The Higher Coincidence

They must like something 'bout the number eleven,
Kinda like November 22.
And Flight 11 and 77
Hit a pentangle and a giant 11 - Paranoid Larry
Everyone seems an armchair numerologist these days. Following the Jordan bombings, CNN's house curmudgeon Jack Cafferty ranted "Don't think it wasn't a coincidence!" that the attacks occured on 11/9. Also last week, Knoxville's John Gilmore predicted to local columnist Ina Hughes that the "Illuminati" were going to deliver something very big, and very bad, last Friday, 11/11.
"Here," writes Hughes, "Gilmore offers a bit of spooky new math":
It was on Sept. 11, 1990, that the senior George Bush mentioned before Congress the phrase "A New World Order" for the first time. Eleven years later to the day, the World Trade Center was destroyed. The Madrid bombings were on March 11, 2004 - 911 days after Sept. 11, 2001. [Regarding last Friday] look at that date: 11-11-2005. Add 1+1+1+1+2+0+0+5, and what do you get?
The answer is eleven. But as we almost always are when we try to read the tea leaves before the tea has been poured, Gilmore was wrong. And more than wrong: fired from his job "after he repeatedly appeared in local media espousing his belief in a coming apocalypse and a shadowy, all-powerful secret organization called the 'Illuminati.'"
Still, they do like something about the number 11. (Though I think we dig several cognitive holes for ourselves by calling them the "Illuminati," even if that's what they are.) "Eleven is the number of revelation," writes David Allen Hulse, and "symbolizes inner vision that contains a message that must be communicated to the world in the form of an inspired text, a religious or philosophical doctrine, or a new teaching." It is a number of high power to occult science, particularly to schools of magick influenced by Aleister Crowley. Consider The Book of the Law, the founding text of Thelema, which Crowley claimed was dictated by a "praeterhuman Intelligence" named Aiwass who appeared to him near the Great Pyramid of Giza in 1904.
The 60th line of the first chapter reads
My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have asecret glory for them that love me.
Who's speaking, and who's number is it? The narrative is in the voice of "Nuit," or Nut, the Egyptian sky goddess, one of the Great Ennead, or "the Nine".
Jack Parsons echoed this in his Book of Babalon, written in Babalon's voice:
65. Gather together in the covens as of old, whose number is eleven, that is also my number. Gather together in public, in song and dance and festival. Gather together in secret, be naked and shameless and rejoice in my name.
66. Work your spells by the mode of my book, practicing secretly, inducing the supreme spell.
A number of websites collate the elevens of 9/11. For instance, from The Forbidden Knowledge:
- September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
- 119 is the area code for Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11
- Flight 11 had 92 on board. 9 + 2 = 11
- Flight 11 had 11 crew members onboard
- Flight 77 had 65 on board. 6 + 5 = 11
- "New York City" has 11 letters
- "Afghanistan" has 11 letters
- "The Pentagon" has 11 letters
President Kennedy and his wife left the Temple Houston and were met at midnight by tireless crowds present to cheer the virile "Sun God" and his dazzlingly erotic wife, the "Queen of Love and Beauty," in Fort Worth. On the morning of November 22, they flew to Gate 28 at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. The number 28 is one of the correspondences of Solomon in kabbalistic numerology; the Solomonic name assigned to 28 is "Beale."
On the 28th degree of latitude in the state of Texas is the site of what was once the giant "Kennedy ranch." On the 28th degree is also Cape Canaveral from which the moon flight was launched-made possible not only by the President's various feats but by his death as well, for the placing of the Freemasons on the moon could occur only after the Killing of the King. The 28th degree of Templarism is the "King of the Sun" degree. The President and First Lady arrived in Air Force One, code-named "Angel."
The motorcade proceeded from Love Field to Dealey Plaza. Dealey Plaza is the site of the Masonic temple in Dallas (now razed) and there is a marker attesting to this fact in the plaza.
Important "protective" strategy for Dealey Plaza was planned by the New Orleans CIA station whose headquarters were a Masonic temple building. Dallas, Texas is located ten miles north of the 33rd degree of latitude. The 33rd degree is the highest in Freemasonry and the founding lodge of the Scottish Rite in America was created in Charleston, South Carolina, exactly on the 33rd degree line.
For many years Dealey Plaza was underwater at different seasons, having been flooded by the Trinity River until the introduction of a flood-control system. To this trident-Neptune site came the "Queen of Love and Beauty" and her spouse, the scapegoat in the Killing of the King rite, the "Ceannaideach" (Gaelic word for Kennedy meaning "ugly head" or "wounded head").
Now, let's take a deep breath and say, "Duuuude...."
It's one thing for Jack Cafferty to assert that the bombs of 11/9 were not a coincidence, and another to see magickal purpose in the numbers of passengers listed on flight manifests and the latitude of Dallas. After all, these are largely synchronicities and anomalies which precede consciousness. What can be gained by their study, when we study the High Crimes of State?
"As above, so below," is the great summation of Hermetic science.
I wonder whether when we see synchronicities and a confluence of occult symbology about the National Security State - particularly those beyond the capacities of its mundane faculties to order - what we see are something like etheric signatures of correspondence. That is to say, JFK was murdered by the CIA, the mob and the Cubans. But on another level, one which is just as real though usually immaterial, it was a ritual slaying of the King, attended by Freemasonic imagery and incidence for its being the principal body of transmission for Western Hermetic lore.
A few months ago I saw this interesting piece by "investigative mythologist" William Henry on the symbology of the 2004 GOP Convention. Henry writes, "Little did any one notice that when the president gave his speech he was standing in the Seal of Atlantis combined with the early Christian symbol of the Messiah":
"Expressing the power of his might in the emblem of Atlantis"

Henry adds: "This is pure ancient messianic imagery. In ancient Iraq and Iran the reigning king, a divinely appointed monarch, was portrayed at the center of the world ring. The President is portrayed as the Ring Lord in a traditional gesture of blessing. It’s silly to think this symbolism was not [sic?] chosen by chance."
No, not chance. But perhaps not chosen consciously, either. I could be wrong, but I doubt the convention's art director knew to which archetype he was conforming the platform. Perhaps, because Republican figures holding great material power have themselves become enthralled by supernatural powers, there was a semiotic bleed-through: a subconscious drawing down of symbols representative of their true devotion.
Here's what I'm coming to think: they know what they're doing, but they don't know everything that they're doing. This is one of the reasons why I don't like the term "Illumnati," because as it's come down in conspiracy literature it suggests that the elite are superhuman puppet masters who have it all together. Though they may think they do, they don't. George Hansen makes an interesting contribution in this regard in The Trickster and the Paranormal:
When the intelligence agencies toyed with the paranormal and with mythologies, they had little idea what they were dabbling with. Engaging supernatural powers can lead to problems in distinguishing fantasy from reality and right from wrong.
One thing, perhaps, they didn't count on, was the eruption of signs, for those who can see.
It's very late, I'm quite tired, and looking back over this I don't know if I've made any sense here.
All I know is, it's not all straightforward. It's up and down, and backwards, too.
Released June, 2001:

"Later, Riley explains that the Twin Towers cover was supposed to represent 'music destroying the system,' its intent strictly metaphorical. After the attack, he tried (unsuccessfully) to persuade his label to release the CD as-is.
'I figured, hey, it might sacrifice my album, and it’s not like we’ve ever been a quadruple-platinum group,' he says. 'But I’d get in the media and be able to talk about some of the things going on around the world.'"
I'm glad that was their cover, otherwise I might not have heard of them. That album is easily one of the best of 2001.
"It's very late, I'm quite tired, and looking back over this I don't know if I've made any sense here."
Are you referring to tonight?
Why the hell am I not asleep right now like a normal human being?
Anonymous One,think about this one.How about Aristotle Onassis,said to have been into some strange blood rituials and magick,didn't Jackie meet him through her sister in-law during the time after the miscarrage? I wonder sometimes if the two of them didn't work a little spell for that cheatin bastard.I would love to see a world wide list,of what all the powers that be practice in their spare time,later.
What exactly does "As above, so below," mean? Is "above" a reference to heaven, or to life on terra firma? If above is a reference to terra firma then what's below? The oft-mentioned hollow earth with the black sun?
well, some other 9-11 bits:
The greatest death toll on Wall Street, until 9-11-2001, was on 9-16-1920, in front of J. P. Morgan's offices. Eerie parallels to present times. No one ever claimed responsibility, but it was intended to look like Anarchist/Communist revenge for the Sacco and Vanzetti indictments that had been handed down on 9-11-1920. Helped create the Red Scare in American minds, beyond a shadow of a doubt; to this day the real perps are unknown. The J. P. Morgan firm, of course, tied into an enormous number of nefarious deeds, including the funding of Wasson's expedition to Oaxaca to procure magic mushrooms (presumably hoping that they would allow the financiers to see the future). J. P. Morgan was also central to the coming-about of WWI, and its conclusion, and of course, through their agents, the brokering of the Armistice, with eventual declaration of Aristice as 11-11.
There's also the little thing about the ground-breaking of the Pentagon on 9-11-1941.
But the crux of the issue is the USE of the national emergency number 911, and our near-emergency number, 311, something that has never been explored adequately but is at the very heart of the "joke" of it all. Unfortunately this is cluttered by all sorts of semiotic noise, such as adding up the letters of various cities and so forth--something that can always be achieved, and makes all numerological research seem cheap.
quote geographi
"Unfortunately this is cluttered by all sorts of semiotic noise, such as adding up the letters of various cities and so forth--something that can always be achieved, and makes all numerological research seem cheap"
You took the words out of my mouth.
The religous symbols, however, do have a particular resonance.
Excellent post, Jeff, sleep deprived albeit. Don't change a thing!
As you've said before, it's not necessary what we know to be true that motivates those who would rule us all. It's what they believe.
Call me stupid... who/what is that album cover??
Also... wasn't J.P. Morgan somehow involved in the Lindbergh thing in '32? (although... that may have no relevance whatsoever.)
Though I'm not generally inclined towards Masonry-based conspiracy theories, I have wondered at times at the predominent Masonic element in Texas history:
Masonry and the formation of the Republic of Texas are so interwoven that they cannot be separated. The men who led the Revolution and formed the government were, by and large, active Masons whose Masonic philosophy was the inspiration behind their deeds. . . .
From the Battle of Velasco to the defeat of Santa Anna at San Jacinto, April 21, 1836, Masons led the fighting men. Many sacrificed their lives and are immortalized by the magnificent Memorial Temple of the Grand Lodge of Texas in Waco. Cities, towns and counties bear their names. Schools, buildings and awards are named for them. It would be difficult, indeed, to forget their names of Austin, Houston, Fannin, Bowie, Sterne, Hall, Travis, Crockett, Kerr, McFarland, Rusk, and DeZavala. . . .
From the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to the event of the lowering of the Texas flag and the raising of the stars and stripes, Masons took most of the major parts. Each of the presidents and vice-presidents of the Republic were Masons as was the first governor. Many governors since have been members of the Craft. . . .
The Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas was formed on December 20, 1837, in the Senate Chambers of the Capitol of the Republic in Houston. Representatives of the three lodges then chartered in Texas met, and Sam Houston presided. Anson Jones was elected as the first Grand Master. The first meeting of the Grand Lodge took place on April 16, 1838. . . .
At a celebration of the Festival of St. John the Baptist in 1844 at Portland, Maine, R:.W:. Brother Teulon, a member of the Grand Lodge of Texas, in reply to a toast complimentary to the Masons of that Republic, observed "Texas is emphatically a Masonic country: all of our presidents and vice-presidents, and four-fifths of our state officers, were are are Masons; our national emblem, the 'Lone Star,' was chosen from among the emblems selected by Freemasonry, to illustrate the moral virtues -- it is a five-pointed star, and alludes to the five points of fellowship."
There is a conspiratorial quality to Texas politics in general -- full of old family connections and covert dealing -- that I've never run into anywhere else. Even setting all matters of occult symbolism aside, Texas is strangely unique.
It’s silly to think this symbolism was not chosen by chance.
Is this really what was meant?
"Is this really what was meant?"
Good catch. Contextually I'd have to say no. I'll add a [sic].
If Masonism can be whiffed out by its obsession with ancient Egyptian symbols, then why on earth, Jeff, didn't you mention the fact that September 11th was considered to be the first day of the year by ancient Egyptians and is still celebrated as the Coptic New Year for modern-day Copts?
In Pharaonic times, the celebrations began with the annual reappearance of the "Dog Star" Sirius in the sky, launching the month of Tut, named after the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, Toth.
Also, September 11 was the day when the ancient Greeks celebrated the god Pan.
As for St. John the Baptist, Starroute, since you mention him, he is believed to have been beheaded on September 11.
Another martyr, Salvador Allende of Chile, died on September 11 in the CIA-backed coup that replaced him with Augusto Pinochet -- whether he 'was suicided' or actually killed himself is still disputed.
For more fun facts about September 11, check this out:
Coincidence or a message to be deciphered?
A previous poster noted some of the nefarious dealings of the J.P. Morgan clan, but here's another interesting tidbit: according to researchers like Anthony Sutton, J.P. Morgan had an instrumental hand in financing Trotsky's Red Army, along with General Electric (current owner of NBC and top 10 Pentagon contractor) building the Soviet Power grid in the early 1920s.
It's the same thing as when Standard Oil of the Rockefellers and Goodyear, Alcoa and other major U.S. firms supported the Wermacht even after Pearl Harbor. Fast forward 40 years and you have the CIA and the Saudis creating the next 'monster to destroy' with Bin Laden's jihadis in Afghanistan. The very people who create our enemies never pay the price for their treason. THAT is what the establishment is all about.
I've always thought there seemed to be some symbolic significance for 911 in the Hajj Ritual...
"The stoning of the Devil is one of the most important rituals of the Hajj. After standing on the plain of Arafat, pilgrims spend the night on a plain called Muzdalifah. There, they gather 70 stones with which to pelt three stone pillars representing the Devil. The next day, the day of Eid-ul-Adha, pilgrims stone the largest of the three pillars with seven stones. Then, for the next three days, pilgrims pelt each of the three stone pillars with seven stones. This, along with a final circumambulation of the Ka'bah, completes the rituals of the Hajj.
The stoning of the Devil ritual reenacts part of the story of Abraham and his sacrifice of his son. God told Abraham in a dream to slaughter his only son--Ishmael in Muslim belief--as a sacrifice to God. Abraham consulted Ishmael about this, and Ishamel told his father to comply immediately. On his way to sacrifice his son, the Devil appeared three times to Abraham to dissuade him from fulfilling his duty. Abraham stoned the Devil with seven stones each time he appeared to him."
"...for those who can see..."
Which doesn't seem to include William Henry, if this example of visual illiteracy of Henry's, taken at face value here, is any example.
A primary rule of thumb: if someone online is using a visual image as being or representing something, yet that person is unable to give an accurate verbal description of what they are asking you to look at, you can bet that their conclusions that they draw will be similarly inaccurate. It's a clause that should be added to "as above, so below" -- as identified wrong, so analyzed wrong.
Look, I just saw that there had been a thread about this in September on the main RI board, and that while I'd made a short comment there I hadn't really looked at this supposed "seal" nonsense. I'll get back there later and post in more detail why I think this is a real mistake to accept this (or any other alleged symbols) without looking at it VERY carefully.
I don't know if you all are naively thinking there is some sort of mystical symbol called the "Seal of Atlantis," but a Google search of the millions of postings on the newsgroups gives no mention of it at all. Searches of webpages show that it seems to be Jiri Mruzek's pet sacred geometry hobbyhorse, a rather ugly, tortured attempt to link Nazca with paleolithic Europe.
Always good to see your mind doing hand-stands Jeff.
"No, not chance. But perhaps not chosen consciously, either. I could be wrong, but I doubt the convention's art director knew to which archetype he was conforming the platform. Perhaps, because Republican figures holding great material power have themselves become enthralled by supernatural powers, there was a semiotic bleed-through: a subconscious drawing down of symbols representative of their true devotion."
I think that is probably the answer; what we see are cosmic clues...the trail of the comet, visible only in distance.
The "perhaps not chosen consciously," also rings a bell. Something else I was working on dug up the following snippet about 17th century Claude Pithoys's writing on judicial astrology [Traitté curieux de l’astrologie iudiciaire]:
"However, many other considerations were raised: to give just one example, there was the claim of Claude Pithoys (1587–1676), in his Traité curieux de l’astrologie judiciaire [112] that when astrologers made correct predictions, this was only because they had unwittingly been aided by evil spirits."
I like the bleed-through analogy Jeff...
Makes the most sense to me.
Here's what's holding me back on this stuff:
Isn't it just as easy to explain all this stuff in the contect of pure greed and pursuit of profit? As in, big banks and industries want to influence the government for obvious reasons?
And can't the symbolism be explained by our natural tendancy to reference past traditions in modern works? We don't know if the architect understands the symbolic roots of his work or not, but we definitely know that most of his audience does not.
Interesting point about the meaning of the Celtic version of Kennedy. I never knew that!
I was also sure that "something big" was going to happen on 11/11. Goes to show that you just can't predict. Or maybe it would have been too blatant, just like 9/11 can never be used again or the dots will be too easily connected. Or maybe something DID happen on 11/11 and has yet to manifest.
You could go crazy with the numbers game. But numbers are the key to the secrets of the universe. Just ask the Kabballah!
I think Anna Livia should have something to say about the number 11. I think Joyce was also interested in the number, and I think it figures into Finnegans Wake, which is about the cycles of history, among other things. (Finnegan = fin (end in romance languages) + again) Eleven is a number about beginnings and endings, I have heard. When you count to 10 on your hands, you have to start over to continue to 11. So eleven is at once an ending and a beginning, like in Finnegans Wake where the last sentence of the book is the beginning of the first sentence of the book. FW explores (so I have heard - I havent read it) four stages of History - and the last one (Democracy?) collapses into Barbarism, so you get a cycle. It is also about rivers - how history has no end or beginning, like Anna Livia, which is the nickname of the River Liffey which flows through the center of Dublin. I was very intrigued with all this at the time of 9-11-2001. Anyone can correct me if I am wrong about Joyce or FW because I probably am.
"What exactly does "As above, so below," mean?"
I suspect it means that as above - the spirit world (heaven) then so below (the earthly plane of existence). What that REALLY says is "As below, so above" - so if our world seems to be a dualistic war of good vs. evil, or light vs. dark, or right hand vs. left hand paths, then this is true in heaven as well.
This is illustrated in Star Wars, where there is a light and dark side to the force (BTW, I wonder if the Jedi are symbolic Knights Templar - warrior monks?), also in Harry Potter.
Thanks for this one. I have always wondered whether TPTB are really that specific and knowledgeable when it comes to occult symbology surrounding their work. I mean according to Etemanki they must have astrologers, seers and prophets working round the clock to make everything fit so nicely and occulticly when something happens. Having said that, some of the occult symbology just FITS so nicely. Take a look at the logo for the companies Exxon and Nabisco. Both companies use the double cross. From my own occultic research I discovered that this ancient symbol was once universally understood to denote POISON or to signify the superiority of the keepers of the esoteric mysteries over the dumb populace! Just to be on the safe side I don't think I will be eating any Nabisco products anytime soon!
Possibly of interest: Sweden's foreign minister Anna Lindh was stabbed to death on the 11 September 2003. She was killed in central Stockholm while shopping at a very posh mall, full of guards. However the assassin managed to get out of there without attracting attention. Her bodyguards were not there for some reason. The police did nothing to stop subway trains, busses or other transports like they usually do when a major crime is a committed. Some two weeks later a Serbian immigrant with a history of psychological illness was caught (and possibly framed). After several weeks of intense interrogation he told the cops what they wanted to hear. A voice (which he said was Christ's) told him to kill her, and so he did.
Take a look at this movie about the use of sacred symbolism in the media. Its interesting to think about...
HCE: I won't help just yet on the number 11 in FW, but yes, it has some significance in the book, as do other numbers. I'm not exactly sure what that is, so don't want to speculate without refreshing my memory! (maybe he did call it the "perfect" number, though?) i've been away from any deep studies for too long, and mostly just enjoy the fun of perusing it these days. but my teacher will know. i'll report back anything i find out.
"Here's what I'm coming to think: they know what they're doing, but they don't know everything that they're doing".
That's what I'm also thinking Jeff. It's in the interplay between the unconscious, the conscious, the natural and the super-natural that these things occur.
Some further thoughts on 9/11: the twin towers can be seen as emblematic of the two horned beast, or the two horns of the devil in general. It is also a very dualistic, binary image very much in tune with THEIR WORLD VIEW.
Just one thought on the other recent outrage, or tragedy or 7/7.
If you take the year 2005; take the two away and add it to the five you come to 007 which is what Queen Elizabeth the first of Great Britain used to refer to her famous occultist adviser John Dee and that has ever since been the 0 hidden - and since Ian Fleming not-so-hidden number for the British Secret Service.
Thus THEY leave their fingerprints all over the scences of their crimes.
It may well be that to point to November the 11th this year (400th anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot - the first 9-11 as so well argued in a recent post to the comments section of this site) is just too obvious. BUT: let's be vigilent and point to these dates in ADVANCE.
The slightly wacky UK website financial outrage did this BEFORE the Egyptian bombing of 22/7 and send a letter to over 650 UK journalists and was proved correct.
Let's carry on doing this - it may well be one way of preventing future outrages!
Well, we've heard something about Sirius and "ancient mysteries" on this site before, tied in, I believe, to Lucis/Satanism, etc. So Alice's comment on the Egyptian New Year ties in very well. As for the Morgan clan, they were literally in everything nefarious, at the very heart of it all. Don't forget who was the biggest tenant of the towers (M. Stanley), one of the major offshoots of The Firm. Nevertheless, they only lost a couple brokers, because they tended to do a lot of drills. Read Quigley on investment banking, secrecy, and power--and American Psycho for some more enlightenment on the Wall Street zeitgeist. I find it completely plausible that "Wall Street", whatever it really is, did this to itself, as it seems plausible that 23 Wall did when it was recognized as they very epicenter of world financial power (or at least, along with the City of London).
I have it on good authority, BTW, that the BYU physicist who now believes the towers were felled by explosives is well-respected, no 'crank', indeed one of the folks that could NOT repeat Fleischman and Pons' (sp.?) cold fusion a few years back.
How could explosives be placed in the towers? Not that difficult if M. Stanley had a hand. Who are the first people always suspected by the fire detectives?
Remember that the origins of intelligence and black ops are equally, at least, in banking and finance as they are in the military. There is no reason to believe that ever changed. Heck, look at the Templars. Is it about greed? Perhaps it's about a search for immortality once you lose your faith, or never had it.
So I suppose we can worry about coming mega-mergers allowed by the forced repeal of Glass-Steagall: Weill's Citigroup merges with his protege's JP Morgan Chase, then they swallow up Morgan Stanley, etc. and so forth. JP Morgan Chase alone (majority share owner Barclays) is now the global Behemoth--over 10 trillion dollars in assets under custody, for example. One has to wonder how Mr. Weill, at first a nobody, got so far. One also has to wonder about an early time--what exactly WERE those special bonds that people formed with McCloy, Lamont, the Dulleses, and all the rest?
Another tidbit of information regarding 9/11 I've yet to encounter on the Net:
The Brown Brothers/Harriman building directly overlooks the site of the collapsed WTC towers.
Given its connections to Bush & the Nazis, that's an eerie coincidence.
On the idea of the Illuminati being all knowing and/or all powerful, reality shows us this just isn't true. If there is such a group of "elites" in "control," I think they're certainly trying to guide things for their own benefit, but I think we ordinary people have a lot more power to change things than we realize. Of course, one of the main things the "powers-that-be" want is for us NOT to think for ourselves, and they've been successful in this, but only up to a point. There are still plenty of us who don't buy the bs. We're the threat. Nowadays, with an increasing number of people waking up, I see hope.
-- manxkat
I read an interesting article a while back concerning schizophreniacs and how their brains are more apt to see patterns, in the most mundane things. (eerily the patterns are there we just don't notice them as normal human beings) Perhaps we are all slowly becoming more "schizo" like?
I could agree with the above, but there are just too damn many examples of them out there. And they are mindblowing! This site is all about 11,13 and 33. And all the little "wows" just blow my
And all the really creepy "hidden" symbolism in movies. There are plenty of examples of 9/11 oddities.
Or one could go off on the "esoteric/new age" view that we are all entering an age of ascension and perhaps we are becoming blessed with a new magical vision or ability to see.
Whatever, great article! I love this blog!
Here's what my FW teacher had to say:
10 completes the cycle of numbers and 11 marks the begginning of the new cycle 11-20, so 11 stands for new beginning.
it is combined with 32 to make the year 1132AD
32 is a number of fall, because gravity acceleration is 32 ft/sec/sec
so 1132 is rise and fall
'phall if you but will, rise you must' FWpage4
1132AD is the year around which the whole of FW revolves - it is the year the twin boys are born, so it marks the end of unity of the parents and the beginning of the divisions between the boys - FW is divided into four parts - the first part is the parents, which is where the forces of unity exceed the forces of separation, parts 2 and 3 are the boys, where the forces of separation exceed the forces of unity - 1132 marks the point of division in the tree of life for the piscean age, where the trunk divides into two limbs.
the universities sprang up at this time as the scene of the division between the boys
on the human body, it is the point where the body divides into limbs, which is also the point of the generative organs
so 1132 is the centre of everything
romans 11,32 is the place in the bible where it says something central to FW: god delivered everyone to disobedience, so he could have mercy on all - points to note - god did this - we have to make mistakes in order for god to show that his love is unconditional - he loves us, not conditional on us doing it right, but whether we do it wrong or not - like a mother visiting her son in prison
needless to say, this is contrary to christianity-as-established-by-people, which is wrong
which brings us back to 'phall if you but will, rise you must' - we will fall and rise, fall and rise forever - and its all good
here's my pal's web book about FW, if anyone is interested:
Anonymous 2:14 PM,
the 400th anniversary of the gunpowder plot was the fifth of november, not the 11th
Anonymous said...
Here's what's holding me back on this stuff:
Isn't it just as easy to explain all this stuff in the contect of pure greed and pursuit of profit? As in, big banks and industries want to influence the government for obvious reasons?
And can't the symbolism be explained by our natural tendancy to reference past traditions in modern works? We don't know if the architect understands the symbolic roots of his work or not, but we definitely know that most of his audience does not.
11:53 AM
KM: Yes, to a certain extent. The best way to look at the situation is through the disciplines of sociology and social history.
Yes, their is something called elite deviance, but then comes a question is that a "natural" or "man-made" phenom. By "pierceing the veil" one is confronted witha truly obscene reality. The perfiidy that sustains the current "power" structure is unsustainable if understood by vox populi.
I know - apologies for this.
Alice - well spotted (i.e., spotting the fact that, using a composite Egyptian/Christian timescale, 9/11/2001 was the first day of the new Millennium - since 9/11 is New Year's Day and the Millennium Year propre was 2001... regardless of what the Zeroes might have thought about all those zeroes in "2000").
It was also the First Meskerem of 7501 and the First Thout of 1725. BOTH are New Year's Day for their respective calendars.
I'm fairly sure that one of the many massacres of one of the several Falls of Jerusalem during the Crusades happened on 9/11, too. (Or perhaps it was the Battle of Hattin... I forget).
On a tangential issue - what is it with the Bush family (and Republicans in general) and child abusers? I just found this...
And for those who like to blame everyting on Freemasonry, something that Jeff mentioned should be borne in mind; if it looks like some of these 'Dark Side' actors appear to be thrashing about TRYING to utilise esoteric means to fulfil their aims, it's precisely because we (the good guys) know what we're doing, and the 'baddies' have only a weak idea, so they cobble together whatever they can think of and see if it works. Sort of "Harry Potter/Suck It And See" (which has the right 'flavour considering their penchant for sodomising young boys).
Those who're aware of the lietmotif of Foucault's Pendulum (the Umberto Eco book, not the installation) will immediately recognise what's going on.
GT's Market Rant
And yes, I am a Freemason.
Since you brought it up, what degree (Mason) are you?
Hi there Anonymous@1:30 a.m.;
It depends on the jurisdiction; in my 'home' jurisdiction (Australia) I'm in Craft (i.e., MM... the third degree and in fact the highest in Freemasonry), Mark (MMM - the '4th'), Chapter, Ark Mariners, 18th and a couple of others that I'm not really at liberty to mention.
I'm also a member of a couple of European Orders which are not, strictly speaking, in 'amity' with my home jurisdiction (so I won't mention those, either).
The European structure is far less obsessed with 'numbers' than our American brethren: if it was "Masonic Jeopardy" against an American so-called '33rd', I reckon I would do OK.
Suffice it to say that I am moderately skeptical of any branch of the Craft the issues from Albert Pike's babblings, but since the Australian jurisdictions recognise them, I am obliged to do so as well.
That said, I bridle at any mention of OTO, Rosy Cross, 'Rosicrucian' or 'Templar' that cannot show a definitive and historically verifiable fons honorum that is consistent with the protocols that bind the European Council of Princes and Grand Loge Alpina. And if anyone claims to be a member of Crowley's 'Golden Dawn' I just figure they're out to get (gullible, New Age) chicks.
GT's Market Rant
PS among the really odd bodkins that I am affiliated with is the Legion of Frontiersmen of the Commonwealth - it has no degrees (although it deigns to give military-style ranks and has rather spiffy uniforms); if I recall correctly, Westmoreland was a member... strange, n'est-ce pas? Still, no stranger for him to be a member than for an anarcho-capitalist (and pacifist) conspiracy-theorist economist/trader (i.e., me).
Cheers again,
9/11 1990 GHB NWO Speach
11 years
9/11 2001 Terrorist Attack
11 years
2012 -- The Mayan (a pyramid loving people themselves) Calender ends in this year does it not?
Supposedly, the ancient Mayans beleived the world ends in 2012 but that a 'new world' begins after that.
Anyone else have any more info on the above?
Here's another 9/11 hallmark: in European convention, one writes the day before the number, as opposed to the number before the day. Thus 9/11 becomes a proper denomination for Tisha B'av, the anniversary of the destruction of Solomon's temple, the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and the expulsion of the Jews from Britain.
Just throwing more wood on the fire.
GT, Thanks for your reply. It seems to me that, as far as I know, you are one of the only experts on this forum to educate the rest of us non-Masons about the veracity of some of the charges made against your group and the SRA/New World Order discussions. If you can, without violating your secrets, please enlighten us.
Another thing that stuck with me from the day of 9-11 was the immediate reaction across Latin America to the famous song "Mesias" by Ricardo Arjona, a relatively radical Guatemalan who resides or resided in New York City; the song came out in Aug 2000, plenty of time for him to have had an encounter with the deadly art of Mark Lombardi--possibly the "magnate" suicide mentioned in the song:
Ha nacido el Mesías en Nueva York
anda en auto blindado por precaución
el Papa le teme a algún despido en masa.
Viene rasurado y de Christian Dior
para estar a la altura de la situación
los judíos dicen que ese es el que esperaban.
Tiene un Penthouse en Manhattan
y un piso en París
un doctorado en Harvard
y un affair con una actriz.
Toma un trago en el Village con Bill Gates
oye un poco de jazz por distracción
revisa la bolsa y le invierte a la Iglesia.
Hace un poco de jogging en Central Park
aprende Kung Fu en China Town
prepara un golpe y nadie sabe la fecha.
Tiene una escolta armada
con tipos de Israel
y una Magnum 45 para él.
* Dicen que es el que vino y juró que iba a regresar
que se hizo cirugía en las manos para disimular
que es el enviado del cielo y que está en Manhattan
y esta vez su estrategia, no es igual.
Tiene un socio en Japón, otro en Afganistán
habla a diario con dios por el internet
promueve un cambio y se ha ganado enemigos.
Ya compró CNN y está usando su espacio
con discursos que invitan a quitarnos el velo
y el caos impera y el planeta se espanta.
La Iglesia lo acusa de hereje
y el pentágono de terrorista
y en el filo de la navaja... la fe.
* Dicen que es el que vino y juro que iba a regresar...
Se ha suicidado un magnate en la Gran Manzana
se lee en la portada del New York Times
y una nube de dudas le hacen sombra al sol
You can run it through AltaVista, or I'll be happy to proviude a translation, but it seems to me the closest I've seen to foreknowledge. The song is unlike any others on the album, and is very specific about some very odd things--basically, it says that a self-styled jet-set Messiah is running around the big apple with Israeli bodyguards, and is planning something big; it only gets more bizarre.
At very least, unless Arjona was simply seeing the future, he tapped into some sort of milieu where such things were being rumored--Lombardi could be a possibility. The song continues to haunt me.
I have on video tape a couple hours from NBC news right after the towers fell, and it is very creepy--basically, interviewing, of all people, James Woolsey and the "terrorism expert" Neil Livingstone, both now of Global Options (
which definitely fits my definition of a group capable of pulling off 9-11 (they even call themselves a "corporate 911"). Well, both Neil and James are both busily planting the idea that OBL done it, that it was them Ay-rabs.
I guess double 11s are a double whammy
Muchibus thankibus Anna Livia. And I like your friend's book.
Jeff said: "This is one of the reasons why I don't like the term "Illumnati," because as it's come down in conspiracy literature it suggests that the elite are superhuman puppet masters who have it all together.
I agree with you 100%. I've often wondered how many people in his cabinet are forced to draw strays when they see his 'Pull my finger' joke coming once a week...
Derek said, "You've hit it right on the head. The puppet masters are themselves puppets."
The frog of Freemasonry is Witchcraft (Luciferianism). The frog of Judaism and judeo-churchianity is militant Zionism. Islam’s frog is militant Islam fighting Zionists and Christians. Few sincere followers of these frogs know that they are being used for a sinister purpose and will ultimately be betrayed by their unknown leaders.
On the other hand, these Luciferians are also blinded by their own pride and do not realize that the God of Heaven is using them to destroy all of man’s religious systems on earth to prepare the way for the Kingdom of God. That peaceable Kingdom will not be ruled by violent men.
more about frogs at
In view of the subject matter of this discussion, I thought you would find this interesting: said:
An interview with Pastor Russ Dizdar of "Shatter the Darkness", whose ministry is described as "deliverance". Most of us would probably just call him an exorcist. For all the talk of "spiritual warfare" in Christian circles, how many of us really believe in possession by evil spirits? How many Christian churches actually cast out demons?
Not many.
Why is that? Look, we can understand non-Christians calling this bunk, but one of the main components of the ministry of Jesus and the apostles was casting out demons. Why do 21st century Christians act as though the Fallen kindly decided to go away and leave us alone after the first century?
Russ Dizdar picks up where he left off when he revealed that many of the "multiples" he's encountered are connected one way or another to the U.S. military.
Even more disturbing is information he's collected during deliverance sessions which hints that dark forces are preparing for an apocalyptic uprising called the "Black Awakening".
What is it? Imagine millions of demon-controlled "Manchurian candidates", many of them embedded in law enforcement and the U.S. military, waiting for a signal to rise up and raise literal hell.
Hi there MessianicDruid.
I think you're wide of the mark by conflating Freemasonry and Witchcraft: Zionism is a form of apostate Judaism, and Wahhabism/Salafism is a form of apostate Islam, but witchcraft has no formal link to the Craft (except false links that 'witchcraft' as a genus tries to promote).
To see what I mean, consider that the theology of Zionism (to the extent it has any theology that is not just a ludicrous nationalist babble) is a perversion of the theology of Judaism.
Likewise, al-Wahhab and the Salafists have perverted Islamic religious doctrine to suit a nationalist/panArab mindset that has little or nothing to do with the religion. (In the same way, north African tribal customs of female circumcision and infibulation are not 'Islamic' practices, although they are practiced by people who these days happen to be Muslim).
Witchcraft is - doctrinally - completely separate from Freemasonry; Witchcraft is not a perversion or an adaptation of Masonic lore/ritual/tradition - in fact it has far more in common with the old Canaanite 'elemental' worship (worship of the Elohim, for example), with some good old fashioned debauchery thrown in to attract converts (the so-called 'Sacred Sex' bits that 'witches' co-opted from Eastern religious rites like the Tantra).
So to the extent that Freemasonry has any 'frogs' (and I think I know what you mean by that), you're barking up the wrong tree when thinking of Witchcraft as the culprit.
'Black' masonry is FAR more scary than some bunch of middle aged women and bisexual goatee-wearing men waving swords around and babbling about how they want to lick a goat's bum.
GT's Market Rant... scientifically proven to make backfat more manageable, and to make cellulite far less annoying to the blind.
I copied this from Wayne Madsen.
"There is good reason for the embarrassment of the Pentagon in the affair. The orders to take the sexually-oriented photos and videos, some of which involve teenage Iraqi boys and girls and sodomization by their guards, came directly from a pedophile and closeted male homosexual ring operating in the White House, according to the intelligence sources. Copies of the tapes and photos were sent directly to the White House for the entertainment of senior members of the Bush White House, including officials in the Vice President's office and the Executive Office of the President."
I am starting to take a stronger and stronger interest in the essays on this site.
...sorry I should have said the quote above relates to the (unreleased) pictures and videos of torture and sexual abuse at Abu Ghraib prison...
Jeff and others - I've also given much thought to this type of explanation for the atrocities committed in ritual abuse and mind control torture.
I grew up in a military/ RA family and was part of the MKUltra program.
From my experience, when these people engage in rituals or bring in occult elements to torture/programming sessions they are haphazard, sloppy and skip from references to Satan, Egypt, Assassin lore, Illuminati, reptiles, Masonry, etc, as if they were just using it as a cover. The real business at hand is underhanded political/economic manipulation.
They all seem to be alcoholic or highly addictive. It's a wonder that they don't get caught more often than they do.
Even so, they consistently bring up certain themes - could there be something behind this? It's certainly possible.
My parents weren't Freemasons but my family has a Masonic history that goes back many generations. I haven't felt inspired to study Masonry in depth and the people I had contact with were political/military sleaze who certainly didn't teach me about it. But I know there are or have been mystic masons who have insight into spiritual realms and a spiritual point of view. It would be interesting to hear from some of them.
A lot of people seem to get involved though, to make connections and further their careers in law, politics and police. Apparently, during the American Revolution and Mexican Independance, Freemasonry was the glue that held together the leadership. Decisions and strategy were formulated in Masonic meetings.
I guess there are various ways to look at this. I saved myself by identifying with victims. It exposed me to abuse and problems but preserved my humanity until I could heal enough to break free. I feel a connection with spiritual realms that is benefic.
What happens to those who identify with perpetrators and become them? Are they connecting with a dark (and perhaps nessessary to human evolution ) side and dark forces? Spiritual teachers say that dark forces are necessary to keep us on our toes. The act of caring about our fellow human beings enough to oppose and take action against them causes us to express deeper levels of love and compassion.
Maybe there are reptiles in the etheric realms of the dark forces. Maybe that's why they keep bringing this up. Who knows?
Maybe some of the symbolic signatures that come through that can make them appear so organized are part of the bigger picture. They may attempt to use these correspondences such as choosing 9-11 to stage their mega-operation, but others fall into place naturally.
Thanks Jeff for your writing and work on this site and thanks to all the contributors who care. I'm sure there are many other RA/MC survivors who read this blog and are comforted by this.
The occult is such a perfect cover for people with taboo desires that I am forced to suspect it is simply their invention.
Interesting stuff Free.
Good point anonymous - the key thing about Freemasonry is that it is a very powerful occult movement.
The symbols are powerful, the arcana is potent and architectural/temple imagery depoloyed is universa, archetypal and very strong.
It is all of this that lends it as a movement/occult stream to such strong take-over bids from those on the black path.
THEY now control the upper echelons almost totally and as such it is probably now useless to try and work for the good either via or from within this stream.
But that does not mean we are also not able utilise the arcana of this extra-ordinarily significant stream ourseleves (as archetypes living in the universal either) to serve the GOOD.
THEY are past masters at utilising every opporunity to hand to bring about their ends (NWO etc) so let's play the same game - same MEANS to DIFFERENT ENDS.
Good point anonymous - the key thing about Freemasonry is that it is a very powerful occult movement.
The symbols are powerful, the arcana is potent and the architectural/temple imagery deployed is universal, archetypal and very strong.
It is all of this that lends it as a movement/occult stream to such strong take-over bids from those on the black path.
THEY now control the upper echelons almost totally and as such it is probably now useless to try and work for the good either via or from within this stream.
But that does not mean we are also not able utilise the arcana of this extra-ordinarily significant stream ourselves (as archetypes living in the universal either) to serve the GOOD.
THEY are past masters at utilising every opportunity to hand to bring about their ends (NWO etc) so let's play the same game - same MEANS to DIFFERENT ENDS.
I haven't looked into this yet, but is there something similar to:
(not literally 322, of course)
Re the London bombings...after the usual conflicting reports, it was widely reported that the tube bombs went off at different times (within a short space of each other). The bus bomb went off about an hour later. In the Sunday Times ( a Murdoch rag), the following Sunday, all the times were amended to 8.50 exactly in the case of the tube bombings. (ie 8+5=13, the "revolutionary" number, three times (the magic number. In a similar vein, the bus bombing time was amended to 9.47 (ie: 9. 4+7(=11) viz. 9.11 !!!
Princess Diana provides a bona-fide "Queen of Love and Beauty", also dying near a tunnel at a river like the Sun King...
Pont de L'Alma, the site of the accident which killed Princess Diana, means "Bridge of the Soul."
The word "almah" was a middle eastern word meaning "temple dancer". The word "Almah" also was the title given to the priestesses of the Temple of Diana...
The Almahs of the Temple of Diana would leave their own bodies to accompany the soul of the dying person, across the Bridge of Souls into Heaven.
...the site had been the place where the Merovingian Kings of Europe came to fight to the death to settle disputes. They came to Pont de L'Alma, because they knew that the one who was killed there, went directly to the Throne of Heaven, and would oversee and direct what the victor would do on earth...
Princess Diana was descended from Merovingian Kings. Merovingians believe they are descended from the union between Jesus and Mary Magdalen...
-Robert Anton Wilson
'Black' masonry is FAR more scary...
GT, thank you for your imput. And scary it is.
Someone said they thought that all this 'ritual stuff' was just a rouse to get some kicks. Maybe so.
Perhaps the point is that the serious ones of occult science are still 'experimenting'.. still finding..... doorways? Sounds as if you might know a bit more than we do. I was surprised that Starroute said this wasn't his forte'..I thought this hit the nail on the head,- definately one of your best Jeff!
FWIW, when I saw that stage what I saw was a stylized erect penis (with Bush as it's head), surrounded by shock waves and blood. I saw it as a violent, sexual image.
Anouther 9/11 event that most of you wont be aware of:
Sept 11 1995 the RCMP attacked a small group of natives camped on a sundance site in rural BC (thats British Columbia, Canada)
"The state actions there constituted the largest paramilitary operation in Canadian history and included armoured personnel carriers, .50 calibre machine guns, land mines, and massive human rights violations directed against a small number of Shuswap traditionalists who cited constitutional and international law protections..."
The seige lasted weeks, but Sept 11 was the day the RCMP attacked in force with APCs, 50 cal guns, and firing over 77000 rounds (from court testimony) of ammo at people camped out in tents and camper vans. Truly unbelievablely- NO ONE WAS KILLED!(Lots of great paranormal stories from the Defenders.)
Of particular interest is the presence of forensic psychologist Dr. Mike Webster as advisor to the RCMP during the seige- he is notable for having consulted at Waco and then went on to advise authorities during the Tupac Amaru Crisis in Peru.
Mike Webster was interviewed by the RCMP afterwards for the training tape. He said that the really important thing that he had learned during the seige was the "power of native spirituality."
Hmmmmm. That always made me wonder.
One of the things the Native traditionals always speak of is the importance of consent. In BC the land has never been ceded to the settler governments, that makes it exceptional not just politically but also spiritually in a real way.
It seems to me that there has been in the last decades, a concerted attack on shamanic cultures worldwide. I gingerly surmise that this is because shamen have a way to subvert the TPTB on a spiritual level. The Gustafsen Lake Seige being a case in point.
Here is "Jones" William Ignace talking about the politics and his spiritual instructions re the Seige:
Also the woman who was the financial supporter of the Soverienty Movement in BC,Anne Bronson Notnes, was rumoured to be related to the Rockafeller family, though I never found any confirmation.
The other Bible
Speaking of kabbalah, 911 is, gematrically speaking: Rashith, beginning; Eshim, flames (angelic order), bar Shachath, pit of destruction.
BTW, the so-called "seal of atlantis" (atlantis cross)is a real symbol, it is the supposed layout of the capitol city of atlantis described by Plato in Timaeus and Criteas.
I feel like an idiot mentioning this, because I can't possibly be the first to make this observation, and it probably has been made in this very forum but I missed it . BUT just in case nobody noticed, weren't the Twin towers a giant number ELEVEN???
"Also the woman who was the financial supporter of the Soverienty Movement in BC,Anne Bronson Notnes, was rumoured to be related to the Rockafeller family, though I never found any confirmation."
Does the name John Davison Rockafeller ring any bells?
Anne Bronson Notnes is the granddaughter of Henry Pomeroy Davison (Skull & Bones), the senior partner of JP Morgan at the onset of WWI. An essay that appears online in Yale Alumni Magazine states that Davison was the banker that secured the loans that financed the British and French government’s war efforts and referred to World War I as “the Davison family business.” Davison was accused by American isolationists of having engineered the sinking of the Luisitania in order to draw the U.S. into the war. Once this aim was accomplished, Davison took leave from the banking firm and concentrated his efforts on doing "humanitarian" work directing the American Red Cross in Europe. And finanacing Trotsky's Red Army through funds channelled through the US Red Cross that paved the way for the mass murder, rape, robbery, starvation, torture and enslavement of tens of millions of Russians, Ukranians and other nationalities, some of whom have disappeared off of the face of the earth forever. And not one special day, museum or miniseries to honour their passing.
Anne's daughter Suniva Bronson was the only person injured in the Sept 11/95 shootout that day and left the camp pregnant by a young native named James Pitawanakwat who later became the only Canadian ever to have been granted political asylum in the U.S.
It is hard to imagine a family with more blood caked on their hands than the Davisons.
British Columbia, Canada (the "hilly country" of Indian prophecy) is hugely important in the scheme of things as the treaties that were required by British law were never signed here and thus the land was never legally ceded to the crown. It is my concern that the NWO will use the native sovereignty issue to pick the plum that is BC although, having been there (Sept 11/95), I am not certain that Anne & Suniva were intentionally advancing this agenda but rather that things are happening at a much deeper level than we can rationally analyze as I myself am a Canadian relative of the deposed Romanov family of Russia.
How is that for "coincidence?"
Freemasonry is not as ancient a cult as many of you are professing, but merely a victorian club for men that provided the equivalent of golf courses for business men today - namely exclusivity for contacts. May of you are claiming great power in an unnecessarily complex cult that simply does not have the power that you attribute to its members. The true mystical source of 9/11 will be found in an explanation that surpasses the Eurocentricism of Freemasonry. This focus on 9/11 is also a very Americentric. Destructive spritual, political & social violence have been happening throughout the entire globe throughout the entire 20th & 21st centuries. Why do you maintain such a small view of life, history, & spirituality with the focus on 9/11? The US is not at all the center of history, or the sole location of destructive acts.
Thanks ever so much, very useful article. If you do not mind, please visit my article related to pandeglang district in Banten, Indonesia at Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang or Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang second and also Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang Objek Wisata Air Terjun Curug Gendang and Kesenian Debus, Sejarah dan Ciri Khas Wisata Banten and our hard work at Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita that's right Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita, and Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang Memasuki Babak Akhir also Objek Wisata Taman Wisata Alam Carita, Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, or Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, also Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, or Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, also Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, or Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, also Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, or Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang, very smart thank you!
I'm glad that was their cover, otherwise I might not have heard of them. That album is easily one of the best of 2001.
I'm glad that was their cover, otherwise I might not have heard of them. That album is easily one of the best of 2001.
But the crux of the issue is the USE of the national emergency number 911, and our near-emergency number, 311, something that has never been explored adequately but is at the very heart of the "joke" of it all. Unfortunately this is cluttered by all sorts of semiotic noise, such as adding up the letters of various cities and so forth--something that can always be achieved, and makes all numerological research seem cheap
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Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab!!!!!!!!
MERDEKA!!!!!!! obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
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Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ?????????????????
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................
Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
nice post
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
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