
There's a woman, on my block,
She just sit there, as the night grows still.
She say Who gonna take away his license to kill? - Bob Dylan
April 30 used to mean to me only the deadline for Canadian income tax. Now, since beginning to explore here the topic of mind control, which opened up the field of Satanic Ritual Abuse, I've learned what else it means, and to more people than I could have imagined.
See, for example, comments here on the discussion board:
"My survivor friend got a note posted to the hood of her car two days ago, telling her to go to a certain place that night, where she would be picked up and taken to 'the festival.' ... she indicated that 'the festival' happens at the same time every year, and that she has attended at multiple times in the past. The note suggests that this is 'her time' eg she will be forced to initiate as a 'master,' which will involve killing a child.... It's Walpurgisnacht.... It's the night when they sacrifice somebody. They initiate new members the next day."
"Yes I'm familiar with Walpurgisnacht, and you are correct about what it is. These 'holy days' are always difficult times for me."
"It was about this time of the year when she invited all the kids in the program to have a slumber party at her house, to celebrate the end of the year... She told us not to tell anyone about what was going to happen and if we did, we would be killed, and so would she. I don't remember being told this, but somehow I knew we were going to a grave yard and something bad was going to happen...."
Since survivors are usually told by authorities, the media, and strangers on the Internet that they are delusional, and the crimes they've suffered are fictions encouraged by abusive therapists, I thought it may be good to remember something else that happened on another April 30: in 2000, the respected British paper The Independent published this article:
Satanic abuse no myth, say experts
A specially commissioned government report will this week conclude that satanic abuse does take place in Britain. It will say that its victims have suffered actual abuse and are not suffering from "false memory syndrome".
The report, ordered by the Department of Health, focuses on the experiences of 50 "survivors". Compiled by Dr John Hale, director of the Portman Clinic in London, and psychotherapist Valerie Sinason, it will reopen the debate which started a decade ago with testimonies from children in Nottingham, Rochdale and Orkney.
Its findings contradict the claims of a report ordered by the Conservative government in 1994, which concluded that satanic abuse was a "myth". It follows the growing concern of child protection agencies, and the Government, over organised child abuse.
Last week, it emerged that police were investigating the alleged sexual and physical abuse of up to 4,000 children in care homes and council-run homes in Devon. Ms Sinason, who has treated 126 ritual abuse survivors, said yesterday that in many cases children were tortured by being held under water or made to believe they had witnessed the murder of infants as part of the satanic ritual.
"Some children are born for the purpose of abuse and are not registered on birth certificates," she added. "The abusers use trickery to convince children they have taken part in murder. This increases the power of the abuser."
The report will point to the difficulty of bringing prosecutions because of the problems of putting abused children into the witness box. There are currently at least five cases involving ritual abuse in the hands of lawyers. Lee Moore, a barrister who founded the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers, and was himself a victim of ritual abuse, said it was hard to persuade people to give evidence, particularly after the 1994 report claiming satanic abuse was a myth perpetuated by social workers.
The latest report was welcomed by Dr Joan Coleman, a Surrey psychiatrist who has spent 14 years treating victims. "A lot of children are born into satanic families who indulge in this ritual abuse," she said. "It's only now that child sexual abuse is being exposed that people are beginning to believe ritual abuse exists."
The report will be studied by John Hutton, the health department minister with responsibility for child protection. He is expected to order an investigation into its findings.
The report, it would seem, was shelved by an embarrassed government, which soon disappeared it down the memory hole.
Regardless of the report, regardless of the similarities of survivors' accounts and physical evidence, most people have filed away ritual abuse as "debunked." Jacques Vallee has written how, with respect to another phenomenon, "carefully contrived official 'explanations'...do not really explain anything, but...provide skeptics with an excuse for dismissing the story." There is an understandable psychological need to live in a world where such things don't happen, so it doesn't take much to persuade most that all child victims must be liars and all adult victims pathological. Undoubtedly people have been falsely accused of ritual abuse, but many more people have been falsely accused of non-ritual rape and murder. Have rape and murder been debunked?
In Linda Blood's The New Satanists she writes that above her desk is a sign: THERE IS NO DEFENSE AGAINST AN EVIL WHICH ONLY THE VICTIMS AND THE PERPETRATORS KNOW EXISTS. She adds, "We owe it to the victims of ritual abuse to recognize both their suffering and their courage and to make every effort to put a stop to the cruel and vicious activities of their abusers."
To those of you who find this an oppressive time, I'll pass along this advice from Dion Fortune's Psychic Self-Defense and hope it doesn't sound too glib: "If the victim of an occult attack concentrates on mundane things he is a heartbreaking proposition for any sorcerer. What is the sorcerer to do if, at the time when he is operating the Black art, his victim is at the local cinema roaring at the antics of Charlie Chaplin?"
I know it's banal, but the banal is suggestive of the commonplace, and there may be power to be found in the commonplace when confronting the uncommon place.
That's no strategy to save the world, but first things first.
I think the advice to see Charlie Chaplin is very good - it sounds like a simple appeal - "just have a good time" but Chaplin (and others like him, say Dylan) are shamen, and know that "this is hell, nor are we out of it." And these good shamen are trying to show us the way out. If you can find a copy of The Death and Resurrection Show by Rogan Taylor, by all means read it. If you can't, and are interested, I'll send you a photocopy. Thanks for the blog.
You know what, Jeff? I only read this cos I'm waiting for my friend to get out of the shower - we are heading out. They wanted her tonight, and instead, we've bought new clothes, we've drunk a bottle of wine, and we are going to the launch of the new Nine Inch Nails album. We are partying tonight, and the cult can go to hell.
I have a friend who was raised in a RA family. She has one brother and one sister. She told me though that there were eight "live" children born to her mother. She said she was a twin. She said the rest were killed in RA ceremonies. She said they induced the pregnancies before they even started to show and then killed the babies.
She is MPD and has a part named mermaid. The part really thinks she is a mermaid from having been drowned in torture.
She said they stabbed the babies with wooden knives then burned the knives in the ceremony. She told me she had a baby too that was killed. She was in 8th grade. They induced the baby early so know one ever knew she was even pregnant at school. She was never able to have another child.
She was in the hospital once during a time when one of the special holidays came around. (That's why she was there in the first place.) One of her cult parts was so upset at missing the ceremony, she conducted her own ceremony in the hospital room. The staff drugged her before she could get very far into the ceremony.
Jeff, you've become a champion for victims of RA because you write about the subject in such a respectful and realistic manner. I can't tell you how much that means to a community of people who have been, at best, ignored, and at worst, ridiculed and attacked.
With regard to "power to be found in the commonplace," I recall in the old 70's movie "Oh God!" when God first appeared to John Denver in the bathroom and Denver was overcome with shock, God told him to shave, because doing something ordinary would help relieve the anxiety.lol I found that to be sound advice and have used it many times to get through the difficult periods.
Thank you for this article.
Thank you for encouraging belief and respect of our stories.
At work this week over lunch, a few of us were laughing about Catholic stories. One of the men was a very conservative Hispanic who has been a lay minister at his church for more than fifty years.
The topic shifted to communion. He became very serious and said they are always watching out for people who walk away still holding the host. He said he had approached many people over the last few years who kept the host without eating it. He follows them back to the pews and tells them to either consume the host or return it to him. He said the church knows that satanic groups in the area try to take the host and use it in satanic ways.
He said it happens all the time.
I've been struggling for a while now with the reality/ surreality/ non-reality of this whole Satanic abuse/pedophilia rings phenomenon. Like most people, my longstanding position, or perhaps default position by virtue of not really wanting to think about it at all, has been that allegations of such practices – at least on a widespread, systematic basis – are largely the figments of people's imaginations.
But I feel a shift happening, and here's the nut of my evolved reasoning that has accounted for my coming to believe that there is in all likelihood a whole lot more than a grain of truth here:
Pedophilia is most decidedly not a figment of anybody's imagination. And when people without enormous wealth and power commit these acts that they feel so utterly compelled to perform, they for the most part hold their criminal activity in a private world of forbidden pleasure, mental torment and as much isolation as they can muster, hoping against hope that they don't get caught. And when they do get caught, they are condemned by all and locked away, as they should be.
But what happens when people who have wealth and power beyond the ken are afflicted with such evil impulses? (No half-awake person would argue that such perversity is restricted to the lower and middle classes.) What happens when these super-powerful depraved souls mix their uncontrollable urges with their largely unchecked power and outsized sense of entitlement?
It now seems to me that "private clubs" with others who are likewise afflicted and endowed, protected with all the security and secrecy they can marshal, become not only likely but virtually inevitable.
And then what happens: They are no longer alone in their pleasure-shame, they've got buddies to play with. And as with any group activity, the club takes on a life of its own. Each member feels more power, more righteousness – and an ever-increasing appetite for the forbidden fruit. And now they must protect this what-must-be incredibly intoxicating enterprise at all costs. A monster is born.
And when cracks break through, as they inevitably must from time to time, whether as with Spence or Omaha or Eyes Wide Shut or any of the thousands of allegations and reports, our enormous collective wish to NOT look at such atrocities - our basic humanity and decency in other words - protects these evil bastards with a cloak no amount of money could buy. Our willed ignorance, in tandem with all their money and power, constitutes an almost impossible tough nut to crack.
Thanks, Jeff, for having the courage to start cracking it. And if spirit is real and humanity is evolving, as I believe, then this evil phenomenon will be exposed and beaten. Some day, somehow.
turnabout is fair play... check this out:
I find it awesome that we had both this 9/11 Truth Event with Cynthia McKinney (who is a Hero) AND CSPAN 2's airing of David Ray Griffin's also awesome speech on the case for 9/11 complicity by the US Government and Media. He makes an effective and compelling case. It is a gem. What a great Walpurgisnacht! 8-D
Anonymous One,Jeff,lately I've watched alot of people just"check out".Buy this I mean,shut out any thought of mind control guiding their lives on a daily level.This shit is getting stronger every day in the US.I have talked with many people who are ether on or have been on SSRI's.These folks discribe a trip like effect from these drugs.Some felt like they were in a dream state.With the numbers of folks in this country on this shit,it won't be long.We are dancing with the devil,caught in the flow.I stand like many who write to you Jeff,the ones along the fringe,the ones who see what is happening around them.We wish that people would listen when we try to show them what is really going on around us.Some times it is hard to watch people slip away,out of your grasp and sink into the trap that has been set for us.It is like my friend from China would say "you can't wake a man who is making belive he is a sleep",later.
I am not so sure the SSRI's are entirely to blame for the disconnection. People who are depressed are already in a state of semi-trauma anyway, which alone surely impairs or diminishes their social responsiveness. Depression is a state of hopelessness. And there is a major problem here. I am acquainted with a medical assistant, and she tells me that at the family practice clinic where she works, up to 50% of every patient visit is for depression. I don't know how this might compare to national scale hard statistics, but if this is anywhere near representative for the nation, it is overwhelming to contemplate. If it is even only 10 or 20%, how are we to grasp the significance of depression being such a major malady compared to all other possible ailments combined. Truly this is s symptom of a sick society. I think it is symptomatic of the condition Jesus prophesied would prevail in the end days, "and because iniquity will abound, the love of many will wax cold." A materialistic society is a selfish and self-centered society. A self-centered society is a society of emotionally isolated individuals, for whom the flame of love for one another has died away, or was never kindled. Nihilistic feelings and depression are inevitable results in a society where 'the love of many has waxed cold'. Depressed people become disconnected, because genuine neighborly 'love' is the essential element of any healty, sound and and sane society. Thus, society must reap what is sows. If we sow sincere love of God and neighbor, above our own selfish instincts, we reap a strong, sound and coherent society of brotherly keepers, in which the individuals look after and protect one another, and work to bear each others burdens. OTOH, if we sow the selfishness of love of pleasures, possesions, and position, then we become a society of desparate self-seekers, where the individual security and advancement become the first priority, and ultimately, the only concern and interest. THAT kind of society, is easily manipulated, and ripe for subjugation, or worse. The only real security and safety for a society or nation, is for the searching eye of God to be able to still see amongst them a core of that which is pleasing to him. And what pleases him is unselfish love. Do we still have that core? The symptoms do not look good.
What are we to do? We must see through the eye of truth, our society's naked and wretched state. We must acknowledge whatever degree by which our individual selves are infected with the same. Repent of the love of pleasures, possessions and positions. We must ask God to purge us of our iniquity, and commit our hearts and lives to our Creator, the God of Justice, Truth and Love. This is the perennial choice God calls us to make. It is the reason Jesus gave himself as a ransom, that we may be redeemed and reconciled to God. Outside of this, the attempts of any sick society to remedy the symptoms of its disease is vain and futile. Only God can heal our souls, our society and our nation. Regardless of what the national disposition is toward the choice of its own course and consequences, the choice of each individual is crucial. "For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved." Our individual response to God determines whether we become part of the solution, or remain part of the problem.
I am not so sure the SSRI's are entirely to blame for the disconnection. People who are depressed are already in a state of semi-trauma anyway, which alone surely impairs or diminishes their social responsiveness. Depression is a state of hopelessness. And there is a major problem here. I am acquainted with a medical assistant, and she tells me that at the family practice clinic where she works, up to 50% of every patient visit is for depression. I don't know how this might compare to national scale hard statistics, but if this is anywhere near representative for the nation, it is overwhelming to contemplate. If it is even only 10 or 20%, how are we to grasp the significance of depression being such a major malady compared to all other possible ailments combined. Truly this is s symptom of a sick society. I think it is symptomatic of the condition Jesus prophesied would prevail in the end days, "and because iniquity will abound, the love of many will wax cold." A materialistic society is a selfish society. A selfish and sefl-centered society. A self-centered society is a society of emotionally isolated individuals, for whom the flame of love for one another has died away, or was never kindled. Nihilistic feelings and depression is an inevitable result in a society where 'the love of many has waxed cold'. Nihilistic and depressed people become disconnected, because genuine neighborly 'love' is the essential element for a healty, sound and and sane society. Thus, society must reap what it sows. If we sow sincere love of God and neighbor, above our own selfish instincts, we reap a strong, sound and coherent society of brotherly keepers, in which the individuals will not tolerate the perpetration of evil upon one another. OTOH, if we sow the selfishness of love of pleasures, possesions, and position, then we become a society of desparate self-seekers, where the individual security and advancement become the first priority, and ultimately, the only concern and interest. THAT kind of society, is easily manipulated, and ripe for subjugation, or worse. The only real security and safety for a society or nation, is for the searching eye of God to be able to still see amongst them a core of that which is pleasing to him. And what pleases him is unselfish love. Do we still have that core? The symptoms do not look good.
What are we to do? We must see through the eye of truth, our society's naked and wretched state. We must acknowledge whatever degree by which our individual selves are infected with the same. Repent of the love of pleasures, possessions and positions. We must ask God to purge us of our iniquity, and commit our hearts and lives to our Creator, the God of Justice, Truth and Love. This is the perennial choice God calls us to make. It is the reason Jesus gave himself as a ransom, that we may be redeemed and reconciled to God. Outside of this, the attempts of any sick society to remedy the symptoms of its disease is vain and futile. Only God can heal our souls, our society and our nation. Regardless of what the national disposition is toward the choice of its own course and consequences, the choice of each individual is crucial. "For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved." Our individual response to God determines whether we become part of the solution, or remain part of the problem.
Ok, so I am usually not depressed, I think the world would look much better if we'd start to respect each other and I believe that humanity is the way forward if we'd like to survive as a species.
But my personal opinion of Jesus is that he was just a guy with a savior complex who happened to live at a time when the market was ready for another world religion.
So what kind of alien am I, refusing to see anything special or godly in Jesus, but thinking of myself as a good person anyway?
Any religion there was or there will be has a fate of being rejected by some part of the world's population. And that is ok, because you cannot force anyone to accept a particular belief. If you try to, that's called indoctrination. I'd call it religious fascism.
Look at history, we're playing this religion game since thousands of years, with dozens of world religions. It hardly ever did any good. That Jesus chap won't save the world either.
We have to do it.
Michael - wow, you read all that by tronicus, huh? good for you. whenever i see anybody starting to spout about jesus, i'm outta here. prosyletizing is the first sign of a weak faith, imo. they need more converts to bolster their own lack of true, deep down, visceral belief. if somebody wants to practice christianity or any other religion on their own, or with like-minded folks, more power to them, that's cool. just don't try to get everybody else on board, that's not cool. it's wrong wrong wrong. jesus would be embarrassed.
I read years ago that satanists vary from doctors to judges, bankers and school teachers. I wonder what happened to Blairs baby a few years ago?
The plural of "shaman" is "shamans" not "shamen".
I agree with Ron's analysis of the likelyhood of SRA both from an intellectual perspective and from an experiential one as I am a survivor of RA. It has been my experience that if you cab imagine something happenning, someone is doing it out there.
"False Memory Syndrome" is an oxymoron if you consider we are not talking about ordinary memories but flashbacks or what Freud called "abreactions" - a physiological re-living of the initial trauma or traumas. The effects are easily measureable and cannot be falsified even by the best of actors.
Even using the name is a lie as a 'Syndrome" has a medical definition and NO medical authority has declared there to be a "False Memory" syndrome. i.e. it does not exist!
I agree with tronicus in that Jesus preached compassion as the "Way" or "Kingdom" of God and that exploitation is the "way" of the World (or Satan if you can bring your mind around that far). Our world praises and practices exploitation and the consequences are all too visable including the need for SSRIs.
SSRIs raise the low levels of endorfins that accompany depression. As an RA survivor, I have a chronic low level of endorfins. These endorfins are also neuro-transmitters and the lack of them facilitate dissociated memory (a survival technique). I take a "sub-therapeutic" dose level (which is beneficial - i.e. I'm still alive) because a "normal dose" links up memories I can do without, thankyou! SSRIs may account for the large numbers of retrieved memories occuring.
I hope this is helpful because reading the blog entry and comments have been helpful for me
Jeff quoted: "The note suggests that this is 'her time' eg she will be forced to initiate as a 'master,' which will involve killing a child.... It's Walpurgisnacht.... It's the night when they sacrifice somebody. They initiate new members the next day."
I saw "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" on Sunday in NYC and I asked my girlfriend what Walpurgisnacht (the title of the third act) meant, as she took German, but she didn't know. The connotation above seems to fit the third act perfectly.
I thought that Walpurgisnacht might be derived from the root term related to the word "purge", but that isn't the case. My guess is what's known in linguistics as a "false cognate."
Walpurgisnacht is German for the eve of the feast day of St. Walburga, according to Wikipedia- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walpurgis_Night
Perhaps the most famous literary reference to Walpurgisnacht is found in its employment as a setting in Goethe's Faust. It's the biggest Witches Sabbat day of the year, other than Hallowe'en.
I had some weird synchronicities at work this past April 30, myself. Deriving my cab, I picked up a passenger who wanted to go to a local club, but she needed to stop at a nearby bank first. While she was getting cash from the ATM, I noticed a guy on the streetcorner who looked as if he had fallen, and was struggling without success to raise himself. I got out of my cab to see what was up and lend a hand if he needed it.
He was a youngish-looking guy who bore an uncanny resemblance to Al Pacino, of middle height, dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. I asked him what the problem was. It seemed as though he could hear me, but he was unable to say a word in response. I deduced that he was either really drunk/loaded on something, or he had had a stroke. My passenger joined me on the pavement beside him, and we got on each side of him and pulled him to his feet. He was still really unsteady. His arms and legs were stiff and tense. We led him over to a low brick outcropping next to the wall of the bank, and set him down. He wasn't responsive at all. Eyes unblinking and pupils fixed. Didn't say a word to our quesioning him about whether he was okay. We gave him some words of counsel- "you seem really fucked up, you ought to just sit back and pull yourself together." He didn't appear to pay any attention. I told him that I was going to call 911 on my cellphone, telling him that he was too fucked up to be on the street in public, and advising him to toss and drugs or rigs that he might be carrying.
My passenger and I returned to the car, and I called 911 to report that there was someone on the street who was too incapacitated to care for himself. Meanwhile, he had gotten up from the place where we had set him and was attempting to walk toward the cab, where I was gesturing to him that I was calling 911 on him. He staggered for a few steps, and then- wham!- he does a full-forward face plant, about two feet from my passenger window. It was literally like a movie, with Al Pacino chewing the scenery...when he fell, his body sort of bounced, which fortunately kept his face from taking the full impact. But his nose hit the pavement, and two dark drops of blood jetted out of his nose, one from each nostril.
It looked almost as if it was a theatrical prank, it had that unreal quality. But there was no way to logically account for it like that. It was exactly what it was- someone having a seizure, or an overdose. Dressed in a black leather jacket, a guy sort of resembling Al Pacino, the villain of one of my favorite film morality fables, Devil's Advocate.
On Walpurgisnacht.
Anyway, I warned him that the police and paramedics were on their way. It was time to leave and drop my passenger off, so I left him lying on the pavement. There was only so much I could do, given my position...
My passenger's destination was only about a block away, so as soon as I cleared the call I circled back around to the corner. This time there was another couple of passersby helping him up, a blond dreadlock dude and a young girl, I think they were from the pizza place across the street. I told them of my previous encounter with the guy, and that the paramedics & cops were on their way. I also delivered one more gentle warning to the guy to clear out any stash that he might have been holding. He was still too far gone to respond in any way. I stuck close to the curb, in case he might wander into the street. But the couple was still holding him up. Then the fire trucks showed up. I pointed him out to them and drove off.
Haven't had anything that weird happen in some time. Weird to see the tableau unfold on Walpurgisnacht...a dark note.
Then, something else uncanny happened, not long after, around 10:30pm. I got another call in downtown. A woman was going to the Greek Orthodox Christian Church- Sunday, May 1, was Eastern Orthodox Easter! She told me that she was Assyrian, and had come to this country as part of a diaspora, fleeing from the depredations of the Turks. Like other local Eastern Orthodox minorities such as the Serbians, she worshipped at the nearby Greek Orthodox Church.
When we got there, my customer showed me inside the church...it was beautiful. I had never been inside an Orthodox church before. I didn't find it scary, like a Catholic cathedral, or austere, like the Protestant churches I've usually attended. They don't have crucifixes or cross displays anywhere in the Orthodox church, they have tapestries of Jesus as he was when he was alive, hanging from the ceiling, and in the foyer. The floor of the church interior had been strewn with flower petals for Easter, and there was a large array of candles on the alter- some red, some white. My customer told me that candles play a big role in Orthodox sevices.
She told me to come back at midnight, when all of the congregation files out of the side door of the church holding white candles, and they gather on the front steps to chant Kyrie Elison and the priest reads the Easter litrugy.
I returned at midnight, holding myself at what I judged to be a respectful remove at the edge of the congregation. The parishoners holding candles, the chanting, the liturgy, the swinging of the incense censer...I thought it was just great. Not necessarily enough to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy, but I felt the Holy Spirit and loved it. Something I had hardly ever done- experiencing another religious cultural tradition.
There was something in it that seemed to fit my individual spiritual journey, trying to practice the original form of Christianity, before the accretion of religious establishments that led to hierarchies, sectarianism, and other superfluities. I had only found out a few years previously that there could be more than one church celebration date for Easter...I wonder which date is more accurate?
At any rate, in 2006 that will be a moot point, as both the Western and Eastern Churches will celebrate Easter on the same day.
Last but not least, my cab customer invited me to the post-service feast at 2am, next door at the Greek Cultural Center. Lamb, fried potatoes, greek salad, rolls, dessert bread...it was delicious.
And I guess it was the Greek Orthodox Christians who brought the tradition of rabbits and Easter eggs- each table was decorated with a ceramic rabbit at the centerpiece, surrounded by plastic Easter eggs, with chocolates hidden inside.
As synchronistic Saturday nights at work go, that was one of the more unusual ones...
Hitler committed suicide on Walpurgisnacht, 30th April, 1945.
My birthday is on Walpurgisnacht and I am totally psychic. I've never been a victim of RA but I have seen plenty of evidence thereof. I am from Scotland, where there are plenty of active covens. They get together on April 30th, usually where there are Standing Stones. I would never have the nerve to spy on them, but I've seen the torches from a safe distance and found the melted, black candlewax on the Stones the next day and the beheaded ravens lying around. Seriously creepy.
ok, you obvoiusly know nothing about satanism seeing as true satanism values human life and children in general. dont belive me? read the satanic bible by anton szandor lavey. its obvious you haven't because perhaps you ouldent be so narrow minded about the subject. true there are satanic dabblers who perform sacrifices and vandalism but not even these people would kill a child. i think that we can all agree that the only people who harm chidren are severly psycotic. also,next time you try to bash someones religion get the facts and not just what you want to hear. Overal true satanism simply says do unto others as they do unto you. It's people like you that are ruining the world by putting false information out there because its what you want to hear. lieing is a sin. I don't know if your cristian or not but trust me god isnt gonna be pleased.HAIL SATAN!
^^ thanks, i agree with that person. any person who harms children are psychos, not satanists. do a little research. Happy Walpurgisnacht!
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................
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