Don't look now

There's something to be said for ignorance. Not the slack-jawed yokel variety, but the purposeful kind, that looks away from something unbearable, and seemingly implacable, and pretends it isn't there. As survival strategies go it's not such a bad idea to whistle past a graveyard, especially when there's a monster in the graveyard who wants you to believe there are no such things as monsters.
I remember Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy" topping the charts during the 1988 presidential election. It was the unofficial anthem of the Bush/Quayle campaign, seriously, until McFerrin objected. And what an aptly narcotizing message it was to usher in a Bush White House: Busy yourselves with that pursuit of happiness thing, and leave the boring and dirty affairs of governance, finance and, ah, "national security" to us. Here we are, second term of the second Bush presidency, and most are still trying to heed that advice even as the White House jukebox plays "Don't Question, Be Fearful."
And let's consider this: most people don't worry a great deal about what doesn't directly and immediately affect them. They either lack the time, or the luxury, or the inclination. It's unsurprising, and even understandable, but it becomes a grievous problem when the world beyond their world is only an abstraction, and all the people in it, and the exegencies of lifestyle trump lives lived far away.
All politics is local, they say. And, well, they would know. News too. Or rather, "news you can use," to distinguish it from the apparently useless kind that comes from other countries, even other cities. And this utilitarian parochialism handicaps the discernment of patterns. Here's what I mean, and where this is going: How can we ever connect the dots, when all we have is our one, great dot?
I'm thinking of this because I've been reading about Peter Lewis, who resigned yesterday as South Australia's parliamentary speaker. He has raised claims that a sitting Labour MP is a paedophile, and that there is a "network of 'organised activity' between a group of high society paedophiles in Australia involving politicians, the judiciary and public servants." (Lewis resigned before he was due to lose his position for "bringing the parliament into disrepute.") The allegations are being investigated by police, though Lewis's office also names two policemen as perpetrators. And what's more, two of Lewis's informants, Robert Woodland and Shaine Moore, have recently been murdered.
More on Australia's protected paedophile/mind control ring can be read in this post from last Saturday. If you've missed the recent comments from Australians, you may want to read them.
From one:
Allegations concerning these men have been surfacing in Australia for a long time, but they go back under pretty quickly. A combination of dexterous disinfo and public incredulity is enough to bury the story.... So if you are wondering how a paedophile ring stays underground for so long, I'm not. These perpetrators are hiding in plain sight, which makes them effectively invisible.
I've been in the same room as the police when they've seen the rope burn on the wrists and ankles of victims, bruising from strangulation - and there has been no investigation, no referral, no follow up. Experience suggests that it doesn't take much for people to turn a blind eye to things they can't bear to see.
If our news is only local - if we have just the one dot, and nothing to which it connects - we will not be able to make sense of the apparently senseless crimes. If we read wild claims that a number of our leaders and authority figures are patrons of a sheltered paedophile cult, and we have no context for them, we can comfort ourselves by tossing out the charges as not conforming to our consensual reality.
And if our news is global, and we see the same patterns emerge with the same details of abuse and cover-up, thousands of miles apart and in multiple countries, we can still console ourselves. We can wave it away, saying "but this has been debunked," and "this sounds like 'Satanic panic.'" And as I said above, there's something to be said for remaining purposefully ignorant. I reached a tipping point a couple of years ago, and I can't do that anymore. Even if I wanted to, it would be hard so long as I get emails like this:
"I've been trying to work up the courage to email you for some time now, but the truth is that i was quite afraid of what could happen to me if i spoke out in any form about what i've seen. i am tired of being afraid. you're welcome to publish any of this letter that you wish, though i'm sure there's not much here with which you aren't already familiar. here's the deal: this ritual abuse thing is very real and needs to be stopped...."
No one denies the reality of paedophilia, just the ritual, institutional, protected characterization of the crimes. Such denials remind me of the "few bad apples" argument regarding torture at Abu Ghraib. Likewise, no one can deny the intelligence community's interest in mind control, just its success. And coincidentally, many of MK-ULTRA's contract researchers who claimed the program a failure, like Dr Martin Orne, went on to be leading debunkers of "recovered memory." (Though let's be clear: the evidence for ritual abuse/mind control does not rest on recovered memories alone.)
So it's real. But why is it? This is the question most people who get this far will stumble over, because I believe the answer lies far deeper than recreational perversion. In an earlier post, I suggested an esoteric, hermetic meaning. Power in "the Crowleyan sense. The sense of sex magick."
From the same comment I quoted above:
It's taken me a long time to come to grips with this, but, yes:
There is an international cult that believes that the path to illumination and spiritual liberation is through the rape, torture and sacrifice of children.
The cult is highly organised and protected by a network of middle- and upper-class professionals, who are either cult members, or access the 'services' of the cult (eg child porn/prostitution, rendering them vulnerable to blackmail).
The cult is modelled on Crowley's writings, as is evidenced by the internal pseudo-Masonic 'degree' structure, the existence of OTO-like 'chapters', and the doctrine of 'strength', 'master/slave' and ritualised rape.
I don't fault anyone for whistling past the graveyard the world is becoming. I'd join you if I could. I used to know all the tunes. But I've seen the monster, and it's too late for me.
Sorry to hear of your hard times Jeff.
I will pitch in some funds and hope others do-- we HAVE to keep you going. You are doing one of the best and most original blogs out there.
If you could get a PO box, I'll send you some money from my meager stash. You're my favorite scary writer right now, along with James Ellroy, who has an interesting take on "innocence" at the beginning of "American Tabloid."
Also interesting is the appearance of "Sin City" in major motion picture theatres this weekend. Its story could be straight out of your ritualized paedophile cult.
Lost the link for this:
What is Love? ...
A sense of growing control.
What is Peace? ...
An abundance of grateful servants.
Who is the Messiah?
A fierce and bitter warlord.
Beauty is defined as the same as carnal power.
Progress is defined as ownership, under law.
Success is defined as households, with altars.
What is Faith?
Our confidence in conquest.
What is Conversion?
Obedience, with love.
What is the Rapture?
Power, without apology
Your work is priceless to me. Where do I send a contribution to keep you going even if it is small?
Dude -
For all your hard work I'd be happy to kick in some.
Probably wouldn't float you long term, but no reason you shouldn't get some return.
Verbosity != Knowing What You Are Talkign About
It is possible that these techniques are used for their control potential, without either the top people believing the mythologies they put forward are true, or the mythologies being true at all.
That is, perhaps the 'Satanic' overlay isn't a necessary part of this, but a convenience, as a particularly powerful mythology given the Christian culture that most or many have grown up with.
I would hope so, as the notion of fighting such an entrenched group, if they were actively allied with such a being as a Satan or any powerful supernatural demonic force (maybe the 'Ancient Evil Ones,' Cthulu, et al., ala the bizarre HP Lovecraft stories), seems nearly impossible.
Yet, even if that overlay is intentionally false propaganda, still, they seem to all appearances to believe in it. Sort of the way the phony conspiratology stories created by the vanity publishing house in Umberto Eco's 'Foucault's Pendulum' were immediately picked up and acted on by occultists, some of whom had legitimate paranormal and semi-demonic abilities, as it turned out.
If it is slightly more comforting to think we're dealing with self-deluded, or intentionally misleading top leaders who are deluding their followers, nonetheless facing such an evil as this would represent is daunting, even if entirely a human creation.
And so we have the phenomenon of willful denial or repression, since acknowledging such evil in the world, and moreover at the very top of the ruling claques, is a soul-benumbing realization which threatens the world view and life plans of any who do so.
more on the lewis thing
on our news here in SA it was said that Peter Lewis had resigned and the police were obtaining warrants so as they could get there hands on some 'documents' in his office.
This is in response to "sofla":
It is possible that these techniques are used for their control potential, without either the top people believing the mythologies they put forward are true, or the mythologies being true at all.
I used to believe that. I thought that the belief systems that ritual abuse victims were being indoctrinated with were just that - 'systems', designed for the purpose of control.
Having had some contact with perpetrators, I know that they believe the shit they program with. It is an ideology.
That is, perhaps the 'Satanic' overlay isn't a necessary part of this
Ritual abuse perp groups tend to utilize occult iconography, although that doesn’t make them ‘Satanic’ (or even religious) per se. They will use any symbolic tool if it will augment the terror of torture, and increase their control over victims.
… the notion of fighting such an entrenched group, if they were actively allied with such a being as a Satan or any powerful supernatural demonic force …
They aren’t. The perpetrators are very, very human. You’d be surprised at just how fallible they are.
self-deluded, or intentionally misleading top leaders who are deluding their followers
The perp groups are based on strict hierarchies, and the perps at the top usually possess ‘expanded’ ideologies to those below. Of course, the occult ‘secrets’ handed to those at the top are just as ridiculous and arbitrary as those possessed by lower ranking members.
Don’t look for a rational ‘puppetmaster’ in these groups. Ritual abuse is driven by intense, collectively reinforced delusions.
Have you seen this story of the Gannon-Guckert-Gosh in the Des Moines register?
Is he Johnny Gosch?
Re Des Moines Register
I saw it via Atrios. His link is as important as the fact it's hit at least a part of the MSM.
sfmike, I'm halfway thru the Cold Six Thousand, which is scorchingly good and sequel to Tabloid. Read deLillo's Libra to complete the set.
I thought last night, wouldn't it be good if Ellroy read this blog plus xymphora and a few others and decided to work Franklin and MKUltra etc into the third piece in the trilogy which he's working on. That would put several cats among the pigeons. I hope he's planning to drop one on the neocons at some stage too.
And I add my sympathies Jeff... can't do much from Australia job-wise but I hope you land on your feet - you deserve to. I don't go all the way with you with some of your theories and enthusiasms, but in these times we need outriders willing to question orthodoxies and official stories. You're a daily pitstop now, thanks to Wolcott.
It's a bit worrying actually how one now heads to personal sites like this for the good oil on what is happening to us... actively avoiding institutions which supposedly exist for this purpose. We know they are part of what is happening to us and we know that the fact that most of our fellows are unaware of this is the main reason we've fallen so far into the abyss.
Jeff, please let me know how to toss a few bucks in your direction. Your blog is on my short list so your survival is important to me.
Anonymous One,Jeff this site is one of the last safe places for the tin foilers,like myself.I think the people you attract to this place are very special,it is no mistake they come back every day.Keep up the great job Jeff.Oh,there is an event this week end in Jerusalem that we should all be aware of.The Temple Mount Faithful are putting on a little party,they have invited 10,000 of their followers.The site of the party,The Golden Dome of The Rock.Check out Rumor Mill News,Go to the clues to antichrist's arrival,storming the temple mount,written by Never Surrender,later.
I enjoy your blog very much. Set up a P.O. Box so people can contribute to help you. We can't let this blog vanish...
Just to add another testimonial of sorts....
I stumbled into a situation a few years ago that made me question my own credulity, involving a man trying to extricate himself from a US black-op program dealing with ritual abuse and TRV. It was very difficult to believe some of it, but as I got drawn more closely into it, I found it not only frightening but clearly impossible to prove/expose. Eventually it came down to just trying to get this one person out alive.
My very best wishes to you. May the light of day be brought to shine on this dark corner one day. Still, I don't hold out much hope that people will be able to wrangle with it. It's very difficult to get your mind around, and so ugly - as you point out - one doesn't really want to, not even taking into account that it's so tightly kept under cover.
Thank you for persevering.
Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab!!!!!!!!
Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ********************
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