Space cadets

Call it intuition, call it a creeping suspicion - Nick Cave
A bit of an update of this post from last March, thanks to this thread on the RI discussion board.
An article last week in The Scotsman claimed an "extrordinary 'hyperspace' engine that could make interstellar space travel a reality by flying into other dimensions is being investigated by the United States government." The theory is to create an intense magnetic field that would provide gravitational thrust:
Also, if a large enough magnetic field was created, the craft would slip into a different dimension, where the speed of light is faster, allowing incredible speeds to be reached. Switching off the magnetic field would result in the engine reappearing in our current dimension.
The US air force has expressed an interest in the idea and scientists working for the American Department of Energy - which has a device known as the Z Machine that could generate the kind of magnetic fields required to drive the engine - say they may carry out a test if the theory withstands further scrutiny.
Professor Jochem Hauser, one of the scientists who put forward the idea, told The Scotsman that if everything went well a working engine could be tested in about five years.
Such an article can't help but make me think of Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point. Cook's odyssey began at Jane's Aviation Weekly, when someone anonymously dropped a 1956 clipping on his desk with the headline "The G-Engines Are Coming." In many respects, the 50-year old article was not unlike that in last week's Scotsman: "in the United States and Canada, research centers, scientists, designers and engineers are perfecting a way to control gravity - a force infinitely more powerful than the mighty atom. The result of their labors will be antigravity engines working without fuel - weightless airliners and space ships able to travel at 170,000 miles per second."
The article from '56 states the research is supported by the Glenn L Martin Aircraft Company, Bell Aircraft, Lear and several other US firms. It quotes Lawrence Bell as saying they are "already working" on cancelling out gravity. The head of Advanced Programs and VP in charge of the "G-Project" at Martin Aircraft, George S Trimble, adds that manufacturing a gravitational field drive "could be done in about the time it took to build the first atom bomb."
Cook almost tossed it in the waste basket, because almost as soon as such reports appeared in the mid-sixties it seemed as though they'd never existed. The research either never happened, was discontinued, or went deep black.
Cook, picking up the thread of a possibly deeply-guarded military-industrial secret, began by tracking down Trimble. He asked his media contact friend at Lockheed Martin, Daniella Abelman, to see if Trimble was still alive, and ask him if he'd be interested in an interview. Cook didn't tell Abelman why he wanted to talk. She called back soon after, and said that Trimble was alive and retired in Arizona. "Sounds hard as nails, but an amazing guy. He's kinda mystified why you want to talk to him after all this time, but seems okay with it. Like you said, it's historical, right?"
"Right," Cook said.
Abelman called back a few days later. "Separated by an ocean and five time zones," Cook writes, "I heard the catch in her breathing."
"It's Trimble," she said. "The guy just got off the phone to me. Remember how he was fine to do the interview? Well, something's happened. I don't know who this old man is or what he once was, but he told me in no uncertain terms to get off his case. He doesn't want to speak to me and he doesn't want to speak to you, not now, not ever. I don't mind telling you that he sounded scared and I don't like to hear old men scared. It makes me scared. I don't know what you were really working on when you came to me with this, Nick, but let me give you some advice. Stick to what you know about; stick to the damned present. It's better that way for all of us."
The familiar name of Hal Puthoff, formerly of Naval Intelligence and the NSA and then director of Stanford Research Institute's Remote Viewing program on behalf of the CIA and DIA, turns up midway through The Hunt for Zero Point. Puthoff has been doing theoretical work for NASA on the zero-point energy field since the early 1970s. (Before meeting, Cook had doubts he was acting wisely. "Did I really want to declare my interest in antigravity to a man who had clear connections to the intelligence community?") Cook probed him gingerly: Did Puthoff know of forms of aerospace travel, perhaps in the "black" world, whose principals contravened the laws of physics or our understanding of aerodynamics?
He sucked the top of his pen, giving the question a lot of thought before responding. "I've certainly talked to people who claim that something is going on," he said, pausing to add: "I would say the evidence is pretty solid."
When asked to choose which of five avenues proposed by NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Physics program stood the greatest chance of success, Puthoff selected without hesitation the perturbation of space-time through antigravity.
Cook left the interview with the impression that Puthoff meant to indirectly communicate that tangible results had already been achieved. There is much more direct evidence in The Hunt for Zero Point to support such an assumption. And as Cook suggests, "if antigravity had been discovered in the white world, then someone, somewhere had to be perfecting it - maybe even building real hardware - in the black."
Was there an antigravity Manhattan Project about which now the general public is finally being fed the theory? I think it would be more astonishing if there wasn't. For one thing, there have been too many reliable sightings of discoid craft being piloted or repaired by seemingly ordinary men in military uniforms and even baseball caps. (Though as I've made clear in other posts, I don't believe the relatively prosaic explanation of nuts and bolts black budget craft can account for the genuine UFO phenomenon. If humans can already build craft capable of slipping into other dimensions, then the veil is exceedingly thin, and presumably may be crossed in the opposite direction.) And for another, it makes an awful sense. I suggested last March that our "Immortals" have been preparing - covertly, and for a long time - for a post-carbon world. One that may not include most of Earth's population.
If the G-Engines are coming, they've probably already arrived. And they're not meant for the likes of us.
I think the 'this thread' link to the RI discussion board is wrong.
Anonymous One,just think what you could get if you threw a little magick in with the mix? Then put the rest of your best boys on a mind fuck project.Just follow the light folks,they won't hurt us,they have only come to save us,HA!,later.
Trying to use a gravity polarizer to reach another dimension might not be a good idea.
Secret but relatively conventional military projects do seem to blur together with more anomalous sightings -- though whether by design or not would be hard to say. For example, there was a posting here a couple of months ago titled "UFO’s or Top Secret Spy Planes – the Aurora Mystery" concerning black triangles.
It states, "The prime suspect in the black triangle phenomena is Aurora, the highly classified surveillance aircraft that according to the Pentagon does not exist." And it runs through the available information on why Aurora is almost certainly real and what its capacities would be in terms of speed and altitude.
But then it goes on to discuss low-altitude sightings of "enormous, totally silent, black triangular craft hovering or slowly cruising at low altitudes," often in remote areas. It concludes that these may be military-related as well, but if they are, it's as something very different from a mere next-generation supersonic spyplane.
Charles Fort often suggested that the phenomena he was studying regularly covered a spectrum running from those with plausible mundane explanations to those without. His point, of course, was to counter the people who argued that just because one strange substance had been identified as spiderwebs or mushrooms, all similar reports of strange substances could be dismissed as well. But it's also possible that the military has seized on this principle and encourages rumors of mildly advanced technologies in order to provide cover for the really bizarre stuff.
"I think the 'this thread' link to the RI discussion board is wrong."
Thanks for spotting that. I've corrected the link.
hey jeff,
can you hyperlink that post about the "immortals" from last march?
That reference is from the same March post I linked to at the top, Is it the future yet?"
Jeff said: "If the G-Engines are coming, they've probably already arrived. And they're not meant for the likes of us."
Godamnit, I hate it when you say things like this..
Unfortunately...I agree completely. More than enough time has lapsed for disclosing technology of this kind and lightening Mankind's Energy Burden.
If intentions were benign, we'd already be existing in a futuristic Sci-Fi setting.
Instead we have issues like Agenda 21 and endless arguments about whether or not a plane hit the Pentagon..
Welcome to The Future.
From time to time i can still see the obvious signature of a PDE in the skies here and on rare occasion have caught the vehicle in high flight. Amazing how fast they move.
Are these allowed to be seen so we will think this is the extent of their technology at the present time?
So many questions, so very few answers.
Isn't this what Laurence Gardner has been talking about in recent years? He lectures on the 'Lost Secrets Of The Sacred Ark' and discusses the properties of monatomic gold including its use in a 'warp' drive engine which can bend spacetime.
Again the wild convergence is spooky. The G Engines align with Tesla research into scalar and/or energetics technology. As we all know, that research, as well as that individual have been ruthlessly and systemically suppressed by the US government, and for reasons related ti the peoples security, prosperity, or best interests.
Legend has it that the Yugoslav Ambassador beat the FBI to Tesla's lab and removed most of the vital research, designs, and "special" objects.
Where exactly where that technology and those objects ended up is open for suspicion and cottage industries of conspiracy theories, but the strange and "tricky" activities at Sary Shagan, and Banjawrn Station deserve closer scrutiny. Harry Mason's studies, and particularly Aum Shri Renko's connections are most unnerving.
According to the illustious Tom Bearden, the US is behind on this energetics or scalar research, and the Aurora project is our propulsion and materials response to rather dire beyond WMD super threats from whoknowswho.
Strange how all the vectors, mythical roads and interconnectivity of weather control, mindsnap, bioenergetic, G-engine, directed energy, and scalar technologies all lead to Tesla.
Sorry, but for clarity, I meant to say (As we all know, that research, as well as that individual have been ruthlessly and systemically suppressed by the US government, and for reasons {NOT}related to the peoples security, prosperity, or best interests.)
In his book The Scientist (1978) Lilly discusses his perceptions of the ongoing world scenario: that what we are witnessing is an all-out war between the forces of life as we know it, water-based life... and an alien solid-state "intelligence" based on silicon.
Man's warfare on man and on nature is caused and fomented by the SSE, or solid-state entity, whose goal in the short-term is to use humans to create more of itself, and in the longer term to exterminate all water-based life and convert the world into a giant machine.
He also relates that the SSE has particularly targeted the whales and dolphins because they, as the longest-surviving beings with big brains and highly evolved intelligence, function as repeater stations for signals from other planets with water-based life in other star-systems.
[End of quote]
Back in the '70s, my roommate worked for a while with Dr. Lilly for a while on dolphin communication technology. Lilly's wife confided to him at one point that Lilly had been driven almost insane by his fears for our collective future, and had spent hours on the phone unsuccessfully trying to warn the U.S. President (which would probably have been Nixon or Carter).
Hello Jeff. Thank you so much for your fantastic blog. You are such a voice of reason and understanding, bringing so many dimensions into our daily "news". I particularly liked your recent post about why most people can't make connections. It is the "dark force" they are oblivious to. I think you are right on. The mind control- areas in which you are not allowed to venture - is very tight. I would love to hear more of your impressions on the aerial spraying operations, which certainly, in my mind, constitute a really dark force. The entire landscape has changed, the skies are not blue, the clouds are not normal, the weather is manipulated....and most people are completely unaware. Could you address this more deeply in one of your posts? I know there is such a powerful force working against people waking up, and I feel that these aerosol operations are a big part of it, both physically (the actual content of the spray mix) and the psychological conditioning - it is all normal, the skies have always looked like that, etc. Thanks again for all you do. If you do not already have a copy of Clifford Carnicom's "Aerosol Crimes", I would be delighted to send you one if you give me a mailing address.
Thank you.
Harriett Fels
Bloody Hell!!
That comment from starroute really startled me...'just becaus one strange substance has been identified as spider-webs..'
When I read that part I got the chills....about a month ago My g/friend and I were sitting on the beach and i noticed heaps of spider-web stuff floating in the sky. I didnt know what it was and forgot to check up on it.
Now reading this I did some checking up on this 'angel hair' god!! I am completely freaked out by this stuff, amazing!!
anyone got any more info about this stuff?? What do you peeps know about this stuff??
Hmmm, the antigravity your are talking about reminds me of MHD : magnétohydrodynamique (in french).
A french scientist, Jean Pierre Petit has workend on this subject in the 70'.
In one of his books, he also talks about this possibility to change dimension in order to benefit from a different light speed.
So it seems that there other sources to confirm your information.
Sorry for my bad english ...
And for those who speak french, a link to Jean Pierre Petit pages on MHD
Here is the original New Scienist article. It is better than the Scottsman article.
From the article: "Claims of the possibility of "gravity reduction" or "anti-gravity" induced by magnetic fields have been investigated by NASA before (New Scientist, 12 January 2002, p 24). But this one, Dröscher insists, is different. "Our theory is not about anti-gravity. It's about completely new fields with new properties," he says. And he and Häuser have suggested an experiment to prove it."
"anyone got any more info about this stuff?? What do you peeps know about this stuff??"
I noticed it about 4-5 months ago, and have seen it every since. I've seen airborne strands in excess of 60 feet. A friend in Texas made a video of an area on his father's property that is literally _covered_ in the stuff; long, undulating, spider thin fibers that snap when you touch them..
I have alot to say about this, but this blog post isn't about that, so you'll probably see a thread in Jeff's forum regarding it here at some point..
I'm very bothered by whatever it is. People that are fussing about 'chemtrails' had better be more concerned about what's going on at ground level..
*end hijack*
Please, Et in Arcadia ego, post that information ASAP. Thanks.
One might guess that the strong magnetic field that would cause transition to a different dimension would have to encompass the entire vehicle that is jumping to hyperspace, if you will. Magnetism follows an inverse-square law in terms of its strength. As a result, two vehicle shapes fall out of the physics as the most efficient for starships - a sphere and a disc. Sound familiar to anybody?
I hate to say this but I'm too lazy to sign into the RI discussion board but you may find this interesting:
Last week-approximately Monday of last week I went out to my car and found that it was covered in a rusty brown dust-I live near "the windy city".
Anyway, I see this rusty brown dust on my car and file it away as more toxic crap floating down on us-and I soon forget about it-even after a friend of mine who I met for lunch that day said "I'll see you at ______ for lunch after I get my car washed".
The next day-Tuesday of last week and I see an article on or about how people from several different counties had complained about this dust on their cars!!!! The news report-a video file-interviews a local car wash owner who stated that the Illinois E PA came and scraped one of this guy's customers cars for a sample of the "brown stuff". The news report stated that the EPA would get the results this week.
Another report lost in the crap-hole of time. Anyway, just thought someone should hear about this.
Anyone care to look into this one?
Sorry to go OT, but I think this post by Rozen is worth a read
(Duke, 9/11...)
Even if she takes it in the wrong direction.
I think it's all written in Star Trek. First, a big world war. Then warp (G) drive is invented. Then friendly aliens appear because they detected our warp signature, and they promise to guide us into the friendly galactic brotherhood. Then unfriendly aliens appear (the Borg) and we need to defend ourselves from them - because they are going to assimilate us into a state of "perfection". Weird how a Bog cube has the same dimensions as "New Jerusalem" in Rev. 21:15-16.
...i noticed heaps of spider-web stuff floating in the sky...
Perhaps this is polymerized nitrogen.
Three comments.
First, I'm glad I mentioned Nick Cook in an earlier blog comment, seems to have sparked a whole different level of connections--many I knew I would benefit from because of other people's knowledges. And I'm glad Jeff has read it now and noted the personnel overlap with the NSA "psi" groups he knew much more about. I didn't know that at all. Though the "high-tech psychic" theme--technology plus religion plus occultism--seem to be a surprisingly rich vein to mine here...
Anyway, two more comments:
1. P-tec wrote: "What does seem certain is that fucking with this hyperspace drive might compromise the time line: if you're slipping "between dimensions", then what's to keep you from getting time lost? [You would, see below "evidence" or at least text on the subject, evaluate it for yourself.] What's to say that this hasn't been the point of humans developing such technology from the get go? My guess is that the time line has already been fucked with in this regard."
If you follow the information at, granting for the moment that it is accurate, then its less a question of "a time line" and innately a nearly infinite series of parallel time lines with hyperspace I surmise (don't quote me!) being like the inbetween areas of a thin glass stranded computer cable, each separate strand carring a timeline or reality, though with a bit of wiggle room or mutual rubbing areas in some places more than others, due to distortion effects of "things"--who knows what--in various areas. Such distortions could account for more ease of 'static electricity' between different dimensions or timelines in particular physical locations. There's an odd place in New England forest where everyone who enters goes mad nearly, for instance. and the whole town that was there int he colonial era complained of various paranormal (or should we now call it "supra-normal") activity, hauntings, and various evil forces. Things like digital cameras getting odd photos for instance, or getting wiped entirely are interesting electro-magnetic phenomenea that show such psychic/supranormal things are tangibly, physically real on some level. Simply that not all humans are equal measurers or recorders of the phenomena.
You went on to talk about the potential for various hyper-holes, etc.
Well, if you find any Montauk Project human experimental boys, rescue them for us. They would have a hell of a story. What I mean is presumably, various orhpaned kidnapped "disposable" human test subjects were "thrown down" the hyperspace holes at Montauk AFB, Montauk Point, Long Island, to perfect the technology and to test its effect on human life.
According to Al Bielek, who if you can believe his "recoved" memories (that are incredibly detailed--which he claims is the result of an intentionally faulty U.S. military personality wipe due to a friend who didn't want to really harm him), he regained access to a 'double life' he spent working at Montauk AFB with others related to UFO "hardware analysis" and the Psychic Chair project (a tech-enhanced magneto helmet/chair harness for "amping" electromagnetic brain effects of already gifted human psi power of some people who were 'drafted' into this as one of the deep black U.S. military (or high level financial elite private group, who knows...) psi experiments. The talented psychics and their tech-chair enhancement were trained to project a hyperspace distortion at a certain spot nearby) was used to open a hole into hyperspace. Connected with the Psychic Chair was an electromanegic recording apparatus that recorded the particular electromagnetic effects into a large computer system as it simultaneously amped as well as recorded the particular EM frequencies given out by the psychic in the chair. Thus, the psyhic's job was a lot like early textiles machinery: the guy who knew the most about making certain textiles was designing the machine for his own replacement. With various recordings of "tapes" of the EM patterns that yielded successful holes, played back, no one required a psychic after a while so to speak, even if they were always the ghost in the machine (recording).
To test it, they threw some NYC orphan children they stole off the street into it. Nazi-style "human termination test subjects."
Most died instantly, or simply disappeared without being able to recover them.
Later, the psychic in the chair learned to create a more stable extenuating environment into the hyperspace wiring so to speak, an extension of the present line into a "tunnel" which led to stabilizing the interstices of the rapid energy rich 'strands' in hyperspace that was killing people. That, and along with the "test subjects" fear: there was something about how their own EM was being amped (according to Bielek) and causing other permutations in the space-time itself once they were floating in hyperspace void. Thus: word to the wise. Travel hyperspace while mentally secure, focused, and feeling relaxed. Otherwise, you're dead.
The psychic in the chair, as I said (or rather as Bielek said) was reputed to have extened a portal.. into a vortal... to...anywhere... physically or temporally they could devise somehow. Bielek talks about his "unauthorized" trip to the U.S. military's Mars base, etc.
The Bielek videos are a must see: an incredibly intelligent engineer of around 70 talking literally for around 10 hours, remembering in near photographic detail astonishing things. The Bielek "video documents" additionally get into the Philadelphia Experiment and various "high tech occultism" issues that RI here discuss on a daily basis...
It would be easy to discount if it was only Bielek. Though there's an uncanny collection of about five different long interviews there, all conducted separately about the same Montauk projects by various people, and they seem to coincide on many points... I was pretty emotionally devastated while watching/listening to it all. I would recommend you watch or listen to them alone.
As for the third point I was going to bring up, on the spiderweb cotton candy phenomenon, I have heard it suggested that it may be experimental mixtures (or mixtures gone bad) of various chemtrail 'spun' aerosol applications from various planes around the world, military and (covert) private commercial jets. On the covert commercial issues, search on "Project Cloverleaf" about that.
Anonymous 1:50 -
Hey, guess what! They decided that your red dust was . . . red dust.
Original story here.
Followup here.
CHICAGO -- It appears the mystery of rusty powder appearing all over the Chicago area has been solved, NBC5 reported on Tuesday.
People ranging from the far southern suburbs to the far northwestern suburbs have been spotting the powdery substance.
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency said the powder is just dust. It's red coloring is because it likely blew into the are from drought-ridden areas of Oklahoma and Texas.
Officials said it does not pose a health risk, although people who are extremely sensitive to dust may notice it more.
Well, that really resolves everything, doesn't it?
(But I'm sure Charles Fort would have had a snappy comeback.)
If it can go through different places, it can go through different times. maybe John Titor was right
Thanks starroute
This post and the skinwalker post both remind me of some ufo footage taken from the late 80's/early 90's somewhere around Gulf Breeze. Near Pensacola Naval Base maybe? Very freaky spherical lights that seemed to merge and split. This may be a few seconds of the clip, can't say for sure because the display I remember was much more dramatic. I gather from what I read while searching that it may have been filmed by Greer and co...
" a sphere and a disc. "
Actually, an egg-shape, and a disc that is at least a three-way cross-section of a hyperbolic curve (see trout)...
Re: rivers as lymphatic system, read Callum Coate's books on Viktor Schauberger. Then both of the above tidbits, plus specific historical aspects leading to technologies mentioned Jeff's post, will become quite a bit more clear.
When you hear the name "Hal Put-Off" just forget the whole thing.
When you read in a web-site who were the real shooters for the JFK ass-ass-of-a-nation just don't believe a word of it.
When you see in the sky that there are no more chemtrails... Then you read a chicken little saying we are all going to die because the Dr. Strangeloves have it in for us.
Run for the hills. Or at least, stop for a cuppa starbucks.
I don't know what hasn't been written about by Dean (R) Koontz. Try "Dark Rivers of the Heart" if you haven't written a blog about it, already. Then, 9-11 wasn't a surprise if you read "Soul Survivor" And bird flu or GM diseases were thoroughly covered in that series about the kid who could only go out at night. I mean, the political secrets of the US were all revealed.
To change potboiling authors, "Godfather Part II" the movie showed all the secrets too. And for god sakes, the perps of 9-11 were faithful readers of not the Koran but Tom Clancy, so don't we know it is all a Scripted Media Operation.
All those crappo Nazis who cast aspersions on Jews who supposedly were involved in 9-11 should go to their local FBI offices and surrender and call in the TV cameras and make it a media event as they hand their Al Quaida membership cards to the local Eliot Ness's.
This to preface a remark that much of 9-11 is attributable to PhotoShop and other media trickery, as all internet readers know. Even and especially what we have seen on TV.
The physical evidence was first classified and destroyed.
That in and of itself is an impeachable offense, but don't tell anybody unless you want to become an enemy of the state.
Joe and his cohorts
Wow does that work... making things disappear and appear just by increasing and decreasing magnetic force??
see: the Coral Castle's Ed Leeskalnin, Tom Bearden, Stargate SG-1.
The reason I mention SG-1 is this: at the end of the show, briefly, an acknowledgement of thanks for support and advice is mad to "U.S. Space Command".
Seriously. Check it out.
My point is that no one EVER said that this show was all fiction. In fact, it's military precision, disposition, language and content is all very, very realistic(given it's budget, of course).
If it IS true that the PTB like to announce the truth in obscure ways, could this be a shining example?
IMO, by the time the public hears about a technology, the military has already developed and deployed it. I have personal experience to support this idea.
Something is definitely happening here, and the answers are right in front of us. If we take a second to think like "them", we may find that thier egos(or something/one else) demands that they advertise their activities. Or, it may just be bragging. Or disinfo thru honesty.
_end transmission_
Whatever you have encountered anywhere in your lives, that have been touched by one or all on these topics,we can all agree with certainty, That things are definitely not what we are forced fed as children to believe and constantly fed on a daily basis through the media in our adult lives to maintain. The fact that we are adults and not already part of anyones "inner circle" means that the only things about what is going on or where it is heading will only be what our masters want to,1;let us know, or 2; accidently encounter, and that means through design on the masters part as well as chance. I use the term masters because thats what they are, however much it may piss me and many others off. They have used the religious horror fantasy to good effect in acomplishing this. In effect making everyone who attempts anything to counter them a fool, and a subversive traitor if they want amusement out of it. The masters are a nation within our nation far larger in population then you may think.They get the largest benefit from our tax's and they use it on technologys they have developed for their nation,not ours. They will survive their planned tragedy. The rest of us will not.
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
sugeng ndalu sedoyo obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
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