The Trouble with Normal

Person in the street shrugs: "Security comes first"
But the trouble with normal is it always gets worse - Bruce Cockburn
So DailyKos has conducted a "mass banning" of those who had been "perpetuating a series of bizarre, off-the-wall, unsupported and frankly embarassing conspiracy theories." I hope no one is terribly surprised by this development. From the darlings of alternative media, purges usually follow their contributors' binges of unproscribed spelunking into the deep politics of a mass event. If someone like Kos doesn't distance himself from inquiries that offend mainstream sensibilities he risks the loss of the honourary privileges extended to the pacified blogosphere, and where is he then? Just another former Republican who has a problem with women. And since inquiry isn't his strong suit - Kos regards the theft of the 2004 election as just another "conspiracy theory" and can write with a Bushian lack of irony that he has a "high tolerance level for material I deem appropriate" - making it a sacrificial offering to the incurious middle couldn't have been a tough call.
More than truth, such people crave respectability, which they call "credibility" because it conforms to the conventional wisdom of those whose approval they seek. This becomes the capital they believe they trade for "influence," which is nothing more than their place in punditry's pecking order.
They want, dear God, to be normal. That was never much to which to aspire, and it ain't what it used to be.
If we want to uncover hidden truths then we have to go deep, and when we go deep we have to get our freak on, because the truths we dredge up transgress the assumptions of respectable society.
Those who choose the course of bobble-headed agreement with their "betters" in hope of finding favour, may very well find it. As far as the mainstream consenus is concerned, it's the only avenue of reward. But the truth will be closer to the freaks who don't worry about getting down and dirty.
Naturally, the trigger for this latest round of house cleaning was the attack on London. And, as usual on such occasions, the hammer came down just as things are getting interesting.
Even though all speculation at this early stage is conspiracy theory, only some speculation is expected to wear that demeaning epithet like a dunce cap. A "senior US counterterrorism official" can say, anonymously and without support, that he worries it may have been the work of al-Zarqawi. And reporters, rather than convulse in spit-takes or consider why it serves US interests to float such a preposterous allegation, write it all down as though he were serious. Such figures are considered, by default, to be "informed" sources, even though they are actually the worst kind of conspiracy theorists: they don't respect their theory enough to back up their baseless assertion, which they make only because they are pushing an agenda.
Regardless of how informed our speculations may be, we should know by now they will never be respectable so long as the conventions that protect the criminals in high places remain assumed by the Gatekeepers, and uninformed argument-by-ridicule is sufficient to silence critics beyond the gate.
You may by now have read the report that - shades of 9/11 - there were there were simultaneous exercises in the London subway, at the identical stations, at the exact time of the blasts. You may not have had the chance to read it on Democratic Undergound, because though the original source is an audio clip and transcript from the BBC, it's the polarizing Alex Jones who brought it to our attention. So in the dumper it goes. How lucky for some. (And it's not just Alex Jones. "Did I just post an article here two minutes ago? 'False Flag Over London'? And now it's gone?" asked one of several confused DUers who tried posting the piece by John Leonard.)
America's had trouble with normal since the day it watched a police narcotics informant silence a self-described patsy on live television. It's degraded to the point at which it needed rebranding as the "New Normal" to still be recognizable to most Americans, who aren't sheep so much as lobsters who believe it's supposed to be this hot. And since at least the disclosure of Operation Gladio, and the revelations of connivance of Western military intelligence with fascists, gangsters and secret societies to wage false flag terror to discredit Europe's democratic Left, no speculation should be discounted out of hand, and nothing should be taken at face value. As Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra testified, "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force...the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security." Person in the street shrugs: "Security comes first...."
Those who would silence inquiry with ridicule either don't know this history (this living history, as Italy is rocked by disclosure of a Gladio-like, ultra-right secret team conducting parallel "counter-terrorism"), or do, and don't want us to know it.
For the most part, "progressive" and "alternative" forums are full of preening, ignorant bullshitters with little grasp of the evidence and no appreciation for parapolitics, who contentedly squeeze greasy farts in the faces of researchers and activists who know what time it is. (It's a bitter irony that activist Andy Stephenson died last week, whose "tinfoil hat" is being refashioned as a halo by the same, facile piss artists of the "moderate left" who perpetually misrepresented his contributions as conspiracy crap that makes us look bad.)
So we're outside the gate, thank God. And if we want to do good work, that's where we'll stay. Because the walls need to be breached, and the gate that beckons us to normalcy is part of the problem.
Rome never looks where she treads.
Always her heavy hooves fall
On our stomachs, our hearts or our heads;
And Rome never heeds when we bawl.
Her sentries pass on - that is all,
And we gather behind them in hordes,
And plot to reconquer the Wall,
With only our tongues for our swords - Rudyard Kipling, "A Pict Song"
This is probably the best (occult) explanation I can remember off the top of my head that resolves the "evil spirits under the control of the good" analogous to the post.
I am quoting it verbatim, but obviously It wouldn´t necessarily need to relate to jews/arabs etc.
"That the Good Spirits and Angelic Powers of Light are superior in power to the Fallen Spirits of Darkness. That these latter as a punishment have been condemned to the service of the Initiates of the Magic of Light. (This Idea is to be found also in the Koran or, as it is frequently and perhaps more correctly written, "Qur-an".) As a consequence of this doctrine, all ordinary material effects and phenomena are produced by the labour of the Evil Spirits under the command usually of the Good. That consequently whenever the Evil Demons can escape from the control of the Good, there is no evil that they will not work by way of vengeance. That therefore sooner than obey man, they will try to make him their servant, by inducing him to conclude Pacts and Agreements with them.
But also it is notable that Abraham the Jew speaks only of two great classes of Spirits: the Angels and the Devils; the former to control, the latter to be controlled; and leaves entirely out of consideration, or rather does not describe that vast race of beings, the Elemental Spirits, who in themselves comprise an infinitude of various divisions of classification, some of these being good, some evil, and a great proportion neither
the one nor the other."
sacred magic of abramerlin the mage book 1
Divide and conquer ?
Thanks Jeff. It's the way you say it as much as what you say that gets me every time.
Thanks Jeff. It's the way you say it, as much as what you say, that gets me every time.
Man it's running slow today ... I thought it wasn't working there for a sec :) Sorry for the double post.
No preening on this board:
You are more than welcome to discuss reality there, no matter how politically incorrect;-) has a link to this blog post. Great post, Jeff, as usual! Keep up the excellent work.
great post, jeff, as usual. Keep up the good work. has a link to this post!
Thank you -- not only for the usual goodness, but also for eludicating exactly why I loathe DailyKos.
This is great! I thought I was the only one waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel? But what can be done to prevent collapse on a foundation of lies? Do we wait for them to finish their temporal rule like those gone by to start over again like children? The Maya calender ends in the year 2012. The 7 year itch.
This is great! I thought I was the only one waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel? But what can be done to prevent collapse on a foundation of lies? Do we wait for them to finish their temporal rule like those gone by to start over again like children? The Maya calender ends in the year 2012. The 7 year itch.
Unfortunately, that's the way these things go. I might point to the 60's as an example -- not because I expect *now* to replicate the 60's in any detailed fashion, but because there are certain very broad trends that seem to be true of any counterculture.
One of those is that any serious opposition to the established way of doing things tends to start out with a general consensus between moderates and radicals (as in the early 60's civil rights/SANE/SDS era) then increasingly falls apart as the radicals get more radical and the moderates get more nervous.
Frankly, I think the fact that the moderate/radical coalition on the left has held together for over four years now is a pretty good track record. And I expect it to keep going as long as there is any hope by ousting Bush by peaceful means.
But at some point it will either become apparent that there is no way to deal with the Bushites through constitutional processes -- in which case I expect the left to fly in all directions very quickly -- or else Bush will be dumped by the establishment as being bad for business and the left will be split between those who expect things to go back to normal and those who realize we're a long ways beyond the point at which that might have been possible.
In either case, those of us who are doomed to be left out on the radical fringe need to be thinking very hard about what we will do when it happens, where we will position ourselves vis-a-vis the mainstream of society, and how we will protect outselves against being demonized and erased. Having the moderates to hide among has been good cover up to now, but it isn't going to last.
(As a side note, I also expect there to be hippie-equivalents within the next 2-3 years -- not the current lame hippie-wannabes replicating the styles and manners of 40 years ago, but a new drop-out culture appropriate to the present moment, probably with a strong occult and gnostic flavor. All in all, we should be enjoying how simple and uncomplicated things are right now, because it isn't going to last.)
"....which it needed rebranding as the 'New Normal' to still be recognizable to most Americans, who aren't sheep so much as lobsters who believe it's supposed to be this hot."
Jeff, That's the best (and most entertaining) analogy I've read in a long time.
Since the U.S. is indentured to the two party system,our choices are limited. It appears both parties wish to serve the same constituencies.The republicans represent the moneyed,multi-national,and multi-generational interests,whilst the democrats bemoan they're status as the Kool Kids uninvited to the party.The demos are just as exclusive as their republican counterparts.Hence the recent haughty attitude attributed to the Kossacks since the election of 04. It's too bad the Daily Kos chose to ridicule the election anomalies in Ohio. It deserved attention. Of course,gossip is considered worthy-If it pertains to Karl Rove. Jeff,If what you post is true: KOS would rather vote a non-choice demo over a pro-choice repub,I can reasonably deduce The Daily Kos to be nothing more than a forum for brand loyalty instead of a medium to counter the blind allegiance (brand loyalty)of the republican constituency. The Daily KOS is no more a forum of shared IDEALS than LGF. Again,It's just a bullhorn for the same interests.
Yes, Jeff, you took the words out of my mouth.
Frankly, Kos was and is a bore. The only time the site was any good was when Steve Gilliard was blogging on the Iraq invasion. But I gave up on Kos after 11/04, due to his head-in-the-sand attitude about the election. I could hardly stand to go there before anyway, and now I will avoid it at all costs.
I think the CT crowd is a growing movement and we don't need Kos or any other lame-ass liberal blogger. If they think CTs are loony, it is their loss. We can develop our own spaces just fine.
Also I don't quite understand the deal with Alex Jones on DU. Jones is no anti-semite, he doesn't even link to offensive sites, but sure enough, I had a post deleted within SECONDS about the London subway terror drill. Amazing. But at least they let one of my posts on this topic stay in the September 11th section...
and how long will they let that section stay at DU? The only good thing is that near as I can tell, a good majority of DUers are 9/11 skeptics. And the 9/11 board attracts a lot of new posters. So 9/11 may be a bit of a draw for DU, even if they are embarrassed to have it there.
btw, if anyone is interested in "CT activism", this 9/11 truth conference is right around the corner:
End the Fear Here!
Publicize the Master Lies
Behind the Endless War
Come Help Build a Breakthrough Campaign
to Expose and Explode the Seamless Deceit
behind 9/11, Resource Wars, Troop Betrayal
and Constitutional Jeopardy
DC LAUNCH: JULY 22~24, 2005 An unprecedented event series conjoining
the power veteran/victim groups, key truth movements and the Indie Media to out the deadly coup now underway and launch a thousand Paul Reveres.
Featuring: the first National Press Club press conference exclusively for indie media & international journalists, Capitol Hill events, a Lafayette Park 911-war deceit rally/march, entertainment, new documentary films & presentations, a Lafayette Park 911-war deceit event, entertainment, and a strategy summit at American University between leaders from diverse truth, p&j and veteran movements as well as the independent and foreign press.
PLANNING ADVISORS AND PARTICIPANTS, Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, Libertarian presidential
candidate Michael Badnarik, Dr. Bob Bowman of Veterans for Peace, FBI
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, former HUD Asst. Secretary Catherine Austin
Fitts, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Rep. Charles Key of the Oklahoma City
Bombing Commission, CIA veteran Ray McGovern, Sunny Miller of Traprock
Peace Center, Depleted Uranium authority Dr. Leuren Moret, Jenna Orkin of
WTC Environmental Action, Peter Philips of Project Censored, former Bush
Labor Dept. Economist Morgan Reynolds,, and many more.
Whenever citizens working on Iraq lies, 9/11, troop abuse, stolen elections and/or the “missing” government trillions gather and compare notes, potent insights emerge into the corporate coup d’йtat we face. This DC Convergence presumes that we now have enough dangerous truths, damning facts, and populist media to deliver the evidence of treachery nationwide. It’s now time to forge a strategy, join with veterans & victim families, and assist media activists in spreading the truth throughout the land.
Everything We Need to SUCCEED - We Now Have
. The facts and evidence from truth movement researchers
. Enduring inspiration from courageous whistleblowers and victim families
. The support of respected leaders across the political spectrum
. A nationwide communications network in independent media
. A country gradually waking up to the desperate need for truth
All That's Missing is A SHARED STRATEGY
- Come to DC and Help Create it . . .
EVENT SCHEDULE -- July 22-24
A.M. and Afternoon:
National Press Club and Capitol Hill Events
- details soon at official website:
6:00 - 9:00 PM: Reception & movies at American University Tavern
11:00 ~ 2:30 PM: Lafayette Park, Speakers: Family members, whistle-blowers, spokespeople for major truth, veteran and media groups (see followed by a Beyond Downing Street event.
7:00 - 10:00 PM: AU Tavern: Dance with bands from Justice Through Music
9:00-12:00: Workshops -- 3-4/hour to choose from. Growing list of
specifics at (Plenary Session 1:30~6:00 PM)
Capitol Hill, National Press Club & Lafayette Park Events: FREE
Saturday Night American U Truth Concert: $5 w/drink
Sunday - Workshops & Strategy Summit: $25 (or $15 w/ discount below)
Since we really are trying to achieve something here and prepared
participants will contribute a lot more to the mix, we are offering a $10
Sunday discount to all of you who watch at least 7 of the following videos
before you arrive. Since the only proof we can ask for is your solemn
word, you can obviously lie your ass off to get in cheap. We just pray you
see the irony of lying your way into a truth rescue event.
The Power of Nightmares
The Great Conspiracy
Ken Jenkins' "Perspective on 9/11"
Hijacking Catastrophe
Griffin's C-SPAN speech: "9-11 & American Empire" Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Weapons of Mass Deception
Beyond Treason
The Doctor, Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children
Waco: Rules of Engagement
Loss of Liberty
Counting on Democracy
Arsenal of Hypocrisy
(Tapes/DVDs available from
and elsewhere on the Net.)
Cheap rooms available at American University Fri, Sat, Sun nights for
early registrations. Triples: $35/bed; Doubles: $48/bed; Singles $70/bed
For Reservations/More information call: 205-344-2372
Phone: 707.616.7939
Online Discussion/Suggestion/Campaign Building List at ...
If you sympathize but cannot attend, please help out by passing along this invitation, contributing a little bread, and, best of all, holding a local truth convergence of your own. See for details.
Also please help spread around Truth Convergence flyers and hand-outs here:
Dear Jeff,
I came here because i used to be there, but there was too much that one couldn't say that made sense to me. and I'm glad I came here because your posts and your categories of posts make sense to me. hard to feel "safe' again after the mass banning/purge. i will try to get comfortable. try.
The removal of this tyrannical and treasonous regime will be executed by rogue intelligence agents and military officers who remain loyal to our Constitution. Nature loves symmetry, and we are about to see the mirror image of the JFK hit. Watch what happens to Rove.
The Left in this country couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
Excellent, excellent post...
This helps to explain why FR or DU don't allow possible explanations of how the real powers-that-be try to control the present systems...only those that fit within and propel their agenda...
FR allowed every conceivable suggestion, from Clinton as a rapist to Clinton as mass murderer...but not which will not allow any criticism of Bush or 9/11 questioning whatsoever.. and DU which will allow 9/11 questioning, but not how AIPAC, ADL and other (proven)Israeli spying interests corrupt and manipulate their side of the political process...
(sigh)...When will a true movement occur that rejects both of these as two sides of the same corrupt coin, and that which doesn't get blown away?
I was one of those folks flirting with getting banned on dKos (he didn't actually ban me even though I did recommend some of the offending diaries, so it sounded worse than it was), and in defense of the dKos community, I think everyone here would have actually been pretty proud of many of the responses it triggered. Check out the comments in Kos's The Conspiracists diary. There was a heated debate and a lot of anger at Kos for the mass bannings and a lot of Kossacks defending the need to think outside the box. More than I would have expected in the past, that's for sure. Since the mass banning incident I've seen a flood of diaries in defense of "conspiracy theories", including some written by the big hitters over there, like BooMan23 who started his own Booman Tribune dKos offshoot. These are folks with clout over there.
There's been a growing "tinfoily" attitude on dKos in the 4 to 5 months or so that I've witnessed since I started rabblerousing on there, and a growing open-mindedness of the kind of stuff found on blogs like this. Yes, even for those that opposed Kos's actions there was widespread dismissal of the possibility that the allegations were true, but the very fact that so many diaries popped up that day on dKos and DU (and probably other sites that I'm unaware of) speculating on an inside job demonstrates that there are positive changes taking place there and elsewhere in the blogoshere. The reality-bubble is deflating, albeit not nearly as quickly as I would prefer.
Mainstream society does appear to be getting a lot less mainstream. Whether that is happening fast enough is anyone's guess, but it's happening. At least, I hope it's happening since it's a hobby of mine to try to drag as many people as I can into the tinfoily realms of world, and I've found dKos to be one of the best places to do that. As long as you engage the folks over there with a humble attitude I've found very little outright opposition to just posting about high weirdness over there. So please don't write off that whole site as some reality-dead end. Especially now that we've basically had a two-day long conspiracy theory debate over there and it appears tolerance for the conspiracy theorists has come out on top in the general concensus.
Going forward, the "alternative"/"tinfoil"/"fringe" communities are going to have to show even more patience than they already have because the more this stuff seeps out, the greater the backlash (it's time to activate whatever "turning the other cheek" powers we all have, if they aren't already on). That's part of the reasons I'm not too bothered by what happened at dKos. Louder, and more stident opposition to this stuff is going to happen if we're ever going to wake up from this apparent nightmare we call "the modern world". We should just view every backlash as an opportunity to humbly disseminate whatever unofficial truths and information we can. One step back, two steps foward. It may not be the solution to all our dilemmas, but it's a path towards progress. :-)
It makes one wonder. What if Timothy McVeigh had waited 10 years to bomb Oklahoma? Would the FBI be asking him to help find the Al Qaeda terrorists who bombed the Federal Building?
Thank you for your article! It helps me. I get tired of being called a woo woo.
Terry wrote earlier that the internet was slow. It has been slow since the evening after the London bombings. I'm worried about what is going on with the internet.
Here is a link that shows internet traffic. I checked it the evening of the 7th, Central Standard Time, and it was red in most places. It is interesting that Israel is still red. However, it has been much slower for me since that time.
Mary C.
we are on a rock spinning in infinity
we are on a rock spinning in infinity
I agree strongly, Jeff.
Kos is running a business: call it a Democratic Party fundraising shop. He plays a percentage game, much as newspaper publishers have always done. Shill for corporate politicians, and your reward is to skim a little off the top as "advertising" revenue.
In U.S. society, the rules of such games require abstinence before any idea that might make you stagger away singing something other than the party line. Online, such lines have been blurred--not just by the anonymity of Internet discourse, but by the wooly independence of blogging culture.
That's changing. Businesses like Kos and Democratic Underground still want to be confused with (small-d) democratic fora, as places of inquiry. That's the attraction. The truth is different. Your expression is welcome only as long as it advances the profit potential of the web site, whose success hinges solely on singing hosannas for the corporate party.
"People Like Me".It goes without saying (I know the folks of & perusing RI are aware of this)but I'll mention it anyway. Language is important. Revealing. When KOS posts: "people like you."........So very telling.
Jeff, that's the first time reading Kipling brought tears to my eyes.
... Letsroll911 is a place where you can "get your truth freak on."
It's funny how Operation Gladio is suddenly the hot topic - Letsroll's Phil Jayhan has been quietly directing folks to dig into that topic for a few months now.... I'm confused? I thought Jeff had dismissed Letsroll as "clever disinfo"....
Which is it, Jeff?
The mother-of-all-tinfoil topics is whether or not NASA actually landed on the moon. The evidence to the contrary is there, but 99.9% of Americans simply cannot accept any discussion of this one... NO WAY!
What you learn by truly opening your mind to re-examine EVERYTHING... ALL your cherished assumptions - is quite simply that history is scripted. The plot can be summarized as follows:
Ordo ab Chao
Letsroll911 is a place where you can "get your truth freak on."
Far out. But even freaks have been known to say, "That's some crazy shit, man."
"It's funny how Operation Gladio is suddenly the hot topic - Letsroll's Phil Jayhan has been quietly directing folks to dig into that topic for a few months now...."
Glad to hear it. The less time he spends spreading his bullshit pod theories, the better for everyone. I've been posting about Gladio since I started the blog last summer, so I haven't taken any cues from Jayhan.
"The mother-of-all-tinfoil topics is whether or not NASA actually landed on the moon."
Like, man, now you're freakin' me out...!
"If we want to uncover hidden truths then we have to go deep, and when we go deep we have to get our freak on, because the truths we dredge up transgress the assumptions of respectable society."
This includes plane swapping on 9/11, Jeff. Deal with it.
@Arthur Gilroy
Interesting story. I guess you know There are these professional debunkers as well. Up to now they were busy arguing against 9/11 "tinfoil" theories. These people only post in the 9/11 subforum and seem to have plenty of time. People like Lared, mercutioatc and boloboffin.
Well, I can't actually equate what Kos did with "disappearing" people in Argentina. You see, it's a BLOG. No one was killed by being banned.
Still, it was ridiculous. I particularly liked how he referred to the "good" posters as members of the "reality based community." We all remember where that term comes's what the neo-cons call those who actually believe the narratives the imperial powers choose to provide. So, they are not just deluded, but PROUDLY deluded.
In case you don't know the quote, here is is:
The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''
So congatulations, Kos, on your membership in the "RBC"!
Gawd, I love this entry.
The truth is hidden out at the fringes, then humorously pooh-poohed in the (three letter agency-controlled) tabloids, so that 'normal' mainstreamers can feel smug in their intellectual superiority.
Web forums are a microcosm of society at large, coming awake, dealing with these problems and issues.
The cognitive dissonance that afflicts many at this juncture of history requires for its initiation only the flimsiest of excuses, so repellent is meditation on the truth for those in its thrall.
But people are waking up. But will 100 metaphorical monkeys wake up before the world economy is tanked, the net dropped, the chips implanted? We'll see soon enough.
I gave Kos a bit of hell over the pie diaries and not long after decided I needed a break from the place. I miss quite a few of the people. I had hoped BooMan Tribune would be more CT minded when it started because Boo's CTesque diaries were among my favorites. I'm glad to hear BT is becoming more open of late to CT.
Well said, Jeff. " ... lobsters who believe it's supposed to be this hot." Genius! I hope you don't mind if I use that (with credit to the author, of course). I'll pass on the bit about greasy farts -not my style- but it got a great round of applause from everyone here in the House of Whimsy.
I've been reading and linking to RI for a while now and am finally getting around to commenting. FWIW, what used to be the link to Kos in my fairly short blogroll has been replaced by the words: "The space that used to be DailyKos and remains to point out that censorship is not a democratic value". This sort of thing really gets my hackles up and reminds me of why we are in the horrific state we're in as a culture and country. It's all about the voluntary suspension of disbelief, the refusal to accept difficult truths. A little quote from my take on the subject:
Here's a novel thought ... Maybe the Dems should try listening to those digging for truth before 30 years have gone by and the FOIA releases have proven the "conspiracy theorists" and "tinfoil hat" wearers were right all along. Or would that be too forward thinking? I wouldn't want Kos to strain himself or anything.
I've 'blogged long and hard on the subject so it's up at Pissed-off Pollyana for anyone who might be interested.
Groovy home you've got here, Jeff. There are few people I enjoy reading more when I've got my freak on (which is quite often *heh heh*).
arthur gilroy, i am so happy to read your post regarding the shady goings-on at Kos. I too have had some eery run-ins with DHinMI and like you have been amazed at how quickly he and his cohorts glom onto any CT thread and how many posts they can make within short spans of time. It is truly a job for them, and I have called them on it several times. Interestingly, I was banned for it this morning but now I can post again (but have chose not to).
Anyway, I couldn't have said it better than you. Well done, sir.
Jeff wrote:
America's had trouble with normal since the day it watched a police narcotics informant silence a self-described patsy on live television.
forgive my ignoramusness, but what's he referring to here? thanks.
Arthur Gilroy said...
There is no reference to which Democrat they support for President in 2008.
Uh... don't you think Kos's new blog design with the military-like emblem and all those stars are a HINT!!!
Not that they believe that Clark will win the primary because he won't ... Hilliary sewed up this primary when she became Senator... but for the orginal reason why Clark accepted Bill Clinton's proposal for him to run in 2004... to keep those pesky Deaniacs at bay and to transfer thier "loyality" to an establishment "Dean-like" figure and more importantly to block Dean in 2012 if or when Hilliary loses. Clinton's DLC will still refuse to believe that it is their policies that are the losers.
Anonymous said...
Jeff wrote:
America's had trouble with normal since the day it watched a police narcotics informant silence a self-described patsy on live television.
forgive my ignoramusness, but what's he referring to here? thanks.
He's referencing the Jack Ruby hit of Lee Harvey Oswald.Murder- live on
national TV.
From a comment by an anonymous poster, above:
(quoting JW): "If we want to uncover hidden truths then we have to go deep, and when we go deep we have to get our freak on, because the truths we dredge up transgress the assumptions of respectable society."
This includes plane swapping on 9/11, Jeff. Deal with it.
That event has been "dealt with" already- not through smug, pre-emptive dismissals, either, but by marshalling the available evidence in a clear and convincing refutation. If you still believe in "9-11 plane substitution", it's YOUR turn to work through a point-by-point counter-argument. Something diligent, not mere flailing and fantasy conjuring.
Or perhaps you could apply your intelligence and energy to another project, like why anyone would put so much time and effort into constructing a scenario that is exposed as nonsensical upon examination- and which, in at least one version, relies on a wildly inaccurate and misleading caption for one of the most dramatic photos offered in support of its claims.
Want a "conspiracy hypothesis"? I contend that the misleading labelling was intentional.
The idea is to keep an open mind, not to have your brains fall out of your head.
I hope that we can end this problem without resort to arms. A general stike, and brave people to march banging their pots and pans on the steps of every major government building ...might... convince the business end of it that this is bad for business.
I do like the media strike idea, but boots have to hit the pavement mass... and really disrupt things for real change to occur.
Lets not forget what we are up against. Both Democrats & Republicans were on the 9/11 coverup commission, while not all of them may be involved, enough of them are that I don't know who we can trust. I do not believe every republican is involved either. So we have that problem. We also have the problem of: These people are openly talking about plots to "detonate small nuclear arms in the US" and "chemical weapons attacks delivered from airplanes" chilling quote was "the next anthrax attack isn't going to be letters in the mail" *(anonymous intelligence agent at DIA). They may use whatever terrorist group name they want at the time, or whatever Arab name they want, but if you have gotten this far realize what they really mean. Its our own traitors that are going to do this to us.
The only people with the firepower to provide any meaningful resistance are the very right wing people (the militias of patriots) the Clinton administration went out to demonize when it blew up the OK Federal building and murdered people at Waco. These folks are not inclined to trust you, or much of anyone, and most of them really don't like what is going on now.
Momentum, the tools, and the finances are on the side of our enemy, as is most of the media. The only bright spots I see are that many people are waking up to the truth (though nowhere near fast enough), and the lower down the ranks in government you go, the more genuinely good & decent people you find. Of course, they aren't very inclined to question why they are doing what they are doing "need to know" and this is going to have to be overcome.
Given this, how do we successfully resist this? Can we get an effective general strike going? Can we coopt enough media to get the word out for a meaningful regime change? I don't think elections are going to solve it, folks. They are just going to run two candidates with the same masters and same goals. We can't win that way without real candidates on the ballot in all 50 and access to the debates.
Hoping & praying that our own soldiers & police & FEMA & the FBI & Homeland Security gestapo wont fire on us is a pretty much lost cause if it comes to that. We could terrorize the hell out of them, but could not win a foward facing confrontation. They also have biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons and I don't disbelieve they would use them on us. We are, in many ways, in a worse position than the Soviet Russian. The general public at least knew the government was working against them and had woken up, these folks haven't awoken from the Matrix yet.
As to KOS, it was a front, or quickly taken over. Just like Men's News Daily is being flooded with Republican propaganda having little to do with their cause. Astroturf on the net is real indeed. They can afford an awful lot of staff to write for them. We need to turncoat a few of them and get them to go public. Much like has been done occasionally with those astroturfing for the chemical, tobbacco and other companies. Maybe some of us should volunteer and investigate which PR firms they are using and apply to work there and bring out however many filing cabinents of truth you can with you...
Whatever happens, now is a good time to invest in decent rifles, in particular .50 cal, and anything else with decent range, reloading supplies, and learn how to use them and figure out where to hide them. If the worst happens you can at least try to help.
Good luck.
There is My Left Wing, as you probably know already, which is not as big as DailyKos but maybe worth checking out.
So interesting. Right about the time of sept.01 I was reading a lot of stuff in the 'conspiracy' and 'anomaly'-type blogs and sites ('cyberspace orbit' and 'surfing the apocalpse' were the most informative and entertaining and I highly recommend them to those who have not encountered them yet. There are some amazing nuggets of info accessable thru those sites if you sift). Sure you had to wade in with a huge bullshit detector and full rubber suit, but even then, much of the information repeated seemed accurate enough to give me the willies. After awhile I decided I was getting a little too paranoid and stopped checking in so often to those sites. Five years later, I am being constantly blown away by the accuracy of much was discussed,speculated, and reported upon at the time. It's really amazing to see things like this european 'operation' come to light and have real rational people now discussing these topics which have been held 'verboten' for what amounts to most of my lifetime at this point (42 yrs- born within 3 weeks of the JFK assasination). I'm glad people are finally taking this stuff seriously, I guess better late than never. By the way, yay for the 'occulto-gnostics', Glad to know that there are others out there. BTW: Uranus square Pluto; the two planets most involved in the sixties are making their first major aspect beginning 2011. Some astrologers seem to think this is going to make the sixties look like a ladies bridge club and sodality meeting by the time it gets thru. I look forward to it.
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Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
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