Because they can

When it all comes down to dust, I will help you if I must;
I will kill you if I can. - Leonard Cohen
Maybe you think the worst is over, now Bush has had his photo op as the clockwork convoy of aid finally rolled into New Orleans. I thought, maybe so. Maybe that's enough death for them.
If you're like I was, you haven't seen this yet:

It's Geraldo Rivera, Friday night at the New Orleans Convention Center, where 30,000 Americans are locked down again with their piss and their shit and their dead. Rivera gets it, but he doesn't know what he's got. "What the hell, man - let them walk out of here!" If anyone tries it, if anyone reaches the perimeter, they're turned back.
From the website of the American Red Cross, their disaster FAQ:
Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?
Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.
The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.
In the end, there is no understanding evil. There is only opposing it.
People shake their heads, "Why would they do this?" Because they can't fathom a reason they deny it's happening, and disbelieve the witness of the tightness in their chests.
When Polish Jews first entered the Warsaw Ghetto, they knew they'd been through Hell, but they thought they'd come out the other side.
This is happening, America, to your brothers and sisters. Don't think it isn't because you can't understand it.
Coming this week, count on it: the "pacification" of New Orleans.

Never had much love for Rivera, especially after hearing some of the stupid "leaking" he was doing with battle plans on live TV while he was in Iraq. But if his actions where genuine (and he would be a monster if he could fake anything in the situation he's was in) I can at least respect the man as a human being again.
These are times of terrible change, the longer this crap goes on the more extreme its gonna get.
Superdome Evacuations Temporarily Halted D8CCQNBO0.html
Why the fuck is this happening???
This is criminal!
Here's the link:
Capt. John Pollard of the Texas Air Force National Guard said 20,000 people were in the dome when evacuation efforts began. That number swelled as people poured into the Superdome because they believed it was the best place to get a ride out of town.
He estimated Saturday morning that between 2,000 and 5,000 people were left at the Superdome. But it remained a mystery why the buses stopped coming to pick up refugees and shuttle them away.
[I'll tell you what the mystery is: It's called GENOCIDE!]
i've no proof, or confirmation, but i remember seeing one short article about some inmates who'd been released during the flood, but were not locatable afterwards(duh!).
i'd think this would at least be an excuse to restrain so many people, if a weak one.
would the PTB be unwilling to admit that they released hundreds of inmates, even if it meant containing thousands of innocent victims?
BTW- i can't help but put some responsibility on those who stayed....they did have a WEEK's warning.
No doubt-- this is criminal, and I only hope that this outrage gets people motivated to actually change something in this country.
At this point I have to think this whole thing was planned in some evil way.
gee, yet another attack on the "United States". do you liberal America-haters ever stop to think that maybe it is the whole system that stinks, and not just one country????
stop acting like America made the world evil.
this is an AMERICAN tragedy. stop co-opting it to make some totally unrelated point about social injustice.
finally, i have friends who happen to be of a different race than me. it isn't pandering, or fake. most friendships aren't.
anyone who lives in or evangelzes such tripe is part of the problem, not the solution. the issue in New Orleans is POVERTY, not race.
"...let's us white folks off the hook..."
why are "white folks" on the hook to begin with? does anyone believe that things would be different if they were all poor white people?
seriously, stop beating yourself up over being white. start raising hell because people are being mistreated and let to die, not because they're black or white.
like Mike said:"It doesn't matter if you're black or white..."
PS- if it WAS race isue, would tens of thousands already be evacuated and in the support system? surely, the GREAT WHITE MASTERS would have made things harder on the "enemy" if that was the case.
again, this has everything to do with disregard for the welfare of the poor. if those were black millionaires, they wouldn't be sitting there. they wouldn't be there if they were even slightly solvent.
Geraldo was actually in a real moment and it was ol' "Shep" who had to break the news that there was, in his words, a CHECKPOINT where they would be turned back, but one can only assume the guard at said checkpoint had received Blanco's SHOOT TO KILL orders.
If you think that race is NOT an issue and this gov't gives one paltry turd about poor blacks - blacks of any sort (other than the scrubbed up Condis & Colins) - maybe they wouldn't have DEPRIVED THEM OF THE VOTE these last 5 years.
Maybe they wouldn't have given Hyatt Hotel employees & guests dibs on a bus ride out of the fetid hell of NOLA if impoverished blacks were somehow significant in the eyes of our mutual oppressors
The reason it's race is because poor whites are stupid enough to support Bush against their best interests.
Superdome Astrodome & Convention Center are not and never have been shelters. They are and continue to be internment camps.
Paula Zahn was talking about (with some degree of shock) the real possibility of "restoring order" Old West style at the convention center. Her on the ground correspondent responded something like "well, uh, not just yet, we need to wait & see, etc"
CNN had that ridiculous concert for Katrina victims last night, Neveille Bros & Marsalises playing to a grinning Glenn Close, clapping along 'bout when the Saints Go Marching In.
Please consider:
If you buy into the myth that “the racial divide” is the root cause of this insanity, you are letting the billionaires and trillionaires off the hook. You are aiding and abetting the plans of the cheap-labor predators who intend to own the world. You are doing their work for them.
The fact that billionaires and trillionaires are allowed to exist is killing us all and this planet (yet they are allowed to walk around in plain sight). It’s way overdue for this species to make a promethian mastering of money. Good servant/bad master. Let the extreme extreme economic injustice continue…hold onto an inequity factor currently in the billions just in case your ship might be coming in…and the Galactic Council will soon be forced to choose into which black hole the ashes of earth will have to be directed.
You are very powerful. Simply ignore this message, and you will maintain the vast, unnecessary suffering of the human race, escalating soon to planet extinction.
"BTW- i can't help but put some responsibility on those who stayed....they did have a WEEK's warning."
Yeah I noticed this about the Iraqis, they had warnings for years that a war was coming, I mean, the bombs started falling before the war even hit...Hello?
I cannot believe this. Why won't they let those poor people leave? Why won't they let people with boats rescue those who are probably barely clinging to life on their rooftops and attics, waiting for help?
Why in God's name won't they let other countries help us? The only plausible reason I can think of is that they don't want other counties (especially their military personnel) to be here when the next MIHOP takes place, which I have a feeling is coming soon. The anniversary of September 11 is coming soon and I am very scared about what is going to happen next.
Ever notice how the people who are saying that it's never a race issue are never people of color themselves?
Community to Community by Carol Wolman
Mendocino is a small impoverished rural community in Northern California, far away from the flood waters inundating Louisiana and Mississippi. Yet we are doing what we can to help.
Our local Veterans for Peace (VfP) group has set up a kitchen and camp near Covington LA, supported entirely by contributions from the Mendocino community. They have named their spot Camp Casey, in honor of Casey Sheehan, a soldier killed in Iraq. Here's how the chapter president, Patrick Tate, describes what they are doing:
This is a community which has been hit hard by Katrina. The white
half of the community has been getting help with little going to the poor
and black community (MRE's). We have no cell phone service here and are dependent entirely on our internet access through the (VfP) bus satellite system.
It is apparent that we have a mountain to move here, but the community is
beginning to pull together with us. We have taken over their park with
their help and are helping each other out. People have brought out rakes
and other tools to clean up and make our own space "People's Park". The
sense of community is astounding, everyone comes looking for a handout
and we tell them we want them to pull together with us and they are doing it.
Two next-door neighbors (or neighboring societies). One, a black who hates whites. The other, a white who hates blacks. Each would destroy the other if they could…if they could only have the power to do so. Each knows that if they can get rich enough, they will have that power, because the weathpowerful have always written the laws. Outright murder is illegal, but there are a million ways to destroy someone through the human economics we play to the death every day…and those ways are currently legal.
Now, which is do-able…..remove hatred and bigotry from their hearts and minds?
Oh, WOULDN’T that be nice! What a lovely WISH! Let’s all give our energies and voices to wiping out racism. We will get ourselves a good reputation for doing that, and we will call ourselves good, even though we are not doing what would solve the problem. The problem being poor quality of life.
No one hating you for the color of your skin is delicious, but it does not contain many calories. Stomachs need calories to survive. Got one? Thought so.
Or this: legislate for everyone’s protection that neither neighbor may take more from society than they gave to it through the sacrifice of their time and energies to do work.
They both live in physical bodies and have the same number of hours in a day, which means they have absolute limits on how much work they can do, no matter how much they wish to earn. The discrepancy between the amount of their inputs is therefore limited. If they are paid equitably for their inputs, neither one can accumulate the kind of wealthpower that will allow them to harm the other, because he cannot possibly out-earn his neighbor by a factor that would allow him license to harm. If everyone receives what they themselves earned, no one has the wealth that someone else earned but did not receive.
They are diabolically stupid to wish to harm an other, because that is the quickest and surest way to invite harm to oneself, but they don’t seem to realize this. (Even though any five-year-old will slug back when he is slugged.)
What’s in their heads and hearts cannot hurt the rest of us, if their ability to have their way is sanely restricted.
They can go on hating each other for the jerks they are forever, for all I care…
As long as they are prevented from giving me a violent neighborhood to live in. I want all the happiness and safety I can get. For purely self-interested reasons, I want to harm no one. It is complete sanity to be concerned about my own best interests. Shall I not care for myself…leaving you to do it for me?
The idea is so simple. Such simple justice. I ache that I cannot seem to express it better.
How is it we live our lives immersed in commerce every second, yet don’t see the essentiality of economic…wealthpower…justice?
I can only urge you to pursue your happiness with every nerve and every second, people.
Murder the idea of having wealthpower giants, who cannot even see the ants they step on, no matter what flavor they are.
Jillian, the converse to your little thought exercise re minorities disappearing is this: If all the robber barons suddenly disappeared tomorrow, would societal racism vanish along with them?
I want to believe that they would -- I'd LOVE to buy into that, but part of the evil of racism is that it plays into and exploits basic lizard-brain issues of "the other" and self preservation that ALL people have.
I think the reality is a little knottier and more intertwined than you suppose, and the fact that the two things that made much of Western culture what it is are slavery and imperialsit genocide -- both predicated on racism, which as you seem to agree trumps class differences every time.
I just mean to say that I don't think you can separate the issues of American Capitalism and racism. I think they're intertwined, like the amino acids in a strand of DNA.
You can't minimize one without misunderstanding the other. certainly has it right that human agency will be used to conduct another massive wealth-grab via land values through the vehicle of for-profits-to-the-few insurance schemes in New Orleans. (He has a thrilling voice, too.)
Although I enjoyed seeing you use one of my favorite movie quotes of all time (for those who missed the reference, in "Stepford Wives" when the woman about to be Stepfordized asks the head guy in charge of the process "Why are you doing this?" he replies "BECAUSE WE CAN") which I myself have often used in connection with BushCo, the phrase "BECAUSE THEY CAN" is misleading.
It should be "BECAUSE WE LET THEM."
There are more of us than them and they can only function with our consent--and our tax money.
I cannot believe we are arguing over whether it's racism or classism or both. Of course it's both! Anyone who says it's 'only' classism has never been a nicely dressed 30ish male well off attorney who is followed around a KMart by security (on the assumption he's a homeboy out to steal a Gameboy), or stopped and asked to show registration for his Lexus (on the suspicion he's a car thief) or simply asked to show ID on the street of a lily white suburb (they call it "Walking While Black.")
Even if it ruins your day, my friends, until you face that this country was founded not ONLY on racism and classism but ALSO on it in addition to political ideals of liberty and self governance, you are part of the problem.
The United States of America was founded on land stolen from the indigenous inhabitants--not just stolen like you'd lift a wallet, often those inhabitants were slaughtered or rounded up into internment camps we now call 'the rez.'
It was built on the backs of indentured servants, black slaves, underpaid and discriminated-against immigrants who had to claw their way up, whether it was my Irish great grandfather with his 7 kids who came in steerage and laid bricks while his teenage son laid them beside him and his daughters worked as hotel maids and learned dressmaking and millinery, or the FOB immigrant who arrived yesterday with $75 and a cot in a relative's garage. The fact that those who were ABLE to claw their way up are now middle or even upper class does not take away from the fact that the plutocrats whether Virginia farmers who restricted the franchise or robber barons or Kennebunkport oil men did their best to KEEP THEM from getting a living wage.
Again--historical amnesia. Americans don't know or don't care or don't want to admit where they came from so they can't possibly know where they are or how to get somewhere better.
Buddha once gave a sermon in which he tied a cloth in knots/
"Lord Buddha said, I have tried this way and that way to untie the knots. How would you loose them Ananda? My lord, Ananda replied, I would first study the knot and find out how it was tied, then it could be easily untied. The lord Buddha said, right you are Ananda. If you wish to untie a knot you must first know how it was tied."
I'd suggest we figure out how the knot was tied FAST before it slips around our own necks.
It's a class war, but there are certain "untermenschen" groups that are easier to scapegoat and take out. Do not for a MOMENT think that if the 'poorest of the poor' in New Orleans were all white trash/crackers that BushCo could have gotten away with what they did this week. HELL no because that same trashcracker might be a fundy attached to an influential church that's part of Bush's base, or have a good ole boy cousin who's sat on Trent Lott's front porch when he still had one.
Black skin is also a marker that is easy to shoot at. I'm not black, but I've had the opposite experience, of being the only white person in a sea of black people, and it is a very unsettling feeling to know that everyone knows you are not 'one of them.'
If it had been all white people in that Convention Center and people read that 5 babies had died in it after coming there to be SAVED you tell me that there wouldn't have been a national shitstorm that would have gotten those people out in nothing flat. Instead the poor MOSTLY BLACK crowd waited while the well heeled and I will bet ALL OR MOSTLY WHITE Hyatt group cut in front of them and, with the National Guard HELPING THEM WITH THEIR LUGGAGE, got on a bus and away they went.
Those folks at the Convention Center didn't have LUGGAGE my friends, and when some tried to leave, preferring to rely on their own two legs and the grace of God to quit the dying City they were told to get back or they would be SHOT.
I don't know if there were snipers, or if so if they were planted, but I do know that if I had lost everything and been abandoned by my country and menaced by troops who were as likely as not to shoot my black ass as hand me a water bottle if I showed my face, I might well hole up in some building and take out as many white faces, especially those in fatigues, as I could get before I ran out of ammo. There is nothing on earth more dangerous than a man (or woman) who has a loaded gun and NOTHING MORE LEFT TO LOSE.
The wonder is that the vast majority of these poor abandoned souls remained peaceful and didn't tear the first group of soldiers who showed up without food or buses into pieces--or EAT THEM. I don't know if you've ever been really, really hungry, but a nice plump soldier would probably look pretty good to you after 5 or 6 days with nothing to put in your stomach but empty promises that stuck in your craw.
It is my operating theory for the moment that the oil companies in the delta/New Orleans area desired to see the destruction of the city so they could have the area all for themselves and would not have to compromise with environmentalists and NO residents on how to provide protection of the area from storm surges and hurricanes and such. There was a consortium of interest groups in 2002 that sat down together and hammered out a compromise solution on how to best do such work involving the levees and the endangered wetlands protecting the city (PBS's NOW had a good program on it Friday evening), but it has been deliberately ignored and funding denied by Bush and the Republicans in Congress. Hastert's remark about New Orleans "not being worth restoring" just confirms this theory in my mind.
Jeff, the Red Cross Disaster FAQ page to which you linked is a mock-up. It looks identical to the Red Cross's Disaster FAQ page, but the content is much different. The Red Cross IS in New Orleans.
Q: Why do dogs lick their balls?
Since the right wing has taken control more and more it seems that they use their new position to lick their balls in public.
Everyone's talking about white vs. black. White folks, quit beating yourselves up. It's not a "race issue," primarily. The issue is not black or white, OR left vs. right, it's wrong vs. right and strong vs. weak. Race enters the equation secondarily, but more as a symptom, not the cause. AFricans and Indians were the convenient groups to exploit, mainly because they were comparatively unarmed and unorganized. Hence they became the mainstay of the underclass. But the principle is class. If no Africans had ever been brought here, the face of this tragedy would be poor and white, and it would be no less evil. And make no mistake, they ARE coming after you too. The many poor white victims in NOLA and other areas have found that their whiteness did not in any way protect them.
I think race is mainly a diversion. Someone said:
"We (the lower 90 percent of the economic "pyramid") have been manipulated by racism to pit us against one another. What better way to assure we will never join as one? A united underclass is THE GREATEST FEAR of the wealthy. "
That is the very reason why we shouldn't be fixated on race in this issue.
If you emphasize black vs. white, you may find yourself divided against your potential allies. I'm black, but I'm not about to vilify good white folks -- I need all the friends I can get. I want a united resistance to form, but I'm afraid the hyperfocus on race (along with that other, largely phony divide, left/right) will prevent that from happening.
What's good for Americans is good for black Americans. What's bad for black Americans is bad for Americans. And so, I remain,
@ africkinamerican
Stupid Fucking White Man says:
new home in hemet california
Information => new home in hemet california
obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
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