Broken news

Take a deep breath - feel like you're chokin'?
Everything is broken. - Bob Dylan
Know the feeling?
Even the news, once breaking, is now just broken. That's not to say there's been an interruption to the datastream. In fact, that's the problem. The datastream clips along without pause for either reflection or response, which is just fine for some. Today's bombshell becomes yesterday's bombshell, which means few people will still hear it exploding over tomorrow's bombshell. And with so many bombs going off, we should expect to be somewhat deafened, and perhaps a little shell-shocked. Perhaps a lot.
We're informed, whatever that means. But the datastream is unforgiving of analysis, and if we stop to mull over something we soon fall behind. But you know what? Maybe falling behind isn't the worst that can happen to us, if remaining current means we're destined to be ineffectually overwhelmed.
Here are three stories you probably know, which deserve deep analysis, but which will likely be buried by next week's calamities and outrages:
The latest episode of That's My Guckert! courtesy of Raw Story. Beyond his more than 200 visits to the White House, there are the questions of what he was doing there on days no press conference was scheduled, why he sometimes used uncommon entrances, and how he pulled off the David Copperfield-like tricks of signing in without signing out, and signing out without signing in. The story was picked up by AP and a rather bloodless version ran in The Washington Post, which is still something, since before the story broke the Post informed Raw Story it was "finished" with Guckert. But were does it go now? The story will not be led from the front; the mainstream still has a telling chill about this story. (And I refuse to regard Bo Dietl as in any way mainstream.)
The revelation that Neil Bush co-founded a Swiss-based ecumenical foundation with then-Cardinal Ratzinger in 1999. Joining the two were assorted theologians as well as Bush's longtime business associate Jaman Daniel and Prince Hassan of Jordan, President of the Club of Rome. Bush, it needn't be said, is hardly regarded for his attention to religious causes. Neither is Ratzinger noted for his ecumenism. Curiously, the foundation is listed by Dun & Bradstreet as a "management trust for purposes other than education, religion, charity or research," though an official claims the designation must be a mistranslation.
Sibel Edmonds' implication that "laundered drug money linked to the 911 attacks found its way into recent House, Senate and Presidential campaign war-chests," and "not a single newspaper" is covering her appeal in federal court. When Tom Flocco asked her how many Americans were named in the intercepts she had translated for the FBI, Edmonds replied, "There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized," and that "some are heads of government agencies or politicians." (Any editor think that could make a story?)
When everything is broken, it's hard to know where to start; which pieces to pick up first. But better anywhere than nowhere. Also, better anywhere than everywhere. Otherwise we're Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory. There's no chance for quality control when the conveyor belt speeds up, if all we mean to do is keep up. Stuffing our heads isn't the same thing as feeding them.
I do know the feeling -- it's called scared.
Interesting about the Pope and Neil, follow up on the "Trust", I'd bet it leads somewhere. Not a "mistranslation"
Damn you Jeff, I just can't get that image of the cloven "scar/crease" on his thumb out of my mind. I keep thinking: " Have I ever seen ANYONE aged get a crease like that, a wrinkle like that?" And, of course, the answer is no, I have not. Damn.
Yeah Jeff, good idea to jump off that train, dust yourself off, figure out where you are, and where you want to go, without all the scenery passing by hypnotizing into lethargy.
So, again, I guess troll-like, I will state I believe WTC 7 needs to be blogged bigger than JeffeyJim story, although certainly it should be followed up to the extent the person authorizing Gucknut's "daypasses" needs to be outed.
Isn't it obvious?
Don't you wonder, when the inevitable downfall starts to occur of this criminal enterprise masquarading as a legitimate government, who will be the first of the "Faithful" to receive the modern day equivalent of "The Night of The Long Knives" in this administration/gang?
I know who my wager is placed on.
See above day pass obvious suspect.
But WTC 7 is my vote for a "start", to begin to unravel the unreal. Needs a truthful answer, while those in power then are still in power, and easily held accountable to the inevitable truth.
4 years ain't very long: the wheels of justice sometimes turn slowly...
Sibel knows, and it just takes one honest election to bring out the truth.
thank you again!!! I noted all three of these stories and had sent several copies each out on e-mail... but did not articulate just why they each held such importance. Every day we see stories such as these and every day we see them ignored and know that most people never see them at all. It's horrible. Thanks for doing a little something about it. This stuff abou Sibel Edmonds is astonishing and bizarre. Do congress members know of this? Are they in on it too, or are they as misinformed as the rest of the sheeple?
Darkbeforedawn said..Do congress members know of this? Are they in on it too, or are they as misinformed as the rest of the sheeple?
Who said: "you can't get someone to understand something when their paycheck depends on them not understanding it.
"For Congress, the lobbyists' trips, gifts and other perks are just as important to them as their paychecks.
Hey gwbushmalecheerleader, what scar/crease are you talking about (just curious)?
Everyone should read Susie Bright's March entry on the Gannon affair. It can be referenced from here:
Click on the "Topman" hypertext link at the top of the April 26th entry.
Bright provides some great insights into the gay prostitutes life. Good stuff.
Great Gannon research continues at Daily Kos:
Boston Gemini, the cloven thumb is in Jeff's April 19th post titled -White smoke, black lies. Scroll down until you see Rat and his claw.
These are our so-called leaders?
There's another picture of the cloven thumb in this weeks' USNews...
I thought for sure when I first saw that thumb that it was photoshopped. Did a google search, however, and came up with same thumb every time. e.g., and
So, the RC church as chosen a new pope who has a cloven left thumb. Ah, if that were only the weirdest thing happening these days. . .
...agree wholeheartedly...if it weren't for the "nucular options" of the RNC, Congress and North Korea, to say nothing about GW and the Prince of Arabia holding hands in mutual elation, I might feel that my intuitions were wholely perversions of some highly Neptunian vibration which I should probably ignore, " 'lest the little white men in their little white coats should come to my door..." case you all need a reference to the "handholding"...
I am having a problem with the cloven thumb.
It's not like a Cardinal or Bishop does any kind of labor that would involve a power tool (don't any of you take that as a pun, it isn't) and has an accident that splits his is a curious scar.
Hand injuries usually do not heal so well and so symmetrically. Ask my sister who lost a finger to a lawn mower. It was really bad and after 20 years, it just gets uglier.
I don't know what to think other than to ask, is it the mark of the beast?
i wouldn't want to tempt providence, but can we assume that because this Sibel Edmonds woman is still alive, that at least something is still working?
How high profile is this in the N.American MSM? (her citing no papers at her hearing notwithstanding)
wouldnt Clinton's rottweillers have hung a dead dog outside her front door by now...or shotgun-sunk her handcuffed boyfriend in a canoe in the bayou?
arghhh... what am i saying?
Did you know that Ratzinger had a head injury in 1992? Wasn't the anti-Christ supposed to have had a head injury?
While he has no apparent history of chronic health problems, the German was hospitalized at least twice in the early 1990s, including in September 1991 after he suffered a hemorrhagic stroke that temporarily affected his vision, according to Time magazine and Vatican journalist John Allen in his 2000 book "Cardinal Ratzinger." There is no indication the stroke left any lingering health difficulties.
A hemorrhagic stroke, otherwise known as a bleeding stroke, can be caused by many things, including high blood pressure, head injury or weak blood vessels. It is different from an ischemic stroke, which is caused by a blockage in the blood vessels in the brain.
In August 1992, during a vacation in the Italian Alps, Ratzinger was knocked unconscious when he fell against a radiator and bled profusely, Time and the Italian news agency ANSA reported at the time.
While he has no apparent history of chronic health problems, the German was hospitalized at least twice in the early 1990s, including in September 1991 after he suffered a hemorrhagic stroke that temporarily affected his vision, according to Time magazine and Vatican journalist John Allen in his 2000 book "Cardinal Ratzinger." There is no indication the stroke left any lingering health difficulties.
A hemorrhagic stroke, otherwise known as a bleeding stroke, can be caused by many things, including high blood pressure, head injury or weak blood vessels. It is different from an ischemic stroke, which is caused by a blockage in the blood vessels in the brain.
In August 1992, during a vacation in the Italian Alps, Ratzinger was knocked unconscious when he fell against a radiator and bled profusely, Time and the Italian news agency ANSA reported at the time.
If there is divine justice, the Pope's cloven thumb/scar may someday reveal what he really did during the last days of Nazi Germany...or not.
Didn't he claim a hand injury prevented him from ever firing a shot when he was guarding that BMW plant manned in part by Dachau slaves?
Beth is quiet right. Cool.
adsl is right. What she says makes scence.
Is that beths pic? Intelligent and pretty. Rare combination.
He also said:
Tom Shales
Imagine my surprise-you could have knocked me over with a tractor-when I learned that Katie Couric, gum-baring darling of NBC's "Today" show, had earned a reputation as a fire-breathing diva who sends shivers down the spines of co-workers and was even being criticized for showing off her shapely legs.
So what?
That's true. He told that story in an us magazine, but in fact has that to do with the curent discusion?
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Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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