
"I was constantly watching myself, my secret self.... It was very much like being mad, only it was worse because one was aware of it." - Joseph Conrad, The Secret Sharer
I don't know whether this is a brand new rabbit hole, a hidden entrance to an old one, or just some stupid hole in the ground. But we should at least poke a few, strong sticks down it to see how far it goes.
On May 27, Radar Online posted court documents it had obtained showing a "George W Bush Jr" had been convicted in a Midland, Texas court of "unlawful practice of medicine," for which he was fined $2,000 and sentenced to one year's probabtion. (What precisely the practice entailed is not specified.) The charge stems from 1986, the middle of George HW Bush's second unofficial presidential term, the height of Iran/Contra, and the year during which George W Bush claims he stopped drinking. Bush is listed as 5'9" tall, 161 lbs, brown hair and blue eyes, born "12-7-45." This could describe President Bush, though according to his White House biography he was born July 6, 1946.
The lawyer for "George W Bush Jr" was Warren Burnett, legendary Texas attorney, who was also alleged to have represented the other Bush in his expunged conviction for cocaine possession. (Burnett, who would neither confirm or deny the cocaine story, died in 2002 at age 75 "with a cold beer in his hand.")

Radar Online implies that James Hatfield simply got his George W Bushes mixed up when he was researching Fortunate Son, and conflated the two, but that doesn't make sense of the evidence. And a second George W Bush is just the half of it, at best.
On June 4, 1999, with the presidential candidacy of at least one of these Midland George W Bushes in its infancy, Online Journal published a curious investigative story by Linda Starr and Bev Conover entitled "What Is George Dubya hiding?"
What prompted their question was the discovery that on March 31, 1995, the newly-elected Governor Bush had been issued a driver's license with the entirely new number of 000000005, which destroyed the records of his previous license. Laura's license was renewed the same day, but she retained her old number, which is common practice. Bush's parents have kept theirs, as have every other former governor of Texas. Starr and Conover ask whether the Governor had "something in his past to hide to cause him to purge the old record and number. This seems especially confusing since his birthday is July 6, 1946, but he obtained his new number on March 31, 1995 as a renewal."
Further, they write:
During our search for the truth about Dubya's past, we came across something very interesting indeed! Another George W. Bush, white male, blue eyes, brown hair, but born on Oct. 17, 1964! What called our attention to this person, since there are so many Bushes living in Texas, is that this person's record was deleted on Dec. 24, 1998.
Starr and Conover called the Houston number listed for the address shown on the deleted Bush's license. A woman who refused to identify herself said she had never heard of him. And a spokesperson for Bush's Presidential Exploratory Committee said she "doubted" that something had been expunged from the Governor's record, but she couldn't explain the issuance of a new license.
So what's all this about? And just how many George W Bush's are there?
We should note that the signatures of the 1986 "George W Bush Jr" and President Bush are not a match -

so it's unlikely that the person who signed the court document now occupies the White House. As unlikely as it seems, that would appear to leave pure coincidence as the most likely explanation. Except this is the Bush family we're talking about, so we should excercise caution when talking about both appearances and coincidences.
And what about the other, other George W Bush, also of brown hair and blue eyes, said to have been born on October 17, 1964, who became an unperson on December 24, 1998? Was this the whispered love child - or more accurately, graduation party child - fathered out of high school by the soon-to-be Bonesman, born to the daughter of a local evangelist? It's unlikely that a disowned son would bear his name. Coincidence? Again, probably, if it wasn't a Bush. Yet again, it is. And why was his record deleted just as the George W Bush tooled up for a presidential run?
Could legal fictions named "George W Bush" - close but no cigar to the original - have been created and entered into the system to take his rap, even post facto, vacuum up his messes, and then be made to disappear?
Incredibly, maybe. But then, how real is the original?
By the way, here's a follow up to the reopening of the Atlanta serial murder investigation (and thanks to "airdrawndagger" for the link): "Georgia Officials Fighting Effort to Release Klan File in Atlanta Child Murders Case".
And after a week of talk of Sirius, dog days, ritually slain canines and former Processeans running the "world's favorite animal shelter," what are we to think of the PETA employees, charged with cruelty to animals, who made a practice of dumping carcasses behind a shopping mall? (Thanks again to readers for the story.)
i just found out about your site a little over a month ago and so much on here has really blown my mind, or at least left me totally confused about everything. maybe the "real" GWB passed on in 1998 and "robot" GWB has been in operation ever since. that bulge on his back during the debates was where they put his batteries, and that lip-twitch/scowl of his was just some shoddy circuitry.
anyway, just wanted to say good job and thanks.
Wow. of all the post I’ve read on here, this one by far, has me the most interested.
Very intriguing stuff here.
I ran it through an online pregnancy calculator, which shows that on average, a baby born October 17 would have been conceived on January 24.
Dude -
Signatures change over time. This was once used to show Candidate X as an untrust-worthy individual (I think G. Hart?); When the reality was more that as we go through life, and especially transformative experiences,
our signature changes.
Were both signatures from 1986?
I agree about the signatures, the "B"s are very similar and also the small "w"s before it.
"Were both signatures from 1986?"
No, the second is recent.
I want to know why he was given such a eye-catching license number. Had he been given a more "reasonable" one it may have not been so noticable or it could have been explained away (must've been a computer accident, just assigned him a new one). My only guess is that someone who thought it was wrong wanted it to stand out. My very speculative theory involves the employee who had to make the license. They didn't want to do it, but wanted people to notice. Bush would have been too stupid to notice, and anyone who saw it later would have thought two changes in such a short period would be suspect. Is it possible to find out who issued the license/who was working at the time, and how they have fared afterwards.
thanks for getting this further attention, really is baffling. the legal fiction angle might be the right explanation -- wealthy and powerful families getting official records for nonexistant doppelgangers put into the system for potential scapegoating if need be -- but it's curious to note that the current bush's symptoms in public appearances match the classic MIB except for paleness...the far more likely explanation is of course that a man of middling-at-best intelligence is now operating with a cokeohol-induced lobotomy, but who knows?
Read this latest article by Skolnick about Bob Woodward and Mark Felt, paying special attention to the references to Woodward's father, a judge, named as a defendant in a satanic ritual abuse of children case....:
I've heard it said that before about 1998-1999 GWB did NOT exibit the speach oddities he does today, Molly Ivens I think was one who says so. Could probably be check if anyone has access to old speaches
Could it be that, in the Bush Family's anxious quest to eradicate evidence of every offense committed by their precious son, the records of anyone whose name was remotely similar to W's was also vaporized? Time may have been of the essence and records were indiscriminately destroyed.
Which means there may be a lot of happy George (but not George) Bush's in Texas who found their past sins miraculously "disappeared".
I don't have a link to anything, but I have seen interviews from when he was governor and he did sound a lot more coherent. Of course, talking without someone telling you what to say in your ear probably helps too :-)
"Oh, what tangle webs we weave..."
oops! "tangled"
I wrote this about Blair. But given we are discussing manufactured personalities/identities...
Blair comes from a Scottish Tory family of lawyers.
He went to school at Fettes – an upscale Philips Academy. The school has strong liks to the Edinburgh Establishment and the Speculative Society (a den of Masonry of which Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is a member).
After Fettes he went to Oxford (St Johns) and studied law. He showed no interest whatsoever in politics.
During his final year he was recruited into the chambers of Derry Irvine, a Scottish lawyer (who had just taken over from Sir Morris Finer, dead at 57 just before he completed a Royal Commission on the press).
While training with Irvine Blair acquired a working class upwardly mobile Irish wife from Liverpool.
Cherie also trained with Irvine. She later specialised in working for local councils AGAINST THEIR LOWEST PAID WORKERS.
Despite being Scottish and under the age of thirty, Blair was selected to be the Labour candidate for Sedgefield. THE SAFEST LABOUR SEAT IN ENGLAND.
Blair’s predecessor John Smith died a sudden death in 1994.
On the day Mr Blair became prime minister his wife was made a Queens Counsel. QCs have the right to deputise as a High Court judge – that’s real power.
The British people are unable to rid themselves of Mr Blair, whatever happens. He is being protected.
I may as well throw in here too...
About the Skolnick article referencing Judge Woodward and that hospital. Although he does'nt say, I believe he is talking about Edgewater Hospital in Chicago. Here's a paste of what I put together, from another board:
I began with checking into light pulses used to alter behavior- (RE: Bob Woodward's judge-father involved in a hospital allegedly connected to SRA...) "The apparatus...operates on the principal of subliminal and photic stimulation of brain waves..."
Then I found this pdf about light-pulse behavior research (brain-wave entrainment, or BWE), also mentioning Edgewater:
The reference to Ptolomy using sunlight through a spoked wheel to alter thoughts/behavior (pg. 4 under "research") reminded me of those kids that went into shock when flickering lights came on the TV. I admit I don't know where all this leads but thought you guys might be interested.
More very informative mind control history here from a speech by Colin Ross:
Here is a short excerpt:
"Bluebird and Artichoke were two programs that ran from 1951-53, and I will read you some stuff from Artichoke in a minute. These were then rolled over into MKULTRA which ran from 1953 to 1963, and then there are 149 sub-projects that you will see a listing of in a second. That was then administratively rolled over into MKSEARCH which ran until 1973. Contiguously with that and in
collaboration with **EDGEWATER ARSENAL**, MKNAOMI which involved MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE and BLUEBIRD type research done abroad, and nationally ran from 1953 to 1970. This involves all kinds of hallucinogens, hypnosis and so on that I will go into in detail...
The implication here is that the Bush league is neck-deep in mind-control via the CIA connections (see Webster Tarpley.) and Satanic Rirual Abuse.
... this also about a George Bush in Texas:
MK-ULTRA, George W. Bush, the Hand of Death cult, and the Brownsville ritual murders---
Mass murderer Henry lee Lucas claimed that he was trained by the cult in a mobile paramilitary camp in the Florida Everglades in the fine art of killing, up close and personal. Other training involved abduction and arson techniques.
Following his training, Henry claimed to have served the cult in various ways, including as a contract killer and as an abductor of children, who were then taken just over the border to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez. Henry has said that this cult operated out of Texas and from a ranch in northern Mexico, trafficking in children and drugs, among other nefarious pursuits. In essence, Henry claimed that what appeared to be the random work of a serial killer was in fact a planned series of crimes often committed for specific purposes.
Some of the murders were political hits, according to Henry, including the occasional assassination of foreign dignitaries...
Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions, including the 1998 execution of "fellow born-again Christian" Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer who later led a prison ministry. Lucas was convicted of 11 murders, and confessed to many more. Yet G. W. Bush pardoned him...
SUNNYVALE, CA - Telling reporters and critics to 'stick to the issues that matter', Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush declined to answer questions Monday concerning his alleged involvement in a 1984 Brownsville, TX, mass murder, in which 17 people were ritualistically murdered and skinned.
'I will not stoop to discussing that,' said Bush during a campaign stop at a Bay Area software-packaging plant. 'We've got people across this country without health care, a broken educational system, taxes that are way too high, and all you want to talk about is something that may or may not have happened 16 years ago? I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.'
The satanic cult mass-murders revolved around in the Brownsville/Matamoros area. Among those involved were El Padrino Cult; and located outside Matamoros, Rancho Santa Elena, having human sacrifice chambers; and the satanic ritual sacrifices and mind control conducted by Aldolfo De Jesus Costanzo with others.
And RE: Woodward- As you know, Bob Woodward and seven Bush family members, including George H.W. Bush, are Yale alumni. The Bushes are members of "Skull and Bones", while Woodward is a member of "Book and Snake". The current CIA director is also a member of "Book and Snake"- Rep. Porter Goss (R-FL.), nominated by Bush the Younger and Cheney. Bob Woodward was raised a Republican and later worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence before he became a "reporter"...
The good dale is trapped in the white lodge. Dale from the Black Lodge is really Bob. Therefore, 1998 Bush is the Dorian Grey image of Bush, the sacrificed lamb.
What color are W's eyes? I wouldn't know since we only have anal.
You know Bob Woodward was a CIA agent, don't you? Katherine and Phil Graham, his employers at the washington post have a long history of business and personal dealings with the bush family (and Katherine suicided her husband when he threatened to leave her, marry his mistress and keep the majority shares in the WP that Katherine's father had given to him.)
early on in the CIA's history, in the late 40's and very early 50's they were very aggressive in infiltrating or outright coopting of influential media companies in the US and around the world. NBC, Washington Post, New York Times, these are just a few of the media outlets that either agreed to allow the CIA to reject stories, suggest stories, edit/modify, etc., or had one way or another been infiltrated by CIA agents who appeared to be real journalists, with what appeared to be real credentials, etc. NBC may not be actively working in concert with the CIA anymore -- but it's hard to believe if you see what's on TV and in the news.
Let's not even get into the facts surrounding Prescott Bush's business dealings with the Nazis, or the seizure of many of his businesses and patents by the US government under the "trading with the enemy act" (of 1941 or 1942). Or how Prescott helped the Thyssen banking family of Germany set up a US bank with Averell Harriman. They siphoned off so much money from the German pillage of europe, it makes the kennedy family's prohibition-era smuggling profits seem like very honest gains in comparison.
Face it. The people running (oops, spellcheck... ruining) this country either care more about profit, or might even have a long standing grudge against it for how it treated them when they tried to institute national socialism, eugenics, and other great ideas that people just didn't understand were for their own good.
Yes -- There's conspiracy. Then there's Conspiracy, meaning a long-standing, continuing series of conspiracies. At least, one would begin to think so, when you start to see the same family names, the same people, the same business dealings and interests involved, not on the periphery, but at the very center of almost all the "conspiracy theories" of the second half of the 20th century. Inslaw/Octopus? Iran-contra? Deposing Noriega for being foolishly arrogant (who wouldn't be when you're a president of a country, and you're a partner in a drug scheme with the president of the United States?)? Mena Arkansas? Clinton's tie-in to the bush family secret? Apparently he likes Coke too, and he would meet the CIA cessna at Mena airfield and get it fresh! No wonder there's no hard feelings between them, for those of us who haven't forgotten the show of nastiness during the 92 elections. Just a show. Make us feel all warm and democratic, thinking there was actually two parties balancing power in some fashion. nah, just a ploy, keeps us from wondering why every time we vote, it all goes in the government's favor, and not ours'.
Think about it. The most influential families in politics have criminal (or at least should be criminal) histories. They either sold alcohol when it was federally banned, or funded what would become an enemy government, and even continued funding it long after the US was at war with them. I wonder how it would feel to have a president who used money he inherited from his marijuana dealer grandfather to win the election. I wonder what it would be like to have a president who's father helped arm, equip and train an army for a country we now can't get out of, where almost 2,000 of our soldiers have been killed (oh wait, I DO know how that feels!)
This was a truly noteworthy line of inquiry, but there is one thing that makes me more or less sure that its either a) coincidence or b) alot wierder than chunks of meat raining down from the sky. The middle name listed in the older signature is (I think) Washburn. There is no reason that his original name would have been the alias (unless he knew he would need one, which leads down a VERY deep rabbit hole). As I'm sure most or all of you know, the W. is for Walker, the born name of his mother (derived from the man to whom, I beleive Prescott Bush was an underling). Nonetheless, tantalizing.....
As far as the downpour of random matter, here's a good, relevant quote from Tom Clancy (it is, as far as I know the only worthwhile words he ever put on a page): "The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense."
Great post.
Hi Jeff, Hi everyone.
Been admiring the blog and reading with quiet disbelief for a few months now, hell I even made you my homepage and went thru the Ez board shite so I could post in the forum and generally get involved.
I hail from the UK and have been trying to tie up the SRA stuff to individual names in our fine 'establishment', pin down the scum sucking bastards over here a bit more, to keep 'em in the crosshairs and try to discover who's actually who.
Dunblaine Wales etc. etc.
Thought people might want a more recent link on the African kids disappearing in London and elsewhere in the UK.
We have to keep the struggle going against these twisted fucks, and a blog like this is a great rallying point and focus. Not to mention educational resource.
Thanx 4 existing Y'all
obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
MANTAB *************************************
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