Last Exit to Ponchatoula

It's beginning to look as though another demonstrable case of ritual abuse is about to be mishandled by American law.
The Hosanna Church paedophile ring will be tried upon the word of three abused children, while confessions of occult motive and corroborating evidence are being written out of the record:
What is missing from the court case as it stands are the allegations of occult activity as the motive for the sexual abuse of children and animals, he said. No physical evidence of the occult, such as pentagrams drawn on the floor and spell books were ever found, Tangipahoa Parish sheriff's Detective Mike DePhillips told the court.
"You heard today that they couldn't find any evidence of the occult, so that is a dead issue," said Assistant Public Defender Reginald McIntyre, who represents defendants Paul Fontenot and Patricia Pierson.
No pentagrams? Just last month, The New York Times reported that clear imprints of pentagrams, showing attempts at erasure, had been found on the floor of the church youth hall.
No evidence? Upon accused Nicole Bernard's April confession to the FBI, she "directed authorities to her storage unit, containing videotapes and nine bin liners full of masks and robes for use in the ceremonies. Also, she described performing oral sex on her infant daughter as part of the child's dedication."
No motive? The confessions were of crimes that had occult motive. Detectives were told by church members that "they carried out the practices for years as part of a devil-worshipping ritual involving cat blood." Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Daniel Edwards said "This is hard to talk about and harder to believe, but some of the suspects have told us their intention in all of this was devil worshipping."
But no; that's just too much to expect a jury to accept. And so an incredible motive is erased, more effectively than the pentagrams from the floor of the youth hall. What remains are still inconceivable crimes, yet now without motive. Of course occult practice is not a crime, nor should it be. It should be irrelevent before the law whether injurious practices are conducted in the name of God, or the Devil, or neither. But eliminate the occult from this picture and the picture loses focus, because the crime has been stripped of its motive. Eliminate too much, over-fog the picture, and the prosecution loses its case. It's certainly a development, and a prospect, that seems to cheer the Public Defender.
The McMartin prosecution as well refused to pursue the allegations of ritual crimes - they were too fantastic to believe - and instead made the trials about "simple" child abuse. Given the prosecution's failure to convict, that adds an ironic gloss upon McMartin's perceived legacy as a cautionary tale of "Satanic panic."
Today's headline that reads "Occult Activity No Longer An Aspect Of Sex Abuse Case" should make some bad people feel good, but perhaps worse, it will make some good people feel better, because they will again be let off the hook of needing to investigate the shadows at their door.
And we should ask, as we always should, whether the law's looming incompetence arises from a benign though ham-fisted resistance to introducing bizarre material which seems of another space and time, or the intentional slamming shut of a lid that is not meant to be opened.
At least, not yet.
Now, why doesn't this surprise me at all? Just as in the McMartin case, physical evidence has a convenient way of disappearing. It seems the parallels are a bit too eerie. Only thing now missing to match it to the McMartin case are mysterious "suicides". So, now without physical evidence nor the testimonies/confessions of the accused, what is left?
The only good news here is that this sort of blatant, lie-filled revision makes it merry work for those of us trying to elucidate the, er, bigger picture to those in denial. And Jeff is kind enough to tie it all up with a bow for us.
And, as baldfaced as it appears to one not in denial, get ready for the cognitive dissonance from those who still are.
At this point in the game it takes pure, willful denial to avoid the truth of what's going on. We're in a situation where people see only 'normalness' in a squadron of sprayplanes flying over their very heads. Where they just 'don't remember' that 'sun glare delays' being reported on the morning traffic watch was not something that happened 15 years ago.
When the first spray planes came over my office in 1998, they were very low, and, to me, blatantly and obviously, well, bizarre. Day three of these weird planes flying over, spraying stuff, I think it was, I made a coworker come look. Actually took her by the arm and pointed and said simply 'what is that?' She began to cry, put her hands over her ears, and ran out of the room. This was a grown adult.
Personally, I'm simply trying to lift a few people carefully out of denial. 'Teach a man to fish'.
And, as baldfaced as it appears to one not in denial, get ready for the cognitive dissonance from those who still are.
Count ne as one who is. What makes accusatuion of ritual abuse nowadays any different form from the Blood Libel agianst the Jews in the medieval era, or the Roman accusation that the early Christians killed children and drank their blood, or the Christains accusation that Gnostics killed Children and drank their blood?
What is the agenda? WHat could ritual abuse possibly have to do with govt. intel (or aliens for that matter)? Aren't there lower profile and less possibly conflagratory way of experimenting on people (e.g., in other countries where life is cheaper and journalists routinely imprisoned). Why, why WHY?
There are supposedly 5 types of satanists, right? We've probably all read the same classifactory schemes : dabblers, teenagers, self-identified kooks a la ramirez, harmless surburban "covens," etc. WHere is the conspiracy? WHat does this have to do with chem-trails? Doesn't it make more sense to think that peopel like Ramirez or BTK or whatever were simly acting on their own?
I'm not saying they weren't spiritually inspired by something malign, but...
I would LOVE to be able to see the HUMAN connections here - i really would. But honestly I can't. Cui bono?
How are these things connected and what is the agenda? PLEASE elucidate the bigger picture for me.
No surprises here - after posting this on another forum - we got the typical response - "oh, let's not drag this weird stuff into it" - and of course, "ha ha ha! McMartin! Conspiracy!"
I think it's a mistake to attribute EVERYTHING that happens to some opaque fabric of reality where every event is pre-ordained by some high priest. It seems to me that this is how logical, inquisitive people like ourselves get stuck worshipping the false "gods" that we defy...
People want money and power and one of the things that Jeff has a knack for is to keep asking better questions as to the nature of all of this.
There were a ton of people waiting in traffic to get on the highway on-ramp this morning. We were all in cars trying to get onto I-95, but I wouldn't call them my conspirators.
Rev...the perpetrators ADMITTED to the Satanic aspect. One of them came into the police and told them about it for hours. They gave details. What are you talking about?
Now, I would very much like to find out where they got their rituals. These are obviously not the 'elites' so in that sense you are right, it's not proof of a larger network.
However, if this had not been discovered (admitted to, mind you) these kids when they grew up would have been treated like they were nuts for saying these things happened. They always are.
I'm still not convinced that all this stuff is literally true -- or even that it would be healthy for me to believe that it was. But as I've suggested in comments here before, that doesn't necessarily matter. The crucial fact is that we humans live simultaneously in physical reality and in mythic reality, and each of those has its own validity.
You might say that mythic reality is a set of metaphors which illuminate the true meaning of the somewhat muddled ongoing events of physical reality. Or that mythic reality is the Platonic ideal of which physical reality is the imperfect representation.
In either case, mythic reality can be thought of as a state of being whose nature is (as my son once said to a classmate who asked if he believed in dragons) that it doesn't exist but it *is* real.
Most of us are capable of experiencing mythic reality directly with the aid of hallucinogenic drugs, but not otherwise. However there are certain individuals -- call them natural shamans -- who inhabit mythic reality as easily and automatically as they do physical reality. The poet William Blake was one. Many of the individuals discussed at this board are as well, from UFO contactees to ritual abuse survivers.
It's possible that all the strange events these individuals report are shamanistic hallucinations, though I doubt it. I think it's more likely that the dissociation caused by childhood abuse triggers the shamanistic ability in some of those who survive it, and that their memories thereafter are a mixture of the mythic and the physical.
But in either case, the important part is that their accounts have to be taken very seriously, because they are mythically -- which is to say, metaphorically -- absolutely true. These people see more deeply into the heart of things than the rest of us do, and they bring us a message that we very much need to hear.
For example, I don't know if certain individuals of great worldly power are literally black magicians. But I do believe that we will understand their activities and motivations far better if we think of them in those terms than if we dismiss them as mere politicians or mere businessmen.
And I do believe there is a battle being fought out today in terms of advertising and propaganda and symbolic actions that is not merely a contest for physical control of the world but a wizard's duel whose prize is the soul of the world itself.
So we need to value our shamans (as well as our poets and artists, who have the power to depict mythic reality even if they do not dwell in it themselves), because without them our fate will be entirely in the hands of those who believe in a higher reality but can see nothing better to do with it than to subordinate it to the crassest of material ends.
I'm still not convinced that all this stuff is literally true -- or even that it would be healthy for me to believe that it was.
So let me get this straight:
A group of adults confess to satanic worship and paedophilia, supply boxes of ritual robes and masks, point to a pentagram on the church floor, and the children that the adults stated they raped then make simultaneous statements saying, yes, I was raped in satanic rituals.
And you stick your fingers in your ears and start babbling about simultaneous realities, Platonic ideals, alternative states of being and shamanistic hallucinations.
You can’t handle the crime, so you’ve created a random theoretical pastiche to distance yourself from the fact of the crime. “The “truth” doesn’t matter” – what a joke. Tell that to the kids who will be enduring post-traumatic flashbacks for the next two decades.
Maybe you should feel grateful that you have the luxury of intellectual masturbation. But don't pretend that it's not a disassociative reflex.
"I would LOVE to be able to see the HUMAN connections here - i really would. But honestly I can't. Cui bono?"
Who benefits? In their own minds, the people harvesting the soul energy during the dark acts described and, in this case, CONFESSED TO, that's who. In their own twisted 'do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law' world, that is. Which doesn't believe in karma, that what goes around, comes around.
What human connection? One human, self-interested in the extreme, convinced of no karmic repurcussions, harvesting the soul energy of another, because they CAN.
NEW ORLEANS – “There were ritualistic acts that were going on. There were pentagrams drawn, and the children would be placed inside the pentagram,” Tangipahoa Sheriff Daniel Edwards said of an alleged child-sex-abuse ring at the Hosanna Church in Ponchatoula.
"Crazy Liar Sheriff" and "Crazy Liar Reporter" are the defensive positions available from here...
Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Daniel Edwards said Friday that members of a Ponchatoula church cult accused of sexually abusing children and animals told detectives they carried out the practices for years as part of a devil-worshipping ritual involving cat blood.
"This is hard to talk about and harder to believe, but some of the suspects have told us their intention in all of this was devil worshipping," Edwards said.
Rev - It's not about how much you are willing to accept, it's how much you are willing to deny.
Rev...the perpetrators ADMITTED to the Satanic aspect. One of them came into the police and told them about it for hours. They gave details. What are you talking about?**
Um, no, you DON'T know that- nyou know that a newspaper reporter who doesn't even name a source repeated that as gospel...and I'm betting that when the smoke cleared, they had a bunch of choir robes and and a couple reporters repeating things that someone "heard" from someone who knew the brother-in-law of the preacher. Until someone posts the confession or police statements, "denial" is the only logical state of belief here. Anything else is ionduging one's pet fantasies for personal gratification, no matter what rationale one gives- period.
We're being offered nebulous rumor and accused of seeing with blinders for applying common sense. THAt is the very definition of "cognitive dissonance."
For Christ's sake, people- this is fucking Louisianna, where it doesn't take much to convince people there's a satanic cult operating..or even that Old Nick was there in person.
Anonymous -- no doubt I should have been clearer on what I meant by "all this stuff." I don't doubt that abuse happens. I don't doubt that there are people dressing up in robes and masks and playing around with pentagrams as they mess with their kids.
But as you must be aware, the discussions on this board have gone a lot further than that -- and that's where I start to wonder. Is pedophilia really endemic among the ruling elites of the Western nations? Do members of the elite share a complex and perverted mythology involving dark forces and supernatural powers to be acquired through blood sacrifice? Are the intelligence agencies deeply entwined with this as well? Well, maybe. But then what about UFO's and anal probes and all the really freaky stuff?
Anybody who tries to set a realistic standard for what they will and won't believe is eventually going to reach a cut-off point beyond which they can't go -- reptilian aliens, say. I can't draw lines like that. I'm far more of a Fortean. The only way I can handle this material is as a seamless continuum, through which we move back and forth through various mixtures of the real and the fantastic.
You're very passionate about what you take to be the gritty reality of "kids who will be enduring post-traumatic flashbacks." But that sort of hard reality isn't the only reality there is. If focusing on it to the exclusion of anything else means you can't incorporate black helicopters or lizard-men into your world-view, then I can't help thinking you're the one who's in denial.
Until someone posts the confession or police statements, "denial" is the only logical state of belief here.
I'm confused. If 'denial' is the only 'logical state of belief' in the absence of evidence, why should we listen to your unsubstantiated allegations?
- that the New York Times lied when they reported that police had seen a pentragram on the floor of the youth hall;
- that the police lied when they told the press that a woman who confessed to ritual abuse provided them with a number of ritual robes and other occult paraphenalia (these robes are for the 'choir', apparently).
So, if I follow you, you are alleging some mass sort of (what?) conspiracy by the press (or the police?) to report an occult crime when (according to you) it is NOT an occult crime (although you have no proof that the occult allegations are false, or any rational explanation for why the press or the police would make it up) ...
And what is your justification for dismissing the newspaper reports and police press conferences? You haven't seen confessions and statements with your own eyes. Umm ... those tend not to be released before a trial.
But I do find your double standard quite revealing. Dismiss the evidence for a crime you can't believe in, and put forward an alternative for which you have no evidence.
Anybody who tries to set a realistic standard for what they will and won't believe is eventually going to reach a cut-off point beyond which they can't go -- reptilian aliens, say. I can't draw lines like that.
I can.
Here are an organised network of paedophiles who have cobbeled together, over time, an internal system of beliefs to justify their crimes. Since they are middle-class offenders, they have considerable social and financial resources to draw on in order to camouflage their offenses. Such practices have been seen all over the world, and such phenomenon are well documented within criminology and the sociology of deviance.
And here are some reptilian aliens.
And here is me, drawing a line.
It's interesting that denialists and 'hysterical' believers generally share the same techniques. Whilst a minority (and I mean, minority) of ritual abuse advocates waste their time talking about UFOs and aliens, there are a number of denialist academic articles out there that draw a parallel between ritual abuse and UFOs.
People seem so desperate to preserve their normative worldview in the face of ritual abuse, they will throw in any old crap to muddy up the waters – aliens, conspiracies, whatever. Anything to save themselves from the hard truth that:
a. human beings rape and kill children just for the hell of it,
b. it happens in your town, and nobody gets caught, which means,
c. the police and legal system don’t keep you as safe as you want to believe they do, and
d. atrocity happens in ‘civilised’ countries, not just in those ‘other’ countries where everyone is poor and brown.
If you think that ritual abuse is on par with reptilian aliens, it’s because ritual abuse violates as many of your presumptions as reptilian aliens do, so you lump them in together. Maybe you should rethink your presumptions, rather then 'rethink' ritual abuse.
why should we listen to your unsubstantiated allegations?
Easy- I haven't made any "allegations," unsubstantiated or otherwise.
Jeff, I was surprised that you didn't include the logo of the TIA in your post of last December -- it supports a lot of your other material. Incredibly, with only one exception, the whole TIA program, with its earth-shattering implications, was not reported at all in the press or on tv. I found the logo (definitely well worth a look) and the following quotes on the 911 Timeline :
"The logo for Poindexter's new department worries some. An eye from a Masonic pyramid appears to cast a beam over the world, with Muslim regions highlighted. [San Francisco Chronicle, 11/20/02, Guardian, 11/23/02] The motto, Scientia Est Potentia, means "knowledge is power." The logo is later removed from the department's website. [Baltimore Sun, 1/5/03]"
"November 9, 2002: The New York Times exposes the existence of John Poindexter's Total Information Awareness data collection program, begun in early 2002 (see Mid-January 2002 and March 2002 (B)). [New York Times, 11/9/02 (C)]
Conservative columnist William Safire writes, "If the Homeland Security Act is not amended before passage, here is what will happen to you: Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend - all these transactions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as 'a virtual, centralized grand database.'
To this computerized dossier on your private life from commercial sources, add every piece of information that government has about you — passport application, driver's license and bridge toll records, judicial and divorce records, complaints from nosy neighbors to the FBI, your lifetime paper trail plus the latest hidden camera surveillance and you have the supersnoop's dream: a 'Total Information Awareness' about every US citizen." [New York Times, 11/14/02]
Poindexter says it will take years to realize his vision, but his office has already begun providing some technology to government agencies. [Washington Post, 11/12/02] The existence of this program, and the fact that Poindexter is running it, causes concern for many on both the left and right. [USA Today, 1/16/03]
It is regularly called Orwellian, conjuring visions of 1984's Big Brother, and even supporters admit it sounds Orwellian. [Newsweek, 11/15/02, Los Angeles Times, 11/17/02 (B), Guardian, 11/23/02, Newsday, 12/1/02, New Yorker, 12/9/02, BBC, 12/12/02, Dallas Morning News, 12/16/02, Baltimore Sun, 1/5/03] The New York Times suggests, "Congress should shut down the program pending a thorough investigation." [New York Times, 11/18/02] Experts question not only its civil liberties implications, but also if it is even feasible. If it does work, would its database be swapped with errors that could not be removed? (See such problems in a much smaller database in March 2002.) [San Jose Mercury News, 12/26/02]
However, many newspapers fail to report on the program at all, and ABC is the only network to report the story on prime time television. [ABC News, 11/25/02 (B), ABC News, 11/16/02] Despite so many objections, the program is included in the Homeland Security bill (see November 25, 2002), and only later somewhat curbed by Congress (see January 23, 2003)."
Anonymous said:
If you think that ritual abuse is on par with reptilian aliens, it’s because ritual abuse violates as many of your presumptions as reptilian aliens do, so you lump them in together. Maybe you should rethink your presumptions, rather then 'rethink' ritual abuse.
No, I never said "on par with." What I do keep saying is that it's a seamless continuum that can only be understood as a whole.
In every area of the paranormal, there are people who want to split off the most plausible bits, interpret them in mundane terms, and ignore all the parts which are too magical or bizarre to fit into a materialistic worldview.
In cryptozoology, they will patiently collect evidence for Bigfoot living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest and ignore accounts of Bigfoot-like creatures which intrude on trailer parks in the Midwest or which have glowing eyes and vanish into thin air.
When it comes to UFOs, they will go for one or another physical explaination -- whether alien spaceships or ball lightning on steroids -- and avoid those accounts which lead straight to fairyland.
And ritual abuse is no different.
This Ponchatoula case is like a gift to anyone who wants to wrap things up with a purely mundane explanation, because it is so simple and self-contained. Just one small cult-like group gone off the tracks. No mind control, no doomed aristocrats or government connections, nobody of any real fame or power, no anomalous hints of the weird. Nothing "difficult" about it at all.
If only they were all that easy.
About the location, Ponchatoula-to the public eye, it would not be outside of the realm of possibilities that Satan Worshipping was going on. There is a long tradition of mixtures of Voodoo, Santa Ria, Wiccan, and Rice-inspired Vampire-Southern Gothic in the midst of strong Christianity.
The denial of such things as Satan Worshipping or RA in Ponchatoula has nothing to do with whether the public down here will swallow it, they will because it is a well known selling point of local folklorists and tourist guides-the spiritual oddities of New Orleans and it surrounds.
Much more likely is the local political scene.
"Anonymous said...
Rev...the perpetrators ADMITTED to the Satanic aspect. One of them came into the police and told them about it for hours. They gave details. What are you talking about?**
Um, no, you DON'T know that- nyou know that a newspaper reporter who doesn't even name a source repeated that as gospel...and I'm betting that when the smoke cleared, they had a bunch of choir robes and and a couple reporters repeating things that someone "heard" from someone who knew the brother-in-law of the preacher. Until someone posts the confession or police statements, "denial" is the only logical state of belief here. Anything else is ionduging one's pet fantasies for personal gratification, no matter what rationale one gives- period."
Bullshit. From Day 1 the case has been built off of police statements...that's what made this case so bizarre. For the first time (in a long time) we were seeing:
1. The accused actually coming forward and willingly confess to these crimes.
2. Statements made to the press by law enforcement officers.
3. Everything was reported in mainstream media sources.
Pretty bullet-proof you would think.
Again, the accused actually came forward and willingly confessed to the crimes. And the police issued several statements. Would you like to read one?
"Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Daniel Edwards said Friday that members of a Ponchatoula church cult accused of sexually abusing children and animals told detectives they carried out the practices for years as part of a devil-worshipping ritual involving cat blood.
"This is hard to talk about and harder to believe, but some of the suspects have told us their intention in all of this was devil worshipping," Edwards said."
That was linked in Jeff's post from yesterday. So yes, the police HAVE made statements to the press.
-ted the dog
People seem so desperate to preserve their normative worldview in the face of ritual abuse, they will throw in any old crap to muddy up the waters – aliens, conspiracies, whatever. Anything to save themselves from the hard truth that:
a. human beings rape and kill children just for the hell of it,
b. it happens in your town, and nobody gets caught, which means,
c. the police and legal system don’t keep you as safe as you want to believe they do, and
d. atrocity happens in ‘civilised’ countries, not just in those ‘other’ countries where everyone is poor and brown.
just for the hell of it?
arguments like this do nothing except give me anxiety and make me want to smoke.
::lights cigarette::
why is sympathy being met with combat?
i mean, this is truly some ass backwards arguing.
you got RA survivor advocates yelling "Satan exists!!!! and if you wont acknowledge it, you are in denial!!"
huh? i mean sure...but...
i dunno, starroute was pretty on the money here...
"Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Daniel Edwards said Friday that members of a Ponchatoula church cult accused of sexually abusing children and animals told detectives they carried out the practices for years as part of a devil-worshipping ritual involving cat blood.-----
Same sheriff said yesterday these things weren't there- so you get to choose from a:lying sheriff or b: mistaken reporter, or c: not quite right witness/suspect. B or c of course makes much more sense, but it is ever so much fun to choose a and run with one's fantasies of dark coverups and evil conspiracies.
Nevermind having to explain just what the fing purpose of drinking cat's blood is supposed to be, or explain any of the other ridiculous details.
i dunno, starroute was pretty on the money here...
Ditto. thanks starroute, you really captured something here that has the ring of truth about it for me.
Too late!!! It's already been admitted by the perpetrators AND "paraphernalia" was found:
Satanist paedophile ring 'ritually raped up to 25 children'
Police say some of those charged - who include Lamonica's wife and a deputy sheriff - have already admitted devil worship inside the now defunct church on the outskirts of Ponchatoula, the parish's main town.
The discovery of badly rubbed-out pentagrams on the floor and eight boxes of hooded black costumes - allegedly used both in the abuse and in "morality tales" performed to prepare the young victims - bear out some of the claims.
So the cops and are denying it now, eh?
"Same sheriff said yesterday these things weren't there- so you get to choose from a:lying sheriff or b: mistaken reporter, or c: not quite right witness/suspect. B or c of course makes much more sense, but it is ever so much fun to choose a and run with one's fantasies of dark coverups and evil conspiracies."
Why come forward and admit to the crimes then? why admit to something that sounds so ridiculous?
(also, why would I have a fantasy of a cover up? I'd rather it not be true.)
But you saw the article from yesterday. over a month of articles from two mainstream local area papers, all of them filled with police statements, several of them citing evidence was found, several of them talking to neighbors and local shop owners stating they had seen "half dead" animals on the property, saw people turned away from the church for no reason, etc etc....
And now one article, written after the scores of other articles, is supposed to just neatly tie it all up? please. We're not talking about following conspiracy fantasies here...we're talking about what's been presented in the media. and what was presented yesterday, in my opinion, was not adequate and not acceptable. Having a pair of attorneys come forward and tell the press that "There is no evidence of the occult found, so that's out" is not convincing to me. sorry, but it isn't.
"Nevermind having to explain just what the fing purpose of drinking cat's blood is supposed to be, or explain any of the other ridiculous details.""
Why is drinking cat blood weird and unacceptable, but the fact that these people were raping children an "accepted" perversion? (not accepted as in morally acceptable, but accepted as in "Yep, I believe that pedophiles like to rape children".)So because drinking cat blood has no immediate and easily identifiable purpose, it's completely impossible that it happened?
Look, the real issue here is that they're whittling away at the case. it went from something where the accused came forward and admitted to the crimes, named fellow cult members and said there was physical evidence. now we're being told that the confessions cannot be used, the physical evidence cannot be found and the condition of children themselves is "up in the air" apparently since the detective working the case "cannot recall" if the medical reports came back indicating abuse or not. What's left? the word of three little kids. Like I said on the board, "gee, I wonder what's going to happen?"
-ted the dog
That one of the defendants, Christopher Labat, was the deputy sheriff is inconspicuously left out in the reports lately too.
The latest story has him in the foreground for the perp-walk photo; the caption, however, makes no mention of his status within the community.
starroute said:
No, I never said "on par with." What I do keep saying is that it's a seamless continuum that can only be understood as a whole.
How do you know it's a seemless continuum? How could you possibly know that?
As someone who's actually experienced this stuff it feels like my narrative has been hijacked. I am fairly well aware of the survivor community and I don't know anyone talking about fairyland. Mind control, elites, and connections to mil/int., absolutely, and it all makes sense without getting ethereal in any way.
Human said:
why is sympathy being met with combat?
i mean, this is truly some ass backwards arguing.
I think the point is sympathy in response to stories like these would be along the lines of: Oh my god, kids are being tortured, adults are captive, animals hurt. How are we going to stop this? What can we do, how should we organize?
Let's try this analogy:
I guess it's fun to figure out who started the fire, and how fascinating that it may have been spontaneous combustion, or perhaps it was a fairy who started it, but meanwhile, the building's burning down!
Make sense?
Lots of people getting killed by trains in the town lately too! Coincidence or getting rid of witnesses? I don't see how a pedestrian can get hit by a train unless they are committing suicide or getting killed.
"And, as baldfaced as it appears to one not in denial, get ready for the cognitive dissonance from those who still are. At this point in the game it takes pure, willful denial to avoid the truth of what's going on. "
"I'm still not convinced that all this stuff is literally true -- or even that it would be healthy for me to believe that it was."
"I think it's a mistake to attribute EVERYTHING that happens to some opaque fabric of reality where every event is pre-ordained by some high priest." HOW DOES THIS CONNECT TO THE ALLEGED CRIMES (LEAVING 'CONFESSED TO' ASIDE). THEY OCCURRED, OR THEY DID NOT. I PRESUME YOU ARE ALLEGING 'JUST A RECREATIONAL KID SEX CLUB, NO SATANISM, HERE?'
"And now one article, written after the scores of other articles, is supposed to just neatly tie it all up?"
So,is this church in the vicinity of a duck hunting lodge frequented by vp's and supreme court justice's?
Nowhere near. The 2004 Scalia and Cheney duck hunt was in the Morgan City area.
The below news article has been taken down from the WBRZ Baton Rouge NBC Channel 2 website:
May 21, 2005:
More arrested in cult case
Tangipahoa sheriff alleges devil worship in child rape, animal sex case
Advocate staff writer
Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff Daniel Edwards said Friday that members of a Ponchatoula church cult accused of sexually abusing children and animals told detectives they carried out the practices for years as part of a devil-worshipping ritual involving cat blood.
"This is hard to talk about and harder to believe, but some of the suspects have told us their intention in all of this was devil worshipping," Edwards said.
Investigators arrested four more people on Thursday who are allegedly implicated in the child and animal sex ring, one of them a woman who is married to the already arrested minister of the church.
Thursday's four arrests brought to eight the number of people arrested so far after a six-week investigation into a Hosanna Church splinter group.
Edwards said earlier in the week that the people involved in the cult reportedly had sex with children and animals from 1999 until the church disbanded in 2003.
The investigation by the Livingston and Tangipahoa Parish sheriff's offices, the FBI and the Ponchatoula Police Department is continuing, he said.
Edwards said Friday there might be as many as 25 possible victims, and that he knows of at least one more suspect in the case to be arrested and booked with aggravated rape. He identified her only as a woman who is living out of state.
Edwards said the victims in the case range from toddlers to teenagers and some of the victims are dogs and cats.
"We know of one dog. That was a pet and the dog is dead now," Edwards said. The sheriff said one of the suspects had sex with that dog, and that blood from a cat was used in the cult's rituals. The dog and cat victims apparently were pets belonging to members of the church's congregation, he added.
The sheriff said that there may be more arrests ahead.
"We feel like we have the core group, but I can't say there won't be more arrests," Edwards said.
The Tangipahoa Sheriff's Office, Edwards said, has been receiving calls every hour from people who either know the suspects involved or who knew that something strange was going on.
"It's mind-boggling to us that nobody came forward before this," Edwards said, "that it wasn't somehow common knowledge in Ponchatoula."
Robbin D. Lamonica, 45, 25735 Oak Alley Drive, Holden, was booked Thursday night on one count of aggravated rape.
The male victim in the case told Livingston Parish deputies that he had been having sex with Robbin Lamonica from the time he was 4 years of age until he was 13, Livingston Parish Sheriff's Detective Stan Carpenter said Friday.
Robbin Lamonica's husband, Louis Lamonica, 45, was arrested Monday and booked with aggravated rape and one count of crimes against nature. Louis Lamonica, the former minister of the Hosanna Church, confessed to Livingston Parish deputies that he had sex with children and animals, investigators said. Louis Lamonica is the first of the eight to be arrested.
Also arrested Thursday is Nicole Bernard, 36 of Columbus, Ohio. FBI agents arrested Nicole Bernard in Ohio on a warrant from the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office, spokeswoman Laura Covington of the Tangipahoa Sheriff's Office said Friday.
Nicole Bernard was booked with aggravated rape of a juvenile under the age of 13, Covington said.
Nicole Bernard is the former wife of another suspect, Austin Bernard III, 36, Southwest Railroad Avenue, Hammond. Austin Bernard III was arrested Wednesday and booked with aggravated rape after he confessed to having sex with a child under 13, Covington said.
Paul Fontenot, 21, 550 West Pine St., Apt. 29, was arrested Thursday and booked by Tangipahoa deputies with aggravated rape of a juvenile under the age of 13.
Covington said that Fontenot confessed to deputies that he had sex with a juvenile and admitted to having knowledge of the incidents at Hosanna Church.
Lois Ann Mowbray, 54, 39133 Keaghey Road, Ponchatoula, is the fourth suspect arrested Thursday.
Tangipahoa deputies booked Mowbray with obstruction of justice, failure to report a felony and accessory after the fact to aggravated rape, Covington said.
Investigators searched Mowbray's home Thursday night, seizing photo albums, computers and other items, Covington said.
Two earlier arrests in the unfolding investigation are those of Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Deputy Christopher Blair Lebat, 24, Lumino Lane, Hammond. Lebat was booked with aggravated rape and malfeasance in office. The Sheriff's Office fired Labat on Tuesday, the same day he was arrested in the cult investigation.
Tangipahoa deputies booked Allen R. Pierson, 46, 2575 Southwest Railroad Avenue, Hammond, on Wednesday night with one count of aggravated rape. Pierson is accused of raping a girl under the age of 11, the Sheriff's Office said.
Copyright © 1992-2005,, WBRZ, Louisiana Broadcasting LLC and The Advocate, Capital City Press LLC, All Rights Reserved.
One may choose to deny that Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) takes place. One may choose to deny that SRA is subsequently covered up.
However, One would be denying reality.
A simple google search on Satanic Ritual Abuse would take care of the fact that it does happen, time and again, but Satan has a done quite an excellent job of covering it up. I can see Satan telling his demons, "Let's get some of their doctors who, by the way, are on our side to say that these people who claim Satanic Ritual Abuse are indeed suffering, but from a mental disorder treatable with drugs that will help them forget what really happened. It'll be great! We'll be able to go out and do our evil in plain site and on the public record and it will still be denied! In fact, it'll be such a good situation for us that even if someone does say it happens, they will be labeled 'a nut' and no one will believe them."
Do some research folks. There are numerous reported cases of SRA that go uninvestigated.
Folks this all leads to one thing: the work of Satan, seeking whom he may devour. Satan has many, lawyers, bankers, judges, politicians, tv personalities, sheriffs, "pastors", etc. in his grasp, just as he has many ordinary individuals, like you and I. But many of these "elite" have throughout history worked together to keep themselves at the top and the rest of us fighting. They pick off our weak and devour them. They lie. They cheat. They steal. They will destroy.
How do I know?
The answer is found at Bohemian Grove. The list of prominent figures that go to worship Molech the owl god is very troubling. FYI, Molech was (is) the god the Cannites sacrificed their *children* to by making them go through the fire. At Bohemian Grove, they go so far as to have a "mock" human sacrifice. And, there is much sexual perversion. To say this stuff doesn't go when it has been caught on video tape? Hmm. Leave Neverland folks and come back home.
And does anyone remember the special Geraldo did? Mr Levy? The Church of Satan. Would anyone like to deny those exists. I know most people think that Geraldo is off the deep end and is a nut (thanks to Satan's followers in the media), but, he got this one right: Satanism is real. And to deny this stuff exists, is to deny reality, which apparently many, ahem... *MOST* people do.
I don't care how well educated you are and how well you believe your highly enlightened explaination explains it all away; it exists. "Oh, the victims were just starving for attention." Sure! That explains everything! "
They were just blowing off some steam" as Rush Limbaugh says. If you can seriously tell someone who has been raped and/or abused that they are just starving for attention, then Satan already has you in his grasp. If you can reason with evil, then there is no hope for you, except Christ save you.
Compare this to the war in Iraq for a moment. We were told on numerous occasions that the reason we were invading Iraq was that he was a threat with his stash of WMDs. To this date, none have been found. Now, our SOD and VP want to convince you that they never said anything like that at all, although finding a direct quote to contradict them is nothing more than mechanical. However, astonishingly enough, many people believe them. Why? Because they put up a good front. Because they wear a smile. Because they have the authority sealed upon their position.
They pose as angels of light, but yet are demon-possessed and come straight from the pits of hell.
Now in the Louisiana case, as in all the other cases of SRA, the sheriff will get up and say (in not already) that this whole cult thing is just a rumor and they never said it. *WE* will believe them and go on about watching football and basketball and Oprah. This WILL be covered up, not only by the Police, but by a public who, for the most part, doesn't want to know the truth. The Public will not demand answers. Why? Because the Public is controlled and subdued by fear.
We fear that by asking questions, we will be questioned ourselves.
We fear that by asking questions or telling the truth, that we will be ridiculed. We fear that we will be abandoned.
Well, guess what. Those who bear the Truth are ridiculed. Does the lives of Galileo or Jesus Christ ring a bell?
I happen to believe that the police involved with this case have screwed up. They jumped the gun. They're hasn't been a bleep on this case in a long while. The Newspapers and t.v. stations haven't said anything. The "ritualists" have been going to court at least once a month with no sign of a trial. Their is no evidence to support a guilty verdict. I wish I could get a statement outta the Sheriff. I think the entire country would like a update on this. The only thing to do now is wait and see.
Reading through the comments section was probably even more illuminating than the article was.
An excellent read, thank you.
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