What's up is down. What isn't, is.

They said what's up is down, they said what isn't, is.
They put ideas in his head that he thought were his
- Bob Dylan, "Clean Cut Kid"
You may have heard of Hasan Sabbah, the 11th Century "Old Man of the Mountains," who led a secret society of militant Ismaili Muslims in what is now northern Iran. Members of the sect called themselves fedayeen, but as often happens in history, the name their opponents coined is the one with which they're stuck: Hashshashin, or assassins, after the hashish Sabbah plied them with to provide visions of the "garden of earthly delights" that would follow upon a martyr's death.
Now here's something about Sabbah and his followers I didn't know until recently, from Mandelbaum's The Psychic Battlefield:
Through the various degrees of initiation into the assassins, the followers were force-fed dogma, until they reached the ninth degree of initiation, where they learned that the prior teachings were false. "Prophets and teacher, heaven and hell were all nothing, future bliss and misery were idle dreams." Small wonder that the majority of the actual killers of the assassins were those who themselves had never undergone initiation.
It is from the assassin's secret doctrines that we have the expression "Nothing is true, and everything is permitted."
This appears to be an important and not uncommon dynamic of secret societies at the highest grades of initation. (Or at least so far as the uninitiated can tell, given their secrecy.) The hidden knowledge reserved for the final degrees seems often to stand the earlier teaching on its head. God can turn out to be the devil, and the devil your elder brother Lucifer. You thought you were illuminated? Here's your illumination for ya, right here.
The significance of this secret moral inversion could be found in the question begged by the case for an elite paedophilic cult: How could something so incredible be so pervasive, and operate internationally with the protection of professionals, judiciary and government officials? Perhaps because the bottom-heavy pyramid structure of secret societies provides numerous lower-order cadres who serve ends which are the absolute inverse of those they suppose. Just perhaps.
We can't know which of the charges against the Templars were legitimate, and which manufactured to destroy the Order, but knights of the highest rank were accused of secret doctrines which entailed devil worship and black magick. Similar charges have been levelled for years against the Templars' heirs in speculative Freemasonry. And regardless of the charges validity, there do appear to be inversions of values in the higher degrees. In Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short has this to say about the order of the Holy Royal Arch, "Freemasonry's self-styled 'Supreme Degree'":
To join...a Mason must already have reached the third degree in the Craft, but if he goes no further he is no ther Mason's inferior. His Master Mason's ritual tells him he knows all the fundamental secrets....Safe within its 'Chapters', the Royal Arch dismisses the Craft's third degree as incomplete and its secrets as sham.... All the rest are unaware that there tongues might have been torn out and throats cut across just for betraying 'secrets' which are bogus, even by Masonic standards.
One of the Royal Arch's secrets is the "Grand Omniforic Royal Arch Word," Jahbulon, which is inscribed upon three sides of a triangle on Royal Arch altars, and appears to be the "Sacred and Mysterious Name" of God. The name is a contraction of Jehovah, Baal and On, or Heliopolis, the centre of Egyptian sun worship. The word cannot be spoken outside the temple, on pain, it is said, of having one's brains exposed to the sun.
Short also tells how, when England's two Grand Masonic Lodges were united in 1816, the rituals were revised to eliminate overtly Christian references, except for the phrase "the morning star," which is said to be derived from a reference to Jesus in Revelation 22:16. But the most common biblical meaning of "Morning Star" is as a synonym for Lucifer:
Is it possible that the Morning Star remained in the rituals, not by mistake, but as a deliberate but cryptic Masonic reference to Lucifer? If so, this would invert the meaning of a crucial section of the third-degree ritual: '...the Lord of Life will enable us to trample the King of Terror beneath our feet, and lift our eyes to that bright Morning Star, whose rising brings peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race.' To the men who drew up this ritual in 1816, who was the Lord of Life and who the King of Terror? Could God be Lucifer, and Lucifer God? Might they be sitting in each other's seats? Are Masons today inadvertently worshipping the devil instead of a benign God?
On July 14, 1889, Albert Pike, the "Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff" of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States allegedly issued these instructions to 23 Scottish Rite Supreme Councils throughout the world (again from Short):
That which we must say to the crowd is - we worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees - the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates in the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine.
Thus the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.
Now consider the Ordo Templi Orientis, which was founded in the late 19th Century as a hermetic branch of Freemasonry, which goes the Royal Arch one - and perhaps many more - better. At least according to The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O., edited and introduced by Francis King (a zip file of the book can be downloaded by right-clicking here), and the "Song of the Perfect Initiate":
How the Simple Mason plies
Tool to Temple, See it rise!
Princes of Jerusalem,
How we mock and scoff at them!
Boaz broken,
Jachin gone,
Freely spoken
All above
Is overthrown
For the love
Of Babalon.
Lend a hand, my trusty brother!
While there stand upon another
Of their Temple still a stone
Give the grip of Abaddon!
Split the skull! On guard the sword!
Earth be null and heaven abhorred!
All’s a lie, although divine —
Give annihilation’s Sign!
There's the bottom-heavy pyramid, celebrated in song, by those who regard themselves as near the capstone.
Finally, let's look at Opus Dei, the flagellate lay Catholic cult. Members are expected to mortify the flesh with devices such as the cilice, a "spiked chain worn around the upper thigh for two hours each day," to whip themselves to the point of drawing blood, to sleep on the floor once a week, and perform various other practices of physical and mental self-abuse. But consider what former member John Roche says in "Whips, Spiked Garters and Bloodshed - My Terrifying Life in Ruth Kelly's Religious Sect", which first appeared in The Mail on Sunday January 23 (Ruth Kelly is the UK's new education secretary): "Many members are upright Christians but the ethos of its higher levels is deeply secretive, often dishonest, oppressive and psychologically damaging to its members and families."
Justice Antonin Scalia, you may recall, is Opus Dei. How does the mortification of the flesh jibe with his bizarre message last Fall to an audience at Harvard University: "I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged"? In other words, could Opus Dei be another secret society in which those who have attained the highest degree are privy to a secret wisdom, which inverts the teachings of the lower orders?
After having progressed through flagellation and mortification - which without a supposed spiritual purpose resembles nothing so much as simple sexual masochism - could the final lesson of Opus Dei be, like that of the Hashshashin, Nothing is true, and everything is permitted?
Hiding in plain sight has never been so good.
By the way, a heartfelt thanks to everyone for all the advice, support and encouragement over the last couple of days. It's been a real George Bailey Experience, and I'm grateful beyond words.
The Scalia quote from Guardian Unlimited was taken out of context. A commenter took me to task when I posted it in November:
It's said that Scalia is often "flippant" in his remarks as he plays to his adoring audiences.
But something about his "tongue in cheek" remark still bothers me. It's like the video of Bush that you pointed to in your MLK post. What better way to get away with it, than to say it in public ... as a joke?
"Many scholars have argued, and demonstrated convincingly, that the attribution of the epithet 'hashish eaters' or 'hashish takers' is a misnomer derived from enemies the Isma'ilis and was never used by Moslem chroniclers or sources. It was therefore used in a pejorative sense of 'enemies' or 'disreputable people'. This sense of the term survived into modern times with the common Egyptian usage of the term Hashasheen in the 1930s to mean simply 'noisy or riotous'. It is unlikely that the austere Hasan-i Sabbah indulged personally in drug taking."
"There is no mention of that drug [hashish] in connection with the Persian Assassins - especially in the library of Alamut ('the secret archives')."
(1) Schools of Thought
"The real problem of the Isma'ilis in general, and the Nizari Isma'ilis or Assassins in particular, is that they were always considered heretical and persecuted by official Islam, except for the period in which Isma'ilism was the official religion under the Fatimid caliphs of Egypt. The consequence of this is that no comprehensive formula of the Assassins' creed was ever generally recognized. Their doctrines were maintained in secrecy by the Assassins themselves, while their enemies were content to dismiss them as heretical without studying or reporting them."
- Edward Burman, The Assassins - Holy Killers of Islam
"Khadhulu is the Arabic word meaning 'abandoner' or 'forsaker'... Khadhulu is a type of spiritual force that powers the practices of Tafrid and Tajrid. These are exercises that are used to transcend (abandon) normal cultural programming. The idea is that by transcending (abandoning) Dogma and fixed beliefs a person can see reality as it is. Khadhulu is stimulated by the Nafs (breath or soul). The stimulated 'abandoner' then causes the Hal or spiritual state. Khadhulu appears in the Quran (25:29)... The verse translates as 'Mankind, Shaitan is al khadhulu'. They have explained two orthodox interpretations of this verse to me the first is that Shaitan will abandon man. The other is that Shaitan causes men to forsake Islam and its culture. You'll note that this second interpretation is fairly consistent with the spiritual meaning the ancient Muqarribun give Khadhulu . (Obviously an orthodox Muslim would think Muqarribun practices Sinful.) This verse in the Quran is important because it links the 'abandoner' Khadhulu with Shaitan the Old Dragon, Lord of the Abyss."
- Parker Ryan, The Necronomicon and Ancient Arab Magick
Not all Opus Dei´s members use cilice, just the numeraries and the priests.
The numeraries are laics that live in houses of the Order, promess chastity and celibacy and give all their incomes to the Opus Dei. They "spiritual orientation" includes having their personal mails revides before hand, the newspapers cut where "insane" news appear and their friendship and family contact approved. They are converted into children psiquically, but never I have know something about abuse ritual in Opus Dei, so far... What I know is that many numeraries are gay. I think homofobia is a fuel that induces some "sensible" persons to seek identity and pertenance even in sick environments like Opus Dei. The Syndrome of Lost Father may help here: they call Escriva, the founder, not by his name, but: Our Father....
Johnny's in the basement
Mixing up the medicine
I'm on the pavement
Thinking about the government
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows
"From the Isma'ilis the Crusaders borrowed the conception which led to the formation of all the secret societies, religious and secular, of Europe. The institutions of Templars and Hospitallers; the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola, composed by a body of men whose devotion to their cause can hardly be surpassed in our time; the ferocious Dominicans. the milder Franciscans - may all be traced either to Cairo or to Alamut. The Knights Templar especially, with their system of grand masters, grand priors and religious devotees, and their degrees of initiation, bear the strongest analogy to the Eastern Isma'ilis."
- S. Ameer Ali
best source for historical study of the mystical ismaili sect:
The Last Words of Hassan Sabbah
By William S. Burroughs
1. Oiga amigos ! Oiga amigos ! Paco ! Enrique !
2. Listen to the last words of Hassan Sabbah,
3. The Old man of the Mountain !
4. Listen to my last words, anywhere !
5. Listen all you boards, governments, syndicates, nations of the world,
6. And you, powers behind what filth deals consummated in what lavatory,
7. To take what is not yours ,
8. To sell out your sons forever ! To sell out the ground from unborn feet for ever ?
9. Listen to my last words any world ! Listen if you value the bodies for which you would sell all souls forever!
10. What am I doing over here with the workers, the gooks, the apes, the dogs, the errand boys, the human animals ?
It seems like the message that those who need a guru or leader to teach them how to live life are the true evil.
All these heinous leaders seem to work on the habit of looking for what's wrong, and work to get people to dispise and hate leadership or power over their lives besides their own.
All seems an individualist, anarchist, love of self message.
Or so it seems, to me, at least, in my current state of ignorance.
So is Bush, a Skull and Bones Member, at heart an atheist?
I wonder how real his "born again" mythos is.
Perhaps because the bottom-heavy pyramid structure of secret societies provides numerous lower-order cadres who serve ends which are the absolute inverse of those they suppose. Just perhaps.
(I can't speak about all ritual abuse perps. There are small cult/family groups that use ritual abuse within a variety of frameworks and ideologies.)
The perpetrators that I know of are closely linked to Crowley and the OTO. These are the big guys - nationally and internationally networked.
As you surmise, the lower four degrees (slaves) essentially 'serve' the top five degrees (masters).
Interestingly, from what I understand, 'new' perpetrators enter the group at level 5. (Does this suggest a lateral move into the OTO-RA group from another group ie the new initiate has attained standing elsewhere that is still recognised within the RA group? My personal theory is that these men may be moving into the ritual abuse cult across from another organisation, such as the 'vanilla' OTO or the Masons.)
Most "masters" occupy the seventh level and never move beyond that. The first two levels are for victims - programmed female children and women. I'm not sure what the functions of levels 3 and 4 are, but I know that you are still vulnerable to assault/abuse within those degrees.
And I think your suppositions around inversion are very close to the money. The basis for RA programming is inversion - black is white, bad is good, pain is pleasure.
My experience at the Bohemian Grove:
Over the last twelve years I healed from DID / MPD as a result of childhood sexual abuse. I thought I had worked through all of my abuse with parents and the priests. I also worked through abuse from the Boys Town group.
Recently, before I had even heard of the Bohemian Grove, I had memories of abuse that must have happened there. The memory was revealed to me by a young boy who I dubbed "Spock" because he described the rapes and experiences like a bystander with no emotion. Maybe this is out of place for this type of audience, so just skip this post if you want. I thought it was appropriate because it paints another picture of the Bohemian Grove from the inside.
(I am a female in my 40's now but a male part was created for some reason during this abuse.)
I told my therapist I had been having huge surges of terror but was not sure why. She was going to do a relaxation exercise to see if she could get to the source of the terror. She had me close my eyes and just try to relax the muscles in my face and head. She had just started when Spock just came forward on his own. He just started talking. Since I am co-conscious, I could listen to him speak from "the background."
Spock said he was lying in a small rectangular wooden box that was very poorly made. He said they called them coffins but he knew they were just trying to scare the kids. He said they were just stupid wooden boxes. The top was taken off of his box and he got out. He said this is the way they transported kids here. He had been here before. He said the wooden "coffins" were on this old rickety cart deal. They kept the kids from seeing where they were being "delivered." He said it was very late and very dark. He said a fire was in front of him and men in robes were dancing around it like Indians. He said they were laughing and making stupid sounds like grunts as they danced. He thought they were drunk. He looked over to his right and saw the huge owl in the distance. He said no one was at the owl at the moment and he was hugely relieved because he was terrified when the owl was in use. He could see the owl in the distance and said it was about three stories high. His attention was drawn back to the fire and the men dancing around it.
He said he was standing in the back kind of where there were some lights above his head that were dim but gave out enough light to see the coolers of drinks.
He said then men were referred to as the SS after Hitler. He said the kids like him were also referred to as the SS but for the kids SS meant Service Station were the SS men were serviced sexually. He said they made him walk over to this one "station" where they made him lie on some type of table that reminded him of a picnic table but it was really dark and hard to tell because it was darker over in this area. He said drunk men with stuff like alcohol was coming out of their mouths. He said four men raped the girl (which was my body but another part) was was around six. He said four men raped her at this station. They were all laughing and drunk.
He said when they had led him over to his station, they led him on a leash type deal which was some type of rope tied around his neck which they called a leash. He said other kids were taken from their "coffin" and stationed around the fire area kind of a little back from the fire area. He said some where little girls and others were little boys. This was so the men could chose who to service them.
He said four men vaginally raped "his body." then the girl kind of passed out. He said they drugged the girl before this but he did not take the drug because it was his job to watch. He does not know what happened after the girl blacked out.
He said that they were flown on a small plane from Omaha to this heavily wooded place in California. He said they kids would not talk on the plane. He said there were two women chaperones on the plane. He said it was a really small plane that fit about twenty he thought. He said everyone looked scared or just spaced out.
He lives in Omaha he said. His Dad used to work for Boys Town but now he works somewhere else but they still live in Omaha.
He does not like owls and is specifically afraid of the big owl there because they sacrifice kids who don't follow the rules. He has seen this before he said but he did not go into any detail.
He said all of the men were white males.
At this point, "spock" just left and I came back to my session. This had all been new information to me.
The whole owl deal really blew me away as I have two owls in my room that look just like the one he described in this memory.
Just thought I'd share my experience...
I have come to understand that the OWL that is worshipped is LILITH Adam's (of Adam and Eve) first wife, before Eve. If anyone has more informatiom about my comment, Please feel free to e-mail me; at name above.
"There is no mention of that drug [hashish] in connection with the Persian Assassins - especially in the library of Alamut ('the secret archives')."
According to Brion Gysin, who visited Alamout, there was no "library of Alamout" or "secret archives." The 200,000 some odd books simply never existed.
see: Here To Go, Gysin/Wilson
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