America's Dog Star Days

Twinkle, twinkle
Remember the Order of the Solar Temple? In 1994 the neo-Templar secret society, founded by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret, embarked on its very own cultic auto-destruct sequence, when 69 of its members, including children, either killed themselves or were murdered in their chalet-compounds in Switzerland and Quebec. (The trigger for the group's termination appears to have been the ritual slaying of a three-year old infant with a wooden stake, on order of Di Mambro.)
The OST was not just screwy and dangerous; it was also implausibly, yet undeniably, connected. Alex Constantine tells us to what in his Psychic Dictatorship in the USA:
French-Canadian journalist Pierre Tourangeau investigated the sect for two years. A few days after the mass murder, he reported that the sect was financed by the proceeds of gun-running to Europe and South America. Simultaneously, Radio Canada announced that Jouret's Templars earned hundreds of millions of dollars laundering the profits through the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), closed by authorities worldwide in 1991. Montreal's La Presse observed: "each new piece of information only thickens the mystery."
So this seemingly outlandish Order, which played out deadly Templar fantasies, were themselves yet another facet of the even more bizarre military-occult complex. Like the fascist-Masonic P2 Lodge, the Solar Temple violated the conventions most people presume for the world. And yet, there it is: one more crypto-criminal node in the international arms trade, laundering hundreds of millions through BCCI.
And because of the secret Order's deep and weird politics, we should pay some attention to its mythology. Perhaps particularly to the teaching that members would be reincarnated, after martyrdom, on a planet orbiting Sirius, the dog star.
Though Sirius must mean little now to most urbanites bedeviled by light pollution, for much of human history our nights were lit chiefly by the stars. And the brightest star in the sky - and the nearest star visible with the naked eye - certainly has loomed large in the Western Hermetic tradition.
Consider Freemasonry, from which the OST liberally borrorowed, and the high regard in which it holds Sirius, and with whom - Set/Lucifer - the star is identified.
In Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike writes that Sirius was "the inventor of language, grammar, astronomy, surveying, arithmetic, music, and medical science; the first maker of laws; and who taught the worship of the Gods, and the building of Temples." He adds that the "Blazing Star" pentagram of Masonic Lodges represents Sirius, the "Guardian and Guide of our Souls."
Alice Bailey, successor to Helena Blavatsky and founder of the Lucifer, later Lucis, Trust, went Pike one better, and claimed that Sirius was actually the source of a "higher form" of Masonry. She wrote:
One great fact to be borne in mind is that the initiations of the planet or of the solar system are but the preparatory initiations of admission into the greater Lodge on Sirius.... The first four initiations of the solar system prior to the first cosmic initiation. The fifth initiation corresponds to the first cosmic initiation. that of "entered apprentice" of the Lodge Sirius. The sixth initiation is analogous to the second degree in Masonry, whilst the seventh initiation makes the Adept a Master Mason of the Brotherhood of Sirius. A Master, therefore, is one who had taken the seventh planetary initiation, the fifth solar initiation, and the first Sirian or cosmic initiation.
And from Bailey's The Rays and the Initiations:
These ancient mysteries were originally given to humanity by the Hierarchy, and were - in their turn - received by the Hierarchy from the Great White Lodge on Sirius. They contain the clue to the evolutionary process, hidden in number and words ...they veil the secret of man's origin and destiny.
Bailey's remark that initiations into Earthly orders are preparatory for admission into Sirius' Great White Lodge reminds me of our discussion here regarding the resemblance of UFO abductions to occult inititations.
Robert Temple, author of The Sirius Mystery, summarizes Bailey's views this way: "The Sirians have tried hard to civilise us without much success. Freemasonry is meant to be one of their civilising forces here. (Of course the corrupt Masonic lodges such as P-2 would form no part of this.)"
(Naturally Temple would find Bailey's remarks interesting, as his central "mystery" concerns the apparent oral tradition of the Dogon people of Mali that Sirius has a companion star, which it does, though it wasn't discovered by science until the mid-19th Century. Temple infers from the Dogon's teachings that they were visited in antiquity by Sirians. It's another discussion, but I'll just say here I'm not persuaded by Temple's work, nor convinced of the rigour of his methods.)
Kenneth Grant, student of Aleister Crowley and founder of the "Typhonian OTO" and its "Cult of Lam," writes in The Magical Revival that Crowley "unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with Sothis (Sirius), or Set-Isis." Set, of course, will be familiar to those who've followed the career of Colonel Michael Aquino, who created the Temple of Set when he found Anton LaVey and his Church of Satan not serious enough in their devotion to the Left Hand Path.
Adam Gorightly, in "Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomenon," writes how, in the 1950s and '60s, alleged contactee George Hunt Williamson is said to have "summoned forth certain denizens purportedly from Sirius, conversing to them in the same 'Enochian' or 'Angelic' language used by John Dee and Aleister Crowley." Williamson also claimed that a secret society on Earth had been in contact with Sirius for "thousands of years, and that the emblem of this secret society is the eye of Horus, otherwise known as the all-seeing eye."
In "Sorcery, Sex, Assassination, and the Science of Symbolism" (available in Jim Keith's anthology Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History), the late James Shelby Downard argues that a Sirius cult exists today at the highest levels of US military intelligence. Downard goes so far as to say that the viewing chamber of the Palomar Observatory is used for its rituals, which evoke those of ancient Egypt, and are performed in the star's focused light.
And according to David Ovason's book The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capitol, Freemasons oriented and consecrated Washington to the astrological representation of Lucifer, Sirius.
More here on Washington's Masonic grid:
According to occultic/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the [inverted Pentagram] represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. [As in the Baphomet pentagram, where it points at the goat.] ... In the street layout of Washington D.C., the fifth point is the White House, a symbol placement which represents the intention that the spirit and the mind of Lucifer will be permanently residing in the White House.

In the map above, beginning from top left to top middle:
1. Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, and Scott Circle in the middle, form the top three points of the Devil's Goathead of Mendes, one of the most important types of the Five-pointed Devil's Pentagram.
2. Washington Circle forms the extreme left-hand point of the Goathead.
3. Mt. Vernon Square forms the extreme right-hand point of the Goathead.
4. The White House forms the fifth and bottom point of the Goathead.
There is a 666 evident in the most important top three circles of the Goathead, Dupont Circle, Scott Circle, and Logan Circle. Each of these streets has six major streets coming into them from all angles of the circle. This type of encoding is so typical of the occultist.
You can't be Sirius?
It's not my contention that entities from Sirius are now, or ever have been, an influence upon human affairs. Rather, I would suggest that the Sirius mythology is a purely human construct, a very ancient and very natual one, which has been exploited by trickster, transdimensional entities much closer to our home. (John Keel's ultraterrestrials, who may reside a "vibration" or two away from our own reality.)
That Sirius would be of global significance to both ancient and modern human cosmologies should be no surprise. After all, "intrinsically", Sirius is 20 times brighter than our Sun, and more than twice as massive. Now consider what our mediocre and virtual dwarf star must look like from Sirius. It's highly unlikely we would be noticed at all by hypothetical Sirians, let alone the object of their intense study going back millenia.
Yet entities have claimed to be from Sirius. Well, naturally they have. They've claimed a lot of things. The entities with whom we share hyperspace found a ready-made cult, as Cortez did in Mexico. And not just the Sirius cult, when we consider such things as the possible counterfeit apparitions of the Virgin Mary. The human religious impulse has been exploited for millenia, and not just by humanity. Why would transdimensional entities disabuse the primatives living behind their veil of flesh of the notion that they are Sirian gods? Hell, it sounds like a party. And since when have such tricksters told us the truth about anything?
I know how crazy this sounds. But as I've said before, how crazy any of this sounds to us is beside the point. In fact, its craziness can be a stumbling block to our apprehending the processes at work. Because what is at work is only tangentially about us, even though it could get us all killed - or worse. It is about those for whom none of this is crazy: not the ceremonial robes, not the ritual sacrifices, not the reverence for Sirius, not the worship of Lucifer. Hey, not even the laundering of hundreds of millions of dollars in arms deals.
In Cosmic Trigger, Robert Anton Wilson writes that "July 23 is the day when, according to Egyptian tradition, the occult link is most powerful between Earth and Sirius." The 23rd is the Sumerian and Egyptian New Year, when Sirius rises from behind the Sun. This marked the beginning of the "Dog Days" of Summer, which the Egyptians observed until September 8, "when the last rituals to Sirius were performed."
Is this really why the elite will gather next month in Bohemian Grove? To celebrate New Year's in July?
Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
item 51 in philip k dick's exegesis to the novel valis reads:
51. The primordial source of all our religions lies with the ancestors of the Dogon tribe, who got their cosmogony and cosmology directly from the three-eyed invaders who visited long ago. The three-eyed invaders are mute and deaf and telepathic, could not breathe our atmosphere, had the elongated misshapen skull of Ikhnaton, and emanated from a planet in the star-system Sirius. Although they had no hands, but had, instead, pincer claws such as a crab has, they were great builders. They covertly influence our history toward a fruitful end.
there are supposed to be a few other prominent sci-fi novels about the sirius thing, i'll have to look them up though.
having read and been deeply intruiged by all the work in this area, I've come up with some questions and thoughts:
firstly i find the concept of counter-initiation ( as elucidated clearly on the deconsumption blog, and mentioned tangnetially by tim boucher and elsewhere ) seems to ring very true with a lot of this material.
I haven't seen or heard one single scrap of credible information that leads me to believe that any of these darkside 'occult' groups possess anything in the way of true gnosis or spiritual attainment. at least not as i understand it, after twenty some odd years of esoteric and spiritual reasearch and long and profound expecriences in meditation and ritual magick. my absolutely firm conviction is that the farther you go along those roads, the *less* likely you are to harm a hair on anyone's head, let alone deal drugs, run guns or engage in ritual abuse or mind control.
so what gives? the counter intiation thesis would hold that these false groups work to undermine true human unfolding into higher realms of evolution by propogating false information, and pomoting involuted degenerate ways of thinking. incoherent nonsense at best, delibrate misinformation and deathtraps for the unwary at worst. as items like this solar temple and the jonestown massacre would imply.
I think it's quite possible that these groups, or those in charge of them, *think* they're pursuing spiritual growth, but by their twisted methods and focus find the true way closed to them.
when the higher road is barred these individuals are left with nothing but to pursue the most bestial subhuman energies imaginable, in their quest for power.
I am no puritan prude. sex, drugs, even fighting can form the basis of spiritual attainment if approached correctly. but i guarantee you, anyone who undertakes to attain temporal power or gratify one's lust, particularly at the expense of others, is up shit creek when it comes to magick, or any other form of esoteric growth.
which is not to say they can't have the power they want. there's a difference between enlightenment and psychic/occult power. there are ways to tap the lower emotions to engage all kinds of interesting and harmfull effects to exert one's will, but that road is a dead end. it erodes your compassion, degrades your health, shortens your life, and drags you into the worst kinds of delusional behavior. so it wouldn't suprise me in the least if 'the black brothers' are accomplished sorcerors with a bagfull of tricks. it would explain the level of sickening brutality and preverse symbolism they seem to revel in. remember that if the superhuman path is closed to you, you are precisely left with the bestial, the perverse, the subhuman. satanic ritual abuse, orchestrated genocide, and out and out apocalyptic cruelty fits that MO perfectly.
i would guess that a whole lot of them are drawn in by what they think is real occult power but is simply a self destructive quick high that turns you into a spiritual wreck. below that there are doubtless multitudes who are being blackmailed with control files that ritual behaviors like this are partially designed to fill up, with photos or eyewitness accounts of perversion. I've seen much to indicate that this kind of blackmail is a principal method of political influence.
the alien question is, to me, a parallel one, not neccisarily related much to the first.
it's quite possible that aliens exist. it's quite possible they have science or occult knowledge far in advance of ours. it's quite possible they are collaborating with the first group mentioned above or are manipulating them outright. an intruiging possiblity is that such a race represents the outcome of a trajectory like the one we are on. these aliens often seem like ritual abusers on a cosmic scale. shrunken atrophied sadists who would like to sweep us all off to a sterile paradise in the sky, when they aren't cutting us to pieces to gratify their seemingly very ritualistic behaviors.
these are the lines of my current thinking anyway. if someone has the time and inclination to pursue them further i'd be pleased to see it.
Hi Zacharius, I've developed a similar viewpoint recently. What if earth-visiting aliens or multidimensional beings are as clueless about existence as we are? That they've developed the ability of space-time travel or possess a shiny astral body doesn't necessarily mean they could be closer to God/cosmic love/the truth/whatever.
Maybe it's just their form of evening entertainment to mutilate terrestrial cows or inserting probes into Whitley Strieber's backside. Could even be they have a hell of fun watching our renditions of those incidents on South Park later.
Considering how truly lost in space and time we could be in a worst-case scenario can get a bit depressing at times. I just hope mankind also has some multidimensional "friends" out there.
This sort of stuff scares me so deeply I can hardly look at it realistically...
i hope this is not too off-topic:
yesterday's report on the discovery of a 7000-year-old monument-building culture in europe included some interesting bits.
Found: Europe's oldest civilisation
By David Keys, Archaeology Correspondent
11 June 2005
"The most complex excavated so far - located inside the city of Dresden - consisted of an apparently sacred internal space surrounded by two palisades, three earthen banks and four ditches.
"The monuments seem to be a phenomenon associated exclusively with a period of consolidation and growth that followed the initial establishment of farming cultures in the centre of the continent.
"It is possible that the newly revealed early Neolithic monument phenomenon was the consequence of an increase in the size of - and competition between - emerging Neolithic tribal or pan-tribal groups, arguably Europe's earliest mini-states.
"After a relatively brief period - perhaps just one or two hundred years - either the need or the socio-political ability to build them disappeared... Why this monumental culture collapsed is a mystery.
"The archaeological investigation into these vast Stone Age temples over the past three years has also revealed several other mysteries. First, each complex was only used for a few generations - perhaps 100 years maximum. Second, the central sacred area was nearly always the same size, about a third of a hectare. Third, each circular enclosure ditch - irrespective of diameter - involved the removal of the same volume of earth. In other words, the builders reduced the depth and/or width of each ditch in inverse proportion to its diameter, so as to always keep volume (and thus time spent) constant.
"Archaeologists are speculating that this may have been in order to allow each earthwork to be dug by a set number of special status workers in a set number of days - perhaps to satisfy the ritual requirements of some sort of religious calendar.
"The multiple bank, ditch and palisade systems "protecting" the inner space seem not to have been built for defensive purposes - and were instead probably designed to prevent ordinary tribespeople from seeing the sacred and presumably secret rituals which were performed in the "inner sanctum".
"The investigation so far suggests that each religious complex was ritually decommissioned at the end of its life, with the ditches, each of which had been dug successively, being deliberately filled in."
- - -
it seems that 7,000 years later things haven't changed much. this reminds me of september 11 and ground zero.
the spectacular, almost ritualistic destruction of the giant towers, the secretive cleanup of the debris pit, the event seemingly related to the "increase in the size of and competition between pan-tribal groups."
and then the ancient monument-building culture mysteriously collapsed...
Not off topic at all. In fact, it was the story of that discovery, posted on the RI board here a few days ago, that got me on this track.
Interesting. July 23, 2005, is the 10 year anniversary of the discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp, according to South Plains Astronomy Club. Comet Hale-Bopp, to which the Heaven's Gate group committed mass suicide.
As my wayfaring fellow dabblers in mind-altering drugs have certainly guessed - aren't we all transdimensional beings? The range of the human spirit is no different than the beings we find behind the veil, true?
The tragedy we experience within this realm is the cultural conditioning to disbelieve experiences which cannot be measured, repeated, or quantified.
I agree with Zacharius in that it is the gutter of spiritual possibility in which the ritualistic killers and ass probers wallow. Whether those beings are human or other is unimportant.
You've gotten me recalling George Michanowsky's "The Once and Future Star," which suggests that a massive nearby supernova known to science as Vela X -- which would have appeared in prehistoric Mesopotamia as hanging low over the Persian Gulf -- had a formative effect on Sumerian culture. He speaks of "the tale of Oannes, a creature half man and half fish, described as having emerged from the Persian gulf to teach the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia the arts of civilization" and suggests "that the Oannes legend owed its origin to the great Vela star and that the appearance of this celestial prodigy was eventually remembered as the visit of a supernatural being in semihuman form." He says further, "Mesopotamian art, in addition, often depicts Oannes figures in association with a star. And later on, in the Book of Esdras, one of the Pseudepigrapha, there is mention of celestial man rising from the heart of the ocean."
Most of this slim book is taken up with looking for possible reflections in ancient myth. However, in a chapter called "Great Star of a New Age," Michanowsky gets into more provocative materials. He says, "Mesopotamia eventually became a fertile source of occult wisdom and gnostic philosophy. Among the seminal ideas that traveled westward were the concept of a deity born of a star or, conversely, a star born of a divinity; a divine figure walking on water or emerging from the ocean . . . The legend of the mighty star in Vela, which once had appeared and then was no longer seen, may very well have been the origin of esoteric traditions in various lands about a vitally important, currently invisible star, which some day will reveal itself again to humanity. A variant of this theme is a belief that there are actually two suns in the sky and that one of them is normally invisible but can be seen at extraordinary moments in history."
He speaks also of the possibility that the planet Mercury may later have used as a stand-in for the vanished star: "Mercury was considered a harbinger of good luck in ancient Mesopotamia. Its Sumerian name . . . was GUD-UD -- Bull of the Sun. . . . the figurative meaning of that name is Champion of Light. . . . It should also be noted that the mythological identity of Mercury, or Hermes, eventually led to the figure of Hermes Trismegistus, a fusion of Greek and Egyptian esoteric concepts, who was described as the fount of secret wisdom and the author of certain 'hermetic' writings."
I've never been sure how much credence to put in Michanowsky's theory about Vela X -- and certainly occult star-lore is far too world-wide to attribute it all to the particular configuration of this one event as viewed from the head of the Persian Gulf. And yet there are materials here involving lost stars, invisible suns, non-human culture bringers, the name Oannes/Johannes, and expectations of a Great Return that are extremely provocative.
The tragedy we experience within this realm is the cultural conditioning to disbelieve experiences which cannot be measured, repeated, or quantified.
A lot of these "experiences" can and have been measured, repeated, and quatified, civilian science is just out of the loop. Why assume you've been transported to another dimnesion when it could just be a trick of your brain? Whatever the case, we don't know what we don't know.
'Perhaps the greatest myth being purveyed, is that myths are just myths'
- Michael Tsarion
I've just started to check out this guy's work and found he has has a lot of interesting things to say about the ancient roots of evil in our 'civilization' and its future.
Technically, this post is OT with respect to the current thread, but it touches on much of what Jeff writes about, and a little on the current topic. Jeff, I was wondering what your reaction was to some of this?
Yesterday and today I read several unrelated news items that alarmed me.
First, a comment on AmericaBlog:
I "signed the guestbook". I was the woman named Evangeline Hansen" who thought that unmarried straight people should be subjected to Chemical Castration until they found their Christ-Centered soulmate (so that they wouldn't enage in wanton sexual behaviour before marriage).
From the context, you can tell that Evangeline Hansen is merely a satirical parody of a Christian fundamentalist. But it got me thinking. Subsequently, I foundnd an interesting reference to a patent:
Patent Number 5955080
Issue Date: 1999 09 21
Assignee: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation:
Inventor(s) Reilly, Wayne Gerard
Whittaker, Robert George
Jennings, Phillp Anthony
Finney, Kenneth Geoffrey
Abstract: The present invention provides self-adjuvanting vaccines for use in raising antibodies to peptides without the use of oil or alum adjuvants. Further, the present invention provides methods of therapy using these vaccines and has particular application in chemical castration. In one aspect the vaccine comprises in admixture a peptide conjugated to 1-3 fatty acids and a peptide conjugated to a carrier protein.
In preferred forms the peptide is conjugated to the fatty acids via a tromethamine or ethanolamine derivative. The preferred protein carrier is Type 4 fimbriae.
Very well. Some other news articles:
Psychiatric inpatients are always closely watched, but not this closely.
In a groundbreaking experiment at Massachusetts General Hospital, a handful of patients battling depression have agreed in recent weeks to be wired up for 24-hour-a-day, mobile monitoring of their palm sweat, heart rate, voice dynamics, movements, and location.
The study aims to show that such measures can reliably reflect a patient's state of mind as treatment progresses, researchers say.
But more broadly, it seeks to prove that technology has reached the point where it can monitor a person's basic emotional tenor through ordinary days.
Also, an article about RFIDs in credit cards:
An innovative credit card might make doing business a little quicker for consumers, and more profitable for credit card issuers, with a scanning system that allows cardholders to spend less time in line at fast food drive-thrus, convenience stores and pharmacies.
However, some consumer advocates warn that the new approach also might tempt customers to spend more and also might present identity-theft problems.
And while we're on the subject of RFIDs: Religious activist calls for VeriChip boycott (subscription required):
A religious activist group calling itself 'The Resistance' has issued yet another statement about RFID, this time calling for a boycott of VeriChip Corporation's human-implantable RFID tags, claiming that the tag is "the mark of the beast".
The organisation's leader, John Conner, and author of a conspiracy theory book entitled 'The Resistance Manifesto', claims that the VeriChip tag is expected to replace credit and debit cards, as well as traditional forms of identification. Such an idea is of course mere speculation, and would need many major upheavals in consumer credit markets and the financial services sector before a replacement for plastic cards would even be conceivable.
Keep in mind that many fundamentalist Christians believe that RFIDs are the mark of the beast (e.g. google "RFID and 666").
So where is all this going, in light of recent discussions on related blogs about "counter-initiation" and its ostensible goals? If there are forces that can be thought of as "counter-initiatory", forces who seek to limit, curtail, and/or derail the spiritual evolution of humanity, an important milestone would be to secure access to the neurochemistry of the masses.
Clearly, there is interest in developing psychopharmaceuticals and psychotronic technologies that can monitor and control the mind and emotions. At the moment, it would be politically difficult to require the masses to submit to such invasive procedures.
But after a bioterrorist incident, how difficult would it be to require mass vaccinations, and use these as an opportunity to introduce other agents? And once the public accepts the "mark of the beast", will its collective soul be lost?
I close this comment with the well-known Bible passage, Revelation 13:17:
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
I used to send out messages to a few YahooGroups on the July 23:
"July 23rd, is the day when, according to Egyptian tradition, the occult link is most powerful between Earth and Sirius.
Celebrations of the Dog Star, Sirius, beginning on July 23, are the origin of the expression 'dog days,' meaning the days from July 23 to Sptember 8, when the last rituals to Sirius were performed." ~ Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati
Elsewhere in his book I remember him saying that the masons have a big party at their lodges on the 23rd of July. Anyway Sirius is of course "The Blazing Star" and is acknowledged as much by Masonic writers.
There is also a vast literature in the occult which is filled with references of contact with beings from the Sirius system. Sirius is the Star of the Tarot, an aspect of Isis, The Star of Set and the Silver Star of Aleister Crowley's illuminati fraternity, the Argenteum Astrum.
The Blazing Star was originally set in a pentagram - within the black rites it was called "the sun behind the sun." Osiris the invisible companion (Sirius B) of the star Sirius within the constellation of Orion. The most secretly guarded mysteries of the Egytian priesthood. Sothis the Star of Set - Shaitan or Aiwass (commonly known as Satan) is its inhabiting spirit.
* George Hunt Williamson (famous alien contactee): "Secret Societies allied with Sirius use the Eye of Horus as an insignia"
* The secret societies believe that there is a Great White Lodge on Earth (Shamballa)
* Alice Bailey was told by Djwhal Khul (her channeled demonic master) that the controlling Great White Lodge is located on Sirius
* Stephen Jenkins in The Undiscovered Country was told by Buddhist priests that Shamballa was located in the constellation of Orion.
Here's a link which has some quotes regarding Sirius' role within the occult and mystery traditions.
My point in all of this is:
What secret sirian-rites will your friendly neighborhood Masonic Lodge be performing tonight?
As far as I've been able to learn, Sirius is the key link that binds all the occult traditions.
Thanks for that Bohemian Grove identification too, it makes sense. "Midsummer" Festivals celebrating Sirius are numerous in many pagan summer rites.
Speaking of dogs....
The Origin Of Dogs – Biogenetic engineering
Now we turn to a mystery that nearly equals the pyramid, though it is a little known conundrum hidden in the mists of remote antiquity. Let us start with a simple question that appears to have an obvious answer: what is a dog? It turns out geneticists in the past decade have shown the answer is not so obvious. In fact, generations of anthropologists, archaeologists and wildlife biologists turned out to be dead wrong when it came to the origins of “man’s best friend”.
Prior to DNA studies conducted in the 1990s, the generally accepted theory posited that dogs branched off from a variety of wild canids, i.e., coyotes, hyenas, jackals, wolves and so on, about 15,000 years ago. The results of the first comprehensive DNA study shocked the scholarly community. The study found that all dog breeds can be traced back to wolves and not other canids. The second part of the finding was even more unexpected – the branching off occurred from 40-150,000 years ago.
Why do these findings pose a problem? We have to answer that question with another question: how were dogs bred from wolves? This is not just difficult to explain, it is impossible. Do not be fooled by the pseudo-explanations put forth by science writers that state our Stone Age ancestors befriended wolves and somehow (the procedure is never articulated) managed to breed the first mutant wolf, the mother of all dogs. Sorry, we like dogs too, but that is what a dog is.
The problems come at the crucial stage of taking a male and female wolf and getting them to produce a subspecies (assuming you could tame and interact with them at all). Let us take this one step further by returning to our original question, what is a dog? A dog is a mutated wolf that only has those characteristics of the wild parent, which humans find companionable and useful. That is an amazing fact.
Think about those statements for a moment. If you are thinking that dogs evolved naturally from wolves, that is not an option. No scientist believes that because the stringent wolf pecking order and breeding rituals would never allow a mutant to survive, at least that is one strong argument against natural evolution.
Now, if our Paleolithic ancestors could have pulled off this feat, and the actual challenges posed by the process are far more taxing, then wolf/dog breeders today certainly should have no problem duplicating it. But like the Great Pyramid, that does not seem to be the case. No breeders have stepped up to the plate claiming they can take two pure wolves and produce a dog sans biogenetic engineering techniques.
The evolution of the domesticated dog from a wild pack animal appears to be a miracle! It should not have happened. This is another unexplained enigma.
Anonymous, I'm inclined to think that dogs were the result of an "agreement" between certain humans and the Wolf group-soul. At least, that's what my faithful canine companion tells me ;)
Jeff, you're using the word "trickster" a lot. Is this intentional Native American symbolism?
Why is the coyote (a dog, Sirius) the most common trickster god in these mythologies?
Coyote is often a teacher by counter-example as he employs base human traits including lying, cheating, and sexual misconduct. He is also a master at physical transformation. The frequently foiled Coyote, who interfaces with humans and transcendent deities, is often credited with human creation as well as human evolution consequent from his treachery.
I see the only canine casuality at the WTC was police dog Sirius. And that Sirius was named the September 11th "memorial star" by an astronomical association. It says, "Our decision to set aside Sirius (the star) as a September 11th Memorial Star was made 11½ months before we ever heard about Sirius the K9 Officer. Needless to say, we were quite shocked to learn of this coincidence!"
My name is Annie. The good Dale is trapped in the White Lodge. The Evil Dale has escaped from the black lodge.
Twin Peaks, Harsh Realm, X Files, Lone Gunmen, Millenium, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, Donny Darko- The narrative of the future has been written and the story is not going in our favor, is it?
I don't think that breeding dogs from wolves is impossible. First, your challenge is unfair because it can't be achieved in such a short amount of time.
I would think the easiest way to start breeding domesticated wolves would be to steal some young wolves. This wouldn't be easy, but possible (There is also the chance of a wolf befriending a person). If you can get a breeding pair you can start separating the friendlier cubs. Over years as people move with their domesticated wolves to new climates, those that have certain favorable characteristics survive. Over thousands of years(however long it was) the breeds separated. Of course it would occur quicker than natural evolution would predict, but it wasn't natural it was directed. It was a gigantic bioengineering experiment.
Also, dogs could have started separating from wolves before "human companionship". This would happen naturally due to climate change and migration. These new "dogs" would be different from wolves, but not as friendly as dogs we know.
those doggone dogons!
in some versions the sirians are dolphins.
With all this talk about goatheads and presidents, I think its worth pointing out, and wholly ironic at least, that after he was told of the "attack" on america (the country he was sworn to protect) he continued to read about a pet GOAT. If you watch the footage of this remarkably evil complacency, the children, reading aloud, almost seem to be chanting GOAT at the president.
(You can buy the book still, it's a page-turner!):
That is, while thousands of Americans burned or, in Bush's favorite phrase, made, the "ULTIMATE SACRIFICE", Bush was in front of children chanting the word Goat.
fwiw, the First definition of "sacrifice" in the dictionary is:
1. The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or a person.
It really is his favorite word:
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oh, what the hell:
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The "double cross" (!) atop the traditional Dogon mask is very similar to the crowns affected by wannabe Messiah, Sun Myung Moon. It even has a tiny set of "True Parents" at the top! The Dogon cosmology described here is also very similar to Moon's.
Notice in particular the crown at left front.
As for that article saying that dogs couldn't have bred from wolves: Wolves are easily socialized if they grow up around people, and many people do keep wolves and coyotes as pets (perhaps illegally). In fact, by selectively breeding only the most docile, even foxes have been successfully domesticated in just a few generations.
The streets of Victoria, BC, also form a pentagram incorporating its legislative building. Not surprising, really, when you consider that the people who designed our cities were Freemasons. Freemasonry was *about* the esoteric secrets of designing and building structures.
Of particular interest is an arched gazebo by the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C. Inside, it has unusual acoustic properties that not only affect sound perception, but also the sense of balance. The Vancouver train station also has water fountains at which, it is said, you can whisper on one end of the large building and be heard by someone at the other end.
just had a quick look at victoria bc and i couldnt see the occult symbolism, is there a source to view this.
also read that the two top points of washingtons pentagram have 6 roads going into each but i'm sure i count 8.
Anonymous@12:35 AM, you just scared the living shit out of me.
In all seriousness about dogs and wolves: I agree with the more recent posts that the separation between wolves and dogs over time (on an evolutionary time-scale) is not so mysterious.
I remember reading somewhere (can't remember where) about one plausible theory: that some wolves started hanging around human camps because of the reliability and quality of food "scraps". Over time, the friendlier wolves became associated with the human camps, which then lead to active domestication.
According to the testament, 26,000 years ago the Blue Star (related to Sirius' energy) left on the earth "Sons of the One"; it appears in the sky every time its help is needed and responds to magnetization when humanity undergoes its crises of transmutation.
"Our terrestrial journey is coming to an end": the last voyage of the Solar Temple
Jeff said...
I see the only canine casuality at the WTC was police dog Sirius.
I caught a show (I think it was Jane Goodall's "When Animals Talk") recently where a search dog whose name I forget was featured. He was a 9/11 search dog, and he died of multiple cancers, as I imagine many of those dogs might be doing.
Of course, to have a dog named Sirius die outright on the pile... could it have been a sacrifice?
An otherwise pretty good article ruined by a common logical fallacy used by paranoids and hatemongers - the assumption that a symbol holds one static meaning for everyone throughout time.
The main problem being that there is no documented use of a pentagram as a negative or satanic symbol until Eliphas Levi, essentially a lifetime after Washington DC was planned (1792 - 1855).
A few thorough and well-documented links -
Washington DC - A Satanic Plot? -
The Pentagram -
The Pentagram -
[This is all very good, if not essential, reading.]
This is, at least, understandable - considering the likely appeal of the pentagram to masons (that is, Golden Ratio, etc); then compared to Levi, as the pendulum swings back from the rationalism of the revolution days toward the coming mysticism & spiritualism - that the symbol would have completely different (if not polar, as the next generation perverts the previous generations highest ideals) meaning.
"Disinformation is a strange and bizarre game. Those who play it are completely aware that an operation's success is dependent upon dropping information upon a target, or "mark", in such a way that the person will accept it as truth and will repeat, and even defend it to others as if it were true. Once this has been accomplished, the work of the counterintelligence specialists is complete. They can simply withdraw in the confidence that the dirty work of spreading their poisonous seeds will be done by others...Every time one of you repeats an unverified or unsubstantiated bit of evidence without qualifying it as such, you are contributing to that process, and every time you do it, somebody in a need-to-know position sits back and has a horse laugh at your expense."
-- Bill Moore [MUFON UFO JOURNAL. December.1989.Page 9.]
FWIW, July 23 is my birthday. I always thought there was something unique about that day but I never knew what it was exactly.
More importantly, does anyone think it is of importance that the Downing Street Memo is of minutes of a meeting that took place on July 23rd?
I usually post as glubglubglub on the board. What follows is speculation that I only half believe but which may contain at least some partial truths:
I think Jeff's contention that much of what passes for UFOs and aliens are actually transdimensional or hyperreal entities messing with our heads is closer to the truth than the straight-up extraterrestrial hypothesis. That being said, however, I would not at all be surprised that IF there is some truth to the Planet X stuff -- some large object moving into sight from the outer solar system sometime soon but currently difficult to detect without sensitive equipment -- that the object is likely to be a 'wormhole' of sorts going elsewhere in the galaxy (including perhaps the outskirts of sirius) whose entrance will face away from us until some future date.
If that hypothesis were in fact the case while the entrance faced away the object would be basically undetectable -- from behind such an entrance is only detectable as a local gravitational anomaly, and thus difficult to get a handle on -- and unless the other end opens up upon some very distinctive spot in space the front end is hard to spot, also, because it'd just be a patch of starfield that doesn't belong...until fairly recently, though, such an out-of-place starfield would be impossible to spot except when the patch occupied huge patches of sky (which'd be exceptionally rare).
Aside from explaining the difficulty predicting when the damn thing would actually arrive, this theory makes the connections with some other species and civilization easier to rationalize -- rather than needing some Nemesis-esque brown dwarf in the outer solar system, you can pick from any star capable of supporting life as the home base for your elder gods.
I tend to think the sirius stuff is a human creation -- the stuff bin'dare cited is enough to make the sirius-dogon connection of very dubious provenance if not outright false, for beginners -- but if there's something more than invention to it I wouldn't be surprised if the wormhole hypothesis pans out in at least a few aspects.
As for other thread comments: it's hard to think that our current world system is an evolutionary dead-end or nearly so. Certainly it's a bit of a local maximum but no matter which metric you use -- species survival or overall wellbeing of species members -- it's hard to see more than insignificantly tiny incremental improvements on those fronts for the foreseeable future...if not outright backsliding the futher along this route we go. What comes next is anyone's guess; it takes a major shakeup to escape a local max, typically, or conscious self-directed effort, but at least on the global level the former option is the more likely.
If you want to see where our world-system goes, look at the ants: caste systems and biologically-enforced slave labor. Maybe we can partially uplift some monkeys to do our hard labor, but that's a lot of work when you can downgrade some nice folks instead...
As for dogs et al: search the archives of the atlantic monthly; they explained the current scientific hypothesis as to where dogs came from (the hanging-around-the-camps hypothesis). I still think one of the stronger arguments for an atlantis-of-sorts is that all the domestications of animals date from about the same time period and there have been (to the knowledge of the article author) no subsequent domestications performed...worth investigating, although likely a false lead.
Great article Jeff
Jeff, this is a great blog. You do some great work and it's enjoyable (although disturbing) to read.
I would just caution y'all on the speculations about Freemasonry. Just because some unsavory people and groups have hijacked symbols, words, and concepts that Masonry has used since forever doesn't mean that Masonry interprets them that way. A symbol is whatever it means to the viewer, and if you see the goat of mendes in a pentagram, well that is what you see. It doesn't mean the symbol was designed to be seen that way.
In fact, true Masonry used the right way can be a great tool for spiritual enlightenment (the good kind)
As a Rigorous Intuition reader-fan, i'd done some internet browsing and previously found an extremist Christian site with the D.C. / occult Masonic design info, etc (as well as Masonic defenses that are presented in a less hysterical, and thus more credible, style). Also, one of the links in this article leads to a paranoid-hating Christian fundo site.
A few concerns:
1) The Founding Masons helped create an idealistic democratic anti-imperial republic that's under attack today. Since those old Masons represent some of the best of idealist american values, claims that they were "Satanists" cannot be accepted lightly.
2) As a Buddhist, I've found internet sites that present vitriolic attacks on my religion by self-identified Christians (and by some who are not so-identified). They angrily distort certain 'mystical' teachings or meditative practices. They are vicious polemics and not open-minded investigative analyses.
3) My personal knowledge of Masons is non-existent. But twenty years ago or more, I read a book by Indires [spelling?] Shah about Sufi history and philosophy which said that, originally, Masonry was quite influenced by the Sufi mystical tradition.
4) Funda-Christians areincapable of analyzing the spiritual traditions of non-Christians. They're impelled to condemn all the competition -- they must be agents of Satan since God obviously prefers whatever peculiar Biblical interpretation the funda espouses.
5) Per recent reading, apparently 19th & 20th century New Age mystics, Mormons, white and black witches, have borrowed from the secret ceremonies of the Masons. Probably because most pre-Christian spiritual traditions in Europe had been quite eradicated. Imitation is flattery, but not accurate reflection.
thanks for interesting and entertaining reading,
Just a comment. Esoteric teachings are symbolic in nature. Alice bailey's teachings are esoteric and symbolic. The references to lodges etc is not referring to real physical lodges. The initiations spoken of are not ritualistic but internal- initiations in consciousness brought about by life’s experiences. Growth stages, so to speak- nothing dark about them. Alice Bailey’s work is actually mostly a system describing psychological stages of development and the growth of the consciousness of the Soul. The names spoken in her texts, such as Sirius, Great Bear, the various lodges, refer to levels of consciousness. I suggest a deeper and non literal reading of Alice Baileys texts, that are actually quite complex and require some prior metaphysical knowledge to understand, just like calculus requires some prior knowledge of basic math to access.
I am always intrigued when I hear very good investigative researchers quoting stuff from Alice Bailey's material as part of the NWO, satanic , Nazi scenario, as this is not my experience with this material at all. And I know tons of people that are students of this material and none of them are aligned with the NWO, in fact quite the contrary, many, like myself, aware very aware of all of the issues spoken of in this blog and are actively engaged in fighting them. If the only link between AB and the NWO is the fact that her husband was a mason and her trust was called Lucifer Trust when it first started (Lucifer in Latin meaning Bringer of Light), I am not convinced. Lots of people are masons without being enmeshed in the NWO scenario and most masons of lower degree think that they are involved in a great and humanitarian society. It seems to be only some of the very high initiates pulling the strings that are into and aware of the dark Masonic agenda. I do not know what kind of mason her husband was, but just stating that he was a mason is not enough to link AB’s teachings to the dark agenda. The “Lucifer” name issue is also not conclusive in my book. We do not know why she called it Lucifer, if in reference to the fallen angel or if in reference to the fact that she hoped her teachings would bring light. I would like to see more evidence, because the interpretation of AB's work as dark, NWO aligned is not congruent with my experience. These statements are always made by people that have not studied the material and that always show that they are taking it literally. It is esoteric, interior and symbolic material. To learn more of the real meaning of the various initiations etc, you might want to check out the work of Alan Oken on The Wisdom Teachings ( he has many accessible tapes on the subject) or look up the hundreds of sites on esoteric astrology or wisdom teachings philosophy. Some are on the wacky side, but you will also find some serious thinkers/students speaking on these subjects too.
Now about Sirius and what that is all about- there is lots to say here but requires so much background explanations that I could not possibly cover the topic here. But just know that the symbolism of Sirius is used by both the dark arts people and the light arts people in completely different ways. There is lots of literature out there, but also know that much of it is incomplete or distorted and impossible to understand if one is not aware of the dynamics of the trans-dimensional worlds (that one day will be proved as part of our science, but until then make people like me sound woo-woo despite my PhD in Physics). There is more to these topics than meets the eye.
By the way great work on your site. I found your site looking for information on mind control and ritual abuse (tools of the dark arts). Your work is very informative and extensive. Good stuff! But do not assume that all esoterica is aligned with the dark arts, because it is not.
Your comments are right on. Extremist Christians simply can't understand the mystical parts of other religions - or their own, it would seem, since so much of 'true' Christianity is mystical and Christ was probably an initiate into the mysteries as well (via the Essenes).
Masonry certainly does share much with Sufism, although it is hard to say who draws from whom, since Masonic philosophy is much older than what we would call modern Freemasonry (organized in England in 1717). Sufism drew much from Platonic and Gnostic ideas and so did Freemasonry, so they are cousins.
These things all lead to each other and back to the One
This seems to be a subject of great interest, and there has been so much posted here I have not had the time to read it all yet. I came across something very interesting on this subject a few months ago. So, I don't know if anyone already posted this link, but I am adding it here to be sure it is available.
It is Robert Temple's own story of how and why he became a Mason, and what his book, The Mystery of Sirius had to do with it. I don't know anything about that particular book, but Temple's story is an interesting read in itself.
I see some posters here apparently buy into the light-side of the occult. No offense intended, but I just think it is all tricks and lies, for the purpose of diversion and ultimately subversion. That would be a wide subject and endless debate, which I am not interested in starting.
"A symbol is whatever it means to the viewer, and if you see the goat of mendes in a pentagram, well that is what you see. It doesn't mean the symbol was designed to be seen that way."
Im not altogether sure about that. Perhaps there is some symbolism to the virgin mary in DC, and perhaps were all looking in the wrong direction - But that damned inverted pentegram seems pretty plain.
Jeff is sooo accurate when he stresses the incredible, almost psychopathic mania that the secret societies and occultist associate with various symbols and rituals.
"In fact, true Masonry used the right way can be a great tool for spiritual enlightenment (the good kind)"
I couldnt agree more, if we include the condition that masonry, like most such organisations have their rank and file who are essentially good people, but at the very top of these organisations of course the agenda is VERY different, and of course this is kept from the rank and file.
33rd Degree masonry meanwhile cannot be earned, only conferred.
Some meanwhile speak of even higher levels beyond this for the REALLY select few.
But that damned inverted pentegram seems pretty plain.<<
It's NOT. At the time that stret plan was erected, the association of an inverted pentacle with evil had NOT yet developed. The symbolism at the time (and currently) in Masonry is that of drawing heavenly or higher spiritual energy into the material, not an emblem of perversion.
Better to assume that wealth+power=corruption, and not look to Masonry or anoither scapegoat to pin the bl,ame on. This creates fear and suspicion aimed at seekers and counter-culoturists, and allows the archons free reign within their "socially acceptable" status quo. Sure, there are bastards in the OTO, the Masons, Catholic Church, the Democratic Party, you name it. That's because bastards will use any avenue to power because they're simply too stupid to grasp what true power really is...and we're all guilty at some level of indulging in our own animal natures and contributing to the problem ourselves. So far, nobody's found a way to innoculate the vehicle of gnosis from the realities of animal existence, so it's up to the individual to seperate the "subtle from the gross."
Jeff said:
"Consider Freemasonry, from which the OST liberally borrorowed, and the high regard in which it holds Sirius, and with whom - Set/Lucifer - the star is identified."
Not always Jeff. Sirius has been more related in Western history to Isis than Lucifer - the latest has been more connected to Venus.
Talisman, from Bauval and Hancock explains more on this. A very good book about the role of Egyptian magic on the Western ethos.
Freemasons call themselves the sons of the widow, Isis. Paris derives her name from her, and before Notre Dame was built, at the same site a temple to the Goddess was there. Isis migrated to Christianity as a black Virgin Mary thanks to templars. Then she became the principal divinity in Mexico as the black Virgin of Guadalupe. Her day is Dec 12: 1212. Just move the 2´s... and the math is interesting too: 33.
And do you think is casual that the biggest exhibition of Egyptian art in the Americas is now at the Anthropolgy Museum in Mexico City (~19.5) lent from the Berlin Egyptian Museum? And that the two works presenting it are two sculptures of Sekmet, the dark side of Isis?
About Lucifer, Venus and freemasonry Jeff, Mexico City is taking a role too: the canadian Reichmann family (the same who built Canary Warf, the biggest obelisc on Earth and that crosses exactly the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, London) built a 225m 55 levels high tower at 505 Reforma Avenue, the prime avenue in the city, called Torre Mayor. 225 days is the orbit of Venus, a key number is luciferian magic. And the last: as WTC2 and burned Windsor tower in Madrid, Torre Mayor has offices from Deloitte & Touche. The Torre Mayor was opened by Mexican President Fox (Anubis?) two years ago this June...
To Haeresis, and others:
I agree with what you are saying, and I think it is an important thing to keep in mind. Yet, it must be accompanied with a caveat. That is that certain qualities of the secret esoteric societies and their philosophies do in fact lend themselves very readily to corruption. Two primary qualities that immediately come to mind is first and formost - the secrecy. Second - the liquid, rearrangeable morphability of all the concepts, to suit most any desired agenda.
I think it is important to keep this in mind as well.
A particular thought from the Bible is: "To the pure in heart, all things are pure." Those who are repelled by evil, and who cleave to the good, make goodness out of almost any thing they are involved with, if possible; and if they find irremediable corruption then they either reject or leave the system.
The obverse is also probably true. To the evil hearted, virtually anything can and will be perverted. So much really does come down to the choice people make in their desires between good and evil. I don't pretend to know what determines the choice people make. I only know we all choose every day what kind of course we want to follow. Sadly, where there is no direction or determination, where ambivalence prevails, the tendency is for corruption to spread, somewhat like disease. I think it is important to consider that God, who is the epitome of 'pure in heart', also works this way. Where it is possible, he works for the good. But when a being or a society has irremediably chosen corruption, they will meet with his rejection. It is the lesson of history.
An article about the pentagram in Victoria, along with a map showing the outline of it, appeared in Monday Magazine in the latter half of the 1990s - unfortunately, probably before that publication was online. The Victoria central library should still have a copy of it in their archives, if anybody cares enough to search. I think it was a cover story.
RE: the approaching sacrifice at the grove to Magog...
...Nursery rhymes such as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" can be worked into the advertisements that are played on television and radio. These ads can be targeted to population areas where programmed "sleepers" or "sleeper" are living, thereby activating only certain sleepers without having to have personal contact in any manner.
The other viable alternative, for most of the case subjects under our control, is to implement a "rider package" that will compel him/her to fulfill the functions of our level four programming, by placing an appropriate trigger in his mind. He or she will continue to lead a perfectly normal life until made active by a command from a command file..."
Ever read "Twinkle, Twinkle, Killer Kane"? (Actually, the movie version was much better.)
Tronicus said...
A particular thought from the Bible is: "To the pure in heart, all things are pure." Those who are repelled by evil, and who cleave to the good, make goodness out of almost any thing they are involved with, if possible; and if they find irremediable corruption then they either reject or leave the system. "
Great stuff here.
I think that there is a more complex interrelationship between good an evil than is often being discussed. We place "good" and "evil" labels on groups but what we are doing is imposing our own judgments upon their acts. (Not that this is wrong) What is missing is the intentions of those we label. Do they THINK they are committing evil or doing good -- albeit in a way the "rest of us" would condemn? If we really knew their secret plans, if we were involved in them, might we see that the ends justify the means? Honestly I wonder about things liek that. (Simple corruption is easier to understand -- its the "grand conspiracy" stuff that makes me wonder).
This quote always gets me thinking
To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors.
– Alexander Solzhenitsyn
I think Good and Evil are not so easy to separate for us mere mortals.
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