"a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it"
"Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?"

I'm wondering this morning why I'm finding this Pope's long goodbye so affecting. I'm not Roman Catholic; I'm more secular than not; I'm Left, not Right. I've written how the first John Paul, had he been allowed to serve his natural term, would have swept the Curia and the Vatican Bank of the corruption and the paedo-fascist Masonic conspirators he was shocked to find, which is precisely why he served all of a month. The second John Paul has seemed, rather, a pained enabler of the Luciferian excesses sheltered in the Church's "conservative" wing, while devoting the bulk of his energies to stamping out perceived liberal threats and liberation theologies. So why should the thought of Karol Wojtyla's Last Rights choke me up?
I'm thinking, perhaps, it's the same reason Bob Dylan has always affected me. Both have a burdensome vision of the Hell that's opening up beneath our feet, though they often haven't known what to do with their vision besides cradle their heads and lament. And I suppose I can relate to that.
The great calamity of America is too big now for just analysis and rational thought. To be parsed, it needs now also art and faith, and the insights of supra-rationality. Almost everything I've written in this blog could be distilled to four lines from a mediocre Dylan song of the mid-80s:
Witchcraft scum exploiting the dumb,
Turning children into punks and slaves
Whose heroes and healers are rich drug dealers
Who should be put in their graves.
We're supposed to move the clocks ahead an hour this weekend, but it feels as though my internal clock is already set on the near future. And that song's refrain - "It's Hell Time, man!" - sounds to me like the alarm which has set the world groping for the snooze button. The crises, the daily Watergates which pass without mainstream comment, keep cascading with a ferocity which frustrates all justice, and our ability to understand. Clearly that's not by chance; clearly there's intent in piling it on, so we few who try to take notice will never notice it all. Nor, so they hope, be able to do something about it. Something like Dylan suggests in the same song:
We're gonna blow up your home of Voodoo
And watch it burn without any regret.
We got the power, we're the new government -
You just don't know it yet.
Problem is, most of us just don't know it yet, either.
The 2004 election seems already an ancient crime, one fit only for getting over and moving on. And yet a study of the vote by a team of statisticians was released Thursday which asserts there is only a 1-in-959,000 chance that exit polls could have been that wrong. More likely, it suggests, is that votes were altered on a massive scale; enough to throw the election to Bush. But "what are you going to do except laugh at it?" said Carlo LoParo, spokesman for Ohio's Republican Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell. There are plenty of other things to do, such as ignore it, which is what most Democrats are doing. Because it's better, some presume, to not "cry in your tea cups" about what can't be fixed - water under the bridge, spilled milk, and all that - and hope that next election, things'll be better. And if not, there's always the election after that.
No. It's Hell Time now. No more next times; no more dread reckonings indefinitely deferred. The Republic is dead, the Earth is dying, and their killers are black magicians flying the skull and bones. With resigned clarity, Bob Dylan knows, and so does John Paul II. And perhaps, as well, I'm affected by this Pope's imminent death because I doubt the next one will bear his burden of knowledge.
Listen to the engine, listen to the bell
As the last fire truck from hell
Goes rolling by, all good people are praying.
It's the last temptation, the last account
The last time you might hear the sermon on the mount.
The last radio is playing.

I'm wondering this morning why I'm finding this Pope's long goodbye so affecting. I'm not Roman Catholic; I'm more secular than not; I'm Left, not Right. I've written how the first John Paul, had he been allowed to serve his natural term, would have swept the Curia and the Vatican Bank of the corruption and the paedo-fascist Masonic conspirators he was shocked to find, which is precisely why he served all of a month. The second John Paul has seemed, rather, a pained enabler of the Luciferian excesses sheltered in the Church's "conservative" wing, while devoting the bulk of his energies to stamping out perceived liberal threats and liberation theologies. So why should the thought of Karol Wojtyla's Last Rights choke me up?
I'm thinking, perhaps, it's the same reason Bob Dylan has always affected me. Both have a burdensome vision of the Hell that's opening up beneath our feet, though they often haven't known what to do with their vision besides cradle their heads and lament. And I suppose I can relate to that.
The great calamity of America is too big now for just analysis and rational thought. To be parsed, it needs now also art and faith, and the insights of supra-rationality. Almost everything I've written in this blog could be distilled to four lines from a mediocre Dylan song of the mid-80s:
Witchcraft scum exploiting the dumb,
Turning children into punks and slaves
Whose heroes and healers are rich drug dealers
Who should be put in their graves.
We're supposed to move the clocks ahead an hour this weekend, but it feels as though my internal clock is already set on the near future. And that song's refrain - "It's Hell Time, man!" - sounds to me like the alarm which has set the world groping for the snooze button. The crises, the daily Watergates which pass without mainstream comment, keep cascading with a ferocity which frustrates all justice, and our ability to understand. Clearly that's not by chance; clearly there's intent in piling it on, so we few who try to take notice will never notice it all. Nor, so they hope, be able to do something about it. Something like Dylan suggests in the same song:
We're gonna blow up your home of Voodoo
And watch it burn without any regret.
We got the power, we're the new government -
You just don't know it yet.
Problem is, most of us just don't know it yet, either.
The 2004 election seems already an ancient crime, one fit only for getting over and moving on. And yet a study of the vote by a team of statisticians was released Thursday which asserts there is only a 1-in-959,000 chance that exit polls could have been that wrong. More likely, it suggests, is that votes were altered on a massive scale; enough to throw the election to Bush. But "what are you going to do except laugh at it?" said Carlo LoParo, spokesman for Ohio's Republican Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell. There are plenty of other things to do, such as ignore it, which is what most Democrats are doing. Because it's better, some presume, to not "cry in your tea cups" about what can't be fixed - water under the bridge, spilled milk, and all that - and hope that next election, things'll be better. And if not, there's always the election after that.
No. It's Hell Time now. No more next times; no more dread reckonings indefinitely deferred. The Republic is dead, the Earth is dying, and their killers are black magicians flying the skull and bones. With resigned clarity, Bob Dylan knows, and so does John Paul II. And perhaps, as well, I'm affected by this Pope's imminent death because I doubt the next one will bear his burden of knowledge.
Listen to the engine, listen to the bell
As the last fire truck from hell
Goes rolling by, all good people are praying.
It's the last temptation, the last account
The last time you might hear the sermon on the mount.
The last radio is playing.

March 31, 2005
Dear Space Brothers:
Please forgive the formality of a typewritten letter, and I really hope you've adjusted your Spam settings some time in the past 75 years so that this gets through to you. We have a lot of problems with that and they drive Chelsea crazy. I don't blame people for having their junk filters; boundaries and Viagra ads are big nowadays. But you guys have plenty of time on your hands, so do me a huge enormous favor and dig this out of your garbage folder and forward it around the Mother Ship. Forwarding is allowed; it gets us a lot of subscriptions and there are quite a few of you. Besides which we may need to drum up a little support for this project Iām about to propose but I'm convinced it's a fine idea.
Now, you know that I would not write to you except when confronted by the utmost necessity, but I must concede that on our little planet such a time has arrived. If you've been bothering with the news, which I don't blame you for not doing now that basic cable is $55 a month, you know exactly what I am getting at. Pardon my French, but the planet has gone off its fucking rocker. I mean, it's like a science fiction novel, but lacking in the science part.
And that's where you, the Space Brothers, come in, for you are science incarnate.
Now, there are many reading this who will think I'm kidding in sending you a letter. They are free to believe what they will. People believe all kinds of crap these days. That's the beauty of life on Earth (what you once called the Free Will Zone), and also the whole problem. A truck can drive through your living room wall and you'll sit there with the remote control in one hand eating Cheetos with the other while oil spills onto the floor and the engine steams, pushing the '+' button over and over again trying to make it go away. Everyone reacts to events their own very special way.
For example, every time I write an article or essay about 'politics', i.e., one of my pathetic missives pleading with intelligent people to pipe up about all the horrid stuff they know they're against but usually deal with by going shopping, someone -- there is always someone -- who writes back and says, basically, "Stick to astrology, would you? I would rather keep my head stuffed inside this pillow," or, "You should only write about things you really know about."
Thanks a lot for the advice.
I think this letter qualifies as stuff I know about.
My life has not been the same since I received proof of your existence in the summer of 1986. I was sitting in Aunt Josie's kitchen, on the phone with you know who, who was telling me about you know who else, who had the right security clearance and was in the Air Force you know where during the such-and-such war and was supposed to watch the file cabinet. What did they think, he was going to sit there and do his toenails all night? For God's sake, he was a lieutenant colonel and they left him alone in the building without even a secretary. I am sure you remember. It was quite a summer. The proof I received was nothing of the kind I could publish, and nothing I've felt particularly comfortable talking about, till now. Yet because of the people involved and certain other circumstances supporting the discovery, it was more than enough to reassure me that you are real. In a way it was the most reassuring thing I'd ever heard, and came as a great relief. It set aside, for me, what used to be a persistent debate on the planet and let me think about other things. It's a stupid debate anyway. You know the old joke, "Beam me up, Scottie, there's no intelligent life down here."
Ha ha.
The funniest part was hearing about the decision to tell Ronnie Reagan that you were real. I can still see the look on his face, his grin and him nodding, "Ooooooh! Really?" But he probably forgot 10 seconds later. So what good was that? Why didn't you, like for instance, tell, like um, Jimmy Carter, for example? He would have at least made a speech about it. Anyway, the thing you're aware of is that certain extremely powerful people know perfectly well that you exist, and by you, I'm sorry to lump you in with the other so-called Space Brothers who have that little agreement about reporting Social Security numbers that they refuse to honor. But honor is not in their dictionary of squawky little horrid so-called words. That whole scene is nothing more or less than a contest for whose ethics can go deeper in the foulest gutter this side of Nebadon. Trust me, no, you know this, the guys from our side who are in charge now make the ones who were in charge 20 years ago look like little kids playing admittedly deadly pranks in Central America. So we can't exactly be counting on them for much except oil pipelines and global anarchy.
But I digress. I have a reason for writing to you, which is to request that you hold a press conference on the lawn of the White House early next week.
I say the lawn and not the press room for a reason, so listen up, I know you like that plush mauve carpeting you could sprain your ankle in. I say the lawn because while you can obviously manifest anywhere you please (the Chinese stuff has been absolutely fabulous, by the way, and it only makes page 19 here if it gets printed at all; I think I've seen it once, on a Saturday). If you do it inside the White House, people are going to think it's staged, or the entire press corps will treat it like one of their dumb boy's club secrets that nobody finds out about till a decade later.
This is why I'm suggesting outside, in plain view. I suggest the East Lawn. Also there are about two zillion cops who will see the thing from every roof for 10 blocks on their $2,500 binoculars and even more impressive surveillance cameras. This will guarantee a few extra witnesses. Two good ones is all you need and I happen to know a couple of party boys who want revenge.
I have it all figured out, if you don't mind. Consider this. If a slightly-to-extremely out-of-shape, hung-over person such as a television reporter were to run at a good pace and only get lost once, with a little aborted detour near south fire exit #5 which confuses everyone, it takes exactly two minutes and 19 seconds to get from the press room out to the East Lawn, which is perfect. So if you time it with the daily noon briefing and we make a well-placed cell call to someone inside (I'll give you a number of somebody dependable), we'll start a little stampede, get our news conference going and make it in time for the 5 o'clock report in New York. And it won't be too late for the live feeds to reach Europe and Russia while everyone is still having dinner or before they get too crocked to see the television clearly. I think the timing of noon on a weekday would be really excellent.
I suggest a Monday, by the way. This way the story will have a few Google hits to it before it disappears by Thursday night when entertainment news takes over. In fact, this coming Monday -- during an Aquarius Moon, which will help, trust me. Any later in the week, they'll run it once and pretend it never happened, or worse, turn it into a Nickelodeon movie. Then the thing will have to get blogged around for six months (with two-thirds of these perfectly moronic bloggers who think they're the smartest thing since Abe Lincoln not even believing what happened) before it surfaces again as a crackpot cover-up story that has the shelf life of a guy running onto the field of Yankee Stadium naked. I hope you're taking notes; this is business that takes careful planning and I'm the closest thing you're ever going to get to a publicist.
Also, you need to wear the light blue suits. The orange ones make you look like trash collectors. The blue ones have some style, the silver helmets go great (but don't wear them, just hold them, you need to make what I will reluctantly call eye contact), and they remind me a little of the outfit Jewel was wearing the last time she appeared on Letterman three years ago, which I know is totally irrelevant. However, I have decided to make this letter as long as I need to and not hold back emotionally at all. The time has come in my writing career to express myself fully and without reservation and what better time than in a letter to the Space Brothers.
People can always scroll down to their horoscope. And all the subscribers with Gemini Moons are going to pick one random paragraph anyway and just read that, but they're the ones who will gossip the most about this letter, and they have thousands of people each in their address books, which will get a little buzz going and I will finally get credit for one of my amazing predictions once this happens Monday. As usual I probably won't get credit for actually being the one who had the guts and the foresight to invite you in the first place -- but that's okay. I'm fine with that. I don't need credit for everything. Just the important stuff.
The meaningful thing is that you show up. And, since I don't have White House press credentials yet (though we've applied via our new iguana-oriented lesbian porno site, which should at least count for originality, plus I do the chart of Scott McClellan's therapist every year), I request, politely, that you let me hitch a ride and show up with you so that I can actually watch and maybe even ask a question. I know what you're thinking. No worries about my objectivity, nobody is expecting that from me at this point, thanks, I always hitch rides with the people I write about. And I will dress appropriately in my bright green corduroy shirt with the ink stains and my favorite yellow bandana which usually makes it very hard for me to get a cab in Paris. It would completely suck to get this whole thing going, save the world, and then have to read about it on the Internet or watch that dork on CNN in London mangle the story beyond recognition with that smirk on his face. Where the hell did they find that guy? He looks like he should be the assistant principal for P.S. 161 in the Bronx.
You're going to let me come along because you owe me big time; you have no idea how many astrology clients I've helped come to terms with their little involuntary rides you take them on. Okay, they usually paid me, but doing the same session over and over and over again gets extremely boring. It's like, between you and that really weird guru who thinks she can patent the word "Darshan," I could have made myself wealthy, except that I squander all my capital on free Web sites and giving everyone complimentary subscriptions. And so far I have not gone out of my way to ride the Space Brother craze like my old buddy Dave and pack in 226 bazillion page views and free a trip to Egypt in one weekend promising that you, the Space Brothers, are going to help enlighten us.
Which, as you know, is exactly what I'm here asking you to do. I am not making any promises I can't keep. I am saying, get with it. I am not the wishful thinker type. I am the take action type.
However, pay careful attention to me when I say this, I am not planning to deliver your message personally. Spare me that. My life is complicated enough with six horoscope columns, two blogs and an essay every time I make tea. I already need 14 assistants. Dig it: I am NOT becoming your personal news bureau -- just doing you a favor and writing this one letter. Plus, people would think that's stupid if I got too, too involved, and besides, I have totally blown my credibility chasing a comet around the solar system for the past 10 years, and while it's been more than interesting, more than interesting for sure, and it's a rather large comet as they come, I can't even get Sierra magazine to look at any more of my awesome environmental scandal articles because they're sure I've lost a bolt, and the next thing you know, I'm going to be writing about is the Space Brothers; and sadly they are right.
So, you guys are going to speak for yourselves, and I will tell you what to say. And for God's sake don't just click. Speak English. Don't act like those French waiters who don't speak a word of our low-brow, half-slang, made for MTV language till you've mispronounced "croque madam" and they are on the verge of cracking up because you've just said, "I want to bite my wife" instead of, "I'll have grilled cheese with an egg." If you loiter around the White House lawn waiting for that guy from the Wall Street Journal who has the Nasdaq coming in on his watch to click at you before you say anything they can understand, we're going to be there for 50 years, which is a lot shorter for you than it is for us. In 50 years there's not going to be an Amazon rain forest; it will have been sold off in its entirety by Amazon.com.
So, item one on the agenda is hands off the trees. Just say it nice and clear so they understand you. Give them time to take notes. Half of these people don't own a tape recorder. Say it twice and pronounce the words.
Second, right after you mention the trees, you'll fire off those big shocking pink laser beams you've got -- the really cool ones, not the dumb ones that you used on the Zetas last year. Man that was pathetic. Okay it was funny how it peeled the paint off the wing. There are like 300 layers of white paint on the White House. Peeling the paint is not going to scare anyone except the maintenance crew, which has been under enough pressure. While I'm mentioning the Zetas, would somebody please ask them to cool it on the cattle? It's just bad PR. Everybody knows that, it's not necessary, nobody believes it's happening, and they can look at pictures of the old ones. Okay so, the plan is, you fire off the lasers and then just shut up for a minute. You need a little dramatic effect. On this planet, that's attained by standing there ominously, which people are expecting you to do anyway. And I know it may seem like a contradictory statement to demonstrate a neo-nuclear weapon for the sake of the environment, but I know these guys, and they don't listen to anything else. I mean, not the reporters, they don't care. This is a big enough story for them no matter what. The shocking pink plan is for Wolfie. If he knows that one person, one measly turd-producing specimen of a humanoid, even one such as yourselves with 188 chromosomes and three toes per foot, has anything vaguely resembling one of their toys, they will at least pause for a moment before they maul somebody again and we'll have a little leverage and save Venezuela and maybe Iran.
Next, we want them out of Iraq. Keep it short, simple, just say it, and then the Mother Ship comes through from the sixth dimension right above the lawn -- slowly, please, in low gear, nice and low, and keep the sound on -- and then just stand there and nod, like on Star Trek. These bastards know you exist but they have no idea the ship is six miles long and makes the John F. Kennedy look like the Laura Lu II out of Sheepshead Bay. They WILL be impressed by the fact that the ship takes half an hour to go by. Trust me.
Last, you have to keep it short, these people are working on EXTREMELY limited attention spans, and besides they have to file after they polish off a magnum of brut at Christine's on D Street SW. But before you go, just put down a fat, fancy crop circle (check your inbox for a link to one I really like), and then leave them two of those cool hydrogen converters you've got. Put one down on the ground next to Bill from the Seattle Times. He also writes for Science and they can afford to take it apart and see how it works and they love that kind of shit in Seattle. I'll help you translate the instructions into English so you get the spelling right for once, but you have to emphasize the "water in, water out" quality of the device, and make sure they know that six gigawatts come out of that little plug, or they're going to look like a freedom fry if they touch it.
Last, I need you to drop me in Berlin, that's where I want to watch this on TV.
Oh yeah, I'm going to leak the story to Helen Thomas early. She's cool. She's seen it all, but she hasn't seen anything like this.
Yours sincerely,
Your space brother,
Brussels, Belgium
PS, the press release can be short. All it needs to say is, "Both God and evolution are true. Stop worrying about volcanoes. Get naked."
PPS, speaking of which, would you please zap Bush with that orgasm ray you've got? If he doesn't have one sometime soon, we're going to have full-on nuclear war, which will NOT be nearly as thrilling as some people think. Thanks, I really appreciate it. See you Monday.
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Jeff says:
"No. It's Hell Time now. No more next times; no more dread reckonings indefinitely deferred. The Republic is dead, the Earth is dying, and their killers are black magicians flying the skull and bones."
wellsaid;however there remains the inimitable Hunter iambic:
"When the going gets weird the weird turn pro."
Which is only an arch comment on attitude & behavior.It seems unlikely that Hunter would espouse/endorse vigilantism but there is a definite trending within the national psyche towards that revanche.
It's not boring... heh
so light a few candles,burn some incense,& do a quad of hails, Jeff- j/k
Regarding the Pope;
it was being reported a couple of days ago that "newly opened STASI files" showed that the KGB "ordered the assassination attempt [on PJP II, in 1981], which was carried out by the Bulgarian secret service."
Then yesterday, a different story:
" East Germany's notorious Stasi secret police was not involved in Turkish militant Mehmet Ali Agca's 1981 attempt to kill Pope John Paul II, an official in Germany said on Thursday.
Agca made this and other claims in an interview with La Repubblica newspaper published on Thursday in which he also claimed he had had accomplices within the Vatican.
Christian Booss, spokesman for the Stasi Documents Centre in Berlin, said there was no documentary evidence to support the claim by Agca.
"We have absolutely no knowledge or evidence of any link between the East German secret police and the attempt on the pope's life," Booss said.
"The documents we have on
file also do not support claims of any involvement by either Bulgarian secret agents or the Soviet KGB", he said.
Agca, who was pardoned in Italy in 2000 but jailed in Turkey on his return over a killing prior to the papal assassination bid, said in the newspaper interview: "The devil is also behind the walls of the Vatican."
He continued: "The Vatican bears responsibility for the attack on the pope. Without the help of some priests and cardinals I could not have done it." "
This is all rather murky, innit?
Does Jeff remember Pazienza, etc.?
Regardless of your spiritual or secular tendencies, keep your eyes on the next pope, prophecied by St Malachy as De Gloriae Olivae, ā[He That is] Of the Glory of the Olives.ā
Why is this important?
Because in a few short years, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, who will be selected to serve as the next pope, and will be fondly described The Pope of Peace, will become Petrus Romanus, easily translated as "Peter the Roman," the final pope of the current Catholic Church.
Why is this important?
Because this October, the east coast of the U.S. shall be destroyed by a tremendous tsunami caused by an asteroid striking the mid-Atlantic, and the following March the west coast shall be decimated by 'The Big One', though actually a series of large earthquakes, effectively removing the United States of America from the world stage and opening up an opportunity for Muslim aggression throughout Europe in 2007 in search of food and survival following a world-wide depression and famine -- spurred, fo course, by the economic collapse and power vacuum created by America's tragedies.
In becoming Petrus Romanus, Tettamanzi is to become the Anti-Christ.
Hell time indeed. Plan accordingly.
"A year later, while Agca languished in an Italian jail, stories started to circulate in the Western press alleging that the plot to assassinate John Paul II was hatched by the Soviet KGB and carried out by the Bulgarian secret service. The Soviets, according to this theory, viewed the Polish-born pope as a threat to Communist hegemony in Eastern Europe and wanted him eliminated."
"Playing off these news accounts, which were based largely on U.S. intelligence sources, Agca began to weave an elaborate, conspiratorial tale that seemingly endorsed the idea of a "Bulgarian connection" to the papal shooting. Italian magistrates launched an investigation that culminated in the arrest and trial of three Bulgarians and four Turks. But they were all released "for lack of evidence" in 1986 after Agca repeatedly contradicted himself in a Roman courtroom and claimed at one point that he was Jesus Christ."
"The so-called Bulgarian connection was further debunked by the testimony of ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman, who told the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1990 that his CIA colleagues, under pressure from agency higher-ups, had skewed their reports to try to lend credence to the notion of a Soviet plot to murder the pope. "The CIA had no evidence linking the KGB to the plot," Goodman asserted."
"Although it was never substantiated, the much-publicized Bulgarian connection proved to be one of the more efficacious Reagan-era disinformation schemes, reinforcing the idea of the Soviet Union as an evil empire while deflecting attention from potentially embarrassing ties between U.S. intelligence and right-wing extremists in Turkey."
"In the late 1970s, armed bands of Grey Wolves launched a wave of bomb attacks and shootings that killed hundreds of people, including public officials, journalists, lawyers, human rights activists, students, and trade unionists. During this period, the Grey Wolves operated with the encouragement and protection of the Counter-Guerrilla Organization, a section of the Turkish Army's Special Warfare Department. Headquartered in the U.S. Military Aid Mission building in Ankara, the Special Warfare Department received funds and training from U.S. advisors to establish paramilitary units that were supposed to engage in acts of sabotage and resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion."
"But instead of preparing for foreign enemies, these shadowy paramilitary specialists set their sights on domestic targets, according to retired Turkish army commander Talat Turhan, who has authored three books about Turkish secret service and police ties to right-wing extremists and mafia-style gangs. The Counter-Guerrilla Organization, according to Turhan, supplied weapons to the Grey Wolves, who were responsible for much of the political violence that set the stage for the 1980 coup by the Turkish military."
"Agca was part of a network of neofascist gunmen who had close links to Turkish police commanders, intelligence officers, and far-right politicians. Evidence of this sordid sub-rosa alliance came to the fore in dramatic fashion in 1996 when one of Agca's closest associates, Grey Wolf leader Abdullah Catli (pronounced "chutley"), died in a car crash on a remote highway near Susurluk, a hundred miles southwest of Istanbul."
shit dude, when you swing for the fences you really SWING! And hats off to you for it.
It probably does take a lot of art to pull it all together. But let's not lose sight of one important fact, when reflecting on the wackiness of the world:
We don't all read the same news. 'Time' magazine in the US is kind of gross, certainly crass and broad - but in Europe it's an absolute emberassment. As substantial as the Weekly World News or The Sun. The same with news papers. And of course you know that the CNN they watch in Indiana bears no resemblance aside from the name to the CNN they watch in Berlin.
Iago is able to poison the mind of the Moor because the Moor listens only to him. It is the finest trick in the US, one I've always marveled at, and which becomes shockingly apparent within seconds after stepping out from under the static-y humm of it's airwaves: If information is power (and ask any VooDoo priest how important that is) then what do you think they are working hardest to control? The web of information, the consistency of the message and it's presentation, insure that entire worlds of ideas are almost literally inconceivable to the majority of people. I imagine that at no time in history have so few been able to confront so many.
"Oh baby, can I get a witness?" Maybe, but like 'Eric Francis' said, by Thursday, entertainment news kicks back in.
Like the Outsiders are any more together than a thousand Saudi princes, intriguing for the most they can grab from a desert full of oil- for a few more years, anyway.
If the baby acts like a wolf, it may avoid becoming their main course, but will it ever run with the hunters?
Perhaps: this has been the trend of human evolution after all.
Intelligence and adaptability have been our tooth and claw.
It would be interesting to know what the outgoing pope did as a young man in Crakow, Poland, during the Nazi occupation. He was in his 20s during that time. It's the same town that the events of Schindler's List happened in (and it's not that far from Auschwitz, although not immediately next door). Anyone who survived that ordeal probably had to make some sort of compromise -- what did John Paul II / Carol do under occupation?
Hi Jeff,
I've been feeling it, too, for several months now, and it grows stronger by the day. God help us all!
Mary R.
We all have the white magick to fight them with. It's built into the structure of the universe, - yes, even this sordid dimension, with all its shadows and echoes. Never fear.
No gods help us! We'd be better off.
Obviously we need sustainable and much less decadent lifestyles. But, when you pinpoint capitalism as the problem, I think it shows that your clinging to "old" reality, as Rummy might call it, and are holding yourself back from deeper, and much less pleasant, understanding. Besides, American capitalism is as perverted as Soviet communism was--we've never really practiced it. Religious sounding or not, it's clear that good and evil exist and the struggle between them is heating up every day now.
I agree that capitalism's failing, and its collapse is a huge part of our 21st century reality. But I think it is a symptom of the root problem, which is Evil with a capital E, and has both physicial and metaphysical manifestations.
Capitalism can't account for UFOs, or elite paedophile rings, or mind control. But its collapse may help account for why we'll be seeing more of them.
Glad you chose to comment, bin'dare. You make some very good and important points. I wish my remarks had been as nuanced.
You're right, we do participate in the evil of the world, and we must recognize the blood on our own hands before we can build a better one. But there are orders of degree distinguishing our guilt from that of the elite. For instance, I don't subscribe to the lesson of that unofficial anthem of the Process Church: "I shouted out, 'Who killed the Kennedys?' when after all, it was you and me." Nuh uh. They can't pin those on us!
I think instead of the Germans, being walked through the camps at the end of the war. They may not have built the walls, they may not have executed anyone inside them, but they knew, or knew enough, or should have known enough, and did nothing. And almost as bad, perhaps felt nothing, too. Someday, I think, Americans will be asked "Why didn't you do something?" An annual ritual of street theatre doesn't count.
But the collective guilt of common Americans pales when compared to that of their leaders. That's not to say the leaders are inhuman. Neither was Hitler a "monster." Not really. To say he was strikes me as an easy out to let human nature off the hook.
Still, the sense I'm trying to make of this stuff suggests to me that there is an occultic meaning to the elite's great evil, which is really about power. The more our leaders have devoted themselves to its pursuit, the more they have given themselves over to the demonic, whether or not we understand that to be a metaphysical reality or a psychological metaphor. I believe in the power of metaphor, and that devotion to either great evil or great good can be rewarded by something that isn't exactly just us.
anonymous says:
"Are there professionals, spectrum analysts or whatever, who could analyze Egan's voice and compare it to the voice on the tape? They would find the voice is the same. There is probably even speech recognition technology that could identify the voice on the tape as his."
If you know a good sound engineer at a recording studio they could probably have a go & give you a heads up or not.
These tangled webs...
There are a few books on the subject, some very
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Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************
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