"Permanent Uncle" Sam
"Hey, kids..."

I find it equally ominous and amusing to read that "senior US administration officials are working on a policy to 'contain' Hugo Chavez." Ominous because Chavez is a man in the crosshairs of an empire growing increasingly ruthless with desperation. Amusing, because Chavez is just a man, and what the US hopes to contain is not contained by him. The continent is practically stinking with progressive thought, and action. Soon, the State Department will need to "contain" Evo Morales, of Bolivia's Movement to Socialism, the likely victor in next year's presidential election. And it's not down to one leader, or even several. As Tommy Douglas, the Greatest Canadian, liked to say, "You can lock up a man, but you can't lock up an idea."
US influence in Latin America is waning to the vanishing point of absurdity. Like today's warning to Suriname, that if its citizens elect former dictator Desi Bouterse, as they seem likely to do on May 25, then Washington will sever ties with the nation on account of Bouterse's cocaine conviction. The United States " won’t deal with a person in the presidential seat who is convicted on drug charges." That the American President has his own cocaine conviction is presumably nobody's concern, since it's been scrubbed from the records. Nevermind his family's prominent, though covert, and so unmentionable, role in the protected drug trade.
One small incident to illustrate the continent's emergence from its fascist legacy: Argentina has expelled Nazi pedophile - and isn't it something how often we see those words together? - Paul Schaefer has to face justice in Chile for having abused boys for decades at his fascist-cult compound, "Colonia Dignidad." (Germany is interested in Schaefer as well, for his alleged role in kidnapping German children for his camp.) Schaefer liked his abused charges to call him "Permanent Uncle." Not only was his organization long-sheltered by Chilean authorities, but it became a state torture camp, and a significant asset in "Operation Condor."
"Permanent Uncle" Paul Schaefer:

A little background from a New York Times article of Dec 30, 2002, "Chile Sect Thrives Despite Criminal Charges":
The group's reclusive leader is accused of sexually abusing scores of young boys. Former political prisoners say they were imprisoned and tortured in underground dungeons in the group's compound. An American who disappeared on a hiking vacation is reported to have been executed there. More than 50 other charges are pending against the group and its leaders, ranging from kidnapping and forced labor to fraud and tax evasion.
Yet the paramilitary religious sect known as Colonia Dignidad continues to flourish here in a 70-square-mile enclave in the Andean foothills that remains, in the words of a recent Chilean congressional report, a heavily armed ''state within a state.''
Protected by barricades, barbed wire, roadblocks, searchlights and hidden cameras and microphones, Colonia Dignidad has for more than 40 years been the fortress home of about 300 people, most of them German citizens. Their only loyalty is to the sect's German-born founder, Paul Schafer, who likes to call himself the Permanent Uncle and preaches an apocalyptic creed that includes strong anti-Semitic and anti-Communist elements.
The American presumed executed at Colonia Dignidad is mathmatics professor Boris Weisfeiler. His sister Olga maintains a website dedicated to uncovering the truth of his 20-year old disappearance. In a letter from last July 13 to George W Bush, she reveals that she "learned in June 2000 - through declassified State Department documents -"
- that Boris was apprehended by a Chilean military patrol and taken to Colonia Dignidad, a 37,000 acre German pseudo-religious sect with links to Nazism. Colonia Dignidad, during the military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, was one of the most notorious and secretive detention and torture center, from where dozens of political prisoners disappeared.
According to military sources, Boris was accused of being a Russian spy, then a CIA, and later a Jewish spy. His detention and delivery to Colonia Dignidad was due to the outstanding order of the Chilean Army to arrest and bring all strangers found in the area to Colonia for interrogations. Two and a half years after his disappearance, my brother was reportedly seen alive inside the settlement. Colonia Dignidad, now under the name of Villa Baviera, still exists and is fully operational today, in spite of the approximately 70 criminal lawsuits brought against its leaders, for charges ranging from tax evasion and falsification of documents, to child abuse, kidnappings and torture.
In the past few months, the investigators of my brother’s disappearance have received additional information: Boris was detained in Colonia Dignidad for some period of time, brutally tortured there and later on killed either by Colonia's leaders or by the members of Chilean military. It has become obvious to me, now more then ever, that the key answers to the mystery of Boris' disappearance are hidden behind the barbed wires fences of Colonia Dignidad.
I wish her luck, but I don't think that will be enough. After all, the President's father, George Herbert Walker Bush, was CIA Director at the time of Weisfeiler's disappearance, during Operation Condor's CIA-enabled targetting of Chilean dissidents:
Operation Condor was based out of a bizarre Nazi colony in Chile known as Colonia Dignidad, whose founder is wanted in Germany for kidnapping and molesting young boys. Colonia Dignidad was used by Pinochets team to train for the 1973 coup d'etat, and then served as a torture center where prisoners were "disappeared". Many of the top ranking Nazi war criminals in South America are believed to have lived in Colonia Dignidad.
The camp survives, but under another name, having undergone an extreme makeover. It claims to have integrated into Chilean society, and shed Schaefer's legacy. Whether that's true, I don't know. But at least it recognizes a zeitgeist when it sees one.
Neither "Permanent Uncle," is.
By the way, those following the permutations of the Franklin Cover-Up/Gannon/Gosch story will want to get over to Tom Flocco today. Rusty Nelson, Lawrence King's photographer, has been re-arrested, and just two days after Hunter S Thompson's death. Flocco has lots of information that was new to me, including the recent death of Franklin victim and tormented witness Troy Boner, and some words from John DeCamp on Gannon's identity.

I find it equally ominous and amusing to read that "senior US administration officials are working on a policy to 'contain' Hugo Chavez." Ominous because Chavez is a man in the crosshairs of an empire growing increasingly ruthless with desperation. Amusing, because Chavez is just a man, and what the US hopes to contain is not contained by him. The continent is practically stinking with progressive thought, and action. Soon, the State Department will need to "contain" Evo Morales, of Bolivia's Movement to Socialism, the likely victor in next year's presidential election. And it's not down to one leader, or even several. As Tommy Douglas, the Greatest Canadian, liked to say, "You can lock up a man, but you can't lock up an idea."
US influence in Latin America is waning to the vanishing point of absurdity. Like today's warning to Suriname, that if its citizens elect former dictator Desi Bouterse, as they seem likely to do on May 25, then Washington will sever ties with the nation on account of Bouterse's cocaine conviction. The United States " won’t deal with a person in the presidential seat who is convicted on drug charges." That the American President has his own cocaine conviction is presumably nobody's concern, since it's been scrubbed from the records. Nevermind his family's prominent, though covert, and so unmentionable, role in the protected drug trade.
One small incident to illustrate the continent's emergence from its fascist legacy: Argentina has expelled Nazi pedophile - and isn't it something how often we see those words together? - Paul Schaefer has to face justice in Chile for having abused boys for decades at his fascist-cult compound, "Colonia Dignidad." (Germany is interested in Schaefer as well, for his alleged role in kidnapping German children for his camp.) Schaefer liked his abused charges to call him "Permanent Uncle." Not only was his organization long-sheltered by Chilean authorities, but it became a state torture camp, and a significant asset in "Operation Condor."
"Permanent Uncle" Paul Schaefer:

A little background from a New York Times article of Dec 30, 2002, "Chile Sect Thrives Despite Criminal Charges":
The group's reclusive leader is accused of sexually abusing scores of young boys. Former political prisoners say they were imprisoned and tortured in underground dungeons in the group's compound. An American who disappeared on a hiking vacation is reported to have been executed there. More than 50 other charges are pending against the group and its leaders, ranging from kidnapping and forced labor to fraud and tax evasion.
Yet the paramilitary religious sect known as Colonia Dignidad continues to flourish here in a 70-square-mile enclave in the Andean foothills that remains, in the words of a recent Chilean congressional report, a heavily armed ''state within a state.''
Protected by barricades, barbed wire, roadblocks, searchlights and hidden cameras and microphones, Colonia Dignidad has for more than 40 years been the fortress home of about 300 people, most of them German citizens. Their only loyalty is to the sect's German-born founder, Paul Schafer, who likes to call himself the Permanent Uncle and preaches an apocalyptic creed that includes strong anti-Semitic and anti-Communist elements.
The American presumed executed at Colonia Dignidad is mathmatics professor Boris Weisfeiler. His sister Olga maintains a website dedicated to uncovering the truth of his 20-year old disappearance. In a letter from last July 13 to George W Bush, she reveals that she "learned in June 2000 - through declassified State Department documents -"
- that Boris was apprehended by a Chilean military patrol and taken to Colonia Dignidad, a 37,000 acre German pseudo-religious sect with links to Nazism. Colonia Dignidad, during the military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, was one of the most notorious and secretive detention and torture center, from where dozens of political prisoners disappeared.
According to military sources, Boris was accused of being a Russian spy, then a CIA, and later a Jewish spy. His detention and delivery to Colonia Dignidad was due to the outstanding order of the Chilean Army to arrest and bring all strangers found in the area to Colonia for interrogations. Two and a half years after his disappearance, my brother was reportedly seen alive inside the settlement. Colonia Dignidad, now under the name of Villa Baviera, still exists and is fully operational today, in spite of the approximately 70 criminal lawsuits brought against its leaders, for charges ranging from tax evasion and falsification of documents, to child abuse, kidnappings and torture.
In the past few months, the investigators of my brother’s disappearance have received additional information: Boris was detained in Colonia Dignidad for some period of time, brutally tortured there and later on killed either by Colonia's leaders or by the members of Chilean military. It has become obvious to me, now more then ever, that the key answers to the mystery of Boris' disappearance are hidden behind the barbed wires fences of Colonia Dignidad.
I wish her luck, but I don't think that will be enough. After all, the President's father, George Herbert Walker Bush, was CIA Director at the time of Weisfeiler's disappearance, during Operation Condor's CIA-enabled targetting of Chilean dissidents:
Operation Condor was based out of a bizarre Nazi colony in Chile known as Colonia Dignidad, whose founder is wanted in Germany for kidnapping and molesting young boys. Colonia Dignidad was used by Pinochets team to train for the 1973 coup d'etat, and then served as a torture center where prisoners were "disappeared". Many of the top ranking Nazi war criminals in South America are believed to have lived in Colonia Dignidad.
The camp survives, but under another name, having undergone an extreme makeover. It claims to have integrated into Chilean society, and shed Schaefer's legacy. Whether that's true, I don't know. But at least it recognizes a zeitgeist when it sees one.
Neither "Permanent Uncle," is.
By the way, those following the permutations of the Franklin Cover-Up/Gannon/Gosch story will want to get over to Tom Flocco today. Rusty Nelson, Lawrence King's photographer, has been re-arrested, and just two days after Hunter S Thompson's death. Flocco has lots of information that was new to me, including the recent death of Franklin victim and tormented witness Troy Boner, and some words from John DeCamp on Gannon's identity.
The importance of Henry Kissinger in all of this cannot be overstated either.
Kissinger defected from Germany and went straight into U.S. military intelligence during World War II, serving as assistant to General Alexander Bolling (of Operation PAPERCLIP fame). Bolling and Kissinger tracked down many former Nazis, not for the purpose of bringing them to justice, but to *hire* them for U.S. interests.
In 1955, Kissinger openly wrote about the necessity of the creation of small wars around the planet on a continuing basis, to maintain international economic order.
On 9-11, 1973, Kissinger headed the CIA's mission to overthrow Allende and install Pinochet in Chile.
Kissinger helped CIA director George HW Bush coordinate Operation CONDOR during the Nixon administration, and continued to do so even into the Carter years. Kissinger and Bush not only allowed the pedo-nazis at Colonia Dignidad to continue, they were essentially covert business partners with them.
Kissinger was GW Bush's first choice to head the 9-11 investigation.
And Kissinger's right hand man, Paul Bremer III, figures heavily in the current Iraq situation.
Love that GHWB picture!
Thanks as well for the Flocco story. Very interesting.
Kissinger is also a frequent attandee at the Bohemian Grove gatherings... he is undoubtedly one of the architects and webmeisters of the national security state.
As for Latin America, the permanent uncle's grip on the continent looks like it may loosen permanently for the first time since 1823. Nothing in the current world situation pleases me more. For all the talk of democracy being on the march in the Middle East, it is in South America, with the election of people like Chavez and Lula, democracy is really rearing its head.
US influence is waning in Europe too - who will remain in Washington's circle of friends eventually? A belt of recently liberated client-states from Egypt to Afghanistan, the English-speaking countries, and not all that many others, if current trends can be extrapolated into the future.
I guess if a DUer wants to link to the Flocco article, he or she should instead link to your blog as a proxy, since the article's evidently not in line with DU's... er... I don't know. Words fail. Anyway, thanks for linking to it in your article.
I am finishing my copy of the Franklin Cover-Up book (thank you to a friend for buying it for me for my birthday), and it has the 2005 updates, including Troy Boner's regrettable death. I remember seeing him in the leaked version of "Conspiracy of Silence" and feeling a sense of his impending doom. Of course, you get that sense for nearly everyone involved...
I have a question about the Gannon/Gosch connection, however. Paul Bonacci states in one of the book's transcripts that Gosch was kept at a ranch in Colorado for some time, and that while he was there, he was branded on the buttocks with a cattle brand for misbehaving. I know Noreen Gosch says Gannon has a facial scar which matches her son, and appears to have a mark where a birthmark may have been removed. It seems a branded mark would be more difficult. It's certainly possible Paul Bonacci is wrong about the branding, or photos of Gannon's naked assets have been retouched, but it just struck me as I was reading that all the Gannon/Gosch connection stuff might have another flaw.
DU has closed the Gannongate wrinkles-an investigation into the Gannon-Gosch question. Does anyone know of another similar blogger investigation? There were several promising leads that needed following up...for instance the scar under Gannons right eye same as J Gosch scar. Also, Gannon has not been seen or heard from for quite a while now. .There is some concern as to whether he is still alive. Dont give up on this, folks, there are lives at stake..KIDS ARE STILL BEING TAKEN FOR THIS..These @#$%^'s dont just stop.
DU certainly has become a rather restrictive forum, hasn't it? I was kicked off there a few months back, without any explanation, and left to guess what my infraction was. I am guessing it was due to a comment related to the Whitewater scandal. I do believe that DU is restricting further discussion about Gannon/Guckert because it is a topic that will come to bite the asses of both Republican and Democrats. Since most of the people on DU believe that the Dems walk on water, any talk otherwise just won't do.
As for all this child molestation/prostitution/scandal business coming to the forefront, my amateur self wonders if Moon isn't making his move to overtake both parties with this scandal, at a time when the entire country is dissillusioned, on the verge of bankruptcy, in the throes of a major energy crisis, and ripe for salvation. The news from China/Taiwan is pretty curious, too. Do we piss them off badly enough for them to dump dollars, therefore providing a scapegoat for all hands to point to when our economy collapses?
Over at Corrente they notice a NeoTheoCon plan to "take over" Latin-American cities for Christ.
Any bets as to how many of the cities are in or border Venezuela?
Any bets on the number of Company agents involved?
Yes I too have been suddenly banned yesterday. I guess I may have been guilty of what?... I was following the Gannon story on thread #20 and the issue came up of how controlled and dishonest the media is. I expressed brief concern that it may be under the control of Zionists since it is overwelhmingly jewish owned. I am Jewish and I am not antisemitic. I just don't support all the military policies of Sharon et.al. Within hours all my posts were deleted, and the wrinkle thread "locked" hmm that must have really rubbed someone the wrong way. But I am by no means a Troll. Whatever that is. I just got a computor this year and am very new to "blogging" by the way this is my favorite!!! Thanks Jeff for opening so many windows in my mind.
Yes I too have been suddenly banned yesterday. I guess I may have been guilty of what?... I was following the Gannon story on thread #20 and the issue came up of how controlled and dishonest the media is. I expressed brief concern that it may be under the control of Zionists since it is overwelhmingly jewish owned. I am Jewish and I am not antisemitic. I just don't support all the military policies of Sharon et.al. Within hours all my posts were deleted, and the wrinkle thread "locked" hmm that must have really rubbed someone the wrong way. But I am by no means a Troll. Whatever that is. I just got a computor this year and am very new to "blogging" by the way this is my favorite!!! Thanks Jeff for opening so many windows in my mind.
Yes I too have been suddenly banned yesterday. I guess I may have been guilty of what?... I was following the Gannon story on thread #20 and the issue came up of how controlled and dishonest the media is. I expressed brief concern that it may be under the control of Zionists since it is overwelhmingly jewish owned. I am Jewish and I am not antisemitic. I just don't support all the military policies of Sharon et.al. Within hours all my posts were deleted, and the wrinkle thread "locked" hmm that must have really rubbed someone the wrong way. But I am by no means a Troll. Whatever that is. I just got a computor this year and am very new to "blogging" by the way this is my favorite!!! Thanks Jeff for opening so many windows in my mind.
Yes I too have been suddenly banned yesterday. I guess I may have been guilty of what?... I was following the Gannon story on thread #20 and the issue came up of how controlled and dishonest the media is. I expressed brief concern that it may be under the control of Zionists since it is overwelhmingly jewish owned. I am Jewish and I am not antisemitic. I just don't support all the military policies of Sharon et.al. Within hours all my posts were deleted, and the wrinkle thread "locked" hmm that must have really rubbed someone the wrong way. But I am by no means a Troll. Whatever that is. I just got a computor this year and am very new to "blogging" by the way this is my favorite!!! Thanks Jeff for opening so many windows in my mind.
Yes I too have been suddenly banned yesterday. I guess I may have been guilty of what?... I was following the Gannon story on thread #20 and the issue came up of how controlled and dishonest the media is. I expressed brief concern that it may be under the control of Zionists since it is overwelhmingly jewish owned. I am Jewish and I am not antisemitic. I just don't support all the military policies of Sharon et.al. Within hours all my posts were deleted, and the wrinkle thread "locked" hmm that must have really rubbed someone the wrong way. But I am by no means a Troll. Whatever that is. I just got a computor this year and am very new to "blogging" by the way this is my favorite!!! Thanks Jeff for opening so many windows in my mind.
Yes I too have been suddenly banned yesterday. I guess I may have been guilty of what?... I was following the Gannon story on thread #20 and the issue came up of how controlled and dishonest the media is. I expressed brief concern that it may be under the control of Zionists since it is overwelhmingly jewish owned. I am Jewish and I am not antisemitic. I just don't support all the military policies of Sharon et.al. Within hours all my posts were deleted, and the wrinkle thread "locked" hmm that must have really rubbed someone the wrong way. But I am by no means a Troll. Whatever that is. I just got a computor this year and am very new to "blogging" by the way this is my favorite!!! Thanks Jeff for opening so many windows in my mind.
Yes I too have been suddenly banned yesterday. I guess I may have been guilty of what?... I was following the Gannon story on thread #20 and the issue came up of how controlled and dishonest the media is. I expressed brief concern that it may be under the control of Zionists since it is overwelhmingly jewish owned. I am Jewish and I am not antisemitic. I just don't support all the military policies of Sharon et.al. Within hours all my posts were deleted, and the wrinkle thread "locked" hmm that must have really rubbed someone the wrong way. But I am by no means a Troll. Whatever that is. I just got a computor this year and am very new to "blogging" by the way this is my favorite!!! Thanks Jeff for opening so many windows in my mind.
I've been thinking about it and I've come to believe that Matt Drudge must be one of the kidnapped children turned right-wing pundit. If you consider his obsession with Michel Jackson among other things, it all makes sense. If only his escort pages could be found.
I've been thinking about it and I've come to believe that Matt Drudge must be one of the kidnapped children turned right-wing pundit. If you consider his obsession with Michel Jackson among other things, it all makes sense. If only his escort pages could be found.
I've been thinking about it and I've come to believe that Matt Drudge must be one of the kidnapped children turned right-wing pundit. If you consider his obsession with Michel Jackson among other things, it all makes sense. If only his escort pages could be found.
I've been thinking about it and I've come to believe that Matt Drudge must be one of the kidnapped children turned right-wing pundit. If you consider his obsession with Michel Jackson among other things, it all makes sense. If only his escort pages could be found.
I left DU months ago, for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I wasn't allowed to really research an issue.
Jeff, you have the amazing talent of connecting the dots. Your blog rocks! - Holy Toledo :)
I actually like DU more than all the major lefty blogs, as at least DU is open to discussing vote-rigging and 9/11 oddities and other high weirdness. But of course, DU is VERY touchy about the jew issue-- you can't even link to "jew unfriendly" sites such as WhatReallyHappened" or "AmericanFreePress.net". It's a shame that they are so touchy about this, but everybody has their quirks, I guess.
It is ridiculous of course that even jews can be banned for being "anti-semitic".
You all of course are welcome at my blog!
I don't know why, but these are the slowest loading comments I've ever seen.
I think that's why so many multiple posts show up-- people wait and wait and wait and think it hasn't gone through then they click it again, and again, and again...
Oddly, it's just the first time that is so slow. Once you've connected once, the comments load very quickly. Like these last two, fwiw.
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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