Let's Pretend Politics

I know a lot about alienated man
But we've all heard as much about that as we can stand
It's just what happens when you let the time span catch you napping - Bruce Cockburn
When I haven't posted for a few days it's because there's too much to say, rather than not enough. There's always too much. That's the problem.
This week, it's not that I've been overworked, so much as overwrought. Principally, parochially, on account of next Monday's Canadian election.
Last night in an interview on CBC, Stephen Harper said he couldn't promise that a Conservative government wouldn't take Canada into deficit because "we might have a war." Does that sound familiar to American ears? Meanwhile, the Liberals' star candidate and putative leadership hopeful, Harvard's Michael Ignatieff, is an apologist for torture and the Iraq War.
I know it's only politics. And thanks to the education I've given myself since first watching Florida flip to the Bush column, I know that can mean only so much and no more. But I'm not one of those who can say they're all the same. And even if they were, I don't think I could say it.
I expect in politics, virtually everywhere, it takes something like a dissociative act of will to Keep Hope Alive. Especially in the clapped-out, qlipphotic shells of the old democracies. Elections become Logan's Run-like lotteries that never pay off, but that keep the citizenry mollified because there's always next time. (And no matter the tyranny that descends upon America, there will always be a next time. So long as the ceremony of the vote is observed, enough people will mistake it for representative rule.)
Canada has more than two parties, or two wings of one party, and so perhaps both more cause to hope and to have them dashed. Mine are dashed regularly by the usually falling fortunes of the socialist/social democratic NDP. Though I expect, should I and my country live so long that I see it govern Canada in its own right, my hopes would be thoroughly and unalterably crushed. Until next time.
Still, it's disproportionately thanks to the NDP that we have the Canada we recognize, even if increasingly it's being perverted into just another national fable to keep our heads held high, so we can't see what's racing towards us.
But not all fables need be disempowering. Especially not if we can write the ending. Here's a cartoon of my favourite political fable, "Mouseland", told by the first leader of the NDP, Tommy Douglas, and introduced by his grandson, Kiefer Sutherland.
Presently there came along one little mouse who had an idea. And he said to the other mice, "Look fellows, why do we keep on electing a government made up of cats? Why don't we elect a government made up of mice?"
A great question and a good story. But it can't be the end of the story, because politics is neither the end nor the beginning.
A Village Voice headline reads "Bush is overtaken by events — and overwhelmed." Seriously, I doubt he's been paying enough attention to be. And why should he? He's assured of his eight years, and his minders' lines are well-memorized. His head must still hit his pilly at 10pm. It's projection to think such people above events lose sleep over them. Meanwhile, there's much that keeps me up until four in the morning.
I was reading Kenneth Grant's Outer Gateways tonight, and a passage reminded me of this topic, to which I mean to return. He writes that "the buzzing or humming of insects has often been referred to the presence of the Outer Ones and their vehicles":
It is not difficult to see in this symbolism an adumbration of that future aeon characterized by the beetle, the drone of whose wings is already disturbing the dreams of sensitives and artists the world over. It is therefore incumbent upon those who are initiated into the techniques of dream control to utilize the relevant formualae in an attempt to investigate more closely the entities that are feeding on terrestrial energies and consolidating their power prior, perhaps, to a massive invasion of this planet.
Grant adds that it was the work of his New Isis Lodge to "prepare the ground and to establish points of magical contact within the OTO.... The purpose was, and is, to establish terrestrial outposts for these alien creatures."
I've always had a thing for the quixotic romance of hopeless causes. But the romance lasted only so long as I felt assured that other things were not hopeless. That even though it was dark out there, I could count on a floor to the universe. And more and more causes keep falling through the floor I thought was there.
Tommy Douglas liked to say "Courage, my friends; 'tis not too late to build a better world." I believe, Tommy. Help me my unbelief.

"the entities that are feeding on terrestrial energies"
This concept always re-asserts itself and prevails through all my attempts at orientation. So far, I'm not capable of grasping a larger organizing priciple to make sense of my ever-shortening life.
From Gurdjieff through Charles Fort, Colin Wilson and Castaneda the idea percolates. I was struck as a child by someone's quote: "Above the door of every church should be written, 'If true, this is very, very important.'"
So many threads in your body of work, Jeff, lead to or from the suspicion that we are preyed upon. For me, there is more to indicate that this is true than there is to the contrary.
A parapolitical correlation is that we seem to be living in a time when the family farm chicken coops are being consolidated into more effecient factory farms. Perhaps in preperation for an unprecedented feast. From the Aztecs to Auschwitz to whatever the human helpers may now be implementing.
As for believing 'tis not too late for a better world - if humans are in truth energetic food for something, knowing it would be the first step. Then what?
Anonymous One,if I didn't know better,I'd say there sucken the soul out of this blue orb.The harvest is about to start,don't miss a thing,get your front row seat in the greatest show ever.How many people do you think will even know when they have lost their soul.And I wonder if maybe something isn't taking the place of our soul? These soul vampires are out there,I didn't see them on tv but I know there out there,later.
According to many of the teachers, including Gurdjieff mentioned above, human beings aren't born with souls. We have to earn them. The means we have for accomplishing this feat are very meager. Most sages indicate that our barest, simplest attention is all we've got.
One thing's for damn sure--I couldn't inhabit web spaces like this one and remain hopeful if I wasn't meditating my ass off as well.
Check out E.J. Gold's The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus and Life in the Labyrinth.
so the aliens work together with the politicians to terraform this earth because they breathe radioactivity? is that correct?
i love this blog but it's all about the money, not the aliens imho...
anyway, we're fucked either way. : )
km artlu said...
"the entities that are feeding on terrestrial energies"
From Gurdjieff through Charles Fort, Colin Wilson and Castaneda the idea percolates. I was struck as a child by someone's quote: "Above the door of every church should be written, 'If true, this is very, very important.'"
As for believing 'tis not too late for a better world - if humans are in truth energetic food for something, knowing it would be the first step. Then what?
Hi km artlu (I just got your name: mk ultra backward!)
The Cassiopaeans (http://www.cassiopaea.org/)say that knowledge protects, that knowledge and awareness makes you taste bad to those who want to eat us and our energies.
Knowledge and awareness of what is about to happen also helps us protect ourselves with prevention.
It also can prevent trauma formation that lays us open to attack, see Martha Stout's The Myth of Sanity, pp. 53-54:
Discussing how the same event might cause
trauma in one person and not in another, Stout writes:
"Meaning is the important thing. It determines whether or not the mental corridor to helplessness and death will open up, or remain
shut and disregarded by us, as that channel usually does. And the
meaning we ascribe to a threatening event is determined in part by 'our ability to anticipate, protect, and know ourselves,' as McFarlane and Girolamo have put it. The more we can anticipate whatis likely to happen next, the more we feel that we can protectourselves, the more we know ourselves in general, the more inoculatedwe are against being traumatized by the frightening or the painful."
Looking at how most people reacted to 911 in the United States, it seems like "they" are banking on trauma at certain crucial moments to achieve their goals.
Finally, knowledge when acted upon may work in a non-linear way to open better futures.
It won't be news to anybody on this blog, but the latest bin Laden audiotape certainly looks and sounds completely bogus, as does everything else about the official bin Laden story. Day trading out of Congressional offices? NSA wiretapping? Outrage about torture as official policy? Let's trot Osama out again.
And the timing so close to your crucial Canadian election does seem odd. It's rather like Osama's last "communication" right before the last Bush mis-election.
Good luck, Jeff, and so much for the thought of fleeing to Canada. It looks like Mexico may be the only North American hope.
Instead of thinking about alien mind-parasites -- which I suspect are a useful metaphor but nothing more solid -- suppose we think for a bit about mathematics.
Some years ago, I read an article which suggested that ideas like "the right get richer while the poor get poorer" or "them as has, gets" are well-rooted in complexity theory. Basically wealth and power inevitably tend to become more and more concentrated in fewer and fewer hands no matter what the surrounding circumstances.
Through most of human history, there were other mechanisms to counter this. The wealth of nomadic hunter-gatherers is limited to what they can carry with them. Peasant societies tend to have some sort of potlatch custom, where the wealthiest families are periodically expected to give away or destroy much of their excess wealth.
Civilization got going when it was discovered that it was possible to channel that excess wealth not into feasting or idle gift-giving, but into things like irrigation works and saving up stores of grain against the lean years and making it possible for a bunch of geeks to do art and mathematics instead of working in the fields.
But once the inhibitions against accumulation were removed, the system showed a distressing tendency to go off the rails. Instead of wise kings who served as centers of redistribution, you got tyrants who hoarded or gave only to their cronies and repressed the inevitable popular discontent through blood and torture.
Tyrants of that sort will eventually get removed by either revolution or foreign invasion, usually at the point where their misrule has brought things to a state where justice fails entirely and disasters become an everyday occurrence. The Chinese have worked with this as an organizing principle for the last 3000 years.
However, the United States grew out of an attempt to get out of the cycle of misrule and rebellion entirely by designing in a system of checks and balances to prevent the over-concentration of wealth and power. Democratic voting. Distribution of power among a broad spectrum of social and geographical groups. A relatively weak executive. Then a little later, as abuses became apparent, the creation of a non-political civil service. And, early in the 20th century, anti-trust legislation and the progressive income tax.
The trouble is that wealth and power have tended to accumulate anyway -- most notably through the vehicle of the corporations. And corporations, unlike ancient tyrants, are immortal soulless monsters which are required by law to take as much as they can and give nothing back, thus failing on both sides of the bargain.
At the present moment, we are witnessing a concerted operation by the functionaries of the corporations to dismantle even the remaining channels of redistribution, like Social Security and the income tax, along with any mechanisms (notably the courts) which might give ordinary citizens the means by which to seek redress. (This, and not Roe v. Wade, is the main reason why Alito is such terrible, terrible news.)
A century ago, it seemed obvious to most people who thought seriously about such things that the best way to counter the power of the corporations was through socialism. That is, by putting the bulk of power and wealth in the hands of a central government with the mandate to use them on behalf of the community as a whole. The problem with this was that -- as the disastrous failure of the Soviet experiment quickly demonstrated -- the very existence of concentrated power and wealth tends to attract precisely the sort of people who desire to abuse them.
Just as the failure of socialism was becoming apparent, another attempted solution popped up. Fascism claimed -- though mainly on the grounds of nostalgia for something that never was -- that in a truly organic society, cleared of foreign riff-raff and self-serving troublemakers -- the bond of blood between rulers and ruled would create a society in which the needs of all were met fairly and justly.
The trouble with that, of course, was that fascism was from the start just one more cloak for corporate oppression and exploitation. And the more the fascist dream of an organic society failed to pan out, the more paranoid and bloodthirsty became the attempts to eliminate supposed disruptive elements.
We saw a milder form of the same phenemonon in the U.S. in the 50's and 60's, when every kind of social discontent was blamed on commies and foreigners poisoning people's minds against the American dream. And we're seeing it again now in the Middle East now, with outside terrorists being accused of artificially stirring up the discontent that is a natural result of oppression and exploitation.
I'm not sure what's to be done about this. If the mathematics is right, trying to prevent concentrations of wealth and power is futile. The best initial move is probably a philosophical one -- to put into people's heads the idea that redistribution is the crucial life-blood of society, and that taking from the rich and giving to the poor is not some kind of highway robbery but is the primary mechanism by which well-functioning societies operate.
Along with that, jiggering the laws under which corporations operate so that they are no longer immortal, immoral parasites would go a long way towards removing the conditions that turn them into demonic tyrants.
I started this post by saying I thought alien mind-parasites were at best a useful metaphor. To my own surprise, I see I'm ending it by suggesting that the metaphor stands for the corporations, which already do prey on us and suck out our life-energies in order to grow fatter and fatter.
If metaphors are (as I believe) coded messages from the intuition about what is really going on around us, we need to take this one seriously. But we also need to understand its meaning and not waste our efforts in fighting imaginary ghosts.
If metaphors are (as I believe) coded messages from the intuition about what is really going on around us, we need to take this one seriously.
I agree with this. If there are evil entities (or "forces", "powers") then they are a priori metaphysical entities.
To the extent that a physical process reflects these metaphysical tendencies, we can pragmatically (but metaphorically, if one feels one needs to hang on to "metaphor" for this kind of stuff) say it embodies them.
The origins of many "modern" things are tied to "magical" investigations (c.f. Parsons).
It would be interesting to examine the origins of either particular corporations (Lucis) or the corporate body in general in this light.
Etymologically, consider the intransitive verb "incorporate": to give a body to something that does not have one.
Canadian politician's speech spin detector ;))
agreed starroute. i mean i would think, its just a bit past paranoid schitzophrenic to think aliens from another dimension or from 1000's of light years away are coming to destroy us. 6 billion people. or that these beings are currently destroying us....anyway, its a perfect metaphor, or an alagory to describe this idea of 'alien mind-controlling parasites'. this is about memes.
'By analogy with genetics, a meme passes from generation to generation via family and cultural traditions or training rather than via sexual reproduction, with occasional "mutations." Another common usage of the term "meme" relates closely to academic study of folklore and the informal communication of cultural information, in which memes fit into an analogy of "language as a virus".'
mind viruses.
this is easily seen from ignorant peoples. one ignorant guy says i hate black people. he teaches his son this. and his son and daughter this and on and on. until one day they are liberated of this meme and live a much better and understanding life. eh, i'm generalizing in the extreme here but its very basic. think of information and what it really is.
maybe the world is what we make of it. theres a certain universal base. but from there crazy ideas prop up.
anyway information is codes and instructions upon which memes are based.
think of information as singular cells and memes as molecules. how do these molecules interact with other molecules in the aggregate?
groups of people with their certain ideas and beliefs and how they act with each other.
anyway, corporations are parasites, with their virusiatic memes of self-gain and immense expansion at all costs. hopefully they mind what they do, but most don't and so corporations are their own victims, making everything around them victims too.
but corporations are one problem of many.
memes are the real killer. people die over them, control people because of them and do the most horrible things. over ideas
Maybe I should have left the entity magick out of this post. I didn't mean for it to distract and dominate the subject, merely to stand as an example of that which cannot be answered with politics. In the context of the post, the vampiric metaphor is the most important aspect.
"Especially in the clapped-out, qlipphotic shells of the old democracies."
Another great post as per usual but did you mean "aliphatic" shells? just curious.
Anyway, I have a two year old son and I feel tremendously guilty for bringing him into a world that might not exist as we know it for very much longer. Your topics intrigue, enthrall and depress me. Unfortunately your research and study correlates with what I have been reading about and investigating and believing since 9-11 and even before. My instinct and intuition lead me to believe that the elite do have something sinister planned for us all. However, they are only human and their plans can become derailed. The possibility of their human error is the only thing that keeps me sane. At the same time, I want something to happen. Something big just to prove to myself that I'm not crazy and the signs were really pointing to something. But I personally feel that the evnt won't be as Hollywood as 9-11. It will be subtly momentous and before those around us understand what is happening it will be too late.
Good luck with your "election" and do not stop writing.
To your readers: As for fleeing to Mexico after the fall of Canada, don't bother. South of the border will become the United States of Meximerica. I'm going to Japan where its a freer country that America.
I like this memes/metaphors vs. entity-actuality discussion.
Makes me wonder if the predator meme might also be a fractal archetype that reflects itself systemically in our political economy while simultaneously playing out in ways we can't imagine beyond our senses.
The Sufi concept of the Djinn comes to mind -- and Ib'n al'Arabi's grave warnings to the spiritual novitiate entering into the realm of living imagination -- as he suggests it is a realm rife with endless and actual entity-predation.
For me, it's not a question of either/or here, but rather, of allowing my mind to remain open beyond the known, and beyond my fears. Being open and uncertain to invisible possibilities doesn't mean you're crazy or schizoid.
An excellent conscise summation of the nature of corporations. Did you write that just for this thread? If so, thank-you. I hope that gets into books and/or articles for a great many more people to read. If only everyone could become fully aware of the inimical nature of corporations...
Unfortunately, many don't or can't engage sufficiently in abstract thought to see and understand. Others just see corporations as things with which their own nature's identify or resonate, and so assimilate or otherwise conjoin with them. (Love of money/power)
Someone said corporations are only one threat of many. True, but the major ones are major threats. Nevertheless, on one level, corporations are 'corporate' sums of the people who own and run them, and so I still think it is the human tendency to become baboozled and compromised that leads to so much evil. (That would lead into the meme argument. But I think we each have the capacity to consciously choose, if we will exercise that capacity.)
"Especially in the clapped-out, qlipphotic shells of the old democracies."
... did you mean "aliphatic" shells? just curious.
I don't wish to put words in Jeff's mouth, but I tend to think he really meant qlippothic. If not, it was a serendipitous mistake, since one of the meanings of "qlippoth" is "shells", and serves as an excellent metaphor for corporations.
starroute says Instead of thinking about alien mind-parasites -- which I suspect are a useful metaphor but nothing more solid -- suppose we think for a bit about mathematics.
As somebody who uses high-end math on a regular basis professionally, I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. And so do some other people, for example Jason Godesky and friends who use economic and game-theoretic princples to argue that (1) civilization (as described succinctly by starroute) is parasitic and anti-human; (2) it is subject to periodic collapses for reasons that can be modeled mathematically; (3) the next collapse will be the last and will preclude any kind of renaissance due to reasons that can be boiled down to joules (i.e low energy inputs) and lbs/sq inch (i.e. lack of materials that can bear high-pressure). I don't agree with everything they say, but it's a thought-provoking approach to the subject.
On the other hand, I find it useful to think of corporations as egregores, i.e group-minds that have a life of their own. A few months back in these comment threads I proposed an idea (that has probably been proposed before) that the whole raison d'etre for corporations is to serve as material vehicles for existing discarnate entities. Prunes' comment -- Etymologically, consider the intransitive verb "incorporate": to give a body to something that does not have one. -- hints at this. Whether or not it is in fact true is of course subject to debate, but operationally corporations behave as totally immoral and vampiric egregores.
In chaos magic circles, corporations are routinely described as ergregores. The progression is something like sigil, servitor, egregore, godform.
Whether or not such things are "literally true" or "metaphorically true" doesn't seem to matter much.
Historically, metaphors and myths seem to be stronger motivators for human behavior than any historical or scientific fact.
While we are on the subject of corporations... how about corporate logos. (And I am not attempting to divert the thread from the productive line it is on) Has anyone noticed Dell logo with its curiously tilted 'E'. Interestingly it is similar to the tilted 'E' of the Enron logo. I am wondering what is behind this, because I feel pretty sure it is related to secret symbolism. And that ties into this discussion, I would think.
Has anyone noticed Dell logo with its curiously tilted 'E'. Interestingly it is similar to the tilted 'E' of the Enron logo.
Heh, "E" is for "Egregore"....
Interesting question. I don't know enough about sigil lore to even guess at a hypothesis. Perhaps I should do some research...
I think the Saudi bin Ladin group's logo tells us everything we need to know about corporations and the elite's intents.
Also, this correspodence to George Washington from George Washington Snyder (linked below), I think, explains what institution was meant to usurp all power.
Enron energy traders were known to make use of game theory to justify their rapacity.
Enron energy traders were known to make use of game theory to justify their rapacity.
So what's your point?
n corporations are "legal entities": individuals and have the same rights as you or i or jack… that's corprate/egregore law acc to the NWO
M Tsarion has a good look a corporate logos and what they mean here. worth viewing, def.
I do like the concept of egregores, which is new to me. Clearly, some egregores are benign by nature (like many NGOs), some neutral, and others actively pernicious -- and this is independent of the nature of the people who work for tham.
That might help explain why more-or-less decent people may work for truly evil entities without even quite noticing the discrepancy. The evil is in the egregore and not in their own souls, which enables them to regard it as something outside themselves.
There's a lot of food for thought here. For example, what is the egregore of the CIA like, and to what extent is it still infused by the ghosts of Allen Dulles and James Jesus Angleton even today?
I'm also wondering to what degree corporations and other organizations are at least semi-conscious of their own egregores and may even try to shape them deliberately. (Google's motto "Don't be evil" being a case in point.)
I expect I'll go to bed tonight visualizing corporate and other egregories engaging in cosmic battle on the astral plane. . . .
I've been saying that the purpose of the wall they plan to build along the border with Mejico was probably to keep us from getting out of here, as opposed to preventing anyone from getting in.
I love Mouseland! Listening to Tommy Douglas again made me wish I had voted NDP this time instead of Liberal. Not that it will matter, once the "war" with Iran starts. I'm sure in no time Harper will make all the Canadians who voted Conservative thinking they were the PC positively miss Liberal corruption.
It's too bad the current government couldn't have gone a bit longer... some of the best Canadian governments have been Liberal-NDP coalitions, and I like what happened in the past one-and-a-half years.
Ah well, I have my booze lined up for election night, but just think about it makes me want to start early. Bottom's up!
Jeff writes at the very conclusion:
'Tommy Douglas liked to say "Courage, my friends; 'tis not too late to build a better world." I believe, Tommy. Help me my unbelief."
Well, I'm unsure this will help or otherwise, though you may be interested in knowing the rather arcane inspiration of your political hero--which surrealistically, goes well with your blog instead of representing a simpler world of surface appearances that we can sometimes project into the past "had to have" been in existence somewhere.
You may be shocked at this, though Tommy Douglas's political faith seemed to be rather on the Gnostic Christian side and connected to life altering experiences and inspirations while he was a junior Masonic Order of De Molay, the 'teen Masonic' society for sons of Masons. Tom Douglas (the father of Tommy Douglas) was a Mason.
This is backed up by a quote from a book. I used speech to text software to put here. Typos if they exist are lazy drawling own.
It's by Canadians Michael Bradley and Deanna Theilmann-Bean. The book is _Holy Grail Across the Atlantic._ It talks of the life course altering effect that Douglas's participation in the junior Masonic Order of Jacque De Molay had on him as a teen.
I have put in a bit of the quote about the political dynamics of Canada as described by Bradley as well.
It's intresting that how almost everything that the world associats with the welfare/medicare policies of 'humane' Canada, interestingly enough, seems to politically have come out of Douglas. And Douglas was sculpted by the junior Order of De Molay, as he revealed to those in the NDP with him--like Bradley.
Bradley was an activist organizer of the NDP, so he writes this with a bit of first hand experience.
I could not speak of Gurjieff's .....[not] having a first-hand experience of it myself, although I was aware that Roosevelt, Baruch and Frank Lloyd Wright seem motivated by some hidden commitment, and secret knowledge, they directed their unusual lives.
But I could speak personally of something similar. I had been privileged to know Tommy Douglas during the 1960s. I worked, in minor ways, to help build the new Democratic Party of which Tommy Douglas was the first leader. Although Tommy Douglas is a household word in Canada, he's virtually unknown in the United States so I will tell his story briefly for American readers. Douglas was a Scottish immigrant to Canada, his family settled on the Canadian prairies just after World War I. As a young man in the Depression, a minister, and he was appalled at the deprivations suffered by farm families, particularly, during this time. Tommy Douglas saw the Canadian version of America's dust bowl tragedy. He decided to do something about it and, in company with some other prairie personalities, founded a political party called the Co-operative Commonwealth foundation, or CCF.
Douglas and the CCF basically did only what Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal did in America. In fact, there can be little doubt that the CCF was greatly influenced in its policies by aspects of Roosevelt's new deal. Naturally, like FDR himself, Tommy Douglas and his colleagues in the new party were branded "socialists" and worse by Canada's "Eastern Establishment" which very much reflected America's. Nonetheless, because of the appalling economic conditions and human suffering, the CCF gained a swift support. Farmers, unemployed urban workers and humanistic intellectuals of voted for it.
Enough people voted for it, in fact, that the party eventually came to power in Saskatchewan and other Western Canadian provinces. In the 1940s that threaten to win in Ontario, and even seemed capable of winning a federal election, which corresponds, more or less, to an American presidential election. The two "Eastern establishment" parties in Canada, the Liberals and Conservatives, warned voters of the "socialist scourge" coming from the West and managed to defeat the CCF at the polls by fielding joint candidates, rather than competing with each other and splitting the vote, in crucial electoral districts.
The "socialist scourge" of Tommy Douglas and the CCF prove to have some disconcerting elements for both "capitalists" and Canada's Marxists when he came to power in Saskatchewan. Douglas introduced a form of Social Security in Saskatchewan and this was later adopted by Canada's a whole because of fear that the CCF would win a federal election if the Liberals and Conservatives didn't "borrow" this "socialist" idea. Then, just like Franklin D. Roosevelt, Douglas embarked on a series of "makework" projects in Saskatchewan, not only to employ people, but also to increase the capital assets of the province. Partly using government money, but seeking always partnerships with private enterprise, within 10 years "socialist" Saskatchewan had more capital investment than any other province of Canada! Alone of all Canada's provinces, Saskatchewan was able to pay off with interest (not "repudiate") its massive debt. That was the shock for the "free enterprise" critics of the Eastern establishment. Marxists got their shock a bit later. Douglas vowed to bring electrification to all of Saskatchewan, even to remote farm committees and even to individual isolated farms. He had seen, firsthand, the miseries of subsistence living on dust bowl farms and realized electrification would not only decrease human treachery, but would increase farm productivity. But the powerful utility worker's union, a truly "socialist" and Marxist-dominated organization, decided that the cost of rural electrification could be better spent by increasing their own salaries. Without hesitation, Douglas threatened to legislate the Union out of existence, if it didn't back down. Marxists were appalled, but rural electrification continued according to Douglas's plan.
Douglas went a bit further than Franklin Roosevelt in that he also thought that people should have a medical insurance plan just like a Social Security plan. This is, in fact, something that Americans might consider the for themselves which would alleviate a great deal of unnecessary human suffering among impoverished minorities. When Douglas tried to introduce "Medicare" into Saskatchewan, the doctors who had favored it in the 1930s in order to assure payment of their fees, oppose it vehemently in the prosperous 1950s. That was treated at doctors exactly as he treated the selfish Marxist-dominated utility workers Union -- he threatened to "disband" them, not by enacted legislation, but by the simple expedient of flying over from Britain, many young doctors who are quite happy to work with guaranteed fees under medicare. Douglas and the CCF made it clear that this might not be a temporary measure (a Saskatchewan doctors were on strike), since some of the Brits seem to like Saskatchewan and might settle there... the medical association got the message, and accepted medicare. In one way or another, medicare is established in all Canadian provinces, another policy "borrowed" quickly from the CCF by the Liberals and Conservatives.
In the 1960s there was a desire to "update" the old Co-operative Commonwealth foundation, and also to change the name, the party since the name really had no translation into French. This desire to make the old CCF more modern also disguised neo-Marxist plans to bring organized labor directly into the political party in a controlling position. The "new" party was called the New Democratic Party, or NDP, and its name was translatable into French. Incongruously, although Eastern neo-Marxists engineered this transformation, they could find no one with a track record of winning elections except the aging prairie preacher, Tommy Douglas. With misgivings, Douglas agreed to lead the NDP into the 1960s, although the conflict between the "religiously motivated" Douglas and the "neo-Marxist motivated" urban intellectuals was never far below the surface of outward party cohesion.
Canada's CCF and later NDP were, naturally, modeled to some extent after Britain's Labour Party. And Clement Atlee once sagely observed that the British Labour Party "owes more to Methodism than to Marxism", meaning that the leaders were often ministers of Protestant denominations and the followers, mostly committed Christians. Their goal was to form a national community which reflected Christian compassion. Only sometimes did this goal dovetail with Marxist ideas of wealth redistribution, and never comfortably, since the "Methodists" distrusted the Marxists' materialist orientation, while the Marxists distrusted their colleagues at religious orientation. Nonetheless, during the Depression, human misery and economic inequality, made Methodists and Marxists the strangest of political bedfellows in Britain's and Canada's fledgling "socialist" parties.
When I knew Tommy Douglas the 1960s, the basic incompatibility of "Marxists" and "Methodists" was becoming more apparent and more acute. The Marxist and neo-Marxist urban intellectuals that virtually controlled the NDP by this time were often puzzled and impatient with Tommy Douglas's campaign tactics. At whistle stops, and rural barbecues, Tommy would often lead NDP supporters in a battle hymn he picked up from the British Labour Party and adapted for Canadian usage. The song was based on Blake's poem, The New Jerusalem.
I shall not cease from mortal strife,
Nor shall my sword rest in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In this green and pleasant land.
By now, we know that what this means. Jerusalem was not a place, is an ideal. A society in which there can be freedom of the individual tempered by responsibility and compassion.
In her biography of Tommy Douglas, Doris French Shackleton writes of an experience in the life of the young Tommy Douglas:
"Annie Douglas was the religious influence in the home, and it was she who took the most pride in Tommy's growing interest in the church. His father had become cynical of the Christian offices performed by chaplains at the fighting front. He donated money to the Salvation Army and stayed away from church.
"The earliest occasion Douglas speaks up, when his platform skill evoked a profound audience response, involved a sympathetic moment shared by Father and son. Tom Douglas (the father) had shown interest in the Masonic order, though it was Tommy who was involved himself deeply in the junior [masonic] Order of De Molay [while his father was the Mason]. This youth organization had spread widely to the United States after the first world war. A chapter was formed in Winnipeg. One of its high moments was a dramatic production before a convention of Masons held in the old Board of Trade building at the corner of Portage and Main. The play concerned the life and death of the patron of the junior order, Jacques De Molay, the 14th century knight-at-arms, who led expeditions against the Saracens, and who was put to death as a heretic by Philip the Fair of France. Tommy took the title role and threw himself heroically into the part. He spoke of that evening: "My father was there and he was sparing of praise as in most things. When he came out he said, 'let's walk' which we did, for a distance about 4 miles. I knew he had been deeply moved. There was never a word. We walked in silence. Going up the front steps he tapped me on the shoulder and said, "'you did no bad'." Douglas is reluctant to talk on experiencing a "call". He is more apt to joke about impromptu prayers at De Molay meetings."
It is clear that Doris French Shackleton does not know the significance of the Masons or of Jacques de Molay. We will remember that Jacques de Molay was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, who was roasted to death over a slow fire in the attempts to extract from him the secrets of the Cathars. He did not reveal it.
Shackleton did not appreciate the significance of the "dramatic production" in which the young Tommy Douglas took the title role. It was not just a pay to entertain Masonic dads. It was a ritual in which Tommy Douglas pledged to become Jacques de Molay and to dedicate himself to that secret commitment, and human progress that we have traced in this book. Like all the other heroes and heroines we have dealt with in this book, Tommy Douglas pledged to preserve, protect, and represents the Holy Grail. This is literally, no more no less, what he vowed to do. And that forced him to become a minister in the "dirty 30s" and Canada's Dust Bowl. That forced him to take humanistic action to alleviate human suffering. That forced him to become involved in politics to achieve more compassionate welfare policies. That, one suspects, allowed him to tolerate the Marxist intellectuals clinging to his party with some degree of humor. And that commitment compelled a sense of integrity in Tommy Douglas that was recognized by political opponents and supporters alike, and honesty that forced millions of Canadians to love him whether they voted for him or not....
Understandably, while active as a politician, Douglas never mentioned his pledge of commitment to the Holy Grail. As Shackleton wrote, he was more apt to "joke" about the De Molay society if anyone referred to it. Yet it was anything but a joke. Tommy Douglas died in 1986. I spoke with him during his last illness, not directly but through a lifelong companion who was with him, and Douglas confirmed that the experience of the order of the Molay directed the future course of his life.
That's fascinating; I had no idea. Thanks for the quote.
fair enough televisionchild, i rescind my schitzophrenic comment, lol.
sometimes i think its better to focus our energies away from aliens and ufo phenomena as it is meant to distract us. make us worry about some alien threat rather than the true threat: humans with extreme power. it corrupts absolutely.
by the way, how do i post links that work? rather than just the text?
heres more info:
There is a masonic youth group named the Order of DeMolay. While they use Jacques as an example of loyalty and fidelity, they claim no direct connection with him nor with the Knights Templar.
also more on egregore:
Egregore is a term from Old English which is fading from general use in modern English. Essentially, an egregore is the "spirit of a thing", usually a human group or organization.
The term has survived in recent times in the vocabulary of modern occultists, particularly Chaotes, or practitioners of Chaos Magic. While beliefs differ wildly amongst various schools of occultism, most would agree on the definition of an egregore as a psychic group entity or meme made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of the group's individual members in a symbiotic relationship.
what i would suggest is its the metaphor that should matter more to us. i don't think metaphysical good or evil exists, rather things happen as a result of choice and consequence. the religious notion of karma or eternal payback is partly true but if one doesnt follow that concept its not like it echos in some metaphysical universe. i have a code of ethics and i follow them. then there are those who don't. they are the ones to keep an eye on.
just because these people whoever they are actually believe in chaos magic, or that bowing to a huge stone owl gives them power doesn't mean its true!!
now what does that mean for us? i ask you all.
just because these people whoever they are actually believe in chaos magic, or that bowing to a huge stone owl gives them power doesn't mean its true!!
Actually, I would argue just the opposite. First of all, in my experience magic does work. Secondly, it is democratic: everybody has magical ability, and in fact most people use it every day without being consciously aware of what they are doing. Thirdly, one of the most important components of the elite program of disempowerment is to take that magical power away from the average person.
This link to M. Tsarion provided by (a different) Anonymous above, was an interesting look at the use of magical principles to enhance the manipulative power of advertising. I don't agree with everything he says, and in fact I think there are some factual errors, but I believe his overall thesis.
On "metaphysics":
"Where" does metaphysics take place? We usually imagine it to be in some other dimension than the mundane world, some "spirit world" or something. This is really a mistake.
Sitting in your chair, what directions can your attention move in? You can focus your attention left, right, forwards, backwards, up, down... and in another dimension, you can withdraw your attention into yourself.
Unless you are a positivist or objectivist who denies that internal experience "takes place" in any way, then you think that there is a little more to your self than the sum of your sensory inputs. In fact, look closely: "you" do not sit inside of your senses, but they are inside of you, aren't they? Normally, your brain pretends like it is looking out through your eyes, but this "field of vision" is entirely internal to you, as is the entire sensorium.
It is my opinion that "metaphysics" takes place nowhere but in the inner lives of humans, which can be exceedingly rich. Most people do not seem to think of it in this way. Humans' inner lives are prior to their actions in the world. Metaphysics is then prior to physics and all human activity.
Now, whether this metaphysics represents something "supernatural" or merely "hidden" from day-to-day thought is another matter. However, from this point of view, it does not matter whether demons are "real" or "imagined." It is a nonsensical question whether or not non-sensory experiences are "real" in the sense that a table or rock is real: we only know THOSE objects through the senses.
I find that the bottom of my world keeps falling out too. Aside from trying to understand the real machinations behind the facade of politics and social structures, I have a deep interest in physics.
If you know anything about particle physics and efforts to reconcile general relatively with gravity, and you consider loop quantuam physics, string theory (or m-theory), cosmological posits such as the holographic universe, it is clear the floor is nowhere to be seen.
It is in this same consideration of physics that I view politics and social structure. As in physics, where the more we understand, the better we can manipulate energy and matter to do our bidding, the more we learn about human behaviour and physiological funtion, the better we can manipulate thought and action. Marketing, new and more precise forms of torture (waterboarding, noise a la Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay), are aided by understanding how our brain works.
This will get even more intense, in an accelerated way (see Ray Kurzweil book Singularity is near). Take two of McAfee, AVG or Symantec AV for the mind and see me in the morning. Firewalls to keep the mind hackers and trojans from pillaging.
So, Tommy Douglas quote: "Courage, my friends; 'tis not too late to build a better world." is really a call to be eternally vigilant!
i don't deny a system exists to the universe. everything is based on some order. there are many synchronicities. and the power of the mind and how 90% it rarely used.
anyway, i'm sorry magic isn't real. these guys want to believe they do all this amazing stuff, but its no great thing. they just happened to grow up in the best place and time to exploit those who are ignorant. its no biggie.
they want us to be scared and pacified, so i won't.
oops, dugoboy here:
i don't deny a system exists to the universe. everything is based on some order. there are many synchronicities. and the power of the mind and how 90% it rarely used.
anyway, i'm sorry magic isn't real. these guys want to believe they do all this amazing stuff, but its no great thing. they just happened to grow up in the best place and time to exploit those who are ignorant. its no biggie.
they want us to be scared and pacified, so i won't.
4:06 PM
I know. It's just awful isn't it? All the jews being the only victims of collective hate and barbarism through out human history while the rest of humanity enjoyed the luscious fruits of unconditional love and perpetual brotherhood since the beginning of time without so much as stubbying a single toe amongst themselves.
Anti-semitism is just another lie from the VOLUME of subterfuges intended to distract human beings from the truth and keep us in a state of confusion.
The picture is much, much bigger than humanities petty grievances witnessed by earth since the beginning and I believe Jeff scratchs the surface from time to time revealing it to our benefit, with his inquisitive searching. I think he knows WAY more than he reveals due to sage concern for personal safety and these litiginous times. And I don't blame him one bit for his restraint. We should do our own heavy lifting.
This is a most excellent blog with at times very astute, well presented, intelligent ideas and opinions; and I appreciate all of them, even the ones I don't agree with. Thankyou Jeff for creating the forum.
Must this blog too be infected with more jewish/zionist propaganda (is there a better word to describe your "comments")? If you are trying to make anti-semitism part of this (until now) interesting discussion, then perhaps St. John Chrysostom and St. Ambrose may have been partially right in that the same greed and lechery they observed in jews constitute the basis of most, if not all, large corporations.
Corporations, like most of your "like-minded" bretheren, operate on a different set of laws, and so do the majority of their participants.
Greed and fear rule the day and are at the genesis of all corporate energies.
Your knowledge of Ancient Greek and Roman History is particularly flawed, but of course, serve your argument well. I'm not going to bog this post with corrections as they are too numerous.
It is obvious what you are trying to do here. It is the general M.O. of your kind..... the same ones who draw swaztikas on synagogues.
Go infect someone elses blog!
Anonymous One,Jeff could you tell me what the picture at the front of this post means? I love the perspective,the shadow looks like it's hanging in mid-air,almost like a disk,just over the boiling cauldron.It looks like a child kneeling,are they performing a mass to the contrails?The swirling cloud in the corner looks like a porthole.I would love to meet alot of the folks that comment here,just to pick each others minds and thoughts.I have had a real bad feeling lately,it almost feels like we are all playing musical chairs,but when the music stops this time I think were all fucked.Oh,I saw a comment by Stephen Harper,something to the effect he couldn't promise the budget would not run in defect because "we might be at war",you don't think he knows more than he's showing? Later.
Re the last two comments: HUH???
Re the biographical info about Tommy Douglas: very, very interesting, raising once again the question of Masonic influence and whether it is benign or malignant, whether it is fundamentally benign and has been hijacked by evil individuals, or some other explanation.
If Masonism is responsible for what Canada was, then hats off to it...
Surely noone can doubt or deny the generations of Canadians (and so many others around the world) who grew up healthy, well-fed, tolerant and civilised during that golden age of Canadian independence from its crazy neighbour to the south, when the Americans were made to keep their grubby fingers out of Canadian decision-making.
Sigh! It was too good to last very long, eh?
Or am I confusing nostalgia with remembrance?
And what relation, if any, would Douglas' Masonic connections have with American Masons? With the prominence of Masonism in the US, are there any examples of Mason(s) whose influence was similarly inspirational in the US?
"Re the last two comments: HUH???"
I think you're meaning posts that referred to some lengthy spam I've deleted.
Hey guys, since it's been a busy week, I found a cool story entitled Operation Stargate on the website www.thesop.org. The story was cool, however, what was cooler is that this writer had received a lot of heat from the James Randi Foundation so she posted that material at the bottom of the story. It was also rather an enjoyable read.
I am sometimes of the mind that the people who joined the Masons back when Tom Douglas (Tom Sr) joined, were people interested in social interaction and of a philanthropic mindset. The world was a much simpler place in many respects then. For example, in 1950 there were only 2.5 billion people in the world, now there are more than 6 billion. Technology, societal norms, global "mixing", etc have also changed the world. It is cliche, but these former philanthrops and "good" folk, who were part of Masons to commun with their neighbours, yearn for the good old days. Now that they are in positions of power, especially in US, these social groups have become politically active - "deeply" so. Christian religious groups also have the same motivations. It is a mindset, a meme that is refusing to fade away quietly, rather, it appears to be gaining more strength. Witness the apparent, sudden, overwhelming resurgence of this meme in Canada - at least we shall see late Monday January 23rd as election results roll in.
From this perspective, it is apples and oranges to equate Masons then, and Masons now. They may have been a force for "good" and now are something more regressive.
I think the Masonic question is more complex than "then" vs. "now." There has always been an ambiguity about Freemasonry, going back to its public origins in the 18th century.
In an era of extreme rationalism, Masonry represented the most focused Western effort to reach for higher knowledge. However, I've seen it suggested in occult sources that the Masons never did manage to get in touch with a genuine source of higher wisdom, so even at best they were just pretending and hoping. It's that sense of a somewhat ungrounded aspiration towards greater possibilities that best defines the Masonic enterprise for me.
Despite their rather unbalanced nature, they had a considerable influence for good early on, particularly in the political sphere. Much in modern politics, from the idea of one man/one vote to the most ambitious utopian impulses bears a Masonic imprint.
On the other hand, the secret society format, with its tendencies towards elitism and private agendas, provided the model for a lot of groups that wanted nothing more than to manipulate society from behind cover. In the early 1800's, secret societies proliferated -- some occult, some political and revolutionary, some merely social fellowships -- and the impulses of many were far from benign.
I would guess that as public Masonry degenerated into hail-fellow-well-met-ness (which seems to have happened faster in the US than in Canada), those darker aspects gradually came to overshadow the more enlightened ones.
i hope those things about jews and zionism wasn't in response to my post! i wasn't even suggesting such a thing of that being implied or even inferred! i don't claim to know everything either, haha. bye for now
"Dugoboy said...
i hope those things about jews and zionism wasn't in response to my post! i wasn't even suggesting such a thing of that being implied or even inferred! i don't claim to know everything either, haha. bye for now"
No. It was in response to a post that has since (Thank You Jeff) been removed.
On the above, yes, though I would have made a differentiation betweeen Masonry and post 1770s Illuminized-infiltrated Masonry.
I don't think the quote above anyway is evidence enough that there was a "Masonic network" operating the CCP--though that would be an interesting research question. It only shows the personal information that Tommy Douglas was personally inspired, supposedly, by his Order of De Molay participation for social justice and religious issues.
Unlike Tommy Douglas's more socially benign and pro-democratic programs (which as the quote above shows that the "Eastern Establishment" fought tooth and nail and only introduced medicare and social security programs through co-option to kill off the CCP it hoped), there are other 'high Masonic' moments of Canadian history that I fail to see as equally benign or appealing to democratic pretexts. Perhaps these would be different groups using Masonic networks for their purposes. I assume for instance that it was some form of Masonic issue here
in the Illuminized Branches of it that helped out President Wilson's cronies spring Trotsky from jail in Canada in 1917 so he could continue his Wall Street sponsored trip from New York City to Moscow trip to foment the (Wall Street) revolution there against the Czar. How many of us know that Trotsky entered Russia on a Presidential sponsored U.S. Visa?
For more on that little Canadian story segway, google up the Sutton book _Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution._ There is a free copy of the book which is good, though it is at, in my opinion, a maniacal and religiously wack site www.reformation.org. Sutton however is a really very documented Amer-British researcher, hounded out of U.S. academia for being interested in such parapolitical issues by the late 1960s once he started researching "Soviet technology" origins--which he found was all shipped over (even miliary high tech bits) from the U.S.)!
Third, on more mystical and geomantic aspects of Canadian Masonic issues (like Quebec's "JE ME SOUVIENS"...though you could read Bradley for that) you gotta read the book by the grandnephew of the Supreme Grand master of the Knights Templar of Canada. The book is William F. Mann's _The Knights Templar in the New World._
Ah, and hats off to the Tommy Douglas's of the world out there...
Anonymous 2:00 am, I'm fascinated by the apparently deliberately vague (and vaguely menacing) "JE ME SOUVIENS"; are you saying it carries a Masonic message?
Do you know something about what it "really" means? To whom is the message addressed?
I've been thinking some more about Masonism, and realized that just as Christianity can produce such contradictions as Christian martyrs for social justice, and on the other hand, wack-jobs like Dubya Bush and Pat Robertson, Masonic principles may be less important than the personal agendas of individual Masons.
How the same basic beliefs can inspire such extreme opposites in behaviour and values, is all the proof we need that the key to men's behaviour is not in their rational minds, but in their hearts.
In other words, the emotional need comes first, fueled by love, fear, greed, hatred, etc., and then the mind gets to work finding a suitable philosophical and rational framework, with adjustments if necessary, or even inventing one, again festooned with lofty sounding principles.
This is why I have no problem with any religion (or belief system, such as Masonism); not because I'm tolerant, but because I find them irrelevant. I don't believe that religions or rational beliefs motivate behaviour, but that (with various adjustments) they are merely used to justify behaviour.
In the end, it only matters what you do, for good or ill, not how you explain it.
As I and so many posters have said repeatedly, a number of criminals have been allowed free reign to loot and pillage and kill with impunity.
These are prosecutable crimes, for which evidence is available and a legal system STILL exists (but for how long?) with the power and the authority to pursue them.
Unfortunately, we lack the clarity of vision to see their actions for the crimes they are, and the will to use the resources we have.
We've chosen to believe that freedom is something that other people will get for us, not something that must be fought for tooth and nail, not only to obtain, but to keep.
Talking about being "preyed upon" and soul-sucking entities further erodes our clarity and will, and contributes nothing to our struggle to stop these people. Even as a metaphor, such ideas contribute to the delusions nurtured by these criminals that they are somehow more than selfish bullies, and sap our will to go after them.
Alice said -
Talking about being "preyed upon" and soul-sucking entities further erodes our clarity and will, and contributes nothing to our struggle to stop these people. Even as a metaphor, such ideas contribute to the delusions nurtured by these criminals that they are somehow more than selfish bullies, and sap our will to go after them.
I half agree and half disagree. There's a fine balance to be maintained. On one hand, you're absolutely right, but on the other, it also saps our will if we tell ourselves, "They're all just normal politicians, maybe slightly more corrupt, slightly more sleazy, but overall no different than the rest of them."
I think it's important to stay focused on the fact that some of these people are not merely corrupt but are something deeper than corrupt -- and are also the source of corruption in others.
(The word "corrupt," after all, from the Latin meaning "to break in pieces," would imply an original state of wholeness which has been ruptured. And these people have never been whole or pure.)
But to believe that the Great Corruptors have more than human powers, or are in league with all-powerful supernatural entities, gives them more credit than they deserve. Suffice it to say that they are absolute moral voids, which suck the truth and goodness out of anything they touch, and that can never be trusted or accepted on good faith. You can't bargain with them or meet them halfway or give them the benefit of the doubt. They chew up everything they encounter and never give back in return.
But aside from that, they suffer from all the normal human weaknesses and short-sightednesses. More than that -- their absolute refusal to play nice with others ultimately cuts them off from all the real sources of strength on this plane of being: their peers, their followers, and whatever genuine higher powers may be at work in this world. They rule only through fear and destruction and have no ability to create or to inspire love and true devotion. And that makes them terribly, terribly vulnerable.
hey Jeff:
You are fielding the greatest far-out blog in cyberspace. Your posts and that of many of your commenters are incredibly challenging and thought stimulating.
But take it a little easy. Staying up till 4 am very often is a formula for burnout.
I just don't buy the soul energy feeding thing. I think the human and non-human evil entities have other motives. They may want to confuse and discourage us and otherwise dissipate and wear out our energies, for evil purposes. But I don't think any of them can eat it. And besides, even if it were so, what you gonna do? But honestly, I think the idea is a form of twisp.
Jeff, what is the effect of this notion? Is it not like a hypnotic suggestion, a vagary to the human psyche?
Likewise, the notion of a fully unfettered holographic universe. (foundationless - floorless ?) Someone created the universe of reality of which we are part, and it wasn't you and me. Jesus said, "with God, all things are possible". See, it isn't our holograph to 'do as we wilt'. But it is a complex (and temporary) state in which we act and are acted upon, and thus we know and choose between good and evil.
My rigorous intuition is sure of one thing: We are created for a good Purpose. I am sure of another thing: It is about what comes after.
Starroute said:
"it also saps our will if we tell ourselves, "They're all just normal politicians, maybe slightly more corrupt, slightly more sleazy, but overall no different than the rest of them."
That is not at all what I meant. There's nothing "normal" about these people, and the problem, as I see it, is that neither they nor most of US fully appreciate the horror of what we are making, either through our actions or through our inaction.
The closest I can come to describing my feelings as I watch the nightmare unfold, is to quote Jesus on the cross, when he said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Any parent of small children will know what I'm talking about; sometimes children, in the grip of fury or fear, or even mindlessly having fun, do things with appalling consequences that they cannot comprehend.
Believe me, I am not trivializing the evil that men do, when I say that many of these people are no more aware of the true consequences of their actions, than the six-year old who stabs his little sister in the stomach because she broke his toy.
Allow me to speculate that many of these people are driven by a deep anguish and despair, tortured by their own thoughts and frightening emotions, that leave no room for altruism or sympathy for the victims who happen to get in their way.
Alternatively, they are dead inside, and will go to any lengths to feel SOMETHING, even fear, recasting their emotional deficiency as an advantage over the rest of us, who are subject to such crippling emotions as guilt, empathy or doubt.
In a way, they're right, because their ruthlessness, the sheer magnitude of their crimes and their lies, the breathtaking hubris of their projects (dominating the globe, enslaving humanity, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people, conquering space), leave us trembling, as we must struggle first to overcome our own disbelief and unwillingness to see what is right in front of our eyes.
As I see it, at this point, three paths open before us (I look forward to hearing others' points of view): one leads to madness, one leads to despair and bitterness, and the other leads to freedom and true power.
The first path is the one we take when we cringe away from the truth and pretend not to see. We medicate ourselves and sink gratefully into a coccoon of platitudes and canned "reality", soothing ourselves with drugs, mindless consumption, gratefully submerging our individuality in the artificial and manipulated collective identity that is beamed to us via the media.
Increasingly, even our knowledge of and relations with other people and the world are filtered through the corporate media, so that we are isolated and vulnerable to being re-engineered via emotional manipulation. Brainwashed, in other words.
The second path is to "rage against the machine", pounding with our puny fists against the brick wall of external reality, until we are either defeated or destroyed.
Shouting until we are hoarse will not make people hear, and allowing ourselves to be consumed by hatred, rage or fear will only add our names to those of the broken victims they leave in their wake.
The third path is the only one that, in my view, provides us with some hope. It's the one we take when we realize that the only question that ultimately has any meaning is: "Who am I?"
A long time ago, in a political science class, we were shown a short film (fictional or based on a true story, I don't remember) set in Poland during WWII: some Nazi soldiers were lining up gypsies to be shot, after having made them dig their own mass grave.
At the last moment, one of the soldiers refused to raise his rifle against the gypsies, so his commanding officer made him join the line of victims. The last scene was of him clasping the hand of the gypsy next to him before being shot.
At the time, I was around 17 years old, I thought the soldier was nuts, and argued in class that his gesture was the epitome of futility.
As I said, that was a long time ago; over the years, I often thought about that film and the dilemma it presented. It took years to fathom the meaning and value of his action, but now I hope and pray that I would do the same in such a situation. (Who can know, until it happens?)
Not at all out of some death-wish, or desire to be a martyr, but out of self-preservation, in the deepest sense of the term.
Metaphorically, that soldier refused to be "food" for the egregore (thanks for providing the definition of this great word, slomo) created and animated by hatred, fear and despair.
Which brings us to the "holographic universe", a concept that some people have taken as an excuse for passivity and meaninglessness. I disagree. If the universe can be seen as a sort of feed-back tool for greater self-actualization, then it becomes clear that the question "who am I" is the only one that matters.
It's the question that is being answered by the universe, whether we realize this or not, and the sooner we understand that, the sooner we can stop banging around aimlessly and actually put our energies to work creating beauty and harmony out of the chaos we currently find ourselves in.
While we all agree that there are people working to destroy and sow fear and hatred, not many people have proposed concrete steps that we can take to protect ourselves from them.
And yet, it's obvious, though it might not be as thrilling or "cool" as erudite discussions of various demons or "soul-sucking entities".
Rather than poring over obscene grimoires for enlightenment, why not try dusting off the wisdom of someone like St. Francis of Assisi and see what happens?
"“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.”
I would humbly add, that this all, of course, begins with one's self, then one's home and family, neighborhood, community, and so on.
The point is not to be so ambitious that one is inevitably disappointed and then possibly defeated. I suspect that the success of one's progress depends more on the quality than the quantity of the means that we find to express the best that is in us.
And as we become more ourselves, we become harder to break, harder to deceive, and we become efficient conduits for the kind of power against which those poor, lost souls are truly helpless.
All of us will die. The only question that matters to us in the end, is who were we while we lived.
Well, delete this if you consider it advertising, though if I thought making money off this was the purpose, I would have written something more useless and marketable I will tell you!
If people are really looking for a real democratic overhaul, I humbly offer several years of ruminations here:
Toward A Bioregional State
Environmental sociologist Mark D. Whitaker is a comparative historical researcher on the politics of environmental degradation and sustainability. Toward A Bioregional State is his novel approach to development and to sustainability. He proposes that instead of sustainability being an issue of population scale, managerial economics, or technocratic planning, an overhaul of formal democratic institutions is required. This is because environmental degradation has more to do with the biased interactions of formal institutions and informal corruption. Because of corruption, we have environmental degradation. Current formal democratic institutions of states are forms of informal gatekeeping, and as such, intentionally maintain democracy as ecologically “out of sync”. He argues that we are unable to reach sustainability without a host of additional ecological checks and balances. These ecological checks and balances would demote corrupt uses of formal institutions by removing capacities for gatekeeping against democratic feedback. Sustainability is a politics that is already here—only waiting to be formally organized.
and a longer review at amazon.com, with some pages to read.
Perhaps an aid to those saying "help my unbelief" out there...
A humble note to Alice:
thank you
i believe we have finally found a definition to our 'irritants'. an egregore. an immortal soulless beast. like a corporation. in the aggregate this is what they are and have become. they are not literal demons with supernatural powers, i quite frankly think thats silly. no, they are people without conscious reservations and are master craftsman of disguise. they know how to shield themselves in a humble and pleasent facade while secretly they rip our livers out while were distracted.
they have learned the art of creating an order, out of the chaos they created in the first place!!! and they create an order out of it favorable to themselves. they create situations on a mass physcological scale that molds peoples perceptions in the aggregate to incorporate them, the unwitting witnesses (us) into the big scary game of charades. and then we grasp for whatever answer they can provide to us and we gulp it down like hungry scavengers of truth, wandering aimlessly searching for any answer.
its so simple. just because the idea's big doesnt mean its terribly complicated. the system is in place so whatever needs to be said to maintain the big lie will come to fruition seemingly of its own accord. and as these voices gain a volumnous momentum it continues to reinforce whatever memes are trying to be created. its a cycle. these guys are about 15 steps ahead, think in those terms. the truth is all is immediately available to us. we just havn't discovered it yet. but the universe is self explanatory.
these egeregores create the chaos to create disunion and misharmony in our minds, to mislead us into dysfunctionary lifestyles. this dysfunction blurs and corrodes the inate intuition all humans have. this rigorous intuition jeff speaks of. that even oprah winfrey speaks of, though in misguided terms. they try to blind us to make us not witness the very truth the universe is built upon.
and as alice says it all starts with each of us, just as in life, its starts with one cell and then it duplicates and multiplies - 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 514, 1028, 2056, etc. the system is built to make us feel useless and not worthy of our existence. that to take control of our lives and be truly responsible for ourselves is evil, sinful and egotistical, when in fact to not be responsible for our actions is the truly egotistical thing to do. we all know this. thats what the nagging guilt is, coupled with a fear of retribution from these crazies in the halls of power is, that drives you nearly insane.
heres the truth: they aren't after you THEY DON'T KNOW who you are yet. atleast until the national ID cards are enforced.
anyway, i agree with alice:
'“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.”
I would humbly add, that this all, of course, begins with one's self, then one's home and family, neighborhood, community, and so on.
The point is not to be so ambitious that one is inevitably disappointed and then possibly defeated. I suspect that the success of one's progress depends more on the quality than the quantity of the means that we find to express the best that is in us.
And as we become more ourselves, we become harder to break, harder to deceive, and we become efficient conduits for the kind of power against which those poor, lost souls are truly helpless.
All of us will die. The only question that matters to us in the end, is who were we while we lived.'
a547@anonymous.to <-- email me
And yet, it's obvious, though it might not be as thrilling or "cool" as erudite discussions of various demons or "soul-sucking entities".
Rather than poring over obscene grimoires for enlightenment, why not try dusting off the wisdom of someone like St. Francis of Assisi and see what happens?
Considering extra-dimensional predation as a reality does not necessarily equate with morbid navel-gazing in the way that some might suggest. This is a false dichotomy that some may find comforting. Others may have no choice but to recognize a truth in such correspondences that mutually informs the phenomenon of predation at both extremes of its manifestation.
When evil is recognized to have a spiritual origination and a even certain dialectical logic at the level of Being itself, this can actually free attention for recognizing its corresponding reflections in the here and now, including in the sphere of corporate control.
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it'll never work. you know that right?
And yet, it's obvious, though it might not be as thrilling or "cool" as erudite discussions of various demons or "soul-sucking entities".
Terima kasih informasinya gan.
Nice Artikel
sangat membantu saya gan
sangat membantu
My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
The police and many of their friends just thought they had run off together. But their parents refused to accept this.
Michele Tollis, Fabio's father, began to attend metal concerts and festivals across Europe, handing out leaflets and quizzing Fabio's friends.
Kutil pada alat kelamin luar bisa diangkat melalui laser, krioterapi (pembekuan) atau pembedahan dengan bius lokal. Pengobatan kimiawi, seperti podofilum resin atau racun yang dimurnikan atau asam trikloroasetat, bisa dioleskan langsung pada kutil. Tetapi pengobatan ini memerlukan waktu beberapa minggu sampai beberapa bulan, bisa melukai kulit di sekelilingnya dan sering gatal.
cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim .........................
obat ambeien obat wasir gejala ambeien obat wasir alami obat ambeien alami obat herbal ambeien gejala wasir obat alami ambeien obat herbal wasir obat ambeien tanpa operasi obat wasir herbal obat alami wasir cara mengobati ambeien tanpa operasi obat ambeien herbal obat wasir tanpa operasi cara mengobati wasir tanpa operasi
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Tradisional Untuk Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Obat Kutil Kelamin Herbal Paling Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Mujarab
Obat Kutil Kelamin Atau Jengger Ayam
Obat Antibiotik Kutil Kelamin
Obat Ampuh Menghilangkan Kutil Kelamin
Obat Tradisional Buat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Sipilis
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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