The steam is turned on

Something is burning, baby, are you aware? - Bob Dylan
No time for a proper post today, but I want to throw this out there. From Berlin Diary, this is William Shirer's journal entry for August 10, 1939:
How completely isolated a world the German people live in. A glance at the newspapers yesterday and today reminds you of it. Whereas all the rest of the world considers that the peace is about to be broken by Germany, that it is Germany that is threatening to attack Poland over Danzig, here in Germany, in the world the local newspapers create, the very reverse is being maintained. (Not that it surprises me, but when you are away for a while, you forget.) What the Nazi papers are proclaiming is this: that it is Poland which is disturbing the peace of Europe; Poland which is threatening Germany with armed invasion, and so forth. This is the Germany of last September when the steam was turned on Czechoslavakia.
For perverse perversion of the truth, this is good. You ask: But the German people can't possibly believe these lies? Then you talk to them. So many do.
"It is time for European nations to show their mettle" is the headline of today's editiorial from The Decatur Daily: Mettle, naturally, with respect to the clear and present danger of Iran's hypothetical future aggression. (Some headlines Shirer quotes from the summer of 1939: "Poland - the runner amok against peace and right in Europe" and "Warsaw threatens bombardment of Danzig - unbelievable agitation of the Polish arch-madness.") The Decatur editorialist remarks that "the United States should not have a monopoly on the prevention of wars of mass destruction." (Unspoken, of course, is that it should have a veto.) And if it takes tactical nuclear weapons to prevent such a war, then so be it. "All options," once again, are on the table. And just as with Iraq, the military option is pegged the reluctant "last resort."
Michael Ruppert is persuaded an Iran strike is not going to happen, and its threat serves as a distraction. Myself, I'm persuaded Ruppert's skillset makes him an excellent investigator, but not a particularly good forecaster. (In 2003 he wrote that Bush would be impeached "just as surely as" was Nixon.) Shirer wrote in his journal that most Germans with whom he spoke were opposed to the war, feared it, and didn't really expect it to come. But it came. It only takes a few people in key positions to make a war happen, regardless of how insane a misadventure it seems to everyone else. Those people are still there, and when positions open, they are filled with their own kind. I've seen nothing to suggest that real men no longer want to go to Tehran.
As Shirer could have written, This is the America of 2003, when the steam was turned on Iraq.
Sorry but this website is nothing but wickedness.
We should all be proud of George W. Bush. He has brought honor and dignity back to the Preisdency. He is the perfect example of how all of our best presidents have been Texans!
That has to be ironic!
We should all be proud of George W. Bush.
And Germans should have been proud of Hitler ? Germans should have been proud of their own "free press" ?
Is there much other life on Mars, which I can only assume is where youre from ?
You people need to get real.
It's either we take the middle east now and do everything we can to isolate and retard the growth of Iranian society or we risk them becoming the dominant power in that region, backed by China.
Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al are acting simply to gain a foothold to prepare for the eventual war with china. There's no stopping it.
The time to strike Iran is now. Just nuke the whole damn country.
And after we're done with Iran, we should just nuke Israel. The quick and elegant solution to the Middle East conflict is just to vaporize the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Let's save our soldiers by putting those nukes to good use.
Right said - there is no stopping it while enough yahoos think the way you apparently do. But why nuke Israel? It must exist as trigger to the apocalypse that you seem so fervently to desire ... oh, you want to trigger Armageddon. that's nice dear. now go play with your G.I. Joes and leave these discussion to the grown ups, ok?
Right said - there is no stopping it while enough yahoos think the way you apparently do. But why nuke Israel? It must exist as trigger to the apocalypse that you seem so fervently to desire ... oh, you want to trigger Armageddon.
that's nice dear. now go play with your G.I. Joes and leave these discussions to the grown ups, ok?
Anonymous #1;
You're right, this blog is nothing but about the wickedness which goes on and on in the world of men, (which, I assume, includes Texans?). My understanding is that we have several Texans still fighting the Alamo and Crusades at the same time. I've heard that Texans always do things in a BIG way, no matter what...size has always been important. I propose that you wait and see the SIZE of the price of your next trip to the gas pump, or when your house is refueled for the winter, or when you get your electricity bill for the next few years. Another thing you probably might want to keep your eye on is the SIZE of your paycheck in relation to what you can buy to keep you and your family alive over the next few years...unless you're one of the wealthy few people who don't need to watch those sorts of petty issues...oh, and for those of you who think we should nuke everyone in the Middle East, and go for war with China, keep in mind that you get what you give, (remember the Golden Rule?)...ah, seems that some people have a real penchant for putting their heads between their legs before I could even get the chance...
armageddon in the wacko christian sense is a crock
Eliminating both the Israelis and Palestinians would end the middle east conflict in less than a second...a brilliant flash of holy more roadmaps, summits, accords, or negotiations...
Call it a premptive armageddon...
Honor and dignity huh? Cannot answer a direct question with evasion or bumbling over his own words. Bush Jr. and Rice always seem to have a wicked smirk on their faces when they speak of the dead and dying in the two wars my country is engaged in. Bush refuses to address a mother of a marine that believed in bearing arms to protect his country while speaking of a very vague "mission" while never giving any of the boots on the ground a clear objective. I know I spent enough time in Iraq to be authorized to wear two combat stripes.
He speaks of "staying the course" and how we should honor our fallen warriors, yet bans pictures of the flag draped coffins from being in the public spectrum. His daughters are not enlisted and never will. Bush himself did not have the courage to fight in a war, hell his father at least flew bombers on REAL missions whether he was good at it or not.
Grandparents and uncles and brothers and sisters stop speaking to a mother and father who lost their child only because they have started to question the war.
American citizens are taking up arms not to protect their country from a raging ravaging beast of a government run amok, but instead run around on the Texas border "protecting" the United States from the racial impurity that will slowly remover the anglo-white race from its perch in this country.
Bush Jr. a self proclaimed "compassionate conservative" has done little to bring this country together but much to divide it. You are either with us or against us, if you are against the war you are a traitor to our country, if you are against development and use of tactical nukes you are siding with the enemy, if you point out that using a nuke is nothing less than terrorism against a foreign nation you are unAmerican, if you question ANYTHING that the government is doing or saying then you are some evil liber-socio-communist pig that should be hung burning from the underside of a bridge.
Bush Jr. knows exactly what the troops are going through, he watches the TV. I cannot believe he was allowed to use that line during one of his presidential debates.
I wonder how many of those, like me, that have seen burning mangled rotting corpses still believe war in any sense is EVER a good thing. Possibly a necessary evil, but never a "good" thing. If our votes dont count anymore if all it takes to win an election is lying and stealing and cheating, then the one of the few remaining choices we have is to not enlist and avoid any upcomming drafts. This country is trying to start perpetual war, but the rich arent going to fight it, so the rest of us by not fighting anymore have some control over the government. Iraq is a burning hell of bodies and blood of people feeling betrayed and taking out that anger on those they see as the betrayer. There is no reason to fight there, I challenge anyone believing otherwise to convince me.
How naive some people are.
George W is irrelevant, he is a stooge. If he looks good, if his actions look right and proper its down to the public relations team, not Bush.
If his policies create death, poverty and evil, its his policy team, not him.
That man has absolutley no credibility whatsoever.
You can't any other view, he is a bumbling pillock full of bollocks.
...and besides, Bush is NOT a Texan...he was born in Connecticut, and summered in Kennebunk, ME...his parents happened to move to Texas, but at heart, he's a blue blood New Englander...
Remember, fellow commenters, Not To Feed The Trolls. It's part of why I like this site so much. There's usually such a Canadian civility to it even when the topic is totally outrageous.
And thanks, Jeff, for the Shirer quote. It's totally applicable. I may be seeing you up in Canada (or making an extensive visit to Baja California) sooner rather than later if nobody stops the neo-Nazis in charge of my country.
Anonymous said...
"Sorry but this website is nothing but wickedness.
We should all be proud of George W. Bush. He has brought honor and dignity back to the Preisdency. He is the perfect example of how all of our best presidents have been Texans!"
Nothing is stopping you from honoring your fake Texan socio-path by walking into the nearest recruiting center and signing up for 4 tours. The only wickedness I've witnessed on this site is the obsenity that hijacked a presidency and pardoned a fellow devil-worshipper named Henry Lee Lucas.
Now sit down and keep quiet while the adults talk.
So, it's turned into a bitchfest, just as they intended. As we argue what we believe the current reality to be, they are filling the pipeline with other potential realities for us to argue.....and on and on it goes, when we get off, if we get off, nobody knows....or do they?
Hey, at least when all these "Anonymous" idiots are spending their time online, posting their crap (and we get them all the time on AZ Indymedia, where I'm on the editors' list, and we simply hide them since we have a posted policy of not allowing racist or otherwise disgusting comments.) If they weren't busy at their coputers, they'd be out on the street faggot-bashing or homeless-killing or snatching Social Security checks from little old ladies.
LBJ was a real Texan, unlike the current Yankee-born-and-bred, and he was a lying, scheming, scum-of-the-earth election-stealer. (Read up on the 1948 votes-by-dead-Hispanics in his first run for Congress.)
I am a real Texan born, as is my husband. That doesn't preclude either of us from having a brain and the willingness to use it.
But meanwhile, back at the topic... Poland in 1939 was still feilding mounted cavalry! There are some photos and films in existence of sabres against tanks. That was one reason why the Blitzkreig was so incredibly successful. Another reason was because the Germans were the number-one importer of cocaine in the 1930's, and they obviously stayed up all night thinking these methods up.
Neither did they invent yellow journalism. It was alive and well in the time leading up to the Spanish-American war ("Remember the Maine!") and the War Between the States (please don't call it civil, for it certainly was not.) Tom Paine's broadsides swayed public opinion in the mid-1770's; Bunker Hill was reported with the same warmongering disinformation that we know and love today.
Why am I not surprised to read Shirer's piece? History most certainly does repeat itself, for if something works, it works. Just change the names as needed.
Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al are acting simply to gain a foothold to prepare for the eventual war with china. There's no stopping it.
Well, now that's really very funny. Particularly in light of Dick Cheney's remarks THIS PAST WEEK that he would like to be able to sell more advanced nuclear equipment to China.
Explain to me how we are NOT being "led" by madmen.
Politics is War without bloodshed, while War is politics with bloodshed.
Mao Tse-Tung
Isn't there a picture of Rumsfeld smiling and winking with a certain Saddam Hussein? And what exactly was it that he was selling to our Iraqi friend? Hulloo-o-o China, are YOU in for a surprise!
Has anyone noticed (I'm sure you have) that the Proud of W Groupies have a glaring deficiency in the use of the English language? Spelling is their weak point. Logic simply mystifies them. Maybe I should have said "simple logic mystifies them".
I work next to one of these sad creatures and I cannot understand how a person can vote against his/her own best interests. Last week, after listening for an hour about how Nixon was sooooo mistreated by the media and soooo misunderstood, I stood up and screamed, "He was evil! Don't you get it? He abused his office and the power of his position!" I went off on a rant about all the crimes he committed.
She hasn't spoken to me since, she won't even make eye's been like heaven for me since. :)
Last thought: W's base is the most *base*. The common denominator. Don't they know they're being used? Because, really, W certainly doesn't relate to them, and he sure as hell doesn't care about them because he is quite willing to send them off to Iraq as cannon fodder. Why are they such willing victims?
"Why are they such willing victims?"
Because they don't see themselves as victims. They are being invited to join the food chain and take up the invitation because they can only see the victims below them and see those above them as allies rather than the predators the "higher ups" really are.
These dolts are caught by their own desire to exploit others and feel superior just as "marks" are caught by con-artists by their own greed. There is an irony here that the "higher ups" are aware of, I'm sure. And behind them .... another irony.
The flip side of all this is that acting out of compassion for others ends up benefiting you in a very real sense. Hence, the reason the Dalai Lama can claim that, ironically, acting with compassion is actually selfish (in a good way, of course!) and Jesus could say that in trying to save your own life for it's own sake, you will lose it. And I would add, your humanity anyway, at the very least, which makes your life of worth
That is a wonderfully appropriate historical quote to use at this time, Jeff. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention and drawing out the parallel with the present absurd overreaction to Iranian nuclear development. We've all been down this same road less than two years ago. It is a disgrace that our staggeringly corrupt news media and politicians are not uttering a word of protest while at the same time the public is being made aware of the lies that led us into Iraq.
Aquifinafauxpas said...
"and besides, Bush is NOT a Texan...he was born in Connecticut, and summered in Kennebunk, ME...his parents happened to move to Texas, but at heart, he's a blue blood New Englander...'
Thanks for defending Texas and Texans, not that any of this makes one bit of difference.
There are plenty of people in Texas who know a "fence post turtle" when they see one (some one put him up there, and he doesn't know what to do, once there).
In any case, the parallel with Germans willfully deceiving themselves is a fitting one. Plenty of folks in Texas -- and anywhere else in the U.S. -- cannot and will not acknowledge the reality of The Pretenders in the WH .. and the hell that they have wrought.
But then again, plenty of folks do see and hold onto some semblance of truth. As I said last time I posted here, blessings on Cindy Sheehan. The righteous outrage of Mothers everywhere has got to scare the living turdblossoms out of the Pretend King and his Chickenhawk Court.
How any of this translates into convincing the Amerikan sheeple that Iran is or isn't the new Bogeyman .. who the hell knows? But there is at least some sense -- yeah, maybe i'm deluding myself -- that there's a tangible shift in public opinion down here, south of the border.
Be that as it may, the homeys are still in power and can wreak Texas-size havoc.
Speaking of "turning the steam on"-
The people who really hold the balance of power in this country right now are the vocal dissenters in districts and states that went for Bush in 2004, and in Republican districts. That's where the momentum counts the most. It's the Republicans who need to hear from their constituents the most, both in terms of communicating the necessity to withdraw from Iraq, and in expressing scorn for this con man of President.
All war is deception.
Sun Tzu
It's nice to see that the lurkers paid to start off the thread are referencing 2 key planks of the Neo-Nazi platform: destruction of all-Jewish greater Israel and war against China. These types of extra-economic 'displays' cannot be maintained continuously. That's why the A-Bomb is the perennial favorite of feudal nostalgiasts: when occupation and open domination are so repugnant to all, the mushroom cloud serves as a spectre burned into the mind, dominating the psyche in the true style of the terror-masters.
The Yale-Texas-Arlington axis seems really quite enthralled to destroying the pillars of capitalism and enforcing a system of direct coercion. It's a bit far-fetched, though: Once the world is in turmoil, how will the corporations keep their power? It would be a huge gamble for them. That's why the center-right business party must eventually end these horrific wars; it is only in more 'normal' realities where total war produces its exchange value. That's why the threats are so strident, and that's why the displays of force are so demonstrative. These children know that an actual feudal slavocracy is virtually unsustainable.
Legacy Building
If depopulation is indeed the program, it seems more likely than not that it will be phased in over the course of the next century. The energy/Resource Wars serve as the vehicle not only for genocide, but to escalate the voluntary enslavement of the masses. RFID's, TIA, GMO's, stem-cell rationing... all must be introduced in precisely a context that is favorible to 'responsible stewardship' and sudden calamitous spasms. only at the end of a long arduous dialectic could these technologies enable the final reunification of the political and economic spheres of power relations. and this is still not even guaranteed. no wonder Lucis Trust will be there, trying to hedge their bets.
W a New Englander?!
Govenor, I serve with New Englanders.
I know New Englanders.
Govenor, You are no New Englander!
And for the last time, its pronounced - chowdah!
I shouldn't feed the trolls, but a glaringly obscene comment "He has brought honor and dignity back to the Preisdency." Umm, that is of course if you haven't read a single poll from US or foreign sources that shows the US reputation as diminished and plummeting. I dare anyone to find an example of "dignity" or "honor" regarding this presidency.
It must be nice to live in a very small, predictable dreamworld where there are always "bad guys" that we, the "good guys," have to destroy in order to save the world. Some American citizens have been watching WAY too many movies.
The people who defend a globalist sock puppet like Bush are the same kind of morons who defended Stalin when he was disappearing political opponents in the 1920s and 1930s. They have no sense of identity or self worth unless it is connected to some form of collective; in short they are communists who haven't 'come out' yet.
It is fitting to compare the German national socialist press of the late 1930s to the national socialist press of America today; both are populated by Quislings and venal sycophants to the powerful, whose primary tool is anti-semitism. In Hitler's day it was the 'Jewish threat.' In Bush's day, it is that other semitic people, the 'Arab threat.'
it's sad to see that so many of the troll's respondents have missed the essential nugget of logic (however repulsive the philosophy backing it might be) in the first response (4th post). The war with China is inevitable (s)he says. China backs Iran, and so war with Iran is necessary. Implicitly, the conflict between Israel and the Palistinian refugees (yes, let's never forget that their cities are 50 year old refugee camps!) is too costly to Americans to put up with. And so, we kill rather than be killed.
Now, I don't agree with this philosophy, and I think history provides only too many examples of the foolishness of such thinking (surely many of the Germans who drank the Nazi kool-aid were fueled by the same fear for self-preservation). But, the US will continue to disintegrate until "our side" gives some legitimacy to the feelings of "their side".
Why waste time and cyberspace responding to the ravings of the cognitively challenged? Except to note that the ravings in this particular case, with the individual calling for the massive destruction of her innocent fellowpersons, reveals that she has the same thirst for blood in her heart as any mass murderer.
"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
Now that Israel enemy number one, Iraq, is hobbled and divided, we will go after Israel enemy number 2, Iran...lots of yummy oil for Israel and the U.S.
Lots of useless eater A-rabs freed of their ability to negatively impact Zionism's many agendas.
But remember, folks, Zionists don't REALLY exist. Well, they do, but they merely are impotent dupes of the Bushnazico mob, who secretly hate Israel and will turn on them later, you watch, they will, just wait...wait...
Here is another good expanation of the gravity of the situation. The last 2 or 3 paragraphs are the most relevant.
RI, what a great post -- the parallels are really chilling.
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