"And your little dog, too"

Something about that movie though, well I just can't get it out of my head
But I can't remember why I was in it or what part I was supposed to play. - Bob Dylan
The "Base Program"
"Dad, Dr Black, and other mental programmers often used movies and storybook themes and characters to create alter-states and systems of alter-states in the minds of their child victims," writes Kathleen Sullivan in Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control. "The Wizard of Oz was known among programmers as the "base program" movie for children of my generation":
Each year, Dad forced me to watch the movie on television, even though I cried and begged him not to make me. This was before the VCR was invented. The Wicked Witch of the West and her monkey soldiers always frightened me, as did the tornado that lifted and carried Dorothy in her house from Kansas to the Land of Oz.
"The annual televising of Judy Garland's The Wizard of Oz was celebrated as a grand holiday around my house," Cathy O'Brien similarly notes in TranceFormation of America. Sue Ford, writing as "Brice Taylor," shares a similar story in Thanks for the Memories. And for what it's worth, Mark David Chapman also "looked forward to the annual showing of The Wizard of Oz on TV." It may not be worth much, because so did I, and millions of others. I even looked forward to hiding behind the couch when the flying monkeys appeared. However, Chapman's inner life was governed by a council of "little people," possibly inspired by Oz's munchkins. In the second book of Sinister Forces, Peter Levenda writes that Chapman "was so enthralled with this movie that when he went to New York City to kill John Lennon, he bought a still of the film that he left propped up in his hotel room." Interestingly, his little people abandoned him once he'd killed Lennon. In Chapman's words, quoted by Colin Ross in Bluebird, "the movie strip broke."
As we know, there's much more to Oz programming than simply its viewing. Sullivan continues:
Later, Dad hypnotically imprinted the identities and personalities of several of the movie's characters onto a succession of blank slate alter-states that he'd created through unusually severe torture. Several of these alter-states were later used on black ops.
Sullivan's "scarcrow" alter was programmed to believe she had no brain, leaving her extraordinarily suggestible to whoever triggered it. Her "cowardly lion" compartmentalized her fear. "Tin man" was most highly prized by her handlers: a male-alter who didn't have a heart.
Her Oz-programmed alters were conditioned to identify Washington, DC with the Emerald City. The phrase "over the rainbow" was used to dissociate her from her normal life, "with the symbolic rainbow hypnotically bridging them," and the phrase "there's no place like home" was used to return her to it. Cathy O'Brien writes that one of her Washington Secret Service escorts "linked arms with me like Dorothy did with her companion when walking the Yellow Brick Road." This would have appeared to be normal behavior...but to me it was a signal to 'stay the course.'"
Whenever I refer to O'Brien and her book I feel obliged to note my reservation. She's clearly endured abuse, but I think there's good reason to believe her traumatic memories have been intentionally contaminated - "scrambled" is how Kathleen Sullivan puts it - in order to discredit, contain and lead the emerging voices of a generation of mind control survivors who were breaking from their programming. (Yet, ten years ago, she improbably wrote about Dick Cheney's "oversized penis." And, as we saw....)
And this not only has the ring of truth, but makes an awful sense:
Much of The Wizard of Oz lends itself to themes commonly used by perpetrators. For example, nearly all MPDs/DIDs have suffered the loss of pets during ritualized torture. And all of Baum's character Dorothy's nightmarish experiences "over the rainbow in Oz" stemmed from her desire to risk her own life to protect her threatened pet. Abusers use this lesson to condition the victim to drop all resistance and cooperate or "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog (or child) too."
The "Wizard of Oz" letter
Bush watchers have called the death of George W's younger sister a formative event in his life. He was seven, and the attachment he felt to Robin may have been the strongest in his young life. Before she died of leukemia, the nature of her illness was hidden from him. The day after she died, his parents golfed. Barbara claims the impact of her loss upon her son has been "exaggerated."
Bush's piety and vulgarity is not the straightforward hypocricy of a Nixon. He contains both, and undoubtedly more we can't see, within a painfully fractured personality. Describing Bush's first meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, The Globe and Mail's Lawrence Martin wrote that "the Canadian side, while aware of the president's penchant for religiosity, had been expecting to talk more about softwood lumber than the Ten Commandments. The Canadians didn't expect the morality play. Nor did they expect that, almost in the same breath, Mr. Bush would be filling the air with the f-word and other saucy expletives of the type that would surely leave the Lord perturbed."
Disturbingly, and further suggestive of a generational sickness, Bush's sexual vulgarity appears to have a parental component. Asked at the Republican Convention in 1988 [the second convention at which Omaha's Larry King - paedophile, pimp, Satanist and Bush confidant - had been invited to sing the national anthem] "When you're not talking politics, what do you and [your father] talk about?" He replied, "Pussy."
A recent signature event that should have told everyone that America had gone not only terribly wrong, but also awfully weird, was Bush's performance last year before the Kean Commission. (Or rather, before the two commissioners briefly admitted to the White House.) Remember his "Wizard of Oz letter" - so-called by a Republican strategist - that laid out the conditions of his testimony? Foremost was the unprecedented insistance that he would testify only in the company of Dick Cheney.
I don't know if George Bush is truly over the rainbow, but he's certainly under control.
If you recall the first explanation for Bush's flight to Omaha on September 11, and for sometime after until it became inconvenient, it was that the Secret Service had received a threat to Air Force One ("Angel is next"), "using code words known only to the agency's staff."
On September 12, Ari Fleisher told reporters “we have specific and credible information” that Air Foce One was a target. The next day he was asked to confirm the substance of the threat, and whether it used code words. Fleisher replied,“Yes I can. That’s correct.” White Soon after on FoxNews, Condoleeza Rice also confirmed the threat included secret codes, and told Tony Snow “It’s not clear how the code name was gotten. We’re a very open society and I don’t think it’s any surprise to anyone that leaks happen.”
One virtue of Webster Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic Terror is his collation and analysis of the warning, the use to which it was put, and how it was made to disappear:
In the short term [the threat provided] a cover for the reasons that had actually caused him to flee across the country. However, the “Angel is next” story contained an explosive potential for the longer term, since by pointing toward the existence of highly-placed moles within the administration who had access to top secret code words and procedures, it threatened to explode the official myth of 9/11 which was then taking shape.
As Bush gathered momentum with his “war on terrorism”…the need to protect the coherence of the official myth became paramount. It was at this time that the threat story began to be denied, not by officials speaking on the record, but by mysterious, anonymous leakers.
Most observers, even most skeptics of the official account, readily adopted the quiet and anonymous denial, happy to spin a specious and simple "Bush ran scared" story, rather than follow up the implications of a Seven Days in May scenario in which the President was threatened by a mole in the White House at least to make him stay away until the Dark Actors had finished their moves before he mounted the stage to play the part for which he'd been cast. (It may have been just one of Bush's lessons that day. A story Daniel Hopsicker has rescued from the memory hole is a possible early morning assassination attempt upon the President, using the same ruse which got Afghan Northern Alliance leader Shah Masood killed just two days before.) Another fixture of the literature of mind control survivors is the staged attempt upon their lives, which reinforces a pattern of dependence upon their abusers.
The "Wizard of Oz letter" revealed, even to a hardened conventionalist like Eleanor Clift, that "Cheney is a co-president or worse, the puppeteer who pulls Bush’s strings." It's worse than that. Bush isn't in Kansas anymore. He's in Nebraska.
I have the button, but I regret the cheap slogan, "Bush knew." Bush knew? What part of Bush knew what?
More possible dots to connect about the 'base' program:
1) Al-Qaeda means 'the base' when translated from Arabic
2) Much has been said about the musical timing of Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side Of The Moon' to the movie The Wizard of Oz
3) Much also has been said about the esoteric symbolism in the Wizard of Oz, but here is something that occured to me: when the wicked witch of the east uses her broom as a torch to threaten Dorothy, she becomes a living Statue Of Liberty with her green skin. The Statue Of Liberty has been likened to the 'Whore Of Babylon,' and interestingly enough, this witch dies by melting, whereas the 'Whore Of Babylon' dies by fire.
FYI, more Oz imagery, from Adam Gorightly's terrific interpretation of Eyes Wide Shut:
Early on in Eyes Wide Shut --while at a lavish party hosted by a rich bigwig named Ziegler (played by Sydney Pollack)--star Tom Cruise's character, Dr. Bill, is seduced by two beautiful "models" who take him by either arm, leading him toward an apparent menage a trois. When Dr. Bill asks where exactly they're taking him, the two lovelies reply: "Where the rainbow ends." When taken into context with what transpires later on in Eyes Wide Shut, this snatch of dialog appears to be an allusion to Monarch programming, as The Wizard of Oz has been long acknowledged by Monarch insiders as a common programming matrix, which uses Wizard of Oz themes and imagery as a tool to program minds. (It has been rumored that Judy Garland herself was the subject of just this sort of Monarch-styled mind control.) Later, Dr. Bill rents a cloak and mask from "Rainbow Costumes", which just happens to be located above another shop called "Under The Rainbow". In the first scene at the costume shop, the owner catches his underage daughter in a state of undress with two apparent drag queens, and understandably becomes quite upset. In a later scene, the shop owner does an about-face and appears not only to be pimping out his nubile daughter to these very same drag queens, but tries to interest Dr. Bill in her pert young bod, as well. This is all very telling, as most Wizard of Oz programming I've heard about allegedly deals with the programming of boys and girl--at a very early age--in their roles as Monarch slaves, through sexual molestation and other related trauma such as SRA, as part of pact between the parents of the abused children and their Monarch "handlers".
just curious, but what part do drugs play in these accusasations of mind control? i remember reading somewhere that prolonged exposure to amphetamines can induce a psychotic break, and that chapman may have been subjected to such exposure...poppy fields, anyone?
Great as always. What I want to know is when are you going to have an art show? You come up with some great stuff in the art dept. as well. I wish I knew Photoshop like you do.
That movie terrified me.
We had to watch it every year as a special family event with the family room couch pulled right up to the T.V. as if we wanted to be closer.
I kept a scribbled note next to my bed for years that said, "we're not in Kansas anymore."
F. Scott Fitzgerald is reported to have told Hemingway, "The rich are not like us." Hemingway's filp reply nothwithstanding, they most definitely are not. In his excellent book, Wealth Addiction, Philip Slater attempted to plumb the hows and whys of it.
He suggested that if you travel through life without encountering problems that are so big that money can't solve them, then the world isn't very real to you. Other people's pain is not very real. When you do encounter problems that money can't fix, like the death of a child, the tendency is to pretend it didn't happen.
Why such a tendency toward pedophilia among the rich? Maybe other people's pain doesn't seem very real. Maybe, as the near-ultimate in predatory behaviors, is bolsters the notion that the ordinary rules don't apply to me.
I think that the increased scrutiny of this behavior (thanks Jeff) is part of the improved climate for the discussion of sex, in general, but we have not yet gotten to the point where it is as acceptable to talk about class as it is to talk about sex.
Maybe this is the Achille's heel of the power structure.
Another good article Jeff, and nice to see some brief mention of Webster Tarpley's SYNTHETIC TERROR, an excellent book which I've barely seen discussed on our usual round of favourite websites. (The fact that it's been discussed not-at-all on mainstream media websites goes without saying). For those who haven't read it, Tarpley makes a convincing case for the presence of moles in the US government, and makes an even stronger one for intelligence-agency complicity in the 9/11 attacks.
The weird disconnect between Bush's psyche, the nothing-to-see-here, all-is-well cheeriness of Reagan (and hereafter post-Reagan) Republican blather, the massive constructed PR campaign to 'sell' the official story of the 9/11 attacks, and the egregious turn-the-other-way shallowness of contemporary mainstream media, is one that will be affecting us in unnerving and unpredictable ways for years to come. There's a similar disconnect building in Australia, BTW - our Prime Minister down here is an all-the-way supporter of the War on Terror and recently had great success ramming restrictive anti-terror laws through Parliament thanks to the coincidental arrest of 'local Al-Qaida' terrorist plotters the very week he was negotiating to get his laws made permanent. Our local right-wing Murdoch mag THE AUSTRALIAN shortly after sprang the 'exclusive' story of how these local terrorists had been preparing the mother of all suicide attacks, replete with an itinerary of terrorist goodies snatched by the cops at their countryside farm which apparently included a VHS copy of "Sheikh Bin Laden's 'Getting Ready to Kill Yourself'". I guess a friendly Al-Qaida member must have mailed them the tape as a courtesy from overseas - or perhaps it was given to them during a tourist trip years ago to the caves of Tora Bora. Either way, it was a fact that sealed the deal and certainly gives me no reason to suspect that the group was overseen and patsied by intelligence agencies with the complicity of our PM.
Regarding: “Her Oz-programmed alters were conditioned to identify Washington, DC with the Emerald City. The phrase "over the rainbow" was used to dissociate her from her normal life, "with the symbolic rainbow hypnotically bridging them,"
One time I emailed Jeff Gannon about a rainbow I saw and quoted Blessed Alan da la Roache “the Angelic Salutation is a rainbow in the heavens, a sign of the mercy and grace which God has given to the world.” and wondered aloud to him…when exactly was it that the meaning of a rainbow changed in our society?
Gannon's email in response: “Now I know what Judy Garland was singing about.”
"Whenever I refer to O'Brien and her book I feel obliged to note my reservation".
Jeff, you are by far the greater expert in these matters so I do hesitate to disagree but I think you may (here and elsewhere) be being a tad tough on Cathy O'Brien.
Both she and Mark Phillips strike me as people of integrity - much of her book has the ring of truth about it to me. It certainly has a very strong inner coherence.
Only here and with the death of Gary Webb has my intuition been at a very slight variance to yours.
I agree with the last statement on O'Brien where did we get all the disinfo from on O'Brien. Her account is actually more in tune with reality and have proven true over time. The otehr mind control victims came later, and 'debunked' her claims while exspousing something much similar. Get a copy of Disinfo DVD it has an interview with "Brice Taylor", I wanted to believe her story but she came off very fake and I felt she had made up allot of things while on camera.
The problem as I see it is people are really too scared to investigate what Cathy O'Brien has said, and the proof she offered. She literarly was willing to show off the scars made to her, campained across the country..
There is no guesswork, just a trail of names to look up.
While discrediting Cathy O'Brien we should at least offer some evidence for the claim that she is disinfo. I have seen little, just alot of slander from the get go
In "The covert war on rock" some names were associated with after the fact attempts to smear Lennon, people posisbly connected to chapman family. Not sure if I can find the book in my boxes to transcribe the info today, but I say it's high time we organise a citizens intelegence network and catch some of these perps in the act. Maybe set a trap of some sort, and turn their secret game inside out.
"Not sure if I can find the book in my boxes to transcribe the info today, but I say it's high time we organise a citizens intelegence network and catch some of these perps in the act. Maybe set a trap of some sort, and turn their secret game inside out."
I suggested that on the board and got a very chill reaction, something about "non-state actors". But I still wonder: do we have the right, as citizens, to investigate our government and ourselves? I assume yes, but also caution that it would still be a very risky thing to do, constitutionally-guaranteed or not.
I just started a discussion board thread on this but it's worth putting here too:
09/12/01 Rumsfield to the Press:
Finally, I'd like to say a word or two to the men and women in the defense establishment, most of whom deal with classified information. Since the end of the Cold War, there's been a relaxation of tension, and the -- it's had a lot of effects. It's led to proliferation. It's led to the movement towards asymmetrical threats, as opposed to more conventional threats.
One of the other effects has been it has had an effect on how people handle classified information. And it seems to me that it's important to underline that when people deal with intelligence information and make it available to people who are not cleared for that classified information, the effect is to reduce the chances that the United States government has to track down and deal with the people who have perpetrated the attacks on the United States and killed so many Americans.
Second, when classified information dealing with operations is provided to people who are not cleared for that classified information, the inevitable effect is that the lives of men and women in uniform are put at risk because they are the ones who will be carrying out those prospective operations.
And I -- this is a message really for all the men and women in the United States government who have access to classified information. It seems to me that when they see or learn of someone who is handling classified information in a way that is going to put the lives of the men and women in uniform at risk, they ought to register exactly what kind of a person that is; it's a person who's willing to violate federal criminal statutes, and willing to frustrate our efforts to track down and deal with terrorists, and willing to reveal information that could cause the lives of men and women in uniform.
I think it's time for all who deal with that information to treat it with the care and respect that it merits.
Q: Mr. Secretary, your comments on the handling of classified information, does that -- are you suggesting that it's time to move to a more secretive government in which there's less transparency about what it is you're doing? And how does that square with the goal of openness that reassures both our friends and foes around the world that the United States' intentions are good? We all know that there's a wealth of material that's classified unnecessarily and doesn't necessarily need to be.
Rumsfeld: Well. I -- as I'm sure you've discovered, I do believe in openness, and I think it's enormously important in a free system with a free press and a democratic underpinning to our wonderful success as a country that we recognize that and respect it. I also know that you're quite right, there are things that get classified that ought not to be classified.
But what I said is enormously important, and that is that when classified information is compromised by people who ought to know better because they're unprofessional or uncaring, and perfectly willing to violate federal criminal law, and seemingly willing to put people's lives at risk -- their colleagues and their neighbors and their friends -- I think it's something that should stop.
It doesn't get any more bizarre trhan that.
Yes, indeed, children's literature has been used for millennia to condition kids. The secret societal cousin cohort cabal has definately stepped it up a notch or two.
One of the earliest "group" use of "influenced" "subjects" was on football teams. The novel "Stover At Yale" was used as an early "persona creator." The novel may be read at http://ctrl.org/stover
It is interesting that orphan and Warren Commissioner Gerald Ford's road to the White House as an unelected President (a mere shot/heartbeat away from a Rockfeller presidency) lead through football, Yale and male modeling.
Much of this -type of "stuff" has been carried out in Russia, Pavlov, Oswald in Minsk, and the first presentation of Maeterlinck's Bluebird which has such characters as (from Levenda's Sinister Forces) --
With characters such as Sleep, Night & Death, the play Bluebird by the Jesuit-schooled Belgian, Maurice Maeterlinck, may have supplied many persona for use in Operation BLUEBIRD an early mind control project. Other characters included Bread, Fire, Water, The Dog, The Cat, The Ghosts, The Wars, The Shades, The Terrors, The Stars, Dew, The Wolf, The Sheep, The Pig, The Luxury of Being Rich, The Luxury of Knowing Nothing, The Luxury of Understanding Nothing, The Luxury of Doing Nothing, The Female Slaves, The Happiness of Innocent Thoughts, The Happiness of Being Thoroughly Naughty, The Tall Blue People, The King of the Nine Planets and many others. There are over 110 characters in the play produced first in Moscow in 1908. Trained as a lawyer, he published his first poem at age 21. Two years later he moved to Paris, becoming interested in occultism and the “spooky mysticism” of the Symbolist art movement..
Onward to the utmost of futures!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
What is Operation Flying Monkey?
ON Veterans Day, Friday November 11th GWBush gave his major War on Islam speech at Tobyhanna army base in Pennsylvania, flanked by a man dressed in red satin, a woman strategically placed behind him to look like she had devils horns, a man on his other side with no eyes, and a black hooded figure in a death mask with no mouth, a la Eyes Wide Shut and the town of Milton Keynes in the UK. Look at the video of it available on Crooks and Liars for November 15th, and also on the DailyShow for the 14th. Look at it.
Besides the utterly BIZARRE tableau arranged behind bush at a US military base for a major war on the world speech, note the text which echos dialogue from the Wizard of Oz. Then watch as Jon Stewart 'laughingly' announces Operation Flying Monkey, after running clips of the Cowardly Lion.
I shit you not.
Then ask why Vogue Magazine is running a high profile photo spread of scenes from Oz, starring current famous folks this month shot by NWO photog Annie Liebowitz.
Why is the new 3 Volume Deluxe OZ dvd featured in the middle of this month's Costco catalog flanked by smiling grandparent figures and other non-related expensive items for sale, like silver candlesticks?
How has the film been digitally enhanced (note they advertise that the flying monkey scene has been digitally 'upgraded' - ie. altered with subliminal content??)
And TIME mag/rag last week featured in its People section a headsup pictorial about the upcoming Vogue spread.
Finally, last Friday, Nov. 25th even Democracy Now and Amy Goodman (911 ignorer) got into the act with an entire show devoted to the 'Man behind the music of the Wizard of Oz.'
Something is up here people.
O Lord protect our children.
"ON Veterans Day, Friday November 11th GWBush gave his major War on Islam speech at Tobyhanna army base in Pennsylvania, flanked by a man dressed in red satin, a woman strategically placed behind him to look like she had devils horns, a man on his other side with no eyes, and a black hooded figure in a death mask with no mouth, a la Eyes Wide Shut and the town of Milton Keynes in the UK. Look at the video of it available on Crooks and Liars for November 15th, and also on the DailyShow for the 14th. Look at it."
I saw the "alien face"/"death mask", it was probably an Air Force patch. And the red jacket sure was red and satin-like. I didn't see anything else, no hooded figure, no woman with horns, no eyeless man.
You LIE like a DOG
Re: the above, I just went to Crooksandliars.com the clip is as the first anonymous described. You gotta see it to believe it.
There's a little calendar on the right side of the web page. You click on the date Nov 15th and then scroll down to the link. It shows Jon Stewart with little bush and some ToyStory graphics behind him. What's up with that one too?
Look, I'll admit to seeing something if I see it, I'm not a "skeptic" or whatever, I just didn't see the horned lady, the hooded figure, or the eyeless man.
Can you perhaps freeze frame the image and point them out on Photoshop or something?
Yes, I noticed the Toy Story graphic and the Cowardly Lion thing, and in the context of Jeff's post, it was disconcerting to say the least.
The Daily Show always spooks me out (pun intended) - every other day they talk to a neocon or a CFR stooge, the general tone is one that nutures defeatism and detachment, and I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart got hooked into the establishment while at William & Mary. The Colbert Report is not making me feel good, either.
more kindling...
Dorothy's Magic Shoes Attract A Fortune
26 May 2000 (StudioBriefing)
A sale of movie memorabilia by Christies, New York fetched astounding prices Thursday as a pair of the Ruby Red slippers that Judy Garland wore in Wizard of Oz, The (1939) sold for $666, 000 ...
i agree with the first anonymous about the video clip...the guy with no eyes is wearing glasses which reflect the light making it seem as if he has no eyes. totally sick and weird. and we all know absolutely nothing is left to chance with these freaks, that crowd was hand picked and arranged in that precise configuration for a very precise reason which none of us (well at least not me) know. i always knew there was something wrong with that movie...
can anybody expalin the "NWO photog Annie Liebowitz" comment. just curious...
It was the attempted sequel to the Wizard of Oz movie -- the one made in the 80's that starts with Dorothy being sent off for shock treatment -- that I found *really* freaky. A definite "what were they thinking?" moment.
And of course there was also Zardoz (which took its title from The Wizard of Oz), and which was also all sorts of creepy and rather definitely perverse . . .
I've been trying to figure out the differences between the Wizard of Oz book -- which was on the whole very "open" and free-sprited -- and the movie, which was heavily paranoid and claustrophobic. Part of it was a result of trying to make the story more integrated, so that they brought the Wicked Witch in right at the beginning and had her haunt, menace, and spy on Dorothy throughout the film. But also, the book was both far more humorous and far cozier. The movie was something closer to a sugar-coated horror story.
I wouldn't want to speculate on whether it was intentional. But something strange certainly did creep in along the way.
Someone you might find this interesting . . . there is a guy by the name of Russ Dizdar who has been working with RSA multiples. There are some interesting interviews with him on (http://www.peeringintodarkness.com/radio/) P.I.D "radio" a Podcast produce by Derek and Sharon Gilbert. Some of you might not like his theological bent, but he has a lot of great stuff to talk about, including a phenomenon called the "Black Awakening" where something in nieghborhood of an estimated 5-10 million SRA multiples with take a on a personality created for choas for the furthering purpose of bringing the New Orlder Order up from teh ashes of the new.
Enjoy with as much salt as you chose. I think the guy's legit.
Operation Flying Monkey
THe hooded death's head mask with no mouth is in the exact upper right hand corner of the frame. How blind can anyone be not to see it? It's not exactly subtle.
Furthermore, at one point in the speech the figure sweeps his arm over his face with a big flourish and then brings it back down again, almost as if to say, "I hope you noticed me." I don't know what Bush was saying at that exact moment, but perhaps it was another embedded cue of some kind.
And what about those silver candlesticks with grandma and grandpa hovering over the Wizard of Oz dvd in this month's catalog. What are a pair of silver candlesticks used in? Satanic ritual anyone.
Come on. This stuff is all CURRENT, in the last two weeks. Not five years old.
To recap:
ON Veterans Day, Friday November 11th GWBush gave his major War on Islam speech at Tobyhanna army base in Pennsylvania, flanked by a man dressed in red satin, a woman strategically placed behind him to look like she had devils horns, a man on his other side with no eyes, and a black hooded figure in a death mask with no mouth, a la Eyes Wide Shut and the town of Milton Keynes in the UK. Look at the video of it available on Crooks and Liars for November 15th, and also on the DailyShow for the 14th. Look at it.
Besides the utterly BIZARRE tableau arranged behind bush at a US military base for a major war on the world speech, note the text which echos dialogue from the Wizard of Oz. Then watch as Jon Stewart 'laughingly' announces Operation Flying Monkey, after running clips of the Cowardly Lion.
Go to www.crooksandliars.com and see the clip for yourself.
There's a little calendar on the right side of the web page. You click on the date Nov 15th and then scroll down to the link. It shows Jon Stewart with little bush and some ToyStory graphics behind him.
I shit you not.
Then ask why Vogue Magazine is running a high profile photo spread of scenes from Oz, starring current famous folks this month shot by NWO photog Annie Liebowitz.
Why is the new 3 Volume Deluxe OZ dvd featured in the middle of this month's Costco catalog flanked by smiling grandparent figures and other non-related expensive items for sale, like silver candlesticks?
How has the film been digitally enhanced (note they advertise that the flying monkey scene has been digitally 'upgraded' - ie. altered with subliminal content??)
And TIME mag/rag last week featured in its People section a headsup pictorial about the upcoming Vogue spread.
Finally, last Friday, Nov. 25th even Democracy Now and Amy Goodman (911 ignorer) got into the act with an entire show devoted to the 'Man behind the music of the Wizard of Oz.'
Even DEMOCRACY NOW? On PBS, for Godssakes???
Yes Virginia, they ARE satanists.
Like steve vegas said...
"i agree with the first anonymous about the video clip...the guy with no eyes is wearing glasses which reflect the light making it seem as if he has no eyes. totally sick and weird. and we all know absolutely nothing is left to chance with these freaks, that crowd was hand picked and arranged in that precise configuration for a very precise reason which none of us (well at least not me) know."
Thank you steve, I agree.
But Kris Millegan, who are you kidding with your red herrings about Russia 100 years ago and you, starroute with your vague assertions that the movie is creepy? Well, no d'uh.
This is right here and right now and it is IN YOUR FACE.
Sometimes I think there are more disinfo creeps on this site than
actually interested, aware, breathing, concerned citizens.
Buy a clue.
That video clip is fucking outrageous. It definitely appears to be a person dressed in a black cloak with a creepy mask--totally bizarre.
At 1:09-1:11 the person appears to be adjusting the mask.
At 1:46-1:48 the person appears to be clapping.
The woman with the "horns" appears that way because of the way the man's white collar behind her is positioned--this could definitely just be coincidence.
The guy with no eyes appears that way because of his glasses.
Both he and the woman with horns are directly behind the president.
If you can't spot the guy in the red satin jumpsuit, go see an ophthalmologist.
I hope Jeff or someone will post a screen capture/picture of this tableau, as I'm dying to see it.
I tried to download from the C&L site, but my dial-up service in the boonies out here makes that impossible. One of you tech-friendlies out there, please help those trapped with 1990's technology to "see the light" and post a still photo here or on the forum.
Thanks! jennifer
To me the clip looked a scene in a gradeschool play.
Bush and a blonde girl with Dutch bob and little Dutch hat are all alone in a forest of classmates dressed as trees while other classmates dressed as monster lurk.
Spooky. The image of the Wizard lurking behind the curtain is an approriate metaphor of the empty suit posing as commander in chief, but the esoteric symbolism and dark synergy of the Wizard of Oz and wicked government things that go bump in the night is truly wild.
One thousand thanks for the Crooks and Liars, Comedy Central link as well which is both hilarious and freaky.
Speaking of odd news swept off the radar??? http://interactive.zogby.com/fuse/messageview.cfm?catid=27&threadid=7495
Death in a whorehouse
when al Qaeda in Iraq says that it undertook its attack because "the tyrant of Jordan has turned [the country] into a back yard for the enemies of Islam, such as the Jews and the Crusaders," their rhetoric should be taken seriously
I think that a list like this tends to attract paranoid people.
That's why I'm here. But I wouldn't be a proper paranoid if I didhn't suspect Jeff of being a disinformation agent. I mean, c'mon. Are we skeptical or are we not.
When I am trying to decide whether someone is genuine or not I don't generally focus on the things that they say. Generally, I look for the things that they don't want to talk about.
What subjects are taboo on Jeff's site? So far, the only thing that I can think of is crop circles. But I guess that this is enough. Any cosmology that does not account for them is pretty much shit.
We have to account for all the data.
So far, the only thing that I can think of is crop circles.
Ah, but you're mistaken. I've mentioned them a couple of times that I can think of, here and here, though I haven't yet devoted a post to the subject.
i was just thinking yesterday how i wished our esteemed host would post on crop circles. i really have never known what to make of them and have heard/read about almost all the explanations...
I have a chunk of a crop circle. I tried to sell it on eBay, but there were no bidders (please save any admonishments regarding the attempted capitalization). It just chills now, but I'm glad no one bought it. It was a basic circle in a farmer's field with smaller circles about as well. There was also some flaky new-ager talking about the energies she was feeling--maybe she was, but her stereotypical behavior was pretty funny.
You sure did. It's the thing in the very upper right corner that, as Jon Stewart said, looks like ",the alien from X-Files."
One major difference between the book and film of oz is that in the film it was all a dream, but it actually happened in the book.
Ok get this the Wizard of Oz in Relation to the entrappings of commerce. You see you alone as a flesh and blood human being cannot operate in commerce without relating yourself to a commercial entity.
So you "John Smith" at birth are given a pseudo commercial name of "JOHN SMITH" its on your birth certificate and on your social security card. This fake name, a name by the way does not represent proper English usage, it is improper it is your STRAWMAN, your name in all caps represents a commercial entity in which you by contract are the surety for that commercial entity or corporation.
Keep in mind the strawman does not have a brain it is a corporation. When you take the place as the surety for the strawman you are the brain for that corporate entity. Next comes the TIN man with no heart, again its just another pseudo representation that is identified by contract with you.
The TIN man otherwise known as the [Taxpayer Identification Number] or TIN is heartless its only a number. Now the reasons you are corrupted with these pseudo identities are to blind you into a world where you do not have access to your own freedom.
The Yellow Brick road represents real money and real freedom. It is made of Gold Bricks and gold is really the only trues source of money. Gold is real money. Federal Reserve Notes for example in the US have no value they are backed by nothing of value except the value of human resources, or value that the government gets by the taxation of the people.
Now if it were not for the Strawman and the Tin man the government would loose its power it could not tax you on these false and phoney [federal reserve notes] or this fake money. Fiat Money. This goes very deep, most people do not fully understand the nature of and the entrappings of commerce.
Where and when did the lies start ?
Here´s a clue (to when)
From 10:00 a.m. to approximately 8:00 p.m. (on Sept. 11), U.S. government officials were not thinking that this was the work of Arab terrorists, but rather that it was an expression of a military coup being carried out by U.S.-based extremists who were capable of provoking a nuclear war. Réseau Voltaire, Paris, September 27, 2001
“Sheikh: They [the Americans] were terrified thinking there was a coup.”
(“Bin Laden” tape of December 2001, Meyssan 2002 197)
Once in the airplane, Bush was in continuous contact with Cheney and others. Around
this time, officials feared that as many as 11 airliners had been hijacked. (CBS,September 11, 2001) Some reports place Bush out of the loop because of communication
difficulty, but out of the loop was his father’s line from Iran-contra.
Shortly after takeoff, Cheney apparently informed Bush of “a credible threat” to Air
Force One. (AP, September 13, 2001) US Representative Adam Putnam said he “had
barely settled into his seat on Air Force One ... when he got the news that terrorists
apparently had set their sights on the plane.” (Orlando Sentinel, September 14, 2001) The
Secret Service had received an anonymous message saying: “Air Force One is next.” The
caller spoke in the code words relating to Air Force One procedures. Colonel Mark
Tillman, who was piloting Air Force One, was informed of the threat, and an armed
guard was stationed at his cockpit door. The Associated Press reported that the threat
came “within the same hour” as the Pentagon crash --before 10:00 AM, and
approximately when the plane took off. (AP, September 13, 2001) The threat contained in
this message, “Air Force One is next,” would appear to have been distinct from the
earlier warning that came upon leaving Booker School, but this cannot be established
with total certainty.
Bush wanted to go to Washington, but he was overruled by the White House palace
guard. Card told Bush, “We’ve got to let the dust settle before we go back.” (St.
Petersburg Times, September 8, 2002) The plane apparently stayed over Sarasota until it
was decided where Bush should go. Accounts conflict, but through about 10:35 AM
(Washington Post, January 27, 2002), Air Force One “appeared to be going nowhere. The
journalists on board -- all of whom were barred from communicating with their offices --
sensed that the plane was flying in big, slow circles.” (London Daily Telegraph,
December 16, 2001) What was being discussed on the secure phone during this time?
Was Cheney communicating the demands of the coup faction to Bush? Was Cheney
reporting these demands, or was he joining in urging Bush to accept them? At various
points in the narrative, Cheney appears to be acting not just as relayer of information, but
as a spokesman for the secret government network which was in action on 9/11. It is thus
Cheney, far more than Bush, who must be considered a prime suspect in any serious
investigation of 9/11.
According to Bob Woodward’s canonical mainstream account: “At about 10:30 AM
Cheney reached Bush again on Air Force One, which was still on its way toward
Washington. The White House had received a threat saying, ‘Angel is next.’ Since Angel
was the codeword for Air Force One, it could mean that terrorists had inside
information.” Allegedly because of this report, Cheney argued that Bush should not
return to Washington. “There’s still a threat,” said Cheney. (Woodward 18) Within
minutes, the plane turned away from Washington and flew to Louisiana instead.
(Washington Post, January 27, 2002) Was this now a third threat, after the post-Booker
threat and the “Air Force One is next” threat? Did the terrorist controllers now add the
code word “Angel” to further document their insider status, and their possible access to
nuclear codes? Or are we dealing with two versions of the same threat?
This represents the single most important clue as to the sponsorship of 9/11, since it was at this point that the sponsors showed their hand. They were not located in a cave in Afghanistan, but were rather a network located high within the US government and military. It was a moment of capital importance, the thread which, if properly pulled, will unravel the entire fabric of 9/11 deceit.
Foreign press organs, more critical than the controlled corporate media of the US,
reported this story straight. The London Financial Times wrote that after Bush had taken
off from Florida, “within an hour, an anonymous call reached the Secret Service. Using
code words known only to the agency’s staff, the caller issued a chilling warning: ‘Air
Force One is next.’” (Financial Times, September 14, 2001)
The principal clue leading us to the existence of the rogue network behind 9/11 is the
“Angel is next” threat. Since hasty attempts to deny that this ever existed came soon after
9/11, we pause to document the evidence that this call really did take place.
In an interview with Tony Snow on Fox News Sunday, National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice confirmed that the September 11 threat against President Bush’s life
included a secret code name.
SNOW: Sept. 11 there was a report that there was a coded message that
said, “We’re going to strike Air Force One” that was using specific coded
language and made the threat credible. Is that true?
RICE: That is true.
SNOW: So we have a mole somewhere?
RICE: It’s not clear how this coded name was gotten. We’re a very open
society and I don’t think it’s any surprise to anyone that leaks happen. So,
I don’t know -- it’s possible the code name leaked a long time ago and was
just used.
SNOW: How on earth would that happen?
RICE: I don’t know. I don’t know. We’re obviously looking very hard at
the situation. But I will tell you that it was plenty of evidence from our
point of view to have special measures taken at that moment to make sure
the president was safe.
This exchange was reported by Carl Limbacher of NewsMax.com, who added that “U.S.
intelligence officials have not ruled out the possibility that a government mole may have
given terrorists the top secret code language they used to deliver the threat ‘Air Force
One is next’ as the World Trade Center and Pentagon were under attack.”
(NewsMax.com, September 23, 2001) Of course, the real imperative was to consider
whether the rogue network behind the attacks extended into the ranks of holders of top
secret security clearances.
The threat to Air Force One was repeated by others in the administration. In the
September 12 White House briefing, Ari Fleischer told reporters, “We have specific and
credible information that the White House and Air Force One were also intended targets
of these attacks.”
The next day Fleischer was asked,
“[It was] yesterday reported that
some of the people in the Pentagon were a little bit skeptical about your comments
yesterday that the White House and Air Force One were attacked – were targets of attack,
given that the plane had come from the south. What do you –”
Fleischer: “Who are these people?”
Reporter: “Well, I don’t know. They weren’t my sources, so…”
Fleischer: “No. There’s – I wouldn’t have said it if it wasn’t true.”
Reporter: “Can you confirm the substance of that threat that was telephoned in...that Air Force One is next and using code words?” Fleischer: “Yes, I can. That’s correct.”(September 13)
On Meet the Press of September 16, Cheney began to back away from the story, telling
Russert: “The president was on Air Force One. We received a threat to Air Force One --
came through the Secret Service ...” Russert: “A credible threat to Air Force One. You’re
convinced of that.” Cheney: “I’m convinced of that. Now, you know, it may have been
phoned in by a crank, but in the midst of what was going on, there was no way to know
that. I think it was a credible threat, enough for the Secret Service to bring it to me.”
(Meet the Press, September 16)
Notice that the top-secret code words, the really sensitivepoint, have now disappeared. Still, the Bushmen were extremely sensitive to any impugning of their man’s courage under fire.
A journalist who said Bush was “flying around the country like a scared child, seeking refuge in his mother’s bed after having a nightmare” and another who said Bush “skedaddled” were fired. (Washington Post, September 29, 2001)
In the short term, the Bushmen were eager to use the threat incidents to defend their leader from the charge of cowardice, and also to provide a cover for the reasons that had actually caused him to flee across the country. However, the “Angel is next” story contained an explosive potential for the longer term, since by pointing toward the existence of highly-placed moles within the administration who had access to top secret code words and procedures, it threatened to explode the official myth of 9/11 which was then taking shape. As Bush gathered momentum with his “war on terrorism” and Afghan invasion, the need to use the “Angel” story for political cover diminished, and the need to protect the coherence of the official myth became paramount. It was at this time that the threat story began to be denied, not by officials speaking on the record, but by mysterious, anonymous leakers. One of these leaks came two weeks after 9/11: “Finally, there is this postscript to the puzzle of how someone presumed to be a terrorist was able
to call in a threat against Air Force One using a scret code name for the president’s plane. Well, as it turns out, that simply never happened. Sources say White House staffers apparently misunderstood comments made by their security detail.” (Jim Stewart, CBS
Evening News, September 25, 2001) An AP wire of the same day, also based on an anonymous leak, read: “[Administration officials have] been unsuccessful in trying to
track down whether there was such a call, though officials still maintain they were told of a telephone threat Sept. 11 and kept Bush away from Washington for hours because of it.”(AP, September 25, 2001)
This is stupid; The popes new shoes, and underground heroes The Flaming Lips record a cover of "If I Only Had A Brain", for the Stubbs The Zombie soundtrack.
Congratulations, Jeff. You did it again. You buried the current, active awareness of something ongoing, in this case "Operation Flying Monkey" as one of its monikers, with your sudden appearance and shifting of the conversation to crop circles.
You are insidiously duplicitous and you ARE undoubtedly here just to mislead people down old, hackneyed, irrelevant and fruitless garden paths.
You never stick with anything that is real, hot, or current, because that is not your assigned task.
Yo anyonoymous 11:06 pm:
"But Kris Millegan, who are you kidding with your red herrings about Russia 100 years ago"
That was no red herring but on-topic history.
Do you have a problem with me and what I do?
Don't beat around the bush, please speak your mind.
What is your agenda in trying to besmirch me?
Why are you being divisive?
Who are you?
Does anyone have a better picture of Dick Cheney's tadger?
And what's with the smears against Jeff?
On the topic of the menagerie behind Bush during his speech, the "alien face" does not appear to be a hood on a person, but rather a decoration on the jacket of a man. When he reaches up toward his face, his arm crosses the "alien face." It does sort of look like a person wearing a hood, but it's actually an illusion created by the guy in front of him with a beret on. Look closer... It's still a very odd thing to have on display, but I don't think it's a hood.
Anonymous said...
Congratulations, Jeff. You did it again. You buried the current, active awareness of something ongoing, in this case "Operation Flying Monkey" as one of its monikers, with your sudden appearance and shifting of the conversation to crop circles.
Pardon me, but what the hell? Someone suggested a topic was taboo and I corrected the assumption. Where is the crop circle conversation?
Looks like a patch on a jacket to me.
Beware of trivialities; they're notorious energy-sinks..If there's any significance to it at all, it's probably to monkey-wrench viewers like us into frothing at the mouth for an explanation while the Band plays on..
I've read some intriguing 9/11 comments in this post so far that I haven't heard before.
What else is out there?
starroute said:
It was the attempted sequel to the Wizard of Oz movie -- the one made in the 80's that starts with Dorothy being sent off for shock treatment -- that I found *really* freaky. A definite "what were they thinking?" moment.
Thanks for bringing that up, I was unaware of this sequel.
The shock treatment may have been, as many of you I'm sure know, a reference to the medical condition and psychological state of Judy Garland in the years before her death.
An international star at 17, she was recognized in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Her contract stipulated that her physical appearance not change, so Garland was prescribed amphetamines to "control" her weight and barbiturates to sleep. Addicted to the drugs, which caused hallucinations and suicidal tendencies, her behavior became erratic and disruptive. In 1949, she was electroshocked. Her drug-induced health problems worsened, her liver and spleen massively swollen. In 1969, Garland died of a psychiatric drug overdose in a London hotel.
David Thompson in The Whole Equation: a History of Hollywood rejects the notion that Garland was victimized by MGM and points to other child actors of that period (Eliz Taylor, Mickey Rooney) with similar pressures who emerged relatively unscathed. Anyway...
The choice of Fairuza Balk (of Persian and Gypsy heritage) in Return to Oz (1985) (she later starred in The Craft , American History X ,etc) as Dorothy was an interesting one--about a dark an opposite to Judy Garland as one can select. It's truly amazing this was a Disney production. Directed by Walter Murch, long time sound and edit man for Coppola and Lucas.
Another odd sequel was The Wiz(1978) directed by Sidney Lumet (12 Angry Men, Serpico [!] ) starring Diana Ross as Dorothy, Michael Jackson as Scarecrow, Nipsey Russell as Tinman and Richard Pryor as The Wiz.
Thanks Jeff, I love it when film/art intersects with political/"conspiracy" theory.
starroute, in relation to your theory that there are some unknown allies on our side, you would be correct my good sir.. :)
and yes if we put our minds to it, we can accomplish all that we wish to accomplish.
Speaking of the "Wizard of Oz" and the Monarch programme.......
L. Frank Baum wrote this interesting piece of literature: "The Magical Monarch of Mo"
Baum was an 'interesting' character:
W of O should be rated NC17.
I don't like the way all the "anonymi" are lately attacking well-established posters on this blog, as well as the author of the blog, by calling them "disinfo" agents. It's rude and cowardly, and is probably the work of disinfo agents. So there!
Just witness how one anonymous pouted when he/she/it perceived that the Operation Flying Monkey topic was no longer the subject of attention. Trying to get everyone to focus on such nonsense is probably meant to distract us from the real issues raised by Jeff's post.
Just my two cents.
I found something interesting which I hope hasn't been covered here already (gosh, look at all the comments, I've been riveted all day reading your comments!). If this is redundant, please accept my apologies.
This web site is like Illuminati for Dummies with the added bonus of The Wizard of Oz and Illuminati for Dummies inset. I am halfway through reading this, my mind is exploding. I will never ever give my baby nieces and nephews fairy tale books. Never!
As an aside, are C.S. Lewis stories safe?
OK, I watched the video on the Daily Show. It's called "Justify my Gov." It's pretty effin' weird all right. That African American guy on the right looks like his eyes are completely yellow. And the woman next to the red-satin guy looks like Lyndie Englund.
That last bit about the cowardly lion is bizarre in light of this blogpost.
I prefer the L. Frank Baum version over the Hollywood version of WoZ. It was one of a series of great books for children in the early days of this century.
I agree with whoever said that the Daily Show is creepy. It does encourage powerlessness. It's OK to laugh about this stuff, folks, you can't do anything about it! Laugh yourselves into the gallows! har har har! Jon Stewart always looks as though he's enjoying this sadism. Ugh!
All right. My bad, it does appear to be a patch--that was really stupid of me. The patch moves with the guy in the jacket and from the position of his clapping hands it makes sense that it's a patch. But, what patch is it? And what's the dude's red jumpsuit for?
Raul, from my POV, the patch may be that of an eagle. The dark wings could appear to be "eyes" from a distance.
But...damn, that is one helluva big Iron-on. Geesh. Why would anyone need to have a patch that large on their jacket?
What bothers me is this: The audience, as we all know, is interviewed, approved and placed. Long before Bush shows up. The camera men have plenty of time to set up. How come this bizarre Eyes Wide Shut scene is allowed to exist in the line of vision to be televised?
My optimistic self thinks that maybe someone in the camera crew is trying to tell us something by NOT sterilizing the stage. Maybe we are now being told that these people in power are EVIL, here are the clues. Take a look.
I second what Col Quisp said.
If you don't like what Jeff is saying, yet you can't criticize it in a constructive manner, maybe you shouldn't read his blog.
...i.e., "dont be an asswipe".
it's ironic that Jeff puts so much time into these entries to then have a bunch of anonymous posters throw up some crappy posts about how the entries suck now.
some of the most on-point people on these comments sections and message boards and blogs are the ones that are getting called out as "dis-info agents".... that's pathetic.
you can't just sit there and exclaim "you're a disinfo agent!" just because someone challenges your preconceived notions of mind control or SRA or UFOs or what have you.... come with some evidence...some quotes...some blog entries...at least come with SOMETHING if you're going to do that.
it's also ironic that the whole point of RI is that it's a place where "high weirdness" can be examined and explored in an open format, yet lately there seems to be a lot of people who refuse to open their minds to something other than what they already cling to.
also, IMO, that Bush video shows some sort of military uniform patch...not an alien/death mask. same thing with the horns....that's some random guy's shirt lapels behind her.
that's why John Stewart was mocking the whole thing.
Two things:
It's more interesting that Fairuza Balk was chosen as Dorothy for the Return to Oz, as she is a self-admitted witch into the craft disguised as Wicca. She was also part owner of a store dedicated to that religion named Panpipes Magickal. Besides the witchcraft promoting movie the Craft, she also has appeared in The Walt Disney Comedy and Magic Review (1985, video) and The Worst Witch (1986, TV).
Secondly, I think the patch on the guys jacket could also be the face of an owl (of the snowy variety). Shades of Moloch perhaps?
So let's see...
Judy Garland...
Diana Ross/Michael Jackson...
Fairuza Balk...
Some strange lives behind the Oz headliners.
More on Fairuza from IMDB:
"Fairuza!" ("Turquoise" in Farsi) her father exclaimed as he saw her blue eyes: Fairuza Alejandra Balk had just been born, May 21, 1974. Her father, Solomon Feldthouse, was a traveling musician, and her mother Cathryn Balk was a belly dancer. Her parents split up soon after. Fairuza grew up just north of San Francisco, California, on a commune-type ranch. Her mother later found some work in Vancouver, British Columbia. it was there that Fairuza got her first acting job in a TV movie, at the age of nine.
Two years later, it was off to Britian. Fairuza attended the Royal Academy of Ballet, the Ramona Beauchamp Agency, and the Bush Davies Performing Arts School. Fairuza would work for The Walt Disney Company for a while--at age 11 she was chosen from out of 1,200 girls to play the part of Dorothy, starring in Return to Oz (1985). A year later she would star as, prophetically enough, The Worst Witch (1986) (TV), a harbinger of her breakout role in The Craft (1996) 10 years later.
Fairuza and her mother remained in London until 1988, then headed to Paris where the 15-year-old Fairuza starred in Valmont (1989). The next year they returned to Vancouver where Fairuza enrolled in high school, but despite being a movie star, Fairuza was shy in class--she ended up doing correspondence courses. Back in Hollywood, Fairuza starred in a string of movies, including Gas, Food Lodging (1992), for which she received an Independent Spirit Award for Best Actress.
Following further TV and film work, the beautiful Fairuza, now 5'3" and 100 lbs, achieved cult status with her starring role as a teenage witch in her signature movie The Craft (1996). This movie gave Fairuza her greatest fame (in real life, she owned a Wiccan shop called Panpipes Magickal, which was in Hollywood). The same year, she appeared in The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996), in which she did some belly dancing and attracted the attention of Lancashire, England-born costar David Thewlis. It was rumored that they were dating. They did two more movies together: American Perfekt (1997) and Great Sex (2000).
Fairuza was also the love interest in the wildly popular flick The Waterboy (1998) and had a major role in American History X (1998). With a half dozen movies for 2000, Fairuza is much in demand. Her interests are writing poetry and stories, playing the guitar, singing (her main enjoyment), and dancing. Fairuza lives in Venice, California, and has an apartment in New York City. As befits a Wiccan, she has 5 cats, named MoMo, Scout, Oscar, Sweetpea Poteet Tennessee, and Mouse."
Trivia from IMDB:
"...Once appeared as a vampire in a ZZ Top video
Born at 3:00am-PDT
She once fully owned her own Occult Craft shop in California called Panpipes. In 2001, she sold 50% of the business to a co-owner. Later, she sold her remaining share of the store to the current owners.
Has nine tattoos and a nose ring.
Has a triangle-shaped tattoo on her shoulder because the soldiers of the Nazi regime branded the symbol on the Romany in concentration camps. This is her way of paying respect to her culture and remembering the suffering her ancestors endured.
Is of Persian and Romany heritage."
"Fairuza grew up just north of San Francisco, California, on a commune-type ranch."
Bell-ringer, eh?
More on her dad:
"He spent the early 60's singing and playing in folk clubs through- out Europe. When he returned to the U.S. he co-founded a rock-fusion group called the Kaleidoscope with David Lindley. Pioneers in the mixing of western rock music with traditional eastern instruments and melody the Kaleidoscope is now widely seen as the first world music rock band .They recorded five albums and a soundtrack for Walt Disney studios. In the early 70's he started hand- crafting Jewelry and metal smithing at the Renaissance Pleasure Faires in southern and northern California."
I'd love to know which Disney movie Kaleidoscope did music for.
Well, I found a non-Disney movie soundtrack Kaleidoscope was on: Zabriskie Point.
Counter-culture orgy in the desert...
Fairuza's dad and Pink Floyd...?
More on "Return to Oz"...
Some trivia, goofs, and quotes that seem curious through a R.I. lens:
"While filming the sequence near the end of film where Dorothy rides atop the Cowardly Lion, actress Fairuza Balk became so overwhelmed by the temperature that she passed out on the sound stage."
"When Dorothy first meets Tick Tock, he tells her that he will be her humble servant, takes off his hat and bows before her. When he's bowing if you look closely you can see the "puppeteer" crouched behind him."
"Ozma: Why did they bring you here, Dorothy?
Dorothy: Because I can't sleep, and I talk about a place that I've been to, but nobody believes that it exists."
Wow. My husband is a long-time Kaleidoscope fan (and went to see David Lindley perform locally just a couple of weeks ago), but I never knew that Solomon Feldthouse was Fairuza Balk's father. Small world . . .
I hate when this happens.
I was on the phone today with a woman friend, who has a history of trauma and abuse (the extent of which I can only guess at), and who shows all the classic symptoms of DID; during our conversation I made the off-the-cuff comment, "You sound like The Cowardly Lion."
Without hesitation she said, "No, I'm The Scarecrow--[my sister] is The Cowardly Lion."
That movie freaked me out as a child. My parents ALWAYS presented it to me as if it was this fabulous treat, and they still laugh at the way I would hide behind the couch, terrified of the wicked witch (yet too enthralled not to watch).
They never missed a chance to tell me about the movie: even as an adult! "we remember how much you enjoyed it as a child, and we though you'd like to know it's on this thursday!"
Have they ever done this about ANY movie? No.
Never even mind that this movie is forever inscribed on my memory as having something to do with Easter.
Another weird thing is that it has become a sort of icon in the gay world. It used to be that a euphemism for being gay was being a "a friend of Dorothy". I'm queer, BTW.
Asta said:
As an aside, are C.S. Lewis stories safe?
Well, are they suddenly popular again? Are they being done by a big movie production company in Hollywood with decades long ties to the occult and the Powers That Be? Is there BIG money behind the revival of the stories?
You be the judge.
narnia -
now who mentions stolen keys found in a lion's mouth?
on whose standards are the lion seen?
of course, and this should have been noted long before, you've got to watch out for the 'you keep what you kill' or conquer practice, and just plain ol' bull-twang orneriness.
Author C.S. Lewis, for example, points out that, given the existence of a human soul, we are eternal beings. Since we are eternal, and governments are not, "then the individual is not only more important but incomparably more important [than the State], for he is everlasting and the life of a state or a civilization, compared with his, is only a moment."
Remember the picture of the ZARDOZ head floating over the landscape?
This reminds me of that:
Yes, yes... all of the foregoing is all well and good.
But the thing that knocked my socks off is that I was watching a downloaded copy of the Futurama episode entitled "Anthology of Interest II" just before I came to this site for my regular (weekly) read.
The last of the three mini-segments in that episode (one of the only early Futurama's that I haven't seen), is a segment in which Leela gets hit on the head after asking what it would be like if she found her real parents.
The rest of the segment is a deliberate take-off of The Wizard of Oz... except that when the curtain is pulled away the Professor still has a huge head.
Zoidberg as the Cowardly Crustacean was terrific ("if you have any extra courage lying around I could take it out for you, maybe?"), but imagine the double-take I did when I got here a minute after finishing watching the Futurama episode in question.
A wee or so ago it was my writing about Ug-Shothoth and Shub-Niggurath in my blog... days before seeing them referred to here. And today this site was talking Oz wel lbefore I decided to download the episode, but I knew nothing about Jeff's references at the time.
This sort fo thing happens to me all the time - sometimes I get an idea before someone else, and sometimes someone else gets an idea before me - but I generally know when somethingof that nature is going to happen... I am always on tenterhooks for a couple of days prior. (Hence the downloading of 'diversionary' (and entertaining) cartoons.
GT's Market Rant
I kept wondering about the significant differences between the book and movie of The Wizard of Oz, so I thought I'd check out the screenplay writer. According to this, there were a lot of writers, but the principle one was Noel Langley.
A little googling turns up that Langley wrote mostly medieval-ish swashbuckers, but he was also both writer and director for Svengali (1955) and The Search for Bridey Murphy (1956). An Amazon review of one of his books says:
Author Noel Langley apparently had a taste for the outlandish and supernatural. . . . Langley's biggest claim to fame was his (shared) writing credit for the "Wizard of Oz" screenplay. He also wrote a popular book about Edgar Cayce and reincarnation . . .
I'd want to kinow more, but at this point, he looks like a likely candidate to have added the more disturbing elements to the film.
A little more on Langley.
I found a rather strange, stream-of-consciousness description of his Search for Bridey Murphy at a film site. Because of the disjointed style, it's impossible to quote from it usefully, but I strongly recommend it to anyone who has been following this thread in a serious way.
I also found an Amazon review of his Cayce book which says:
This book isn't so much Edgar Cayce on reincarnation as it is Noel Langley on reincarnation, with occasional refernces to Cayce. The conviction with which Langley tries to "prove" that reincarnation is, in fact, a Christian view is kind of scary. All of his examples of the plot to bury reincarantion in the bible seem to involve "evil women" of some sort or another; quite a turn off for me. I skipped over most of that. Otherwise, it's full of pretty interesting first-hand accounts.
Man, that is some weird patch!
One more thing...
This Fairuzah Balk woman that folks have mentioned is someone who has interested me greatly in the few instances I've seen her (most recently the Island of Dr Moreau - with Val Kilmer, and the worst movie I've ever seen - was on TV here two weeks ago). She has odd teeth, cold eyes and always appears slightly pudgy, and yet she manages to be attractive. Odd.
To discover that she has five cats (the same number as I do) means that she's going to grow up to be a nice lady, even if - as another poster states - she has tattoos. A cat will never put up with any other animal that has a malicious streak.
There is a reason that Egyptians worshipped them, y'know. Daughter (and wife... eeeew!) of Ra, and oddly nicknamed "The Render" or "The Tearer" despite being a protective Sun goddess, Bastet also has a highly dual nature: when a woman with a cat's head, she's a moon Goddess, but when a Lion's head she's the goddess of sunlight.
And never, ever evil.
GT's Market Rant
Oh, yeah, I also found this.
It seems to be mostly garbage by somebody with a major Illuminati hangup (typical quote: 'Auntie Em represents HP Blavastsky’s “Mulaprakriti” and Uncle Henry represents HPB’s “Unmanifested Logos” '), but I toss it out here in case somebody might find a few crumbs of useful information in it.
(I mean, you did want to know about how Alfred I. du Pont's dog served as his familiar spirit, right?)
On Langley again . . . found this listing for a book by him:
The Loner
Langley, Noel
"..a 'West Side Story' of the sexual no-man's land" (DJ) by the Anglo-American writer of South African origin. Signed and with a 12-line inscription by Langley on front free endpaper: "This was ruled as hard-core pornography and banned in England by W.H. Smith & Sons in 1967; hence it had no press .. I think the climate is now right for it. Noel Langley, '70".
I couldn't find out any more about the contents, but it shows up on a couple of listings of gay-related titles and authors.
So okay, then. Kiddie books, hypnotism/mind control, reincarnation, and gay porn. What a combo.
You can add this title to Mr Langley list: Scene for Satan by Noel Langley
Fles, Barthold (editor) (Grace Amundson; Noel Langley; Will F. Jenkins; Gerald Kersh; Willard Temple; Conrad Richter; Wilbur Schramm; Paul Gallico; Rear-Admiral D. V. Gallery)
THE SATURDAY EVENING POST FANTASY STORIES: Child Who Believed; Scene for Satan; Doomsday Deferred; Note on Danger B; Eternal Duffer; Doctor Hanray's Second Chance; Voice in the Earphones; Terrible Answer; Enemy Planet
New York Avon Books 1951
126 pp. Lightly rubbed on the corners with a flat uncreased spine; not store stamped. Cover art by William Randall. This contains: The Child Who Believed by Grace Amundson; Scene for Satan by Noel Langley; Doomsday Deferred by Will F. Jenkins; Note on Danger B by Gerald Kersh; The Eternal Duffer by Willard Temple; Doctor Hanray's Second Chance by Conrad Richter; The Voice in the Earphones by Wilbur Schramm; The Terrible Answer by Paul Gallico; and The Enemy Planet by Rear-Admiral D. V. Gallery. First Paperback Printing Soft Cover
GT said:
"This sort fo thing happens to me all the time - sometimes I get an idea before someone else, and sometimes someone else gets an idea before me"
I know what you mean. Kind of like when I came home just now and read this post, moments after spotting a cat by my front door and wondering why the hell the Egyptians worshipped them.
and then GT said:
"There is a reason that Egyptians worshipped [cats], y'know."
Wow the alien/mask face is hilariously creepy! But indeed, very clearly a patch/badge on someone's jacket. Weird nonetheless.
All the other things mentioned, (horned woman etc) seem to be somewhat of a stretch to say the least! :-/
This thread has sparked a couple of odd recollections. For example, when it began, I was convinced I had never seen the Wizard of Oz until I was an adult. But on checking and finding it had a 1955 theatrical re-release, when I was eight, I realized I must have seen it then. It just didn't make much of an impression on me -- I think I found it disappointing compared to the book.
The one thing that does stick in my memory is that there was a photo in the lobby showing the main characters grouped around the balloon. When my mother and I came out after the film, I asked her why that scene didn't appear anywhere in the movie, and she explained to me about publicity stills. That was an enormous disillusionment for me -- one of my earliest lessons in the falsity of official presentations. If it hadn't been for the effects of that publicity still, I might not be hanging around this site today.
Some comments after seeing some of it tonight.
If seen without any RI weirdness on the mind, it seems like a positive story for our side, in which we defeat wickedness and expose propaganda.
But of course, it's hard not to see it unweirdly. The Wizard's holographic head is alien-esque before (I presume) that facial model of aliens became popular. When she clicks her heels at the end, with the trance-like wand-waving, music, and circular pattern...truly creepy.
As for "Friends of Dorothy"...
That's pretty simple.
The Tin Man, Lion, and Scarecrow are gayer than gay.
Any thoughts on Muriel Degauque? http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2005/12/muriel-degauque-and-charleroi.html
Ok, here's a question:
Where does the Red Brick Road lead to? It has it's origin point at the same spot as the Yellow one.
What do you make of this photo of Robin Bush?
Why would she be holding a black doll?
Why not? What are you some kind of racist?
No, my reactionary commentator. Taken in context to the time period, early 1950's, most little girls (as they do today, all races) usually had a doll that represented themselves. Having lived in the era of which I speak, I know this to be true. As a matter of fact, this would be more so in conservative Texas during that period. I find this photo to be strange.
Conversation seems dead so...
As an anonymous poster I would like to say with popularity comes a mass audience, and unfortunately that includes your fair share of arseholes, looking to noise you up.
I like reading your spin on the world, as you see it. I thank you for going to the trouble of thinking, writing, and getting it out there for lazy fuck-wits like me to stumble on and enjoy.
Are you right, are you wrong, are you left, are you right, are you up are you down, are you in, are you out... I don't fucking care.
You are interesting and entertaining.
Although, I did suspect you were kidnapped and replaced about a month ago.
I had already heard the "Oz as allegory of Populist struggle against the Money Power" interpretation. (How queer, as an American in 2005, to realize how serious Americans were about "honest money" back then; while today we take for granted that money is an abstract value of "credit" attached to a fancily printed slip of paper, or a number in an account, the value of which is manipulated from day to day without our knowing or caring.)
Also interesting is the interpretation of casey lee cobb, regarding the change re: commercial law vs. common law/sovereign citizenship in 1933. Only thing is, Baum wrote the book in 1900.
Oz and Monarch programming: If the list of Monarchs includes many big-name entertainers, as has been claimed, surely Michael Jackson is one of them.
* Media anointed him the "KING [Monarch] of Pop"
* He has his children wear BUTTERFLY masks when out in public
* A recent MJ album had a hit single (which I liked, by the way) called "BUTTERFLIES" and another called "FOR ALL THE LOST CHILDREN"
* Jacko has long surrounded himself with DISNEY characters and symbolism, especially PETER PAN. (Allegedly, the Disney "MAGIC KINGDOM" is an integral part of "Illuminati" ritual and MC programming.) His ranch is called NEVER-NEVER LAND
* Acknowledged he and siblings were ABUSED, emotionally, physically and sexually (Another common aspect in MC) & used in a SLAVE-LIKE fashion by their father and Motown Records
* He has a thing for YOUNG BOYS
* He's obviously got many screws loose ... but he recently called Hollywood honcho Steven Spielberg "very, very DEVILISH" -- perhaps programming unraveling?
* Raised in Watchtower cult; now reportedly with the Nation of Islam cult (cults an important tool of the controllers)
* "The Wiz"
mr e
Also, Jacko seems to dress only in black or Red or a combination of both, Satanic gang colors to be sure. If you also remember, Vanity Fair's April issue reported that in the year 2000, Jackson attended a voodoo ritual in Switzerland where a witch doctor promised that Spielberg, music mogul David Geffen and 23 other people on the entertainer's list of enemies would die.
Jackson, who underwent a "blood bath" as part of the ritual, then ordered his former business adviser Myung-Ho Lee to wire $150,000 to a bank in Mali for a voodoo chief named Baba, who sacrificed 42 cows for the ceremony, the magazine reported.
Disneyland, to the best of my recollection, does seem to have been modeled on the Land of Oz -- with the four "lands" in quadrants and Main Street in the center as a kind of retro equivalent of the Emerald City. Somehow it's kind of hard to think of the layout of Disneyland as having any particular occult significance -- though this place being what it is, I'm sure someone will pop up to insist that it does.
What is this ignorant tripe I read above: "Michael Jackson only wears black and red". I can see why some people here worry about disinfo agents... occasionally these comments are mind-bogglingly idiotic.
Easy Popeye, cut down on the spinach before you fat mouth me. Use your head, obviously that wasn't meant literally as "wears black and red ALL the time". He does wear it PRIMARILY as anyone can plainly see when he makes his public outings.
It's funny though, that you decide to make that the crux of focus rather than his commission and participation in Voodoo death rituals. Quite a reactionary, and juvenile outburst for such a small comment don't you think? If you want a fight, go punch yourself square in the face.
sonic kumte:
"Jacko seems to dress only in black or Red or a combination of both"
'seems' suggests that you have considered the issue and personally judged it to be so.
'only' implies exclusivity. Since this was not the intended meaning, we can judge your statement to be 'semantically irresponsible'. I'm not saying you're wrong (or right), just that you could have been more clear. There's a chance some less-than-skeptical folks took your statement at face value, which could result in some kind of psychic breakdown once they see MJ donning a pink tux or a green jumpsuit. Just imagine...
"It's funny though, that you decide to make that the crux of focus rather than his commission and participation in Voodoo death rituals."
Well then I'd be talking subjectively, as I'm in no position to confirm or deny those Jackusations. But I can objectively point to a flaw in your comment.
"Quite a reactionary, and juvenile outburst for such a small comment don't you think?"
A little over the top maybe, yes.
"If you want a fight, go punch yourself square in the face."
Ahh yes, the vision of Jacko releasing thousands of Monarch butterflies onto the Neverland Ranch...
Garland was found dead on the summer solstice of 1969, just seven weeks before the Tate/LaBianca murders. Dr. Max "Feelgood" Jacobson once 'treated' Judy Garland and served as the personal physician of John Kennedy, (whose brother Robert was romantically linked to Jayne Mansfield, as was Anton LaVey...)-JFK's assassination prompted the shelving of the film The Manchurian Candidate by its star, Frank Sinatra, (Sinatra had spent an afternoon at the White House with performers Danny Kay and Judy Garland, teaching the staff how to make Bloody Mary's...) Frank was a frequent companion of fellow 'Brat Packer' Sammy Davis, Jr., who was an acknowledged member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, from where Manson recruited killers Bobby "Cupid" Beausoleil and Susan "Sexy Sadie" Atkins, who confessed to her cellmates that she had stabbed to death actress Sharon Tate...
I have read Sue Ford's (AKA Brice Taylor's) "Thanks For The Memories." Exspensive, but well worth it. Granted, one is wary about how much is true, but it seems that most if not all is true when you look at the Larry King/Omaha scandal tied in with missing kids and the CIA Finders group.
I was wondering how good the Jesuit Order is at mind control? Anyone read anyrhing? Has anyone listened to Eric Phelps or checked out http://cloakanddagger.de ? I have rare out-of-print books on CD regarding the Jesuits but haven't come across anything yet. Lots of reading...
Hi Jeff
I am a first time poster to the site and am not anonymous, neither do I use a pseudonym.
I have been reading a lot of these excellent threads of yours, but tend to print them off and read them at leisure - hence I am only adding this now.
The whole Spirit of the Beehive thing immediately put me in mind of Pastor Joe Schimmel's Personal testimony on the born again christian website Fight the Good Fight. I heard this several years ago and have never forgotten it, as he directly attributes his conversion experience to the 'humming sound' as he himself calls it, linked to his youthful interest in New Age philosophy, improvised rock music, paralysis experiences and unconsciously assumed Eastern Philosophy. The concept of the humming sound always intrigued me as I had never come across it before -until your posting that is.
Here is the link:
He has also cited the lyrics of Stairway to Heaven, which I know Robert Plant believes was channeled:
'Your head is humming and it won't go in case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him'
Later on Led Zep got thoroughly into Eastern music and the droning sound is all over their post 'Stairway' material. Plant in his latest solo gigs rehashes old Zep songs in precisely that style.
One can argue this way and that but, yeah, it's probably demonic.
Guy Reid-Brown
Schimmel also saw a demonic influence of this humming sound
Ironically enough, BFI published an analysis on Wizard of Oz written by none other than Salman Rushdie. He has a fascinating take on it, and discusses the impression it made on him at length, calling it (the movie) his first literary influence.
Narnia is witchcraft, according to this website:
Better late than never, right? :)
Just now read this post...it was originally posted when I was still reeling from Katrina. I'm not much on disclosure, for good reason, but in the interest of simply making sense I will tell you now that I am DID/MPD. However, I have no memories of SRA or MKUltra, as yet (and hopefully never will).
What I do remember about the OZ movie from my childhood is very confusing. The first time I recall seeing it, I was five years old and at another family's home. I was upstairs with a teenaged boy. I don't remember any names. The movie scared the hell out of me, and I couldn't watch it for years later. Strangely enough though, I became absolutely obsessed with the OZ book series (did you know there are 13 of them?) when I was 10. The local library had most of them. I was about 11 when "Return to Oz" came out, and I was angry that it was so different from the books. It too, scared the crap outta me, and I've never seen it since. Ironically, sometime in my early 20s, I started watching The Wizard of Oz with great frequency - and I truly enjoy the film. In fact, I have four figurines (Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion) on top of my desk right now!
I have no idea what any of this means, if anything. I'm a longtime lurker, but I had to write this post. I'd love to know why....I think.
Here is my own blog post concerning this topic. I am an ex-Illuminati MC survivor, working toward total emancipation from the group. I know quite a few MC survivors, and almost everyone has Oz programming.
The thing that this suggests and which has gotten me literally banned from attending two churches, is that there is a highly organized nationwide at least underground network of evildoers perpetrating these crimes. This is actually the truth but that is just too big and scary, I guess, for people to wrap their brains around. Its unfortunate, because if people are too weak or scared to even HEAR of these things, how can they even begin to do anything to stop it. The machine is well on its way to accomplishing its goal, and most don't even WANT to know about it.
I am a voice crying in the wilderness.
last night I went to see "Laser Floyd" which was a laser show to the album, "Dark Side Of The Moon". It was absolutely loaded with programming reinforcements and triggers. I came home and took a look at Pink Floyd's lyrics to this album and the wall, and was sad to see yet another voice crying in the wilderness. Waters (the lyricist) was trying to tell us something. His experience with mind control or something similar is glaringly obvious to those us who have survived us.
How long will we scream into the silence?
I never heard so much bullshit in my life.
All 52 yearts of it.
Get a grip people.
"I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" The dog in question was Toto, Dorothy's terrier; as a metaphor for Dorothy's "real" world, this refers to the fact that the Wicked Witch is a personification of Elmira Gulch, who wanted to have Toto put down for biting her on the leg, hence the co-conspirator context.
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It was reported on the TV news (okay, sometimes I watch videos on my computer, even though we don't "do" television) that the incident is under investigation. And his victim is in... umm... stable condition was reported. No mention if he will lose an eye or worse.
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Just like he did to his father before him.
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Makasih gan udah share infonya
Good info
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
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