Dick Cheney's Acid House

You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that'll never cure your ills - Bob Dylan
From The Huffington Post:
Vice President Dick Cheney was taken to the cardiac unit of the Vail Valley Medical Center. Contrary to Associated Press reports that he went to see orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Steadman, for a knee injury, Vice President Cheney went directly to the cardiac unit to see Dr. Jack Eck and his team. The Vice President checked into the hospital under the name of Dr. Hoffman.
Interesting choice of alias for the Homeland's Regent. The most famous, or perhaps infamous, doctor to bear that name is Dr Albert Hoffman: the "father of LSD."
Dr Hoffman writes, in LSD: My Problem Child, that the most significant insight he had gained by his LSD experiments is that "what one commonly takes as 'the reality,' including the reality of one's own individual person, by no means signifies something fixed, but rather something that is ambiguous-that there is not only one, but that there are many realities, each comprising also a different consciousness of the ego."
Were you able to read that without recalling the notorious words of the true voice of the White House, spoken to Ron Suskind last Fall? These words:
We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
The cocaine metaphor is a common touchstone for critics of the administration. That might have been the poison of choice for the empty suit at the top, but it's not his administration, it's Cheney's, and cocaine doesn't make pharmacological sense of the bad trip he's sent us on. The White House is not a crack house, it's an acid house.
I don't know whether Cheney's choice of alias was deliberate, though with this man, I suspect everything either is, or deliberation is irrelevent. Why not "Mr Hoffman"? Let's remember, as much as we'd like to forget, that it's not too long ago that he wore a green parka and wool cap with the words "Staff 2001" to an Auschwitz memorial service.
And it must said, there is a resemblance:
The other Dr Hoffman

When was it, exactly, that we entered this altered reality? How long is it you've been shaking, sweating, and seeing things that shouldn't be there? The United States, in every tragic sense, is an altered state; an experimental subject of dark actors and mad doctors. How long before the Acid Empire, like Frank Olson before it, falls from a great height? (Coincidentally it was Cheney who, with Donald Rumsfeld, conspired in 1975 to cover-up the circumstances of Olson's state-induced, and LSD-assisted, death.)
It's been quite some time that America's been drinking the Kool Aid, but it took "Dr Hoffman" to spike it.
i am supposing that both are magicians (in one sense or another). both men have (had) the power to change on a large scale what people consider consensus reality, hoffman in a chemical sense and cheney in a cinematographic sense (re 911). without doubt we are at war, but the real frontier of conflict will always be in the physical sciences..
.this article remindms me of something i studied at university, but more oreientated aroung gregory bateson.....
the intro to learning types starts with...
Lecture 2 - Logical Types of Learning
Bateson devotes the majority of "Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity" to explaining a set of six criteria, which if satisfied by any aggregate of phenomena, any system - then such a system would have mind. The sixth criterion uses the theory of logical types(1) - I shall review Bateson's use of this theory and the way he derives from it a conceptual framework for understanding learning. A mindful system for Bateson requires - as a prerequisite of such recognition - the ability to undertake corrective strategies. The central theme of his argument is that there are levels of nesting strategies which should be distinguished and that each level has properties not predictable from the one before. Each strategy, therefore, gives rise to a unique learning type.
the lecture concludes with....
For others, more successful, the resolution of the contraries may be a collapsing of much that was learned at level II, revealing a simplicity in which hunger leads directly to eating, and the identified self is no longer in charge of organising behaviour. These are the incorruptible innocents of the world.
For others, more creative, the resolution of contraries reveals a world in which personal identity merges into all the processes of relationship in some vast ecology or aesthetics of cosmic interaction. That any of these can survive seems almost miraculous, but some are perhaps saved from being swept away on oceanic feeling by their ability to focus in on the minutiae of life. Every detail of the universe is seen as proposing a view of the whole. These are the people for whom Blake wrote the famous advice in the "Auguries of Innocence:"
To see the World in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour." (SEM p.301-306)
These final three scenarios for human resolution at the level of Learning III may appear far from relevant to any concerns with analysis of interface design. However, if you imagine taking virtual reality and the full sensory immersion interfaces it proposes to their logical conclusion you have an interface which makes some kind of Learning III inevitable. Reality is at present our ultimate medium and as mindful beings immersed in it, our ultimate interface. The increasingly immersive quality of VR and the fidelity of the medium suggest the possibility of a trigger of context of context shifts far more manipulative than dream or hypnosis.
hey i also remeber reading an article by robert mason called "the advent of ahriman" that touches on the goethiean science/material science confilct.
saludos de madrid
Every time I look at Cheney, I'm reminded of the end of Time Bandits.
Bloggers like Jeff are the little boy yelling to his parents (America) as they examine the "roast" that burned down their house: "Mum! Dad! Nooo! Don't touch it! It's EEEEVIL!!"
To me, Dick Cheney IS that roast. Pure, concentrated evil. And when America reached out and touched him, we exploded.
(PS - I realize that Jeff is Canadian; I certainly didn't mean to demean by casting America as his parents in my warped analogy. Y'know. Just for the record.)
That's an interesting link that plectic put up about Goethian science vs. material science. I've bookmarked it for later reading in full, but this bit caught my eye right off:
In much of so-called "physiological research" and "medical training" this is hardly even a metaphor; the torture unto death is quite literal. The usual victims are animals, but all too many "researchers" are not above using human "subjects" when they can get enough power over them. And even a slight whiff of occult knowledge shows us a deeper meaning: The central rite of "Satanism" or "black magic" -- sometimes crude, sometimes sophisticated -- is the deliberate, ritual torture and killing of animals and, at a more advanced level, of humans. When done in a precise way, this practice confers knowledge and power upon the practitioner; also, it affects the whole earth, hardening and rigidifying it, to the characteristic Ahrimanic purpose. Thus we can see the hordes of "researchers" and medical students -- who hurt, injure, and "sacrifice" animals -- as undergoing an unconscious, Ahrimanic black magic initiation, which hardens, brutalizes, and Ahrimanizes their souls, and through them also the culture, and even the earth itself. (Sacrifice is the actual word they commonly use, not thinking which "god" they sacrifice unto.) Vivisection is truly the archetypal act of modern science as it is generally understood and practiced.
Perhaps some consideration of cat-killer Frist deserves a place of honor in the present discussions.
Beyond that, the linked article raises the much larger question of the true nature of modern materialistic science -- which was devised in the 17th century as a way of warding off the threat posed to traditional religion by the natural magic of the Renaissance.
Philosophically, modern science is bound to a belief that the universe consists of nothing but physical particles bounching off one another and rejects the magical cosmos of sympathies and affinites. But on a practical engineering level, modern science swallowed natural magic whole -- and that magic at the heart of science constantly threatens to get loose.
For example, I suspect that the real power of science fiction lies in the fact that it is a literature of natural magic, only lightly covered over by the trappings of physical science. The most enduring stories and writers of SF invariably have a strong magical/occult basis, while those that attempt to be the most realistic and scientific have never been more than third-rate.
When the power of traditional religion to suppress contrary viewpoints finally fails -- and given the increasing hysteria of the traditionalists, that could be sooner rather than later -- we may all be astounded to see what scientific heresies come to flower.
Philosophically, modern science is bound to a belief that the universe consists of nothing but physical particles bounching off one another and rejects the magical cosmos of sympathies and affinites.
Strictly speaking, this is untrue. Some branches of theoretical physics have moved away from such a Newtonian, "dead" view of the world. However, to the extent that any of these ideas have practical scientific application, they are usually used for purposes that range from the banal (e.g. superconductor research) to the sinister (e.g. weapons). As a rule, the physical sciences have no interest in psychological or spiritual betterment, unless it can be strictly controlled through psychopharmaceuticals.
While Cheney is busy "creating his new realities" we Americans are all to marvel at, the Reality is most Americans would like to find a tall tree, and stout rope for Mr. Dick & Co.
Again, while UFO's ( I am sure they are a reality, I am not denigrading those that have witnessed anything) and Satan worshipers (another unwitnessed by me personally, but I am certain valid argumanet to be made they are), we already have a trail of evidence of the lies and scams this administration has used to scam us into war and the accompanying evils.
And THAT CAN be brought into evidence in a court of law.
It IS might odd he picked Doctor Hoffman, though. Good catch, Jeff. Has there ever been studies of LONG term usage of LSD? Hoffman described Cheney to a T.
From your Frank Olson link:
"A trip to the Frank Olson Legacy Project Web site unearths a world of pertinent information. There is an article from the New Yorker entitled "Where the Manchurian Candidate Came From" and another from the New York Times, asking, "What did the CIA do to Eric Olson’s Father?" There is information on "terminal interrogations" and "collaboration with former Nazi scientists" as well as a 1950s-era CIA assassination manual regarding "the contrived accident'' as "the most effective technique" of secret assassination. [FrankOlsonProject.org]"
I think we have your "plane crash accident" candidates.
I wonder if "second most effective" is a Reichstag Fire" scenario?
They DID learn from Nazis, fact.
Good link, Jeff.
From your Frank Olson link:
"A trip to the Frank Olson Legacy Project Web site unearths a world of pertinent information. There is an article from the New Yorker entitled "Where the Manchurian Candidate Came From" and another from the New York Times, asking, "What did the CIA do to Eric Olson’s Father?" There is information on "terminal interrogations" and "collaboration with former Nazi scientists" as well as a 1950s-era CIA assassination manual regarding "the contrived accident'' as "the most effective technique" of secret assassination. [FrankOlsonProject.org]"
I think we have your "plane crash accident" candidates.
I wonder if "second most effective" is a Reichstag Fire" scenario?
They DID learn from Nazis, fact.
Good link, Jeff.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for posting this about Cheney. I'd been thinking about him for some days.
Funnily enough I made this post to a different blog. I thought I recognised a certain modus operandi
Pure speculation, but have we all been suckered by Cheney?
I understand Dick Cheney may run for president in 2008. And I note that Billmon has taken to openly and regularly refering to the current "Cheney Administration" in DC. I further note that Cheney was possibly THE driving force behind PNAC.
Not bad for a man with such medical problems - how many heart attacks? Or have we all been suckered into discounting his staying power?
A sixteen year presidency to realise PNAC?
Posted by: John | June 22, 2005 03:21 PM | #
And your news pretty much confirms my suspicions.
Until they changed the text, the Harry S Truman Lodge listed Cheney as “the highest ranking Freemason in American public service”.
Cheney is untouchable because it is intended that he will be there until January 2017.
America is under a spell, living an alternative reality. And I’m pretty sure I know who cat the spell and wrote the script.
Poor dick. always with the heart trouble.
let me put on my yoda voice...
" consumed...by the dark side...cheney has been."
I've got a treatment of the subject over here:
excellent blog!my compliments,
i did find a reference to a dr hoffman being a white house physician in 2001
"Last Thursday was a routine follow up. Dr. Malakoff, myself and Dr. Hoffman, one of the White House physicians, examined the Vice President Thursday in routine follow up after angioplasty"
I spotted the name of James Forrestal on your linked 'Suicide' page - ever heard of 'Operation Highjump', the 1947 expedition to the Antarctic which Forrestal sent & which allegedly found a Nazi base complete with 'flying saucers'?
Sample link - http://www.rense.com/general35/op.htm
Lets pray for our President "Cheney"
May the strings be severed, those which hold his mind and soul, as well as those wich took hold of our country's leaders.
The Puppetmasters
I think we here can all agree that Cheney is evil and in fact represents an illusion of normalcy to an otherwise insane administration. I'm not talking, "oh, he's a bad man", I mean he literally represents a greater evil that no mass-media outlet would ever touch upon. Cheney is also responsible for the US military's outsourcing of security forces, logistics, etc. in Iraq as well as use of this policy elsewhere in the world. This has led to a greater immorality of war profiteering and creating "private" forces that are not accountable to...well...anyone. These forces that "secure" the green zone in Iraq and that are used to defend Halliburton convoys as well a protecting US dignitaries while "in country" are free to eliminate anyone/thing that they perceive as a threat. The co-opting of decent/regular peoples (US citizens) money for use in private contracting helps to corrupt us all. Let's not forget the whole "conflict of interests" thing, a basic precept of impartiality and integrity. We here are also aware that on 9/11, it would seem that Cheney was the one in charge. GW left reading "My Pet Goat" while America's most important hours ticked by. What also important is that this administration begins it's political history under the Nixon administration (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, HW Bush were all on staff). His involvement with "Project for the New American Century" (love the co-opting of the English language in that one) is also not to be missed. Btw, incredible catch Jeff...and to all of us here: keep digging!!
"Eris" talks some B.S.:
I spotted the name of James Forrestal on your linked 'Suicide' page - ever heard of 'Operation Highjump', the 1947 expedition to the Antarctic which Forrestal sent & which allegedly found a Nazi base complete with 'flying saucers'?
The real story of Forrestal's suicide is more spooky than "Eris"/fuckwit is trying to make you think.
The CIA/LSD story is, as everyone familiar with the "Downing Street Memo" knows--an "old story". Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Fnord.
The President intends to nominate Elizabeth Hoffman of Colorado to be a Member of the National Science Board, for the remainder of a six-year term expiring May 10, 2008. Dr. Hoffman currently serves as the President of the University of Colorado's four-campus and 45,000 student system. She also currently holds a tenured faculty position in the Department of Economics at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She earned her bachelor's degree from Smith College before going on to the University of Pennsylvania, where she received a master's degree as well as a Ph.D. Dr. Hoffman then continued on to earn a second Ph.D. at the California Institute of Technology.
Here's a great commentary on Delusional Dick:
Guantanamo Bay = Tropical Paradise? Dick thinks so.
Sigh! Hello, Darkness my old friend... Obviously nobody's interested in sticking to this side of the Twilight Zone.
That being so, in case anybody's wondering how one would go about getting rid of a whole bunch of mutilated bodies, it helps to have the right friends:
and key witnesses who know just when to kill themselves -- yes, boys and girls, another SUICIDE:
But then, it really doesn't make that much difference. No matter how bizarre, these stories, like the corpses themselves, seem to disappear quietly...
Could Cheney have been thinking of another famous (but fictitious) Dr. Hoffman -- Dr. Julia Hoffman, of Dark Shadows....? She assisted the vampire Barnabas Collins, as I recall, working behind the scenes to increase his power.
That Funeralgate connection deserves much more attention. The funeral industry derives major benefit from wars and epidemics! In South Africa right now guards have to be posted in cemetaries to keep people from digging up the fresh graves and stealing the coffins. The funeral industry is booming. Those guys don't call themselves "Skull & Bones" for nothing! One of the first NAFTA cases involved a big funeral home franchise vs. a small family business - one in Vancouver, one in Lousiana, but I forget which was which.
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Damn dude, you got nailed on these posts. As for the far reaching LSD and Cheney connection. Bravo! Its hilarious, but is too far to form convictions.
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