Henry: Portrait of a Bush Supporter
Although he said he was anguished by the decision, in an interview in Talk magazine, writer Tucker Carlson described Bush mimicking the woman's final plea for her life. "'Please,' Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, 'don't kill me.'" - Time Magazine
The man who mocked Karla Faye Tucker sure picked his moments.
As Governor of Texas, George W Bush notched 152 - count -em! - confirmed kills. A personal best, until 9/11. His giddy impression of Tucker (#58) even got under the skin of scary Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer, who said "I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death."
Bush did not care if the condemned were mentally ill or had been a juvenile offender. He did not hesitate to execute Betty Lou Beets, a great-grandmother convicted of killing her chronically abusive partner. ("What my husband started, Texas will finish," she said.) There was no exception to Bush's repeated position that "he would only consider granting clemency in cases of actual innocence or where the courts have failed to provide a thorough review on appeal."
Well, one teeny exception: Henry Lee Lucas.
"Here's lookin' at you, Mr Bush"

Remember Henry? He confessed to up to 600 murders, though he may have been guilty for as "few" as six, while most accounts place the likely number at several dozen. Henry was the recipient of Governor Bush's sole pardon, because the particular murder for which he was sentenced was found to be unsupported by evidence. Less than two weeks before Lucas was to be executed, Bush intervened, and asked his appointed parole board to review Henry's case. And "eight days later the Board uncharacteristically recommended that Henry's execution not take place."
The funny-strange thing is, many of the 152 who were not fortunate enough to receive the Governor's favour also had evidence supporting their claims of innocence. But Lucas did not just receive a temporary stay while his case was reviewed, but a full clemency.
Was there more to Lucas than the lone, random psychopath?
From David McGowan's Programmed to Kill:
Lucas claimed that he was trained by a nationwide satanic cult in a mobile paramilitary training camp in the Florida Everglades.... Henry further claimed the leaders of the camp were so impressed with his handling of a knife that he was allowed to serve as an instructor. Following his training, Henry claimed that he served the cult in various ways, including as a contract killer and as an abductor of children, whom he delivered to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez. Once there, they were used in the production of child pornography and for ritual sacrifices. Henry has said that this cult's operations were based in Texas, and included trafficking in children and drugs, among other illegal pursuits.
What Henry claimed, essentially, is that what appeared to be the random work of a serial killer was in fact a planned series of crimes often committed for specific purposes....
Before his rampage, Lucas had spent 10 years in prison for murdering his mother, nearly half that time in a psychiatric ward, where he received "intensive drug and electroshock treatments." He later described it as a "nightmare that would not end," and complained of hearing voices in his head.
Anyone who has studied MKULTRA knows how covert mind control research was conducted in hospitals on unwitting psychiatric patients. Was Lucas one, who was then released into the service of a sheltered Satanic cult of child pornographers? It's bizarre conjecture, and we can't simply take Lucas's word for a conspiracy. Who would? Which, of course, also happens to make him a perfect subject.
Should we take Bush's word, that although "Henry Lee Lucas is unquestionably guilty of other despicable crimes...there is enough doubt about this particular crime that the state of Texas should not impose its ultimate penalty by executing him"?
The man who mocked Karla Faye Tucker sure picked his moments.
As Governor of Texas, George W Bush notched 152 - count -em! - confirmed kills. A personal best, until 9/11. His giddy impression of Tucker (#58) even got under the skin of scary Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer, who said "I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death."
Bush did not care if the condemned were mentally ill or had been a juvenile offender. He did not hesitate to execute Betty Lou Beets, a great-grandmother convicted of killing her chronically abusive partner. ("What my husband started, Texas will finish," she said.) There was no exception to Bush's repeated position that "he would only consider granting clemency in cases of actual innocence or where the courts have failed to provide a thorough review on appeal."
Well, one teeny exception: Henry Lee Lucas.
"Here's lookin' at you, Mr Bush"

Remember Henry? He confessed to up to 600 murders, though he may have been guilty for as "few" as six, while most accounts place the likely number at several dozen. Henry was the recipient of Governor Bush's sole pardon, because the particular murder for which he was sentenced was found to be unsupported by evidence. Less than two weeks before Lucas was to be executed, Bush intervened, and asked his appointed parole board to review Henry's case. And "eight days later the Board uncharacteristically recommended that Henry's execution not take place."
The funny-strange thing is, many of the 152 who were not fortunate enough to receive the Governor's favour also had evidence supporting their claims of innocence. But Lucas did not just receive a temporary stay while his case was reviewed, but a full clemency.
Was there more to Lucas than the lone, random psychopath?
From David McGowan's Programmed to Kill:
Lucas claimed that he was trained by a nationwide satanic cult in a mobile paramilitary training camp in the Florida Everglades.... Henry further claimed the leaders of the camp were so impressed with his handling of a knife that he was allowed to serve as an instructor. Following his training, Henry claimed that he served the cult in various ways, including as a contract killer and as an abductor of children, whom he delivered to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez. Once there, they were used in the production of child pornography and for ritual sacrifices. Henry has said that this cult's operations were based in Texas, and included trafficking in children and drugs, among other illegal pursuits.
What Henry claimed, essentially, is that what appeared to be the random work of a serial killer was in fact a planned series of crimes often committed for specific purposes....
Before his rampage, Lucas had spent 10 years in prison for murdering his mother, nearly half that time in a psychiatric ward, where he received "intensive drug and electroshock treatments." He later described it as a "nightmare that would not end," and complained of hearing voices in his head.
Anyone who has studied MKULTRA knows how covert mind control research was conducted in hospitals on unwitting psychiatric patients. Was Lucas one, who was then released into the service of a sheltered Satanic cult of child pornographers? It's bizarre conjecture, and we can't simply take Lucas's word for a conspiracy. Who would? Which, of course, also happens to make him a perfect subject.
Should we take Bush's word, that although "Henry Lee Lucas is unquestionably guilty of other despicable crimes...there is enough doubt about this particular crime that the state of Texas should not impose its ultimate penalty by executing him"?
Jeff -
All I can say is "Wow". Where (how!)do you find these connections?
3 things about this case:
a) have there been other examples (in other states, perhaps) of pardonees having previously claimed MKULTRA-ish programming?
b) Did any of the other victims of Governor Bush's Reign of terror make similar MKULTRA-ish claims which were ignored?
c) I'm having trouble with WHY the powers that be would prefer to keep this guy alive. Were this guy not already on death row and started blabbing about the whole thing, he'd be at risk of being "suicided". Why save his life when he's about to die? I mean he was good at his job, apparently, but c'mon...
Anyway, I agree. Keep up the good work. It may be a tinfoil hat you're wearing, but you make it look damned stylish.
Jeff, Bill Tierney is another one in this line. From torture in Gitmo and Iraq where he was also a weapons inspector,warrent officer in the army to the picket line down in Fla, he has done it all.
Fifteen years ago I had a good friend who was going through therapy for childhood sexual abuse. I saw her journals and listened to her talk about satanic cult abuse. She had taken part in the killing of her own babysitter. She loved her babysitter who was a sixteen year old runaway. My friend was around 5 years old. They told her they would kill her if she did not cooperate. Some adult put his hands around her small hands and then stabbed her beloved babysitter to death. She spoke to me of her Dad and grandfather helping steal kids from poor Mexican areas and then take them up to the East Texas area and kill them. She looked so normal as an adult. She was a flight attendant for American for years. She never understood why she made so many trips to Mexico. She later discovered she was still involved with the cult acting as a courier for the cult without even knowing it. She was also tortuted by a Doctor named Dr. Green. Her life was a nightmare. She had so many parts because of the MPD/DID.
I lost track of her in the last few years. Some say she returned to the cult. It is sad to now read about people who seemed to endure the exact type of abuse she had described only to me all of those years. She was always afraid. Always lived in terror that they would one day kill her.
She grew up in Dallas. We were driving on LBJ 635 one day and she was looking out the windown and kind of mumbled that she was always surprised they never found those bodies that had been buried where the construction later took place for Dallas' main freeway around the city...LBJ.
What a tragedy...
Fifteen years ago I had a good friend who was going through therapy for childhood sexual abuse. I saw her journals and listened to her talk about satanic cult abuse. She had taken part in the killing of her own babysitter. She loved her babysitter who was a sixteen year old runaway. My friend was around 5 years old. They told her they would kill her if she did not cooperate. Some adult put his hands around her small hands and then stabbed her beloved babysitter to death. She spoke to me of her Dad and grandfather helping steal kids from poor Mexican areas and then take them up to the East Texas area and kill them. She looked so normal as an adult. She was a flight attendant for American for years. She never understood why she made so many trips to Mexico. She later discovered she was still involved with the cult acting as a courier for the cult without even knowing it. She was also tortuted by a Doctor named Dr. Green. Her life was a nightmare. She had so many parts because of the MPD/DID.
I lost track of her in the last few years. Some say she returned to the cult. It is sad to now read about people who seemed to endure the exact type of abuse she had described only to me all of those years. She was always afraid. Always lived in terror that they would one day kill her.
She grew up in Dallas. We were driving on LBJ 635 one day and she was looking out the windown and kind of mumbled that she was always surprised they never found those bodies that had been buried where the construction later took place for Dallas' main freeway around the city...LBJ.
What a tragedy...
There's Something About Henry
excerpt from www.tbrnews.org The Voice of the White House, purportedly an insider's commentary:
"And now to more interesting sexual deviancies for my readers to enjoy. It seems, from a secret CIA evaluation, now circulating here at the Monkey Palace, that Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, in addition to real estate swindles and the butchery of Arab civilians, is also a well-known pedophile with a penchant for sweet young Arab boys! His strongest defender, one Steven Plaut, connected with the University of Haifa in Israel, and safe from American law enforcement, once ran two pedophile websites, one located in Tel Aviv and the other in Washington, D.C. Plaut, who has previously had serious issues with child pornography, is a member of a “select group” of “enlightened” Israeli citizens, many of whom are very well-connected in the current Sharon Administration. Our very own American Administration perverts only like muscular servicemen but our Greatest Ally seems to like the smooth bottoms of young Arabs. There is an old Persian poem, which translates as "Across the river lives a boy, who has an ass like a peach, but, alas, I cannot swim." Perhaps this is Ariel Sharon's motto. When the IDF is not engaged in shooting teenagers to death or running over occupied strollers with their tanks, they seem to like other pleasures of the flesh.
One of Bush's Secret Service people who talks to me reports that one of the reasons Bush has invited Ariel Sharon to Crawford, Texas instead of the White House on April 11th, is the privacy of the ranch. He tells me Bush has engaged the services of a group of ex-Secret Service people in Texas who operate a very clandestine company for hire, mainly for the use of ex-Presidents, (apparently Gorilla Bush, the 41st President, put his son the Chimpanzee in touch with them,) to procure a couple of young, smooth and pretty Mexican boys from across the border for one night during Sharon's visit. My informant believes they will be for Sharon's fat and sweaty pleasure, although nobody has said so directly. The purchase order requires that the children will not speak a word of English, will be brought over the border in an unmarked closed vehicle with Mexican registration and Secret Service clearance, and afterwards will be returned the same way. They will never even be aware that they have been outside of Mexico, and a few thousand dollars paid to the parents will ensure their silence. (I suppose one can take some comfort that there is no plan to kidnap and dispose of the children "with extreme prejudice" afterwards - someone around here still has a trace of conscience. Or perhaps it is just that Sharon needs them willing and glad to service him.) Sadly, I am unable to find out - you can imagine how I would like to - whether the payment to the Texas procurers is to be made from American taxpayer funds or not."
Click to see the most horrifying interview you'll hopefully ever read.
Ottis Toole describes in EXTREMELY graphic detail his and Henry's activities. I really don't recommend reading it, but it does contain a lot of info. This is serisously sick shit.
An excerpt below.
Barton: Were you involved with a death cult then?
Toole: No, not then. That was around 1974. I joined the cult in the 1980's, early 80's. I was in it with Henry.
Barton: Tell me about it.
Toole: It was The Hand of Death. We were working for that cult and we'd grab little kids for the human sacrifices, grab young women for the snuff movies. We'd tie the women up and haul them to Mexico...
Also, Paranoia magazine issue #38 has a great interview with David McGowan, the author of Programmed to Kill.
Well if Sharon is a pedophile (is there any more substance to that claim?), would that explain why his son Omri would be sent into meet with Arafat?
I've been visiting your informative and thought-provoking site for months. Everything you write is fascinating, but reading your blogs has started some bells ringing for me uncomfortably close to home.
In the early '70s, my mother had a nervous breakdown when her brother was killed. She was taken to a Dr. Elliot Emanuel in Dorval, a suburb of Montreal, for regular outpatient treatment.
He treated her for 11 years, during which her condition became much, much worse and her behaviour more unbalanced, and she was diagnosed as schizoid. Although she was prescribed some drugs, Dr. Elliot used to personally give her some injections that caused her to become very pliable and lethargic for about 10 days, with terrifying hallucinations, after which the hallucinations and bizarre behaviour would disappear for a while, and she'd be back to normal for weeks or even months, before the cycle would begin again. Over the course of her treatment the intervals between cycles became increasingly shorter.
Dr. Emanuel operated a general practice out of a suburban mall, but I later discovered that he was an Oxford-educated psychiatrist and that he had been implicated in Ewen Cameron's experiments for the CIA at the Allen Memorial in Montreal. Most interestingly for me, is that after my mother moved away from Canada and was no longer under Dr. Emanuel's care, her hallucinations and episodes of bizarre behaviour gradually disappeared and have not recurred in the nearly 20 years since.
I've tried Googgling Elliot Emanuel's name and have only learned that he died in 2000. I would really like to know the extent of his involvement with Cameron and anything else that I could learn about his work. At this point, it's just a nagging curiosity more than anything else, since thank God, my mother is fine now. Even the lingering facial tics that she used to have, and that were probably the result of the medication she was given, are now gone.
I shudder to think what would have happened if she'd stayed under his care instead of moving away. The whole thing was devastating while it was happening, especially as we children went through our entire teens during this time, and that's why I would like to know more about why this happened to our family. Was this Dr. Emanuel merely incompetent, or was my mother the victim of some MK-Ultra type of experiment?
Way to rewrite history, you DUmb-ass. Henry Lee Lucas died in his PRISON CELL in 2001.
The connection between Henry Lee Lucas and George W. Bush can be found through deep research into the murder of Mark Kilroy, an affluent University of Texas pre-med student who disappeared in Matamoras, Mexico, while bar hopping on the night of March 19th, 1988, during spring break.
You may remember this case, which made national mainstream news that year. Investigation of the murder exposed a Mexican gang of over the border drug smugglers, led by Adolpho Constanzo, and Sara Villarreal.
Six months after Mexican authorities had found Kilroy's mutilated body buried with fifteen previous ritual sacrifice victims on a ranch, these ring leaders were cornered in Mexico City. During a shootout, Constanzo was killed. Villarreal and other cult members were tried and given long prison sentences. Curiously, Villareal's sentence has since been substantially reduced. Mexico does not have a death penalty for murder.
Now, Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundreds of murders. He was not involved in this one, but among his stories (ignored by prosecutors), had been involvment in a massive Satanic drug running/assassin cult with bases in Juarez, Matamoros, and Florida.
George W. Bush lived in Brownsville, Texas, for a while in 1984. Matamoros is the on the Mexican border with Brownsville. One can simply walk or drive from the American town to the Mexican side, the same as El Paso is the US side of Juarez.
An ongoing, 'unsolved' serial murder mystery continues to go on in Juarez. The raped and mutilated bodies of over 300 females have been turning up in the desert outside Juarez for at least 20 years.
Study these thing and connect the dots.
Henry Lucas was used as an assassin, trainer, and abductor of victims for rape, snuff movies, and ritual sacrifice by a Satanic, CIA cult operating on the border of Mexico and Texas. This cult is a Bush crime family operation, and George W. Bush seems to have been down there running it in 1984. The same as his brother Neil Bush, who lived in Venezuala with his Mexican wife during the 80's to oversee the Bush drug trade.
The connection between Henry Lee Lucas and George W. Bush can be found through deep research into the murder of Mark Kilroy, an affluent University of Texas pre-med student who disappeared in Matamoras, Mexico, while bar hopping on the night of March 19th, 1988, during spring break.
You may remember this case, which made national mainstream news that year. Investigation of the murder exposed a Mexican gang of over the border drug smugglers, led by Adolpho Constanzo, and Sara Villarreal.
Six months after Mexican authorities had found Kilroy's mutilated body buried with fifteen previous ritual sacrifice victims on a ranch, these ring leaders were cornered in Mexico City. During a shootout, Constanzo was killed. Villarreal and other cult members were tried and given long prison sentences. Curiously, Villareal's sentence has since been substantially reduced. Mexico does not have a death penalty for murder.
Now, Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundreds of murders. He was not involved in this one, but among his stories (ignored by prosecutors), had been involvment in a massive Satanic drug running/assassin cult with bases in Juarez, Matamoros, and Florida.
George W. Bush lived in Brownsville, Texas, for a while in 1984. Matamoros is the on the Mexican border with Brownsville. One can simply walk or drive from the American town to the Mexican side, the same as El Paso is the US side of Juarez.
An ongoing, 'unsolved' serial murder mystery continues to go on in Juarez. The raped and mutilated bodies of over 300 females have been turning up in the desert outside Juarez for at least 20 years.
Study these thing and connect the dots.
Henry Lucas was used as an assassin, trainer, and abductor of victims for rape, snuff movies, and ritual sacrifice by a Satanic, CIA cult operating on the border of Mexico and Texas. This cult is a Bush crime family operation, and George W. Bush seems to have been down there running it in 1984. The same as his brother Neil Bush, who lived in Venezuala with his Mexican wife during the 80's to oversee the Bush drug trade.
I don't have any opinion about the cult aspects of H. H. Lee's activities. I just want to point out that Mr. Bush does whatever his "handlers" direct him to do. He convenes a commission and then acts on their recommendations. In short, he is incapable of independent descision' he is an idiot.
Firstly and foremostly, I want it noted that I am a Psychology major, and an independent. The problems with your conjecture on this subject are that you have solely noted Toole and Lucas' completely uncoersed confession to being in a cult. They also confessed to over 500 murders, 90 solely on Lucas' head, and a 108 combined. Many of these were later proved to be fallacies, made up, false confessions. We cannot just choose one piece of the puzzle and call it true, while discounting all of the lies and misleading facts given by two admitted psychopaths. They lied, as most psychopaths do, incessantly. Lucas himself came out and retracted his confession to all murders.
It is small minded of us to only question the administration at hand, and not to question the psychopaths making accusations based on their paranoia.
Surely Bush was mistaken in his pardon. We can all agree on the fact that he didn't use good judgement in not pardoning other, possibly more deserving inmates, yet pardoning one of the most notorious serial killers of all time instead. However, to try to bring a large scale conspiracy up as fact is ridiculous. Unless you are going to start looking into the involvement of Manson and his belief that there was an impending race war being hidden by the government. He killed because of that paranoid disillusion. Toole and Lucas killed, perhaps, for their "cult."
Where is your accusations brought against the white leaders, the black leaders, and the president who were in power at the time Manson exacted his murders on so many people? Or does that not work because they wouldn't come against today's administrator? Please include something less biased next time, otherwise you look slightly silly speaking of how two convicted mass murdering psychopaths' word ought to be taken over an elected official.
uh I think this is an article from the onion
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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