"Prophet Yahweh" stands and delivers?

"When Spirits begin to speak with a man, he must beware that he believes nothing they say" - Emmanuel Swedenborg
Here's an interesting addition, if nothing else, to the military-occult-UFO nexus. And given the ratcheting up of the weird, who knows what else. (Yahweh's proximity to Nellis AFB should not go unnoticed.)
On May 25 Ramon Watkins, aka "the Prophet Yahweh," issued a press release with the irresistable title "Spaceships Will Appear Over Las Vegas On My Signal":
...starting June 1st until July 15th (45 days) Prophet is going public by opening up to the news media. He will demonstrate his ability to call down UFOs and spaceships, on-demand, for them to film and photograph.
Prophet is in direct telephatic contact with his space being friends. They have revealed that they will send UFOs as soon as Prophet starts asking for them to appear.
Also, before the 45 day summoning period has ended, a spaceship will descend and sit in the skies over Las Vegas on Prophet's signal. The spaceship will hover in the sky, not far from Nellis Air Force base, for almost two days. All Las Vegans will be able to see it, day and night, before it goes back up into space.
Apparently now, before a television news crew, he's demonstrated his ability to summon a UFO.
You can read more onthis thread, on the always credulous GLP, and watch this video.
I've been unable to view it myself, but "Pants Elk" has, and posted this on the Rigorous Intuition discussion board:
Don't know what to say, except that: it looks like he did it. It's not so much the glowing orb in the sky (disappointingly featureless, white from a distance, orange when zoomed in on) but the total plain-ness of Yahweh, an ordinary-looking slob in a white tee who prayed that people wouldn't think he was mentally ill, and the genuinely baffled response of the reporter. that and the simpering idiocy of the anchors in the studio, all teeth and paper-shuffling.
Considering they sent a TV camera crew out there (actually the TV station determined the time and the place), it's quite hard to see the movement of the orb in relation to the ground, but there's enough frames to make this a genuine WTF Kodak moment.
Check it out.
According to Newshounds, The Prophet Yahweh was a guest last week on Alan Colmes' Fox radio show, and writes:
If I understood Yahweh correctly, the arrival of the aliens is Phase One and they won't get off the ship until Phase Two whose date wasn't specified. At that time, Yahweh claimed, they will get off the ship and go to the podium and tell the public what they want done on this planet - to set up an eternal kingdom on this planet. This is the start of their domination.
Colmes promised to follow up on the story.
Before the summoning period has ended, Yahweh promises a huge UFO to hover over Las Vegas.
Does everyone remember what the Merlin Project, another favourite of Fox and the Pentagon, futurist brainchild of an SDI physicist, which actually counts Colmes as a client, predicted for this year, and on Colmes' show even? As also reported by Newshounds: "At the end of 2005, something profound will happen. They're not sure what, exactly, it may be but it could be an asteroid strike or a massive UFO invasion."
To complete the Swedenborg quote:
When Spirits begin to speak with a man, he must beware that he believes nothing they say. For nearly everything they say is fabricated by them, and they lie: for they are permitted to narrate anything, as what heaven is and how things in the heavens are to be understood, they would tell so many lies that a man would be astonished.
Whatever happens, and however weird it gets, don't let yourself be too astonished.
In viewing the videotape of the Las Vegas "summoning", I was struck by the presence of chemtrails in the part of the sky where the object was sighted. For some reason, the confluence gave me a chill.
The magnified picture from the videotape almost looks like a reflected image, reflected perhaps on the chemtrail itself. What if chemtrails are being sprayed to provide the backdrop for the coming lies from the skies? In any event, why did the image stay in the chemtrail?
The thought that an obviously sincere man, ambiguously spiritual and believable as hell, could be the emcee for the coming power grab, well, I guess I know why I got the shivers.
Keep preaching...
Thank you very much, Jeff, for digging these things up. Your weblog has become a valuable source for documentation and usually what I find to be insightful commentery on your part.
The video from mms://wm-ondemand.abacast.com/prophet_yahweh/ABCnews1.wmv is truly quite impressive. You need to find a downloader that can handle mms:// streams in order to download the video. I have found MetaProducts Offline Explorer to be the best overall downloader, although HiDownload or various other downloaders ought to work for this link.
The Hypostasis of the Archons (dealt with in my link first below) goes into a very real part of mankind's history, and the nature of powers which rule over this earth--of which was only lightly touched upon in the New Testament. This concerns the "Sons of God" mentioned in the Old Testament, a.k.a. the "Anunnaki," "Watchers," "Sons of Wisdom," "Architects," "Sons of Will and Yoga," "Dhyani-Buddhas," etc., etc., recorded by so many ancient cultures all over the world--different names for the same group of beings, from whence comes the hybrid "Nephilim"/"Nefilim" mentioned in the Old Testament, which are simply the pagan heros and demigods, and wherefrom springs the so-called "divine right to rule," or "royal blood." I believe Yahweh of the Torah was one of the Anunnaki (as the Sumerians called these beings).
As with you, Jeff, I do not believe these are so-called "extraterrestrial aliens." Rather, these are spiritual beings who can also manifest what most would call physicality--interdimensional beings, in other words. Your comments on the drug DMT (found in all mammalian brains) are on the mark concerning the genuine reality we actually exist in.
If you really want to learn more about this matter, then see the below forum posts by me (James Redford is my legal name, Tetrahedron Omega is just a handle I use on the below forum):
The Hypostasis of the Archons
on: November 13, 2003, 03:53:44 AM by Tetrahedron Omega:
Reply #40 on: November 05, 2004, 11:31:40 AM by Tetrahedron Omega:
Thanks for this account and commentary. You say, "don't get too astonished". Amen to that. I just found the following quote which seems so very applicable:
"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."
-- Oscar Wilde
This is me, Pants Elk. The more I think about this little bit of film, this "news item", the weirder it gets.
My initial reaction, on visiting his site before I saw this clip, was predictable. The guy's a flake. Snigger.
Seeing him in "action", I have revised my opinion (and I hold my own opinion fairly low, incidentally). I think he's a natural. A totally simple guy. His website makes him out to be a buffoon. What if he is? Who's to say that the CEO of Enron would be a more likely choice?
I think this stoopid news item is possibly the most important bit of "ufological" evidence ever. In history. I still don't know what's happening here, but it's happening.
I'm not sniggering any more.
Another synopsis
Thanks to Godlikeproductions.com for uploading this video, and others which the "Prophet Yahweh" has made available through his site, on this page.
Like I said on a post on the RI discussion board, my thoughts are if someone's talking to Prophet Yahweh, it's not his "space brothers," it's a microwave mind control techie. If there's anything to this, it's signature is manipulation.
I expect to be posting on the blog in a day or two about psy ops deceptions re UFOs. There's an amazing case from France which was apparently a military simulation of an abduction.
Some weird games have been played for a long time.
Check out the "LA2" video. A clearly metallic sphere.
And I have to say, I like this guy. The manipulation is real, but it's not on his part.
Apparently it doesn't always work. Maybe there weren't enough chemtrails for that one.
Duh, that was the same article quoted elsewhere. Sorry about that.
And having viewed more, I'm inclined to think this is not just military psy ops and human manipulation, but the genuine phenomenon. Which, of course, is still manipulative (it isn't coming from the "space brothers"), and still has a human dimension (re: the "summoning," and possibly more on side of military-occultic deception).
what if it is just really easy to conjure energy orbs in the sky & most of us just dont know how?
from a "scientific perspective" the weatherman seems like HES a space alien. in fact, the whole newscrew struck me as psychotic, plastic & possibly not from the same species of being as myself.
-sigh op.
Has anyone bothered to ask Mr. Yahweh if his space brothers are the same as Louis Farrakhan’s space brothers? Perhaps Elijah Muhammad is back to start the great UFO race war to finally wipe the white devils from face of the Earth. What a great day that will be. Go Yahweh!
Hmm. Have been going further down the rabbit hole on this one tonight, and it does seem to correlate with some of the "Cassiopaea" channeled info, though the Cassiopaeans don't seem to have been taken to task much for making a serious of crap predictions (Mt. Shasta erupting?).
Also, aren't we supposed to launch airstrikes in Iran in June? Will one event be a calculated diversion for the other?
The Prophet Yahweh was the guest on the first hour of Coast to Coast Friday May 27. You can listen to it here
Just thinking about Las Vegas. Why Las Vegas? What kind of people are the operators of Las Vegas? What kind of people does Las Vegas draw? Summer vacation time. Might this extra 'attraction' give a boost to reservations? How much did the publicity cost, vs. how much extra $$ take might this result in? Even if there turns out to be "no show". Have the Las Vegas Carnies hit upon a new and 'higher' level for playing their Rubes?
In any case, my non-rigorous intuition tells me the LV Carnies are in on this somehow.
I for one welcome our new alien overlords.
I hope they enslave us.
If that guy isn't already under 24-hour-surveillance, he now certainly will be... interesting story!
Anybody remember that the debunker "The Amazing Randi" tried to do this same thing in Las Vegas about 3-4 years ago? It was hyped on Art Bell and when he failed (people traveled from all over to witness) he was kicked off Art Bell's show as a phoney. Now, mabey he had cooked somthing up with the Military psy-ops guys and they either didn't come through or failed him technically?
Now they give it another try with Yaweh??
One thing basically proves that this phenomenon (obviously a real physical object or holographic projection) does not come from technology in advance of that which the powers that be hide from us. That is the fact that, while present, it was so utterly unimpressive. Aliens finally decide that we can witness their ships, but not upclose... yet... Touching up the paint? Putting on tricked out rims? Ludicrous. That thing in the sky might not have been alien technology, hence it wasn't. If they want us to know theyre here, then logically they would have left no question. Also think of the myriad reasons they wouldn't care enough to come in the 1st place and the difficulty (perhaps impossibility) involved. I have a range of objections to the "transdimensional alien hypothesis" (although the DMT "revelation of things we evolved not to see" idea resonates with the wholely proven fact that given enough acid a person can see flows of electricity which we have evolved the inability to see). The interstellar alien hypothesis, however is far less feasible. A quick search on "hyper-novas" should give ample evidence of how enormous portions of galaxies are starylized regularly enough that there wouldn't likely be time for many, or any species to develop interstellar travel (if it's even physically feasible). This explains why we are not surrounded by myriad species (or 1 dominant one) who, even at sub-light speeds and conservatives estimates of colonizations would long ago have colonized every corner of the universe (because some would have had a couple billion year headstart based on when planets likely formed and cooled in different regions of the universe).
Relating to the mentions of the proximity to Nellis I am reminded of one of the Bond movies (Moonraker?) in which the faked moonlanding stage is just outside of Vegas. The former MI6 author, Ian Flemming revealed in "Goldfinger" the theft of all the gold from Fort Knox. If the Moonlanding stage location really was a tip-off, that would make Nellis an ideal candidate to fake UFO sightings. Maybe they finally found Zero Point...
Some things that might provide a few clues to help us sort out who's been (and still is?) behind the curtains & actually ruling the roost all this time?
First, this GLP thread by person named Navajo makes some interesting statements. Here's quoting the OP intial post:
5/29/05: Prophet Yahweh works for OSS
"He is part of a new psy-ops operation being implemented by NIAC/OSI to spearhead an upcoming updated holographic quantum reality experiment.
This is a continuing effort by OSS which originally drafted the first Basic Estimate of the Psychological
Warfare Situation in 1942 and National Psychological Plan for General War in September 1951.
Project is a direct result of top secret AFOSR and AOARD research that has been taking place at facilities at Minato-ku, Japan and at Apache Point Observatory in SUNSPOT, NM.
Yahwe´s diversionary psy-ops operation was designed as a test bed to ascertain believability of near future holographic operations.
You have listened to revelations by an "Aussie-Blocke"
on some impact scenarios which were partially true but misled.
Holographic scenario will consist of projecting the incoming 8 asteroids as ICBM/SLBM attacks from undisclosed nations.
In doing so, establishment think tanks estimate the survivability of economies and population control under a war scenario will be better than catastrophic results of the anticipated asteroid strikes.
Latest info we have is that AF´s Aurora and YF 23A ´s will be involved in this implementation along with ground based facilities in NM, Alaska, Finland, Russia, New Zealand and Argentina.
Yahwe´s involvement is essentially plan-B experiment, in the event this holographic project will fail to work or convince the populace.
We have ET forces w/spaceship in stand-by in far-earth orbits to rescue a good portion of select populace in the event asteroid intercept efforts fail, and strikes are far damaging than currently estimated.
Yahwe´s show will take place, not as flashy as he advertises but convincing enough to have the establishment disclose the existence of ET crafts in a series of events starting shortly after Deep Impact Project on July 4th,
or the space intercept efforts currently being worked on fail.
I do not have the dates and locations for the impacts, but the level of readiness indicate as early as September, should intercepts fail.
Meanwhile you can expect exponential moves by G8 nations and China to position for resources primarily in Middle East and Caspian Sea regions.
Be prepared and do it FAST. I will not take part in any exchanges on this board but will post again with any updates. GODSPEED.
Re James Redford comments about the "divine right to rule & royal blood" and the extra-dimensional nature of the ancient ET interventionist beings, Nephilim-Annunaki. I recommend this article by Dan Winter:
[i]OrionGen of Arthur: Blood Of Merkabbah- Messeh/Messiah Reptile Blood, Germain Origins of Vampire Myth[/i] http://www.soulinvitation.com/blood/
His articles have many links that will lead to other related material.
Daniel mentions Ian Fleming. Although this article, [i]50 Years of James Bond[/i]: www.counterpunch.org/bond1.html ] makes light of Fleming's major insider connections as "assistant to the director of British naval intelligence during the Second World War," I think it gives us a realistic peak at what was taking place in the spy world of the 50's & 60's.
Interesting that the article compares Fleming & Dulles. And also says Fleming "visited Washington DC in 1941 and wrote a long memo of advice for General 'Will Bill' Donovan, President Roosevelt's Co-ordinator of Information, whose duties included the collection of intelligence and the planning of various covert offensive operations."
Imho, it is becoming more apparent that many of the hi-tech, cutting-edge movies & shows, both old & newer (including sci-fi & espionage, like X-Files & ABC's "ALIAS") are actually based on the very real world of black ops & classified R&D. Some seem to even portray events that happened, kept covered up from the masses, but with facts disguised or switched around a bit. Gis...
The first comment hit it on the nose. Those chemtrails were probably there to provide a reflective medium for a 3D hologram. Researchers have often commented that UFOs defy the laws of physics and behave more like projections than material objects. If these miraculous appearances continue, people will soon be flocking to Las Vegas from all over the world to witness them. And can you think of any city on Earth better equipped to put on a light show with special effects? Pending any further religious or political content, I suspect a hoax by the tourism industry!
Below is one reference to possible technology that could be used to create such an effect.
"Bearden has often mentioned '3D Fourier expansion patterns' being used by the Soviets to create glowing hemispheres of light in the sky, dubbed 'Tesla shields.'
Standing sound waves could also be used to organize reflective particles in an atmospheric medium.
However, I'm putting my bets on Photonics. The example shown in this article is almost identical to an Adamski UFO! http://www.imperial.ac.uk/research/photonics/research/topics/medical/turbid.htm
This last article could also shed light on the "rods" and other UFOs that often look suspiciously like enlarged images of insects or other tiny organisms, projected into space.
Re: Anonymous' assertion that more and more TV is a distorted version of covert ops; we musn't forget what is perhaps the craziest example of all: the pilot for the Lone Gunman in which a rogue element of the US govt uses remote control to crash a plane into one of the twin towers to create an excuse for increased military spending. About all they left out were the other 3 planes and the additional motivations of the rogue group. Yowza!
Also Bin'dare's suggestion of a weather balloon seemed reasonable but my video playback was too crappy for me to fairly extimate its speed and the reporter seems to announce dramatic changes in direction. Maybe they put some kind of propellant on a balloon...
1) It's a "ufo" (whatever that is), or:
2) It's a weather balloon.
If we accept 2), we accept it for two reasons:
1) It seems reasonable
2) It looks like one
"It seems reasonable" is as good as any method of interpreting this event, given that yes (probably - I don't know) it looks like a weather balloon. But does it move like a weather balloon? If it's moving in a manner unreasonable for a weather balloon, then it's unreasonable to insist it is a weather balloon.
What are the chances (again, I don't know) that a weather balloon would be visible to the news team at that time?
If weather balloons are routinely mistaken for ufo's, why aren't there many more "sightings" than there are? Many more "unexplained" film clips like this one, with amazed people pointing up to the sky? How many weather balloons are up there? Are weather balloons hard to spot, normally? Does this guy Yahweh know where the weather balloons are, and prepare his summonings appropriately?
These are all questions about weather balloons. That need answering before we can reasonably assume that the object in question is/was a weather balloon.
Could we start with the "does it move like a weather balloon?" question? There's a lot of camera movement, and the objects relation to datum points (landscape, cloudscape) is often uncertain, but is there enough information on this film to ascertain how the thing's moving in space, in terms of (changes in) speed and direction?
I've looked at the other clips of Yahweh at work. I still have more questions than answers.
As a ufo is by definition unidentified, what we have here, until proved otherwise, is a ufo. Whatever that is. Doesn't have to be a flying saucer full of little green men waving to us from porthole windows to qualify as a ufo.
Occam's Razor says weather balloon.
Just as Jeff said: Don't let yourself be too astonished.
The other less than astonishing thing I myself am readying myself for are the holographic projections upon the "chemtrails".
All of this is very strange to say the least. But it is meant to be. We can never rule out collusion with Nellis and the Las Vegas FOX affiliate to make this all possible in the first place.
Occams Razor. Let's not forget it as shit gets weirder on us.
Weather balloon stuff: in addition to the very Occamite queries I posted above, you should take a look at the LA3 clip here:
It's a simple thing to get a pretty clear view of this "ufo" by enlarging the window to fill your screen, and hitting the pause button when it comes most clearly into view. I can't figure out how to post a frame from the film here, but its probably better if you do it yourself. This is evidently not a simple white/silver sphere; there is a kind of blue "cap" element on top, and another below. Both these elements are added to the sphere shape (ie not simple bands of color applied to the sphere), and they seem equal in size and shape to each other. I'm not describing it well, but I don't have to - take a look!
Okay, this shows us enough detail to determine if its a known type of weather balloon. Do a Google image check - this can't be exhaustive, but it's a start. The only image you'll find remotely resembling the Yahweh "ufo" is this;
(I split the URL with returns, so you'll have to join it back up as one long line)
It's not the same thing, but it may be close.
If anyone can find an image of a weather balloon that looks like Yahweh's ufo, or get reliable testimony from someone who knows what weather balloons (can) look like, then it's a weather balloon.
I choose this image because it's not a simple sphere; it has a recognisable shape and construction.
Thanks, bin'dare. We're still no nearer to seeing anything that resembles the "weather balloon" in the LA3 clip. There were "related links" on one of the sites you posted, and they didn't throw anything up, either.
If the statement "it's a weather balloon" is made, then the statement should be backed up by proof. I'm not saying it can't be, just that, in the limited time and resources we've spent, it hasn't been. The LA3 clip, moreover, looks *nothing like* a weather balloon, based on the images we've seen.
If anyone is reading this who hasn't seen the clip in question, please follow the links and have a look - maybe you can contribute to this!
Anyone coming up with a single convincingly similar image, or expert testimonial, can prove that this is a weather balloon. Until then, it's a ufo.
hey artards,
Prophet yahweh HOLDING weather balloons...
I bet he didn't think that this picture would come back to bite him in the arse.
Now, I found pictures of him cought red-handed...
Case closed.
I see a black man in Massachusetts with children participating in a weather balloon science project in 1997. It doesn't look like him to me, and I don't see anything identifying him as Ramon Watkins or "Prophet Yahweh."
BTW, I'll be happy to see this story debunked. Rather it be "Prophet Yahweh" perpetrating a deception than someone or something else. We should all want these to be weather balloons.
FWIW, PY is supposed to be interviewed tonight at 6PM Pacific time on WLW, which streams here.
Also, got this message from his list:
I got a call from ABC TV-13 this morning.
They said that they wanted me to summon, over live television, for all their viewers to see on Wednesday morning, June 1, 2005!
Their station reaches all of Southern Nevada and the border cities, of which Las Vegas is one of them.
This is the moment I have been working so hard for!
Now, shall YAHWEH, the Creator King of the universe, permanent intervene in the affairs of this world!
It will be done and nothing shall hinder it!
Prepare to be stunned as the first of many sightings will be documented on the first day of my first Media-Only Summoning Event starting June 1 - July 15, 2005.
Re: the posting found on Yahweh's message board: This may seem trite, but doesn't it seem reasonable to expect that any participant in such a scheme (whether terrestrial or extra) would at least know proper english? I mean how do you divine the secrets of the old testiment (much of the meaning of which is lost in translation) without the ability to formulate correct, let alone eloquent sentences. Likewise such a deficiency would hurt the credibility of a disinfo agent.
"I mean how do you divine the secrets of the old testiment (much of the meaning of which is lost in translation) without the ability to formulate correct, let alone eloquent sentences. Likewise such a deficiency would hurt the credibility of a disinfo agent."
Whatever he's doing, it isn't what he says he's doing. And if he's being used for disinfo, he's being used unwittingly. His seeming naivite would be very useful in this respect.
Here's a better link to the spherical airship video.
There's a great graphic in the CBS video of a fleet of spheres, hovering around the borders of the US.
Has anyone else seen the George Clinton-produced cable TV show Cosmic Slop? One episode (I think there were only two) featured a story about aliens arriving in the US and promising endless wealth and power, but only if all black people are turned over to them. The government holds a national referendum, then forcibly rounds up the deportees.
Ah! Upon discussing the Las Vegas connection with my friend, he suggested that it is because the Luxor light pyramid in Vegas and the Great Wall of China are the only two man-made structures that are visible from outer space...
I think the Las Vegas connection is simply that the guy lives in Las Vegas. At least, that's all it is on his end. Vegas may mean more to the voices in his head.
It smells more like a "War of the Worlds" PR stunt to me...
The Truth ^
"Beware of false prophets." Is the appearance of Yahweh on the scene a sign that the end times are upon us? An interesting turn of events at any rate, regardless of how it plays out.
This is so easy to do:
1. have an accomplice (or two)
2. everyone have mobile phones
3. sign up to http://www.childlocate.co.uk/ (there must be similar services in the US)
4. sucker a news station into paying you money to show them a ufo
5. get taken to the 'secret' location by news crew
6. send 'go' sms to accomplice(s) who then track you via the locator service and find a good place in the general vincinity to release a balloon such that prevailing winds don't let it get too close.
7. ...
8. profit
(I sometimes wish I had a lack of morals to do something like this rather than this soul sucking 9 to 5 sh*t)
Watching the clip automatically reminded me of the prepackaged news stories produced by the u.s. government(medicare propaganda)that were exposed a while back.
I saw the video it was inconclusive to me.In any case lets see what happens these next few days and weeks.The only thing i have to say is a Christian we have to be aware the UFOs are demonic and it maybe that Satan is beginning to set things in motion for the coming Antichrist take over.I dont belive in life in other worlds otherwise Jesus would have mentioned it.All this is the Devil trying to dupe us and believe these Ufos are good beings coming to help us.rememebr Satan is master of Lies and deciet so dont be fooled people!
A friend just told me about this "Prophet" and also showed me the bible for those of you who care get the bible and turn to Mathew 24
How can annyone claim it's a weather baloon? Baloons don't move as fast as the object on the video does. And how can a baloon disappear into thin air like that? They deflated it you'd say, and where did it fall to then? Upwards?
Summoning UFO's
13 Action News
Posted: May 31, 2005
There's a Las Vegas guy making an extraordinary claim about extra-terrestrials. This guy says the Old Testament written in Hebrew taught him how to summon UFO’s. He says he can do it on command and he's been doing it for 25 years, keeping it secret, until now.
Watch the full story.
If you look carefully at the abc 13 news footage streaming
video link:
(Copy And Paste The Link In Your Browser To Watch The
Streaming Video)
About the middle of the video when the reporter is saying Its
moving pretty fast and Prophet Yahweh says Its going
towards Nellis Airforce Base you will see on the video of the
UFO that it moves extremely fast down through the frame.
This is not a camera trick or edit because there are stationary
referance points the clouds on the right and a light pole on the
left that do not move with the UFO even a toy remote control
object can't move that fast. This Is Real!!! If you don't believe
it than study the footage for yourself!
This "Prophet" Yahweh is ONE of the FALSE prophets mentioned in the New Testament and I can prove it. First of all, this man has been in jail for 18 years! Yes, 18, because "prophet" Yahweh is the same person as Yahweh Ben Yahweh, a cult leader charged for murder serveral times. He got out of prison and gave himself a totally new name "Prophet Yawweh". Yes, the UFOs are real, but those he is calling are NOT those peaceful beings people believe them to be, they are of the devil and they make sure to send one of their UFOs in command. Why? People, you do realize we are in the End Times, right? Well, this man has been greatly deceived and is one destined to serve Evil, those UFO tricks are to fool people and take your soul! Don't let that happen! We are all children of our Great Loving God, how would He feel if He were to look down at us and found that we were being deceived by a man performing simple tricks by the gift of satan?
Yahweh Ben Yahweh & The Temple of Love (14+) This charismatic black leader of the Church of Love and sixteen followers have been charged with the slayings of at least fourteen people. The Temple of Love was a black Israelite sect that believes blacks are the lost tribe of Israel and that true Jews and white people are devils. Their leader Ben Yahweh, born known as Hulon Mitchell Jr., and six others were convicted in 1992 of conspiracy for ordering 14 killings of white people and resistant black disciples. Yahweh Ben Yahweh, which means "God the Son of God" in Hebrew, built a multimillion-dollar business empire in the Miami area through murder, fire bombings and extortion. However, he also managed to join Miami's Chamber of Commerce and was even honored with the proclamation of "Yahweh Ben Yahweh Day" by the city's mayor.
The secretive Church of Love preached that the American blacks were true Jews living in the land of the "white devil". It's members dressed in white robes, took the last name Israel and followed a kosher diet. The black supremacist cult was accused of a reign of terror that includes the beheading of an ex member, the fire bombing of a Delray Beach neighborhood and many other acts of violence. It seemed that to become part of the "Brotherhood", a secret group within the sect, one had to smoke a "white devil".
Many of the shady details of the sect's activities come from Robert Rozier, a former NFL player who also called himself Neariah Israel, or "Child of God," who was arrested in 1986 in connection to four killings. Rozier was convicted of committing four murders under orders from the cult. Later he admitted to seven killings and was sentenced to 22 years in prison, but was released after 10 years in 1996, after testifying against Yahweh and other followers. Rozier became a federally protected witness in 1996, relocated to his home in California and changed his name. He was recently arrested for violating his program agreement by writing bad checks totaling $125.24, which due to a new "three strikes" California law might send him to prison for life.
On March 24, 1999, New Jersey prosecutors charged Rozier with stabbing a homeless white man to death in Newark as a sacrifice to Yahweh Ben Yahweh. Prosecutors said Rozier, 43, stabbed Attilio Cicala in 1984 as a sacrifice a few days before the cult's leader was to visit Newark. At the time Rozier was the leader of Newark's Temple. Along with Rozier another former cultist John Armstrong, 40, was also charged with the murder. Presently Rozier is in jail in California on $1 million bail.
This article from: http://www.mayhem.net/Crime/cults1.html
Here's another site that proves he is an evil man and that Yahweh Ben Yahweh and Prophet Yahweh are the same person. Compare their faces! You get the same person!
A very clear picture I found on the Internet of Yahweh Ben Yahweh:
I will not be on these forums for long, so if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [mail=katagirl15@sbcglobal.net]Manta[/mail] In God's Love, Manta
Your heart may be in the right place, but Yahweh Ben Yahweh and "Prophet Yahweh" are not the same person. "Yahweh Ben Yahweh" is obviously the criminal of the two. These two guys have two different histories. Don't decieve your self either. The path is to be found somewhere close to where you are right now.
Jesus will come down in a cloud and everyone passed will be resurrected in the Kingdom of God that will be established on Earth.
I take this back.... not exactly ;)
Do you believe in apparitions?
Do you realize that there is no such thing as a parallel dimension?
Do you believe that the holy light was actually seen by many in ancient times?
Also note that many cannonized saints, including Maria Esperanza, have had many inexplicable experiences involving balls of light.
As far as the saints are concerned, brilliant heavenly lights are not deceptions from Satan. For them, they are miracles from God.
Jesus! When did this board become populated by fundies? No offense... I guess...
Anonymous: "Has anyone else seen the George Clinton-produced cable TV show Cosmic Slop?" Oh that takes me back... We had to watch that episode (the govt does end up selling the black ppl)in my high school "ethnic studies" class or as it was almost universally know "white people are evil" class. We learned such fascinating facts as: man never landed on the moon it was just faked to control black people, it's ok for black kids to beat up white kids because either a)it's the melanin making them crazy or b) its just anger over being oppressed; all taught as fact at Berkeley High School (yes, I know the location explains a great deal). Once our "eacher" was going around the room helping people with their term papers and when he got to our group he said "Oh, y'all are Jews you know what you're doing" and moved on. That's the one valid criticism of liberals: PCness easily goes too far, but i digress.
The PTB have enveloped this phenomenon in such secrecy that no one knows the truth, but everyone has a general idea. The thing that everyone is sheepishly missing is that these beings are probably africanoid in appearance. I seem to remember an account that was given on COAST TO COAST with George Noory a year ago where a South African solider retold what he and his company saw when they inspected a UFO crash site. He said the passengers looked like little Negro children! NEGRO? Now, everyone (And I’m using the utmost sarcasm) knows that the quintessential model of power, superiority and salvation, Jesus Christ, is a blond haired, blue eyed, dream. Why haven’t the PTB told us the same about our friends from above? What does it mean if the passengers of this craft are other than melanin deficient? Will this automatically imply evil intent? Will the PTB use their fabled WMDs to rally one last reprisal for decades of false hopes and misguided allegiance? I am looking forward to the fulfillment of the 45 day waiting period. Soon, we will know that this Prophet is of YHWH or of something other than YHWH. The world is waiting and watching.
"It's.... a cookbook!"
Joing my site on yahoo and discuss this in depth.
Definitely a demonic manifestation. Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready?
I felt at one time that he may provide truth. I feel now though that he may not be. I have tried to contact him, however much to my dissapointment he has not responded.
I have formed a relationship with Yehwah. He has come to me but by his own will. For farther proove simply contact me at mercurytakeoff@hotmail.com
I will say this He who created all does have a plan for this planet and the living souls of the past present and future.
It involves his living son.
I do not follow this american government or anything it broadcasts in it's newspapers, internet sites, tv shows or other mediums they are hypocrisy and lies. The president is an absurd person who I feel I have established a personal relationship with and I can say he must not be trusted. He has a lust of greed and power in his eye an a ego to boot it is ran by the 'almighty $$$'. I see him as a murder of many.
To Whomever mentioned on their being no such thing as interdimensional beings I have this to say to you.
How do you know where the third dimension begins and when it will end?
The UFOs are demons in my opinion (more later), and this is the Endtimes, but not in the Biblical sense. I think it is the end of Humanity's linear ascent to modern times. Humanity's history will be branching off into isolated fragments soon.
Human civilization, as we know it, is ending. It HAS to end, the industrial society that the West has grown to know and love cannot continue much longer without some sort of free-energy technology. If/when we discover this free-energy technology, it will allow us to traverse the stars and give our earth a much needed rest.
This MUST happen. Have you seen the energy prices? Don't for a second believe we haven't already reached peak oil, and don't for a second think China and India aren't going to continue developing into energy-sucking industrial societies.
Times are ending, but that doesn't mean humanity will die off or the world will be blown to peaces. The only way humanity can get wiped out is if there's a global pandemic, such as a bird flu or west nile virus that can't be contained. Trust me, humans aren't stupid enough to get into a cataclysmic nuclear war.
I've seen UFOs in Tibet recently (are they allowing us to see them more frequently now?). These UFOs are from a higher dimension and they are malevelont "demons" (a loaded word). I'm a Buddhist. Check out these quotes I've taken from a commentary by Master Huang Hua on the Shurangama Sutra:
"Shakyamuni Buddha himself predicted that in the Dharma Ending Age the children and grandchildren of the demons would come into the world in full force."
“After my extinction, in the Dharma-ending Age, these hordes of demons will abound, spreading like wildfire." Buddha
"Shakyamuni Buddha said, “While I’m in the world, such demons will not dare to show themselves, but after my extinction, in the Dharma-ending Age, these hordes of demons will
abound." It is just our present age that is being referred to here,
when the Dharma is about to die out. There are simply too many of these demons around."
"Westerners may not be too familiar with these strange things, but it’s not just that they come to be because Chinese people believe in ghosts and spirits. It’s just that, as time goes on, the strange phenomena that appear in the world will become more numerous."
“After my extinction, in the Dharma-ending Age, these phantoms and apparitions will abound." Shakyamuni Buddha is telling us here that the age we live in will be plagued with such deviant creatures. We people shouldn’t have to see things for ourselves to believe they exist. There are simply too many things in the world which one will never see. If we had to wait until we had seen each and every one of them with our own eyes, we wouldn’t
be done looking in this lifetime. There are some things you just have to take others’ word for."
"He had no power to free himself. It’s like encountering a demonic ghost while you are asleep at night, such as a kumbhanda ghost, which uses a demonic spell to paralyze you. When that happens, you may wake up and stare, but you cannot
move. You are held by the demonic power of the ghost." (note: sound like an "alien abduction" to you?)
"If there were no Buddhas [in this world], the demons could appear openly in the world."
"Just such demons as those mentioned here are behind the brawls and strikes and revolts, the cases of arson, murder, and theft in every major city in the world today. Demon
kings stir up these troubles invisibly."
"But the demons’ tricks are mastered very swiftly. They can cultivate
and obtain tremendous psychic powers, and they abound throughout the world, causing unrest and instigating trouble."
"If no one can recite the Shurangama Mantra, they will run rampant.
They will recklessly devastate this world."
He looks like the great CORNHOLIO (Beavis and Butthead) when he's praying!
What can I say? I was excited to hear about him when he first came out. I am a member of his group to see what happens. Be careful not to pledge allegiance to anyone. He is just a man. Men know very little things pertaining to the spiritual realm, extraterrestrials, and the over all Powers That Be. I believe he "IS" hearing something...someone. I just don’t know who. It is said the test of a prophet is whether or not his prophecy comes true. He has less than 20 days now. Oh! He "DID" take credit for the mass UFO sighting in Mexico stating that he was praying to Yahweh at that time, but they appeared in Mexico because the media wouldn’t give him coverage in Nevada! Here is a little common sense. Yahweh is a superhuman being (THE PROPHET STATES THIS) Why then, would Yahweh or his angels need to be summoned to do anything? And, why would he give a damn about the media. Don’t you know if City-sized ships did happen to show up, it would gain media attention by default! This could be his 15 minutes of fame. In a few days it will all be settled. We should all take this time to re-affirm our relationship with Yahweh because he is the only way, I agree.
I Talked To This Man . . . " Prophet Yahweh " . . . I Saw His Profile On MSN . . . It Says Hes 52 , Married And Is Seeking A " Black African Queen " H m m m Perhaps Hes Just A Fake " Prophet " Just Like What Psychic Sylvia Browne Says . Visit Her " Predictions " Page On Sylvia.Org
And Why Did I See Photos Of This " Prophet " Jesus On Earth At A Party ? He Smokes Pot . He Drinks . Hires Hookers . . . Thats A REAL " PROPHET " !
I guess he failed to deliver the goods. As I post this, It is August 7. No mention of this in the news in July.
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Every clip including the ABC news one sounds convicing. If you read the application in James Randi's website, randi.org, it says he will summon 2 spaceships in January in front of Randi. I say wait until January before making any decisions. We will all know then.
Potassium Iodide. 11
An alien is a demon for one.
Disconnect from yourself ane belive in one and you will see one.
The end of days is no doubt gonna involve aliens its the biggest trick of evil there is. Picture the US gov. they see an alien they belive in the alien, a 2nd goverment offical sees an alien they belive in it. Ok snowball of beliving in an alien. Alien = evil/satan whatever you want to call it.
The biggest trick is this a lot of people want to see an alien yet they stay far far away. WHY? well they want you to want to see them hence belive in the devil.
Why don't Jews belive in Jesus...The New testament talks of the end of days you have religious people that belive in this evil force hence forth you create evil. Can you change a mind of a christian? No you can't now how many people on earth belive in Jesus? A lot.
study 666 and find the nines, holy trinity of trinities.
1521 squared of 666 /1521 verses in the new testament.
The truth is here, the mass amount of souls makes it what it will be. Choose good belive in god or else you will only have evil.
What is good is what is bad. No one will ever understand this in time
Pick your sides.
If the gov has any idea of my knowledge they can play a bigger trick they take team A and allow them to belive in aliens, they keep team B in hiding they allow the Aliens to start mass destruction. The brief team B and tell them how to beat the aliens they do since they belive. You belive what you just saw since you are simple and have no faith in god. YOu than belive in your government over god this is the NWO.
Don't bother to debate I think you all now have the truth...
My message may kill me but Jesus will come
A good man
Yes, they're called Airships, and they range in a variety of designs for both military and commercial practical deployments.
I'm sure the great Prophet Yahweh has done his research based on the more recent years that the competition in this industry has presented, and the ramifications of how it will lead us into a different age of communications and technology.
The leader in this game, so to speak, and if you would feel so enlightened to read would be here: http://www.sanswire.com/
And John,
If the aliens were here, or as you have deified them as Aliens - we would not be living.
If what Yahweh a says is that lies shall come from the skies above us, and you believe in his words, then you should also equate this with the notion that lifeforms who can travel across vast distances of the universe with technologies far superior to our own, would obviously not be interested then in any peaceful agreement when they can simply overtake our simple and unevolved kind to dominate and establish residence on our planet Earth.
why is it that all of the links to the video this article talks about have been removed???
I am a 'child of Yahweh' and belong to Nazarene Yisra'el. I study Scripture everyday and follow Yahusha with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength.
Matt 24
Mat 24:4 And יהושע answering, said to them, “Take heed that no one leads you astray.
Mat 24:5 “For many shall come in My Name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and they shall lead many astray.
If this guy supports obama, he IS a False-Prophet!!
Look at the stage from which obama performed, at the Dem. Nat. Conv. in Colorado. It was a mock-up of the Altar of Satan.
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It was reported on the TV news (okay, sometimes I watch videos on my computer, even though we don't "do" television) that the incident is under investigation. And his victim is in... umm... stable condition was reported. No mention if he will lose an eye or worse.
But you have to love the murderer I've become
As I'm standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Killing birds I've spent my youth
Breaking down the walls my father built
Just like he did to his father before him.
a senior English major at Virginia Tech, had previously been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder. During much of his middle school and high school years, he received therapy and special education support. After graduating from high school
terimakasih gan infonya...!!! smoga sukses
Nice Post
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Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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Makasih gan udah share infonya
Good info
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
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