Jeff Gannon's inner child?

Thanks to "nonny" at Democratic Underground for the above composite of Johnny Gosch and James Guckert/Jeff Gannon. Though the photos' perspectives differ, and it's proof of nothing, the alignment of features is striking.
Also, take note: Noreen Gosch is scheduled to be interviewed tonight on the webcast "Mysteries of the Mind." (I've never listened, so I can't vouch for the content of the show or the site.) If you can't listen live, it appears they maintain a good archive, and post shows to it fairly quickly.
And according to an Iowa message board, the Gosch-Gannon buzz has made local television:
"WTF? I just caught a blurb flipping through the channels and by the time I digested what I heard I couldn't get flipped back in time to get the last words of the report - what are they talking about? Is somebody claiming that Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch? Or is Gannon claiming he is Gosch? Or, that he knows something about his disappearance? Or what?"
Could it get any weirder? That's the thing: it always does.
Both the kid and the man have a "bump" on their right cheekbones, at exactly the same place. I'd say the odds are pretty low.
thanks for your series on this topic... I hope you continue to track it... I think your original post title. "Crazy enough to be true?" captures how I am feeling about it.
Uhmm, high... ? It's an unlikely coincidence, anyway.
just wo-o-o-o-o-o-ow. And here I thought this whole chain of thought was happening in a few, select places.
Either the web has longer tentacles than I realised, or the Gannon/Gosch connection is deeper than...
Wierd enough for you yet?
To be able to watch this go front page, but really, in all it's details front-page would, I suspect, be like watching the Boston Tea Party.
"watch this go front page"
yeah, fat chance, freddie.
"Gullible Not In Dictionary" - AP
Did you see this at
"Tom Bevan has a great piece at Real Clear Politics, PLAYING HARDBALL WITH MAUREEN DOWD, in which he makes some good points about this gal who probably needs a bit of the old Jeff Gannon to relieve some of that pent up whatever."
WTF? Strange to say the least.
The "Gannon" story, and the previous call boy scandal in the Bush White House in 1989, suggests the use of homophobia as a tool of control over elites by elites in government circles. The notorious FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who viciously used bigotry to smear public (and private) figures, was secretly in a de facto gay marriage with Clyde Tolson, his deputy at the FBI. Roy Cohn, the vicious red baiting assistant to Senator Joe McCarthy, was exposed late in his life as another closeted gay fascist (he died of AIDS).
from The Progressive Review, February 18, 2005
The blackmail may be used by members of one branch of government against those of another, by lobbyists against members of Congress, by the police against whomever they wish, and by foreign powers. For example, one way to keep a congress member bought is for a lobbyist to provide him with high class prostitutes. And it is noteworthy that both the Israelis and Boris Yeltsin apparently knew about Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky before the American public did.
One might even speculate on the homoerotic themes of military service and behavior or even on war as the ultimate closeted gay sado-masochistic affair. If so, what a price the world has paid for its homophobia.
it's not a story unless it can dethrone the current admin;otherwise it's just porn
for an impoverished mind & imagination
It seems Mrs Gosch has confirmed that Gannon is her son. That's what I gather from the posts over at DU made by Andy Stephenson, who is in touch with her:
Has anyone asked Jeff Gannan if he is really Gosch? I guess that would be to easy but I think someone should email him and ask. Maybe it would shake him loose.
Anonymous said...
'It seems Mrs Gosch has confirmed that Gannon is her son. That's what I gather from the posts over at DU made by Andy Stephenson, who is in touch with her:'
huh? this is the latest update we could find( & the thread is 6 pgs long):
Andy_Stephenson (1000+ posts) Fri Mar-04-05 11:55 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. We have been corresponding over the last few days.
Edited on Fri Mar-04-05 11:56 AM by Andy_Stephenson
She has been instructed by her attorney not to make a statement at this time. I will respect her wishes on this.
edited for spelling.
My abuse as a child included abuse by politicians in Omaha, abuse by my father and abuse by priests. I spent the last twelve years healing from the sexual abuse by my father from a toddler through a teenager. I also healed from the abuse by our local priest. I had fled to the church to get away from my family and was abused there instead of helped.
I suspect Bush 41 was one of my abusers because this new wave of abuse memories includes new very young parts one of which is a four year old boy named Space. Space told me one of the men dressed in suites who raped "him" said you don't have a Bush so I will give you a Bush. This makes me think that guys was Bush 41. They traded us in parking garages in Omaha. My sister was also abused. They drugged me too. These new memories are awful.
I am depressed because all of these law enforcement people should have protected me. They take oaths to protect us. Why did they chose to protect an evil man just because he was rich and was a politician.
I prayed for divine intervention today because I am too tired to keep up this battle. The memories are dark. They men are dark and evil. The mind control makes me want to die. Where are the good people in this world? I am one of them but I can't do it myself.
Parents, Priests and Politicians. Mine were all evil.
"huh? this is the latest update we could find etc."
Thread 5:
285. Andy, are you saying that in your conversations with Noreen
she also thought Gannon/Guckert bore a resemblence to Johnny Gosch?
Andy_Stephenson Fri Mar-04-05 04:16 PM
Response to Reply #285
287. In a word...
Anonymous said...
"huh? this is the latest update we could find etc."
Thread 5:
285. Andy, are you saying that in your conversations with Noreen
she also thought Gannon/Guckert bore a resemblence to Johnny Gosch?
Andy_Stephenson Fri Mar-04-05 04:16 PM
Response to Reply #285
287. In a word...
4:18 PM
'she also thought Gannon/Guckert bore a resemblence to Johnny Gosch?'
operative word:
this is the quote:
'It seems Mrs Gosch has confirmed that Gannon is her son.'
big diff...
The "resemblance" was in the question, not in the answer. Also, try to read between the lines in his other posts. But I suppose we'll know soon enough what she has to say about it, so we're probably wasting our time speculating.
' we're probably wasting our time speculating.'
no doubt
Don't know Andy Stephenson & whether Gannon is Gosch is a non-issue. Of greater interest is who are the controllers in this scenario?
"Gannon is gosch" IS definitely an issue! If this is proven to be true, this will help to validate the Franklin case/"theory" that there's a worldwide organization kidnapping children and profiting from it.
If this comes out as a scandal, the fact that gannon just might be gosch CANNOT be swept under the rug! that issue must be at the forefront of all this.
They might allow us to "see" the scandal, but then cover up the aspect that this guy was once a scared little boy who was forced into a horrible situation by people with a lot of money and a lot of pull.
If gannon=gosch is swept under the rug, any allegations of a pedophile ring will be tossed into the "tin foil hat" category in the wake of another "white house scandal". this is bigger than that.
I've seen the suppressed documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" and find it disturbing enough and important enough that I think the pedophilia ring story should be given attention even if the Johnny Gosch / Jeff Gannon connection is without substance.
I ran across an article on Online Journal which may be of interest....
GOP pedophilia and S&M trysts: A long history going back to Bush 41 and ReaganBy Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Bin d'are- how do you get to the site with the pic of Johnny Gosch's father? Can you just post it?
Isn't there ANYONE on the east coast who can track down who Guckert's parents are supposed to be? If we know when and where he was born, it's not expensive to obtain a copy of his birth certificate. Instead of relying exclusively on Mrs. Gosch, take that angle.
finally got to the post DU that Bin'dare talked of and saw the pic of Johnny Gosch's dad. Placed next to Jeff Gannon personna there is no mistake: the eyes are a clone. Unbelievable, dead giveaway. I am convinced now: this is the real Johnny Gosch...even DNA coudln't convince me more. Look for yourselves.
Yes, I'm not normally a tin foil hat kinda guy, but the alignment of the features is just uncanny, and the similarity striking between both Gannon/Johnny Gosch and Gannon/Gosch Sr. Every single feature is a match comparing Johnny Gosch and Gannon. And the identical scars on the right cheek of both of them is a giveway. It's him.
I would find this whole child-abduction, pedophile ring, government blackmail, under-cover agent stuff preposterous -- if I weren't prepared by a chilling forewarning. Do you recall that when Bush went before the UN after we invaded Iraq, and the whole world waited to hear him address the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the war, and out of nowhere he changed the subject and condemned sexual slavery? I was stunned! I remembered the "War on Drugs" and Nancy Reagan's campaign to "Just say NO," at a time when the CIA was involved with drug smuggling. It made me sick to think that the government might be involved in something to do with sexual slavery. And now, at the State of the Union, it was announced that Laura Bush's new campaign will be to help wayward boys. She, who was an only child and who had no sons, is to take on the issue of the plight of America's overlooked, wayward boys! It is obviously not her own doing, but an assignment, and a transparent attempt to make the Bush's look compassionate and wholesome and nurturing. To make it absolutely unthinkable that they could be involved in anything like a pedophile scandal, or homosexual prostitution, or sexual blackmail, or ..... It has left me sadly, wearily and angrily able to entertain the worst possibilities.
It's all another hoax folks....
Regarding the Gannon/Gosch piece by Erin Crawford in the Des Moines Register earlier this week. As a coworker, I am VERY familiar with Ms. Crawford's work, and can tell you that the article that appeared recently under her name was not her usual fare. It seems the editors at the Register heavily edited her copy, accounting for at least half of the finished article. The style is simply not Crawford's, but fits with the copy seen elsewhere in the paper daily. Crawford is a very egotistical young writer with a serious chip on her shoulder who is not above telling her sources they are mistaken. At the same time, she thinks so highly of herself that she would never recognize that she was being used as a tool by her higher ups to push an agenda that they've been pushing for many years now. She was neither qualified to tackle this story nor capable. Her usual topics are writing about Survivor (the television show), makeup, fashion and other fluff. Her most recent article prior to the Gannon piece was a riveting story about $150 shoes. Who better to take on such a serious topic as this...
On another note, the alternative weekly paper in Des Moines, Pointblank, just printed a cover story on the subject that was much better. It's at
I really hope that Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch but I have a feeling we will never know. If it were proven that this man is Johnny can you imagine what that would uncover? Every American would feel like they have been betrayed and are living in a society that is dictated and ran by scum. We are no longer free citizens but people just standing by waiting to serve our politians dirty and disgusting fantasies. We will never know the truth because they will not allow it. I can't even fathom actually admitting to myself that someone was taken and created into what they wanted him to be and is still living under their thumb. I feel sorry for Jeff Gannon if he really is Johnny. He could have had a normal life with his family but instead is living in some created fantasy world. He may enjoy his life even but it is all a facade. So will Eugene Martin turn up soon too?
You should post the pictures on this site, the other one of Jeff is remarkable, more so than the completely balled one.
It would help if i posted the site... hmm
Someone mentioned Joe McCarthy as being exposed late in life as a closeted gay fascist. Know who else were? Many if not most of the top leadership in Ernst Rohm's "Brownshirts" or Sturm Abteilung (SA) organization (the Nazi stormtroopers). Perhaps there's a correlation between right-wing extremism and propensity toward being a closet gay. Notice Bush holding hands with then-Crown Prince Abdullah? He also pathologically likes to rub men's bald heads, also strange. Food for thought.
If your looking for sites about rough gay sex, then click here!
it's because of Russia and love
and because she loves you
a Bea enlightens NE & Liz
…there is still love
A force acting mutually between particles of matter to draw them together and to resist their separation; a warm feeling, as of pleasure or well-being; to make exuberant or radiant; to perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of; and to entrust to another, usually for a specified reason; a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness and the desire to beget and conceive; the faculty by which one understands; intelligence; warm compassionate feelings; a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance; relationship by nature or character; a light produced by a body heated to luminosity; incandescence; an inherent similarity between persons or things; a pressing need; to have an earnest, heartfelt desire, especially for something beyond reach; a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy; the power or agency thought to predetermine events beyond human power or control; belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power and deserving special respect or reverence; sacred; a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality; one who saves from any form or degree of evil; and the rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation; Mysterious Jesus Christ.
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