A few good mind-controlled men?
Prophet Yahweh, Marine

Thanks to "human" on the forum for this possible puzzle piece.
"Prophet Yahweh" maintains a Yahoo personals page, on which he's posted a photo of his younger self as a Marine.
Yahweh, born Ramon Watkins, writes on his website that "it has been over a quarter century since UFOs and spaceships have been appearing to me." That would probably take us back to his career in the corp. It's interesting that he says initially they appeared by "accident," before he claims to have taught himself the Biblical technique of summoning. Perhaps he developed the method in order to make sense of the madness.
Not all Marines, thank God, are mind-control subjects. But by God, too many sure seem to have been. So when a former Marine claims that, since his time in the corp, he's been in communication with an angelic host of flying saucers, has demonstrated that he can deliver something for the camera, and has heard a voice in his head telling him now's the time, I think it's prudent that we pay attention.
By the way, there's a glitch in the RI matrix: the forum is buggy this morning, and you may not be able to post to it. I've alerted on the problem, and hope it corrects itself soon. (Update from ezboard: "There is currently a wide spread issue affecting the entire ezboard.com network. Our techs have been notified of the situation and we will update you as soon as we have more information available. Note: At this time there does not appear to be any information loss despite what the error messages say.")
Further update: forum's debugged. Post away.
Furtherest update: er, not quite. There are network-wide problem, so hold those posts. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Thanks to "human" on the forum for this possible puzzle piece.
"Prophet Yahweh" maintains a Yahoo personals page, on which he's posted a photo of his younger self as a Marine.
Yahweh, born Ramon Watkins, writes on his website that "it has been over a quarter century since UFOs and spaceships have been appearing to me." That would probably take us back to his career in the corp. It's interesting that he says initially they appeared by "accident," before he claims to have taught himself the Biblical technique of summoning. Perhaps he developed the method in order to make sense of the madness.
Not all Marines, thank God, are mind-control subjects. But by God, too many sure seem to have been. So when a former Marine claims that, since his time in the corp, he's been in communication with an angelic host of flying saucers, has demonstrated that he can deliver something for the camera, and has heard a voice in his head telling him now's the time, I think it's prudent that we pay attention.
By the way, there's a glitch in the RI matrix: the forum is buggy this morning, and you may not be able to post to it. I've alerted on the problem, and hope it corrects itself soon. (Update from ezboard: "There is currently a wide spread issue affecting the entire ezboard.com network. Our techs have been notified of the situation and we will update you as soon as we have more information available. Note: At this time there does not appear to be any information loss despite what the error messages say.")
Further update: forum's debugged. Post away.
Furtherest update: er, not quite. There are network-wide problem, so hold those posts. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I note on his personal page he lists his occupation as "Entertainment/Media" and his income as "more than $150,000".
My favorite quote: "All the sweet chocolate sisters deserve to be treated like the Queens they are!"
Sounds more like the Prophet Barry White to me, but Amen brother.
So much for the vow of poverty...
Man, this guy can really work the words. His lines are tight, powerful and positive.
I wonder how these women will feel when they find out that not only does he have game, BUT he's also a summoner of astro-objects AND a prophet. TWO great men occupying the body of only ONE man! Who also happens to be in the lucrative entertainment/media business.
Women, dont sleep on this pick.......and dont forget to report everything you find out about him to this blog....Adios, y vaya con dios idiotas
P.S. If he really is a prophet, everyone understands this was just in good humor and not meant to offend any legitimate Diety.
"Viral media" ring a bell?
While we're collecting Marines, we should add USMC Brigadier General (Ret.) Duane Faw to the list, who has some interesting connections with mind control and various military ops.
You'll find some very curious information at this page, including analysis I hadn't before encountered about the Findhorn community, here at the Urantiagate site. Faw's information in scattered through this timeline:
The Urantiagate site is a new one to me, I just saw it the first time today thanks to an anonymous poster in the comments section of Jeff's March 24 article "Is it the future yet?" who linked it. You may want to return to that page to follow that link in which the Urantiagate site discusses synthetic telepathy and the ways in which the Realians and David Koresh, as it gives some background into the possible engineering of divine voices in various spiritual movements.
More down-the-rabbithole stuff guaranteed to fuck with your sense of reality.
Correction, that should have been "the ways in which the Realians and David Koresh resemble each other" .
And that reminds me of the recently "reactivated" Uri Geller, and his "Intelligence in the Sky," SPECTRA, which also told him to anticipate mass landings.
Not to nit-pick, but it's the Marine CORPS, not corp. Otherwise, interesting post, as usual.
P.S.: I'm reminded of a fake letter-to-the-editor from National Lampoon magazine from about 20 years ago:
"Dear Sirs,
My friend has joined this strange cult that has isolated him from his friends and family, makes him get up every morning at 5 am, forces him to participate in weird rituals and repeat bizarre slogans all day. They've told him that if he tries to leave, they'll hunt him down and bring him back.
Can't someone do something about this so-called 'Marine Corps'?
[signed xxx]"
I knew there would be a time when I would curse being a white woman! I want somebody to pay my house payment and car!!!!!
I knew there would be a day I would curse being a white woman!
What's up with the discussion board. I was unable to post this afternoon. I see that these has not been a post all afternoon. If the discussion board down?
I checked a private board I belong to which is hosted by EZboard, and as of this evening it is reading that there haven't been any new postings in a year. Clearly something is still not working in their system.
I'm sorry about the disruption to the forum. I thought it was fixed earlier, but ezboard is having network-wide problems. Hoping for better tomorrow.
According to the various Yahoo personals, at 50 Prophet Yahweh was divorced, but at 52 he is "married but looking."
Did he find his "queen" who wanted to have her rent paid, but it didn't work out? Does Mrs. Prophet Yahweh know about his Yahoo personals ad?
And if he has a vow of poverty that he won't make money off his UFO videos, isn't it cheating to be making money off the affiliate program that offers the pre-paid Mastercard debit cards that can help those who don't have standard credit cards pay for the memberships to his site?
If you are doing computer work at a high enough level where you can use a whole lot of two-inch thick computer program reference books, why do you have a "...For Dummies" book mixed in with them? I don't think he took his snifter to a bookstore for the personals photo showing this, the titles all seem to be single copies.
A question for Jeff -- why are you using the term "occultic"? "Occult" seems to be a perfectly good adjective for those of us who have a fairly good idea of what it means, whereas "occultic" seems to be a term used only by conservative Christians who are rather hysterically railing against the occult.
Individual board owners do not have the ability to fix system-wide glitches when EZBoard goes down. Jeff puts a lot of work into this site. Don't blame him when something that he has no control over goes wrong.
You can, however, blame the Illuminati, the Bonesmen, Martians, capitalism, Karl Rove, the Annunnaki or evil daddies if you need to vent. :)
ABC Channel 13 Action News has rescinded it's invitation to film Yahweh.
This is not for this subject particularly, but in a more general sense for this website:
"It seems then, that innovators in science are frequently those with sufficient courage to challenge widespread assumptions, enabling them to observe phenomena that were concealed from their peers by the veils of preconceived ideas. Norwood Russell Hanson comments: 'The paradigm observer is not the man who sees and reports what all normal observers see and report, but the man who sees in familiar objects what no one else has seen before.'"
Quote from Choosing Reality, by B. Alan Wallace, a physicist and Buddhist.
I think that the conumdrums that this website addresses might be best dealt with in a scientific manner, but a broader 'science' than the one we generally see operating today. At least out in the open.
Vallee in one of his books recounts an episode in which scientists simply ignored data that didn't fit what they expected to see. This neurological phenomenon operates in all of us, to varying degrees. We need to learn to really see, without preconceptions. Unfortunately, there is so much disinformation, so many stupid theories, that we have to hack through a thicket of preconceptions to get there. Wherever "there" is. We all have our pet theories, held either explicitly or implicitly, and these theories are the things which blind us.
I find this site to be of incredible value: it reminds me daily that there's something weird going on, and that it's very very difficult to try to fit that weirdness into any outline of reality I've come up with so far.
Many thanks
More info. on Prophet Yahweh. I guess we`ll just have to wait and see.
From : Prophet Yahweh prophetyahweh@yahoo.com
Sent : Wednesday, June 1, 2005 12:35 PM
To : my email
Subject : Re: Is this you? Ex-marine, $150,000 annual income, Entertainment / Media
Yes, this is me.
I found the first one funny.
Those personal ads were from some time ago. I really need to update it.
I have taken a vow of poverty, am unemployed, and at that time, I was trying to raise at least $150,000 a year with my television productions to donate to housing, feeding, and clothing people.
I read the thread and some of those things people say to me made me laugh.
Thanks for letting me know.
my email wrote:
The news of C13's cancelled June 1 broadcast on rense.com shows the photo linked to above, with "a black man" showing a child a weather balloon as some kind of school project.
So okay, I think we probably have him, don't we? The accomplice/radio controlled ufo scenario outlined above is looking more and more convincing.
The Truth ^
Who`s telling the truth?
From : Prophet Yahweh prophetyahweh@yahoo.com
Sent : Wednesday, June 1, 2005 1:55 PM
To : *********
Subject : Re:Re: Is this you? Ex-marine, $150,000 annual income, Entertainment / Media
That balloon picture with a guy in a white robe is not me.
My beard has so much grey in it.
That man is young and I don't know where that is at.
He seems to be a person from another religious groups.
It's only a matter of time before it is so clear what is happening with me until when you look back on stuff like that, you will know that it is no real significance.
Prophet Yahweh
RE; The forum
Just found this on another Ezboard forum ( which has set up a temporary site )
"Ezboard was hacked last night, and as a result the entire board (bar this temporary forum) is currently under lockdown to prevent any possible further loss of data. "
"Al quaeda" no doubt ;-)
From an "ezboard" (groan) update. (By the way, I believe our data is still there, because it was yesterday after the attack. We're just locked out of it for the time being.)
On Tuesday May 31 ezboard's systems were the victim of a very precise and malicious internet attack. This attack resulted in the loss of a significant amount of current and historical board postings and interrupted services across all systems. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused and am here to give you the first of several in-depth updates.
At this time most board management services have been restored and our goal is to have post/reply repaired on Wednesday . We are working to restore board data from our back-up systems. This will take some time, and complete data restoration may not be possible, but it is what we are working towards. What we know now is that the attacker deleted current board and back-up data. We are taking the fastest route to restore data, but it may take up to 48 hours to get data back to approximately 9,000 boards. A more manual method requiring upwards of seven to ten days is required to restore data to the other boards that lost data.
This may be a good time to solicit suggestions for alternative forum hosts.
Prophet Yahweh, please tell us then if your vow of poverty precludes using in any way the fees generated by the debit card affiliate program you participate in.
Jeff says:
This may be a good time to solicit suggestions for alternative forum hosts.
may as well wait for them (ezboard)
to restore their service & see what's there; they are as good as most & no doubt will take precautionary measures to prevent a further hacking...
curious to consider the objective
of hacking a discussion board.Why?
jeff, have you ever considered springing for a domain name and hosting service? there's some great free forum software that runs on sql if you have your own domain/server space.
btw, i posted some thoughts on yahweh today:
discussion boards get hacked all day long for fun.
php boards get hit like crazy.... mostly by eastern european kids for shits & giggles....
but then again...
quite frankly, i would recommend having your own hosting.... and a php board...
Mr Watkins has yet to answer questions i posed to him about his Marine experience... apparently he posts up over on GLP, but i dunno if thats for real... i dont want to email the guy (i prefer communicating in public) but, since it seems he responds to email AND he has read the articles & posts about him, maybe he will answer......
Profit Yahoo is however not the only guy who pushes this style of thought... There are several other groups that may be interesting to investigate, including one group whose leader was arrested for child molestation a couple years back. it seemed like a setup though to me back then.... the group builds pyramids in Atlanta.... i cant remember their name..
ah yes... the Nuwabians.. Malachi York..
they sell (used to) maganizes in the subway.. when i first satrted exploring ideas, what they pushed was interesting to me... didnt seem like bad people...
but word, there are other groups, that i wont mention now, that come to mind...
if this is a psy op, for me, it would certainly makes sense and give insight into some other things...
word, thanks Jeff, for the props on the frontpage..
checkitout! another "UFO's over Las Vegas in June" prediction! this one was from the amazing kreskin, back in 2002.
man, ufos, stage magicians, mind control, this gets weirder and weirder.
Audio interview:
He says people are calling him threatening to kill him. My guess is the people calling him insane and threatening to kill him that he alluded to in the ABC clip are just fundies who think he's the antichrist.
He says no members of the press will attend tonight, but several "families" are coming.
He says more and more sightings will appear, "increasing the psychological shock", until the spaceship appears... hmmm.
Something I've just noticed about the Yahweh News footage.
Pay attention to the motion of the object at 2:30 and 2:31.
I can't detect an edit. A balloon doesn't move like that.
It's probably not a balloon. But a holographic projection from Nellis AFB? It's impressive that the UFO appears on his signal, but the impressiveness pretty much stops there. It's a tiny sphere high up in the sky that moves around a little and is visible for a short time. I'm not going to put my money on an otherworldly explanation just yet.
the hidden files... from GLP:
this video
basically gives it away.
doesnt mean there arent still voices in this guys head.
or even space whatevers. interdimensional whos and whatnot.
just shows that they are amateur actors.
and i think there is more to learn about this situation. theres tons of fascinating things going on in its ideas, its definitly a fantastic story.
Thanks human, that's perhaps the most bizarre thing yet. What purpose would it serve to host a video like that, even in a not-well-hidden directory? He sure seems to be coaching his witness.
Like you say, it "doesnt mean there aren't still voices in this guys head." If there's a higher level of deception going on, it has little to do with him, and how he may hope to profit by it.
I recommend DreamHost and a PHP based forum. That's be nice.
Hey folks:
Is anyone in the Vegas area, monitoring the story? What happenened in the last couple of days?
I watched the one video - it seems PY would have had to have the cooperation of the station if it was a set-up. But, another station declined to follow up, is that right? I don't know one station from another in the Vegas market.
Spell it out, Jeff: are "we" thinking that one possibility is that there are government craft, or projections, with the purpose of inducing fear in the public when needed? And, that there are mind-controlled agents, useful for the same purpose? And, that these come together in a scenario like this, where PY is unwittingly used. That somewhere at Nellis, a project manager activates the voices in PY's head, then monitors him. PY arranges things with a TV station. Nellis continues to monitor, and is able to produce a craft or projection at PY's cue, even though he does not know he is being manipulated. And to the TV station, it appears legitimate.
Is that what we are saying here?
shelby- just wondering why something as large for shock value isn't on every Fox affiliate across the continent ?
in response:
"this video
basically gives it away."
how? i've watched it four times, they are discussing something already seen and then they go WOW! cos they see another unexpected one. all it proves is that talk like normal people when the camera isn't on.... what did you see here that was incriminating??
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