
The body of Chiara Beriffi, who disappeared three years ago, was found in her car in Lake Como in precisely the area indicated by a medium, Maria Rosa Busi, who had been approached for help by Ms Beriffi's parents in March. A police source said it was a "million to one chance" that the vehicle would be found in the area marked by the medium. . . .
Divers initially balked at the venture because the spot identified by Ms Busi was 500ft from shore. Detectives were yesterday trying to work out how the four-wheel drive came to be so far from the lakeside.
On Tuesday the dead woman's father, Francesco Beriffi, watched as the dark red vehicle was hauled 400ft from the bottom of the lake by a ship-borne crane. "I hesitate to believe in voices from beyond", he said. "But I really cannot be sceptical."
Critics, however, accused Ms Busi of working out the spot from known information. On Tuesday the medium broke off a heated exchange with an interviewer in a live television show.
"but y'all would do well to heed the ancient warnings of the Old Testament about false gods."
Right. Can I get a copy of the list of "false gods" again? I seem to have misplaced mine.
plectic said:
"politics is occultism."
But then, so is everything else.
As I keep insisting, we human beings are magicians, all of us. That was our real evolutionary advantage over Homo erectus and the Neanderthals.
The core of magic is the manipulation of symbols in order to create changes in reality. That is what we humans do best -- that is the definition of being human.
Language, art, music, theater, and all the rest of culture grew out of the magical manipulation of symbolic elements.
All of politics is magic, played out in terms of potent national symbology. Propaganda is a particularly black form of political magic.
All of war is magic. Wars are magicians' duels fought with blood and sacrifice and archetypal forms.
All of economics is magic -- specifically, a form of alchemy centered on gold. "Bankers" are its wizards (which is why they figure so prominently in conspiracy theories.) The stock market, as we are all intuitively aware, operates in terms of voodoo and has very little realationship to actual value.
(It doesn't quite fit here, but some day I ought to tell the story of AngWup and how my mother hoodooed the stock market.)
As long as we keep thinking that there's ordinary life over her and magic someplace way over *there,* we will only baffle ourselves. It's *all* magic, and the only questions involve whether we become consciously aware of it and whether we use it for good rather than for evil.
Wes said...
With all this successful remote viewing and coin-flip calling, you'd think someone would have stepped up to claim Randi's million-dollar prize by now. Oh, right, his test is "not fair".
The trouble is that the occult has a trickster nature. It's there when *it* wants to be, not when you want it to be. Think Michigan J. Frog. . .
(Which also makes me doubt very strongly that the CIA could ever control it, even if they are able to access it.)
Oh, right, his test is "not fair".
Has Randi allowed anyone to actually take the test? My understanding is most claims are abandoned because protocols cannot be agreed upon, and the rest haven't got past the "prelimary test." Seems to me a lot of so-called skeptics are quite happily smug to take Randi at his word.
Check this out:
Pyramids, UFOs, etc.
Mitch said. . .
You ever meet a dude named Sam at Harvard?
No, my schooling was at the Midwest Psychic Institute in Chicago, renamed InVision
How did the school convince you that they knew and could control what they were talking about?
Here's a curious story.
I live very close to SRI, within 3-4 miles. We've been there a couple of years. About the same amount of time that I've been coming to places like this and generally gaining awareness of WRGO.
I hold a very senior position in a media company and so often use a car service to get me to the airport.
One time, earlier this year, I had a driver who was also the head of security for the limo company. I asked him what this meant and he said that because of their location near Stanford, the company often drove VIP's around and he proceeded to reel off a list of names - Rice, Clinton, Schultz etc whom he'd personally driven. He talked about the need for security for these people and especially the need for privacy and secrecy sometimes and about his qualifications for the job due to his many years in the military.
The thing is that I was actually quite spooked by the guy.
It felt very odd to be being driven by this person with such obvious albeit mild connections to the MIC and especially to SRI. But more than that, I had the ever so slightly uncomfortable sensation that he represented a warning.
I know that sounds delusional but it gave me goose bumps as he spoke. All of a sudden, out of the blue and in early morning darkness here was this guy telling me over and over about the need for secrecy - while all the time he was telling me more than I needed to know.
Now I'm not suggesting that I'd been singled out for a warning - I'm sure that my nocturnal web surfing is neither here nor there to anyone of consequence - but I am remembering that years ago I read a theory that once one opens one's mind to dark possibilities there can be seepage of this other world in to our own - or one's own. That it can pay you a visit via apparently anomalous coincidence. That thought energy can attract an interaction.
I'm sorta running out of steam on this... but thought I'd share anyway.
A lot of government scientists are mind controlled to protect the high security things they deal with. Maybe these scientists were just flashing back to some mind control programming or implants [like the metallic voices] that the govt. Had put in place to monitor them.
Lord, lord, I've been so immiserated in a problem in my own life I've only skimmed RI for a couple of days, but what great articles, Jeff. Thank you.
The name "Duane Elgin" gave me a start too, american dream. I live only a few blocks from SRI and it is creepy. I read his book many years ago and agreed with some of his points, but then more recently when I heard it was kind of a yuppie fad I got turned off. Doncha just love it when rich people tell you earnestly that they only buy politically correct coffee, and that they only have a few 'things' in their lives, you know, like Lexuses and an original Raoul Dufy in the foyer, and a $10,000 watch that still works in the Marianas Trench or on the moon. Just a few well chosen things.
Voluntary. Simplicity. Riiighhhht.
Living for the last half decade so far below the median income for this area, in fact below the federal poverty line, has shown me what INvoluntary Simplicity is like, and as Sophie Tucker said, "I've been rich and I've been poor and believe me, rich is better."
Anyone who can expand on what might connect SRI to this New Age shite, I will be very grateful. This one just doesn't add up for me--I don't mean I don't believe there's a connection, only that I'm struggling to think what it is. I have always thought the essence of New Age is selfcenteredness and solipsism--our own 'inner peace' and prosperity are the highest values, we create the world in our minds(sorry about hurricanes and cancer, guys, I didn't mean to create that...damn, where's that Shakti Gawain book on visualizing, I was trying for a Lexus in my driveway and a Dufy on my wall.) I've just had another go round with my annoying New Age cousin after my cat died; her platitudes make my eyes bug out like a Maori doing a haka.
As for matter moving around, ever since something picked up my, er, pickup truck and then set it down half a mile down an expressway going the other way, I've wondered how the sam hill they (whoever THEY are) did that. Wow, if I could move myself with my thoughts, think of the air fare I'd save, not to mention standing in line to be frisked at the airport.
I also had a voice come into my mind and tell me I'd been specially chosen to help lead the masses out of ignorance. I told 'it' (whoever IT is) that that last time I was 'specially chosen', for gym leader in 9th grade, it didn't work out, thanks anyway. They tried flattery and blandishments, but, having once worked at Time/Life selling books over the phone, I know all the tricks and kept turning them down so finally they went away.
And Ravens...yes, the ravens first started coming around me in 1999 right after I had a dream of waking up and finding my chest tattooed with the marks of bird beaks in a cunieform-like pattern that all my dream interpreter friends called an "Initiation of Air" dream, whatever that may be. Since then, Ravens are always around now shrieking whenever something bad has or is about to happen. When it's going to be something good, it's a raptor--started out with hawks and falcons, last couple of times it's been golden and bald eagles, and once a great horned owl feather on the lawn in front of me the same day a Native American acquaintance sent me a feather from her pet great horned owl Longclaw which was the same name as the sword in a fantasy book I was reading at the time (she didn't know about it.)
I don't know what it all means, but my gut told me the flattering voices were to be avoided, and that the ravens had turned from friendly to hostile around the same time I was turning down the voices.
I've always felt like an alienated outsider, since I was an abused fatherless toddler, so I don't know what it's like to feel the world is a safe, caring, understandable place, but I know it's gotten a lot scarier since the turn of the 21st century, and the rising power of radical evil seems to me a good working hypothesis in the absence of any other one. The question then is how to combat it? Where are the GOOD forces we who are monotheists were all brought up to believe were stronger than and constantly fighting evil? Maybe they are the ones who moved my truck, to keep me from having an accident...if so why didn't they reinforce that levee in New Orleans? Or bump those planes so they missed the WTC? Or carry the people who leapt out of the 90th story window to earth on angel's wings and set them down safely? I don't know that I who have done nothing to warrant it am saved when others were not. Call it survivor's guilt, or a sense of justice, which we were also led to believe was an attribute of Jehovah/Allah/G-d but quite obviously isn't.
i'm with j. bragg on this one. the gray-suited one-armed man at the hotel set off so many bells that i'm still buzzing. considering how much weirdness occurred at the great northern in t.p.
for those unfamiliar w/the series, the one-armed man, philip gerard, is a shoe salesman who is possessed by a magician's spirit called MIKE. according to most theories, gerard's arm was removed because it had a magical spell tattooed onto it that opened the gateway to the lodge-worlds and/or summoned "KILLER BOB," the evil spirit par excellence.
and "the little man from another place," the most prominent lodge inhabitant, refers to himself as 'the arm.' he appears to cooper in his hotel room, as the giant, and as an old bellhop named senor droolcup.
trivia-- the one armed man's name, 'philip gerard,' is also the name of the detective from the original 'fugitive' series who is chasing the man with one arm!
Orgonite said it well. Thaat link takes you to one of the groups that is really accomplishing what was said. This http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cloudbusters/ is another, the original one.
There is hope, anyone can do it, it's a low-tech solution.
Remote viewing is something I've probably always done, but folks used to jump on my case, saying, "Stop daydreaming!"
Odin's ravens Hugen(thought)and Munen (memory) told him everything that was happening in the world.
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain was originally published in 1970.
I believe, I don't Believe. Who cares? It dosen't matter. Maybe controlled conflict is a form of magic, too. I will say that this site puts a smile on my face 'coz it only proves that humans will argue any and everything with each other. AND THEY KNOW THIS, MAN!!!!
There is a term in child psychology called "magical thinking".
It refers to the child's mistaken view of itself in relation to the world. The child thinks that it causes the events that happen around it. A common one is that the child thinks it caused his/her parents' divorce.
Occultism is "magical thinking" by adults. They think they have power over things they do not. The appeal is to the ego because the ego wants power. Once this is indulged, the person comes to see themselves as "better than...." This is delusion. Once you are "better than", you are ready to justify expoiting others. This then has to be rationalised with more delusion and so off we go down the road to illusory power and madness; albeit, high functioning madness.
Realising your true relationship with the world i.e. understanding what you have power over and what you do not is a mark of maturity. Understanding that we did not make ourselves and so have no real reason to feel superior to others (and conversely, they are not superior to you). This leads to true humility and respect for yourself and others. This is the road to sanity.
This is the reason for warnings against idols, false gods, occultism etc. It is the road to delusion (unreality) and any world built on delusion must fall down bring destruction with it. Witness the world today.
Warrior matrix, orgonite etc. looks like complete bullshit. Anyone have evidence to the contrary?
anon at 1:10 - its Schnabel - and CIA or not (the rumors were legion, something to do with his time at Oxford?) - he's a good writer - his book on abductions 'dark white' is er...thought provoking.long time ago now.
Tim in SanFran : you sure that pyramid aint a cardboard box!?
anonymus said....
How did the school convince you that they knew and could control what they were talking about?
Its not about control, its about observation and discernment without judgement. Control is the wrong subject when psychic viewing is being addressed.
In fact the ideal control in addressing psychic jive is totally nuetral to everything ... relative as oppossed to absolute.
I was thinking about looking into this course:
"Major Ed Dames was the one and only Director of Operations for the U.S. Army's top secret Remote Viewing training program during its days of conception and optimization. Major Ed Dames is solely responsible for making Remote Viewing into the effective tool we use today!"
SRI. That's Lambert Dolphin, no? It was his team that surveyed Giza?
A very interesting man, doubtless a spook, whose site gave me pause on the subject of Creationism(!)
There is evidence to suggest that the speed of light is slowing down. What Dolphin emphasised is that the speed of light is the denominator in radioactive decay. The faster the light, the faster the aging.
By a clever extrapolation he showed that the Earth could have come into being 6000 years ago yet show the ageing we see today.
I don't buy Creationism, but I'm less condescending about it.
Hmm, which to believe- a CIA report declassified and released to the public that evaluates their Remote Viewing program as a failure- or a self-admitted CIA agent's Tales Of Mystery And Imagination, which also, by definition, must have submitted and cleared before being made available as unclassified material suitable for publication in a book sold to the general public?
Everyone should check out Special Bulletin, the '80s TV movie about a nuke in Charleston, SC.
Torrent description:
Here's s gem. This is a TV movie shown in '82 on NBC about a nuclear terrorism story but as with Orson Wells "War Of The Worlds', it's done as a news broadcast on a ficticious network. A definite take on nuclear weapons and the broadcast media part of the story. It had the same effect as WOTW in that the network and local stations were flooded with phone calls thinking it was real. It was never shown again except for this showing on Lifetime network. Very rare!! Despite the dated look of the movie, it is still very powerful. Definitly worth the download. It is a DVD-R rip from the original videotape I recorded it on.
Check it out with BitTorrent @ http://www.mininova.org/tor/113867
It will initially take a few days for people to dl (it's a 3.33 gig dvd-r), but is worth the time. And, as more people get it and share it will go much quicker. You can burn it to DVD and watch on TV or run a DVD-rom emulator and watch it on your PC. If anyone needs technical help just ask.
Get the basic BitTorrent client @ www.bittorrent.com
I think RIers will find it most interesting.
"space doesn't matter.. time can be travelled through at will so that time doesn't matter, and.. matter can be moved by consciousness so that matter doesn't matter.
Well that settles it then, Duane Elgin is God.
However it only begs the question, would matter matter if it couldn't be moved by consciousness, given that space doesn't matter either way?
And are there actually any "monumental objects, not human-made but not natural either" on the moon?
A political/military/corporate elite that dabbles in "the occult" isn't necessarily an "occult elite".
Describing remote viewing as 'real' doesn't conflict with the project being a failure. There's a story about a man who, skeptical about the whole area of 'occult' knowledge, read some books on the subject in order to see for himself what rubbish it all was. He was most unhappy, annoyed even, when, from one of the books he read, he learned how to levitate!
I have noticed that this site, much to my dismay, has in the last few weeks attracted more and more comments by nasty moronic "debunker" brown shirt types. Why these types have suddenly become daily posters must have to do w/some unfortunate link that led them here. Why these morons won't stay on Free Republic and/or w/their fat ass drug addicted hero Rush Limbaugh and hang around his site w/their fellow brown shirts and discuss their limited fascist viewpoints w/each other instead of trying to inflict them here is one of life's mysteries. We really don't need to hear that you disbelieve in occult knowledge, in the face of the fact the CIA and other intelligence agencies have spent millions (if not billions) of our tax dollars researching into these "bogus" areas, great - - you don't believe or have an interest in being informed, why are you here? No one here needs your uninformed "opinions". It is unfortunately getting to the point that I am not going to bother reading anything but what Jeff puts in the blog as it is both "opinion" but w/that research edge that causes one to really think - - not just these "opinions" w/posted by morons, it's too bad, but clearly this has been getting worse and there isn't much that can really be done. All my best to the good posters on the blog and to Jeff.
Aaron Donahue is a remote viewer, and a Luciferian.
Draw your own conclusions.
Warrior matrix, orgonite etc. looks like complete bullshit. Anyone have evidence to the contrary?
Wow, it must be really awful to be you all the time. Do you have any evidence to support your theory? Why don't you get a piece of free orgointe sent to you and see what that does for you? Do you understand how effective something must actually be in order for people who don't stand to profit from it actually give it to you for free? Do you understand the point of orgonite.info isn't to sell it (which it doesn't and you can't buy it there), but to tell you how to make it yourself from cheap, readily-available materials? Can you comprehend how effective it must be for people who use it in order for their emphasis to be entirely on self-discovery, self-confirmation and self-empowerment?
I'm sorry the world has made you so cynical. I'm surprised you even read this forum if you can't handle the concept of orgonite being a positive energy generator without recoiling in disbelief. Check your intentions. Check your world view.
Get some free orgonite, why don't you (or better yet make some). It seems you could really stand to benefit from it.
(it's a 3.33 gig dvd-r)
Please tell me I'm not the only one here who finds that interesting...
This is quite a synchronicity, Jeff. I dragged myself back out of bed around 1:00 last night to go and find the name Ingo Swann. His name was on the tip of my tongue, and I wanted to find his paper for the U.N. on the SEVENTEEN senses for a friend who's becoming interested in psychic phenomenon.
It took some doing to find him. If I had just waited until today, I could have saved myself the trouble.
Swann was part of what was known as the 'Aviary', which was where I was able to find him again. They were supposed to be a ufo research team working for the alphabet gang. It's been quite a while since I studied up on such things, having come to the realization that ufos are man-made, and the alien hoax has provided a fiendishly brilliant cover for these craft. Laurance Rockefeller may have taken a lot of the story to the grave with himself,
but the game goes on.
A bit more on Ravens / Black birds (a lot of smoke and fire in cross-cultural synchronicities)
Tengu - A spirit bird in Japan is totemic in some martial arts -- such as a particular school of bujutsu.
Here is a picture of one playing Go:
Tengu Painting
For more, check out the writings of Hatsumi.
Broken Link:
Where to begin? First, the one armed man lives in Portland, OR. Well the actor, Al Strobel does. I have been to his house and spoke to him about some things, and I have to leave it at that. Outside of our conversations we spoke of Fire walk with me, the feature film of twin peaks. He told me of some scenes they shot that were not in the final cut. One scene was of his character sitting naked in front of a mound of dirt in the train car that is the site of Laura Palmers murder. He is reciting the show's thematic Poem, 'Through the dark of futures past, the magician longs to see. One chants out, FIRE WALK WITH ME!'.
As he says this, he was filmed in reverse putting out a ring of candles so that it would appear that they lit up when he touched them played in forward speed. I thought you would all like to ponder that moment from David Lynch's homage to occultic powers at work in our lives.
Also I may have mentioned this before here, but Iwas a wittness to a giant triangular flying vehicle in 1974, at age 14. My mother called me outside in the dead of winter (january) at sunset. We lived in a remote forest like part of the deep catskill mountains, near a town named Cairo N.Y.
At the end of our heavily wooded street we watched this Black-Silent-Triangle easily the size of a football field travel from our left to our right for almost a half an hour, and then disapear from view over the distant trees.We ran to our neghbors house and tried to get her to come photograph it, but she said we should get out of her house and was very stern. My mom is now a devout catholic and refuses to talk with me about it anymore. She thinks that it must have been something common that we mistook for something wierd.
Let me tell you. It was as Real and Wierd and horrifying as you can get. The eery silence of it gave it a strange ominous malevolence that was overwhelming. The area we lived was so far from any large city or population that it made me afraid of the woods and mountains. What could be out there?
I knew that day that there is nothing in life that can be absolutely true or real. Yes , the TeeVee says all this stuff to us and we recline and flip the channel or surf the web for tid-bits of the way it is.But to me, all our lives are wrapped in this blanket of occult behavior. Think about it, people go into a sacred building ( a church ) they pray out loud or silently ( chanting spells ) they give away their hearts to a ghastly corpse hung up on a cross ( jesus ) and it's mother has seven daggers sticking out of her heart (the lady of sorrows ). The roots of Judeaism are full of tales of old sacrafices of first born sons to burns in Molochs mouth. What does it all mean? You tell me.
Orgonite said,
"You anonymous posters that can't grip that yet should stop bothering to post here, because we don't actually care what you think anymore."
What's with the "we"? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
Re: Orgonite -- this should probably continue on the discussion board rather than here... I'm just asking for some evidence that there's anything to it. I'm not particularly cynical or a negative person, I just don't see why I should believe claims that "positive energy" results from this particular configuration of metal scraps and crystals. What is positive energy? And what exactly are people "doing every day to successfully combat the parasitic global occult/corporate world order" and what effect is it having? I looked at the Warrior Matrix site and yes, it appears to be bullshit. I would be interested to discover otherwise. Sorry if that upsets you, maybe you should examine your worldview.
t appears to be bullshit. I would be interested to discover otherwise.
I already told you how to do that. :-)
Good job trashing the debunkers and the believers. (I am familiar with the transactional analysis model. Meoow!)
But is it very adult?
"We really don't need to hear that you disbelieve in occult knowledge, in the face of the fact the CIA and other intelligence agencies have spent millions (if not billions) of our tax dollars researching into these "bogus" areas..."
Yeah, that's what they tell us.
I'm determinedly agnostic about all the possibilities I hear about in regard to the paranormal.
But often I find that when I examine the assumptions in a given case, I find a huge, elaborate tapestry of revelations and posited explanations that come down to hinging on the anecdotes recounted by one person- albeit often one mantled with the Shamanic Paraphernalia of this culture; i.e. scientific credentials and "high-level" government connections. Or, sometimes, a small, select alliance of such people...
Could it be that they're no more than mountebanks, spinning colorfully detailed and carefully parsed ghost stories around the fire for the awestruck rank and file of the tribe, in order to demonstrate their "superior powers"? Could that be "the top secret organized program" in question?
With all this successful remote viewing and coin-flip calling, you'd think someone would have stepped up to claim Randi's million-dollar prize by now. Oh, right, his test is "not fair".
This must be a different James Randi from the one who said:
"If this is actually your claim, you're a liar and a fraud. We are not interested in pursuing this further, nor will we exchange correspondence with you on the matter."
The full text together with a copy of his letter can be found at:
Another synchronicity- I was just reading some of Swann's work on "superpowers", and flipped to an interview with Condi Rice just e-mailed to me, where she was asked, what superpower would you like to have? She said she wanted to be able to see through walls.
Here's Swann's paper on the seventeen senses: http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/Your17Senses.html
I dunno.. when the adults start talking about things that don't make sense like everyone is supposed to understand them, I wonder if I'm missing something, or if I'm just not gullible enough. It's always difficult to know where to draw the line; on which side do you place phantom floating arms, and on which side do you place reptilian overlords, chemtrails, orgone etc.? What distinguishes people who believe in crystal power from people who believe in invisible sky monsters? I don't know, I only have my intuition to guide me. It's interesting to observe it in action -- some concepts I'm pretty easily able to dismiss, while others give me more pause. I've noticed that I'm less likely to believe anyone who talks about positive energy and pseudo-religious new agery, and I'm less likely to dismiss the talk of "darker" forces that we see around here. Hmmmm....
In my experience, textual "synchronicities" are a dime a dozen. They increase with how much reading one does, and with the range of interest in terms of topics. And if one is intellectually omnivorous, why, you learn something new every day.
The synchronicities with real impact happen in the 3-D world.
I've long been skeptical of television and pictorial evidence, because I've noted its power of suggestion affecting so many people as a bypass around the verbal-analytical faculties. According to perceptual psychology researches, the weight given to the visual cortex is around 70% of all sensory perception, for most people. That requires a lot of counter-intelligence debugging to balance out.
But lately I've also become re-acquainted with the subtler power of suggestion exercised by reading text. Readers tend to want to fall in love with skillful narratives, their veracity is secondary.
But weighing veracity is vital, when considering serious questions. So it's important to develop counter-intelligence faculties for reading text, as well. Narratives need to be traced back to their wellsprings.
Not an easy thing to do, especially in the case of people making paranormal claims.
That goes for me, too...I've had quite a number of experiences that I would characterize as authentically uncanny or paranormal. But I don't expect anyone except my closest confidants to grant my stories full credibility, simply because I'm telling them. And even then, I can allow how they might provide a different interpretation accounting for my experience, in effect thinking to themselves that I didn't experience what I thought I experienced.
I understand. That's just how it is.
I hope that other people keep that in mind also, in preference to flying off the handle whenever their personal conclusions about elusive phenomena and non-replicable results are challenged.
The strange experiences described in Jeff's post remind me somehow of the series of books by Carlos Castaneda about the Yaqui Indian sorceror Don Juan. This may be off-topic, but have the experiences related in those books ever been considered in discussions at RI or in previous posts?
Orgonite has nothing whatsoever to do with the "newage" movement, which is a limiting construct to control and corral those of us inclined towards realizing the hyperdimensional nature of existence by perpetuating the same old memes of personal powerlessness or misguided concepts of reality creation.
Look man, read up on Wilhelm Reich's orgone research. Did you read the What Is Orgonite page? It spells it out early on that a scientific study was done at a Uni in Germany which showed a definite effect inside an orgone accumulator that wasn't happening in the fiberglass-only control box. They were able to repeat Reich's findings that there was even a temperature difference inside an accumulator that was not to so in the control. If you want to read more about that, it's published as an appendix in "The Orgone Accumulator Handbook", which is a cheap and quick read.
If you're disputing that there are non-electromagnetic energies present in the very fabric of the universe, then I don't know what to say, because this very thing has been evidenced many many times in many different ways from scientific lab research into zero-point energy, dark matter/energy, etc. to eastern healing practices which utilize concepts of chi, prana, etc. which are really all the same thing with different names.
You might be inclined to read "Hyperspace" by physicist Michio Kaku, which brings a lot of quantum scientific concepts and n-dimensional string theory right down to the level a layperson can understand.
Grasping these key concepts may make it easier to understand how we are all affected by, can effect, and can harness and utilize these energies. Just because Nature, New Scientist, etc. don't publish on it and it isn't a part of the establishment's official paradigm of scientific understanding doesn't mean it's not real and hasn't been exhaustively researched from various angles and utilized successfully to heal illness, drive kinetic systems, end drought, improve the weather, etc., that is when the practitioners aren't being persecuted for threatening the world order's throat-hold on humanity.
This is an original document all should see.
It is the 1943 OSS field manual for 'Morale Operations' by William Donovan.
Read this and see what the CIA has been doing for 60 years.
I've read quite a bit about Reich, actually. I'm not sure he knew what he was doing, and I'm even less certain that you know what you're doing. It's really your certainty in the face of so much vagueness and so little evidence that I find offputting. One experiment in 1986 found some "positive psycho-physiological effect" ... so what? How does that in any way verify the claims of people running around with holy hand grenades and cloudbusters? What if it's all just a red herring, conveniently keeping you busy and far from the real centers of power?
just found you lot here
I sat in the Scole Hole with Robin and Sandra
I know chemtrails are there ... you , I ... all can see them
What are they?
Who really knows the answer to that?
I am psychic I am clairvoyant and Mediumistic (not the same thing)
I have seen things at a distance, RVing and had visions of the past and future
I am a normal guy living an abnormal life
I am pleased to have found this site today but fear it will eat more and more in to my free time
Thats a problem for me
I never have enough time
if I did I could learn to spell and stuff
a product of secondary modern schooling here
Glad to see the topic of man-made weather modification brought to the MSM.
Lou Dobbs on CNN just had a guest on name was Stevens discussing this topic.
Of course, it was all Russia and China's fault (I'm surprised that Osama and Al qaeda weren't mentioned)
Stevens claimed that the Ruskies have been experimenting with weather modification since 1963.
He did give out a website Weatherwars.info that I haven't checked out yet.
I'm sure a transcript to the show will be available in a day or 2.
"Here's Swann's paper on the seventeen senses:"
Thanks for the link, anony 2:28.
Rudolf Steiner identified 12 senses in Study of Man in 1919
rdr said:
"Could it be that they're no more than mountebanks, spinning colorfully detailed and carefully parsed ghost stories around the fire for the awestruck rank and file of the tribe, in order to demonstrate their "superior powers"? Could that be "the top secret organized program" in question?"
Wow, rdr, you took the words right out of my mouth!! Or...did you read my mind? Hmmm...
"I AM THE GREAT AND MIGHTY OZ!" You know, that sort of thing.
The parasitic cabal are already in power, the next step is to deify themselves, create a godlike aura of invincibility to weaken and confuse those who are inclined to probe behind the curtain.
All they'd have to do is plant all kinds of "clues" far and wide: a coy hint here (a pyramid held unobtrusively in a lap, perhaps? maybe a satanic hand signal, eh? wink, wink, nudge, nudge), a screenplay there, the 'revelations' of a 'former insider', the use of high-tech, chemical and mind-control techniques to generate credible, unimpeachable witnesses, to set a lot of intrepid researchers rushing to investigate, leading to a new batch of 'stunning revelations' and 'revolutionary discoveries' that can 'change the way we live forever'.
And they do.
Like Madame Zanooba, with her heady incense, her mysterious candles, her sinister accent, knowing eyes and her bag of tricks, who convinces her willing victims that instead of Loraleen the trailer park grade-school drop-out, they are in the presence of a Mistress of the Black Arts.
"They" wouldn't even have to come right out and declare that they have supernatural powers and have harnessed the energy of the dark forces -- through diligent investigation, we patsies would "unearth" the evidence ourselves!! Way more convincing that way...What a brilliant plan, if that's what it is.
Surely we all need to consider the possibility that we are being manipulated into pursuing this unholy treasure hunt, because it is leading us deeper into an enchanted forest of credulity, superstition and despair...
Or are we only allowed to ask questions whose answers fit with the foregone conclusions?
By the way, I'm a big fan of RI -- I value Jeff's thoughtful and thought-provoking methods.
But there are other sites which contain complementary or overlapping material -- fascinating stuff as well, once you ignore the 'Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour quickly, before the Rapture comes!" parts.
It's worthwhile to check them out:
This one is about the pervasiveness of satanic symbols at the highest levels of the US government:
and there's another very interesting site, http://watch.pair.com/zodiac.html
Here's a sample from the latter:
"A major figure involved in the exploration of the Great Sphinx at Giza was Lambert Dolphin, who directed the Stanford Research Institute excavation of the Sphinx. In 1977, this pseudo-Christian minister negotiated funding from the Edgar Cayce Foundation for the SRI project at Giza. Lambert Dolphin's activities are chronicled in The Message of the Sphinx:
“Back in Egypt in 1977, a year after the Viking images had first reached the Earth, Mark Lehner [A.R.E.’s ‘man’ at Giza] (Alice: A.R.E. is the Association for Research and Enlightenment, which is run by the Edgar Cayce Foundation) made contact with NASA’s Dr. Lambert T. Dolphin, leader of the Stanford Research Institute project at the Sphinx ...
“Later in 1977 Lambert Dolphin traveled to Virginia Beach to negotiate funding from the Edgar Cayce organization for a proposed new SRI project at Giza... In (1983) ‘The Independent Mars Project’ was set up in the United States by Richard Hoagland, a former NASA consultant, and Lambert Dolphin…” (132:313-14)
The evidence is piling up of one mama of a conspiracy, it's enough to make your head spin: Moonies, satanists, freemasons, the CFR, Bohemian Grove, the CIA, NASA, the oil companies, the Central Bank, the Merovingians, the leaders of the New Age Movement, the Christian Right, the Zionists, the UN, the Catholic Church, Rockefellers, scientologists, to name but a few...
What if it's all true, but not the way we think? What if the whole 'octopus' has been designed to be a hall of mirrors, an intricately-devised honeypot, luring investigators in and then leaving them to wander its eternal corridors, safely out of the way?
Instead of diligently building case files of incriminating evidence for indictable crimes, instead of fighting to maintain civil rights guaranteed by the constitution, using whatever remnants of the world's legal system and free press exist, before they too are taken away, we are kept very busy indeed, building the case that Bush is a shape-shifting reptilic satan worshipper from Mars. Hmmm...
That sounds like a denial to me Alice. I'm satisfied that there are enough dedicated intelligent people to do both: pursue criminal charges and investigate for reptilian characteristics.
Please don't suggest we abandon such a pleasing game. An important part of this game is to understand weaknesses and limitations in the opponent; we have seen some of these and more become apparent daily almost. So the proposition that this "opponent" could be capable of creating a huge array of distractions so they can get along with their evil work is not supportable. It is another thesis that fails the credibility test.
The most difficult things to comprehend and communicate about are those that have no correlation with established wisdom, the stuff we have been trained to accept since birth. Denial is easy but it doesn't get us any smarter, only perhaps a bit more comfortable.
They say in Remote Viewing there is a "beginners luck" period. Well when I first tried it using 20 pictures of various places put into envelopes with numbers on them I had no Idea how well it could work. I found the first five places in a row and then my analytical mind tookover and it's been a struggle ever since. But I will tell you, I could see things as pictures in my mind and smell perfectly and even note things like the temperature. Each time one of my senses kicked in it would startle me out of focus because I knew this was something unnatural for me. Then I would have to refocus.
"Instead of diligently building case files of incriminating evidence for indictable crimes, instead of fighting to maintain civil rights guaranteed by the constitution, using whatever remnants of the world's legal system and free press exist, before they too are taken away, we are kept very busy indeed, building the case that Bush is a shape-shifting reptilic satan worshipper from Mars. Hmmm..."
Alice, those are my sentiments exactly.
7:52 AM
rapt said...
"That sounds like a denial to me Alice. I'm satisfied that there are enough dedicated intelligent people to do both: pursue criminal charges and investigate for reptilian characteristics."
(The stone-faced deadpan is what puts the joke across.)
Alice: I agree with your analysis. The MO is getting very familiar, those "revelations" by "well-placed insiders"... I'm reminded of the "Maitreya" business, which now appears to have been an elaborate fraud. You had "Maitreya's diplomat", Wayne Peterson, confiding that all those world leaders were in on it, and that he could talk freely about it because he was a "nobody", compared to all those other important folks. The photos from Nairobi, which are either doctored or at least do not show what they purport to show. Etc. What's the point of it all?
Hoagland's Heroes said...
(it's a 3.33 gig dvd-r)
Please tell me I'm not the only one here who finds that interesting...
Yeah, isn't that hilarious. Everyone should check it out though.
Qutb, I wonder how many of the well-known proponents of various schools of thought within the New Age, occult, UFO, paranormal, etc. "movements" are simply in it for the speaker's fees, or to hawk various sorts of paraphernalia. I'm beginning to get the idea that it's a lot more lucrative field of employment than I thought.
" RDR said...
Qutb, I wonder how many of the well-known proponents of various schools of thought within the New Age, occult, UFO, paranormal, etc. "movements" are simply in it for the speaker's fees, or to hawk various sorts of paraphernalia. I'm beginning to get the idea that it's a lot more lucrative field of employment than I thought."
Right on, RDR. That's the m.o. of 80% of new age freakers these days. From alternative therapies to self-help workshops, there are so many grifters out there exploiting the dumb sheeple who are caught between their religious legacies and their Gaia-type yearnings. If you have to pay for their 'love' or 'healing', then you're being scammed.
If LSD is administered to a subject without their knowledge, their reality becomes distorted and their minds are easily manipulated. Can we be sure that remote viewers are not victims?
We can be made to believe anything. Belief contributes to our perception of reality. We all live in our own separate realities spoon fed to us through religion, television, the media, politics and the internet.
It took me nearly thirty years to admit to myself that my belief in God was a result of my upbringing. Therefore it was not a belief at all, more of a conditioning or control, rather like toilet training.
The power of the mind is the true magic. In order to harness it we must first ensure that it doesn't fall into someone else's hands.
How does that in any way verify the claims of people running around with holy hand grenades and cloudbusters?
It doesn't. It merely supports it. The verification rests entirely within self-confirmation. So either a great many people all over the world are deluding themselves into believing that vast, noticeable improvements have occurred all around them, or they're all kidding themselves in a fully-corroborative, universally-beneficial way. But who the hell cares how it works, as long as it's working for them? I can't understand why you spend so much time crowing about what you think about something with which you have no personal experience, as though that has any bearing upon the realities of people who do. It's all relative, you know.
Orgonite does all the things bulleted on the homepage of orgonite.info and more, and these things are easily confirmed for yourself if you give it a try. It's not dependent upon belief. Your plants will still perk up and require noticeably-less watering anyway, distilled water will still grow ice stalagmites in the freezer, chembusters will still put big blue holes in the artificial cloud cover and rapidly bring rain if the area needs it, you'll still sleep better at night, you'll still have a stronger sense of peace, all regardless of whether you believe a damn thing about Reich or resin/metal shavings and quartz crystals. Go ahead and attribute it to a confluence of coincidences if you have to, just go make some and enjoy it for crying out loud. Everybody else does!
Silly skeptic! :-)
Are you answering me?
I wasn't talking to you but I am viewing your website with interest. Never heard of Orogonite.
Thanks for the compilement by the way, I am a sceptic and proud of it. Scepticism has kept me alive on many occaisions.
don't mean to crow on about the raven thing but,
Someone posted a warning about "false gods", contending that the mortal fear people experience in the face of strange "malevolent" phenomena is much different from the awe people feel when witnessing a true manifestation of god.
I suggest he read the O.T. again, and the N.T. while he's at it. Everyone who was said to witness God and Christ in supernatural form was scared witless.
I was aware of an event before it actually happen, that nethier scared me, nor did I doubt it would happen. The picture was not complete, The event unfolded in more ways then my vision had detailed. I thought to post it, to tell someone. What stopped me was that I would be investigated, lose my privacy or be declared a nut.
There's a tremendous amount of ego that is sometimes a result of people experiencing these phenomenon. Perhaps the real conspiracy is that we are meant to believe that activities such as "remote viewing" or telepathy, or whatever else have you, are "obscure," paranormal, beyond average human capacity when in fact they are part of our make up and vastly latent due to conditioning.
The New Age-y market may have smartly tapped into this and seriously, who can blame them in the type of society we have. For a nice sum of money, you are offered a "fast track" to experience what is actually a part of your natural (yet repressed) range of sensory abilities. If it works, perhaps you emerge feeling like a superhuman, or a "chosen one" because all your life you simply never had need, encouragement or want to tap into all those other sensory ranges. Why would you? The way our society is structured has naturally led to a complete dumbing down of the senses. Your meat is killed, processed and chopped for you. Your veggies plucked for you. Your basic utilities are provided for you, for a price. For many people, your house is built for you- it's yours to occupy after the work is done.
A large part of the masses, including myself, have no concept of what it would be like or what to do, if a major natural disaster did hit and shattered our "system" of operating. This is not conspiracy talk. If you live in this country, on this Earth, and think you or your children are immune from really needing to understand survival....well, enjoy the golden days of ignorance. We've come a long way as a species, but have a hell of a route to go.
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
MANTAB *************************************
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