Does anyone really know what time it is?

Some time ago a crazy dream came to me.
I dreamt I was walkin' into World War Three. - Bob Dylan
A few, brief thoughts about London.
I think, at this early stage, we should be cautious about all sweeping presumptions. We know false flag operations are not paranoid conjecture - that many have been conducted by governments against their own populations is no less true for its being hidden - but that doesn't mean every flag is false. Synthetic terror exists, in part, because there is such a thing as unsynthesied terror: violence without stage management, perpetrated by unco-opted forces unpenetrated by its enemy's Intelligence. Though naturally, that many more people today than four years ago would gladly give their lives to strike a blow against crusader nations is also by design, according to the neoconservatives' rule-by-spiralling-chaos theory.
In the confusion, early reports detailing warnings of the attacks are being scrubbed from wire services, while security agencies are going into safe mode. An original story remains posted on Arutz Sheva, which quotes Israeli Army Radio as saying "Scotland Yard had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred. The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit."
Earliest reports spoke of six bombs. There only four detonations. Much later, two unexploded devices were found. A question: what was the media's original source for there being six bombs?
"The Secret Organization of al Qaeda in Europe" has claimed responsibility, yet another "previously unknown" group. Though, since it has "al Qaeda" in its name, that will mean to most people, simply, that "al Qaeda" did it, as though it were a top-down outfit of villainy such as SMERSH or KAOS or the Legion of Doom. The forbidden knowledge that al Qaeda was subcontracted by Britain's MI6 and paid £100,000 in 1996 for an assassination attempt upon Muammar Qaddafi is unlikely to be heard now over Blair's tremulous turn at "They hate us for our freedoms."
Assassination researcher Lisa Pease, who knows how the spin cycle tends to eclipse the unvarnished truth of such events, writes:
As I watched the CNN coverage of the London bombings today, I heard multiple experts, including Octavia Nasser (also spelled Nasr), say the group claiming responsibility didn't use known signatures of Al Qaeda. They even quoted the Koran incorrectly! I wish I had taped what she said, as I knew this was likely truth. Sure enough, a few hours later, all anyone would say was that this was definitely an act of Al Qaeda. Sigh. Like so many other covert operations, the truth disappears quickly in the quicksand of the "official story."
What, if anything, should we make of the date? 07.07/2005 = 777. Such calculations have never been important to me. But as I've said, it doesn't matter what's important to me; what matters is, what's important to them. So incredulity be damned: numbers matter a great deal to certain interested parties who are initiates in Western hermetic orders, lodges and secret societies. To a Qabalist, 777 is "traditionally the number of the Flaming Sword or creative Lightning Flash...which, when overlain on the Tree of Life, touches every Sephirah in turn and certain Paths, with a total of 777." 777 is the title of Aleister Crowley's celebrated volume of Qabalistic teachings.
Some more fun with numbers was posted by "st4" on the Rigorous Intuition forum:
Here's some math. Please correct it if it's wrong:
1394 days since 911
483 days since the Madrid bombing
1394 - 483 = 911
And since now we're paying attention to such things, we might as well note that Bush's speech last week, graced by the bizarre backdrop of grinning ghosts and nine-striped flags evoking the dimensions of the twin towers, was delivered nine days before the blasts.
Rudy Giuliani in London, recounting his experience near the site of the first bombing, should have been enough to make even The Amazing Randi do a double take. And that FoxNews host Brian Kilmeade could say, just hours after the blasts, that "I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened," begs someone to ask the question, Cui bono?
As Xymphora says, "Yesterday, George Bush faced 7 world leaders who were going to force him to admit the reality of climate change. Now, he won't have to."
Britain bloodied in the "War on Terror" means, to American eyes, she's now the circus bride in Freaks. It "works to our advantage...for people to experience something like this together." It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, Mr Blair, but that's how you make a chicken lady of yourself.
One of us, one of us....
Whenever someone speaks of pulling out of a war or talks "detente" someone gets assasinated or something blows up. Hmmm... When will the politicians get to the bottom of this crap?
See this thread for as-it-happened postings of the original wire reports of the alleged warning to Israeli officials in London, and then the subsequent retractions:
as well as comments here:
Coming home last night around 9 (US East Coast time), the main highway I was on was filled with state police cars patrolling. Yet when I passed something that has been considered a potential target, there were no visible signs of heightened security. Go figure.
Wes is correct about the 1394-483=911 fnord. However Goro Adachi has been calling for something big around 7/6.
Im not necessarily sold on Adachi's scheme. I think payback for the Downing St. Memos may be as likely a cause. Be rigorous.
Your recent interviewer, Jerky, over at isn't buying the official story either, and he makes quite a convincing case on why this was a somewhat suspicious time for an unknown terrorist group to be blowing people up. I loved his final paragraph:
"What the fuck was Guliani doing in London? How many times has he been there in, oh, say... the last ten years? What is the probability that the man considered the best face of Post-9/11 America would be in London for that city's first-ever Islamist terrorist attack? Are those numbers even crunchable? Help me out here, people."
Dont forget that Richard Nixon was in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. No kidding.
My first reaction and gut feeling was that it was the Bush Crime Family and the Mossad. Remember the gleeful Mossad agents dancing when the towers came down? Then they were spirited out of the country. Also, some people at Odigo, in Israel, received a warning about 9/11 about 2 hours beforehand. Similar to Netanyahu receiving word to stay in his hotel room (no matter how much they now deny this).
Here is a link about the Odigo messages.
What I want to know is what they found out. Obviously there was a way to trace the IP. Who did it lead to? Did it lead to the U.S. or to the Mossad? Why has there never been anything more said about this?
"Remember the gleeful Mossad agents dancing when the towers came down? Then they were spirited out of the country."
Yeah, the guys whose motto is "By way of deception thou wilt do war..."
The cleanup of loose ends occurs very quickly in ops like this. The retraction of the 'Israel Warned' story took less than five hours.
love the title, jeff.
gotta give props to goro adachi. is this shit Super Torch Ritual or what?
No doubt, there is something to the numbers. As well as the G-8 summit. But speaking of numbers, the first 'official' death count I saw this morning was 33. That has since been upped, but was there a message there? A signature? Or is it just chaos and deception? ??? Is it a co-incidence that Baghdad is on the 33rd degree north latitude?
I don't know much about numerology, but I understand 33 is a very significant number to some people. Numerology is at play in the events surrounding 911, etc. By using magical numbers, the events are intended to be grand-scale magical workings in themselves.
Jeff often makes the valid point that what matters is what 'they' believe. I think the oncoming darkness and confusion is so great that the most important thing for each of us will be to know what YOU believe in.
"Choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Faith in the one true God is the light we need in the discernment and choice and between good and evil.
Ex-Mossad head drops the number 77:
What struck me most strongly about the date is that it's Robert Heinlein's birthday -- he was born July 7, 1907. Would have been 98 today.
And I'm sure Heinlein was fully aware of its occult implications -- I mean, you couldn't be the author of a book called "Number of the Beast" and not be, right? But somehow I very much doubt that whoever set off the fireworks in London today meant it as any kind of tribute.
Bush poll numbers tanking. Support for the war in the toilet. Rove about to be indicted. 2 billion people watch Live 8, and 26 million sign the Live 8 list demanding poverty relief for Africa. Global warming conflict about to happen between Bush and the other G8 members...
...and the bomb was so powerful it shattered reinforced concrete in the London Underground.
No way this was M/E terrorists. More Operation Northwoods action by the same people who brought you 9/11.
See Duncan Black's post on the ethnic makeup of the affected neighborhoods. Disdainful of "conspiracy", Black is very careful not to draw any conclusions. But I've been reading his blog for a couple of years, and I can tell his antennae are up.
Check out the ongoing case i Italy
Remember Bologna 1980, P2 masonic lodge, Michael A. Ledeen - Neo-cons.
the reason for treason
Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning
Israeli Official Denies Pre-Attack Warning
Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning
falsifying history in real time
saludos de españa. (not forgetting, for the first your they said it was a power surge....)
Can't figure out at all how this benefits any M.E. state or organization. Except in one way, which I will return to.
I only see two heads of state that benefit. I see seven heads of state looking ahead on stage, looking somber (except Smirkey McBlinky , of course), and one head of state looking directly at The Smirk: Chirac.
And,I thought this spoke volumnes, too: Did anyone else notice how Smirkmeister started BLINKING furiously when Blair described the evilness of those that kill innocent people????????????????????
The TaleTell Heart.
The ONLY way this benefits "The Secret organization of Al-Qaeda in Europe" is this: It keeps the idiot Bush in charge of the hated America, and he can only do more harm to his own people.
Which should put a huge grin on Osama bin-Laden.
If he wasn't a proven CIA operative, that is.
Cui Bono? Indeed.
Anonymous One,spin pivot bombs are the best way to get people to look away from a direction they are looking into they shouldn't be.Yesterday the masters of illusion put on a great show for the whole world to see,"the dark actors" as Dr. Kelly would say,took us on a little trip.Watching the images on tv, most people had that same look as 911. I asked a lot of people that I work with what their feelings were. Most seemed to think we should go get these f---kers now before they get US. I think this country is ready for anything they tell them to do. They only know what MSM tells them and don't care to hear anything else. Joe-six pack doesn't have time to think about bombs and who really did it,there is a big NASCAR race on this weekend and QVC has a really good pressure washer and on and on and on,later.
From one who notices, and thinks, in London.
The series of bombings, all aimed at ordinary civilians, which began with the events of September 11 2001, needs a certain re-clarification. I describe 9/11 as bombings, on the grounds that the aircraft were essentially diversions meant to cloak the explosives in the WTC towers and the explosive device which caused the damage at the Pentagon. I also include the bombs in Bali and Madrid in the series. While it is certain that government figures are in on these events, pretty obviously in the case of the USA, I think we can go too far in assuming that these figures are directing them. Indeed, some of these explosions can be plausibly interpreted as being very painful prompts to some governments to keep in line with policies generated by a power which is behind, and above, mere politicians or officials.
The events are designed to be useful to the government concerned, in relation to the overall plan. Thus, 9/11 allowed the Afghanistan invasion and, to a lesser extent, that of Iraq. Many now theorize that a second such event will be used to preface a further major development of the Plan, such as an attack on Iran. Similarly, the Bali attack was used to cement Australian support for the Iraq aggression and Aznar was clearly intended to pluck electoral victory from the Madrid bombs, but he bungled the job.
Yesterday's bombs in London, on this model, will make it easier for Blair to get various state-control measures passed, notably an ID database on which Chertoff has his eyes. However, the bombs could also be understood by the British State as warnings. The British Ministry of Defence recently released plans to scale down drastically British commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Blair's proposals to G8 seemed to contradict the US view of the world.
It is worth recalling certain bomb events in Britain in the 1990s, which were ascribed to the IRA. Basically, the IRA went on cease-fire unilaterally, in order to get the British Government to do the kind of deal which later became known as the "Good Friday Agreements". The British declined to play and kept on demanding even more concessions from the IRA, while themselves offering fewer. Elements of British security services were implicated in events calculated to make the IRA look bad, such as organising a prison break-out, in this same period. The later "Real IRA" bomb in Omagh can be understood as part of this secret campaign. The British were then forced to change their tune by what I am sure were the 3 biggest bombs ever in Britain. These were all far bigger and far more destructive than the IRA had ever managed before in N.Ireland, on their own turf, let alone in England. The bombs resembled 9/11 in severely damaging London's financial districts old and new, in Bishopsgate and Canary Wharf. I recall little effort to account for the IRA's sudden acquisition of such power. If they were really the IRA, why didn't they carry on and get unconditional surrender? I believe there was only 1 successful prosecution - and the judge had to suddenly eliminate the murder charge, while the jury were deliberating, because it wasn't going to stick. The IRA guy took the fall for conspiracy, having admitted driving a truck, which was allegedly parked near the blast scene. This guy only served about 18 months before release under the amnesty. This ultra-powerful bomb was that familiar thing, a home-made product using agricultural chemicals in a truck.
Is it fanciful to suggest that these bombs were early acts of the same gang responsible for 9/11? The purpose was to intimidate the British State into line with the secret project. The project moved into action on 9/11, but had years of preparation, after all. The Irish issue was a wedge between the US and UK. Consider, the proposition that all 'terror' groups have some state's backing suggests that the US backed the IRA. The IRA got its money and guns from the US and it appeared to be a pretty safe haven for its operatives. Coincidence? With bigger fish to fry, however, this project had to be shut down fast. John Major's days in power were clearly numbered, his attitude to the IRA deal was unhelpful and the acquiescent Blair was in the wings, ready to be the beneficiary of this windfall. This 'triumph' got him off to an exceedingly good start, domestically and internationally, as a man of peace. The decks were cleared and the US and UK were fully aligned and soon attacking Serbia.
Another such event, preparing the ground for the project which began in 2001, was arguably the sudden, "accidental" death of Princess Di, who was a global figure capable of bridging the Anglo-Saxon world, at least, and the Muslim peoples. She already had a record for anti-war sentiment, with her irritating campaign against land-mines. A comparison with Diana's convenient demise would be the assassination, on the eve of big things which he could have affected adversely, of John Lennon. Which brings us back to New York City, once more.
These attacks were done against public transport. In the face of the ever rising price of oil, we can see the noose tightening. I foresee politicians pulling funding for public transportation because "it's just not safe". Who does public transport benefit? Mostly the poor/less affluent. It’s hard from where I sit to see this as anything but the magicians’ diversion. Forget about Iraq, Afghanistan, global warming, debt relief, etc. - you could be blown up tomorrow! "Hedonism for everyone, you never know when someone's gonna blow you up." Spiraling chaos indeed! 7/7, 3/11, 9/11...there's definitely something to the numerology of this.
These attacks were done against public transport. In the face of the ever rising price of oil, we can see the noose tightening. I foresee politicians pulling funding for public transportation because "it's just not safe". Who does public transport benefit? Mostly the poor/less affluent. It’s hard from where I sit to see this as anything but the magicians’ diversion. Forget about Iraq, Afghanistan, global warming, debt relief, etc. - you could be blown up tomorrow! "Hedonism for everyone, you never know when someone's gonna blow you up." Spiraling chaos indeed! 7/7, 3/11, 9/11...there's definitely something to the numerology of this.
Don't put too much weight on the number of bombs. That had concerned me too. Then I realised the bombs had gone off while the trains were travelling between stations. As a result people were evacuating from both stations - the station of departure and the next arriving station.
So the mistakes were perfectly understandable.
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For those of you who haven't had a chance to watch The Power of Nightmares yet I'd suggest doing so as quickly as possible since I've noticed BBC is having some difficultly with it.
and a little bit of commentary at my site here:
Tack this up next to your picture of the Weehawken Five.
I'm sure hardnosed protectors of Freedom at the SEC are already at work cross-referencing this list of short sellers with those who shorted prior to 9/11. And that (Israeli citizen) Chertoff, who is securing my homeland, is driving them hard on this analysis.
Hey, wait, what country was that Instant Messaging company located in? I can't remember...
Investigative Report: “Odd” Financial Activity Preceded UK Bombing
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
8 July 2005; 5:30 AM ET: Just a few short hours before the first explosion ripped through London, there was a significant sell-off or “selling short” of the British Pound in the financial market. This activity took place absent of any economic news or other known market-driven factors that would sufficiently explain the sell off. This activity also occurred without the normal corresponding pricing action in the other major currency pairs. In summary, a large amount of GBP was sold to liquidate a “long position” and secure profits, or to take a “short position” to profit from an anticipated drop in the value of the British Pound. In either case, the market activity warrants further investigation.
Many thanks to an alert subscriber to the HQ INTEL-ALERT for his expert analysis which served as the basis for this report.
By Way of Deception, Thou Wilt Do War
"One Jewish official suggested that the "conspiracy theory" about Israel's prior warning lasted all day, despite immediate official denials, because a dispute still rages about whether Israeli officials tipped off British intelligence before the Israeli Embassy was bombed in 1994."
"Others made a connection with the empty 9/11 rumor that Jews had received a warning to vacate the World Trade Center before the hijacked airplanes hit."
PM's office: Bombings not Israel's story
Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom speaks with the Israeli Ambassador in London about the bomb attacks in London from inside the Israeli Foreign Ministry Emergency Situation Room in Jerusalem.
The Prime Minister's Office instructed Israeli officials not to give interviews to the foreign media Thursday on the London bombings.
After 9/11, Israel made some effort on international TV to impress upon the world that global terror and terror against Israelis were a common cause.
On Thursday, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and Finance Minister Binyamin Netanhayu conveyed similar messages, but only to the Hebrew-language media.
In the international arena this time the message was the following: "It's not a story with anything to do with Israel. It's a story of international terrorism in Britain and therefore we should be quiet," according to a government source.
The source indicated that part of the reason for such circumspection stemmed from the high level of "speculation" concerning the attacks. He specifically referred to a report that came out soon after Thursday's bombings that Israel had received advance warning of the attacks, pointing to the "danger that this kind of report can bring to Israel."
The Foreign Ministry, and Israeli embassy officials at the highest levels, totally rejected the report.
What one source did note, however, was that Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu received a call from British police soon after the first explosion, but before the full extent of the attacks was known, because it had occurred by the site of a conference at which he was to speak and for which he was about to depart. After the call from the police to his security staff, Netanyahu stayed put.
One Jewish official suggested that the "conspiracy theory" about Israel's prior warning lasted all day, despite immediate official denials, because a dispute still rages about whether Israeli officials tipped off British intelligence before the Israeli Embassy was bombed in 1994.
Others made a connection with the empty 9/11 rumor that Jews had received a warning to vacate the World Trade Center before the hijacked airplanes hit.
The P2OG, a 100-member, so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with a $100-million-a-year budget, would ostensibly target "terrorist leaders," but according to P2OG documents procured by Arkin, would in fact carry out missions designed to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorist groups"--which, according to the Defense Secretary's logic, would subsequently expose them to "counter-attack" by the good guys.
In other words, the plan is to execute secret military operations (assassinations, sabotage, "deception") which would intentionally result in terrorist attacks on innocent people, including Americans--essentially, to "combat terrorism" by causing it!
This notion is currently being applied to the problem of the Iraqi "insurgency," it seems. According to a May 1, 2005 report by Peter Maass in the New York Times Magazine, two of the top US advisers to Iraqi paramilitary commandos fighting the insurgents are veterans of US counterinsurgency operations in Latin America.
Loaning credence to recent media speculation about the "Salvadorization" of Iraq, the report notes that one adviser currently in Iraq is James Steele, who led a team of 55 US Army Special Forces advisers in El Salvador in the 1980s. Maass writes that these advisors "trained front-line battalions that were accused of significant human rights abuses."
The current senior US adviser at the Iraqi Interior Ministry, which Maass writes "has operational control over the commandos," is former top US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official Steve Casteel, who worked "alongside local forces" in the US-sponsored "Drug War" in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia, "where he was involved in the hunt for Pablo Escobar, the head of the Medellin cocaine cartel."
The US "drug war" in Latin America also serves as a cover for ongoing counterinsurgency, employing terrorist methods to achieve two aims: one, actually combating genuine insurgency; two, the ratcheting up of a "strategy of tension," heightened social violence designed to induce fear among the citizenry and the subsequent call for greater "security."
This was the essence, for example, of Operation Gladio, a decades-long covert campaign of provocateur-style terrorism and deceit. The ostensible purpose of Gladio, officially launched as a covert NATO program in 1952, was to establish a clandestine network of "stay-behind" teams which would organize armed resistance and sabotage in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe. But the network actually took a far more proactive role. Directed by US/NATO intelligence services of the West against their own populations, Operation Gladio led to possibly hundreds of innocent people being killed or maimed in "terrorist" attacks which were then blamed on "leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The most notorious such attack was the 1980 bombing of the train station at Bologna, which left 85 dead. Initially blamed on left-wing radicals, the blast was revealed upon investigation to be the work of an ultra-right network linked to the Italy's Gladio team; four Italian neo-fascists were eventually convicted of the crime.
The purpose was again twofold: to demonize designated enemies (the "communists") and to frighten the public into supporting ever-increasing powers for the national security state. It appears the Pentagon has been implementing Gladio-style operations for quite some time--possibly including 9-11. A stretch? Maybe not. had a nice scoop from an Italian paper that said the "al Qaeda" claim was almost certainly bogus...details here. Which, given that the web-posting was up within an hour of the blasts would mean it was certainly a prepared "frame", and not just some wannabe group trying to claim-jump.
Myself, money says it was the North Koreans...
So, they targeted public transport. This, perhaps naively, is insignificant to me. I live in the DC area. Driving in and around DC... well, it sucks. Traffic congestion occurs simultaneously in any direction, at any time of day.
Who does public transportation benefit? Well, the public. DC's Metro transits hundreds of thousands of people to and from work every day. Housing within walking distance of the Metro system incurs a substantial price increase.
I don't interpret the London tragedy as a F**k You! Buy more oil!. It's more about visibility, in my opinion.
I would not disregard the possible significance of the number of bombs reported -- 6, although only four were actually detonated; two were later found undetonated. The confusion in the press could certainly suggest foreknowledge by key top officials and media people to the plan of attack, and could explain the discrepancy in reports as well as the confusion of transit users.
sorry to debunk the fuzzy 911 math but these numbers don't magically add up.
punch them into excel and see for yourself.
Just throwing it out there:
Pakistan has been without internet for the last 10 days.
Re: 911 math
Using none_of_the_above's excel calculation I've come up with this:
New York to Madrid: 912 days
9 + 1 + 2 = 12 ; 1 + 2 = 3
Madrid to London: 483 days
4 + 8 + 3 = 15 ; 1 + 5 = 6
New York to London: 1395 days
1 + 3 + 9 + 5 = 18 ; 1 + 8 = 9
(the number '18' is said to be a concealed '666'; 6 + 6 + 6 = 18)
Taking it one step further:
3 + 6 = 9
3 * 6 = 18 (666)
Numerologic signature? You bet.
7-7-2005 equals 777? Don't be moronic.
Last I checked it equals 21.
Or 2019.
Or 5016. Whatever.
I'm not one to get worked up over numerology (in spite of being one of Goro Adachi's fans). You can pretty much make any combination of numbers add up to any number you want if you do it in the right way. Eco's Luciferian character in Foucault's Pendulum talks about this.
If there are mathematical patterns, they are large-scale and unconscious, along the lines of those which Goro ferrets out. The small players -- black ops, fascist family lineages, and the like -- care only about power and its maintenance. I think there is more to be learned by focusing on the political events the precede and follow these bombings than by their small-scale numerological relationships.
Here's one interesting meaning of the number 77... it's the number of generations up to Jesus in the bible
Jeff - Interested in what you make of the dramatic time shift in the tunnel bombing story. Everything shifted within two days from being 26 minutes, to 50 SECONDS between when the bombs went off. This is interesting to me, but I haven't found anyone questioning it.
Bryan said...
"Interested in what you make of the dramatic time shift in the tunnel bombing story."
And speaking of "shifts in stories", the print edition of the local newspaper this a.m. screamed, "Attackers Used Crude Bombs". Now, the online edition is saying, "Experts say Thursday's attacks had all the hallmarks of an al-Qaida strike, and sophisticated coordination is one of those...The use of timers 'is not rocket science, but it still shows a level of sophistication which is beyond just sending somebody with an (explosive) belt..."'
Of course, it's an AP/Gannett paper so what can you expect?
it makes more sense to me to set the bombs to explode at the same time, so that there is no time for word to spread.
indeed, the lack of simultaneity is one of the biggest problems for the official 9/11 theory.
another comment on london: why does it take so long to organize this kind of attack? why sixteen months between madrid and london? how hard is it to make backpack bombs and leave half a dozen of them on a subway system on a given morning?
if this were real anti-western terrorism, wouldn't you think they could hop around from city to city and hit subways (an ideal target) frequently? and keep hitting the u.s.?
London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack
The early reports definitely said there were six explosions all up. I was extremely surprised when the number was reduced to four, and then later it was stated that two unexploded bombs had been found.
What this means is that the news story was ready to go - and working on the basis of the assumption that all six bombs would go off. When it turned out that two of them didn't go off, the number had to be reduced.
The media was therefore very heavily involved in the attacks. They had the script right there on the tables ever before it was known that any bombs had even gone off. Why otherwise would they have spoken about six bombs when only four had gone off? Who would be so stupid as to believe that it's just coincidence that exactly two unexploded bombs were subsequently found?
Social Democracy Now
Here's some math. Please correct it if it's wrong:
1394 days since 911
483 days since the Madrid bombing
1394 - 483 = 911
in fact in gives
1395 days since 911- 483
same thing with Madrid Bombings
912 days between 911 and 0311
but, it is possible
to count 911 days if you are counting from various places in the world.
i think but does make a reaserch it can be related with
I use this on line tool to have the numbers.
also if you count day one the day after each event, you find 911 days
on both cases.
i wanted to say also, it can probably be related to the use of "new world order" in speaches. with bush Father started. Anybody has try ?
Los comentarios oficiales que tratan de justificar la ausencia de reacción
de la defensa estadounidense el 11 de septiembre afirman que los hechos eran
tan inimaginables que los militares no estaban preparados para lo que
sucedió. Sin embargo, numerosos ejercicios similares ya habían tenido lugar.
Según USA Today, [4] «Durante los dos años anteriores a los ataques del 11
de septiembre, el Comando de la Defensa Aérea de América del Norte (North
American Aerospace Defense Command, NORAD, responsable de la defensa aérea
de Estados Unidos y Canadá) condujo ejercicios que simulaban lo que la Casa
Blanca calificó después de imaginable [.]: la utilización de aviones
secuestrados como armas que se hacían estrellar contra objetivos.» Uno de
los objetivos imaginarios no era otro que el World Trade Center. En lo
tocante a esos ejercicios, el NORAD explica que se utilizan en estos «muchos
tipos de aviones civiles y militares» para desempeñar el papel de los
aviones secuestrados y poner a prueba «la detección de las trayectorias y la
identificación [de los aviones], el despegue de urgencia y la intercepción,
los procedimientos a seguir en caso de secuestro, la coordinación interna y
externa de la agencia, así como los procedimientos de seguridad operacional
y de seguridad de las comunicaciones». El vocero del NORAD agrega:
«Organizamos cuatro ejercicios al año en los que está implicada toda la zona
norteamericana, la mayoría incluye escenarios de secuestros de aviones.» [5]
Por otro lado, la Secretaría de Defensa había organizado, del 24 al 28 de
octubre del año 2000, o sea más de diez meses antes del 11 de septiembre,
ejercicios sobre un posible ataque al Pentágono. Estos implicaban tres
escenarios: un ataque terrorista contra la estación del metro que utiliza el
personal, un accidente de construcción y. un avión de pasajeros que se
estrella contra el Pentágono y ocasiona 342 muertos [6].
El 11 de septiembre, también
Más interesante aún es que hasta la propia fecha del 11 de septiembre fue
escogida como día de ejercicios. En todo el país, decenas de bases militares
y todo tipo de agencias gubernamentales estaban movilizadas para realizar
simulacros. Veamos algunos ejemplos representativos de esos ejercicios.
Ejercicio en el World Trade Center
Tom Kenney, vocero de la Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, agencia
encargada del manejo de catástrofes) explicó al periodista Dan Rather que su
agencia había sido desplegada en Nueva York en la noche del lunes 10 de
septiembre con vistas a ejercicios previstos para el día 12. «Somos uno de
los primeros equipos en haber sido desplegados para ayudar a la ciudad de
Nueva York en ese desastre. Llegamos tarde en la noche del lunes y entramos
en acción en la mañana del martes.»
Esto fue confirmado por el alcalde de Nueva York, Rudy Giuliani, ante la
comisión investigadora sobre el 11 de septiembre. «Había cientos de personas
presentes, de la FEMA, del gobierno federal, del Estado, del buró estatal de
manejo de situaciones de crisis y se estaban preparando para un ejercicio de
ataque bioquímico.»
Al igual que los anteriores, aquel ejercicio, llamado Tripod, debía simular
un atentado bioquímico contra el World Trade Center, atentado que daría
lugar a la evacuación del edificio.
Ejercicio que implica el choque de un avión con un edificio
Pocos minutos antes de los atentados del World Trade Center y el Pentágono,
John Fulton, jefe del Strategic War Gaming Division du National
Reconnaissance Office (NRO, agencia de inteligencia que maneja el espionaje
desde el espacio. Depende del Departamento de Defensa y la mitad de su
personal proviene de la CIA mientras que la otra mitad procede del propio
Departamento de Defensa) organizaba un ejercicio de simulación programado
desde hacía mucho tiempo. Veamos lo que dice un despacho de la Associated
Press, fechado el 22 de agosto de 2002:
«En lo que el gobierno describe como una extraña coincidencia, una agencia
de inteligencia de Estados Unidos había programado para el 11 de septiembre
un ejercicio durante el cual un avión perdido se estrellaba contra uno de
sus edificios. Pero la causa no era el terrorismo -se trataba de un
simulacro de accidente.
Los responsables de Chantilly, en Virginia, base del National Reconnaissance
Office, habían programado para aquella mañana un ejercicio durante el cual,
debido a una avería mecánica, un pequeño jet privado se estrellaba contra
una de las cuatro torres de la sede de la agencia.
La agencia está situada a 4 millas [6,5 km] de las pistas del aeropuerto
internacional Dulles de Washington y a 24 millas [40 km] del Pentágono. [ ]
Se agrega además a esa coincidencia que el vuelo 77 de American Airlines -el
Boeing 767 que fue desviado y se estrelló contra el Pentágono- había
despegado de Dulles a las 8h10 el 11 de septiembre, 50 minutos antes del
comienzo del ejercicio. [Este vuelo] se estrelló contra el Pentágono
alrededor de 9h40.»
Operación Global Guardian
En el momento de los ataques del 11 de septiembre, un ejercicio militar de
gran envergadura llamado Global Guardian estaba en pleno desarrollo. Había
empezado la semana anterior e implicaba al US Strategic Command (Stratcom,
agencia responsable de las fuerzas nucleares estadounidenses), en
cooperación con el US Space Command y el NORAD. Teniendo como escenario un
ataque nuclear de una potencia extranjera (Rusia) contra Estados Unidos,
ponía en juego varios cientos de militares y estaba relacionado con otros
simulacros, como Crown Vigilante (un ejercicio del Air Combat Command, el
Comando Aéreo), Apollo Guardian (US Space Command), así como con los
programas del NORAD Vigilant Guardian y Amalgam Warrior. Se trata de un
ejercicio en el que se mezclan simulacros en sala y sobre el terreno [7].
El puesto de mando del ejercicio Global Guardian estaba situado en un bunker
subterráneo de la base de la Air Force en Offutt (Nebraska). Allí se
hallaba, naturalmente, el comandante en jefe del Stracom, el almirante
Richard Mies. Debido al ejercicio, era él quien dirigía aquella mañana todos
los bombarderos, misiles de crucero y submarinos de Estados Unidos. También
debido al ejercicio, tres aviones militares de comando equipados de
sofisticados medios de comunicación habían despegado de la base. Esos
aviones (E-4B) están concebidos para controlar las fuerzas nucleares desde
el aire en caso de crisis. Son centros de comando alternativos para los
altos responsables gubernamentales y permiten a estos últimos dirigir las
fuerzas estadounidenses y operaciones de guerra así como coordinar las
acciones de las fuerzas civiles en caso de crisis importante.
En la mañana del 11 de septiembre, el personal de Fort Monmouth, una base de
las fuerzas terrestres situada a 70 km de Nueva York, se preparaba para un
ejercicio llamado Timely Alert II cuyo objetivo anunciado era poner a prueba
las capacidades de reacción en caso de ataque químico. El ejercicio
implicaba la participación de diferentes agencias y medios, como los
bomberos de la base y la policía de New Jersey. En el mismo momento, en Fort
Belvoir, a unos 15 km del Pentágono, se desarrollaba un ejercicio que debía
«poner a prueba la seguridad de la base en caso de ataque terrorista».
Mientras tanto, en el Pentágono, el doctor Matt Rosenberg estudiaba «un
nuevo plan de urgencia médica basado en el improbable escenario de un avión
que se estrellara contra ese lugar» [8]. Y son solamente algunos de los
ejercicios organizados aquel día.
Por otro lado, parte del personal más calificado para responder a los
ataques estaba entrenándose al otro extremo del país. Fue ese el caso del
grupo mixto de intervención antiterrorista FBI/CIA, que estaba participando
en un ejercicio de entrenamiento en Monterrey (California). USA Today
reportaba el 11 de septiembre que «hacia el final del día, con el cierre de
los aeropuertos a través de todo el país, el grupo de intervención no tuvo
cómo volver a Washington». El sitio informativo agregaba el mismo
día que el FBI había desplegado «todos sus mejores agentes de operaciones
especiales y lucha antiterrorista (así como los helicópteros y aviones
ligeros asociados) en un ejercicio de entrenamiento en Monterrey», de manera
que en el momento de los ataques «la principal agencia federal responsable
de prevenir crímenes de ese tipo estada decapitada».
De la misma forma, a finales de agosto, dos terceras partes de los aviones
que componen el 27th Fighter Squadron habían sido enviadas de operaciones al
extranjero (a Turquía e Islandia). Con base en Langley, ese escuadrón es uno
de los encargados de proteger las zonas de Nueva York y Washington...
La simultaneidad de todos esos ejercicios en el momento de los atentados
reales, el 11 de septiembre en Estados Unidos, no puede explicarse por
simples coincidencias. Ello lleva a considerar que los organizadores de los
atentados sabían lo que se estaba preparando en el seno de los aparatos
estatales de Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña, o sea, que los organizadores, o
por lo menos algunos de ellos, pertenecían a esos aparatos estatales. Pero,
¿por qué utilizar lo que sabían corriendo así el riesgo de ser descubiertos?
Punto 1: Los militares, responsables gubernamentales o miembros de los
servicios de inteligencia que pudieran desear un endurecimiento político no
podrían organizar atentados sin ponerse en evidencia. Esa es la función
primera de un ejercicio: otorgar a quienes lo organizan la legitimidad
necesaria para poner en marcha la operación, permitirles utilizar los
funcionarios e instalaciones gubernamentales para hacerlo y ofrecer una
respuesta satisfactoria a toda persona que pueda expresar inquietud por lo
que está sucediendo. Para que eso funcione es necesario, claro está, que el
escenario del ejercicio se parezca al atentado en proyecto.
Punto 2: Al ser programado para la fecha del atentado, el ejercicio permite
justificar el despliegue de hombres en el terreno, hombres que llevan el
uniforme de los servicios de seguridad o de socorro y que, por consiguiente,
no serán molestados. Es fácil introducir entre ellos, por ejemplo, a los
encargados de poner las bombas.
Punto 3: El desarrollo simultáneo de ejercicios en el momento de los
atentados reales permite perturbar la ejecución de las respuestas de los
servicios de seguridad y de salvamento no implicados mediante la confusión
entre la realidad y la ficción. Así sucedió en el caso de los aviones del 11
de septiembre cuando hasta 29 aparatos fueron señalados como secuestrados en
un momento de aquella mañana. ¿Adónde enviar entonces las patrullas? ¿Qué
edificios había que proteger de forma prioritaria?... No es difícil imaginar
el caos que aquello debió provocar en los puestos de mando.
La hipótesis de la existencia de organizadores de atentados en el seno mismo
del aparato estatal es chocante a primera vista. Existe, sin embargo, un
precedente histórico reciente. Desde finales de los años 1960 y hasta los
años 1980, la red Stay behind [9] de la OTAN orquestó atentados a través de
Europa. Conocido como «estrategia de la tensión», el caso fue revelado
oficialmente ante el parlamento italiano por el presidente del Consejo
Giulio Andreotti en 1990 y provocó un escándalo a nivel continental. Se
trataba entonces de asustar a la población para llevarla a aceptar la
pérdida de parte de sus libertades individuales a cambio de un incremento de
la seguridad.
kesuwun booss... Artikele apik bangetlah hehehe..!!
Ngapurane lah, aku numpang dodolan kie, sing pada dueni ambeien apa wasir monggo dipun tuku obate inyong. Obat Herbal khusus nggo ngobati ambeien apa wasir sing wis terkenal ampuh, monggo...monggo...
Maturnuwunlah wis ulih melu koment.
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Bagaiman cara mengobati ambeien
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cara mengobati ambeyen bagi ibu menyusui
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Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
MANTAB *************************************
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ...............................
obat ambeien wasir paling manjur mengobati penyakit wasir ambeien tanpa efek samping terbuat dari bahan alami herbal seperti daun ungu mahkota dewa kunyit putih
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