Seeing things, saying things

Ain't it just like the night to play tricks when you're tryin' to be so quiet?
We sit here stranded, though we're all doin' our best to deny it. - Bob Dylan
Talk isn't cheap, not if you have something to say that most folks don't want to hear.
It seems a North American condition that many consumers of accounts of High Weirdness and conspiracy want the material to be for entertainment purposes only. They become campfire tales intended to raise goosebumps, but all that follows the telling is the falling asleep. What's more, unless people know enough to seek out the more serious and harder-to-find treatments of the subjects, they will know only such winking bastardizations. If you've ever seen a US network documentary on UFOs or the JFK assassination you may know what I mean.
Other than our time and attention, an entertainment may make no further demands upon us. And that's where most people seem happy to leave issues of the paranormal and parahistory. Thrill me, scare me, but don't change me. But a sincere telling of an honest account contains a uneasy challenge: If this could be true, what does it do to my assumptions of the world?
August 21 will mark the 50th anniversary of the "Hopkinsville Incident." You probably know about it, even if you don't think you do. About 7 PM Billy Ray Taylor, a guest of the Sutton family, went to the well behind the Sutton farmhouse to draw some water. He ran inside and excitedly reported a silvery saucer shooting flames "all the colors of the rainbow" had passed over head, stopped, and descended into a gully 300 feet behind the farm. No one took him seriously; no one even went outside to take a look.
Then, about an hour later, all hell broke loose.
[T]he family dog began to bark loudly outside. As customary in this rural area, Lucky and Billy quickly went outside to find the reason of the dog's concern. The dog actually hid under the house and was not seen anymore that evening. At a short distance from the front door, both men were stopped dead in their tracks by the sight of a glowing hovering light, which came towards them and allowed them to see that it was in fact a 3 and a half feet tall creature, advancing towards them with hands up, as if to surrender. The bizarre creature would be described as having "two large eyes with a yellow glow, more on the sides than in the human face, a long thin mouth, large bat-like ears, thin short legs, and unusually long arms with large hands ending in claws."
From Billy Ray's description; Police Chief Russell Greenwell

Both men instinctively unloaded their shotguns at the entity, no farther than 20 feet from them. Though they said there was no way they could have missed it, it merely "did a back flip, stood up again, and fled into the woods."
No sooner had the two men reentered the house before the creature, or another like it, appeared at a window. They took a shot at him, leaving a blast hole through the screen. They ran back outside to see if the creature was dead, but found no trace of it. Standing at the front of the house, the men were terrified by a clawed hand reaching down from the roof in an attempt to touch them. Again, they shot, but the being simply floated to the ground, and scurried into the cover of the woods. The two men sought the protection of the house again, only to find themselves under siege from these little men. For a time, the entities seemed to tease the family, appearing from one window to another. Taking pot shots through the windows and walls, their weapons seemed totally ineffective against the creatures.
After three hours of fear turning into sheer panic, with three children crying or shrieking, the Sutton family decided to make a break from the house, and get help at the Police station at Hopkinsville. The farm was located nearer to Kelly, but the nearest police were in Hopkinsville. Family members took two vehicles to the Police Station in Hopkinsville, and reported their strange tale to Sheriff Russell Greenwell. Finally persuading the policemen that they were not joking, the policemen agreed to visit the Sutton house. Arriving at the farm, police found no trace of the creatures, but did find numerous bullet and rifle holes in the windows and walls. Greenwell was in charge of the twenty plus officers at the scene, and reported that the Suttons seemed sober, and were genuinely frightened by something. After a canvas of the neighborhood, reports were entered of the "hearing of shots being fired," and the observation of "lights in the sky."
The police left the farm at approximately 2:15 AM, having found no hard evidence of the creatures, though "a luminous patch of grass was observed where one of the creatures was shot off a fence." Police Chief Russell Greenwell later stated that he and other investigators sensed a "weird feeling" to the area that night, and said that "something scared those people. Something beyond reason" Soon after, "Mrs. Lankford was lying in bed watching the window when she noticed a weird glow; the glow was one of the creatures staring inward with its hands on the window screen. Calling quietly to the rest of the family, she remained perfectly calm. Lucky Sutton, however, grabbed his gun and again shot at the creature through the screen. No effect. The creatures continued to make their appearance throughout the rest of the night, never doing anything overtly hostile and only seeming to show curiosity. The last creature was seen at half an hour before sunrise, at about 5:15 AM."
A "bowl-shaped depression" is still visible in the gully where the object was said to have landed. Dorris McCor, who now lives at the site (the farmhouse has long since been demolished), says "Back when we were kids nothing ever grew on that spot... no weeds or trees or nothing. It hasn't been until the last several years that anything started growing over it again."
The entities, described as "shining, as though nickel-plated," rapidly became known as "little green men." The sober family, whose sincerity and inarticulate trauma impressed investigating officers, was quickly characterized as a clan of drunken hillbillies: ur-caricatures for lazy skeptics to skewer.
One official who had interviewed the family the night of the event, concluding "No evidence of intoxication. Witnesses deemed credible. Consider as possible sighting," returned a few months later, "partly out of curiosity, partly because I felt guilt for being part of this family's nightmare":
Billy Ray refused to talk to me. It seems his reputation in the town had been ruined, going from a well respected Baptist to a shunned alcoholic. He was held up as an example of what happens to people who tell the truth. After talking to other family members, I was hesitantly told that the aliens came back that same night, almost seeming to taunt the family before leaving. The family was confused as to why it was being torn apart by the same people it went to for help. I never spoke to or heard from them again.
I think about this now as I pass though Kentucky on my way back out. I never saw the official report from that night again. It doesn't exist. 41 years have passed, the document can no longer be classified, and so it is dust. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Fair is foul, and foul is fair in America. Just don't get in the way.
Hopkinsville, having hounded the family in life, now observes the occasion of their trauma with a "little green men" festival. ("What actually occurred on that fateful night is still a mystery, but we are determined to celebrate its occurrence.") Events scheduled include a screening of Plan Nine from Outer Space, a Kids' alien costume competition and an "Out Of This World" Karaoke Contest.
(And by the way, it is silly to think of these clawed, naked creatures as sophisticated space travellers. If that's the only answer besides hoax or hysteria than the community may as well make sport of it. But this story alone should debunk the assumption that UFOs must be of extraterrestrial origin. The entities' arrival at the Sutton farmhouse was not a technological achievement; it was a daemonic fact. And perhaps, since they were not seen departing or entering the UFO, we shouldn't assume they arrived upon it. Maybe it's more esoteric than that: could the UFO's own violation of our reality have somehow called forth the entities to rush into the gap it had momentarily created? And note: like all other UFO observations, Billy Ray Taylor's was of an aerial phenomenon - they are seen in the near atmosphere, not outer space. So maybe the creatures weren't so far from home after all. Maybe in some sense, given the weird heritage Peter Levenda documents for that part of America in Sinister Forces, they were already home.)
Of course, things needn't get this weird before victims and witnesses become convinced that things will go easier for them if they would just shut up.
In August of 1965, Green Beret Lt Col Daniel Marvin, author of Expendable Elite, and then a captain known as "Dangerous Dan," was asked by his commanding officier to meet a CIA official outside the headquarters of the 6th Special Forces at Fort Bragg. Another Special Forces captain, also trained in assassination, joined them outside the building.
"First the Company man took me aside," Marvin says in Kent Heiner's Without Smoking Gun, "showed me his badge, his ID card. Then he asked me if I would volunteer to kill a man, a United States citizen, a naval officer, for treason and espionage." Marvin was due for a tour in Vietnam, and assumed he was being asked to kill an American overseas. He agreed - he admits he "had a reputation," but will neither confirm or deny that he'd previously carried out such assignments - and asked for the name. Lieutenant Commander William Pitzer, he was told, and it was imperative he be terminated before his forthcoming retirement. As the conversation progressed, Marvin learned that Pitzer was stationed in the United States. At Bethesda's National Naval Medical Center, where John F Kennedy's autoposy had been performed.
Dan Marvin and William Pitzer

Marvin says that the Agency official was obviously irritated that the target's name had been disclosed to a man who no longer had an operational "need to know." He also says that the man knew he could count on Marvin to "forget" both his name and Pitzer's. The official then turned around and headed [toward the other captain], who had been waiting some 40 feet away, just out of earshot.
On the evening of October 29, 1966, Lt. Commander Pitzer was found dead in Bethesda's Naval Medical School of a gunshot wound to the right temple. The death was quickly judged a suicide.
Why did the CIA believe it had just cause to kill the man?
A few days after the [Kennedy] assassination, a [Bethesda] colleague, Dennis D. David, found Pitzer working on a 16-mm film, slides and black and white photos of the Kennedy autopsy. David noted that those materials showed what appeared to be an entry wound in the right frontal area with a corresponding exit wound in the lower rear of the skull.
Jerrol F. Custer, an X-ray technician at the hospital, later stated that Pitzer had photographed the proceedings, including the military men who attended the Kennedy autopsy. It was also rumoured that Pitzer had copies of Kennedy's autopsy photographs.
Needless to say, the whereabouts of Pizter's rumoured photographs and film is unknown.
The Special Forces Association is reportedly mounting a campaign against Marvin and his publisher Trine Day, because it takes exception to his breaking the fraternity's omerta. on dirty secrets which are supposed to remain hidden even within the world of black ops. In the introduction to Without Smoking Gun Marvin writes that "the compartmentalization of various aspects of covert operations impairs every effort to pull all the pieces of the puzzle together.... Super-secret - and sometimes heinous - activities on behalf of our government are thereby masked, permitting total independance of operations [and] affording higher authority total immunity from prosecution."
When you learn some big scary truth about the world, it's always prudent to keep it to yourself. Even better: forget about it. This is as true for a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel who learns of a domestic hit, as it is for a family in rural Kentucky beseiged by creatures which should not exist, as it is for a naval officer who by chance had hard evidence that Kennedy's head wounds did not match the official autopsy report. It's only because some people have chosen to talk regardless, sacrificing their careers, their respect and their lives, that we know as much as we do.
Seeing things and remaining quiet about them will change nothing, not even ourselves. But saying things - having the courage to testify to our own forbidden knowledge - could be the way the world changes.
More than once have I wondered, Jeff, whether you are earnest in what you do here or only having us all for breakfast to gather material for a future novel...
I'd caution against linking these two things with the intro of, "It seems a North American condition..." It's a GLOBAL condition. Is there anywhere in this (human) world where High Weirdness is accepted as anything closer to true, really? As you've documented, there are things which happen, and are not accepted as being able to happen, all over the world - of both seemingly human and not-human provenance.
Now - if there IS greater acceptance of these phenomenon as having other explanations, elsewhere, I would be interested in hearing about that, too.
All I'm doing here is tugging at threads that I think need tugging and seeing if I can find patterns. As weird as some of the material and my perspectives may seem, it's of surpassing importance to me that I be intellectually and emotionally honest about it.
I find comments like that posted by thm to be puzzling at best. A day or so ago some other poster was highly critical of Jeff for being too negative. How anyone can live in these incredibly weird/vicious times, where ongoing military mass murder is hardly commented on by our fellow citizens with whom we interact daily, and seriously make these type of comments is beyond me.
There are plenty of upbeat moronic sites elsewhere, right wing and otherwise, that you can go waste your time on. Go listen to Rush Limbaugh - - he's a real upbeat rah rah Amerikan. Why try and dissuade one of the best alternative writers from continuing what is a unique and valuable endeavor?
This website is the first one I look at everyday, I return to it often to read the various comments that are thoughtful and well-crafted, and there is nothing like it on the web in terms of content and how well written it is. It covers subjects, that it is clear to anyone who has done any serious research, that have been systematically covered up and ignored by a system of mind control that has created a phoney "normal" reality that in fact is not "normal" at all -- this has been accomplished mainly thru television (which in fact is a drug - - and the discovery of which itself by its "inventor" is totally weird and seems to be some type of placement of technical concepts by some outside force into his head -- check it out if you don't believe me) and constant advertising (accurately described elsewhere as a disease) that has completely warped the human condition in the USA. It does seem to anyone that will look that there are forces that are actively working to destroy humanity and to bring it down to some type of animal or debased level of being - - wake up.
I recently spent some time w/a recon marine who served from 1998 until 2003 until a bullet wound in his leg and shrapnel in his back put him out medically. (He also has what he believes are DU related problems in his lungs that they are having problems diagnosing - - many special forces have these problems). He told me that he and his group were in Baghdad 6 months before the time when it was recorded to have occurred in the mass media to the "free" citizens of the US. He also told me that although he and others believed it was all about the oil going in, after being there he and his comrades came to the opinion that the whole thing was a warm-up/preparation for a much, much larger war that is coming to us in the not so distant future. He wasn't kidding.
Anyone who does not believe that there is something incredibly ugly coming our way in the not too distant future is completely asleep - - just go out and breath the air, you can almost taste it.
I heavily recommend the Peter Levenda Sinister Forces book mentioned by Jeff for anyone who would like to start the wake up process that while we may all be tuned to Channel 13 on the boob tube there are a number of other channels out there working at the same time and the ending to their programming may well not be the "happily ever after" "good guy wins" moronic blather of the mainstream movies that have been used to shape the belief systems of our fellow citizens for many years.
Finally, I have never bothered posting before and probably won't again, so I will end with a few observations. I am in a profession where I interact at times w/extremely wealthy/intelligent folks. You would not believe the number of them independently of each other who have set up escape routes/homes in New Zealand due to the fact there is a very good water supply and local food source. They all know what is coming. Should we question whether they are "earnest" or "negative" about the future? My prediction is that the USA economy crashes w/in 2 years and there is martial law or something quite close to it w/in 4 w/ever more terrorist "events" occurring as we move toward the planned large scaled conflict that will "cull the herd" or as Henry Kissinger might put, thin out the "useless eaters".
I hope Jeff continues w/his courageous project here (and believe me that anyone who touches these subjects before a public audience is courageous) and if he does write a book on this subject matter, I will be first in line to buy it. All my best to Jeff.
"Is there anywhere in this (human) world where High Weirdness is accepted as anything closer to true, really?"
That's interesting, jkd. I was reading recently an interview with Credo Mutwa (not Icke's appropriation of Mutwa's shamanistic knowledge for his own "Reptillian Agenda"), and maybe in Africa, or maybe wherever there are still traditional peoples, there is a certain acknowledgment, because the encounters are very similar in many respects to initiation rituals. Mutwa says "Everything was put down to black superstition, and it still is... Africans simply tell what they know.
I read RI and its comments every day. Jeff is a marvelous digger and synthesizer. I frequently research stuff I first read on RI...
But if RI were primarily an experiment - and we commentors the rats - how could we tell?
That in itself is fertile ground for an RI investigation.
Oh god. I knew this was going to happen. It was inevitable, given the exploding popularity of this blog, that we'd get someone saying "we're all part of an author's experiment! We're just material!"
I suggest Jeff puts this in a sidebar, so it doesn't need to get reiterated. Or maybe the idea should have its own thread on the board, so all the shrewd insightful folks who think they're just being used as material can go there and get used as material.
Which is my point, really. If you believe you're being used as material, why contribute? Plenty of other blogs where you'll be nice and safe and valued for the unique talents you no doubt possess.
Much that I have read here is explicable through Rudolf Steiner's cosmography. For a comprehensive overview, I recommend "The Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature". It helps to have a grounding in his "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds" but is not imperative.
Anonymous said: He also told me that although he and others believed it was all about the oil going in, after being there he and his comrades came to the opinion that the whole thing was a warm-up/preparation for a much, much larger war that is coming to us in the not so distant future. He wasn't kidding.
Could you go into all the details of what your friend thought the new war was all about, etc?
Anyone who does not believe that there is something incredibly ugly coming our way in the not too distant future is completely asleep - - just go out and breath the air, you can almost taste it.
I absolutley agree, the air is heavy with dread. There are so many things being put in place, preparations are being made for a major event.
He told us what the new world war was all about - - "cull the herd" and to "thin out the useless eaters" - - I believe that the Queen's husband stated he would like to reincarnate as a virus to take out a large part of the world's population, correct me if I'm wrong . . .
The question of whether we are part of an "experiment" is irrelevant. The sheer quality of the research in this blog is enough. Even if I sometimes don't agree with some of Jeff's views, his posts are always thought-provoking and flawlessly written. I sincerely believe he's honest, and that's all that matters.
funilly enough, an account of the 'hopkinsville incident' that i read at the age of ten or eleven (in one of those silly 'pre teen' 'mysterious ufos' collections at the local library) did more to cement my ideas of 'ufos' than any other tale. like the suttons, my family lived on a farm pretty far from town, in rural florida. reading about the suttons kept me awake at night for years, and demolished any preconceptions i had and have had since about the whole 'phenomenon.' i'd almost completely forgotten about it until coming across this post today.
maybe i should invest in another nightlight . . . .
A few things about the Sutton farm incident that stand out for me.
The creatures were seen to float down, in a "falling leaf" motion, after being struck - that doesn't strike me as a detail these people would fabricate. It's also a motion that has been ascribed many times to descending UFOs, including the "Sun" during the Oct 13 1917 Fatima apparation.
The event is often described as an "invasion," but not once did the entities attempt to enter the house. Presumably they could have - they outnumbered the humans, and appeared impervious to their weapons. So what was the intention? They didn't seem to display higher intelligence, and apparently made no attempt at communication. (Except, perhaps, for their raised hands; but what did that mean to them?) If it wasn't an invasion, were they impishly meaning to provoke a response, perhaps to feed on the psychic energy? Or were they merely curious creatures who slipped through from somewhere else, who functioned on the order of lower primates?
Ever read Steven King's 'The Mist' (longish short story)?
Once again Jeff you have drawn me in with these actually FUN accounts of "aliens".
If nothing else, if total hoax, they are fun to toy with in our minds.
This is very reminsicent of M/ Night Shamalan's (sp?) "SIGNS" which I have enjoyed watcvhing repeatedly with my kids.
I saw a UFO once when I was about ten with my Dad and a friend in rural Connecticut. Far off we watched it , like a plane in the distance but in a zig zag pattern above and beloe the horizon and changing directions. It was bright and NOT like a spotlight projection. Silent though and far off. We were enthralled until it switched directions agaion, went up on about a 45 degree angle towards the northwest, then shot back towards the northest out into space until it's lights twinkled out.
I also had a night experience where I simply heard unearthly noses outside my window in the country at night. I had heard all the sounds but never anything like this squeaky almost piercing CONVERSATION-like electronic squeals or squeeks almost from SOMETHINGS creeping under my window in the wee hours. But that could have been a dream, I suppose. I have some vivd dreams. But I believe I was fully awake.
Another time at around the same age I experienced "lost time" - about six hours. I was sitting in front of the television on the sofa. One minute I was watching Saturday morning cartoons, Sky King or something and the next minute something entirely different was on. I looked up at the clock, disoriented, and it was five or six hours later. I was disoriented but remembered NOTHING and felt as if I had not even moved a muscle for those fivce or six hours, just staring at the television. Maybe I just got hypnotized by the tv and zoned completely out on proctor and gamble and general mills or maybe nothing happened at all for those lost hours.
BUT the thing is..
the point that Jeff makes and the reason I am here and consider this a home, is that it is incredibly important to speak out, EVEN IF THE CONSEQUENCES ARE SEVERE.
It may well be the only way to change the world.
Jeff IS an incredibly gifted and entertaining writer (and showman - I love the pictures and lyrics and the whole package here).
The story about the assassin and ther JFK photos is layered into a story of little green men and it actually WORKS - at least for me.
Silence on any of these issues will be our undoing and our catastrophe.
And just hearing these stories, even if they are total fabrications (I dunno about the li'l green Daemons , but the JFK assassin rings true)is entertaining.
And along with hope we need joy and laughter and even some fun.
It may be scary fun at times, it may be ridiculous fun, but fun helps make the darkness and fiery furnace of the approaching Gehenna on Earth wrought, it is clear, by the fascists that be, a little more bearable.
BTW, I do hope the anonymous poster with the NZ and Iraq prep for apocalyptic armageddon story will post more. Those stories ring too true to ignore and make a lot of scary sense with insight.
Normally I would not share
I imagined that I coul
It is not a North American thing; it is a United States thing... and even more than that, it's a white=folks thing.
In a recent lecture by Paola Harris in Mesa AZ that Dragon, my husband, attended she emphasized that UFO and other types of sightings are not suppressed anywhere but here in the US. She lives in Italy and travels worldwide in her investigative work.
I have videos of film shot in Mexico and shown on their mainstream news. India Daily reports stories at least weekly.
Here in the States, the Hispanic community talks about such things regularly, to those who don't scoff at them (okay, I'm in because I speak Spanish, although poorly, and am considered simpatico.)
On various Indian reservations, the UFO stories are an entire genre of their own. Few of us "white folks" are able to hear them, though, but in my NAU class "Inter-Cultural Folklore," there was a week's worth of just that genre, gathered from the Ramah Navajo and others... some folks say that the number-one cultural group that gets abducted is the Native American. Next are Celtic/Gaelic, Irish in particular.
Please don't call it North American. The treatment of this subject is unique to our mainstream media. --MaryK
If it wasn't an invasion, were they impishly meaning to provoke a response, perhaps to feed on the psychic energy? Or were they merely curious creatures who slipped through from somewhere else, who functioned on the order of lower primates?
yeah, they do seem to be acting kind of like what one might expect a pack of mischievous chimps.
If this nation is to survive as a Republic and rid itself of those who would "manage" it as if a kingdom, we need courageous people like Kris Milligan who are willing not to hide their heads in the sand, and instead, as appears to be the case of who owns this spot where he posted this message,is willing to put everything (money, peace, personal wants and to a certain extent - family needs)in abeyance or at least playing second fiddle to his crusades that involve searching for and publishing the truth. Bless you Kris and a few others I know - Wim Dankbaar, Kent Heiner and Robert Logan whose impact in these matters will soon be on board in a film. Thank you, Jeff, for doing what you do and I pray you are able to steer this ship in a straight course that leads to a world we are all proud to live in and be a part of.
It is good to hear from US military (ret.) here with such kind and reassuring words. Welcome. Tell us more about the film project.
Post on the boards.
In my last post on this thread I had some straggling phrases which I did not see at the bottom before I posted, and since I could not edit them thought I should finish them here:
Normally I would not share such stories with many except my closest friends for obvious reasons. They are not THAT strange or unusual, but still, a lost time episode SOUNDS weird and so does saying you've seen an unidentified flying object that flew off at rocket speed into space after dancing around and zigzagging above and below the horizon for 20 minutes or so.
I imagined that I could post such stories here because there is a certain sympathy --- there may be correlations with the noises I heard and others' experiences loss or suspension of time or fast-forward experiences as a kid of 8 or 9 or 10 - or the zigging-zagging whoosh into space at rocket speed OFF INTO THE HEAVANS. Definitely, it seems to me, they were LEAVING earth (but maybe the military had such things back then 40 years or so ago.
I'm a big fan of RI and read it daily. I really appreciated him re-examining the flat-out bizarre Hopkinsville, Ky. incident. I too read the story as a child and it made an impression. I most definitely believe that UFOs are real and are visiting this planet every single day. Knowing that, I find it appalling that our government continues to treat us like children and not allow us to be told the truth about what is really going on. Notice how in Latin America, as Mary noted, that "OVNIs" are commonly discussed. And notice how many are videotaped flying over Mexico! It's incredible. Unfortunately most folks in the US have been conditioned to ignore or ridicule those who see strange, unexplainable things in the sky. Thanks again Jeff for your thought-provoking posts.
first time poster here.
wanted to comment on the little guys approaching with raised hands. For all their presumed technical superiority they didn't know much about American culture, did they? Had they never before contacted humans here? Shouldn't they have known about local custom ahead of time? Or were they surrendering?
And to Seventhson: I've had a "missing time" experience, too. Talking about it is 'weird' because there are no answers or framework to understand it with. After the initial experience, I stopped talking about it and let it fade away. It's not fun to watch other people shrink away from you when you mention it.
Thanks Jeff, for your talking about LtCol Marvin in your blog. Dangerous Dan and TrineDay publishing are currently under attack by the Special Forces Association (SFA). The SFA also were the folks that shut down the "Operation Tailwind" story and got reporter April Oliver fired from CNN.
TrineDay published Dangerous' account of his Vietnam "police action"experience. Col. Marvin, then a Captain was sent to An Phu, Vietnam working with the Hoas Hoas (a militant Buddhists sect), who lived in this peninsula of land surrounded by Cambodia. [We had the story online, but last Friday our dedicated server was maliciously hacked. TrineDay's & ctrl's 40+ sites will be back up soon.]
Well, to cut to the chase. The lawsuit being bankrolled by the SFA is having one desired effect ... bleeding TrineDay dry. And why is the SFA, a non-profit organization, being allowed to get away with threatening and trying to bankrupt away the first amendment rights of citizens?
More later ...
Kris Millegan
It behooves me to see the most significant issues, like 9/11, thrown into the UFO ghetto. It's just where the average Joe is least likely to see them for what they are.
One of the earliest documents leaked out of the CIA was from 1947. It said that the ufo craze had great potential for manipulation of the public. No doubt, that potential has been realised many times over.
Remember the Riddle of the Sphinx?
The one whose answer was "Man"?
I believe that's also the answer to all the riddles we are considering here.
My sig line at Democratic Underground is "Ain't nobody here but us chickens" -- and I truly believe that. Only not in a reductionist way.
Like it or not, we humans are the highest life form on Planet Earth. Statements of that sort are generally misunderstood in terms of Darwinian survival of the fittest -- but what I mean by it has nothing to do with some sort of imagined pyramid of superiority.
What I do mean, roughly speaking, is that of all material beings on this world, we are the most open to attunement with spirit. (I say "roughly speaking" because words like "matter" and "spirit" are crude approximations at best to what is really at play.)
This attunement does not come through the conscious mind. Rather, it comes through those levels that used to be called "unconscious" -- the levels of dream and trance and vision.
Some people seem to be more in touch with those levels than others. Weird things happen to them over and over. I have read -- though I cannot at the moment remember where -- that interviewers have found that most people who report seeing UFOs are not merely ordinary citizens to whom something strange happened one day. When asked, they will describe past encounters with ghosts, or childhood recollections of contact with some sort of entities, or some other form of non-ordinary experience.
Although not everything such people say can be taken at face value, I am far from believing that they are merely hallucinating. For one thing, weird things seem to happen not only to them but also around them. For example, Charles Fort describes an outbreak of what we would call UFO activity that occurred in Wales in the early 20th century at the same time as -- and seemingly as a by-product of -- a particularly intense religious revival.
People and groups of that sort serve as gates. Around them, there is a thinning of the barriers between the worlds. This is not necessarily a good thing -- if the people involved are insufficiently self-developed, what comes through will be warped by their greed and fear, to the point of damaging anyone who allows themselve to be exposed to it.
But that is the nature of the human condition at the present moment. We are, after all, only the most highly developed lifeform on Planet Earth -- and in cosmic terms, that ain't saying much.
I see no reason at all to assume that human beings are the "most open to attunement with spirit," compared to other creatures. We may even be uniquely *out* of attunement with spirit.
Usually when something is about to happen (an earthquake or approaching storm), the animals know it before we do.
Human beings do excel at building complicated gadgetry, however!
I have shocking news for fans of this site: Jeff is currently writing a book as-we-speak! Ahhhhh! But regarding otherworldly phenomena, such as sounds and paralysis, a man named William Bulman has written 2 books, 'Adventures Beyond the Body', and 'Secret of the Soul', which are very explicit over the types of inter-dimensional affairs that can be acheived from the trance state. He is a bit glib about it, of course, but in the Buddhist tradition, the potential for regression and progress in these realms is addressed directly. For starters you might check out 'the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying', for a thorough look at border-lands metaphysics. In the Zen tradition, they instruct the student that they will see many terrifying and wondrous things, but equanimity is paramount.
Concerning the larger conflict beginning in the middle east, that should obviously conform to everything a parapolitics researcher has been finding lately. All of the troops in the "unnecessary" Iraq war have been 'blooded', and that is crucial to an imperial army. It is fascinating to hear about this New Zealand business. if you'd like to follow links to read about the undercurrents of the growing belicosity we hear, please visit my new blog at
big things are definitely happening!
A lama once said that, in order to witness a miracle, you need almost as much merit as it takes to actually perform a miracle. We might extrapolate from this that initiation is indeed a very big part of how occult forces will be used to further separate the remaining humans in the coming Global Feudalist Corporatocracy. Given how much more open Other cultures are to mystical & UFO events, we might surmise that they will be addressed more regularly by holograms from the Unification Church and Maitreya/Lucis Trust people. BTW, Wayne Madsen is reporting that the new US base in Paraguay is not just near Bolivia's gas, of course, but also large tracts of land "aquired" by a Moonie front company, Victoria Holdings! It never stops!
Thanks to Lt Col Dan Marvin and Trine Day's Kris Millegan for their comments, above, and for their courageous acts of truth-telling.
Zero Haven brought up the idea of being prepared to try to communicate with these visitors.
But from my reading the ones that are scary never seem to be intent on participating in any sort of communication, while the "Good Guy" ones who are said to talk don't shut up and the people who report their contacts don't seem to have a cautious bone in their bodies as far as trusting them goes.
Any thoughts?
Attempting communication is better than grabbing a shotgun, but I also think of what Swedenborg said: "When Spirits begin to speak with a man, he must beware that he believes nothing they say." They have, let's say, credibility issues. They've claimed to be all kinds of things from all sorts of places. That's a hard assumption on which to establish communication, but it may be the only one that makes it meaningful.
Thank you so much, starroute, for offering such a clear voice of reason. I hope some people actually take note of the little nuggets of truth your words represent.
someone said:
It does seem to anyone that will look that there are forces that are actively working to destroy humanity and to bring it down to some type of animal or debased level of being - - wake up.
Quite right, and those forces are our selves; or more precisely, what we think are our selves. Waking up is necessary yes, but not in the way you seem to think. There is a way out. Start here:
...and maybe combine it with this...
The most recent information on the death of William Pitzer may be found here:
Allan Eaglesham
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