The "Day of Declaration"
Did a vehicle come from somewhere out there,
Just to land in the Andes?
Was it round, and did it have a motor?
Or...was it something…different?
– Frank Zappa, "Inca Roads"

Have you seen this man?
Probably not. He's that damned, ellusive Pimpernel of the New Age Movement (a.k.a., the old Theosophist Movement). He's "Lord Maitreya." And perhaps, if the Military-Occult Complex has its way, he may soon be coming to a pineal gland near you.
Here's a disclaimer, before I get into this.
Everytime I start one of these threads, I wonder how big a mistake I'm about to make. Not because I could embarrass myself on the Internet. (It would take nude photos to do that, and I don't work blue.) Rather, and simply, because I could be profoundly wrong. Whenever dealing with the Highly Weird, that's a high probability. As I've said before, all the conclusions I draw must be provisional, because there's too much I don't know to be definitive about anything but my ignorance.
And so, as Rod Serling would say: Submitted for your approval....
Look Out - Here Comes "Maitreya"
So, who is he, and why should we care? The second question may be more easily answered than the first. But let's start with the who, as best we can.
Maitreya is said to be an "Ascended Master" - a "Secret Chief" - who, in 1977, took human form and left his "ancient retreat in the Himalayas" to reside in the Indo-Pakistani community of London. "He has been living and working there, seemingly as an ordinary man, his true status known to relatively few," according to Share International, the non-profit organization dedicated to preparing the world for his lordship. When the world is ready - and desperate enough - Maitreya's "Day of Declaration" will arrive, on which he will telepathically communicate his reality to the world. Voila - instant karma. Share International says "at this time of great political, economic and social crisis, Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation."
Maitreya's emergence has been slow and fitfull, supposedly to avoid infringing humanity's free will, though Share lists numerous miraculous appearances around the world. Curiously, "in most cases, he has magnetized water in the vicinity before he appeared." (Crop circles - those that are not obvious hoaxes - also often demonstrate bizarre magnetic properties.) And curiouser: "The people before whom he appears are in every case fundamentalists of one persuasion or another. Denominationally they vary tremendously but the consistent factor is that they are all extremely dogmatic in their beliefs. Maitreya appears to them to soften them up. These are the groups from whom, throughout the world, he expects the major opposition and rejection."
The most dramatic and best documented of his appearances occurred in Nairobi, in 1988. Here is the Share account, while others can be read on this page, compiled by someone who believes something quite different about Maitreya.
Pardon me, comin' through: Maitreya as Jesus, in Kenya

Editor of the Kenya Times, Job Mutungi, was an eyewitness. In the June 22, 1988 edition, he wrote:
Worshippers were busy singing Mungu ni Mwema, a popular Swahili hymn, when Mary Akatsa interjected. She announced that God had spoken to her and told her to "await a miracle because a very important guest would be coming to give her a very vital message." People "braced themselves for the unknown" while others stared blankly at her, their mouths agape with awe and bewilderment.
Five minutes later, she asked those who were singing and dancing to stop as the long-awaited message had arrived. "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus of Nazareth!" went the loud whispers from the crowd as they raised up their hands in submission and divine welcome.

The tall figure of a barefooted, white-robed and bearded man appeared from nowhere and stood in the middle of the crowd. He was walking slowly towards the new church building away from the tent. Mary walked with him, side by side.
I looked at my watch. It was 4.15 pm. Her voice was drowned by cries and loud moans of "Jesus! Jesu. Yeeesu! You have come. Welcome Jeesus! Wash our sins. Help us Jeesus!" For many, it was the last prayer. It appeared to them the "Son of Man" had at last fulfilled His promise of coming back to earth. They knelt down in emotional prayers in a frantic effort to save their souls at the 11th hour. A man lying near to me urinated in his trousers. But I stared back at the stranger in the meeting without blinking. Strange, sporadic light wafted on top of his turbaned head, his feet and his entire body.
Maitreya, in the guise of Jesus, spoke "clear Swahili, which had no traces of accent," and is said to have vanished before witnesses after indicating he wished to return to Heaven.
The Curious Mr Creme
Maitreya's herald, Benjamin Creme:

Apart from the odd miraculous apparition, Maitreya keeps a low profile. He doesn't give interviews, though they are forever being promised. Rather, he communicates telepathically with Englishman Benjamin Creme, who serves as Maitreya's official mouthpiece. Creme has spent decades travelling the world, lecturing and meditating, and presenting "overshadowings" of Ascended Masters. Incredibly, though he's devoted the latter part of his life to being Maitreya's John the Baptist, Creme claims to have never physically met Maitreya.
In his The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Creme discloses such early influences upon his thought as Helen Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society (mystical trunk to esoteric branches such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley's OTO), and Alice Bailey, co-founder of the Lucifer, and later Lucis, Trust. Bailey's 1948 volume The Reappearance of the Christ - allegedly given to her by a Tibetan Master - obviously inspired Creme's own work.
Helen Blavatsky and Alice Bailey:

Yet Creme claims his influences have not all been of this world. Interestingly, especially given our speculation regarding the occult provenence of UFOs, and the significance of both the phenomenon and UFO cults to military intelligence, he writes:
In mid-1957, I began to work with a society involved with the UFO phenomenon, which claimed contact with the Space Brothers. With this group I did my first public speaking, but more importantly, discovered my ability to transmit the cosmic spiritual energies from the Space People.... Toward the end of 1958 I withdrew from this society and entered into the closest contact with, and work for, the Space Brothers.
Creme claims that in 1959 he was visited by "space brothers," and ever since has been in telepathic contact with a spiritual master in the Himalayas. His mission, which he chose to accept: herald the coming of Maitreya.
A quick digression: Steven Greer of the "Disclosure Project" - leading proponent of the "benign space brother" theory of UFOs - is embraced by Share. Also, the modern crop circle phenomenon, something also commonly attributed to "ETs" - seems coincident with Maitreya's descent from "his ancient retreat in the Himilayas" and arrival in Britain. This hasn't been missed by Share, which says "the crop circles are created by the phenomenon we call UFOs, and there is a relation between Maitreya and the UFOs." The fact that most crop circles appear in the UK "is an oblique, subtle way of drawing attention to the fact that Maitreya is in England."
Those who are muttering "crop circles - WTF?" should consider that they were important enough to "New Age enthusiast" Lawrence Rockefeller, that he became a leading patron of circle research (as well as of population control), advocating the promotion of the benign, alien intelligence theory of their origin. Asking "Why?" does not seem like an unreasonable question. (Rockefeller was also a supporter of the work of Steven Greer, which - to those so inclined - may suggest Greer is unwittingly more a part of the disinfo problem, than its solution.)
A leading circle researcher and recipient of a Rockefeller grant, Colin Andrews, has had too-close-for-comfort encounters with the CIA. And bonus amateur footage on the DVD of the documentary Crop Circles: Quest for Truth show two British military helicoptors arriving at a fresh circle. One is seen intimidating the "croppies," while the other slowly maneuvers over a ball of white light in the field of grain, which eventually blinks out. While hoaxes may account for up to 80% of today's circles, something - something not extraterrestrial, though not entirely human, but which acts in concert with human intelligence - seems to be trying to get our attention. Something that has the attention of military intelligence.
It would be wrong to proceed without quoting Jacques Vallee, from Messengers of Deception:
Some influential group could well be using various cults as a front for its own purposes. Some occult specialists go beyond this view, and suggest that the UFO phenomenon could even by the device that such a group is using to make its existence felt, to project an image of the future destiny of Man that transcends war, poverty, disease and national government.
UFO groups, contactee organizations, many occult sects and various government branches are engaged in a strange sort of game.... The manipulation of the phenomenon may order to use the minds and emotions of the contactees as a means of influencing social beliefs and behavior. If so, who has decided in which direction this behavior should be bent?

In 1990, Sean David Morton, who says he is a "'Sensitive' or psychic," visited Creme with a documentary film crew. He writes he "went in with no preconceptions or agendas":
While Creme spoke, I could psychically "see" two odd beings standing near him, one small and thick, the other thin and very tall. I had the feeling that they were somehow 'protecting' him from me. I mentioned this to Joe, and he smiled and laughed knowingly. Later he told me that he could "see" these two entities also, being able to see around a few corners himself. Creme does a meditation in which he claims to be "Overshadowed" by the spirits of his "Masters". The first time he did it for us, he said he was overshadowed by a Tibetan with whom he carries on a constant inner and outer dialogue, very much like someone talking with an invisible, imaginary friend, like a new age Jimmy Stewart talking with Harvey, his giant rabbit. When Creme is stumped for an answer, he will stop, close his eyes, listen to some unseeable source, and then respond.
On his first Overshadowing, I closed my eyes and held up my hands, palms outwards, to absorb the healing spiritual energy that would accompany such a manifestation.
What I saw and felt shocked me.
I saw a circular sphere of white, yellowish energy encircle his head, and from it sprouted tentacles of bluish purple Neptunian colors. I suddenly realized that it was exactly the same image that covered the walls on the multiple canvases of his artwork. With my hand outstretched the hair at the nape of my neck began to bristle. To say I felt nothing wouldn't do it justice. It would be more accurate to say I felt "nothingness", as if a hole had simply opened in the space/time continuum that was chilling, and seemed to suck the energy from all three of us.
Later in the interview, he agreed to do an Overshadowing from Lord Maitreya himself. Creme says he has never personally met or seen Maitreya, but that he knows where he now lives and could do so at anytime. He felt that it was better for his development if he carried on having not seen him, "Those having NOT seen, yet still believing" being more blessed. This time I gave him my moonstone ring to hold and "charge". I had gotten the ring in India and it possesses certain mystical properties of its own, which I am not free to discuss. As The Overshadowing began, the same tentacled manifestation occurred, but this time the tendrils where a flaming, hellish red and yellow.
The three of us were almost knocked unconscious by the energy drain in the room. I began to get cold, woozy and a sick, and it wasn't due to the terrible English food! The same numbing cold filled me. When he gave me back my ring, it was ICE COLD! It stayed that way for three days, where it needed heavy purification and re-energizing. All of the above are just my opinions and personal subjective observations, and they should be taken as such.
"It would be more accurate to say I felt 'nothingness.'" Or, in the Enochian tongue, "I felt AFFA," which was also the name of the self-professed "space patrol leader" channelled by Naval Intelligence in 1959.
There's another interesting account here of the "overshadowing" phenomenon, as witnessed at the end of a Creme lecture by an evangelical Christian (who appears to have gone scouting for the Antichrist):
It wasn't long at all before I was the object of Benjamin Creme deep, unearthly gaze. His eyes seemed to be looking through the back of my head. I blinked to clear my vision, but it was still there. Perhaps I had been staring too long, and my vision was turning blurry? I glanced away, a few feet from his head, to the potted plant next to him. It was gone. I looked back at Benjamin, and WHAM! There it was again... The man was bathed in a strange glow. It was golden in color, and it extended to my peripheral vision. It was as if there were two layers of images. One was the normal image of a man sitting with his palm facing me, and the second was the same image, yet golden toned and softly defocused. The two images appeared to move against each other slightly in a random pulsing behaviour. The overall look was a bit similar to the old Hollywood pin-up glamour queens of the 1940's... in perfect, yet soft focus.
When he was looking directly at me, the glow was quite strong, absolutely unmistakable. If I was to take my eyes off his body, even by a few feet, the glow stopped abruptly. It was not a sleepy vision type thing, for the moment that I would look back at him the glow would trigger again immediately! I could turn it on and off like a switch, just by shifting my eyes. Even if I only saw him from the corner of my eye, the glow was not there... but look back, and boom. Full-on glow. The next thing that I noticed was that as he gazed around the room, the amount of glow I saw would decrease as he got further off-axis from me. Think of it as a lighthouse. He was emanating the light, it was not being shined on him. I checked, but it was not that kind of illumination anyway. I knew I would see no source lamp of any type, and I was right.
As I walked down the hallway to the door, I sidled up alongside a woman of about 40.
I quietly asked her about the end of the evening.
Me: What were those last words that he said?
Her: Uhhmmmm, I think... thank you?
Me: Oh, okay...(pause)...did he... glow?
Her: YES!!! (her eyes go very wide, and she catches her breath)
Me: Did it stop if you looked away?
Her: Yes! and it was golden....and... and....
Benjamin Creme, "Lord Maitreya" and Wayne Peterson:

Maitreya's Diplomat
Though he's Maitreya's "official" mouthpiece, Creme does not stand alone. Perhaps more curious than Creme is American Wayne Peterson, a 32-year career diplomat, with postings in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and the recently retired director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program. Unlike Creme, Peterson's actually met Maitreya.
Peterson strikes a curious note in this 2000 interview, in which he suggests just how deep this goes, seemingly without realizing it himself:
I can publicly talk about it for a very good reason and that reason is, nobody knows who I am, really. My name is not a household word. But most of the people that Maitreya is working with are people whose name would be recognized by millions of people, if not internationally, at least in their own country. I will tell one little story.
I was invited one day not too many years ago, when a friend of mine got together 16 people more or less in a private residence in Washington. The reason for this was that a delegation from Europe had arrived. All I can say about this delegation is that among it was a man who is a very close friend of the Pope. And you can put two and two together if you like.
The White House was represented at this little dinner and there were people who were very influential in the political plane of things in Washington as well as some lawyers and a few other people. It was my role to talk about the Reappearance of the Christ. This is pretty tough, when you've got one of the men who have the ear of the pope sitting across the table from you and you don't know if he is going to get up and try and ring your neck or not.
It was an attempt to see how much these people knew. Only afterwards did we know that they knew very well about this. I talked on and on and on and not a word was said by anyone. Finally I stopped and said to the host and hostess "I think I have said enough. Doesn't anyone have anything to say?"
They finally prodded this European visitor who knows the pope very well and he said, "I cannot speak about this. It is up for the Holy Father to speak about this. I can only say: we know all about this, this is not new to us."
The party broke up after that and I was the last person leaving. When I was walking across the yard of this huge area that was build for foreign ambassadors, the bushes were moving and someone jumped out of the dark out of these bushes. It was one of the dinner guests who said, "I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't want the other people see me talk to you."
That's how secretive they are. They wouldn't even open up at the dinner party. He said, "I have met this man you are talking about, I see him several times a week." This man who jumped out of the bushes is a man who is a close friend of President Clinton. He is in the White House and dealing with senators on a daily basis. He said that we should meet and talk together and then said to me "You don't understand how big this story is!"
I answered that I believed that I understood this quite well but wasn't able to express everything on that evening. I said that I had also read Benjamin Creme's books and knew that there would be great changes. But he said, "No, you don't understand, it's much bigger than you think!" And I said, "No, I really think I understand how big the Reappearance of the Christ is" and he said, "No, no, it is much bigger." ...he spent five hours telling me about all the contacts he has had with Maitreya.
From the same interview, Peterson's understanding of Maitreya's approaching "Day of Declaration":
On that day Maitreya will go on international television worldwide and telepathically every human being will hear his message for his plan to transform humanity in his or her native language but it will be telepathic. Then he will give what he calls this experience of himself so there will be no doubts in anyone's heart of who he is because people recognize him instantly when he does this.
The government we have today will not survive 15 even 10 years after Maitreya's TV address. As much as we may worship our current system and all the other institutions we have build for 2,000 years in the western world under Christianity which then spread to rest of the world: these are not going to exist any longer.
Just as in the old Roman Empire when the new Christian consciousness came in and swept over it. They build new institutions from the ground up because there was nothing the Christian consciousness could use from the old Roman system. But of course, they had several hundreds of years to deal with it, we don't. Our change is going to be more dramatic; we just have a couple of decades at most, to make the transformation.
It's that close. It could happen any day. As you might know, Benjamin Creme who is in constant telepathic contact with one of the Masters has said and Maitreya has also said this a number of times that you can be sure, he will appear as soon as you see the American stock market crash. Almost immediately after that he will go on TV and calm the fears and say, "This is a necessary step towards the new world we're moving into."
Transmitting directly to the brain a "divine," We are the world message that leaves no room for doubt sounds to me like "Project Pandora," the application of psychocivilizing technologies, and MindWar.
In another interview, Peterson had this to say about what Maitreya will bring the world:
We have gotten ourselves in so deep over our heads that no nation, no group of people can do enough to pull us back out of this. Maitreya's message is that humanity can be guided back onto the right path and through working with the Masters, bring new technology into our lives to bring these changes about.
Q: What kind of technology?
A: What we need more than anything else right now is a new source of energy. That is something that Maitreya has promised, we are told. I understand that there are scientists working on new types of energy right now that will free us from our use of fossil fuel. All of our nuclear power plants can be shut down and we'll have abundant energy for every village in the world.
So it seems Maitreya's "Day of Declaration" will mean, to an oil-exhausted world, an end to the "hunt for zero point." Or perhaps, rather, an end to the illusion that the hunt is still on.
Further in Peterson's interview, George HW Bush's name appears:
Q: Do you know of any former US presidents that are aware of Maitreya and the work?
A: When I did transmission meditation in Washington DC, we used the house of one of President George Bush's advisors. The man himself was not a member of the group but allowed his housekeeper to host our meetings. One evening, while Mr. Bush was having dinner with his associate, he jokingly asked our group hostess, "Am I going to win this election against Bill Clinton?" and she said "No, Mr. President, Lord Maitreya has already said that you are going to loose." At least he heard it from that one point, but I'm sure he has probably had other contacts with Maitreya as well.
One of Those Things

One of those things. That's all this may amount to. One of those crazy things, that prove to be nothing, and their study simply squandered time. Quite possibly so.
Unfortunately, if it isn't, there may be nothing more important in the world.
In Unshackled, the autobiography of mind control survivor Kathleen Sullivan, she refers to a perpetrator by the pseudonym of "Lucian," whom she describes as a statesman, master hypnotist and paedophile. Sullivan writes that over the years of their association, Lucian confided this to her:
True or not, Lucian told me that Lucis Trust planned to make a man called "Lord Maitreya" their representative to the world, to attract and indoctrinate the masses into the Luciferians' planned world religion (as part of their Aryan-Greco-Roman-Egyptian "New World Order"). Lucian said the Lucis Trust would convince Christians that Maitreya was the reincarnated Messiah, returned to Earth.
Lucian taught several of my alter-states that he and his fellow worshippers were being kept in spiritual darkness along with Lucifer, who took on the persona of the dark lord, Satan, when Jesus Christ stole the light from him.... He explained that some Luciferians had already passed on and become gods. He called them "Ascended Masters." He convinced me that some devotees are able to "channel" the Masters in occult rituals.
Something worth remembering about Luciferians. It may sound backwards and inside-out, given the dark manifestations of their philosophy and magickal workings, but they are essentially cockeyed optimists. They believe they are bringing light to the world, not darkness, and that humanity has a capacity for illumination far beyond that admitted by major religions.
They think they're the good guys. They think they are saving the world.
Benjamin Creme told Sean David Morton that "Hitler was a very high spiritual master," and conceded only after prodding from Morton that his "power may have been 'misused.'"
One of those crazy things.
The symbol of Maitreya:

Just to land in the Andes?
Was it round, and did it have a motor?
Or...was it something…different?
– Frank Zappa, "Inca Roads"

Have you seen this man?
Probably not. He's that damned, ellusive Pimpernel of the New Age Movement (a.k.a., the old Theosophist Movement). He's "Lord Maitreya." And perhaps, if the Military-Occult Complex has its way, he may soon be coming to a pineal gland near you.
Here's a disclaimer, before I get into this.
Everytime I start one of these threads, I wonder how big a mistake I'm about to make. Not because I could embarrass myself on the Internet. (It would take nude photos to do that, and I don't work blue.) Rather, and simply, because I could be profoundly wrong. Whenever dealing with the Highly Weird, that's a high probability. As I've said before, all the conclusions I draw must be provisional, because there's too much I don't know to be definitive about anything but my ignorance.
And so, as Rod Serling would say: Submitted for your approval....
Look Out - Here Comes "Maitreya"
So, who is he, and why should we care? The second question may be more easily answered than the first. But let's start with the who, as best we can.
Maitreya is said to be an "Ascended Master" - a "Secret Chief" - who, in 1977, took human form and left his "ancient retreat in the Himalayas" to reside in the Indo-Pakistani community of London. "He has been living and working there, seemingly as an ordinary man, his true status known to relatively few," according to Share International, the non-profit organization dedicated to preparing the world for his lordship. When the world is ready - and desperate enough - Maitreya's "Day of Declaration" will arrive, on which he will telepathically communicate his reality to the world. Voila - instant karma. Share International says "at this time of great political, economic and social crisis, Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation."
Maitreya's emergence has been slow and fitfull, supposedly to avoid infringing humanity's free will, though Share lists numerous miraculous appearances around the world. Curiously, "in most cases, he has magnetized water in the vicinity before he appeared." (Crop circles - those that are not obvious hoaxes - also often demonstrate bizarre magnetic properties.) And curiouser: "The people before whom he appears are in every case fundamentalists of one persuasion or another. Denominationally they vary tremendously but the consistent factor is that they are all extremely dogmatic in their beliefs. Maitreya appears to them to soften them up. These are the groups from whom, throughout the world, he expects the major opposition and rejection."
The most dramatic and best documented of his appearances occurred in Nairobi, in 1988. Here is the Share account, while others can be read on this page, compiled by someone who believes something quite different about Maitreya.
Pardon me, comin' through: Maitreya as Jesus, in Kenya

Editor of the Kenya Times, Job Mutungi, was an eyewitness. In the June 22, 1988 edition, he wrote:
Worshippers were busy singing Mungu ni Mwema, a popular Swahili hymn, when Mary Akatsa interjected. She announced that God had spoken to her and told her to "await a miracle because a very important guest would be coming to give her a very vital message." People "braced themselves for the unknown" while others stared blankly at her, their mouths agape with awe and bewilderment.
Five minutes later, she asked those who were singing and dancing to stop as the long-awaited message had arrived. "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus of Nazareth!" went the loud whispers from the crowd as they raised up their hands in submission and divine welcome.

The tall figure of a barefooted, white-robed and bearded man appeared from nowhere and stood in the middle of the crowd. He was walking slowly towards the new church building away from the tent. Mary walked with him, side by side.
I looked at my watch. It was 4.15 pm. Her voice was drowned by cries and loud moans of "Jesus! Jesu. Yeeesu! You have come. Welcome Jeesus! Wash our sins. Help us Jeesus!" For many, it was the last prayer. It appeared to them the "Son of Man" had at last fulfilled His promise of coming back to earth. They knelt down in emotional prayers in a frantic effort to save their souls at the 11th hour. A man lying near to me urinated in his trousers. But I stared back at the stranger in the meeting without blinking. Strange, sporadic light wafted on top of his turbaned head, his feet and his entire body.
Maitreya, in the guise of Jesus, spoke "clear Swahili, which had no traces of accent," and is said to have vanished before witnesses after indicating he wished to return to Heaven.
The Curious Mr Creme
Maitreya's herald, Benjamin Creme:

Apart from the odd miraculous apparition, Maitreya keeps a low profile. He doesn't give interviews, though they are forever being promised. Rather, he communicates telepathically with Englishman Benjamin Creme, who serves as Maitreya's official mouthpiece. Creme has spent decades travelling the world, lecturing and meditating, and presenting "overshadowings" of Ascended Masters. Incredibly, though he's devoted the latter part of his life to being Maitreya's John the Baptist, Creme claims to have never physically met Maitreya.
In his The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Creme discloses such early influences upon his thought as Helen Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society (mystical trunk to esoteric branches such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley's OTO), and Alice Bailey, co-founder of the Lucifer, and later Lucis, Trust. Bailey's 1948 volume The Reappearance of the Christ - allegedly given to her by a Tibetan Master - obviously inspired Creme's own work.
Helen Blavatsky and Alice Bailey:

Yet Creme claims his influences have not all been of this world. Interestingly, especially given our speculation regarding the occult provenence of UFOs, and the significance of both the phenomenon and UFO cults to military intelligence, he writes:
In mid-1957, I began to work with a society involved with the UFO phenomenon, which claimed contact with the Space Brothers. With this group I did my first public speaking, but more importantly, discovered my ability to transmit the cosmic spiritual energies from the Space People.... Toward the end of 1958 I withdrew from this society and entered into the closest contact with, and work for, the Space Brothers.
Creme claims that in 1959 he was visited by "space brothers," and ever since has been in telepathic contact with a spiritual master in the Himalayas. His mission, which he chose to accept: herald the coming of Maitreya.
A quick digression: Steven Greer of the "Disclosure Project" - leading proponent of the "benign space brother" theory of UFOs - is embraced by Share. Also, the modern crop circle phenomenon, something also commonly attributed to "ETs" - seems coincident with Maitreya's descent from "his ancient retreat in the Himilayas" and arrival in Britain. This hasn't been missed by Share, which says "the crop circles are created by the phenomenon we call UFOs, and there is a relation between Maitreya and the UFOs." The fact that most crop circles appear in the UK "is an oblique, subtle way of drawing attention to the fact that Maitreya is in England."
Those who are muttering "crop circles - WTF?" should consider that they were important enough to "New Age enthusiast" Lawrence Rockefeller, that he became a leading patron of circle research (as well as of population control), advocating the promotion of the benign, alien intelligence theory of their origin. Asking "Why?" does not seem like an unreasonable question. (Rockefeller was also a supporter of the work of Steven Greer, which - to those so inclined - may suggest Greer is unwittingly more a part of the disinfo problem, than its solution.)
A leading circle researcher and recipient of a Rockefeller grant, Colin Andrews, has had too-close-for-comfort encounters with the CIA. And bonus amateur footage on the DVD of the documentary Crop Circles: Quest for Truth show two British military helicoptors arriving at a fresh circle. One is seen intimidating the "croppies," while the other slowly maneuvers over a ball of white light in the field of grain, which eventually blinks out. While hoaxes may account for up to 80% of today's circles, something - something not extraterrestrial, though not entirely human, but which acts in concert with human intelligence - seems to be trying to get our attention. Something that has the attention of military intelligence.
It would be wrong to proceed without quoting Jacques Vallee, from Messengers of Deception:
Some influential group could well be using various cults as a front for its own purposes. Some occult specialists go beyond this view, and suggest that the UFO phenomenon could even by the device that such a group is using to make its existence felt, to project an image of the future destiny of Man that transcends war, poverty, disease and national government.
UFO groups, contactee organizations, many occult sects and various government branches are engaged in a strange sort of game.... The manipulation of the phenomenon may order to use the minds and emotions of the contactees as a means of influencing social beliefs and behavior. If so, who has decided in which direction this behavior should be bent?

In 1990, Sean David Morton, who says he is a "'Sensitive' or psychic," visited Creme with a documentary film crew. He writes he "went in with no preconceptions or agendas":
While Creme spoke, I could psychically "see" two odd beings standing near him, one small and thick, the other thin and very tall. I had the feeling that they were somehow 'protecting' him from me. I mentioned this to Joe, and he smiled and laughed knowingly. Later he told me that he could "see" these two entities also, being able to see around a few corners himself. Creme does a meditation in which he claims to be "Overshadowed" by the spirits of his "Masters". The first time he did it for us, he said he was overshadowed by a Tibetan with whom he carries on a constant inner and outer dialogue, very much like someone talking with an invisible, imaginary friend, like a new age Jimmy Stewart talking with Harvey, his giant rabbit. When Creme is stumped for an answer, he will stop, close his eyes, listen to some unseeable source, and then respond.
On his first Overshadowing, I closed my eyes and held up my hands, palms outwards, to absorb the healing spiritual energy that would accompany such a manifestation.
What I saw and felt shocked me.
I saw a circular sphere of white, yellowish energy encircle his head, and from it sprouted tentacles of bluish purple Neptunian colors. I suddenly realized that it was exactly the same image that covered the walls on the multiple canvases of his artwork. With my hand outstretched the hair at the nape of my neck began to bristle. To say I felt nothing wouldn't do it justice. It would be more accurate to say I felt "nothingness", as if a hole had simply opened in the space/time continuum that was chilling, and seemed to suck the energy from all three of us.
Later in the interview, he agreed to do an Overshadowing from Lord Maitreya himself. Creme says he has never personally met or seen Maitreya, but that he knows where he now lives and could do so at anytime. He felt that it was better for his development if he carried on having not seen him, "Those having NOT seen, yet still believing" being more blessed. This time I gave him my moonstone ring to hold and "charge". I had gotten the ring in India and it possesses certain mystical properties of its own, which I am not free to discuss. As The Overshadowing began, the same tentacled manifestation occurred, but this time the tendrils where a flaming, hellish red and yellow.
The three of us were almost knocked unconscious by the energy drain in the room. I began to get cold, woozy and a sick, and it wasn't due to the terrible English food! The same numbing cold filled me. When he gave me back my ring, it was ICE COLD! It stayed that way for three days, where it needed heavy purification and re-energizing. All of the above are just my opinions and personal subjective observations, and they should be taken as such.
"It would be more accurate to say I felt 'nothingness.'" Or, in the Enochian tongue, "I felt AFFA," which was also the name of the self-professed "space patrol leader" channelled by Naval Intelligence in 1959.
There's another interesting account here of the "overshadowing" phenomenon, as witnessed at the end of a Creme lecture by an evangelical Christian (who appears to have gone scouting for the Antichrist):
It wasn't long at all before I was the object of Benjamin Creme deep, unearthly gaze. His eyes seemed to be looking through the back of my head. I blinked to clear my vision, but it was still there. Perhaps I had been staring too long, and my vision was turning blurry? I glanced away, a few feet from his head, to the potted plant next to him. It was gone. I looked back at Benjamin, and WHAM! There it was again... The man was bathed in a strange glow. It was golden in color, and it extended to my peripheral vision. It was as if there were two layers of images. One was the normal image of a man sitting with his palm facing me, and the second was the same image, yet golden toned and softly defocused. The two images appeared to move against each other slightly in a random pulsing behaviour. The overall look was a bit similar to the old Hollywood pin-up glamour queens of the 1940's... in perfect, yet soft focus.
When he was looking directly at me, the glow was quite strong, absolutely unmistakable. If I was to take my eyes off his body, even by a few feet, the glow stopped abruptly. It was not a sleepy vision type thing, for the moment that I would look back at him the glow would trigger again immediately! I could turn it on and off like a switch, just by shifting my eyes. Even if I only saw him from the corner of my eye, the glow was not there... but look back, and boom. Full-on glow. The next thing that I noticed was that as he gazed around the room, the amount of glow I saw would decrease as he got further off-axis from me. Think of it as a lighthouse. He was emanating the light, it was not being shined on him. I checked, but it was not that kind of illumination anyway. I knew I would see no source lamp of any type, and I was right.
As I walked down the hallway to the door, I sidled up alongside a woman of about 40.
I quietly asked her about the end of the evening.
Me: What were those last words that he said?
Her: Uhhmmmm, I think... thank you?
Me: Oh, okay...(pause)...did he... glow?
Her: YES!!! (her eyes go very wide, and she catches her breath)
Me: Did it stop if you looked away?
Her: Yes! and it was golden....and... and....
Benjamin Creme, "Lord Maitreya" and Wayne Peterson:

Maitreya's Diplomat
Though he's Maitreya's "official" mouthpiece, Creme does not stand alone. Perhaps more curious than Creme is American Wayne Peterson, a 32-year career diplomat, with postings in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and the recently retired director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program. Unlike Creme, Peterson's actually met Maitreya.
Peterson strikes a curious note in this 2000 interview, in which he suggests just how deep this goes, seemingly without realizing it himself:
I can publicly talk about it for a very good reason and that reason is, nobody knows who I am, really. My name is not a household word. But most of the people that Maitreya is working with are people whose name would be recognized by millions of people, if not internationally, at least in their own country. I will tell one little story.
I was invited one day not too many years ago, when a friend of mine got together 16 people more or less in a private residence in Washington. The reason for this was that a delegation from Europe had arrived. All I can say about this delegation is that among it was a man who is a very close friend of the Pope. And you can put two and two together if you like.
The White House was represented at this little dinner and there were people who were very influential in the political plane of things in Washington as well as some lawyers and a few other people. It was my role to talk about the Reappearance of the Christ. This is pretty tough, when you've got one of the men who have the ear of the pope sitting across the table from you and you don't know if he is going to get up and try and ring your neck or not.
It was an attempt to see how much these people knew. Only afterwards did we know that they knew very well about this. I talked on and on and on and not a word was said by anyone. Finally I stopped and said to the host and hostess "I think I have said enough. Doesn't anyone have anything to say?"
They finally prodded this European visitor who knows the pope very well and he said, "I cannot speak about this. It is up for the Holy Father to speak about this. I can only say: we know all about this, this is not new to us."
The party broke up after that and I was the last person leaving. When I was walking across the yard of this huge area that was build for foreign ambassadors, the bushes were moving and someone jumped out of the dark out of these bushes. It was one of the dinner guests who said, "I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't want the other people see me talk to you."
That's how secretive they are. They wouldn't even open up at the dinner party. He said, "I have met this man you are talking about, I see him several times a week." This man who jumped out of the bushes is a man who is a close friend of President Clinton. He is in the White House and dealing with senators on a daily basis. He said that we should meet and talk together and then said to me "You don't understand how big this story is!"
I answered that I believed that I understood this quite well but wasn't able to express everything on that evening. I said that I had also read Benjamin Creme's books and knew that there would be great changes. But he said, "No, you don't understand, it's much bigger than you think!" And I said, "No, I really think I understand how big the Reappearance of the Christ is" and he said, "No, no, it is much bigger." ...he spent five hours telling me about all the contacts he has had with Maitreya.
From the same interview, Peterson's understanding of Maitreya's approaching "Day of Declaration":
On that day Maitreya will go on international television worldwide and telepathically every human being will hear his message for his plan to transform humanity in his or her native language but it will be telepathic. Then he will give what he calls this experience of himself so there will be no doubts in anyone's heart of who he is because people recognize him instantly when he does this.
The government we have today will not survive 15 even 10 years after Maitreya's TV address. As much as we may worship our current system and all the other institutions we have build for 2,000 years in the western world under Christianity which then spread to rest of the world: these are not going to exist any longer.
Just as in the old Roman Empire when the new Christian consciousness came in and swept over it. They build new institutions from the ground up because there was nothing the Christian consciousness could use from the old Roman system. But of course, they had several hundreds of years to deal with it, we don't. Our change is going to be more dramatic; we just have a couple of decades at most, to make the transformation.
It's that close. It could happen any day. As you might know, Benjamin Creme who is in constant telepathic contact with one of the Masters has said and Maitreya has also said this a number of times that you can be sure, he will appear as soon as you see the American stock market crash. Almost immediately after that he will go on TV and calm the fears and say, "This is a necessary step towards the new world we're moving into."
Transmitting directly to the brain a "divine," We are the world message that leaves no room for doubt sounds to me like "Project Pandora," the application of psychocivilizing technologies, and MindWar.
In another interview, Peterson had this to say about what Maitreya will bring the world:
We have gotten ourselves in so deep over our heads that no nation, no group of people can do enough to pull us back out of this. Maitreya's message is that humanity can be guided back onto the right path and through working with the Masters, bring new technology into our lives to bring these changes about.
Q: What kind of technology?
A: What we need more than anything else right now is a new source of energy. That is something that Maitreya has promised, we are told. I understand that there are scientists working on new types of energy right now that will free us from our use of fossil fuel. All of our nuclear power plants can be shut down and we'll have abundant energy for every village in the world.
So it seems Maitreya's "Day of Declaration" will mean, to an oil-exhausted world, an end to the "hunt for zero point." Or perhaps, rather, an end to the illusion that the hunt is still on.
Further in Peterson's interview, George HW Bush's name appears:
Q: Do you know of any former US presidents that are aware of Maitreya and the work?
A: When I did transmission meditation in Washington DC, we used the house of one of President George Bush's advisors. The man himself was not a member of the group but allowed his housekeeper to host our meetings. One evening, while Mr. Bush was having dinner with his associate, he jokingly asked our group hostess, "Am I going to win this election against Bill Clinton?" and she said "No, Mr. President, Lord Maitreya has already said that you are going to loose." At least he heard it from that one point, but I'm sure he has probably had other contacts with Maitreya as well.
One of Those Things

One of those things. That's all this may amount to. One of those crazy things, that prove to be nothing, and their study simply squandered time. Quite possibly so.
Unfortunately, if it isn't, there may be nothing more important in the world.
In Unshackled, the autobiography of mind control survivor Kathleen Sullivan, she refers to a perpetrator by the pseudonym of "Lucian," whom she describes as a statesman, master hypnotist and paedophile. Sullivan writes that over the years of their association, Lucian confided this to her:
True or not, Lucian told me that Lucis Trust planned to make a man called "Lord Maitreya" their representative to the world, to attract and indoctrinate the masses into the Luciferians' planned world religion (as part of their Aryan-Greco-Roman-Egyptian "New World Order"). Lucian said the Lucis Trust would convince Christians that Maitreya was the reincarnated Messiah, returned to Earth.
Lucian taught several of my alter-states that he and his fellow worshippers were being kept in spiritual darkness along with Lucifer, who took on the persona of the dark lord, Satan, when Jesus Christ stole the light from him.... He explained that some Luciferians had already passed on and become gods. He called them "Ascended Masters." He convinced me that some devotees are able to "channel" the Masters in occult rituals.
Something worth remembering about Luciferians. It may sound backwards and inside-out, given the dark manifestations of their philosophy and magickal workings, but they are essentially cockeyed optimists. They believe they are bringing light to the world, not darkness, and that humanity has a capacity for illumination far beyond that admitted by major religions.
They think they're the good guys. They think they are saving the world.
Benjamin Creme told Sean David Morton that "Hitler was a very high spiritual master," and conceded only after prodding from Morton that his "power may have been 'misused.'"
One of those crazy things.
The symbol of Maitreya:

Your work is amazing Jeff. Don't ever stop writing. And if you know of others who think, research and write in a similiar fashion, please let us know. I feel your independent mind, independent research and imagination are the only kind of things that will get us through. We need more people like you.
P.S. to the fundamentalists: the second coming already occured. His name was Ivan Illich.
Comment field was wonky much of the day. I think - hope - it's fixed now.
Thank you so much, for such fine sleuthing and writing! Everything you report makes such sense in a very strange way, many pieces of the puzzle fall into place. I would like to see more about the connections with Alice Baily and the Theousophical Society. I recall they had several enemies such as Krishnamurti, Rudolph Steiner, and Vivekananda to name a few. I remember hearing that they chose Adolph Hitler after their plans for establishing Krishnamurti as a leader of a world religion fell flat after he refused to cooperate with their plans for him.
First things first, excellent blog Jeff. Now, at first glance, maitreya's symbol seems to be the world's major religions united, however, do I also see a swastika in the center? Is there anywhere I can get a detailed break down of what each symbol means? Like the star of david with a rising sun. Is the star of david when surrounded by a circle a form of pentagram? Anyone?....Anyone?....
Wooow Jeff,
Three years ago I knew a man in Mexico City, a lawyer friend of James Wolfenson, and a expert in Enochian magik. He said the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Tavistok Institute were very interested on Nibiru, the "spaceship" coming to Earth and recalled by Zacharia Sitchin... and that Prince Charles was an active member at Lucis Trust. He said that a crisis was being prepared, and fake space brothers will appear. After that conversation he just disappeared... I hope this info could make sense.
PS. What do you think about Goro Adachi´s Etemenanki site?
I've seen that man, I know him. He plays forward for the World Champion Detroit Pistons. Is Creme his agent?
I am totally mesmerized by this blog. If Maitreya's visit to Mary Akatsa in Nairobi took place in 1988, why hasn't this story been heard before? Please keep us posted on any new developments. Thanks for your detective work.
This is "Project Pandora" stuff for sure. I am surprised that the other commenter's seem to take this voodoo so seriously.
Matthew 24,3-6,11,23-25, so..44
Why does Creme take credit for the fall of communism, then admit to being a staunch communist when questioned by SDM? You'd think you'd get you're story straight before claiming to be God's herald.
My first reaction to this stuff is that it reminds me very much of the Priory of Sion business. Those of us who do research, particularly on the Net, have one glaring weak spot. We're very good at dismissing a wild story if we find it all goes back to a single unverifiable source. But when we discover a whole bunch of tiny clues in seemingly unrelated contexts and piece them together ourselves to form a larger picture, we are likely to become very invested in our work and find it hard to conceive that we might have been gamed by a master clue-planter.
My second reaction is that whatever complicated head-games may be going on behind the scenes have had sixty years to pick up steam. My son, after watching a recent History Channel program on the experimental tech projects of World War II -- the vertical take-off planes and what-not -- became convinced that, far from being dropped when the war ended, all these devices and others even more incredible have continued to be developed ever since in secret.
He and I kicked the idea around a little, and I pointed out that the frantic pace of technological development between 1875 and 1945 had dwindled to a trickle since World War II. Aside from a narrow range of consumer-oriented products (mainly electronics and synthetic fibers), there's been almost nothing. You might come up with convoluted psychological theories to explain this -- such as that the atomic bomb made everybody terrified of inventing anything new -- or you could start to entertain the theory that perhaps spectacular new inventions really have been forthcoming, but that the government is sitting on most of them.
Now take that a step further. If you look at what was going on in the late 40's and early 50's with the CIA and strategic analysis types, they just don't seem to have been very interested in conventional warfare or major weapons systems. Instead, they were fascinated by unconventional warfare, psychological warfare, low-intensity conflicts, and the possibilities of brainwashing and direct mind control.
It wasn't just the spooks -- this stuff is all over science fiction of the period as well. But then it just vanishes. Supposedly, the spooks realized that there was no such thing as a mind control ray, that drugs like LSD could mess people up but wouldn't turn them into your willing slaves, and that if you wanted to control selected individuals you had to do it the old-fashioned way, one mob-style murder or intimidation at a time. And that is very likely true.
But what if the public acknowledgments of the high-tech MK/ULTRA stuff that didn't work have been used to cover over the fact that certain other, far older techniques for psychological manipulation of large populations not only work extremely well but have been in continuous use for the last 60 years?
There was a report out last week that Americans, unlike the citizens of every other developed nation, attach a high level of importance to religion in their daily lives. And though the report didn't press the point, we all know that for many Americans, "religion" really means what people in the more enlightened era of our Founding Fathers would have called "superstition." That is, attachment to a variety of bizarre belief systems with no basis at all in objective reality and with obvious maladaptive effects when it comes to working on the environment or other serious problems that face us over the next couple of decades.
And the question that raises is, "When did Americans get so dumb?" Did we throw all our faith in science out the window at the same time we stopped inventing cool new tech? Or has somebody been messing with our heads over two generations now to get us into a position where we are maximally compliant, manipulable, and disinclined to ask questions about what is happening to us?
Anonymous One,two books to check out,The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson,and Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow by Constance Combey.I read these books in the 80's,they describe the Maitreya and the rainbow as the bridge to the soul,does anyone remember the little decals that were everywhere in the 80's? Also remember the unicorns,the mythical beast of light.I hope I have my HD TV up hooked in time for the show of a lifetime.When they flip the switch on this planet no one will be able to resist their message,your mind will already be theirs.He who deciveth the whole world will take control,but a few of us will be able to see the truth,where others are blinded by the light of Lucifer,the angel of light,later.
Did we throw all our faith in science out the window at the same time we stopped inventing cool new tech? Or has somebody been messing with our heads over two generations now to get us into a position where we are maximally compliant, manipulable, and disinclined to ask questions about what is happening to us?
This seems to be closer to the truth.
In fact, a lot of Wright wing conspiracy sites are ranking the anti-Bu$hCo movement with the alien abduction crowd.
DisBelief in what your world view doesn't accomodate, unquestioning belief in what Authority asserts as true.
One thing though, to address the paranormal items that keep emerging here: speaking as a scientist, I have to tell you no amount of Ritual or belief in Magic is going to open any inter-dimensional portal.
Our bubble in the Multiverse just isn't constructed that way; or at least we are nowhere near the technological sophistication required to escape our Universe.
Much less to navigate other realites or choose where to go visit.
However, if we really do exist in a multiverse, it might be possible for more advanced technological sophisticates from the outside to do so at their choosing.
Likely this has never happened. Most probably, like religion and mysticism, the paranormal events are simply covers for mundane, if evil, agencies like the private security corporations currently taking over the CIA (again). In fact, Occam's razor cuts most of the data this way.
At least, that's my hope.
You don't see it at once, but there's definetly a blue swastika in the middle of that symbol, which looks like it's meant to be slightly disguised. That alone should be enough evidence that these people are at the very least a little creepy. If it's true that many world leaders subscribe to this stuff, that can't be good news on any level. It's interesting that a mystical anti-semitism seems to be a component in much of this "New Age" material, including the writings of Alice whats-her-name (of the Lucius trust). Not least since she was writing that stuff in the 40s, you have to wonder about the connection, ideologically if nothing else, to certain other people devoted to the same ideas back in those days.
One obvious question is how Lyndon LaRouche fits into this, since the Lucis Trust plays a central role in his Anglo-centric conspiracy theories. See, for example, How All My Enemies Will Die. (Whoever put this document online at a UFO site was thoughtful enough to introduce it with the heading, "WARNING: THIS FILE CONTAINS CONSPIRACY-MINDED DISINFORMATION AND MAY HAVE BEEN DESIGNED AS PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.")
LaRouche's writings in general have strong underpinnings in Theosophical and Anthroposophical cosmology, though with some unique variations of his own. I'm not an expert on this -- I ran into some of it last fall when trying to find out why LaRouche was referring to Nadarites as "beast-men" -- but I think you need to take it into account if you're going to get into this territory.
Though Maitreya claims to have made many appearances before congregations, his site doesn't link to even one that could verify the story. Whereas real gurus like the Dalai Lama get down to brass tacks, Maitreya's "teachings" are fluff.
The light superimposed over Creme on direct gaze sounds to me like a holographic projection. These can disappear with just a slight change of viewing angle.
Crop circles start out simple in the spring and become progressively more complex. They often occur along flight paths near military basis, and may be made by pilots being trained in the use of microwave beam weapons.
The swastica started out as a bona fide spiritual symbol. It's probably true that any new universal religion would need to reclaim the swastica and the people who still revere it.
An old SF book called "When They Come From Space" first explored the idea of a staged battle between good and evil UFOs as mind-control hoax.
Maitreya is obviously not what he claims to be. Best case scenario is that he is a run-of-the-mill scam artist. But often religious hucksters are a front for other kinds of criminal activities beyond just scamming the believers, such as smuggling and/or black ops.
Jeff, thanks again,,,Constance Combey has been trying for years to get the word out on these people and her info on them can be of great use to you. Thanks again,,, waiting for you next post.
dalia watkins
Those pictures of him in Africa look very suspect--notice that not a single person seems to be looking at him and the fact that they just look plain weird.
That said, thanks for the writing; I first came here with the pre-election Delmart Vreeland story and have checked in sporadically ever since, but now I think I will add you to my regular web routine.
Is there a Maitreya, living in London? I don't think so. Although it is alleged (by Creme or Peterson, anybody else?) that he makes rare appearances before select groups, there doesn't seem to be any accounts of any appearances other than the one in Nairobi, in 1988. All photos of Maitreya are from that event, and apparently taken by the same Job Mutungo who wrote the story in the Kenya Times, reproduced on Share's websites as proof of his existence. And Raul is right in pointing out how strange those photos are, nobody is actually looking at Maitreya, at best some are looking at Mary (the woman in blue). It would be fairly easy to photoshop Maitreya into those pictures, given that he is surrounded by a white robe. And if this figure was really there, he was most likely a local dressed up as Jesus. His features and complection could be consistent with an East African just as well as with a Himalayan, and his fluency in Swahili is best explained that way.
Maitreya was supposed to appear before the UN General Assembly on Christmass day 1994 (wouldn't the UN be closed for Christmass?). Then he was going to appear on TV in 1997. Creme has been on about this since about 1982. So... I'm not holding my breath waiting in front of the tellie myself. Add to that how the Share websites of various countries seem to take every "unexplained" phenomenon occuring around the world as some sort of miraculous sign that the Day of Declaration is coming, and I think we can say with some certainty that this resembles an ordinary neo-religious scam.
BUT, that doesn't mean that it is uninteresting, or of no further significance. Peterson may be exaggerating his stories about world leaders under Maitreya's sway (or making them up altogether), but Share seems to enjoy a certain status, if the following is to be believed:
"SI has a long list of prominent, well respected international diplomats, religious leaders and political figures who have had articles published in this magazine. They include articles written by former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali; present Secretary General Kofi Annan; former President of Ireland Mary Robinson; Gro Harlem Brundtland who is director-general of the World Health Organization and former Prime Minister of Norway; the Dalai Lama; and recently even Britain's Crown Prince Charles. Even though the average man off the street would most likely dissolve into hysterical laughter upon being presented with the beliefs of Creme and Share International, it is easily shown that this magazine is well-respected and taken seriously by many influential members of the Global Elite. In fact, Share International Foundation is accredited as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) by the United Nations, and the magazine, as stated on the inside cover of each issue, is published by Share International " association with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations."
"Published" doesn't necessarily mean more than "reprinted", though. But it is weird that Share as an NGO has an affiliation with the UN. What do they do exactly, other than publish their magazine? Anyway, I strongly doubt all those people are in on a conspiracy.
The most interesting connection to global elites is Mikhail Gorbachev, whom Peterson names as the only prominent person who doesn't mind being associated with Maitreya. It's difficult to find other sources, but some people have him speaking about Maitreya at public appearances, if certain arcane websites are to be trusted.
However, allowing myself to be highly speculative, and ignoring the risk of sounding like a John Bircher, the ideology of the Maitreya "cult" (or what is it?) would fit a certain pattern, going back a century or so, of proponents of "one world government", under the auspices of Anglo-American elites of course, also being proponents of a synthetic "one world religion". The latter one would imagine a useful if not necessary tool to ensure the loyalty of such a diverse group of subjects as the entire world population. It should perhaps be pointed out that "population control", eugenics and Malthusianism often belong to the same set of ideas.
I listened to a radio interview with Creme where he was detailing his ideas of a new economical and political world order: every nation would make a list of what they produced and what they needed to import, and then a council of "Masters", who Creme claim that they are busy training, would allocate to those nations the goods and resources they would need. This seemed to be, in practical terms, what the "sharing" of Share International was really about. Which sounds like a juvenile sort of utopian communism, except that it's reminiscent of the type of global neo-feudalism fantasised by exentric (and not so exentric) Anglo-American aristocrats since probably the 19th century, to be administered by the much desired one world government. Elements of which may perhaps be recognisable in the current process of global corporate monopolisation and concentration of wealth and power? A process that was, of course, initiated by Anglo-American political and financial elites in the 1970s.
Not that it's a very likely scenario, in the short term at least, and I don't think Creme is a terribly important person, but I think I'd be quite sceptical to have Creme's or anyone else's "Masters" preside over the distribution of the world's resources. I think I have a pretty good idea of who those Masters would be, and where those resources would end up.
I agree about Creme not being a very important person. If there's anything of substance to this, he's probably just a naive, useful dupe of the - ahem - "space brothers."
"Three years ago I knew a man in Mexico City, a lawyer friend of James Wolfenson, and a expert in Enochian magik. He said the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Tavistok Institute were very interested on Nibiru, the "spaceship" coming to Earth and recalled by Zacharia Sitchin... and that Prince Charles was an active member at Lucis Trust. He said that a crisis was being prepared, and fake space brothers will appear. After that conversation he just disappeared... I hope this info could make sense."
I wish it didn't make sense, but it does. Thanks for the info.
"PS. What do you think about Goro Adachi´s Etemenanki site?"
I really like it. He's more intuition than rigour, but he has triggered some very interesting paths of inquiry for me. (His "Endgame II" especially. That inspired me to read "The Hunt for Zero Point," which I think is a very important book.) I should add a link to his site next time I update.
Eric Wijnants
he and you should hit it off OK
So the new messiah will come bearing psychotronic "telepathic" weaponry, an d will operate out of 130 Wall street (Lucius trust), a Larry Silverstein property? God help us all :)
Is that a fact, necessaryonslaught? Larry Silverstein is of course the man who finalised his acquisition of the WTC towers in august 2001, with an unusually large insurance premium.
It appears that some people connect Gorbachev with the Theosophical Society, for instance this evangelical Christian website:
"As this group has developed in recent years, they have worked with a group called the Temple of Understanding. Together they have conducted spiritual summit conferences in conjunction with United Nations political summits. The Temple of Understanding is one arm of the Theosophical Society. And a little later I want to show you how Mikhail Gorbachev is related to the Theosophical Society. The first Theosophical Society was founded in Chicago in 1870 by a Russian princess, Madame Blavatsky, who communicated with "ascended masters," namely the occult.
The Temple of Understanding is affiliated with the Gaia Institute and with the United Nations Global Committee of Parliamentarians on Population Development. In that group there is a very well known New Age leader, a Canadian billionaire by the name of Maurice Strong, who also proposes a one-world government. Maurice Strong, who has recently been asked by Kofi Annan to reorganize the United Nations, has a ranch in Colorado, where he has built a Babylonian sun god temple which serves as a center of New Age religious activities. He was the organizer of the first U.N. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. (...) the moment where Gorbachev ended the Soviet Union, it was, I believe, 1990 or 1991, the Soviet system declared that year "The International Year of Blavatsky." Now that’s very interesting. Here is the leader of the occult Theosophical Movement who was a Russian princess, whose work has extended this study of the occult throughout the world amongst the elite thinkers—this is not a popular movement; this is a very elitist kind of movement—at the very moment when the Soviet Union ends, she is celebrated and the year is called "The International Year of Blavatsky." A whole program was established to republish her books in the Soviet Union. And it turns out, to cut a long story short, that Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa were deep friends with someone who was a promoter of the Theosophical doctrines in the Soviet Union."
That may be true or not, and I think Maitreya may be a sideshow, but there's quite possibly something going on with respect to synthetic, reengineered religion and New Age movements, perhaps in conjunction with "manufactured crises", being used by elite globalists to facilitate the goal of "global governance". And if so, it didn't start yesterday. As for conspirator suspects, who qualifies better than Gorbachev's buddy, former sec of state George Schultz, whose Bechtel is the main funding source of the Stanford Research Institute, widely suspected of involvement in mind control experiments and psy-war research:
"Yes, that's the same George Schultz who helped assemble Bush's 'neocon' team and then helped install the Governator (which itself was a folloup to the "peak oil" dress rehearsal, the successful financial and political destabilization of California's government by the artifically manufactured "energy shortage" in 2000-01. Now we're close to the real curtain call, I think...). Schultz's colleague Jim Garrison (co-founder of Gorbachev's malthusian / globalist State of the World Forum and executive at the spook-infested new age outpost, Esalen) has recently gotten himself involved in "9/11 truth" as well... imagine that."
As a curiosity, Schultz's grandfather donated his mansion to be the headquarters of the CFR!
What do Schultz's Bechtel and Maurice Strong have in common? A special interest in water!
Someone mentioned the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Here's a quote from one of their alumni, Toynbee, who had this to say about his work with the RIIA in 1931:
"I will merely repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands...."
PS. I know it's a hell of a stretch, but... wasn't Johnny Gosch taken to "a ranch in Colorado" ?
Thanks, lots of stuff there that deserves following up. Strong and Schultz are two characters that definitely deserve more attention than they've received.
Dear author: very interesting blog you have here, however, this particular entry really does not do your blog justice. I only skimmed this entry, however, it is clear to me that it contains a lot of superstitious nonsense.
Much of the rest of your blog contains material that is definitely intriguing, and may, or may not, be true. Whatever the case, i really think you ought to consider removing this particular entry, as it may taint the rest of your blog, which I think is very important stuff. Please consider this option.
Thank you....
Lucis Trust has a branch called New Group of World Servers ( Check out the organizations connected to this group which connects to Creme. Constance Cumbey who broke information on the New Age movement into the Christian community with two books and a newsletter in the early '80s has just started her own blog. She has been following Javier Solana since 1995. The material is fascinating.
First of all, congrats on your blog. I got here doing research on MK ultra and have been browsing the rest. Very good info and work here. I think I will be reading for days. Well done.
Now , on this latest post on Mr Creme. My experience of his work and his followers is that he is a dysinformation agent. His work discredits that of legitimate people doing spiritual work. he is definitely working with extra-dimensional consciousness, but not a consciousness that anybody would find wise associating with. I know a lot of people are dismissive of extra-dimensional consciousness , but it exists and is very real. In a way dismissing extra-dimensional consciousness plays right into the hand of the negative extra-dimensionals, as what you belive does not exist, can obviously not harm you. unfortunately lower vibrational consciousness interacts all too often with the earth plane - hence the whole satanic rituals, etc...Lots to say here , too little time...
Now you quote Sean David Morton. JUst be aware the he too is not as he seems. He makes alot of claims about himself that are simply not true, he also has participated by his own admission in government remote viewing projetcs ( that in my book makes him immeditely suspect) and is one to frequently exaggerate his own psychic abilitiers and has been found by many that have followed his statements often to be a bit of a phoney. A lot of the stuff he claims is just simply not true although very impressive. I would not consider him a reliable source. Although I do believe Creme is a creepy dysinfo agent anyway.
The crop circle statement about crop circles being 80% man made or hoaxes. This statement was made by Colin Andrews after he accepted funding from the Rockfeller Foundation for his research and is not accepted by the majority of serious crop circle researchers. There is absolutely no evidence whatsopever of man made circles and many have said that Colin Andrews sold out to the Rockfellers, that , interestingly enough, have a home right in the middle of crop circle country in the UK. The Rockfellers are very interested in research on crop circles, but their interest seems to be in buying up researchers and making them make claims like these. I can assure you, having walked in many crops in the Uk that there is nothing man made about these formations. The hoax idea is in itself a hoax, but one that people prefer to believe, as it fits within their belief system. If crop circles are man made, they are made with a technology that is far beyond anything that is publicly known. And the black helicopters interest is not benign. They photograph people visiting the crops and seem to be just as interested in figuring out what this is all about as the curious people visiting.
Anyway, who knows what crop circles are about. What I do know is that they are not about nightly outings of rebellious art teams going out in the fields at night with ropes and planks. All of those stories are cover up that the media gobbled up and spread, but not one team has ever been able to replicate the perfection of these crops in braod daylight- can you therefore imagine anybody doing this at night? I don't think so...There is more this than meets the eye...
Ok signing off now...thanks again for all your great work...
I might be a bit late with my comments.This blog is a few months old now but what the heck!
I have been a member of the Lucis Trust library in London for over thirty years. The people who run the place have always struck me as being thoroughly decent folks if a bit unwordly. The people they attract to their full moon gatherings in central London do tend to be a bit flakey. The Trust does put on well attended two day conventions a few times every year and they do have some interesting speakers and are usually well attended.
Strangely, the Royal Institute for Foreign Affairs have their office right next door to the Lucis Trust at number 3, Whitehall Place, fifty yards away from the Ministry of Defence!
The Lucis Trust do have a mission at the UN. Maurice Strong is a bloke that keeps popping up over the past twenty years. Dodgy character.
The Lucis Trust people tend to laugh at Benjamin Creme. They think he is a whacko. He is Scottish, not English. About 27 years ago I went round to his house in Dartmouth Park, London and had tea with him. I invited myself and he made me welcome. Nice chap. He later asked me if I would join his small group upstairs for meditation. We all sat in a circle holding on to a wire that was connected to a huge crystal meditating in silence. I lasted for about two hours and left. Apparently the group sat there for most of the night.
I saw him again on one of his tours of America in 1980 or 81 in Denver, Colorado. An eccentric young millionaire I knew had a ranch in southern Colorado and I worked there for a while looking after his fish pools. He wanted to prepare the ranch and make it suitable for a visit from The Christ when he came to America as Creme predicted! Weird, huh?
Alice Bailey's writings are hard to follow but I believe what she or what her master dictated is some of the finest spiritual or occult material ever written.
One thing she predicted was a communications revolution at the end of the 20th century.
Voila! We have the internet!!!
Also notice that he (creme) even adds the statement of "This, I may say, is the view of the Masters." at the end of (only) the vaccine question to grant an even more highly significant discount to the truth. My friend (a Christian Mystic) warned me about people who call themselves "teacher" and "master". He said we should never accept people calling them such. Christ was a true teacher and "master" and yet he still never wanted to be considered a “master”.
Here is his Creme's take on Vaccines:
Q. There is a fast-growing activism to oppose the practice of vaccination - apparently with very good reasons: they seem to be a gigantic hoax designed
to allow pharmaceutical companies to reap huge profits while thousands die and many are crippled for life due to side-effects. As a whole the victories attributed to vaccinations are counterfeited and their statistics manipulated.
If it is true that vaccines are an extremely immuno-depressive and a dangerous counter-nature practice, which a natural, health-inducing way of life should certainly allow a normal person to do without, how can Share International give the 'good news' about vaccination campaigns in Africa and appear to be fully in favour?
CREME: While vaccines (excepting those homoeopathically produced) may not be the best and final solution to conquering diseases, on a mass scale they have brought much benefit and freedom from crippling diseases in Africa, India and many other countries. We believe it is foolish and dangerous to make the kind of uninformed, dogmatic statements as above. This, I may say, is the view of the Masters.
Again, notice the emphasis on the "This, I may say, is the view of the Masters." to this response....Hmm?
I suppose he has never read the book called "Emerging virus, AIDA and Ebola" by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and also thinks that experts like Dr. Streckler are Dogmatic?
Also check out his story on where AIDS came from. He mentions it has something to do with a sexual deviation from this material world to the, what he calls "mental world"
Amazing article...i can tell you have done your homework....
Maitreya has been around for a while....but i think he just may be the one...that fucks up humanity
It appears that Share Int. decided to remove the vaccine question from their list of questions and answers. Hmm... I wonder why?..LOL!
Here is the cache of it still showing:
Um...This is a fabulous site so please don't think that I'm being generally skeptical but...well actually, because I like this site so much I think it's worth pointing out that this statement(regarding crop circles)is in need of some attention:
" something not extraterrestrial, though not entirely human, but which acts in concert with human intelligence - seems to be trying to get our attention. Something that has the attention of military intelligence."
I think the answer to Who/what is making crop circles is in your article.......
I'm a visual artist and I use alot of patterns based on circles and I am yet to see a crop circle that is above kindergarten level in it's complexity. Most of them can be EASILY constructed using a compass and the rest almost as easily.
The military are pulling a big swifty and all the new agers are falling for it!
I must affirm that I am not generally a skeptic; I've seen things that would curdle one's blood but please, please, please heed my warning on this one and don't be fooled..
yeh i have maitreyas books,very very ridiculous indeed,someone asked him(benjamin creme)if there was life on other planets,he answered no,yet he also claims they channel information to him.also notice the above pictures of him or any pictures anywhere,you will see the most blatant flaw,none of the people in nairobi are actually looking at him,im sure if he was real they all would stare.
This western friendly new-age mixing of Buddist teachings is just pathetic. Maitreya cannot exist in modern times as the prereqs for his existance have no happened. The Buddha's teachings have not been forgotten, for one.
What drives people like Creme and other anti-skeptics is a slim similiarity between Maitreya and the second coming of the head of the Christian religion. Please, lets not pretend a monotheistic tradition has anything to do with Buddhism.
The UFO and crop circles stuff is amusing, but hardly anything but pranksters and anti-skeptic wish fulfillment.
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Interesting, but tell me.... If Maitreya only teaches sharing, love, brotherhood and peace.., then how can that be a bad thing? If Maitreya's mission is to stop world hunger..., then how can that be a bad thing? If B. Creme and Share International do not ask for donations or make any money from this and only ask that you help be doing service to the aged, poor, homeless, starving and youth..., then how can that be a bad thing? (Especially since the Vatican has untold billions in real estate and businees) If B. Creme talks of "the space brothers" as beings that are helping to mop up all the polution in our world and saving this world.., then how can that be a bad thing?
You can say that he is the anti-christ and we will be sucked in... but sucked in to what?... being better people by sharing and loving our brothers and sisters? Is not Maitreya only preaching what is already in the bible? I have read the bible and I have read Maitreya's teachings and they are one and the same.
You say Maitreya has not been seen for some time, but your research is flawed... go to... for pics of him in Nove 05. There are many other pics of Maitreya if you care to look.
Friends of Rigorous Intuition,
I have been following this story since 1981 and would like to respond to the some of the mixed bag of reactions posted. First, Maitreya has been making numerous appearances in various bodily forms since the cited one in Nairobi in 1988, they are just not publicized by the media which views this remarkable story with a perhaps too healthy a dose of skepticism. You can scroll through the official website (look at Share International New links for past issues, with photos of Maitreya in various forms).
If you are truly interested, do your own research. I was witness one of these appearances of Maitreya in NYC some 7 years ago where he appeared as a woman and it is an experience that I shall never forget, it forever changed my consciousness (for the better!) Secondly, the usual arguments that presume this is part of some evil conspiracy are to be expected since the mass thinking is rooted in fundamentalist teachings of "false prophets" and conspiracies. His own teachings lend themselves towards the nature of the approaching externalization of the hierarchy being non religious and a natural evolution of humanity and are about Self Realization, not following a teaching blindly. People like Krishnamurthi and Steiner who disavowed the Theosophical teachings were rejecting the glamour of authority and organization which were permeating the movement and impeding the free nature of the Soul expression. Maitreya's teachings are the same. His own state priorities include teaching not only Self Realization (the divine within and the only authority that can be known), but the divine principle of Sharing which if adopted can alleviate world hunger and the roots of war, the biggies of world concern and pain. If a tree is known by the fruit it bears, why not reserve judgement and see if what is revealed rings true in your hearts. If so, great, nothing lost. If not, then reject it, there is no slavery here. As for the Christians and some of their fears of the anti-Christ: It is my understanding that Maitreya brings with him a group of ascended Masters who will help teach the responding humans ways to solve hunger, pollution, energy problems which we will implement if sincere about saving the planet. One of the first Master to appear at His side will be Jesus who will splain stuff that yes it is Him, and no the Church has some recalibrating to do because the truth is not frozen, and there is more to be revealed, all with Love. The Space Brothers link is also real, I had one close encounter at an outdoor Mozart concert in CT in the 90's which many at the gathering also saw (a large gold and red diamond shaped craft came in over the ocean and hovered, breathtaking) so I don't need convinced that they are here, albeit for the time being on the periphery. I think that after we absorb the magnitude of Maitreya and the externalization of the hierachy the Space Brothers will transition into public awareness to play a very beneficial role. Relax paranoid people, could it be worse than the war in Iraq or the genocide in Darfur? I think not. Anyway, curiosity is a good thing, and the status quo is getting awfully stale (along with crass commercialism). Hope is better than fear, but not blind hope, hope born of Soul Intuition that the times they are a changin. Footnote: Share International is an entirely non profit organization, its chief spokesperson Ben Creme is not flamboyant or autocratic, he is a selfless pioneer in the field of human evolution who seeks no ones approval or vindication. Maitreya's mission and messages speak for themselves and either make perfect sense or are hogwash, I believe the former.
Booth the Maitreya images seem tampered with. In neither one do the surrounding folks seem to be aware of his presence. You would think just the opposite would have happened...
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
My first thought when I heard this story was, where was the Secret Service? Would they allow someone with a shotgun to come up behind the vice president?
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which makes dumbing down official. Only 30% of college grads are literate, that is, are able to read a book on complex subject matter and make sense of it. Big change from past numbers
I'm glad that was their cover, otherwise I might not have heard of them. That album is easily one of the best of 2001.
No, it just wants to feed. In some cases I am sure spirits are no more harmfull than mosquitos, but in other cases they want to own your energy for enternity.
But the crux of the issue is the USE of the national emergency number 911, and our near-emergency number, 311, something that has never been explored adequately but is at the very heart of the "joke" of it all. Unfortunately this is cluttered by all sorts of semiotic noise, such as adding up the letters of various cities and so forth--something that can always be achieved, and makes all numerological research seem cheap
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Nice Artikel
sangat membantu saya gan
My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
Nice Artikel
Nice Artikel
The police and many of their friends just thought they had run off together. But their parents refused to accept this.
Michele Tollis, Fabio's father, began to attend metal concerts and festivals across Europe, handing out leaflets and quizzing Fabio's friends.
I think I'm going to miss you most of all, Showrunner.
the centre of the heavy metal scene in Milan - and they never came home.
A young man called Andrea Volpe had been arrested and admitted killing his ex-girlfriend.
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Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ********************
Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
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