Who shall I say is calling?

who in your merry merry month of May,
who by very slow decay
and who shall I say is calling? - Leonard Cohen
I've always been a little worried for California. For one thing, there's its propensity for both natural disasters and the other kind, too, like Enron and Arnold Schwarzenegger. And there's the big, black bullseye taped to its back by the hypocritical right, which absurdly demonizes the state for harbouring pockets of some of America's last ghettos of liberalism. But ever since Jeb Bush joked during a cabinet meeting, one month after Schwarzenegger's bizarre ascension, that the people of San Francisco may be endangered and "That's probably good news for the country" (adding, over the laughter, "Did I just say that out loud?") I've been more worried than usual. California is just too inviting a stage for a synthetic terror event for us not to witness a Ground Zero West.
Before 9/11, I never gave much thought to the health and welfare of prominent scientists. I would have, if I had known the string of mysterious deaths which struck Britain's "star wars" physicists in the 1980s. (See "Did 22 British SDI Researchers really ALL Commit Suicide?") But I didn't know that, as most people still don't know, because as I said, that was before 9/11, and the world still made a naive kind of sense to me. Now, after so many microbiologists have gone to early graves, I know different. I may still be wrong about a lot of things, but at least I know enough now to say that I was certainly wrong then.
So the murder of San Francisco radiologist Robert Lull should raise the threat level on both counts.
I see a reward is now on offer, which must mean the investigation is not going well and the trail may already have gone cold. A reward was also offered in the January murder of Dr Jeong Im, and the only recent development in that case is the promise of security lights in the parking garage in which the microbiologist was stabbed to death, where he was found stuffed in the trunk of his burning car.
As for the motive to the Lull's murder, "gisgaia" has already posted some important dots suitable for connecting on the RI discussion board here. And I agree: "the fact that he was working on hemorrhagic intestinal disorders may be a very big dot," especially when considering the work of others on the death list, and that "most of the now, 44 [and counting] scientists who met their demise since 9/11/01...is [that] all were expert in emerging infectious diseases especially Ebola, Mad Cow, HIV.” Lull had been set to present his latest findings on the effects of altered flu viruses in the treatment of cancers at next month's Society of Nuclear Medicine's Annual Meeting in Toronto.
Speaking of 9/11, on its third anniversary Lull spoke on the subject "Is Nuclear Terrorism Possible?" This is from the newsletter account of the event, published in the UCSF's Department of Radiology newsletter:
Lull also brought a different level of insight, having served in the military and as medical consultant at Inter- service Nuclear Weapons School at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, N.M. Attempts to smuggle nuclear weapons and materials have occurred, Lull said, citing incidents in Munich and Prague. More frighteningly, the now deceased General Alex Lebed said in a 2000 "60 Minutes" interview that Russia "can't account for or locate approximately 135 suitcase size' 1 KT fission nuclear weapons of the munitions type." These misplaced weapons fueled Lull's imagination.
Reading Lebed's name brought a lot back. (Here, by the way, is an archive of his claims re suitcase nukes.) The "now deceased General" was instrumental in ending, at least for a while, the War in Chechnya, and for a time was the figure to watch jockeying for power in the post-Yeltsin era. (He finished third in the 1996 presidential election, and was likely to run again.) He'd been elected governor of Russia's Krasnoyarsk region in 1998 and made enemies of its mafia. After Lebed died in a helicopter crash, parliamentarian Alexei Arbatov said it might have been orchestrated by his foes.
And remembering Lebed's death recalled another helicopter crash which received even less press. Here's the story, from last August 7:
Death threats before crash
A lawyer for a Russian oil giant who died in a mystery helicopter crash had told friends he had received death threats, The Western Mail can reveal.
It is believed Stephen Curtis, a former Welsh university student, had been targeted by the Russian secret service shortly before his death earlier this year.
Mr Curtis, who was left in control of crisis-hit Russian oil firm Yukos after the jailing of its boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is also thought to have contacted British intelligence agencies before he died.... Reports in the Russian media say he offered information in return for protection from the Russian investigation.
Lawyer Robert Amsterdam, who is representing Yukos shareholders under arrest in Russia, said, "The timing of the crash could not have been worse for the company.
"If someone had planned to do something, this would have been the time that would have been chosen."
Stephen Curtis has nothing to do with Robert Lull, except both may have died on account of the above-the-law headhunting practiced by global Intelligence agencies. Most people who read the newspaper and consider themselves informed would say this only happens in the movies, or maybe only in other countries, or perhaps only to bad guys who have it coming. But it happens, and here - wherever "here" is - and to good people and innocents whose deaths are worth more than their lives.
I don't know who killed Robert Lull, or Jeong Im, or what drove Philip Shue to his death. I don't know if Lebed was murdered, or Curtis, or why John Kokal had a great fall. I know there is such a thing as random violence, and that suicides and accidents do happen. But I also know that the hidden hand of earthly power is that of a serial killer who never weighs the consequence of getting caught, because he never is.
Remember the film noir DOA? A man's been poisoned, and with his last hours he tries to solve his own murder. I feel sometimes that's what we're doing. We might not have been literally been poisoned, although we might have been, but I have a growing sense, one I think is broadly shared, that time is running out for us to catch our killers. Whether it's by radiation, or a helicopter crash, or an emerging virus, or a knife in a doorway or parking garage, justice makes demands of us, even if it can't spare us.
If the blog's daily visitor from the Centers for Disease Control has a strong lead, please consider sharing with the group.
And who by brave assent,
who by accident,
who in mortal chains,
who in power,
and who shall I say is calling?
So Jeff, please be explicit in your speculations about why these scientists who are experts in fatal diseases would be killed, and by whom?
Reading this post I envision a goalie leaping high to deflect a goal shot.
Horrific to see that such plans may be in motion for a place like San Fran or anywhere; but heartening that websites like RI and others post, to worldwide witnesses, a pre-emptive volley of knowledge that may serve to, in some modest way, forestall such an attack. The greater the awareness, the more protection.
There is a potent wisdom born of the collective, intuitive understanding which is growing in the rigorous intuition community, and this wisdom is what justice demands first of its actors. Courage must follow.
Then the next step, which is much more challenging: uncloaking and canning the bastards by popular decree. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding alone cannot do that, but it is the best way to start.
Here's what my own investigations indicate as the most likely scenario for what Jeff's hinting at; I don't have time to dig up the links right now, but I will post them on the board later if there's interest.
The common idea that Bush and his bosses want to use another 9/11 type terrorist attack to drum up support for further military action in the middle east is probably half-right at this point and was at some point in the past closer to completely correct; for all their apparent bumbling in the foreign policy sector the faction bush is public head of is pretty astute on domestic politics -- I'd argue that when they get the tone wrong domestically it's because of a need to humor their base and not very often because they make a misjudgment -- and the domestic mood right now, I think, is such that a major terrorist attack on American soil would likely backfire, or is likely enough to backfire to make it too risky a strategy to take. Thus, I strongly doubt we'll see a staged terror attack in the states anytime soon unless things are far far far too desperate for the bushites behind the scenes.
If we have another terror attack on American soil sometime soon, odds are it won't be of 9/11 scale and it will be at least in part authentic islamic terrorism, although it may be augmented by malevolent elements -- the bush cabal, again, or someone higher up than that -- to ensure its success and psychological impact; given the narrow tightrope between an obviously catastrophic -- and probably staged -- attack and a smaller but possibly unconvincing authentic terror attack I'm inclined to think the political minds in DC will not attempt the former and will not be overly motivated to LIHOP the latter.
On the other hand, the window of opportunity to broaden the campaign in the middle east is fading pretty quick: Iran will have nukes soon (a good thing in my mind, ceteris paribus, but that's another day's topic), the worse the situation in Iraq and now Afghanistan becomes the mroe additional troops will be needed just to hold onto the territory, making it all the more difficult to accumulate the surplus forces needed to mount any kind of ground war, etc...and if we actually start pulling out of Iraq and/or Afghanistan the cost of redeploying to the middle east post-withdrawal will be prohibitive. On top of all that our financial position is precarious and likely only to make it all the more difficult to fund an Iran adventure the longer we wait. So, although I'm skeptical that the red button is going to be pushed and another major attack made or let to happen, on the other hand the geopolitical situation looks like now or close to now is the very tail end of the time when further middle-east geopolitical goals could be accomplished, so who knows...
I suspect the likely candidate for a staged catastrophic attack would be 'just' nukes, probably taking out a few 'expendable' cities instead of major ones (ie, not new york). Cities on my shortlist include Phoenix, AZ, Las Vegas, any number of middle-american mid-sized towns (although those are harder to throw a backstory on than the former two), some of the larger cities in Texas, maybe San Diego or its satellites. A nuke attack would once again get us some global sympathy, change the international political dynamic, and alleviate the complex americans have vis-a-vis being the only nation thus far to use nukes aggressively, which would pave the way any number of unconventional weapons to be used in subsequent wars.
A biological terrorist attack is highly unlikely as a staged event because it's too messy; as an authentic event it's more likely, but I doubt the stuff terrorists have access to will be sufficiently virulent to do much actual damage, although the psychological damage could be large.
As for the biological stuff, though, the likely explanation is something like this: if you wanted, say, to survive the apocalypse and come out on top, what you'd need to do is first survive the apocalypse, and second topple all challengers. In the event of a major catastrophe -- geophysical changes, global nuclear war, whathave you -- the odds are damn good that there will be an appreciable number of survivors, and the 'elite' survivors will be outnumbered pretty badly by normal survivors...so as long as you're holed up in some underground city waiting for the radioactivity to go down a bit you may as well release a ton of some horrible plague into the outside world to cut down on undesired survivors.
For this purpose biological weapons are damn near perfect, and so I'm guessing they're mostly intended to be used by the elite should 'the game come to an end' to make absolutely sure that it's the elite who survive...keep in mind that most of the elite probably have bunkers and stuff all set up -- after all that was the prudent thing to do throughout the cold war years, and a lot of the elderly elite sorts probably are more paranoid in that way than we are -- so all bets are off as to how much time + money they've put into their little secured retreats.
A bit of a ramble I'm afraid, but the short summary:
- manufactured terror probably nukes on expendable cities for which convenient explanations of how the nukes arrived on-site can be made
- authentic terror much less catastrophic but possibly biological, more likely a rash of domestic suicide bombings or some such
- neither very likely because the domestic political situation makes it hard to say if the required political effect will be achieved, but the global geopolitical situation may demand one or the other happens
-- biological terrorism on a massive scale likely reserved for the elites to take out any possible competitors when the shit truly hits the fan, and is unlikely to be employed prior to such time due to the general uncontrollability of biological agents
I understand the Marburg virus is even more deadly than Ebola. It is slower acting, so it has a chance to be spread a lot easier. The death toll in Angola continues to rise from this deadly disease.
There have been several rumors that have been posted on GLP. One was that there was going to be a false flag spread of Marburg virus, in several cities, in April when the US was having its bio-terror exercises. San Francisco was one of those cities. I sent a notice about the rumor to newspapers in every city on the list. The second rumor was that a student in New York had the Marburg virus. The third rumor was that the Russians had successfully combined Marburg with Smallpox. Of course, these are all rumors, and they may be kids starting trouble. However, in these times we must be ever vigilant and pay attention to rumors. After all, look how many actual warnings the FAA had about terrorism with planes, that the US government ignored (or were a part of).
Thanks for another great article!
Mary R. C.
The Jeb Bush link doesn't work. can someone fix that please?
"So Jeff, please be explicit in your speculations about why these scientists who are experts in fatal diseases would be killed, and by whom?"
Something I've wondered is whether there may be more than one specific reason for their deaths. (Just as other professionals who have been targeted, such as journalists, have died because they threatened uncovering a variety of hidden things.) If so, then it would be a mistake to impose a single pattern upon the cases. But if this is true it makes determining intentionality that much more difficult. So it's probably best to proceed presuming just one, which makes the best sense of most of the deaths.
My speculation here tends to run deeper, or maybe just wilder, than "merely" another 9/11. (Though I think an event of that magnitude and purpose remains a high risk, especially with Iran on the horizon.) I suspect a population cull through emerging, engineered viruses. I think there is much to suggest that a number of powerful High Globalists - people with names like Rockefeller, Kissinger and Strong - who play the neocons for patsies, believe civilization must be crashed in order to save it.
I find it interesting that the futurist "Merlin Project," co-directed by an SDI physicist which counts the Pentagon as a client, predicts that "In 2008-2009, something even more profoundly changing will happen that will affect about 4 out of 6 people. Something like a pandemic." (I posted about the Merin Project here.)
By the way, about the deaths of the SDI scientists, Alex Constantine makes a pretty good argument in Psychic Dictatorship in the USA that they were linked to microwave brain telemetering applications of the research. None of the SDI "suicides" were specialists in space-based weapons systems or lasters; they worked in advanced electronics with military applications. "Star Wars," he suggests, may be little more than a cover story to account for the spin-off benefits of mind control research.
"The Jeb Bush link doesn't work. can someone fix that please?"
Thanks, I just fixed it. Here's another link in case that one goes wonky again.
Thought this was an interesting development: http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/05/24/nbug24.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/05/24/ixnewstop.html
Could be nothing - could be related just some food for thought
Marine death sparks fears of incurable new superbug
Thought this would be better as a link.
I wrote about this about a year ago with this information...
In my last article, I went into what we call in the military, a de-briefing to get GNN readers up to date with what has been happening with over 40 microbiologists around the world. Since then, some of you have encouraged me to continue, so I will go on with my second instalment down the rabbit hole of what I have concluded to be from A to Z, an obvious intelligence covert situation.
Here is a complete list of the 46 microbiologists involved to date.
As I have been going deeper down the rabbit hole, most of the leads presented in the media with respect to the deaths, points towards China as being the culprit for the covert assassinations of these scientists.
MI6 are spearheading a global investigation into the mysterious death of a top microbiologist, Vladimir Pasechnik with close links to Porton Down, Britain’s ultra secret bio-defence establishment.
Colleagues of Pasechnik had confirmed that in Russia he had been working on “bio-weapons which could wipe out a third of the world’s population.”
After he defected to Britain in 1989, Pasechnik told his MI6 debriefing officer, Christopher Davis, – now retired and living in Virginia in the US – that went to Porton Down and had been trying to produce defences against the bio-chemical weapons he had been producing in Russia.
The secret of the work Pasechnik had been doing at Porton Down died with him.
After he defected to Britain, Pasechnik told Christopher Davis that he had been approached by China to work for them.
MI6, the CIA, and the intelligence services of Canada, Australia and Europe are combining all their resources to establish if China has sent killer squads from its own secret service (CSIS) to murder all those scientists it had approached – and who had declined to work for China.
Dr. Ken Alibek, another Russian defector, who is now a consultant to the Pentagon, has confirmed China “very probably is not yet fully advanced in that area.”
Defence Analyst, David Jensen, said:
“It would be logical for China to want Pasechnik on board. When he refused it would be equally logical to eliminate him. That’s how China handles competition. Kills it off.”
The investigation is focused on China because of a computer program called Promis. It was stolen from a Washington company called Inslaw. The president of Inslaw, , Bill Hamilton, noted that his company’s software “would give any country a flying start in keeping track of just about anybody’s work.”
So that is the main argument as of why China would want to commit to an operation like this. That’s how China handles competition, they say. Personally, I wouldn’t invest myself into this hypothesis at 100% as of yet for these reasons.
This story is obviously coming out from under its`shadow over the years that I have been following it, as it has picked up quite a lot of steam in alternative news sources. If I wanted to divert attention from this story away from the prying eyes of investigators, I would point the finger at China.
Let us say that in the future, this story picks up enough steam to hit the mainstream media, wouldn’t China make for a good patsy with regards to this story?
This whole scientist scenario would be the ideal situation to cause an issue of national security for western nations. By letting your mind wander about a situation like this you can see how intelligence agencies like the military sector like to have certain situations ferment and linger for future scenarios.
Let us assume though that China would be responsible for these assassinations. The first thing that I want to look for to discredit this claim would be to search for similar scientist deaths in China.
Unfortunately this is difficult to do with the fact that China does not reveal information as such.
On one hand, this may give credence to my first idea as naming China as a scapegoat for this situation, because a proper investigation into this situation cannot be made without the knowledge of the same assassinations inside China.
So here we are, with our eyes towards the east. Have the Chinese been victims of this same international covert operation, thus just being the perfect patsies for the crime, or are they trying to gain geo-political superiority by having the next super-weapon?
Only time will tell…
Any information with regards to deaths from the microbiological field in mainland China would be appreciated
glubglubglub wrote:
"I suspect the likely candidate for a staged catastrophic attack would be 'just' nukes, probably taking out a few 'expendable' cities instead of major ones (ie, not new york). Cities on my shortlist include Phoenix, AZ, Las Vegas, any number of middle-american mid-sized towns (although those are harder to throw a backstory on than the former two), some of the larger cities in Texas, maybe San Diego or its satellites."
I think my hometown of Kansas City might be on the list. From Time Magazine, Dec. 11, 2001, "Sleeping in Mullah Omar's Bed".
"The terrorists were obsessed with chemicals and planes. Scattered in the blasted rubble were manuals on chemicals and explosives, aviation magazines and a copy of Chemical Weekly that had been stolen from a public library in Kansas City."
I imagine that Kansas City was scoped out as a possible target. It's not too large, isn't close to any other major metropolitan areas, and the nation's infrastructure as a whole would survive. The psychological impact, however, would be devastating. This would be no coastal incursion, this would be an attack on the "Heartland" of America. The response would be a state of complete and total fear, allowing for martial law and damn near anything else the powers that be wanted.
I agree that the Bush Cabal has pretty much played its hand in terms of terror and war. Another "terrorist" attack would reflect poorly on him among the American people and at least a quarter of them think he and his cohorts had something to do with 9/11. They've also learned that the mere threat of an attack allows them to manipulate the populace, so why spend the money? They will only act when their interests are being threatened. They got what they wanted in Iraq and made billions in the process. They will only make a move when the money dries up.
I think we must remember the lessons of the 9/11 stock market profiteers- follow the money. They are crafty and secretive but they are also extremely greedy. One red flag to look for are large sums of money and capital being moved out of a specific area of the country. Perhaps a clever programmer could devise a program to follow this sort of activity.
In regards to the deaths of the scientists, perhaps this is just an advanced and deadly form of "keep away". The Cabal's scientists have developed biological weapons that are slightly ahead of common research. The murders are just a way to keep ahead of cures and treatments that reduce their investments to large vats of useless chemicals. A plane ticket and a knife are a cheap way to stay ahead of the game.
Another possibility is at least some of the murders are being carried out by a Unabomber-type figure with a more personal approach. The murders of Dr. Jeong Im and Dr. Robert Lull could have easily been committed by the same person.
Lull was also a vocal advocate in the drive to have every cow in the U.S inspected for mad cow disease, so there's another angle. Those inspections would cost someone a lot of money -- remember how fiercely the beef industry went after Oprah Winfrey?
And since no conspiracy speculation would be complete without Nazis, I leave you with this, from the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (http://www.fmbr.org/editoral/edit03_04/edit5-feb04.htm):
"Could there be another underlying cause for these diseases, and the unparalleled large surge of mad-cow disease in the United Kingdom. An organic farmer, Mark Purdey, and a number of researches are putting forth an hypothesis based upon environmental causal factors. They implicate a warble fly eradication program mandated in the early 1980s by the British government. Warble flies lay their eggs in a cow's skin, causing health problems and reducing the value of cow hides. To combat this heavy doses of organophosphate insecticides were used. These were poured along the spinal column of cows to be absorbed into the cow's body. They exert their toxic effect by entering the central nervous system and deforming the molecular shape of various nerve proteins. Organophosphates were developed by Nazi chemists during the course of World War II as a biological weapon. The effects of organophosphates can be made more severe because they remove copper from the body leaving the door open for manganese or similar metals to replace the copper in the prion protein. This creates a condition akin to the occupational disease known as "Manganese Madness." The "informational" disease caused in humans by BSE is called variant Crueutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)s. In addition to CJD and vCJD, could other degenerative ailments in humans, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Lou Gehrig's disease involve abnormal changes in the shapes of proteins caused by environmental factors that affect us directly or indirectly via our food supply?"
Prof. Hex:
Heh everyone thinks their hometown is a target.
Phoenix and Vegas getting knocked out knocks out 2/3 of the fat-pipe connections from the east-west coast (look at a map of internet infrastructure sometime and you'll see what I mean) and both are located in flat areas so there's no terrain to interfere with post-nuke shockwaves. Neither is very important economically -- phx is a real estate bubble, taking out vegas would be more severe but also take down some rival crime families to the bush famiglia / rivals to the indian casinos (who are owed a few favors) -- and both have easy backstories for how/why they're nuked: just mix up border issues with american decadance and you get an explanation for either or possibly both.
California getting directly attacked seems too dicey as far as domestic politics are concerned -- the day hollywood gets destroyed is the day middle america realizes how dull the family-friendly entertainment industry's products really are -- and an attack in california itself would turn a lot of californians into militan anti-fascists, much more so than their more blase new york counterparts...
Kansas City, though, is a classic example of the 'anonymous semi-large middle american town' that makes another good choice for a nuke or two: easily expendable in the big scheme of things, powerfully symbolic in import, only difficulty is explaining why a terrorist would hit there. Could be done, it's just not as straightforward as someplace just north of the world's loosest first world border.
You might be right about the scientists and their killers' motivations; I still think bioweapons are likely an endgame maneuver than a terror weapon, though, because if actually effective they're too hard to control and thus chafe when confined into the problem-reaction-solution model. And, also, they take a long time to ramp up, and the number of folks needed to 'turn' from doing their ordinary civic duty is far larger than with a nuke or even with flying planes into buildings during a hijacking simulation; probably the latter two scenarios require orders of magnitude fewer turncoats to buy off.
Jeez, as if I wasn't paranoid enough already, living in San Francisco on the Ring of Fire, you now give us Jeb Bush's "joke" which sounds a bit like the PNAC "we need another Pearl Harbor." I've been having odd feelings about a major disaster here since 2001 (pre-9/11) and even created a proto-blog on CDs detailing daily life in San Francisco for a year with photos and text in 365 PowerPoint shows. Just in case somebody wanted to reconstruct what the place was like after it vanished.
Our only hope, really, is that the Texas gangsters are still sucking so much money out of California, the Cash Cow. We used to have a local phone company, now it's SBC. We used to have locally owned radio stations and concert promoters. Now it's San Antonio's Clear Channel. And of course there was Enron which stole literally billions from all Californians.
There are many Californias and the local political struggles can get fierce, but about George Bush and His Gangster Clan, there's an extraordinary level of understanding among the population. You don't have to explain the basic facts of their evil to anyone.
As for Dr. Lull, the police have a "person of interest" who had left the doctor's car at his parole officer's parking lot after he was thrown in jail for an unrelated parole violation. This is so handed on a platter that it makes me deeply suspicious. Here's a link:
Agree - but there is a little bit of resistance coming from the visual artist/painters...but like you said they are not popular or mainstream at all, and of course r+r was killed off and then was buried when they opened the "rock and roll hall of fame"...Bono should know better.
ot a bit, but there is a mindblowing list of right-wing sex-scandles at DU
Whoever is behind these deaths has been at it for at least 50 years. So far as I can tell, they started with CIA agent Frank Olson, who tried to resign after witnessing some biowarfare experiments on prisoners in the 1950s, and was promptly "suicided."
We know that Rumsfeld and Cheney obstructed the investigation into Olson's death. Who else was in a position of power that long ago? They must now be in their '70s and '80s, at the youngest. That eliminates a lot of suspects. It leaves Daddy Bush, the Queen of England, Rockefeller and the Pope!
Anonymous One,think of Michael Riconosciuto.He's the guy who goes back to the Inslaw case,working with the CIA and DR. Earl Brian.His story is wild to say the least,something about a targeting germ.Strange that the good DR. Brian was also connected with Bio Port,I belive his company had somthing to do with the new smallpox vaccine they wanted to shove down our throat last year,I can't belive it can you? Well, don't worry be happy,later.
I think we need to consider and urge investigation of several mysterious political deaths to possible foul play and deliberate microbiological infection. I speak of three political figures who died recently -- Yasar Arafat of a mysterious, never-discovered blood disease, Rep. Matsui from California, an expert on Social Security, and Rep. Patsy Mink from my state of Hawaii who died just days before an election (2002) which she was certain to win and the Democratic party had to scramble to get an alternative candidate on the ballot to prevent a default win by the Republican. Matsui, you may recall, died of a rare blood disease just days after the last election. The timing of these deaths seem, like the deaths of Carnahan and Wellstone, so fortuitously timed (for Republicans) to make mere coincidence seem to difficult to accept as viable explanation.
This post is a little late, but has anyone noticed this article in the Moscow Times about a Russian nuclear scientist disappeared and was not heard from for 18 months and then suddenly reappeared with partial amnesia, unable to recall what happened to him?
Moscow Times article here
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Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ********************
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