Category 911

Seen the arrows on the doorpost, saying "This land is condemned,
All the way from New Orleans to Jerusalem." - Bob Dylan
"A corpse lies draped over a fence in the Ninth Ward Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005, in New Orleans," says the Associated Press caption. Three weeks after Katrina and one week before Rita, the poor and the black and the dead of America have become its scarecrows, warning those with eyes to see what time it is, and to save themselves.
But that's not to say it's all bad, everywhere. Here's another snapshot of New Orleans, the same day:
Exotic dancer "Alex" entertains patrons at Deja Vu Showgirls during the strip club's second day of business in the French Quarter of New Orleans, September 20, 2005...entertaining the city's hoard of police, rescue and fire workers.

And progress is being made, at least on the accounting ledgers. For instance , "Officials Lower Tally Of 'Missing' Children." Not that they've been found, merely recategorized.
Authorities trying to track down more than 2,600 children in Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and Alabama still missing three weeks after Hurricane Katrina believe that most of them are not really "missing."
Rather, authorities said, the vast majority of these children are "lost" -- separated from a parent or guardian during the rush to rescue hurricane victims from rooftops and shelters, when families were divided because of lack of space on a bus or helicopter.
Last January, following the South Asian tsunami, there was a different spin on the story of missing children:
An untold number of children of all nationalities have disappeared in the chaos of the tsunami disaster. Their whereabouts are unknown and there are fears that they may have been seized upon by those who traffic in sex...
"I'm sure it's happening," said Birgithe Lund-Henriksen, child protection chief in UNICEF's Indonesia office. "It's a perfect opportunity for these guys to move in."
But those were predatory foreigners, and this is the United States, where thousands of children aren't really "missing," merely "lost," and the mass trafficking of children for sex is as unimaginable as nearly everything else about the last five years. And I'm sure there's a perfectly innocent explanation why "President Bush decided Wednesday to waive any financial sanctions on Saudi Arabia... for failing to do enough to stop the modern-day slave trade in prostitutes and child sex workers."
Meanwhile, in another perfect storm, the Pentagon has "blocked a group of military officers and intelligence analysts from testifying at an open Congressional hearing about a highly classified military intelligence program that, the officers have said, identified a ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks as a potential terrorist more than a year before the attacks." Fortunately for the cryptocracy, Able Danger is still being ignored by the Democrats who don't get it and never will, who see no further than the political shallows of the story. Because Able Danger ran during the Clinton years and its files on Mohammed Atta were destroyed by the Pentagon under his presidency they leap instinctively into "Protect the Big Dawg!" mode. It's left largely to Republicans to press on Able Danger, and for the same reason: they don't get it, either.
From today's Washington Times:
Mr. Weldon said he thinks Able Danger was shut down after a "profile" of Chinese weapons proliferation linked two Americans to Chinese students at Stanford University engaged in technology acquisition for China.
During the profile, the names of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, at the time the Stanford University provost, and former Defense Secretary William Perry were mentioned in the data and created "a wave of controversy," he said.
After Congress sought the data, "tremendous pressure was placed on the Army, because this was a prototype operation, and they shut down the Able Danger operation," Mr. Weldon said.
Paul Thompson saw this and realized "why Able Danger was shut down in Feb. 2001, one month after Condi Rice becomes National Security Advisor." As reported Sept 1 by WTOP, the unit incidentally "uncovered the names of prominent American citizens and their questionable connections to China." Able Danger team member JD Smith suggests that the China issue remains open: "In my personal opinion, the stovepipes are alive and well. And for those of us in the contractor world, we're very much aware of that."
Thompson writes:
I also happened to catch Able Danger whistleblower Anthony Shaffer on MSNBC's The Big Idea on Aug. 23rd, and he speculated that the reason Able Danger was shut down was because it had accidentally brought up ties between prominent Americans and overseas criminal activity. He didn't get any more specific except to say it wasn't connected to al-Qaeda. So this is undoubtedly another reference to Condi Rice and William Perry.
No wonder the Pentagon specifically refused to let Anthony Shaffer and J.D. Smith testify before Congress today! They sat in the room but were not allowed to speak. I hope the DUers who have seen Able Danger as merely some kind of Curt Weldon smear campaign against Clinton can see now that there's much more to it. If the full story gets out, its probably going to slam the Bush administration hard. No wonder, for instance, when Weldon says he gave the Able Danger chart showing Atta's photograph to Condi Rice's assistant Steve Hadley just after 9/11, the chart was "lost" and the whole story was buried. Hadley and Rice are very close, and Hadley has since taken over Rice's job as National Security Advisor.
Everyone's a meteorologist these days, because everything's a hurricane. The professionals are described as "puzzled" and "baffled" by hurricanes that "just aren't acting like they used to." This year, "major storms are bucking traditional patterns by forming in the western, rather than eastern, Atlantic Ocean. Instead of taunting worried residents for days, they materialize, it seems, overnight." But to suggest something unnatural may be going on is to invite scorn and further marginalization.
I seem to be reading that a lot lately - so much news is described as "puzzling" and "baffling." The Basra incident "just doesn't make sense," and there's "no explanation" for refusing aid and leaving bodies to rot in the streets. It must be nice.
Jeff, this quote from the article linked from "puzzled":
By forming farther west, they don't have quite the potential for strength as if they came all the way across" the ocean, Lushine said. "It hasn't had enough time to build up."
Rita, as we now know, is the tird strongest hurricane on record. So much for that logic.
As for the children disappeared by accountants, I'd have a few questions. If there are 3000 or so missing kids, there should be a similar number of kids in shelters without their parents. That would seem an easy number to come up with.
And besides the scarier questions you raise, I had a more mundane one:
Is there a central database in which evacuees can register so that people can find each other?
Luckily we know that Judge Roberts' children were adopted from Ireland...or is it Bolivia?
The full URL, broken up becasue of the formatting here
I looked at the missing kids website and they list adults that are missing as well. There are SO many missing adults, I had to download the list in PDF format with no pics. There are 1000's of missing adults. Where are these people if there are only 1,000 dead officially?
Now the time has come
There's no place to run
I might get burned up by the sun
But I had my fun
I've been loved and put aside
I've been crushed by the tumbling tide
And my soul has been psychedelicized
I often wonder about the shit that spills from the Boob Tube, and the reality outside the tube. One imitates the other, but I'm never quite sure which one's doing the immitating.
For example, this new show (no, I don't watch it, or any of that trash, but I've seen the previews) Invasion. There's a little girl who says "Mommy, you smell different." It's how I feel in real life. People do smell different, metaphorically speaking. I feel like the chick in Invasion of The BodySnatchers (The one with Sutherland and Nemoy) when she approaches Sutherland at the end, and he lets out that horrible, high-pitched, shrill scream.
I do believe the "Time Has Come."
You can believe that the aftermath of Katrina was like a dinnerbell for every satanist, medical experimenteer, pedophile and kiddie pornographer to go after the children that were "lost" in the system. As Jeff implied, this has precendence in the Tsunami ravaged Southeast Asia and Malaysia in particular.
Also today is the official Autumn Equinox which is of significant occult significance. Making for a busy cull day (night) for the satanoids, and if there's any credence to weather modification, Rita will be another serial culler to further reduce the unwitting populace.
Hurricane Rita is also speeding like a 200 mph bullet towards the Galveston area, so the elements of a sequel to Katrina are manifesting. I wonder how many refineries are in that area that deliberately won't be brought back up in the hurricane's aftermath. Calculated shortages in refineries = higher gas revenues for the oil pirates. Which is reflected in their internal policy and ever-escalating record profits. For those wishing to pursue this crime, here is the evidentiary link:
Stephen Hadley is the man responsible for those "sixteen words" in the SOTU
The BRITISH GOVERNMENT has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa
The CIA were objecting to the use of this intelligence, which they knew was a pile of faeces. But (I think it was Alan Foley) when confronted with THIS form of words there was nothing he could do to knock it down.
Logical thinking has certainly taken a hit in the last few decades -- and if the creationists have their way, our children will be instructed that the final answer to "why" is always "just because."
I'm not prepared to go along with weather modification -- weather is a chaotic system, and you can't steer a storm as if it was a speeding train. Something like Katrina or Rita is the product of the entire local system -- troughs and ridges and anticyclones and water temperatures -- and the Neocons have shown time and again that they have very little capacity for holistic thinking. They're more the hammer-meet-nail guys. So that one I chalk up to general system degradation -- the equivalent on the planetary level of the shoddy construction and kickbacks that go into levee failures and dam breaks.
A far more interesting area of investigation for me is the distorted narratives that are being woven to cover up what is really happening. One is the minimization of the casualties. Another is the attempt to turn the destruction of New Orleans into a story about what *wasn't* done (oh, if those awful environmentalists hadn't stopped us!) instead of what *was* done and done badly.
But perhaps the most general case of narrative falsity we have to contend with is the use of the natural disaster model to "explain" man-made disasters. The Irish potato famine is a good historical example that has by now been well and skillfully debunked. But there are any number of current situations -- from the Balkan wars of the 90's to the running devastation of Africa to the ongoing disassembly of the Iraqi state -- that are similarly being swept under the rug as cases of "just because."
Well, this is strange.
Just after I finished posting, my husband came in from a doctor's appointment. He said he got the doctor to open up, and the fellow started talking about Bulwer-Lytton and vril and Nicola Tesla and spectral interferometry. He believes that Ophelia was directed and that Rita may be too and that they're going to engineer a mega-earthquake in San Francisco. He took our email address and promised to send us stuff.
Well, I'm still not sure I'm convinced. But when even a small-town doctor is thinking on these lines? Something strange is going on in the noosphere.
Anonymous One,just a thought,do a search on the name Barbara Alice Wise. You don't think the only name Able Danger picked up was Condy's do you? Oh,have you seen the reports that GW got caught hitt'en the bottle again? Let's hope they don't have to silence the old boy before he goes off the deep end, if there is one weak link in the whole pack of lies it's GW,later.
quoth starroute (emphasis added):
I'm not prepared to go along with weather modification -- weather is a chaotic system, and you can't steer a storm as if it was a speeding train. Something like Katrina or Rita is the product of the entire local system -- troughs and ridges and anticyclones and water temperatures -- and the Neocons have shown time and again that they have very little capacity for holistic thinking.
Starroute, you're pretty much right about neocons, but we're not talking about neocons. Think bigger. They are just ideologues being used as pawns for Israel, who is being used as a pawn for the global elite banking interests, who is being used as a pawn for... you get the idea. But they are all connected by brotherhoods which are all connected. Same fucking people. Whoever's at the top of that pyramid, is giving orders to people who give orders to people who give orders to people who give orders to have hurricanes fucked with.
All you gotta do is heat the atmosphere, which HAARP comes right out and says it does. Of course Gakona, AK isn't the only HAARP facility out there by a long shot, so they can bisect and trisect scalar signals over a developing tropical depression, and probably heat the eye from orbit after that, and convince the behemoth to basically do whatever they damn well please, probably within a margin of error of a few hundred miles or so.
I believe we are seeing evidence of a battle between factions, which Richard C. Hoagland terms the "owls" (evil FM's) and the "roosters" (?? not sure), where they are literally jogging these storms back and forth, leaving NOAA/NWS in the precarious position of having to cover everyone's tracks by deleting, blanking, photoshopping or rearranging in time either single frames or entire sets of animated frames of satellite and radar data. Watch some weather loop animations, pay attention to the timestamp overlay, and you'll see what I mean.
I would take Richard Hoagland and Tom Bearden's analyses of the scalar electromagnetic wars with a huge grain of salt on anything besides the technical and theoretical aspects of that technology. Neither of those men are politicians per se, and Bearden I find to be a spinner of theories that make his former government employers smell like a rose. Check out his physics only.
I have an easier time believeing our own government is messing with our weather than a foreign one, especially Bearden's 'Yakuza' syndicate. Our government has done everything from irradiate its own troops in the 50s, 90s and present day, releases bo-warfare agents over American cities to 'study the effects' (remember the 'airflow' study done on NYC recently), and who can forget the Tuskegee experiments.
If storm are being directed towards the U.S. mainland, they are being done to provide plausible deniability for the economic rape of the middle class by the Luciferian elites of this nation. Plus, the reduction of 'useless eaters' would be considered a bonus for these sickos. After all, Rockefeller considered competition to be a sin, and these 'eaters' are copmpeting for the air, water and food of the Luciferian elites.
Maybe something catastrophic within the timeframe of the catastrophy itself will produce a quantitative almost instantaneous change in the
price of crude. think katrina + levees.
SINGAPORE Sep 22, 2005 — Crude oil prices climbed above $68 a barrel Thursday as Hurricane Rita closed in on Texas, raising fears it would hit key production facilities along the Gulf Coast that were largely untouched by Hurricane Katrina's onslaught three weeks ago.
later in the article
"No question, prices are driven by Hurricane Rita," said Energyintel analyst Sam Dale in Singapore. "The fuse is that it will force refinery closures, and if these facilities close it is going to reduce inventories."
"Some of those refineries in Texas, they're at sea level. It's a table top, it floods very easily," said Ed Silliere, vice president of risk management at Energy Merchant LLC in New York.
Wow the huricane is now changing path and heading directly for the Houston port area and it's collection of prime refineries. I'm not blaming weather modification but I am willing to consider any and all relevant facts and factor in the absolutely bizarre power and irregular tract of Rita.
I would like to see the subject of weather modification as a weapon broached formally on RI, where we can bring together any available docs and info and discuss it to make appropriate conclusions.
Reports are coming in of the oil lords already cutting refinery capacity in anticipation of the storm. If this turns bad we're looking at $5.00 or more per gallon of gasoline, rationing, lines and runs on fuel, natural gas & fuel oil price gouging. Not to mention the horrifying loss of human life when Rita rips through. I truly hope nothing comes of this, and it passes on by. It just feels as if we're pins awaiting recurrent bowling balls.
I would take Richard Hoagland and Tom Bearden's analyses of the scalar electromagnetic wars with a huge grain of salt on anything besides the technical and theoretical aspects of that technology. Neither of those men are politicians per se
Fuck the politics. This has nothing to do with that. it's about maintaining top-down control while simultaneously preparing their own Final Solution of 66% reduction of the global human population.
Bearden I find to be a spinner of theories that make his former government employers smell like a rose. Check out his physics only.
Well yeah, Bearden is regarded by many as a disinformation agent, perhaps unwittingly. I wish Hoagland would wake up to that, but he's too busy studying the physics and geology angle to deconstruct this ludicrous international politics bullshit. Bearden's Yakuza theories remind me a lot of Paul Bennewitz. Hell, even I was duped by Paul Bennewitz for a while, before I started developing some chops for detecting subtle, desperate disinformation designed to discredit the entire truth movement through its own blatant, propagandized outlandishness. I was young... :-)
I have an easier time believeing our own government is messing with our weather than a foreign one, especially Bearden's 'Yakuza' syndicate.
I didn't say anything about government weather manipulation... but the technology is definitely, without a doubt held by our military, the primary research center being in Gakona, Alaska. They can, without a doubt, alter the weather, and if you have been watching the weather animations at all for the past several years, you would know this to be true, without a doubt.
With all that said, it should be noted that some of us have found a way to successfully combat this regionally (also without a doubt...) using orgonite and orgonite-based atmospheric cleansing/balancing devices such as the chembuster, on which I've seen multiple reports detailing the successful dampening and redirection of a hurricane, including also Charley, Ivan, Ivan and more Ivan. Speaking of Ivan, everyone should read this.
I encourage everyone to read through the material on and decide for yoruself if it makes sense (Hoagland says he thinks so), and if it does, either buy some orgonite from one of the vendors listed on the site, or make some orgonite TB's using the instructions given and confirm for yourself the effects and effectiveness. See what people are saying in the orgonite community sites. Go make a real difference. We have. Please help.
The Omega Man said...
"I wonder how many refineries are in that area that deliberately won't be brought back up in the hurricane's aftermath. Calculated shortages in refineries = higher gas revenues for the oil pirates. "
We don't need to dress up peak oil in conspiracy. If refineries are not brought back up it will be because it was not cost effective to do so. Given that the oil companies know that less oil will be coming their way in the coming years there is no need to maintain refineries that are going to be idle. But since refineries are running at damn near 100% at the moment I suspect they'll be brought online again as quickly as possible. The record profits have to do with controling a resource that is becoming scarce--the oil companies were aware that oil would peak and that they'd make the most money on the downside of the curve. Hardly conspiratorial--just how capitalism works. Sucks for us who will soon be paying $5/gallon, but hey, you can unplug from the system and bike anytime you want.
" and if there's any credence to weather modification"
Not really, not on the scale of making hurricanes. Pretty simple to figure out really--calculate the amount of energy needed to heat the entire ocean by about 1 or 2 degrees C° (which is basically what has happened and caused the increase in Cat 4 and 5 hurricanes). I'm pretty sure this amount of energy exceeds the amount of energy produced by humans in one year. You can calculate the same figure for heating the air. This is far, far, far beyond what something like HAARP, which is not powered by a fusion reactor and thus has limited energetic output, can do (nevermind that they're pretty benign geeks working on HAARP. No, the hurricane has to do with global warming.
Your conspiracy is the aforementioned Satanists and other assorted nutters sitting on their hands while it happens--that is their power. The power to do nothing. They don't need to manipulate the weather because we've all done the job for them by driving our SUVs around and doing all the stuff that good little consumers do. Allow things to happen and then act totally incompetent when they do--that is the conspiracy.
And what is this all about, from William Arkin at the Washington Post (an excerpt):
Today in DC: Commandos in the Streets?
Today, somewhere in the DC metropolitan area, the military is conducting a highly classified Granite Shadow "demonstration."
Granite Shadow is yet another new Top Secret and compartmented operation related to the military’s extra-legal powers regarding weapons of mass destruction. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control.
A spokesman at the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR) confirmed the existence of Granite Shadow to me yesterday, but all he would say is that Granite Shadow is the unclassified name for a classified plan."
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows.
Condoleezza Rice and the Stanford spy ring
© 2000
On the surface, Condoleezza Rice is the perfect pick for George W. Bush. Rice worked for George Bush Sr. in the White House, handling Russian issues. She is a distinguished fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Bush insiders have mentioned Rice as being on the short list for Secretary of State.
Rice reportedly is also close with former Clinton Secretary of Defense Dr. William Perry. Rice worked with Perry and the Clinton administration during her term at Stanford. Clinton insiders have also mentioned her as being on the short list for Secretary of State.
On Aug. 1, Condoleezza Rice stated during her speech at the Republican National Convention that George W. Bush is up to speed on communist China.
"I know that he understands the complexities of our relationship with China," stated the former Stanford provost of the Texas governor.
"He believes that conflict between our nations is not inevitable. Yet he recognizes the challenge that the Chinese government poses to our interests and values and the irresistible demand for liberty that can be unleashed by freer trade with its people."
Rice has some experience concerning past free trade issues with China. In 1996, Rice was involved in the largest Chinese army penetration of the Clinton administration. To this day, Condoleezza Rice will not answer questions about her service at Stanford with Chinese Army spy Hua Di.
Hua Di came from a family of prominent Communist officials. Hua Di studied missiles in Russia, and worked in the Chinese ballistic missile program for 24 years. In 1984, Hua Di went to work for the China International Trust and Investment Company (CITIC) a firm part owned by the Chinese army.
In 1989, Hua Di fled China for America during the Tiananmen Square crackdown and joined Stanford University. While at Stanford, Hua Di worked with Condoleezza Rice, Dr. William Perry and Dr. John Lewis. Hua Di spent most of his time documenting Chinese missile systems for the University and the Clinton administration.
Hua Di also started a little home-based company at Stanford. By 1994, Dr. Lewis of Stanford and Hua Di were in business with the Chinese army. In 1994, Hua Di and Dr. Lewis joined with Chinese Gen. Nie Li -- wife of Chinese warlord Gen. Ding Henggao -- and entered into a joint venture called Galaxy New Technology.
As a result of that joint venture, a secure fiber-optic communication system was exported directly to the Chinese army.
The project, named "Hua Mei," also drew a General Accounting Office report that was sharply critical of the direct transfer to the Chinese army.
The key to the whole transaction was Chinese defector Hua Di. In an interview published by the Far Eastern Economic Review, Hua Di described himself as a "matchmaker." Hua Di also noted that he was a good friend of Gen. Huai Guomo, the Chinese army officer then working for Gen. Ding.
Hua's business partner, Dr. Lewis, was also a busy man with two extra jobs. In 1994, Dr. Lewis was officially listed on the U.S. Defense Department payroll as Defense Secretary William Perry's personal "consultant" at the same time he worked on the Hua Mei project. According to documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, Lewis was pulling three paychecks: one from Stanford, one from the U.S. Defense Department, and one from the Chinese army.
In 1994, Dr. Lewis traveled to Beijing with Secretary Perry. Lewis went to China in order to meet with Gen. Ding and his subordinate, Gen. Huai, as a paid consultant to the secretary of defense. At the same time, the Hua Mei deal was completed with the same Chinese generals. The sudden upgrade of Chinese military technology enriched Ding and Lewis.
Gen. Ding's incredible espionage success inside the Clinton administration brought a literal flood of advanced military equipment for the People's Liberation Army. The long list of advanced military equipment obtained by Gen. Ding does not stop with the Hua Mei secure fiber-optic communications system. Ding, reported to be a close and old friend of Dr. Perry, also obtained super computers for nuclear weapons research, missile nose cone design software, special missile manufacturing equipment and multiple nuclear warhead designs.
In 1996, then Stanford Provost Condoleezza Rice investigated Dr. John Lewis, Dr. Perry and Hua Di. According to the allegations, some of the documentation used to support the Hua Mei project with the Chinese army was prepared using Stanford resources.
"We'll follow what is a normal process under these circumstances. It's not all that unusual that issues arise concerning conflict of interest," said Rice in 1994.
Nothing ever became of the Stanford investigation. Rice made no comment.
In December 1997, I tried to contact Chinese missile expert Hua Di at Stanford University in California. Curiously, Hua Di would not grant an interview on missiles or the Hua Mei project.
In fact, immediately after my call, Hua Di suddenly decided to return to China.
On Dec. 31, 1997, Hua returned to China. Later in 1998, the official Chinese press announced that Hua had been arrested and charged with passing state secrets to U.S. officials. In response, the Clinton administration and Condoleezza Rice at Stanford University worked together to lobby the Chinese government. Stanford officials wrote to the Chinese government appealing for Hua's release.
Then Stanford Provost Condoleezza Rice said, "Professor John Lewis had provided evidence to the fact that the source materials for publications written by him and Mr. Hua were provided by approved Chinese authorities or already were available through the Stanford University library."
Dr. Lewis, Dr. Perry and Rice have all refused repeated requests for an interview. Hua Di is in China and unavailable for comment. However, an Aug. 28 article by top reporter Bill Gertz, titled "Chinese Military Gets Lesson In U.S. Thinking," contains an interesting point about Condoleezza Rice, the George W. Bush campaign adviser.
"Mr. Bush's key campaign national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, has said she does not regard China as a threat," noted Gertz in his excellent article.
As provost it was Rice's job to investigate and document the work of Hua Di and Dr. Lewis. Rice did not make public that two top Stanford missile researchers were involved in a business deal to provide the Chinese army a secure communications system. Rice never noted that the Clinton administration's military evaluation of the Chinese missile force is based on the now-in-question Stanford works of Hua Di and Dr. Lewis.
Condoleezza Rice is reported to have traveled to China in recent years. Her views on China, her close work with the Clinton administration and her involvement in the Hua Mei project raise disturbing and unanswered questions. Today, Rice continues to maintain the Clinton administration fiction that Hua Di was not a spy and nothing happened.
Charles Smith is a national security and defense reporter for WorldNetDaily. Visit his site, Softwar.
Anoymous 1:48 stated:
"We don't need to dress up peak oil in conspiracy. If refineries are not brought back up it will be because it was not cost effective to do so."
That's untrue, please refer to the link I posted earlier. It refers to legally obtained internal documents from Texaco and Mobil indicating that they deliberately took down refineries and cut back on production to manipulate gas pricing. Further, they also interferred by stringently redefining refinery standards to purposely drive out the independent refineries. Yes oil is running out in the world, hence their frantic drive to steal and consolidate it. The money to be made is from us the dino consumers and real or contrived scarcity drives up the prices. Why do you think gold and platinum is the price that it is?
Not "conspiracy" nor conjecture, just cold hard facts, read them for yourself, which is why I posted the link to begin with.
As to the Luciferians, they are hardly "sitting on their hands", in fact they're so busy these days serving their master, he can go on a French holiday.
And as to the weather modification redux, that's why I suggested that the subject be brought out on the RI table for further research.
the Neocons have shown time and "again that they have very little capacity for holistic thinking. They're more the hammer-meet-nail guys. So that one I chalk up to general system degradation -- the equivalent on the planetary level of the shoddy construction and kickbacks that go into levee failures and dam breaks."
Just a bunch of bad breaks in a row, beaurocracy run amok, got it...
From an internal Texaco strategy memo: “The most critical factor facing the refining industry on the West Coast is the surplus of refining capacity, and the surplus gasoline production capacity. (The same situation exists for the entire U.S. refining industry.) Supply significantly exceeds demand year-round. This results in very poor refinery margins and very poor refinery financial results. Significant events need to occur to assist in reducing supplies and/or increasing the demand for gasoline."
Just was thinking today reading the paper about hurricane Rita. A while bak you had a post in regards to lots of trucks being sent to an undisclosed location and told to wait. A reader was a girlfriend to one of the truck drivers and was keeping us all posted in the comments section of you post. One of the ideas for this that was touched ono was the fact of preperation for a nuclear threat from a foriegn threat???? and on that note it was a guess as to where it would be or mocked. Some thought it would be a strategic location some thought it would be Texas the good ol motherland. Well my epiphany if you will, tied these two destructive huricanes as the disaster. The first on Louisiana, the one that snuck up and they weren't ready for and then the big one heading for Texas. Which they seem way to ready for. I bet those trucks are moving now and the supplies intended for New Orleans is on those trucks. How did they know about the hurricanes?? or were they created?? Any ideas????????????????
RE: Tom Bearden
I should point out that the chemtrailcentral thread on Bearden is NOT an endorsement, and has intersting things to point out in regards to his relationship with Oil and the cSETI program.
It's a huge can of worms. Educate yourselves and don't give the Scalar Doo-Doo Bird any more manna..
"Just was thinking today reading the paper about hurricane Rita. A while bak you had a post in regards to lots of trucks being sent to an undisclosed location and told to wait. A reader was a girlfriend to one of the truck drivers and was keeping us all posted in the comments section of you post. One of the ideas for this that was touched ono was the fact of preperation for a nuclear threat from a foriegn threat???? and on that note it was a guess as to where it would be or mocked. Some thought it would be a strategic location some thought it would be Texas the good ol motherland. Well my epiphany if you will, tied these two destructive huricanes as the disaster. The first on Louisiana, the one that snuck up and they weren't ready for and then the big one heading for Texas. Which they seem way to ready for. I bet those trucks are moving now and the supplies intended for New Orleans is on those trucks. How did they know about the hurricanes?? or were they created?? Any ideas????????????????"
Yeah, how about that?
Seems like they were preparing for something.
Jeff, you know i'm involved in the chemtrail community, and the above thread is information me and another came upon fairly easily doing web searches.
Bearden, Dr. Greere and Tony Craddock are spooks at worse and crooks at best.
Why else would Bearden's site, Craddocks Petroleum business, Pacific Oil, Cseti and the Discolusre Project all link back to 151 La Jolla Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93109 US, supposedly the corporate headquarters for Craddock Engineering, the admin contact for bearden and cseti as well as a famous lookout spot for sundry ufo activity.
Check out the place for yourself, not bad for a corporate heeadquarters.,0.008154&t=k&hl=en
Something else that really concerns me is the amount of nuclear waste stored in Houston. If the casks are breached, it could just destroy the Gulf of Mexico not to mention the surrounding coastal cities. I'm not sure there's enough orgonite for that scenario. Yikes!
Click here:
Does anyone remember the story of the 500 missing or AWOL New Orleans police officers?
It turns out that these were ghost employees whose paychecks were going to people who were not out pounding the pavement as cops.
I am shocked, shocked!
I see a lot of supposition that this address is supposedly the primary business address or headquarters of these companies.
You know, if I were making a web site for a client, and they wanted me to register the domain name, there's nothing to stop me from putting my own address in the WHOIS data. There's no vetting process for that information. You can literally type "123 False St.", as I often did before registrars started providing a privacy option to thwart WHOIS email address farming by spammers.
It just looks to me like Craddock uses his own address when he registers domains for these places. Or they're all invented companies. Or both.
It's his actual business dealings which should be scrutinized. Those connections alone are enough to be thoroughly disheartened by the Disclosure Project, which was the only connection left in that list in which I had any semblance of belief. I hope Scott Stevens of wakes up to this ASAP and stops associating with Bearden's bullshit.
Folks, if you think scalar interferometry weather control isn't real just because Bearden's muddied the waters with his insanity and now he's been thoroughly discredited, then the matrix has you. Wake up! The technology is real. The loudest and most outlandish voices just make you look bad by association for believing it.
The question is, are you prepared to believe it anyway?
regarding the 'puzzling' weather patterns in the story you linked to jeff it says in one para,
"One comparable year was 1969, Landsea said, when 10 of 12 hurricanes formed west of 55 degrees longitude."
so i say, 'unusual', yes, 'puzzling', i cant see how, and as someone else said, the hurricanes go 'perfect' because theres so much deep warm water in the gulf and no-one is capable of engineering that.
and to the blogger that said that "contolling the weather is easy, all you have to do is heat the atmosphere", i say bullshit.
weather monitoring is so complex and unpredictable that at any given time the biggest computers on earth are employed to try and do it and they are still just guessing, it just isnt that simple,
and totally off topic, i'd like to know how unconfirmed reports of the two SAS men in basra caught in the act of planting bombs or having bombs in their car can be reconciled with the fact that when the iraqi police released photos of what they had with them their were no bombs, even though given the events the iraqis would have had every incentive to finger the bombers if they were such.
dont get me wrong, i am convinced that british and us special forces are up to this kind of activity in iraq and elsewhere i just dont see any real evidence to make the case on this occasion
what a bummer, i just read on one of the threads that 1969 was one of the years that the us govt. tried to mess with cyclones in the atlantic, and was also the year of very unusual weather in the atlantic quoted in my post above, so that sort of fucks my arguement abit,
so consider this a sort of retraction, maybe
"Folks, if you think scalar interferometry weather control isn't real just because Bearden's muddied the waters with his insanity and now he's been thoroughly discredited, then the matrix has you."
I don't maintain that enmod is't a possibility or even a reality, I just reject the Scalar Yakuza Pimp Dragon. I am much more inclined to look at HAARP for which the physical reality is without question than chase internet phantoms like the 'Bright Skies' urban legend.
I often find myself questioning why Scot Stevens so vocally endorses something so catastrophically ludicrous.
His voice is a loud one, too. It's unfortunate.
I often find myself questioning why Scot Stevens so vocally endorses something so catastrophically ludicrous.
Well he does seem relatively ignorant at times (note some of the "beautiful" and "cool job" comments in captions under "A Pilot's View" on his site).
I'm sure it's a lot of work just to keep up with all the stuff he's actually cataloging, so when a person like Bearden who sounds credible (to a novice truth buff) comes along and offers an explanation that kind of makes sense vs. all the non-explanations that would require a lot of research to begin to believe, I can see how easy it is to fall for it.
Or they're using cellphone tower subcarriers to beam support for Bearden into his mind... :-O Sadly possible.
I find it riotous that when Houston is threatened every resource the Govt. has is mobilized 2 TWO DAYS BEFORE it even hits. Alot of it military also . . . God bless America!
Houston / Galveston / Port Arthur... these are cities in gb2's former lorddom of Texas. gb1 and that hideous mate of his live in Houston. Could anyone be surprised by the pre-landfall presence of the feds in Texas under these circumstances?
Interestingly enough, as I am writing, it seems that Rita is now on course to plow into the coastal areas of northeast Texas and southwest Louisiana which contain the highest concentration of petro-chemical / chemical facility sites in the world.
I'm glad that I live way inland (!!)for once, and that I filled up on gas when Rita was only menacing the Florida Keys. I will only drive to and from work and nowhere else (withdrawing from my "proper role" as a consumer) and make that tank last 1 month.
I just want to shake all the sheople (sheep + people) out of their seemingly stuporous state; "Can't ya'll see what's going on?"
It's all so sickening. It almost goes back to hoping that the basic premises of the old Testament are true and that God will not allow the evil to win...
I'm amazed at how uncaring and callous the people I know can be about what's happening. I'm also very angry.
I've been here for a while reading and reading. Some of the stuff I've known about before, but for the most part you have done a great job of digging deeper than most. Nice pattern recognition. Thanks.
Anyone with existing weather manipulation technology "strong enough" to fuck with hurricanes will most likely be eaten up by the masses of substantially powerful people that this shit caused. Yes.
Art Bell would have his minions gleefully cheering, as he says, "I told you so, current government administration. It's Global Warming naaah naaah na-na naaaah." I can feel the practical conditioning he has been putting his audience through, concious of the usefull/useless nature of it or not, the old dog.
When, maybe what we have is the sum total of everything, we try to limit infinity in our thinking, but there is the infinite yet to be calculated in all matters. Not to let that set any of us back, it's obvious that we have predicted it together in the many ways we've translated all events.
Completely off topic here, unless of course, perhaps it is all one big topic anyway:
Check out the 666 backdrop behind these NWO - UN panelists. The panelists include Condi Rice and Javier Solana the EU foreign minister, at far right. Click on the foto for an enlarged view. Is this a message? Nah, occult messages smacks of 'conspiracy theory', and we all know how ridiclueless that is. Must be your imagination.
Oh, here is the souce link from the State Department
Tronicus - nice link! Too bad we only have that one picture of the event. If there were only 3 sixes on that back wall instead of a whole row of them, it would definitely be creepy.
Back on the Bearden/Hoagland tip, those two act like the Soviet Union is still in business. Maybe all those decades of Cold War Pentagon contracting got a little stuck in their brains.
What I believe is a more viable angle of exploration is the Nikola Tesla story. If he really did pioneer free energy transmission and had his funding pulled by J.P. Morgan because the elite couldn't meter the energy being transmitted, then you can stop all the 'peak oil' crap right here, right now.
Henry Ford created an automobile in the 1940s that was made of and ran on hemp. It's not like ANY of our modern conveniences don't have real alternatives. It's just that industry has been hooked on them by the likes of the Rockefellers for decades.
The Club Of Rome peak oil scam provides a perfect cover for mass murder. All the elites have to say at some point in the future is that they can't get enough oil to fuel the world's agriculture and industry, and then the sheep will die off without a question in their minds of what's going on around them.
Does anyone actually check to see what the status of the inactive oil wells really is? Who audits oil production? The industry itself? And what have the industry moguls gifted us with over the years? Fabian socialism, eugenics and population control courtesy of the Rockefeller clan.
It was posted earlier that anyone who can control the weather can be wiped out by hordes of angry masses. It's a nice dream, but it ain't gonna happen. Americans have been conditioned to love their slavemasters, and just like they didn't bat an eye after Kent State, Ruby Ridge, Waco and now New Orleans, they won't bat an eye if it ever comes out that their fearless leaders WERE trying to drown them and wash them out to sea.
The missing children? You do rememeber that we have a Bush family in power? Franklin Savings Scandal? Boystown? Conspiracy of Silence?
The children have been kidnapped. Some of them already "sacrificed" for the sick,twisted, and out of control Bush/Pentagon pedophile cabal. For further info, look up the tesimony posted online of Kay Griggs, ex-wife of Gen. Griggs.
The rest of the children have been moved onto Israel's White Ship of Death and transported to Israel, Jordan, and Israel.
Strange and frightening news has reached us today that once again the Israeli White Ship of Death is again sailing the worlds oceans for the procurement of children for the harvesting of their organs, and as many Middle Eastern countries have alleged for the human sacrifice of these children too.
From the Israeli National News service we read, “An Israeli boat patrolling near Iran is holding kidnapped babies to be used later for their organs, according to a new Iranian television program.”
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has also reported about this event and quoted the Iranian producer of this program as saying, "We have presented only a small portion of the Zionists' crimes. During our work [on the film] we received information-- even from Jews sympathizing with our point of view. They themselves were anti-Zionists. These were monotheistic Jews. They gave us information that made us regret the film had been completed. I wish we had this information before we made the film."
Of the Israeli’s past involvement with these types of stories we are all familiar with, as well as are many other world governments and peoples.
From Romania we have read in past news reports, “The Romanian Embassy in Israel has asked for, and received from the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry, a list of all children born in Romania who have been brought to Israel for adoption in recent years. The Romanian officials are trying to ascertain if all such children arrived in Israel with all organs in their bodies."
In a report from the United States involving organizations investigating the selling of baby organs along the Mexican American border, and titled “The Shameful Trade in Mexican Baby Organs!”, we can further read in another of their reports titled "Is Israel harvesting organs of Palestinian youths?", these frightening words, "The report says that the Israeli Minister of Health, Nessim Dahhan, tacitly admitted to the horrific practice in an answer to Arab member of the Knesset Ahmed Teibi. Nessim Dahhan said in response to a question by Ahmed Teibi, on Tuesday, that he couldn't deny that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli forces were taken out for transplants or scientific research."
President Bush decided Wednesday to waive any financial sanctions on Saudi Arabia, Washington's closest Arab ally in the war on terrorism, for failing to do enough to stop the modern-day slave trade in prostitutes, child sex workers and forced laborers.
2 years ago:
There's another humanitarian crisis spreading, yet hidden from view. Each year, an estimated 800,000 to 900,000 human beings are bought, sold or forced across the world's borders. Among them are hundreds of thousands of teenage girls, and others as young as five, who fall victim to the sex trade. This commerce in human life generates billions of dollars each year -- much of which is used to finance organized crime.
There's a special evil in the abuse and exploitation of the most innocent and vulnerable. The victims of sex trade see little of life before they see the very worst of life -- an underground of brutality and lonely fear. Those who create these victims and profit from their suffering must be severely punished. Those who patronize this industry debase themselves and deepen the misery of others. And governments that tolerate this trade are tolerating a form of slavery.
THAT is one awful comment you left. It's presence diminishes the entire board with its inclusion.
You sure is crazee! And I ain't jewish.
This is off topic but I am curious.
Why is it ok for numerous other posters to openly suggest that President Bush, Saudi Arabia and swathes of the US population are all involved in child abduction and the sex slave trade but when Mondo mentions Israel you feel the urge to slag him off?
I seem to remember you lecturing us on the last thread...
Bob said,
"The silly and frankly vapid exchanges as to who is more intelligent in their discourse is really detrimental to the purpose of this site."
I suggest you take your own advice Bob.
Calling people 'crazy' is insulting and detrimental to the purpose of this site Bob.
While I do not doubt the inherent evil of the Israeli government (along with just about all of the others as well) I simply found Mondo's comment beyond the pale, perhaps only in its construction, given many of the sources quoted.
Where I live, stating "You sure is crazee" does not mean that I literally am calling him 'crazy' and I would offer an apology if it was taken that way.
The claims stated are SO horrible... I would need some sort of tangible collaboration, as many if not most posts provide for their respective positions.
I am relatively new to delving into these subjects on here, but I have had growing and growing suspicions about many of the topics presented. I hope that I am representative of many people who are searching for truth. That is why I keep coming back.
Sorry to have written off topic!
As an American, I feel it just doesn't get any worse than this:
["We had patients throwing up. It was very ugly," said Jefferson County Judge Carl Griffith, who blamed delays on the Transportation Security Administration, which insisted every wheelchair-bound passenger be checked with a metal-detector.]
Yes, Bush is an "enabler".
He has enabled every friggin' two digit IQ American into a postion of authority their stupidity would have normally prevented.
Ok ok, enough.
About "ChemTrails" or "Climate Modification" or whatever.
There is someone here that thinks it doesn't exist????
Well, let me tell ya, I had my eyes opened about a month ago, on a flight to Beijing from Seoul.
Got a newspaper handed to me by the lovely attendant. An "International Times", a "New York Times" newspaper.
Front page article.
Seems a Dr. Salter (yes, it stuck in my mind because it seemed so apropos, a doctor salting the clouds named Salter), of G.B., was quoted as saying he has developed the technology (he is the one that invented the technology to harness waves to create electrical energy) to put "7 or 8 robotic ships" into the North Atlantic, (and now I admit, my tech expertise is nil) to do somjething that causes the ocean water to rise into the clouds, causing them to be more "luminescent" and reflective.
Now, please, go find this article. I was so jazzed about going to Beijing again, I forgot to rip the article out and save it. Dr. Salter, of the United Kingdom. It's real.
But! Isn't THIS the smoking gun?? I believe it is. Slowly leaked out by MSM, in a way to not cause panic or worries.
I can't recall the article really stating WHY this was a needed technology ;<)
On Salter's scheme:
It seems the idea is to use huge turbines to spray moisture vertically. Really high. Enough will evaporate to collect, condense and cause rain downstream. The plan would benefit "several [dry] regions in the Mediterranean" if it's done in the north Atlantic.
Were the turbines used further south, the southeastern U.S. would erm, benefit, I suppose ...
Thanks. I wasn't trying to tie it in with the Gulf weather modification, if it is that. I was just pointing out weather mod is real, it is here,. Not "conjecture" or "Tin foil hat" stuff at all.
The article I read didn't mention the mod was for rain, though, just that it made the clouds more reflective.
Thanks again ;<)
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Well God is in his heaven
And we all want what's his
But power and greed and corruptible seed
Seem to be all that there is."
Well God is in his heaven
And we all want what's his
But power and greed and corruptible seed
Seem to be all that there is."
Terima kasih informasinya gan.
Calling people 'crazy' is insulting and detrimental to the purpose of this site Bob.
trima kasih bnyk Gan. Sukses selalu..
My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
The police and many of their friends just thought they had run off together. But their parents refused to accept this.
Michele Tollis, Fabio's father, began to attend metal concerts and festivals across Europe, handing out leaflets and quizzing Fabio's friends.
I think I'm going to miss you most of all, Showrunner.
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Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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