The Top of My Head

For what’s left of our religion I lift my voice and pray:
May the lights in The Land of Plenty
shine on the truth some day - Leonard Cohen
When the US Declaration of Independence was signed on the second Dog Day of the summer of 1776, the Sun was conjunct Sirius, a star of unrivalled significance to ancient Egyptian mystery religions, esoteric Freemasonry and New Age UFO cults. (Remember Alice Bailey's teaching that the ancient mysteries were received from the "Great White Lodge on Sirius," and that initiation into Earthly orders such as Freemasonry is merely preparatory for "admission into the greater Lodge on Sirius.") In 1846, the date for the laying of the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was chosen to again coincide with the passage of the Sun over Sirius, this time while the Moon was in Virgo. Its dedication ceremony saw Sirius rise over the Capitol building, as Jupiter auspiciously assumed the Moon's position, thus evoking the motto of the Seal of the United States, "Favor our daring undertaking": Audacibus annue coeptis, Virgil's invocation to Jupiter, the God. Regarding the great obelisk, David Ovason writes in The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol that it is a "mystery, involved in some of the deeper mysteries of Masonic symbolism." It "represents, from almost every viewing point in the city...a triangle hovering against the skies."
"We are touching upon mysteries which are so extraordinary that they seem to be beyond belief," Ovason adds. "Yet one need only look to the skies, and the records of stellar events, to realize that they are absolutely true."
It shouldn't need to be said, but it seems that everything must be said these days: the existence of mysteries is not necessarily an evil. Mysteries themselves merely evidence things hidden, occulted from general sight, and suggest there are supra-mundane forces to the world that show their hand to us, the uninitiates, in riddles. The architects and heirs of America's mysteries don't always shy from claiming their credit. The forward to Ovason's "fascinating and well-researched" study of Washington's secret fetish for Egypt's Old Kingdom, and perhaps things older, is provided by C Fred Kleinknecht, 33rd degree Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd degree (Mother Council of the World), Southern Jurisdiction, USA.
"I'm seeing something that was always hidden," says Jeffrey Beaumont, early in Blue Velvet. "I'm in the middle of a mystery and it's all secret." Let's be honest, like Jeffrey: there can be a thrilling novelty to the process of discovery, even if we don't discover what the secret is, but merely that there is a secret. Even, sometimes, once we learn the secret, and find it nauseates and dizzies us. (Amusement rides, too, are about disorientation. Some get their kicks instead from metaphysical and parapolitical scares.) It was only later, when the mystery was recognized as not a vicarious amusement but a threat to life and sense of self, that it stopped being a thrill.
How do we recognize mystery's power? I think it's something like how Emily Dickinson recognized poetry:
If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only ways I know it. Is there any other way?
Felt the top of your head come off lately? There's a poetry to this mystery we're in. That's not to say it's a thing of beauty; merely that there's an authorship, a manicured landscape of meaning. An intelligence at work. Materialists and coincidentalists who lack the semiotic skillset will see neither signs nor patterns; just random moments strung together by our imaginations. But C Fred Kleinknecht says, "As above, so below."
Edgar Cayce, America's "sleeping prophet," was a Christian and Freemason whose entranced alter claimed to have been a high priest of Egypt named "Ra Ta." Ra Ta predicted an American Golden Age based upon the principals of Freemasonry, linked to the projected opening of a hypothesized "Hall of Records" beneath the Sphynx at the end of the 20th Century. Cayce seems to have been a better psychic diagnostician than he was a prophet, but his influence had a long reach. Cayce advised Woodrow Wilson - two biographers claim he was summoned to Washington to advise on the creation of the League of Nations - the meeting arranged by head of the Secret Service, Colonel Edmond Starling. Sterling came from Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and Cayce was born on a farm just outside Hopkinsville and resided in the town until a young adult.
(Does Hopkinsville ring another bell of American weirdness? The "Hopkinsville Incident"of August 21, 1955: a farmhouse, just outside the Kentucky town, besieged by shining, seemingly nickel-plated mischevious entities. Is there a connection? Maybe, though maybe no more than America is a weird place, and some American places are weirder than others.)
What do we do about the poetics of mystery? Sometimes we construct our own. At least that's how I understand the self-discrediting work of Tom Flocco, Sherman Skolnick and others. Flocco's recent "exclusive" fantasies - Barbara Olson arrested! French intelligence kill Israeli terrorists in NYC subway! Bush orders Fitzgerald fired! - is "conspiracy theory" as poetry slam: associative narratives to compete with the official stories, all of them wholly unhinged from reality. Such writers are not disinfo agents so much as they are fabulists, and no matter how often they are proven wrong they will still find a readership, because they promise emotionally satisfying resolution. As in a fable, all loose ends are tied. And like a fable, it all happens without our intervention. All we need do is watch it unfold, though only in our minds.
Poetry can help us understand our situation, if we don't, as Flocco appears to have done, mistake it for our situation. I can't speak for Emily Dickinson, but one poem that took the top of my head clean off this year was the film adaptation of Frank Miller's Sin City.
Dominating the city's religious and political life are two brothers, a Cardinal and a Senator. The family is respected, and protected, acting above the secular and divine laws they administer. The Roark dynasty harbours serial killers, paedophiles, cannibals. The marginalized characters who challenge their authority doom themselves by doing so, though they leave small victories that survive them. Is this America? No, just something like it. Maybe more than Frank Miller knows. Maybe not as much as I think.
"What the hell do you know?" Cannibal Cardinal Roark asks Marv, the monster of vengence. Marv replies, "I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people." In the end, the esoteric meaning - the consumption of souls - is irrelevant. It is simply pretty damn weird. And wrong.
As Senator Roark tells the good cop Hartigan, as Hartigan lies in hospital, wounded and framed for having protected a young girl from Roark's predatory son:
Power doesn't come from a gun, or a badge. Power comes from lies. Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain’t true you got ‘em by the balls.
There’s what, maybe, 500 people in this hospital? I could pump you full of bullets right now and I wouldn’t even be arrested. Everyone would lie for me. Everyone who counts. Otherwise all their own lies, everything that runs Sin City, it all comes tumblin’ down like a pack of cards.
Those who know things go deeper, weirder and darker than Scooter Libby know the cards haven't tumbled yet. Those who don't have yet to see the deck.
"Those who know things go deeper, weirder and darker than Scooter Libby know the cards haven't tumbled yet. Those who don't have yet to see the deck."
Wow that´s scary stuff. I published this before I read this post. Is that a synchronicity?
Highly recommended.
WRT the comment on INTELLIGENCE.
It certainly looks that way. There are other potential explanations.
The two dominant methods of dealing with inexplicable human events are the conspiracy theory (illicit control by identified or unidentified agency) and the coincidence theory (no control at all – simple random event).
I’m going to propose a mechanism that flies in the face of both conspiracy and coincidence theory. This is a big topic and I'm not really going to put the time into the idea development it deserves, but here goes a stab at it.
The collective mind theory (we’re a bunch of ants!):
I sometimes wonder if the human race is akin to a hill of ants, or a termite mound, or a bee hive. I wonder if we are acting like individual insects having no individual intelligence or plans, yet collectively working together somehow to create organized structures.
An outside observer looking at an ant hill can see that clearly an organized structure exists, yet any individual ant in the collective may really have no conscious idea of what they are doing, or why they are compelled to do it. They simply do it, and without central control. Of course any individual ant would vehemently deny that they are part of an organized “conspiracy” to build an anthill, yet……… the ant hill exists.
A possible human analogy is Stonehenge. Predating the current megalithic monument, one or more similar sites were present at the same location. It is estimated these sites were abandoned for hundreds of years, and then rebuilt. It is not clear why this is the case; why would people be compelled to build presumably religious structures on the same site over and over again? The same goes with churches being built on top of previous pagan sites in both the old and new worlds. Clearly many different rational could be framed for this to be occurring; but I'm trying to pose a different hypothesis: that people were compelled to do so for reasons we can't fathom. It may be the human equivalent of building anthills - collective behaviour that appears to be intelligent behaviour yet is self organized and seemingly without benefit to the individuals involved.
"Conspiracies" which from every rational point of view damned sure seem to exist and which are just too statistically improbable to be assigned to coincidence MAY IN FACT be attributable to “the collective mind theory”.
I wonder if people are somehow compelled to take actions which collectively result in something that look for all the world like an organized action but which are not.
I personally find this hypothesis disturbing. At least with “conspiracy theory” SOMEONE is in charge, and with “coincidence theory” we can say it’s all in the odds. With the “collective mind theory” we lose control and act like mindless insects, working somehow together in concert towards some very odd plan that no one understands or has control of.
Just an idea. I’m not wed to it but would love to see anyone’s comments.
Anon Oilman
Hahahahah. That "self-discrediting" that Sherman Skolnick does: You are friends with HOW many USSC justices, jeff?
You've put away HOW many corrupt Chicago judges??
Poetry is your thing, stick to it.
And quit pulling the most outrageous thoeries to profile Sherman with.
You can PROVE them wrong, show me your facts, or STFU, Jeff.
Or, did you miss the Skolnick article about REMOTE CONTOL OF HUMANS a few months back?
Seems to be on MSM now, Jeff. Funny how that was not addressed by someone with THIS type blog, yes???
Wanna address THAT "whacky" "Self-discrediting" theory??
I'm seeing more and more what you are about Jeff. More and more.
Where my EYES see a controlled demolition, you want to parse words to find poetry.
Disinformation is more like it.
If you're really interested in finding out about the ancient mysteries, and why the Middle East has been in a perpetual state of war, and why they are called 'lizards', you can either learn cuneiform and read it at the source or start with this history book.
Farang said:
Seems to be on MSM now, Jeff.
And this bolsters your argument how? Bragging about what's on the idiot tube isn't what I'd consider the swiftest route to establishing credibility among anyone but retards, so what's your point exactly?
Anonymous said: "And this bolsters your argument HOW? Bragging about what's on the idiot tube isn't what I'd consider the swiftest to establishing credibilty among anyone except retards, so what's your point exactly?"
Well, for one, explain your reference to "idiot tube"?
Are you confusing a WEBSITE with a TV program, struggler? Comprehension impaired?
I speak SPECIFICALLY of Jeff's dissing of Skolnick's site, with allegations of "tin foil hat" readers, compared to THIS SITE????
Which site has a link to REMOTE CONTROLLED HUMAN TECHNOLOGY (It was also posted on Rueters, AP, and UPI last week, in addition to being posted on Yahoo! news), and which site blesses us with photos of Cheney's bulge in his pants???
Is that clear enough for ya, retard???
Now, Jeff, about "Conspiracy Theorists" looking for a clear cut villian: who the hell is it speaks of flying devils in eggs, and who is it that asked for ONE HONEST COP to investigate this matter, Jeff?
Seems Fitzgerald stated that CHENEY told LIBBY that PLAME was an UNDERCOVER AGENT, and LIBBY called FIVE REPORTERS to discolsoe that TOP SECRET INFORMATION. Read the frickin' indictment.
Anony mouse: Up yours.
Friday, October 28, 2005
The Indictment
I have much more I want to post about this, but a few thoughts for now:
1. Patrick Fitzgerald is welcome in my foxhole any day.
2. It is important to let neither the plausibility of the charges against Libby nor the fact that this has been expected for so long dull an appropriate sense of outrage. Fitzgerald explained the reason for this. If guilty, Libby has committed a crime against every one of us, and put us all in danger.
3. Having read the indictment, I am amazed by the lengths to which Libby allegedly was prepared to go to coverup, conceal and deceive. He is not accused of a momentary lapse of memory or a casual misstatement of fact. He is accused of a pattern of premeditated, easily uncovered illegal activity by which he willfully placed himself in extreme personal jeopardy. Libby himself is an attorney. Why would he do this? There can only be two possible reasons: either he's stupid, or he believed the risk/reward made it worth committing multiple felonies. I don't think anyone believes the former. So what was---or is---he hiding so desperately? That's why this story has legs, and today may have been the tip of the iceberg.
4. The indictment also makes clear the extreme lengths to which this administration was willing to go to discredit Joe Wilson, and how much effort was put into accomplishing that. Why? If the administration was so confident that WMD's would be found, why the obsession with and vendetta against Wilson? Remember, when our troops arrived in Iraq, securing potential WMD sites was not exactly a priority. Was the effort against Wilson the canary in the coal mine for this administration's knowledge that there were never any WMD's thus none would be found?]
What does a Cunning Realist know about reality, anyway??? ya might get the idea he believes Libby is hiding something. Tsk tsk, perhaps anony mouse can set him straight.
Conspiracies for Dummies:
by Juan Cole
"Cheney Assembles Formidable Team," marveled a Page One article in the Feb. 3, 2001, edition of the New York Times. It turns out that Cheney had 15 military and political advisors on foreign affairs, at a time when the president's own National Security Council was being downsized. The number of aides who counseled Cheney on domestic issues was much smaller. In contrast, Al Gore had been advised by a single staffer on security affairs.
The leader of the team was Libby, Cheney's chief of staff. Libby had studied at Yale with Paul Wolfowitz, who brought him to Washington. He co-authored a hawkish policy document with Wolfowitz in the Department of Defense for its head, Dick Cheney, after the Gulf War in 1992. When it was leaked, it embarrassed the first President Bush. Libby was a founding member of the Project for a New American Century in 1997 during the Clinton years, when many neoconservatives were out of office. The PNAC attempted to use the Republican-dominated Congress to pressure Clinton to take a more belligerent stance toward Iraq, and it advocated significantly expanding military spending and using U.S. troops as "gendarmes" in the aftermath of wars to "shape" the international security environment .]
See, THAT is what is called a MIND SET, and a Conspiracy.
Not so "woo woo nutty, tin foil hatty," now is it?
Libby, and Wolfie, I wonder, did they also know Franklin at the Pentagon? Gee, let's see, Wolfie was Deputy Secretary....Franklin a Zionist like Wolfie, Libby a founding member of PNAC.. Franklin spiiling secrets to Zioists taking it back to Likud Israeli pols...the PNAC that was desperately seeking a New Pearl Harbor... You frickin' tell me, anony mouse.
See, EXERCISING our GRAY CELLS isn't being paranoid seeing conspiracies where they are NOT!!
It's seeing the nose plainly on your face.
Try it sometimes.
Anon Oilman -
Collective intelligence, yes. Ant-like, not necessarily.
The question you raise is the flip-side of intelligent design. The creationist looks at nature and *sees* is as so obviously structured and purposeful that there has to be an intelligence behind it. You, conversely, look at what conspiracy theorists consider to be structured and purposeful human activities and perceive them as mindless and incomprehensible.
I would say that both questions can be resolved if we simply take the dubious element of "intelligence" out of the equation and accept that the universe itself is both structured and purposeful.
Emergent systems, non-zero-sum games, complexity theory -- what all that seems to amount to is a statement that order really does tend to emerge out of chaos and the universe really does become more and more highly structured following the arrow of time.
But there's a further level of elaboration to this game as well, because as complex structures emerge in the evolving universe, they themselves acquire the ability to participate in the Great Work of further evolution.
Inert matter forms structures only to the extent that it can be hauled around by forces like gravitation and electro-magnetism.
Living creatures develop a variety of sub-games -- games of survival and reproduction and the dance of predator and prey -- which then take over as the main driving force of evolution. As evolution proceeds, those games become increasingly subtle and consequential. Feedback loops upon feedback loops.
Eventually you reach the point of consciousness, where living creatures become aware of the higher game beyond all the sub-games of survival and take it upon themselves to act as deliberate designers of the world around them and of their own lives and identities.
Each level builds on those below, but does not supersede them. We humans are still subject to the tug of gravity. We are still driven by games of sex and power and by whatever kind of collective unconsciousness operates at the level the level of those games. It is only in rare moments, at the very peak of our abilities, that we become true Designers.
The types of negative conspiracies that we speak so much of at this site are, by definition, driven by sex and power and fascistic collectivity. That's what makes them dark. Those who participate in them are operating at a fairly low level of human nature. But acknowledging that to be the case does not deny the existence of genuine higher action.
(And don't badmouth the builders of Stonehenge, by the way. They were clearly far more conscious in their reshaping of the landscape around them than most people you might encounter in the world today.)
I have often wondered if there's something wrong with me.
I think all this symbolism stuff, whether it's numbers or obelisks or giant eyes in the sky, is stupid and hokey, like little kids with a secret handshake.
There are genuine mysteries, but this cultic stuff is just a way for people to create an 'in crowd' that has it all over the 'out crowd.' It's like junior high girl cliques who decide who's cool and who isn't, and only pass notes to the other cool ones.
Just because we meet in my basement, say "Eenie meenie chili beanie" and meditate on a giant papier mache rhomboid, it doesn't actually MEAN anything.
That to me is the lie. Everybody pretending that these symbols are powerful when they're just geometry or numbers or pictures of stuff. It's self delusion for immature people with too much time on their hands.
Yeah, when these fellas in their clubhouse (because it's usually men, giving each other the high sign in their asinine Shriner's fezzes or paddling the new recruits in I Tappa Kegger) then decide to add, oh, human sacrifice or cannibalism to the Secret Sacred Rites of their little frat, it's scary, but it's still kind of pathetic too.
Or maybe *I* lack something that makes that kind of behavior attractive to people like, well, W Bush for one. Skull and Bones. Big Fucking Deal. Lie in a coffin and jerk off. College boys. Some boys that age are tutoring inner city kids or doing a double major or something useful to society while these idiots wank in the "Tomb."
No wonder our government's fucked up, full of wankers.
ernesto -
You're right that there are genuine mysteries and then there's all this other crap -- but it wasn't crap to begin with. The real question is how you open up the mind to be receptive to mystery.
50,000 years ago, secret societies and initiations and sacred objects that nobody but the initiated was allowed to see and so forth were a great way to get into people's heads the idea that there were mysteries beyond the light of everyday knowledge. But now -- not so much.
5000 years ago, the wonders of geometry -- the astonishing regularities of circles and triangles and the miracles you could perform with a piece of string -- were able to guide the mind towards a perception of higher order in the cosmos. But once Euclid turned it all into formal proofs, a lot of the wonder wore off. These days, anyone who'd claim that the secrets of the cosmos are locked up in the square root of the number two has to seem a bit lame.
500 years ago, when cabbalism and astrology were all the rage, Renaissance mages could expand their consciousness by meditating on the theoretical abstract patterns formed by theoretical abstract qualities. But when modern science stole that knack for abstract thought and reapplied it to the material universe, abstraction on a more airy-fairy level came to appear merely self-indulgent.
Each one of these fads kicked the human enterprise up a notch. Each one seemed irresistably fantastic at first but became enfeebled once the insights and methods it had engendered were applied to more practical concerns. (I suspect even the secret society thing lost its power when people used it as a model to invent governments.)
And each one has hung on in that great grabbag of obsolete practices loosely known as occultism. Not all of occultism is obsolete, of course. But far too much of it resembles your grandmother's attic. About 90% of what's there could be carted off to Goodwill and never be missed, and the rest could use a good dusting.
Following up on Plectic's comment #1, found above- "House Of Cards" snychronicity #2-
I wrote that before I read your entry today, and found you also using the "tumbling cards" metaphor. When I read your entry, I said "Ha!" I actually wondered if you had been inspired in your choice of words by reading my post- then I noted the time stamp, 6:00am this morning.
Then, a few minutes ago, I opened up the "Comments" section here, and lo and behold, in the very first comment, I find another RI denizen relating a similar experience to my own...
Of course, I can't prove that I didn't read your post today before contributing the comment that I linked above. I'm asking the readers to trust my account as honest and factual. Beyond that, my only rhetorical defense is that if I were a mind to fake up an incidence of synchronicity, I like to think I could concoct something more dramatic than the mere "coincidence of terms" that I've just brought up and linked, which borders on the mundane and seems hardly worth mentioning...except that Plectic's account resonated with my own experience of coincidence so similarly that, yes, at this point I find it downright uncanny.
And no, I've never met Plectic, beyond recalling that e-moniker attached to occasional messages posted on the RI website and/or discussion board.
Regarding our collective "mind," and the synchronicity of human thoughts and behaviors, I often wonder how much free choice any of us has, if you consider that the circumstances that place you at the point in space and time where you are now are the sum total of everything that went before--we don't drag the past behind us so much as we are pushed forward by the past. Knowledge should be empowering, shouldn't it, but the feeling I get is an ever-increasing sense of powerlessness, the more information I have . . .
Jeff, "Sin City" is a powerful film, and what I like best about is that there are characters in the story who choose to do the right thing anyway, knowing it's going to get them killed. Only liars fear death.
Human consciousness is a state of limitation upon limitation. The bandwidth that delineates the full range of human perception is circumscribed; the local, time-bound material corporeality of the physical animal body is inherently delimited; the conditions under which carbon-based life is able to survive, thrive, and advance are a tiny slice of possibilities drawn from the arcing circles of infinity. A sliver of a slice...
Yet the realm that exists within that sliver is still infinite. Between every two points is another point.
ernestodelaserna said:
"Skull and Bones. Big Fucking Deal. Lie in a coffin and jerk off. College boys. Some boys that age are tutoring inner city kids or doing a double major or something useful to society while these idiots wank in the "Tomb."
I totally agree with what you say, ernesto (not necessarily with how you say it -- do we really need all that bad language?). Tsk. Tsk.
I'm not denying the existence of mysteries, just the value of being distracted by them. The boring fact is, the more individuals get down to work, coordinating together with other honest people to solve the real problems in the banal, everyday world, the greater the impact on our world and our reality.
It might be more fun to measure the sides of the pyramids and compare them to the distance between Lincoln's eyebrows, but you know, (pardon my French) that's just another form of "wanking off" as you put it.
Not that I have anything against that kind of thing: I adore Graham Hancock's books, and just INHALED The DaVinci Code and The Hiram Key. Sheer reading enjoyment to be sure, but didn't do a damn thing for 4th generation Palestinian children rotting in refugee camps or being shot in the head. Nor, as far as I know, does W. toss and turn at night worrying about if anybody's noticed his 'satanic' hand greeting.
Those at the top of the conspiracy 'pyramid' -- and OF COURSE there is a conspiracy -- can be recognized, not by their funny hats or esoteric tattoos, but by the fact that their crimes are BIG --(1) their decisions cause a lot of people to die and many, many others to become destitute, (2) they are never held personally accountable for the devastation they cause, even when they clearly and unambiguously violate national and international laws, and (3) most tellingly, despite the fact that they contribute nothing positive to society, they always get RICHER AND RICHER.
I suspect that our conspirators are masters of sleight of hand and audience misdirection, collusion with supposed members of the audience, and high-tech 'wizardry'.
They use these skills to distract and impress us, their passive audience, while they pursue their real agenda before our dazzled eyes. Hey, maybe they're fooling themselves too, creating some kind of meaning for themselves.
But at the end of the day, it is they, not we, who are getting away with murder and grand, no, colossal theft larceny, they are violating not only the law, but the constitution -- and getting away scot free...
Above all, it's crucial for us to resist being spectators, "a really wonderful audience", being misdirected and deceived, by 'Magic' tricks, rather than by cosmic 'Magick', doorway to cosmic mysteries.
"When logic and proportion have fallen softly dead;
And the White Knight is talking backwards;
And the Red Queen's off her head;
Remember what the dormouse said:
'Keep your head. Keep your head.'"
(White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane, of course).
Hello rdr.The synchronicity thing is pretty spooky eh? I think it relates more to jung, sheldrake, einstein, quantic science, leary et al. as opposed to newton, freud & co.
A little off topic (or not), depending on your worldview.
Fitzgerald's court filings appear to have zeroed in on, not just the leak fact pattern, but the Niger document fraud as well.
TREASONGATE: THE FELONY MURDER RULE - The Iraq War Fraud Could Lead To State Court Prosecutions For Murder Of American Soldiers
Ordinarily, the President, as Commander In Chief, and his Executive Branch, could not be held legally responsible for the death of US soldiers on the battlefield. But if congressional, military and monetary support for the Iraq war was procured through a fraudulent criminal conspiracy, the Bush syndicate will have no protection from prosecution in state courts -- out of jurisdicitonal reach of the President's pardon power -- which is limited by the Constitution to federal crimes against the United States.
There are plenty of violations of federal law to be found around the Niger uranium forgeries, and I expect Fitzgerald has found most if not all of them by now. When the president made his 2003 State of the Union address, and referred to Iraq's efforts to procure uranium in "an African country," the source of his allegation was a cache of documents that had been turned over to the American embassy in Rome under mysterious circumstances...
Whoever forged these documents and introduced them into the American intelligence stream is guilty of violating
[18 USC 1001]:
"Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully– (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."
And this law,
"If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."
[18 USC 371]
The laws cited above make it clear that both the "creation" and "use" of these documents was a felony.
The "cover up" of the documents' fraudulent nature was also a felony. Fraudulent statements about the veracity of the documents would also be a felony, i.e. Bush relying on them in his State of the Union address (the famous 16 words); and let's not forget Powell's reliance upon them at the UN as well as Condi's mushroom cloud speech.
If proved that government officials knew the documents were fraudulent then their criminal actions relating to such knowledge must be prosecuted.
I'm drunk right now. But I'll be sober in a few hours. Farang, however, will still be a douchebag.
Alice, It was "FEED your head", not "KEEP your head".
And, yeah, Farang - whether you're right or wrong, you still wandered in here with your fists-a-flailing, multiple question marks ablaze, yelling at strangers in all caps. What's wrong with you? If you like Skolnick's site so much so much, why not just stay there?
Poetry transcends what our eyes can see.
Forget it, Jake--it's Chinatown.
Alice said -
The boring fact is, the more individuals get down to work, coordinating together with other honest people to solve the real problems in the banal, everyday world, the greater the impact on our world and our reality.
That sort of statement may seem like a sound, level-headed approach to life. The only problem is that when you look at history, it just isn't true.
Any time you try to discover what really motivated the people who have had the greatest impact on our world, it turns out that their heads were full of utopian dreams or wild occult speculations.
Artists, scientists, politicians -- all the world-class figures without exception seem to have been driven by some vision beyond the mundane. They're the ones who have changed the world over and over, while the practical people were doing no better than rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
To take a fairly low-level example, the Spanish conquistadors weren't simply treasure-hunters. They had their heads full of late medieval romances about heroic knights discovering lands of marvels, and they saw themselves as the heroes of a smiliar story. The Puritans, seeking to create a religious utopia sheltered from the evils of Old Europe, were able to not only survive but prosper in the harsh terrain of New England, where the practical-minded commercial enterpreneurs who had attempted to establish settlements before them had all failed.
What we need is not more boring, honest people, but more radical dreamers.
However, I do agree with you that much of what is going on currently falls short of that mark. Treating ourselves to Halloween frissons over the dark forces loose in the world isn't going to get us anywhere, and neither are ever-more refinded interpretations of essentially worn-out occult systems and symbologies.
We need fresh dreams of wonder and new images of our relationship to the subtle forces at work behind the scenes of the world if we are ever going to get our asses out of neutral and start making a difference.
Hey Jeff,
The "Sin City" reference is a good example of how truth often won't be absorbed by the "news," but will be funneled back to us as fiction, which for all intents and purposes is just a reconfiguration of reality. You see, when reality is being ignored and perverted by the perverts, it sometimes takes an artist to put it in a "safe" form for the rest of us to process. The film recalled for me the very true story of Henry Lee Lucas and his manipulation by others unknown (in the film, the serial killer is controlled by the Roarks).
"Sin City" was probably the best film of the year, and on so many more levels than just this. Cheers, and keep blowing our minds.
As to the issue of the layout of Wash. D.C., is it just coincidence theory that the White House grounds form the shape of an owl? Or that the Washington Monument is an obelisk shape,which in Mecca there is an identical shaped object used to sybolize the Devil and pilgrims throw stones at? Is it coincidence that countless artifacts from military insignia to government architecture,i.e. The Pentagon, are reeking of occultic symbolism? A simple search engine can find a whole grab bag of these symbols and more. I find it insulting that we are expected to be simply content to partake in this nations endevours. The more we dig into the past and explore the mechanics of how we got to this point in history, the clearer the message should become. That we are coddled slaves to a small elite collecetion of inbred families that fool around with dark forces they can't control. The extent of their madness is revealed by antics like masturbating in coffins, and dancing around in drag at Bohemian Grove. Beyond those antics, are the more wicked of their interests, and if we are just content to have these online 'booga-booga' discussions, then I am afraid we are doomed to being well informed cattle. Look out! HERE COMES THE CHOPPER, TO CHOP OFF YOUR HEAD!
The roots of -mundane- became bland and banal when we embraced new AND ever-expanding definitions of WASTE.
When the inspired and motivated human individuals past and present have/had their EUREKA! moments what did it sound like? In ANY language it will almost always be:
HOLY SHIT! That's literal people. GOOD shit will never be defined as WASTE when people realize the truth and stop adding it to our own quite drinkable but ever-shrinking supply of clean water every day.
It's also not literal - meaning we are the most WASTEFUL society because we have mis-defined and therefore often mistreat what isn't really waste at all. All for the guise of LIVINITUP?
Somethin's gotta GIVE when 100s of millions are forced to re-define what truly is and isn't WASTE -- that's what TRANSFORMS the so-called MUNDANE.
We can break free of the consecutive chronology and see how we've ended up on the flipside of BEFORE even with it's modern SHELL; the earth is no Jr. High clique so let's just re-define what needs re-defining.
We don't even have to start with poop ok?
The less we define and treat as waste, ESPECIALLY OURSELVES, the more value and joy we will discover all around/within us.
For more info on humanure:
Here's what I know:
The wheels of justice are ever slow but grind exceedingly fine.
Greed is powerful.
Here's what I don't know:
The meaning and application of the true mysteries. And because I don't know, I read to find discovery. It's more that Booga! Booga! titilation. However, I suspect, in the end, it will all boil down to brass tacks. Under the quise and promise of supernatural powers, that some people use as a means to entrap "unwitful" people to enslave, an epic con has been carried out. Sad to say, but most of humanity is stupid, lazy, and greedy. Knowing this, how could our government and state of affairs be any different? The Puritans knew the dark hearts of men and that is why they left Europe (besides the fact that no one in England could stand them). To be content with food, shelter, clothing, and a spiritual life and not yearn for anything more is a receipe for happiness.
Since I don't have (or want) experience with mystery, I have no other choice than to read websites, such as this one, whereby I have learned quite a lot in a short period of time. Besides reading, I'll just go on chopping wood and carrying water.
Anon Oilman @ 6:55 PM
I think I know what you are getting at, but I'm not sure it's applicable.
For me the key to these sorts of situations is General Geoffrey Miller. He said he came from Gitmo to Abu Ghraib to "set the conditions". And the dumb fools did what was expected of them without explicit orders. They are the ones now in jail.
This administration used the same approach here. They tried to "set the conditions" whereby the media would do what they wanted, and they would remain clean.
But journalists, unlike military grunts, are a protected species, and THIS prosecutor is a respecter of the First Ammendment.
There is one other excellent example of "setting the conditions" in the British legal system going way back.
That may help you see where it comes from.
Starroute, I never said anything about "boring, honest people" -- honest people are most certainly NOT boring. To me, they're the heroes, the good guys, the pearl above price, the ones without whom we would have no reason to hope at all.
As for dreams, I have nothing against them, although I suspect that one man's dream is more often than not another man's nightmare.
Nazis were dreamers who dared to dream; so were Zionists; so were the Inquisitors, the Spanish conquistadors and the Puritans that you mention -- their passion for their radical dream made them indifferent to the lives and societies and cultures they destroyed so ruthlessly.
Even (especially) the best, most inspirational dreams can become the tool for the most pitiless acts when they're imposed on those who don't share the dream. Or are perceived as standing in the way of its fulfillment.
Human beings dream, it's an integral way for us to crystalize our core values and objectives, even our identity. The danger comes when certain, particularly compelling and attractive dreams leave the private, individual sphere and enter the real world, where we all have to live together.
In the end, it's not the dreams or the beliefs that I object to, it's when our laws are broken and people are victimized, tortured, killed, and left to starve or suffer in prisons, under the banner of someone's dream. That is the crux of the problem, and that is what we need to stay focused on.
Because those who are responsible are ultimately nothing more, nor less, than CRIMINALS. Are the occult aspects a symptom or a cause of the madness all around us? I don't know. It would be fascinating to unravel all the threads once the bums (and their minions) are safely behind bars for their crimes...
Dear Jeff: Oddly enough, while watching "Sin City" in a movie theater, all I could think about was your blog. Well, I also thought about the art direction which was the first perfect merger of comic strips and real actors, but you know what I mean. I was also amazed that they got away with the murder of a Catholic bishop as a "good" plot development.
Carry on probing Jeff ... Mysteries are mysteries but we can always strive to shed light on the dark ones as you have been doing to such extraordinary effect over the last two years and maybe REVEAL the good ones .... My intuition, for what it's worth, is that the original architecture/set up for Washington DC lay in a grey domain connected to both light and dark forces that has been subject to progressive take-over by the dark - esp since the end of the Second WW (assination of Kennedy, Martin Luther etc etc).
The role of Bush Snr as a kind of prince of darkness in all is mindblowing...
Take, for example, the attempted assasination Reagan. My hunch on Reagan is that he was a grey character - after all the dark rarely go for their own kind - and he WAS targeted!
Last night I read the following on Expose: the Christian Mafia by Wayne Madsen: (
"Hinckley fired six shots from his Rohm R6-14 handgun in the direction of Reagan. One struck the president in his left chest, the bullet lodging an inch from Reagan’s heart. George H. W. Bush was literally one inch from the presidency. But the Bush dynasty’s total seizure of the White House would have to wait.
At George Washington Hospital, Reagan was erroneously given a cold blood transfusion, something that a number of medical experts later saw as contributing to the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. White House Press Secretary James Brady, a Secret Service agent, and a Washington police officer were also wounded – Brady so severely he became an invalid. Ironically, the next evening, Neil was to have hosted Hinckley’s brother Scott at a dinner party at his Colorado home. Immediately, the media began to concentrate on the connections between Reagan’s attempted assassin and the Bush family. NBC’s John Chancellor was particularly interested in the connection between Bush and Hinckley. According to the Houston Post, Bush spokeswoman Shirley Green called the connection “a bizarre happenstance, a weird occurrence.” For a family whose imprimatur is connected to so many American scandals, bizarre and weird should have been replaced with commonplace and expected."
Coincidence or conspiracy??
Who knows with all these extraodinary mysteries connected to America's leading crime family ...
Hinckley was probably put under a occult-satanic form of mind control to advance Bush Snr's quest and, in more general terms, to advance the quest of SHADOW GOVERNMENT TAKE-OVER of the levers of power of the US administration.
THESE ARE SOME PRETTY MAJOR WAKE CALL GOING ON HERE - They are relying on sleep walkers and disbelievers to continue the agenda.
Thanks God for guys like you Jeff who are beginning to lift the veil.
starroute said:
We need fresh dreams of wonder and new images of our relationship to the subtle forces at work behind the scenes of the world if we are ever going to get our asses out of neutral and start making a difference.
"radical dreamer" David Graeber dreams out loud:
(His Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value is HIGHLY recommended.)
Alice, Starroute, I'm intrigued by your comments. These are questions that are close to my heart.
As an MKUltra survivor I grew up with and had a lot of contact with people who are perpetrating these crimes.
My experience is that they used ritual, reference to Egyptians, reptiles, illuminati, demons, etc as torture and mind control props while their real business was political manipulation.
That said I feel that there is a spiritual dimension that interacts with us (and is us) but that this harmonious natural intelligence does not tend to cooperate with them. There is a lot to explore, experience and understand here.
It's also true that symbols are powerful and what we don't know can hurt us - especially when skillfully manipulated by those who don't have our best interests at heart.
Perhaps it's time that we stop beating around the bush (!) and dedicate ourselves to the task at hand. We can each can find the way that best suits us to heal ourself and our world.
The relentlessness of the reactions of nature under assault and the overt violence and ruthlessness of these crypto-criminal gangs are painting us into a corner for a bigger reason.
Physical technology is value-neutral. Guns are the same whether you're using them to commit crimes or in self-defense.
The lower-level mechanisms of government are also value-neutral. The K Street Project -- the Republican attempt to monopolize the DC lobbying industry -- has been effective because lobbyists and many politicians don't care which side their bread is buttered on.
What's less obvious is whether matters which touch on what might loosely be called spiritual reality -- and that includes the higher functions of government -- are value-neutral in the same way. A whole range of stories, from fairy tales to science fiction, say they are not, that if you mess in certain affairs without having a purity of heart and of intention, you will wind up eaten by bears.
Specifically, we find ourselves in a situation where dark forces appear to have hijacked the spiritual power-sources of the United States -- its wealth, its domestic authority, its overseas influence. They have accomplished this through a mixture of brute force (eg, vote-rigging), manipulations of the core American symbology, and possibly overt "magical" operations as well.
Some people who post here seem to believe that occultism is naturally demonic in nature and that the bastards who are screwing over our country have an innate source of power that trumps anything available to those who oppose them. Others, like one of the Anonymi above, see it as grey in nature and susceptible to cooption from either side.
My own bias in this -- and this is something that I cannot prove but which I believe very strongly -- is that the occult is not on the side of "light" in any airy-fairy sense, but that it has its own agenda and cannot be coopted more than mometnarily by anything which opposes that agenda.
The best word I know for that agenda is "evolution" -- not in any narrow, Darwinian sense but in the broadest cosmic implications of the term. Evolution as a process which not only organizes matter into increasingly complex structures, but which then is able to recruit those structures as increasingly self-aware agents of further complexification and awareness.
The words which the dark forces of the right have hijacked -- words like "freedom" and "democracy" -- all refer back to that central ideal of humans becoming the agents of their own destiny. But their more private utterances point in the opposite direction -- towards fascism, a rebirth of aristocracy, a subordination of the poor to the rich, a locking-in of things as they were before all this democratic nonsense got started.
I think there's a built-in time bomb there. You can't motivate large numbers of people to support major social changes, die in wars, etc. without convincing them you are moving forward. But if your real agenda is to move backwards, one of two things will happen. Either people will conclude you are hypocrites and accept your public agenda while rejecting you as inadequate agents of it. Or they will become disillusioned enough to reject the whole package.
It would clearly be better for all of us if the world were to commit itself to the cause of *real* democracy and *real* freedom than if it were to conclude that democracy is a hollow sham, a bit of American PR, and turn away from it. But either way, those who have cynically exploited the ideals of democracy to advance their own power are going to be left with ashes in their hands.
Exposing conspiracy is useful and necessary. For every post that reads "Jeff, what's the point of all this dark information?", there are 10 if not 100 of us that combine it with the proper grains of salt to synthesize action. I have been affected by what I read and I take action in the ways that make sense to me. Joining the Freemasons might seem a bit wierd, but then again, encouraging protestors to join the military and actively protest the war in mass seems reasonable to me.
Being amazed by synchronicity is relative to IQ and a persons omnipresent desire to find higher order. The modern conspiracy faith
which Jeff is in fact innovating walks the line between noise and order. This allows for all sorts of unsavory science and illogic sometimes by Jeff and more often his readers.
Matter is self organizing.
It's my advice to avoid confusing common phrases during common times as synchronicity. I see no evidence that the common phrase "House of Cards" was in anyway high coincidence.
I think it's time for roll call for the victims who knew too much and dared to try and tell their truths lest we forget. When reviewing who died and what they died for, the "dark" force seems to point to one family.
That this evil still goes on is the fault of the people. The multitude of GameBoyheads, sportsheads, celebrityheads, and, yes, metaphysicalheads who refuse to see and respond appropriately to what's blantantly obvious can explain why we have no real freedom or a republic. We, the people, are not evolved to a point wherein we deserve those gifts.
It's time to grow up, kids, and do our duty instead of spending our time looking for the boogeyman in our closets with our nightlight on with thumbs securely in our mouths.
Absolutely, the power lies behind the cloak of deception - through and beyond the halls of smoke and mirrors.
When exposed it falls away as it has to. THEY KNOW THIS - hence all the "suicides" of those in the know trying to get the truth out.
But they cannot all have died in vain - there must be a justice at work here beyond our ken.
"Skull and Bones"Skull and Bones. Big Fucking Deal. Lie in a coffin and jerk off. College boys....
I too, kind of wonder what's wrong with you....Even if you do not believe in supernatural phenomena,or anything that doesn't emanate from intellectuals like Jerry Springer ,Ophra, or Ricki Lake, you have to ask yourself one logical question:
WHY does the occult figure so prominently in government and high society affairs?
Do you think this is done out of boredom???? Jeff so eloquently said," ....even if we don't discover what the secret is, but merely that there is a secret. "
And to Free-great post! I hope you are indeed what your name implies.
Ever heard of a concept called power ?(well, maybe college didn't teach you much about that).
Some call it the ultimate aphrodisiac, others realise it may just have a hand in shaping our world.
The why question is no longer relevant in this context.
Last night while researching Zen and Occult I ran across a fact: the Masonic lodge the Boston Tea Party plot arose from was known as the Green Dragon Lodge. Fascinating the constant connections between Massonry and the Occult and the Occult and the Mystic East. The Green Dragon Zen monks (Soto) of Japan were as rabid nationalists as any Neo-Con of today. And of interest is that this is the lineage that gave us American Zen. Maurice Strong, for example, owns the land the Zen lodge of Crestone, Colorado is located on (formerly Lindisfarne.) It is suggested by some that the architect of Crestone is an Eco-Fascist. And the connections between Reactionary Modernism, German Romanticism, and Nazism are well documented. As is the Nazi mystical connection to ecology.
Ok, if you're like me, you might be feeling a bit like Ash in the film 'Evil Dead'. He is a happy go lucky fellow who increasingly finds himself slipping into a nightmare. I am feeling like that, right now.
The whirlwind of ideas that fly around on this Blog are starting to blur. Is there anyone on here who can tell me the details of a cult they've busted, a child they rescued, a politian they caught in the act, a photo of the ritual they interupted? You see, I can't be certain that there isn't more than a few bullshit artists here, Jeff. I admire your writing, and hope that some of your guests here will either open up more or admit that they are charlatans playing to the balcony.
"Is there anyone on here who can tell me the details of a cult they've busted, a child they rescued, a politian they caught in the act, a photo of the ritual they interupted?"
This comes from the "if you haven't been there, experienced it you have no right to have an opinion on it or discuss it" line of thought.
This is akin to a gagging order that would not just shut down this blog but also most universities, national newspapers etc etc
Well said anom 2:48.
The main idea behind this irrational attidude is that if the majority don't believe in something-it can't possibly be true.Safety in numbers sort of thing..
I for one, still believe the Earth doesn't move, and Galileo and Kepler were deluded pagans.
"Safety in numbers sort of thing.."
I think you've put your finger on another important aspect to some of the above under-currents/cross-currents, namely FEAR.
That's the main medium through which the catholic church operated during the height of their power and it's what IS keeping the current lot in power beyond their sell-by date....
Dr. Theopolis...You do know what the word "intuition" means? As in Rigourous Intuition? This is not a forum for empirical science, and, as such, we only have abstraction and hunches with the occasional anecdotal testimony. Or, one could say that we are brain storming. Seems to me that almost all the posters here are respondents to Jeff's offerings rather than claimants to the occult.
You pose a good question as to the veracity of the material. Without first-hand experience, one must rely on the reports of others, including news reporters, with our own sense of discernment. Or, chalk it all up to Kant's noumena and never discuss anything ever.
While you find all this a disconcerting whirlwind, I find it clairifingly stimulating. Perhaps it is high time to awaken to the nightmarish underbelly of our world and come to terms with it. What would you suggest we discuss here?
If you shed light (say via a torch) on darkness the darkness vanishes - it's as simple as that. That is what this blog is doing.
The only problem here, to extend the analogy, is that this blog and others like it are only lights/torches with so much power set against humungous darkness.
But this should not lead to despair - it's simply a matter of increasing the light, bit by bit.
Alrighty Then!So if I am out of line for feeling like this all a bunch of immaterial hocus pocus, I apologize. When you were a kid, did you ever play the game 'Telephone'? I'm sure many of you poster folks did. The game is a lesson in disinformation. I feel like this discussion flow is very much like that game. I don't expect there to be an end to all the speculation of the many topics explored intellectually here, but I do wish there were more actual strategy's mentioned for combating the crimes and manipulations that seem to dominate the collective thinking on RI. I am led to thinking about Detective Abeline, who investigated the Ripper murders. After he retired from police service he was quoted as saying "You can state most emphatically that Scotland Yard is really no wiser on the subject than it was fifteen years ago."
The hysteria created by the brutal murders caused a mighty flurry of suspicion and speculation that not only fueled the search for the Ripper, but it can be argued, also distorted the clues and wittness testimony. Today, here on this little blog, I am concerned that real clues and facts relating to the many terrible subjects considered here are very much like the wild howlings of a mob driven to a frenzy by the horror of the crimes.
I apreciate the knowledge and intelligence displayed by a few of the responders here, and my own life experience is filled with strangeness. I most of all take careful consideration of Jeffs writing, as he is a most compelling wrtier. I guess I am hoping that there is a line toward the prosecution of the perps that seem to have us all in mystified stupor.
Dr. Theopolis,
You have asked for specific examples that have had a practical effect on the world.
I can tell stories that have had many such effects, but for some reason it never gets coverage in the mass media.
You can view the original documentation if you so wish.
And I have much more, if you so wish.
Dr. Theopolis:
I'm in total accord and I for one picked up your message as intended. Indeed it was far from being out of line and more towards the focus of material objectives, rather than succumbing to "shock and awe' conspiracy entertainment. They are at war in every covert and overt way with us and this is the best we can do? Some of us feel it, some hide from it and more pretend it doesn't exist, but it's there with it's foul breath upon your neck.
The crimes are real, the criminals real and they are NOT backing down, but instead stepping up the campaign of misery, enslavement and death.
Stand up and do something to challenge their hold, or teach your children to accept the chain, the dishonor and the life worth the disdain of God.
Everyone knows or has the capacity to devise counter-strategies to build a united voice that shouts to these thugs ala Rage Against the Machine: "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!". Read up on the 8 Fold Path of Buddhism to fight the mind control, you'll find in it the proper medicine to burn away the cancers of fear and hopeless subjugated acceptance.
I suspect that much of what is going on at this blog has the ultimate purpose of defining a simple exoteric projection of our esoteric intuitions.
I mean, face it -- there isn't much that any of us can do as individuals against the uberrich and uberpowerful. The only way we can possibly manage it is by marshalling a broad sweep of public opinion. And that seems possible only through soundbites, simple phrases and images that encapsulate deeper perceptions.
"Fascist" was a soundbite that worked pretty well for a generation after World War II. "Racist" and "segregationist" were also useful from the 50's through the 70's. But these labels wear out as the people they apply to learn how to take on protective coloration that enables them to deny they are any of those things. Right now, there is no good descriptive label for the world-wreckers, and that makes it easy for them to hide out as ordinary politicians and businessmen.
The other side of this coin is that respectable terms like "conservative" and "Christian" get stretched to cover people who no self-respecting conservative or Christian would want to be associated with. I'm not quite sure how this has been allowed to happen. Even in the 40's and 50's, no one on the left would have dreamed of calling the communists "liberals" -- but somehow people as extreme as any old-line Stalinist are cheerfully accepted as "conservatives."
(Should we start focusing on the weak spots and forcing the right to distance itself from its more discreditable allies? Or would that be a little too McCarthyite?)
At any rate, to get back to the original point, what I would most hope to see coming out of RI is a set of definitions, if you will, that redraw the lines not between conservatives and liberals, but between elite power-trippers and those who would extend power to everyone:
- Political and financial power.
- The power of information.
- Occult and esoteric power.
- Open source it all!
But that can only be done intuitively and not rationally -- hence all the circling.
To the anonymous poster who said that all matter is self organizing, you might wish to re-acquaint yourself with Newton's second law of thermodynamics; it states that all ordered systems of their own accord break down into disordered systems unless there is an external forces acting upon them to maintain that order.
starroute said...
"Physical technology is value-neutral. Guns are the same whether you're using them to commit crimes or in self-defense."
Divorced from context physical technologies may be value-neutral. In cultural context they evoke values from their users.
A sword, as a weapon, evokes an entirely different set of values than does an ICBM system. In the latter case courage is not right at the top of the list.
Japanese elite kept guns out of Japan for hundreds of years because they threatened to disburse the power to do violence. Concentrated power and disbursed power shake down very differently in terms of the governing values they require.
My son doesn't need money to buy records--he needs friends to fill his iPod. Whole different set of values evoked.
"The lower-level mechanisms of government are also value-neutral."
As information processing systems they behave just as a physical technology does in evoking compatible values from its users.
"What's less obvious is whether matters which touch on what might loosely be called spiritual reality -- and that includes the higher functions of government -- are value-neutral in the same way."
Heavily value-laden.
"A whole range of stories, from fairy tales to science fiction, say they are not, that if you mess in certain affairs without having a purity of heart and of intention, you will wind up eaten by bears."
Good example.
"The best word I know for that agenda is "evolution" -- not in any narrow, Darwinian sense but in the broadest cosmic implications of the term. Evolution as a process which not only organizes matter into increasingly complex structures, but which then is able to recruit those structures as increasingly self-aware agents of further complexification and awareness."
Evolution is no respecter of individuals. To paraphrase Willian Irwin Thompson, all great positive change arrives disguised as evil.
"It would clearly be better for all of us if the world were to commit itself to the cause of *real* democracy and *real* freedom than if it were to conclude that democracy is a hollow sham, a bit of American PR, and turn away from it."
What real freedom means depends entirely on one's values and is going to change from culture to culture. I am uncomfortable advocating democracy because it is an information processing system that has its own value preferences and it is warped and influenced by the physical technologies through which it acts. Democracies require the free flow of information. Those who get their information from televison are working with a manipulated information set.
Moreover, the U.S. is far from dealing with the tyranny of the majority thing.
I hope we won't constrict our thinking by fetishizing democracy. It's a tool but it's not all-purpose. There are other possibilities. I wonder how nasty the average dictator would get if webcams followed his ever move, 24/7. Government as entertainment.
Speaking of democracy, I can't resist plugging British writer Tom Holt's comic novels Goatsong and The Walled Garden, which concern a comic playwrite in ancient Athens. Lots of acerbic observations on how democracies function.
Omega man & Dr. Theopolis everyone is in accord here.
There may not be that much one can do about the crimes as they are currently being committed except what the likes of Jeff are doing.
To get to know the opposition and their various moves is an invaluable exercise: esp at the present juncture when we still have many freedoms left.
Many of these freedoms will have to go in the near future as the next 9-11s hit but with each encroachement they expose their hand a little bit more (think of Quantanomo and Abu Graib) and thereby force a whole further tranche of the populace to wake up....
Many of these may get caught by a Michael Moore style limited hang out operation which actually ADVANCES their agenda (by making the House of Saud the enemy) but then that's how clever they are...
But all the time the noose is tightening - they are self-exposing. Those in denial will find it increasingly difficult to hold their ground ...
Starroute said:
"I mean, face it -- there isn't much that any of us can do as individuals against the uberrich and uberpowerful. The only way we can possibly manage it is by marshalling a broad sweep of public opinion. And that seems possible only through soundbites, simple phrases and images that encapsulate deeper perceptions."
True and not true Starroute, the Achille's Heel of these global gangsters are 2 very direct things: their MONEY and the wrath of an ORGANIZED MASSES. Kissinger and Brzezinski has even been quoted from their books and in the Foreign Affairs magazine as saying so.
The least you can do, is to display your anger at Exxon's billion dollar quarterly profit is to wage an economic embargo of all their gas stations. Chevron and Dutch Royal Shell profited just as heavily from DELIBERATELY CUTTING REFINERY CAPACITY TO CREATE ARTIFICIAL SHORTAGES! We must have a financial action policy that punishes low-life predators, thieves and murderers.
The most you can do at this conjecture, is non-compliance with fascist agendas, information dispension (blogs, internet radio, newsletters, leaflets, stickers, concerts, mpgs, avi's, mp3's file-shared) outraged outcry, labor stoppages, consumer non-compliance and whatever you believe will assert and restore your full and natural rights as a human being. Never underestimate your own personal power, and potential as an individual committed to a common goal and ideal. The global parasites don't seem to discount your individual power whenever its time to vote.
Accept dehumanization, and the role of passive victim, and you'll be smoked down to a butt like a cigarette and flicked into the gutter of oblivion.
p.s. If you think the Sin City collection of stories is great (and it totally is) you've got to read Frank Miller's "To Hell and Back". Artist/Vet rescues and falls in love with a beautiful woman only to have her kidnapped by occult elite human traffickers. He snaps and you can imagine the rest. Great and memorable hero like Dwight in the "Big Fat Kill". Frank Miller knows a lot and it's reflected in all of his works, read some and see why the studios sabotaged Robocop 2.
Jeff, I was glad to hear your mention of Sirius, the binary star system that the Doggon people of Timbuktu have known about for ages. (even though Sirius B can't be seen with the naked eye)I encourage you and all your readers to research this further. If we educate ourselves with the knowledge that these "Occult"s have accumulated we will be able to have more control ourselves. How far back can any of us trace our blood line? How far back can the 'people of our conspiracies' trace thiers? What truly is the motivating factor in any of our decisions?
Omega Man -
Well, I don't think I've gotten gas at an Exxon station since the Exxon Valdez oil spill -- but I haven't exactly noticed that having much impact on them.
This really isn't something that any of us can do all on our lonesome. Even boycotts take a certain critical mass of people to have any impact.
Beyond that, I suspect that conscious political boycotts necessarily have far less impact than simply a growing sense that certain things aren't cool.
For example, I'm picking up that much of the world is less entranced with American popular culture as it used to be. Back in the 80's, people in the US used to point out that even when foreigners complained about our policies, they still wore blue jeans and drank Coke and listened to rock'n'roll. That isn't as true as it used to be. Even American tv shows are falling out of favor in a lot of places.
I have a lot more faith in that sort of collective subconscious wisdom than in either conventional politics or standard-issue activism. But even collective wisdom doesn't emerge spontaneously out of some sort of group-mind. It starts with creative insights by a few, gets picked up by opinion leaders, and gathers momentum from there.
The starting point of creative insights is the butterfly effect locus -- the place where tiny influences can have ultimately huge effects. I'm hoping that RI could be just such a butterfly's wing.
following the highly stimulating "sin city" conversation, my take on "batman begins":
What have I gained, that I no longer immolate a bull to
Jove, or to Neptune, or a mouse to Hecate... if I quake
at opinion, the public opinion, as we call it; or at the
threat of assault, or contumely, or bad neighbors, or
poverty, or mutilation, or at the rumor of revolution, or
of murder?
--Ralph Waldo Emerson, [1]Essays and English traits
When the ancients saw a scapegoat, they could at least recognize him for what he was: a pharmakos, a human sacrifice. When modern man sees one, he does not, or refuses to, recognize him for what he IS; instead he looks for "scientific" explanations-to explain away the obvious.
--Thomas Szasz, (Ceremonial Chemistry)
A few days ago on C-Span Karl Rove gave a speech to a banquet hall full of perfumed judges. He began by mocking anyones belief in a list of 'conspiracy theories', even mentioning 'the Bilderbergers' by name. And I was reminded of what Shelby Downard said about the law of Truth or Consequences, as a requisite to succesful ritual when performing mass entrancement- in a sense "getting them to agree to what they know in their hearts is wrong."
This from his essay entitled "King Kill 33":
Masonic betrayal of the "common man" involves archetypes of fertility and death symbolism seemingly motivated to bring about syncretism in opposing principles in order to green Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon, and establish a One World government.
It is by way of Masonic sorcery that the union of opposing principles is supposed to be brought about...
Speaking of Hopkinsville, Downard coincidentally also writes about the 'science of names' (onomatology) and mystical toponomy, includeing the layout of Washington D.C. and T. or C.:
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, is a town located on the 33rd degree of parallel latitude, and near the same latitude John Fitzgerald Kennedy became an oblation and on the same latitude is the chief Temple on this planet in the minds of sorcerers, namely the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem, which was once located there and is sworn to be rebuilt on this 33rd degree.
In a literal, alchemical sense, the Making Manifest of All That is Hidden is the accomplishment of the 3rd Law of the Alchemists and is, as yet, unfulfilled or at least not completed; the other two have been: the creation and destruction of primordial mater (the detonation of the first Atomic Bomb at the Trinity Site, at White Sands, New Mexico, on the 33rd degree of parallel), the Killing of the King (at the Trinity Site, at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, near the 33rd degree of latitude).
And strangely enough, he also mentions the Green Dragon Tavern:
"(near Dealey Plaza) was also the home of the Blue Front Tavern, a Masonic hangout in the grand tradition of "tavern-Masonry": Sam Adams and the Masons of the American Revolution did much of their conspiring at the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. One of the many bars claiming the honor of being the first Masonic lodge is the Bunch of Grapes Tavern, also in Boston.
The Blue Front was the site of the "broken-man" ritual in which various members of the "Brotherhood of the Broom" swept the floor and tended some fierce javelino pigs. The Blue Front was once a fire-house and was still sporting its fire-pole in the late 1920s. This is extremely germane symbolism. The national offices of the Texaco Oil Corporation are located on Elm St., Dallas. Its chief products (were) "Haviland (javalino) Oil" and "Fire Chief" gasoline.
lol! I swear I posted the above before reading the similiar comments for 'Leviathan I'...
This is exactly why I don't want to work a year on a screenplay only to find out that you guys beat me to the WGAw with the same story...
Maybe Skolnicks' frying style is a little heavy on the Lardner, but his tips on Bob Woodward's father and the owners of that Chicago hospital led me to finding out about the experimentation on fetuses with brain-wave entrainment via light pulses, which led to some curious hospital board members also involved in MONARCH...
Stick it to the pooh-bahs.
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menghilangkan kutil yang tumbuh di vagina adalah dengan obat herbal denture indonesia.Obat yang mamapu menghilangkan kutil sampai akar akarnya.Obat herbal denature penghilang kutil kelamin aman untuk organ kewanitaan karna obat herbal denature terbuat dari bahan herbal pilihan.
MERDEKA!!!!!!! obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***
Wasir atau ambeien adalah....................................................
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