Not exactly as illustrated

A brief note to say I won't be updating the blog until next week. With good reason, I think: my wife just had a baby.
Delivery was surprisingly and almost tragically complicated, but everyone's doing okay now. It reminded me of the consolation of circumstance, that we live somewhere public healthcare is valued, and that isn't under 12 feet of water. Happy beginnings are sometimes more important than happy endings.
If I owe you an email, I may not get to it for a while.
See you next week. Until then, to hell with death.
Have a buncha kids who call me, "Pa" - that must be what it's all about.
Well congratulations! Best wishes on your new beginnings. Nice to see a spark of life in the midst of so much tragedy.
Viva life, and good luck to you all.
Congrats Jeff and family. :-)
Congratulations to you and the wife, Jeff.
I have two of my own, and although they are a challenge at times, I wouldn't have it any other way.
The Circle of Life, as they say in The Lion King.
Hmmmm...I guess my Gerber Life Insurance story hit even closer to home than initially intended.
Enjoy this time. It's truly special.
Of course, I assuming it's your first, and that is mighty presumptuous of me. If it's not your first, then please overlook my presumption.
Bottoms Up!!
Well, I've always hoped for 10 babies, so you've got to know how delighted I am; and having been through some extreme birth situations I hope you will be worshipping your baby's mommy's every whim! God bless you all!!!!
"He not busy being born is busy dying" - Bob Dylan
You know there's the ozone hole, the ever-growing population putting greater stress on the, shucks...
Cor blimey Jeff, all the best to you and yours!(You kept that quiet?)My "kids" are now 29 and 30, and it's nice to know they still want their poor old grey haired mum to go to a nightclub with them. More seriously, there is a tremendous sense of pride (and it won't happen to you for years, in this sense) of having raised two thoughtful,decent and hard-working people.
PS Tell Mrs Wells that if you breast feed, you can eat lots of chocolate. It's true, I tell you!
(Still a size 14, and that's the beer, not the kids - used to be a 12 after they were born).
Honestly, kind regards, and I really hope we can turn this world round for them
Congratulations Jeff!!
Congratulations and love each other.
Much congratulations Jeff to you and your wife! Very glad to hear all eventually went well, truly great news.
A blessedly joyous and very welcome respite from our usual sorties into the darkness. :-)
When I first read Jeff's blog I missed the the colon in the second sentence and read it as "I think my wife just had a baby". And, I thought I spent too much time on-line.
Seriously, sincere congratulations to you and your whole family, and leave us a million miles away on your very well deserved break. We'll still be here when you get back.
Well Jeff(pun intended),
Congratulations to you and yours.
Life comes from life (not death).
Cheers, Jim
BTW, that picture you top-posted has gotta be the worst ventriloquist act I have ever seen.
Congratulations! Brightest Blessings to you, your wife, and the new arrival.
my wife just had a baby
aha, there is hope for the world after all! congratulations jeff and family!
many blessings to all!
and enjoy. take more than a week if you feel like it. soak it up!!
many blessings to all!
and enjoy. take more than a week if you feel like it. soak it up!!
i love your soul, bro. best wishes in all things always. congratulations! --Little Albert
Jeff, best to you and yours. But I sure could have done without the picture with this post. I cannot help but find it disturbing.
Sincerest congratulations.
Congratulations. May the new life live in uninteresting times.
This is yer old pal Jerky checking in during my vacation to say MAZEL TOV!!!
Congratulations :-)!!
Jeff, what a blessing in these trying times! I'm a new grandmother myself, the little one is ten weeks old, and she has truly brought back the joy and wonder and love I felt when my own were so small. Cherish this time, savor it; every little look and smile will fill your heart to bursting and it will never empty out.
Congratulations to you and your family.
Congratulations! :)
A better world for all children, Jeff.
Be joyous. Live in hope.
Felicidades, Jeff! What wonderful news.
Remember, in spite of all the junk out there, Love is the most powerful force in the Universe.
Thank you for all you do. My love to you and your family.
All the aforementioned congratulations and bright blessings, Jeff!
And don't worry about us for the next several days. Frankly, we could use a little break from shuttling thrice-daily between reloads for new comments and hitting the homepage to check for still-newer nuggets of pure gold. This material is entertaining but very stressful, especially this past week, and I for one am looking forward to your paternity leave. :-)
Go enjoy your baby, please. In the meantime, we'll keep the fires burning... and the eyes wide open.
And if you decide to extend your holiday, just drop a quick note to let us know everything's still okay.
Congratulations. Children are gifts from God & the absolute best part of your life. Good luck & enjoy!
Congratulations, jeff
Huzzah for you & your suddenly bigger family, Jeff.
My first is just six months now, and a complete delight every day. I hope your baby is just as much fun.
(But a pox on you for putting the announcement under that wretched picture ....)
Congratulations! I wish much joy and happiness for you and your family.
This is wonderful news indeed. Thank you for sharing it with us. Life breaks through when most needed.
All these comments, and not one asked for the vital stats! My stars & garters...
Blessings to the core & extended family. I think we've all had a shot in the arm from this.
One week he thinks, sheesh! You'll be lucky to be huntin' & peckin' with one finger-- typing while s/he sleeps on your shoulder for that brief 20 minutes at a time each night while you try to let your wife sleep.
Perhaps it's time to branch out int podcasting, at least you can pace, and back-pat, and talk at the same time.
OK, all, here's a formal call & challenge for a quick huddle, set some ground rules, break & play: at least one daily go at "guest-host" over on the RIB. Who's up first?
...and it's not just chocolate for your wife, but chocolate ice cream...the old fashioned whole cream organic wonderful baby-growin' goodness.
Congratulations and enjoy!
Blessing to you and your family.
To a better world. To hopefulness.
Jeff; My baby turns 16 on Saturday.
What a wonderful adventure awaits you and your wife.
All the best, and thank you for your good work here at RI
Good news Jeff; ours arrived six weeks ago with complications too, but all's well now.
You must sometimes wonder as I do why we bring them into this world... perhaps we just hope they'll make a better fist of it than us. That and the fact that the love you give them and get in return is the best antidote, the best preservative there is.
What wonderful news! Time to take five and enjoy the sweet happiness a baby brings....
With all good wishes to you and your wife
Peachtree Pam
Congratulations Jeff, and Mrs. Jeff, and Baby Jeff!
I just wish you hadn't put up that photo of Poppy and Dumbya. It ALMOST makes me feel sorry for that little baby boy who, with monsters like George Senior and Babs for parents really never had a chance NOT to be at best a spoiled twit and at worst the monster HE has become.
Please, put anything--the frickin' Gerber baby--on top of the announcement of your noobie baby...the Bush pic is, as the New Agers would say, 'bad energy.'
formidable. chapeau! :]
Congratulations to all three of you. Y? (to) En Joy.
Anonymous One,congratulations,I was wondering when the baby would come. You have just witnessed the meaning of your life,gather your strength and keep your family safe, you have just been changed for ever, good luck, later.
Congratulations! This new baby has a wonderful life ahead with such talented and intelligent parents. A magical childhood indeed!
New Life
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
In my life, there is now so much more
New meaning, in this bundle of joy
This precious gift you’ve given me
I’ll hold close to my heart
Now my life is so fulfilling
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Such a great experience to see
The birth of a new born baby
This miracle of life I know
Has been placed in our hands
Destiny were fulfilling
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Now in your life I’ll always be there
To love angel’s blessings we will share
Through ups and downs and in betweens
I hold fast to your hands
Cause my life is so fulfilling
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Look what jah jah gave me
New life, a brand new little baby
Big giant congrats, Jeff!
And to think my wife will be having our baby in a few weeks and our child will be born the same year as my online hero's child is born. Kick Ass!
Bummer about the complications but it sounds like the three of you are ok! Awesome.
Congratulations. May she have a wonderful life and grow up just as wise as her dad ;)
Congratulations are in order. Welcome to the dirty diaper society.
Rigorous Congratulations!
"My Pa showed me rainbows in butterfly wings,
How God lifts dawn on invisible strings,
And taught me to cherish the times Mommy sings."
congratulations to you and your family, Jeff! All best wishes are coming your way!
oh, and stock up on laundry detergent. babies are the result of a conspiracy to sell washing machines. ;)
Congrats, man!
yow, congrats, jeff!
congrats, Jeff
happy to hear ever'thin' turned out O.K.
Enjoy your time off w/
your new child
Congratulations Jeff.
Love from Prague to you and your family.
Thanks for all you do, and best wishes to you all. *big cyberhug*
Thanks for your great work. Congratulations and enjoy this time!
Congratulations. I'll smoke a cigar for you.
May your lives be filled with even more blessings with each passing day.
Love & light to you...
I just read your news because I was away for a couple of days...alf mabrook! I hope your wife has a quick recovery. Don't be too shy to accept any help that's offered by relatives and friends. Good luck & many blessings to you and your wife and your new baby!!
PS: Take your time -- I'm sure those of us who love RI will use this break to learn and read so that we can enrich future discussions.
Congratulations! All the best to you and your family.
Have a buncha kids who call me, "Pa" - that must be what it's all about.
Im sure that this is what some of it's about.
Congrats Jeff.
Peace, love and light to all of you
Like an answer to prayer, it is perhaps a lower body count in New Orleans. That doesn't alter any facts and the brightest, hopefully blistering light that I saw cast upon the true self of President death for all to really see, should they really choose to look...
Jeff, you won't miss the sleep. The joy makes up for it.
8:01 PM Anonymous said:
". . . Honestly, kind regards, and I really hope we can turn this world round for them."
Amen to that. Congratulations. Nothing better than a new baby.
Best wishes,
Christy (mother of four)
Beware vaccines, church groups, and politicians, when it comes to your newborn.
You will have made some grand parents very happy.
Congrates to you and your family, and make plans now to have the chocolate ice cream hidden in a top secret place. They grow up to be teenagers real quick!
"Stay away from churches, son. The only thing they have a key to is the shit house."-William S. Burroughs
This is wonderful news Jeff!
Congratulations, Jeff. Best wishes to you and your family.
Wonderful news, Mr and Mrs Wells. And to you, Jeff, I'd say this. No man I've ever known has admitted regretting spending too MUCH time with his family.
As an aside, I've just been reviewing an old post from December last year (Dark actors playing games). There were FIVE comments. Compared to an average of 110 posts for this and your last.
Both Mrs Wells AND mr Wells have had a vey productive nine months.
Dark Actors Dark Alliances
Silly me
Congratulations Jeff. i am glad that your better half has made it through OK. It must have been very scary for you for a while there.
Good luck in your endeavours for the future.
I just remembered I forgot to congratulate! Well, here you go - congratulations, Jeff and missis. They say it usually changes your life for the better :-)
Take a well-deserved break, you have been producing high-quality mini-essays at a tremendous pace for more than a year. You're a talented writer - you scare the shit out of me sometimes.
Good to see a spark of hope in these dark times. New life is innocent and full of grace. Best wishes to you and your newly enlarged family!
Ted the dog
A baby born this day with the mark of South America...begotten of the wrong John begotten of the wrong Franklin.
South America the conduit; and she's getting divorced from reality.
Happy Birthday sweetest Mother of the Most High.
Your visitation to Elizabeth and John is a Joyful mystery.
Thank you for the gift of the third secret.
Terima kasiah informasinya masgan :)
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