Bill Bennett and the Great White Brotherhood

In the home of the brave, Jefferson turning over in his grave,
Fools glorify themselves, try to manipulate Satan. - Bob Dylan
Odd, how many impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible things are being spoken aloud these days in America. That's how Bill Bennett characterized his thesis that "you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down." Perhaps that's also a fair description of the freewheeling hypocrite himself.
Bennett makes one of the wilder celebrity cameos in Cathy O'Brien's Trance-formation of America. It's not so much the sexual violence ("Bennett apparently found perverse pleasure in whipping me"), which by the time he turns up in the story has all but lost its power to shock, but the scene in what O'Brien calls the underground mind control lab of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center that is most weirdly notable.
O'Brien is lying on a metal table, having been administered a drug to create "total compliance":
In the darkness surrounding me, I could hear Bill Bennett talking, "This is my brother, Bob. He and I work as one unit. We are alien to this dimension - two beings from another plane."
The high-tech light display swirling around me convinced me I was transforming dimensions with them. A laser of light hit the black wall in front of me, which seemed to explode into a panoramic view of a White House cocktail party - as though I had transformed dimensions and stood amongst them. Not recognizing anyone, I frantically asked, "Who are these people?"
"They're not people, and this isn't a spaceship," Bennett said. As he spoke, the holographic scene changed ever so slightly until the people appeared to be lizard-like aliens. "Welcome to the second level of the underground. This level is a mere reflection of the first, an alien dimension. We are from a transdimensional plane that spans and encompasses all dimensions."
"Infinite dimensions," Bob injected. "Infinite dimensions spanned simultaneously."
Bill said, "No limitations."
Bob softly sang, "Let freedom ring."
"There truly is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from us. We're who is looking from behind the Eye in the Sky," Bill continued.
I think we need to quote O'Brien only while under the caution flag. She has clearly been a victim, but there are legitimate questions as to whether she remains one - whether she still has a minder, for instance - and so her book must be regarded as an unreliable testament. Her memories are either partially scrambled or possibly contaminated with disinformation to discredit survivor accounts. It would be easy, and perhaps even preferable, to ignore O'Brien and her book altogether. But then her anecdote of Dick Cheney's unlikely enormous penis receives apparent photographic confirmation, and she wrote of Bill Bennett's prediliction for sado-masochistism years before a Las Vegas dominatrix stepped forward with her own story. (Interestingly, the Vegas professional also claims to know brother, we-work-as-one-unit Bob.) And then there is the physical evidence, presented graphically in the GNN trailer for the movie that never was, of the devil's head carved into her vaginal wall. So since part of the story is evidently happening down there, it can't all be in her head.
And a close reading of the Bennett programming session shows a logic of method that perhaps isn't as weird as it first appears. Beatings, drugs, lights, images and grandiose speech are used to instill a sense that resistance is futile. O'Brien doesn't see people turn into lizards, but she sees its holographic representation. Bennett's words reinforce the message of the controllers' omnipotence. There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from the Eye in the Sky. He needn't really be an alien; he just needs his subject to think he comes from a place of "no limitations." And perhaps, in an ethical and metaphysical sense, that's true. Someone who could treat another human being in such a manner is not constricted by what he must regard as herd morality. He believes himself and his peers exempt. He could believe, for instance, that gambling is a sin, for some. Like abortion, and genocide.
More to come on the convergence, and emergence, of racism and occultism.
.: Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole
of the law.
Hello Sir:
First allow me to congratulate you on the excellent nature of your webpage. I encountered it recently and have spent a good deal of time on the bulletin board here since. I appreciate it when I see that intelligent people can stoop into the gutter, discussing the things that most people ignore floating past them.
I especially enjoy your perusal of the "occult". Sometimes I think it tends to reflect badly here, but maybe that's just cause we're looking at the Dark Side of the Force, or whatever.
Most people, even "conspiracy" researchers tend to avoid the occult because it is amazingly hard to establish very much for certain. Kudos to you for your attempts at deciphering. It really does tie all of the rest together neartly, doesn't it though?
(Are you a student or just a "practicing occultist"...?)
(BTW, does your book exist in a bookstore? I'm too lazy to look myself)
One more thing:
Keep it up with the Bob Dylan.
Mostly Sincerely;
Love is the law,
Love under will :.
This is totally off topic but relates to the false flag car bombings we are seeing in Iraq.
I used to work for Anglia Television.
One of the founders of the company was (Lord) Aubrey Buxton, who was a great naturist.
He created Survival. I'm sure you've seen the Survival wildlife programmes.
Lord Buxton owned an estate in North Norfolk, where every variety of wildfowl is a protected species.
Two or three times a year the Duke of Edinburgh would drop by, and a boat party would head out onto the watermarsh.
They then proceeded to shoot everything that moved.
At the time Edinburgh was President of the World Wildlife Fund.
As you say, it's a sin. FOR SOME.
Levels and levels.
First of all, it has generally been accepted among the people I know, that O'Brian is still being "handled." But as we all know, inside every big lie or disinformation, is a central core of Truth. Outside confirmation is important, and gives credence to at least some of the story.
"It's a sin... for some" seems to be the way it's done. The elite can do whatever they can get away with. The rest of us, including those who don't have high-powered, well-connected attorneys, better toe the legal line. --MaryK
Off topic...
I would not be surprised if this was not intentional:
Is it a wonder only 400 out of a projected 20,000 counter-protesters showed up?
How coincidental, I found the O’Brien story this morning in my daily am web surf, and watched as much of the videos as I could before leaving for work. How surprising it was too see you address the same story here on he same day I first heard the story.
She mentions Sen. Byrd quite often, as well as other politicians, but here testimony, if you want to call it that, left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It was just, odd, almost memorized it seemed.
I ‘ll hafta’ keep looking into this one.
I watched Frontline last night on PBS. It was about the O.J. Trial and Verdict. During the program I had an epithany.
New Orleans was payback for the Black Community's celebratory reaction to the O.J. verdict.
Eye in the Sky?
I only know the phrase as the title of an early Phil Dick novel (1957, I think), the first one in which he laid out the full range of reality-trippy themes that would characterize his 60's work.
In recent weeks, I've kept feeling an urge to pull out a certain style of 40's and 50's science fiction for clues. Some of it is very similar to the themes you've been been discussing here. It has to do with the place where occultism, politics, and mind control meet and go ballistic.
In partiular, I keep coming back to one question: If there really is an occult elite behind most of this crap -- as distinct from both the wealth-and-power elite of left-wing conspiracy theory and the resentful-outsider elite of right-wing conspiracy theory -- what's in it for them?
The best answer I cane come up with -- and I mean this in a mythic rather than a literal way -- is that they are psychic vampires. By that I mean people who have killed their own souls by their rejection of empathy and their severing of their emotional connection to the rest of humanity. As a result, they have to leach off the rest of us -- sucking in as parasites the psychic nourishment that they can no longer obtain directly.
Because they see themselves as separate from the human group-soul, they have a great recklessness and willingness to do the unthinkable. But at the same time, they are pitifully dependent on it for their sustenance. In this context, ritual abuse, even human sacrifice can be seen as attempts to draw upon the life-force that no longer flows through their own inner pathways.
As well as the vampire metaphor and the parasite metaphor, a third relevant image is that of the reptilian alien. I take this not as literal truth, but as a symbolic indication that these indivuals are working entirely off the old reptilian brain (which operates in terms of sex and dominance) and have killed in themselves the old mammalian brain (the center of emotion and empathy.)
I want to emphasize that I'm not talking about actual vampires or actual aliens. The best way I can explain what I mean is that I think there is a human capacity for seeing the world in terms of symbolic "overlays" on top of ordinary reality. We all have this ability with the help of psychedelic drugs, but some of us do it naturally -- often to their great pain and confusion.
These overlays are a means whereby the deep unconscious sends us coded messages about the true nature of events. They appear baffling and bizarre to the conscious mind because what is being communicated is outside any normal conscious frame of reference. To deal with them, we have to tread the fine line between rejection and uncritical belief. We have to be able to accept them as meaningful but not literal. Ultimately, the challenge is to expand our conscious understanding to incorporate new aspects of existence.
I watched her video and... well, whether we think she is still "handled" or not, the abuse was confirmed by a doctor (hopefully, that was not all part of a "set-up").
Funny thing is - she is not the only one with those sorts of things done to her body. There are others who have the scars of the same war.
No "handler" can reduce that "damage" - the internal stuff that can't be controlled. Our "survival" stuff. What kept us alive when we wished we were dead.
Handler or not, I'm glad she's telling. Showing. Exposing.
It's about damn time.
Starroute commented,
"...these indivuals are working entirely off the old reptilian brain..."
Yet, being under strong delusion, they think of themselves as advanced beyond ordinary humans. Having transcended, as it were. Near-Atlanteans, seeking and soon to arrive at the status of super-being. "Ye shall be as gods", was the serpent's seductive hook.
"And thinking themselves to be wise, they became fools".
"Those who lead to destruction, will themselves fall into destruction"
This Bennett jackass is not an anomaly, he’s just another sloppy and arrogantly honest eugenics proponent. That there is a working plan to cull great numbers of the world's darker populace is beyond conjecture to anyone willing to investigate the writings of The Club of Rome, Henry Kissinger and NSSM-200, David & Nelson Rockefeller’s funding, organization and initiatives, and as far back as Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood. To see the plan in action one only needs to reflect upon:
• The crude eugenic genocide and lynching of African and Native-Americans throughout American history. (Ref: Books at 100 Years of Lynching, An Acre of Skin, Bad Blood and American Holocaust)
• The MK family of projects inflicted upon the largely black and enslaved population culminating in an “ethnic cleansing” in Jonestown. Jim Jones CIA codename was "Raven". (Ref: to the works of John Judge and Google: Dr. Leslie Mootoo)
• The compartmentally constructed U.S. government bio-weapon known as A.I.D.S. narrowed to target the masses African countries. (Ref: to the works of Dr. Alan Cantwell & Dr. Robert Strecker)
• The engineering and specific targeting of the black community, for the massive influx of the government product: Crack cocaine. Also don’t forget that during the height of the government’s “War on Drugs” William Bennett was appointed ands served as the Drug Czar. (Ref: Dark Alliance by Gary Webb)
• Planned Parenthood's continued specific marketing of propaganda towards African-American and Latino communities to achieve Sanger's goal to intentionally stem the growth of non-white peoples.
The current home of the Human Genome Project is the Cold Springs Harbor laboratory on Long Island, NY—the exact site of the notorious Eugenics Research Office that was started in 1910 by the Averell Harriman family. The project’s 1910 agenda included governmental imposition of sanctions on such human rights as reproduction, and on U.S. immigration, based on the alleged inferiority of particular ethnic groups. The Eugenics Research Project established medical and psychological conditions that would qualify one for sterilization or euthanasia. Prominent advocates of the program such as the Rockefeller family, Henry Ford, and Margaret Sanger helped smooth the way for the passage of forcible sterilization laws in 25 states. These laws allowed the forcible sterilization of tens of thousands of people, mostly of minority status, during the first half of the 20th century.
• In 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhodes a doctor affiliated with Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, with Rockefeller Foundation backing, ran a small murderous campaign in which a number of the population of Puerto Rico were deliberately infected with cancer. Thirteen Puerto Ricans died after being purposely vectored, and Rhodes was later rewarded with seats on the Atomic Energy Commission and the Rockefeller Institute, as well as being chief of research for the chemical warfare service of the U.S. military. This sick quote from him belies his genocidal intent --"'.the Porto Ricans (sic) are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere. It makes you sick to inhabit the same island with them..What the island needs is not public health work, but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the population..I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several more..The matter of consideration for the patients' welfare plays no role here - in fact, all physicians take delight in the abuse and torture.."
• Sally Torpy reports that during 1977 Dr. R.T. Ravenholt, director of the United States Agency for International Development (an office for population control), said that the United States hoped to sterilize 25 per cent of the world's roughly 570 million fertile women. Ravenholt linked such control measures to the "...normal operation of U.S. commercial interests around the world." These statements were published in a news story in the St. Louis Dispatch.
Before 1969 (following Nixon's election as president) funding of sterilizations (as well as abortion) had been "banned" (read: pushed underground, like MKULTRA) by the federal government. Between 1969 and 1974, The Department of Health Education and Welfare increased its family planning budget from $51 million to more than $250 million, Torpy found. HEW records reveal that between 192,000 and 548,000 women were sterilized each year between 1970 and 1977, compared to an average of 63,000 a year between 1907 and 1964, a period that included a zenith of the eugenics movement.
The Indian Health Service (IHS—funded by the Federal Government, who employed the doctors and nurses) coerced Native American men and women into forced sterilizations in the early to mid 1970s. The General Accounting Office (GAO) estimated that 3,400 people (mostly women) underwent the treatment, but their study only covered four of twelve IHS regions for four years. Activists put the estimate much higher, at rates of 60,000 to 70,000.
During this wave of sterilizations, no other medical structure had the captive clientele of the IHS, however. "Native American women represented a unique class of victims among the larger population that faced sterilization and abuses of reproductive rights," Torpy wrote in her thesis. "They had, and continue to have, a dependent relationship with the federal government which has put them at greater risk..."
Within half a decade, Indian Health Service doctors were sterilizing so many reservation women that, according to Torpy, one Native American woman was being sterilized for every seven babies born. In 1970, when the Indian Health Service initiated its sterilization campaign (paid 100 per cent by federal funds), the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare vastly accelerated programs that paid 90 per cent of the costs to sterilize non-Indian poor women, following enactment of the Family Planning Act of 1970.
This, coupled with the suspicion raised by the Hantavirus outbreak in the Four Corners region of Arizona/New Mexico/Colorado/Utah keeps suspicion and fingers pointed at the federal government and at least some government policies toward the American Indian population. (Hantavirus is one of many "new" diseases that have come under suspicion of having their origins in genetic engineering or bio-warfare labs.)
• The engineered starvation of the African masses of Biafra, Somalia, the Sudan, Ethiopia and now oil rich Nigeria.
• In the early 1970's, Henry Kissinger wrote a top secret document -- a National Security Memorandum ("NSM 200") -- in which he indicated that "depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World." This Memorandum can be obtained from the US National Archives, (or here - which was only declassified very quietly in 1990, was adopted by the National Security Council as official US foreign policy towards the Third World.
• The foreign intelligence instigated wars and coups in Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America in which massive numbers of civilians were and are currently being murdered. Especially of note would be the sanctioned genocides in Rwanda and Serbia (Europeans ethnically cleansed because of their Muslim religion).
• In October 1997, Dr. Wayne Nathanson, chief of the Science and Ethics Department of the Medical Society of the United Kingdom, warned the annual meeting of the Society that "gene therapy" might possibly be turned into "gene weapons" which could potentially be used to target particular genes possessed by certain groups of people. These weapons, Nathanson warned, could be delivered not only in the forms already seen in warfare such as gas and aerosol, but could also be added to water supplies, causing not only death but sterility and birth defects in targeted groups.
• On November 15, 1998, the London Times reported that Israel claimed to have successfully developed a genetically specific "ethnic bullet" that targets Arabs. When an Israeli government spokesman was asked to confirm the existence of ethnic weapons, he did not deny that they had them, but rather said, "We have a basket full of serious surprises that we will not hesitate to use if we feel that the state of Israel is under serious threat." This is research that was also vigorously pursued unapologetically by the Apartheid government of South Africa as revealed in the reconciliation (read: cover-up & absolution) trials.
• The deliberate and calculated starvation, concentration containment and murder by proxy in New Orleans, of African-Americans and poor white victims of Hurricane Katrina.
starroute: you postulate, in effect, that the occult elite are to ordinary humans as ordinary humans are to nature: divorced from and separate to nature -- hence the recklessness with which we so spectacularly use and abuse its offerings -- and yet pitifully dependent upon nature for their own existence and continued survival.
I think starroute is 100% correct, if I take his meaning properly.
I take the mystics of history fairly seriously, because many of the things they describe jibe with memories of personal experiences. A common metaphor among mystics is that of the "lower self" or ego, and the "higher self" or "observing consciousness".
The symbol of the Eye in the Sky (featured in Masonic emblems, in the illustrations of Boehme, all over the place) can be traced back through history at least to the Zohar, which speaks of the unblinking eye. This is the pure Being of Unity. If this eye were to close for one moment, it is said the universe would disappear.
Occultists also are interested in these topics. I think that they have lost contact with their higher self to such a degree that they mistake the lower self for the higher. The ego impersonates God. These poor souls act in accordance with their low and base motives. When the illusory lower self dissolves, (as it eventually must at death, if nowhere else) they will experience "Hell" as they finally see themselves for what they have made of themselves, and the ramifications of what they have done will be plain.
"You shall know them by their fruits."
That's my theory.
(also, I admit it is a LOGICAL possibility that we live in an "Evil Universe" and there really are monsters lurking behind the Eye in the Sky. However, looking into my heart, I can't believe this is really the case. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but the essential benevolence of nature seems undeniable to me.)
Alan Parsons Projects - "Eye In The Sky" (Lead vocal - Eric Woolfson)
Don't think sorry's easily said
Don't try turning tables instead
You've taken lots of Chances before
But I'm not gonna give anymore
Don't ask me
That's how it goes
Cause part of me knows what you're thinkin'
Don't say words you're gonna regret
Don't let the fire rush to your head
I've heard the accusation before
And I ain't gonna take any more
Believe me
The sun in your Eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing
I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don't need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, I can read your mind
Don't leave false illusions behind
Don't Cry cause I ain't chnaging my mind
So find another fool like before
Cause I ain't gonna live anymore believing
Some of the lies while all of the Signs are deceiving
Starroute, your take on the soul-less;
"I mean people who have killed their own souls by their rejection of empathy and their severing of their emotional connection to the rest of humanity."
is a lot like mine, but I would argue that perhaps these beings had no soul to start with. This is evident if one looks carefully at the lack of empathy in word and deed. I would suggest that this soul-less character was bred that way from the start (birth or before) with the objective of inserting him into a role like Rumsfeldt's.
It has been shown that a surprisingly large part of the population is psychopathic in this way, and that one is typically quite intelligent and able to hide the condition. Sorry I can't find a link to that right now.
Some of the less lucky ones end up in prison but many more operate quite well among us.
My point is that they are non-human really, but act skillfully enough to pass.
I hope everyone realizes that Bennett said that in the context of Freakanomics. Of course, Freakanomics dealt with class not race, but the argument is essentially the same. Abortions lead to reduced crime about 18 years later. Maybe Freakanomics is part of the eugenics propaganda, who knows.
Point is, although Bennett added the black thing on his own (which might betray the kind of racism indicated above), the abortion thing was not presented by him as his own view.
Can you fix your entry to reflect all this, Jeff? As is, today's entry looks misleading.
From Americablog:
"100 to 150 homes in black neighborhood of New Orleans still not searched for dead bodies"
anonymous 1:45 said:
starroute: you postulate, in effect, that the occult elite are to ordinary humans as ordinary humans are to nature: divorced from and separate to nature -- hence the recklessness with which we so spectacularly use and abuse its offerings -- and yet pitifully dependent upon nature for their own existence and continued survival.
Sort of, only I wouldn't make such a blanket accusation against "ordinary humanity." I think this is a specifically Western thing.
The roots of it go back to Renaissance occultism. The idea of practicing emotional detachment as a means of manipulating and attaining power over others was very much a part of occult teachings of that period. (See, for example, Ioan Couliano's "Eros and Magic in the Renaissance.")
The idea at the core of modern science, that the scientist has to be emotionally detached from nature in order to manipulate it ruthlessly, comes directly out of those same teachings. There is, for example, an often-cited quote from Francis Bacon about raping and torturing Nature in order to obtain her secrets.
The stereotypical mwa-ha-ha-ing villain of modern popular fiction -- whether an evil wizard or a mad scientist -- is the embodiment of that attitude. (The stereotype itself goes back to 18th century novels about alchemists, runs through "Frankenstein," and goes on from there.)
Luckily, however, the perveted faith in scientific "objectivity" appeares to have peaked in the first half of the 20th century and been on the decline ever since. We may still have psychopaths among us, but the number of normal people feeling they have to act like paychopaths because science demands it of them (or even following spin-off beliefs, like not picking up your baby when it cries) is much lower than it was a couple of generations ago.
.: Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole
of the law.
"Eye in the Sky" is also the second part of a two-part song, almost always played together live.
The first part is "Sirius"
The Black Brotherhood, by definition, are unable to release the ego during the ceremoney of passing through the Tuat(Anoter Eye in the Sky) the Abyss (Qlippothic realm, "world of shells") which disintegrates personality. The process results in one of two ways, traditionally. Either one survives the dismemberments, (remniscent of shamanic initiation, or the Master Mason ceremony so corrupted by Skull&BONEr) to emerge as the beautiful butterfly on the other side of the tunnel, or one is collapsed and the personal ego creates a shattering or splintering of consciousness and the magician becomes lost in the "world of shells" mistaking madness for enlightenment. Taditionally they are said to build fortresses on the "edge of the abyss" and to attempt to pull others into the pit with them.
The disintegration of the soul in the World of Shells reminds of the "shell programming" techniques of Manchurian candidates, that is "lone gunmen". The LHP brothers tumble farther into the realm where nothing is real and lose touch with ultimate reality at an ever increasing pace. The normally "initiate" others into their cult of fear hate and death.
The trauma induced splintering is remarkably consistent with the Dissociations of Personality among RA victims. Clearly they are connected.
"Know then the Black Brothers by these True Signs of their Initiation of Iniquity, that they resist Change, restrict and deny Love, fear Death. Percutiantur."
--Aleister Crowley, Liber Aleph
Love is the law,
Love under will :.
Thanks, Gouda! I've always loved that song; it's particularly apt on this blog.
If it weren't so horrible, the dialogue between Bill and Bob would be hysterically funny:
""Welcome to the second level of the underground. This level is a mere reflection of the first, an alien dimension. We are from a transdimensional plane that spans and encompasses all dimensions."
"Infinite dimensions," Bob injected. "Infinite dimensions spanned simultaneously."
Bill said, "No limitations."
Bob softly sang, "Let freedom ring."
"There truly is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from us. We're who is looking from behind the Eye in the Sky," Bill continued."
Man, these guys sound like a couple of losers who got hold of a "How to Hypnotise" paperback and decided to catch some poor victim (maybe a pretty gurl), get her into their basement, tie her up all naked, and live out their adolescent fantasies. Hey, wasn't that a "Saturday Night Live" sketch? Naah, but it COULD have been.
I am definitely not saying it didn't happen, just that there is a definite air of stunted adolescence about the whole thing. That's not to say it's not even more frightening.
Omega Man, you present a lot of shocking information, all at once. I suspect that unless one's exposure is gradual, and results at least partially from one's own efforts, many if not most people would react by simply shutting down and angrily attacking the messenger.
Socrates was a brilliant teacher because he didn't simply provide facts, he asked a progression of questions that allowed the student to guide himself until he arrived at his conclusion so naturally that it felt as though he had known all along and was simply "remembering".
I'm not saying that we shouldn't provide a lot of facts, just maybe not all at once -- too overwhelming, and covering both too little and too much ground at once.
I hear what you're saying, however we are now at this juncture, at a serious defecit of time. We are in the middle of a sustained attack on all fronts of our God given liberties. What I've presented pales significantly with the realities of the other horrors and plans they have set into motion against us. Pick up Webster Tarpley's book "9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA" if you want to peer behind the curtain into the real gaping maw of hell.
So instead of gently guiding people to truthful conclusions, I have decided to take the crash course approach to best equip people with the knowledge for their survival. The cabals are in a critical position right now as people are asking too many questions and rejecting their propaganda more and more each day.
They need to continue their ever-warming cold war against the masses of us and have invariably painted themselves into an ever tightening corner. The lies of their frontmen are becoming vividly and sometimes laughably transparent. They have never been closer to their dreams of complete global fascism and the transformation of us from citizens into mindless consumer livestock. For them there's no turning back, for they are in the throes of a sink or swim situation. They're becoming desperate and dangerous and we can no longer afford the luxury of casual dissertation. We are winning the infowar with them, and they know it. It's just a matter of time before they repress our ability to communicate like this.
This is a time for boldness, strength and unified resistance against a vicious and unyielding enemy.
He who dares wins!
Speaking of infowar, this is breaking news:
AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites Nationwide
Holy shit.
starroute: although Western Objectivity, as it were, may be the most severe example of this disconnect, I would argue that you paint with too narrow a may convince me otherwise if, say, you can find me an example of a human society that has remained in stable equilibrium with nature on a time scale nature would recognize -- say, ten thousand or more years -- while also remaining at a stable or continually-increasing level of human development (I would not count China as such, mainly because it is unclear, expecially in the distant past, how much was lost in the interims between dynasties).
As is, singling out Western Objectivity for the ill you describe is as ascribing to a single lightning bolt for the damage wrought by an enormous storm: yes, the bolt does draw the eye, but only away from either the whole story or even the efficient cause, as it were.
Alice, you are quite correct (IMHO) in describing the Bill & Bob dialogue as adolescent. Th delusion of power is adolescent. It refuses to accept reality as it is (a sign of maturity) and insists on it's own creation as being as the reality. This is why empires crash because they are built on lies.
These psychopaths act like adults (or Parents in TA language) but are children when put under pressure, hence, the tantrums. The threats against Iran are tantrums and an attack will be the ultimate tantrum.
I read once that an adolescent is someone who wants the freedom/authority of an adult but the responsibility of a child.
Remind you of anyone?
Omega Man,
thanks for your research and presentation. Very succinct and powerful. And I think you are spot on in your assesment of the current situation. The psychos have broken cover and are now dashing for the finish line. They are close but very vulnerable.
Courage and compassion are the keys, I feel, to a better future for all.
You guys are Whacked! Bush is crazy. Bennett is just letting his and Republicans true feelings out. Ever visit a Church on Sunday? Go to a White Congregation and see how many Blacks you see? Even if there are some, they are only a few token Blacks, so they can pat themselves on the back, and tell their kids: See honey? We're not racist. As far as all of this esoteric mumbo jumbo your tossing around: What you have is a bunch of petty losers who came out from their parlor games and wormed their way into positions of power. But if WE, the people would quit funding them, they'd crawl back into the crevice of the baseboards. Your the ones that shop at Walmart: You buy their gas: You go to their Malls. Your kids has to have the same jeans Lindsey Lohan wears, or they are not "Cool." Your, in essence financing your own destruction. Some would say you deserve what you get. But surely I rant: The thing is, Bennett is just showing the Rupublican True Colors here. He only says what Rush Limbaugh wishes he could say: This Country is not only divided by class, and political leanings: It is also divided by Race. And that is sad for a so called Free and Open Society. Now, while you drive your kids to Soccer, and watch The Apprentice and let Mexicans send multi-millions of dollars down South of the Border, you ask yourself one question: What are you going to do when they slam the door shut on your liberty. Cause while many radio and tv personalities try to divide us on all these different (petty) issues, the true nature of the game is it is US against them: And them are the Globalphiles.
Think about that as you wolf down your Big Mac!
The Trumpeters' Blog
anonymous 5:55 --
I suspect your test is too stringent. Human beings are innately destabilizing -- we're just too successful not to unbalance nature. But that's a matter of biology, not culture. Simply the fact that the standard human female pattern is to have babies every two years (as opposed to the great apes, where it's more like every four) means that we're going to outbreed our resource base at the slightest opportunity.
It may not be just us humans, either. The earth has been under ice age conditions some 90% of the time for the last few million years, and these relatively brief interglacial periods may be times of general overbreeding. (We humans happen to be using up most of the excess carrying capacity this time around, but if it weren't us it would be something else.)
Find me evidence of pre-modern cultures that are as psychologically alienated from nature and the cycles of nature as us Westerners and I'll be more inclined to agree with you.
As psychologically divorced from nature as western society may also be too strict a criteria, but psychologically divorced? Part of this may be definitional--do you take a society that, say, requires the yearly ritual actiity of a god-king of sorts to ensure the heavens run as normal and crops grow as they should to be one that considers itself somehow pyschologically joined with nature, or one that exorcises its unease at its dependence upon nature with primitive graspings-after the kind of steady control of nature the western world has at last appeared to obtain--but I'd wager I can find at least one pre-modern society for you.
Take the Easter Islanders. It's hard to square any notion of some pyscho-societal unity with nature and their ancestors' actions unless you posit some kind of inherent deathwish to the same psycho-societal clearly de-treeing one's island of residence is by any measure ecological suicide, and as above it's hard to see how those who see themselves as somehow inseparable from nature could bring themselves to systematically remove one of its most visible components from their world; even if not in the early days certainly by the time when trees were few on the ground.
The Easter Islanders have become popular again with Jared Diamond's latest work, but it seems difficult to me that their actions weren't symptoms of at least a moderately severe psychological separation of themselves from nature. As with most such examples this does bring up definitional issues, but it's probably the most straightforward example.
If the Easter Islanders don't do it for you, I'd at least like to know how you would explain away their ancestors' actions as not exhibiting at least some subconscious alienation from the natural world?
The most recent Anon is one of those sadly misled followers of the propaganda of the Radical Right--Birchers and all their ilk. Anyway, the comment on psychopaths relating to the main theme of this thread is quite relevant, as these are the "hollow men" who are born (psychopaths, one theory) and/or made (sociopaths, another theory) without the capacity to feel guilt or empathy--they are outsiders capable of infinite evil, thus are marginalized and excluded, and become (for example) sorcerers in village-scale societies. In our own society, and many empires before us, psychopaths are enabled and rise through the ranks of business, academia, and anywhere else you can get by with a golden tongue and a black heart, but sometimes nil talent. All of us know at least some; some of us have been married to them, or have had our careers destroyed by them. They are the bullies on the playground, the Charles Graners, the Leona Helmsleys, etc. and so forth. The corporate form, as the movie The Corporation explains, behaves clinically like a psychopath.
Satan was always portrayed as a charmer and a trickster, after all. They charm us and mesmerize us, but what they really enjoy is watching us go at each other; they don't really ever get what it's like to laugh without malice; when we've all stabbed each other, they celebrate; when we find them out, we generally tend to rip them apart, or at least try. There are of course many other personality disorders out there, but only the psychopath embodies what civilization considers to be perfection, at least as a superficial trait (given that they're all surfaces). Anyway, I think in a society where everyone is supposed to be guaranteed the same rights, and as we see in many movies, psychopaths always work the system for their benefit, until the whole system works for them, as has happened in the corporate world.
One question I've had since I was devastated by a personal relationship with a psychopath (at work--they're a dime a dozen in universities) is whether there is a managerial class, if you will, who can actually use psychopaths to their own ends, presumably to the end of greater power--I would suspect JP Morgan might have been such an individual. Psychopaths generally have a hard time working together, and often end up, like the leaders of the 3rd Reich, turning on each other and leading their followers into suicidal orgies. But, harnessed, they can of course do the dirty work at all levels--from the Graners to the Bushes. Returning to JP Morgan, father, and son J., they are so key to the rise of Stimson and Harriman, eugenics, the CIA (hence Skull/Bones), rise of the Nazis, the Council on Foreign Relations, funding for Tesla, so on and so forth; even today, look at how Morgan Stanley, Guaranty Trust, and others are often tied into financing the creepiest projects--like the Levee Board in New Orleans.
I came across a fascinating old article by sociologist George Simmel, 1908, "The Sociology of Secrecy and of Secret Societies". You can find it with Google. Details and mentions of numerous secret societies, great stuff.
And speaking of New Orleans, I have it on what I consider relatively good authority, from an anthropologist friend of mine who was there over the last few weeks, that Blackwater was airlifting corpses out to keep the death toll down (or whatever they do with the "extra" corpses). This was leaked from a fed-up military guy, and is third-hand, but I asked for and am awaiting better proof. At very least we would like to find out how this is going to unfold elsewhere, go down and talk to more witnesses. It would also be interesting for folks across the country to chat with exiles and ask them what they experienced in New Orleans. It appears to be a test run, so I would think we need to know and plan how to react, organize, resist, flee, what have you. Given bird flu or whatever's in store.
I always assumed starroute was a female. Whatever his/her gender, he/she is ALWAYS right.
The infowars continue as their side is now made attacks on 3 fronts today and tonight. State sock puppet Bill O'Reilly is attacking blogs on his show tonight, AOL/Time Warner totally blocked access to Alex Jones' and this evening, RI was made inaccessible for a number of hours. Hope I'm wrong about their incursion into RI as this can only be verified by Jeff, but this is definitely a pattern. They are probing, gauging reaction and running an exercise that they will definitely want to see in operation very soon.
They are attempting to cut communication and transfer of information between us in a futile measure to derail opposition and exposure of their crimes, criminal identities and aggressive war against us, the world's masses.
For the first time in decades, we have finally discovered true free speech as blogs, international internet radio, podcasts, torrents and ebooks unite and inform us of our common enemies. For once, we shut off their incessant programming and fashioned a sanctuary and a weapon to fight them. They've sent disinfo specialists, trolls, and other malignant fools only to return to their masters in failure because we banded together, got each other's backs and held fast.
The new tact is apparently outright sabotage and when that fails they'll organize their complicit media to attack and start demonizing the blogs. Once they spin ignoramus public sentiment they'll send in some hack senator to introduce flagrantly unconstitutional and repressive legislation. Then the blogs go on lockdown and poof no more exchange of free speech. Then they'll set their sights on Infowars, Rense, Center for an Informed America, Conspiracy Archive News and all the others.
The cabals are already heading us off at the pass in the guise of the new "Hate Speech" laws that have nothing to do with curtailing racist, anti-jewish dialogue. And have everything to do with stamping out any and all criticism of the state of Israel, Christianity, and any other communications they deem an obstruction to their agenda. The game is get the laws on the books, then apply it selectively and arbitrarily to state designated enemies.
The iron fist is tightening and even the ostriches are now beginning to shiver... What will you tell the enslaved and victimized children of the future when they ask us why did we let them win? Why didn't we stand up and stop it? Why did we acquiesce everything that they had no goddamn right to take from us in the first place?
Yes, thanks, Omega Man, for the information.
With all due respect, Alice, much of the material he cites has been available for years--pre-Internet it wasn't as easy to find, but it was there. Time is running out for a 'gradual' intro. And my view is, people who will reject the truth as too much/too harsh will reject it no matter how gently it's presented to them. Some people react to info like that with a determination to learn more and assess for themselves what is true. Others are scared and want to hide. My feeling is that the America we live in now is a result of too many people who, as the old Jack Nicholson line goes, simply CAN'T HANDLE the truth. Harsh or soft, lots or little, now or later. They just don't want to know. As George Steiner once said to seek the truth is to risk discovering "realities ontologically opposed to our sanity and limited moral reserves." It is only for the courageous and the morally stalwart that the truth makes them free. This is old news in Western culture--see, eg, "Oedipus."
prunesquallori, again with all due respect, could you expand on your statement that you believe in the benevolence of nature? Nature for most of human history was regarded as something awe-full and powerful, to be feared and placated. Most natural phenomena, from a supernova to a metastasizing cancer cell, with stuff like Katrina and Krakatoa in between, is perhaps not MALevolent in that it is without ill intention, but it certainly is not BENevolent, well intentioned. And in the animate world, you've got a whole system that is based on creatures eating other creatures. To be honest, if I was designing a universe, I would give some thought to how unpleasant it is to be eaten, and leave that part out.
I had a friend who was telling me about how the universe means nothing but good for each of us. I told her a parable about a spider who is sitting in the middle of her web, feeling quite smug about this marvelous edifice she can spin out of her rear end without even thinking about it, how all she has to do is put it up between two trees, hang out till it wiggles, then go have lunch. Indeed, the universe seems a benevolent one that cares about her. However, to the fly buzzing around having a nice time on a nice day, who suddenly hits something sticky and can't fly anymore, and looks up to see a big 8 legged many-eyed fanged hairy ugly whatthehellISthat heading his way, which promptly stings him, numbing him while his innards liquify and he's eaten alive, the universe doesn't seem quite so well intentioned. And to the spider, fat and sassy en route back to the center of the web who is suddenly a grease spot because she chose to put her web in the yard of a confirmed arachnophobe with a large rolled up newspaper, it must seem like a set up, her last conscious thoughts being..."and things were going so WELL..."
I can say with cofidence that shapeshifters are real. I was asked by a voice inside my head that spoke as a seducing adult if I wanted to see it.
This happened to me on a hill side [early 1970's] inside an area on a foundation of what was left of a very old cabin. It was not far from a swimming pool where I had a near death experience while drowning a few weeks before. I was a very young boy with no belief system whatsoever but it was soon after it revealed itself to me that strange things began to happen.
Twice my Aunt saw a ghost in my room, often times I sensed as if I was being watched and had to sleep with the lights on as terrible nightmares began to occure. My toys would sometimes move by themselves and I started to behave in a vulgar way, for instance seeing how many times I could say the F word while walking up a hill. Yes I saw a glimpse of a shapeshifter on that hillside and afterword when I discoverd God the feelings of fear that this evil needs to survive quickly vanished.
As an adult I've had several ufo sightings with friends and my family with me at different times and can proudly say during one event I gave the middle finger to a triangular craft that had 3 bright round lights at each corner, a dome under it's belly and one red light in it's center. At another time a friend who laughed at my ufo stories called me onto his back porch and he pointed toward the same type of triangular object but this time bright orange elliptical sphere's shot out from it and swam in the air like fish in water until they were out of view. My buddy became a believer.
Years ago during the ufo craze on TV in the mid to late 90's I watched a woman who claimed she was abducted and made it quite clear that the lizard type aliens use the triangle shape craft.
Please believe me, I'm not grasping for attention and rarely talk about this but something inside my heart and soul tells me that they (demonic beings) have possessed the bodies of those in all levels of government and are strongly directing people of influence in high places to rush in the prince of darkness.
I see it's snake like symbolisms more than ever now in commercials, music video's, magazine ads and it knows it's time is short because the generation of self destruction is coming to pass. Even our own mother earth seems to be withering in pain.
God save us.
Thanks for that post Jeff,
AS for Cathy O'Brien video and the devil face carved into her vagina!??! I don't know of how many people would be willing to ever go to those lengths to expose the truth.
Cue Bono?
As f*cked up as her story is, looking at it now, it isn't off. Clinton and Bush as buddy buddy. George W. Bush being groomed for president. Michael Aquino and stun gun torture..etc etc
We should dig deeper into her account and see what other gems are hidden.
Thanks for the link to Sociology of Secrecy, Geographer. And you are right in that there are a lot more of them out there than most would think. They use each other. It's a food chain.
Here's a link to practical advice in recognising and dealing with bullies and sociopaths.
Fantastic eloquence Cassandra, really nice way you brought that spider and fly analogy to life. And Jim I appreciate your steadfast attitude and no-nonsense approach on this righteous path.
To add to the case of Cathy O'Brien, I had always wondered on the complete veracity of her claims, until I began seeing additional corroboration in the form of Brice Taylor and Candy Jones. Even putting their claims aside, the sick players, handlers and manipulators they indict all have grossly criminal and degenerate pasts. Michael Aquino, the Bush (k)clan, Gerald Ford and Senator Byrd all are teeming with a diabolical filth they can barely restrain. One only needs to look at the behavior of the Hell-Bitch Barbara Bush at the Astrodome to witness their evil crawling out. Even looking at their faces and particularly their eyes, and you can read that something is way off, that the place where their soul once resided lies in abandoned vacancy. They have tangible aura's of evil, and emanate a smoldering darkness. Deep within them exists a soulless void of liquid black that barely contains the demons they have lurking and raging within.
Take a good look of the shot of the elder George Bush, Barbara and their grandchildren that Jeff posted, and your instincts will sound off that something's definitely not right. Take a close look at the eyes of old George and Barb and imagine what's going through their heads. Then shower off and climb Dante-like back from the abyss.
a thanks to omega man for spot-on comments. thanks to all others for their thoughtful takes, too.
but guess what. the Easter Islanders were wiped out by europeans/invaders/slave traders. they didn't stupidly kill themselves off. for some reason, i can't get the direct link to the article to work, but here's a link that gives a partial, and is supposed to lead to the whole paper:
starroute: your article does not quite say what you think it says. It doesn't dispute that the Easter Islanders mostly deforested their own island; it simply argues that that in and of itself cannot be assigned sole blame for their societal collapse.
You can quibble over the root cause of and ultimate blame for their cultural decline, but the problem isn't really the decline so much as the culture -- which your article doesn't dispute either stood by and did not repair some externally-caused deforestation event, or, more likely, accomplished themselves. I still can't square their actions with any enlightened understanding of their place in nature; whether they brought about a complete cultural collapse or simply a noticeable diminishment in their circumstances is really besides the point.
In any case, this whole argument is offtopic -- it just seemed to me that your theory of psychic vampirism, as it were, suggests that the elite of this era behave within the human ecosystem as we as species behave within the broader ecosystem, setting up our own little gardens and harvesting the fruits thereof with nary a care for how our garden grows nor the things growing in it.
If the ability to so completely alienate oneself physically and psychologically from one's surroundings is among the uniquely human traits -- parasites and invasive species may do the former but for the moment animal psychology is a largely unknown country -- then I have a second reason to dislike the elite: not only should I dislike them for the evil they do, but also for the mirror of human nature their actions hold to my face.
Let me suggest that this "mirror of human nature their actions hold to my face." has been created by that same alien species over perhaps thousands of years.
Humanity remains but it has been steadily infected with their presence; that nasty influence is what you are seeing in the mirror. A couple of examples of this influence are The Church, public schools, the institutionalizing of war. That last is my favorite. Today as on most days I hear NPR reporting/discussing our latest war as if it were a football game; comparing the plays and the players, similarities with some of our previous conflicts, etc. As if this great game of war is fine entertainment, that we could hardly do without it.
It is hard to resist going along really, unless one is ready to stand aside staring agog in disbelief while being branded a troublemaker.
anonymous 10:49 --
Yes, it is offtopic, and I'm just as glad to drop it. I think you and I are arguing more about personal philosophies than about facts, anyway.
However, I did want to note for the record that the post with the link about Easter Island wasn't from me. I'm quite aware the islanders did a job on themselves well before the Europeans showed up -- though I'm mainly inclined to attribute that to the pathology of living on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere without outside contact.
That sort of isolation also tends to lead to both incest and cannibalism -- two great human fears/temptations that show up in world-wide myths -- which suggests that Easter Island may be useful as a template for the larger matters we're discussing here.
Specifically, I believe that there is something that could be roughly referred to as a human group-soul, which we all both participate in and depend upon, and that being cut off from it is the worst thing that can happen to a person. That is why solitary confinement is so devastating. That is why reclusive celebrities like Elvis or Howard Hughes get nutsier and nutsier. And that is why the extremely wealthy in general are, shall we say, distinctly less sane than the rest of us.
Thanks Omega Man. And thank you for your right-on description of the soulless eyes of evil. I was in a relationship with an emotionally abusive man almost 2 decades ago, and had become deeply depressed. One morning unable to sleep I stood at the window just after sunrise. He opened his eyes and looked at me, and it was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. I don't believe it's possible to describe that look to anyone who has never seen it. Demonic, yes, but not in the Hollywood movie, raving-lunatic way. It was indeed soul-less, not human. People talk about the eyes of sharks, or snakes, or's not that they have rage in them like an angry mammal's eyes. That can be scary, but when someone looks at you with that, yes, reptilian glance (which is an insult, really, to the poor reptiles who can't look any different), there is no empathy or common humanity. They are the predator, you are the prey. You don't forget that look.
Anyway, as soon as our eyes met he closed his eyes and opened them, and they were full of seeming sympathy; he said "What's wrong, can't you sleep? Come back to bed" and patted his chest. But it was too late; I had seen who he really was, and saw he was acting.
For some reason I am thinking of Kant--not that I'm any expert, I read an article once that cited two principles. One, that the other is always an end--ie, you don't use people for your own agenda. The elites not only do that, that's their program: we are all expendable in the service of THEIR ends. Two, that 'sin' means violating an ethical precept which you expect others to follow--which is the point in Jeff's article about certain things being forbidden to the masses but allowed to the elite.
Jim, thanks for the bullying link. I have been dealing lately with a group of "white collar" bullies and getting nowhere because I was failing to see that they are at bottom bullies, no different from the schoolyard variety under their suits. Just last night I was reading a LTE in a local paper in which a man took issue to an approach to bullying that involved therapy, 'hugging' the bullied child; he was saying it was better to teach the kids karate and let them fight their own battles. That made me recall my dad saying the way to deal with a bully was to hit him as hard as you can in front of as many people as you can, thereby destroying his 'mystique' of power and exposing him as basically a coward who picks on those he identifies as weaker and hence easy pickin's. In my dad's youth that may have been true. I'm not sure today I'd counsel my son to learn to cold-cock his adversary because the next day the kid might come back to the playground with his father's gun. The world has changed, and I am with Anonymous 12:38 that evil is increasing exponentially in our world and things that used to work to control it no longer do, or are much more difficult to attain. Unfortunately I see no sign of any good God cooperating with those who are trying to resist it.
Totally off topic, anyone read Al Gore's speech about teevee? Goes beyond Ed Murrow saying that badly used it's just a box of lights and wires to saying it's been the engine of destruction of citizen involvement and responsibility in America. Of course it's not the teevee itself, which really IS just a box of lights and wires, it's the human minds behind it. Take minds like that and give them a weapon like that and they're a lot scarier than when the elites had to carve the daily news on stone tablets on the city walls.
Please excuse any over-posting excesses on my part but I felt it imperative to impart some more Malthusian operations designed to cull the world’s dark population.
Let’s begin with some quotes from some genocide advocates:
"The simplest answer is that the world's population should be about two billion, and we've got about six billion now," - Ted Turner in E Magazine, an environmentalist publication.
He elaborates further in Audubon Magazine…
"A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
(Lead by example Mr. Turner)
"It's terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day." (That works out to 127,750,000 people per year, and 1.27 billion people over 10 years.)
- Jacques-Yves Cousteau, in a 1991 interview with the UNESCO Courier (let me suggest that Mr. Cousteau could’ve started with his own family).
"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." – Prince Philip in the foreword of his 1986 book “If I Were an Animal” (and I add, you can best contribute to overpopulation by shooting yourself in the head, good prince).
"The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the Negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence".
"Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized." (Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us) " And the less prolific races will have to defend themselves"
- Bertrand Russell
With that, we have Jimmy Carter prompted by his Rockefeller masters to commission the Global 2000 Report, which proposed that that the population of the earth be lowered to 2 billion by the year 2000. Shortly after, AIDS was introduced into the populace with Africans, Haitians and gays being the primary targets. Then narrowed to just Africans by the WHO World Health Organization. There's approximately 5.6 billion people on the face of the planet right now, which means that they're aim is to get rid of 3.6 billion people!
Their stated objective is to reduce the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary. This apparatus, which includes various levels of the government, is determining U.S. foreign policy. In every political hotspot -- El Salvador, the so-called arc of crisis in the Persian Gulf, Latin America, Southeast Asia and in Africa - the goal of U.S. foreign policy is population reduction. The targeting agency for the operation is the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy. Its policy-planning group is in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs, established in 1975 by Henry Kissinger. This is the group who specifically drafted the Carter administration's Global 2000 document, which calls for global population reduction, and the same apparatus is conducting the civil wars globally as a conscious depopulation project.
"There is a single theme behind all our work-we must reduce population levels," said Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the State Department's Office of Population Affairs (OPA). "Either they [governments] do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it "The professionals," said Ferguson, "aren't interested in lowering population for humanitarian reasons. That sounds nice. We look at resources and environmental constraints. We look at our strategic needs, and we say that this country must lower its population-or else we will have trouble. Civil wars are somewhat drawn-out ways to reduce population, the OPA official added. "The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa or through disease like the Black Death,"
OPA was brought under a reorganized State Department Bureau of Oceans, International Environmental, and Scientific Affairs-- a body created by Henry Kissinger. Ferguson's OPA monitors populations in the Third World and maps strategies to reduce them. Its budget for FY 1980 was $190 million; for FY 198l, it will be $220 million. The Global 2000 report calls for doubling that figure. The agency was assigned to carry out the directives of the NSC Ad Hoc Group. According to an NSC spokesman, Kissinger initiated both groups after discussion with leaders of the Club of Rome during the 1974 population conferences in Bucharest and Rome. The Club of Rome, controlled by Europe's black nobility, is the primary promotion agency for the genocidal reduction of world population levels. The Ad Hoc Group was given "high priority" by the Carter administration, through the intervention of National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and Secretaries of State Cyrus Vance and Edmund Muskie.
According to OPA expert Ferguson, Kissinger initiated a full about-face on U.S. development policy toward the Third World. "For a long time," Ferguson stated, "people here were timid" They listened to arguments from Third World leaders that said that the best contraceptive was economic reform and development. So we pushed development programs, and we helped create a population time bomb. "We are letting people breed like flies without allowing for natural causes to keep population down. We raised the birth survival rates, extended life spans by lowering death rates, and did nothing about lowering birth rates. According to State Department sources, and Ferguson himself, Alexander Haig is a "firm believer" in population control.
"We will go into a country," said Ferguson, "and say, here is your goddamn development plan. Throw it out the window. Start looking at the size of your population and figure out what must be done to reduce it. “If you don't like that, if you don't want to choose to do it through planning, then you'll have an El Salvador or an Iran, or worse, a Cambodia. “According to an NSC spokesman, the United States now shares the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the "population crisis" is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than "nuclear annihilation." "Every hot spot in the world corresponds to a population crisis point," said Ferguson who would rename Brzezinski's arc of crisis doctrine the "arc of population crisis."
This is corroborated by statements in the NSC Ad Hoc Group's April 1980 report. There is "an increased potential for social unrest, economic and political instability, mass migration and possible international conflicts over control of land and resources," says the NSC report. It then cites "demographic pressures" as key to understanding "examples of recent warfare in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, El Salvador. Honduras, and Ethiopia, and the growing potential for instability in such places as Turkey, the Philippines, Central America, Iran, and Pakistan." Through extraordinary efforts, the Ad Hoc Group and OPA estimate that they may be able to keep a billion people from being born through contraceptive programs. But as the Ad Hoc Group's report states, the best efforts of the Shah of Iran to institute "clean programs" of birth control failed to make a significant dent in the country's birth rate.
Behind the back of the President Ferguson and others involved with the OPA and NSC group maintain that the United States will continue a foreign policy based on a genocidal reduction of the world's population.
"We have a network in place of co-thinkers in the government," said the OPA case officer. "We keep going, no matter who is in the White House." But Ferguson reports that the "White House" does not really understand what they are saying and that the President "thinks that population policy means how do we speed up population increase. "As long as no one says differently," said Ferguson, "we will continue to do our jobs. "
Nuclear, man-made global cataclysm, or perhaps the Avian Flu pandemic or world war would be their best options. Or maybe attritionally as they have been implementing it works best by promotion of abortions, voluntary sterilizations and birth control. Or you could perform medically unnecessary hysterectomies, tubal litigations and that would work as well. In 1995, the Catholic Women's League of the Philippines won a court order to halt a UNICEF tetanus vaccination program because the vaccine contained B-hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) hormone. It was found that 20% of the tetanus vaccines contained this hormone. Basically, this is a hormone naturally produced by the female reproductive system that allows the fertilized egg to implant into the uterine wall and facilitate development of the placenta, allowing for the pregnancy to continue. Clearly, this hormone was removed from a "Jane Doe", isolated and put into these vaccines. This woman's hormone developed an immune response in the vaccinated, which caused antibodies to attack their own female hormones. This was basically a sterilization experiment.
Unfortunately, the Philippine Supreme Court discovered that three million women, 12 year to 45 years of age, were given this vaccine. This B-hCG laced tetanus vaccine was also given to Native Americans and black women in the United States. Is it a coincidence that over 35% Native American women and over 25% African-American women in America are sterile?
This laced tetanus vaccine was also reported to have been given to at least four other developing countries. UNICEF's campaign to immunize Nigeria's children with polio is accused of being a front for sterilizing the country. Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist in Zaria, took samples of the vaccine to labs in India for analysis. Using technology recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), he found evidence of serious contamination. He stated that, "some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic; some have direct effect on the human reproductive system...I and some other professional colleagues who are Indians who were in the lab could not believe the discovery". How do reproductive agents get into vaccines? There's only one way. That's to isolate the human hormones involved in reproduction and make them part of the vaccine ingredient.
Human Life International states that at the time that suspicions about the contents of the vaccines were raised when "the tetanus vaccination campaigns in the developing world targeted only women of child-bearing or pre-child-bearing years." HLI also reported that "the vaccination program is sponsored by the World Health Organization, an agency with a 20-year history of researching anti-fertility vaccines." In November 1990, the World Bank launched a US $27 million population control project for Ghana with the goal of cutting the size of the next generation of Ghanaians in half, from approximately 45 million to only 25 million by the year 2020.
Need anymore smoking guns anyone? Vomit bags?
cassandra sez:
if I was designing a universe, I would give some thought to how unpleasant it is to be eaten, and leave that part out.
I do not want to sound glib, but you did not design the universe, and neither did I :) The continual expulsion and engulfing of "living matter" by other similar complexes of matter/energy is exactly what defines and circumscribes the concept of "life". On one hand the statement, "there can be no life without death" is an empty statement; interpreted slightly differently it is a profound qualifier: life is that which dies.
I'm going to go all Steinery here, sorry...
This ongoing (admittedly violent!) action can be thought of as a reflection or shadow of the eternal drama of the so-called "higher planes". The bifurcation of Unity is the "event" that is supposed to create the universe, right? at least in many gnostic or esoteric comsmographies. This division is the "descending" tendency of Universe, the unavoidable reconciliation of opposites is the "ascending" tendency.
I don't mean to say that the world doesn't play rough, rougher than I can imagine, I'm sure. But the fundamental unity of Being necessitates that all "creatures" tend back towards their origin and original Self, which is called "apokatastasis". The true one Self's tendency towards itself and nostalgia for itself is known among mystics as the longing of the lover for it's Beloved. That's the "benevolence" or "love" I was referring to.
Jesus' parable of the prodigal son has a metaphysical interpretation, as well as the more common moral one. The Father's joy is greater at the return of the son who has wandered farther away. "The deeper the sin, the greater the redemption." That is to say, although evil men have cut themselves off from their souls, even they will eventually (after an undoubtedly unfathomably agonizing ego-dissolution) return to their source.
If we accept that all is in truth One, as the most respected traditions tell us, then I feel it could not be otherwise.
Dunno if any of that made ANY sense at all; I'm no Henry Corbin! But I always enjoy trying my hand at expressing the ineffable and mystical. It lifts my heart to contemplate the poignant metaphors that have come down to us through the centuries.
That sounds very positive prunes, forgiving the evil their sins because we know they will eventually become good again. At least that is what I hear.
I'll argue that there are too many of them and they have a long (and short) term agenda which defines them as an enemy which must be eliminated. You know, whacked permanently. Maybe some few of them can return as good folks in the next life. In the meantime I for one will give them no quarter.
Thanks for answering, prunesqallori.
If we're going to do a radical rethink on universe-creation, not just tinkering with the present design, there's no reason why something couldn't be alive and never die, or that life could be sustained by something other than the flesh of other living beings.
Even if we want to keep things basically the same, just remove some of the more disgusting aspects, eliminating carnivorousness would certainly be possible. This of course begs the question of whether, as I used to tell a vegetarian co-worker in order to get even with her for spoiling my dinner whenever I ate meat, carrots scream when pulled out of the ground. But not subjecting creatures that have even rudimentary nervous systems (and hence ability to feel pain, fear, etc.) to predation would be, imho, a Good Thing.
As for controlling population, God could have said "OK, everybody gets the Biblical 3 score and ten. Then on your 70th birthday, with all your friends around, after a nice meal and maybe a movie, you will go home, go to sleep, and that'll be it." No cancer, no bursting aneurysm, no Alzheimers tangles. Just, nap and go. (As long as we keep the laws of physics, including gravity, of course, we're stuck with injuries, though there's no inherent reason why people have to be hurt when they fall--why not make them bounce?)
I've heard all the mysticism about returning to the source, but I don't honestly know too many people who, at any troubled time in their lives or that of their loved ones or their society, find the idea that one day everything we know will be reduced to its constituent atoms and reshuffled to be particularly comforting. I'm an Ivan Karamazov type and the suffering of children bothers me, and the idea that someday those children, along with the entire planet, will simply be energy again in a vast harmonious is still troubling even if as I suspect the simple truth: we are just random concatenations of atoms who at some stage achieve what is called 'consciousness' so we are able to say "we are just random concatenations of subatomic particles who at some stage achieve what is called 'consciousness'...and one day those atoms get rearranged again in a way that does not have consciousness, and that's the ballgame for that conscious being, if not for his or her constituent subatomic particles.
Three quarks for Muster Mark, eh?
I e-mailed mark and cathy phillips on their website. Someone claiming to be mark responded. He said that brice taylor was a fraud, and don't bother to read her book. Hmmm. Cointelpro, anyone? I do suspect that mark is cathy (o'brien) phillip's new handler, and that he now controls the delivery of the message. I wonder if any researchers hove followed through with the information contain "Trance Formation", such as phone numbers, etc. There were quite a few business cards, names, numbers, addresses, etc.
I watched Brice Taylor interview on a Disinfo DVD (TV show that was cancelled 4 episodes in, she came off far less than credible (I knew nothing about her before it). She seemed to be making things up off the cuff.
I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but watching the interview gave me a bad vibe about her, and Gunderson.
I wouldn't say that photo proves that Dick Cheney has a massive cock. It's hard to tell from a photo like that.
I agree, has anyone got a better picture of Dick Cheney's schlong?
Sorry, Omega Man, if I sounded like I disputed your information. Much of it I already knew.
But it's one thing to know something and another to be able to communicate it effectively to someone who isn't 'in the choir' already.
I doubt that any one of us was convinced by someone reciting facts to us, of the perspectives we now hold. We need to retrace our own journeys to discover exactly when it first occurred to us that we were being lied to, often by those we trusted most.
It's a process, and it begins with a crack in 'the official story', that affects us deeply and personally. For one man it could be losing his job because the corporation he'd been working for, has declared bankruptcy. And then finding out the pension he'd been counting on has disappeared.
Then discovering that his former bosses got golden parachutes and are now multi-millionaires. Then learning that the company had been receiving tax breaks for years, ie, that he'd been paying out of his paycheck to those same bosses.
What happens when that 'downsized' guy sees pictures of his former bosses hanging out with their homies: senators, congressmen, even "his" billionaire president?
There are countless ways to cause those 'cracks' that make people more receptive to uncomfortable and scary facts. Cindy Sheehan's campaign represents a good one; some of the firemen who were there on 9-11 (and so many others who weren't), got a big kick in their world-view.
I'll bet for a lot of African-Americans, New Orleans changed everything.
'Their side' is not only embedded at the highest levels of mass media, government and education, they've invested a significant portion of our wealth in researching and developing methods of mind control and brainwashing.
In other words, most people are not just uninformed: they have bought into a whole world-view that has proven itself impervious to mere facts. The whole Iraqi WMD construct surely is a good example of how that works.
They are programmed, not merely ignorant. Deprogramming is a traumatic process, in some ways like drug withdrawal; it doesn't result from someone telling you the facts.
Here at RI, most of us have been undergoing the process of deprogramming ourselves, for years, or even decades. It's a relief to be able to communicate with others whose journeys have led to similar findings and conclusions. That's why I, for one, am here.
But I don't kid myself for one minute, that I can talk as freely with anyone in my daily life, as I can here. I content myself with participating in a lot of conversations, sometimes asking some provocative questions, sometimes stating a couple of facts that poke holes in the official story. Often, someone's curiosity is piqued.
Thank God for the internet and my extensive library -- I wait for the questions to come, then I gladly provide a website address or lend a book. We talk. Others join the conversation. People start looking things up and informing themselves further. They talk to others. Etc., etc.
Yes, it's an excruciatingly slow process, but I believe we have no choice. There is no magic pill, and no instant awakening. You're trying to get people to think for THEMSELVES and inform THEMSELVES.
Thank God the information is available -- seek and ye shall find. Our role, as informed skeptics and intellectual resistance fighters, is to encourage questions and free discussions, while holding ourselves and others to a high level of logic and thoroughness in checking our evidence.
We thereby painstakingly build our own credibility, while stripping away the disguises and flimsy lies of those who use intimidation, either by threats or ridicule or ostracism, or more sinister and violent means, or xenophobia or any of the other countless ways they deceive, lie and cheat.
PS: Cassandra, I really loved that parable about the spider! Beautifully written.
Whats funny about watchin all you yankees twist yourselves up over this stuff is that half the info you use as ammunition against the darklord is watered down by sites that advertise the very thing that you speak against.
I recently came across dozens of links from here and elsewhere that refer to media sites with articles about the demise of the environment and economy etc. Those sites had an article surrounded by ads for the new dodge Ram mega-truck gas-guzzling behemouth SUV and sportscars of various kinds.
Kinda funny I reckon how the darklord has such a hold on humanity that we cant see the forest for the trees.
he is a tricky bastard and wont be defeated easily you know.
i also feel sorry for the people in the US as you have been made host for him and been brainwashed by his amazing deceptions. I hope you can help to bring him to his knees and make him pay for his workmanship. Your leader is not Bush but he who uses man as puppets for his ways.
The bigman "God" (the real one not the one satan proclaims) will need all your help. He is doing his best to hasten the process.
Best of luck dudes :)
BTW, I am not a religious fanatic, just a realist that references words you may understand more easily in your language and perspective.
Thank you Alice, it was autobiographical ;).
You bring up an interesting point about programming/deprogramming. It's entirely possible that the reason I am so impatient with people is because I never deprogrammed because I was never programmed. I've been through two of the 3 best legal brainwashing systems on earth, pre-Vatican II Catholic grade school and law school (missed the Marine Corps) and it just didn't take. I can remember moments in which I figured out some particular aspect of what was going on, but I can't remember ever not being a skeptic. I've wondered a lot about whether that was due to some life experience or whether I was just born that way. Once when I was saying I didn't understand advertising since it had no effect on me, a friend said "Advertising isn't aimed at people like you [who see through it]." Neither is propaganda.
It could just be I'm contrary, certainly my mother used to use the rhyme on me ("Mary Mary quite contrary"). I know that if someone says something I immediately ask myself "Do I really think that's true? And if so, why? If not, why not? Why are they telling me this?" Sometimes I have no idea exactly how something doesn't add up, only that it doesn't. People call me paranoid...till what I've said comes true. They call me cynical--till they watch what I've said said happen before their own eyes. Of course most of the time nobody listens in time to save themselves, but so far I've always listened to me in time to save MYself. The last few days I've had the urgent feeling I should go back to Arizona where I lived as a kid. Considering I've been researching Northern California north to British Columbia, this came as a big shock to me, but it's a really strong, clear feeling. I've been trying to reach a cousin's son who is living at a Buddhist retreat in the desert. I feel like I need to load my truck and go as soon as I possibly can. I do remember reading many years ago that some native prophecies said the Four Corners area will be safe when the earth changes start. Wonder if they have WiFi in the Chiricauhua wilderness...
You beat me to it... it was clear to me that this lady had been kidnapped by the Alan Parsons Project...
The turgid lyrics, the pointless lightshow... but the "Eye in the Sky" thing was a giveaway.
It could have been worse though - what if she had been taken up into the Jefferson Starship? Egad - they lyrics would have been so syrupy that the page would have oozed.
Bennett is wrong, by the way - if you really wanted the crime rate to plummet, you would abort WHITE babies. It's obvious, once you do the maths.
Why do folks have such a huge bent against getting rid of, say, 99% of humanity?
Not by euthanasing them, but perhaps just by drastically slowing their rate of reproduction.
The way to do that, of course, is by RAISING LIVING STANDARDS by a quantum unheard of in human history.
And the way to do that is Drexlerian nanomanufacture using universal assemblers. Coupled with nanomedicine and Artificial Intelligence, human lifespans could be extended almost indefinitely, with huge increases in leisure and consumption.
History shows two things about homo sapiens: the most important is that he seeks happiness. The second most important is that he is less inclined to breed when he's got a full belly and plenty of leisure time.
So the 'plan to reduce uman populations' is actually a plan to dramatically increase output and to enable that output to be distributed globally. If nano-assemblers can self-replicate, then costs of capital fall to zero; labour input falls to zero, wages and profits and prices fall to zero; consumption possibilities expand in a way undreamt of, for the whole of humanity; and birth rates decline like mad.
Now all we need to do is deflect 0.1% of the Pentagon's budget to nanoresearch, and we will get there in three years.
As I've written before, though - this requires a polticia lclass whose objective is the enrichment of everybody ; if the political and corporate classes care more about their status RELATIVE to the masses, than they care about the masses, then they (the political/corporate nexus) will PREVENT it from happening.
"They" - the Cheneys, Bushes, Frists, Clintons, and Greenspans of the world - would rather a world in which they had $100 and the plebs had $1, than a world in which everyone had $1000.
Which is why I'm a radical anarcho-nano-capitalist.
Terima kasih informasinya gan.
Obat Kencing Nanah Herbal
Obat Kencing Nanah di Apotek
Obat Kencing Nanah di Apotik
Obat Alami Penyakit Kencing Nanah
Obat Buat Kencing Nanah
Obat Kencing Nanah Resep Dokter
Obat Kencing Nanah Mujarab
Obat Gonore Kencing Nanah
Obat Wasir Herbal
It was reported on the TV news (okay, sometimes I watch videos on my computer, even though we don't "do" television) that the incident is under investigation. And his victim is in... umm... stable condition was reported. No mention if he will lose an eye or worse.
But you have to love the murderer I've become
As I'm standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Killing birds I've spent my youth
Breaking down the walls my father built
Just like he did to his father before him.
a senior English major at Virginia Tech, had previously been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder. During much of his middle school and high school years, he received therapy and special education support. After graduating from high school
terimakasih gan infonya...!!! smoga sukses
nice post
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salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menghilangkan kutil yang tumbuh di vagina adalah dengan obat herbal denture indonesia.Obat yang mamapu menghilangkan kutil sampai akar akarnya.Obat herbal denature penghilang kutil kelamin aman untuk organ kewanitaan karna obat herbal denature terbuat dari bahan herbal pilihan.
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
Makasih gan udah share infonya
Good info
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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